EMIC is LIVE with Sunday Service! 9.12.21

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[Applause] [Music] praise is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy [Music] with me [Music] we honor the name of jesus the name that is above every name the name that is above confusion the name that is above sin the name that is above deceit the name that is above sickness the name that is above poverty the name that is above strife and every enemy of the church i thank you lord that we are seated with christ in heavenly places right now and from that post from that position we say all hell the name of jesus all glory to the name of jesus and let all of his enemies be scattered let all of his enemies be under our feet for we are his body the body of the anointed one the body of the king of kings and the lord of lords glory to god we triumph glory to god we reign glory to god we are more than conquerors through him because he has loved us father we thank you for the united states of america and we lift this nation to you we remind you lord that the covenant this land was established on and you are faithful to our founding fathers you are faithful to the covenant you are faithful lord that the covenant that they established in your name on your word by the blood and sealed it lord even with their own blood spilled to establish this nation as a land set apart for you we thank you father for a constitution that is established on the word of god and it will not pass away it will not pass away it will not pass away for we as the church have need of this nation we have needed this nation among the nations to continue to proclaim that jesus is lord we thank you father that you are working all things together for the good of those that love god and no matter what satan stirs no matter what darkness tries to prevail the light is brighter and the light in the church is greater we say in jesus name this nation will not go down this nation will not go under but there's a great awakening in our land a great awakening in our land we thank you for it in the name of jesus we bless this we bless this church we bless these people we bless our partners we bless israel we bless the covenants of god we bless the people of god and we thank you father for your hand upon us today in jesus name you agreed with that what would you say amen amen look at somebody and tell them yes and amen it'll be just that way and you may be seated [Music] hallelujah good morning it's so good to see you this morning welcome welcome into the house welcome to eagle mountain international church where love is king and jesus is lord hallelujah and he will have his way in the house today i'm telling you well first of all i want to say welcome to all of those who are here this morning for the very first time would you raise your hand we'd like to give a special welcome to you this morning first timers we see hands all around praise god so so glad that you're here this morning we have a special uh offer for you today there's a card in the seat back behind in front of you if you're on the front row though i think i saw a few first-timers on the front row you brave souls you we did tell you that everyone that's new on the front row gets us to come prophesy right did we tell you that hallelujah well i promise you before you leave today you'll be able to if you so there's a card and if you'll fill that out then we want to invite you after the service today for a quick reception in the hospitality room just to my right we have a gift for you we have some very friendly folks who are there to greet you and answer any questions you may have pray for you anything that we can do to be a blessing to you even one more time before you get out the door it's important now we'll take that card and we'll pray over it we believe god that you you came here by divine assignment and so we don't take that lightly we will take your name and pray over that call your name before the lord and we've got some folks around here that know something about praying we don't know it all but we know enough to to shake up a few things praise the lord we're grateful for that and we have some very special guests here this morning though i would like all of those that traveled with pastor nancy dufresne if you traveled and came here to be a part of her her group today would you please stand up we want to give a special welcome to you today hallelujah thank you jesus so glad to have you this morning welcome to the mountain welcome to the mountain some of you i know you're from california and you you think you're wondering where that mountain might be [Applause] if you hadn't seen it well you're just not the spirit enough you'll get there it's the mountain where eagles do fly praise the lord we are glad that you're here today and let's welcome everyone that's watching this morning from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle on all our victory channel outlets would you welcome them in the service today we're glad you're here and i want to remind all of you that are watching that we have a prayer line that's open all during service even after 877-281-6297-877-281-6297 because we need to be but licensed because we made sure that they know what they're doing in the word of god so they are on the other end of that prayer line because they've been taught and trained in the word to go to the word and pray for you in faith believing and i'm telling you holy ghost stuff happens when you get a hold of somebody that knows something about the word of god and faith in him so you are free to call that prayer line you also can call and subscribe to the victory magazine and we'd love to send that to you free of charge every month or if you have a testimony we'd love to hear from you give us your testimony and let us hear the good things that god is doing so that we can share those things when they come praise the lord let's see well we wanted to let you know a couple of things that are going on over in the louisiana area as we have been our teams have been going on i wanted to give you a report on that first of all our our preliminary teams the ones that go out before we take the the big groups they went out they began to assess situations of course we have a call campaign that starts immediately reaching out to partners in that area that we have information from them and we start checking on them and making calls of course in those situations a lot of times we can't reach partners for a while because phones electricity cell towers etc but we have been to eight louisiana cities so far destrehan really huma kenner laplace thibodeaux norco and loranger and one that i just not even going to make an attempt but we went there and when they get back we'll ask them where they've [Applause] been so they have reached out to 85 partners and made contact with 25 of them these are we we kind of work from the inside out we go to the hardest hit areas and then work our way out uh to help them so we have already reached out to five partners we've and uh reached of course left messages and so forth to others we have been working with the thibodeau family church they have been open there from nine to five they've been offering food and water ice etc and we've been working with them we praise the lord for what they've been doing and supporting them as well then food distribution we have been working with two different two dif other groups but also brother jesse's church this morning praise the lord we're so thankful to be able to help them and they were hit pretty hard they were blessed to the lord that they didn't have any you know nothing was absolutely lost but they have had a lot of damage to their property to the church and so forth and our guys that did go early on as we told you last week they were in cutting down trees clearing the parking lot got a lot of work done and made it possible for them to have church last sunday and again this sunday but we also have been bringing in supplies along with some other groups including from keith moore's church have been sending semis full of supplies to them in order for them to distribute now they did something i thought was just brilliant instead of yes same they were you there so instead of having a central low place location for people to come because traveling so many 168 mile an hour winds knocked a few things down and so people getting there was was difficult so the people that could get to the church their church members they opened it up for their church members and invited them to load their cars and load their pickups and take it to people they knew they had need and that way each of those people got personal attention they they had a number of people that were with critically needing generators and it's humid and hot there and so brother jesse they spent a hundred thousand dollars helping get generators for different people and because a lot of people did lose their homes in fact many of their staff had such damage that their homes were inhabitable uninhabitable so they had been putting some people up in their offices some at their house and different as to keep their operations going as best that they can and it's really a shame that the media that one one cranky person that didn't get a generator handed out to her got fussy went to the media and so they've been making it look like well you know how they do but we don't give attention to that we thank god for the supply that they and what they have been doing is phenomenal there and so they're doing it again we sent another semi there that arrived this week of food for them to distribute and hand out our teams left this morning though to begin to work with helping partners and helping others in that area so they left this morning we'll have another team that will go out september the 19th through the 23rd and the 26th through the 30th so we still have some some spaces open for you to go if you are able to just work hard we ask you to go and you can go to emic.org relief emic.org relief and you can sign up we'll reach back out to you and get you the information and interview you but we we have some open spaces and we need more hands on deck for this it's it's hard work and it's 16 hour days but praise the lord we're there to be of service and to be a help and it's good seed sown for when you need help amen praise the lord so this week they're gutting homes they start today gutting homes because there was a whole area that did flood and so we're helping partners in that area and they're on their way to new orleans right now and then we'll return thursday