2021 International Faith Conference - Sunday Night

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for jesus [Music] come on [Music] hallelujah [Applause] what do you do in a global pandemic when there's fear chaos and the whole world shuts down you use your faith don't you panic there's not the time for god's people to panic god has big big plans for you and the enemy is not after them he's after the church trying to silence the church and stop your forward progress he's seen that this is going to be year of god's glory you walk by faith you increase by faith you work miracles by faith you stay open by faith because the church is essential you feed the community by faith you build by faith you win souls by faith you exercise your dominion by faith you continue to send the word throughout the world by faith now is the time for you to use your faith welcome to the 2021 international faith conference faith for miracles [Music] miracles tell them to put objects [Music] so one two three four one two three glory to god come on come on turn it up turn it up come on come on come on come on come on let's turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it up [Music] well praise the lord saints [Music] praise the lord saints praise the lord saints glory to god center your feet please [Music] there's a scripture and judges chapter 6 and verse 13. if the lord be with us [Music] why then has all this befallen us [Music] and where be all his miracles glory to god my wife said something what happened to my mic from today i don't have any power i need power [Music] you can't do it without power [Music] my wife said something she said i don't believe god ever meant for it to be this much word and these few works nothing set in my heart because works should follow the word the bible says in isaiah chapter 8 18 i and the children whom the lord has given me offer signs and wonders in israel we were made for miracles you were born by a miracle much of what you will accomplish will be done by a miracle and when jesus comes we're going out of here with a miracle so we're going to believe this week it's going to be a week [Applause] of miracles [Music] we're going to believe for not usual miracles but unusual miracles we don't believe that parts and people's bodies that are failing are going to be replaced [Music] we're going to believe that you'll leave here you'll come in here maybe with nothing in your pocketbook and go home and open it up and all of a sudden i said all of a sudden [Applause] say i believe in miracles in jesus name father we just pray and thank you so much for this another ifc a time the lord that we can celebrate all that was done for us at calvary and all that's going to be done for us in the future lord we know it is already done and now as we go forth with this service we pray that your blessing your anointing be upon every musician every singer every participant every person who's come everyone who's listening let the anointing just flow in the name of jesus and as we move forward lord and we see these signs wonders and miracles which will happen we're going to be careful to give you the praise for it we thank you lord and we give you the praise and honor in jesus name can somebody shout amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen he started with me sitting right up there listening to the word and he got that word so much inside of him until he began to write that word in music and as he brought forth that word it took him to the top with grammys and all the other things why because a man's gift will make room for him and bring him before great man for praise and worship tonight donald lawrence and company glory [Applause] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody hello paint conference make some noise come on y'all if you know the blessing is on you y'all come on let's have a praise party put some joy in the house put some joy in the house hey here we go oh i am the god oh you are by faith the blessing is over how many people believe that tonight all over the world [Applause] [Music] listen to blessings [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you know what stick along with us let's pick it up wherever whatever [Music] encourage everybody [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're expecting miracles with speaking miracles already done already done tell them y'all tell what do you think [Applause] it's your inheritance it's yours yes it is say that again [Applause] watching all around the world [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] the on is yours the miracle is yours [Music] is see the blessing on you say that one more time [Music] come on y'all make some noise make some noise it's so good to see everybody ah just just celebrates put some celebration in there y'all put some joy in there just aren't y'all glad to be live back at faith conference again ah yes sir yes sir yes sir and the blessing is on you and the miracle is already done you just got to call it into this room right here listen i i one of my friends he's one i think is one of the greatest um worship leaders and worship songwriters and um we had a chance to sing with him a little bit a few few weeks ago and so if you don't mind i want to sing a little bit of his worship songs is that all right let's just do this this is for my friend israel holton if y'all know it just sing along just sing along i think y'all will know these songs right here oh yeah here we go put your hand together [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] come on just move out here [Music] you hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] let the people of god [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] people from every nation watching tonight all around the world [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bless you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on [Music] [Applause] rejoices [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the people of god rejoice here we go y'all take me to the mirror [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] with you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you might as well get it [Music] [Music] stand [Music] do it again [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rejoices [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] hallelujah yes i rejoice rejoice joy of the lord in the house joy of the lord in the house and you know the joy is your strength so whenever you can just really latch on to joy it'll change how you look at certain circumstances in certain situations amen give god a handclap praise everybody shout out to my friend israel for those wonderful songs hallelujah you know um some years ago first of all the first song blessing of abraham was inspired by pastor winston and um actually 15 years ago around this time that song set at the charts number one for 18 weeks and you know it was funny because when we were putting the album together and you when you put albums together you get into a room with some industry professionals they tell you what they think the singles should be and they were choosing something else i said this is the song that we're going to release no questions about it this is what i feel in my heart i need to say it's what i feel people need to hear and that song went on to be number one for 18 weeks because it's about the message it's not about formulas anything like that it's about a message a timely message and you know some years after that i worked on an album called the law of law of confession and i wrote a lot of songs based on pastor's book and there was one song that um we didn't record that night and um blanche asked me if she could re record it and i told her later on and you know pastor has been teaching it about this um he teaches us about the power of words and i hope that this week that you understand that you guard your words not just the words that you speak out audibly but those internal conversations that you have with yourself see sometimes the enemy will cause us to have an inner critic and that inner critic inside will really really do something to your mind but as you speak words of goodness speak them to yourself because it does something to you it causes you to stay in faith and this this word right here that we're going to do is there's a tag to say i won't harm you with my words and i don't want you to say that to anybody besides you i want you to say that to yourself just say self i won't harm you with my words i won't harm you with my words i i will speak good thing things to me because i know what god has for me and i am going to win i'm already a winner it's already done so i'm speaking to myself and i'm saying i'm already a winner i'm already a winner blanche would you just sing a little bit of this for me [Music] [Music] realize the power of [Music] the ours we can do with our words so let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in the father's side [Music] that's my present [Music] if only we would realize [Music] in ours [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i want my words to touch you in a good place [Music] with my words but i'll [Music] no no [Music] with my words [Music] to encourage [Music] i'll build you [Music] [Music] [Music] and every meditation of my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] cause you to reach [Music] [Music] and the words [Music] touch