QUADRUPLE PAWNS, Beating a GM in 12 Moves, & More! || Blitz Titled Arena

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what's the worst time you've choked a game over the board i had the hiccups once during a chess tournament but that's not really comparable to choking anyway let's play bullets playing fm kimster wait it's i i thought it's oh berserk i guess i thought this was one minute chess hurrah finally caught you've read handed her streaming oh yeah but my hands are are not red i guess they're tan i was playing tennis the other day i play a4 here ac6 some idea of eventual b5 yeah i'm getting b5 like playing very quickly um i'm getting squeezed a little bit but at least my my pieces are finding squares kind of i'll put the knight on f8 and then um yeah it's not pleasant let's go for upbeat hail oh is that toilet oh no it's not toilets i was expecting the toilet noggin toilet always says that okay i have to focus a first game um and it's really uncomfortable but thanks everyone thanks for the hell bits there's hari krishnan let's develop the queen attack the pawn [Music] like c7 what else to do oh g5 that's a strong g5 i'll double up oh i have bishop a6id oh can't do it oh good job i'm still confused all right let's bring the bishop somewhere [Music] okay let's try and trade to play that move not a happy move confusing i tried i was close i just didn't have enough time okay nothing to get too disappointed about only in the first game it's a three hour long tournament oh i thought okay i i got i i i made too many false assumptions so i thought it was a two hour long bullet tournament but it's a three hour long three hour long blitz tournaments wow so it's 3-0 okay it's like i can pace myself that last game got my my heart racing but um okay let's play blitz i'll try and manage my time as uh as decently as possible does this move i have f6 and bishop g4 i can always play king h8 after after bishop c4 what to play here for some idea of queen d5 i think i'll move the bishop to f7 i don't mind this the structure is a bit more pleasant for black queen d7 rook e8 oh vlad is here what's up vlad and hello to yeah hello to everyone else um oh someone gifted a sub a naru ramar gifting a sub to picazzo thanks so much hmm [Music] yeah this is only open file so i think it makes sense to to double up it is nice having having more time in this game time to think time to minimize blunders this pawn's a bit loose yeah let's just play queen c8 don't uh exploit the the commands i think the previous stream there are some people spamming commands that's that's a time outable offense um what to play though it's a decent move probably knight c4 i'm liking the position pieces are comfortable let's play g6 hitting the bishop maybe this move i'm just looking for a plan here thanks for subbing oh dynamic chess gifting subs thanks so much dynamic chess people should check out dynamic chess on twitch of this move so if takes takes i i fork hmm b-pawn is slightly weak okay i'm just going to take and trade i think this is the simplest expecting queen takes and andrew just how's it going oh knight takes you can still play this i'm allowing this move i'm also down a minute what okay i have bishop d5 it doesn't quite work though like queen e2 this is not good play yeah because knight g5 is coming yeah whatever that means i i have to focus i it feels like just a minute ago i was like so thankful about having so much time and now i'm have almost no time okay let's trade queens or rooks that's a good move if h6 i'm just preventing knight g5 oh maybe preparing this and this the queen trapped the queen's trapped oh g5 let's get some g5 emotes just trapping the queen well i played g5 i didn't realize it's actually trapping the queen okay so i just win stuff here i'm going to win the night if night moves out then i promote that's so nice okay now i can thank people thanks hari krishnan for the mubarak goodbye bits and g5 and rose and g5 and frozen g5 yeah yeah there's a g pawn soon to turn into an s pawn soon to become a queen my opponent is rage stalling and the chat is filled with g5 emotes and thank you oh thanks diamond cutter giving a shout out to that dynamic chess dynamic chess you should play the tournament your title player whoa and it's flags with 1500 bits thanks so much it's a nice way to oh opponent finally resigned okay um so i'm on the i'm on the scoreboard i broke into the top 300. yeah thanks double the pawns i appreciate it and oh and thank you nando's chuck nod chuck nhd for summon and nord dirto also subbing oh i'm playing i think this is a decently strong gm g5 it's jay the tiger okay so i'm playing a stafford gambit against a gm oh he knows what to do oh i think this is a move first fighting queen h4 and then some kind of f5 i'll start with bishop d6 almost almost no one plays this uh this line okay this wait did white go wrong already he may have gone wrong because bishop f5 was threatening queen h4 a king d1 now i have this move oh it's getting spicy and this is what i want i also have this move wait if i play that there's queenie one i'm wishing i've i studied this line at some point um [Music] yeah i can't quite get away with wow i could play g so g5 defends my queen and threatens knight g3 and i don't know how white stops it i might be trapping my own queen with g5 so the idea is to play this and after this i can safely take because the queen's defended so g5 again let's get some g5 emotes i don't know how good this is though i'm also securing f4 for the knight maybe but i'm trying to meet d4 with knight g3 oh oh that was simple from white as it just escaped my mind i have to play h6 at least we still have a weird position i have to move quicker let's castle bishop e3 coming i'm still playable f5 coming this bishop oh so many g5s oh i i had scrolled up in the chat i was wondering why it was so slow because i was okay i have to focus on the chest not the chat wait a2 free pawn probably not a free pawn let's just align with everything the pieces that i have left are are decently placed except my queen if i take yeah let's um let's run away maybe this move next just want to attack a2 i really have to work on my my time management oh it's toggy what's up talking oh maybe that's why i was supposed to look at the chat all right opponent taking a long time that's that's nice i feel like time is going to be my savior maybe oh yeah fridge noise i i know i can't have to keep my food cold so if takes can i take on d3 probably not i want to though let's just take here play simple chess knight e4 i have g4 that's a bold move [Music] um so i'm threatening oh maybe i'm not threatening that maybe the plan is just this and then i mean the knight could be pinned it's already pinned bishop f4 is a good move yeah let's go for the the d file double up maybe a5 i always play king b8 [Music] i'm gonna need a miracle here aligning with the king that was a nasty move yeah no stalemate ideas unless that was close any other oh no never mind yeah my opponent now played me in that game um the opening was interesting though g5 was probably not a good move i'm wondering if i was if i have time later maybe right now oops let me just check was like better after king d1 ah so i'm gonna have four queenie one makes sense oh bishop f2 oh that's a cool line and if queen c4 queen f2 wow d4 bishop d6 oh defending the knight and e5 okay i'm i'm learning something if i play the same player again i'll i'll try and go into the same line oh playing casablanca um who's also streaming people can watch both of our our commentary let's play a london i don't remember playing him so many times but i guess i have so we have some kind of london main line yeah with this queen c7 variation i uh i enjoy taking early and then you're trying to remember if it's i think it's e4 immediately there's some idea that pawn takes bishop takes well it's better to um to keep the knights i'm also threatening e5 here so