2020 Yearly Blitz Arena | TRICKS, TRAPS, & FAST WINS

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once a year blitz bits yeah i played in this at some point i think let me actually google so i just found i found my 2019 blitz arena i played two and a half hours oh i actually played this person recently this person beat me in bullet recently i'm curious like from last year oh john john davis last year happy birthday eric oh thanks so much oh i played the 2018 yearly blitz as well look at this this is 2018. anyway let's um let's focus on the present rather than the past so this is a 2020 yearly blitz arena let's play a game thanks to everyone who's subbing and resubbing and cheering checkmate to reach 1900 on liches yesterday thanks for the great con congratulations i'll play e4 this game that's great to hear that's why the g5 emote exists let's play uh i'll play a scotch or maybe i'll play a nagmanson i don't know each six i can take opponent was scared of this but um yeah this is pleasant for whites so my central control i think you rook move rookie move something for a month or no two months good luck and phyla 2000 solving with prime and future matthew is a new sub but subbing in the present or slightly in the past thanks everyone and thank you tomonom sobbing for 11 months almost one year okay so i'm threatening to take and uh win a piece if here then i can move here attacking the queen and the pawn okay black black move the queen but that didn't really solve the threat oh i forgot i could berserk maybe i'll berserk i'll just berserk low-rated opponents hmm let's control both files and thank you umilard yeah welcome everyone um when i play the games i won't be looking at the chat too much at least when things get complicated whoa it's three subs in a row going to go mad ooh this little this is a fork knight all the subs have the fortnight emotes so now i'm up a rook um let's make a loop for the king maybe i'll get some i'll get some g5 in maybe i am thinking of making my own i am rosen t-shirt oh me too me too actually i have a secret merch store that i should start i probably should add some more products and then start promoting because i made oh no my rook [Music] i turned the banana thumbnail into a banana poster okay that was a nice start hey top thousand out of over 3 400 players thanks so much um so going to go mad something for one year mr turtle subbing with prime the real easy peasy subbing for 10 months hike time yeah hype time playing monsieur canard from belgium oh i was in belgium at some point in time eric i missed you the last couple times you streamed are you back to the nomad life uh not really i so i posted a video a few days ago m rosen let's go underscore hfm rose and let's go underscoring jeff let's go many times go underscore hfm rose and let's go underscore hfm rose and let's go underscore hf it's it's stafford gamma time let's go does opponent know what to do more and more people are knowing what to do but it seems like my opponent isn't prepared or maybe just perplexed h3 is a good move hi eric catching you live after a while oh good catch thanks for subbing on dim something something that's a long name i don't want to butcher it but i appreciate your sub yeah good to see everyone everyone's playing a solid line um against this i just go for kind of a decent piece setup and then maybe i'll try and be tricky later i definitely want to castle queen side at some point maybe go for h5 or h4 rook h5 is one idea um let's go let's go queen d6 oh lick tom for the win did i get your tea oh maybe i did wait let's see someone sent me tea um yeah i forgot to show this someone sent me tea i've yet to open it it's still in its original plastic wrapping but what was it was it like who sent it thanks so much it looks really really interesting really intense it says intense and smoky black tea which i've never heard of this before um there's been a lot of people sending me tea which i do appreciate it okay so i'm setting up a trick if if white tries to save the king then white loses a queen i'm still down the pawn i have the bishop hair and actually because white gave away the dark skirt bishop these dark squares are a lot weaker now and the knight is kind of pinned to this pawn we might see f5 f5 i could throw in bishop e3 or just move back or sack a piece i have a nice time advantage that's the thing about the stafford gambit is like even if you get maybe a slightly worse position or objectively worse position you can still maybe get a time advantage oh bitcoin boy hype level five whoa i wasn't i wasn't paying attention i think bitcoin boy uh put it over with the bitcoin bits so much hype thanks everyone completing a level five hype train that's not easy to do thanks so much everyone and it doesn't stop king king of late breaks gifting another sub to bite jazz and didn't like jazz gift a sub to someone earlier maybe and where is my mate something with pride eric just came here from youtube been following you for over a year love your content oh that's nice to hear sounds very nice to hear welcome to twitch good to have you oh okay g3 g3 is playable it's kind of a sign that white doesn't know what to do i'm gonna keep applying pressure if g4 i have bishop e3 attacking two things is queen h2 defending and then maybe queen b6 attacking okay here i can take okay i won back the pawn i'm controlling both castle destination squares so the king is kind of stuck it's kind of the wooden shield right with the queen and the bishop uh i might as well throw in this check an a4 for good measure thanks thanks for the for fun bits i'll try and have fun with those oh thank you lord francesco gifting two subs to welcome back christopher my t mine is a citrus hibiscus lol oh i didn't get that one yet oh i'll check my mailbox though usually it notifies me when when tea or other packages arrive okay just being solid everything is actually really nice and stable i feel like an architect with this structure like everything's defended nice foundation [Music] just have to keep building i'll play queen b6 just the idea of pushing the pawn because the d-pawn is pinned i don't think i'm too afraid of the f-file it's a nice combination of pawn bishop put the bishop on d4 and now go for c4 oh thanks so much jame jamery something something something with prime oh white's king how to finish things off i'll put the bishop back and then probably enter g3 and this is very much a feel-good position oh the other rook is hanging too forgot about that buddha bits i could go for a budapest at some point let's defend the pawn it's tricky because rook c6 is coming you have to be a little bit careful here rook c6 i have king d7 this pawn is also weak oh there's a funny line um yeah if the king moves here or here i play this when i win the rook so that's probably a better try i have this move light's pinned and attacked there's this in this or that oh my g pawn is passed okay that was a nice game a nice example of how to play kind of um a slightly annoying line white didn't give me knight g4 i just had to develop and wait for some opportunity easy wins all day it'll get more difficult i think oh thanks for the budapest gambit bits king king of late breaks i'll try and get in a buddha past oh but i can't do it when i'm white but i have an idea if d-o never mind doesn't say d5 i was gonna play the the tennyson gambit so i'll play one of these oh opponent may be playing a hippo this looks very hippo like do i mess with the hippo let's start messing with the hippo okay i want to defend the structure okay we'll go for h5 one of the best ways to crack the hippo like when the point of double feeding cattle is early is to just use the the uh the rook pawns um ooh h6 forcing the bishop to go back where it came from and then bishop g5 pinning the knight the queen's tied down to defending the knight because the bishop's no longer on g7 and e5 is coming oh but e5 came for the wrong color time to calculate i think i can i can take i can take twice and then play f4 and then the queen is going to be tied down to the knight if here i fork and if queen goes back i still attack i think i'm winning a piece in that line f4 is nice attacking and defending and yeah this knight is very problematic okay here i can take yeah things are are covered the queen's actually pinned to the king eric rosen the hippo slayer watch this ruthless hunter slay one of chess most ferocious speeds yeah no fear no problem don't mess with a hippo slayer so i can move my king and check then k7 max volume alexa play hall of the mountain king max volume here's pier gint in the hall of the mountain king from scoop by london philharmonic orchestra and david perry on amazon music i haven't heard of this one before is this move but then this move actually do i want to get copyrighted probably not alexa stop it people can open a new tab if they want to play that song sorry people i don't want to get uh demonetized by a future youtube algorithm uh let's take so the weakness in this position is h7 which i'm guaranteed now to win i could take check promote but i might as well save the business monetize my stream no alexa don't do it don't do it i like how when you say that you're you're the one monetizing the stream oh my favorite chess stream i love how you play and calculate i love how you sub and cheer is this force mate this can't be stopped oh it can it can be delayed by one move okay this was nice i didn't even have to to promote wait in the hall of the mountain is public domain oh i didn't realize that paul of the mountain king hall of the mountain king is public domain eric but i respect your decision i still love you oh alexa play hall of the mountain king here's pier gint okay we're gonna get some nice public domain music so i won't get demonetized hopefully alexa louder oh this song i i've heard of this one yeah alexa louder okay playing vittelf thanks for subbing river merrell something at tier one oh it starts off quiet oh is it gonna get loud uh-oh someone wanted me to play budapest ooh i can't play budapest you play this move nah let's play symmetrically london maybe we have a timid variation oh maybe it'll still be flagged i could always edit the video if it is or replace it with a different [Music] soundtrack i do have neighbors but hopefully it doesn't carry through the walls too much let's develop [Music] okay let's keep developing the things have to get exciting soon to keep pace with the music but i don't know if it's going to happen i'll just have to create excitement somehow i want to play this and then this yeah i just want to go for a quick attack whoa this got really loud really quickly played faster but my phone's not playing fast enough alexa quieter okay i wanna i wanna attack a knight and win maybe if this this this this this this eventually this [Music] is that an airplane oh that's an airplane i was like wondering what the it's to pay copyright fines oh i don't know if that's how it works at least with youtube um but thanks for that i was wondering why there was like an airplane sound in the song but it wasn't part of the song it was just an airplane flying overhead music bits yeah now i have to deliver on some dramatic chess somehow so i've chased most of the pieces away from the king side but now what to do let's start attacking i feel like i should play the song when we're like entering some some time scramble i could also play it ah so i can play it here i can play it on youtube and then i'll have full control because sometimes alexa likes to rebel hey it's corbla what's up corbla you've been missed too i played this move this is a fancy move i think i can do it though if takes i take here and then both minor pieces are hanging oh knight a5 95 i kind of forgot about okay let's defend i'm going to lose a pawn sadly but i might mate happily so it looks like the song is two and a half minutes which means i have to time it correctly okay yeah there goes my pawn but the attack the attack is going to be very ferocious also shout out to corbla thanks for being here people should check out corella on twitch celebrity in the