How to Live in the Supernatural Pt 4 - Sunday Service

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praise the lord [Music] well father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force [Music] and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise the lord if you have your bibles go with me to the book of mark chapter 6 verse 45 through 4 52 we've been this has been our key passage for the last of several weeks i am going to try to get a little further along down the line but we've been talking about how to live in the supernatural how to live in it not just living in the supernatural but giving instructions on some of the things you have to do to actually see that come to pass in your life now today we're going to focus on the cure for our heart and heart because you know we found some things out so let's go ahead and read this and pick up from where we left off last week and i encourage you to get the last couple of weeks so you can kind of get a pick up from where we left off mark chapter 6 verse 45 and straightway he constrained his disciples jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side before onto bathsadia while he sent away the people and when he had sent them away he departed into a mountain to pray and when evening was come the ship was in the midst of the sea and he alone on the land so jesus was on the land and the disciples were in a boat in in on the sea and he saw them talling and rowing for the wind was contrary unto them and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them walking upon the sea and he would have passed them or passed by them but uh when they saw him walking upon the sea they supposed it had been a spirit or another translation says phantom or were familiar with the term a ghost so they saw jesus walking on the water and they thought it was a ghost and they cried out and then he says for they all saw him and were troubled and immediately he talked with them and he saith unto them what's this very strange uh phrase he said be of good cheer it is i be not afraid so there are a couple of things going on they're in the midst of a situation that appeared like it was a great storm in the boat wind was blowing it was rocking the boat all over the place they thought that they would die uh and on top of that they see uh not knowing it was jesus they thought they saw a ghost walking on the water coming towards them and so jesus showed up and he says this in the middle of all the trouble he says be of good cheer literally he said from this perspective you should be of good cheer why is it that you're not of good cheer and then he says all right let's get rid of the issue here be not afraid be not afraid it is i okay uh and then he went up into unto them unto the ship and the wind ceased and they were so amazing themselves beyond measure and they wondered for they considered not the miracle of belows all of this going on the fear them being amazed at what was happening them wondering at what was happening he said they considered not the miracle of the loaves and then he said here's the issue here's why they didn't see supernatural things they could have stopped that storm they didn't have to be full of fear what happens in our lives when things are happening and he's already given us the supernatural means by which to handle the situation but for some reason we don't handle it what's the issue the issue is what is it that you're thinking on what are you considering more than than the miracles that he's already done in your life here he says for they considered not the miracle of the loaves they just left the situation [Music] where thousands were fed with with with with two pieces of fish and five loaves of bread they they were right in the middle of a supernatural happening they were right in the middle of a miracle but they started considering the natural circumstances and completely forgot about the supernatural issue they considered not the miracle of the lows and here's what he calls it when you consider the natural more than you consider the supernatural he calls it a hardened heart he says for their heart was hardened now if there is any one thing that can stop the supernatural from manifesting itself in your life it would be a hardened heart that one thing that will stop you see you live in the natural realm and yet there's a supernatural world that goes the same time that this natural world goes and so when you don't have any hope in this natural world you can access the supernatural world and do like abraham hope against hope but there are a lot of christians they don't do that they're just christians by name and christian by t-shirt but they ignore the fact that they have access to a supernatural higher level of living but they won't consider that they consider the natural and what they can see more than they consider the supernatural world and those things that they cannot see and so i said to you last week that hardness of heart is not just rebellion towards god that's not what we're talking about here hardness of heart in its simplest sense is relating more easily to the natural realm than you do the supernatural realm and most christians i know relate more easily to the natural realm they they consider what they can see more real than what they cannot see you see we're more moved by what we see than anything and for a christian that becomes a problem you're more moved by what you can see than anything and so you're limited you're in other words you only believe what you see you're only moved by what you see and and god has provided uh for us a higher level of existence but we will never tap into it and we'll never see it operating our life consistently because we only believe what we can see therefore our heart is hardened against the things we can't see against the supernatural world if you understand what i just said say amen we should be moved more by what god says we should we we should be moved more by what god says than by what the news says and right now you're living in a situation you're being moved more by what the news says and ain't paying no attention to what god has already said i think some of y'all need to shut it off i see i say i say i say i think some of you need to shut it down shut it off because you are giving more attention to what the world is saying and you're you're not even you're not even giving attention to what god has already promised you having a hard heart is defined as being deprived of wisdom deprived of judgment deprived of understanding when your heart is heartened you're you have no wisdom