Sunday Morning Service 7/25/2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] as usual [Music] [Music] god [Music] god is great in this place [Music] [Music] you got it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] and god requires that which is past what does that mean to you and i revivals that tried to start in the 70s are going to come back in full force in this time and already they have begun what does that mean to you it means that some of your folks that were lived in that time and grew up in the 70s are about to have an experience with god yes i hear you lord something like this he said i haven't forgot i haven't forgotten i haven't your loved ones everywhere i haven't forgotten i haven't oh god [Music] howard is in heaven today says the lord so rest your mind yes just chuck will chug safe you have my promise today says [Music] [Music] please [Music] you know what the child is that is the sound of people being delivered from the occult come on and shout before you're gone come on what are we gonna do oh we're gonna jump jump on the door for this is the time of celebration says the lord this is the time for celebration among the nations for i'm about to rip the lid off of corruption and i'm gonna wad it up in a ball like this i saw the lord say i'm gonna rip the lid off of corruption and i'm gonna roll it up in a ball like this and i'm going to throw it just like that i'm going to throw it and it will hit some square in the face and some will move their head to try to miss it and then they'll lose their balance and fall for corruption is coming down says the lord it's time for my people my people to rejoice [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing right at this moment about something about water something about us it's either a submarine or a ship there's about to be an incident and it'll mark something in time where i will remind you and people will know at that time that i'm bringing things that were buried deep up and i am bringing ships [Music] some to a righted position some to reveal treasure that was hidden and some to a complete stall ships vessels of water [Music] hear the wind blow [Music] hear the wind blow hear the wind what's in the wind everything for sales have been hoisted high to be filled with the wind of the prophetic before i have heard the lord say this morning i am going to i saw him drop three drops [Music] on i saw him drop these drops on the communication lines three communication lines in the nation for the lord said i'm going to fill all the communication of the nation with the prophetic for all will have a knowledge of the prophetic the lost world and the saved for i heard the lord say this morning seeker sensitive churches said and chose to vote the prophetic out so i'm going to fill all communication lines with the prophetic [Music] hear the wind blow [Music] the lord says i'm going to fill all the communication lines with the prophetic even a major news channel will speak of it fox yes turn the ship [Music] hard to starboard turn the ship says the lord bring it safely into the harbor the ship is the ship i speak of is america [Music] for the lighthouse has shown while the waves have crashed high but into the harbor she'll come and i am the reason why [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on this show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i hear the lord say enjoy the grapevines for i'm sending you new wine enjoy the grapevine says the lord for what took seven years to grow will take seven hours for you to know come on [Music] enjoy [Music] your spirit [Music] the upper room stuff [Music] [Music] m [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i know you're thinking man this is a wild service [Applause] what did you come out to see a reed shaken in the wind you came out to let the presence of god bring out your destinies we raise a sound for what for the lord to speak to raise your destinies bring it forward for you to see yeah say my destiny bring it forward for me to see [Music] your destiny destiny now i want you to stay joyful because nobody planned any of this i don't know i do what i'm told you know i want you to stay joyful about this right here now i'm going to tell you something i've got to say something right here before we take now give me that and i take the spirit of witchcraft [Music] i'm going to tell you something and i'm talking to the witch [Music] who will not relent you know who you are [Music] you child of the devil [Music] you will be blind for a season [Music] before we arrest the spirit of witchcraft manipulation and choke it down and cast it down in jesus name come on and give god a shout down one time [Music] [Music] so [Music] hallelujah just right then as that song was ending the lord said to tell somebody i don't know if you're here you're watching but the lord said somebody was concerned the lord said tell them their baby will live [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how we give you praise lord can we just thank him one more time wow hallelujah oh you could not get any more unplanned than that [Music] right right then how many is glad that you came today [Music] you know last last weekend when we were uh privileged to and honored to be in uh omaha nebraska uh with pastor hank and brenda kunam and they said something behind uh while we were back in the green room and he said now is the time that it is coming that the scripture let us go and to let us be glad that to go into the house of the lord is coming to pass they said because you see people standing in line you see people waiting to come there were people that sunday morning lined up at 5 00 am to get into the house of the lord people are hungry it is now that time that it's coming to pass that i was glad when they said let us go into the house of the lord now is that time you are seeing it you are seeing it for so long we saw churches empty for so long we saw just a few people here and there all across the the united states all across the world we saw just just few and far between but now we are living in the time where we are glad when they say let us go into the house of the lord so listen i know it's hot it's it's just as hot up here i can guarantee you it's hotter up under these lights it's hot yes but there are people in parts of the world that are absolutely they they will travel days on foot just to be able to hear someone preach the gospel so if we can't endure a few hours in the heat then then how are you going to stand in this fight how are you going to stand at the end of of all of this on the front lines how are you going to be there listen someone told me the other day they said you truly are we were talking about ministry i said ministry is not for the faint of heart it's not for the faint of heart she said because you guys are literally on the front lines and i told her i said well you know what i said sometimes i said you literally face hell itself i said but we're the ones with the water guns on the front lines we're the ones that we we have to look at it because we're the ones to take it down we're the ones with the water pistols to put the fire out and so if we can't stand the heat for a few hours in service how are you going to stand on the front lines of facing hell itself and put the fire out you have to rejoice and be glad when they say let us come into the house of the lord [Applause] because those of you that are here today i would face hell with you i would face it with you because you're the one standing beside me with the water pistol getting ready to take it out because you came today you came today and you were glad and rejoiced so don't ever let that leave your your spirit don't ever let that leave your heart don't ever let that leave your mind that we are grateful to come together and worship our god and not only worship him but worship him freely completely and totally free to do what god wants us to do hallelujah hallelujah well that's not the offering message but it didn't cost you anything and that that was pretty good but it's offering time here at church international hallelujah who is ready to give today oh i i so enjoy giving so those of you watching by live stream first and foremost we want to welcome you in to this service today it is such a joy and an honor to have you with us remember just because you are not here physically does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place today just simply stretch your hand towards whatever screen you're watching and just say i receive it and we send it straight through the camera today hallelujah also if you're watching by our website there is a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give you can click on that if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description just follow that link it is safe easy secure and a way that you can participate in this also and also for those watching and here we have text to give the number is on the screen and you can also do that it's very easy so as you're getting uh your gifts together today i just want to to share with you just a little something um i if you watched the 11th hour tuesday this past tuesday i i shared just just a brief part of of this and the lord has laid this on my heart for a few weeks now and there there was this there was this show and uh and for first of all before before we get into to what i want to say i want you to pull up uh luke 6 38 luke 6 38 imagine that but i want us to go back and look at 37 and what 37 says and see we sometimes we get so excited about about what we want to read that we forget to see where that scripture came from and then where that one came from and then where that one came from and these are actually words in red so these are really ones you want to pay attention to what is being said here and in in luke uh 6 37 