ACTUALLY doing dumb YouTube comment challenges

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as a stupid youtube comment challenges oh we're doing that today for anyone that isn't aware I have a YouTube it has comments on some of my videos and some of the comments are very dumb basically people trying to be funny but they're not so we're gonna actually do those challenges today I have selected a few of them some super mario odyssey ones we are doing a Pokemon one and we are doing a breath of the wild one today those the ones that I could fit in first challenge let's see which one it's gonna be they're just randomly selected let's see on rate first challenge is it's a Super Mario Odyssey one mac-and-cheese e14 subscriber says okay but now doing it without turning on the console uh one sec and Chris here can you just press this button for me just hold that button and just press a three times thank you so much okay okay all right so I have not turned on the console and we are about to beat Super Mario Odyssey so let's do it so we're just we're gonna go beat the game now let's do it I did not turn on the console that's what the comment says just beat it without turning on the console I didn't turn it on is my roommate I'm fighting stupid was stupid exactly pretty difficult challenge yeah pretty difficult one you should see the next one or without it the next one's gonna be fun why bonked oh no oh what the heck this challenge is so hard ah man I really I really wish they picked made into easier challenge for me ah I can have fun I can do whatever I want now just now we just need to beat the game there's no real restrictions yeah this isn't like a speedrun or anything this is just a challenge run so we're not even trying to go fast be decimal what you physically can't touch the controller oh oh pokey pogs huh you think you're clever we'll get to that we'll get to that you're not funny I have like 15 comments all stored up we're going through a bunch of them beat SM Oh without ever playing SM oh you're not funny I'm doing that I have every dumb comment that you guys possibly could reasonably come up with with your tiny brains it's one of the worst challenges so far you've seen yeah it's totally difficult this challenge is so tough I'm I'm really struggling to figure out what I'm gonna do next you've done a blindfold can you do without sound also can you do it without sound else oh do you want me to take up the comment I could make the comment appear I have it ready whoever said without seeing you're hearing late I already got you let's challenge of possible how am i doing this I'm just that good do you have one for a moonless run I do yes we will be doing a moonless run today am I actually doing all challenges at the same time I don't know what you mean you actually doing all the challenges at the same time and a fat BAM I was about to say this challenge is gonna be the dumbest or I'll do all day but that's untrue that's untrue the went out to the Pokemon challenge is the dumbest one I'm gonna do all day it is so stupid but I love it I really love it what it's I you'll see when we get to it but I mean shout outs still my roommate Chris by the way yesterday I ended up asking like they're all like the dinner table they're having like a board game night I was like is anyone home like 1:00 p.m. tomorrow and then everyone was like I know I'm at work Chris he was like I'm at work I was like why like I need you to press a single button for me it was like okay I figured I figured it'd be some stupid like that and then then I was like yeah he's like you know what I'll see what I can do if I can get my ships scheduled shift it around so I can press a single button for you Chris came home from work to press that button today so like huge shoutouts to Chris for making this run possible Chris is the MVP of the stream big shout outs to Chris oh did you guys hear actually there's a new announcement from Nintendo that I heard recently the Nintendo put an easter egg in in Super Mario Odyssey that was just found I think it was yesterday that it was just found yeah in the final cutscene I saw it on Twitter so at the very end of the game you know there's the the peach cutscene with Bowser and stuff and the inside of the model of peach so impeach it was Trump amazing god that was stupid that's dumped in this challenge my brain is shut completely off today when you expect YouTube comments have shut my brain completely down hey Judi skip and let's do XD XD alright here we go good old challenge run finishing it right off feels pretty good Super Mario Odyssey without ever turning on the console 1 hour 5 minutes 40 seconds there you go I wasn't even trying to go fast and that was like 30 seconds off of my best ever any percent time you can tell I don't really care about any percent I don't I don't find any percent fun that's I just I'm gonna say it I just don't find any percent fun it's not I don't enjoy it but that closes off our first challenge of the day we're gonna quickly pivot over to Pokemon for like five or ten minutes it's gonna be very fast they were doing another Super Mario Odyssey challenge right after that this one now beat pokémon without Pokemon XD also be pokemon red without any of your pokemon taking damage we are doing this one next it would take