no judgment no no understanding look at mark chapter 8 verse 17 through 21 oh man this is going to be such a blessing to you somebody says well you start teaching yet no i'm just laying the foundation so we can all get on the same place all right now check this out mark chapter 8 verse 17 uh through 21 we read that he says and when jesus knew it he said unto them why reason ye because you have no bread perceive ye not yet neither understand have your heart yet hardened you see what jesus is saying he says we're in a situation here where they have no bread and you're you're considering you're giving your attention to having no bread and you have not yet been able to perceive that there are things that can operate on a higher level and bread not the lack of bread won't be no problem if you'll give attention to my provision oh my god then jesus goes around and jesus says this he says you have eyes but you see not right you have ears but you hear not and you do not remember do you not remember what you've already seen see there's something about when god does something in your life and it's supernatural and you can't explain it and you don't know how it happened you know it was god there's something about not forgetting it and when the challenges of life show up you need to have a flashback and remember what he's already done hallelujah because if he did it once come on somebody he'll do it again he says he says don't you remember when i break the five loaves among five thousand he said how many baskets full of fragments took ye up they say unto him twelve and when the seven among four thousand how many baskets full of fragments took you up and they said seven and he said unto them how is it that you do not understand jesus said twice you saw the invasion of the supernatural show up and do something that that was supposed to happen in the natural twice you were a part of it how is it that you don't understand how is it that you don't understand when god healed you one time that when sickness came back how is it that you don't understand that he can do it again how is it that you don't understand when when when when when when when your baby need to pass shoes and and all your money is spent and the rent was due and and something supernatural happened how is it that you don't understand that the same god that did what he did for you that time is ready to do it now i'll tell you how because you find that you get yourself so focused on what you can see and see when you're focused more on what you can see your heart has been hardened against what you can't see [Music] are you listening to what i'm saying now so the way your heart becomes heartened is by what you do not consider your heart becomes heartened because of what you do not consider you don't consider the word you don't consider the promise and you don't even consider what has already happened in your life and so what happens you are a christian coming to the church saying praise the lord with a hardened heart praise the lord lord help me feel better i'm just so depressed all this stuff going on in the world and this and that and and oh i'm scared and not like no no no no i ain't got time for none of that when my heart gets like that i know where to go i know what to start thinking i'm not going to sit up there and and let the television dictate to me where my attention goes honey i'm looking at a realm that is higher than where i am right now you remember elijah's servant when he saw the syrian armies around him and he thought they were doomed and and elijah prayed lord open the boy's eyes so he can see what's really going on and his spiritual eyes were open and he looked around and surrounding the syrian army were a host of angels and chariots of fire surrounding them i'm telling you right now you can look at stuff that's going on in the natural world but honey there's something greater going on in that supernatural world god's got your back [Applause] all right now watch this now this is so important the third word i'm about to mention in this sentence this is where our focus is going to be what you focus this is the word here what you focus your attention on you'll be sensitive to if you focus your attention on the troubles of the world you're going to develop a sensitivity to that what you focus your attention on here's how this whole thing's working satan is after the attention of believers he not he's not after the attention of somebody listen he's already gotten unsaved folks attention he wants to get your attention he wants all y'all locked up at home scared giving all your attention all your attention to whatever just don't give it to god just don't give it to his promises and don't consider the supernatural focus your attention that's what he's doing what you focus your attention on you'll be sensitive to what you neglect you will be heartened to which you focus your attention on you'll be sensitive to what you neglect you'll be hardened to are you neglecting what god promised are you neglecting the miracles that is already done are you neglecting what he can provide and do for you through the supernatural to neglect those things to just decide well i came to church to come here for an hour or so and then leave and then go back to giving your attention somewhere else dude you're wasting your time you might as well just stay home and look at cnn all night where's your attention going what what what trouble in your life that you're giving your attention to when trouble shows up in your life you got to immediately grab the attention from that trouble and go find a promise do you know you can go through the bible and select your victory what victory do you want in your life give attention to that praise god the bible says attend to my word glory be to god give attention to it this thing if this is kind of like a chess game you got to know how to play this game or the devil is going to wipe you out see before you can play church a little bit you understand but this is serious right now this is a serious night now people dying right now you better learn how to play this game right and the way you play this game is first of all realizing greater is he that is on the inside of me than he is in the world secondly realizing that i got a book of promises that god who cannot lie is ready to bring the past and thirdly you begin to realize to turn this thing all along i've got the key called my attention and now i will now focus my attention on god's word no matter what i see no matter what i hear no matter what i feel i'm not moved by what i feel i'm not