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yeah i'm going to try and get at least a few if not several stafford gambits today and jean paneu hi from bordeaux from bordeaux alexa where in the world is bordeaux brazil oh it sounds french but i'll trust alexa thanks for that oh it's france is it actually france did alexa lie to me alexa did you lie to me i'm not always right but i don't lie how do i know that's not a lie alexa how do i know that's not a lie oh that was a passive aggressive sound and t gains good luck thanks so much you just initiated a hype train hype trains taking place as the tournament's getting underway i'm gonna play and chess i should have prepared three two it's too late now just have to mentally prepare oh no i'm not playing anchov i'm playing number three that's strange okay uh london time i'm not black so i can't play a stafford but london is also a fun opening so i'm going to play aggressively um you might go into a pierce thanks for the inspiration eric oh thanks for subbing the fco is opening prep for this afternoon's catalan opening turning interesting fco i've heard of mco modern chass openings but fco i haven't heard of before okay h6 let's um let's castle queenside go for the usual g5 is a move oh that's that's a move scam train hype yeah it's time to donate all the bits and all do all the prime subbing and donating etc um maybe h4 let's play h4 i was calculating g4 knight h2 h5 knight f1 to g3 and the light will sit happily hey thanks for that oh ception gifting subs thinks ocception recently became a sub now spreading the love yeah there's a lot of people to think i really appreciate all the people but i have to stay focused on the game this is a nice move because i attack the pawn i also prevent black from castling because i win this thing black defends and counter attacks wondering if i can play e5 here it's an interesting move it's risky because it might be overextending like e5 takes takes knight d5 e4 the knight is trapped in that line let's do it oh i blundered you kind of did i actually i don't know [Music] i miscalculated um i have to improvise so the the problem is like oh never mind if knight d5 e4 there's bishop h6 um this is also possible i think all if you have amazon prime you have twitch prime feel free to give subscribe to take the money straight from jeff bezos yeah um thanks for making that clear matt rob 91. hopefully everyone understands that oh i lost a pawn there's crazy move rook f6 which there's some logic to actually rook f6 um it depends how insane i want to be no let's play rook d2 and then rook f2 rook d2 or not in this move threatening to take that's tricky i'm down about a minute um yeah i'll try and thank everyone maybe between games but uh position's interesting this is a threat opponent clearly sees it oh um king b1 [Music] yeah king safety first so black cat castle that's a good move probably knight g6 doesn't do anything [Music] knight c3 rook da traps my queen i'm in trouble i have to play this sad move yeah this is really sad it was actually really sad c5 is coming man okay let's play let's play tricky chess i'm going after a6 it's not easy for black to defend a6 and if a6 falls in maybe b5 can fall oh the bishop moves backwards what oh someone okay alexa just told me something arrived i don't remember what i ordered oh maybe i do okay i'm getting distracted again oh wait this is really bad also thanks people for so much hype i need a miracle here okay i'll start pre-moving can make a past pawn maybe one's moving slowly the vienna gambit is a forced win for white wow i won that the clutch h-pawn how did i win that how did that happen is this real life it's an early christmas miracle how did i win that well the time situation was ridiculous too it was 43 sec it was 43 wait move this down a little bit yeah it was 34 seconds to three seconds opponent maybe got too complacent i got completely outplayed man well that's a start that's a wake-up call i guess oh undefeated i feel so dirty man but that's why that's one of the reasons why i don't resign because sometimes when you're winning you get a bit more careless than usual dirty flag bits it's always the hope of the dirty flag things double the pawns yeah and thanks to everyone it was hard to read off all the names while almost flagging but i do appreciate people okay berserk time and staff are gambit time or not okay vienna or nights time yeah center fork trick time that's a fun opening a lot of like newer players will fall into this and it's not winning material but it gives black uh a nice uh nice position some early momentum yeah so this is one one of the most played lines i'm queen d is usually the way to go just so i don't block anything queen's not a target and black has basically two main advantages here is uh the bishop pair and more space with the pawn on the fifth rank i'm just realizing i'm i'm allowing this move or that move i played this with the intention of someday castling and then attacking ooh okay tactics time yeah very simple removal of the guard let's castle i like to play knight d4 next threatening the queen and threatening a fork there's queen d1 or that move okay got to take a calc final so i can't stick around but here are some finals bits oh yeah good luck for your your final keep in mind sleep is important so don't stay up all night um eat healthy drink some tea oh my pawn someone should call an ambulance but not for me okay just have to watch my time oh let's go also thanks for the hype choo choo choo choo something something and vanguard what's up vanguard shout out to vanguard this is a kiss of death okay so that was