The Great Definition And Its Enemy | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen justin plans we need you to subscribe to youtube by clicking and hitting the bell if you're clicking hit the bell you'll know when we're there that's youtube click and hit the bell how many people brought your bibles or your ipads or your phones whatever you use for uh scripture for you for your bible if you've got your bibles would you turn with me to first john chapter four first john is right before ii john or third john or jude or revelation toward the end of the bible go back there we're going to talk about something that i believe you're going to be blessed by it we just thank the lord and for you that are watching in goose creek south carolina i will be there tonight after i finish preaching this uh we're going to head out this will be my last road meeting uh so because i got so many things i got to do here and uh so not that i'll be off because kathy sees fit that i'm not off for some reason or another and uh but uh and all the different television all the different things we got to do and god is so good and gracious so for you people there in goose creek uh south carolina will be there tonight to minister the word of the lord jesus christ and god's gonna richly bless us and uh we're gonna have a wonderful time around the throne of god and i mean that's sincerely are you ready to hear the word of the lord jesus christ title of this message today is the great definition and its enemy you write that down the great definition and its enemy what is this definition i'm talking about what is the enemy of this definition we're going to deal with that today because you see when you understand what god does it's amazing so i want you to hold your place at first john are you there yet all right now go with me first now to saint john chapter 3 verse 16. i want to read that i'm gonna just i can quote it but i want you to go to that it's the most famous verse in the bible uh and i want to quote it first john chapter 3 verse 16. it says for god notice this for god who for god for god so loved so he didn't just love he's so loved loved who the world who's the world us that he gave wherever there's love there's giving that he gave his only begotten son i only have one begotten daughter i don't think i could give her for you i'm not going to lie about that i mean i haven't got there yet i think most of you haven't neither because that's your child for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son now that whosoever that's three words in one word who so ever that means anyone that's willing to believe what that verse says that whosoever believeth in him in who in christ should not perish and say would not said it should not but have everlasting life now go to verse 17. go to the next verse now this is what a lot of time the church world does not understand verse 17 for god there you go and god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world see people think that you know god's always trying to condemn people there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in christ jesus so god didn't send jesus to condemn you see people have a totally definition of god think of some big bad god that's mad about something or you might see a god like as a black thunder cloud with an eye piercing out of it and all that kind of craziness you know say no watch it for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world he didn't come here to condemn any of us but that the world through him might be saved now the reason why i put the word might because he will not cross your free will the whole world can be saved but all has to do with your decision to receive it to receive in him see so he didn't come to condemn and neither does yesterday plans i don't come to condemn you i'm not i'm not a condemner if that's such a word if not i'll just coin the phrase you see according the word but when god so loved the world he gave now i want to talk about something the great definition and its enemy so go with me back now to first john chapter four i'll be reading out of the old king james version and i just love it and it says in first john chapter four verse 7 it says beloved this is the apostle john talking to his church is there beloved let us love one another for love is of god and everyone that loveth is born of god and knoweth god in other words if you love people and you understand love you're going to know god and born of god he that loveth not knoweth not god now i want to get to this last little statement for god is love for god is love that's a great definition god is not might be i don't know is in other words there when you think of god you only should think of love now god is has a judgment side he does but if you obey him you never see it he said whom i loveth i chastise it now the church world has taken that to an extreme or god just beat your brains out and give you a disease to teach you something but where'd he get it at he can't find any of it in heaven he'd have to go to hell to get it and he ain't going to hell that's too hot he prefers to be where he is for god is love what is that definition what is love and there's so all kinds of love in the bible the agape you know phileo uh you know uh eros and most people understand eros which means erotica in terms of love sexual love that kind of stuff but you know when you understand what god is this great definition but this great definition of love also has a great enemy and you have to learn the difference between the two and i want to talk about that today so write this down if you're taking notes everyone seems to know what love means though no one finds it easy to define it everyone seems to know what love means at least they think they do though no one finds it easy to define it i mean have you ever see i love a lot of people but then there's something called in love that's a vast hit between loving someone i love you people but i'm in love with kathy or she's in love with me you understand there's a vast it's a deeper relationship it's a deeper fellowship see let me say that again everyone seems to know what love means though no one finds it easy to find it because there's so many different types of love you love your wife but the love that you have your children is totally different than the love that you have for your wife it's a totally different type of love even though that's your that's that's your blood that's your body you know that came from you but you see when you understand that you have to learn to define these things so you can understand what love means so you got to understand that love is sovereign love is the supreme sovereign it's really a supreme love is the supreme sovereign love alone can subdue in other words if you want to subdue something it's going to take love to do it i don't care what it is love is the supreme sovereign love alone can subdue it binds society together from within not from without but from within let me say that again love is the supreme sovereign love alone can subdue it's the only thing it can subdue it binds society together from within if you want a great nation we have to love each other that doesn't mean we have to agree with each other on a lot of things we have to learn to to agree to disagree at times if you want a great marriage i've had people say we've never had an argument in our lives you're the biggest lie i've met in my life if you married somebody you're gonna have some argument but you have to learn to agree to disagree because if you don't then you can split but in the midst of all that hurt love is sovereign it will subdue hurt see love my god will go from extreme wonderful feeling to extreme pain because it loves so much it wants so much see you understand what i'm saying so love is is this great definition god is love so you when you understand that then you're going to understand god and how he thinks and what he does and why he does it you see because it goes from extreme to extreme because it's so powerful let me say it again i'll give you the first point everyone seems to know what love means though no one finds it easy to define it and that's so true number two point love is a supreme sovereign love alone can subdue it binds society together from within so i made up my mind that i would love people who do not love me say but if they knew me they would and that some people don't love god because the reason why because they don't know god and if you don't know god how can you love somebody you don't know it's just that simple in other words when you begin to know someone