moved by what i hear i'm not moved by what i see i'm moved by the promises of god and that's where my attention is gonna go and so now you turn things on so you can sit back and say well i don't think it takes all that fine whatever but after a while when you get tired of all the hell visiting you every day and you begin to realize wait a minute maybe i need to go on and do what the pastors say do see because we plan we've spent 20 30 years learning how to do church that we fail to learn how to do life it's time to learn how to do life now it's time to learn how to do life you've been you've been doing church playing that church shouting at church hey you know i do all that stuff that y'all thank you hey you're like well they ain't gonna do nothing for you baby you gotta get that attention on the promises and the word of god so that you can come out victorious every day of your life oh my goodness so focus your attention on what god's word says and neglect trouble your heart should be hardened towards the trouble hardened towards [Music] the attack of the enemy i've never seen you know the most dangerous man one one of the most dangerous men in the world is one who's in who's full of fear i ain't buying it i ain't buying it nope i will not wake up in the morning anxious shaking running to the tv to see what's happening what's gonna happen and full of fear i ain't doing it i ain't doing it i invite you to join me in a fast from bad news you have a brother dollars we don't if we don't ever look at we ain't gonna know what's going on god will tell you the only thing you need to find the only thing you need to know going on is is is is is what god tells you he'll tell you what's going on hey lord what's going on it's all good just stay focused what's going on lord i'm getting ready to come back get ready stay ready because you'll have no warning you won't have a second worth of warning there are things happening on this planet has never happened before and the whole world's recognizing they're blaming it on global warming instead of understanding it as a global warning oh he coming back for everybody that didn't believe it he on his way back i don't know when i don't know where somebody says how we gonna leave here you don't make me no mind if you want to swing low or sweet chariot i'll catch it if he wants to send the morning train i'll be glad to get on it if you want to send the old ship of zion i have no problem checking it but i tell you what i ain't stand here praise the lord he is on his way back jesus is coming back lord i'm feeling kind of baptised up here this morning [Applause] see most people have neglected the things of god and paid attention to the things of the world it's not it's not like the first time but see now that it matters the most now you're seeing what happens when you when you neglect that kind of stuff you know you know stress will amplify anything that's going on with your body stress will amplify stuff that's going on in your body now the cure for a hardened heart is a total commitment to keep our mind stayed on the lord the cure for a hardened heart isaiah 26 and 3 and psalms 4 8-9 the cure for a hardened heart is to keep or to have a total commitment to keep our minds there's the game the war the battle is up here you're going to win it or lose it up here the key is to keep your minds stayed on the lord a commitment to do that a commitment to do that which means it's not one of these things that i'm going to try to do if i have time it's one of these things that i am setting myself to discipline myself to do because i see how vital it is i see i see now how important it is this requires me to commit myself to this it requires me to it's not some little religious thing i go home and just forget about now my mind i've got to commit myself at the end of the day if i take a psalm tonight you know sometimes the end of the week your phone sends the amount of screen time that you have spent on the phone and uh if you were to take a a a total of the amount of time you've spent were your thoughts and your attention hopefully it will say that you've spent most of the time thinking and attending to the things of god in the word but you and i both that's both know that's not true with a lot of christians we have turned this thing into a drive-by okay we would drive by on sunday or drive by on the internet and you know drive by and stream by and go by and then return to the things that are defeating us because we're not making a commitment to discipline ourselves where our mind is concerned where our thinking is concerned follow me very carefully uh isaiah 26 and 3 says this thou will keep him in perfect peace perfect peace first of all peace is security in the midst of turmoil peace is security in the midst of turmoil and he says i'm going to keep him perfect peace so i declare over everybody at the sign of my voice the blessing of peace be over you right now peace is a blessing all right that will keep him in perfect peace who who's he gonna keep in perfect peace who is he gonna keep in perfect peace whose mind is what stay don't think now why would i even want to discipline myself to get my mind stayed on god and stayed on his word he said because i trust him so this is now the authentication of your belief really your trust in god you know if i really trust him first of all if i trust him i'm going to keep my mind on him if i keep my mind on him i'm going to stay in peace but you got to settle this issue do i trust god more than everybody else i trust god more than i trust the government i don't trust the government democrats or republicans none of them i i trust god them jokers could lie like a rug i don't trust none of them folks i don't believe a word none of it i trust god i'm living by god you understand do you please understand you know you know you're gonna die one day right you do know that you can't be here forever you are going to die one day you will have an opportunity to see what i'm preaching if it's right or wrong and and you know i'll be there uh well it depends on what address you go to i'll be at 7 7 i'll be at 7 7 holy ghost boulevard now if you go to 666 oh hell i don't know if i'm gonna be there you have to send me an email but 20 years ago i was in that car accident and when that car flipped over and i had that experience in the car and and they didn't even call the the uh the uh an ambulance they called the the folks to pick up dead bodies and when you saw it you thought man this is nobody's alive in there and i had that experience where i saw those angels go