it says judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you shall be forgiven then we go into 38 give and it shall be so there's a formula here to your giving and and he there's a reason why jesus said this before the giving scripture because you wonder why you're giving isn't working why you're not prospering well you need to back it up back it up just a little bit what's that video back it up terry back it up you need to back it up and and see what god is saying what he is telling you to do but see in the message translation luke 6 37 says don't pick on people jump on their failures criticize their faults unless of course you want the same treatment don't condemn those who are down that hardness can boomerang be easy on people you'll find life a lot easier give away your life and you'll find life given back but not merely giving back given back with bonus and blessing giving not getting is the way generosity begets generosity that's the message translation as gene bailey says the woman translation they put things very clear and what what you want to say but there was this show and it was the very underrated cartoon christian cartoon and it was called little dogs on the prairie and my brother really really enjoyed that show so we watched it a lot and it's absolutely hilarious it's adult humor in a child's child's cartoon but it's a christian cartoon well there was this episode where the owner of the general store hollister now he's are prairie dogs like that that's what it is little dogs on the prairie and he he's the owner of the general store hollister well he hires this through a telegram he gets and he hires this guy to start working at his store and he shows up he's he's got all the credentials he's he's overqualified well when he shows up it scares him because he's a snake he that he's actually a snake but he comes with a little top hat on now this is a cartoon in real life if it was a snake he would be gone and he he would be longer and and so but he shows up and he's got his top hat on and his name is stanza and then he is who is qualified to take the job and he tells him he goes hollister jumps back and says you're a snake you're a snake and he's he tries to explain but i'm not like the other snakes he said i don't curse don't drink don't smoke don't chew don't slither with those who do and and so he tells him he said i'm not liking the other snakes so he hires him he brings him on board but he keeps him hidden because he doesn't want everybody to get scared and run off out of the town well at night they begin to hear this this opera singing i mean this beautiful voice that was coming out and so all the dogs on the prairie would come out to the town and and it's set in a western so they come out in in the town and everybody's just listening and some are crying because it's just absolutely beautiful well they do it not after night after night and finally one of them says i can't take it anymore i've got to see who this voice is so he goes up to the window and he start he goes there's a snake there's a snake so they they run off everybody leaves and they decide that they're going to boycott hollister's store because he hired a snake so they end up boycotting the store but they said but if we boycott we don't we won't have any stuff so we better stock up so they go and they end up stocking up they buy his entire store out until there's just uh rotten kumquats yeah and that's it and that was all that was left but they buy him out completely but then they don't want anything to do with him well then they come out every night still to hear that music well one night the music is gone because stanza left they they talked bad about him they heard him they they judged him for what for what he was or what they thought he was and so he left and they began to feel terribly bad about themselves after it was all over because it was the beautiful music at night was nowhere to be found and they were the cause of it well the only one and it brought this back to my attention the only one who prospered in that episode was hollister the one who hired him the rest of the people they didn't prosper because not only did they spend all their money buying all the stuff to boycott the store but first they had to stock up but then they didn't prosper in their mind because they felt bad about themselves because the beautiful music and everything that they listened to was now gone and they were the cause of it all because they were so judgmental over stanza see they wanted him for his gifts they loved his gifts they loved the gift that god gave them and they wanted the gift but they didn't want anything to do with him but what they didn't realize is that the gift came with him and he came with the gift just like in the in the show they said he said you don't get it the singer was the snake the snake was the singer see you don't get it the gift is in the person the person is in the gift this is their call if you want to prosper not only financially but mentally in your soul even as your soul prospers my best advice to you is shut your mouth against people against other people my oldest niece used to look at us we were all talking during the movies one night and she looked at me and she said shut your mouths she was like four shut your mouth that is my advice to you today shut your mouths don't judge each other don't judge your neighbor don't judge the person down the street don't judge the person you see walking down the sidewalk and please for your benefit and and for mine and for all of us keep your mouths off of ministers keep it off of them why touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm do them no harm you want to know why you're not prospering why why you're giving isn't working why you feel like you just run yourself in the ground sewing and sewing and sewing but there's nothing coming back up you need to open your voice recorder on your phone and take it with you wherever you go and record your conversations throughout the day then at the end of the day go back and listen to it and find out just how many times you criticize somebody else find out how many times you gossiped about somebody else listen don't don't ever think that you are above uh somebody else as far as you couldn't possibly ever be tempted with what they were tempted with when the enemy gets you into that place it is very dangerous you are not exempt you say well did you see what that person did do you know what they did do you know what they look at the way they look my god why is your hair so long why don't you cut your hair what if god told him don't cut his hair he told samson don't cut it look what happened to him i love samson don't get me wrong but you you just you just run your mouth against people not just ministers but against each other when it comes when it comes down to it listen the enemy will get you into a place where you think well look at what they're dealing with i couldn't possibly ever be tempted with that give it a year give it a year and i and the next time you see that person chances are if they never repented and asked for forgiveness they'll be dealing with the same thing you're not exempt don't judge people for their past at all for the things that they dealt with you say why because people may judge you for yours but then you say well i don't have a bad pass to be judged for then the enemy will open up an opportunity in your present so that you can have a past so that people can judge you for the you don't understand all of this he uses petty little offensive stupid things to open the door he will take every little inch he can get and if you give him an inch he'll take a mile and then if you give him a mile he'll keep on going he'll take two he'll take three he doesn't need much don't give him anything if you find yourself talking about somebody getting engaged in a conversation shut it down shut it down and and even ask at not only ask the lord to forgive you and repent but repent in front of others that you engaged in this conversation i've done it so many times where i have just not been paying attention and agreed with something somebody said and then it hit me and i turned around and i said i please forgive me for speaking against this person because i don't want that don't put that evil on me there's enough hell to deal with out there i don't need to deal with that i don't need to deal with that part but listen you say this has to do with the offering it's in the offering scripture it's literally in the offering scripture if you read it and i've preached about this so many times but there are messages upon messages that could be preached about this one thing so my biggest advice to you why is my giving not working hush your mouth get a hold of your tongue i don't care if you don't like a minister keep your mouth off of him or her i don't care if you don't agree with what they say there's ministers i don't agree with everything they say but you will never ever ever find me talking against them why touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm i don't need that on me you don't need it on you we've got a job to do we have a task at hand we have a fight to win and we have to keep going it's not only going to take physical strength mental strength spiritual strength it's going to take financial strength also why because we have to fund the gospel we have to keep these ministers going we have to keep these prophets going around the world so that when they say they get the word that says thus saith the lord that we can send them to kings why you and i may be fearful to point our no point our finger at a king's nose and say thus saith the lord a prophet is not a prophet is not and we have to be able to say listen i'm not called to go but i'm going to send you i need to send you and so the way that we're going to