you begin to form a relationship and when you really begin to really know them then you form a fellowship say you see let me just tell you something when you're dating you don't know that woman you think you do you don't lost your ever-loving mind if you think you know that woman but when you say i do you did something begins to take place things begin to change something and it's a deeper thing and it begins to begin to realize something here because when you pick her up when your friend she always got her makeup on she's smelling good looking good but the day is coming she's going to put on that old house goat she wakes up with bad breath just like everybody else does call you got to brush your teeth her hair's all messed up she got one of me you know one of them bed heads don't shout me down with a preaching good and you think what happened what happened nothing happened now you see somebody the way they really are it shouldn't change your feeling for them whether they have makeup on or not look at the men no no listen to what i'm saying you see when you understand that see then you begin to develop that relationship so love is that supreme sovereign it binds society from within that's why god said for god so loved he had to have it in him before he could give it to us and once he loved us so much he gave you see he that was he said he would tie us together with the word call love it's a great definition write this down love love is never content to offer what costs nothing love is never content to offer what costs nothing you see if you love it doesn't make no doubt i mean you want to you're going to do your best and if it costs you everything you do it there a lot of men and women have given their lives for this country that are in graveyards all over the world because they love this country enough to fight for it think about it they may have disagreed with some of the ideology of our country or things of that nature but especially in world war ii world war world war ii was called the greatest generation they just went and now those guys they was in world war i almost called trent's warfare they knew if they'd come out that trench they would die but they knew that there was a cause greater than themselves do you see that and it was willing to give the what we call the supreme sacrifice or gold family no matter what war it may be world war one world war ii uh korea vietnam uh the gulf wars whatever you know uh or maybe someone dying in you know in foreign lands and the middle east of difference of that nature but they're willing to do whatever it takes to get that job done you can ask people that understand the service what service means they say we have a job to do see our job is to protect this country so love is never content to offer what costs nothing see what i'm saying in other words it's going to cost you everything for to be a christian it's going to cost you everything you've got and it's going to cost god everything he has and together you will form a covenant and then you will begin to speak like him when you understand this great definition for god so love you'll understand my covenant will i not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips now that's god talking in psalms 89 verse 34 that's on the front of this church if you come in see but when you begin to fall in love you become one then all of a sudden you say my covenant now you're talking about you my covenant will i not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips jody says this my daddy ever tells you to do something he tell you he's gonna do something he's going to do what he said why because me and my word cannot be separated god and his word cannot be separated with some doctrine or some ideology you see what i'm saying now you know and politically is the same way we're all americans but we agree to disagree but we shouldn't be burning each other buildings down we shouldn't be cussing each other and spitting at each other and things of that nature because if a real enemy came and started bombing us we'd all would grab a gun and go to and stand the post you see what i'm trying to say now we might be fighting in the streets but let russia attack us let china attack all of a sudden and then oh officer now you're going to meet an army you never thought would exist why because we're in the same country see love is never content to offer what costs nothing so like when i want to buy kathy something it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be expensive it helps but it doesn't have to be no it doesn't happen but what it has to be is given with the right heart and i want to do that you know and i i don't want to give her something she doesn't like so i want to give her something she wants not something she needs come on lady shout out i set you free right there something she desires you see what i'm saying yet if i couldn't afford that her love for me ought to say thank you for thinking of me but i we cannot afford that but maybe one day we will together we'll get it done well i didn't get one amen from one woman in this whole place you see what i said why because you want it and i understand that i i understand it but you see if it doesn't cost me something then it's not valuable to me many people know this about my ministry in all the years of my ministry i never charge churches when i go never i receive an offering not to meet my expenses because my expenses is my seed into their life so by being able to do that i call it the david principle but i mean i'm able to go anywhere i want to to preach the gospel whether it be a big medium or small because it's not determined that i go by the amount of money that it that they give me now it takes a lot of money to run this ministry who don't need a great offering everybody needs a great offer that's not the issue but it's not determined so i've had some people say one particular pastor i'm thinking about i'll keep his name private he said brother jesse there's no way we can even afford you you flying here we on our best have we ever get we couldn't even pay the fuel on that aircraft i said did i ask you for anything well no but my god and i've been going every year for over 20 years why because i want to because i love those people and they love me so by abe they say by me making a decision all those years ago that i will not offer god something that doesn't cost me something i was producing the great definition called god is love we'd love to have you but jesse but we can't afford you oh yeah you can well what it's going to cost ask me and we'll get this thing done now i have a lot of my friends said boy i wish i could do that but i mean i just no way i i have to go to a church of at least a thousand people 1500 people to meet the budget that's why you got financial trouble because you don't understand the great definition see jesus went to jerusalem but he also went to the towns and the villages do you understand what i'm saying and you know he had 12 full-time people on his staff and he had 70 part-time so that's 82 people that worked for him and some of them had families so he had to take care of him too he just didn't bless the people with the five thousand he had to take care of it they were eating every day in the families when they were on the road made sure because he had a bag so he took care of that so he was very responsible in his love for people so by me not charging churches i can go anywhere i want even when i go overseas now you know what it costs you don't want to know but i won't tell you because you just pass out but it costs to fly from new orleans to australia you know how far when they say down under it's further than down under it's perth all the way over to margaret court's church i love margaret and barry such a blessing i'm telling you just flying and flying and flying and you're crossing the pacific ocean man and flying and flying and i mean you're stopping and getting through take off again you're just flying and flying and fly the biggest planes in the world cannot make australia non-stop other than i thought mayor 747 can if it leaves los angeles let's see from here to los angeles you're talking about 2 000 miles say to get over there then you gotta cut across and when they get there let me just tell you this they own the fumes they understand the fumes they ain't much left in that plane you see what i'm saying but you know and it just costs it's amazing but it doesn't make any difference so when we go do a tour and i have all offices in australia they say man well why is he coming we can't afford him yes you