glory to god we're so thankful for a church that's full of compassion and people that'll reach out and yes pastor so they need power and they need power now yes electricity i want you to stand up right now we're going to come into agreement right now they have power power wonder working power amen let's agree together for them the the uh officials there said they wouldn't get power until september 29th that is unacceptable that's unacceptable others have gotten power so we're going to claim and believe for jesse and kathy for their area there in destrehan they receive power there's light in the land of gosh light in the land of god amen father we come into agreement right now with jesse and kathy we pray for them thank you lord that they're on the victory side of this thank you for all of the people that they've been able to help and continue to help but lord they need power they need electricity and they need it now so we claim it we release our faith right now in the name of jesus that power has come to them and they are able to resume the preaching of the gospel in full force we believe it we receive it and we take it with them in jesus name now give a shout of praise praise god hallelujah one thing one thing i want to say to us and we learned some things through our snowvit attack last year but it is smart to be prepared it's smart get a generator do what you need not just for yourself but you can help others and so while the the planets have been criticized they learn from katrina and they have a generator for their house and for their church but that's not enough for all the people okay so we we're gonna be smart and we'll be prepared as well for things that haven't happened but i learned a lesson talking to kathy she said and a lot of people were smart enough so it's not just for yourself that you're prepared but it's so that you can help others so you need they need to know that the finances that we're using have come from this church to be able to help them kenneth minister disaster relief fund that's right the money that's coming in plus we're buying equipment and we're going to expand our own equipment resources for our teams that are going out we've started buying up more things and we're going to start being even more prepared to help in these situations amen okay all right you know there's other things going on there are other things that happen in place so what do we need to do we need to watch our screens attention all emic men our monthly men's breakfast is coming up on saturday september 18th at 8 a.m in the headquarters dining room what a powerful time we had last month you won't want to miss this time a fellowship a word from me your men's pastor alva registration is required for more information and to register please go to emic.org events [Music] emic family we are thrilled to be praying over victory thon again this year you're invited to join us right here in the sanctuary sunday september 19th through wednesday september 22nd from 6 p.m to 11 p.m as we use our faith on purpose and make tremendous power available for this live event these prayer times will be come and go for more information please go to emic.org prayer ministry inviting parents young adults and yes the wise at heart to come and partner with us in super kid academy it is always fun and always exciting i like just like interacting with the kids the impact on the kingdom that we get to make and serving with the children it really changes uh your perspective and especially the rewards in heaven that you'll see just by being you know available if you would like to sign up to volunteer stop by any super kid classroom to pick up an application or go to emic.org and click next steps 2021 is the year of the local church and emic is on the move we're taking new ground expanding our reach and boldly stepping into new levels of faith love and authority what a great time to be a part of this local church we want to invite you to become a member of eagle mountain international church our fall membership course starts on sunday october 3rd for more information or to register for the course go to emic.org membership it's offering time everybody glory to god open your bibles to the psalm 112 psalm 112 and we're going to receive this offering for the church and then after pastor nancy speaks we are going to receive a magnificent glorious overwhelming offering for her amen amen what a giving church this is you guys blessed me so much what a giving church psalm 112 verses 1 and 2. it says praise ye the lord blessed now behave praise ye the lord blessed is the man that fears the lord that delights greatly in his commandments his seed shall be mighty upon the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed when you read that there it's talking about when it says the seed shall be mighty upon the earth he's talking about children grandchildren but i was reading this scripture one day and the lord impressed me that our seed that we give is also mighty upon the earth the word mighty there in the hebrew means powerful and strong never underestimate the power of your seed even in this offering today let's not do same old same old not just just pass and plunk as they say but use your faith use your faith because you are holding in your hands something that is so powerful so strong it says that his seed shall be mighty upon the earth say my seed is mighty upon the earth let me read this scripture to you in second corinthians 9 6 it says he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully the message translation of that says a lavish planter gets a lavish crop i like the passion translation the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest there is a huge harvest inside every seed that we sow you know you look at an apple and there's an orchard in an apple you look at your seed and there's a magnificent harvest that is in there and our seed is more powerful than we realize how powerful is the seed well i'll refer to something that pastor terry said a few years ago and when i first heard it i i was just amazed at what was said and have believed it ever since but she said this the harvest of my seed will swallow up my need think about that talk amongst yourselves no the harvest the harvest of your seed will swallow up your need and i went to the dictionary to look up that term swallow up just to get more clarification about this and listen to this when we're talking about a harvest swallowing up a need we're talking about something to swallow up means to completely destroy something it also means to disappear and stop existing and they gave a couple of examples in sentence form the whole building was swallowed up by flames it was completely destroyed another one they used was a 40-foot sinkhole swallowed up the house so you see that word swallow up is so important to us as we focus on our harvest and how the harvest will absolutely eat up whatever need that is there another word that was used was to gobble gobble up the harvest of my seed gobbled up my need so as we give this morning i want you to really take hold of that statement your seed is powerful the seed that you sow today is mighty it's powerful and it's going to produce a magnificent harvest and i want you to do this let's say this together say this after me say as i sow my seed and give my tithe i realize how powerful it is really think about that just for a moment how powerful that seed is it's so powerful it will eat up debt the harvest of our seed will eat up debt it will eat up past due bills it will eat up any lack or poverty that tries to settle in my seed is mighty upon the earth it has the potential to produce a mighty harvest because my seed is so powerful my god will liberally supply all my need according to his riches and glory the harvest of my seed will swallow up my need the harvest of my seed is swallowing up my need the harvest of my seed has swallowed up my need [Applause] my need has disappeared my need has been destroyed my need has stopped existing the harvest of my seed has completely gobbled up my need can you praise god for that oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you pastor terry for that revelation so powerful so wonderful father was we pray over this offering right now we thank you we thank you for needs being wiped out we thank you right now for jesse and kathy that whatever they need i thank you for the repairs everything that it takes i thank you that their ministry is increasing more and more and more as a result of this attack i thank you that they are coming back stronger than ever before we agree with them over everything that needs to take place and once again we believe for power power for electricity power for communications power for everything that they need to do and we agree together every need that we have is swallowed up by the harvest of that seed and we give it in faith believing you today in jesus name amen and amen those of you that would like an envelope and you're sitting on the front row just raise your hand we'll get one to you uh those of you behind will you'll be able to get your envelope in the seat back in front of you you can make your checks payable to emic those of you that are giving by text text the number 36609 and the keyword emic and then also if you're watching right now emic.org give emic.org give and that information will be valuable to you as you sow that seed and as you reap that mighty harvest amen regina come out here come out here i want you to give regina jollof a great great hand it is so good to see you so good to see you i just saw you the other day on youtube singing behind brother hagin what a time you had with him i'm just so amazed by you being able to to be with him on all of those meetings and just catch that that the sense of the moving of the spirit and the preaching of the word of faith and so we're so glad you're here today and she's going to sing for us so give her a great welcome good to see you thank you so much it's an honor to be in the presence of god amen it's an honor to be with the body of christ we're the blood of jesus unites us where we can stand without blame in his presence we're seated this morning in heavenly places are you thankful for what he's done for you let's just lift our hands and glorify jesus for what he's done for us through the blood of his for the blood lord we thank you we glorify you we magnify you we glorify you jesus we're so grateful for all you've done for who you are in our life oh we're so thankful lord how can i say thanks for all the things you have done for me [Music] things so