somebody's life [Music] i need you [Music] so stand with me and agree with me [Music] it is [Music] so let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in the father's [Music] touch somebody's life [Music] take me to d flat yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy [Music] to sit again are [Applause] [Music] [Music] just do it one more time [Music] [Music] we [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] we honor your presence [Music] that the saints of god [Music] one more says [Music] [Music] [Music] bless him he's been good [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] donald orton company give them come on give them a handclap we're [Music] all right we're gonna if you would take your seats praise god glory to god [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna give him all the glory i said we're gonna give him all the glory come on you give him all the glory there's no limit there's no limit [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] well we welcome you to the international faith conference 2021 i want to welcome all of our visitors who want to welcome the tuskegee can you say hello tatsuki also we want to welcome all of our fma say welcome fma praise god and all of those who were tuned in tonight from all over the world we thank you so much for being a part of this we believe that this is going to be the biggest and the best that we have ever had can i get an amen on that glory to god amen amen you got the horn here tonight i'm telling you uh just a couple of things here uh on tuesday we're going to have faith and finances which is going to be uh catrice wells he is we've not started a whole new area that would teach in the body of christ how to invest and uh what we decided is that we're going to stop working for money and make money work for us hey god on wednesday we have uh that that concrete that faith and finance going to be at 12 noon shop it's all virtual and then on wednesday we're going to have the healing service miracle and healing service that's going to be at 10 o'clock now the first one we had during the pandemic we got 633 confirmed healings out of the virtual environment amen and then of course on thursday we're going to have leaders in symposium and that's going to be mainly for fma and we're going to have ordinations and licensing then and that's going to be at again ten o'clock am so we got a a big big week and some powerful speakers uh on tonight uh let's see now am i supposed to do uh something else here praise god uh let's see i said you know they got it all worked out it said okay read okay so it says read amen that always helps you know what i mean we used to do that in flying you know in flying they had a an expression in flying fighters you know if something's not working open the book you know they have a checkbook down there so if it's not working open the book and read the book praise god but this is donald lawrence and the company came to us for praise and worship but also they're coming to us now for some special things that uh they have for us and then after that we're going to go into our speaker we're saving our um uh offering until the last uh we want you to get full of that word first praise god and then enjoy uh your sowing but i just want to say to those who came out uh thank you so much for coming out you know what i mean i mean this thing sometimes i call it a plandemic but it's pandemic and and the thing about it is it's a lot of it's driven by fear and and so forth especially as far as the body of christ is concerned but we have no fear say amen to that and we just we do things because of the protocol and so forth and so on like that i want everybody to feel comfortable in in terms of whatever plan god leads you but i just want to say that we're going to believe that people when this conference by the time this conference is over the confidence people have now i on wednesday night we we canceled the pandemonium we we saw in the scriptures where elijah elijah was a man of like passion as we but what happened is he prayed and it rained not watch this over the whole earth for three and a half years then he prayed again and it started raining and so i looked at uh my field chapter chapter 16 and verse 19 and i look where god is talking in the cev translation about our authority and and we've got to we've got to understand we have some authority i'll give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and god in heaven will allow whatever you'll allow and but he will not allow anything you'll not allow [Music] so we disallow from say amen we disallow it i said we disallow it praise god amen so i know that if god can stop storms and raise deads and so forth and so on he can certainly do something about this this this this this virus that's going on out here i don't like it i said i don't like it praise god in jesus name so we might get you full of faith hey bad so you can agree with us on that but let's just go into it now we have some selections by donald lawrence and company donald as like i said he just started writing while it was here just sitting up there just writing and then god took him from one level to the next and the next and the next and he's all over the world now but donald arts and company i just thank god for him he's a spiritual son god has blessed him tremendously let's give another hand clap for donald lawrence and company [Applause] [Applause] [Music] conference remind them of the eating blessings [Music] he made [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were [Music] it is my goal [Music] so let's make a declaration all over the house [Music] [Music] put your hands together [Music] come on [Music] hmm [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're on top of the world y'all never heard pastor winston's um series on the eden blessing y'all need to look that one up yeah this song right here this song right here i i wrote many many many years ago maybe now 20 years 20 years ago i would say and it's um the word has just been sitting with me a little bit so i kind of went back into involved and pulled this one out so um i hope that the lyric ministers to you as it ministers to me and to all of us god you know and again i'm always talking about dad maybe where i go i'm either talking about him when i'm out i'm writing about him on social media yes but he taught me something a long time ago he taught me that i'm trying not to be emotional but he taught me that god gave us faith to override time and sometimes you know you can be on a journey for so long and you feel like you just run out of time but i learned that we serve a god that will extend time not only will he extend it he will stall it until you get to the promise so i just want to push this in y'all somebody that's watching all around the world been dreaming feeling like you running out of time i want you to know that god is the author of time and no matter how long it's gonna work out just fine i believe we're in the season where he's restoring ears he's restoring years he's just [Music] [Music] and the lyric the lyric i pinned just says this it says [Music] thus said the lord just know that my word will not return voice your time i've sustained [Music] there's no need to fear i'm restoring the years you've sown tears restoring the years you've sown in tears let me say john [Music] god talking to you he said just knows where i send my word it accomplishes [Music] he's sustaining your time so take that worry off of your face hallelujah the years he's restoring the time you've been on your face hurting and broken he's giving it all back to you and i like this verse it says [Music] [Music] so if you're watching on your phones listen deposits deposit this word i want you to know donald martin's here to tell you don't be afraid god is restored [Music] receive this word [Music] listen listen you don't have to be afraid for god he's [Music] now if you receive this word you've got to pray for it somebody went through a rough time these last year and a half somebody lost some people some things but none lauren can't hit or not just to tell you that [Music] [Music] god says i'm healing you from the inside out from the outside in i'm healing you oh healing you yourself those of you who were wounded from broken marriages from broken finances from broken homes the word of the lord says i'm restoring all of that he's getting you back on track look for your ministry [Music] your business your heart receive it receive and receive from the outside [Music] restoring [Music] hallelujah [Music] i know some of y'all have lost a lot in this last year and a half and there might have been some times when you really were low on your faith but receive this word god says he's giving it back to you and son and son he's restoring the years hallelujah god bless you hallelujah [Applause] restoration you know joel said in joel chapter 2 god said i'll restore the years that the cankerworm has eaten the caterpillar that great army that was sent among you and my people shall eat plenty and be satisfied they shall not be ashamed and i believe that before jesus comes this is me now that there are going to be miracles [Music] that he's going to start at one side of the auditorium and go straight through all the way to the other side [Applause] and everybody will be healed of whatever the disease or infirmity makes no difference a man named [Music] his uh evangelist had the big tent revivals what was his name um chamba r.w shamba he said he had a meeting in alabama and he said that that night he had never experienced anything like it before and never experienced anything like it afterwards he said that he was preaching and the glory of god came and it started at one end of that tent and went to uh the other [Music] every person in wheelchairs got up and started marching just like a marching band he said every blinded eye was open every death here unstopped nobody touched anybody it was just the glory of god that's what i believe will happen before jesus comes speaking of the glory of god our speaker here is no stranger to this house and he has been preaching at our ifc conferences since 1952. uh no i was just kidding but for years it's got to be almost as long as we've had it but i'm telling you the revelation that he brings for the body of christ see if you want to go to another level you're going to have to eat on another level you're not going to rise any higher than your revelation but he's here to impart to us and i'm sure he'll introduce his wonderful wife the first lady chichi praise god but let's welcome bishop apostle of the nation's two-door bismarck let's give we have bishop bismarck is one of the world's most trusted leaders and sought-after speakers of the gospel from his humble beginnings in africa to teaching on stages across the globe known worldwide as a leader among leaders he is the chairman of the council of african apostles a coalition of apostolic voices that address african issues and bring godly resolutions bishop bismarck is an accomplished best-selling author and has penned over 20 books and teaching men's keith along with his wife gigi are pastors of new life covenant church in harare zimbabwe they are the founders and overseers of jebula new life ministries international today chihuahua worldwide continues to extend its reach and is in 29 nations on five continents with over 900 churches under its covering he has a distinct fiery and dynamic teaching style like none other please welcome bishop tudor bismarck [Music] everybody put your hands together everybody give god some praise by clapping your hands and shouting unto god with the voice of triumph [Music] good evening dr winston good evening dr veronica god bless you and to this tremendous august leadership team that so consecutively faithfully puts these meetings together please be seated god bless you i've got chichi with me here she hasn't been here for about eight ten years come [Applause] that's my job you know when you've got david's looking for goliaths praise the lord everyone it's always awesome to be in this church amen we want to greet dr bill winston his wonderful wife veronica and all of the leadership uh in this church i am i have not been here for eight years can you believe it well the the last two don't count for everyone we have been faced with the most awful thing that could visit the earth but i guess in some ways it has made us all uh fruitful and we have to see what god is doing at home we are finding that the church is being silenced and i think the more you try to silence the church the louder it gets can i have an amen in the house today it has to get louder and sometimes we may not have to use our voice because we are masked and we are muffled but it's by the way we live our lives and we have to live our lives by faith not by fear amen heaven doesn't understand fear heaven understands faith it is the language of heaven it is the currency of heaven and we have got to walk and live by faith amen we've got to stand by the promises of god and if we can just let god do what god knows to do let god be god that's all we have to do we just have to stand and let god be god and he's going to work this thing you're going to watch this church rise up you're going to watch this church go forward amen and you're going to watch this work this church take over the world that's what god intends amen the world tries to silence the church amen but where god takes off the mosque and gives us our voice again amen you're going to watch us take over this world may the lord bless you hallelujah may the lord bless this wonderful conference may the lord lift you up in jesus mighty name amen and amen thank you lord amen amen come on you can do better than that let's give god a hand our praise let's give god a hand our praise let's lift our voice let's shout out to god with the voice of triumph let's lift up royce come up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on international faith conference amen and amen and amen [Applause] thank you matches comes in small packages amen [Applause] we want to take again this opportunity to greet dr winston and congratulate him on a consecutive faith conference please be seated everybody to all the leaders that are here some that have come from out of town greetings i know that's d yes that's dolores good to see you g yes and uh to our jabula leaders that have come in for this meeting god bless all of you to everyone watching around the world thank you for being with us especially to those in zimbabwe and in our time zone for staying up early hours of the morning and watching and being a part of that and we want to encourage all of you not just here not just in chicago and in the us but to encourage you to participate in all of the meetings between now and the end of the conference because a conference of this nature is built on word on word line online precept on precept faith to faith glory to glory miracle to miracle one miracle begets another and so uh text somebody right now send her the tweet let somebody know that these meetings are going on don't keep it to yourself whatever you find good share it if there's anything bad don't share it and thank you donald and your phenomenal team for always delivering god bless you [Applause] my message entitled this evening is entitled thinkers thinkers and just a couple of things beforehand the spelling is english spelling so if there's a few words that you may not uh think i spelled correctly i'm spelling in proper english let's go now to proverbs 23 and verse 6. throughout this message i'm expecting a demonstration of god's power and god's miracle working hand not just for those in the room we are going to send a word and heal that should be a good place to say amen we are also going to encourage you to get a handkerchief a mask a scarf something that as the words of faith are being released those words will go on that piece of garment it will absorb it and it will be sent to people not just in chicago but literally to hawaii malaysia indonesia and when that garment hits somebody as it was in acts someone or some families are going to be healed i need a loud amen eat you not the bread of him that has an evil eye neither desire you his dainty meats for as he thinks as he thinks in his heart not in his brain as he thinks in his heart so easy eat and drink say he to you but his heart is not with you and so faith then is generated from the heart faith is generated from the heart and expressed out of the mouth and there are individuals in the world that can offer so much which is a product of their heart which are evil words and they display uh dainty meats as the writer says here or trinkets to attract individuals to attract the vulnerable the scripture says that individual in his heart is thinking evil to manipulate an individual and so throughout this conference we want you to think miracles eat miracles when you pray over your food preempt your food your prayer with god i thank you for a week of miracles before you lay yourself down to sleep praise god for the miracles of today and thank him for new mercies and miracles tomorrow shout this is a miracle week amen so the word then is nigh thee even in your mouth that's the word which we preach romans chapter number 12 and verse one i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renew of your mind that you might prove is a good acceptable and perfect will of god for i say through the grace given to me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think tell somebody think come on say think don't allow someone to think for you you must be a thinker you have to be an originalist in the way you approach life to think soberly according as god hath dealt to every man the measure of faith so thinking and the measure of faith go together let's go to nehemiah five and verse number nine this is nehemiah requesting of god he says think upon me my god for good according to all i have done for this people in other words i've done so much for the people i've come in the middle of the night i've checked out the burnt walls the broken doors the destroyed temple the burnt bricks the shattered and scattered mortar and i purposed in my heart that i would come again and rebuild the city of jerusalem and rebuild the wall rebuild the temple and he said because of these deeds god when you think think on me think good things on me they are scriptures that indicate that god visits the transgressions iniquities of the third and fourth generation which is a long time before our lives we may not be familiar with our third and fourth generation but somehow god visits those iniquities in those general in our generation and so for chiche and i we're laying down good seed for our grandchildren's children so that god visits them with generational blessing and