can see i'm really actually very expensive you just got to love me that's it that's all that's all i require and then if you don't love me i'mma convince you that you should the reason why i married kathy because she convinced me that i should marry her that's all i'm gonna say about that i had to get my shot in praise the lord see so you understand what god is saying see that's that great definition god is not might be i don't know no he is you don't need to add anything to it or take anything away is love now if you love each other that doesn't mean you're not going to argue with each other but you shouldn't become enemies to each other you see what i'm saying you can agree to disagree and that's okay so in other words that's why i go so it doesn't make any difference they said i don't see how he does it that's why i've never had a financial deficit love has paid my bills from the day i started do you see what i'm saying love has done it i mean i went to places my lord and and and the pastor was so i said no don't no don't feel down oh i want to do so much more you did you let me come that's an honor to stand in your pulpit or do uh to preach this gospel well i went in the city where you have to let me tell you when you're written convention centers and i'm talking about big ones and then you got to put television in there and screens and all kinds you're talking budgets of a million dollars to go in there i mean you know i've been in meetings of oh a million dollars just in the budgets you know i'm talking about just the budget i mean you ain't made a dime you see what i'm saying yet anything over and above to get into those things because it cost you know what it would cost to rent the superdome pretty cheap right now because you only can have so many people in it so you know what i'm saying but i mean when everything's running hot and right you're talking money big money big big money you see what i'm saying but if you love something let me talk about the new orleans saints fans remember when we called them the ants remember we went to the games with a bag on my head but we went we went even though we didn't want nobody to recognize us we went you see what i'm saying but then as they begin to play better we got rid of the bag we probably shouldn't have put the bag on but you know how people are about their sports teams and things of that nature they didn't say but so what happens is is that uh you begin to love and then fall in love and then become love you see that's the great definition now i i want you to write this down love is an impulse to give for god so loved the world love is an impulse to give to do everything in its power and at whatever the cost it doesn't make any difference love is an impulse to give to do everything in its power and at whatever the cost i remember when i wanted to buy cathy an engagement ring now back then i i know you know i i was doing a little good but not i wanted to buy a one carat diamond ooh that was big oh jesus that today that's nothing that's a molecule today because she likes much bigger things but anyway if you don't believe it check her finger out but anyway but boy i thought my god i'm gonna buy that girl a one carat uh diamond engagement ring well i just couldn't go do it i had to save and i saved and i saved until finally i got the money on it and uh uh and and and i was able to purchase it and give it to her you see what i'm saying why because it didn't make no difference what it cost i wanted to do that for her now i got i got a a plain wedding band which is what i wanted don't misunderstand me but but i'm saying i wanted to have a nice a nice time why because love is an impulse to give and to do everything in his power and at whatever the cost so when she went you know when i gave her to her the date was over because she didn't even look at me the rest of the night she just kept looking at the ring oh that's nice that's not you know what i'm saying and i don't doubt after i dropped off at home she probably kept looking at the ring and think hey how many ladies you've done that you know what i'm talking about it don't make any difference if it's one character not i mean it's just something that somebody would do that see but i remember saying my friends you can buy one carrot boy you must really like her i said no i don't really like her you just love her see and not too long ago up in hawaii kathy was i don't know if she was at the alamo moana mall or somewhere miami kalakaua avenue in waikiki beach or something and she was shopping and she's got a really nice ring i mean some people call it the ring you know what i'm saying it's a lot bigger than one karen let me just say that so somebody came up there and i guess saw her ring and that person told her boy your husband must really love you look at this thing well see it tells me something that my action even though i wasn't there was speaking about the love that we had together see so watch this it's the same way with god or religion if you love god so much even if you're not there and your son is there your daughter or your action about god is speaking about how much you love him even though you're not there you understand this great definition for god is love so love is an impulse to give to do everything in its power and at whatever the cost you see so it doesn't make no difference see i wanted to build this place debt-free why if i look around here there's a lot of money in here why did i want to do that to show off no because i loved god and he said i owe no man anything but to love him i had to love him so much that i loved my way out of debt i did they said you know how many people say you can't do this you can't do that but the bible said i can do all things through christ well i know it said that no you don't know it say that because you're questioning it all right don't shout me down when the preacher get listen to me now you don't know that you might be believing it you're trying to convince yourself that maybe it might work but when you know in whom you have believed and i never once ever thought oh what we're going to do oh what we're going to do no i just told that ray cronic who was the contractor i said uh i said how do you how do you give a bill he said well i give a bill once a month if that's all right with you i said hand it to me you'll be and i will pay you immediately he said okay it was amazing as soon as he handed it to me within three minutes he had the check he couldn't get over that why well because my i'm a man of my work when richard p sharma was building my house people ask how do you spell pishon pidgeot that'll help you praise the lord but we don't call him richie pigeon you know he's not a pigeon he's the ego you know we'll say that praise god but when he gave me a bill he said well god just i immediately do it and richard said my lord oh jesus i mean you can wait i said no no no no i'm not gonna do that and sometimes i paid him so fast he forgot to take it out of his truck remember that you you'd stick it up there forget about it and all that kind of thing why because he expected that i would when daryl built my swimming pool you didn't have to struggle to get that money did you you mean he and i was watching money cut that whole like he put butter on a piece of bread you would have seen that man i thought man i was watching that thing i said good god that's like bacon and cake i mean this guy who whoever was doing it that guy was good at what he does and then daryl hand me the bill boom why well first thing first you can't separate me from my word see that's what love makes you do you and your word become one so love is an impulse to give to do everything in his power and whatever the cost now i i don't get tired of my love i don't get tired of god sometimes god does some things i don't particularly understand but that's all right you see sometimes a separation will come that you don't want a separation you might have somebody with you but they're not really with you they with you because of what you pale and that's good don't misunderstand me but are they behind your vision i tell every one of my staff look i don't want to be dragging you up the hill pulling you i want you pushing me and if we do this together we'll get this job done and we'll get it done a lot quicker and a lot better with greater results for both parties which gives me this point the love of christ was a deep and constant tenderness jesus was even tender to his enemies its intensity was shown let me start again the love of christ was a deep and constant tenderness its intensity was