Sonic Frontiers: The Complete Run

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the Sonic cycle is described as the following a new Sonic game is announced fans get their hopes up and claim this is Sonic's return to the Limelight as more info is released the game looks less than promising and hopes are crushed the game is released and slammed by the press and fans are massively disappointed now this knuckle is just a meme and before you jump down my throat I don't really believe in it but what I do believe is that the last several 3D Sonic games have been pretty lackluster enter Sonic Frontiers Sonic's newest most ambitious Adventure yet a game that has had a pretty rough start in the public eye fight an enemy we are six minutes into the video but has since recovered pretty nicely I will admit when I saw the world premiere gameplay footage I was extremely unimpressed but as the news kept coming in my opinions changed for the better which is actually the opposite of the Sonic cycle and if this game turns out to be good I will be the first to admit that I was wrong and if you want to come along on the journey as I play through the entirety of Sonic frontiers all I ask is one thing hit the damn subscribe button because you are not going to want to miss a second of this and also I know you guys are sick of seeing the graph but truthfully a lot of you watch unsubscribed and I really want to hit a million Subs one day okay I'm gonna stop talking now Dr Eggman what are you up to this time it couldn't be stealing the master emeralds could it oh hang on you have something else in mind yo he's doing the anime smile the hacker man here is gonna go ahead and hijack whatever it is oh the bad guys the smashed fighting polygon team is here it's all coming online the ancient Secrets will be mine status report answer me executing protective initiative what no no uh oh he's getting sucked in here we have Sonic and Tails on the tornado and aim is here no one's wearing helmets or any kind of protective gear just Sonic that's extremely dangerous Oh you mean you're not going on vacation you know you can take some time off Sonic Frontiers it's finally here and I'm excited so just a heads up I'm playing this on hard and high speed Style oh that's not good up spiraling out of control Tails do something all right this is a weird pilot Wings reboot a pilot Wings game that kind of has some kind of cyberspace elements all right we're thrown in immediately and I got the adventured Jews and gloves on are we wearing Tim's all right right off the bat the controls not super tight but they are definitely better than they've been in previous games and let me know in the comment section uh what did you pick for your settings are you playing on easy like a baby oh the the Homing attacks they hit hard in this game hmm I'm just kidding you guys can play on whatever settings you like but I had to go oh hang on I want that I want we're like point five seconds into the game and I already jumped off the stage but I had to go high speed style because as a veteran Sonic player can I can I please just can't hello sir did I really just get a d Sonic wake up wake up we gotta change those shoes they're not those shoes the ones that we're wearing in the game you good Sonic you need an Advil who are you hello find the Chaos Emeralds destroy the Titans Tear Down the Walls between damage destroy the Titans oh Sonic is going to be in the final season of Attack on Titan he's probably a jagerist though okay so obviously you don't see it in the cut scenes but uh when I had the option to pick Adventure shoes and boots this is not quite what I had in mind they tricked me I know we're getting soap shoes if you signed up for the mailing list but these things they gotta come off oh looks like some baddies let's fight some enemies yeah sonic hits really hard in this game all right Let's do let's climb some stuff what's up here I think I'm just most excited to play around in the world like already I'm uh I'm liking just like running around breaking stuff grinding rails the movement feels pretty good I will say this is the best that Sonic's movement has felt in a really long time I don't know boost era hasn't really done it for me everything has just kind of felt off [Music] knit oh they're called ninjas all right study those moves and find an opening oh good we can lock on or if I just I mean the opening is I'll just get in there ow oh crap dropping rings I got none wait where's my rings out of there yep I see what you're doing now I got it all right he's trying to counter me they gave dude the down B counter like every single sortie in Smash all right we gotta pick up the portal gear those are important and they will open Gates I know we're not like too far into the game I'm having some fun just like running around is legit Sonic siloop can now be learned all right so that's like the big thing in this game how do I learn things all right we got the skill tree let's unlock the side Loop let's Loop they want us to close the circle to do things oh they get rings that's cool I said also we can use it to find items and other stuff we're not even that far in but I'm feeling pretty good all right try the silup and combat some enemies use Shields to protect themselves all right we're gonna mess them up Shield schmeeled get your ass beat ah this is kind of fun we got another puzzle over here to the mention again so I guess these send us to cyberspace who got it I get the premise here you want more gates unlocked you have to hunt more enemies that have gears what is that Tower it's a mean looking tower all right we can sidestep them I know what we gotta do here it's ass that's what we gotta do oh you can't reach me down here you can't even see me over like whatever that little spinny thing is ow just don't crush me with that thing again that hurt kind of I got a lot of rings though well I have four rings ouch God where's all my rings oh no no where do you think you're going all right we got the gear all right so we have a couple objectives here we have reached the goal clear with S rank clearing 80 Rings fine all red star rings and also make sure you sub-chill at least once all right we're back in cyberspace the Y2K our Sonic fans finally eating are we finally eating okay out hey uh getting kind of sick [Music] ow I just ran into it all right how'd we do clearly that was s-rank performance was it not what yeah like why do I got the Tims on I'm gonna come back here we got two Vault keys don't know what those do yet but I like collecting stuff oh that's where you get the Chaos Emeralds this island is very futuristic then again it is called Kronos Island if only they could fix the Gowanus in Brooklyn that fast can we get some of this technology they've been working on that for like 30 years all right there's like a little bit of Jank in the controls but it's not really enough to turn me off yet all right we got enough Keys let's get this chaos emerald does anyone just like put a key inside like a keyhole anymore do they just always have to evaporate into light all right we unlocked it we got Chaos Emerald number one I can we're really gonna do this thing with the leather gloves and snow boots on oh there's a big boy we're gonna do our first big boy fight so there's really a lot to explore and this is only the first island or first area from here on Sonic is free to explore the island and gather Chaos Emeralds oh a vault was unsealed because you bought the digital deluxe version Oh I can just straight up go collect a few of the chaos emeralds now search for friends hey you look like a friend oh you gotta collect them they're so cute Coco might be the new Chow nothing can ever replace ciao but maybe one day they'll be smart enough to bring back the Chow Garden Sonic really just like he strapped up his Tim's and he's out here beating ass this is New York Sonic he's like hey boss you forgot the ketchup for my bacon egg and cheese silups part of a balanced breakfast I think we have a gear right to open this thing let's go to the next cyberspace look at this dude just hanging out over here just getting all the radiation so it looks like all of the challenges or a lot of the challenges are the same collect Rings collect the red star Rings get an S rank oh this is different this is very city-like oh ow I tried to jump over it it wouldn't let me all right I'm going on record to say the controls are like a little Jank in some of the cyberspace but like I said it's not enough to draw me away because I am having fun with a Sonic game even though I am dying you know what I'm trying to do all like the cool new tricks Sonic's got like a whole arsenal of attacks oh okay we go that way who designed this city why do we have cement Loops doesn't seem optimal oh yeah that was definitely D Performance hold up we can do better than that because I need 80 Rings right no prob yeah I'm cooking right now you didn't think chalk was gonna be cooking boom put it on the fridge I think we've probably got some more keys there more keys than a Zelda game oh back to Eggman what's he up to it's like hmm where did I park my uh eggmobile I appeared [Music] mentioned we've employed similar constructs in my own systems but this is markedly more advanced they've made Eggman a little somber he's chill right now note to self don't admit that to anyone I don't know if I finished my thought earlier but I think they told the voice actors to kind of tone it down a little bit and not be so cartoony to match the vibe of the game here's the big ass big boy fight oh training Simulator the thing's yelling at me it's like here here's how you run up a wall got it and beat up your Achilles heel or something can't do anything oh yeah I gotta triple you gotta beat up the bottom of his foot that thank you thank you for letting me have the gears in your feet yo how Jesus how are we getting up there I guess that answers my question that makes sense I would fall in the one little crack between his head pieces all right let's try this again oh punch his ears those are your ears right please be ears oh the red ones push you away so what's the theme of this game blue good red bad it's another piece down all right let's finish this let's finish this I can go get my chaos stop pushing oh yeah the the big guys are they're janky it's fine still enjoying myself all right take him down search for friends well that's how you don't make friends when enemy is about to attack Sonic there's a visual effect is it that string does he have the the Demon Slayer thread that tanjaro has are they trying to cut off Sonic's head okay let's not stray too far away from where where we need to go there is definitely a Chaos Emerald over here that we need and I got the keys all right that's chaos emerald number two so here's what I'm going to say about the game some of you may not want to hear it I think the game is incredibly fun for how deep I am into it right now is it good I guess I won't really know that and yo what I won't really know that until uh we get a little further in this is still very early I think the people that are going to enjoy this game more are definitely fans like from an outsider perspective if you're not a Sonic fan I could see you not liking this game and thinking it is kind of Jank and you know some of it is but this is definitely the most fun I've had with a Sonic game probably since Sonic Adventure one thing that I feel like definitely needs to be fixed for future Sonic games are in the Hedgehog engine or whatever they're using Hedgehog Engine 2 is the pop in from just environment stuff in the back it's a little jarring like you don't know something's there and then you get like a little closer boom like a whole ass rail system appears Chaos Emerald number three like with seven keys this was an expensive ass Chaos Emerald so there's not really knowing much I feel like the formula of this is going to be find the seven Chaos Emeralds per Island defeat whatever the big boss is move to the next aisle oh crap oh we're going for a swim is it no music I need to hear from myself there's no drowning music 10 out of 10 game the little guys they're just hanging out over here they're like oh hello Mr Sonic you took those gears out of the enemies right those are hearts hold up hold up we're in Green Hill Zone wouldn't be a Sonic game without a Green Hill Zone level right we need at least one one will not be enough will it Sonic Team there it is look at all the red star Rings first try like a real gamer [Music] where the weather drastic change I can't see a damn thing what is this where are we oh this is hermit Coco okay hello oh he's got a long beard at last we meet Sonic the Hedgehog this is my full name you've had any seeds in your travel I I got them so let's uh let's pass them on to him oh wow big upgrades hmm you have wells of untapped potential but I cannot reach them you know what for the longest time neither could Sonic team hey wait a second this was like Freeze's ship no like legitimately this is frieza's ship nope the big boy fight Asura all right we already know what to do just give me the strength to do it we're strong now we should be able to take this guy down pretty fast oh come on wait uh okay don't know how that worked don't quite know how that worked what hello yo the big boss fights are so janky it's actually like making me kind of sick all right I'm just gonna climb the thing no let me up let me up I got no rings but I'm up I'm dead hello yo how high are we going oh my God I think I hate this come on get over there get over there thank you no no no wonder they said this game takes 30 hours to complete 28 of them are just trying to scale the big bosses just use the sonic boom sonic just yeah just just use it it's okay we don't care