far too long to set up so I'm gonna do this one off stream and I'll edit it in for YouTube of me actually doing it will we'll look at this challenge right now here is how it will be done alright so starts a new game new Pokemon game just uh talking to oak teaching them stuff you know Pokemon pretty simple yeah ash and Gary about to unfold whatever weights let's go standing right there saving the game Oh what happened what I don't know what happened there well the game reset okay strange what am i doing what is going on paint free again maybe starting a new game I don't know he didn't save right oh continuing what bill in the same place though switching some Pokemon around though something's going on okay WAP swapping around some items I guess oh look beat the game no Pokemon huh didn't even take damage either duh I laugh in the face of game champ I'm just that good we're just that good and that's Pokemon without using Pokemon without taking damage simple as that now I will actually be doing Pokemon without ever taking damage legitimately every Wednesday on pokemon platinum I am actually going to do that now we're moving on to the next super mario odyssey challenge because the next challenge we're doing is beating super mario odyssey while not playing super mario odyssey hmm Oh could I do how could I do that how is this possible I will explain I will explain playing definition engage in an activity for the enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose what did I just say a few minutes ago what did I just say I really don't like any percent I don't find it fun so you know what I'm going to do it for the purpose of the YouTube video and that's it I'm gonna hate this run but we're gonna do it alright let's do an any % speedrun I'm gonna go fast this time boys alright current challenge any % no fun allowed alright this is a means to an end that's all this is it's a no fun run ok no one have fun in chat I swear are you ready to go faster than any percent speed run thankfully I can't believe I'm doing this what there's a reason why I haven't done any percent in over a year excite I really strongly dislike it why am I upset Logan cuz I'm beating Super Mario Odyssey I'll playing the game it's not fun I have to do with any percent I'm not gonna get any enjoyment out of this none at all this is a grumpy stream yes a very grumpy stream small grumps in chat please thank you for a small grumps it's the worst remember no fun I know Joe Tunde why don't we play the game like a normal human being and and enjoy it it's a game it's supposed to be played it's not supposed to be rushed through but don't worry after this run guys we have some really really exciting things we're doing but right now it's it's the no fun run man DRAM DRAM strats sucks I don't like DRAM strat we even invented DRAM strat dang that dang DRAM guy that last one I wasn't even trying to go fast I was just enjoying the time that I had you know and then this run comes along and now I got a speed run any % gosh it's it's the worst I I swear to you guys I am I'm truly upset yeah yeah I mm-hmm man this is run huh I don't know if I can hold it together for this one hey daddy presents so much I can't do it I've tried to say sorry for jumping but by putting myself through this I'll pull through for junkie I don't want to but I will if 20 minutes left there's only 20 minutes left at the run we'll be okay okay gotta pull through for Chucky I'm so great thank you they kind of stop being so sad I just need to accept it I just need to accept it and just do this we just need to finish the run towards through like we're half done already this is all a bad dream it'll be over soon this is so cringe to watch you're so cringe to watch thanks will that help iron mining iron mining DJ DJ day is trying to make me feel worse about the run just so I'd have less fun I really appreciate that you're helping out thank you thank you so much just so confused the MP don't worry about it when we're just not having fun right now well I'll give you guys a story maybe it'll distract me when I started speedrunning it was a wonderful period the golden age I had a lot of fun learning everything of 2017 those were the days learning new things improving it the game but at a certain point it became too much I began to feel pain in my hands they couldn't take it I was grinding away for hours at hours a day and I couldn't play anymore I played so much for months and months and months I got to ninth in the world at any percent in just a such a short period of time catching up to all of the incredibly skilled runners that were able to power through all the pain and suffering and then one day I woke up if I picked up a controller and held it in my hands it hurt too much to press the buttons I couldn't do anything I had to cancel the stream go to the hospital and ask what is wrong with my hands doctor they did a myriad of tests looked at at all which ways and the doctor comes back and he says I'm sorry you have repetitive strain injury you can't use your thumbs for the next six months and right there in the hospital at that moment in time I broke down crying I said doctor doctor what am I going to do I'm one of the best super mario odyssey speedrunners in the world my future in speedrunning is so bright there's so much