past my face and i'm you know i believed in angels but not like that you know because i told myself i'm gonna keep my eye open like oh god if i don't make it i want to keep my eye open to see how this all works i want to see how close my understanding was to it working and when i went and my eyes were open and i saw these people and they were out of focus and i was on one side and they were coming closer to me and the closer they got them the the clearer and they became into focus and when i thought i just kind of recognized somebody a voice came and said no too much unfinished business and and i came back and i didn't know if i was in my body out and i'm hanging upside down and i'm and i'm like what what just happened see i don't care whether anybody believes me or not man it's like there is no way after experiencing that that i'm gonna show up unprepared see jesus face to face with an excuse of why i didn't do what he told me to do i ain't doing that i'm not doing that i am not preaching to you know oh my god if i don't preach then people won't come to church i already told you if you don't want to come here you may leave i ain't scared no more because i've already preached the empty seats and it's not that bad i'm not doing that i'm not doing things to try to impress people i'm trying to do things to impress god i wear what i want to wear i ain't wearing no tie no collar just because you think a preacher ought to wear a tie and a collar i got a game to go to today ain't got time to be pulling up no time calling i got to put my falcons shirt on and get on out of here ain't no time caught you wear a tie and collar i'm hot i don't wanna win no time calling the time caller is not gonna be my pass into heaven praise the lord jesus christ and my belief in him is my entrance into heaven and you better get it with your small self that's what's going on with the world right now a lot of people think they watch this smarter than god until you die and wish you had the right escort jesus is coming back jesus is coming back i'm gonna cry loud like a trumpet jesus is coming back jesus is coming back somebody said you've been saying that forever how come he hadn't come yet because he waiting on your hard head they're gonna get your life together don't don't you turn that stream off you stay right right there i'm trying to save your life today stop don't go in the back door and go visit some other preachers stay right there and listen to me jesus is giving you enough time to get your life together and get born again so go ahead and make him your lord go ahead and make him your personal savior go ahead and get jesus in your life hallelujah i gotta preach jesus no more i can't be sitting up here just teaching oh you know with perfect articulation because that makes you feel well and it represents your family members when you bring them to church no i gotta preach like a john the baptist man i got to cry loud like a trumpet hallelujah you hadn't heard me over the last 40 years i've been trying to teach and tell you now i'm getting ready to just shout it like a crazy man to let you know that jesus is on his way back jesus is on his way back [Applause] and i'm gonna give him attention now i'm gonna give him attention and facebook ain't getting this attention instagram ain't getting this attention now i'm gonna give him the attention it's in him we move in him we breathe in him we have our very being hallelujah philippians 4 8 through 9. what's wrong with what's wrong what's going on what's up without this morning man i'm happy i'm happy that news fast best thing i could have done thank you jesus so i don't know what's going on we might be in the middle of war i ain't he know it what's happening why because i'm dependent on god take care of me well did you hear there's a fool showed it i didn't know that it seemed like i'm just being supplied maybe he just maybe maybe when i show up the angels just putting it all on the shelf for me i don't know i didn't know what i didn't know that was happening amen remember you know they got a water shot at charlotte well don't matter i got a whale and that well is full enough for every world changes see membership has its advantages [Applause] philippians 4 verse eight through nine finally brethren whatsoever things are true now watch this this is a don't ignore this whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise look at this think on these things is this so important that he had to give us instructions on what to think on those things which are what you have both learned those things that you've received and heard and seen in me do and the god of peace shall be with you the god of peace peace being with you is gonna be based on what you've been thinking about and what do you spend the majority of the day thinking about who are you renting space in your mind to what are you thinking about here's what i believe these scriptures are saying here's what i believe we have to do single-mindedness [Music] is the key yes my mind's got it's got to be single-minded you see you you might want to say well now you're fanatic no i'm single-minded single-mindedness is the key if you look at any person who has been mightily used of god you'll find that it wasn't because they were a great man of faith but it was because they were a little man of unbelief unbelief is what the enemy is trying to introduce into your thinking every thought that the devil brings to you is accompanied by unbelief now now follow me carefully now i'm going to say something really radical right now but give me a chance to finish it we've all heard and through religion and religious teachings you need to be holy you got to live holy you got to live holy you got to be holy you got to live holy you got to live holy you got to be right you got to live oh you got to be right because you don't live holy if you don't be right then god ain't going to be able to bless you god ain't going to be able to help you you got to be holy and then a god bless you you got to be right and then god then to god then god will bless you anybody ever heard that before or got that idea before all right now i'm not saying that there's a problem with you living right and doing right stuff like that but it's it's it's what we're saying we're saying you have to do this in order for god to do that and i'm saying i don't know if that's the whole truth here see with this goes the idea that god won't bless you if you don't live holy and that's false oh wait wait wait wait wait a minute brother dawg you trying to tell people not to leave hold on i'm