shown in tears in prayers in labors i'm gonna go over it again sufferings why because it was constant it made no difference what he was going through because of the tenderness of this love the love of christ was a deep and constant tenderness its intensity was shown in tears oh jerusalem how would i love to gather you as a as a hen gathers a chicks in prayers oh father i pray for those that you give me in labors whatever it takes to get this job done i'm gonna do it in suffering they can beat me until i have no skin left on my back until i look unrecognized i'm so swollen up because it doesn't change my love it does not change my love by what they do you see now that's what i mean by extreme tenderness the love of christ was a deep and constant tenderness see that's the great definition its intensity was shown in tears it was shown in prayers it was shown in laborers it was shown in sufferings because it was constant let's switch over to marriage someone they really love each other oh you've had tears together prayers together labors together sufferings together but it's always been constant i remember i told kathy this i said cathy if you're following me she said i got you back i said i got yours too and there was sometimes it wasn't it wasn't easy that time we went to the store with three dollars and pennies a lot of people don't know it they thought we was always rich see when we started our playing music you know we didn't make money then we did we did a lot of money before we went there and bought macaroni and cheese it was on sale for 10 cents a box i don't eat much macaroni and cheese anymore because we ate so much that time but you know what we sure enjoyed it together and then once i got born again we could pray together that was something we'd have prayers together and then i told she said jesse i'll work and she worked and i worked and then suffering sometimes we couldn't do some things we wanted to do but you know what i'll just give you an example one of the houses we had we didn't have money for drapes we had two nice watches so we sold the watches we sold the watches took the money and put drapes in the house and she looked at me she said you show you what i said yeah we'll put these drapes i said we'll get them watches we'll buy some new watches but right now these drapes are more important than these watches and besides i don't want to know what time it is anyway we did now she loves her watch i love mine too but we thought you know but we wanted that house to be pretty you know and and i didn't know enough about i called them curtains and she said curtains are cheap drapes costs a lot there's a vast dip between curtains and drapes let me just say that and uh and we did and you know what what maybe six months maybe even less than that we were able to get we the lord blessed us financially we was able to get two new watches so we had to watch his inner dreams but you know we were willing to pay the cost of whatever it takes so let me say it again love the love of christ was a deep and constant tenderness its intensity was shown in tears in prayers in labors and suffering because it was constant constant when i went on the road and he wouldn't feed me i'm cis i didn't when i gave all my money away i didn't have no money and i went like and they said we're on a fast so it was a force fast i just went there how many times i ran out of gas trying to drive back home i would never do that to a person i mean i've been in rooms that they wouldn't put on the heater and it was 28 degrees inside the room because they didn't want the they want their light bill to go up a little bit that was in arkansas i just thought i'd tell you all that i never forgot that i mean i jogged in place for about four days i'm telling you it was cold oh lord jesus and just some of the things and and and they would say and they enjoyed that they said you have to endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ that's what they told me so i said okay and but you know what i never once complained kathy wouldn't know my comeback she said boy you lost some weight yeah i just i i cut back she said they didn't feed you did you no but that's all right i said what you got she said i got cheeseburger or hamburger helper i said put it on the stove and make a big potion but that didn't stop me from preaching the gospel that didn't stop me from leaving why because i understood the great definition i did it all not because of me but because i loved god and god loved me you see those were sufferings and things of that nature write this down love is all wise and all holy love is all wise and all holy it has no breaking point the more perfect the greater the effect and i'm going to deal with that in just a minute love is all wise and all holy it has no breaking point the more perfect the greater the effect perfect love i mean the more it is the greater it is the effect is phenomenal because it has no breaking point love is all wise and all holy it has no breaking point let me give you an example i'd never go to i went to the hospital when i was born and then kathy made me go to a hospital one time to get myself checked out which i actually you know how expensive to check into a hospital and just you know ain't nothing wrong with you and just run through a bunch of tests and just paying for everything which and it was good then i then uh many you know uh was how many years ago uh seven eight ten years ago uh i they found out i had a crossed artery which i didn't know i'm 71 years old at the time of this preaching i was 63 i had no symptom nothing zero i wasn't sick at all but i just went the lord told me to go get yourself checked out once up get myself checked out and they they they said that that this cross started everything was genetic it had to be in my family he said somebody died of that in your family i said i don't know of anybody that did no maybe it happened way back when i i don't know it didn't happen i said well how do we fix this well biggest operation go through open-heart surgery i said well what are you doing tomorrow the guy looked at me said i guess i'm operating on you he said you make fast decisions you do what you got to do so i know and so watch this now i gotta they're about ready to put me on you talk about cold that operating room is cold boy oh my lord i said my god so i look and i kind of made a joke and i look at them all these lights and they're all looking at me these mess and i said uh but this is where the big bucks is huh anyway oh yeah we gonna charge you this i said okay that's fine he said i have to tell you something for put you under how'd you like to hear this now you know i have to by the state of louisiana you know you could die i could have said well i'm out of here jack he said but i really believe 99.9 percent i'll say that that you coming off this table oh i said i know i didn't come here because i'm sick i came here on the uh because the lord spoke to him they went who the lord said you could see the little mask when i say the lord you know that kind of stuff well man he said okay we're starting to and they start put the uh i call it the juice whatever it is you know so i'm sitting they say you can count backwards i prefer to count forward you're counting backwards you're losing money i don't count backwards i can't follow it's praise god it's called dublin you know and he starts and uh and he said well he should be under my head i said you gotta understand before i say i took a lot of drugs you're gonna have to do some more i said i enjoyed this stuff you understand then the next thing i knew out i was out next thing i knew i'm in the intensive care now i don't remember this part kathy looks at me and she said i had a tear in my eye i don't i don't remember this at all you know and uh she said are you hurting and and i went i looked at her and i went and i looked at my hand if y'all know something about my hand i got big veins see he said they love to take blood from me because they can get it real easy they just pop out you know and you know they had that thing whatever you call that iv yeah and i i and but i don't remember that so kathy said can't y'all put that thing in his neck because they had it in one hair and whatnot they already had one why are you doing this so she said that's right kathy just talking so they pulled the thing out now when she pulled it out that's when i remembered i looked at it like this and i had this thing in my oh i had a they were what they call that to breathe and i went boy so i went and told this girl she goes i'm sorry dr duplantis we can't