chess world and the the game show world okay well the opponents see it opponent saw it so i'm down the pawn but there's there's some nice compensation light squares are very weak and this bishop isn't really in a place to defend the light squares oh i have this move too i probably should have played h4 sooner rather than later that should be okay though yeah i know the tournament starts hey it's a dollar from canon jf has no idea what to do after the opening oh thankfully oh actually i was gonna say thankfully most games aren't determined in the opening but that's yeah that's why you should have some idea of what to do after the opening uh that's a good move i should probably take and keep some attacking potential i'll go for h4 soon whoa it's akd7 youtube videos oh my pleasure i've been trying to keep up with uploads there's been some days where like i'm it's just it's too much um but but yeah there is a recent video i posted about five hours ago six hours ago maybe there will be some youtube comment content from from the stream as well appreciate that akd707 okay is the volume okay i think it's okay okay hopefully now the music will match up to the game oh what to do i'm not quite mating yet or am i don't really want to trade queens let's move back okay eventually i want to play this no this move yeah it's so close to meat but not quite [Music] i just want to take my rook but that's not legal i could flag white too so many options oh you know what i could do take the bishop and then checkmate opponent realizes their doom what to do for white okay okay that was the climax of the game really have to get the timing down oh was it too loud i'm so sorry if it was too loud i hope i didn't destroy too many people's ears anyway okay i played four games so far four out of four yeah i'll just adjust the volume for the future hello to ested 1759 wish me luck eric first of all i'm going to an actual chess club oh good luck be careful of the competition and of germs i guess talk politics bits i don't talk politics on on stream i could talk about chess though which is basically like virtual politics three oh thanks for the three bits or the love bits ooh this is one of the most common traps in the stafford yeah let's uh let's go into this thanks people for the various types of bits i'll play queen g5 so i was watching one of hikaru's like garbage speed runs and he actually fell into this trap as white like this knight g4 line against a complete beginner too he still won but it was funny there should be two decent move uh let's throw in a check why not i was actually thinking about doing doing a youtube video like recapping that game uh hikaru falling into this trap then hikaru fell into another stafford gambit trap too so i probably have two youtube videos to make um i forgot to answer the question there is a question about what to do after the opening yeah the one dollar donation question oh opponent wants to fake castle i could play queen h2 and crush some dreams let's play queen h2 some weird stuff happening i feel like uh a house intruder is chasing me away it's gonna play here and offer a draw or it's a virtual draw offer okay let's defend the f pawn castle maybe someday g5 i like surviving the opening but it was a success i won back the pawn uh oh but the bishop's being chased away i could play this and this do you still give lectures at the st louis chess club the last video on their channel was dated in 2019 oh die oh oh pending as a was a nice gift from white um yeah i have not taught at st louis chestnut in a while so i did give a lecture on one of their broadcasts back in march was it march yeah i was doing candidates i was working uh at the chess club as a candidate's journalist so i was writing all the daily reports for uschesschamps.com um i was back right around the lockdowns taking place i'm addicted to a game and that's where i pre-move as many moves in the london as possible on move one each time i remove more and more and hope my opponent doesn't do well the first thing crazy and eat my f4 bishop oh yeah hopefully don't don't let them eat your bishop man you have a calm personality the first step to overcoming addiction is to admit it and to share it with the world i guess oh thanks for the calm personality bits okay we have a london opening this is actually a very pleasant london structure do you plan to stream for the next five hours oh in the next five oh oh that's how long the tournament lasts uh i don't know i might get tired at some point but for now i have energy i have coffee iced coffee [Music] chameleon what does chameleon mean [Music] not sponsored but delicious and caffeinated yeah no tea i was gonna make tea actually made tea earlier today but i felt like i needed more of a boost thanks for subbing firm stripe solving for two months appreciate that i still need to ask or to answer this question from earlier i keep getting distracted uh the the one dollar donation question oh oh yeah there's there's there's a few questions to address because i know the um the st louis rapid and blitz starts really soon which i was kind of conflicted whether to like cover that but there's a bunch of other channels covering it and this only happens once a year but so does that tournament i guess it's very conflicting let's try and answer this this question i have no idea what to do after my opening not sure how to set up a good pawn structure but i still love watching your stream yeah unlike unlike the opening middle game is sometimes a bit more uh chaotic in terms of like what you should be pursuing like there's like in the opening of course there's the principles like control the center develop the pieces get the king safe in the middle game it's about trying to accumulate different types of advantages fighting for control over key squares formulating plans and every position is different um so like the best way to improve your middle game is to like get as much experience as possible i look at the games of high level players um hopefully i can shed some light in what to do in this middle game like everything's defended this is actually already a nice structure black might want to play e5 um the e5 isn't too scary so i mean at a lower level in the middle game you usually want to first of all okay minimize blunders keep things defended but then try and exploit uh your opponent's weaknesses try and set up tactics this position i'm trying to exploit the weakness on oh let's say night here attacking the undefended pawn um so with this move black actually creates another weakness skype always crashes on me oh i've i used to use skype a lot more just for general calls but i've been recently transitioning to zoom i'm not really um i'm not doing as many like private lessons these days just because i'm putting more focus into into streaming and youtube content but uh i will say i like these days i probably prefer zoom over skype okay so i played this to like slow down any counter play in the center and the plan is to just double up and exploit this weak pawn if i double up i'll also be pinning this pawn to the rook and maybe i can win this pawn so life is good oh thanks for subbing ragnaros it counts as a no comments comment so yes okay let's move back if uh yeah if knight be it i can take on b5 so i'm like with this move i'm threatening this pawn and this pawn not easy it's admiral welcome back thanks so much did i predict your response correctly kind of you i don't know if predicting is the right word you you fed me my response i like to be fed responses it's very delicious um oh no my pawn so this actually i might be winning more stuff because i can take and take here and then pin and then if this i could try and pin some more okay that was a nice game that was a nice kind of london positional grind if we just go back and reflect um yeah so what black should do here is play rook c8 if rook c8 my bishop actually probably has to go back and then black can trade it off that would be a bit easier to play and black would have time to play a6 and prevent this pawn b5 move but yeah once i got h3 [Music] in it was a pleasant middle game sloppy wizard thanks for subbing and hello to zeleron from turkey nice yeah shout out to turkey shout out to europe i guess i'm still being european friendly with the time let's suppose i haven't deserved a game yet and so far i've just been playing like a stafford rapper tour whoa zelda ron is subbing okay i can't play a stafford here but i can play i'll play my anti-danish gambit a bunch of people subbing there i've seen this move before what's the move to play i can just take place c6 so i i've won upon let's pin at night i'm out of any sort of prep but i'll just try and develop move quickly pressure the the pressure points and thanks so much to geraldis or geraldis also subbing with prime a couple new subs there thanks so much yeah i'm pretty sure like early afternoon at least my time is the best time overall to stream on twitch because you maximize the number of people who are awake well lugi also thanks for subbing man all these prime subs thanks people that's a good move let's move back if takes takes i'll be threatening the bishop because the f pawn is pinned another idea of um like somehow maneuvering the knight that's a good move let's retreat i'm trying to hold my ground be solid yeah i just want a complete development yeah so i'm over defining the bishop otherwise the queen was overworked this pin is a little bit annoying why can't i rewind oh because twitch is weird twitch is not like youtube i know a lot of people are used to youtube where you can just hit the arrow key and go back in time i'm pretty sure if you're on if you're on desktop i'm pretty sure there's a browser extension which allows you to rewind on twitch uh you could go into the vod which is a little bit perfect month to re-up some awesome chess content oh hey yeah september i forgot that existed but i think there's discounts on subs okay let's let's remember that i berserked wait my queen oh no my queen my actual queen my queens is trapped here that's tragic and my time too oh this is really bad my queen's just trapped okay this is going to take some work i have 48 seconds and i'm down the queen okay opponent gives me a little bit back so now it's queen for rook this pawn is kind of a headache i mean sunlight holds things together kind of let's google eric yeah i'm gonna need a lot of a lot of let's go this is not easy i mean that's the time situation especially i mean the main compensation is the form oh it's a fork oh but it doesn't better high work play oh he made an appearance in different times yesterday petra yeah no petra has a very fine opening ah i'm in big trouble here um i have any tricks i have very few tricks here um i might as well move the king this is really bad though so so now it's again queen for night um might as well get some g5 in opponent's opponent has played well this game i think my only hope is like some weird stalemate oh hello i'm in big trouble here okay let's keep pushing pawns because what else to do i'm completely stuck yeah there goes all my position i'm not resigning because there's some like weird stalemate stuff but not really or is there ah there's not oh i lost a game i lost oh actually the rating loss isn't too bad yeah i just i got trapped the position the position was actually fine here i think um this was a really careless move well played matrix one okay life goes on um yeah like after bishop g3 it's hard to come back speaking of not being able to rewind my stream on my phone had a hiccup right as i announced the research oh no so i don't know if i predicted oh oh you missed it oh i was so proud of it no well kind of you you basically fed me the response i was so proud of being fed your response so sometimes when you miss something you can clip it even if you're on mobile you can clip it and see the most recent like 30 to 60 seconds um you can always go back in the future too okay so maybe i shouldn't berserk let's hold off him yeah nobody's working this game my wife eric is my new best friend but eric doesn't know that yet oh wait