be financially strong in these last days is following the instructions of the master of when he says don't judge forgive and then give and it shall be given follow the three steps that the that the master gave us and just when you find yourself in that place don't ever judge anybody because you don't know what got them there you don't know what the enemy uses in their past in their mind what he torments them with day in and day out why they're there what they fight with because you may not be mentally strong enough to deal with what they deal with but they keep pushing and they keep going so when you find yourself say lord i repent repent in front of others if you did it in front of other people and then just keep moving forward and eventually you'll find yourself in a place where that becomes second nature to you just to say no that you will not talk about somebody you will not judge and get any hate or malice out of your heart get it out because if anything will ever hold you back it's that so today just simply say lord i repent if i have judged anyone lord i i repent if i have touched your anointed lord i repent if i have done your prophets any harm lord i repent for talking about my neighbor and lord i ask you to forgive me and i forgive if i have ought against any and created me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me and now it's time to give our offering amen amen a clean slate i'm telling you i know that was a little lengthy but it's what the lord it had been building up i couldn't help it it had been building up for a minute so today the lord said it's time to give it and so today i wanted to share that with you and who knows that may spark a whole actual message we never know so it's time to give so stand up on your feet today hold your gifts up before the lord now it is time to speak luke 6 38 say it with me we say give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now are you a tither oh this is on a whole nother level right here our tithing promise malachi 3 10 bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it give the lord a shout of praise today we have places that you can bring your gifts we have two places up front we have a place in the balcony and we have a place in the overflow someone will see to it that you are taken care of the new sanctuary is on its way hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah this is a time of worship it's a time of worship you're giving the ground is ready the soil is ready for you to plant your seed in hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god the ground is ready i hear the spirit of the lord say the ground is ready the ground is ready hallelujah glory to god there's nothing like fresh tilled up ground you can smell it when you're getting ready to plant hallelujah hallelujah and that soul is rich sister ramona it is rich and it is ready for the seed hallelujah to be sown glory to god hallelujah the ground there's a mist rising there's a mist rising oh i feel it i sense it today there is a mist rising there is a mist hallelujah and it's watering the ground today for the seed that you sow today says the lord will be the harvest that you experience tomorrow for it is the time that the the reaper is overtaking the sower and and it is it is that time that that that you sow one minute you reap the next hallelujah and the sower's overtaking the reaper and the reaper overtaking the sower glory to god such a time such a powerful word you know i received when the lord has a word we receive our correction because it is it is for our growth it's for our growth and the lord is wanting his people to grow now and there's it is such a time in the body of christ that people are experiencing they're experiencing such harvest hallelujah we are experiencing a time oh i tell you what you guys that have come today and and i know in the natural you know i've i pray for uh today while we're all in here it's a good time for a cloud to come over and to sprinkle and uh so don't think about everything think about that that it's christmas and and think about how and there's snow on the ground and if you're from up north just think about that and uh we are absolutely getting ready for uh uh uh i thought i would have news for you today but i i know i will next next sunday because the lord he knows he sees us he sees us but i want you to know that god is moving in this place and the enemy is trying his best to stop it but he can't he can't he's a loser and he knows he's a loser so he he's trying to stop the growth he's trying to stop it but he's not going to be able to because you know god he's bigger than him and he knows that that this is such an end time influx of people coming in being born again we're not your normal patty cake church we're not your tickle your ears uh feel good ministry and we're we're not we're not we're not going that way and uh so we were we were set apart for such a time as this and you know we've always been there comes a time in your walk with the lord that you determine am i gonna fit in am i going to be in the fitting crowd or am i going to stand out and different has always made the devil nervous being different has always made him nervous and so i want you to realize you're different or you wouldn't be here so you make the enemy nervous isn't that good that's good that's real good so it is a religion will try to get you to be the same religion wants everybody to be the same to look the same to walk the same to act the same to say the same words to to do right and i know that because growing up you know you you grow up and and you think church is this way it's supposed to be this way uh the pastor is going to do this it's going to be the three same songs that sung and and and i want you to to hear my heart this morning do you realize that when a song is sung a song is sung and it can bless you but you can remember the exact emotion that you felt when that song was played and your your emotions will go back and react the same way that it did when you heard that specific song you won't act any other way they will it'll bring t if it brought tears to your eyes you will cry if it brought joy to your heart you will laugh you only experience the emotion that at that particular time in your life that you experienced doing that same song but when you get over in a place of tahila prays and you abandon everything and you're letting the the spirit of the lord flow and write the song as you were praising then you will experience every time a new sensation you will experience a new a newness with the lord it won't be the same it won't be the the same i can okay my genera well my generation and older i remember when this song came out now now i like to say now at this time and i want to clarify i was a small child when the song came out a very small child because i was riding in the car with well it wasn't a car at the top yes it was a car it with my my older sister and her boyfriend at that time and um eight-track eight-track and he's getting ready to go to uh he's been drafted and he's going off to war and and so you know we're i you know it's the the little sibling thing you know if you're going on a date you got to take your sister with you so mother would always say y'all going you're taking her with you and i would be like okay whatever and just get because you're just a kid and you're going and so we got in the car i never will forget he had like a 60 something model um ss chevelle it was gold with black stripes down it of course i'm in the back seat because it's bucket seats back then there was no such law against anything why she wrote on the console i'll never know it's not comfortable but there was a seat belt and now we obey all traffic laws but there was a period of time when we grew up that there was no seat belts there might have been seat belts but we we we didn't use them thank god we wised up and and knew you know the only seat belt we had was what your mama your mama's arm and that was it but you know i can still remember getting in that car as young as i was and when he popped that eight-track or maybe he already had it in but i remember the feeling of when that song came on who will stop the rain by credence i can still remember and you know what even though i didn't comprehend everything what was going on it brought me down and it made me sad and i didn't know why it brought me sad sadness but did you know when that song plays now you're thinking you know that what is happening you have your you your brain it has memory you have memory and in your mind in your brain you know how many i'm i'm i'm really kicking it old school right now how many remembers lps see you're not ashamed of it it was good music you put a what a needle there was a needle on that arm i mean we had a stereo in our house my mom and dad had one of them long concept took up half the wall i mean you know now you just carry your music on your phone and everything but this thing this piece of furniture took up half the living room and you put the lp on and then what did you turn it to make sure it was on 33 wasn't that right and then it it went on and there was a there's a groove cut in that lp and it and when it turned kids it played music when krista saw an lp when she was little and we had had and we used to call it cutting a record you cut a record because that's what it did it cut the grooves in and she saw that and we had cut an album when we in gospel music when we were just teenagers and she saw it she said that's the biggest cd i've ever saw she said she's ashamed of herself right now for noah but she was little but that's what it's doing it's cutting a groove i can say a line to a word a song and that has has has fit a groove okay for instance i could say big old jet airliner don't carry me too far away that's right that's right why that