not trying to go i'm trying to get you out of this idea of thinking that if you don't do this then god won't do that see that there's a reason why god can do this but it's not because of what you're doing to make him do are you are you with me let me finish it i'm on my way now god doesn't use you because you are holy or because of your holiness god has never had anybody qualified working for him yet never seriously you think because i'm the pastor i'm qualified dude i was and still am so unqualified to do this job you too well what has god done god has taken my unqualified self and showed me how to connect with him so he can do what i couldn't do and he put me in a position where i got to depend on him let me finish that let me put it all together here now it's not your holiness that moves god see we're always i got to do this and then i'll move god i got to do that and then i'll move god and so you think the supernatural happens because of what you're doing to make it happen watch carefully now it's not your holiness that moves god but your holiness and your separation and your commitment does determine how sensitive you are to god my commitment to god holiness holiness is not perfection let me give you what what holiness means to find it see you already are holy today you guys say holiness is being uncommon with the world that's why you're separated you separate you separate yourself from the world uh commonness is unholy being common with the world that's unholy being uncommon with the world separated from the world when the world is full of fear you're you're holy you're full of faith and peace when the world is sick you're holy you're healed that's what that means you take you took that upon yourself the day you got born again so what happens is is my my commitment to to to strive for that holy life to strive to be sep to walk in that separation from the world and to strive to that commitment to god it determines how sensitive that i am to god and what happens is i literally made a decision to give him my attention which now allows me to access his abilities you thought it wasn't happening because you were not flawless it wasn't happening because he didn't have your attention oh my god you thought it wasn't happening because you know some stupid you did or said the other day yeah god knows it was stupid and all that stuff but he'll use that to mature you but not punish you he's not going to withhold from you because if that was the case he'd have to withhold from everybody because all of us do some say some stupid stuff sometimes but what he's after is will you separate yourself unto me can i have your attention will you separate yourself from the world can i have your focus and if i can get you to focus on me and give me attention then the thing you know i can do will be done unto you i need your attention i need your attention now am i going to be susceptible to the to the doubt and unbelief of the devil oh yeah yeah you you you wake up in the morning if you give your attention to god satan's going to do everything he can in panic mode to try to get your attention back how can he get your attention back shoot a pain over there hold on have some come in have a iris letter come to you that they sent to you by mistake just enough to get your attention just for a little while some of you i'm caught dude this is a battle over your focus this is what this is and so this is going to sound strange when i say this absolutely you can learn how to overcome doubt you can learn how to overcome unbelief but it's greater it's a greater thing not to be tempted with the doubt and the unbelief in the first place what pastor is that possible what what what are you asking is it possible for me not to be tempted or tested or tried with the doubt and the unbelief i want you to remember something you can't be tempted with anything you don't think you can't i want i want you to just pause on that for a moment everything you've ever been tempted with was preceded by you thinking about it yeah you can't be tempted if you don't think about it i don't want to mention certain things from the pulpit but you know you can go back in on your own life so every dirty nasty good thing you did you spent a great amount of time thinking about it it dominated your thinking there's no temptation without you thinking about it you can't be tempted with anything you don't think about so you need to become a good custodian over your thought life ask yourself what you're thinking about because you if you keep thinking about that thing it will one day present a an opportunity every temptation you're faced with oh i've been thinking i just been thinking about weed i just can't stop thinking about weed you smoking it your thinking is the access point for those different things to come to pass and and it's a spiritual principle so god is trying to say don't you see it everything you've ever spent any time investing in your thinking in your thought life has become a temptation to you i need you to give me that do that with my word do that with me focus everybody say focus that's that's that's the key to winning this game in this crazy time who gets your focus i can tell the devil is panicking and i can tell the devil knows that jesus is coming back soon he don't know the day he don't know the time none of us do so don't be don't be calling me somebody pastor the lord told me that uh jesus is coming back next week at three o'clock and i'm gonna say use a lie no man knows the day nor the hour as soon as you give a time it it i can absolutely assure you it ain't coming that time if you say jesus coming uh today before the falcons play i ain't got nothing to worry about he ain't coming he's definitely not coming today i hope after the game i don't wish he would have came before they played [Applause] focus it's when you focus let's break it down a central point it's it's it's your attention it's to consecrate concentrate it's to target you you aim your attention at it and the opposite is true when you ignore or when you neglect something you aim your attention at where's your focus abraham's strength was that he was absolutely single-minded on god look at matthew 6 22 real quick abraham's strength was he was absolutely single-minded on god it's not enough for you to attend church or stream in the church and you know check your little box went to church today did my little goody goody deed until the word becomes a life it will never become a reality it won't happen it can't be this religious part of your your day look at matthew 6 22 this is so cool