hope and the doctor said I'm sorry there's nothing I can do so there I was and I did nothing for those six months and sat in my chair and I cried every day for six months until one day I picked up the controller again and the pain was gone the pain was completely gone and I said maybe just maybe maybe I could do it again and so I tried I did a run the joy was gone it was lost I tried to gain it back with anything I did cap Kingdom Isles it was just okay I did cascade king of miles it was just okay I did sand king of my ELLs and it was just okay and then one day something came along something very unexpected I saw fearsome fire Nutting live on his stream and I said wow I'm inspired I need to do that and so from that day forward I said a sub-goal I said if I reach 25 subs I will nut for you live on stream and that's the day everything changed we reached that sub goal I can't remember who hit it who helped me reach it but we reached it and I did minimum captures I got that nut wet and I did the infinite wet nut jump to glory taking the world record and the moment I got that world record the joy was back I knew minimum captures was the way to go any percent was no longer a source of joy it was the nut was my only source of joy I have very fond memories of nothing in front of hundreds no thousands of people a very satisfying I felt fulfilled in my life the joy built as I did more and more challenges and I was happy yesterday but right now in this moment because of this run I am NOT but after this run all this pain the memories from any percent from my hands this is this is a way of revisiting that pain one last time to accept that it happened there's nothing I could do to change it but we have to finish this run I'm not gonna like it but we'll do it do I feel better I do I don't feel joy but I've accepted what I need to do and I will do it it's determination that's what it is we have a sense of purpose I went through the five stages agree for this challenge yep all of the stages of grief and now we've come to the acceptance phase I just need to do it many more stories to distract myself funniest roommate story okay this is Chris and I have a roommate named Pablo an old roommate named Pablo he's not my room it anymore so Chris has a friend that he's been hanging out with for a while like judges friends like Chris is a girlfriend and stuff chris is coming home with a friend that's never seen the apartment before it's the the apartments generally really clean so we got Sarah and Chris are coming home Sarah has never seen the apartment before they're just coming to hang out and probably game or something chris is like I wonder if Pablo so he's a bit weird and as they're opening the door they opened the door they look in the kitchen and I believe there's a pair of shorts in the kitchen just on the kitchen counter then he looks over in the bathroom and the bathroom light is on and the door is open about half way okay that's weird that the bathroom light is on so he goes and he opens the door Sarah and Chris looking into the bathroom and in the tub is sitting Pablo what is Pablo doing Pablo is sitting in the tub with nothing but his underwear on holding a knife and a watermelon he looks at Sarah and Chris and Chris is just like what are you doing what are you doing and Pablo just says I thought the watermelon was rotten but that was like their first experience coming to the apartment getting to the apartment clothes on the kitchen counter someone almost naked in the in the bathroom tub with a watermelon and a huge knife I'm not having fun still just so we're clear just so we're clear but we're almost done doing the watermelon murder bathtub % naked ah of course yes this is any % of storytime percent this is me trying to distract myself from the pain and suffering that is this run here small grumps ready all right after the X such a dead mean but I have to do it every time because I'm legally required why is it a government mandated mean I don't understand it doesn't make any logical sense with those crimson Chet that's how I feel Oh filling up that chat geez Super Mario Odyssey anypercent speedrun I just I don't like it at all I really don't like it my goodness gosh it's over 109 25 we beat Super Mario Odyssey without playing the game challenge complete let's go alright mission successful we can start having fun again let's go next one let's see what we got alright so next youtube comment you were blindfolded I'm okay what we're doing I'm back for a second try at this blindfolded I did that already failed the last one I've done that okay there that one's done good alright on to the next next challenge okay on this video specifically it says do the game blindfolded and without sound okay right doing this today I'm gonna be I did this already yeah that I did that already okay next challenge next challenge just doing with those thing you're hearing that can't be that hard this was on my challenge where I did let me find it let me find it your channel that this was on this video right here cap throat no jumps cap throws damage and they want me to do it without seeing or hearing the game first of all first of all no you're not funny second of all Thanks there we go we have we got about a challenge done thank you for helping me complete a challenge on to the