in this case i think it's better to take with knight now actually i think bishop is is a bit more venomous i remember looking at this i had this in the um the may the may tournament that ben ran uh in the final round it's on youtube in very similar position where i i castle queenside and then i went for like the kingside attack and somehow it fizzled um i wonder if i can play g5 here or um g4 here and there's knight takes i need a good reason for it i have this move too 95 i could be losing a pawn i could be losing f2 um but that's part of life if i lose f2 i have rook f1 and then i um when f7 really so i'm winning f7 here i think i could lose g3 but oh wait f7 is f7 hanging maybe this rook f1 here and then knight takes it's interesting a little bit of time to think there's also this move um oh he's just gonna go back to b6 though there's also g4 all so many moves maybe just g4 yeah i can black options here it's a bit hard to develop the stuff h5 idea g5 and then maybe mating eventually oh that's a very tricky move if i take those queen g5 i can play g5 first goodbye tagi this move just simple chess i want to play rook h1 king g7 okay i always play king b1 king g7 i'm trying to figure out if i played knight f3 i probably just take though good luck gary and then g5 the next viewer swiss tournament uh to be determined if you keep asking though it'll be likely sooner rather than later let's play this move so material wise black is fine but black's very underdeveloped and it seems like there is where's my wind seems like there's a lot of potential in this position so i'm threatening knight c4 and then knight t6 also threatening this probably there's no rook a6 because uh looks tied down [Music] my time my beautiful time oh let's take that if takes live g4 i'm so sorry i mean it was it was just a dirty time scramble okay i think it draws i guess a fair result i feel like i was very close to winning also very close to losing um oh thanks don't cry so much subbing for three months i feel like i probably missed a bit of what happened in the chat oh hari krishnan maybe communicating hey let's go zurich and let's play d4 also drew skis thanks for subbing okay let's play fast let's try and stay up on time at least one game okay don't mind the structure really don't mind the structure iqp position is very pleasant i'll put the rook on on d1 yeah so this pawn is just an eternal weakness take queen d4 probably double up i could win the pawn right away but i'm trying torture black just a little bit okay here probably let's just take we could also take here if black wins f2 i went f7 and then mate i'll have to defend this so the goal is to make a pass pawn it should be a pretty routine win queen c7 g3 just making sure silence yeah oh yeah the the fridge stopped making noises my queen defends us i was just just winning okay that's nice so is carlson playing maybe chat would know better than me doctor thank you maybe not oh thanks so much love appreciate that oh no carlson ah so my my go live notification was maybe uh clickbait i said maybe carlson all right let's play it's not berserk let's play d4 i'll play london at some point i'll probably switch to e4 but i do enjoy playing this this opening whoa it's double pawns thanks so much so i think what's on line here there's some idea of playing e5 at the right moment maybe right away also taking [Music] let me take some 95 because of the pin it could get sharp there's an e4 there's not h5 it's not h5 i play this threatening the bishop there's still a pin even if takes takes there's always a pin and bishop g4 is a fine move so we could trade it might just be positional let's trade it's kind of a pawn sack white black intake and then i have this move so hitting this this and this now there's knight d5 and queen d6 it feels like there should be something here but i'm not seeing it i guess just rookie one attack this f6 like black black just seems so unstable but i'm not seeing oh i guess i can take on f6 yeah because queen takes home in the night and i just have better structure black has a c file but these pawns are weak probably going to win this pawn oh magnus is online oh maybe he's gonna late join i don't know so i think he's played the last few i don't think i've played a title arena in a while okay i missed the last one i just take this okay always happy for an end game so i want my pawns on dark squares to complement the bishop hitting this okay threatening to take i'm dreaming of g5 mates let's move first g5 will be a fork okay yeah the threat of g5 was uh was strong enough still worthy of g5 emotes oh so maybe carlson late joined interesting i don't think i've ever played carlson in blitz before only only bullet so that's a new goal of this tournament probably shouldn't have deserved but just want myself or i want me i want i want to play quicker i want to force myself to play quicker knight b6 is the main line otherwise rick d1 that's a new move i haven't seen 95 before not sure how strong it is i'm threatening b4 too yeah so i'm just winning the night bishop d4 let's take i'm probably just rook a2 here it's still trapped if f5 i take and then win the queen if bishop f5 probably this move black's going for counter punches i'm just trying to simplify and win the night oh that's so tricky but i have this move my knight on b1 was not defended this knight's still trapped and the thing's defended now oh there's a line where if i take take take i get forked but i'll have two bishops for a rook i also have this move okay i'll go for this yeah so this is much better for white [Music] still requires some technique oh no oh no this is really bad my bishop's getting trapped ah okay still gonna try and fight though um am i winning no not quite ah that's very close i i hung the bishop um but i still fought i was very close to mating here king state's only move magnus is destroying everyone in his past oh am i in his path where is he doctor oh i'm still above him in the tournament though i have more points i just have to keep pace also leeches.org in the chat what's up lee chess all right let's um let's play aggressively i won't beserk this game play some grand prix setup g6 this is some kind of line and i'll admit i don't think i've looked at this too too closely just e6 yeah we have kind of like a reverse closed sicilian 97 i guess h5 is coming let's play this and if knight t5 i have queen f7 bishop here wait what i just got forked i just got four i could take on c3 ah i just got fourt that was really bad that was such a simple oh i have this move though maybe it's not so bad threatening made in two and there's no b3 because night knight is hanging i guess there's queen b3 or that move okay let's not get forked again should probably just castle but now the four coming let's castle now that f4 queen f7 if i'm threatening this or this it's interesting upload the tournament vod to youtube i really like those long videos oh very possibly remind me remind me after the tournament but you you can watch the long video in real time uh can i play i guess the pawns over defended i can still go for this some kind of a4 idea [Music] um i don't know what to do but i have to play quickly hey g5 let's get some wait what i win back a piece i win back a piece i'm still probably worse but oh it's not so bad i'm only down a pawn white's king is on f3 the question is what to do maybe fight for the g file because the the h rook is tied down to h5 wondering if rook g4 works i'll just go for this yeah going for queen g2 oh i'm allowing rip g1 which white misses i'll just attack queen c3 rook g7 oh that doesn't work though queen c3 rook g7 uh can take takes takes so the same insane line probably misses it that's probably also a good move that's actually a really that's probably a better move i have to take and still down the pawn do you think chess will ever be solved like for example we know connect4 is sold um yeah at some point hasbro might