do that because you're still under anesthesia i went okay you see cathy you better listen to him he's gonna slap you with this holes in a few minutes you know what i'm saying but i couldn't talk because the thing is but i don't know it shuts you down you can't talk you know like that and she said well i want to know how much can you stick your tongue out went oh yeah can you lift your head up i said i'm going yeah so she go and when she pulled it i went i remember oh man and i talked just like marlon brando and the godfather i say how y'all do it kathy get up look are you okay i said yeah i'm fine everything's fine great i said is this thing over with now i'm laying i'm laying on his slab you know i didn't know i had tubes coming out of me you know all these i don't know what to put it you know and uh so i tell this girl what was her name lauren that she was a sweet lady nurse i said can i stand up she said oh doc this is no way you just come off open hearts there's no way you can stand up are you hurting i said no i want to stand up she said well you think you can i want to say woman i just said it twice you want to argue so i'm about ready to stand up and the lord speaks to me so it's telling me about the trouble she's having with her husband i start arguing with god listen i'm the one on the slab here we don't need no word of knowledge to this woman right now we can talk to her later but not now so i went larry you're having this kind of problem she stopped crying i'm the one that should have been crying and gotten sick man so i just gave away i just ministered to her so after i did all that she says oh you make me feel so good can i stand up trying to get off that plant well if you want to so man i slid my leg off and that's when i realized what all these hoses here you know they look like two water hoses and she said be careful so i'm standing up but like this now this is just i don't know how long i've been off i don't know how long it took me to come out you know from the anesthesia what 15 20 minutes somewhere whatever it is so i'm standing up like this inside the bed and i'm just looking around and the doctor comes and goes oh my god you can stand up i fell i said well does it look like i'm laying down i said this i'm stupid people in this hospital you go but what you see i'm standing up he said you can stand up reverend i said yeah is that okay he said yeah you're not hurting i said whatever you gave me i want to take some of it home before i have some powerful stuff he said so he's talking to me now my brother told me buddy when they pull them tubes out jack that's going to hurt like crazy so the doctor comes through he said i can't get on let me check you out here and all this kind of stuff and i got these like actually i got two big scars right here but him hoes as well you know and he's talking to me he said man i started talking to myself he said you really did well he said we were surprised you were supposed to be in there four or five hours it was an hour and forty-five got there i think it was something two hours i can't remember it's supposed to be a lot longer operation so he's talking to him and he goes and he said man you did real well and he grabs the phone when he pulls him out i didn't feel nothing but i saw blood shoot from me to you and stitches that long he grabs the stitches he ties me shoves them back in the hole i said you gotta pluck i said you got to stop him he said no you're all right he said i guess that hurt i said no i didn't hurt at all so he said would you like to lay down not really he says i said can i just stand up a little longer i just felt like i needed to move my legs or something like that they just couldn't get over supposed to be in there two or three days it was five hours i was out of intensive care in the room and i was out of the hospital in two days now why am i saying that god is love because god told me to go so don't you think god would take care of me in the middle of that and the last word of those two like the heart surgeon and the cardiac said you're not you're not a sick man i said i didn't come here because i was sick no i know that i said i came here because spirit of god told me to come and they said reverend we're just so glad that you talked us into this because we would not have done this because you passed every test there's no way you could have anything doing what you did on a treadmill what they called stress tests you did some things that we can't do one of the treadmills one time i burned the thing up and i was talking while i'm doing it they go good god he can talk and run at the same time well when you're used to doing this i've been doing this since i'm 28 years old out there running all the time you know your body gets used to that see but you know what i wasn't afraid me and kathy said was like go and get your tooth fixed because we knew god was love see and we and it was all wise and holy it had no breaking point i didn't say god why do i have this i didn't say that no the more perfect my my love was perfected the more perfect the greater the effect and i got to witness the people which was great and i got to walk down that cardiovascular day and people crying hurting could you pray for me yeah i come walking in there and i got this thing with me you know i'm carrying the juice whatever it is you know i had to pull it like this and i just pray oh thank you jesus i put them asleep lord they're gone you know you know and even i was walking with the nurse and she said can you slow down my leg hurts i said lady i'm the one just had open-heart surgery and you're telling me to slow down maybe you need to get on that slab you know and we were out why because god protected me i understood the great definition you see what i'm saying and because i had perfected my love through suffering through people being wrong to me and hurting me and lying about me doing everything and i didn't take no vengeance against them i had a greater effect spiritually physically and financially are you enjoying this you understand what i'm saying this great definition now watch this go to this next point christian love is a deliberate correspondence with god's purpose and plan for mankind christian love is a deliberate and correspondence a deliberate correspondence with god's purpose and plan for mankind i did more preaching at the hospital than i do when i was out ministering to people praying for people blessing people why and i'm the one in the hospital but i said well since i'm here i might as well preach the word of god are you afraid to go to jail no i'll have a jail ministry they'll throw me out of jail because i preach so much they get him out of here we don't want to hear them all this you see what i'm saying i've preached on the streets corner with people mad and want to kill me just keep on preaching doing mardi gras how many times who lord shut down you know i mean just shut down shut down the massage parlor preaching the gospel man looking at people screaming and cursing i said you crucified him you killed the crew oh god you thought whoo if you think all them protests was bad you should have seen that buddy my good friend mitchell chippetta was pulling at that cross he said they go kill us jesse they're gonna kill us i said just keep your head down and i'm gonna keep him preaching he's dragging that cross we were in the parade we got in the parade he said they're going to kill us shut up i said just keep keep your head down it was great people get mad cursed and then break tears start coming out i saw him literally in fat city hit their knees on the concrete and give their life to jesus we did that oh now you're going to get person we call it radical evangelism you're going to get some persecution but you see that was that was corresponding with god's purpose and plan for people let me say it again christian love is a deliberate correspondence with god's purpose and plan for mankind there was a wonderful lady who was a missionary who was willing to walk anywhere and do anything for god's cause she heard that people needed her prayer and her help in a leper colony this is a true story so she went to the leper colony and most people wouldn't go because you know so scared they're gonna get it and die she laid hands on people she ministered to him and to the leopards that they were just so grateful because you know i mean they weren't allowed to touch nothing you couldn't talk to your family they couldn't you could the daughter couldn't hug the dad so what they said she was about ready to walk go back home on on the same road that