Sonic Origins: The Complete Run

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when the Super Nintendo hit shelves in 1990 it marked a new era of gaming and everyone was clamoring for Mario's biggest adventure yet after all Nintendo had a Stranglehold on the market following the insane success of the NES Mario Mania had taken the World by storm but behind closed doors Sega was working on their secret weapon to take the plumber down Mr needle mouse or at least that's what they called him at first it doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well as Sonic the Hedgehog but fast forward a bit to what may have been some of the greatest Marketing in the gaming industry and Sonic has become a household name I was only three at the time but they hooked me good and as someone who was already gaming I knew I wanted to play Sonic the Hedgehog he was so fast so cool my friendship with Sonic began with Sonic 1 and continued with every new game that followed I couldn't get enough we had a bit of a falling out following the Secret Rings and boost era but some of you already know that and while I've literally played these games hundreds of times I couldn't tell you the last time time that I sat down and ran through the classics but not intended now with Sonic Origins out I feel like it's a great excuse to revisit the games that made me fall in love with our little blue homie and with that being said the Sonic Origins adventure begins now but only after you make sure you're subscribed alright so Sonic Origins is finally here which gives me an excuse to play through all the classic Sonic games again and I know these games come out once a year but I really haven't re-bought them since I don't know like the Sonic Mega Collection on GameCube I love how they added cutscenes and I love how they continued the Mania style here's Dr Eggman he's got all the animals there's really no story here they're setting up the most vanilla stories like all right we got all the animals time to go and then they're like get to work Green Hill Zone iconic music sound effects visuals everything about it and honestly Sonic Mania was the last 2D Sonic game that I played probably launch I haven't played any 2D Sonic games since like I don't remember the last time I picked up Sonic one or two Sonic doesn't have spin dash in Sonic 1 right I know he does did he not originally did they add it I mean I've put years of my life into these games so you guys are about to see some of the best 2D Sonic gameplay in your lives wait hang oh hang on don't miss that all right yeah 50 Rings here so we can get a Chaos Emerald is it 50 I think it's 50 Rings right oh this is nauseating no not that way not that way no not that way either this definitely made me less sick as a kid oh great no chaos emerald for us do I want to retry sure so we're playing an anniversary mode which has all kinds of tweaks and cut scenes and it's in a 16-9 and you know all things that Sonic should not be I just I need the chaos emeralds please don't go in new I think in this mode they gave it the Mario Odyssey treatment where there's no lives you just have rings and or coins you collect rings but I think you have coins to like retry and stuff all right let's get in there get me in there put me in coach thank you oh he was just hiding in there I thought we had to get 50 rings for some reason I have 101 coins so how many do they take away when you die you know you didn't have to fly like right there you saw me getting on the platform ah speed shoes now I can't be beaten yeah Dr Eggman throw whatever you can my way where is he hiding I just I just want to talk oh my God I got the speed shoes in the tree I didn't even see those thank you thanks for putting the monies see if they say money don't grow on trees but whoever said that has never played Sonic the Hedgehog hello there all right time for probably one of the most iconic boss fights in any 16-bit game I'm gonna do it without getting hit too cause that's how us professionals do it come here swing those big old balls over here Dr Eggman geez how many hits do you need it doesn't count I didn't get hit because I had a shield uh I I didn't get hit that was it was a flu that was a glitch man they really need to patch this game it's so buggy a second how could you sell us such a buggy product is really the only way to get them out of there to detonate the entire thing they're like fragile little animals and we're like all right let's blow it up you know what's funny like going back 30 years and just being like a three-year-old or four-year-old playing sonic one just someone walking up to that kid and being like hey that you're gonna do this for a living one day isn't that weird and I'm like I'm Gonna Be Sonic the Hedgehog not really but the next best thing I don't know what it was about some of these zones that just kind of instilled fear in me when I was younger like definitely marble Zone I don't know what it is about the lava and the spikes look at those spikes they're menacing we're just like getting crushed by these pillars oh God like I don't want to get crushed by this thing either I don't know when you're like three or four years old you're afraid of weird stuff marble Zone just has an aura about it which way do I want to go I guess the way that's not gonna burn me oh God I don't want to end up like Anakin Skywalker ah like what is preventing that lava from moving this is the worst theme park ride ever oh oh there goes my shield it'd always be the lone Fireballs oh great thanks a lot damn bees [Music] we hit his butt butt oh god oh invincibility I need it so the funny thing about the invincibility is I could still be crushed so be on your toes Sonic look at him just sitting there waiting smiling Sonic's like I'm waiting too you know wow three marble Zone acts in this economy do you know what Marvel costs nowadays do I really lose rings to the butt the butt bouncing just that robot caterpillar's fat dumpy [Music] you know I had that one coming there's not really a lot of uh gotta go fast in Marble Zone it's more like stop and wait oh that scared the hell out of me oh I could have went up there oh God there we go all right stop and smell the lava I think there's something up there but you know what I don't know if I want to test it I feel like there's a secret up there is there's no lives in this game and let me tell you I know things about not having a life out I just feel like you've been going in circles for a while marble zone is the real Labyrinth Zone oh wait hang on no no don't stick me with the pointy okay no no no no no no no no no no chalk that one up to stupidity you gotta have the Zelda mentality in this game bomb every wall burn every Bush but instead of like using cool things you just gotta push on stuff oh again Deja Vu man this is a patient man's game Sonic is not patient try it stupid it's not really the best you could do here I just have like the little diarrhea flamethrower look he just drops like a little fire turd he just got rocked the second boss fight should not be easier than the first boss fight spring yard Zone I love this stage mostly because the soundtrack is just a buff all right I'm gonna fly through this now literally flying through it excuse me Mr Krabs what is this oh a shortcut don't mind if I do oh a spring at the beginning of the stage I guess you want me to use it [Music] that was anticlimactic does it have their CPU don't roll into the spike Sonic you're smarter than that you're better that's something Mario would do oh crap I need a ring there we go I don't remember what the uh the boss of this stage is though so that's uh it's gonna be eye-opening to remember that don't get the get the thing I don't know if Sonic doesn't have a migraine okay I've been to like a total of one bonus stage and that was it then I wasn't good enough to get enough Rings oh yeah there we go keep me nope don't don't I have better things to do oh God this is brutal if you're watching this I'm sorry part I want to know what uh yujinaka and his team were thinking when they made this game and they did the bonus stage they're like all right I don't know put birds in the background Sonic's definitely tripping on acid for this never ever take medicine that isn't yours all right there's the emerald it's gonna get past the qlex crystals and the peppermint candies you were thinking the same thing don't lie if I don't get it this time I'm leaving come on get get get it get this no boy oh God no oh oh how bad do I want the emerald not that bad to be honest Sonic we've been here four hours can we go home now I'm tired I want to see my family [Music] all right that's two emeralds I mean I'm definitely not gonna get all of them but I want to say that I tried don't smush me Sonic's like big toe could get crushed and like that wait a second wait we have to drop Dash in this isn't that a new mechanic from Sonic CD did they just like give Sonic everything that's that's weird am I wrong about this have they done that in previous Sonic collections there go all my rings cope what's the next one say scene oh I remember now okay ow yeah he removes them just you can't really miss too many times because once there's big gaps like it's very easy to die you know a few times one more hit more still better than Sonic 06 though really not a single ring fine I don't need it yeah Drive the spike into my head Watch What Happens no double bouncing huh can I keep this probably not maybe I can this is how speedrunners do it like myself that's fine that's the one I wanted you to take anyway got him and I'll just free more of the animals I feel almost compelled to do what Sonic says after I finish a new Zone should free all the animals and be like if you're constipated make sure you take plenty of colace oh water Sonic hates water give him the bubble I don't care about the money I need the bubble I just don't want to hear the drowning music this is where the game got me as a kid told you my first bat with anxiety was uh definitely the Sonic drowning theme I mean I'll wait here for 20 seconds if it means I can get a breath of fresh air all right oh no don't like this where's all the bubbles this must be what it felt like when Sandy took off her helmet in the Krusty Krab [ __ ] you that was dumb all right let's not get crushed this time what did that do what did I open I mean it's not really much of a labyrinth I think it's pretty linear you guys like how they put Labyrinth Zone in a the Sonic 2 movie that was dope nope okay let's hop on this piece of cheese I always thought they look like a piece of cheese when I was a kid no no no I almost got crushed I'm gonna drown I hate it here I hate it here please let me out this is only act one all right we passed Act One some of you in the comments section don't know how to act this might be a hot take but uh Sonic one is my least favorite of uh the original Sonic games maybe it's a Zone thing maybe I just