"Nasty" Chess in the Daily Blitz Arena

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um let me ask you guys do you want to see bullet or blitz there's monthly bullet or daily blitz I can't play both at the same time timing Collier wants blitz Ilyas wants blitz Robin Jeff's below Bishop c4 okay center fork trick life is good oh so many votes for blitz okay this will be my only bullet game I'll lay join the that's my neck e4 it's a nice move hello hello the based scrub and howdy to everyone else I'm down a piece so I have to win a piece back I think number after takes takes there's f5s best move probably the best move a key key move in this variation if it weren't for a five-night b4 probably wouldn't work forgetting this was bullets I do have a time advantage out of the bishop here - and g5 incoming also the bishops gonna get trapped there's a p3 f4 no need to play chosen you amazing I am you Stella go it's dreamer so flattering thinks I'm singer okay pausing this tournament I think everyone wanted blitz there are no votes for bullets Lanka bar says bullet is too fast to follow okay what's it is join five minutes late but in 15th place out of 255 players 256 what do we call 256 super even or perfect or to to the it's to to the eighth right what's to to the eighth what's to to the eighth power okay I knew it NTE ten let's play let's play aggressively I've been doing like a slightly impromptu series on YouTube on super aggressive chess so I'll try and keep it up with with this stream hello to taggi welcome back opponents doing some slightly bizarre setup may be attempting to play a hippo would like to open the center like d5 is one way to do it it's play d5 threatening the knight threatening to win the pawn if takes I'll have a choice between pawn takes or Knight takes if you want to play me join this tournament I'll share a link in the chat my e5 and go on trade and then I think I can win a pawn c6 is not defend three ooh invincible pawn on e6 and thanks to the the new the new subs right eyes and it's Nablus XL appreciate it and super manga welcome night might be five looks appealing maybe f3 or maybe queen g4 queen g4 most aggressive making a threat reinforcing my invincible pawn 95 looks nice yeah 95 takes takes and then the pawn is even more than 150 Sam Vic I think so much for the The Terminator it's now I just have to terminate my opponents Queen C sixes of threats if Queen e8 I'll reposition the bishop to c6 and then go for Queen the Queen invasion Bishop c5 that's the move I just want to invade hmm takes and this is a move maybe what's the best way to do this good castle yeah King safety first connecting the rooks this bishop is pinned to the c6 square so if takes I don't take back I just go for meets elephant bush on a 3-month streak now b4 yeah putting pressure on the pinned piece I usually don't stream with music if you want to listen to music open a new tab and then you can choose whatever you want I know different people have different tastes speaking of taste I made some tea but I forgot to pour it let's win a bishop let's win a bishop with my bishop so if takes and I made into okay nice starts snack attack is back okay back to tournaments I have pumpkin spice tea don't think there's any caffeine but it's goodness in a cup super mingle asking how do you suggest to play against a stronger player and yourself I mean general advice play the board not the player just try and play the best moves unless they're lower rated then you can bizarre let's play d4 I want to play aggressively playing a Queen's Gambit ooh let's play this one's gambit accepted 'if I've probably have like a iqp position so there's there's downsides and upside stabbing this pawn downside is it's kind of lonely because there's no neighboring pawns to support it never mind this is reasonable structure but the bishop the bishop on f4 I mean the upside still in this position is the deep one controls more space it's also the only center pawn on the board but okay in the meantime I'm just trying to improve queen d3 Bishop g6 is a problem Bishop looking for tactics with Bishop d6 and doing things [Music] I think I'll go for this visual d6 Queen b3 is interesting some tension here this bishops tied down to the pawn so if takes I take down that seven with check some idea of Knight g5 this bishops not defended it's aligned with the Queen but there's no great knight moves maybe might have fates but I like in retreats I also want to play this move yeah b5 is reasonable move back to you two would have liked to stay on this diagonal but with Bishop e2 I defend the night I avoid the double pawns might be six probably coming this is gonna be a fights blocks playing solidly has a time advantage that White's position looks okay Oh what to do maybe rook c1 some future idea of c4 okay now there's some pin action yeah let's get off the diagonal well I want to play Bishop d3 target h7 I also like to find a better square for the night it's not really doing that much it's restricted by the F pawn okay attacking the H pawn play Queen c2 defending this okay now after g6 there's some weakness like h6 and f6 or a bit weaker so I think nice idea is 92 to e4 black threatening to win a pawn let's push now actually the pawns kind of tied down whoa what just happened I was really weird I just did something weird like before okay let's play Queen d2 Oh actually wait I'm losing am I losing material oh no there's a trap or is there a chop dah no I'm I would be the one getting trapped cuz might be - that's very devious I could take on he ate first hmm might be - Wow okay to deal with the consequences I'm down upon opponents playing very well but it's gonna be a fight I'm gonna try and get some attack on the kingside and I think I'm threatening to take on Ian and then take on c4 never mind you're still threatening this I want to do this in this still yeah now I'm fighting f6 and might have some juicy squares Roka faith Bishop each for perhaps applying a lot of pressure trying to calculate g5 Bishop takes g5 takes this not quite working 95s come in