undeserved yet you gave to prove your love to me the voices of a millionaire angels could not express [Music] our gratitude amen all that i am and dear hope to be i owe it all [Music] to god be the glory [Music] [Applause] me [Music] he [Music] has saved me [Music] foreign [Music] my life let it be pleasing lord to me and if i should let it go [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you jesus be seated for a moment if you would please i was watching on youtube just a few weeks ago something that popped up and it was about nancy dufrey and i watched i thought this is really really really good and it's it really is we're using it as an introduction to her today because this is her first time speaking at emic itself [Applause] i was ready for some other girl power in the platform [Applause] we need to do a t-shirt a t-shirt so before pastor nancy comes we want you to see this and just enjoy this look at her life what she has done and praise god what she's going to do so you'll see that we have royalty with us today in more ways than one when you watch the video so let's roll that guys when i was uh about 10 years old i started taking piano lessons and we had an old upright piano in the house and you know with six people in the house and the house was about as big as a cracker jack box it was small you imagine that piano got beat on you know and but it was all all my family could afford at that time and my piano teacher she was quite a she was quite a little spitfire she was about 80 something but really i thought she's like 120. you know when when someone is 10 everybody over 30 is ancient so she came over to the house one day and she saw that piano and she said to my mother is this what nancy is practicing on she said uh-huh she said get our new piano all right get right on that you know but it was about two or three days later my uncle he called my mother and said carolyn i just bought another piano and he said i wanted to know if you wanted my opinion on she said i would love to have it like this is two or three days after mrs parrish told her it was just the goodness of god why because it was attached to something i was born for [Music] oklahoma nancy chapman i'm a student at oral roberts university where i have a major in piano performance and a secondary at the piano nancy chapman miss oklahoma [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was over in munich germany in 1984 and i was spending some time because i just met nancy and and uh i i liked her and and and so forth like that and and then i saw us fall in love with we just went out a few times but i liked her spirit i i you know and so i i'm over there with them and i'm praying and god came into my room said yeah she's the one so i told her i phoned her and told her when i get home buying a ring after five weeks let the lord put that together but the lord put it together and he said when i come back i'm not just buying you a ring as soon as i get back we're getting married so we did and from then on it was days of heaven on earth [Music] do [Music] so i got up they introduced me and i said now my wife's got an exhortation out of the world she got up and she taught out of the word of god never ask me never put pressure on me to teach or preach and i saw that gift and he told me then he said now you help her to develop that gift patsy biermann camanetti now she said dr frank you have a gift in you to pull out giftings out of people and me and the holy ghost worked on her to the finest in my opinion one of the finest teachers on this planet earth so i introduce you to somebody that i highly esteem in my life your children a steamer this church esteemer pastor nancy defrank come on [Music] come on give god praise for that hallelujah stand up stand up thank you jesus praise god thank you jesus we're so honored to have nancy with us my dad goes to visit her church every year to minister there he likes to go there because the spirit of faith reigns in the house he always comes back talking about what a time that he had there and that that is of course thankful to the congregation but it's because of great leadership i had the great privilege of preaching with her husband ed about 40 41 years ago in the philippines he and i jumped on top of trash cans and began to preach down in the middle there the philippines and had quite a move of god we saw we went into some huts together and we saw somebody get raised up from their death bed just going into huts so but this is the first time that we've had the privilege i've had the privilege of sharing a platform with sister nancy dufresne and it's our honor and our privilege today so would you please give a great emic welcome to pastor nancy dufresne praise the lord father we're here and we're hungry we've come to cooperate with the fullness of your plan for this service in that plan is our answers in that plan holds our help in that plan holds miracles and healings and your best so father we thank you for this place we've come and believing you for words that bring heaven to earth holy spirit it's your great opportunity that we are here providing a place for you to fulfill the father's heart in our midst and it's our opportunity we take it we receive what you have for us today and we thank you that when we leave this place we'll be changed amen greater glory is on the other end of that change we come up in our thinking we come up in our speaking we come up in our doing we come up in our believing and we thank you that all that you have provided for us it's ours totally and we take it and everybody said amen turn around and give somebody around you a great big god bless you this morning then you can be seated hallelujah good morning everyone i want to say a great big thank you to pastor george and pastor terry pearsons for having us and inviting us really i didn't have the good thing is you saw the people that came with us thankfully i have to pay for their way they paid their own ways they just heard we were going to be there be here and they said we want to come so i'm so glad to be with them and to be with you this precious congregation that is doing so much to make an effect not just in the earth but in the realm of the things of god and so we're just thrilled to be here with you um it's not easy to express all that this day holds for the deframe family it was 50 years ago this year that my husband first heard a man by the name of kenneth copeland i know where brother copeland was at 50 years ago he was at the denver hilton hotel preaching at the full gospel businessmen's world convention my husband was it was 1971 my husband was part of his local church serving in the ministry of helps and somebody handed him a brochure inviting him to the full gospel the full full gospel businessmen's world convention and god said to him i want you to go and my husband said god i don't have the money to go he was in southern california then and god said sell your house you don't do that unless god tells you but if you do something good's connected to it and his house sold in one day and he got the money and showed up and he went to that conference that was the meetings were held there in the hotel at the different meeting rooms and ballrooms and he heard for the first time a man by the name of kenneth hagin he heard for the first time a pastor by the name of john osteen and someone that was really uh younger and newer on the scene a minister kenneth copeland and uh that day set some things in motion for this ministry and my husband he was in his 30s at the time but he was able to coerce his way down into what they called the dungeon they're in the hotel and they were having the youth meeting and ed wanted to be in on the youth meeting because he heard that this fellow by the name of kenneth copeland was going to preach there so he he worked his way in and he heard a sermon called the covenant man david and his life was marked and his life was changed and he came out of that meeting and he stood in the lobby area and he said to somebody is there a way to get more preaching messages of this fella and a woman was standing by him and said yes there is and a lady by the name of glory copeland handed him a brochure [Applause] and he got hold of those messages those reel-to-reel tapes when he got back home but uh it was in that hotel everyone would gather in the uh the foyer and the lobby to go into the different rooms where they were having meetings and ed walked in and he saw a lady laying across a few steps that was leading into one of the meeting rooms and he said to the minister that was staying there what's the matter with her i mean you don't normally walk into a hotel and see people laying in the floor well this minister said well she came up to me and she wanted to be filled with the holy ghost so i laid hands on her and she's laying there well ed had never seen anybody in his church fall out under the power of god so he thought he was ready to help apply medical aid you know and when he saw her laying there he said to himself god i hope you never do something like that to me and in the midst of thinking that a flash of light went off in the whole lobby and he fell out and about 50 people along with him fell out in a radius [Applause] and jesus walked in and put a healing anointing in his hand and to hear him tell the story um [Music] a woman fell on top of him [Applause] i'm keeping that to myself and um so he uh laid there his hand started burning with healing power he had never heard of such a thing never been around such a thing didn't quite recognize all that was connected to it and this woman finally got up off of him along with the other 50 and she said to him she said something happened to you he said yeah my hand is burning and she said that's healing power and she was a large woman wearing a tent dress because she was full of cancer she had this large cancerous tumor that was massive and she had to wear a tent dress to even accommodate that and he laid his hands on her and in an instant and suddenly that tumor disappeared like you popped a balloon and that dress just fell alongside her and she was normal size it matters that you where you're that you're where god tells you to be [Applause] it matters that you're under the pastor god tells you to be under it matters even though others preach the word do they have the word for your life [Applause] and my husband sold his home to be where god told him to be and he came back home and told a few people about it in his church of what had happened and they didn't quite welcome that flow of healing but