is that a is that a good thing or a bad thing because it depends on the perspective bishop g4 bishop g4 is the move haha yes definitely going back in the future yeah except at least most of us have to just deal with the present wait going back in the future oh maybe referring to the past also okay this is really nice knight's pin to f7 uh checkmate okay i needed that that was like a nice therapy win especially after that previous game oh thank you was wolves with a triple seven inside subbing a tier one it's a new sub and mat rob another new sub at tier one and c v b n v cc something oh with a wife well i hope wife is good life is good oh admiral i thought thousand bits thanks for the win bits and thanks for the 500 back to the future bits and thanks wolves for the 44 leftover bits hail hey it's toilet or is it oh no it's harry krishnan who said that who said hell oh it's hari krishnan yeah always trying to confuse me die berserk oh i reflexively berserked i didn't intend to berserk so d4 is a funny move d4 we both make new queens repeating the the game i had in sonia lang oh it's gonna happen let's go um okay oh this is confusing let's take here my wife also supports you oh a shout out to your wife uh oh wait my bishop my beautiful bishop queen e5 queen variation yeah it's a four queen variation it's so beautiful but also slightly scary so there's knight d7 i just feel a little bit stuck with the things if this were bug house i get made it immediately hi future me watching on youtube oh hello to all the future people watching on youtube if you're watching this in the future it's a present for you but present time is just future past right anyway okay i have very little time but i have two queens but white has two queens and we both or at least i have a past i have a past eight pawn i'm seven moves away from making a new queen tonight night there is probably oh i have this move i forgot about this movie temporal mechanics always gives me a headache oh like time yeah that's okay just take some painkiller i guess let's take a bishop i feel claustrophobic seeing this position oh cause mike yeah my king has no breathing room but that's okay it's protected kind of [Music] i wanted to make another queen but my opponent resigned so why should they play bishop e3 here that was really the only move to save the king and the bishop exactly what up youtube okay back to tournament hello present me oh hello present you oh do you want to be presented or no oh it's present oh i have to give you a present no pants jake what's up no pants jake thanks for subbing for four months okay playing ferrari racer let's play e4 i'll probably play more london later in the tournaments there's a commercial running where a woman says i love frozen and it sounds just like i love rosen so i know exactly what you're talking about i heard that the other day and i was like surprisingly delighted then i was disappointed that i realized it said frozen and not risen but that's okay because we have enactments in that once soothes all the pain okay let's have some fun uh how does this go again queen d5 right yeah queen d5 so there's there's two moves and rookie one let's go yeah i'll have to remember the line i made a joke the other day that nagmansen is like the baby child of nakamura and carlson because it's like if you just merge their names you get nakmensen the most powerful thing of all time this bishop is very powerful look at this bishop oh it's so powerful the rook is trapped oh the rook is so well trapped if rook f8 queen h5 king d7 queen f5 king here oh wait no i should probably take the rook oh there's so many ways to do this jonathan is proud oh he would be so proud yeah shout out to vampire chicken the the first ever coach of the nagminson i think he discovered the nagminton even before christopher columbus i as opposed to magnus carlsen can say that eric has never beaten me in chess oh that's true yeah congratulations okay i think the king is going to have some troubles queen of seven where's my win where's my mate we're not five here here if you merge carlson and rose and you get carlson or you get rosen i don't know chuck wait how do i do this check okay i'll just win a pawn i guess i won't want to draw no draw though did you see magnus lose to nakmunson [Music] he didn't really accept it but yeah it was still funny that's what matters okay the rooks are op almost as op as samai there's a lot of like people in the youtube comments saying some iop where's my mate oh look at this it's a cool idea so this isn't a check but it's setting up it's setting up some beauty black's gonna play this one i'm gonna made in two or made in one so i'm threatening made in two with this and this with the rucksack oh no my rook okay that was a really feel good game very feel good nightmansion game did i miss rook fades thank you for all the content you are providing us bits oh thank you for the bits bernie einhower yeah i'm actually wondering if i had anything better i mean by the time i got the bishop here it's winning but we've got four ah so okay i just needed to put the other rook into e1 nice nice yeah i don't get the nightmanson so often but when i do it's so much fun all right whoa it's it it's five thousand bits thanks so much unfortunately i have to go to work had to stop in and throw some bits at you thanks so much the tournament goes well i appreciate that it's going well so far except for the one small berserk hiccup i really appreciate the bits thanks for stopping by always nice to see the admiral you can go back in the vaude and see see the the first i don't know what it was the cheer or resub anyway let's move on and oh top 50 let's go okay could you play a caro can please no because i'm light but we'll play a sicilian maybe i'll play like a grand prix attack or something yeah bishop b5 this line it's a fun line play a4 hope the throne bits d-i-d-n-t hurt or the throne bits oh cause you threw them just don't throw them too hard uh what's the line here this bishop a2 like d5 could be coming it's a slightly confusing position a lot of tension between the knights between the pawns just have to deal with the tension and d4 i'll probably play knight b1 [Music] i'm still going for like the typical grand prix setup probably throwing king h1 at some point maybe someday pawn storm whoa watching chess is a very stunning way hw i took calc 3 i took calc 3 back in 20 2013. it wasn't fun i didn't enjoy the the third dimension of calculus there's too many variables i hope this helps you soothe the pain okay so i completed development black has more space on the queen side but i have a lot of potential on the king side probably go for this and this i enjoyed calc 2 cow 2 was i studied really hard in calc 2 but since then i kind of forgot everything okay let's play f5 winning connect four temporarily um i should have expected that okay let's take five upon f5 that's a good move i'm playing knight g4 so i'm controlling f4 with the rook threatening maybe bishop f4 there's also some idea of doubling up on the a file that's an interesting position definitely some potential to attack very slight time advantage i'm actually curious like how many people in the chat are taking calculus or taking any sort of math course currently math used to be my favorite subject way back when difficu oh we have a calculus tutor yeah for anyone struggling with calculus in the chat you should reach out to the calculus tutor in the chat that's a good move pressure let's play bishop g5 good evening eric good evening stream erin pilgrim welcome back yeah trying to be friendly to the europeans also thanks so much aaron pilgrim sent me a postcard from remote region of russia i'm still in the process of trying to figure out how to build a shelf but once i build the shelf i'll be displaying all the all the gifts and postcards people have sent what to do here you could take play queen e4 maybe just centralize the queen um that should be close to equal but okay i have some initiative the rook's tied down to the back rank might be worth playing g4 here there's also this move just controlling the file don't mind this king f8 could be annoying to prepare this but then there's always rook a8 yeah white's probably slightly better just with the like the structure blacks a bit tied down i have more useful pieces this pawn is a permanent weakness pawn looks potentially weak but i always have g4 and king g2 yeah i wouldn't be surprised if h6 happens or h5 or g6 wow okay let's put the rook back on f1 yeah with g6 there could be some issues with king safety for black okay now i have f6 but f6 queen e3 it gets weird i'm not sure what to make of that king h2 i really don't know i have this move too why do mathematicians confuse halloween and christmas because december 25th october 31st i don't know if i understand this oh desu oh yeah like das oct whatever that means oh base 10 and base eight oh okay i think i understand that but i don't know if i understand this position [Music] play rook i'm scared of rook here here so i'm calculating rook off three rooks here king h2 rook c2 rook g3 whoa it's a raid oh it's a king crusher raid thanks king crusher appreciate that let's start with let's start with king here oh i just lost a lot of time if you're just joining i'm playing the yearly blitz arena all right so shout out to king crusher this time greetings from germany oh greetings to germany yeah uh guten morgen or whatever german words do i know nine and danka okay um let's focus my time is precious i have this move my time is very precious i want to go for rook f3 next i'm down a minute if you're just joining i was getting distracted earlier by mathematics um but i do appreciate all the king crusher fans joining um king crusher has been a long time streamer on twitch started streaming chats on twitch before most people on this planet people should give them a follow check them out okay i want to go for f6 okay we're gonna have to go into some some end game [Music] not super thrilled about this i'll try and make it work and there's some hopes just to like play quickly and went on time but i'd like to maintain oh i lied rookie two okay let's go for this and then king e5 i'll try and try and win the pawn rook before then i'm just dominating maybe king d6 f6 first and then king d6 i'm trying to orchestrate some mating idea okay rookie six coming oh it's getting intense i want to play rook a7 let's go for this my pawn okay let's do this close okay i'm up on time that's what matters okay i was really close final position i'm just probably worse but that worked out there are ten kinds of people in the world those who understand hexadecimal and efforts is that another math joke or is that just bullying people i don't know i think it's for the bits okay so i'm i'm top 40. uh i still have to play budapest why do skiers like linear equations why because it's easy to find the slope oh i understand that one what's the equation for slope mx plus b or no oh m is a slope though i think it's been so long it's been so long since i've been in school okay i'm playing a ray robson variation of the catalan yeah c5 is like the start of the the variation this used to be super rare it's been a bit more common recently um yeah queen a4 is a move and then 95 is kind of expected and white's going to win a pawn probably or multiple pawns there goes all my pawns there goes this pawn there's a funny trap though yeah this is this is a funny trap black is winning now this is all opening preparation i discovered this line close to 10 years ago inspired by ray robson i think i discovered this with the engine actually years ago okay how to exploit the king if i play queen g5 there's f4 just play queen elizabeth overrun yeah i have to calculate the slope of this diagonal oh rise over run oh so the slope of this is just one right i think uh what's hanging oh i have a tricky move look at this tricky move it takes i pin and then probably win meanwhile the queen's tied down to the knight which is now undefended i have knight b3 uh i'll play knight b3 first white's pieces are just sidelined the king is a little