I have the c5 square it's still some tactical potential I'm 26 seconds not that much time bring the bishop back I should fight for the e-file 93 we could trade nights lovely Queen oh no that would be blunder Asst any Queen D to be safer rookie seven ideas - okay we trade do I have a threat here not sure if I have a threat just bluffing okay so I'm down to pawns but lots of Clare bishops still some attacking potential it's gonna be a time scramble down three pawns but pawns don't matter when we're both all in time Queen b8 I want to play this and eventually mates it's all about initiative now rook here defends g8 with the bishop but okay I'm threatening mate in one Bach has a couple checks but nothing too harmful now I'm up on time might win this this might actually be winning for whites like regardless of time situation not entirely sure okay well I was a weird game felt like I I got outplayed something weird happened in the middle game where it it just crashed for a split second it's white winning like in that position here a singing g5 and the King has to run but looks like it should be winning somehow plus 0.8 what oh so rookie you want any move Oh Ricky won Queen f7 and somehow White's better after f3 it's really random I have 3 attacking the rook some like really don't know if I understand this line f3 idea to play this and eventually Bishop h6 a far far far is back with a thousand bits thanks so much a far far far okay back to the tournament 14th place trying to stay clean I think what I'll do is all berserk anyone below 2000 maybe at some point I'll do a treatment where I desert everyone opponents over 2000 let's play let's play chess caro-kann I've really been liking the hillbilly attack lately not sure if I've had the best results with it but it's an aggressive approach gambling a pawn will eventually play off three because always play off three yeah I did say at the time that came by mating rather than flagging my opponents 'if I've was he five I think all I'll just develop I'm envisioning the center opening up and black being underdeveloped for example Bishop here and d4 maybe she not sure if that's so great Oh Bishop here I just went up on the fook sia refuted the hillbilly attack with a5 a5 but a 4 maybe can look into that explai 3 question the bishop I wear shoes welcome back I got new shoes other day my old shoes were falling apart have to be more respectful to shoes so black has a few choices at Bishop h5 I play g4 and maybe when the e-pawn that's interesting I could take off 7 I mean taking off settings just necessary it's actually a really funny line which is not gonna happen I was thinking after takes night here here here the King would land on e5 and it would be funny but ok this is this is also kind of fun the Kings on e7 bishops attacks I don't have to move the bishop because I have g5 but I should probably move the bishop it's the only LightSquared bishop on the board which means I'll just probably dominate the light squares some queen a3 idea but that's only one check this is a double attack hmm interesting move I mean Bishop e2 is kind of sad queen a3 doesn't need too much Queen b3 is a move not sure Queen d4 what's material I'm up upon so I can afford to stock up on let's just develop might even treat me to 100 bonus 10 mm-hmm but you disagree thanks for the bits I appreciate that so I have a time advantage the queen is expected to take I might just take the ship g5 have a nice lean development oh please play g5 oh I see the emotes g5 was possible I probably should have considered it but don't worry I still have a jeep on I can play g5 later when things are even more developed the king is still a bit awkward blocking the bishop the knight is pinned to the king if the king moves back then the rooks don't get connected I want to play d4 I won't open both Center files and then eventually checkmate the files have to open up ceefor I just take threatening to take expecting this yeah Bishop c5 sacking looks dubious let's play rook d2 just getting ready for the double up also getting ready maybe for this never mind Bishop f4 there's choices here let's play Bishop f4 not sure where the Kings gonna go if this and this and I'll have some fun cod Bishop e6 looks Pleasant the problem for Locke the king is just stuck which means the night's stuck even if the king was to do that night still pinned and the goal is just to apply even more pressure wait this is a two-hour tournament I thought this all won our tournaments just seeing let the time here I guess maybe I'll play the whole tournament I guess we'll see so I guess I do have time to fight for for first place let's do this envisioning a position where okay this is expected ah maybe I could have taken I should have considered taking actually I'm probably just winning a piece here take sticks can win the rook or at the very least I'm yeah I mean this is this is pretty much over as if takes I just win the rough if that looking for my windmill I do have a windmill emote but sadly the windmills are no longer in existence because there's been some changes so approach s League more on that in the future but the windmill in terms of chess tactics still exists don't think this will be like a a real windmill but we'll see Rick t7 looks nice where's my meat always playoff 3 preparing this in this thinking I should play c-4 explosive mainly covering the square hmm again where's my mate let's play this training maiden one there we go okay dr. tournaments top 10 3 wins 2 3 4 all desert I want to make it 2 3 4 5 I have work off seven Rogoff seven block would move the king and defend the rook whoa it's a thousand more bits a far far far far a far far far far what opening do you want to see tell me what to play okay I guess we have a London no choice this is entice London line b3 play Bishop hey this that's a solid approach all the line the rook with the Queen some idea of taking and then might be for later so white hasn't played h3 which means let h5 should probably get the bishop pair or not the bishop pair but trade like for Bishop but maybe