there was another door open to him and somebody asked him to come and start holding some services for them and so he did that but his way of conducting the service was he would pack up his reel-to-reel tape player and pack up the kenneth copeland preaching messages and he would take those into the service and put them on the pulpit and say uh i'm going to lay hands on the sick and minister to you but first kenneth copeland is going to preach for you so he would push the play button and walk off and go sit down and they would all listen to brother copeland and he did that month after month week after week month after month several months into it he was packing up his reel-to-reel tape player again to take it to the service and god spoke to him and said leave your tape player at home and that was the beginning of his of defraying ministries and i would say that brother copeland without knowing it was there at the very beginning [Applause] brother copeland asked him i think sometime later did you ever send me any offerings off those sermons that i preached for you and i told brother copeland a couple years ago in recent years i've been trying to make up for that i know a compounding interest you know but i'm endeavoring to make up for that praise god and so you can understand that brother copeland was preaching in a dufresne ministries meeting and so for a defrain to be preaching in a copeland meeting it's a it's a big day so thank you for having us thank you for having us i got to bring some of my staff came because we needed their help then others just piled on uh but i brought my son i haven't there he is my youngest son grant dufresne stand up and he serves with us in the ministry and then my daughter-in-law morgan if you would stand up she's married to my oldest son who's not here so that's not my son and daughter-in-law that won't sit together [Laughter] so she's married to my oldest son who was not able to be here this morning but i appreciate all the ones who came with me and i appreciate you sharing this place and this service with us thank you so so much including us in it just to let you know of a few items real quick back at the book table we invite you get hold of it answer it i tell you it took me it took me several seasons of going through different tests to find out how to get through the tests every time we did i you know i was getting through them but i was bare knuckling my way and i couldn't tell you how i got through it i just outlasted it but that's not quite skill because skill can pass it on to somebody else and so god i over over time i learned the steps and uh this once you get get hold of the truth in this book just know this the devil's done pushing you around amen a sound disciplined mind your life will never be any better than your thought life and uh god offers us his thoughts take them amen a sound mind is part of our inheritance thank god that healing and prosperity and all the things that are part of our inheritance but don't leave out a sound mind and then we have this one victory over grief and sorrow my husband suddenly went home to be with the lord about eight years ago now and uh the spirit of grief and sorrow found no place of entrance that's right that's right because the word showed me that i was redeemed that jesus bore griefs and sorrows so much of the time people treat grief and sorrow as a way of honor to honor someone but if it was a flow of honor why did jesus come redeem us [Music] and i recognized that i had a choice and i was i can't always determine what comes against me but i can always determine the outcome and it did not have its intended outcome then we have this one following the holy spirit i've pastored for 25 years my children help me now i'm pastoring but in pastoring 25 years i've come to see that many people think that a good idea is the leading of the spirit and uh you have to know and develop hearing from the holy spirit because if you learn to follow the holy spirit you'll receive help in every arena of life amen so that book will teach you about it many times people in front of spirit they want to hear something spectacular they want to have a vision have a dream have a supernatural occurrence but the best leading and the safest leading is the inward witness why because the devil can reproduce the dream he can reproduce a vision he can reproduce a manifestation but there's one thing he cannot duplicate and that is the still small voice the inward witness that's the best way so learn to prize that and learn to be skillful in recognizing the leading of the spirit then this one responding to the holy spirit this this book changed our church overnight in teaching this because dad hagan was coming to minister to minister to our church and we were praying for the highest flow for those meetings to happen we were praying for the spirit to have his way in every single flow he wanted amen amen and uh about a month or so before those meetings happened god spoke to me and said you can pray for my spirit to move but if the people don't respond when the spirit starts moving it won't even matter that you prayed because so much of the time we're waiting for the spirit of god to do something and he's waiting for us to respond to what he is doing [Applause] and when i began to teach our church that something and my husband had said this he said the reason more people don't receive more in a service is because they don't respond more we receive to the measure we respond and i'm talking about a heart response but out of the abundance of the heart the mouth amen so when the heart is full and responding and it's when the heart is receiving something it can't help but leak out the mouth right that's why we get thrilled and listen i was raised in the denominational church we were trained in not responding we were i mean we were skillful at it and i had to step over my flesh to learn to respond to the holy spirit amen amen no we don't respond out of the flesh but the flesh can't help but jump in and what the what what the heart gets full of yes amen and so those things are out there we believe they'll be a blessing to you this morning turn with me if you would in your bibles let's go to first corinthians chapter two first corinthians chapter two and i'm going to read out of the king james translation this morning first corinthians chapter 2 and we'll start in verse 4. paul is writing and he says in my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but my speech my preaching was in demonstration of the spirit what is that the anointing of god my speech and my preaching was in demonstration of the spirit and the power in verse 5 that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but that your faith should stand in the power of god amen i believe in the power of god my faith is hooked on to that power amen jesus on one occasion appeared to dad hagen and in the course of this he said something to him and just because the man is no longer on the earth we can't let slip what jesus said because we need it and especially in these last days we need it and so i always purpose to keep these things rehearsed in the ears of people because we don't want to let them slip and jesus appeared to dad hagin and made this statement to him he said when i was on the earth i was the power of god if people needed power they had to get where i was that's why the multitudes thronged me to touch me why because they recognized that there was a flow of power in his presence so you have to understand up to this time the power and presence of god had been confined to the holy of holies people could not go in there they did not have access to this presence and the holy spirit through the old testament we read that he would come upon people for a work at times he would come upon the prophet the king the priest and he would come on someone that was to do a special assignment but he didn't come to abide amen he was not abiding in the earth so we have to realize that we live in a precious day that the holy spirit is dwelling here on the earth that's right that's right but jesus said so you can imagine when the whole the people had no access to the tangibility of god's presence to have jesus out walking the presence of god the power of god out moving among men it had to be so prevalent in what they sensed and what they felt because they could not access the holy of holies and sense that presence and and be there but jesus came and was where they were and uh no wonder everyone wanted to be where he was yes so the multitudes would right and so jesus said to dad hagin when i was on the earth i was the power of god if people needed power they had to get to where i was that's why the multitudes thronged me to touch me then jesus went on and said but now the holy ghost is on the earth and he is the power of god and he is present everywhere so power is present everywhere amen no wonder paul said that your faith would not stand in the wisdom of men the reasonings of man the calculations of man what man can figure out but that your faith would stand in the power of god what that's present amen so right now in your house there's power present right now in your car there's power present right now at your business there's power present not just in this building where there's a united faith but power is present everywhere because the holy ghost is everywhere that's why you can get someone saved anywhere you don't have to be in a church at an altar you can be in the grocery store you can be at the gas station you can be at your workplace why because the holy spirit is there he's present everywhere that's why you can get healed everywhere thank god for a church where the power and presence of god is given its place but you don't have to wait for a church service in the middle of the night the power of god is present right where you're at [Applause] what's it waiting for that your faith should stand in the power of god it's waiting for our faith to bring that power into manifestation yes amen jesus went on and said be the holy spirit because he's on the earth now he's the power of god he's present everywhere power is present everywhere amen he went on and made this statement jesus said there's enough power in every sick room there's enough power in every hospital room every hot every house every hospital every hospital room to raise up that sick one and then he tells the condition if they only know it's present and give it action give it action amen so when he said there's enough power in every sick room he didn't say every sick room of the christian that's right