God damn finally all that for a cog they look very disappointed they're like hey why'd you make us wait so long it's been a while since I've uh enjoyed running around an open world game this much I mean it's not truly open world but it's open world enough I just I can't wait to see what like end game Zoomies looks like I gotta way better control myself it's climbing the top of this Tower the more exciting manner than uh IGN did it what is this it was like an hourglass what do we do do we activate the tower what's at the top oh yeah we gotta go up there now I was just up there oh it's time I'm going I'm going oh wait I have 40 seconds what am I worried about like we're gonna give you uh an anxiety-inducing ticking noise but then we're also gonna give you a minute to get up there it feels really good to unlock parts of the map Sun's starting to go down the monsters are coming out speaking of sun going down and monsters coming out likely after this I think the next Sonic game is probably gonna end up being Sonic Unleashed finally because I've had the game for a while I bought it on the Xbox store for like four dollars and I'm like yeah we're gonna get that eventually and every single person who is subscribed has asked at least once about Sonic Unleashed oh a ninja's here not a very good ninja he's just like hey here I am I gotta Parry the attacks let's try that foreign Hedgehog breathing fourth form I do hope if we get a sequel to Sonic Frontier is that they iron out some of the uh the bugs as you can tell the fights against the giant bosses not great not fantastic there is a noticeable amount of Jank but I think the formula is here for something great I actually I really like the combat too it's like not super mashy there is definitely Mash but there's also some strategy involved oh here's the Elder Coco well hello there quick little fella aren't you it just it looks like an among us being let's increase speed I'm getting so much more comfortable running around and doing stuff what the hell is that oh oh who is who's in there Amy they turned her into an nft yeah it is me Sonic you know the guy you love with the ruins will fix things oh here take my heart did you feel that just trying to feel something again oh we freed her hologram Amy she can now perform at concerts what's going on with my hands I've been infused with weird zappy stuff before listen I can handle the toxic energy I've handled it for the last 20 years whoa you you were kind of scary you you are definitely scary this one actually might give me nightmares I can Titans keep ERS like deactivate leave immediately and make me do not approach you approached me sorry kid but I've got a job sorry kid he says to the floating glitch girl all right reactivating it it's not getting afraid this thing's just kicking rocks but did I get launched okay we're gonna have to I guess I could just Mash until that's working okay here I come right at your face tends to be like open up oh he got me hey let go all right okay that'll probably kill Sonic I like how he just bounces around like an action figure dude toss me like the Beast Titan that was a weird dream I had a dream that I broke every bone in my body I'm gonna need the chaos emeralds it's launch day I'm still waiting for my soap shoes should probably check my email pretty good way to secure my data just offer me Sonic Adventure 2 Cosmetics and I'm like yeah I'm all about that this poor mother says she's lost her children sure thing yeah I got you I got you too cute to say no to Amy on the other hand got the Coco back to their mother while avoiding their bombs getting hit three times will fail the quest boosting and dodging are not available please boosting and dodging look at the little uh look at the little Classic Sonic icons bring it in there I got him you have a lot of kids Lady it's a lot of mouths to feed that's 50. easy it was the easiest Chaos Emerald that I earned um what all right lady all your kids are back name all of them for me name all 50. she's like this is my favorite one all my other kids can go [ __ ] themselves uh what are you doing she's like I must die now they act like none of that happened do we even know what that was nope again who submit your Reckless actions endanger the world what's this chick's name again here to explain how saving my friends is a bad thing you are an enemy combatant I will not share data with you what if I opt in if I hit the little an emotional status too vague and varied and it's uh kid who hurt you you were both too in near it to be in maybe she just needs a hug the reason we came was because Tails detected the chaos emeralds were drawn here right and now I'm finding digital keys and confinement towers that seem custom made to hold the emeralds like half this stuff was built somebody was waiting for the emeralds she tried to use them and the stuff here seems all about containment I mean if I had to guess they probably realized that the chaos emeralds have great power and it's like maybe people shouldn't use these things wait they got Sonic doing gardening now I gotta get 7 000 points and draw an infinity sign oh I should probably finish this a couple more to go plenty of time all right that's chaos emerald number four we gotta get seven all right Sonic do a little dance hit the whatever the kids are calling it nowadays we have infinite boost now the Chaos Emerald give us that power Western fishing spot oh I know it's about to happen all right time to enter the fishing Zone this one's purple what could that possibly mean it's big time for some nice peaceful fishing big what are you doing here how did you get here what even is he big transcends reality so of course he can be here would you would you try [Music] hell yeah I want to try you got the old rod easy I hooked a medaka it just feels so empty without an animal crossing pun what is it about fishing mechanics in games or fishing minigames that are so much fun oh I missed all right I'm gonna get them this time here we go yo the anime shot of his eyes oh it's a Marlin you got a big boy I don't enjoy fishing in real life but I could fish in video games all day long whoa hold up we got a gold card is that like the Chipotle car that gets you free burritos for life or in any case free diarrhea for life I don't know how long I'm gonna do this for but it's probably gonna be a while whoa we got a frog eggs like froggy you look different froggy this one seems special it's blowing a treasure map Scrolls can be obtained while fishing these rolls unlock fast travel oh thank God come on give me a fishing challenge Sonic is the Bassmaster 2000. oh I ran out of coins I can buy some stuff we go with the vault key oh so the gold ticket gets you anything one to one but I have 20 just gonna buy a bunch of stuff all right that was very soothing Vault was unsealed and that can be open all right next Chaos Emerald here I come oh these two are In Cahoots on the Hedgehog good work Sage oh that's her name Sage doctor so why why are sage and Dr Eggman working together I need to know clearly she doesn't believe in a Thing Called Love shall I grant you more power I just want more speed I just I want to go as fast as humanly possible or hedgehogly possible more speed more oh crap I fight this Tower break it just gotta destroy the shaft I could already hear the clip editor hey yo hey yo so if this is speed five out of 99 I'm curious as to what like 99 speed is going to look like okay okay okay okay how long can I hold that for that should give us some kind of launch pad nice boom send me to space cyberspace like do you want a climber do you want to take the fun way oh crap no no I can't control anything what just happened oh good we start from up here we're gonna say maybe we'll go slow instead of going fast nah I don't learn there's no fun in going slow only fast all right here's the next area oh there's a lot of stuff up here some coins oh crap I'm sorry just take it out of Sonic's paycheck it's all right let's try and get this chaos emerald now oh we just get it we don't have to go through any cyberspace locked with eight Vault keys I'm losing track of how many Vault keys I get so when I unlock something like yeah I totally had enough I knew that right that's chaos emerald number five put that in the pocket I don't know where Sonic's keeping these Dr Eggman went into cyberspace he's trying to leave but he also knows Sonic is here he wants Sage to look after him something doesn't make sense oh what's happening the portal is opening up in the sky is Amy back she's whole again what is that no it's not but it looks like it could be or like Chaos's cousin don't tell me this is how chaos was born chaos is like mommy daddy where did I come from well you see son when two gelatinous creatures love each other very much they hug and then they explode what is happening what what just happened power boost if Sonic reaches maximum Rings he can run even higher speed oh oh yo yo what what yeah we're zooming uh wasn't this region locked off before I think you can interact with it now oh they're tombstones am I really about to defile this grave for a Chaos Emerald of course I am all right we opened the waterfall what is this a lot of secrets on this island this is the fake Showdown wait I don't have all the chaos emeralds though if I can't find the last Chaos Emerald though oh I have six I only thought I had five you had to scale this waterfall don't know where we're gonna get that last chaos or maybe it's up there it's probably waiting for us all right Sonic six The Landing and he gets it what was that that sounded like uh there's the Titan did we really not know where this thing was like we couldn't just look up and find it ew it's all teeth giganto that's the corniest name for a Titan ever Sonic cannot match giganto's power yet reach giganto's head to transform to supersonic you got oh maybe he's being powered by the Chaos Emerald we need to rip it out of his skull hey don't mind me I'm just on my way up the elevator is broken oh wait you needed a room key to go up in the elevator that's annoying all right I made it out oh my rings my rings okay you don't lose all of them when you get hit it's kind of like having a health bar I knew it it had the chaos emerald in its head [Music] which means it's supersonic time ah here to the other side why am I getting Goosebumps all right here we go super sonic doesn't take damage but Rings will we know how supersonic Works let's go kick his ass giganto you've got the wrong Hedgehog he's taking damage I mean it's not a lot can I do um what other attacks do I have okay I can do that thing yo this is fun this is one of the better supersonic fights in recent years that's right yeah combo's face uh uh I don't have a ton of rings so I need to I gotta hurt him like now [Music] yo I love everything about this probably hurt you more I don't know where I need to attack but I'm Gonna Knock some of those teeth out yo his face is all messed up I'm hurting him for sure I'm just afraid I'm gonna run out of rings I also love that this suit supersonic fight is it's a long fight or maybe I'm just playing really badly there we go all right Chip Away Chip Away Chip Away Chip Away Chip Away back up we're hurting them I gotta build up that meter hang on here we go [Music] oh he's angry [Applause] what are those now that's a lot of lasers you don't need that many lasers this isn't an Angels and Airwaves concert he's gonna yeah he's gonna do a big laser oh this beam Clash we're doing the Dragon Ball Z thing it's like oh that's not good Oak dude he ate me please don't eat me I'm not ready to be eaten nope get rid of that Sonic just throws it away he's like yeah try again this is only the first boss fight but I would put this up there in terms of hypedness oh he's got missiles and stuff in terms of hypedness I would put this right up there with Sonic Adventure 2's final boss fight Sonic game got me mashing hard who would have thought all right we're good still got half our rings what ow don't you dare no I will not be dinner 10 out of 10 dentists recommend not eating golden hedgehogs be it beat his ass beat his ass Sonic beat his ass it's hard to tell if I'm winning or losing but I'm definitely sweating giganto do me a favor hold this l ol punch a hole in him joking I was kidding thing [Applause] that was so sick who said that you see broken Island oh we gotta go to the next Island now can we take a nap first Amy was like Sonic that was so cool oh nope still a hologram keep going don't keep me waiting I'll be back before you can do a fortune card reading see all right we're dipping on to whatever the next island is all right just uh casually flying a supersonic to the next Island it's the best way to travel the most comfortable definitely better than Spirit Airlines oh we got shot down wait we can't take damage how did we get hurt here they go They're Gonna scatter Boop gone I didn't want this to be all right let's look for some friends draw a quick circle around this what are these oh God there's different kinds of enemies here that we have to like fight in the air okay let me get some rings so I don't like you know die oh wait I learned a trick that apparently you draw an infinity sign you get infinite boost for a little while I had no idea how I got it and I guess I just drew an infinity sign by accident when I was playing the game we get a different piano theme for uh whatever area this is the second island it's very easy to just like stray off the path of like things you're trying to do because like I I was looking at the uh at the map icon and I'm like yep and then I saw a shiny thing I was like oh gotta go that way now do we take fall damage oh good no this is um an interesting Tower how am I how am I gonna fight you maybe I have to like