song was back what in the 70s but you still remember that song you still remember it and everybody you ain't nothing but a hound dog my mother's over there shaking her head i mean in the in the you know that was her jam back then why that cut a groove that cut a groove that's why when you get born again you have to renew your mind what are you doing you're cutting new grooves you're cutting new grooves that's why religion will say to you that you can't act like this in church you can't you can't act like this in church why because that groove was cut you're supposed to come in and you're supposed to just sit down and you're not supposed to show any emotion and you're not supposed to raise your hand let me tell you something what the lord shared with me this morning he said religion stands at the door of your promise religion stands at the door and stops you at your door of promise that's why you got to shake it off shake it off shake them shackles off you got to shake it off i know when robin would say listen i hear this sound well i couldn't hear the sound it took me a little bit because i i was a more structured person listen i'm just being real with you this morning i'm doing transparent i was i was a more structured person because this is how we did it and then when we went over into praise and worship that was a stretch for me i grew up with the red back hymnal some of you don't kids don't even know what that is but i need what that read i am a walking redback criminal i know those songs in that red back handle and they're good some of them are good songs they're some of those good songs some of them not so good you know i mean we were taught to understand it better by and by well we don't need it in the by-and-by we need it now and but that's a groove that's cut it's a groove that's cut but religion will stop you and and and it will stop and then it'll dictate to you what you can wear why women can't wear pants to church okay women women can't teach really and women show can't preach and women show can't pastor really really mary was the first one that carried the word you see and jesus came and upended all religion he upended all the religious you know if one thing if the chosen has done that it has shown jesus in such a lot until you're like yes yes i'm that disciple that jesus loves i'm that disciple that jesus loves and so you you begin to to see how jesus destroyed religion he came to destroy religion listen it's a relationship it's a relationship with him he wants a relationship just like i i have a relationship with my husband i have a relationship with my my children and my grandchildren them grandkids let me tell you something we have a relationship and all my kids all my kids my my my my children that have married and they're in our family my son in love and my daughter in love we we i look at them and and i'll do something they'll just look at me and i'll say i'll do this for you and they'll look at me all of them and and i'll say well what are you and they'll look they'll say well i'm whatever i won't i'm whenever i want because they're in my heart we have a relationship we we just don't just don't pass and go hey and it's all just law you know it's a relationship and how do you develop that you spend time with them you know them you learn of them robin and i have been married over 42 years now we've been together since we were 14 and he was turning 16. we and we married at 16 and 17. i know this man i know him and he knows me i kid him all the time he'll say i can read you like a book i said there's chapters you ain't even seen yet [Applause] and we laugh but yes we know each other we've spent almost every waking minute of those 42 years together just a few that we wasn't but not much and i know i i know him i can sense when something's not right him the same with me because we we know each other we've spent time with each other and and i remember hearing jesse say god did somebody hurt your feelings today and the lord let him know he said i'm gonna cancel everything and just spend time with you today he has to become that real to you he's got to become that real to you revival where we're we're in this this period of time when have you ever seen people standing in line not since the 90s to get into a church to worship to be with like faith to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying because we're at a crucial time not to push christianity away but bring it to a point where we're hearing we're hearing and we're knowing and we're all in this together and we're with the lord and we're in this relationship with him together where he's speaking to us because he don't want you hurting he don't want you hurt he wants your your life to be better he wants your your life to be better and he's moving throughout his body because we've all come to this point in time where it is a crucial time in the body of christ and we're we're screaming revivals here revival's coming we've got to be living revival we've got to be experiencing revival every day and how do we do that we've got to keep religion away from the doors of our promise [Music] we've got to keep religion from the doors of our promise religion blocks the door oh he told me this morning i could just hear a conversation i have met the dearest lady and she's become my friend i can call her friend because she called me her friend and we're shopping friends now and that's miss kat kerr and and it's just uh oh just a precious friendship i love her so much and we were i was listening this morning and and talking to the lord and and i heard this conversation and i heard different things that people were saying and they were saying but they can't be right look at his coat who wears a coat in hundred degree weather a long jacket they okay they're weird look at her hair who hears from god with pink hair and all of a sudden i heard it was like i saw the father and jesus look at each other and then they looked over to this angel that looked like rainbow bride that had all these colors in their hair and those that though rainbow bright was a doll that and had a lot of different color hair and so that is religion saying that how can you how can your disciples eat wheat on sunday with unwashed hands well they're hungry let them eat someone asked me what are you feeding those people that come and stay all as long as they do do you have food for them up there and i looked i thought food what we got no taco bell in here it's food that you know not of when you were singing this morning and you said i you said about the grapevine and the new one my mind went straight to that old song and i started trying to rewrite it over there in my mind i heard it through the new wine you know a lot of things you don't hear clear through the grapevine but if you drink it on the new wine you could hear things very clear and there's no hangovers hallelujah you know somebody who's who is intoxicated and it's not the new wine they don't make no sense and they'd conjure up stuff that that that really didn't happen or somebody didn't say well i i mean i have saw people drunk on the new wine to the point where they couldn't even hardly talk but i tell you what when they could they made it perfectly clear and revelation would come forth you know peter stood out and he said we're not drunk as you supposed he said we're filled with the holy ghost here religion was not in that cr in that mix that day if religion had been in that mix that day i don't know if if the 120 if it would have roared through like that because why you say oh it would have came through they were in one accord they were in one accord they were in one mindset listen it is not about the lord told he i was i was seeking him about things and and different things we're not here you know we're not here to launch anybody's career that's not a that's what this that's not what this ministry is about so you know get that out of your head we're here with one thing and that is to do the will of the father and to hear what thus saith the lord religion would tell you but you see he it has reached us too late back in 07 when the one night when i was praying and i was saying does anybody know what i'm talking about when the holy ghost comes on you and you do that wailing wall holy ghost thing you know you're just like you're just rocking back and forth i was in uh our bedroom and i had the tv on and i was watching um i was watching lakeland revival and it was on and i and they were airing that i think on god tv at the time and so um well i was back there and i was watching that and and it just kept stirring stirring stirring in me and uh the lord said he said that not was that that was before we went to lakeland was that before after we went to lakeland now before we yes i do too and so we i was back there and the lord said go to warrior this was an o7 go to warrior and i'm going to show you where to park and what to do and i came out of the the bedroom i said i got to go to warrior and i was just going to go get in the jeep we had this rubicon black jeep at the time before john got old enough to drive and uh so i they said we're coming too and they came down got in the jeep we went i prayed in tongues all the way down the lord told me he said you're going to park at jack's and you're going to walk the sidewalk i didn't have shoes on that night and it was right i mean perfect prophetic night rain and thunder and lightning and the whole whole deal and so roxanne is on the interstate going down 65 and all of a sudden she calls into the jeep talked to chris and she said what is going on over there the lord said something's going on over there well i was walking up the sidewalk from jack's and there was a no some houses down through there and there used to be a it was an ice house it was the old ice house over there before the new jacks