a cleaner game than the first game i feel like every game will be cleaner than the first game oh coffee coffee is greater than tea ooh so yesterday i set up um [Music] i set up one of these how to explain choo-choo bits there's a program called amazon influencers hey it's a rain nameless bandicoot thanks for reading if you're just joining i'm playing chess it's a daily super blitz arena trying to be aggressive this game i'm trying to take down the the london opening hey eric b5 coming it's the first time i've caught you streaming hey oh welcome welcome to twitch oh i might be getting forked also might be mating yeah so i have a i have a funny story about this exact line i forgot what year it was but i was taking a long international trip and um i was born on the plane like i didn't have access to wi-fi i just had my phone so i just started playing stockfish and i played this exact line against stockfish i think i as white i played knight c7 took the rook but i also fell victim to this so it's a useful thing to know um if it weren't for knight e4 i think this line would be good for white but knight e4 is a strong counter-attack so that was a nice eight move win i feel like i lost track oh yeah thanks double the pawns for the bits thanks nameless bandicoot for the raid haven't heard of that streamer but i'll have to check you out hope someone can give a shout out uh that's berserk again i'll play e4 this time so i was going to say um i s i set up this amazon influencers like store page thing hi eric i saw your twitch handle written on the wall of the 96th street subway station first time catching your stream oh maybe that's how you discovered me i'm not sure if i believe that but you should take a picture then i'll believe it anyway i was going to say um i have like an amazon type storefront with different recommendations people can use the amazon command for for t recommendations and for chessbook recommendations and some more other stuff um hopefully it works but it's it's kind of like this this thing you have to have a certain amount of following on social media love for chess after all these years oh thank you hartwig also i'm trapping the night wow was i i may have missed it i should have played that a move sooner actually but okay it still works out some weird pawn structure nice being up a piece half a year joke time if you forget the rules to chess don't worry you're allowed to check uh haha and occasionally you're allowed to check mate thanks for subbing swasmatize for half a year welcome back awesome let's develop whoa it's doobie doo dooby doo with a thousand bits that's a new name i appreciate that thanks for the support okay all the pawns are tender actually all the pawns are attacked more than they're defended this pawn attacked three times this pawn attack twice this pawn once so black defends two but not three okay so i'm up a pawn actually i'm just up a minor piece and it's almost mate it's really close to mate i think um yeah the most efficient way is bishop c6 here threatening made in one well i can't take because it's pinned yeah life is very good do i miss maiden one if something to b7 the king would run so sometimes it's good to check but sometimes it's good to not check and just try and suffocate the king okay now we're going to see a flurry of checks i'm going to win the rook and the end here we go oh i could castle with almost checkmate let's castle king safety first but more like king unsafety for black or non-safety okay so if black didn't have this pawn this pawn this pawn or this pawn it would be stalemate but that wasn't the case okay so top three have a nice berserking streak i've learned scholars mate pinsfox the word development but i can't see past my nose and blunderfist what next pins forks development i mean there's more terms that you can learn the skewer zwischenzug zugzwang pork oh i forgot to berserk okay but i'm playing a decent player i'll play queenie too and yeah this is a a playable variation um when you see mate in one look for better following the hamilton philosophy i see oh oh the ham yeah always have to support the hamilton philosophy um i'm actually not entirely sure what to do here play bishop e2 i'm at castle king sign and keep it positional that's a decent move which way to castle the queen's a little bit awkward actually queen g5 what's castle make black decide what to do oh it's gonna get sharp and the whole idea was to um to trap the bishop if bishop takes d3 i rook d1 and then it's pin and win updated upon it ragequit thank you for the content i just have one question regarding tea have you ever made your own chai masala oh i have not made it from scratch i've i've had like the tea like the um chai tea bags but also chai i can show one that i i have to write in this move i have this thing um it's like nice powder matcha chai play rook e1 um you kind of blend it with water and maybe milk you can make a latte okay so this position i'm technically down material but it's interesting i'm not sure what my plan is harley queen g3 first just aligning with the king g7 is a clear target i want to make way for the pawn oh i should have seen that coming maybe it's okay i'll play bishop uh bishop e5 and then put the rook on d1 if i i lose a pawn um and black's playing this well there's a cool trick to play bishop c7 rook here and then bishop here threatening queen b8 and the rook not sure if it's winning anything might be winning a pawn in the end depending where the rook goes as a cool little geometrical almost a sideways rectangle oh bishop d6 i forgot about um i'm not winning anything i'm probably losing just my a-pawn that's