I don't care for these zones as much as I do for games like Sonic two and three I'm not counting Sonic CD Sonic CD is a little Bland you know I was talking to my friend about Sonic 1 recently and um if you think about there's a lot of waiting around for things to happen like there's a lot of obstacles you kind of just have to wait for and I know you could combat that by saying oh uh shock you just have to learn the levels then you speed run them and that's how you play I don't think so I I don't think that's a catch-all for some of the The Waiting you have to do in this game like in Marble Zone just a bunch of rocks you have to stand on it's not very gotta go fast so maybe Mario did win the console or in the 90s oh wait I'm taking give me give it back the only one I have all right can't be stopped now I'm sparkly Sonic but I think I can still drown I'm not a hundred percent sure yep that uh that poor penguin's gonna drown or whatever the hell it was I know Dr Eggman is turning all the animals into robots but it's gotta be really messed up to turn like a non-water I got crushed I was just saying how it's kind of messed up like to turn a non-water animal into a water robot because then when you get freed like that you have no choice but to drown I think I'd rather be the robot so Sonic actually murdered him I'm gonna go this way I guess not see like that poor whatever the hell it is it's on borrowed time enjoy your last few minutes of Life maybe it's actually a trap set by Dr Eggman to make Sonic kill they were better off as robots oh God where is it where no drown oh no oh no where where's the bubbles where's the bubble please this is where claustrophobia was invented and I'm sorry to anyone who actually suffers from claustrophobia [Music] dropped on my head you know the water's coming it's okay I can outrun the water and I am Sonic I'm faster than most things depends on what uh iterate oh okay that's right we can hit him on the way depends on what Sonic series you're watching though because uh according to the Saturday morning cartoon he's the fastest thing alive thank you Sega for um making this game lifeless in anniversary mode so I don't have to worry about game overs because as a kid this was brutal without rings again again in my comment section you'll be like oh well chuck if you uh just go to the left there's a hidden ring box so shut up I'm too busy running away from the water because it scares me all right I'm not gonna make the same mistake this time mistake of impatience and maybe Sonic's gotta get a little bit wet okay I'm really screwed now anyway how is his [ __ ] working underwater he doesn't even have a dome on it oh timing hang on timing could be everything here there we go I just had I just had to escape you better run that's it I was just struggling with basic platforming oh God I love Starlight zone so much uh there's just something about Starlight Zone you run against the fans then you just like oh that how do I do it again bring into the van just nope that didn't work never mind okay I guess we're not going that way can we jump over the fan uh video game coding says no I should be using drop Dash much more than I am oh okay come back for it here we go you know I don't know if I have the patience to keep doing this I just want to make that clear they give you coins in a game where you collect Rings it's just it seems a little sacrilegious I'm gonna give you lots of them so you can just keep doing this give yourself a migraine so you want to like get in as it's turning so you can kind of just sit there for a minute like this like this one we got it I'm surprised with how fast I got this one though oh where'd he go this just in uh Elon Musk has uh launched Sonic the Hedgehog into space The Starlight Zone Theme just makes me so happy is it mirrors that one really short all right so after a Starlight Zone which is just like a nice pallet cleanser we gotta go scrap brain which is probably the most raw name for a Zone in any Sonic game oh you thought you're gonna get me but I stood right on okay uh this is a fun boss fight I like this one you gotta throw him back up into him or you could probably just I don't know launch yourself that's probably better I mean either way is fun come here just bam once you find a good Rhythm too that's Starlight Zone probably my favorite Zone in Sonic 1. so now we're gonna go to scrap brain and you know what happens in scrap brain I gotta call it scrap brain because I got a scrap brain we gotta go in where the cheese grater gets us there we go oh God don't crush me please it's all about the angles here geometry kids oh almost got torched too many jump scares in Sonic one but maybe I'm just creating them so like that thing don't got to follow me why you gotta follow me why why you gotta put that there what I wanted know is how the hell was three-year-old me doing any of this because I've beaten Sonic one oh that's right I got the Mega Man blocks here they're the ones that are like near near and you gotta like wait for the patterns look a little bit like a seven layer cookie it's crazy like how much I don't remember because like I said I've played this game so many times but not in recent years I think it's because I just know it's widely available everywhere because I know the game's always available I'm just I I don't play it I'm having a bad time I'm I'm not having fun okay all right that works it's gonna start from the beginning okay foreign oh cool thanks for the random Buzz saw who built this place it's a death trap I mean scrap brain has employees right the correct answer there is not anymore Chuck not anymore all right a little bit of invincibility finally some good news I'm realizing now that there is no Super Sonic in this game so I don't know why I was trying to collect all the emeralds because I'm pretty sure it's just like a slightly different ending supersonic wasn't invented until Sonic 2. because Goku needed to go Super Saiyan for actually he went Super Saiyan way way before that so my timelines don't match up scrap brain two out of the way sounds like all right Dr Eggman I've got you oh wait you got this anti-hedgehog force field up I like how they give you only a little cut scene going into a scrap brain three which just feels like Labyrinth two take me where there's no water as I go deeper and deeper into the Purple Ocean there's gotta be some bubbles here somewhere hello hello oh please please please please please please please please please please please please please I mean I got the checkpoint so I guess I could just die what if Sonic like unknowingly inhaled a bubble and it just turned out to be like someone's fart bubble can I get a ring like Beyonce said if you like it you should have put a ring on it do your worst Spike boy you're bald oh good Rings Rings Rings Rings I'll stand here and I'll jump in place until I get a damn bubble that was stupid and I hate it there's Rings here that does me no good I need air of course okay Dodge that oh I'm gonna drown doesn't matter no nothing matters oh wait air air I'm pretty sure scuba diving has less Air Management than a Sonic game whoa okay it was launched out of there into the final Zone which is really just a boss fight the hardest boss fight like the difficulty Spike here is crazy like you don't gotta memorize patterns gonna figure out which piston Dr eggman's gonna be hanging out in I hit him I hit him okay maybe there's really no difficulty Spike because it's actually kind of easy 19 hits me hitting you you hitting the ground and then me listening to Blink 182's Greatest Hits there we go all right he's dead I'm out of here and somehow he could outrun me all right that's it Dr Eggman took off Mobius is saved all these animals except for the ones that uh we don't talk about them but most of the animals are saved all right Sonic you got all the chaos emeralds or at least in this cutscene you did we didn't collect all of them but I appreciate you giving them all to us just send them back to the motherland they scatter like the dragon balls so what are we starting off playing poker is Amy doing tarot cards she's like I will make Sonic love me so Sonic CD is actually the one I have the least familiarity with and I owned a Sega CD but I ended up selling it when I was young so I just haven't replayed Sonic CD in recent times but like I said it I haven't replayed any of the classic Sonic games in recent times oh and the cards are gone Sonic CD does have a banger title track though ah palm tree Panic why are we panicking though they look okay a lot of mosquitoes this is cool we could kind of like charge up before we have to run I mean it's just a different version of a spin dash pest Future Okay so uh we're time traveling now that's the whole gimmick of Sonic CD we're going to the Future so this is the future why is everything Chrome [Music] what is this get real Dizzy Sonic okay we need to go to the Past just I don't like it here in fact I hate it I think I missed my opportunity I missed my window to time travel right there I'm gonna say though in terms of replaying Classic Sonic games the one that has the longest gap between replays a hundred percent Sonic CD because I don't even remember when I got rid of my Sega CD definitely regret that though even though we're like three games that I played killed mosquitoes nobody likes mosquitoes is there anyone out there besides I don't know like bats that like mosquitoes don't bats eat mosquitoes in fact if I could rid the Earth one thing probably mosquitoes I want to go to the Past stop sending me into the future I guess I gotta stop sending myself to the future I gotta go home I gotta get to the past all right no more Future travel I do love his run animation in this game though boss fight number one all right Dr Eggman if it's a duel you want a duel you'll get wait a second wait one jump that's all it took I guess materials have gotten a significantly worse in the future oh my God Dr Eggman you gotta stop importing all your medals all right Collision chaos I think oh hi Amy all right let's go oh wait no give her I mean I guess you could take her I don't I don't want to go to the future I think I think I'm done with the future Bleak I don't like what happens I will say that when I was younger I always thought Sonic CD was a better game but looking back as an adult I know that a lot of the stages just seem very Bland and uninspired and it's just the colors man the colors are a lot in this game ow Boomer coager why good God this is nauseating I won't lie when I booted up the game I was like oh good Sonic 2 is next not realizing that they put Sonic CD first and we're gonna go in order you're gonna have to wait for Sonic two the real Masterpiece of this collection Sonic got through Zone one yeah barely I mean they were honest with the name it's called Collision chaos and there's a lot of collision and chaos and very bright clashing colors maybe the Collision