bit stranded i have queen c7 here oh i forgot about that move but i have this move these pieces are stuck i'm threatening made in one also probably the pawn is yeah the d4 pawn is hanging that's a nice opening it's a fun opening against the catalan you need some preparation but there's a lot of lines where white can fall victim just like this this is probably one of the like the most natural approaches for white is to like try and win the back the pawn like this is very typical catalan play and then that's unfortunate for white that this just wins on the spot for black okay hey 23rd [Music] okay so i've i'm within reach of top 10. this could be a long tournament maybe a long stream oh thanks biscuit fiend resolving for 10 months sharing the formula for slope yeah delta delta x over delta y right or something like that oh that's not berserk i'm playing first place oh strong player it looks like okay i'm playing a london because why not london time queen c7 popular line um so i think the approach is to take here oh opponent is prepared wow let's play this move and then the approach is just to go for e4 there's a trap knight c6 knight b3 wins a piece for white why can't the number four get into the nightclub why because he's too square oh oh i have a joke why why couldn't the minor piece get into the nightclub because he was a bishop and not a knight okay so i'm going for e4 um now i studied this recently and i forgot all my prep but i have some idea of forking eventually i'm actually wondering i just play e4 immediately takes rook b1 takes an e5 yolo i might as well try and make my opponent think rather than me trying to calculate for a minute what did zero say nice belt another six decent move play bishop c2 or bishop and play bishop c2 being sneaky this i do this london where you trade dark square bishops on f4 oh sometimes usually by accident but that's a trendy line kante's been playing it a bit as well as andrew tang [Music] the london gods play this move kind of like the position nice and sharp oh i missed attack oh did i maybe i didn't at first i thought i missed this this and then this but then there'd be this and black defense but there is there's some tactical potential these variations bishop b5 i'm wondering if i can play c4 and there's also just queen f3 i'll start with queen f3 this could get very very sharp very quickly maybe bishop h4 might as well just applying additional pressure there's a lot of pressure points here okay the first thing i see is this and this bishop and pawn are geometrically involved i don't know if i can actually exploit it fully it's close though hmm i broke just have rook he one and bishop g3 back i um my pawn on f4 calculate knight g4 doesn't seem so effective though that's something i'm playing the g4 that's probably not leading to too much i'm just realizing like if the queen lands on h4 which is very possible there's pressure against the rook so we could end up trading everything get some bishop ending man i lost a lot of time been perplexed about this opening or more about the middle game it's f5 too it's not too scary though i don't think where's the queen go f5 probably queen g3 might be the only move because queen h fighters queen f4 why wasn't the geometry teacher at school because she sprained her angle okay um let's try and stay focused oh dear i just realized i might be losing oh no because here because g5 happens oh no [Music] i'm in big trouble oh maybe bishop here that's not good for me but might be the only try ah not what i wanted wow opponent was expecting that that's a very powerful move okay i have queen f3 attacking b7 which i think maybe black missed the queen takes a2 is not so bad i don't think unless it is to go for this i've got both bishops attacked queen a1 bishop b1 f4 okay four's only move really i can take though just take both bishops wow some crazy moves some really crazy moves here wow am i losing probably just losing here [Music] well played that was a nice tactical combination by my opponent okay but i'm still kind of alive my time [Music] okay black allowed this thankfully i'm very much alive here it's all about not flagging okay everything's offended now how i'm surviving this but i am da my pawns at least i can safely pre-move kind of i have this move no my my rook uh ah oh that was a weird game man well i was proud to get to this position objectively this is probably close to winning for white if i had more time but i didn't have more time maybe by here it's kind of tricky because my things are falling um yeah it got really complicated there my g4 was not a good move yeah i just allowed f5 was a nice combination yeah this idea was really nice okay rookbeet immediately is even stronger wow okay life goes on that was only the second loss that i've had okay can't be too disappointed i could play zen mode but too late i'll just try to keep playing chess um opponent berserking i'll bring it back our openings hard work and low reward it depends on the level i guess at a higher level they're they're hard work but also high reward at lower levels maybe that statement's more true hey it's kimmy what's up kimmy how's it going shout out to kimmy and thank you to let's go something something something for five months okay we have a very boring symmetrical position i used to play this a lot when i was like first learning chess like every game would be like this and then at some point i'd just kind of get confused what to do nowadays i understand some general plans mike can come here pawn can come here maybe some potential for a king side attack that's a weird move it does restrict the knight though the problem with g3 is why can't castle now because this pawn needs a babysitter mainly this rook now the knights pinned to the pawn not sure if i can exploit it oh i had this move and then this move but i'm still threatening this we might repeat and then i might go for this i'm not sure though should also go for probably just go for a5 hi eric can you shout out to another kimmy oh shout out to another kimmy are there multiple kimmies oh i forgot to type in the shout out shout outs kimmy lou 18. thanks for being here and yeah whoever the other kimmy is maybe imposter kimmy i'm sure out of probably out of like all the members in the chat there's many people sharing names with each other problem do german students have trouble answering 9. do you know what the square root of 81 is oh because they say nine but that means no right i don't know i have to brush up on my [Music] german to do let's attack oh there's so many good looking moves here i'll play queen g5 looks fun so i'm putting the pawn actually knight f4 is a more of a monster threat yeah and i left f4 if the king moves here i take this with check or if the king moves here i take with the bishop with chuck yeah 93 9 f4 it's looking good am i playing the whole four hours i'm not sure i don't like to make i might get tired at some point i'll probably fall asleep but hopefully not on stream okay knight controls h8 which is clutch what oh that's a move i'm kind of butchering this but time will will be my savior uh let's actually check on d2 oh what is this where's my win oh there's a cool idea i just want to play i just want to move my king with checkmates or move my rook with checkmate i was envisioning like the king being here the rook being here and then playing king g8 checkmate but this worked too okay so i guess i mean if i can stay within like the top standings and be competitive in the overall like tournament standings i might play for at least a couple more hours but we'll see we'll play it by ear i'm not too tilted yet oh oh i'm playing this person again who beat me so it's time for revenge hopefully we're gonna have oh kind of a standard qgd we're gonna see a catalan or main line e3 e3 is playable we're just gonna play standard castle etc idea of a6 is to take play b5 c5 gain some time uh b3 is very solid i can take if it takes i'll play c5 otherwise i'll get my setup it's gonna be hard to fight for first especially if this person keeps winning but let's put up a fight to learn from the previous game and my opponent's not perfect it definitely makes mistakes just have to keep up the tempo they do play fast let's go let's go oval stingray welcome back thanks for subbing for three months and i feel like you've been here for longer and thank you mystery band appreciate that oh gifted by payphone okay let's uh let's try and stay focused 95 is some idea i might have to play c5 here and that's a typical move so i prevent knight a5 i'm kind of making the bishop happy but now i'm challenging white's mean center pawn put the reconcite could take first bishop f3 may be coming [Music] i'll take first pawn takes my d5 i actually don't know how to play that game i've seen like a few clips of it i'm not entirely sure how it works i just know that there's imposters and sometimes people lie okay let's play bishop d6 just want to optimize my position probably queen e7 rook ed8 it's the main plan maybe bishop ba too can take with rook good day with the rook feels a little bit strange but okay i pressure the thing some potential for a lift oh the rematch hopefully soon to be revenge bits the sweetest form of revenge but okay at least time is better this game like equal time we both have the bishop hair we could be heading towards some end game there's some weird line like takes takes rook c1 rook d2 takes i take here and i'm turning this and this and defending this but this could branch out in many different directions queen c2 is another move so queen d5 there's bishop f3 [Music] i'm thinking bishop d6 here like this bishop doesn't really do much on c5 anyway rook here i play queen b8 probably just exert pressure might see f4 at some point nice thing about queen b8 is it enables rook c8 f4 would weaken the pawn [Music] okay probably bishop c7 [Music] yeah trying to restrict the light as much as possible now sneakily attacking the pawn i'm wondering if i can bishop h294 it's almost kind of cool i can start with this move actually [Music] maybe not okay bishop bishop e4 bishop d3 i was trying too hard to make bishop h2 work oh what to do maybe play queen eight actually let's first try let's first play rook c8 so i over defend the bishop basically painting the knight knight moves anywhere i have this move and now i play queen eight okay that didn't really do too much or did it oh opponent giving me a taste of my own medicine that's a good move 98 this was not preferable and we both have this like weird queen corner bishop battery should bishop c2 [Music] bishop c2 is kind of nifty motivation subscription oh i feel motivated now thanks so much veldrivath and things are getting spicy not sure what's happening here knight c4 i can take take take take take i lose a pawn this could get really weird really quickly i can win a pawn because the queen's overworked but then bishop h8 threading made on g7 [Music] okay none of that happens hmm thinking queen d5 that's probably no good though put the bishop back it's passive not thrilled about this knight c7 maybe holds things together oh thanks for whoa it's kimmy gifting subs thanks so much kimmy i'm trying but it's complicated i feel i feel like i'm getting outplayed again unfortunately but okay the bishop defends his pawn knight defends this pawn queen c8 we trade i play knight t7 ooh that's a good move it's actually a really annoying move am i just losing because queen b8 there's bishop e5 man i'm oh that doesn't work either queen see it i think i'm just losing man where are my tricks i'm just losing here that's so sad okay let's play queen d5 and hopefully my opponent will forget about the knights turning this there's very few tricks i can pull okay i just want bishop d6 ideas have a5 ideas too that's a good move am i getting mated not sure here here here here probably getting flagged i got mated at least i didn't flag this time around ah i gotta play it was a tricky middle game why was more more tricky more resourceful yeah bishop f8 it's a sign that things are going wrong after bishop f8 there's too many too many things to worry