huh I get it now I see what I have to do I gotta grind all three rings to drop that thing and then I can beat the hell out of it we're almost there oh it gives us a platform okay our Sonic Boom we've got a lot of Health to my guy I kind of like this this is fun oh yeah different attacks this time oh yeah you're trying to mess with my mind oh my combo meter give me the Phantom Rush I know originally we were worried about the variety for this game but I'm actually I'm curious to see what the next couple islands are gonna be now die this thing's very pointy and also very dead oh it's just a cog which I need for cyberspace levels all right starting to get dark I should maybe go find friends here it looks like Dr Eggman is here now with his uh his free as a ship who's here Tails oh Knuckles my boy he's not gonna say anything hey Sonic how you doing it's been a long time all right need 20 medals to save him I have 10 already use the power to hit the bullets one time [Music] how fast are they gonna come out oh easy oh there's Coco here too I get the memory tokens why are they Metals Knuckles get the Purple Heart for being a general in Sonic forces oh that was cool Knuckles memory token yeah we got those already you're introducing it to us after we've gotten 10. oh wow there were a bunch all right maybe he'll talk to us now where'd those come from need three are we in 30s okay you know oh okay that yeah almost ran into the water there what is this oh we can only do this at night time finding Knuckles memory tokens at night please hit me as hard as you can one Cog to access that I have one how do I get up there I'm ready to access so here's uh here's the stairs very convenient too oh yeah we are loaded with Knuckles tokens but let's do a cyberspace stage first because we're already here and I have a gear now the Green Hill stage I've made such a huge turn on this game listen I'm just gonna admit it right now as plain as could be I was wrong and I told you I would be the first to admit it if I was I was wrong about this game in fact I love this game this has restored my excitement for Sonic and I really hope that we get a Frontiers too because I feel the same way about this that I did Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 back in the day I don't love it as much as I love Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 but truthfully this is my third favorite 3D Sonic game behind Sonic Adventure I've never been so inclined to 100 a game well I lied because I won 100 Mario and Rabbids uh but this too and I got an S rank all right let's go talk to our boy knuckles look at the little icon up there with the knuckles emblem very reminiscent of Sonic and Knuckles I feel like there's also a lot of references in this game and nods to other games in Sonic's Library hey you gonna talk to me now the smug look he's like Knuckles Knuckles Knuckles another fine mess you've gotten yourself into I'm slowly becoming corrupted or at least I think that's what's happening some rescue still half ghost I'm working on it okay is going on with you just a little side effect of the Island's weird energy what we're putting so far from home I was investigating some strange ruins when I was transported here then got trapped you doofus you left the Master Emerald alone who's guarding it now just bring me up to speed listen so I can beat up for old in no time he's like the Master Emerald hmm I do love the Master Emerald I also love that they did not make Knuckles a complete idiot in this game they returned him to his true form alright we also got 27 skill points so do we want quick side Loop okay do it during a combo or an auto combo I ain't no baby give me the quick side Loop oh that's cool all right gotta get some Chaos Emeralds gotta get some Vault keys I have three already let's go through here oh here we go there's a Chaos Emerald I need four so I should probably go back to this stage over here I could definitely grab another one clear with 30 rings I didn't finish with 30 Rings see if I can get all the uh the red star rings too that's why I'll just have to do this one more time here we go I need one more so the controls are a little stiff over here but I'm getting used to it they're ah there it is they're better than they were in forces though Bingo 100 thank you for the vault Keys we'll now go collect a Chaos Emerald wait a second you get additional if you do everything it's like you have unlocked the blue raspberry Chaos Emerald you think they have flavors I mean there's only one way to find out right all right here we oh God I launched myself so apparently I can adjust the controls further to kind of eliminate some of the bounce and I won't have that jankiness that I had fighting some of the Titans so I'm actually I'm gonna give that a shot I'm gonna mess with the settings right now after I collect this Emerald of course all right where are we going what's that what do you see Sonic oh no is that a turnitus I don't like that it's very centipede like gives me the creepy crawlies well I cannot fully control it I can't awaken its rage against you she's like listen I can't tell it what to do but I can piss it off and that's what I'm gonna do bye have a beautiful time find someplace safe can't control anything yet I in fact I can't really run left to right to okay side step Let's uh how about we wall run no oh they're kind of just fencing me in find someplace safe well I'll be honest it's not super accurate with its missiles all right I think I'm safe miss me oh that was close oh hey watch it Sonic get out of there I don't know if now is the time he's raining Hellfire on you and you're like hmm let me let me sit down for a second I gotta rest my dogs okay seems to be gone hey why'd you do that I cannot leave yeah you leave I'm not leaving I ain't no [ __ ] that was a warning all right let's see let's uh oh there's there's a lot of settings um the bounce height I'm Gonna Knock that down to like 50 and see what that does oh wait I can do this now just do the side Loop mid combo wow that's a lot of metals Knuckles how many wars have you been in Sage what do you want just leave me alone for like a minute was right about you you're reckless and destructive father who is your father no no discourse no bartering only elimination Knuckles coming into Knuckles what are you gonna do you are a ghost my guy he's like I ain't a ghost no more [Music] it's like the only thing I ghost is [ __ ] hey relax knuckles time out she attacked you because I gotta protect the emerald [Music] you mean you don't know no no answer to the question well I didn't really ask a question but that doesn't answer anything too rusting Sonic no I'm not trust me oh we just opened something what is that what's it Sumo let's see what is what's your your pattern oh I hang on I saw this in the trailer I gotta like bounce off the walls right as soon as I can figure out how to do that there we go oh that was cool how about some kicks Loop them again Sonic's got crazy Mix-Ups in this game he's done you call yourself a boss hey guys how you doing don't mind me I'm just out here collecting stuff I mean in a way this game is just a giant collect-a-thon it collects medals you collect Keys you collect Chaos Emeralds but I haven't been bored doing it yet it's not like Donkey Kong 64. and don't get me wrong I like Donkey Kong 64. but we all know it's a flawed game oh okay okay do it I am not good at pairing please I I'm pairing too early that's too late that's not working do I have to be locked on to Parry or does it not matter and I'm just bad just parrying in general in video games has never been a strong suit for me oh she's just chilling here now kid you just tried to murder me now you want to talk well you gotta wait now because I got some cyberspace to explore Grand Slam [Music] all right hold up that was sick I swear Sonic has more inputs than kazuya does in Ultimate they made Sonic a Tekken character is that a hard-boiled heavy I just saw where are the red where are the red star Rings that's three four that's five that is definitely like we got everything in one shot look at that so we get three more so we got seven for that that's big now we can get the Cherry Chaos Emerald maybe it's watermelon where are you please tell me things oh I need 67 more all right I'm back I need nine more is this uh Iron Man's Infinity Canon from Marvel's Capcom 2 uh did you just give me a bomb Knuckles what do I do with this I'm gonna throw it all right I I have no idea I have 23 seconds so we can't oh I see I gotta bring it over here I gotta load up the gun load cannon fire okay we can drain the lake now there's no greater feeling than being in a Sonic game and watching all the water go away see look how happy he is oh cool it's down here oh here's some of these purple coins see what's in here that'd be a bunch of Knuckles tokens right oh it's just a bunch of cocoa come with me we triggered something oh wow look at all the shooting stars it's a beautiful night do we really have to fight right now just enjoy the show Starfall once every few nights meteors will fall like rain when this happens items and enemies oh it's a Blood Moon hang on Knuckles you gotta wait a little longer I have gambling to do I get purple coins if I line stuff up as much stuff as we can to shark how do I beat the shark hit the tail of course Very reminiscent of hanging on to the whale's tail what am I supposed to do here all right go that way that way just QuickTime events is Sonic you having fun enjoying yourself how long is this slot machine I guess I just if I keep collecting Star Bits it keeps going Ollie not now dude you can't see the QuickTime events move Ollie oh wow I got a lot of coins there now we can go to Crazy cab all right I don't have my cat directly in front of me now so I should be able to do this kicking shark ass oh we gotta do it again he's half health I like the mini boss fights in this game they actually they feel meaningful they're not just like they all have different patterns and stuff all right shark dead COG gear obtains just dragged me to like a new part of town too I I don't know where I am there we go Chaos Emerald and I got enough okay that's two tank getting very creative with the names it's kind of like indoor skydiving not that I've ever been but I think it could be fun to go I wouldn't want to go actual skydiving has anyone have you guys ever been skydiving like in theory it seems fun as hell but I just I can't see myself wanting to jump out of a plane nothing against planes why am I not doing any damage to you I'm doing something wrong like dying he's not really taking damage am I just not strong enough oh here we go here we go okay I get it now now I get we had to just knock his ass to the ground I was like I'm really not doing any damage oh you got new things you gotta piss him off that's all we've got to figure it out gotta find the Rhythm tanks hate it when you throw him off their Rhythm I'm gonna do my Cyclone kick that's something we got too that was badass are you dead come on we're not we're not doing it again that's it piece of cake hey Knuckles I'm back how many of these things you need anyway wait draining the Oasis the best idea it was the only water in the desert I'm gonna get more memory tokens how many we need this time 43 maybe it's a good idea to start exploring some of the areas that I haven't been to yet like I'll definitely get a bunch here I feel like Squidward trying to draw a circle all right more cyberspace let's see let's get some more keys I mean I have 15 right now do I really need more no do I want to do some more of these levels yes all right can I do everything in one shot I mean probably because I'm a professional gamer one oh wait no no no no last one's got to be coming up uh Sonic what are you doing got it and stomp right into the portal all right another Chaos Emerald easy peasy here's the giant lemon light in the sky all right gotta go that way you know what's kind of crazy I'm like 10 hours into this game and it does not feel like I've been playing this for 10 hours no complaints this is indeed a long boy Sonic game normally I just try to get through them as fast as possible but I am savoring them this is a saver experience I'll get a free fall where are we dropping boys I can okay dive faster don't miss that one Bingo wasn't there a long rumored Sonic fortnite collab which I feel like will never happen they're not gonna give Sonic a gun they'll give shadow a gun and they did give shadow a gun but then they took it away now I don't know if he'll ever get it back what is this what he took the emerald from me give it back I don't you give that back I worked hard for that dudes out here saying are emeralds here's a bunch the glowing signposts are a sight for sore eyes oh he's not did I miss this one last time how many we got now all right is that the last time I'm tired what's up he's like they're hungry okay we're supposed to link up with another unit but an enemy has them pinned down here aren't you supposed to be helping find the emeralds I can do both hurry up if you want it I like how Amy and Knuckles both have gotten sidetracked like we have to help these cute little creatures all right take all the cocoa back to Knuckles Sonic can speed up by carrying the cocoa the towers will also speed up boosting and dodging not available another one of these uh herd quests okay pick those up how many are there now how many Can I stack okay I'm I'm very fast oh I'm uncomfortably fast they did say that though so okay come on ow all right I'm gonna do it in fours just can't wait we'll get six might as well we're here [Music] come on how am I supposed to get in there I'm just gonna do two at a time because I can't comprehend doing this fast oh come on okay one more