is the the palette Choice future okay maybe maybe we can get out of here do we do it no we want to go to the Past I'll be honest though Collision chaos already seems like the future so I'm confused it kind of seems like we're in the past but I hit it at the last second so I really don't know and it's been so long so uh comment section did I end up in the past or the future here okay wait there's a there's Metal Sonic but there was Metal Sonic bastards let me go let me go I'm having a rough time people I'm just I'm having a rough time right now yeah like this already seems futuristic do we need another future oh sorry didn't mean to break that unless it was a bad thing in which case I'm kind of happy I broke that we just inserted a worse Sonic spin ball into this game I think Sonic's pinball gets unnecessary hate I don't know if I'm blinded by Nostalgia but I kind of like it although it is hard as balls as a kid I don't think I ever made it past the first stage there we go here we go here we go get back here get back here why is this stage the end of the world oh great fantastic underwater I don't know there's just something about it being like Fisher Price colors that doesn't make it as menacing I think that's probably one of my other big gripes with Sonic CD is that the colors are very bright and very clashy how do you expect me to go fast underwater all right you guys know the deal come on go I'm supposed to go fast do you wonder if it's even possible if you do hit one of the signs can you build up enough speed underwater whoa what though who's not expecting that well hello bonus Zone that's right I got one of these uh three oh damn it Sonic just flatlined we got one of these 3D or mock 3D bonus zones I know it seems like I'm doing a lot of uh complaining about this game I actually I like Sonic CD it's just I think I used to like it more is what I'm trying to say destroy you oh no my rings all right everyone's dead give me the emerald oh hang on Bubble stop it's like a Tesla charging station but specifically for Sonic hello hello where's where's the bubble oh God that was so close I'm just I'm just trying to escape this hell hole fast no oh cool we stay on the log no matter which way we go you guys probably already know about it we're gonna talk about it remember that weird mechanic that they added to Sonic 3 where you have to press up and down to control like the barrel that had no explanation and nobody even knew that's how it operated I feel like all right I'm gonna hit this try to go to the future but can I build up enough speed like there's the goal but yep sorry not much time travel this run the whole point of Sonic CD is time travel and I'm not doing really any of it blame my poor Sonic CD skills in level design oh we hit him bopped him get over here get back here get back here this is like easier Labyrinth Zone we just smacked him in the head oh now you want to go fast sorry sir that's my Mantra stop taking all the bubbles you're gonna share those right oh that's hilarious I can essentially run out of air bubbles I'm just trying to drink that Dr Eggman bath water rude oh we got him it was only one hit all right quartz quadrant times we're definitely making this one we're definitely going fast enough here to the Future and they have bugs in the future damn I lost my rings to a snail a lot of this just feels new again okay I just did the same thing twice isn't the whole story here that Dr Eggman is after not the chaos emeralds this time but like the time Stones wait come on we're so close to going to the Past okay like now let me hit a past sign because then I'll just I'll run so fast where is it when I need it I'm gonna do it hang on ah one of these days Sonic just not today I mean who would want to travel to the past I would relive my childhood over and over again and you know what that's so that's a great question if you could time travel to one point in time in your past what would it be like give me an age what was the best age for you I feel like I'd go back to nine and live onward again from nine assuming that I can just do all the same stuff again just I kind of kind of like where I am right now in life we're getting very deep in meta here don't drop your balls on me I just gotta buy time until he like Sands himself into the ground he's like uh oh running out of metal he's doing the I gotta pee dance he's like I gotta put more bathrooms in quartz Squadron wacky workbench surprise the boss fight here is not Tim the toolman Taylor whoa that they launched me all right we go down the tubes the time travel tubes right we have hanging mechanics in this game oh God Sonic CD is a metroidvania I mean with the game lacks and creativity and level design it definitely makes up for it in Exploration because being able to travel between multiple time periods but also the levels are bigger than they've ever been hello which way is the past and that going here what have you accidentally go into like one of the sewage pipes like you think Mario has that problem a lot you think he he comes out of the pipes every now and then you know he he's smelling a little funky Luigi this was Bowser's a sewage pipe they have Sonic some ball and Sprite art in this game all the new poses are so fun and cool all right come on this we gotta build up speed here thank you this entire video is just me trying to time travel backwards um I'm stuck oh there we go you know what I think I preferred the uh the present or the future of this at least it's a nice day out you got that cotton candy Sky do you guys remember connects this stick that we're spinning around on reminds me of like the long connects piece K'Nex was like really cool Legos Legos are cool but connects are like Future Legos I don't even know connects still exists I feel like we might have lost them the time but some of those pieces are really hard to snap together and Pull Apart sometimes you end up breaking one of the sticks so if connects did go on under maybe it was for a good reason all right now the boss fight also the boss fights in this game are not even very memorable no okay was I supposed to hit him I was afraid to fall down so I didn't even try my guy Dr robotnik's been playing a lot of Minecraft okay that didn't work and my rings oh I got one I don't even want to try again ouch have I died yet I don't think I have we might have to is that it I'm Gonna Catch You um honestly Sonic should just be able to catch Dr Robotnik and like rip his head off it's like spin dash Buzz saw him into pieces I don't know if that's a Canon thing but in Adventures it's Sonic the Hedgehog for some reason they made a spin dash of Buzz saw all right the Stardust Speedway which is made entirely out of trombones oh we got no problem time traveling now what's the future of the Stardust Speedway What Becomes of it oh [ __ ] it becomes a nightclub in the future although there's nobody here they probably got some weird ratios going on never much of a club person honestly going out I'd prefer a nice crappy dive bar this might be the fastest we've gone all game and I have haven't died once we're gonna beat the game completely deathless I want to see what the past is like let's go here will it will this work it should work haha it works oh damn start of Speedway is good in every form speaking of games at time travel I'm actually playing Chrono Trigger for the first time now just that's what I'm casually playing through because I've never played Chrono Trigger I don't know why it escaped me on the Super Nintendo which is my favorite console I feel like definitely a game that at some point everyone should have played but I I didn't so I'm having a good time with Chrono Trigger lately and frog is my favorite character so far but that's probably not gonna change because Frog's pretty badass yeah start of the speedway slaps making me a little dizzy but I did be slapping no come on why put that there why why troll like that oh that's right Sonic made a good future in zone two you want to try and finish the stage in certain iterations okay I clearly haven't done that enough okay pick up the pace Sonic okay we gotta fight metal now hey that's my thing yeah you do it Sonic you show him wave your finger ow why I had 13 rings all right we're not doing a completely deathless there's a death so much for making a good future race time there can only be one Sonic do you guys like metal Sonic or Mecha Sonic better or silver sonic which Robo Sonic are we going I feel like for me it's got to be metal and then Mecca and then silver he did the dying animation oh can't get me in here Dr Eggman can't reach me oh you could have just went past okay that's fine oh here's Amy for you hey hey I'm working I'm on the clock man I forgot how short this game is I think I've been playing for like I don't know a total of 45 minutes and uh we are already in the final stage okay go to the Future we're not I know the point of this game is really to get as many good Futures as you can um but that's not happening here because we're just we're just playing to beat the game and being casual almost did this completely deathless and I got some random BS death on the last boss and I was looking at a walk through just because I wanted to read up on some of the uh the things that I missed like for example I was unsure about the time travel aspect so I paused I was like let me look this up go to like it's the year 2001 again and uh trying to figure out if we can get Sonic in Smash by shooting all of the credits and melee and specifically in the guide It's says Sonic CD bosses are very hard um no they're not no they indeed are not Sonic 1 is definitely more difficult Sonic CD short and easy another game that I haven't played in a hot minute knuckles chaotix I think I was one of like six people that bought a 32x actually I didn't buy a 32x my dad came home one day with a 32x the same he did with a Sega CD right we gotta just take these robot legs over here these robot legs uh gonna make me act up I mean uh what oh come on oh that's right you can beat baby Sonic look at him why is he only in this stage they should have utilized this way more so small please protect him with your life okay here's a speed shoe that we haven't broken now we're a fast small Sonic okay we're big now big Sonic well that was fun and novel one thing they definitely did right in this game like I said is there's just they tried different things that was dumb didn't die at all until like the last few minutes of this game gotta wait for the falling elevators we really need to oh okay ah dude it appeared out of nowhere okay I don't know if there's another one coming close to the goal too died right there gonna stand here with the invincibility and just wait for the floor to fall some real Bell and Wonder World platforming here I know this game came 20 years before oh hello we got there we got some really weird mix in this game fine whatever nope nope all right cool