came and so i was walking up the sidewalk there and i was praying in the spirit i was stepping in and water i don't even remember the walk but i do remember this one of the houses it was empty there was a demonic spirit ran to the window and slapped that window i don't know what you're gonna think about that but it happened anyway just let let the religion fall off of you right now but that happened and it slapped that window and i was so in in with the holy ghost till i turned and i looked and i as i walked by i never will forget i turned around i looked and i said shut your mouth and just kept on walking and i never heard it and the lord said now stop and put your hands on that door and i put my hands on that double door and when i did the lord said now begin and we started seven days ablaze and we started we didn't know what else to do we just went in there we started praying we started having a meeting uh just whatever the lord wanted to do and then he took me to lakeland and we went down there was in july around the 4th of july i think down there and we went down there and they said we're going to have a baptizing well we're standing praising in a tent and this cold water starts dropping on my first of all i noticed on my feet because it's hot and that you want to think you're hot this is in florida south florida in the middle of i mean the fourth of july thousands of people you're hot and this water comes down and it and it hits my foot and and i looked up but there's nothing coming down it's not raining and then it started dripping it came on my head and this this mist would come this mist used to come in here sometime on a friday night fire and and you could you could sense it and you could smell it you could smell this mist and and so some of you are going to feel that today and they said we're going to have a baptizing tonight well i went i jumped in line i knew i had to do that and when we got i got there he said what do you want when i finally got in that water and i'm going to tell you right now that water was black and swirling just like that it was it was it was just rolling and and the power of god was so strong he said what do you want i said i came for the fire of god to take it back to warrior alabama and when i said that my my granddaughter madison she remembers they would just she said they kept dunking me under and i'd come back up and and they'd say something else and the next thing i know i was i was down again when i came back we came back to warrior and the lord said start that was in oh seven and we started 50 consecutive nights of revival it went of 50 knots we didn't take a break it was 50 knots you didn't have time to do anything but get up what time you slept go back to service christa said this is our life we go to church we go to jacks maybe mcdonald's sometimes taco bell then we go home we eat we go back to church and we did that right up there in that little building where the youth force building is for 50 knots miracles that would stagger your mind happen religion put signs on on their marquis you can't do this without a covering oh okay like jesus said enough of a covering you can't do this without a covering wdjc called and said what is going on up there we would like for you to come down and talk about it youth was praying over people they were getting up out of wheelchairs diabetes was being healed blind eyes was opening broken bones were being were being healed we seen this not after night after night after night for 50 knots one night the lady that was in the wheelchair that got up out of the wheelchair i was playing piano i rarely got down off the stage i kept playing we'd play two hours three hours four hours sometime a night and and i saw krista she was 15 years old and she looked at her after one teenager had had prayed for her arthritic hands and the lady raised her arm up she had been in a coma for months and months and and then she got out she was in a wheelchair she couldn't walk and i tell you how much i in the spirit i was that night i heard craig i saw it when it come out of her mouth she said would you like to get up out of the wheelchair and walk and i went and just started because i didn't want to hinder it she had faith to do that and the lady said yes and christa took god said then let's walk and she got up and she's still walking today [Applause] that was in july she came back at christmas she had a little christmas sweater on walked through the door came up took the mock out out of robin's hand and she said i just wanted to testify it was this very mock right here she said i wanted to testify well maybe it was another one but it was a cordless mic that's what made me think of it i won't be lying up here okay she came and she took the mic out of his hand she said i just want you to know everybody to know that i am still healed you say religion religion said no and you know and she she said and she this lady she went to a traditional time church all her life but she said something's happening get me to warrior get me to warrior something's happening and that was in oh seven and we and the enemy he tried to come from oh seven to to all these years fast forward up to now and and we've got to move from over there to over here and he said he's tried his best to stop it and he said well i'll let him have this building oh you know it'll hold this many people so we got this and we fought the enemy every day every day that we had this until absolutely it looked like there was no way and the people it just seemed like they were coming out of the woodwork saying well you know how you don't really own this and so we would get attorneys and we would fight and we would fight and oh my goodness the day that it came that i got to come and tell everybody we are debt free we are debt free see religion said no no they can't have it but i'm here to tell you today we're at that point that i will come in and we'll step over the line again and say we have got something bigger we've got something bigger because the enemy is not going to be able to stop what god is doing in this city in warrior alabama hallelujah hallelujah because it's not only in here it is going to come out up here and it is going around the world glory to god glory to god glory to god religion will not stop the promise religion can't stand at the door of your promise you gotta kick religion out of the way and tell it because religion's not your friend religion is a dictator and it will tell you you can't do this you can't be healed why can't i be healed because jesus paid the price for me to be healed he paid an awesome price and he wants you healed it is your right to be healed as a blood born again christian it is your right to be healed it is your right to be prosperous and it is your right to have your family born again and serving the living god [Music] [Applause] hallelujah is it is it what religion says or is it what thus saith the lord i think i'll take thus saith the lord [Applause] you're gonna have to get you're gonna have to get like the guys in luke and in mark also the stories the stories worth repeating and they got to come to see jesus and they couldn't get to him and they couldn't get to him and the door was blocked it says oh you need friends like this you need some buddies like this that'll hang with you that'll stick with you not drop you off to the side when when it looks like oh well there's no way of getting in there okay let's go home you don't give up it says and again he entered into capernaum after some days and it was noise that he was in the house hallelujah he can't be hid he can be hid that's why you're here today it's been noise that the spirit of the living god is working in a place [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah no matter how hard religion try stand firm stand firm for if it was your great great great great grandparents that taught you a certain way and you do this and it has been done throughout generations of generations and generations i am doing a new thing says the lord so i watch your faith lend me your faith come take my hand and let's walk together and i will show you some things says the spirit of the lord say no no no to religion and say yes yes yes to this relationship that i am waiting to have with you says the spirit of grace hallelujah glory to god you know we formally welcome the holy ghost here hallelujah glory to god and straightway many were gathered together in so much i'm reading out of mark 8 2 and 1 right now and straightway many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the worded to them and they came unto him bringing one sick of the palsy which was born of four and when they could not come on to him for the press they uncovered the roof you need some roof ripping off friends [Applause] that needs to be your running buddies the amplified oh let me tell you this that's so good and when they could not come on to him for the press they uncovered the roof the amplified said they they dug out a place don't you know jesus standing there he's preaching and all of a sudden he goes because their stuff starts falling down and he just looks up and they're bringing this guy down lowering him down with his bed this is so cool and they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy laid when jesus saw their faith faith he said unto the sick of the palsy son thy sins be forgiven the amplified said that when jesus saw their active faith their active faith they had already activated their faith and no matter what they were determined that they were going to receive healing for their friend today you need to have active faith that whatever you came here today for that the lord is saying to you this is great faith your faith is activated so therefore your need will be met today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] religion