about oh russian oh that's me thanks gregory253 and thanks again kimmy gifting subs to oh kimmy says adios you are still curious how to pronounce youtube ceo's name type would you like shitsuke right that's the original version oh interesting okay let's tilt berserk yeah i think skimming gifting subs to no i know something something and principle one two three okay let's try and re revive my spirits within that manson oh d5 opponent wasn't expecting a magnuson what to play against d5 just take that and bishop takes actually forgot what to play here because d5 is is pretty rare like usually they take and then play d5 i think i have to take with knight actually then bishop e6 maybe i do take with bishop there's some line takes takes we trade queens it's funny my opponent just pre-moved d5 expecting like the main line i think mainline like is rookie one okay there's no bishop f7 there's rookie one but then bishop f5 okay let's take okay equal material down a lot of time but that's what i get for berserking oh hello to tikong how's it going and mccorgo redeeming sip tea but i'm actually sipping coffee don't get mad at me and thank you daniel j lange slimming at tier one appreciate that you lost free queen what does that mean can you lose something that's free black lost a free pawn i won a free pawn but i'm also losing oh but the knight's hanging um i can take this okay this is working out really nicely the only concern is this and this what to do and this there's this ugly thing which i might have to do i also know i don't have i have this man i'm trying to figure out the best the best course of action [Music] i'll just uh i'll be extra safe put the bishop on e1 that's a sad square but i have two minors for the rook i just want to make a looft yeah the rook defends a bishop from a distance okay let's push the pawn attack there we go okay glad to see you on i was watching your youtube videos earlier as opening prep oh nice walden pawn thanks for subbing nice to hear now you can watch live on twitch uh let's play this move okay i want to go for the the kingside attack my time is very precious king f8 bishop f6 i just want to go for like some kind of quick mates oh wait my knight ah i just i plundered a night out of nowhere thankfully i it might still be okay the pawn is if the pawn takes like when the bishop oh this is really nice yeah king here i take threading this if takes i check check and then queen there's not even rook f8 because my pawn captures diagonally so this kind of accidentally worked out in my favor [Music] okay threatening this forgot about king g6 it's just a matter of converting so here here here here here okay this is mating oh it's a skewer too okay that was nice so 35th place oh i'm trying to break 2500 i'll play a stafford never played oh no staff for this game maybe some italian oh i'm accidentally playing for two nights i got tricked into it two nights oops i'm playing a tricky line the main line was knight a5 this line is kind of nifty idea b5 f3 f3 is so random i don't think i've ever seen f3 before so threatening the knight this looks pleasant take the bishop play f5 bishop c5 i can't complain with this todd in holland is just down the street thanks for mentioning them now i have loads of excellent tea they are on sale oh that's awesome yeah here's if you can see it kind of says todd in holland yeah i got i got all these like different tea packs it's so good it's like high quality loose leaf they uh they import from china and japan place he what to do here could just castle yeah no rush oh there's a cool idea oh there's a really cool idea involving oh involving queen sac leading to double checkmates okay so i'm threatening maiden wait a minute one two three four five six wait i can't count i want to do this it almost works the problem is knight h5 takes and then here oh knight e2 f4 mate oh that's so cool so just to explain okay the the main the first calculation is takes takes rook h6 king g1 knight e2 or knight f3 it's double checkmates in this case double double checkmate because there's two options both leading to double check and mate and if knight h5 so it takes takes knight h5 takes king here not f4 immediately but 92 clearing the bishop i can only take two different ways and then i mate so i sack the queen and then i potentially sack the knight as well it's so nice yeah so i'm going to sack the knights the bishops play a crucial role along with the rook and pong and other pawn oh it's not meat oh no i got too excited i forgot the knight defends oh but the king's on f what is this oh dear wait ah i was so confident life goes on i guess life goes on oh that's so tragic i have 40 i have 41 seconds i spent all the time like drawing those beautiful arrows down i'm getting forked wait a minute what's going on hello youtube oh hello kind of people what is this position this is so confusing i've i'm down the queen for a bishop but the king is very uh checkmateable maybe bishop g3 ideas oh no my rook my rook please take it yes wow man it was a miscalculation i got way too too confident too arrogant now i was so proud of this like 92 finds okay at least that worked out hello to youtube what was that game beautiful oh you're beautiful too pimp jesus 420 i'm wondering if like this actually works hello youtube like maybe f4 is better oh hello oh twitch says hello youtube people say hi to twitch chat so they're not lonely even though you're maybe the same person or same people wait is there a force mate it's so close to force mate f4 king f2 okay i could win the queen back and then have like a slightly better position okay so knight e2 is like a terrible move even though it's still okay it's still unclear maybe oh rook g5 okay let's look at f4 king f2 knight c2 kimi 2 okay i take the queen and life is good is there anything better than queen h2 i could just play rook h6 that's less fancy though at this point oh it's still interesting yeah the king was kind of misplaced oh wait oh white has d4 here apparently hello eric and hello youtube hope you have a great day oh thanks so much you too youtube oh you can't spell youtube without youtube huh thanks great time i love such nice bait such nice bait if i ever go fishing to remember to bring this rook okay let's go back trying to re-enter the top 30. i've re-entered the 2500 club playing kaiser susie let's playa london london time i've never played among us but i might be peer pressured into doing it at some point okay bishop b5 this is kind of new theory hey it's joe broome what's up joe bruhn let me move all i've yeah i grabbed all the tea this is actually a nice tea it's has a cool name anyway um i'll play c4 and let's give a shout out joe brune good to see you so yeah this is actually a very tricky line uh main idea is if takes i play a4 in defending the bishop and then i want to recapture with the knights and apply as much pressure as possible to this knight before blocking castle and there's some really weird lines here wait maurizevich offered me to stream oh i don't know if he can if he can follow up um i'll try and look for his message there there were several days where i just like bogged down so it may have slipped through the cracks i can reach out to him too um thanks for letting me know yeah maurizavich is like a strong very strong player i didn't realize he's streaming though okay we have some very weird position here i gave up casting rights i'm trying to take away blacks casting rights um to do maybe queen b3 so threatening to take or just threatening to take immediately have i ever made it by taking on passant i've been close but not that i can remember definitely not on stream it's a hard thing to achieve bishop e7 it's going to be hard to stop black from castling there's this not sure here let's play this move i'm going to try and win the pawn i'm expecting back to castle and then we can actually trade a little bit i'm gonna have some issues to solve um now let's go for this [Music] yeah i'd definitely be down to stream with morozovic um that would be cool it's best for him to uh to email me probably or just to whisper me on twitch play visual d2 do i get a reference i feel like joe bruhn knows more references than me unfortunately but maybe it's a good thing oh so i'm still up a pond but these pawns don't doesn't really feel like a majority the black's probably better here objectively oh maybe morozev streams on youtube which is why i wasn't aware of him streaming i know there's a lot of chess players now just not streaming on twitch but streaming on youtube which is probably a better like growth strategy at least for newer streamers this position is very unpleasant okay bishop e3 trying to figure out how i can give back a pawn and just not collapse completely i could just try and hold on to everything this is so ugly though like takes takes all my pawns are isolated a couple sets of double pawns i'm still up a pawn i'm realizing if king g2 here i can't play rook f1 because knight e3 oh this is really really bad so the question is how to fight there's a bishop e1 sad move maybe no i'm singing rig h2 you just don't see what to do here okay i'll start with this i might just have to like hunker down and let black take all my pawns that's kind of terrifying knight d3 coming [Music] knight d3 rook f1 oh let's play rogue f1 pray for the best and it's gonna take a big miracle to survive this let's go after this pawn go after this pawn some more oh that's a good move okay so if takes i play rook b1 i'm just going for counter play so i'm down okay i was up upon earlier now i'll be down the pawn uh bring the key towards the center it's all about trying to activate as much as possible i think the rook would be decent on a5 apply constant pressure [Music] i want to go for rook g8 da let's play f3 in rook g8 still matrix okay i was so difficult to like survive oh the whole game was just torture man [Music] yeah like with the king on h1 of course like i'm i'm hoping for stale matrix the problem is with this setup i always have g2 so i had to wait for the pawn to come here which it did eventually and actually it's funny like after f3 it's just it's um it's a theoretical draw f3 literally loses all the pawns because i just take i i'm able to take on e3 and that f3 like no matter what and i win h2 as well okay good thing i didn't flag i was close to flagging okay good luck oh thanks for the bits maha roberto uh i'll play e4 okay oh carol khan i'll play a accelerated panel of that was a mouse slip but this is actually working out i meant to play queen b3 immediately bishop here i have this okay let's develop okay so what is this position to prevent black from castling i have to be careful here 95 so defending attacking stuff a7 is kind of hanging okay there's more important things i got a six move smothered mate against ah i know that line wanted to do a video about that line at some point congratulations anton zero i'm proud of you what's going on here this position is so confusing i feel like i should have tactics but not seeing them let's just castle my black has potential tactics too i'm gonna lose a pawn i guess i guess i'm losing back the pawn oh there's a cool idea speaking of smothered mate do i queen sack i kind of want a queen sack there's bishop e60 unfortunately oh but my queen's trapped i'm gonna have to queen sack oh wow add me on league nice nine what okay let's take take bishop e6 expected then i can take this way league knight is nine i don't know what that means okay opponent doesn't do not see bishop e6 idea knight f6 not sure if this is actually working though maybe bishop f6 is a better idea check a very confusing position everything's in shambles for both of us okay that's a free queen what's material i'm down the exchange i'm down the exchange but i have weird pieces i'm threatening this also bishop's pressure okay there we go oh i look i forgot b2 is hanging here goes all my pawns let's just go for the mating attack okay our g one's passive but what else to do i wanna put the knight there go for this now this is pretty bad unless it's not too bad no ah that was a nice position i think