not at six hear of g5 do I want to go for that let's do it playing aggressively my Knights defended I have that open in each file so I probably won't castle play this let's play this I'm not h4 interesting let's play a five all I could take I could take twice it looks risky though let's play f5 first the problem like if I took twice I could maybe win the rook but you six things in the end I think there would be too much counter play so completing development first there's almost some tactics let's play King g7 developing my final piece more importantly though clearing the way for the rook I think I want to do this in g5 or GFI first and then this I think there's gonna be problems for lights on H file with upon ng4 and with upon ng5 um this pond is kind of stuck did I accomplish from night a three Sicilian you'll have to watch like the four to five hours I played in the autumn marathon to see if I play that but if you want a spoiler then yes I did I did accomplish it and I think I won in like a really messy game okay so time is precious whoo there's my enough one coming so can I take first and sack and do stuff let's start with this expecting 93 I really want to just go insane take first takes takes almost works take stakes it's so close to working I can't resist can resist wait do I take first really do I take on each two first maybe that's too insane let's take their first oh that's why I wanted this is nice meet these pawns for puns connect for it but with different colors okay I mean 9f2 was what should have been played and I wasn't entirely sure if this is sound I'm fantasizing about like Bishop takes g3 just sake more stuff and then threatening mates hey it's more bits oh maybe this does work cuz King f1 I just I go for meat and sacking i sacking a knight on d4 a bishop on g3 and then the exchange I'm each one would have been pretty sweet so it's a swinging chair Bishop takes g3 oh it's a draw because chess is always a draw Queen B 5 and somehow that that's okay 4 bytes okay back to tournaments thanks again for the bits arf arf arf but you want to see a London that I play because I can always play a London maybe if I'm lights yeah let's play a London I'll bezerk again ooh the copy confirmation with a copycat variation I don't recommend playing the typical like c3 setup I recommend playing the setup with c-4 Queen b3 targeting the one undefended thing in blacks position and often block plays this after v6 were actually going to have like a reversed variation of what we had the last game let's play Knight d2 again preparing Rexy one I put them out in d2 so my rooks not so obstructed I mean we might see the same type of thing okay h6 so it'll be slightly different I'll put my knight here restricting this light from developing because now it's tied down to a pod hollow to a KD 707 welcome back z nation asking question about Kotov thoughts on kota AUVs thinking like a grand master book you're asking the wrong person unfortunately I have not read that book I think I've heard of it I like the title that I can't I can't offer any insight there's a d6 is a move but really no reason let's just move back so I have the bishop here and there are dark-squared bishop is it's a very nice piece to have the pierces through blacks territory there's bishops he's seven here as you see seven is a move Bishop e5 is a move it's a lot of moves well start with this should be sudden a bishop the bishop see sudden just diving in now there should be five I'll probably move the knight I just want to keep invading Locke's territory hello youtube say hi T og GI in the comments mmm you two people watching in the future you know what to do don't disappoint the one who know me tog II black wants to fork me so I defend and I threaten the skewer I also clear the way for the rook so 97 maybe this may be stillbrook c7 wait there's options Bishop b4 there's not much time though let's play rook c7 looks fun mm-hmm I should probably move my Knights I just want to double up the thing is I'm not up any material but my pieces are good my time is not good at 41 seconds I have to up the tempo there's some f3 move Claire three because always playoff three Bishop before we keep attacking the Knights Wow king of to wait my rook is almost trapped okay we could trade yeah let's trade in this move oh we're gonna have an endgame can Trey Queens I will trade Queens I still have the bishop pair two bishops versus two nights it's play oh I wanted to play for not a three okay let's play this move a four No okay now a four because box pawn is kind of weak might be a Bishop d6 push a d6 anyway okay this is gonna be hard to win unless it's easy to win okay I take upon now I'm up up on King go this way I for on a breakthrough a Bishop e7 coming that's taking Bishop e7 yeah here's a break thrive pawns on both flanks to connected Pass was here 11 seconds plenty of time I'm just pushing the Jeep on safety first I have meanin what Bishop d8 was oh that's not me in the one I'll still play Bishop the eights Jack okay not still me because black has plumps Oh took a little bit of work their opponent played well like put up a resistance I felt like I maybe I could have had tactics but it was hard to break through oh you like the mug I don't know where the smug came from it was part of the apartments when I moved in Belgium novice welcome back is there an art to crying like a Grand Master should ask Ben Feingold not entirely sure let's bezerk English by physics back super aggressive chess helping counter gambits whoa c5 why not c5 is actually kind of logical cuz I just want a pawn on d4 b5 maybe no but maybe III III kills my fun what to do let's take yeah let's take like that and then this keeping all the tension or at least some of the tension takes takes take with Queen the Knights pinned I want to win a pawn if Queen a4 knight c6 this is all line actually Queen takes b4 and we would trade Queens okay now I have to probably take and then a fourth ok playing aggressively down a little bit of time oh I still have to make it connect four emotes I I had the