buy it i already own scrabble that was a blunder okay it's getting interesting again i'm gonna have a pass pawn and light's a bit stuck lights actually getting trapped f5 i just played this i think maybe oh a5 was a bad move because now i win the pawn this is winning how did i win this ending i was down like three pawns i was on three pawns right i guess i was down two pawns but it was tricky like the night got trapped bishop saved the day let's go okay so 10 points top 300 who's in first hmm wow so people already have more than 30 points yeah that was not a clean game i got i got i guess i got forks in the opening i just didn't see the pawn for that was really bad i have to be more tactically alert oh i'm playing um ostrovsky i actually don't know his rapper i think he plays a sloth pretty sure he's a sloth player do i deserve i thought he would berserk back double pawns thanks for that let's play this okay berserking a higher rate player thanks for that oh f6 yeah this is uh it's a fun line for black so the eventual idea is c4 which i should have not played c3 that's a loss of a tempo okay and that will redevelop to e2 oh thanks bombs you the bomb and thanks skylake for the clutch bits distraction bits of love now now is not the time for distraction bits i don't know where the bishop should go if i take let's just play solidly bishop h6 i have bishop f4 not f1 to e3 e5 could be coming e5 is a bit of a annoying move but maybe it's not so bad the d5 is now a target and king will go to d2 so this thing okay time isn't so bad anymore attacking this thing now oh good move you play this my king is a bit misplaced losing a pawn i'm gonna try and make the most of it so down upon rook ending not so pleasant so i think he was winning there wow so i i won i got the berserking points another dirty flag but uh held on there rook ending down the pawn down on time leetsku oh thank you for subbing jazzy columnio appreciate that so okay trying to break into the top 200. i'll play d4 just solid opening time thanks for subbing ger guerra crawley let's take and b5 bishop b7 and c5 like 97 first yeah i don't mind this looks pleasant um now i really don't mind this it's a skewer so there's some idea of b4 i don't think it's too damaging b4927 wow what is this so white's just going insane i think i'll just play this attack the bishop i mean okay there's a lot of ways to win this um maybe just some kind of like queen c5 or maybe rook c5 just going after the pawn i wanted to play queen c5 i could play knight f8 and just be be solid i could play some um i'll just play knight f8 oh interesting this is all all okay i mean white's definitely playing in a reasonable style this i think just wins like when you're losing you want to try and confuse your opponent as much as possible uh but i'm not getting mated with queen f2 here yeah and i have six i take knight always defends h7 oh don't pre-move that i don't know what i pre-moved but okay it worked out oh playing paul a strong player played this person on unchest.com hey jay thanks for the bits oh yeah i think botez has a dirty flag emote but um yeah that's it's a classic one whoa it's odejak gifting subs thanks so much gifting two to various people i think i should take and play a3 just to close things down to marvel lasso spaka to duluz nikhil 2501 local logos and ran man what is this move does that work i don't know if that works i'm up a piece oh knight of two i'd have to wow so black's either like losing instantly or having some like brilliancy and that h3 is also possible so if i take there's knight c3 which is interesting which is knight h3 yeah i'll probably do that at some point yeah i was talking with uh with levy the other day might uh do some collab seven swim thanks for subbing wait oh knight f6 but this looks nice so i can take on take on b3 and this move first and eventually rook f1 like the knights always tie down to the mating square oh i'm allowing um playing this move i was really uncalled for black might actually win this at this point though it's really oh wow well played it's not over though if knight moves i have rook g6 that's a good move though play this some idea of knight b3 i'm just down too many pawns i'm down too many times too [Music] opponent was very tricky this game i'm sure i was i was probably winning when i won the piece but it wasn't enough i just resigned yeah what should i do i miss queen to g2 i didn't see it soon enough saw when it was too late beautiful game though yeah lucky eric yeah my opponent found some some really clever moves so i'm still oh i'm top 200. um let's try and build up a streak again oh i would have berserked back i didn't have the chance though trying to remember yeah let's take and then this move not sure if white can easily win back the pawn i will say it is very nice having the time advantage let's just trade everything oh light one back the pawn i do have g6 bishop g8 i guess i should at least try g6 some night before idea this is win a piece i think it wins a piece both knights attacked am i queening not quite i'll save the bishop first um i think this works 95 in the end the knight and bishop had potential to defend the h8 square if i it doesn't quite work so let's play this looking for other moves and this is good enough knights are always tricky though but so are pawns oh okay this is still fine or is it can take this oh yeah this is still winning that was close it's like by one tempo i was thinking it was that was one possibility um but the other line also panned out all right gotta win do you agree with hikaru that top level tournaments will shift towards online after covid um not 100 but i think there will still be playing on my current correspondence game oh yeah yeah while in chorus finds chess you have like all the time in the world to see if like an end game wins by one tempo knight there's some kind of knight d7 idea to prepare e5 and then getting knight b6 but yeah they're all like top level over the board tournaments will definitely exist once uh once it becomes possible um but her car was also saying that like um basically rapid chess is the future like rapid and blitz i wouldn't be surprised if there will be more like top level events like online and over the board in rapid blitz so it can be more more spectator friendly and this is just like a reverse sicilian king h8 my typical sicilian move i'm going after the bishop white's playing this well though oh white's a grand master who is this from cuba i've heard of that name have you played shogi i tried learning once i didn't get very far actually it was um it was yuri shulman grandmaster yuri shulman former us champion who who tried teaching me shogi i know he played a bit uh can i take i don't know what's going on here in this move that structure is is a bit confusing i think white's likely to take and then play positionally i mean with upon e4 i do want to attack on the king side and i say hey what's going on oh hey leo stabile thanks for subbing so i think this move defends upon through some kind of x-ray vision and this one's a bit overworked now i think it's important to get my queen off the file and if white has to take then i'm i'm happy b4 might be coming i really want to play this move but does it work probably not let's take it once and do this okay so if white takes like all the times then that file opens in the end i'm defending the bishop threatening e3 that's a good move go for this okay now e3 is a legal move also take stick with queen i have 26 seconds e3 again [Music] no time to calculate so the idea is to take on f2 if i get the chance okay not looking so great for me though my bad g5 let's go twitch has built-in uptime now though oh no my queen please take it yes that was the only way that was the only way i had to i had to offer the queen trade and then move my king here and then wait for the free move let's go let's go yeah hicaro fell into that a few days ago in in choker it