trip I mean normally when I go shopping if I go food shopping everything's done in one trip I would sooner die than make a second trip carrying my groceries into the house but here it's just it's not possible but maybe it is just you have like a very small window to make it all right green emeralds Sonic's gonna do his little dance now [Music] let me try fighting next time though Kenny's a ghost I know we gotta talk to you too because I'm a good guy that's what I do so are the Coco just ancient chaos or like the heart of ancient chaos or am I completely missing the point here how come you get to jump in and out of cyberspace and I'm stuck halfway because you have dial-up internet oh it's time for a little big fishing don't mind if I do I go for a nice relaxing fishing trip right now and also I want to get some of these uh Eggman tapes that everyone was talking about oh just kidding it's another cyberspace level you see it had a purplish tint and for sure I was like okay time for a little big action and I was excited I wanted to see my friend again hey can I can I just grab that thank you number one let me unpromptedly tell you guys why I didn't enjoy colors and I could have swore that everyone did and then they switched it up on me when uh the court came out like no everyone hated colors always no one ever liked colors that's a lie but I don't want to do five zones that look exactly the same yeah I'm gonna have to do this one again there's no way I got enough there actually I cleared it no we're good we got two all right another one down I really haven't leveled up this entire video I gotta change that oh what is this another one of the sumos all right let me quick work boy I'm too fast for you what do you think you're gonna do like Bully The Bully Sonic the Hedgehog Edition it's so fun he's like oh no malfunction malfunction oh this is nice I haven't been here yet here he is hey how you doing wake up he's like oh oh God I was just I was just snoozing uh increased speed please speed always anything more uh yeah more speed if this isn't Big's fishing spot then where is it where's the fishing spot that all right we're getting them all what what is this a hang glider that looks like an x-not a uh any red rings nearby I feel like some of them are like off the path and I probably missed them oh wait that's only the second one how long is this level oh here we go oh no oh I boosted too much you really want me to land first let's see where are you I feel like you're on one of the Rails I know as soon as they start boosting I'm gonna miss it there it is one more doing better than I thought we were this is a pretty lengthy uh cyberspace stage oh gosh oh I almost flew up there it is last one gotta get them keys please bam all right fourth Chaos Emerald I think Knuckles might have the fifth and then we have to grab one more and then we get the last one when we fight the Titan I'm assuming it's just it's gonna be the same every time look at them hopping along I love these guys uh oh something's happening Knuckles you're getting your body back it's like I'm whole again the download has completed yeah they're all ancient chaos what are they up to or at least they're the heart of ancient chaos impressive get some notes from my Island Knuckles is like we're gonna build a wall and we're gonna make Eggman pay for it [Music] foreign [Music] well that didn't last very long all right back to these two tell me one more time I integrate you into my system give you control of the whole eggnet I'll have your network all my robots you'll be a refreshing change of pace from Corva from Cuba they are your Creations like me that would make them like hey brothers so Sage was made by Dr Eggman like his daughter but not really I can I confirmed Sonic has made multiple breaches into cyberspace and escaped through raw talent and no shortage of tenacity I'm sure impressive you speak of speak of curse him I do not understand oh and we've been at this for 30 years now I hate that Hedgehog that doesn't change the fact that he is a formidable adversary I respect him I don't have to like him you his skill if only you two could work together is this foreshadowing you just foreshadowed the hell out of something there and save them what's with the pep talk um with the fences down the soldiers are supposed to fall back to a bunker they now round up the stragglers and you supervise Commander that sounds good he's like Commander hmm quite like the sound of that again Coco rounds up okay guide the Coco back to Knuckles avoid the bombs this feels like another mini game that I've played like maybe a Mario Party mini game can't see hello ow I can't see anything please be my eyes Coco done Emerald time where's the emerald was I supposed to get one the flashbacks from back home these islands survived settled on Angel Island I love how this ties into everything soccer matches other locations like I was running around he was like oh this reminds me of the Mystic ruins thank you [Music] my guy you're still a gif what are you going to do I can't lose this got this buddy got you back thank you son defeat all Towers I can do that oh you got spikes I didn't have rings here I just can't get hit three times hey you thought you're gonna get me there 30 seconds how am I supposed to do this all in 30 seconds yeah hang on I failed this gotta be an easier way oh okay I see yeah that that thing crumbled wait for the spikes jump over I see now I don't have to beat them I have to run up though there's no way I could do four in that time frame cake all right that means one Emerald left and then it's boss fight time you're so Derpy I think I love them not as much as I love ciao but like if we're gonna throw cute creatures into a game like they're fantastic hell I love them way more than wisps like General Eddie soldiers [Music] and then they all die oh did I accidentally find you I did hmm it was a good sleep oh you've returned you need my insight once more yeah hook me up make me stronger Den day that's a big jump too he's like that was a lot of work let me go back to sleep now this this is a fishing spot I know it don't you say it's not I swear please where is he all right here we go oh God don't fall off don't don't fall off don't I got launched off that doesn't count okay ow okay I got the red star ring that's all it counts I gotta get some regular rings I feel like the red star should work as a reserve hold up though this song goes pretty hard there we go got all of them that might only be like one or two of them red star Rings reach the goal the bare minimum I can't believe we've hit all of these cyberspace Gates and we have yet to see big I just really want to get to this third boss fight because I heard it's nuts like who the hell do they think they are giving us a final boss fight at the end of every island and when I say final boss I mean like that first boss gigantos that was like end game quality all right I'm here so are we just not gonna get to see big on this island I don't know where he is I want the Eggman tapes ages ago my people were wiped out by a cataclysm I know the Coco faced something similar it reminds me I'm the last echidna that I'm alone you may be the last but you're not alone you've got us knucklehead all right Sonic we're trying to have a serious moment here do freedom to go where you want when you want to do it get out there and live a little leave the emerald behind but first I need to be back to normal so hurry up and get me back to normal anything to get you away from me look just Bros being Bros they gonna kiss Sage is like I wish I too had a friend the AI is having second thoughts [Music] I have run the simulations they are doomed do we all die at the end of the game all right where are we going now get the Chaos Emerald hell yeah so I gotta save this island all right Chaos Emerald up how do we get up there just get the Chaos Emerald they say I'm assuming whatever kind of rail system that is that's where I gotta go this has like metal Harbor written all over it oh crap oh good save Sonic this is absolutely nutty almost at the chaos emeralds keep climbing Sonic we made it Knuckles like I have to get back to normal do you because you were able to like just teleport here what do you think of the weird spiers being used to contain the Chaos Emeralds no I think they're meant to protect them even harness their power you've experienced yourself the Limitless power of the chaos emeralds that's what I was saying they didn't have them all a couple would have provided more than enough energy to live comfortably if the Ancients somehow lost their access to the emeralds would that have caused them to disappear alright so this is uh this is the last one assuming we get the last one the same way we did the other one it's just on the the boss and we need to rip it out of its head oh maybe not maybe there's just still more memory tokens Can't Get Enough all right here you go remember stuff hey Sonic look at my balls first though I need to play this crane game it was a crane game these things are quarter suckers I don't have any quarters on me probably it's like a change machine I like how B is cease operation this I'm just as good at this as I am in a real life crane games we get like a shadow or something to maybe help us out here no no not that shadow the shadow is so menacing it does remind me of eternitus I'm getting really excited for a Pokemon scarlet and violet man a lot of good games to play this month I wonder how this game runs on the steam deck because I am playing on PC right now I also bought it on Xbox because I I wanted to have it uh on Console as well I'm glad I bought it twice because game's definitely worth it all right that's done what's coming out of the ground is it a fishing spot better be a fishing spot more balls you did it of course I did it did you see my crane game skills in action ready to go face impossible odds huh we've faced worse here we go try to keep them all right enter in this cave looks like it's boss fight time is this gonna send us like a launch pad like where are we going what is this going to do for us like I could have walked here oh it's retreating it's got to go back to dock in charge a wyvern damn flying dragon yeah sonic get excited that last fight was hype we're gonna do it again what what is happening here yo hold up hold up he's saying hold up hold up oh oh we gotta crank the music because you know what Banger track's coming the anticipation I'm getting Goosebumps oh it's time where are you get your ass over here [Music] all right we're in Sonic do not let go he's trying to shake us off hang in there yo what kind of finger strength do you have all right let's go Dodge these uh these plasma balls you think you think you can stop me 20 years of mediocre games couldn't stop me been down and out for so long forgot I was still in the game is that supposed to be loading like that am I going too fast it's loading like a stop-motion film shit's starting to look like into the spider-verse all right here we go give me that Emerald you messed up you gave me all seven all right here we go this is so sick man they nailed the supersonic fights all right oh okay I'm gonna need to get some rings all right this fight so far not as hype as the first boss fight oh my God hold up I'm missing so many rings I should probably get them there we go dude what the cinematics go crazy wait till I get you wait till I get you when did Sonic become synonymous with screamo music there we go Perry the [ __ ] beat your ass [Music] two in a row oh tell me where to like rip of oh my God we're gonna throw him this is what a triple a Sonic game should look like this actually looks and feels big budget nope I feel like we can be doing way bigger damage than that all right we're gonna power him again because he's coming after us one more time there you go where are we throwing him this time come here where do you think you're going they've given us plenty of rings so can't complain we're gonna do this thing on the first try [Music] oh okay so I can just hold Parry I don't have to hit it at the right time come on get the Phantom rush out there oh you mad now you have help are you doing that you coward you're doing the thing [Music] what's the matter what's the matter getting your ass beat well I'll tell you what is this killing Quinn again did they just like make this entire game of Sleeping With Sirens album wait I can send the Rockets back wait a second I didn't know I could do that come on get in there Sonic get in there get in there get in there show them what's up stupid robot snake do some big damage I like how we're just throwing him at Giant oh hello what's up which one's the x button on Xbox oh oh I see I was like what's happening I wasn't ready for it I was just ready to mash he didn't know he was gonna get the hands he didn't know [ __ ] all right this is it Sonic finish him off go hit him with the Dragon Fist [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you give me the Quick Time Event to punch a hole in them come on me and you Sonic take all my energy you have my undying support finish him yo he's gonna try it he's gonna try it but he can't stop me yeah feed him the missiles here you go open wide for chunky that was so thick I love this game top three 3D Sonic games wait what's this killed them no Knuckles you good man I did all right yeah you keep telling yourself that I mean you could be hyper Knuckles and we can relive the comic book Super Sonic versus hypernuckles I've got one more time Titan bot to go hopefully I'll find Tails too I'm worried about him he'll be all right now hurry up and save the day already all right we gotta save our homie now our best friend Knuckles is safe Amy's safe now we need to get to that next Island all