that's right amen why because the holy spirit's everywhere there's power to raise up that sick one and he said there's enough power in every sick room and in every hospital room what to raise up to raise up to raise up not to leave there the power doesn't come just to leave people as they are and leave them where they've been the power comes to raise up to raise up to do a work yes there's enough power in every hospital room to raise up that sick one i so appreciate it i so appreciate he said to raise up that sick one regardless of the advancement of their disease [Applause] they could be within moments of leaving this planet of taking their last breath but the power that's present is enough to raise them up if if if if they only knew it was present and would give it action how do you give it action by faith [Applause] our faith activates the power that is present and brings that power into manifestation amen power is present everywhere but it's not manifesting everywhere it manifests in places like this where faith is moving it's free to manifest but just because it's present doesn't mean it's in manifestation or doing a work or people receiving what they need any time in pastoring that i got a call that somebody of our congregation was in the hospital this is always what i took to them jesus said that there's enough power in every sick room and in every hospital room to raise up that sick one so you're in one of those rooms there's power there waiting for you [Applause] now you know it's there because i just told you now give it action give it action how do you give it action you release your faith in that power amen amen i love the the event that happened under smith wigglesworth's ministry he was asked to come and minister to a a man's wife she was within moments of dying and there were other congrega other christians rather that had circled gathered around her bed to minister pray for her and one would start praying and said oh god comfort the children and the next one will pray oh god comfort the husband they had her buried by the time they were done praying and smith wigglesworth was there saying under his breath oh god shut them up [Music] why because he knew that something greater was present so he prayed and when he prayed face appeared over the bed of that dying woman and she was raised up i mean she was skeletal and she was completely raised up come on and afterwards those christians that were in that room with him said how come nothing happened when we prayed and he said because you prayed looking at the dying woman i prayed looking at jesus if you're going to be focused on what you see you're going to have to stay where you are but god gives us a better place to look amen and one thing we can set our attention our focus and our words on is what jesus said the power of god is present in every every sick room every hospital room to raise up that sick one if they only know it's present and would give it action what you put your attention on is what is getting the action people don't realize your faith is your attention where your attention goes is what your faith is on and it is a spiritual discipline to cast down imaginations yeah that's right amen it's a spiritual discipline to bring every thought into captivity to hold your attention and you've got to get your words involved to hold your attention talk it yes there's power in this room because the holy ghost is in this room but i want not only that power's in you you are the temple of the holy ghost that what brings that power into manifestation us hooking our faith to it and this is what paul said that your faith would not stand in the in the wisdom of men in the thoughts the reasonings of man's mind but in the power of god i was preaching to our congregation in times past on this message and uh i'd taken several weeks to preach on it and i got up about the third or fourth week getting ready to preach on it again and i found myself going from side to side of the platform and words were coming out of my spirit and i was saying it before my mind had an opportunity to catch up with what was coming out and i was hearing myself say out of my spirit let the power fall and i would go to this side of the platform let the power fall then i go back and i'd say let the power fall and i just kept going back and forth across the platform saying just those words let the power fall but i'm having a conversation with god on the inside of me i'm saying to god i've been teaching that it's here and the way i'm hearing it and maybe it's just the way i'm processing this is i'm hearing let it fall which gives the idea that it's not here it's got to fall and he says yeah you're misunderstanding that he said it's like a pinata at a child's birthday party you know what those are cardboard figures that have candy or little toys in them yeah yeah and i don't know who came up with this good idea blindfold a child hang that pinata up give them a stick and tell them to start swinging as hard as they can that's that's that's a good idea right every mother's dream and uh he said it's like that pinata at a child's birthday party that pinata contains what those children want and he said in its present but it hasn't fallen yet it's still contained and he said and then a child they can hit at it but they can maybe hit a leg and the thing just spins around and nothing opens up what's that and in ineffective hit yes didn't make a difference but if someone with that stick hits that thing just right it breaks it open and what it contains opens and spills out and not just the one who struck it gets to collect it [Applause] anybody in the room anybody in the room where that power came into manifestation you could just get saved this morning and know nothing about what we're talking about but you can still gather up any answer you need any healing you need any miracle you you can gather it up because the power is present to meet that i need in the power i believe in the power of god that's present that's present that's present many miss it because they're waiting for god to send something and he's waiting for them to bring in a manifestation what is what they're already authorized to attach their faith to if god did not want us using that power anytime we needed it why didn't he fill us with it he authorized us if you abide in me my words abide in you you're going to get an effect [Music] and so many are waiting for god and praying for god to send and to give and he's waiting for them to activate that power that is there so we have this pinata that's in the room and a child strikes that with a stick what is the stick to this power of god your words your words of faith are the stick that strikes the power of god i remember when grant was a baby he was just weeks old and his lungs weren't sounding right and so i took him to the doctor and they said to me they said he's got a raging fever they said and i said well isn't that kind of normal for babies you know i grew up with a mother who her motto was no big deal i heard that my whole life there were four kids and her answer to all of us was no big deal that's how she defused everything come experience divine healing health prosperity and recovery at the 2021 omaha live victory campaign october 28th through the 30th glory to god that's where the glory is going to fall next year it's in the local churches that are preaching and teaching and healing and going strong with the word of faith join kenneth copeland and jerry savelle october 28-30 you it's just going to be an hour before the doctor can get here and i'm so grateful for that time because there was a little rocking chair in that room and i took grant just maybe three weeks old up in my arms and i said jesus you said believe the prophets and you'll prosper you appeared to the prophet the man of god kenneth hagin and you told him there's enough power in every sick room and in every hospital room i said jesus i'm in one of those rooms so i qualify that power's here because the holy ghost is here and i said so i believe that that power's here see you have to believe it's present amen amen you have to believe it's present i said i believe it's present yes and jesus i strike that power with my words of faith and i speak for that power you go from the top of my top of his head to the soles of his feet you drive out anything that god didn't put in amen and i thank you that that power is working right now did i see it no did i feel it no i believed it wow [Applause] he didn't say if you feel the power he said that that if you believe it you got to believe power can be seen and power can be felt but power can also be unseen and power can be unfelt you ever been to the dentist you're in the chair and they walk up and the the nurse the assistant puts this heavy weighted apron on you yeah then they walk out of the room and they leave you alone in there and they go around the corner and they push a button yeah you didn't see anything you didn't feel anything but power was working enough to know that those assistants know get out of the room because you can't be exposed to this day after day patient after patient unseen power unfelt power still working even the medical field believes it yeah that's true that there is power that can work that's unseen and unfelt that radiation power they believe that they believe that power they don't see they don't feel they just see the result of it that's right that is right if we'll believe a power we don't see a power we don't feel don't wait to feel it don't wait to see it we'll get the result of that power [Applause] amen so grant was in that hospital room and i released my faith in the power of god it took just maybe 30 seconds for me to pray and release my faith the rest of the time right see to keep the devil from giving me all kinds of imaginations i take charge of my thoughts i put something in motion what did i put in motion i praise you father that that power is working thank you jesus thank you that that power is working in him right now i thank you you are such a wonderful healer jesus i believe in the power of god i thank you and i spent about almost an hour just doing nothing but praising at the end of an hour so the doctor came in [Music] he examined him he said there's nothing here i don't know why you're here you can go that power was present and you know what the power was present there for the next person admitted to that room that's right brother copeland tells the story down in lima peru remember he was holding a convention down there and if i have the story right there in the middle of one of the