not generational curses the devil is a liar and so i can change the future by my deeds by my sowing by my words by my actions by my prayers by my prophecies by my predictions and i can ask god whatever has happened in the past think good of me shout think good of me oh state with passion say think good of me so achievements then reveals an individual as a thinker your achievements reveals you as a thinker non-achievements generally the same thing job 41 and verse 32 he makes a path to shine after him one would think the deep to be aged or hoary or white-head and so when you see someone who has gray hair not prematurely but through age one would then assume that wisdom or deep thought has gone into that individual's life i was just discussing you know my mother's was one of 13 she passed last year and uh her oldest sister passed last week and so uh looking at the family a very very healthy and uh wealthy family in terms of knowledge and emotions some are watching right now uh and and with that family 13 of them a hoard of knowledge information and wisdom individually and corporately so someone that has lived to 94 years can actually teach somebody that is four years old a little bit of wisdom and so what the individual is saying here that when you see someone that has survived a second great war in the 1939-245 and the korean war and other wars and liberation struggles and apartheid systems and is still going strong has never been to a hospital never really knew the lord found the lord late in years when you see someone that has white hair or gray hair you then would attribute their lives to an individual that has given some thought to their life someone that is a thinker say heavenly father teach me to think teach me to think ecclesiastes 8 verse 5 we're going to be jumping through scriptures quickly to get to a few points thinking and seeking and knowing ecclesiastes 8 16 when i applied my heart to no wisdom so to know wisdom you have to apply your heart not your energy not your mental capacity not your academic ability you have to apply your heart because out of it are the issues of life it's out of your heart that wisdom and life comes so apply your heart when i applied my heart to no wisdom and to see the business that he's done upon the earth to see the business the transactions not just between human beings economically mechanically but to see the ecological systems in the earth how uh grass supports livestock and how uh flora and fauna birds of the air fish of the sea how the ecological system functions how there is a unique balance of of life and how one gives to another and the other reciprocates by giving back he said when i understood these transactions how the business of the earth is done for also there is in that neither night nor day sleep or with a night see sleep with his eyes then i beheld all the work of god that man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun because though a man labor to seek it out yet he shall not find it yea yes father thou a wise man think to know it he shall not be able to find it so what he is saying here in all one seeking to attain how the business of the earth functions you have to have the original thinker you have to have the one that is the first thinker so let's look at a chart really quickly here number one our challenges as human beings is that we are presented with difficult complex situations we react or respond with no uh to little thought given to the complexity and so many individuals when a complex situation is given we either react or we respond we never look at it we tend not to look at a complexity as an opportunity we tend to look at it in a very negative way i am addressing here mankind as a whole i'm not addressing a unique church in chicago because as far as church goes this church is not normal for many that have been in this church for decades what you grant and see as normal to people that attend the church today you are totally and absolutely abnormal i'm not insulting i'm just i'm you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying and so there are those that have been to church we have relatives that have been to traditional churches uh for as as long as i've attended church this next year i will have been a christian for 50 years and i will have been preaching for 48 years at least opening my mouth and saying something of those 48 years i'm not sure if i really preached many years and so there are those that have told us that they've been in church for 60 years going to church every sunday going through the rituals in their experience of knowing the lord jesus in the experience of applying and growing in faith they are still babies babies simply because sisters and brothers they have not given they have not given their lives to thinking faith they approach every complexity as uh an act of life or a natural event in life and don't take the stance that if i'll take a stand in faith i can change whatever i am facing secondly we utilize muscle memory and automatically do what we would normally do and so what happens is when we are in a situation we instinctively do something instead of thinking the faith root or thinking what would jesus do how would god approach this if elijah elisha or samuel were here if david was facing this gigantic problem what would david do in the situation we tend to lean to human instinct and we go and do what we would naturally do what we saw our mother do or our grandmother do or we saw uncle george do what we saw a previous administration do we gravitate automatically human beings are not really given to new things the lord said in matthew chapter number five or six somewhere there says that the average person never says the new is good we prefer the old it's tough to put new wine in an old wine skin it's tough to take a new piece of garment and put it on an old piece of garment because we want the old change is the only thing in life that is inevitable but individuals generally don't like change whatever number three we act logically or exercise russian now to solve problems we ecologically logic and rationale are enemies of faith number four we become emotional and allow imbalance to influence our decisions and our choices and so if you are going to prune your rose bushes or your choice citrus trees or your peach or pear trees if you are going to prune them you are always advised to get somebody in there that has no emotional financial mental investment in the pruning process because they're gonna cut that bad boy all the way back chapter number 15 of the book of john so that you can be more fruitful and so that you can have fruit that is abundant and remains and so when you are emotional and the decision has to be made the board member that's emotional would need to recruit themselves from the meeting because they will tend to be cynical when we tell them tomorrow at this time there's going to be a hallmark a target a kroger's a randalls all opened full of food and there'll be no lines and the price is coming all the way down a cynical leader will say well that's only going to happen if god will tear up the windows here and pour out a blessing the man of god said that is true god is able to do that but in this method that doesn't build faith god is going to show you how faith works he said you china you are going to see it but you will not partake of it god is not going to do the same thing twice he is going to do another thing a new thing all over again just to show you that he can give someone an elbow and say it should have been a high five number four number five we varying uh we have varying points of view therefore we consult family friends work partners and colleagues and so because we have different points of view on certain things uh when chichen and i walked out by faith to purchase a number of buildings uh in the last number of months we've been asking god to give us another chance because we've been passing buildings that we we listened to counsel from individuals who looked at our economic status and they they looked at our age grouping and looked at our inexperience but they didn't see what we could see the mess of faith inside of us and under massive pressure we succumbed to counselors who meant well they were not evil they were not cynical they meant well they they were looking at our well-being but we didn't have the the the uh uh age the maturity the gumption the nerve the temperament to step out in faith and say we own that at one point we said enough is enough that's why god has blessed us with the things we have and i believe we could have had 10 times 20 times 30 times more than we already have the devil is a liar and so are all of those cynics around you come on give somebody elbow say expect your miracle expect your miracle a land miracle a building miracle a breakthrough miracle i feel a couple of aeroplanes flying in this place about a land right down the center aisle here hey get ready for your miracle [Applause] number six we pray and ask in the flesh and we don't ask to destiny we don't ask the will of god we pray in the flesh don't pray in the flesh we we do pray in the flesh we after this man i pray ye chapter number 6 9 of matthew our father reach out in heaven luke chapter 11 verse 1 and 2 the same prayer so we pray in the flesh but but when we are limited in our language in in the language we've been trained in we we then change gas maybe you are bilingual or