right we're here we're probably gonna get shot down again all right sounds just like be a little more careful and you can keep the emeralds like nope nope if Sonic get out of there Sonic watch out Sonic Sonic no this one has a volcano he's like oh damn I got Chaos Emerald hangover another Island another supersonic hangover this one looks like I should probably be careful because there's a lot of places to fall off see what we gotta do here we're gonna search for friends as usual whoa whoa what was that so I would just like to point out that I um just purchased this game on the switch which uh makes my third owned copy now just do a brisk walk you know elderly people that go to the mall to do like their walks in the morning they walk like this having a little too much fun to head in the direction I should be heading now but I kind of should mostly because I heard that the boss fight on this island is epic epic's not even the word it's Peak Chuck why'd you buy three copies of the game I'm just trying to do my part to uh support so we get a Sonic Frontiers too well I got it on Twitch because my wife wants to play it and I wanted to play it okay we got a puzzle here now I know you can just hold the thing down listen apparently we were told that it went in one ear and out the other but I'm used to playing harder games where you gotta time your parries you know I played ghost Shima God of War helden ring in those games you don't get to just stand there and hold the Parry button who's waiting for me over here who wants the hands whoa what is this Fortress that's not a there's a plane that is not a fortress how do we fight it I think just switch to all range mode wait hang on it's pooping rails that's right it eats a lot of fiber from boost we're going right up the things but Sonic we got a job to do I can see it crowning no come on don't leave he just did a barrel roll whoa yo he's got all the Star Fox moves he's got the U-turn he's got the barrel roll a little closer Sonic beat the crap out of it what are you thinking uh Chaos Emerald that was totally a Chaos Emerald fight Tails I'm here buddy I'm here Tails I'm over here look at me talk to me buddy I got the golden wrench all right you're out of there that's better right make it stretch out oh God I am diseased just catching my breath I'm good I'm good it's just that my skin is decaying he never gives up spatial anomaly that affected us seems to have left me in a digitized state but those same energies are manifesting into some worrisome mutations for you I'm sure our words you said just now yep talk to me like I'm five fine and I need this power to rescue you he's even enduring the Cyber corruption better than I calculated he would what do you need he's Deborah mon Chaos Emerald if you can help me track him down on it uh Mr Tails I don't feel too good [Music] it's not fair are they just like predicting Sonic's going to die oh wait hang on you can't just tell me I have a new thing and then not show me what it is so we now have cross slash nope hello I didn't even see you here I should probably level up my stats he's like huh who's that he returns do you need Insight once more allow me to unlock the power of the seeds you've gathered everyone's telling me that I'm under leveled well I gotta change that people tell me that I fell off I needed that I'm intentionally choosing not to upgrade my rings I don't know why I feel like I don't need more than 400 ready to start earning and burning Shinobi hello I don't believe we've met oh whoa yo why are you walking all sexy what if I Parry you you're stupid stop on head got new attacks you weren't ready for it all right I'm gonna head this way in this direction got a lot of unexplored territory over here oh God I guess that's why silent is a little bit depressing it's just gray where's all the cyberspace is the other Coco hello again Sonic please find as many Coco as you can and bring them home to me if there isn't a cyberspace level up here I'm gonna scream oh finally so I think I missed it but apparently one of the uh the cyberspace levels in Island 2 are like it's just a re-skinned radical Highway and I kind of think that's awesome if I did it I haven't noticed it whoa where we go I'm falling to my death I did something wrong oh I had to go this way got it noted the information has been downloaded okay this stage is cool this song is a Bop I think I've decided from here on out that I will hear no slander about Sonic Frontiers it is clearly the best Sonic game we've gotten in uh several decades as soon as I'm done playing it for Content I'm probably just gonna play it for myself it's one of those games once you beat it you want to just play it again that's how I felt about Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood not the original I watched it I was like I need to watch that again immediately all right I think I've I've understood this movement oh god oh that was close good save we uh we haven't missed any yet oh swollen swollen run Sonic run where's that last Red Star ring there it is thank you definitely got two of those keys or three hold up we got some skill points to burn Auto combo or homing show oh it's got to be homing shot no Auto combos what is this Dragon Ball Fighters look at all these purple coins and know where to spend them only there were some large cat who wanted me to catch fish or something what the hell is that what is that oh oh held up another Chaos Emeralds here I'm eating by the way my new thing is I just I like to eat while I record and make you guys listen to it because I'm a good person it's like a reward and on today's episode of chalk eats weird things I was in the mood for a peanut butter chocolate chip but I wanted a peanut butter sandwich so I'm eating a peanut butter sandwich with a few chocolate chips on it what is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten I mean this is by far not the weirdest but all right all right now I got the Soaps on I can't believe I almost forgot to redeem my code after waiting for it for so long I'm actually trying to figure out what is the weirdest thing I've ever eaten you've eaten cow tongue that was okay I haven't eaten like organs things like that eyeballs and brains I know In some cultures that is uh that's not considered weird but oh here we go here's the chaos emeralds but uh I don't know I personally not for me Sonic just he looks so right with the Soaps I'm glad they decided to throw it in as like a little extra thing there we go and we just casually walk away as it explodes what is this that is that is a Pokemon that is Metal Face from Xenoblade fight it obviously it's gonna cut me in half isn't it aren't we all just doing the best we can Sonic are we fighting it now I'm Ill prepared I guess we're gonna run from it what is this thing oh god oh we gotta get out of there I almost became two hedgehogs I feel like I'm going really slow or maybe we're just going so fast oh God get out of here all right we're gonna make it we're gonna do it Sonic you take the high road you are the hero after all I feel like Sonic would be pretty Petty though all right what are we doing here jump over that I said we're gonna jump over what hold up is the buzz saw just instant death because I'm pretty sure I had a handful of rings there unless the rules of Sonic no longer apply this is Rambo Road but with a really low budget they're like sorry we only have uh enough money for one color geez come on come on run run Sonic run oh that was close uh Your Own Thing hit you oh hey Sage did you like that you see that wasn't that dope all right we can finally go find Tails now before we just face the same problem and that is where the hell the rest of the cyberspace levels shock just explore the island I I am I'm doing it stop yelling at me I'm sensitive oh it's this thing again squid all right hang on let me top on your uh your slime Trail that's probably what it is right we're just running on a long fart it's a solidified bar actually that'd be poop come on there we go come on dude do new attacks on them throw the little Spirit bombs give me that gear let's do some quick Victory laps what the hell ow are there lasers ow this is a very elaborate way to uh get to the top of this thing there we go if I didn't have enough of these I would have screamed it's like hey come check this out in fact I I don't I can't feel anything I have no nerve endings ah what's that I think it's an environmental analyzer all of the ancient Technologies networked to cyberspace I can get it back online we can maybe get some answers oh you don't need to get it back online it's back online and it's pissed whoa something's happening we are seeing a war it's a lot of lasers at least they're well armed not gonna matter though cause whatever the hell that is this place is getting wrecked oh and it's offline whatever assault of the island sure packed a punch that was on par with Dark Gaia easy oh look at us referencing other games Pronto I think uh there was an article that came out recently from Sega saying they want to tie their stories together so I guess this is how they're starting to do that Sonic Cinematic Universe is forming and I'm here for it oh you thought I was gonna miss this one you're looking so hard for you trying to keep me out of cyber space all right let's try to do this in one go oh wait hang on what what is what is this the turning oh my goodness this is this is the purple why is Sonic so hard to control oh my God we're we're drifting getting uh all the red rings here are gonna be a challenge and you can fall off the stage not something that I was expecting I got pretty hooked on the the new team Sonic racing game for a little bit just doing some of the challenges I couldn't put that game down for a little while it was that last one that last pesky ring we got it oh so close I think we're good on Keys gotta say after a couple hours being on island three it is this island is problematic having to get places is atrocious because like how do I leave it's an assault model Death Egg Robot oh cool pretty entrenched you don't see something like this every day I wonder what I wonder why to get out maybe that ghost girl I mean yeah she was able to awaken the Rage of a Titan so uh maybe she could take down an egg robot see what Eggman was trying to do with this thing and if it goes bad you can shut it off we have to activate it no way we gotta do some hacking or hang on let me wiggle my fingers like they do in the cartoons and then I'll crack them do we really have like a Space Invaders game like built right into this so why light and dark what's the difference oh I I guess I see dark shot for that dude champagne for my real friends real pain for my sham friends all right then we want to do whatever this is missiles what did they end this hole Sonic's got his own little r Wing imagine if that's how hacking giant robots work it's like here just uh play this quick game of Space Invaders that was a big beams good thing I wasn't standing in front of that oh we opened something the Earth apparently all right here we go into hell has Sonic ever been to Hell I feel like he might have been to Hell in a recent game what's waiting for us over here this reeks of boss fight a quick loop-de-loop did you do loop-de-loop and Pull and your shoes are looking cool and it that's everyone I feel like this uh entire room it's definitely underused whoa okay wasn't expecting that I have a weird question and it's one that I probably already know the answer to and Sonic's Universe are rings also currency so like Izzy fueled by money like I know in some games like oh six you use rings to buy things at uh shops I'm talking like Angel Island do they have currency and is it rings all right it's time for a Starfall but I'm underground so this doesn't matter to me they're like let's get him boys uh I'm inside maybe I'm going outside now well I'm good at video games if all this is just to go outside I want to know what the point of all of it was where is this going to leave us so which is an area of the island we haven't been to yet but uh here might as well do some gambling when in Vegas casino night zone is basically Vegas right man I eat in some great restaurants when I went to Vegas so I went to Vegas for the first time in 2011 and I was only there for like a day and a half it was in July and it was like 112 and I was like I don't like this place I went to like a club which is not my scene and then I went recently because my friends and I went to the When We Were Young Festival the day that did not get canceled and I had a blast oh my God I have so many purple coins as soon as I see big I'm buying every single Eggman tape available I just want to know about this mysterious boss fight that everyone says is amazing I need to get there we still have to get every Emerald like I've gotten I think one Emerald so far he's been here for a while we're going so far up okay now what is is that it hang on wait we're we're blinking we could buy stuff we can't get the spin slash yet but we can get the auto combo oh here's an emerald we just need to get some more keys how many do we need one just one more just need to drop a cyberspace just gotta scratch the cyberspace itch oh no we ended up back over here tell me the only way to get back is I have to do this whole underground ass segment again oh wait here we go this clearly has to be big right wrong it's not I know in my heart that big would never ask for two gears to come hang out with him and fish all right now that I know I'm on the clock let's make this happen and in the process hopefully get the red star rings whoops almost didn't hit the right button I'm gonna take the top ones I'm gonna miss all of them what button do I have to hit okay it's X okay it's still X but that