meetings and a woman comes in walks up and comes to the altar and gets saved and she tells this story that she was in the hospital that was down the road she had to pass the convention center to leave the hospital to go home but she was in the hospital because she'd been she'd been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor she's in her hospital room the doctor is in there with her at this time and she says to him i'm burning up i'm burning up and he examines her and the tumor is gone and they dismiss her you say what was that power was present well how come it worked for her and not for anyone else how do you know it didn't work for anyone else my my guess yes i guess but a biblical educated guess is that that she was in proximity of someone who knew how to release faith who knew how to bring that power into manifestation through their faith now we understand it's god's power and god works it but when he can find cooperating faith he runs to manifest where someone is cooperating with him god goes where faith puts him oh yes amen amen amen so brother copeland at one time one point he called me and he was telling me about this i said brother copeland don't you remember the testimony that's recorded about maria woodworth etter that she was doing tent crusades and in one in one area that within a 50 mile radius everybody fell out under the power of god whether they were on the road walking whether they were in their homes in a 50 mile radius when you're when you're skillful with cooperating with the power of god it won't just end up blessing you it will come in a manifestation and others can receive from that power amen we were in hawaii we gone to maui because someone must go preach to those people someone must now i'm just telling you don't forget the people in maui [Music] so my husband and i were invited to preach at a church there and so we went to preach and we took the kids my two sons and morgan and uh we were there we i don't know i don't remember how many days we were scheduled to be there but about the second day we're there the power goes out and a storm comes so the hotel their their refrigeration is done they can't serve anything but cold food you know just they're trying to get out what's in the fridge before it ruins and so there was very slim pickings and uh i was so thankful you saw the 80s here [Laughter] on the video i was so thankful that i didn't have the 80s hair still at that time because there was no hair dryer there was no appliances there was no power so you just take a shower and you just walk outside on the balcony that had an overhang and you kind of get some air kind of going and you just kind of halfway do what you can do and just go on you know extend your apologies to those those that are looking and just keep going so the kids realize oh my gosh my devices don't charge that's what they were occupied with and my husband and i said oh y'all are going to have to like talk now you're gonna have to have like conversations so we get over to the [Music] to the church and i didn't realize that only our half of the island lost power and the church was on behalf that still had power and there were people over there that lived on that half of the island that came to church so you could come to church and you could look and you knew what side of the island they just came from [Applause] you can look at because those with power their lives look completely different than the ones without power why live without accessing power that is present when your life needs it your family needs it your home needs it your business needs it your body needs it your finances need it why leave it inactive because we can look at our lives and be honest and know whether or not we're accessing power or not amen but it's not just about power being present because god did his part but man has a part to play with the power of god to become skillful to become skillful my husband years ago was conducting a meeting and he was having a hard time finding the flow for that service so he called brother one one one guy that was there that was singing and he was there you know as a soloist so ed kept saying one more song one more song one more song because he couldn't find the the the flow that god wanted for the service and the the singer the soloist said doctor i've sang eight songs i don't have any more so it called for the organist to come up and you have a b3 organ over here and there's a separate leslie so the organist comes up on the begins to play and as she plays my husband sees the glory start rolling out of that that organ leslie and then it gets more and more dense and thicker and thicker and when it gets to total density then he saw a leg come out and jesus stepped out of that cloud and stood in front of him and fire shot out of his eyes my husband said yeah dad hagin would say when he'd see jesus it was pools of liquid love in his eyes he said i didn't see any of the liquid love [Applause] he said fire shot out of his eyes and said you're not being skillful with the healing anointing and then he stepped back into that cloud and that cloud went back into the organ and the and it was left to have a service specifically jesus was displeased with the lack of skill regarding the healing anointing why because people that should have been healed weren't being healed when we're not skillful others suffer for that others are affected by our skill level but he was specifically speaking to my husband about skill with the healing anointing but generally he's talking about skill what about skill with what you've been graced with skill with what's been entrusted to you skill with the word skill with hearing and following the holy spirit skill at responding to the spirit skill in prayer skill and faith skill in giving skill and receiving skill in serving in your ministry of health's position skill in your five-fold office that those of you who stand in one what about this skill with the nine fruits of the spirit what about this skill with the nine gifts of the spirit as the spirit wills amen skill matters the reason the power of god is not manifested more among us is not because god is not trying to move god's always moving right it's our lack of skill and cooperating with what's present we want to hear jesus say when we get to heaven well done thou good and faithful servant when you quote that verse people will quote that say well i just want to be faithful i just want to be faithful that's not that's not what's listed first well done thou good good if a man is good at his job he's skillful at it yes if a man isn't good at his job he can't be promoted no man promotes someone who isn't good at their job and people will say well i just want to be faithful right no one needs an unskilled worker showing up faithfully to do it to do it wrong just showing up but never having the skill never having the know-how to bring that department to another level but faithfully show up to do it wrong that's not what the word says well done thou s thou good and we could say this well done thou skillful and faithful servant faithful to operate skillfully in what you've been graced and entrusted with amen the anointings upon your life and the place that god has has brought you into amen praise the lord i said praise the lord i believe i believe in the power of god that's present not trying to get god to do something more if i'm not even skillful with what's already here come on come on now that's why you need a pastor you cannot come into full skill being self-taught that's right that's it not spiritual things self-taught people are risky to be around try driving with them on a freeway in california i have a self-taught driver everyone's at risk [Applause] there's no value to being self-taught how do you learn get under someone who knows watch we would go to dad hagan meetings and we're just watching when he would this is what i taught our people when dad hagan came even if you don't know how to respond to the spirit pay attention to those who do do what they do you say well that's not sincere little children begin imitating words when they're toddlers saying words they don't understand they can't even pronounce it right but they're listening to mama and daddy and they're just imitating but there comes a day that while they're imitating in that imitation they begin to gain knowledge about what they've been imitating don't misunderstand me i'm not i'm not telling you to pretend things but i'm talking to you this is part of the learning process pay attention to those who know do what they do and if they and i told our congregation this if dad hagan jumps you jump if dad hagan shouts you shout if he lifts his hands you lift your hands why that's called being a student don't stand there and do what you're going to do you do what those who know do [Applause] if you want to do what they do that's right if you want to come into the flow that they're in see you can't learn these flows without being around them that's why we got in dad hagan's meetings as much as we could and it wasn't enough for us to just say oh i saw him do that me watching him is not my skill very good i have to go and i have to follow the holy ghost follow the word and i have to hook into the flow of what he's leading me to do based on the word and i have to implement what i've learned just showing up at church is not does not equal our skill just sitting in a chair does not equal skill listen i showed up every day for school and i was only there for one reason to be counted present i didn't have to work too hard at it and i certainly didn't to pass school but i'm just saying this i did not go to become skillful i went there just to say i was there and not get in trouble yeah all right we're here because we're hungry we're not just here because we're present because it's sunday morning we want to gain skill when your pastors teach you and instruct you it's so that you'll know what to implement throughout that week don't lay your skill down you need your skill there was a day that my husband left the earth suddenly what if i had just been content to live under the umbrella of his faith what if i'd just been content to live under under the umbrella of his skill i'd have been in a mess oh yeah oh yeah because your pastor's skill is not your skill you only become skillful with the doing not just sitting and taking notes and if we're not careful we're good note-takers and then it stops at that and people leave their notebook down and they're done it is good to take notes i'm a huge note taker i mean i'm huge but i know this taking