i don't know i don't know what to make of this uh this game the queen got trapped i guess i didn't really see this coming but it was still it was still interesting oh did i have stalemate traps i was maybe close had the same pattern with the king and pawn actually yeah i should have been more [Music] i should have tried to allow the king to take and then sack the rook i was actually more focused on trying to like get a rook to g8 but of course i was too slow i could take the pawn here that's unfortunate uh okay life moves on let's go back to tournament 48th place it's tough it's getting competitive which is galco man this um it's probably an anonymous like strong player okay let's observe let's try and fight back stafford gambit time maybe whoa apple bow gifting subs thanks so much stafford gambit declined thanks so much gifting 10 subs really appreciate that gifting to cutford adrian lenny hh3 captain clutch no drip there no thumb swim and ginger bead jack bishop g5 is a move and go for this kind of attack pedro 2393 and boki underscore everyone who has gifted the sub say thank you tom lobo really appreciate that i also appreciate my attack so like in the stafford gambit declined it's kind of a stable position for both sides but there's there's some nice attacking potential for black um especially with the queen now the queen should take a step back and then [Music] allow for the bishop to come in debating whether i should do something just carry on with the plan now i want to apply as much pressure to the knight as possible is the stafford your main response for the petrov so the stafford is like a gambit within the petrov so i'm not sure if that question makes sense like when i'm light and i play against the petrov i guess i have a few options i showed a line in a recent video where you can play a reverse stafford gambit it's called the the bowden kaiser ritsky gambit um but yeah i mean these days if i'm playing like a speed speed game online blitzer bullets if i'm playing a petrov i'm intending to go for a stafford and usually my my thought process is i'll i'll check if i've ever played the opponent before and if i've never played them before then they're probably getting a stafford um if they're an e4 player but more and more people are like studying what to do for white these days so i have to be a bit more careful but it's still working a lot had a few successful ones this tournament okay so we both have double c pawns the position is a bit more active for black with the battery h3 might come if h3 i'm probably okay getting some end game and white's gonna have an additional set of double pawns if i play rook e8 there's uh there's bishop b5 which i probably don't want to allow i'm gonna play a slow move a6 just depriving the bishop of b5 square now i can fight for the files yeah we're going to play very positionally let's trade off everything and with a pawn structure even though there's pawns on both sides usually a bishop is preferable in this sort of case i think the knight will be a strong piece um even though yeah so like white has more more king activity but there's potential to just get an outpost on on f4 to watch out for this move the king is almost getting mated actually controlling these squares can control these squares too you always play f6 if king here i can win the pawn and lose a pawn it'd be nice to have like some unexpected mate in the center of the board probably not happening there's a lot of lines where white just loses h3 hmm i have g6 let's play g6 okay so the king's gonna come back and save the pawn but oh my time did i berserk this game i deserved this game i forgot at least okay the position is um [Music] it should be easy to play so everything's under control that's pawn it's kind of a weakness for the target to attack probably want to go for d5 um it'd be funny if like bishop goes here never mind doesn't say c4 would kind of shut out the bishop okay here's a fork that i was waiting for king has to move to g3 so i win a pawn that's really all i need is one pawn i can probably trade down or win another pawn okay now the bishop has no squares i'll just go for the c4 break i should have enough time mike probably wants to be on d5 i can i can pick up all the pawns actually that's a fork that queen g8 will be made okay that was a positional kind of end game i kind of lost track of time for a moment there um i i think it was a nice example of like kind of this knight vs bishop imbalance um because it was hard for white to actually like exploit any weaknesses and these like white white had more weaknesses which is the long term um cheese fates thanks for the bits gg and gl for the rest of the tournament appreciate that and welcome yeah welcome to the new people i saw there was a comment from someone hey eric good old charlie brown thanks for all the great content oh i'm playing chicago okay i have to focus welcome good little charlie charlie brown thanks for your comments thank you to g-step for subbing for two months so jacako i've i've tried stafford gambit on before uh and it doesn't work against gigaco glad to catch you in the presence i have an idea future for once okay if we're both berserking i know what i'm gonna play i'll play this weird opening because he usually plays d4 this is probably a terrible decision i just want i want to get a stafford gambit uh yeah that's a good move i've studied this a little bit it's a bad opening but hopefully he doesn't refute it so quickly um bishop here oh is this move yeah the problem is h3 but after h3 the pawn's pinned so i'll have one extra tempo to do something maybe like castling i don't know what's castle oh no i blundered oh but i have this move tricky move bishop can't be taken i played this move no that's too much just show some respect why did this move oh but then knight e4 um let's have some fun showing no respect to strong grandmaster opponent to play in the style of the gambit uh maybe f5 five looks fun d4 queen here yeah why not this is probably really bad but i'm trying to drain his time confusing position still down the pawn but these pawns look funny that's probably a good move so i can take a five point f6 oh i can't take in the end though i have to try it ah that's not good queen here maybe idea queen h7 and meaning ah there's bishop f4 i can't take immediately either [Music] g6 maybe no g6 doesn't work oh there's a funny line though or i mean g3 let's try g3 idea to take i'm really showing no respect wait a minute that didn't work at all i have this move okay i have some h file pressure and the idea is to eventually stack on d4 because yolo oh maybe g6 and then i take on d4 but then knight e3 let's try this first bishop e3 coming it's still kind of funny and my pawns perplexed play this move attack a bishop always play king b8 and running out of resources do do do let's go oh what a dirty game i feel so dirty uh i really showed no respect i showed no respect at all i feel bad he's such a good player but i mean the the whole point of the opening was to like try and confuse how many cells oh not enough sacks or too many i don't know there's never no such thing as too many socks yeah yeah and i have three is one of like like taking is also really good for lights but that was a weird weird position actually yeah i feel bad about feeling good about that but it was a funny opening it's probably just all bad but okay in blitz yeah like plus six already for white and blitz it's all about initiative and creating tricky threats man stockfish is just insulting me thanks everyone for all the the congratulatory bits wondering if i had anything after this like queen c5 was the best move otherwise like i'm the knight defender rook so i'd be losing a piece you did him so dirty he p-punched his table oh is he streaming oh i'll have to re-watch the clip of him i think he was yeah he's streaming probably on youtube ny streamer nym and strong yeah whatever that means use this bits to buy some flag disinfectant oh i have now's probably a good time to sanitize my hands okay nice win oh thank you big alex six nine appreciate that and yeah thanks everyone for the the bits thanks jvops va jayvox for something with prime i don't care about stockfish we still love you oh i love you too thanks volo also subbing okay playing check a b zerk let's play e4 i feel a renewed sense of energy carol khan time pam of attack hello to ty blackburn oh i studied this actually recently um what's the line queen here oh this is actually um oh what is this line i take free pawn i think i'm winning a pawn here it's actually extra good because black either has to do this ugly move or this ugly move okay so i took away black's casting rights i want to play rookie one queen is actually very comfy on a3 i'm just going to sack the d4 pawn like if black can take it a few different ways take here first take here and then take here actually i don't know if it's a actual sack because i'll have rook d1 and there's cases where the queen is tied down oh but if i play rook d1 now there's bishop f2 king f2 queen d1 bishop g5 queen d7 i'll play bishop g5 it's a funny position kind of wide open so i've connected the rook so now i'm threatening rook d1 also basically tying down the queen so i'm threatening this too queen is overworked currently we might see f6 opponent has time to think i probably should take with queen i might be losing this pawn but okay the the files look so nice and the the big problem for black is the fact that the rook will be stuck for a while oh free rook i was gonna see it yeah opponent resigns with without giving me the pleasure of taking potentially both rooks okay that was a nice game that was much cleaner than the previous game so top 20 let's go right above jesus frankenstein playing gilovich have a good score against this opponent um i'll play something normal play d5 oh let's play uh reverse london yeah this is playable let me go for the setup g3 expected that's also a move so there's some weird idea like this this uh g4 and then knight d7 i think is usually the way people go so counter-attacking so if takes takes i can play that and if here i preserve the bishop oh that's nifty i wonder if i can play this then g7 would hang there's also no g5 doesn't work okay so white's getting the bishop here but maybe i'll get the h file i think i'll castle queenside yeah it's an interesting position like maybe castling queenside too and go after this pawn it looks like a a grand prix attack it was like the same structure as a grand prix this is normally the move f5 this would be c4 okay i don't want to trade queens yeah usually i have a bishop along this diagonal oh that's a really good move i'm in trouble i'm probably in trouble okay i have c4 trying to make things complicated 95 probably doesn't work or does it not e5 actually might save me c4 is also interesting looking so i deal with c4 is takes i take here and things kind of get weird i lose an exchange but there's some attack with 95 first question is which knight to move to e5 so the main idea is to meet f4 with oh i should move this knight so i defend the pawn and then meet f4 with f6 d4 is also met with f6 or just taking and taking here i think it's okay i'm probably gonna wind up with triple pawns triple g pawns but that would mean i i could have all three of these pawns live on g5 potentially i could get this pawn to g5 then later this pawn then we can have triple g5 maybe okay not the prettiest structure actually the knight wants to be here like one typical maneuver is this this but it's too slow that's a good move too all right that's not what i want to do i'm wondering if i can gab it actually a gamut thing actually kind of looks fun like takes and then no c4 realizing oh white doesn't take it this is still not great let's do this maneuver okay i'm kind of suffering this pawn's kind of weak it's an idea to push like the big problem is this bishop i don't have a lightsword bishop to contest and the f5 files in white's full control and this bishop has no great squares except e7 i should probably play bishop e7 okay still alive i'm down the minute oh a lot of people