multilocus and you can pray in different languages but but baby when you when you jump into chapter number eight verse 26 of romans and you start praying in the holy ghost it doesn't sound like it it sounds like you're putting in an order for korean or chinese food or something and when you start praying in that language everyone around chapter 14 of first corinthians says people may not understand they'll think you confused just ask eli he thought hannah was confused and even drunk but she wasn't drunk she was out of her heart were coming rivers of living water praying things that no man no understanding could be gathered around that but god was taking that and multiplying it into a specific zone and giving what hannah needed a samuel giving what israel needed a prophet giving what the church needed a breakthrough in the miraculous things that god does and so number seven we seldom consider implications that our decisions and choices will have on generations before you make a decision now think about the grandkids the great grandkids think about it if you owned half of lake michigan it's taken you your entire life to get to this point and you are thinking there is no use for me to even push further because it's gonna end with me but baby you got a grandchild there's king david's kids and then there's king david's kids kids and then there's king david's kids kids kids and then there's kids kids kids kids and then maybe our great great grandkids will marry a winston down the road and then you can have shares legally in africa think generationally abraham you'll start it joseph you're gonna finance it right at the end and joshua you will possess it from abraham to the possession is a thousand years it was one day god said tomorrow this time i'm giving you the land a thousand years went by and for god it was just the next day generations are depending on you [Applause] we give up too quickly and generally are not willing to fight the good fight of faith don't give up don't give up don't give up be like the little engine i know i can i i i think i can i i think i can the load is too heavy the cross is too heavy i think i can i knew i could i believed i could and you always would i knew i'd get better and better i knew that the stuff that i put on paper would go around the world that's why you have to think miracles it defies all the laws of physics chemistry biology it defies every single law that's been placed in this molecular world when you think miracles you are floating in a world of faith suspended between heaven and earth and god is able [Music] if you're watching on a phone or watching on a television just touch your screen and say my miracle is happening now if you're having problems as a woman right here in your abdominal area just rub that bad boy right now a genie is not going to come out but a miracle is going to take place god's going to give you miracle a b c and d not only are you going to pick up your bed and walk but you are going after 38 years to go to your own house imagine you're sick for 38 years but the miracle for the man is no one can touch my house when i am sick [Applause] success which our successes our wealth our prosperity should be a recording of our faith journey which in turn should be a vivid reflection a deliberate reflection of our thinking patterns our predictability must not be a predictability of failure it has to be a predictability of faith and so so so if for example another shopping mall comes up we would then say for example with our band what would jesus do but but as a son of this house you would say what would bill winston do well jah he's gonna buy that more [Applause] i'm feeling like james brown up here [Music] i don't know about y'all and so what needs to go out as your reputation is your predictability it's going to be the next best sound system the next best uh auditorium the next best vehicles the next best clothing the next best conference that has to be your predictability that that if there's anything to be done on any magnitude or any scale i know that rey is predictable he will own real estate on fifth avenue and rent it out to trump [Laughter] oops our thinking gen is influenced very quickly by governments past and present i was born in 1957. be 65 coming up in january i was born in a system where the british government the british empire great england as they were known made decisions concerning our continent in 1883 1885 when germany became a nation led by the great baron oliver and bismarck at the berlin conferences the germans were late in their land grab in africa and so the germans then got what is called namibia today and tanzania but a lot of africa had really been cut up without discussing the land with africans and divided people groups and so decisions thinking behind rooms thinkers sat down and made decisions concerning our future without us even being there this is true system brothers of schools universities where we could and could not go events such as slavery colonialism and so on all of these events involved other thinkers that influenced our thinking i found myself in a school at the age of five and then at the age of eight another school in schools that i had no choice in making where i would go to school retrospectively i thank god that i had a chance to go to school because i've met so many tens of thousands of children still today who will not get a chance to go to school and so the positioning of myself being in a school is a path that has led for me to be standing here today at this moment everything in the universe works in infinity which is god light and numbers maths everything is mathematically calculated faith is maths and maths is faith i'll prove that to you here in a minute and so the choices that we make in our lives the things that we decide to make in our lives we must understand that we are not the original thinker but we can be original thinkers there is an idea that has not hit the world it's stuck somewhere in infinity way back in the past waiting for you to give it expression here and so as a thinker shout i'm a thinker shout i'm a thinker [Music] i was watching a documentary with cheech the other day not too much of a tv person i'm more of a news guy and uh of course that does come on television and there was a little documentary showing that the mammal or animal that uses its brain capacity the most in the earth is the dolphin that the dolphin uses twenty percent of its brain a highly intelligent being that a human being we as beings use between 8 to 12 of our mental capacity and should we exert ourselves and should we apply our brain the achievements and things that we can do just through mental ability and so it's also been proven that when one begins to apply their mind and their brain their thinking there is the agency the element of faith or belief watching some of the para olympic games where individuals were competing in a natural way in life it would be impossible for them to compete and to break records with their physical handicap but there's something in that mind and something in that spirit of that individual that will drive them to a level of success it's applied faith don't ever tell a person if you intend to break them that you are going to fail because the minute you tell a person they are going to fail something happens inside that individual that kicks back it's that god-given thingy in you it's the faith agency in you that says [Music] i'm going to stand right here and prove that what you said i would not do i shall do when chris and i were given the right boot of disfellowship one of the things that we were told that was said is not only are we going to remove tudor and chichi bismarck from this particular organization they said we are going to break them now if they hadn't said the break part we would have been broke we would have been broke we would have been destroyed there would be no history on our lives but somehow a sickly boy a boy that was put back in school so many times a boy that struggled a boy that met a girl at a street like accidentally on purpose dated for four years and got married a boy that had just a little bit of ministry going that didn't seem to be much when somebody said i heard they said they were going to break me somehow destiny and faith collided devil you won't break me but i say to the holy spirit break me and mold me and make me what you want to be but devil every enemy you cannot break me i have faith that standing here and i just think right about now i just know that i will be successful i will be prosperous i will be healthy i will be strong clap your hands if you have to [Applause] i'm now going to a little chart as i build the bridge towards closing this message there are six pieces of ground that jesus taught in matthew 13. each piece of ground for man six is the number of men and so the first piece of ground is wayside ground a sower went forth to sow seed that's god jesus sow forth seed all the pieces of ground got the same seed all of them got the same seed it's the word of god wayside number two stoney number three thorny number four next slide quickly no he stays there number four thirty-fold number five sixty-fold and number six one hundred fold and so what we have here in these six manifestations of soil we have word being given i've discovered in life that every person no matter how affluent or how trained you might be at any given point you will be a