actually like I started it in Photoshop but then I got distracted and then I forgot it's like when g5 tying down the bishop to the the g2 pawn ok time relatively balanced the Queen is happy here and this move want to invade the light squares Bishop e2 perfect light from castling and Queen c2 expected it's actually a cool tactical idea if Queens he choose played in Queen c2 III wouldn't be as strong coming up it's just Castle still waiting for Queen c2 because Queen c2 III I think black wins the piece I don't wanna repeat maybe III hear Bishop f5 fish about five okay I want to play III trying to be aggressive hmm when Bishop has kind of pinned what to do that's slightly uncomfortable Bishop d3 is interesting oh wait that's splendorous let's just do this passive but so I have an idea to play this King h8 f5 yeah I'll submit the bishop on you for the thing is the bishops kind of pinned so Bishop d3 might happen f4 looks fun but let's take first on b6 pinning the rook hmm let's make a lift actually let's do this first hmmm still pinning the rook also defending my own rook okay let's take pressuring the pinned piece okay we trade everything it's unclear hmm like win ce6 it's a very slow time scramble okay making lifts it's been a lot of dancing around this game nice game game their rating points third place AHA so I'm still a little bit out of first place yeah of course I've heard of T Han I played T Han good number of times he's been streaming for at least a couple years or at least a year I think he has a plus score against me on me chess playing in any big US tournaments not in the foreseeable future actually don't know when my next tournament will be like over the board but my next like big match I'll be against fiddler I think it's gonna happen within the next 10 days still working on scheduling things though did I get a haircut yes I got a haircut in Taiwan the hairstylist didn't speak English but I had a picture handy so I just showed the picture and it was super easy what to do I'm playing the Ben Feingold opening I think Ben likes to go for this plan eventually f5 like fiing Keller the night kind of weird black is law in space but it's a counterpunching opening the two main breaks are f5 and b5 yeah I mean if if I have a plus score against Magnus and anyone who has a plus we're against me is better than Magnus and as a deserving world champion I'm drinking a pumpkin spice tea it's nice it's calming no caffeine I'm actually planning to stream later tonight it's 1:45 p.m. right now I'm playing the stream at 7 p.m. for the arena Kings tournament not sure if I'm gonna stay awake I'll try still very much jet-lagged but maybe I'll I'll find some tea with with more caffeine so with 9006 idea is to play Knight c7 and just put all the pieces so that they prepared b5 unless if Y plays before then I'll just kind of be solid link b6 and very soon I want to play f5 if I get enough for then I can organize some attack do this right away don't rush em I play Queen C AIDS just prepare it even more opponent keeps disconnecting hmm whoa that's interesting move that's a scary move be very careful um I mean we're trading trade traded yeah uh hmm oh this is very tricky ah takes have to be very careful here the night the White Nights gonna come to d5 later [Music] there's problems on the surfaces doesn't look too bad I think maybe I'll take I have some idea d6 Bishop t8i d5 Bishop do you yeah have a feeling I'm gonna have to try and win this game on time I want to do this in this eventually Knights kind of Pindell though f4 it's bits thanks chest poems I was a very difficult position yeah the problem okay so that the goal is just to make the game lasts as long as possible Bishop yeah I guess looks ugly but oh there's Queen c3 in the end between c3 the Queen e6 not that bad it's all about time there's opponents like playing pretty flawlessly that's very strong takes takes Oh No oh no it's just force meets and not yet takes looking for some way to survive to try this 26:26 just loses because takes inmates notes this is just force me what move can i play I need Ricky move to play Queen FA there's a threat so Bishop e7 oh no Bishop e7 doesn't work and Bishop f6 it's unfortunate it was very unfortunate play this yep what to do mmm well oh it's nice demonstration how to to beat this opening yeah what to do back to tournaments okay I'm gonna try and recover from that but yeah I'll look at that game closer after the treatments thanks for the sub arm ARP and thanks for the comments Roberts on phone and doll Queen c7 this is a this is a trendy line black wants to play e5 Queen c7 back with us efore is a the usual idea yeah I am not aware of the fishiness from a previous game thankfully it doesn't happen like at least stuff like that hasn't happened like so frequently but yeah it's one of the the issues these days even still let's castle castle there let's play g4 wanna play g5 thanks for the bits a.k.a KD 707 expecting black to Castle queenside actually play Queenie three I'll Castle this way I'm just trying to recover from the previous game a solid position nothing special for whites things idea like the go-to positional idea is to just double up on the old only open file the thing is this might lead to two trades whoa that's a move I could take I might sack up on again in 95 sacking g2 it could also play g5 the thing is I'm not really better here I do this 94 takes and then take c6 probably not mmm wait let's start with this simplifying a little bit expecting rook takes and now maybe this trying to put some pressure on my opponents there's some idea there's a D 595 and the Queen can't doesn't have access to any square as long as diagonal that Queen b6 Queen here you could see a potential windmill camera quality using the Logitech something-something webcam there's also a green screen which is invisible what you do for morning treatments I mean most tournaments usually have a round that starts in the morning usually you should get yourself on a reasonable scheduled sleep schedule where you're waking up at least a few hours