was a nice nice little resource i was very similar too because my opponent of course saw the first trick where like the queen was just hanging but ever like so many people pre-move um allowing king h8 okay let's let's continue let's play f bishop f4 otherwise i was just going to lose that game like so badly oh this is a fun line uh but the point kind of knows what they're doing i think it's this move there's some some threat of taking and attacking the bishop hello youtube oh yeah yeah i i have to make like a compilation of all those all of those uh like frozen stalemate traps there's so many i have to go back in the vods bishop d6 this looks fun g4 is also a legal move oh i think so much so it's a question can i defend the pawn sufficiently it's a queen wall will come to a3 i don't want to allow knight c5 though let's see i could just go insane no let's start with queen a3 i was thinking g4 at some point oh knight f7 is coming okay trying to complete development's castle allowing knight d3 king f1 it's a confusing position oh yeah i think someone jameel sharing the hacaro clip hmm f4 the e4 but e4 i want to get the knight to uh to e4 to defend the pawn and also bishop b3 interesting so knight g4 or knight d3 could be a threat if i play queen b4 [Music] let's try it another another game with a time deficit position is probably slightly worse for me so the pawn is pinned good move and paul is attacked expecting bishop f7 don't know what to do here oh i got i saw this threat too i just was worried about yeah this idea i'm gonna need another another random miracle to save this f5 positional i want to play g4 and probably some planet h4 g5 knight is is on the best square possible oh it's my favorite opening let's go for this um good move ah oh black out low on time but yeah i really wasn't sure what to do in uh in this position because d4 was a threat and this was a threat i wanted to play king f2 but in d4 and then rook c2 happens so maybe i'm just worse i just have to allow rook c2 okay interesting game hey it's dawid urbanski welcome back yeah it's been a while and good to see you back and it's the news creator of opening tree um and thank you purple platypus subbing for two months thanks so much um okay so what's what's closer let's play e4 i'm gonna mix it up i played a lot of london's time for a knight c3 sicilian grand prix attack threatening this [Music] i don't mind this because the g file is open try and actually try and get rid of this knight first okay f5 is very thematic here let's just do it so i have two bishops i want to open up the position actually if g takes i might play f4 just to first attack the knight the e-file is now open too and that pawn is pinned so i am threatening to take twice which opponent misses yeah this bishop is so strong probably this move it's not going to be easy for for black to defend i'm already threatening to take and then um and bishop h6 and there's no defense yeah that phone wants to move but it's still pinned it's just meet next move test yeah oh thanks so much oh hari krishnan i thought that was like a new person cheering trying to to test it out that was a nice game that was like a quick grand prix miniature did i miss work off six i don't know oh my clocks strong player um i'll place a ceiling in this game trying to remember any sort of like preparation i vaguely remember d6 and knight f5 but there's also like this and this i think knight g6 there should be seven f6 so i have the bishop here white has a slightly annoying bind on the position but i don't think it's too too annoying it's going to be a fight so i can play bishop before some kind of bishop a6 move it stares into empty space but maybe someday it'll be relevant i want to always be considering the pawn breaks okay now there's the idea of taking and then taking on f3 let's take first knight takes as possible i mean taking on f3 actually looks really tempting let's just do it thanks for all the content oh thank you for the bits jamie's fraser 31 so this is this is the only thing i calculated queen e4 rook before and the queen is tied down to this pawn uh there's some idea of i guess of queen of fate even of uh of bishop c5 are probably not working though oh there's also bishop g5 that's a nifty move that's a really nice move because it takes a fork a triple fork quadruple fork quintuple fork and then otherwise the queen the queen has no safe square to still defend the pawn so i'm guaranteed to either fork or win the queen or both f4 i just take so i'm wondering if if rook takes f3 with sound it still might be a fight though queen c5 is a nice counter attack i can take king g2 i take with check if king here oh white resigns if king hero is going to play rook h4 i was just completely wrong that was really nice yeah minus 16. um so i'm just curious is this approved hey rook f3 it's a nice like kind of puzzle position because initiative was just so strong all right resume okay so i have a streak 25 points oh farouza's playing so i'm only about halfway to frugia a little less less than halfway oh thanks for the fortnite bits or the fork the fork knight i heard fortnite let's play let's suppose let's play e4 good luck queen g6 i'll play this line i just realized my opponent was working back okay that's nice i always play king b1 yeah it's going to be some like quiet kind of carol con position unless unless i play this let's have some fun it's a gambit probably not a sound gambit ooh castles okay this will also be fun or it'll just be positional it's going to be positional but maybe eventually tactical bishop c3 coming have you tried creating puzzles positions with one key idea and no cooks i never really got into that um i'm sure i have at some point but it never really got into like hardcore composing let's play f4 uh knight d4 could be strong let's just trade rooks i'm in a little bit of trouble here unless unless i can stir up something on the queen side my king is out of play am i breaking i'm breaking through i have one past pawn but that's enough 17 seconds that should also be enough the bishop far away and i can't stop the pawn okay that was nice um yeah that was like a double berserk game got the five bezerking points let's work again i'll play e4 play a tricky line oh let's not pre-move windy six wow is this some prep i haven't seen this one before so i have two bishops b5 actually i think this is okay because i'm trying e5 if takes here okay we're not going into that let's just take an e3 it doesn't feel like i'm up a pawn though black has a bit of comp oh and can win back the pawn i can move keep up the good work man oh thanks so much i'll try this is a really difficult position in this move my time situation too a nice move yeah rook d3 is the simplest approach for black my my queen side pawns are pretty [Music] useless uh yeah well played i liked i like the position from the opening but i played too slowly black yeah black out a lot of compensation for for the pawn down my pieces came to life or my pieces never got to come to life i'm just too slow to develop berserking was probably a mistake so what happened to carlson did carlson just uh oh okay that's berserk the potential excel dessert playing the slime it's a fun variation oh oh my bad uh mud if i if i flag this game it's all robot's fault oh thanks for that i'm trying to try and avoid the condolence bits in the future okay this is playable i have center but i have a rook oh tricky tricky move it was a very tricky move it was like a backwards discovery okay that was nice opponent just plundered a rook that game so i'm close to the top 100 which would be nice oh i think thanks bicycle for the condolence bits yeah it is um i should say this but uh it is hard to play a tournament like this and be so involved uh looking at the chat okay london time and gm namiro from france d5 so soon i can do this oh this line remember mvl playing this line wait this is an nvl is it it could be but