wayside person i heard donald shout to the maestro over here that disappeared somewhere uh i heard guano say e flat and so if somebody that doesn't understand music heard donald say e flat may have thought that he was saying you are playing flat and so an individual who doesn't know music that's a wayside person if somebody for some reason here gets a message that there is a crisis down the road and you are a medical doctor and you get there the person that is administering help to somebody on the freeway may not understand medicine at all but they might be a professor of psychology at some sort of a university somewhere that person in terms of medicine will be a wayside knowledge person and unable to deliver and so every one of us in some area in our lives we are wayside and in another area of our lives we are one hundredfold what is required of us by god is for us to be good grounds thirtyfold sixtyfold a hundredfold in terms of our faith i may not get the bowling now because my faith is still climbing but if i have a little bit of time ask isaac i will move to a hundredfold it's tough following abraham but if you give me a little bit of time i will grow in a famine to prove that i've now migrated from thirtyfold to a hundredfold can i preach like i feel this thing here and so uh when when when adam and eve sinned let me work it just a little when adam and eve sinned they opened the wayside they opened the wayside for all humanity to go away from the way to so many ways thousands of religious expressions tens of thousands of demonic spirits that have elevated themselves to god class go to india you will see those expressions more magnified and intensified all of them waysides and then the next level now when we come to the years of abraham when god calls abraham abraham then starts off with the stony generation the stony generation it's abraham that is constantly looking for water and has to draw through rocks it is isaac that has to do the same thing and jacob that stony ground era ends with moses when he breaks the stone by hitting the rock and water coming out amen that is a 60-fold production only israel only the children of israel had access to whom god would grant blessing all the gentile nations had no access one freak moment of balaam of piro who was a prophet of god to the nations was given a chance to participate in this event but did not because of his disobedience but then when we're dealing with uh the last one is thorny ground which is the curse on every nation when adam and eve sinned storms came into the world and every family in the world every uh people group in the world jews included all of us are subject were subject to the thorns therefore the very last thing that is the expression of jesus opening everything for us with the thorns on his head saying i'm now opening everything for every human being i'm breaking this to where now thorny ground i'm going to allow every person to have 100 fold access to salvation to blessing to prosperity to health to strength you can be on a damascus road and find the lord and get a hundredfold you can be in gaza as an ethiopian treasurer going back to ethiopia and a deacon becoming an evangelist can share a small word with you find water there baptize you and 100 fold come up the ethiopian was not even 30 fold he was a wayside person but at the end of the day look what god did for the ethiopian and look what is in ethiopia today from the year 64 a.d if god could do it for one brother you better know that he'll do it for you here tonight he's working your miracle thank you let's go to jeremiah god is the thinker i know my plans for you so god's thinking about you right now rub your heart say god's thinking about me right now you may not think about yourself right now you may not have a good thought about who you are right now even where you are right now you might have unusual pain in a part of your body that you've never had before i was in nigeria in january and going to lagos airport i picked up my getting on the flight i picked up my carry-on bag and i was lost on the flight there's a long story uh you know that song don't cry for me argentina i sing the song don't cry for me lagos so i grabbed my bag and yanked it up and put it up there and slipped a disc yes and there is pain it's not like there's no pain but today i ran 12 kilometers in the heat we were in dubai i ran three times in 39 degrees celsius that's like 104 105 in the heat running enjoying the irritation in my back because i've converted that back pain to what i call bodily intercession if there's any sort of pain here it means i'm about to get a financial breakthrough because the back is the support system of the entire body so money is looking for me i'm not complaining about my back i'm thinking my support system is expanding money is looking for me right now be happy for a brother [Applause] and so god now is reminding me that what he said years ago which was yesterday that it's a new day tomorrow is about to dawn weeping may endure for a night by the bumper harvest is about to come in about an hour from now oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes daniel chapter number seven and verse 24 shall god is a thinker [Applause] the bible says and the ten horns out of the kingdom are the ten kings and shall rise another shall rise after them and he shall be diverse from the first and shall subdue the three kings or prophecy i want to get to verse 25 and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think and think to change times and laws i don't care who thinks they can change times and laws and seasons and people groups and organize us and hurt us like cattle there is a thinker in the sky that knows the plans he has for every one of you he's thinking about your success and your future where you are he's thinking about your next step where you're going even now he's thinking about the millionaire he's speaking to somewhere in the middle of omaha or a millionaire somewhere in utah to write what he has planned for you shout god thank you for thinking for me thank you for thinking about me thank you for thinking about the way i take [Applause] god's thinking about you right now [Applause] come on my brother tell your brother tell your brother tell your brother say my brother god is thinking about you right now when i was a boy i used to think like a boy but now that i'm in touch with god i'm thinking god thoughts where's god moving which direction is god taking where is god assigning my next step i think it's going to be a good day god you are a thinker for me clap your hands for the thinker [Applause] jump with me now quickly to slide number 17. it's like number 17. i'm about to shut down whenever god is gonna do something in your life it's going to demand you cross over in the life of jesus there were two massive bodies of water the first one was the sea of galilee fresh water which is the physical man [Music] the next body of water is the dead sea it's a salty seed it is the world of the spirit jesus never took his disciples to the salty seas he was teaching them how to overcome human issues before they could delve into spiritual issues but what jesus did he got into a body of water joining the spirit and the physical called the river jordan and he jumped in that river and when he was baptized he went down a galilean a physical man but when he came up he came back the last adam the spiritual man and heaven opened its voice and said this is my beloved son whatever he asks for you give it to him right now and so jesus entered the faith world and brought his disciples with him i know you are fishermen living in a physical world but leave your clothes leave your money leave your wife leave your children leave your mother leave your father in this life you will get a reward of a hundredfold [Applause] god is thinking about you right now a hundred fold is looking for you right now the thinker has his mind on you right now oh yes 2022 here comes the breakthrough 2022 the accountant in the heavens is granting an there's going to be a global audit and the auditors are going to find that the liabilities have outweighed the assets and so god's about to add assets on your side houses and lands mothers and children fathers and grandchildren buildings and farms seed and blessing clap your hands and shout to the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i beseech you therefore brethren i beseech you therefore brethren present yourself a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god it's your reasonable service don't think about the world and the way the world does business but thank god transform your mind how would god do this be not conformed to this world but be he transformed by the renewing of your mind yeah that you might prove what is that good can you feel that anointing can you feel that miracle that good and acceptable and perfect will of god [Applause] i say through the grace given unto me to everyone among us don't think of yourself more highly than you ought to think back think think think think big think off the charts think continents think billions think tell your neighbors say think faith is here to help you think faith has come to help you think i feel like jumping over a wall i feel like running through a troop think think think come on 10 seconds think something big [Applause] i need three jets i said i need three jets [Music] [Applause] i receive that