was stupid oh careful careful careful you're testing me they want to make sure that I'm a real gamer so they're giving me some challenge got very few rings where's my where's my air Dash where is it sometimes I feel like I'm playing smash I'm like do I have my double jump is it gone oh okay that works did I just take a hit and it didn't count did you see that I can't be the only one right there we go everything but the S ring what's the time on it 255 we can do that all right cool the chaos Emerald's free but uh hang on I got an S rank to get all right I just need to finish in the time frame now I don't need to get any of the Rings I don't feel pressured oh I got mixed see I only feel so inclined to get every key that I can mainly be God damn it man because I feel like the cyberspace levels have been so sparse here I don't know where they are 20 seconds 20 seconds can we make it can we make it 20 seconds with plenty of time to spare maybe I don't need to try as hard the timing's not that tight baby a triple oh free map how do I missed this earlier that's what I had to do I was like why isn't this thing turning on it's all right I'm max speed now all right let's run it up one oh damn there go all my rings uh damn there go more of my rings oh that was stupid hello hello please climb the wall Sonic Sonic that's what I needed oh we got this whole island now uh not that big that's what she said all right let's get over there Sonic breaks every bone in his body jumping off the pillar all right here we go we're gonna have to do some of those mini games with Tails too so I have a feeling like those are coming up real soon you're gonna have to herd some more Coco Sonic just quit what you're doing become a full-time cocoa herder Somebody's gotta do it this Coco has goggles this is the steampunk Coco yo hey this Coco is an apprentice yo they're top pilot pilot what what are they flying complete their final weapons it's funny to think that they're using weapons you run into this scenario already what did you do I helped them out like picture this cute little thing firing ballistic missiles like look at him picture that calling it an airstrike oh here he is the elder Coco he's like ah sonic you're back what do you want I'm gonna go faster you can't go any faster I've done all I can wait let me try something we need a few more pieces but we're having trouble finding them gotcha be right back be right back let me check out this giant gun mechanical collectible brake boxes to collect machine parts all right here we go easy emeralds Hammer the button and collect 600. else you set up a whole obstacle course for little old me you must really care he's like if I'm gonna give Sonic a task I gotta make it really fun kind of feels like I'm playing Ratchet and Clank and you collect the bolts when you kill enemies and stuff oh this is oh God why is it falling apart where am I where oh gee ow wait can I not go around oh God I have to actually pick them up which I think I missed the memo earlier I was just breaking boxes all right about halfway there don't tell me to hurry up I know I need to hurry up I know I have a minute left I know I'm not gonna make it oh a lot of boxes here all right come on we can do it 20 seconds we need about 125 more everyone counts come on oh we need three are you kidding come on get over there it's gonna be so close get him get him wow it came down to the wire thank you Tails don't know why you were keeping this from me poor Coco is capable of using that weapon did I get the wrong Parts no their hero didn't show they're worried Something's Happened Fair hero it's like how I couldn't handle it after infinite attack one wrong turn and I fall apart oh we're talking about infinite now whoa what now we're getting into uh enforces territory listen to me the others are counting on you here to help so don't give up okay Frontiers is the glue that's bringing all these stories together just let the comic people do the stories I feel like the story has been pretty great so far not right now let's just focus on finding the emeralds all right we're gonna get over there but also I need to get over there just gotta find a way rings charge up I accidentally boosted into the lava most of my deaths in this game are just because I'm like running off the map or running into something stupid I think most of the challenge in Island 3 is like how do you get to these individual random Islands it's like the Bahamas you want to go to Exuma you got to get on a plane you want to swim with the wild pigs you gotta get airborne yeah this is all new I have not once upgraded my ring capacity just because I feel like I don't need to 200 that's it I did 200 and uh a fraction of the time look at this it's just everything I had it's one of those punching bag games where you have to punch it and then uh you get a high score only this one was for babies all right next Emerald please and that will be Emerald number four which means we gotta get two more one will probably be a mini game and one will probably just be us having to find it and then the last one we'll get by dismantling whatever the Titan is on this island oh god oh don't fall off all right let's go find Tails He's right over here he's gonna be like hey can you do me a favor and shoot this thing hey almost done here can you take our friend and find a couple more parts yeah he's like please please take me I'm so bored where'd you come from [Music] met Sonic when he was like three your imprisonment within cyberspace the defeat of the Ancients Titans do you trust how he is handling it with your life she's like are you sure you want to be friends with Sonic do you think he's doing the right thing isn't Sonic has overcome impossible odds over and over again I know he'll save us all Tales like listen Sonic isn't perfect in fact he's far from it but this is my best chance at survival time of data to back up my observation your loyalty is founded on empirical data I can appreciate that she's like I am learning how to be human this must be what Mark Zuckerberg does on The Daily what can't be prevented tell us more to being weirdly cryptic all right she's like nope bye you don't know all right gotta find Tails again this is what we do we just constantly have to find our friends I'm going the wrong way and Tails you're gonna be at like the bottom of the the mountain you're gonna be all the way at the top you know your old Blue Blur here is getting kind of old I love the thought of elderly Sonic would it be like a Cranky Kong type figure like his nephew would take over as the Speedy one oh you are back Sonic's like come on now what is your end goal to save my friends and live sometimes it's a spinning sign sometimes it's a big old ring breaking the fourth wall he's like it's a spinning sign or it's a ring ah gather up the chaos emeralds and save my friends and you're sure that is wise kind of the Story of My Life they want to start trouble I'll stop them too you certainly make it sound simple but your arrogance will be your undoing I want to know what's going on either stop stop cryptic and tell me what's going on yeah stop being cripped this is exactly what I'm saying just straight up tell us [Music] about time report after reviewing your entire campaign history I have found the most optimal course of action is to oh you gotta be Sonic's friend if you want to leave [Music] I would rather die I don't want to hear it alliances were purely out of desperation but to hear it find me another option oh it's phased in a bunch of helicopters foreign let's see what can you really do wipe them clean Ed me from the hazards here you hit your function I'm very impressed with you sage no I'm proud of you just like thank you I'm proud of me too all right let's run up this drawbridge see what we can do Sonic where are you going he's like I'll have a look around see if I can fix the bridge immediately launches himself into the sky did Sonic just go up in the air oh no I'm on the other side now I was gonna say do you go up in the air only the land Boop press the button we did it we bridged the Gap and we got a Chaos Emerald they say this was the last of the defensive measures way to go your hero will be thrilled with all your hard work our heroes dead but thank you speaking of dead I must go now I will now turn into a lawn ornament oh hey here's where you've been hanging out can you wake up please he's like oh that was a good sleep uh oh would you look at that it's now 10 p.m guess my sleep schedule is screwed and come to think of it Sonic has been in quite a few uh ancient temples in fact I don't know anyone oh here we go another Fortress I don't know anyone that's been in more Ancient Temple maybe Indiana Jones that's like the oh God it's like the only person I can think of all right we're close come on before you knew anything I'm gonna hit him with everything you got I don't want to do this again bam yeah he's done time for an emergency landing uh close enough all right here we go another cyberspace level this one is oh there's a chemical plant zone this is so sick I think I recall big oh I missed the ring it's fine someone's saying in the comment section the big was like at the bottom corner of uh this island and you know what I'm not finishing this video without seeing him I refuse to are we in agreement that chemical plant zone is like a top five track and any Sonic game ever yes right we're in agreement I mean you're not saying anything different right now so it must be true there's no one here to argue with me at this very moment so I can only spit uncontested facts some of those being that Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are the greatest 3D Sonic games ever and Frontiers number three what do we make it in the time frame for an S rank oh we're like not even close to 18 seconds off only one vault key here I gotta find Tails now ah all right Hills you got me running all over the island dude can you just stay put and we have a common meeting spot it's just not convenient for me to keep doing this when you can I don't know phase shift Sonic's in pain clearly this is I need to go It Alone can we get a solo Tales game I don't know if I would want that I feel like I kind of want that you're free to go your own way I guess you just grew up on me a little faster than I actually Tails need to do a little soul searching the only way for that to happen is with his own adventure right Sega don't push it see Sage this is friendship you don't got any of those can you cry because she's slowly becoming real I guess when you feel things you're a real person she could easily just be like hey Sonic Tails do you want to be friends and they'd be like oh yeah hell yeah uh not now guys I have a horrible hangover what the hell is that there's only one way to find out spider gonna attack its feet right no what you really have to do is you have to uh okay you circle around it you have to get a broom and you have to try and get it in a cup and then you bring it outside I started doing that old me used to just squash spiders now I bring him outside what is happening what the hell just happened oh it's launching me I am so confused if I had a guess probably donut don't touch the purple laser poles this is a fever dream wait we're just gonna come straight down we're gonna Crush its head don't don't send me back up please did I kill it something to it no you you ain't running away no we're fighting come on you stop running away from me you chose this fight see it through grab that okay I gotta find this big island maybe that's it over there well I don't have this island unlocked so let's see what's up oh I see a fish and I have so many coins there he is he was just waiting for me this whole time all right hang on let's trade some tokens uh where are the Eggman tapes egg memo oh we need fish I can't just trade my coins I gotta get them it's all right I have a lot of coins we're gonna be here for a little while I need a little R and R we got a crab yep that's uh that's going in the boil tonight I like crab boils Messy as hell though just dump all your food on like construction paper or some [ __ ] I didn't used to be a big Seafood person like when I was younger I was like ooh Seafood now I I love Seafood whereas the famous dad joke goes I see food and I eat it you know the seafood diet what's this oh my God that's new whatever this is we got it though Treasure Chest gold ticket why are fishing minigames just Peak virtually any game I've played the fishing minigame is always fantastic and addicting oh look at the snapping turtle look how stupid he is oh can't eat this you need uh to be licensed in Japan to make them apparently otherwise you might die of poisoning what the hell we we got an ancient tablet here's 24 coins that should be a fair Exchange why is The Twig the same amount as the ancient token well I guess on Big's like deserted island it really doesn't matter there's no concept of value here all right let's do some trading I want the egg memo how do we listen to them I'm just gonna I'm gonna buy as many as I can all right I'm out oh here's the voice logs gun is here the Sonic Adventure 2 reference so in the Sonic comics the chaos emeralds were made by the dracons I wonder if there's any connection here something wiped out the Ancients that's for certain and they didn't last very long that's enough for now I should probably go find tails get this last Chaos Emerald all right here we go path to the final Emerald oh this dropped us right in front of a cyberspace level I don't need to do it right now so maybe we'll come back to it I feel like this might be the path I say that every time I discover a speed boost in the area wait a second [Music] it's got to be look how high up we're going I think I found it oh yeah we