probably not rating's too low so i'm threatening this that's definitely not mvl and we all like how the game in from this position at some point there's some like crazy psych for black i thought c5 was like the move you can take i'm still threatening to trap the knight the knight's trapped this is the whole point of 92 is to just leave the knight awkward wow 12 move win over gm some uh yeah it's a little bit of nice opening prep opponent just didn't know didn't know the line is he online i don't know you guys can tell me i like i like when people berserk what was bishop f4 huh interesting okay i'm just going to try and play solidly positionally acquainting this and maybe this eventually also take a knight f6 looks fine yeah i want to keep my time advantage interesting check so i'm gonna allow queen h7 and then my king might go for a walk but the the focus should be in the center yeah i could move yeah my king's gonna definitely go for a walk i'll land on f6 uh e4 could be really annoying e4 then i take e5 good move let's go for this if i was threatening to win the queen oh i'm allowing rick's team one oh this is just losing oh but i'm threatening rookie chad actually oh oh but e5 in the end play this oh my opponent blunders like some queen trap wow so white doesn't take my queen white didn't take my queen white has a draw oh but white also probably has a win oh this is check though so many plot twists i'm alive how am i alive here let's go somehow i won that like like i was just dead after rook c1 i guess my opponent didn't realize the queen is still hanging let's play a walrus okay walrus turned into english looks playable 27 idea 25. good move not the move i wanted to play but to make do maybe some c5 move now this is playable now good move i can't solve f3 or f3 and h3 ah i wanted to play this there we go it comes to d4 draw no draw by d5 playing for a win play this move b-pod is pinned i think this wins let's go wow i won that i broke through it was like a mutual fortress but somehow somehow the the end game was winning i was very risky so two oh three four berserk wins in a row wow top 50 let's go that was a very big risk so i was low on time opponent just was offering repetition at some point i thought we were repeated too but i guess not oh thanks helsinki friend uh that's so beautiful yeah at first i thought that said chad is so beautiful which is also maybe maybe a true statement okay so this is some kind of new trendy london line um the queen f3 and g4 i actually like the position h4 possibilities i'm very much in shape to attack on the king side if c5 i have knight b5 let's push probably e4 coming oh black pieces i see five coming this is a beautiful position more beautiful than the chat no offense chat i have this and this uh let's play this yeah now this and this and then this maybe this first night of faith i i do all the forking really enjoying myself here i was that was so beautiful that was a great great opening like prep i mean black kind of just didn't know what to do probably starting with c6 smurray 1994 continuing the subgift you got from double the ponds thanks so much oh as beautiful as the chat thanks for their correction john so i'm top 30. feels like a few games ago i was top 200 i'm still top of 200 oh i'm playing a strong oh oh i prepared for him i did very specific preparation for him but now i forgot everything he plays e5 right oh he plays c5 okay i did some like weird london prep that was a while ago play e4 so he's not because working okay so i have to take visual b2 and black's completely fine here but it is tricky black's a little bit underdeveloped and there's this prospect of taking on d4 and 82 some positional play i played this very similar line against eric hanson in like an over the word blitz tournament d4 and d4 makes the most sense i want to develop the bishop yeah probably f3 bishop moves i have knight f4 also knight g3 ideas let's start with bishop f4 and queen d2 that's a good move queen b3 i have to be very careful playing queen b3 i think it's playable oh i lost a pawn well i was up a pawn so when you when you're up a pawn and you lose a pawn that's just equal material it's not in a bad position because i have this idea can do i want to take maybe bishop c2 and bishop b4 let's take a knight c3 bishop e5 and the d5 comes i feel like i'm getting outplayed f6 so i can take with the bishop and hold on to the pawn but the knights are stronger than my bishop which is kind of sad but also kind of true i have this move so if rookie 2 rook do you want the king f1 otherwise i'll just bring my king in start with this [Music] oh very tricky that was a great move so if i take a five then bring my king in doesn't quite work i might just be losing here that was a great move let's go for this line problem is the knight's going to come to c6 i'm just losing this move or the kings coming to b5 i have to try something try this and attack from behind so that's not even stalemate okay well played yeah this this rook b6 idea is very strong um but he's like he's a good player he's one of the the strongest blitz players on the chest all right life goes on let's play walrus um c5 is the move here yeah so this is a very dubious opening but um i'm only down a pawn could be worse okay g5 let's go rook d a i'll probably go for c6 or i'll lose another pawn or i won't okay i'll play c6 that was a good move or was it free pawn so i don't know if there's any great discoveries that's one discovery i think i'm happy with trading nights let's put the queen on c6 and castle in king g7 oh rookie rook t6 it's still a threat queen f3 got a speed up good move [Music] oh wait does that work oh that does work well played not enough time okay lesson don't play the walrus against strong players still top 50. lost two in a row uh over an hour left any points so i have 51 points yeah that was a nice some nice streak but oh oh this is a wait what game was that oh that came i was black okay this game unwind play one of these i enjoy these uh these structures threat was b5 i'll start with this now the idea is this and then i'd use like rook before i'm just going after the pawn i think i'm just winning this pawn i'm black going for counter play oh but i can take and attack the knight and then this pawn is hanging too pretty sure it's solid black resigned yeah it was just dominant completely dominant opening um i basically got to play all the the typical moves in that line too like knight a5 the rook lift to b4 i'm playing creep 30. okay so queen's gambit declined um let's play 97 i should know what i'm doing in this line i have a vague idea just getting my my typical my typical setup to take with pawn c7 in some cases is under under pressure i'll maneuver the knight yeah i've had some nice games oh free pawn free pawn i was very generous had some nice like opening preparation this tournament oh if rook a1 i played bishop b2 i win material okay so let's um let's try and keep playing quickly this bishop b4 there's no pawn on e3 to kick me away but there is a knight i guess we can trade and 94. so i'm playing kind of a sort of stonewall attack type thing uh the main idea is f4 and just trying to open the e-file because white has a lot of things on the on the queen side so i want to focus on the king side oh that's attacking this i have b5 here i think b5 is solid and yeah actually b5 is nice because it fixes the pawn on on b4 it restricts the bishop restricts the knight this is still defended rook b3 is confusing i should play king h8 just getting off the alignment f4 should be coming soon wait i can just take in bishop d5 it's a clearance tactic but also just attacking a knight [Music] yeah whatever that means looks nice i mean white can take in when a6 um oh but then rook ate an end oh but then b5 hangs i don't know okay not going for it so let's let's take here white's trying to fight i'll shift over to that file because f2 is probably the main target