great hey maybe this was the hardest boss because I died one time come down here it's got a pogo stick all right that was dead sounds like I'm just gonna wait here for Amy while everything blows up all right then we have our ending cut scene where Sonic grabs Amy and they rush off and then he totally dips he's like I have to go to the bathroom if the waiter comes with the bill just I'll be right back and then he doesn't come back wait Sonic you don't have a pilot's license or do you and Amy's like back to doing tarot cards I hope he calls me huh two tails a Chaos Emerald what could this mean what it up they're gone you might want to like I'm gonna get some rocks to hold him down and then Sonic flew off into the distance into the next game Sonic 2. the introduction of Tails this is where the Sonic games start getting good they got him cornered go grab his Tails I didn't know bullying existed in Mobius Sonic's like uh hey who's this dude following me playing the game as it was meant to be with Tails following me and likely just going to die constantly I mean he did that in uh Sonic 06 you know I'm gonna say what everyone's thinking I like Emerald Hill Zone better than Green Hill Zone look how good I am at Sonic 2 I already got a one up that's because Sonic 2 is probably the Sonic game that I played most hey that's me what I want to know is where did Tails learn to spin dash like Sonic does it and he's like all right I'm gonna copy you but like hedgehogs naturally can ball up he's a fox look at this the speed run strats you didn't know you were watching chalk Games Done Quick to the special stage we go get 40 rings no problem I think out of all the special stages this one might be my fave look 36 Rings throw a challenge at me give me that Chaos Emerald it's a little nerve-wracking because you like oh crap I gotta get him and then like to throw me so fast there we go easy I'm gonna try to get all the chaos emeralds because I I want to see supersonic so when I was young I used to just go straight to debug mode and level select then for some reason just go immediately to Wing Fortress Zone and get supersonic I think out of all the 2D Sonic games Sonic 2's boss fight music is probably the best I got a lot of crap for not using the Japanese soundtrack when I played CD but you know what I didn't think to switch it over the Japanese soundtrack is obviously better I just I don't know I started playing the game I I didn't think hey let me change the soundtrack although I probably should have because the US soundtrack is awkward as hell speaking of soundtracks chemical plant is probably top five in every Sonic game ever don't you dare oop sorry damn it stupid tubes there's a broke little hedgehog trying to collect some rings all right seven to go bam give me a checkpoint It's gotta be around here somewhere waiting oh damn all right let's just roll into act two kind of feel for anyone that works at chemical plant zone because they have to like go up and down these Hills downhill is probably easy but then you gotta like go uphill if like you're going to lunch or something all right going 44.50 or is it something's just waiting to take my rings away and know it oh here we go you know my friend and I went to Pax one year and we heard a remix of a hotel motel Holiday Inn where the hell name of that song is remixed with this and I could just never find it online they were just like playing it in a queue I've just never heard that piece of art ever again all right so far so good gotta avoid the the bombs bombs bad oh no damn it no oh crap I need 29 Rings this ain't happening I I messed up oh we can retry that's right oh this is just gonna make it so easy to get supersonic also I just really love this special stage so I can play this over and over give me a whole last game like this I gotta get more Rings just to create a buffer because uh you guys saw how that last try went oh it was happening again it's happening oh no all right all right we're good we're good we're good we're in we're in all right two for two we're gonna fall in the water all right please I don't wanna see how does you fall in the water that's fine just beat the rising water I just I don't wanna I don't want to hear the music this whole series is just me reliving oh no this whole series just me reliving my traumatic childhood experience it oh I got crushed that's cool why is my gameplay just drastically better from like Sonic 1 and CD to two I don't know if it's only because I played this game so much or just like the level design is also much better immediately put foot inside mouth hey don't don't you dare spill that blue stuff on me don't you dare spill that blue stuff I don't even like the blue Gatorade the worst I lied the ice blue one is good the dark blue one bottom tier hey it's grounder oh hang on Bubble time oh wait a second tails you stole my bubble I'm gonna die oh no oh no come on please where is it where is it where is it oh god oh we're on zero Tails stole the air that I breathe Tails you're dead to me I like how there's just no indicator of when he's going to die he just does come on Tails we're leaving too many mosquitoes here just look at this flying zooming yeah I just need to face my fears head on I'm just gonna start listening to the Jingle casually come on that was that was so stupid all right it's gonna hang out up here this is the speed run of strats they don't tell you about can I reach come on like one more hit die ah yes Sonic and Tails go gambling all right I messed up I didn't get the third emeralds that zone so it's fine got plenty more zones to get it I used to love playing two-player casino night Zone like the versus mode with like my friends or like my dad the elevator left without me and it's weird like little stretched orientation and not figuring out for a while that you actually have to hold the jump button here I said this before but can I just like travel back in time just to confront my like three-year-old self or maybe I was a little older when uh Sonic 2 came out so front my five-year-old self should be like listen one day you're gonna have like a hundred thousand people watch you play this game you're not gonna be any better at it but people are gonna watch and that's really cool no seriously that that actually is like I think about it and it's kind of surreal and as of this recording we just passed 500 000 subs and I cannot be more grateful all of you they're just letting me like do me live in my dreams and I get to be myself I really couldn't answer anything more than that all right I'm getting sappy but what I need to get is good is we got emeralds to collect I'm very proud of Sonic and Tails for making it through two zones of a casino and not being tempted to stop and play some slot machines come on Sonic I was just talking you up all right just one more pull you can't lose twice to be honest I'm surprised they even let tails in the casino just canonically he's what like seven or nine hey why is he in the slot machine tails is something you want to tell me you sell yourself to Konami you're only making pachinko machines now if you lose tails you just hear him jumping for eternity and into the special stage we go all right okay I'm gonna do it on the first try I promise for people that are really good at this or actual speedrunners like I want to know what's the Strat here well I mean I guess the Strat if you're speed running is just don't do the special stages oh tails come on man told you to hold the Rings okay Tails you're fired I don't even work here I gotta really front load this one just like it gets kind of dicey towards the end just need to get as many rings as I can early on also just knowing that uh tails are gonna drop a bunch of them I I that was clearly Tails fault but that one was actually Tails as fault why do I have to be penalized for his mistakes I'm not his Guardian we just made that one that was so close all right here we go now pick up the slack damn it come on Tails when I jump you jump I hate it here I'm getting better at the uh the anticipation of the okay maybe not okay come on two rings there's two rings right there's two come on after this turn there's gonna be uh jump damn it tails come on man messing us up I'm gonna jump really early this time like now ha all right hang on I think I got it I think we got this one [Music] the last one can't really give you much room for error in this one case in point okay did we do it oh finally screw special stage three oh my homies hate special stage three oh that's right we're still in casino night Zone as we spent about four years in special stage oh no the Eggman oh God we almost got three of them I'll just say it's probably bound to happen eventually if I just keep bouncing into it I love this boss fight mainly because it's really satisfying to launch yourself off the wall like Mach 1 fly into eggman's warship he's almost dead one more I've never actually counted the hits I don't know how many it takes well whatever it was it was that many like I'm out of here I'll see you guys at the craps table Hilltop Zone I've always loved Hilltop Zone and uh tails is dead again although Hilltop Zone kind of scares me because lava so it's a volcano it's called Volcano Zone let's call it what it is people not just any volcano active volcano Zone I don't know why but just the lava in Sonic games is very menacing must be all that blast processing that uh Sega was advertising in the 90s all right we're underground now where you think there would be more lava oh hey wait here it is right don't don't smush me what is that guy a little glowing ball head these uh these lips over here not very safe being held up by two Vines they break immediately all right okay okay no please don't crush me please don't crush me okay oh no oh ah Lava Hot okay let's just uh head into the bonus Zone real quick and another Chaos Emerald I'm gonna do it on the first try this time I promise tails is like I'm helping it's the turns that get you because I can't see stuff that's coming up damn it Tails one ring oh to roll them all right we're almost there is that it did we get it I told you I was gonna do a first try all right Zone one in the books oh here don't smush me Tails I'm sorry you're probably dead again we need 50 rings to enter a bonus uh yes excellent level design where do Tails go I never know where emeralds are they throwing Rings up on the ceiling now they're getting crazy they recently decided that I am starting a second solo Channel which you guys can go subscribe to at the time of this recording I don't have any content there but it's going to be used to post things that I feel wouldn't fit here and I think one of the First videos I want to do there is somebody released a Sonic triple trouble fan game that actually looks really dope out there on the ceiling yeah that that didn't work okay the the last one was really achievable I just gotta like focus on those swirly bits