are adding me in the chat i can't look at the chat though because things are are getting heated can i trade all the rooks trade all the rooks i'm tie down to d5 rook d7 there's so many problems with this position i can't even play d4 because it takes and i lose a bishop challenge vertical connect four oh so you mean quadruple pawns so i need to get this that might be difficult i i got vertical connect three not sure if that counts for anything yes i'm losing a pawn this bishop is so strong have any hope maybe c no not c4 maybe c4 no this is so difficult like i'm trying to figure out where my chances are of surviving this like it's not time like there's so little counter play so it's probably just a matter of hunkering down and trying to move quickly but yeah chances are pretty slim okay let's bring the king in so i'm down two pawns d4 coming too maybe some obstacle bishop position let's go for b5 or not yeah this is really painful i resigned yeah i just got outplayed man um i'm trying to identify things probably went wrong here just this f pawn is too weak i should have sensed danger and develop my bishop sooner developing the bishop would have avoided those problems oh but some this diagonal maybe f6n f6 is playable [Music] yeah i had knight g5 right away i'm wondering if c4 is better yeah this maybe could have offered me slightly more chances what to do yeah at the end it was just lost maybe i mouse slipped i don't know anyway okay still a decent tournament top 30 still first place is yet to be caught or playing check a b again who i beat oh we had that quick caro khan game i have not yet played the budapest everyone's avoiding it with knight f3 on move two but we have a london i don't think i played against london this tournament i have mainline london f5 yeah bishop f5 and then h6 is that the fridge find the fridge i thought i turned the fridge off maybe i didn't turn it off all the way uh bear with me just a moment i'm to turn off the fridge because i feel like there's more background noise now yeah it was not turned off all the way okay plenty of time this is actually a really pleasant position i see the new budapest course i did not um ah black stopped my plan or i'll white stop my plan i wanted to get a knight here play this move idea f6 also preventing black or preventing white from castling didn't really help though let's play f6 anyway yeah e4 comes i think my plan is to maneuver and to still try and get the knight to a4 that's a wise move like 93 attacks upon i'll defend now the fridge is still making noise but it should quiet hopefully soon ah to be careful of how i proceed here rookie seven and then rook he8 okay optimizing the position slowly but surely oh i'm getting forked don't do it i am excited to get my z badge soon oh hey it's xy sparks i'm [Music] excited for you too but not as excited wait what am i trying to say this position is less exciting about the prospect of your z badge which i do here and white has so much time too so my my only hope is to counter fork which is not gonna be easy i just have to stop the rook from getting in let's put the knight on e6 maybe maybe this move hmm this is really bad um the thing is if white can't break through like if the position closes down then maybe there's some hope very slim hope though oh rookie six coming probably gonna be zug yeah this is this is not good i guess i can take twice i am controlling like all these squares i'm just trying to resist for as long as possible oh white's triangulating oh that's actually very clever because i can't i can't triangulate myself and there goes my pawn try this i'm looking for resources here play b6 yeah there's there's some easy wins for white king kim g4 is not one of them but that's one i'm looking for ways to be as tricky as possible yeah well played i think the last one is don't get forked i underestimated the knight on f5 like i was safe here but it just didn't register your everyday life to remind you of things etc outside of streaming occasionally i'll use it to set alarms or play music or play podcasts um so kind of yeah but it's not it's not too intrusive to my life oh as rosev actually don't know what you're referring to feel free to message me or whisper me [Music] um i mean you can always like yeah feel free to do what you want though um i don't mind i know uh like this tournament i'm not really looking too much at the chat during the games budapest bits it's a public thing i have no idea what you're referring to oh yeah was that the first wait did i play the budapest yet i don't think i've played the budapest yet i've been trying but everyone's avoiding it that's berserk maybe i'll allow my opponent to play with the past uh oh we're gonna have a queen's gambit i don't usually play this oh it's a stonewall but this is not a great version of the stonewall i don't think split queen queen c2 bishop d3 queenside castle hmm yeah so the difference between the knights is this is an outpost this isn't an outpost but all the knights might get traded anyway it takes yeah i'll take here play bishop d3 whoa it's vanguard with our raid wow thanks so much thanks vanguard i don't think you've you've raided before oh you you've been in the chat a lot i really appreciate it shout out to vanguard i'm wondering were you streaming chess or something else i know you play another game um really appreciate that vanguard i spelled that correctly if you're just joining this is chess trying to figure out what to do oh i okay so if you're just joining i i started this game by giving time odds by basically cutting my time in half to try and get more tournament points the position is nice i want to break through eventually oh among us oh that's what everyone's streaming these days which i've i've yet to do okay let's play rookie two yeah if you're just joining this is a yearly blitz arena it is a six hour long tournament which i might i might play the rest of i'm not sure yet okay i want to go for g4 but not yet [Music] let's start with this defending the f pawn so then after g4 takes takes everything will be defended try and build up the pressure some weird tension here i like the rooks what does it mean when it says daily weekly accessory blitz arena oh it refers to how often it happens oh the structure is not good my time's not good either so i assume this this tournament happens only once a year weekly happens every week etc at some point i'll do a poll of whether i should play among us and or fall guys this is not good at all let's attack a queen i really gotta stay focused ah i can move let's go for the i'm in big trouble here no i'm just getting made it oh but the point misses it i'm still getting mated don't know where got one just wins napoleon misses it again now ah i just flagged i was really bad time management i was actually so i was getting wrapped up in like some stalemate ideas because if i sack the the last major pieces if i am able to sack both rooks and the queen it's just stalemates um so i wanted to take on g7 here which like it that doesn't almost work it's an idea like to take and then play this the problem is queen g6 and when i take it's not stalemate okay uh let's move on let's try and fight through the downswing i'll try and break back into the top 30. it's been a lot of chess playing bubble trouble oh i have to bring back my reading too okay neville never played bubble trouble before wait bubble trouble this used to be a game i used to play bubble trouble on miniclip i think bubble trouble falls for the the main trap would you rather never play chess again or never leave your city again oh i don't know i kind of enjoy traveling i'll prefer not to answer that question that question just makes me sad okay but this position makes me happy yeah this bishop is dominant play h5 threatening this i still want to play this oh opponent wants to do mean things i wonder if i can play this first there's also f6 i'll play f6 then there's e5 i could no i can't castle okay f6 e5 bishop g4 bishop g4 queen e4 castle i think it's okay some idea bishop c1 too there's kind of a nifty move i'm running out of coffee wait a minute oh look at this bishop d2 king f2 bishop g4 queen g3 bishop f4 traps the queen okay that's nice this is what i was going for now today is not a t day i needed more of a wake up to resort to coffee even though i had tea earlier i made a big pot of green tea earlier yeah white kind of realizing the doom i win anything play this move going after the pawn yeah opening up the h file g3 incoming that was a nice game man bubble trouble brings back memories i think that was a mini clip it's like an old game now this game was more like double trouble yeah okay so the leader has 100 only couple players above a hundred oh there's frogger too yeah i haven't really played like these other random games at least recently oh i'm reminding you turn on the fridge alexa remind me again in two hours okay i'll remind you again in two hours thanks so much appreciate it let's get some music especially for the berserking game oh what is this move i've played against this in the past why am i forgetting bishop d2 and then e4 yeah this will be fun hey it's korak okay it's music time okay ready for it okay i'll turn down the volume a little bit okay just need some like extra energy i was playing this earlier i'm going to develop i want to go for a d5 maybe it's castle oh it takes i can take and take giving up the bishop hair but that's okay i want to play bishop c3 [Music] playing mr toot from istanbul okay we can trade bishops it's like a sicilian dragon i do like c3 maybe [Music] opponent perplexed ooh okay oh we could treat queens let's not trade queens because i want to mate knight g5 i'm gonna develop maybe knight d5 play rookie one oh there's this move the pin it's also a rook b8 maybe b3 let's see 395 still on the horizon let's play b3 first get this in this is this an xc3 oh rook c8 this maybe rexy one [Music] is it too loud oh maybe it's too loud so sorry okay okay going for the attack very huge time advantage [Music] where are my ideas um okay going for the kill [Music] oh okay i got the triple fork or quadruple four that was nice that was really nice and i'm up so much time okay that's what i need a nice little boost oh let's not get mated that'd be really bad to like just outplay the opponent and launder mate uh let's play this move can you trade queen's friend maiden one attack a thing oh g4 traps and knight okay that was nice that's nice i feel like i should play every game this song it like it gives me some boost gets me gets me calculating okay can i just loop this video oh i can loop the video nice but do i do it though will the song get old after a while i'm not sure oh shall i make it louder i can't use it too much okay i'll only use it in a time scramble so when we both get below two minutes i'll i'll play it how about only in games where both berserk so it doesn't get old and also it's faster pace yeah that's true okay i'm playing um a funny line pawn a3 we'll have kind of a scotch type thing uh play bishop e2 be solid a slight space advantage white's probably slightly better here i think f4 is playable bishop f8 bishop f3 yeah bishop c6 is fine for black play queen d3 defend the pawn rook wants to come to e1 so an eventual idea of e5 maybe wondering if b4 is playable might as well throw it in oh do i play baby shark i feel like that's just a big no-no it's one way to get a lot of haters maybe isn't baby shark like the most played song on youtube i'm pretty sure the the numbers for that like the viewership for for that is just insane okay let's focus to do maybe the knight can come to f2 pawn can come to c4 just going for the slow squeeze bishop here i have c4 oh i have this idea too i should have considered a move sooner but maybe it's still working because there's no 98 there's no knight h5 there's queen e6 or rookie six and it's getting confusing now so if i play f5 takes takes takes takes i lose f oh the bishop is on leash two but we just trade everything maybe c5 is the way to go ah it's really confusing i'm not moving quickly enough uh i don't know what