some idea of taking in queen g3 takes queen g3 and quite slightly to take with queen i guess hmm let's just be simple oh rick's e6 is a threat yeah let's play this and then be simple just trade queens keep the time advantage i don't really want to take i could play rook f6 preventing future rook c6 now probably i should take and take still takes a bit of technique but i want to have some fun on the king side i see five coming i can still have fun rookie 2 turning rook here and threading this good move maybe just a5 that wasn't a good move uh i have to have to do this i'll win i'll win d4 thankfully i'll do this first and c6 it's still a winning ending not sure how great my technique was but let's get some g5 g5 action there we go didn't want to steal me there okay i was really close opponent really fought after blending upon and losing the exchange um i try and try to keep my composure a little bit more green tea i made a lot of tea before this let's turn okay what was the previous game huh oh i played the walrus let's not play the walrus let's play whatever this is knight c3 interesting i think i can just take i'm being greedy here being very greedy oh e4 um i have rook t8 i should not have been greedy i have b5 okay i'm continuing to be greedy i want to play e5 maybe gifa g5 is not great i'll play g6 eventually maybe it's paying off oh i didn't see that move okay unintended king development wait a minute bishop d5 was a good move if i take actually maybe complete this i should win one of the bishops i'm gonna lose back some pawns down a lot of time material's just equal wow i'm down a lot of time no no no no no i want to play with d8 let's try and fight ah g5 mates oh i mouse slipped that was a cool it was a cool position somehow i survived that ah i think that was my first mouse at this this tournament gm caching okay i can't berserk opponents almost 200 points higher rated than me thanks for subbing pass pawn quadruple nine center fork trick against a gm so knight b4 is uh is larry kaufman's recommendation in his book a kaufman rapper tour i think it addresses this line did i go wrong no i remember studying this this is supposed to be good for black uh but why some knight c2 move still not fed and master keep trying keep trying oh it's feather mask oh oh yeah there's a twitch streamer with a similar username i can take here but thanks for subbing for five months oh i should have seen that coming i have to have to defend so if rook c1 i take and knight covers e1 a messy position i mean like might play rookie one anyway what oh we're just trading hopefully please let's just let it be a trade if rookie one we i take and then king of seven i'm still alive oh the queen wasn't sure about that line okay let's start with queenie seven i guess oh i have this move [Music] d7 i'm scared of rookie one but okay it's not too scary queen g8 it's a threat so probably king f8 rook d1 is coming unfortunately where's my play my knight's gonna get stuck which is a big problem unless i can get in bishop f5 maybe this move bishop five feels so wrong because i'm walking into the pin on the c file oh why am i just take that's also interesting okay let's just sack a rook oh no my rook idea d oh d2 doesn't work though oh so i just lost a rook i don't know why i thought d2 worked ah do i have anything here i have um maybe this no let's try this move threatening d2 you see five i'm down two exchanges and down a ton of time but it's interesting still king f6 no checks and g4 okay start with d2 oh that was defended well played oh there goes my queen okay as a tricky position not easy to play in blitz after the terminal i'll have to go back and find the improvement that's a cool line okay london time bread and butter i'm gonna go for this idea whoa it's awesome q8 it should be good for black but why question of the day yeah need to ask the engine but yeah um at least when i play that line it's based off the recommendation in the kauffman wrapper tour for black um which is a great it's great opening wrapper tour book probably aimed for players like 2000 plus offers a lot of nice ideas this is a nice line this move i'm going to win this pawn probably should take the knight yeah so the queen and knight develop a tempo and then i'll just castle probably just plant a rook here but there is knight c4 that looks okay rookie 7 idea but i probably don't want to play rookie 7. or do i yeah i'm gonna play it safe oh what good move i should have not gone for this oh i should have definitely not gone for that oh wow i just i've completely collapsed well played this is a blind spot i'm just losing here anyway ah i was really unfortunate i was a great position too yeah i wonder maybe i should have gone for the two rooks versus the queen yeah thanks for the oopsy dupesy sub master disaster that was that was a real disaster that was an international master disaster all right playing ninja let's play this move qgd time this is my pet line thanks for subbing berlin without the e and many rs oh like berlin like it's cold h4 what does h where so i don't want to play h6 i think i should just take b5 c5 fs oh to num the oofs yeah oof is like a synonym for pain right okay yeah when the opponent plays on the flank it's usually good to focus in the center on a4 i can i can play bishop b7 we trade also play c4 a4 is interesting i'll play c4 just questioning the bishop and then bishop e7 i'm not so sure about the slide so i want to play b4 before knight b1 i lose a pawn i feel like i'm losing a pawn in every line which is really annoying let's go for this it seems like some compensation oh it doesn't even take it i spent all my time calculating takes okay so at least we have a line white's committed to each point castle which should be beneficial for me somehow so i'll probably play h6 when the time is right start with rook d8 h6 should come very soon interesting um so i have this queen c6 idea in the end maybe i can get away with this i would take with bishop and h4 will be attacked if bishop f4 okay let's go into this line oh bishop f3 i have queen a6 too let's try this it should be about equal but anything can happen not sure how useful this bishop is queening one was unexpected i always have rook d8 so rook c it's not mate bishop covers the queen converse d8 oh i didn't see that though okay so four on three [Music] not good very little hope here yeah well played ah d5 was very nifty i just didn't see this man it's tactical sharpness so i had to like just retreat the bishop well played whoa that's that's four losses in a row let's try and recover let's play along all right let's play um a non-london sicilian time g space i'm trying i'm trying play uh i had this line earlier against chicago yeah basically had the same position after knight f6 g6 interesting i guess g6 is playable just castle thanks for subbing rmk swimming at tier one thanks for that ah d5 is gonna come or not okay d5 still comes now this is still very playable yeah the bishop is actually a little bit awkward on d4 um because they'll have knight e2 i also have this move black can play f6 not sure if it works i'll play queen f3 first probably prepare this i really want to make e5 work just f6 is is good enough for black i have f5 too and also just take i'm just gonna play very simple just take take until basically there's a pawn that lands here it should be equal and the watchmen subbing for three months thanks so much yeah so we trade everything um black might be slightly better just more space on the queen side and b5 might come f5 is a good positional move i don't think i want to trade rooks as this pawn is fixed on the dark square i want to trade bishops i also want to play this move i'm probably just going to play the waiting game for a little bit if ever b5 i take and play broke a1 interesting so that gives me the d4 square i can taste it there is yeah there's gm hari krishnan taking this move i think the a file is more more