unfortunate oh i'm losing more i'm losing my bishop oh it's really bad okay i need a miracle i'm down about a minute i have a queen for rook bishop rook and two pawns so two rooks of bishop and two pawns man that's not good okay i want to put my rook here this is going to be really tough that's some queen v8 idea i'm black's so solid though i mean the hope is probably dirty flagging or mating on g7 someday some way actually i have a threat but opponent doesn't allow me okay let's go for b5 oh that's not good black has force made in three but misses it i'll show it after the game play this move okay trying to be annoying with my pieces now what am i doing everything's defended for black i'm getting forked no my baby stalemate me please ah that's checkmate ah okay my first loss there's a really cool maid in three actually i'll just show it um it was after king g2 so i guess this position is made in four i'm pretty sure uh the line is knight e3 forking i'm only legal moves to take and then check i have to move here and then mate so it's a cool cool pattern opponent played well i missed this rook d5 move missed a few moves that game okay life goes on stafford gambit time maybe what are your favorite non-chess books genres oh um i've been reading like a lot of business kind of i love the content non-fiction curious what's the hardest concept to teach intermediate players oh it really depends on the player it's hard to generalize among all intermediate players but usually if you're intermediate player you have some weaknesses that need to be addressed [Music] i like malcolm gladwell's books the art of learning by josh waitzkin really really good book hey it's akd it's 500 bits thanks so much welcome back so after the tournament i'll have more more focus and ability to answer questions in more detail hopefully um but opponents applying pressure let's play let's play bishop b6 i'm trying to be safe it's not a pleasant position i think i want to just go for the trade of of all the rooks thanks for subbing uh we go and i don't know so i put this welcome back uh it's not an easy position have to move back i think it would be nice idea for you to buy eye tracker so that we could see what pieces you are looking at and understand your thinking process better i actually i have an eye tracker it's right in front of me i just haven't used it in a while but i could use it it's a it's a toby um that's it's plugged in so i can't really stretch it but it's here maybe at some point is the point gonna just repeat i'm not going to repeat okay white's not either so knight uh 95 is kind of interesting because it just forces a trade of everything or maybe not i guess if i could move the knight somewhere i was looking at um yeah takes takes oh i'm losing a pawn oh but then i win the c2 pawn and i attack f2 i think this is a good line for me if any sort of check i play rook here and i'm threatening to take this is threatening force mate i think it's over wow because the threat is takes here here here here here and then meets and it's going to happen yeah i was under pressure like the whole game and then because my opponent made one bad decision okay that worked out nicely so top ten thanks for subbing austin numbers solving for five months yeah i know there's some like twitch extension thing where you can you can let viewers see the overlay of the eye tracker um it'll take some some investigating to set up ah everyone's declining the stafford and two staffer gambits just declined that's so unfortunate uh let's castle i'll play a bit differently i played f6 last game i think this game i'll play h6 just preventing bishop here then i can safely put the queen on f6 thank you rob tier subbing with prime okay okay with the bishop trade and duck jumper also subbing with prime appreciate that i know there's a question what does berserk do um there's a berserk command which should answer that but it gives me extra points also makes the game sometimes more fun but also more stressful okay so this is i guess one of the benefits of um the fact that i took on b6 i can swing the rook all the way over question is maybe queen f4 first and trying to provoke g3 g3 is weakening to the things that g2 used to defend concerning rook h5 rook h5 is kind of cool so white wants to like move the knight and attack my rook but the problem is the knights pin to f2 pawn and now i can kind of take advantage of this pin it's still tricky though here because lights no longer pinned i mean this is a consideration 95 oh my time i forgot i berserked i was explaining what berserking does i have no time left i have takes let's play this move okay i feel like i get in these situations a lot just have to roll with the punches move quicker so if the queen moves away from defending the knight i can take and then take advantage of the bishop being overworked queen here may be expected then i play bishop here to prepare this when it's perplexed i'm looking for ways to really opponent left the game maybe the my time management is so disturbing my opponent couldn't and bear to look at so little time i don't know it's a weird time i mean it's probably like losing connection or maybe there's some internet outage or a pizza delivery man arrives have to find a tip to give them i'm gonna claim victory i could call a draw but no no no wait i missed it okay and i pause there just to make the the caller draw a comment and then it went it kind of it faked me out hey eric hope you are having a good day oh i am thanks for that being 24. the same wishes to you thanks for subbing that was a close one yeah okay moving on so i have some some points to make