before the round I'm usually a night owl so it can be difficult but ok with enough discipline like a week before the tournament try and get yourself on a good routine and eat breakfast too and drink tea we work here okay some pressure I have to catch up 12 points one hour in one minute to do so take whoa it's a donation glad to catch one of your streams I always learn a lot from your videos thanks so much platypus I appreciate that a little bit conflicted here so I want to take on you six but Queen d6 is a kind of a problem so I'll take here if Queens a excited.i fork the pawn in the King if pawn takes and black has some damage structure upon takes I probably don't win the pawn back let's play - do I want to get a rope to be for let's play this turning the pond maybe queen bee for green before of t1 yeah I still I still have to get around to making a a video on the two nights attack against the French there's also two nights attacking it's a Carol con play that a lot in like in streams maybe next time I give luxuries in the st. Louis I'll have to give a full lecture on it okay pawns are attacked she poured what should you let's play this move there's so many potential weaknesses but at least so far like box doing a good job of defending things never been timid thanks so much 500 bits I have a feeling I'll win this game on time it's mighty 4 go for the tack oh that's not legal I thought was made in - oh wow let's play up three because always five three all the goal is to meet Oh H for coming hmm there there there rook g 7h for takes h3 take sticks she'll be okay yeah this is all forests hmm oh there's cool line oh I wish that game continued king b5 rook c1 and white wins cuz force meets oh not force me black wins forget you three check and in Queens nevermind okay cuz I won on time fourth place wait I thought I just had 26 points oh no I had 24 points oh man so in order to like fight for first I have to really deserve the rest of my games and play even more aggressively okay aggressive play time we'll have a knight c3 Sicilian let's play each for itself online now d4 Oh should I play the Bishop g5 so usual the usual idea this should also be okay go for f3 some kind of Yugoslavia you success of its change to combine with g6 and dark Spurs are a bit weak it's playable the ship before it could happen play off three I always play king b1 we might end up trading and this could get very positional what's my favorite opening generally the London but it always depends it can change day by day so I have double pawns but I have two bishops I think two bishops are usually worth damage pawn structure to do let's play Knight h3 I think I want to organize some attack ship d3 I think the goal is to eventually open some file unfortunately my pawn structure is not not going to help with the attack leadership c5 b6 bishop g1 hmm I think the plan is rook rook somewhere I think with pawn maybe now a7 is hit I have to play the ship g1 or I could take out seven I take out seven takes takes there's 93 so there's some long calculation takes takes 93 but then I probably just take and I should be a pond in the end how do you learn all these opening names experience or Wikipedia I guess I think there's a a QP Nia page like all opening names okay so I have three Center ponds I've been laying on the back rink but it's not gonna get trapped unless ooh I guess it's not gonna get trapped it's just being one for free thankfully I still have my my center ponds so this is gonna get a little bit spicy never been timid two nights video two nights video two nights video I need help against the fridge okay if you say that a few more times maybe all I'll remember let's play let's play this first I want to bring the King in quickly I'll also play E for the rest of the stream so maybe we'll have a French pop up some eating idea to eventually do this with the King on e5 do you play king e5 oh that's not me though actually it probably would have been mates let's check again tricky position the rooks kind of stuck on the back the bishop is also houses a bishop escape henry lord watan oh yeah I've been a catch a live stream woohoo woohoo it's been a while okay let's check again hmm I should probably just push pawns you have pawns have to go marching one by one [Music] okay this should be winning d6 coming mmm still a bit tricky actually huh attacking the spawn I also have another threat which I'm hoping black doesn't see I saw I was reading this to just win okay let's walk this up probably to e5 or to c5 yeah so I want to check but no rush extra pollen will play a role preventing king c6 hey I got my reading refund it's a miracle ooh ooh this is gonna be nice it's taking pawn unleashing the rook okay back to tournaments Oh it also refunded my to give me a winner just canceled the game maybe I cancelled the game wow I just cancelled the game so that game let's just pretend it never existed there's yeah good thing I'm not famous no documentation no clips no rewinding okay back Salvage okay let's preserve again let's play aggressively yeah I mean it was pretty obvious but like streaming in front of a large group I never want to accuse someone before they're like officially banned I also just like to stay away from drama okay takes actually Queenie seven I think is a move right let's take first more bits from arf arf arf arf I cut I keep forgetting it's not a far far far far it's arf arf arf arf like a dog so Queenie too might actually win a piece for white Queenie to d5 takes takes after three F 3 is pretty lethal well I have an idea to fly plays Queenie to like 22 takes doesn't work I'll do a a sub stream very soon I wanted to do one yesterday but I drove back from st. Louis and when I got back I was really tired so I'm able do one tomorrow what did you defy it was just for treats still have points to catch up 12 points behind the lead but I do have my streak let's do this good afternoon to mr. sir I'm very manly mane okay so I'm probably a little bit worse nothing too bad should develop there should be seven play Bishop d7 oh this could be