notes does not equal skill the doer it's the doer that's blessed it's the doer that's blessed i believe in the power of god hallelujah you've got to learn to say in the middle of the night when you don't feel and you don't see anything of god's best and there's symptoms and when you go into a hospital room and you don't see anything but a negative direction it's skill that stands up in the face of what it doesn't feel and says i believe in the power of god that is unfelt unseen and i receive it now and i say it does a work in their body it does a work in my body that's how you gain skill hallelujah i believe in the power of god that it's present and i give it action i give it action how do you give it action words of faith striking it talk about that power assign that power you know when brother copeland you know this ministry is known for its airplane ministry yeah yeah they can't just land anywhere they have to land where they're assigned to land many people are just wait oh god do something assign it assign it aside father i speak for the power of god to flow into my finances i speak for the power of god to flow in flow around that child that's wayward i speak for the power of god to go in that arm you go in that arm we're authorized in the name in the name of jesus we're authorized why because the earth is wired with the holy ghost power and you are wired with power become skillful with that power this isn't just a preacher's power this is everybody's power [Applause] hallelujah i believe in the power of god that's present and i say it's working in me it's working for me hallelujah stand with me to your feet this morning father we thank you we thank you for your word we say with paul our faith does not stand in the wisdom of men our faith stands in the power of god we believe in the power of god we believe in the power of god what i want you to do right now think of something that needs the power in your life i said think of something that needs the power of god right now in your life and we're going to release our faith in that power together amen and i want you to be specific what do you want that power to work for you hallelujah raise up your hands close your eyes and from your heart say these words father i believe the power of god is present because the holy spirit is present he's in me and he's present with me and i thank you for the faith in my heart that activates the power that's present and i speak for that power that i believe in that you go into that arena of my life you do a work you do a work and you bring about the word the effect of the word now specify call it out what arena is that that you want the power to work in what arena in your finances for your children for your business for your body for a loved one what do you want that power to work hallelujah hallelujah then lift up your hands and say this i believe in the power of god it's working right now it's working right now it's working right now jesus thank you that that power is working right now hallelujah when i was in the hotel room this morning that tangible anointing came in my hand and i said god what is it that you want that minister to he said for those with metal parts in their bodies plates screws rods and there's pain with that there's difficulty with that if that's you just raise your hand in this sanctuary if that's you metal metal rods plates screws hallelujah hallelujah just those that have their hands up get your hand up if that's you just those that have their hands up come down here real quick move down here really quick no one else just the ones with their hands up hallelujah i believe in the power of god i believe in the power of god how many of you know god sent that power to do a work not so it could remain inactive but to do a work hallelujah hallelujah congregation reach your hands out this way hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to go quickly down this line but you release your faith you release your faith hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah those of you that are up here say this with me when hands are laid on me the power of god will go into this need and i shall behold pain shall be gone in jesus name congregation reach your hands out release your faith it matters to us that they receive what they need father we thank you we thank you for healing power from the there it goes in love healing power from the top of your head to the soles of your feet doing the work we thank you father for recreating we thank you father for miracles we thank you father for your power doing what only your power can do we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father behold in jesus name you sense that yes yeah behold in jesus name be whole in jesus name paul in jesus name be whole in jesus name behold in jesus name be whole in jesus name be all in jesus name be holy in jesus name be whole in jesus name be [Music] [Applause] [Music] in be name behold in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i believe in the power of god i believe in the power of god now those who had hands laid on you right right where you're at do something you couldn't do before act on that we're not checking to say did it work we're giving action to that power we act on that anointing we act we believe in the power of god hallelujah do something you could not do before hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can you stay with me just a couple more minutes there's something that started operating through this ministry that was new for us and uh i was recently in a service and god said to me healing power is going to start flowing in waves in your services my husband operated under a tangible anointing and when he would bless the people he would extend his hands and about four to five rows back people would fall and he would say that's as far as i can push that anointing back see he understood he was skillful with that which was entrusted to him he said if i if for it to go all the way back he says i have to go to the back but god god when he said this to me he said he reminded me of that and he said this these healing ways won't just go back part way they'll go all the way to the back they'll go all the way and then he said this he said they won't just flow over the people and if the people didn't respond it just passes them by he said i so long that they receive that power that my my healing anointing will come in way it'll it'll roll wave after wave it just won't be one wave that passes the mind if they didn't respond so what he said no my power will stay there and work with them because he wants them to have he wants them to gain skill at responding respond respond so i'm going to i'm going to minister and when i do healing waves will start flowing but it'll be up to you of how you respond to it if you just stand there mentally engaged it'll rob from you but if you'll just open up res connect to your spirit receive with your spirit you say pastor nancy how do i do that from the inside say i receive it i receive it i receive it shut your mind down you don't have to figure out anything just shut the mind down and you just receive it hallelujah everyone in here just raise up your hands and i speak for those healing waves you've rolled in jesus name that power flow in jesus name receive it i thank you father thank you receive receive of that healing power receive the healing ways of god receive the healing ways of god respond to that power respond to that receive the healing waves of god it's flowing you say pastor nancy i don't feel anything you don't have to feel something power is moving whether you feel it or not receive it i said receive it we have to practice responding you know you never get good at anything until you practice it thank god for our church services where we can practice responding to the power of god to the holy spirit receive that power in jesus name receive those healing waves in jesus name receive the healing power of god receive the healing power of god receive the healing power of god in jesus name in jesus name it doesn't matter whether you're up front or you're up back those healing waves are flowing to you all over this room we thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus jesus you're such a wonderful healer jesus we glorify you thank you for the great price you paid that we could be whole and we take it we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it now those of you that are standing do something you couldn't do before move something around do something that was a difficulty or caused you pain maybe you need to stoop down or bend over do squats bend your arm bend your elbow do something you could not do we're not checking to see if it works we're giving action to that power we act on that power that we receive hallelujah now everyone if you would put your hands down everyone just go ahead and put your hands down now if you say pastor nancy i can already tell a difference i can already tell the difference in something in my body raise your hand real high raise it real high raise it real high raise it real high keep it up raise it high way up above your head now everybody turn around and look and see how good jesus is hallelujah keep your hands up so the others it's a testimony to how good jesus is hallelujah you see that so many of the hands are at the back you don't have to be up front why because the power is present everywhere and we're activating that i believe in the power of god i believe it's present and it's working in me now it's working in the arenas of my life now hallelujah now let's lift our hands and thank jesus jesus thank you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we give you glory and honor and thanks you're such a wonderful healer thank you so much how you long to heal and we believe that we've cooperated with your longings today and receive of that power we believe in the power of god hallelujah hallelujah just give give jesus praise one last time hallelujah thank you pastor [Music] i just want to thank you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you lord [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh father we do thank you for the presence your presence in this place right now and your presence going everywhere we go we honor you for that and we thank you for the power thank you for the power thank you for the power in jesus name praise god amen go ahead and be seated if you would please what a time we have had today let me read this scripture to you as we prepare to receive this wonderful offering for pastor nancy first timothy