talking about collecting Rings like it's cereal why are these later bonus stages like much easier than some of the earlier ones I'm just trying to get Super Sonic like really early in the game plus fight time oh damn it he's got a flamethrower and keep the one ring this is how we win okay I did it I did it get up Mystic cave time I love this Zone because it's got like Castlevania Vibes to it which is something I didn't like until I got older you know I still have only ever played the first Castlevania Game you're gonna get a lot oh okay cool yeah great I'm gonna get a lot of comments telling me to go play more Castlevania games and I will it might be best suited for the director's cut Channel though so this will make Chaos Emerald number six and I can't remember were there um were there seven Chaos Emeralds in Sonic 2 or was it six and it was eventually changed am I thinking of a different game oh you're gonna get fancy huh now you want to get fancy you want to be a big shot really satisfying to just like hit a loop here like three rings that's it did we do it too easy man all right we've done it and this is to go even further Beyond oh I guess it's seven Chaos Emeralds why'd I think it was six in this game I like how after you come out of like a beautiful mystical cave you go to oil ocean zone AKA corporate pollution Zone there's only the giant corporations of Mobius could create that much pollution I don't want to lose my rings because I want to get that last Emerald so I'm not gonna do it to a lightning bug no little glowy butt's gonna take my money from me all right here we go the mission for the final Chaos Emerald man I haven't manually collected the emeralds in ages I told you guys I was just going to like the debug menu and this is going very bad I okay 63 rings to go yeah right in my misery okay I was talking smack about some of these uh later bonus stages I'm about to get what I deserve oh hang on jumping helps jumping is actually kind of the move see that's what I'm talking about oh hang on they tried to throw me off that's cheating fool me once oh they're scattered they're all over the place where's the bombs though that's what I'm worried about [Music] we got him we gotta hold on to them now damn it Tails oh we got it oh we're done that's the last Emerald it's supersonic time and this is to go even further Beyond oh can I go supersonic I have enough rings it's gonna beat him with high frames too easy can I go super sonic yet though there's 50 rings and jump I had 105. great just the place I wanted to go supersonic for the first time New Jersey is there any way out of the sludge water I feel like this shouldn't even be allowed come on get me out of here come on I just want to go supersonic taking all my rings away from me [Music] it's not fair all right I gotta figure out this supersonic business because I worked too hard for these emeralds oh I remember this this is fun you just get to enjoy the the ride for a second Sonic's like hang on let me jump into these cannons no idea if he's just absorbing some kind of weird chemicals all right sorry I did uh did some quick research I was like how do you go Supersonic in Sonic 2 and uh apparently you have to double tap the jump button which I don't think was ever the case if I could if I could get up there if I can I if I can ever I just want to see my family again just out here trying to collect my 50 rings so I can go super sonic that's it that's all I want simple things in life money blonde hair now we're gonna fight the boss now all right fine we'll go Supersonic in the next stage stop it stop it stop stop this one's creepy because he's got like the Stinger that comes out my question is why would you want a submarine to go underneath that water why would you want to do that and can you see anything and I feel like the the fire right there that explosion probably should have set this entire ocean Ablaze I I feel bad letting these animals out they're gonna get like oil stuck in their fur we're gonna have to put them in the Dawn commercial you know you know the one where they clean the ducks with the soap I like that commercial Metropolis zone is a banger by the way I didn't need to tell you that though you kind of already knew oh don't squish me I'm trying to go supersonic I have I have an agenda all right we're gonna do it this time we got a double tap apparently I'm double tap I'm triple tapping how much tapping is needed oh there we go I just have to press like x what why did it take that many tries I forgot what this power felt like and we just got to keep rings so um we don't lose our super form we just blaze through the rest of the game he's so fast nothing can hurt me I guess only time time can hurt me look at the The Stance is so menacing look at that the thing that sucks is you have no rings and you're just completely vulnerable so like now I can just die [Music] [Applause] I think I could just fall here forever oh God help oh there we go Metropolis Zone more like Labyrinth zone right because it's already his own going Super Sonic is funny because Tails just has to like stand there and watch you think Sonic thinks he's hot [ __ ] now see like super sonic did this way faster see like these Spears don't even bother me I am unbothered by pointy objects I think it's hilarious that Sega was just like able to get away with this in uh the 90s because like they blatantly ripped off Dragon Ball Dragon Ball wasn't popular in the US yet it would be another several years like I didn't start watching Dragon Ball till probably 96. whoa almost got clipped there Sonic almost went to the big Zone in the sky actually we're going to the big Zone in the sky soon that'd be Sky Chase Zone you know it was it was a death joke you get it how did I miss every single one of those rings [Music] no good thing I had a ring there because they want to punish you for playing the game or any second now Sonic any you're gonna get there any minute don't you ever just sometimes feel like you're running in place metaphorically okay tails is like off screen somewhere just jumping for his life like I don't know where this guy's gonna kill me isn't he oh we killed him okay never mind he'll die something else okay we'll grow Rings rings bro no good thing we hit the checkpoint nope I'm gonna grab those because we're going into boss fight right now this one is just like all right just Spam jump because you don't know like when you could hit him kind of a broken strategy wait look at this look at the fake Robotnik the balloon oh Tails nice he stole the glory that's fine we share it we're Partners now for Sky Chase Zone the iconic Zone where you're just riding on the tornado it's a little bit peaceful but also a little bit stressful we've got flying turtles that doesn't really make sense you know like on bigger Turtles it's like squirrel and Blastoise before Squirtle and Blastoise any rings oh here here we go [Music] okay in a panic I managed to miss every single one of them Wing Fortress Zone I know Wing Fortress Zone like the back of my hand I have played this Zone probably more times than any other Zone in Sonic 2. I know where everything is I know how to get my 50 rings and activate supersonic and then follow my death immediately I've done it all I think I just used to jump to this Zone immediately because I knew I can get 50 rings in like four seconds no it's actually probably good that they oh come on am I really missing this jump twice and four tails tails is like I'm I'm going down with the ship Sonic that's a real hero so as I was saying it's probably a good idea that they changed it so you have to actually activate supersonic because like I would get stuck using supersonic here then I would like run out of rings but I can't use it in Death Egg so I'm gonna just have to eventually also this is probably one of the worst zones for it in terms of just like trying to stay alive it's very easy to fly off [Music] okay Sonic's just dancing I'm so slippery oh god oh big jump oh no I missed I got my guts now I gotta do this like a peasant listen I said I knew this uh Zone like the back of my hand I never said I was good at it there we go all right well let's go supersonic hey don't don't fly off the stage and close to the end we're gonna just destroy the whole thing ah you can't stop me this boss fight is annoying though you can't you can't I'm unstoppable all right Tail's the homie he's back fix this thing in record time now for a hedgehog to boldly go where no Hedgehog has gone before space then Death Egg zone for probably the most iconic boss fights in 2D Sonic so I learned recently that uh this is no longer Silver Sonic and we have renamed him oh yeah he jumps that's right how many hits it's a lot right it's quite a few hits he's gonna jump watch I'm gonna stand right here play a game of chicken he's jumping he's jumping I know it oh you didn't jump there we go I like how quickly Dr Eggman shuts like the little window when Mecha Sonic blows up he's like oh [ __ ] remember this being a lot harder when I was younger and now we have Dr Eggman who can outrun Sonic I really want to get this toy they just released it I think like Jack specific put it out so I wish I had one ring just like a single ring how many hits can you take [Music] hey look at his little belly ah you got me if you think about it it's kind of vicious to Sega to make you do back-to-back boss fights with no rings you just gotta like watch for his uh little spiky hand like why did that kill me why did that kill me I I landed a hit all right you know what I'm just gonna play this really safe I'm only gonna hit him when he drops his belly I don't know how many hits it takes It's gotta be like I don't know 10 maybe if this is actually a really easy boss fight if you're just patient and not stupid like me it's actually really simple if only I did this as a kid did you guys see the Sonic 2 movie I'm only asking because you know not gonna spoil anything in case you didn't but I really enjoyed Sonic 2 and I'm way more excited for Sonic 3. there we go dismantle them all right we're out of here as long as I can get the hell off this thing I have absolutely no plan I might die in the vacuum of space or the last Sonic made it and all the animals on Mobius got to watch the fireworks that night and Tails is wondering if he's ever gonna see Sonic again when the birds like go after him he needs you now more than ever Tails literally because he will die uh where'd you get 50 Rings pal I love this ending Sonic's just chilling and like that Sonic 2 is done oh does the Death Egg just casually fall to Mobius how does it not destroy it Sonic 3 and Knuckles I don't remember the last time I was able to play this version of this game because what's crazy is a lot of people think oh he's got his eyes on the Master Emerald not today sir it's funny because everybody thinks that uh this is two separate games put together when in reality they