annoying the Queen III I have 95 castling what does it a mean on my mug I don't know maybe it stands for I know what words start with a you tell me Brook VA okay open the file I could Bishop f8 let's play d5 making the Knights slightly less happy oh yeah it stands for our far far far one that was pretty obvious bishop you six maybe well the play Bishop before the right moment hmm okay I'm inspired by my opponents night retreats to retreat my own knights and to trade I think there's a saying I can't get mated with a knight's on f8 I mean so far this game has been like just kind of passive not super exciting it'll get exciting though it's gonna come down to some time scramble or some blunder or some tactic mmm whites attacking by night g6 I think the goal is just to trade stuff yeah let's trade stuff we could trade more stuff let's start with this they don't want to play g6 or maybe I don't the my night kind of get stuck Wow takes oh wow wait what's going on okay let's move my rook yeah I had so many things I could have taken but nothing worked yeah and it's gonna come to this annoying square I want to bring my Knight to f5 38 seconds always playoff six I'd see five coming rocky eight looks reasonable whoa the night skiing cattle in my territory but I'm dealing with it nights so annoying let's do this move yeah my night defense take and play this still a lot of kind of defending this pawn of d3 9 F for counter-attack ooh forgot about that takes takes let's take this it's gonna get sharp let's take a pawn now I want to bring the king to f4 I also want to just promote my D pawn 13 seconds yeah want to go for a meet 30 made in one it's so close to meet oh let's not do that yet Wow that's not me either no yes the dirty flag what nastiness so nasty I don't think I'll win the tournament first place is so far away and I'm trying to stay clean but it's hard to stay clean after that nastiness okay whoa it's heartwise a noodle opponent resigns probably scared by the bits thinks hard y'see middle not sure why the opponent resigns there I was looking forward to playing e4 or d4 probably for though okay always have to stretch 41 minutes which is the best opening against the Sicilian not sure should ask a sermon I think he knows okay this was recommended fighting for first to play something aggressive okay we have a whatever this is Oh a Stonewall do I play against a stone wall g6 Bishop f5 what hobbies do you like outside of chess tennis ping pong bowling photography Scrabble boggle I'm trying to learn how to cook yeah I have other interests I was thinking at some point I'll start like a second youtube channel like just content that's not chess but we'll see okay 94 or even the second twitch channel livestream myself cooking what is this have six No let's not get forked that's a threat it's a weird position I'm low on time - I think my king is still kind of safe it's a little bit shaky though mm-hmm okay I should bring my rook end and maybe trade Queen's Plate you six pretty sure Yasser Serra Wong was live on the chest fraud Channel cooking lasagna I think I caught a glimpse of its own oh okay I'm getting distracted opponent didn't take off seven though but it's still a scary position mmm tied to oh this is terrifying I've six in King g8 not the move I wanted to play now have six okay feeling a bit safer lights almost trapped it has to move here and we trade I can trade some more you'll play this first I've not lost a single pawn somehow my Jeep hog migrated to the e-file huh okay b5 the a5 have to use my pawns as I have a love them g5 might happen but it might not g5 takes takes takes h4 brigades h7 should be good for me so we might see h4 but then rogue h7 first I think I want to play rook h7 King f7o White has not lost a single pong either this is tricky and White's pawn structure is very much intact play rook g7 maybe wait like can't defend g4 and winning upon those g5 I'll take everything let's take with ya let's trade all the rooks let's take again yeah let's just write everything this should be winning might see this move but all of whites pawns are fixed on dark squares which means what does it mean not sure what it means okay let's invade I'm gonna attack III pay for a fort was not necessary at all I'm thinking if we trade bishops it should be winning 26 seconds yeah Bishop's just come off laborious winning how to force a trade to bring my bishop like this and this and then bring the King to f3 my problem is White's gonna wait oh I mess up here here oh do I have some magical breakthrough I might have a magical breakthrough this is very tricky though here I breakthrough yeah let's do it I think it works and then here I'm sacking all the pawns look at this I've just sacked three pawns to break through Oh if ticks I would have played a three okay plenty of time okay well the game I was a nice break through I'm not sure if it was winning maybe you have to go back and check pretty sure it was drawn at some point over again like before the bishops got traded and I think those drum oh let's play my day three Sicilian because why not Knights on c4 Queen on c7 F for no let's do this blacks trying to play a time on uh-huh play c3 putting the pot I like free pawns okay I have nine points to make up I'm getting closer I think the plan is to like slowly prepare D for mmm tricky move like weenie well no that's a bad move the threat is this what to do those night c4 back yeah 32 minutes left I have to try and stay focused I think the goal is to eventually attack like move the night play f/4g 4h for pawn storm eventually checkmate what is this develop so all the minor pieces developed yeah I want that to play d4 but oh wait what I have a free queen and then I just dropped a bishop oh I trusted my opponents was that trying to stay focused I clearly lost focus there no need to get tilted I'm only down a piece queen is maybe trap level I want to play g3f for the fee this is a fatigue of thing so much chess like just missing the easiest things I could have finished this game by now let's play this first and you want to play