miracle i receive the miracle working power [Music] my brethren james one two carried all joy when you're facing fiery trials knowing that the working of your trial brings patience faith brings patience but let faith have a perfect work let patience rather have a perfect work that you might be perfect and entire wanting nothing and if any man lack wisdom ask of god that gives to all men liberally and a breedeth not and it shall be given but let him six but let him ask in faith not wavering i'm not wavering tonight i said i'm not wavering tonight shut up devil get out of my face shut up critic get asked in faith i need three jets i need that building i need 27 million dollars i need a big jonah i need to get married i need those twins i need that mercedes-benz i need that overseas trip i gotta get my passport i need a new kidney i gotta get a new liver [Applause] let him ask him faith ask in faith not wavering for he that waves is like the winds driving the sea for let not that man full that not that man think you shall receive anything from the lord a double-minded tell someone say i'm not double [Applause] [Music] i'm not double-minded i said i'm not double-minded i'm not double-minded at this conference god is washing away my double-mindedness i'm not double-minded my head is fixed my faith is sure with god all things are possible [Music] [Applause] shout three times i'm not double-minded come on at home come on holy mike come on vincent come on time come on joe come on randall come on sabello i'm not double-minded i'm not shout i shall receive from the lord if you're double-minded if you're devil-minded you can't receive from the lord if you're not double-minded you receive from the lord i receive from the lord i receive from the lord i receive i receive i receive i receive from the lord i receive from the lord i receive from the lord so think miracles think success think prosperity think wealth and riches think peace and joy think happiness think the word think the blood think the church think power think miracles think faith think faith think new days think breakthrough give him a praise i'm not double minded my mind is set i'm receiving my miracle from the lord i'm receiving my miracle from the lord i'm receiving my miracle from the lord i'm receiving my miracle from the lord clap your hands everybody [Applause] yes sir i said a yes lord i said i yes lord [Applause] yes lord i received my miracle yes lord i received my america yes lord [Applause] i received my miracle i receive my miracle i receive my miracle [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have a minute and 40 seconds our oldest son dread his beautiful wife chariro we're told for eight years they would not have children and i told them on their wedding day you're gonna have twins for eight years doctors specialists said you will not have children on the 7th of january 2021 eden was born first idris was born second bismarck's two things the big way we going for double the double double that said there's twins in the room [Applause] students in the room twin cars twin buildings [Music] twin houses twin businesses twin wardrobes twin shoes twin churches twin whales [Music] twin blessing twin breakthrough to an open heaven twin doors twin windows if the devil blocks here here comes a twin blessing raise your right hand god bless you and multiply miracles to you grant only your servants that will all boldness with my speak your word and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of your holy child jesus thank you dr winston [Music] give an african brother a hand come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're about to receive a significant offering a life-changing offering for those watching around the world there's provision for you on the screens in the way you can give in the way you should give as you've heard me say before you cannot drink from somebody's well and not pay for the water and so it's time for you to sow a good seed i know you've registered that doesn't count at least not in this rhema moment there were so many i counted as my mind was trying to calculate seven distinct rhema moments where there was a direct impartation into your heart thinking not your brain and so that rhema moment has adjusted the heart thinking mechanism out of the heart are the issues of life so issues were altered seven times here with rhema you've got a soul for that word you've got a soul for that word your church put this in an envelope for us amen this is for eden and this is for idris and this is for jason and today was child on the way our third grandchild will be born on the 12th of november [Applause] dr winston is saying really you're only coming now pastors and leaders to whom much is given much is required doing so rudimentary don't don't sow in a generic fashion i'm trying to manipulate what god has put in your spirit if you have trusted the word to go into your heart to change as your heart thinks what your heart has just told you to give you must so you can activate that so put away the 20 buck put grant away put him away send hamilton away go find some of my right hand at least find a son of my right hand who has five changes of clothing that's benjamin find a benjamin if we have a thousand people giving benjamin here today we will have one hundred thousand it's very doable it's doable it's doable place your offering in an envelope put your details on the envelope put your name on the envelope don't put pokey put an email address there so that the admin team can give an account of money moving and so that they can find out how you is how you're doing so we can track the testimony of this rhema moment how out of your heart the issue became an event all checks made out two on the screen winston ministries your extremely blessed nation zimbabwe has not had a working banking system for years we've not had checks in our country for 18 years the banking system they're trying to resuscitate it and it's not working that well and so generally zimbabwe is just about a cash society and so don't take this particular country this state this moment for granted i can see envelope storm moving we will wait on you we will wait on you for somebody online you don't have a way to give it's not available in your country you can't send naira or whatever currency you are facing in your country instinctively allow me dr winston to suggest dr winston allow me to suggest to people who cannot send money here and so on the bible says if you give to the poor you'll lend to god and so go and find an institution in your country an orphanage that's reliable a red cross initiative some sort of reliable ministry there and take your offering and mark on the offering for bill winston ministries and so to the poor give give it is more blessed to give than to receive give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over for those that have a means to give in your respective currencies please do so and the ministry will make sure you get a receipt or some sort of paperwork that there's a paper trail for those in countries where you are able to get some sort of a tax rebate uh give even more and uh i'm sure by the the time you get i think it's the 15th of april is it april somewhere there by the time you get uh you won't have to file a section 7 or a section 11 you are going to get a massive rebate oh ye of little faith offering in your right hand raise it above your head raise it above your head which means your offering is higher than what you are and that what you have done that's what must be above your head i'm not ashamed of my offering say that i am not ashamed of my gift i'm not ashamed of this ministry i give freely i receive in abundance and i pledge as you bless me god i will continue to give igamalangos in the name of jesus how many are men are men as you're passing your envelopes to the left maestro is going to play a piece from beethoven's so service is not over there's still a sweet anointing you gotta wait for the lady that's in the house that's been there for 12 years she's going to take a bit of time someone's going to touch that hymn no ending is still here still here sing it gently it's a lighter in a soaking rain it's a soaking rain it's a faith rain uh [Music] this lady is singing better stand crescendo he exalted come on [Music] god bless you dr winston thank you so much god bless you so very much [Music] he is exalted the king is exalted i will praise him he is exalted forever [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] now now a lot of what he said was prophetic i hope you copied some of that down because i did praise god take your seats for just a minute he said that the devil tried to teach you how to think isn't that something and he met with him he he he he tried to teach you not to point at a building and claim it see if you can't do that then your mind you follow what i'm saying i'm saying under god's anointing of course but the way we got buildings this one home so forth we we spoke to it let me come over here we spoke to hey man one more hand for a bishop tudor bismarck and chi-chi glory to god from zimbabwe [Music] now i think oh a couple of things one i want to say to somebody here you haven't given your life to the lord now what i'm speaking now of now is actually being born again um there he is two births you born into this nation or into the world and now god says you must be born again that means