next I don't think people on YouTube watch any of my videos I really don't think YouTube people will watch they like watch one video and they're just like alright I'm never gonna watch another one of his videos again I just did that I literally beat it without touching a controller where is it right here I beat it with chopsticks I never touched the controller I did it you can see the chopsticks I'm not touching it don't watch my videos and alright let's go to the next one uh also I just that that's I just saved that one for later okay this one what about the least amount of captures i i literally have the world record in minimum captures how do they know about minimum captures and not know it's literally all of my videos world record world record first time it's been completed world records how do they not know it's a minimum captures i really don't get it alright on to the next oh go this one's good when are you gonna speedrun all Couric's that this is related to breath of the wild all 900 core ops I did a breathalyzer under present speedrun I don't understand it you get all the poor ox on 100% every single one it took me 69 hours or almost 69 hours these guys guys man alright well what's the next one what's the next one there's gotta be something that I can do here there's got to be some basically we're gonna put pro controller in its place and I'm just gonna throw it on the floor today and we're gonna use my feet to beat Super Mario Odyssey I've done it already I've done all of these no walk challenge I'm not even gonna go to the video I've done that one too it has it's like one of my most viewed videos I got a lot of these I got a lot of these ones moonless run moonless run you should do a no moon run okay let's do it let's do a no moon speedrun let me explain let me explain alright let's go to category extensions Koopa free running RTA this is a Super Mario Odyssey speedrun where you have to do all of the coop of free runnings back-to-back-to-back-to-back you don't get a single moon you just do the Koopa free running it gives you coins you got the chad waluigi and the cool backwards hat feels good I feel like a genie spinning people's words around I mean what else am I supposed to do alright Koopa freerunning RTA alright I mean there's no prize let's try the record that's a spirit okay we just have to do all the kingdom scoop of freerunning then we're good to go [Music] alright good stuff just cruising through getting no moons good all speedruns up 17 seconds nice and quick on to the next now it's having a really freaking good time now that that no fun run was over gosh that one sucked this is stupid we're just doing a no moons around that just coop with free running it's just cool before you running but get those guesses in we've seen some incredible Koopa free running times today this is the last race of the day let's see what Mario can do if he crushes these Koopas Moyo starts off the clean spin town goes to the roll boost goes to the triple jump what is he doing going for the tree looks like he's going up this tree does go for the lower platform plays it safe as he rolls across bunks losing two seconds unfortunate but he is still far far and away ahead of those Koopas and here comes the button guessing must stop now alright guesses are stopping as Mario is climbing the final pillar going all the way up to the top what is his final time going to be twenty six point five nine seconds a good performance for Mario here as we finish the run 22 minutes 31 seconds Super Mario Odyssey no moons run is complete alright alright so that run is done did a Super Mario Odyssey run in under our as well I'm sure that was one of the comments on my YouTube the last run that I have time for this one's gonna be a little bit of a longer one bet you can't beat it without Armour and food but that's what we're gonna do we're gonna switch over to breath of the wild now and they just said beat the game no food or armor that's the plan it's it's in German because I this is my speedrun file and Germans faster not sure how any % works because I don't want the day/night cycle to actually start so by doing that glitch there we have made it so the game never turns night it's actually the time is stuck at like five o'clock so we never need to worry about night enemies yeah we're doing we'll do the speedrun strats to start I mean technically this is also a no moon run yeah it's possible to do no moon breath the wild that's every any % run ever yeah you're trying a bunch whole time yep all the time everybody yeah just doing casual speedrun strats doesn't do crazy these work there we go we bounced that boy that time are we gonna do the roof without the fire armor I don't think it's possible do it without fire armor oh you know what we could do we could actually get the Master Sword in this you guys want to get the Master Sword you know what you guys just want to cheese it so we don't have to do that many shrines will just get full stained and while full health and I think it's possible to cheese trial of the sword as well right well we'll get the sword would get do trial of the sword no moments to go straight to Ganon let's see we go we bounce that boy feed run practice let's do it Oh baby feels good only I could get that in runs strory Gannon seek out Impa next