stands at the door and it blocks up the door to the way of your promise and if it won't move there's always the roof there's always the roof we have some friends that they said their son sent us uh they sent a video of their son and he says i'm coming through the roof baby i'm coming through the roof well you know what if the door's blocked there's always the roof you get you some friends that will agree with you i'll be you too if any two you know all you needs are two so today if anything we are we are still writing the book of acts all this is being chronicled everything is being chronicled now and one day when we're in heaven they'll look back to the ear when all this took place and they'll say you know what there was a group of people there was a remnant that stood out when it looked hopeless when it looked like nothing was going to go right in in the churches in the government and people were afraid but there was this remnant and you know what i would like to think and there was this place in warrior alabama where people gathered together [Applause] and they were radical they only wanted to see the move of god there's a uh translation one of the translations it may be in the passion maybe in the message but when the leper came to jesus and he said you can make me whole if you will and he says why sure i will why sure i will you've got to see him like that whatever you're you you you're dealing with today and that question comes in your mind you can make me whole you could make you could heal me if you would and he's saying well of course i will yes i will but religion says no you got to jump through that hoop you got to do that you got to do that and all he's saying is take up your bed and walk take up your bed and walk i believe i will religion will try to block that door and tell you there's no way that marriage is going to work there's no way that husband's going to to to to be saved or that wife is going to to be saved or that child is going to be saved oh no the word says that i will see me and my household saved me and my household saved you don't need to wait till they're old old old you need them serving god with you now now but you know the flesh will say you heathen from hell child don't call them that look at them when they come in the door and say you mighty man of valor you're going to tilt them you're going to defuse their argument when they walk in and you go it is so good to see you serving god it's so good to see you living for the lord and going to you they think you're off anyway they really gonna think you off now they're gonna say mama done lost it our daddy then lost it but you know what you just look at them say you know i'm so good it's so good to see you here with them going to church with me get them a bible get them a bible and take it with you put their name on it say you go to church with me every sunday show it to them show it to them don't let religion stop well they'll think you're crazy well they already do but who do they call when they need prayer they call you so you know what do you got to lose but religion and that's that you need to lose shake it off shake it off shake those shackles off because religion will shackle you down hallelujah glory to god well that is what the lord had for me to tell you today and as i was i was praying this morning he said to tell them i want you being you serving him you don't need to be a carbon copy of somebody else you're not your fingerprints are even different you're different than somebody else don't let somebody put you in a mold because there's not another mold to put you in you are a different person you know my children they they all favor and they all they look i remember when crystal was born we thought we you know we weren't real sure the if we were that they said well you know this was their words well it might be a girl that might be a boy well yeah i didn't think it was going to be a puppy you know i mean but that was that was their their thing but i knew within me it was she was a girl but when she was born you know this first thing i said well what does he look like and robin said well she looks just like amber and i said okay so we had to come up with a name we had to pray we just didn't come up with one we prayed and asked the lord what to name her and so even though they looked alike they were different even though john favors them they're different they all have their different personalities all of amber's girls look just alike when they were born identical there's one big picture of maddie could be every one of them because they look so much a lot but they're all three different see you're all different there's not another mold your all your fingerprints are different so god told me that one time he said i want you because i was thinking i had to do this or i had to be this or i had to teach like this person or i had to do this and the lord said i called you because you are you and i want you being you serving me and so i had to come to that place and i had to get to the place no matter what i thought that was going to be the the thing to do i had to abandon everything and i remember i was in the mountains and we were praying and seeking the lord and the lord told me he said what was the first gift i gave you what is the first gift i gave you and i said it was to sing lord he said what's the next gift i gave you i said it was to play he said exactly and he said i want you doing that and doing it for me and doing it in the way that i want you to do it in because in that way burdens are removed moved yokes are destroyed not broken anything broken can be fixed i mean even with gorilla gorilla glue you can fix it back but a yoke it it is destroyed destroyed something destroyed can be put back together so don't be saying the yoke's broken no it's destroyed because of the anointing it is burden removing yoke destroying power hallelujah and religion hates that it hates that so today you shake off that religion you shake it off and you unblock that door that is leading to your promise hallelujah hallelujah glory to god shake it off glory to god shake those shackles off hallelujah glory to god hallelujah let's just praise the lord for just a minute hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on let's lift our hands and bless god i know you're probably thinking dear lord are you going to preach i don't plan on it but i might i let's just let's just do that let's just shake those shackles off man shake them off shake those shackles off shake them all shake them off you know what come shake on shackles off shake them all shake them off today hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah i want to uh i want to give you this couple of these well i'm going to give you all of this the lord has said to me but you know first thing is first and i i didn't i didn't plan on this but i want you to see it now you've you've got to when you when you come to church you come to war bring your sword i always i always bring your sword come on y'all okay everything's cool you know you start grinning the devil wonders what you smiling about you got something up your sleeve yeah we started you're just laughing when he asked what are you laughing at say you i'm laughing at you yeah cause he thought he was you know he thought he had you beat look at you you child of god you you you up moving around hallelujah hold this for me a minute now this is in ii samuel and uh i love first second samuel and this is in second samuel chapter nine and you start reading in verse one put that on the screen and there was something over here in um ii samuel chapter 4 and verse 4 and it just says this all at once out of the kind of the blue we say said in jonathan saul's son had a son that was lame on his feet and he was five years old when the tidings came of saul and jonathan out of jezreel and his nurse took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became lame and his name was mephibosheth and it just says that and it's in the same passages it tells that uh ishbasheth jonathan mephibosheth's dad's brother was killed in his sleep and it tells all of that in one passage just tells it and then that's it and then suddenly you're introduced to something and put the scripture down on the screen and turn this mic up a little for me would you brother and it says in second samuel 9 1 and david said is there yet any that is left in the house of saul that i may show him kindness this is the hebrew word hesed i said and we would say a seed maybe but it means a driving passion uh and it's a it's the best way to explain it i've heard is if a building was on fire how a mother would throw herself into the burning building to save the child with no thought for her own safety any time when you see this in the old testament god's loving kindness his tender mercy that's what he's talking about he loves you so much that he would put himself in that situation just to get you delivered and he did that didn't he on the cross now and david said go back to verse 1 and david said is there yet any that is left of the house of saul that i may show this this hesed for jonathan's sake he mentioned jonathan again we don't read about jonathan now he's talking about him again and when and he says what's this next verse and there was of the house of saul a servant whose name was ziba and when they had called him unto david so this servant was left over still attending the house of saul and they called him unto david and the king said unto him are you ziba he didn't even know him he said are you ziba he said thy servant is he watch what he says and the king said is there not yet any of the house of saul is there anybody left in saul's line that i may show the kindness of god unto him this hesed and ziba said unto the king jonathan hath yet a son which is lame on his feet now