g3 whoa g3 doesn't quite chop the Queen also my Knights kind of stuck now this is looking really passive mmm Bishop b3 actually maybe Bishop here just tying this light down to this night and this lights kind of pinned just have to create some pressure against black it's a good move play this no not of three I'm hanging more stuff please don't take it please don't take it actually Aflac takes it it's still interesting okay the bishop was just hanging but I would have Knight g5 so it could have been interesting Oh - do we have to trade Queens okay this is a very low quality game so far but let's try and try and make it even more low quality by winning it oh dear I'm not gonna win it with the way I'm playing I have to be optimistic oh dear d4 play d4 hmm okay I'm down a minute on the clock it could be worse hmm play c5 or just win a pawn with check finally something good happening except it's still looking really bad let's take that okay it still takes work for luck to win I'll play g4 okay this might be a draw actually unless I want to play for a win I'm playing for a win I don't know why I'm doing this I'm playing for a win I'm sorry to my opponent opponent played very well but that's the nature of blitz and no increment and dirty flagging okay I don't deserve this streak to keep his irking I could have drawn by going into that rook ending probably but it's all about fighting for first before time Center for trick just try and play aggressively maybe win g7o tricky move Wow Queen up to is safest which war is a good move because g3 came out of Three Forks Sean ferry thanks for subbing gifted by sad Bishop I think sad Bishop I'm gonna try and make my bishops happy I have one happy bishop - happy bishops Black has one side Bishop one place c5 open the file or a five even if black takes twice I win a piece oh no I'm losing okay there is Bishop g4 just winning the exchange but now I'm winning a piece the longer this tournament goes the lower the quality just integrates I have a windmill dr mate this is good enough its wins both rooks okay back two tournaments 53 points on a streak yeah Sean ferry you have access to two emotes now let's reverse again let's do this through the past gambit time my first Budapest of the stream a far far he's drifting streaking legally castling or coming five typical hitting the bishop and the pawn expecting Bishop e2 oh good take up on or I can lift let's lift I just want to do this draw some arrows enjoy light could take this first hmm she was very close to winning with Queen g5h for trying to calculate like forcing moves I think there's a nice line to play oh wait it doesn't quite work let's do this first I'm allowing this but don't think I care about the c-7 pawn yeah and I was thinking this or wait no just this even simpler this is meeting yeah this is the power of the Budapest like this middle game rook lifts if white doesn't deal with it properly and get very bad you might should've played Bishop e2 all a lot of these double pawns ok tied for first both one of us have 50 eights playing Canada master let's preserve it why not do you even lift though I lifted earlier today had my Orangetheory workouts let's play this playing a reverse Grand Prix efore so the point is playing a it's known as a box system I can't complain with this I'll have my typical grand-prix attacking ideas hmm maybe f4 first now let's do this first wanna play I foreign when the pawn if King age - maybe this so playing aggressively why would like to trade Queens but the knight doesn't have any squares that's a move probably very logical move could play f4 it could get weird shortly like if it takes maybe after three after three the problem is this other than takes and stuff happens interesting so I can take here hmm not sure if I'm getting so much out of this on IG three we trade everything I save the bishop it's possible I'm curious what my opponent will do here because there is some scary pressure from multiple directions thinking that g4 is some resource just taking and meaning on h2 like maybe starting with no it doesn't quite work I do this so no night g3 yeah let's just take yeah this could actually turn positional pretty quickly or I could keep it tactical like Knight g3 I could either trader play Queen h4 leaning towards Queen h4 because I want to play Knight g4 and I want to keep the tack I could take my chief or f4 take stakes here here inmates oh no that's not me but it looks fun okay just a party on the kingside some weird line Bishop g5 ticks ticks 93 it might happen but 93 Queen d2 is a problem so let's play 94 first pawns are equal oh wait I just hung a piece for nothing I forgot that was attacks oh that's kind of sad quality chests down on time too playing good player this is gonna be hard to come back from but I'll try and guys come back from worse positions play this first the first step is to not panic to take a deep breath and then to freak out i-22 every wonder deserves a sub every blunder deserves a question mark but thanks for the sub must eq to do probably this just trying to confuse my opponents yeah this is probably very problematic take here eg six yes I'm not getting needed yet I have a queen not sure how much work my queen can do I'm not sure what to expect from lights it's hard to calculate okay so what is this material situation that's a good move oh dear what is going on here lease I have pawns a lot of plants Wow am i winning I might be winning this yes am i winning this it's a miracle Wow Mikey somehow I won Matt I just wound up with like so many pawns there was a queen versus two rooks and two minors okay 6363 oh I meant to play e4 but I guess I'll play a London to unleash some London prep okay yeah usually ninety-seven is now um best whoa a far far far 5,000 bits the tournament's not over but thanks for the motivation the slight distraction okay well thank you so much xxx mates Oh what to do let's move the Queen back and just pushing each pawn or keep the bishop here okay free pawn this is already looking quite nice don't want to trade Queens play a sneaky move