he says the light of the body is the eye all right so if the light of the body is the eye he says therefore thine eye be single if it's single then your whole body is going to be full of light your whole body because that that area that was the focus which was the light now impacts your entire body in other words if you fill yourself with the word of god the word of god will come out of you if you fill yourself with the word of god that word of god will come out of you now look at proverbs 23 7 we're familiar with this one proverbs 23 7. i i'm i'm yeah lord this is proverbs 22 he says for as he thinketh um you know i sometimes have to deal with these translators and how they put their commas in places because they're not rightly dividing the word but allow me to do this as he thinketh comma in his heart so is he as he thinketh comma in his heart so is he that's pretty powerful he says your thinking determines who you are in your heart who you are in your heart is based on your thinking your thinking determines who you are in your heart so whatever you are today is what you've been thinking about yesterday whatever you are today is what you've been thinking about yesterday you woke up this morning i'm depressed what were you thinking about yesterday what were you thinking about yesterday you follow me now ii peter chapter one and three i love this because it just kind of settles for me that it's the knowledge of god and his word that allows all these things to be made available to me according as his divine power have given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness so we have been given all things that pertain to this life and godliness but how do we get it through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and to virtue we get it through the knowledge of him whatever your life is is a result of what you've been thinking that's pretty powerful whatever your life is as a result of what you have been thinking what have you been thinking there's a whole lot of things to think about in this day and time and you have got to pull those thoughts and make those thoughts obey the word of god so here's here's the here's the deal here here's the deal here the real issue issue here centers around [Music] the matter of priorities it's it's it's a matter of priority when you choose what to think you're choosing what's priority in your life i found this in job chapter 23 and 12. could you flip there for a moment job 23 and 12 it's a matter of priority uh how have you prioritized the word of god and your thinking on an everyday basis have you prioritized that so you can hear what i'm teaching right now and it's it may not be a priority in your life well that's going to be a problem in this time and this time you're going to look just like the world because you are prioritizing their stuff over god's stuff okay job 23-12 says this neither have i gone back from the commandments of his lips i have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food do you know what he just said his words hold a greater and a higher priority in my life than food food ain't never going to be a problem to a guy who's allowed the word to be his priority are you listening to me and then to cap that off matthew 6 and um and 21 you know what what you what you prioritize will be your treasure treasure is what you value okay he says for where your treasure is or where your value is there will your heart be also so your heart is is where wherever your values are if you value food more than the word of god okay that's going to be the problem yeah you get in it sometimes you get in it periodically but it's not priority yet and the promise that god said made was seek ye first priority the kingdom of god and his righteousness will happen and all these other things will be what added unto you but he has not yet become priority this is an issue of priority you will do whatever you consider vital if you don't consider the word of god vital you're not doing it if you don't consider thinking the word of god and renewing your mind with the word of god vital see that's the thing is it priority is it vital if it's not priority if it's not vital you won't consider it you're not thinking about something that you don't think is vital you can only think about things that you think are vital and most haven't considered being separate from this world as a vital issue that's just not a big deal pastor come on it's becoming a bigger and bigger deal you you're going to start clearly seeing as it's rightly divided those who are operating in the vitalness of god's word and those who don't think it's vital you're gonna see it it's gonna be clear as day clear as day i'm not gonna be walking around i'm worried i'm not gonna be walking around concerned i'm gonna be you know oh my god i went to that store and oh do i have something i ain't doing that dude i'm if any sickness touch my body it dies instantly yes sir i ain't doing that now i ain't against nobody doing whatever they need to do but i i'm i'm i'm i i got i have to change my thinking does anything going on in the world capable of changing what he already promised i ain't doing it i'm gonna take care of myself i'ma do what i need to do and i advise you to take care of yourself and do what you got to do but whatever you do don't walk in fear [Applause] don't walk in fear [Applause] well what are you trying to say she ain't see i see what you've been attending to i'm trying to say what the words say you've been looking at too much tv you trying to make me think i'm saying what you have been attending to because you ain't been attending to what i've been into i've been attending to everything he's promised and so now i'm becoming a little bit more numb to everything everybody has scheduled because i am focused and made this world my priority and it is elevating my thinking and along with elevated thinking is wisdom of how to live through the thing this ain't numb but another fiery furnace you need some wisdom to live through it and wisdom is knowing what to do thoughts that are contrary to the word of god will bring with it unbelief thoughts that are contrary to the word of god will bring we got evidence all over the place thoughts that are contrary to the word of god will bring with it so when those contrary thoughts come [Music] they bring with it unbelief amen so every thought that you've had or having that is contrary to god's word has deposited unbelief every time you had it every time you had it i tell you boy it ain't gonna be hard at all for the antichrist to deceive this world weak