oh this thing just turned all at once because david had a covenant with jonathan but covenants mean meant more then than they do to people now in those days you exchanged weapons which meant you exchanged strengths you swore that if it came down to your natural family dying or the covenant partner dying the natural family would have to die because you never break the blood covenant you never break this covenant relationship and jonathan had died in battle and jonathan had already declared to david in one of the secret meetings he said you'll be the king and he said i'll be your second in command i'll be your general and so he never got to fulfill this he never got to have jonathan in his household most all the old kings wiped out the kings that came before them and their families so that they could not overthrow them but not david david said and he just walked the floor can't you see him he's just walking the floor man i could see that king can't you see him david was never really old because he only lived to be 70 and nothing killed him he just got cold and he's just walking along can't you see him he's thinking maybe him and jonathan cut that covenant and made that scar in his hand and he's just walking looking at his hand and his covenant is just eating it david because if you there if you ever understand covenant it will just you do it and you don't even know you do it see if if i had a covenant with someone in those days and we cut our hands and we bled our blood and we scarred that hand 20 years could pass and if i saw you across the room and i thought that was you i would do like this to show you my scar and if it was you you would show me your scar and the covenant and everything we did that day is automatically back in our thinking everything i loved you as much now as i did when we did it on the day my soul is still knit with you and we know out of all the people in the room we are tied together there's nothing you have that's not mine and nothing i have that's not yours and so i would holding you to hold yours up and see jesus hands was scarred and when you come into a service and you just suddenly do this you don't realize why you raise your hand it's because he stepped up on his throne when he saw you and he did this and he shows you the scars that he got in the house of his friends he's showing it to you that's why you feel compelled to do this and that's why when you resist raising your hand the strongest force in all existence is waving over you at that moment and all he wants you to do is identify with me so he can say and everything he thought on the cross that day comes back to him everything he did comes back to him all his conquest and hell comes back to him the day the stone rolled away and he came up and picked up his body when you raise your hand and he stretches his it all comes back to him just like that eight-track suddenly comes back to him see so david can you see him he's walking the floor and he just says is there not anybody left to saul that i can show this kindness to this unmerited kindness just to give myself to him because of jonathan's sake ziba said jonathan's got a son what he's got a son yes his name is mephibosheth see jonathan's dead ishbosheth is dead they're all dead he's got a son you mean jonathan as a son you sure about this yes he's down in lodibar that was a place where arabs controlled it they hated jews he's a king's son a princess son living down below the bar he's way down he's just a servant david said the bible said david sent and fetched him david's from the south oh yeah yeah hell yeah judah he sent and fetched him well now david didn't just fetch you he didn't just send a telegram send a runner down there to tell you when david fetched him he sent don't you know he sent a dino a dino who was that he killed 800 with a spear at one time at one time it means he stood there with that spear his mouth didn't even match his words i'm going to take you down he's moving all this man he's twirling that thing kill 800. stick it through six at a shot pull it back out he sent the son of dodo you ever read about him oh yeah he sent those mighty men his praetorium guard don't you know when they marched into that arab-controlled town looking for one jew looking for one that everybody backed up i'm looking for mephibosheth david wants him he lives right down there don't you know when they came to that door and that little crippled boy he's dragging himself along to the door don't you know he thinks oh my god i'm dead david has found me because they all told him david would kill him if he ever found him he thought surely that's why he's hunting me no you're not listening to me there's a lot of you staying away from god because you've always heard god will kill you if you get out of line god will hurt you if you get too close to him you don't want him to he'll put suffering on you to teach you something so when he knocks on your door you get real quiet and act like you're not home but don't you know when they opened that door and mephibosheth drug himself up to the door they fetched him they picked him up they probably didn't even talk to him they're riding him back and he's probably saying what's he want what's he want what's going on with me you know i can't do it my legs won't even carry me there's nothing going i couldn't hurt david what do you think he wants and a dino just riding looking straight ahead don't you know this then they get there to the palace and they take him in there he falls down and david walks up and he falls at his feet and he said i'm a dead dog i'm just a dead dog king david didn't even respond he said i'm going to give you all the land that king saul owned he said i've kept it back and we hadn't let anyone touch it i've saved it for you and don't you know mephibosheth is going on and on he said but you won't need it he said zaiba and his 15 sons are going to tend it for you they'll bring in all your crops but you're not going to need it because you're going to live in this palace with me and he said you're going to eat at my table as one of the king's sons oh come on now i'm almost done right here you're going to eat at my table as one of the king's sons [Applause] you're going to eat here just like absalom just like amd just like all the rest of them you're going to sit right here and eat with me you'll be rich but all you'll have to do is spend what you want because i'm taking care of you why would you do that for me david you ever seen a mark like this well yeah yeah they i i think i remember my dad had one just like that david said yes he did that's a blood mark between me and him and because of that covenant you're my son you're my son and don't you know it took mephibosheth a little while to get used to that he probably threw that old stick away he was leaning on and he got him some pearl handle crutches if he wanted to use him if he didn't somebody carried him and don't you know when they all got ready to eat the first night of supper they're all ready to eat david says we can't eat yet why not mephibosheth's not here we wait on him to get to the table and don't you know mephibosheth is coming along like that and don't you know maybe some of them looked at him and said what are you what who is this little guy who is this little guy with these who are you and about the time it dawns on mephibosheth you see that big scar on that king my daddy had a scar like that they were blood brothers and i'm gonna tell you something and don't you know they looked at him and they're looking and wondering why he gets so much favor all the mighty men he ain't never done anything no but his daddy made a covenant with that king and i'm going to tell you something and then all at once don't you know mephibosheth looked around and said i'll tell you what i'm like his son him and my dad had a covenant and i'll tell you what you better not drop me carry me to that table either i'm a king's son [Applause] and when mephibosheth slid his legs up under david's table you could not see any inadequacies at all some of you have never dawned on you this covenant between god and jesus that you got in on that when you made him the lord of your life you became partakers of that blood covenant that cannot be broken between those two and it's it's yours and all the promises that went with it is yours and some of you right now you hide when god knocks on your door and he's sending people to think about this he's sending people he's sending angels he's sending everybody to load a bar every day hunting you every day he's hunting you don't you know jesus it's a picture that he walks around in heaven and he says where are those i can show myself strong in where are those account of this covenant [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some of them just south carolina lord some of them's in north carolina lord some of them's all the way in finland lord some of them's up in tennessee lord some of us in alabama lord some of us down there and he says go fetch them fetch them and bring them to me when god comes by your door to knock on your door he's not coming by to kill you hurt you or make you pay he's trying to get you to the palace where he can say you sit at my table you sit here at my table now this is a prophetic word for some people i'm going to restore all the land that you hadn't had in a long time i'm going to give you back everything the the years the cankerworm the caterpillar and the palmer worm has eaten some of you're going to get your inheritance back that someone stole from you some of you about to get the money back that you that you lost all those years you were cheated out of but the lord is trying to get you up to the palace so he can give it all back to you again [Applause] all for this covenant's sake [Music] for i have come and requested in church after church