she went which was about like two or three miles that she walked true story they sent a message and they said uh ma'am please don't come because there's a pride of lions that are in i came into that area on that road and you'd be killed and every day you may have to wait two or three days uh you can't she said but i have to get back i have to minister to my flock where she was so this one leper came up and he was all weak he was all just eaten alive he said i'll go with you she looked at him and she said you couldn't help me if the lines come out you're too weak you can barely walk and you know what he said he said yeah but i have something to give and that's my life in other words if them lions came at a he would throw his life on the line who isn't that something she had changed that man so much and he came back with her thank god the lions didn't get them but he was willing to sacrifice his life because he understood the great definition god is love he said i i have something i can give and that's my life that was she could run he couldn't and most of the line if they get something to attack it they'll stop you know because they got something to eat or something like that but thank god they both made it see now that was a deliberate correspondence that happened in 1800s in the 1800s and i'm talking about it today now let me talk about this enemy i gave you come some definition the greatest definition and its enemy what is its enemy what is the enemy of love fear you've heard me say this many times i got it from kenneth copeland actually uh fear tolerated his faith contaminated first uh john chapter 4 i want to read verse 18. there is no fear in love notice about that that leper he had no fear for his life because he loved that lady there is no fear in love but perfect love casted out fear you don't just tell it to leave you have to cast it out because fear hath torment but when you're afraid have you been afraid to be afraid that's fear boy it's tormenting he that feareth is not made perfect in love now we'll talk about that for a minute i've been rarely criticized because i don't fear who you think you are perfecting my love there it is right there let me read it again he that feareth is not made perfect in love i want to get to that point that god said i could do you see it's not arrogance it's not cockiness sometimes we have to make decisions at the ministry we don't want to make and it may have to deal with people but we don't want to but we have to do what we have to do why because we're being led by god well you know you miss god no i didn't why because that's just the way it is you know sometimes i mean sometimes i have to buy something i don't want to buy you know and i thought what why do i why is it so expensive why do i have to do it well to accomplish what you need to do you have to have this well i know that my god you know it just gets to a point where it gets ridiculous sometimes but if you're going to complete that job you got to have that tool let me say that again i want to read that verse verse 18. there is no fear in love but perfect love casted out fear because fear hath torment he that fifth is not made perfect in love i'm gonna ask you a question have you ever seen me in torment has anybody been working from all these years ever seen me tormented why god is love it's the great definition but it has an enemy called fear right this now fear is the disease of the age fear is the disease of the age it's universal people see it all the time that's why a lot of people are in church today because of covet not because of the covet because of the fear the fear is worse than the covet 99.9 percent of all people have had uh which word i want to use uh recovers a lot of people are in fear for all their lives never recover because fear is universal fear is a disease of the age my god how are we going to pay our house you're not is the lord going to do that but the doctor said i got stage four cancer okay what bible said whose report should you believe you're not denying what they say you're just not taking the fear of the cancer are you hearing what i'm saying i wasn't afraid to go on that operating table i'm not bragging about that why because god sent me i didn't go there because i was sick i went there because of obedience fear is the disease of the age it is universal you see fear must be chained you got to change this this enemy this boy you got to put him in prison fear must be chained and only love can do it the only way you're going to conquer fear is with love perfect love casted out fear it must be chained my god you might want to go visit somebody oh you want to go some thanksgiving watch it oh don't have too many of them there'll be more people get sick of eating bad turkey than they will in the comet fear must be changed it has to be you can't have fear and and love working together it doesn't work let me say it again fear must be chained and only love can do it so if i have an enemy you know what i do i change that enemy into a friend with love it's i ain't saying it's easy but i have to chain him watch as paul's in prison he said i'm bound with this chain but the word of god is not bound my god don't they don't know what they do this gospel is going to go forth think about that so when we were building this people said well man suppose you don't have enough money to finish it i chained it i threw it in prison i did it with love i said we're building this because we love people and none of you were here we started out a church with just me and kathy we didn't know who's going to come we just built the building we just did it we started out it was in the annex we had to build that one i'm just let's just do it well actually we started out at the at the shriners we rented the shrine do you ever remember that boy smell of smoking at him shrine and smoke cigarettes like you ain't never seen something lord jesus we just did it we didn't know we didn't know who would come i'm was known as a traveling ministry still known as that didn't know if anybody's going to come our first service we had 601 people david uh betty's husband is in heaven he went my god look at this he was so excited let's go have a meal you know david like to eat i said let's go david i said we're gonna have fun but this is something man i listen that was a big step for me i didn't want a church i know what god's called me to do and i haven't changed and neither has him you see what i'm saying i know exactly what god's called me to do and they got people tried to pull me this way and pull me that way offered me more money you can shake a sticker no no i'm not for sale i'm not going to prostitute my anointing but when god told kathy to build a church i didn't like that who's going to pastor it not me you didn't call me to that he said i didn't ask you but i need someone that has the faith to build it oh i can do that and we did and we we never pulled anybody from other churches we didn't ask people hey would you like to come to our church because that's prosthetic we don't do that we made we just put out we haven't we're going to build a church and we're going to call it covenant and that's it and you're here today because of it we chain the fear we chained it see fear must be changed chain and only love can do it you see write this down we must tackle fear on its own ground so you got to go where it's at we must tackle fear on its own ground because only love can reach where fear breeds see you got to get to the very part of what makes people fear we must tackle fear on its own ground because this is the enemy of god is love the great definition we must tackle fear on its own ground because only love can reach where fear breeds see i've had to get to a point sometime where i had to get in a position that i did not want to be i had to let somebody go one time this is many years ago many many years ago because they liked what i paid but they didn't like my vision they were not behind my vision but they liked the way i got paid they said well we do our job i say yeah you do what i think but i said i need more than i need you to believe in me and how i found that was after they would leave they would they wouldn't say good things about us they would argue i don't have time for argument i got to complete my destiny and reach my destination i have no other choice in the matter you see what i'm saying i had a wonderful girl that worked for me god i loved her her name was charlotte i never forget the day that she left me because her husband got transferred to north carolina and she said but jess i'm not going i