up okay we're gonna have a london versus caro khan so basically a slave play c4 opponents playing a stone wall i'm going to play the setup with queen c2 and then probably h3 g4 maybe start with this square is very nice for the control of the minor pieces thank you andis boots gifting a sub to solo third something something i appreciate that yeah this uh this sort of setup is really nice my question is what to do rook g1 a king b1 always play king b1 i mean a3 could come o maybe king b1 wasn't a good move because i might be getting forked let's take here first they make me watch one ad every month seems unfair wait who does oh my position [Music] wait this position is unfair wait i'm getting crushed because knight c3 i lose exchange oh i can't even play king a1 because i think i mated this is really bad i'm down on time but it's gonna be a scramble i had eggs earlier but they were they were hard-boiled eggs they're actually deviled eggs so not quite scrambled eggs okay that's a mysterious move let's control the g file and position is not bad i don't think like black missed a chance to win material and now i'm up on time not clear what to do for black if it takes i get the diagonal that's probably a good move let's play this move i'll take okay position is very nice now turning made in one let's go wow that ended quickly as black's attack kind of stalled in my attack and carried through i am going to say the same thing every time i resub really oh i don't think you said that last time but maybe this is a start a subbing for two months it's gonna feel like deja vu there's a there's a few people that say something about deja vu every time they sub okay no berserking gonna play i guess no staff or gambit or no luchini it's pronounced mdpwe because it's based on french oh my depuy oh my depuy interesting okay yeah i don't really speak french much i don't really play the french play this move going after the bishop hair it was a very typical move for these kind of italian type positions i had to play queen back oh that's a move i wonder if i've walked into some opening trap it doesn't seem too bad for me though i'm gonna retreat my knight eventually some idea of playing f5 and this is a nice outpost i probably don't want to take these too soon let's go eric let's go from india oh thanks for that justified play this move oh wait if i play this or takes takes i get forked i lose a piece so maybe this move i almost missed that yeah so i want to play this and not allow knight g5 there's a cool little trick um queen d7 right here and then if we trade i i enter meso or as the germans say suicide on f3 and then take back not sure if that would be so great for me though and it might make more sense to like just go for f5 i'll probably start with queen d7 then decide okay now the queen's defended i think that was a mouse slip oh but the heat just came out i'll be right back yeah not sure if people could hear that because i have like noise suppression on but the heat fan is like right over me so it's allowed for me okay trying to open that file um i'm gonna play rook f7 going for the double up on the bubble up it's nice when you double up uh behind the pawn but there's tension with between the pawns so at some point you can basically choose when the file opens um probably right now there's gonna be tactics takes should win just have to watch out for counter tactics i think it's good for me because if if takes takes takes takes takes i have takes i'm in the pawn in the end so yeah this pawn was overworked oh i forgot about that move i'm not winning anything that's unfortunate i have to take debating between [Music] king g6 i think king g6 it's so weird but the king helps defend the pawn it can't easily be attacked and now we probably go for a queen trade also threading a fork there's queen b2 almost 30. oh years old or oh oh africa for 29 months wow g4 and we're both trying to attack on the same side so it's spicy maybe this move the c pawn is a potential target that king is the king has no squares but it's so hard for like to check it not sure the point of that move i guess defending the pawn but now the rook's not defended so the pawns pinned hmm so i'm bringing up the square oh i'm logging knight b6 but knight b6 i have uh queen a7 cool line um just gotta move quickly yeah this is me is this meat it's close to me there we go yeah so the same idea existed in the line if knight b6 uh queen a7 takes and then here and like the better tries to run this way actually maybe i don't know the checks would continue for a while i i don't know what's going on but it would have been fun okay that worked out nicely thanks for subbing doobie oh dooby doo i cheered a thousand bits now subbing thanks for that oh diamond color asking about knight takes f3 um i'm not sure if i'll have time to look at it but maybe 28 knight takes f3 i considered it but then takes i think there's queen g2 in the end the engine would know best oops okay we're gonna play i'll play a pierce all right actually this is a modern so i like to play this e5 line and h3 knight g4 i think is kind of rare what is this take a free pawn looks free nice looking position there's a line um yeah i think i'm winning a piece because it takes an e6 and the knights pin but there's also potential for the yeah the double attack okay i can take with rook um i have to be a little bit careful [Music] rook f6 is a threat so maybe bishop g5 bishop g5 i lose b2 [Music] how to do this oh brook f6 is not a threat rook f6 queen d5 but it's still tricky i'm gonna move quicker too just play rook oh work b1 was a really bad move okay i'm losing back a piece