found it all right we talked to Tails and we got the Chaos Emerald Emerald first friendship later all right Tails I'm ready to save you and more importantly get off this godforsaken island the pieces together the Ancients technology was built specifically for the chaos emeralds and runs on their power yeah the chaos emeralds riches batteries even cyberspace we're gonna kind of standby mode without the emeralds to power them once the power supply was restored though someone would have had to boot up the systems and get them running I think I can guess who if I had a guesser probably rhymes with uh bachter begman but I'm ready for this badass fight that all of you kept typing up I'm going in completely blind what is that oh my God it's just a giant pinball machine played a lot of Sonic spin ball I didn't know until like I got older how hard of a game Sonic spinball was I mean I knew it was hard when I was younger I don't think I've seen anything past the first stage to be honest maybe the second stage if I had like a sick run when I was a kid this was me on Windows XP when we had no internet let's be like what are we gonna play I guess we're gonna play Space pinball all right million left to go if only I could gain Subs this fast I mean I could if you hit the Subscribe button right now I'm the pinball champion oh so that's how volcanoes work there's just someone in there constantly playing pinball and when they hit the high score the volcano erupts where's that where's that lava going what's that is that metal face oh he's up so the person I was before fighting this boss is now going to go away and I was told to crank the music so I shall all right he's he's ready for me that's a Pokemon the Knight all right let me see just probably attack his feet right just I can walk on the lava which is kind of weird oh God what do you want me to do just side Loop its foot hang on wait wait I see I see I'm I see now I just gotta find a way to get over that so I can grind up its body all right I made it it's gonna run up all right where's that Chaos Emerald give me give me that's not yours give it back or maybe it is maybe it is yours I don't really know here it comes go time oh God he's got a whole he's got a whole ass sword what do I have to do Harry I don't know if I have to Parry I don't have any rings [Applause] oh God he's got a he's got okay yep QuickTime vent block that yo this is sick what is going on I gotta fly it into him right how do you like that [ __ ] don't you know who I am get hit me I'll carry that [ __ ] oh my God yo Sonic's breaking ankles I don't think I have enough rings for this but I don't care it might take me two tries please please can we super dragon fist him as well give him the smoke Sonic kick his ass yeah try it watch I'm gonna commandeer this one too the Destructo disc has been stolen get in there uh this is so awesome I can't help but to feel like uh Sonic needs like a Black Knight skin here block [Music] all right he's half health it's doable I'll be honest I don't know if I like this more than the first fight but this definitely dope as hell stop it stop no amount of rockets can stop me I'm getting in there cut your head off you had enough yet now he's doing the thing yeah cry more [Music] it's almost like I can't wait to finish Islands because I just I want more boss fights please have a Boss Rush mode as DLC Sega pretty please okay I think oh I get it now we have to get in range of it and then we have to carry it yeah there we go we have to get in the flight path It's gotta hit him there we go smack you right in your mouth oh you can aim it okay it's a little tough to control Sonic's flight to get like right in the path oh yeah he's gonna eat this one oh wide it's a dish best served hot also love having access to all my attacks oh you're done you are so done [ __ ] do I have to do I gotta Parry this it's gonna be there's a quick time event I feel like I'm playing Metroid dread again [Applause] pop the sword by the blade [Music] oh damn Sonic push back fight back Sonic fight oh my God I got I got chills man they went all out for these boss fights punch them right into solar plex okay tell me we're picking the sword up tell me we're picking the sword up and we're gonna cut them in half oh my God please yes no way [Music] here we go we're gonna Future Trunks this [ __ ] no and no way no way [Music] dude that was goddamn fire strike rate smash your lane do I ever knew it uh wait we're seeing the chaos again what's going on never mind just ignore them all right let's shut down those Towers oh God I flew off I feel like I should be snapping into a 2d segment here and it's not doing that so it's making the platforming very weird I guess I'll just be more careful and not use uh the right trigger that's more like it it's very nice of them to give me a route an elevator would have also been uh pretty effective you know an elevator and not a dangerous series of platforming obstacles I'm afraid I'm gonna fall after these roads aren't even finished oh God I almost missed that one uh come on get up here how high is this thing the top I can't turn this off [Music] finally some good news hopefully their power will be enough to let us Escape where are they trapped are they Trapped In Like A Different Dimension all right next Tower uh where is the next Tower with the beams of light it makes it a little bit hard to tell did I go the right way oh god oh no all right no boost because it's clearly not serving me well all right can we stop with the Starfall oh come on no no no no no no no no no no no I'm afraid to boost but it looks like you kind of have to boost off certain rails to get the momentum we've begun our final Ascent to Tower two to factory reset this Tower please press and hold the power button for 15 seconds getting a little more information as we turn Towers off what so who oh my God they cut it in half this could only be the work of the Saiyans look they left and they just watched it happen this man here is like I just bought a vacation house and it's gone Sonic rest my guy you look awful your cyber corruption is accelerating how can you smile when you can barely stand he's like I enjoy the pain that's why I've been in pain for 20 years you've seen the games all right launch me to the next Tower like slowly getting closer to the end of this game and I don't want that to happen because it's been so long since I've like played a new Sonic game and have enjoyed it like the last few Sonic games that were new to me I think really care as much but now I finally have new Sonic content that I enjoy and I I don't want it to leave me this is how Spider-Man felt when uh he climbed a building for the first time oh we made it oh God I almost overshot it all right drip feed me a little more lore can't get enough of that lore it's good here all right we're leaving we're gonna find our own planet with Blackjack and hookers and we're bringing our Chaos Emeralds with us oh okay that's blinding all right Sonic come on hold it together man only a couple more Towers why do I have a feeling this is the entire Island like maybe we'll get a boss fight but I I think the whole island is just because we found our homies already I don't think anyone else is in this game aside from Amy Knuckles and Tails and I I kind of like it that way we don't need an overabundance of friends what is happening how do I get out oh I see I see let me out of here let me out got stuck in the jello mold wasn't uh one of the jello campaigns like it was j-e-l-l-o what's it live or anything that's something else nope not that one now no no oh okay so there's like checkpoints if you get to a certain point they just give you the elevator hello hello that's satisfying okay I'm about that oh hello don't mind me just over here to deactivate Although our home has lost our history was not thanks to cyberspace and the cocoa inside of us they're like oh my God the first internet connection ever we're gonna upload our Consciousness but Elder we need you you followed us the world is in danger oh no it's here Sonic is running it like one megabit per second right now are they gonna kill Sonic right now and just like that Sonic dies just kidding we're still standing actually he's moving pretty good for uh a hero that's about dead two more Towers feels like it never ends that is water so I gotta do something here I gotta drain it don't I okay that's not oh my God I gotta go oh I don't like this not a fan of this how do I get out oh God I'm gonna drown no I don't want to [ __ ] let me out let me out oh thank God I don't know if I can like climb out the side oh I can't oh good all right next Tower oh crap oh oh too far too far Sonic no run run run run run we're almost there all right one Tower left all right so the Titan Titan one he's he's deactivated he doesn't have a pilot it looks like one of the Chaos Emeralds enjoying garlic and grind debut okay they're using them to to power it all right where's that last one I guess this Lake just doesn't matter I was like yeah you have to drain it clearly if there's something at the bottom there was nothing there only anxiety okay this one seems much safer see I'm like I'm boxed in here you're like there's no real fear of falling okay it's back I've played so many Mario games that I really thought playing other games we have to wall jump to Sonic that it was a little more complicated than just hammering the jump button like Mario it's a little more calculated I'm gonna say it I think I've enjoyed these towers alone more than uh the entirety of Sonic forces is people still like oh forces no it's not that bad it's a pretty good game come on why are you lying to yourself you can enjoy it by all means you're allowed to enjoy things I'm saying it purely for jokes but this isn't working we can't beat it I'll bind it to my Titan and then you guys conceal cyberspace we have mechs can we form like a Titan Megazord oh you're not you're not winning that goodbye so whatever this is is just wipe this Titan out with one attack I love this Arc of like the ancient chaos just piloting these Titans like giant Gundam Sonic we're almost there one more Island to go it's like uh need Excedrin [Music] no Sonic don't don't go Amy your love is here and your homies and Eggman uh is Sonic a bad guy now boy that was the whole island a hundred percent don't touch him don't touch him oh he's uh he's Frozen just reboot the router he took on so much cyber energy it corrupted him meaning he's stuck between realities he's like Yep this is my opportunity to kill him pleasure of finishing you off rodent we must get you back into cyberspace immediately I just got out that was the whole point I ran millions of simulations the only way I can keep you alive is if you're not here when it gets out what's it we don't know what it is oh that's it I hear it nah I shall Tear Down the Walls between Dimensions It's gotta be Dearborn some computer virus you don't I'll mobilize the eggplant and blow you out of the sky it won't be enough all right Doctor Strange no Sonic worked too hard for us to give up Sonic whatever it takes all right now they all join hands and through some magic Sonic is able to break out of the Purgatory between realities I want you to see the hero I become Sonic you still have love to share with this world too Sonic or even after this now's not the time for jokes Knuckles oh you're gone oh we're good hang on just had to change some of the settings everyone [Music] well really we're going into the finale aren't we oh good he's back this is our chance I never simulated a scenario where Sonic helped since you never authorized it I still don't want to please listen Eggman I need you to be an adult here you have to be friends with the Hedgehog if you want to save reality Sonic's like this Mark is not an alliance that's how you want to spin it Dr ego man Sage you will help me find the chaos emeralds Sonic won't be fast enough oh [ __ ] so they're gonna gather the emeralds for me what I love everything about this I mean the last time I can remember Sonic and Eggman teaming up or I guess being on the same side it has to be the end of Sonic Adventure too right unless in like some of the uh the newer games that's happened and I just I haven't played them so I don't know about it Sage's memory tokens oh we gotta collect hers here okay that's fine what the hell is this ow wait did they okay what am I what am I supposed to do okay ow I'm gonna just Parry there we go what the hell do I do here ah [ __ ] no I know I had a Parry hello what are you oh my God what a ghost how do I hit a ghost what are you doing why are you what are you doing all right maybe I gotta turn it off yeah that works destroyed your power source oh broke another one stop taking my rings are you done now got nowhere to hook up to that was fun I like that they're still throwing new types of boss fights at you this late into the game all right now we can go do some cyberspace oh hell yeah anytime they throw memory tokens at you is a good time oh here we go we're back okay I think I know what I have to do here that's not it I don't know what to do aside from Perry and I keep losing my rings like what I guess I just keep I'm just gonna keep okay I'm an idiot I'm a stupid idiot I just had to keep parrying them until there were no more left I just had to keep parrying that's all wait where did oh damn it because I died I lost them all right let's fight this red pillar I got all the moves now so I can oh you're standing up standing up now I'll just I'll Loop you I'll just keep looping you whoa when did you get that attack oh my God the towers they've forgotten stronger oh my God this thing Relentless there we go get up top face that's its face right this thing's not like a giant dung is it okay just trying