A Special Message from Jesse and Cathy Regarding Hurricane Ida

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hello ladies and gentlemen this is jess and kathy the planters and if we look dirty we are dirty we haven't had a bathroom about full days or nothing because there's no water electricity but if you hear any big buzz out here we have a generator at the church if you look behind us there's some damage over here we lost the staple of if a few things and everything of that nature if you can look at it and uh go ahead kathy if you want to say something yeah we're right here in destrehan louisiana which is about 20 miles from new orleans you may have seen that on the map we've just come through hurricane ida just a few nights ago and and we just want to know want you to know that we're safe our family's safe we have quite a few of our team that's here already clearing away the debris helping us to get things back in order and we just want to tell you thank you so much for all the prayers and the concerns and and we haven't had a lot of communication because the a lot of our services through att and that that's been down but we're hearing we feel your prayers and we thank you so much for continuing to do that we're going to come out of this bigger and better than before well you know when the thing was coming we had 168 mile an hour gust in my backyard and most people's places are destroyed but look at this we lost some of the top of this and the thing but nowhere near everybody that is cosmetic and it'll be repaired praise the lord for that it's amazing that uh most people it would be totally devastating but the lord had his hand on us and everything but someone might ask me well why did you stay well first thing i prayed about it and the lord said he said he said i want you to stay because you see when you're leaders you know somebody may need some help leaders don't run away leaders stay leaders go through things you know kathy for years they used to call me a sergeant or corporal now i've been i've been for the last five ten years that introduced me as a general and i said a general i said well i know one thing generals don't leave you understand they lead the troops so we're doing all we know to do right now we apologize if you can't get to us many people say how can we give uh you can go online use paypal is that yeah i think the team that we have some of our team that's not even here they're they're doing this remotely thank god for technology so they'll be able to connect with you guys we'll be able to see your comments and post uh eventually right but we just know that your heart is with us and we thank you so much we know that we're praying for you whatever you may be going through people in the area that maybe have suffered loss we don't really know everything that's been going on but we want to hear what's going on in your life as well because we want to pray and agree with you for a full restoration you know we pitied the devil he dared to touch anything that we've got pitted the food he's definitely what we got well we know this that he's got to return it sevenfold a lot of people have been calling in the substance of his house and all the subs bankrupt the devil but a lot of people said how can we help well i mean you can help it right now i mean i'd love to take supplies but we can't because we don't have no we don't have no sewage facilities and things of that nature believe in god that to come up pretty soon yes thank god for generators and things of that nature but uh anyway god has been so good and gracious now you might see us like on boardroom chats and uh fake the facts we hadn't been able to do that but we're gonna we're gonna get it done very very very soon so you might see a re-run for a week or so or something like that but we'll be back up and running i know every day things are changing and improving we're just believing that we'll get back and run up and running quicker than possible y'all please agree in faith with us for that so a lot of people have been i don't mean this to sound but all we want to do is help and we're helping people some of our staffers has a lot of devastation we're going to help them a lot of people say how do we give how do you donate i guess you just go to jdm.org yes and then i think also on the social media platforms we'll have a place and an opportunity for you to be involved if the lord is leading you to do that just know only if the lord is leading you yeah we're going to be already definitely you know we don't receive nothing but when god tells somebody to give to us then that anointing of increase that's on me and you kicks into them see that's how that works and just know that everything that's given toward the hurricane uh disaster relief will go towards that right and there's lots of need in our area and the lord will direct us on how to do that yes and i just want to give you all a scripture that just blessed me so much i read this today because when things like this happen you know it's so important where did it go okay well while you find that let me just say this when hurricane katrina hit we came here we took care of it and every dollar every dollar that came in relief we managed it to the people locked stock and barrel i'll let you know what it was now this is 2005. it was about three million dollars and a lot of people said buddy if you want to trust somebody that it'll get to the right place send it to our ministry they did well we're not believing god for that much now because we don't even bad as it is people learn how you know to build houses better and things of that nature but i i thank you for your donation if you want to do that but let me just say this and i mean this sincerely the lord's not leading you to do it then don't because it said the anointing increase is on me it is 100 on me and when people obey then that comes back well let me show you something nobody can get holy anybody to put tarps on the roof we lost about 50 of the shingles at my house anyway to make a long story short it's almost completely tarped up we had it in one day and a half people just rushed to our church rushed to my home said what can we do another blessing that is that anointing because they trust this thing which i'll say this to all the people my partners know i trust you you trust me and we both trust god but i tell you what kathy we're going to get that steeple back up there he couldn't knock it all down he just he just got the point of it right there yeah and we have the pieces around here but we're going to restore it because it is a testimony for god in our region in our area now if you want to laugh at something sleepy pull the camera down you can see me in shorts what do you think huh good god don't you didn't have to do that you could spare the people there they're the people i had this scripture i found it went off anyway but i have it it's just something jesus spoke to his what he's speaking to my heart and i believe it was speaking to yours anybody that's going through any of this and i know it just didn't affect where we're at it was brought devastation in a lot of areas it says and john 14 27 is the passion translation it says i lead the gift of peace with you my peace not the kind of fragile peace given by the world but my perfect peace don't yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts instead be courageous no matter what hits you be courageous and when you to make a determination to receive that peace of god his courage will be deposited in your heart and you'll be able to overcome no matter what comes your way i made up my mind years ago when god saved me that i don't run i'm