minded people that don't know what to think about antichrist going to come and have a field day he'll be able to do it in like an hour tell you anything you believe in anything you hear and you got a god the bible promised you the holy ghost will tell you things to come [Music] and you won't even pay no attention y'all look at me like i'm crazy i ain't coming back here no more way if everybody don't come back here no more i just go and go to heaven turn this into a college park civic center i'm not i'm not moved by none of that no more i told you the greatest the greatest deliverance i've ever experienced is deliverance from people greatest deliverance ever but if you hang around here you gonna hang around the truth i'm gonna preach it as hard as i can come on you don't want no more truth hey man stream online to somebody else you can listen you can stream on worldwide now you can church hop through the internet without even leaving your house but we're we have been called by heaven world changers [Applause] say it out loud i'm a world changer say it again i'm a world changer glory glory glory say it again i'm a world changer [Applause] i'm making a mark that cannot be arranged glory to god hallelujah and god's getting ready to release world changes they're going to make marks that cannot be erased you're going to make a mark in your house you're going to make a mark in in somebody else's house if they let you in the white house you're gonna make a mark that cannot be erased world changers are not afraid world changers don't run from the devil world changing does not move by what they see they're not moved by what they hear they're not moved by the report of the doctor world changers are using the weaponry of the holy ghost world changers are using the power of the almighty god world changers are focused in on what god has said i'm a world changer i'm a world changer i'm a world changer glory be to god hallelujah my world changes glory to god that name was not given by mistake it was given on purpose it was given directly it was given for time such as this we're not looking at what the world does we're looking at what jesus has already done and it's time for the world changers to step up and step out and demonstrate the power of the holy ghost walking in the supernatural we're supernatural we're supernatural praise god yeah devil come to your house you laugh at him like boy i can't believe you stopped back by here i thought i kicked that tail enough when you came the last time but it seemed like you want some mo hold on a minute right now i got a new translation up in the triad on you i'm a world changer beautiful shadow i'm a world changer boy that thing i get if i celebrate i'm a world changer glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god [Music] excuse me i just had church by myself out there i'm a world changer man and about [Applause] thank you lord i'm a world changer hallelujah i'm a world changer honey when you step when you step in the store the atmosphere changes the anointing is on you burdens are removed yokes are destroyed because a world changer stepped up in their house glory be to god somebody said what does jesus have to say about that well he was the first world changer and in him we move and in him we breathe and in him we have our very being hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i don't preach myself happy up here hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah glory to god hallelujah glory to god everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right you don't have to worry you don't have to fret my god has never failed you yet excuse me i had to get that baptist out of me praise the lord everything is going to be all right [Applause] my god bit it all shalalabad [Applause] i apologize folks honey i'm happy [Applause] thank you lord hallelujah [Applause] when i think about jesus and what he's done for me when i think about jesus and how he set me free when i think about jesus [Applause] my god my god [Applause] [Music] my god the devil's going to wish he's never touched you he gonna wish he never put his hands on you he's gonna wish he never touched your finances he's gonna wish he never touched your marriage he's gonna wish he's never touch a relationship because when god gets through with everything it's gonna come back seven times better than it ever was [Music] so i don't know about you but i'm gonna go ahead and praise the lord because he's worthy to be praised i'm gonna go ahead and shout because he's worthy of the shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] calling all world changers it's time to pursue it's time to recover and it's time to conquer all praise the lord [Applause] i'm a world changer [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] i'm a world changer [Music] [Applause] i'm happy y'all i'm happy i'm happy come hella hot water i've been thinking about somebody that's greater than anything else i'm happy praise the lord [Music] and a lot of that happiness on me doesn't got on you [Applause] everything gonna be all right god's working on it right now [Applause] everything that's wrong he making it right you understand what i'm saying you just need to sit back in peace and just say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank thank him for stuff that hadn't happened yet hallelujah you're thanking for what you hadn't seen yet thank you for what you don't feel right now hey just go ahead and give him thanks because he's worthy of it praise god go ahead and give him praise because he's worthy of and praise god from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same my god is worldly to be praised heather said anymore [Applause] [Music] go ahead and lift your hands up right now just give him some man he worthy thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus hold my head thank you oh god thank you oh god thank you thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] let that anointing now increase let it decrease has been that whole time let it increase let it increase let it increase we live in the supernatural we live in the supernatural now come come move come come move sick be healed lame walk blind see [Music] lack be gone favor go ahead mercy keep enduring those of you who are on stream right now those of you who are in the dome right now i'm going to pray a prayer of salvation if you've never made jesus a lord of life you can join me and that can be taken care of let's do it right now father thank you in the name of jesus as i pray this prayer lord i pray that many