weren't able to finish Sonic 3 on time so DLC didn't exist so they just released a whole ass Transformer game cartridge then you had to lock the two together all right we're gonna keep it going with Sonic and Tails Sonic For some reason decides to hop off the tornado turn into supersonic [Music] and Bam Knuckles hits him with the left jab collects all the emeralds and he's out so yeah funny enough this was supposed to be the definitive Sonic 3 version of the game and uh they just they couldn't finish it in time for what they wanted to do by the way I absolutely love the bonus stages in this I love the collected spheres and I had no idea in Sonic 2 you could get all of the chaos emeralds in Green Hill Zone that's a wild thought to me but uh you have made it abundantly clear that I'm bad at video games just one wrong turn or one slow reflex you hit the ping pong ball and Bing you get sent back to reality not today oh wait hang on a second I forgot that they used the adapted soundtrack here because they couldn't get the rights to their own game which is hilarious you know because uh allegedly some famous pop star may or may not have worked on the soundtrack for the original game so they had to adapt it it sounds a little different but Angel Island like it's fine so far it's whatever oh that's it destroyed damn they went and sent us to California what you thought I could only rip on New Jersey no no no no states are safe out of here and we Breeze through the first one which means here I'm probably gonna have a slip up I know I love Sonic too but it's not a game anyway three knuckles different animal all right we have 40 more to go where are they hiding once you start to go faster the anxiety sets in around here around the bend two emeralds they look like gushers in this game Tails I needed that oh I got the fire thing now so I think that's what we used to blast through this right you know I think my entire life I've never known how to get through there I've kind of just accepted that and it's gone come on stoop oh my God this is top tier gameplay ladies and gents this is the kind of gameplay you subscribed for [Music] oh lightning lightning Shield is good I was right here by the boss too okay and also like you could do this for 20 minutes it's like if you were playing with one of your homies and you're like passing off the controller you can make them sit there while you just throw the sign around all right here we go time for Emerald number three I say that but how long can I keep up the streak you just need one bad turn to throw your entire momentum off wow look at this three emeralds in Angel Island [Music] forgot you lose it when you go in water but the bubble Shield always a godsend okay and it's gone you're another bonus Zone in here there's another one right okay drain all the water do away with all the water I'd be I'm okay with the drought in Angel Island all right this one's fun wait this is the one I'm thinking about I'm thinking about the gosh upon machine oh damn I think I'm over this I'm gonna head out where are you hiding the chaos emeralds I'm coming for him Sonic hit in the Gap transfer oh no I forgot about this oh wait another one can we keep it going oh this is trouble this this is definitely trouble the red is blending in with the the red squares I don't know the pattern for these okay so far so good sometimes you just need to hit that straight away just to reset your mind you guys getting dizzy because I'm definitely getting dizzy I screwed up it's over going too fast now oh my god oh I can't see the red no oh we did it probably best at Sonic 3. I put a lot of hours into Sonic 3 as a kid all right here come the bombs run Tails run keep running keep running keep running stupid what a waste of bombs listen the soundtrack don't sound that bad it's not the same but it's whatever we do without losing the shield all right Angel Island is cleared and we have four emeralds okay oh he's the boy the introduction he's like hey you stupid down you go [Music] your bubble bubble are those tails that was dying that's fine it's funny because somebody recently asked yujinaka on Twitter if it was Hydro City or hydrocity and he was like I don't speak English but also Hydro City oh hang on there's a bonus stage down there I gotta get down there long way wrong way wrong way this was an annoying boss fight younger because you gotta like read when he's coming oh come on hit him hit him hit him oh good now just do this forever sometimes you get an item out of it no it's all the bonus stages you're hiding them from me like he's getting the emeralds too fast we better slow him down maybe this way hello I want the shiny rocks please such a good Zone man Hydro city is so good especially these little hands that grab you and you charge up all right here we go that's what I'm looking for get the blue spheres there's just a sea of red it's the Red Wedding of Sonic bonus stages that was close I did that on purpose though to keep you guys on your toes wait I think I know where it is oh not there no damn it oh wait I can retry all right we're going too fast now this is not even fathomable here they are not bad we got a five emeralds only two retrys you didn't know I was kind of nice like that you know I got some skills in Sonic 3 with all the time I put into it I need to make up for the way I played the rest of this game stupid shark taking all my rings stupid crab hello uh is anyone here knock knock oh it's you again wait can we just talk about okay there's a good boss fight bounce me up bounce me up we go oh Dr Robotnik learns he's way more tanky in Sonic 3. maybe he just feels that way here we go free the bunnies right into the water that makes sense all right here we go marble Garden you ever get time to think in this one it just catapult you there's marble and Marble Hill Zone in the same place so are we just like above the lava I mean it makes sense right it's a good theory we just we're in the nice part of marble oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap it's just like a slightly different neighborhood we could bounce on these that was always fun you know I gotta be honest I don't really know how people feel about Sonic 3. I've always loved it I don't know if it was just like newer Eagles better but Sonic 3 has a special place in my heart so much so that when I made the mistake of selling my Genesis in all my games when I got older the Genesis 3 came out which was just like a mini Genesis I remember going to Toys R Us to find it buying Sonic 3 along with it and kind of just like re-buying my favorite games because I'm an idiot can we get the uh the gosh upon machine I like that one is it just not in Sonic and Knuckles like when you do it's not like a Knuckles is it just you get this trash Sonic one bonus zone right all right I'm going this way I gotta remember how to get Hypersonic though getting the hyper forms is going to be a problem oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap I don't think I could do this we're so close though I have five turn into rings that's right you do like a weird pattern they're like just save a he's a lost cause oh here's the rest there's the rest all right another Emerald down yeah don't we have to get like the chaos emeralds and then like the super emeralds to go hyper I honestly I I'm not sure I'm gonna try no promises [Music] let me focus on making it through stages alive oh oh I always hated those you fight the stupid little drill boy stupid ass boss fight oh did I call this Marble Hill Zone when it's marbled Garden you know what I meant all right place is caving in we gotta get out of here I love this Sonic's right because he looks like he's got some attitude all right I still have no idea how to control this one no it's been over two decades what's this way wait is it finally time collect the blue spheres see the trick is you see there's there's actually no blue spheres they trap you they have you running around for eternity looking for them they don't exist see if you don't find them fast enough you you start going faster and faster and faster and we got it that's seven Chaos Emeralds and for me that's pretty damn early alright so Sonic has all seven Chaos Emeralds now but can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch all right it's time see I now I know you got to hit the button supersonic button yeah I see why the soundtrack is kind of weird so fast and hard to control oh I'm gonna rip that boss a new one though again come down here I could just stand there and it kills him all right this is a good boss fight because you're being held by Tails just walk into him hey I lost my super form that's not cool I still got 20 Rings take it away from me I earned that oh hell yeah Carnival night time and now for the moment you've all been waiting for [Music] so nice out here popping balloons on a free balloon day I think I love this stage more than casino night Zone it's got a little more life to it and the casino night Zone has a special place in my heart but oh hang on one second [Music] content out here going stupid going crazy [Music] just give me the Rings oh my God I am speed this is hilarious this is a good boss fight too because you kind of have to like you get a platform and the little thing you die please supersonic I was super goddamn Sonic oh I gotta do it like a peasant now the color's different did I oh there we go did I break it I'm just gonna iframe this thing before Tails just keeps dying Loki uh kind of upset about losing Super Sonic shouldn't have died there that's all I'm saying okay yeah the uh music is weird it's strange it's getting stranger spike ball stop all right we'll go this way don't smush me don't wait I could just like ran up and punch knuckles in his face oh turn the lights off okay and now continue the weird music hang on I need some air is there air nearby you if I go supersonic can I not drown I don't know that you know what I'm not even gonna try it I saw that happening I'm not doing it [Music] so for comparison I went back and listened to the actual soundtrack uh from Sonic 3 and uh what a downgrade I think that was the same spot I swear the more I listen to the soundtrack I think it's driving me mad I I think I'm going insane at least there's no clowns though man that would be awful speaking of clowns I've actually never played Knights into dreams I never got a Sega Saturn when I was a kid like I wanted it but then I realized that a lot of games kind of didn't come out for it and uh and then the Sega you know you know what happened I'm gonna go real slow this time I swear Fear and Loathing in carnival night Zone mostly the low thing that is a crazy movie if you just want anxiety for bad an hour and a half that are uncut gems the lights are back on and I'm super this is it this is the part right here the longest time it was like what do you do you have to you know just hit up and down I guess Sonic runs on the walls [Music] the candy canes we go come God damn at least I got a checkpoint that time I swear these things are so punishing got the longest zones in history and we missed that could have got supersonic again it's not like it matters because I die anyway Sonic's too fast for this game where is he where is he hello how you doing by the way I never formally introduced myself my name is Sonic the Hedgehog okay three rings away too that's okay we have the double jump so we had the double jump at least the boss theme still slaps iframes iframes a lot of uh robotnik's mix weapons have giant balls what are you trying to say Doc oh my God nothing is a bigger travesty than this ice cap Zone track ice cap zone is probably my favorite track in the game but this is horrible it feels like I'm playing a game on like one of those LeapFrog devices hey excuse me like it matters can get crushed by many things in Sonic 3. [Music] I remember this boss snowman guy who killed him before like one ring left [Music] what's the point of that excuse me quick transformation come through man what crappy construction like press this button here to destroy the bridge so you can go down we have to rebuild it every time it's not exactly cost effective I'm getting those just because just because I can see this is what the barrel should have been the jumping up and down mechanic it's launching we're going to space all right I think ice Capstone was honestly probably one of the fastest zones for us here I don't like that we immediately lose super form launch based Zone turns out underneath all that snow was a Death Egg rebuild construction zone who would have thought honestly another great Zone launch base is great it's overall really fun oh oh the safety mechanisms failed I have the speed shoe can I get the speed shoe and supersonic I want to see what that feels like oh wow does it stack or am I just am I seeing things I don't think it Stacks there's no way find it hilarious that supersonic can fly but he's hate like the little zip line all right I'm vulnerable and get my form back hey you bring that one individual block back here what are you planning to do with that oh there goes the whole Tower that's why we can't have nice things nice tail look at Tails getting some shots in I taught you well see that's what I was looking for free stuff a lot of water in Sonic 3. and they were designed in the third game they're like what do the fans want yujinako is like they love water put more of it this is Peak Sonic level Design This Is It loop-de-loops going fast Maybe not maybe not boss design though I'm just gonna stand here strategy all right just keep throwing the bosses at me that's fine a lot of phases here just I gotta gotta do it before I run out of time unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen oh crap oh no uh might be screwed here it's me now I gotta do this The Peasants way I'm super sonic I'm too good for this why did the weather change all I did was take out a different robot I like when you hit him he's like oh damn it I gotta get out of here it's actually uh kind of easy kind of sad that I died so they uh they released a new trailer at Gamescom today for Sonic Frontiers and I said I wasn't going to do any more videos kind of reacting to stuff so I guess this is this probably the best form to talk about it what I think but uh there was a lot of cool stuff showed off in the new trailer and we finally got a look at the plot of the game I'm cautiously excited uh I'm gonna follow my death aren't I that thing shouldn't be on fire oh it's okay we're just gonna peacefully float down as giant hunks of metal often do bye should we wave all right it has fallen now we begin some of my favorite stages the Sonic and Knuckles portion the coast is clear press this button close the door it's where I keep all my snacks oh all right Chaos Emeralds we have to return them [Music] damn oh that's right now we gotta get the super emeralds oh yeah okay the yellow ones they make you bounce the yellow ones will make you bounce and the Bands Will Make Her Dance all right super Emerald number one so big I think there was somebody in the comment section that threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't get the high perform in this game so you know I'm gonna do it please don't hurt me God I love mushroom Hill Zone such a fun stage boing some of the tracks sound closer to the actual thing and some are just like not even close is it only certain tracks that uh they were having some issues with like I want to know the full gamut of the situation also a good boss fight the random like Lumberjack robot [Music] now he did he's like it's not working press it again see unfortunately I don't really know where a lot of the bonus stages are I know there's there's multiple in each stage I'm gonna try and find him I feel like they're much easier to come by in uh the Sonic 3 portion I say as I just leap into another one that was a bad run oh I accidentally hit no I accidentally said no uh I would have two emeralds all right let's try this again a lot of yellow ones here oh crap this one's gonna take a while if chalk has 102 coins and each retry is one coin how many retrys did it take if he's left with 86 coins all right this one was a huge pain in the ass we got another Super emeralds whoo could have had three now but I'm dumb huh that shouldn't be there I'm sure satellites don't emit electricity like that oh this is a good boss fight having to run and Dodge some of the spike balls I like how they flash too like why is that happening are the spike ball just like hive mind they're like ow we feel Master's pain eggman's got a lot of ships in this game oh Banger track no tails come on yawning you have no taste I'm just I'm getting kind of worried that I'm not going to get all the super emeralds in time if I don't I'm gonna be really sad I don't know if I know where the uh the bonus stages are here I think we're coming up on one so let me be vigilant that was it I missed it super emeralds be damned I need you why the [ __ ] did I do that not my fattest brain move today I don't know something in my brain was like hey there's probably a bonus stage under there what do you know there wasn't this part of flying batteries it's very Mega Man X big Sparkman drill Vibes here we go look what I'm talking about let's get these emeralds oh here we go again all right this one's only 37. oh wait is this one from last time oh crap how am I supposed to do this my brain can't cross it huh all right so I've solved it what you do is that and then they all turn into rings they don't tell you that maybe not there they make it look much harder but then they they fake you out they're like all right we're gonna turn them all into rings watch this it's magic who knew Sonic was a magician for an X trick I'm gonna produce a good game all right six left where are they one two oh three four five hey we did it oh much yeah I thought it was gonna be all right now I'm ready to fight a butt no boss oh okay that that's right this one Jukes you out it is the boss okay ow bet you can't hit me why are you hitting yourself why are you hitting yourself why out why you hitting yourself Dr eggman's worst design robot yet jumping on like the air vents I guess get these things cleaned out every once in a while I could be wrong but I feel like out of all the 2D Sonic games Sonic and Knuckles is the fastest places invested with mice you know Dr Eggman has the money for an exterminator there's something more Humane what they're robots you say yeah I know boss fight timing this whole thing uh how do I how do I reach him how do I reach him how do I how do I reach him Tails tails help me out here oh there we go just kidding I I knew I knew that was gonna happen [Music] Dr Eggman throw that thing in a circle all right let's finish him off another little eggmobile is uh it's pretty versatile you'd be surprised how many robots it's built into that's like his Nintendo switch and switch duck sandopolis um can I get some help here I think my brain completely forgot about sandopolis I mean I'm starting to remember it now but in retrospect when I was thinking about all the zones I have to be playing through again forgot about this one there is another one all right which one we doing next we got these three so we gotta get four more wait I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that hang on I gotta restart oh my God it's gone oh it's gone oh this is hard oh it's the sand worm oh this is this is horrible you guys are gonna bully me why do I have the chance like that it should be like hey are you sure you want to be a dumbass just allow me to opt in I like how they just decided to have like Sonic repelling down the side of a building like this is the opening cutscene in Call of Duty oh my goodness that's a lot of sand oh here comes the pyramid do anything to trigger we just showed up [Music] very grand entrance for this Golem how do we hit him again I don't know if that's right I feel like there's something else that has to be done we have to knock them into the sand I honestly I don't remember like I said I blocked this entire uh zone out from my memory oh yeah okay that was right gamer instincts always Prevail all right into the strange pyramid we go without questions someone turn the lights on why is there electricity in the pyramid that's right there's ghosts in this one I remember now you gotta you gotta keep the ghost away with the light that's coming after me yo he's low-key kind of terrifying though but oh God I just like how wildly different ghosts are from game to game it's like these ghosts don't like to be looked at these ghosts hate the daylight is there is there a light like real quick real quick real quick please please please don't do it don't do it oh they're horns why they're not attacking me yet it's coming though right yep here here they go this [ __ ] is a metroidvania and I can't remember what I have to do I can kill them ghosts also hate physical altercations all right I need to just stay put here I gotta go this way what I think they were gonna be more menacing than they actually are I don't know why that took me like eight tries to buy ghosts it was nice knowing you why is everything in this game that gives you anxiety on a timer drowning the ghosts oh really kind of close now are you this way oh that was not worth it that was not worth it something tells me that using Tails like if you're doing a Sonic and Tails run might be some kind of Speed Run Strat you go significantly faster when he's holding you and if anyone out there knows feel free to let me know I just want to know if my big brain is right my God how long is this Zone nine and a half minutes one stage in Sonic force is like a minute and a half they snapped with this one they were like all right stand up let's make it a whole last game ow oh he's got a Hyper Beam that's right hit the the gem on the top jump in the