I could have taken but I didn't want to lose my bishop and I can take looks nice how kim taek's okay this looks very nice rook t1 probably next to get my bishop to this diagonal I could play Knight of 6 or that wins the Queen takes I take the Queen okay life is good just have to win this quickly and get in a couple more games okay hey first place this is the first time I'm in first place as tournament and number two lost the streak it looks like okay a thousand bits from Terminator 1000 bonus 100 thank you so much okay gonna try and stay focused and keep as irking and play aggressively and play g4 not too often you can play g4 on move to is black okay let's just kick the night around like it's a soccer ball that's 9 on d3 I could take let's play h5 just gonna keep pushing pawns so far it's working out more bits bits I think so much a far far far far let's just keep pushing pawns the first eight moves are pawn moves c4 no time for a bishop move turning upon you pawns pinned to the rook and I'll continue to push pops first 11 moves I've only owned one piece okay time to move more pieces [Music] this is interesting wanna play knight c6 actually this looks fun d5 if d3 I'm just gonna leave the bishop okay I forgot about that well that's okay this is a weird position I want to win Kinect for my only chance not gonna happen so I'm only down upon I try and hit the Queen what's the best approach not sure what my plan is it's such a weird position if Queen here it would threaten mate in one you work before suck another pawn how to punish the opponent not sure if my opponent deserves punishments I mean all white is doing is taking free pawns that's fianchetto and castle actually let's fight you six first it takes and I that's a move let's do this very weird line could happen Bishop here takes takes takes I have triple pawns on the D file with a neighboring pawn what is this position this is very close to quadruple plots ok the Knights doing things I could take this pawn over then this pawn hangs so maybe e5 I have little time left it's like e5 first feel like I'm getting carried away all those positions actually just really bad castling while with a move oh let's play like this it's clumsy 7 15 seconds this is not gonna be good I still have hope a little bit of hope a crazy position to do this most ridiculous position I've had this tournament I'm just pushing another pawn I don't want to promote too soon I have nine seconds left what is happening three nights yes okay White's stuck which is a good thing works are completely suck just have to find the winning plan this is a winning plan lucky well the games I wasn't nasty Hulme those pawns the board okay let's buzz Erick oh the first place person maybe I shouldn't beserk okay um this is a fitting finish I'll tell you for Alekhine when I play against a Alekhine it's play main line I'll play the setup with b3 whoa tog II terminated 1,000 bonus 100 boo Eric thanks so much huggy and a fo e thank you so much wait it's my move I was waiting for Black team button see you later 1000 bonus 100 to play b4 before the thread is this slide bishop c3 before finding B 5 C 6 e 5 while oh this looks interesting the Knights not defended okay we're trading a lot I'm holding on to everything I think if Knight takes I take in Queen d4 wins the night that's a move let's play eight for if a six I probably take Knight c3 yeah the pawn on c5 is nice supported it's a passed pawn that's taken this and then rook did this rook to see one other up to d1 I'll make loose for the King soon I could win d5 maybe we really could win d5 but if to point this move that is true also the tournament might end before this game ends there's two minutes left in the tournament but okay I'm gonna try and finish with with a win I like the position yeah I think this is a blunder because this let's play rook d2 I want to get this Knight here takes a while though but let's start the journey rookie for Queen d3 I forgot about this pawn okay well if rook takes a four I take the Queen Bishop takes a four I fork looks reasonable yeah if takes takes takes ninety-four tax a bishop in the pawn some see six ideas now I'll take the pawn threatening the the triple fork hmm say this move I'm kind of leaving the pawn stranded let's take if this I think I'm is that winning or maybe black just wins the pawn okay take the pawn a nice gift ooh let's fork I'm winning anything Chuck this is a winning endgame Oh No maybe not oh let's just take the pawn okay this should be a winning endgame Oh tricky oh wait this is very tricky tics to move this way I'm inside the box catching the pawn I think this is gonna be a draw yeah Oh tricky move please take up on yes but it's still a draw am I losing might be losing oh no wait I won I won because I have a knight and a knight could theoretically checkmates if he under promotes and then corners himself I'm so sorry it's my fault it's in my opponents there should have been a draw other other sites declare this a draw but well doctor tournament tournaments over so that games any confident literally five thousand more bits I'm a far far far far thanks so much so I had one loss in that tournaments that will never speak of have to destroy the evidence and Henry Lord baton Terminator 1000 Terminator 1000 gone is 200 thank you so much performance rating 2390 yeah that's doesn't sound fair maybe I factored in the loss that will never speak of is this YouTube worthy probably yeah for the people watching on YouTube Congrats thanks for watching smash the like button leave a comment say hello to togi in the comments and say hello to a far far far far and night be free and diamond cutter and everyone else in the twitch chat
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 540,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, nasty, triple pawns, Center Fork Trick, Hillbilly Attack, Caro Kann, Daily Blitz Arena, London, e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 7sec (7207 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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