chapter 5 17 let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine the amplified bible talks about those who perform their duties well worthy of double honor of the end of adequate financial support so we are going to participate in that this morning pastor nancy you've been a blessing to this church my goodness thank you thank you thank you wow wow so those of you that would like to have an envelope there's one in the seat in front of you if you're sitting on the front row just raise your hand one of our ushers will get one for you if you're writing a check emic those of you that are watching online emic.org give and then you go to emic guest speaker nancy dufresne if you're giving by text emic guest text to emic guest and then 36609 the dollar amount those of you that want to call right now you'd like to give that way 877-281-6297 and uh we will we will see the power of god continue continue continue ushers when the people are ready go ahead and wait on them [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheers [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i just want to thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] just follow us for just a moment would you come with me [Music] [Music] yeah this is your day brother this is it right here thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord jesus by the power the name the blood and by the power of the love of god the love of god the love of god that changes everything thank you lord jesus changing everything right now right now is changing everything this is our day this our year this is our day of restoration full recovery in the name of jesus the devil's not getting away with stealing one thing from you michael cruz not one thing not one thing not one thing in jesus name thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen hallelujah you sown so much seed i've watched you walk this property day after day hour after hour praying in tongues interceding for other people and in jesus name those seeds are bearing a harvest in your life yes and you are going to finish your course you are going to walk in the light of his glory the and we're not giving up on you we're not giving up on jesus no thank you jesus no thank you lord not stealing from you and not stealing your ministry gift from us either that's right no thank you hallelujah praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus no more that's right say it again yeah yeah yeah yeah in the name of jesus and i thank god he's given you full utterance to speak in jesus name glory to god welcome back welcome back welcome everybody welcome back welcome back hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you jesus amen [Music] this is his comeback yeah this is the comeback right here turn around right here thank you you're different than you were four minutes ago yeah yeah yeah yeah it's working yeah the power is working it's working the power is working it's working in you power is working in you it is working the power is working hallelujah yeah it's working in you hallelujah and it's working in you too and then you just add your faith and set your hands on him every day knowing it's working it's working it's working it's working [Music] thank you jesus for the fire of god the fire of god the fire of god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus much more somebody shout victory [Applause] lord jesus praise god amen amen thank you jesus glory to god [Music] oh the fire of god the fire of god fled through him in the name of jesus kept him the power is present in energizing thank you jesus piercing [Music] somebody shot victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you i just want to thank [Music] you i just [Music] this is the year of divine recovery [Applause] divine recovery lord we receive divine recovery in this church amongst our staff and our partners miracle signs and wonders amen are the order of the day we receive we receive the power of god the power of god for it is present for its presence to heal to heal thank you lord praise god hallelujah for our altar ministers would come you need anything yet you need the power of agreement and just somebody to agree with you and maybe show you the scripture that you need to walk out of here to hang on to hold on to so that you have words to say pastor nancy said to release faith in the words that you speak by the words that you speak sometimes you need to know the words to speak so these folks are loaded up here with words the word of god and you come up here and say well this is my situation they'll show you words to speak they'll give you words to put in your mouth put in your heart put in your mouth put in your heart and speak so that the power that's in those words can be released continuously against any problem that you face hallelujah father we pray for all of those watching us right now from here and thank you that this same divine flow is present where they are wherever they are whatever they need glory to god whatever they need lord you have provided for them they are redeemed from the curse of the law and they walk in the blessing of abraham and i thank you lord for divine health divine healing divine prosperity and divine recovery amen be raised up in the name of jesus amen be raised up in jesus name be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind in the name which is above every name the name of jesus shout the name of jesus everyone hallelujah and while we're at it we have our nation back amen in the name of jesus we're not going to get it back we have it back we take it we take it right now we take it back right now not letting go thank you jesus this is the turning point this is the turning point i've been waiting on my people to align their words with mine where this nation is concerned so we speak to it this is a righteous nation this is a godly nation and whatever needs to be done to change it there are things right now that are unacceptable to the kingdom of god so we claim that our nation is under an outpouring right now an outpouring of the power and the glory of god rising up from within so we claim it we take it we have it and thank you for it thank you lord for restoring the united states of america a nation under god indivisible liberty and justice for all come on thank him thank him for thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord there is a massive healing wave that is going across this nation right now we take it the glory the outpouring of the glory the glory of god the glory of god in the united states the glory of god in nations that are watching us right now the turning point the turning point it's the turning point and we have it we have our nation back we have our nation back we have our nation back there's a headline today it says president trump speaking at a let us worship prayer event on the national mall yesterday said turning to god is the ultimate answer to evil and called on americans to worship [Music] oh glory to god glory to god glory to god praise you lord [Applause] a turnaround a turning point a turning point a turning point for california turning point in california in every state of the union a turning point thank you jesus we receive it lord we receive it and we worship you for it come on father worship the lord thank you father thank you father thank you lord thank you father returning glory to god the turning point the turning point thank you jesus what a time we've had today glory to god and you're gonna go in the power today aren't you yes you are be sure you visit sister nancy's uh book table out there but when you go and as you go all day long you think about this god loves you and right behind that what else are you gonna think about we love you and jesus is love praise god everybody have a wonderful day you are dismissed what a wonderful day this has been thank you so much for being with us right here at eagle mountain church now listen the healing power of god went into your body you got to believe that you got to learn to use that like a mechanic uses a wrench begin to speak what you want to happen rather than what's what you think is happening around you right okay a lot of things are coming up i don't want you to miss any of it omaha victory campaign is october the 28th through the 30th and before that one we have where would i see it after that one is november 11th through the 13th the washington dc victory campaign victory thon is coming up september the 19th i want to make sure you make your plans uh to catch that as well so many things are happening around the ministry the teams are out ministering to people and you can be one of those teams as well you can minister to the people around you and the people in your home and to yourself somebody i saw a text a moment ago online asking who's that man that they prayed for he was very special man here to this congregation our security department but the healing power of god that went into him also went into you learn to cooperate with it what a wonderful service today i want to remind you that you can still give towards uh the offering for uh pastor nancy dufresne one of the best and easiest ways is use the phone number on the prayer line 877-281-6297 or emic.org also all the texts to give i know you want to be part of that and you can sow into that as well a lot of things are happening this week don't forget morning prayer tomorrow morning 9 30 eastern time 8 30 central time victory news will be back tomorrow at noon eastern flash point all this week you don't want to miss a single thing so many things are happening so quickly that you need to stay on top of it father in the name of jesus i thank you for these partners i bless them i call them healed i call them whole every need is met in their life in jesus mighty name pastor greg saying we'll see you back here wednesday night next sunday morning right here at emic god bless you you have a victorious week this week [Music] come experience divine healing health prosperity and recovery at the 2021 omaha live victory campaign october 28th through the 30th glory to god that's where the glory is going to fall next year it's in the local churches that are preaching and teaching and healing and going strong with the word of faith join kenneth copeland and jerry savelle
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 10,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4cKbt5WBdw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 30sec (7890 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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