but opponent's not seeing it okay let's sack orc was trapped basically okay can take there messy game so far but it's nice position now [Music] just go for the queen trade hmm good try okay wow that was close it's close got low on time opponent had bishop takes c3 at various moments but i think my opponent was playing for time too so i'm oh i'm in second place let's go i'm just trying to like win games quickly i'll play um play in knight t7 i usually play b6 but um this is also a playable line so going for the bishop pair um let's take in c6 queen c7 and b6 and a5 very positional line i should know more theory here but this is usually what people do yeah b5 is a very confrontational move um probably have to take and and just roll with the punches so a lot of pressure okay so we're going to trade um and there's 95 coming how to do this if i take it with rook white has to play a4 maybe that's the way to go and then put the rook on c1 oh but then knight a7 so i'll play queen b7 first and then roxy8 i really just want to fight for the the file okay here we could trade yeah so now it's kind of like a french structure the queen side is very relevant rook c4 and bishop b4 are maybe coming there's some potential for light to attack f4 i'd probably play g6 just to slow down that five okay this pawn is tender attack the queen always gotta watch out for this move but bishop defends and for the time being rook c4 is coming throw in h6 online with the queen so i'm trying to double up but also kind of pressure the pawn could consider taking but there's no need okay the double up has been accomplished if i triple up i get forked opponent wants to play queen d8 i could play queen e7 just try and simplify into a queenless endgame here york c2 queen g5 yeah getting a lot of activity like the pieces are really nicely placed like white has more space in the center but i'm able to play around the pawns probably queen g4 here i don't want a queen trade because i'm i have a lot more attacking potential i'd really like to expose this pawn rookie two okay yeah there's queen that f4 but i take rook c2 here we go so there's a really cool idea but i'm not sure how to make it work involves queen takes g3 to watch my time too [Music] you just bishop here attacking this pawn oh i could have played uh some rook d2 move d2 okay here i can take i'm keeping all the tension bishop g5 controlling c1 i'll start pushing the h pawn and bishop e3 there oh i can't take oh it's gonna be a time scramble oh let's go okay oh that was a tough game i mean i like the way i played kind of this middle game but surely improving all the pieces and then it just came down to a time scramble let's go okay so i'm i'm within range of first place i have to catch up to the elephant pair yeah a lot of uh a lot of the time scrambles so far at least a few okay playing narnia berserk can play d4 so i've lost i've lost one game but now i'm on a streak opponent's debating okay opponent's not berserking scramble bits oh thanks for the scramble bits i appreciate that to sends critic oh again with the two senses thanks so much okay so we have we have a position black is solid but i'm also solid things could get interesting soon with a minor piece situation h6 i probably probably have to go back okay so queen c7 is to prepare this i save the bishop and oh okay i'll train so black now has an isolated d-pawn at the same time has a little bit more activity there's another f4 or bishop f4 but then i'm probably happy to trade uh in the meantime never mind yeah so let's start by taking and just allow further training i just want to play positioning against the pawn so the first step is to control the blockading square and then probably just to blockade it and then put the rooks on the d-file [Music] and someday win the pawn or just someday flag i guess we'll find out and time is leveling out like my opponent's taking a lot of time early on which is nice take with rook put the knight here so preventing bishop f5 okay so this is basically my dream scenario just a question what do i do from here maybe double up on the e-file or even triple up bishop d7 um i probably should not have allowed that yeah that didn't really help me in too many ways maneuver the knight maybe to f4 can actually attack the pawn and not get in the way of the d-file yeah i'm fine with the queen trade so eventually i want to play c4 probably right now yeah this is the way you usually like end up winning the pawn is taking advantage of the pin now there's four attackers only three defenders and g5 i take with knight and knight on d5 will be very nice too time is very nice calculating this and then this never mind everything's defended queen defends backwards threatening some kind of forced mate okay gotta push them yeah just improving the structure oh there goes my pawn i work so hard to win the pawn too but i'm gonna win on time hopefully okay there we go appointment was fast but i was faster let's go first place first time first place in the tournament actually i'm tied for first elephant pair is paused i'm on the street let's go i haven't had a single staffer gambit accepted this tournament are we gonna see it never played george oh it's a third staffer gamut declined that's so sad i'm so disappointed i'll play this move cool move so i'm kind of gambling upon um let's take it do daily blitzes affect your rating uh it affects my blitz rating but not my other ratings not sure if i answered your question with that got my time spending too much time here hey it's alright thanks so much gifting subs welcome back gifting five subs i appreciate that play queen c7 yeah i really ought