dupe it's fun yeah we're gonna do I've never heard tube before we'll do it just because I I'm doing a bunch of real cool glitches and this run might as well do one more right so we'll take this drop that down and and look the torches on fire and we can run with it and we can climb with it we got that blue fire on the torch fortunately we had the one fairy we're good to go alright and we're gonna put tub and now we've unlocked um memories ya heart do glitch requires rupees in a memory which we do have now they're you but I did it right because we're moving really slow now I can examine it so I just I just press a right we delete and then pause the game we hold something we unpause [Music] hold something then we look at a memory and won't play the memory and back out and we've done it then we deposit them again and then we save and we do it all over again because we have seven hearts now and then the next time we will have eleven the next time we'll look 19 and the next one will have everything how long will this run take how long only 20 more minutes I think because now that we have all of the stamina and all the hearts we're good to go okay so now that we have all of this we don't need to ever do any shrines I mean I didn't really plan on doing them check this out now we're gonna bounce on this boy I don't think I usually fail this one we bounce that way let's go all right I figured that would be a fast way of getting to Lost Woods are a little bit faster at least oh hey let's go B and now we'll do the trial of the sword really quick on this way then let's do it skew this alright so we're out oh there you go and we're gonna just have to kill them without it you know what okay yes we've done it now like you guys want to see something kind of funny hey [Music] there's no sword here so you did you can't do anything the chosen hero that's me chosen one the awakened master sword now boasting its true splendor I don't really know what sword they're talking about yeah looks down at nothing we can't do anything with it the sword isn't here so you oh the swords down this my bad my wrongs wrong pedestals my bad guys I'll go back down my sword is down here guys I did not mean that at all sorry wrong sword here's my sword guys found it we're all good thanks thanks for the help guys now we get to skip the next one and it's basically the same thing he loves it he loves it not even moving a normal person would just drop on the ground in pain he's like mmhmm mmhmm most action he's had in years these are stuck in this cube for his whole life and we got the super master sword now we go into the castle we get the Hylian Shield we'll get some bows and some arrows but really most of it is just getting the shield and getting out of here aren't you good I think we're ready we can go fly again and now right what is that I don't know that is I've never seen that exactly I've never seen that attack I didn't know what it was we're gonna go heal we're gonna get berries [Music] very let's go Barry alright I think we're good now here's the challenge get all the Cork's without activating two towers oh wait wait wait I have an idea listen really close no you're not funny there we go all right we're all good just wanted to watch one of my own YouTube videos for no reason back to ganon all prepped she's got to make it all the way to gain it again without getting hit at all okay on to the next might be enough to kill him okay yo next phase do you think the rest of the blights bully fireblight for apathetic he is yeah that's why he's so jacked I need to prove them wrong I'm gonna get so ripped and they're gonna be like they won't make fun of me anymore and then they still make fun of them go to sleep take a quick power nap dude thank you very much move the warranty big brains okay you know you're gonna attack me this is a box fight Thunder blade he attacked me he seems like they don't clean it well because he doesn't have any legs but many why did that not work I don't know why that didn't work but he managed to hit me but I think we kill them we did not go there we go now it's working good Jesus okay I guess we'll go that for the first attack good on to the next phase which should be easier hey come Emmie I tried to drop you on the run I didn't have enough time okay so what we got it [Music] it's at that time that's okay okay good good let's go in come mine one more baby come on one Perry that's all we need let's go yes oh we did it okay now we go for the junk shot in a junk in the junk sounds good German Zelda sounds good I'll do it I'm looking I'm looking let's do it let's freakin do it there you go breath the wild no food no armor it only took four hours 51 minutes one sec we have one more that we got to do before we leave let me check the last challenge that I saw good god there's no I'm not play the game do you know what we're not gonna play the game I'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 3,376,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, is it possible, mario, pokemon, zelda, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, smo, mario challenge, pokemon challenge, speedrun, breath of the wild, botw, glitches, challenges
Id: 833UgTdgkg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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