to do let's play let's play this and hope for the best um this isn't good okay let's take okay let's play the song this will get me to move quicker ah i'm so low on time but i have e5 maybe okay things are happening bishop's attacked oh but the thing is pinned so we could trade maybe 94 coming attacking stuff g4 maybe f5 uh i don't know about that let's attack a queen queen d5 i win the queen okay trying to break through attacking a rook and the pawn takes takes queen f7 in the end oh i missed knight f6 oh but the rook's attacked us you are the best oh i threw you too thank you i'm singer what's up i'm singer [Music] hey i won okay we don't even reach the the climax of the song thinks i'm singer okay the so i i felt like i was slightly in trouble already thank you so much for the great content the song works the song really works oh thank you so much oh dino appreciate that okay oh okay let's preserve again um do i play a walrus and saturn thanks for subbing playing on walrus okay so i have a pawn in e4 and d3 may be expected let's reinforce the pawn yeah preventing bishop g5 it's only like decent square for the bishop knight d2 is a good move let's take bishop e7 queen queen d7 queen e2 bishop here could castle either way oh 95 coming confusing position maybe castle kingside then 95 maybe queen d4 okay let's put the rook on the open file maybe bishop can come to c5 i like coming to g4 potentially oh i'm also maybe threatening some tactics never mind okay let's attack the queen that probably only helped white okay bishop f8 okay so some knight d5 idea actually knight d5 followed by bishop b4 is a main idea yeah this is a secret threat which opponent kind of deals with oh it's getting spicy i'm gonna take and then play bishop b4 anyway so i'm stacking exchange but probably winning the exchange back oh the bishop control c3 that's not good i just lost 16. the spiciest thing about you oh when i order [Music] spicy thai food or just my stafford gambit probably okay c3 induced we're trading rooks okay i need the song the song will save me hopefully okay let's do this i'm down in exchange not the best position but we're going to try and fight let's see five coming oh i have a no a5 doesn't quite work though how many staffords already today so many so many okay c5 i take that's a good move of c5 anyway this move ah this is a difficult position my time is very difficult but i'm threatening bishop e5 [Music] this move don't hurt me don't hurt me okay knight of three i'm too happy it doesn't work though the song's not working i'm getting smashed ah no [Music] oh okay maybe i defend everything ah okay let's attack the pawn i have 18 seconds no this is really bad oh but what's giving me hope giving me lots of hope rook is kind of trapped with b7 i taken c6 c4 coming let's go b5 abominus b4 coming so fine let's go come back [Music] no my hope no [Music] don't hurt me [Music] [Music] uh was unfortunate i was coming back too i was coming back so well look at these ponds i won the bishop this pond was dangerous so this pond was so dangerous man is this in the hall of the mountain king i knew i loved you yes yes someone recommended it earlier and now i've discovered it makes me play much better and especially like okay this game like i was just losing and then the song didn't seem to be working but then it started working okay i'll try not to overkill it we'll have some silent games maybe or maybe we can try some new songs okay i have an idea i'm gonna play rook e4 so defending the pawn if it takes and i play g4 and then i'll win this okay so i think we're oh oh wow what a move it just that just wins does it oh that's so sad look at that move that's really sad yeah like here i can't play d5 because it takes okay so i'll try and fight four pawns versus three thanks for subbing cody mitch something g um yeah this is pretty bad though let's try this and bring the king in down on time i mean the goal is to trade off all the pawns and then try and hold a draw and the question is do i play the other song the song that has saved me a few times i think i should it's my only hope okay let's do this i'm down at night and down on time but i have hope i have a nice pawn chain i have an active rook i don't know what the oh the knight wants to destroy me [Music] uh-oh wants to literally just check maybe i don't know how to deal with this i guess i have to go for counter play king e6 d5 d6 um that's gonna be annoying maybe this one keep rook b7 there's some stalemate ideas too if i lose the pawn yeah so here and here but then 96 uh oh don't hurt me okay that's what i like to see some mercy let's push the pawn if here i perpetual it's getting tricky if f5 i play rookie 7 aha there's no knight g6 so i take it [Music] tristan do this maybe i don't know what's going on here but i'm fighting fighting perpetual good move [Music] i mean it's not bad how bad is this [Music] it's really bad [Music] no ah i'm losing ah that was unfortunate oh i'm so close though i was so close oh sorry if it was loud okay it didn't work it was close like i i kind of fought back it's so unfortunate though like after rook g5 um black is forcing a rook trade like there's no way for me to preserve the rook i wanted to like move all the way of a check and then rook g7 um and there's really nothing else to do i was looking for stalemate traps too of course maybe i should have i don't know what i should have done left the tension somehow work here difficult position though yeah maybe king f7 slightly better try but okay let's play one more let's play one more i'm running slightly low on energy despite all the coffee yeah sorry sorry if it was too loud um okay one more game no berserking no music this scene can we get one with the past please wow everyone playing knight f3 no one wants to run into the budapest oh this is like a weird catalan move order so yeah the approach is to play knight c6 and go into this line i'll admit i'm not so booked up here i think i can take on i take on d4 or create at some point yeah i know there's some people who like the music some people that don't like the music so um in general this is my go-to piece of advice if you like the music open a new tab and you can listen to it on loop also fun fact with youtube with any youtube video you can just right click on the video and select loop and it'll loop any video it's great for music i could do a poll too but it's too much work erin gold thanks for subbing with prime oh if you're on phone yeah then maybe it's trickier um let's play this so i'm giving white the option of taking and then white would get two rooks for a queen but then it would be interesting maybe i have e4 in the end of that line okay so light wins a pawn so it's equal material rook's attacked oh bishop's attack too ooh so i guess i have to play i have to play rookie eight i'm losing this pawn and or this pawn wow i didn't even see that yeah i'm it's definitely a sign that i'm running low on focus let's play bishop here fight a little bit trying to take a mini two also maybe threatening some sort of discovery okay the queen's a little bit awkward play queen g6 so now i'm throwing this but no longer attacking e2 so it's interesting of rook p8 there's some compensation of a52 play a5 and then this so i'm trying to chase the queen away yeah so now i have access to h5 i can take play queen h5 of king h2 i have knight g4 that's probably the way to go it's not easy for white to like comfortably defend the h3 pawn allen l would you rather be the best chess player in the world or be able to teleport anywhere once per day once per oh definitely teleportation i feel like there'd be so many more opportunities if i could teleport be so nice that's a happier question i forget which question was asked earlier okay wait let's focus down a minute g4 is actually a good move i want a sack but it doesn't quite work queen e5 runs into bishop d4 queen h4 [Music] bishop f4 is coming actually okay let's play this bishop d4 at least i can win back upon [Music] maybe endure the bad structure actually bishop d4 queen queen e2 bishop f6 gf6 queen a5 and still try and fight if i get a chance i want to play h5 even knight d5 like the king side's a little bit loose for white safe move play rook b2 and try and be as active as possible okay now let's take and it's not looking pretty okay the good thing is okay i have to focus on the game if takes takes on not getting mated king is relatively safe queen should not be getting trapped now actually if takes i made in two one of the plans is to sack the rook queen a5 might be coming yeah a good move so maybe this move but then g5 what else to do maybe h6 just creating some luft some idea of maneuvering the knight if i'm down the pawn that's probably a good move i'm not sure if there's a threat play rook a2 attack the pawn i'm wondering if i can at some point play queen g5 trade queens try and win the pawn the annoying thing is i don't really have rookies the bishop's always here okay so now white has a threat knight d5 doesn't work i have to play queen g6 and what else to do let's play queen g6 hanging on time is getting low for both of us yeah rook beats off limits unfortunately trying to calculate bishop d5 doesn't work here put the rook on e8 f4 i can move back to c2 that's scary this move really want to take on g4 yolo let's do it there's a lot of stuff happening here because now i attack the bishop and the rook and threatening discover checks i am temporarily down a piece but maybe it doesn't matter so much oh there's a funny line bishop g2 bishop f3 queen g3 i take and then i the the rook helps out that's a move that's a good move i have to go for this not what i want finding this now it takes i have rook c1 roxy one coming anyway okay down on time but maybe it doesn't matter let's go g5 let's go okay wow what a game somehow i survived it was like the end the um there's a famous scene from searching for body fisher where both sides promote and then there's like a queen skewer in the end it's kind of reminiscent okay yeah i was much worse queen g3 was a good move white's clearly better here but then fell for this trick probably should have moved the rook over okay i was down on time too i was lucky i was able to pre-move like most of the end game oh yeah yeah this uh this ending doesn't call for a hand sanitizer this is relatively clean at least towards the end middle game was a bit messy though yeah it was just carelessly blundering i mean it's kind of the nature of the opening these pawns are weak hey g5 was crucial had to go for the the extra queen or the two extra queens actually curious just the theory here oh queen a4 is not a move ah yeah main line is to take so queen a4 okay apparently rook be it is better uh some idea of rook b4 okay well it's been a lot of chess i wasn't sure if i was gonna make it through the whole tournament i don't think i will be playing the whole tournament um but had some fun games i do appreciate people watching and cheering akd7 not to post this whole stream on youtube um that's a good point i've posted the previous two years of the yearly blitz arena so i should probably post this whole thing i just have to check for the the music copyrights youtube usually runs the algorithm so hopefully it's okay so if this thing goes or just if this whole thing goes on youtube i hope you guys enjoy that youtube audience comment below if you watch the whole thing usually when i upload streams lasting more than two hours only five to ten percent of viewers actually watch the whole thing on youtube um but that's okay there's a lot of a lot of fun games in this uh this tournament uh thanks again to everyone for the supports everyone cheering and subbing and following and chatting
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 1,024,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2020, Stafford Gambit, Hall of the Mountain King, London System, Gambit, Zhigalko, Hippo
Id: dE6WmwDSBcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 40sec (12160 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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