venomous rook a6 is hard to stop there's lots of juicy targets almost went upon here should you throw in the check first and then i think i'm just winging the pawn okay let's take first turning bishop c5 defining the pawn now pawn can't really be defended oh but my pawn can't be defended either threatening bishop c5 again let's just trade bishops oh it's tricky this is not easy going for a dirty flag yes okay that was a really it was a really dirty finish napoleon really survived got counter play on the king's side but uh yeah i got got the flag hey i'm about to break 2500 maybe maybe i i was probably above 2 500 before those four losses let's play london 40 minutes left this is a long long tournament london time oh knight h5 oh i should know this opening open knight h5 in this position [Music] without taking let's play this this is a move cheers cheers cheers is usually signifying bits but here it signifies a sub thanks westy's good so i'm trying on the knights i have some vague memory of like some crazy knight c4 move where it turns queen g8 mate i don't know in what position though i think i'll just play rook b1 simple and solid i need some f4 idea it was like 26.50 i think my bullet rating is around 26.50 i reached 20 2800 and then dropped but this is blitz chess i have f4 wow so this pawn's attacked which means i'll have to do something queen f3 bishop e2 in castle oh bishop c5 wow i'm wondering if i can just take on c4 probably not good this is not the move i want to play that's a really sad move i mean black also weakened uh his own king's side i have queen h5 here i want to do some combination i think i'll start with queen h5 and go for b4 just pre-move b4 if it takes probably take with a rook chase the queen away from the the battery what i don't think black meant to do that um it's still kind of complicated i have this move i think this just wins let's throw in a check and then all in the pawn threading maiden one the king's going to run we can trade queens yeah let's trade queens up a rook knight's going to come to d3 look like he need to rook off on them oh that's slightly scary black house comp and i'm so low on time maybe i shouldn't have traded queens it was monster night threatening rook h7 all right play definitely revolves around the queen side right h6 just king oh this one's a thing there we go okay it took a little bit of work so i think a reasonable goal is it's like top 50 probably um but also i just want to finish by playing like decent quality chess it's really hard after three hours of blitz or like after two hours of blitz to still be sharp i have a really bad score against this player just play my my standard stuff yeah it's hard to stay informed after like so much blitz okay we have this line oh yeah i had this line another day um i think the yeah with against knight f3 the idea is just 97 queen c7 slowing down b4 now queen c7 i need to to study this line a bit more thoroughly some knight b6 idea eventually knight c4 oh i did i blunder or are we just we're just trading we're just trading at b3 i can take it that may have been a positional blunder on my part it's not the end of the world start with rook c and then they'll eventually go for a4 some knight d2 move play 98 idea 96. maybe f6 coming too now this shouldn't be so bad i've heard from a lot of coaches to never resign but when does that become rude always depends on the situation and if you're playing like a world championship match and you're down a queen from no comp and maybe you can resign that knight t2 doesn't quite work f6 knight d6 you have knight d2 i can take and then b5 is loose b6 here maybe bishop f5 with the goal is 94. i have to watch out for knight b4 though okay we can trade everything so i can choo i i have the choice like which end game to get i might want the knight vs bishop it's probably equal yeah let's go for this i'll bring the knight back to c4 oh did i blunder i think i blundered i'm allowing king b4 here here i just wandered the white king is too close that's so sad so do yeah that was a really bad like miscalculation wait what's going on here is f3 a mistake a three was a mistake oh no it wasn't a mistake ah yeah this is like a big rule about that game like if you're gonna allow some trade you have to make sure the kingpin ending isn't lost um yeah i should have just brought my king in first but my yeah my time management also wasn't so great there okay life goes on let's play e4 i haven't had a nakmansen i still won't have enochmanson play some quiet acquired approach i'm allowing a 94. have to watch out for the the e pawn bishop f4 here this is like the ideal development bishop d3 it's going to be a fight so if e5 i guess that gives away the d5 square i can't play d5 either ah c5 is a good move and just go into like some i guess some sicilian position queen d2 will come with tempo be nice if i could get a pawn to c4 somarazzi bind structure interesting e5 is a bit weak i really have to watch my time this probably isn't so bad bishop can be planted like a seed on d4 and some 92 and 82 covers these things g5 might happen or not yeah just trying to be solid that's a good sign light wants to be on f3 a pawn's defended could be a long grind defend the pawn rook e2 defending okay so i want to prepare g4 that's the main the main breakthrough some kind of queen d2 and then g4 because this pawn probably has to take and then f5 can come v2 square is undercover or under control and the pawn storm is real these pieces not doing too much to defend the king i hung upon okay let's go for this oh f6 doesn't quite work knight f3 f6 says takes because of the pin okay let's play this move attacking the bishop free bishop i made a similar mistake earlier in the tournament this is still not over oh i hung a knight what i hung a knight okay let's queen here oh no my position ah good move there goes my position ah so i've i've hung i've i want the bishop i don't know maybe it was a sacrifice i have to i forgot my knight was hanging i had to play rook team one i guess that was a nice i was feeling good that game like nice build up and it just all collapsed in time pressure okay still top hundred oh thanks diamond cutter for the shout outs appreciate that i think squishy i tried today i try let's play oh watch time i actually prepared this opening for like a serious over the board game on this g4 move but my opponent uh who i prepared for didn't go into it this looks really pleasant though is everything i can ask for for a structure like this i guess e5 is a little bit weak bring the queen to g3 to defend and to attack [Music] thanks for subbing the answer is 42. welcome back yeah so the whole idea of getting the pond h6 is to weaken the the dark squares because i have the only dark spread bishop on the board yeah black is ready as a sack oh good move i have to play this to cover c2 not so pretty i don't want to take the rook rick d2 made some e4 move at the right moment my bishop is just stuck play this move i have to go for dirtiness triple pawns let's go three times triple pawns are three times as good as single pawns play this move it's like a nice big beautiful wall keeping my king safe quadruple pawns quadruple pawns for a very brief moment in time yes quadruple homes hey it's connect four look at this look at this yeah quadruple pawns are four times as good that was so nice i mean i i ran out of plans and opponent was very resourceful but don't mess don't mess with quadruple pawns [Music] i mean that that game might go on youtube i don't think i've had quadruple pawns on stream i have it once off stream imrozen connect four bits yeah connect four that was nice the pawns actually kept the king really safe yeah very youtube worthy caller pm gifting a sub to guron zarich thanks so much uh let's play let's play e4 hey jay the tiger thanks for the one thousand bits elite connect four yeah play this line oh let's have some fun take on b2 take it take it i wanted