to manage my time here try and hold on to my my lead a5 not sure what to do exactly my king h8 and f6 getting off the diagonal [Music] seeing some trades probably gonna see more trades too but c3 could be weak in the end if white ever takes when i get the bishop hair that's a reasonable move hmm i guess i'm giving away the bishop here gotta move a lot quicker and g5 g5 might make some sense just get the rook here ah i blundered i'm gonna lose a pawn [Music] it's not so bad though because i attacked this in the end i have 14 seconds left man okay threatening this bishop f4 i can take with either thing oh this is going to be unpleasant oh it's orange giving gifting more subs thanks so much appreciate it i'm in trouble though in a lot of trouble i'm gonna lose this unfortunately ah three queens on the board in the final position good game i'm still in first though and no one at least no one in the top three has a streak elephant is paused i got too low on time there that's an interesting end game though so that's the second loss um playing cole hoes zarya and thanks so much again alrich good to see you thank you hasaki for the bits no berserking this game something about tagi oh is talking to you finished watching your london course last week i really enjoyed it and have even found similar tactics in my games thanks oh very nice speaking of london london time i show this line in my course it's a very typical structure there's some cool ideas from this variation mainly b5 yeah taking advantage of the pin threatening the fork now um oh wait let's not plunder a piece knight c7 it's a question question how i want to do this knight c7 doesn't work debating knight d6 or knight c3 i think i'll play knight c3 no let's play knight g6 get the bishop here 94 is coming i want to play f3 g5 is not a bad move yeah usually you want to keep the bishop i wonder if i had any improvements there okay um mean it's still a pleasant position some idea g4 like in general king d2 b4 [Music] uh bishop d3 knight e2 that will be my my main development scheme maybe knight h3 could be a consideration or g4 let's go for b4 b5 yeah like this whole structure it's all about creating weaknesses on the queen side black is defending though the e5 is playable i think i'll start with this move so now if knight c6 i take and there's a pin now the e-file's open also the d-pawn's a little bit weak so knight c3 and rookie one will come with some attack and block's still defending threatening rookie five and i think after rookie five there's no good way for black to defend e4 oh bishop e6 coming let's start with this and play f4 some idea to play f5 takes and then fork and after takes takes i'm threatening the pawn but also threatening f5 still and now it's winning tactics are nice really had to optimize like all the pieces to to crack the position but it works out yeah all the locks pieces were like purely defensive okay black's probably going to try and fight here um that still takes a little bit of work put the rook here so preventing h3 now really preventing h3 i really want to play not f4 so and probably king e3 to watch out for the the rook coming in making d3 just so if rook here i i can take and then play knight c3 to defend oh but then there's rook g3 i guess it's not happening okay now i want to play rook f3 or maybe knight g1 to f3 i think i can take yeah just trying to simplify should be winning this pawn now okay relatively clean game nice london win opponent uh point was stubborn with the defense okay playing some weird name um no berserking gambit the first glue the best of the the tournament and play one of the the main lines yeah so i've played similar structures many times before white's playing well it's playing in the style where it seems like they know what they're doing but i know what i'm doing kind of yeah very typical budapest idea it's usually why black delays playing this move until now and thanks for subbing antique ram subbing with prime yeah there's all these potential sacrifices and question how to make them work how to make something work you can start with queen h4 i mean all the pieces ready to attack in various ways one of the issues if knight g3 takes takes takes there's queen g2 so i'm considering after knight g3 playing this move to prepare this hi hello and hey hope your day is going well eric oh yeah thanks it's going well so far trying to calculate bishop g7 takes and then bishop c6 and takes okay i lose two pawns oh but then i take on g2 and now the knight of five shouldn't hurt me i don't think so i have two pawns hanging potentially losing a lot of the queen side pawns but white's not interested i mean this is a consideration [Music] it's crazy hey chat what is your favorite thing about eric and his content oh i guess i don't have to answer that i gotta focus on the game that's a wholesome question so knight g4 queen f4 and then g5 and then queen here um it's confusing wait can i win a pawn takes takes free pawn i was so fixated on attacking that sometimes it's hard to to spot free pawns so i'm just unleashing the rook attacking the knight that's a move yeah that's what we call a desperado but i'm still winning a pawn i can put the rook here threading h3 i just gotta watch my time there's no f3 because e3 is loose there's a cool line rook g1 rook here rook or bishop here saying oh no my rook i play here i lose a rook and i mate oh no my rook oh no [Music] opponent sees it though it's unfortunate yeah i tried that's a cool idea i guess i'll play this move because now the plans to play d5 and then bishop d6 just trying to provoke g3 i'm realizing it's maybe not so simple though