that the first birth was a natural the second is a spiritual birth that god wants to bring you into his family so if you've not ever done that this is the time to do it now what happened is jesus bore your sins and mine because you just can't do good works and so forth like that and end up with the lord you have to actually be changed change spiritual a miracle has to take place so if that hasn't happened in your life god wants it to happen right now he says when you hear my voice what harden not your hearts meaning the voice of god calling you into salvation and what happened to me is i was putting it off putting it off putting it off and things got worse worse and worse and pretty soon i mean i was so broke i couldn't pay anything and so forth i wouldn't even answer the phone because i knew it was a bill collector but one day i said lord would you please help me and he had somebody to come by my place and work at ibm and took me to a meeting and the rest is history i got to that meeting brother hugged me and said jesus loves you brother and i gave my life to the lord and when i did that everything changed so if you're waiting for a change this is your night this is the time right here god wants to change your life forever so i want to call for people who in your heart you know that you've not uh been in this place where god wants you that you've not experienced the goodness and the blessing of god and you know something is missing i want to give you a chance to come on into the kingdom here's what i want you to do if you know that's you wherever you are over the world or even in here just lift your right hand up to heaven for me and say this prayer with me dear lord i come to you now just as i am you know my life you know how i've lived forgive me lord i repent of my sins i believe jesus christ is the son of god he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead lord jesus i ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from now on from this day forward i belong to you in the name of jesus amen now if you said that praying you said it from your heart the bible says thou shalt confess to thy mouth the lord jesus that he's lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you'll be saved well if you did that a miracle just took place your name is now being written in the lamb's book of life it's a change is coming forever well i want you to download my book it's called born again in spirit fills the book i wrote myself free of charge it tells you what the next steps are for you as a new believer also send us your email so we can get you in a class called foundations i teach it myself it's 10 classes it's about 45 minutes per class but it's online and we're going to put in you a foundation of unshakable faith then that's what it's all about by the power of god so i want to be the first to say welcome to the family of almighty god give them a handclap praise god all right now i'm not sure but i think do we have a clip for tomorrow night praise god i'm not sure i didn't i do we do okay yes okay uh spin it praise god let it roll hallelujah [Music] love your name you are great [Music] glory be to god every time the devil comes and attacks your household he runs slam into a power that he can't have i'm not moved by what i feel mr devil take your pain and go to hell amen now let me just say a word about this i said something in the beginning because i said it because the spirit of god prompted my heart if you listen to these teachings consecutively i mean every night we have a speaker each one of these speakers has evidence of their faith working evidence now this one coming up tomorrow night is a granddaddy of of faith i mean he he he has been using it for years and he's got one of the biggest ministries in the world now he knows something you don't know everything he knows something so we bring them here so that they can impart to you not only what they know but the spirit of it that whole spirit of faith has to come forth too you you can come up and hear some good sermons and so forth but the spirit uh sometimes is not the spirit of faith and what you'll find is your faith decreasing in that environment what used to work don't work no more but i'm bringing people here that's got the spirit of faith on their life because i want god's people to jump over buildings with a single battle come on out run a locomotive in other words i want you to be super praise god but we're bringing them here and each one of these speakers he's not now don't miss a single night this this is like you're going away to a what do you call the classes that you go away continuing education and so forth this is just like that this is like um you're in the kingdom you're going to have to stand before jesus and he's going to give you reward or based on what you've done and you've got to fulfill your assignment if he called you to be a a math teacher you can't say well i said an art class all week no he's gonna every one of us is gonna be held accountable yes sir yes sir let's get some faith in you so that you have no problem doing what jesus has designed you to do say amen to that plus the fact we've got to take back the economics i said we're going to take back the economics i think he mentioned billions up here i thought i heard that i i i said i received you know what i mean say i received i'm telling you millions won't do it [Applause] jeff bezos is at 197 billion all right sir all right come on the bible tells us that we'll be the head that means we got to have more than bezos no no no you don't do it like that don't do it like that please come on come on now come on y'all see it's your money say it's my inheritance god wants you to get everything you're supposed to get not only that have influence with it you get a big give me break me off a b and we can rebuild the west side come on break me off another bee and we'll rebuild harlem no that's been brought up we are we'll i'm just saying my point to you is come on this this is not just a suggestion this is our assignment our assignment come on now when the group decided they didn't want to go in and take the wealth god just left them in the wilderness didn't he and the only reason he kept him alive he was waiting on their kids so once he got that kid she said y'all ready to go yeah praise god oh you talking about that money again that's cause you ain't got none if you had some i wouldn't even be saying nothing about it now give god a shout for that [Music] cause you're about to come into a truckload [Applause] [Applause] isn't this powerful the microphone pastor ray thomas coming up and closes out now let me tell you he and dr dolores uh started with me i went to him and said hey god is speaking to me about starting a business school and they took the challenge i said go away and tell me you got a mba from university chicago you got one from harvard you go in and tell me what it takes to do that and how long it will take they went away did some research you know thinking like the world no i just can't but i'm just saying they came back and said hey and take about one to two years i said let me pray about it i went and prayed about it god said tell him it'll take two months but what did i say today whatever he says to you do it they just did it in a two-month school now it's in five continents of the world give them a hand clap pastor ray go ahead and close us out praise god of this house we thank you for the word that came forth tonight god it was an impartation from the spirit of god father we just pray that you would open your hearts and open your minds and just receive that word tonight god that will be able to transform your life and bring the supernatural into manifestation god we thank you as we go forth this week god that the windows of heaven are open god that is going to be a blessing god that does not room enough for us to receive god and it's not just uh in the spirit god but it will manifest in the physical god and that we'll have great testimonies that will go forth god as to how good god is because god wants us to prosper that god wants us to take dominion over this earth realm and to manifest his glory so that more people will be drawn to the kingdom so father god as we open our hearts this week we just receive everything that you have for us god we pray that there will be transformation in each person individually god there will be transformation as we take this word back to our cities and there'll be transformation that takes place in the nations oh god so father god we just thank you for that and we just go forth now and we thank you that your angels will camp around about us to keep us safe even in this time of pandemic for all harm sickness and disease and that your angels are on assignment god that will bring in every resource that we need individually and collectively to fulfill the purpose and the plans that you've ordained for us in life we thank you for these things and we give you praise honor glory in jesus name we pray amen amen amen [Applause] thank you god bless you and keep walking by faith give the lord a hand clap tell somebody jesus loves you and so do i you are dismissed [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 39,676
Rating: 4.9308972 out of 5
Id: 9kL8UctWeVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 40sec (9220 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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