will receive you now repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but i repent of all my sins i accept and receive the free gift of your forgiveness come into my heart sit on the throne of my life be my lord and my savior save me lord so right now by faith i declare that i am saved in jesus name congratulations if you just prayed that prayer if you just prayed that prayer you're born again now if you if you pray that prayer over the stream with me i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today those of you who just got born again i'm going to have you to come to the altar for a moment because we want to give you some things in the in the prayer room but if you can just sit down just for one moment let's go ahead and conclude our worship let's go ahead and conclude our worship through our giving amen i'm not gonna spend a lot of time on it it's real simple i'm a christian and that is equivalent my giving the bible says to honor the lord with your substance that's a that's a that's honoring god not trying to get him to do something that's honoring god because of everything he's already done thank you lord it's a thanksgiving offering it's an opportunity to say we appreciate you god give glory to his name bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness this is this is as a bigger part of my worship than anything i've done today get that in your thinking if you need an offering envelope raise your hands the others will be glad to give you one you're giving that way if you're on the line if you want to get through the text that information is there world changers space the amount 74483 you can also if you're at home or wherever you may be you can call that number on the screen one eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three you can also mail to the address on the stream or go to the website you can give there also here you know you can also access the code that's on the screen if for some reason that doesn't work the code is outside on the lobby on your way out you can access it and give through the cure qr code that way we are grateful for what god is doing in your life i'm praying for you all the time you're going to be amazing to the things of god the anointing for this miraculous end time move of god it's not going to come just from the pulpit it's it's moved into the congregation it's you guys in your everyday living your life all the things that you do god's gonna use you to impact somebody else's life and uh that's a blessing that's a blessing of the lord i apologize for screaming so loud to hurt your ears i really i really got i'm really happy and you know for those of you who enjoy me just teaching monotone i i get happy sometimes i you just don't know what god has done for me you don't know what he's doing for me and then there's an opportunity to just shout and give god praise and just thank him he's so good uh here's the cool thing about it you're gonna find out about as happy as i am you you too you too praise god amen well father we thank you for this opportunity to give we sow this seed with gratitude and with thanksgiving we love you we give you praise it's in jesus name we pray we worship you with this these gifts and we thank you for the opportunity to do so now lord you said you will multiply the seed that we sow so we're sowing this seed we think you're multiplying it but we're getting motivated by our love our appreciation and our gratitude for what you have done and for that all we thank you receive this as our worship in jesus name amen if you're giving through uh envelopes ushers go ahead and receive the offering and uh you can go ahead and access the codes if either way you choose to give to make that happen in jesus name so while they're receiving that if you are online and you desire to become a member of our church you can do it through any membership so become an e-member you can if you want to go on the web you can go to and click join at the top of the page also if you're on your phone and you want to text you can text join wcci all one word to 51555 and we'll send you all the benefits of e-membership including receiving today's sermon notes in your inbox access to e-church facebook community groups and to access to our virtual conferences and private e-seminars now if you're here live in the dome and uh you believe that god has called you and your family to be a part of this church there one there's one thing i want you to know if god has called you to join this church more than god calling you to join this church i want to pastor you taffy now we want to we we are up for the job praise god and uh so at this time we're going to have an altar call for those of you who uh got born again this morning and those of you who believe you're supposed to join the church if you get your personal belongings and come on down right now we will receive you right now in jesus name you can come [Applause] so grateful so thankful all is well with your world changers all is well [Applause] at this time we have uh come on down we thank god for you whatever decision you made we want to be there to help you to enhance that and to provide information that will be easily understood so that you can continue what god's called you to do so if you'll follow this gentleman right here to the prayer room you're going to have some folks to meet you upstairs uh give and get some information from you and we are grateful and thankful for all that he has done in your life amen praise the lord amen all right church if you go ahead and stand up for the final blessing [Music] i declare over your life that the angels of god watch over you and you're blessed and you're going in you're blessed and coming out i plead the blood of jesus over your life i declare you're protected from all hurt harm or danger your life has been redeemed from destruction i declare that you walk in perfect health i declare that your immune system is strong and vibrant i thank god in jesus name that no weapon that's formed against you although it is formed it will not work against you i thank god that the favor is going ahead of you divinely arranging things before you even arrive at that point i think that his mercy is still enduring forever in jesus name and now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you everybody have a wonderful day
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 60,866
Rating: 4.9109082 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: GJdpfKle6ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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