my rooks get could kind of get stuck on the king's side hmm i always have to be aware of this move too f4 is a good move play bishop here aiming towards the pawn yeah the rooks are actually like they've kind of committed themselves to the h file and now it's just kind of weird bishop e1 coming how bad is this play f4 or f5 string one rook kind of move a lot quicker probably c5 coming that's complicated oh that's a good move i'm in trouble i have this move no i've lost on time oh that was a nice position too somehow i'm still oh no i'm not in for oh oh i lost a oh that was a crucial game i should have maybe not lost but now it's too late so much regret uh no berserking oh yeah we we had the london game previously the banner before each game says stand by americrosen oh yeah standby i don't think i realized that or maybe i did okay so i have to have to get on the streak again h6 yeah i had this earlier had the same line earlier i think my plan is to bring the knight to h5 through the first trimester hey three months let's go thank you gelatinous cube i appreciate it okay so yeah we played like the sec i think the second game of the tournament for me so i'm trying to be tricky okay that's a free pawn oh nothing in life is free and def d5 is actually kind of a cool move queen b4 also [Music] play queen here just going for the the kill maybe this was trickier to pressure c7 oh no my rook okay so i can check maybe bring the this rook in it's it's close to just completely winning but it's not entirely clear okay there's a cool line where i i sack everything and then mate what does that move so i wanted to do this and then this and then this but there's my t5 i think i'll start with rook c3 okay now i can take here we go yeah the tactics really um become clear here both sides of the board are connected it's sometimes easy to forget the the queen side is connected to the king's side oh but it's still not over except it is yeah it's nice uh oh hey bishop is pinned to the meeting square wait i could have done that right away that's funny i i should have done that was made in two but this was more pretty with the double rook sack okay so trying to get back on a streak also trying to break twenty five hundred also thank you mo sg subbing for 13 months really appreciate it so this could be close berserk and go for a budapest okay budapest declined a lot of people declining gambits today that was tricky go play 94 um and there's i want to do fun things but let's just take and this is looking pretty good already a queen g5 oh i'm going to avoid taking because then it's probably easier to play for white after rook g1 okay gonna put the pawn far into white's territory [Music] how to do this maybe bishop b6 and then knight c5 yeah the knight is better than the bishop here if i get the chance i want to play e4 probably i have to defend that takes takes i think this is playable [Music] and it's a trade but i open the file now the f pawn's attacked and now the the queen is coordinating with a rook take another pawn oh i allowed work age one i forgot h7 was attacked but opponent didn't punish me still tricky so ideas after it takes i should have considered rook f2 there but if takes i have queen e5 okay gotta move a lot quicker work here not sure what my plan is to put the rook somewhere oh here we go the plan is not to flag plan is also to promote a pawn okay got the job done no time to waste still trying to catch up to to first place yeah i got pretty low on time that game oh i forgot i made more tea won't see here a big pot of green tea oh playing first place okay this is very important game london time london versus slav gg oh gg thanks for that yeah i gotta stay focused so i had a similar position earlier do we play the same i forget i guess not i played a similar line against a different opponent earlier it's a fun line half open a file more space if e5 i'll play bishop g3 yeah usually people have the knight on f6 already but not the case here so i want to play this and just make the pawn move just so the diagonal is unleashed um resourceful play this move and go for b4 that's going to be a tense position but i have a nice time advantage i think currently i'm threatening to take and after takes rook a6 i mean one of the issues with the pawn here is that i'm not controlling these squares so the rooks can sometimes be more useful defending on on one of the dark squares but for now the rooks tie down to the a pawn wow i don't think i've been up a minute on the clock this whole tournament okay now i'm threatening to win the pawn probably the knights pinned three attackers but if i take never mind okay so probably want to play b4 here i'm just reinforcing okay now i could take and win the pawn um yeah why not i'm realizing even if i win my opponent will still be ahead of me which is kind of sad so i'm going to just try and win quickly i should probably castle get the rook oh never mind i wanted to castle okay here my pawn goes marching a funny position now okay i want to play f3 i also want to take the bishop can't play f3 just yet because e3 would hang but oh did i trap the bishop i think i trapped the bishop bishop here i play this there's bishop f5 but then f3 e4 may be in such a weird position opponent forgot rooks move sideways okay yeah there was 95 the harmony is really nice here play this move just preserve the bishop rook g1 probably wasn't necessary but it looks fun attacking the bishop oh okay now attacking both bishops okay i'm just going for the flag or the meat or the windmill where's my meat is this move there we go okay so i got four points for that tied for seconds we're