said you got to go charlotte but i love this ministry and i love you and i said thank you but you got to go and the husband said yes you got to go charlotte she said but i don't want to go oh she was struggling she loved her husband i mean they had a great marriage but i thought god that's what i need right there i said charlotte you will never leave me or forsake me and i will never leave you or forsake you i said we may be in different states but faith destroys all distance between you and me and god that set her free he said thank you now my wife is coming with me and i mean it was a great promotion for her i mean you know i mean promotion for him i mean it was a god thing you know god blessed him it was a god thing but did i wanted to go no i wanted her to stay another one tammy mooney had she was my financial director for 14 years i knew i had a problem because she was married to a baptist pastor not because he was a baptist pastor but pastors moved sometimes and go to other churches this girl was phenomenal i hope she's listening she's they're in mississippi right now oh i mean tammy i tell you one thing i could get i tell time to do some boom i mean it was that she and she was smart as a whip and she was a financial director and her husband pastored the koto baptist church in homer louisiana steve is a great guy this is a great family okay and i just loved tammy you know there's some people you just get close to i don't know i just love tammy more and it was such a blessing and anyway so she comes up to me one day she says i need to talk to you i went oh no they moving steve they're making the head over the missions there i said tell him don't take it he's missing god if he takes it the lord said tell her you just lied i said tammy i just lied but believe the lie just believe the well it's a lie but believe the lie would you i didn't want him to leave man i did not want her to leave see so there's times that some people you don't want to leave leave and there's some there's some people you they need to leave but that doesn't mean you hate them either way you see what i'm saying destiny and destination we're all going to the same place anyway yeah let me know we all going to heaven see that's a blessing but i just like i just like to all go together see kathy sometimes doesn't understand that and we've been married 50 years but and i don't mean it to sound the way it sounds she said you want uh yeah i said uh you want to go out and she said we're going to need someone i said who's going with us she goes you don't want to go out and eat with me i said yeah we're going to eat with you but who's coming with us well you you don't want to go out alone i said no i didn't say that you're saying all that stuff i still hadn't got it that she wants to be alone with me i said yeah but uh call betty uh call uh uh who else do we call i get the crew we call it the crew sometimes you know oh you want to go she said well you don't want to go out with me yeah i want to go out with you that's not the issue she said jesse you'd bring people on a honeymoon i said what's wrong with that i like being around people i like people now i don't get mad when she says i'm going with the girls you go somewhere i could say oh you don't want to be with me huh what's somebody you don't like being around with me but that don't work for the man it just works for the woman see she said can't we go anywhere by ourselves now here's the wrong here's another wrong statement i go but what we're going to do oh god now i got both feet in my mouth oh you can't have fun with me i didn't say any of that it's kind of funny but it's just the way it is sometimes she's going to do something i don't even know she's going to do it let me tell you something man it's not easy being married to a woman that wants her nails and toes done i said well go to the place and get them done but that that's not the end of it she comes back i said you want to go no i can't go over there because my my nails and my toes are still wet so i got to walk for two hours like this in the mall the other day we wanted to see ron and pierre's house at round the field back there hey boy right on the pier said yeah cat said oh i got new shoes on they swayed i can't walk in that dirt we didn't go see their house and it should be understood my next point here you're going to like this point you'll understand why i just said that the success of your life depends largely upon the kind of mental picture you are making you see when i say that to kathy i'm making a mental picture but not in a bad way let me say it again the success of your life depends largely upon the kind of mental picture you are making see so in other words you may say but what what what you may say something but what are people hearing what are they seeing you see what i'm saying you're creating a mental picture kathy tells me jesse you're a very good storyteller sometimes you say something and you make people see stuff that they shouldn't be looking at i said but they get the point i'm trying to get the point over to them oh no no no no no no no no you know just go a little light on that i said no you got a problem with that no i ain't got a problem with that i said well then listen to the point the success of your life whether you're going to live or die you know the success of your life depends largely upon the kind of mental picture you're making you know for some reason another when somebody asks you to do something he seems a lot easier than you wanted to do stuff at your own house look at women if i'd asked richard to do something go yeah just want to do it now yeah i got a time ago i've been wanting to get that dough fixed for 25 years yeah i'll get to it i just don't have the time for well you've got time you're going over to jesse to do that see i don't drive him crazy tell me i just say hey thank you very much he told me to say that i'll get you in trouble now praise god and i understand that you can fix someone else's door a lot easier than you can fix your own how many ladies know what i'm talking about come on you know it's just a fact that's called life let me help you if you want your door fixed call kathy kathy can fix anything she's mechanical boy i told her that last night i said hey kelly you're going to finish those christmas trees in in the white and the white ballroom i'm a little tired well suck it up come on come on girl you can do it and she goes no i i'm just going to sit here and so but i planted the seed i just planted the seed and i could see her going i didn't say no more after while she got up i said she said i don't know where my white bowls are i said are they an addict yeah i'll go get them for you takes 52 steps to get to my attic by the time you get to that you suck and win came down there and she decorated them trees it was a blessing why didn't you do it i'm not good at that and if it did i'd have to tear it all down because she'd say that ain't right why'd you put that why'd you put that ribbon there why do you have that ornament hanging off that and all that kind of stuff i said i don't know i just saw a hole and i throw it in there that's what i did it's still sparkling the success of your life depends largely upon the kind of mental picture you are making you see because sometimes they ain't no use to try to reason see you can't reason with fear you cannot let me say this again the success of your life depends largely upon the kind of mental picture you're making now i want to talk about this reason here and i'm going to close with this reason reason argues too much you know why because it's overrated reason argues too much because it's overrated see reason cannot cast out fear well i'm gonna try to make this work see that's why that's where psychologists and psychiatrists and therapists mess up they want you to reason things out it has to be cast out why are you afraid of this you can't reason but because reason is overrated why your reason argues too much because it's already it cannot cast out fear what the only thing cast out fish perfect love cast of our fear you want to get rid of the torment in your life you use the perfect love of god if you try to argue with that reason with that uh that's overrated it won't work i call it you know induction and reason range and research you know a lot of people want to know why well do you really believe in god why do you think god exists if you got to ask that that's because your reason is overrated you can have complete evidence of the fact that it's work that it's there but you'll i see it but i don't believe it