to go to cyberspace it's taking me a little while here all right let's go I've been having some cyberspace withdrawals but we're back in chemical plant zone this level right here feels very Sonic Adventure too this this is absolutely a Sonic Adventure 2 level yes it is [Music] oh crap oh no you know what I'm just gonna start the whole thing over it feels like metal Harbor I could be completely wrong though hang on because like if the second one's over here I'm missing the first one somewhere we got snowboarding or metal boarding better than waterboarding all right we got an A we were close I was one ring off from getting another key one minute 37 seconds later good enough wait I thought uh though you guys are collecting the emeralds for me or I guess no I I guess it makes sense now I have to do all this stuff for uh for sage and then I'll have to do some mini games with Dr Eggman who'll have some of the emeralds I'm sorry were you guys guarding the emeralds not anymore Bingo give me the memory tokens we call them mem tokes for short or I feel like we're coming up on the final boss fight after we get all of these konoichi have we met before I feel like we've met you got a familiar look to you you're the one with the sexy walk konuichi got me about to act up all right perfect oh cool we got an achievement for that too gear please money please all right hold up hold up where's that fishing spot I see it you can't hide it from me hey would you like to try of course I would like to try you know I had no idea that Kyle a bear voiced big just didn't have a clue gotta tell you though Kyle a bear is an extremely nice guy 48 points for that one I really could just sit here all day sitting here fishing it's like a good like one button game I can just kick back right now which is like only need to really use the a button you know what also is a good like one-handed game oh I got a tire I don't think I've ever gotten that 48 tokens dear diary jackpot another good one-handed game you could just play with like a joystick and I got it on my steam deck uh and it was the best like five dollars I've ever spent in a long time Vampire survivors man what an excellent fun game what the hell is this oh treasure dudes on Tinder be like I've got a shark oh that's the first yellow spring whoa that's new how's this worth the same amount as a tire it's made of solid gold froggy Pig was really surprised to see that one a gold and Treasure Chest oh three tickets all right we got a lot of money to spend let's get the egg memos okay I got all of them let's get some portal gears as many as I can as many memory tokens as I can I'll get some Vault keys I swear fishing is broken in this game if you have a lot of coins you can probably just max Sonic out like this and some lost Coco As a treat watch I'm gonna return now it's gonna be like objective finish the damn game all right it opens another one and another one and another one and [Laughter] well that's all the chaos emeralds so many Chaos Emerald lights it looks like we got a Starfall out here so we're gonna be beating this game and I think they have uh DLC plans for 2023 I hope they do because I do want more but I also really want a sequel I want Sonic Frontiers too which I feel like is the next logical step they've put so much into this that I I mean I don't know how the story is going to end if it will even leave an opening for a sequel but I think definitely something in this engine like do more with this let's go talk to Sage then we'll go collect the rest of the emeralds oh she's by the uh that thing it looks like a fish is a fish taco shape like a fish sure whatever is that what you want oh no I'd have a cheeseburger I believe all right put the password in so I could use the iPad please all right we get to play some more Space Invaders and shoot those shoot light with light shoot dark with dark oh God what missiles missiles all right here we go shoot more we did it we hacked the main frame all right bridge.png has been downloaded we must stick they're already taken care of don't worry Eggman named you that for a reason that means you're important to him see it's important to him because Sage is a Sega but jumbled up did I blow your mind another emerald in the pocket all right next Chaos Emerald I like how the sole savior of this is not so much Sonic but big for allowing me to Just Fish the hell out of this game I like this island it feels like the first one but feels more open to Rome another one of those oh this looks like a boss fight caterpillar that is not a caterpillar oh it's one of these what do I do here I'll get the get the blue orbs blue good red bad oh [ __ ] you're not a caterpillar it's cute that you think you are you're more of like a roly-poly bug do I get an achievement if I hit a hundred hit combo I dropped it never mind I don't know why I did that knowing that I'm not gonna get any memory tokens from it but it's fine I guess you were kind of dark out big man right correct my base code was compound once I integrated with cyberspace but he is my Creator oh man I bet he never expected his genius AI would advise him to work with me I put forward the scenario with the highest likelihood for survival that is on so what you're saying is Sonic knows how to live this one is like glowing glowing do they always look like this at night wait a second talk about reskinned levels it feels familiar it's like putting on an old t-shirt what the hell just happened there tanks but no tanks this is a Sonic Adventure 2 level gun is here and Gunn showed up in in cyberspace to I guess try and kill Eggman grab that I'll get all of them you watch me why do we have giant looping highways is this where our tax dollars are going I was really hoping that um a giant truck was gonna follow me when I saw Sonic running from that angle but it didn't happen it's weird because the more the game goes on the more it feels like Sonic Adventure to me almost like it's the closest to Sonic Adventure 3 I'll ever get oh there we go that's enough all right Sage I'm coming your new bestie on his way me when it's Thanksgiving and Mom says dinner's ready that's topical because it's Thanksgiving weekend just to give you a little insight of when I recorded this there is a Chaos Emerald inside your power is required to access it okay first we gotta open that door what power are we talking about use your power the power of hacking this computer which pretty sure is not Sonic's power more of a Tails thing I do like these though oh that's free that's that's that's free come on give me some more get more of those little Dippin Dots the ice cream of the future do I have a health bar oh I do I have uh like two Little Ships up there not that I'll need them because kind of cracked at this oh crap I died that might be the first time that I died in any of these stages oh my God I got him I did it all right Sonic we hacked into the Mainframe Emerald numbers here we come all right here we go another Emerald do we get all seven here are we gonna get the seventh one fighting the last boss here he is he's back he has to have the last Emerald he's got none wow you got one I got six of them nice job go ahead and beat that giant go get him Sonic don't you dare lose it now why would I want to disappoint you the team up we didn't know we needed but I'm here for it I'm getting chills again who are you you have a gun Supreme they charge a lot of money for those okay what are we doing here Al so just get in his face no big deal oh that's right counter come on go ahead and yep what are you doing what are you shooting me with oh I can't you can't I'm too strong okay maybe I can't get in there all right come on let's try it again should I be doing something here I I guess I'm just meant to get shot away it is I don't know but this boss is hype and I know there's gotta be something crazier coming they're doing the thing it's got wings [Applause] he's Airborne yo that is sick he looks like a nomu and I'm all might oh this this is this is a this is a Minefield how how the hell am I getting in there foreign counter that one hey I I pressed the buttons I promise ouch yo I'm so hyped right now hang I'm okay I'm standing up I'm standing up playing this game very few games get me to do that or we are beating his ass now look at that combo we got there oh here comes the gun this is gonna kill me isn't it nope Perry that there you go here you go you're done you're going down thank you stop on its head we're gonna do something crazy aren't we come on deliver the final blow Sonic is your chance do something crazy is it just gonna like Drop Dead oh you're bending the knee what's happening what are you releasing into the air should I be breathing this in is that it that's definitely not it I promise that's not it all we did was Chase it out of its shell it's retreating into space to regain its true form even supersonic won't be able to stop it I know what I must do I must leave you no Sage there has to be another way go oh Eggman knows as much as he wants her to stay he's gonna pilot it before it regains its full strength Chase it down we're going to space wouldn't be the first time be careful I quite like seeing this side of Eggman the end it's not the end until I say it's the end I need your help you can end this give me the Sonic Spirit Bomb work with the Titans to defeat the end it's just another one of these yo this feels like the outro of an anime I'm gonna beat your ass I'm so good at games like this I played a lot of r-type just fighting a planet and then I think we have another boss there's like a hidden boss if you play on hard mode which uh I did because originally it said that there was something extra if you did and I like extra things all right fire it's closing in gonna move up can't hit me up here okay all right I'm cracked you can't stop me I've beaten Sands I gotta navigate my way through this Minefield oh crap oh God all right we have more lives it's fine I'm just going back and forth on the uh on the sticks oh God what is happening yeah that's a big laser didn't know we needed a Sonic Shoot Em Up oh really throwing them at me I feel like Yep this is gonna take me a couple tries oh wait I have one more we got one more life hang out down here oh god oh no okay it'll take me two tries if you looked at this and only saw this screen completely out of context you would have no idea this was the final boss of a Sonic game and I kind of like that for it come on you know how many cuphead plane levels I've been through you think Sega is gonna be able to stop me like a gnat I'm more than that I'm the one who's gonna stop you I all right this is it Sage this is it deliver the final blow oh [ __ ] oh god oh [ __ ] oh my God all right this is new this is new this is new this is new got fire oh my God there's just so much on the screen can you please die what do I do here what do I do I gotta counter it right I gotta I gotta Mash this is it come on Sonic We're Gonna Save the World here you have the power of the Titans on your side yo this is Epic holy [ __ ] oh my God punch a hole in the planet oh I see now I see I got it I got it come on full speed do it Sonic this is amazing [Music] this whole cutscene is fantastic Sage is going to sacrifice her oh she's good now God damn father I well a little choked up right now all right everyone's out of cyberspace so it really looks like the only way out of this was Sage sacrificing herself and I'm sad I am hurting Sonic Frontiers made me feel something again [Music] area is unscathed and this time he said I'm ditching the emeralds on my terms and then uh just bits of the end's corpse just Reigns from the sky here's Dr Eggman he knows he knows what happens he knew it was the only way I feel for him hang on hang on you hear that the sound of me clapping what a ride all right back on the tornado let's get out of here [Music] so that's fun fun I had the time of my life Sonic the Hedgehog what was that look from Knuckles it's time we got moving I know you all have big plans you're gonna hardly recognize me when we see each other again is that foreshadowing even sticks are free make a road trip out of it it'll be good to get back to my Island at least for a while everyone's back to the Daily grinds let's go [Music] all right Tails start her up and that's Sonic Frontiers I I loved this game so much which is crazy because I did a complete 180. I went from being very very lukewarm to this is one of my favorite games this year and probably one of my favorite Sonic games of all time I really hope to make a sequel thanks for watching subscribe and we'll see you next time yeah our sights are set beyond the Moon what we can do [Music] excuse [Music] goes away make us even stronger [Music] him oh hang on there's more Eggman is furiously typing away he's on Reddit right now somebody called him a baldy someone told him his hairline's weak he's up to something he's up to no good mother what what oh wait wait you brought Sage back oh a cliffhanger give me the sequel now foreign
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 448,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic frontiers, choctopus sonic, sonic frontiers full game, sonic frontiers full movie, sonic frontiers full playthrough, sonic frontiers 100%, sonic frontiers all cutscenes, sonic frontiers all bosses, sonic frontiers prologue, sonic frontiers knuckles prologue, sonic frontiers choctopus, choctopus sonic frontiers, sonic frontiers super sonic, sonic frontiers 100 percent walkthrough, sonic frontiers cyberspace 1-2, sonic frontiers speedrun, sonic frontiers speedrun 1-2
Id: DrAdO5WfHkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 53sec (7853 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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