approaching maybe the last game or two let's dessert and let's play d4 maybe i should have played e4 we're gonna have a london probably the same opening well a lot of people playing this today yeah by the time uh the trade happens on b3 it's it's pleasant for whites but as have we seen as we've seen in the previous games it can be a positional grind i think i want to go for the b7 pawn sometimes i should include this move just like some knight h5 or not hmm trying to figure out how i crack the queen side so it's not so intuitive i might have to crack the center like e4 at some point or maybe i'll maneuver my knight to c3 man so to win the tournament i probably have to win this game then win another game it's gonna be tough here we go so the the whole plans to play b5 now taking advantage of the pin here's how i'm breaking through [Music] now c6 may be coming i'm trying to get a mating attack with just some minor pieces basically it's kind of working i got all the pieces involved now knight c5 just trying to put maximum pressure attacking the knight and the bishop oh it's a double attack i just want one more okay let's go one more game hey first place i got berserking point so i got five points and second place is no longer on the street because i i beat them in the previous game so let's berserk and this will be the final game staffer gambit time come on i haven't had the stafford accepted the whole tournament let's go stafford gav is accepted oh and it's this line let's go this is what happens when they accept the stafford it's so much fun let's go while the way to end the tournament i think kimi 7 is uh is king 7 the playable move i think it is because the queen's still attacked and i i didn't want to take and allow my knight to get pinned and it still may be a little bit tricky but this is uh this is so nice oh that's a tricky move wait i haven't seen this one before wait a minute i can't celebrate too early did i mess us up queen g3 queen g3 is probably the way to go wait a minute takes how do i do this or maybe it takes here bishop d king h2 bishop d6 opponent tricked me in like a weird that's a weird line i i may have celebrated too early there i think it's still winning though because e5 oh no i messed this up i messed it up i'm losing a piece i can't take the bishop oh please hold on to first place though also i'm i'm gonna flag probably yeah i have to check this line after opponent was very resourceful there okay b5 i'm still fighting though hello youtube yeah it's kind of embarrassing to lose in the stafford line but i'm still fighting um um there goes my position but i guess it doesn't count for the tournament ah hey i won the tournament let's go what a weird ending so i finally got a stafford exception opponent walked into like the losing position but then tricked me oh thanks for that i appreciate it yeah thanks for all the love and support from everyone congrats so that that game did not officially count for the tournament um i really have to analyze that yes eric yes yes yes yes what does yasu say yes yes celebratory bits oh yeah the celebratory bits thanks everyone so many celebratory 100 bits with so many people cheering bits so i'm not sure whether to be disappointed like i waited the whole tournament to get the stafford accepted i got it okay let's check the game yeah let's go so i performed above my reading task field successfully yeah it's not easy to perform above my rating when i berserk so much but it worked out um let's check this game thanks everyone i really appreciate it so um i get i get tweets and like dms all the time from people saying like they're getting this as black and they're winning really quickly a lot of people play queen f3 here and then black is force meaning oh thanks for the performance bits so usually what happens is like this is this mate bishop f7 i know is a move i assumed king e7 is still winning oh engine says king d8 i'm not sure what the difference is so king d queen h5 oh i can take on e4 and then have access to g3 but still king h2 so takes on e4 if king h2 i play queen g3 ah bishop d6 here so i don't go for knight f2 because okay my king's in danger but now it's winning and white has to sack the queen and if d4 so i didn't go for knight here because d4 is scary because then bishop g5 is an idea but apparently this is still winning bishop e5 oh okay so white's getting material but black is black is up a queen for rook and bishop actually queen and pawn for rook and bishop and has some initiative oh night chief oh the line keeps going here here here here rook ae1 king d8 at such a long line okay but eventually things simplify so okay now i know um yeah very so very very few people what's the right word very few people will play bishop c4 and then be able to find like this very resourceful bishop f7 queen h5 um yeah because king takes f7 then white's better after d4 okay so if this goes on youtube thanks people watching on youtube the future people um yeah twitch chat has been so supportive uh youtube people say hi to twitch chat and twitch chat say hi to youtube engine recommended kd8 instead of k7 oh that's also true yeah i should investigate further but more priorities for now hello to youtube my child is so friendly
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 220,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, slow chess, chess 2020, London System, Stafford Gambit, Budapest Gambit, lichess tournament, superblitz arena
Id: ihBnAuO7AtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 56sec (5816 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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