which makes no sense you see what i'm saying so i i'll just use as example we know that the secretary of state of each state uh confirms votes of of the elections we've got enough sense to know that that's the law in every state 50 states okay what the press does not like is they don't like to be told what to do they want you to just listen to what they say and take it at point blank whatever when we know they'll do anything to get a good news story now watch it give you an example yeah and if you know it not in all the years that i've i've been in presidential elections usually uh well let's go back where we had three stations channel 4 channel 6 and channel 8. remember that abc cbs nbc we didn't have cable news all that they say uh president eisenhower has won the election see they want that they want to say that actually they have no right to say that because they don't choose the president you do but they made you think they do we have 79 of the voters we now declare president nixon the president of the united states so once you say that now a lot of time they did that especially with people in california they they thought somebody already won and they're two hours behind they thought well they used to go because they already won they're not stupid you see what i'm saying but they have no right to do that but they don't like that they don't want you to take that right away i'm not being critical of anything going on today what i'm just saying is that's just the way it is who chooses the president of the united states is you me and you a government of the people by the people and for the people but the press don't like to see the press's job is to keep the president in check or to keep the congress in check or to keep churches in check he said that's why they don't know what to do i heard the other day that our mayor canceled mardi gras my grandma's not until february or march this is november see what fear do you all remember we had we had so many hurricanes that that uh i think it was the saint charles president he declared a a mandatory evacuation and the thing didn't even come here so far in the head when he went whoa whoa whoa well in caution caution i think the psalm said he got more faith than us than we got in him maybe he was under pressure i don't know you see but what you need to do see nobody wants to wait they want to be the first to declare well i declare to you today that perfect love casted out all fear and all torment you see what i'm saying yeah so reason argues too much because it's overrated so that's why i don't argue with kathy when she looks at me said well you don't want to be with me it's overrated because why so people come with us and then she'll we're going home she'll say boy didn't we have a good time i want to say you didn't talk to me hardly at all you were talking to everybody else she said well how can i talk you always got the floor and then it starts over again you understand here we go again glory to god i just smile because it's overrated so i opened up the door and i cast her out the car no no no no i don't do that jesse i forgot my phone good no i forgot my phone good turn around and go get my phone i said the office is locked up i left it on my desk oh but kathy has ways call robbie robbie are you still at the office yeah my phone he already knew it well he's going he's standing out there waiting he knew he hey robert you know here you go i don't argue i used to argue i said good god kathy just leave the phone yeah that's all right i don't carry a phone yeah but yeah could you give you give everybody my number well i carry you but that don't work that way so robbie comes bringing i don't know how many times robbie's brought it robbed me a pick-me-up probably kind of funny you know he's walking around i like the way robin cuts his hair because you just never know what you're going to get he'll shave that baby in one long ponytail i thought i'm waiting for him to have a mohawk i like the mohawk characters i think i look good myself but that's just me but that's fine because hey he does what he wants to do that's fine we don't have a problem with that you know yeah just the way it is you know there's some things that some of my staff does i don't particularly like it's not wrong it's not wrong at all but it's no use to argue about reason with it because the job is getting done and they may see something i don't see i'll say this in close you see sometimes this ministry tries to protect me sometimes too much they don't want me to know about the bad stuff that people say about me so they'll kind of protect me you know somebody writes some ugly thing i mean something nasty i mean really bad so i called them all in on my director i said i want to know everything that buddy says bad about me i want to know it god said what now what do you want to know at half hour i said they might be right i'm serious it makes me look at myself i said let me see that let me see if i see that you see if i learn to judge myself i'll never be judged by god you see and i've had the lord tell me he said i don't have to judge you jesse you'll judge yourself they may be right most of the time they're wrong you know because they they listen or heard some lie or i don't know whatever i mean some of the most god-awful things have been said about me about the ladies that worked for me that's all his women you know how many women i got working for me oh i'm telling you it's all these women i'm telling you he sleeps with all of them i want to make an announcement i ain't that good you don't lost your ever loving mind and besides that's an insult to the ladies that worked for me how could they say such a thing there's no use to reason with it you can tell them it's not true and sometimes i would like to tell their husband they said that about your wife so they go beat them up a little bit but you know they're still going to say it so i just let my light shine i understand the great definition god is love so i'm going to walk in that level i'll do it all the time even when i get bad service i still give a good tip and you know i got kathy ever going home what they did how long they got that way how long we got to weigh them how come all them people got their food but i don't have mine i said i don't know i'll run in the kitchen say where's her food i don't know i don't work here how come you got your food before i got mine and i said this one time i said well maybe i'm just a little nicer oh boy now i got both my feet and my butt in my mouth i said okay i'm sorry i just i'm just joking you ain't joking ain't no used to reason with it we don't know why how come you can be sitting in a restaurant and people come in and they came in 10 minutes after you sat down and ordered and they get their food first i don't know but if you want to eat just stay there it's the best you can do that's all you can do you know the other day we were eating and i had something on my tooth i guess and i just said i went catholic and she stuck her fingers in my mouth and took it off i said get your fingers out my mouth god said yeah but you had something on your tooth well i'll do this where's your fingers been anyway i don't know where your fingers have been i don't know what you touched she's like a monkey sometimes she just picks on it that day i was doing television i guess i had a hair hang and she was doing this i'm going what what what are you doing what how many men that's happened to you hold your hand don't lie hold your hand up come on it's the truth i guess they see things we don't see i don't know has she ever take spit and wipe your head on with it that happened to you keg oh lord jesus she goes for my face in my hair catch her hand don't touch my hair don't touch my face and meredith my granddaughter said i'm the only one can touch grandfather's hair i don't wanna i used to hate that my mom was grabbing my face i don't like people touching my face you know and my mama she'd say stay oh man i she didn't call spanky so i'm a whoop you boy a whoopin you ever been sent out to get a switch i came back with a flower i ain't stupid hit me with this you want to hit me she busts out laughing i knew if i could get her to laugh the anger was over did you enjoy it today give jesus a handcraft for that
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 46,849
Rating: 4.8980508 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: 96pl_PYNotM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 31sec (4471 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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