to play the four queens line and possibly the six queens line but here we just have we have a quiet position nothing too too crazy three oh that's the number of love thanks i'm blobbish or abolish wait what to play here oh let's try i'm threatening to get triple pawns again okay now i'll just have what we call hanging pawns but knight before because i'm threatening c5 i think it was copa blanca who who introduced this idea like when you have hanging pawns you you play c5 to make the sweetness attacking this basically just going for the bishop hair calculating d5 also is looking at bishop h7 doesn't quite work so i'll just take if rook takes i have this and this if pawn takes and probably still this i kind of just lost a pawn oh yeah oh babylonian oh similar to mesopotamia i just lost a pawn i should probably keep everything on the board exactly i'm gonna lose another pawn but more pawns you lose the more open files you gain and more diagonals you gain too i don't know how great this is if i take bishop takes actually yeah yeah so if b6 looks solid but it just loses to this if this and this and the rook is always tied down uh from d8 queen e7 of this move did i just miss a win with vertical connect four yeah you did oh brian oh you missed it you can always watch the clip someone better have clipped that it'll be on the vod it'll be on youtube eventually okay let's go for the the pin and win i'm actually i am threatening to take immediately because uh queen and rook are both overworked the pawn is also weak oh so if rook oh wait what oh that was a good move you can take oh this is confusing i might just want to play the end game down the pawn but that's so fun ah let's do it not thrilled about this knight will have to to get to d8 oh i'm maybe threatening this there's some comp here actually okay point it miss rook checking rip d2 all comes down to time i have to play the waiting game c congrats eric on reaching 100k youtube subscribers oh thanks so much i appreciate that ah no ah that was just a drawn ending i i froze at the wrong moment actually i i simplified into just a bad end game a losing end game [Music] too bad almo almost got the dirty flag but not quite thank you sang sanga nakam i appreciate the sub for seven months so hovering around 2500 um no when the sub alert came i had already committed myself to that line so what to do caller pm continuing the sub gifts you got from joe king thanks for that um play uh let's play one of these ooh halloween time halloween time reverse halloween interesting wait a minute this is like center fork i think queen g5 is a decent move queen g5 this is like the center fork trick variation i guess h3 was useful and play um bishop a6 first very very nice move d3 hits my queen 93 expected or oh castling's a good move too so if takes and i do this and the knight and rook are hanging oh my god out of the pin but maybe can i take it's risky i don't see anything concretely wrong with it knight g4 maybe queen d5 it's a weird game so far i can take and then bishop b7 eventually c5 bishop d6 maybe no i can't play rook h6 okay oh i'm allowing bishop f4 or that but i have this okay i want you to play bishop f4 okay this is survivable maybe losing this pawn can't play c5 thanks for the bits anonymous cheer with 100 bits well hacker 88 thanks for subbing okay less than 10 minutes left in the tournament let's go for g5 to go for something maybe eventually f4 it feels wrong putting my king on a dark square with this bishop but i mean the pin was too painful white's calculating oh that's a good move to play this oh the knight is now trapped or at least stuck idea of g4 g3 this bishop is actually a very good piece now f4 probably threatening this ah went wrong i lost this pawn beloved g5 pawn question is how bad is it sacking another pawn just for this move oh thanks anonymous appreciate that the night is still stuck wow what is this position i'm threatening this actually it's a sneaky threat i mean white has b4 knight b3 but then i win some pawns there we go oh that was bad move that was a really bad move this is very dangerous i'm losing no there goes my king ah wow position was so nice jay the tiger the subgis thanks jay some moral so some sympathy sub or some sympathy sub yes f3 was a good move i should have played this so the pawns got way too strong thanks jay gifting to chris manchester casey mr mystery ones instruction manual subway platform mind lord blizza nipsey 1999 jan wiglaf fart underscore face underscore underscore log jimmy danmar 777 and luca numbers okay let's do zerk and let's try and finish strong okay four nights copycat variation bishop g4 so i haven't committed to casting which means i want to play g5 like g5 g4 let's get a pawn cube or a pawn square yeah pawn square let's go maybe this move hey 1k subs thanks people oh maybe the thing didn't update but i appreciate it it's castle um let's take this is very close to winning and queen h4 will come okay cheat hmm wow it's not winning oh oh oh queen takes with check i was thinking rook g2 just wins but our life goes on let's play this move are we going to see quadruple pawns again we might twice in the same tournament thanks so much quadruple pawns let's go pretty sure that took us to 1k subs thanks jay oh thanks jay i appreciate that yeah jay the tiger ultimate tiger ah what to do maybe let's move going after this pawn and no quadruple pawns this game that's sad we're one move away draw no no ah oh [Music] that can't be the last game that can't be the last game for me and rook g3 was a bad pre-move that was a really bad pre-move okay final game we're going to end and try and end on a happy note we can take that yeah let's play this move attack the pawn are you planning a viewer swiss tournament any time soon oh didn't you ask me that last time and i said remind me later yeah it'll it'll happen especially if you keep asking that f3 greedy move but i'm up a pawn i'm still up a pawn hmm so knight wants to get to e6 so my plan is this this and this i don't care about this battery rookie 4 queen d3 oh i'm losing a pawn though if you could remove a single piece in chess which one would you remove along with air coordinates not sure what to do here oh i'm up a pond though so i'm it's gonna be equal material hopefully okay there we go threatening the rook i didn't do too much getting outplayed ah sad finish but that's life um i like my position but then yeah around here like it wasn't clear what to do thanks each rot sobbing for two months um i mean the night looks so pretty but this pond was weak and oh i should have taken here oh yeah got a little bit burnt out or just played b3 yeah b3 c4 is a plan i was thinking black was going to take here i'm actually curious yeah this is just just good for white so back to trim it hey alireza so carlson does carlson play anything chat was saying something oh he only played oh wow so he had 100 win rates out of five games and he just left so alireza wow berserk's like every game well not even close to you should make elite goo a motel ah i made a let's go emote because if i add more ease then it would have to be smaller but um i'll consider thanks j for the bits and all the gifted subs um let's see where was i so i had some interesting games slightly disappointing finish i mean the favorite game had to be the quadruple pawns game which i forget which one it was which one was it oh wait oh this one yeah this one just very brief quadruple pawns i'm very thumbnail-worthy
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 288,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video, lichess.org, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2020, lichess titled arena, Zhilgalko, Carlsen, Quadruple Pawns, London, Gambits, Stafford
Id: 3jyX_8JX9xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 23sec (11063 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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