not bragging about i don't run from nothing because great as he was in us than he was in the world and we're getting things done for the lord jesus christ and i mean even today i was ministering to some people that could barely speak english but they understood what i was talking about right so i'm asking you today to pray for us and believe with us we'll be back up and running pray for the city of new orleans let me just say what happened normally we wouldn't have had this but the way that crazy storm when it was supposed to go uh actually left of us but what happened is rhema got so much damage all of a sudden they turned right and we got into the eye wall and we had 168 mile an hour gus 140 mile an hour sustained wind but i tell you what you go to other places they all toe up but we got a lot of damage but not what i call terrible damage you see we can fix this a couple of gaping holes that's going to be repaired we'll put tarp over it and then we'll repair it properly yeah in our production district center well you know fritz guy works for me right where his desk is all the i sheetrock and say the laughs it's like this fellow he's a funny guy he would laugh about it so i had to take a picture of it and i sent a picture to him and said look hey fritz i want to see the new skylight that's in your office it's really beautiful the sky's bright blue you're going to love it well watch this we didn't even have to ask people rushed to us contractors and everything what can we do for you by jesse and that touches me you know yeah so wonderful because you've done so much for us yeah excuse me yeah so we're standing strong we believe in god and god's doing some great amen amen so keep praying for us we'll have this baby up and running before you know it and once again thank you for praying for your donations and like i say if you want to give just say relief that's all you got to say and it'll go 100 to that it'll be a blessing and god will honor people today so kathy you must have put some makeup on girl yeah look at me i look like look at his hair it ain't been washed hey you don't have to do it i got this oh yeah i'm here to tell you what i did tell him to change his shirt and look what he did he put our theme shirt on and i believe we've got a lot of things god's going to do i had a bunch of shingles fly by she been trying to get me inside our swimming pool thank god for the swimming pool because you use the water to flush the toilets and we're sharing our water with neighbors yeah we're doing everything we can but i had to dive in there and she couldn't get over there to get all that stuff down deep all that shingles and stuff like that you thought that was funny i think it was great anyway can we pray for you yes i want to do that father in jesus name wherever people are i don't care if they have damage anywhere they can be in california whatever their spires all kind of stuff lord minister healing minister gloriously power right now to each and every one i come against that covet that delta barrett in the name of jesus and i find it that's it the healing power of god touch any more people thank you we decree and declare wherever they are lord that you will bless them spiritually physically yes and financially in jesus name this is kind of a rough cut i hope i'm not talking too loud i don't know we're trying to overpower the generator that's just about 100 thank you to god for that generator lord jesus because you know what man you go and you go ah when we get the water then we'll be in good shape protected our equipment or our servers are in place yeah a lot of people here don't have generator but they don't want to leave because of looting and we understand that so let's pray for them get that electricity back on and i will tell you something and the energy people they are working as fast and as hard as they can so again thank you we love you we pray for you and partners we're strong we believe in god we ain't missing nothing yeah so i thank each and every one of you for helping us right what can i say i trust you you trust me we both trust god i told the lord i said lord you're gonna have to put your hand on this was stronger than hurricane katrina in terms of the wind because when she hit us at almost a cat five uh hurricane katrina was a cat problem she dropped to a cat three but we were on the left side of the tongue we were in the most powerful part of the storm the northeast quadrant and most people don't have buildings but look at this yeah i mean by i mean my lord so we're gonna put that we're gonna put that snipper back at that little spire and i'm gonna put a big crossing so every time the devil looks down at the principal you look at the cross and i'll just go nah nah nah nah but anyway god is so good until next time we love you and thank you for your prayers thank you for donating yes and everybody that's evacuated just know that our hearts are with you you're going to be safe and you'll come back everything will be restored we just one big family we're just spread all over the place right now but we're together in spirit let me tell you some of my employees are at different places right now if you come back right now [Music] you don't have electricity check on your houses and all that kind of stuff but i'll tell you this much don't worry about everything i want to get the banks up and running everything's okay as far as that concern and so until next time thank you for listening to us and believing with us and bless god we just like i say nothing against people that left but we don't live baby i mean because you know people need prayer i don't care if i gotta sweat not i'll do anything to get pray for someone i don't care if i don't need a shower for two weeks at one point i might be standing a little farther away one one person called he said how you feeling i said i feel like david crockett there's no water you gotta drink out the river do whatever you can but we're getting it done so what shall i do for thee right here yeah what's up well i'll tell you what help us to get this thing back up and running as fast as it can yeah it's what shall what a blessing of the lord so this is jesse and cathy cathy uh keep that makeup on you're looking better well the longer we stay out here the worse it's again because it's about 90 something degrees right now and no air conditioning but we got it in the in the rooms because of the uh yeah but we wanted you to see some of what's been going on i think they're going to take a few pictures maybe layering them on top so you can see a little bit but just stick with us and pray with us because we're coming out of this stronger than before and we was going to take a picture of it and go in there to show you prince's office but if he saw it he'd love to pass out and i need him i don't want him to pass out well they've already started cleaning up okay great great so until next time this is jesse and kathy saying we love you we will back up with the boardroom chats and the faith the fact that it's possible as soon as possible so you may see a rerun but you know we've had a lot of people ask could you rerun that other one you did well i don't we'd like to stay current yeah we're like to be current we're gonna stay current as much as we possibly can so all that humming back there is not kathy's singing that's the generator until next time we love you we'll see you soon god bless you bye-bye
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 85,942
Rating: 4.9488087 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Hurricane Ida
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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