hands nope wait how do you get down here it was just like blow his entire forehead away there we go sometimes you gotta find that Rhythm lava Reef zone or like a lava rock Zone looks man-made to me this is definitely man-made I mean hell there's pipes down here oh come on they didn't tell me there was gonna be a lava log plume in the brochure oh this guy's back this is what you've been up to it was my shield oh wait okay I'm not gonna mess up this time love it when they turn into rings it's like Sonic's looking out for me I want you guys know there's a mosquito down here right now where I'm recording and uh really messing with me he's like buzzing around me and I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to kill him but at the same time a super Emerald's not gonna collect themselves oh wait is there another one here no it can't be right I can't yeah oh wait wait I'm not making up for lost time a hundred and fifty there's no way I'm gonna get launched like right into the yep I gotta figure out the pattern I have a feeling it's like right after I collect the last one it needs to turn immediately all right I think I got this figured out it's just the pattern of like just going straight really but it's going so fast now that okay all right whoa I did it when you figure out the pattern it's actually kind of fun okay we got two more to go we still have plenty of zones so there'll be uh be quite a bit of hypersonic I say they threw me a bone with that one they saw what was happening in some of the uh the earlier zones no no way at no way how do I get down there okay wait hang on no I didn't want to go in there oh wait this is what I was talking about why'd it take so long to get one of these I saw it I saw I know it's here that's right Fireballs can't hurt me if I have the fire Shield tails you help me out here help me out come on come on I don't like the looks of this one you're all scattered maybe it's kind of less stressful though because there's like no crazy jumps that I have to do 11 to go wow okay first try I wonder what the difficulty order is if there is one but with that there's only one super Emerald to go and then it's hyper time I swear if we find another bonus stage here I'm gonna lose it all right boss fight time let's fight not one but two wacky inflatable robot arms oh crap out of rings that's done I got the big hand thing just hell's still getting hit we just gotta find one more Super emerald and the rest of the game is cake like I said all right we are 47 orbs away from just like straight up [ __ ] slapping everything eggman's gonna throw at us I think the thought of this is hilarious it's like well do you want these life-altering gems well you're gonna have to complete a series of mini games oh there it is am I getting a Sugar Rush right now because I'm feeling pretty hyper we have 33 Rings we need 50 right [Music] nine Rings we need 50 right all right I'm gonna be completely honest here aside from uh a color change and maybe speed I don't know what Hypersonic can do that supersonic can't more powerful because I read the hell out of my supersonic vs hypernuckles Archie comic much so that the spine was falling apart that was easily my favorite comic 25 Rings they do not want you to collect any rings here they don't want [Music] watch this oh wait what the [ __ ] I don't remember this do I just have a screen clearing attack it looks like I have a double jump too maybe that's what that is [Music] ah interesting elected all those emeralds only to just drop dead like hey Chuck why don't you just be more careful yeah why don't you shut up how about that ow ow ow were you sending me uh what is time travel and I earned 50 Rings here God help you if I do oh crap I didn't know that was gonna happen this is the epic boss fight though or boss sequence area that's what I'm talking about because I can I can touch all this now I don't have to stay on the uh on the platform what am I trying to do here I'm trying to get the yeah the spike balls have to hit him I just need to dodge you shouldn't never put this here this is a broken Strat I don't know why I'm trying to platform I could just like chill a lot of these bosses are self-sabotage you just gotta wait for them to hit themselves you know for a mad genius Dr Eggman is uh it's not very bright standing there taking it on the chin all right come on Tails we're busting out of here time for hidden Palace Zone which I missed in Sonic 2 and I apologize for that I know you guys wanted to see me get the hidden Palace Zone and I just completely forgot they re-edited it for Sonic 2 and Origins Beam Me Up Eggman okay I got 40 rings and wait for something to take away my last ten oh Knuckles it's time to fight huh fly at me it's like those dudes that go to the gym in shadow box in the mirror oh no we killed him yep you see all these yeah I collected them for you now you realize Knuckles now you realize I'll help you come on we'll get them we'll get them together okay that's what knuckle skeleton looks like come on pal come on get up come on we're homies now man he is not in great shape Knuckles so funny enough I went to the store today and um I don't know the cashier was being really annoying I was wearing a Sonic shirt and she goes oh I love Sonic remember Knuckles and I went no and that's the whole story come on ten Rings please wait come on this guy's Sanctuary zone is like these Zone to go Hypersonic could have been Hypersonic here fighting megasonic Mark II whatever the hell we call them now Sonic 3 and Knuckles is very cinematic there's like a lot of cool things that happens in Sonic 3 and Knuckles nine rings I'm gonna take them from me isn't he yep bastard you know what the messed up part is like we're getting close to the end of the game and I'm just not gonna have him I just want to zoom through I'm going in here see if I get some rings like I'm desperate now one more there we go all right take me away all right it's time unlimited power dumb idiot you thought didn't know Hypersonic was gonna pull up I uh killed the mosquito by the way he won't be bothering anyone ever again so they wanted to release actually they didn't because they split it up into into two games but can you imagine like if this came out like we went from Sonic 2 to Sonic 3 and Knuckles in one shot I'm saying doc Curry man really made some uh some significant upgrades in the Death Egg this is significantly nicer than the last one I just want to be Hypersonic I earned it I mean if nothing at all I did get to destroy a mecha Sonic oh hang on I see some yep yep yep yep come to me no don't take it away don't don't I have no rings I have no rings I should have just came down here man this is what I should have did I'm on such a Power Trip right now and the funny part is Tails is just hanging out with me and he's keeping up makes you wonder like why did Super Sonic think he could uh take hyper knuckles in the comics you see you should have designed this like Sonic too Death Egg Zone you couldn't get 50 rings so if you had all the chaos emeralds it's not like it mattered gone all right here we go doomsday Zone you like how the sign just like stays there oh sorry Death Egg act two got their 2x here oh you guys didn't learn not putting so many rings in the death egg man Hypersonic is evil looking I am afraid that I'm what the [ __ ] just happened all right we're gonna stay away from the pointy things you hear that Hypersonic we don't want you to get a boo-boo now see these things they were very expensive to install but Eggman spared no expense this way I need some more rings I'm running out of rings all right I'm out we find more though doing something wrong here oh I see I remember there we go I'm just gonna like spend the rest of the the boss fight in like this two foot radius like why would I ever have to do anything else look at Eggman just bopping over there he's like gonna kill Sonic or are you are you he's so fast though all right time for doomsday Zone okay I'm gonna hit his little thingies we're gonna break his little thingies what is Sonic in the mob yeah I don't know uh tops his fingers were broken before I caught him eggman's like come here Sonic smell my finger hey dude blow your nose you got something coming out of it crap duck this all right I got the pattern figured out this guy gotta not be too greedy here jump over this oh we got him that wasn't that many hits I thought it was gonna be way more hits I Was preparing for a long battle uh I still got the master emeralds we gotta like we're gonna like bop them get get back here give that back that's knuckles well it's not his but he he protects it he's the guardian of the emerald don't fall off please oh we got him the emerald is safe but we're not doomsday Zone and we are Hypersonic how many rings do we gotta collect yep we're doing just fine everything's fine here all right we made it get back here you coward yeah we gotta knock the middles into him so the only thing is uh time is an issue here this is a pretty easy boss fight he's going circles missiles will do their thing that the missiles thank you the missiles will do their thing how many enemies in this game you just have to make them hit themselves that's got to be it right we have eight seconds four three two I'm gonna follow my death aren't I yep in the music for doomsday zone is intense it's not yours is your name on it we're almost there Journey's coming to an end I know Dr Eggman you don't want to say goodbye you neither do I I had fun with you too all right we got the Master Emerald we're off uh okay it just so happens we have one of those tails is like don't worry I got the Master Emerald hitch we're fine here we go back to Angel Island now with the Master Emerald back we can float once again although it was nice kind of guys you know being in the water we had beaches for a little while oh so that's where we put it Knuckles is like thanks how am I gonna move this thing now and so raps Sonic Origins all the classic Sonic games that I grew up with oh he's gotta look at his little floaty he's like hey get off that you're gonna pop it it's good he should do it please don't I can't swim and that's it we'll see you next time thank you foreign
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 481,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic origins cutscenes, sonic origins review, sonic origins, choctopus sonic 06, choctopus sonic colors, choctopus sonic origins, sonic origins choctopus, sonic origins full game, sonic origins full movie, all sonic origins cutscenes, all sonic origins animations, all sonic origins games, sonic origins all bosses, sonic origins all cutscenes, sonic origins all animations, sonic 3 and knuckles, sonic 3 and knuckles full, sonic 3 and knuckles full playthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 45sec (5565 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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