after church to let me move in the gifts of the spirit for i have come by here today says the lord and you have presented to me an unhindered atmosphere so i have come by today to speak to you to talk to you to move on your behalf for i'm going to heal 15 shoulders in this place today i'm going to take care of things inside your body today that you thought were lost i'm going to go ahead and bring back phone calls from loved ones that you haven't heard from i'm going to do this says the lord and i'm going to do this not only in this room but i'm going to do it in 15 countries today and you will know these things are happening because i have asked to come you have said come lord and the lord says i want you to know of the bloody print in my hand this very day so lift up your hands and shout before your god as he waves his over you hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah that's what the lord says about that carolyn give that message give it give that message in tongues god the lord says it's time that you stop talking but you start praying you start seeking the face of the lord he's wanting the relationship with his people he needs you as much as you need him he said now's the time hallelujah come on and thank the lord we esteem the word of the lord now i want to give you these prophetic words that the lord has spoken to me and so that you can hear them know them hallelujah the lord spoke these things to me this morning and he said this give me a little music uh sound booth yes i was up in my upstairs looking out over the city and i was riding listening to the lord because i pray over this city constantly and over the leadership it's like i pray over our partners every day [Music] sometimes it's at night but i pray over our partners i have all their names on a flash drive or now it has to be updated now for more but i i hold them in my hand and pray but i was praying over the city and the lord says this and i thought it was just a word for the city and the lord says it's a word for the city and it's a word for everywhere else at the same time the way prophecy will do this is what he said he said the city is in need of revival he said religion has pushed revival into its box for far too long you had no idea i had this word we we never discussed things like that before we preach he said religion has pushed revival into its box for far too long religion what is meant by religion asked the lord denominations revival is welcomed by them as long as it comes within their box [Music] the lord says well i'm not in your box says the lord the assemblies of god the presbyterian the denominational boxes [Music] that have been packaged up and sent all over the country so that it can be opened and the revival box can happen yet excluding all others yet while men are running around with their taped up denominational boxes under their arms all [Music] screaming revival i am bringing real revival not in your boxes but in your revelations that was with you before the boxes [Music] untape your boxes and mail them out all over the country open them in the spring for spring revival or fall [Music] but i shall not be in them [Music] they are only boxes full of air puffed packaging peanuts [Music] but it is time to fulfill this prophecy that those that worship me must worship me in spirit and in truth for god is a spirit and seeks such to worship him that was a word the lord gave me this morning [Music] and i saw as men tape up boxes they mail them to their other church open it in the spring we'll have revival in the spring open it in the fall we'll have it in the fall so everyone's walking around with their boxes god's not in the box [Music] he's not in the box [Music] he said it was only full of puffed air packaging peanuts but he's going to bring real revival hallelujah it already has started real revival let's lift our hands and thank god now we just want to thank him how we give him honor and glory thanksgiving lord we praise you we thank you for your goodness for your mercy for your kindness yes lord come on and just praise him a moment how we bless you lord how we thank you lord how i give you praise and honor and glory lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] there hasn't been a lot changed since the day that david brought the ark of the covenant on a new cart and an oxen cart there hasn't a lot changed in religion since that time some do it out of ignorance some do it on purpose [Music] they brought the ark of the covenant in in an oxen cart and set it up on it but they honored god and they say because it was new a new oxen [Music] cart this is a false honor [Music] for as if a new cart would impress god carts are made out of big boards and big wheels just boards and wheels driving god around oh look god we'll honor you with a new cart but just sit still god so we can drive you where we want you to go [Music] but behold your oxen stumbles and you will mishandle power [Music] the lord don't like to be driven he wants to leave [Music] so lead he will in this final move final yes final to the end of time no but this final move for this is what i hear the lord say in this final move i have raised up prophets and i have raised up my prophets and stood them in front of your eyes i stood them there i stood them there to have showdowns with baal i stood them there so that they could point fingers and tell you that i will not fail for there has been religion tell you we have driven god here driven god there but there's no power at all in what they've done for these are sensitive atmospheres these are sicker sensitive atmospheres and what have they really done nothing nothing but appease wealth and nothing but not to offend someone with money the lord says your money perish with you for the money i can make and a blink of an eye but this thing is not for me says the lord for i am after those who worship me in spirit and worship me in truth get me out of the cart and put me up on your shoulder where i can tell you where to go where i could show you where you were where i want you to take and the path i want you to go for there are now jordans to be parted there are still jordan rivers to split there are those to split and take over and take down enemy camps but then there's those to split to go and get the double portion says the lord for this is where it's going to go so rise up it says the king and go ahead and stand with me up above you and i will show you the way to move and i'll show you the path to go in [Music] for this war is between god and his prophets right now but know this says the lord this war is about to end and we will turn this page and america will still be here and it will be the one you dreamed of [Music] and there will be incoherent screaming voices in padded cells that will not talk with knowledge any longer you will wake up and it will be a morning of freedom but it will actually happen at night [Music] and freedom won't dawn on you until you're already out of egypt that we are actually free the prophets are standing you stand too hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i heard a loud i heard a loud gunshot i heard a loud shot it sounded like a gunshot loud i heard this thing [Music] it will come in you'll hear of it also [Music] prophetic cycles are turning but this one will be over before you know it [Music] yes lord anything else tell me i'll say it [Music] hallelujah i think i'm hearing a name a mayor a mary it may be mary ann inside [Music] the biden circle [Music] i heard the lord say bye bye done you have a traitor in your midst [Music] and they're on my side and they're about to talk and christians will have a hard time forgiving some who talk but the lord says i compelled them and gave them their last opportunity and they will talk hallelujah hallelujah lord we give you praise and honor oh lord we give you all our praise [Music] lord we give you praise and honor lord we give you all our praise [Music] give him praise give him praise give him praise come on stay with me come on give him praise come on you want to stay with me lord i give you lord i give you praise and honor [Music] lord i give you all my praise lord i give you all my praise again we say lord i give you praise and honor i give you all my praise lord i give you all my praise that we're gonna say give him praise give him praise give him praise for while this is happening says the lord the stars in the heavens are beginning to show my hode it's beginning to show my hold in the heavens my expressed image to the earth the mountains will see it and tremble you hear of them trembling the sea will see it and begin to say there's god there's god for now while praise is going up come on sit i give him praise i give him praise come on say that real low now i give him prayer come on keep going again don't stop don't stop [Music] while the praises are going up [Music] my hold is becoming visible for the red sea that you saw apart will close very soon and it will be a chaotic time but the stars are lining for this thing to happen now the stars yes the stars angelic forces as well as the heavens for it will close very soon and we will turn this page let the dogs bark and howl and scream for they are saying we don't want it this way we don't want it this way we don't want it this way the lord says tough it is this way jezebel will be eaten by the wall of jezreel blood will be licked up still for jay who hasn't finished his ride across the land behold he's mounted again coming to punish sin jehu riding recklessly across the land hear the lord say who is on my side who is on my side help me who is on my side come on who is on my side hear the lord say who is on my side come on come on come on who is on my side give me the kick who is on my side says the lord jehu writing again said jehu writing again come on say jehu writing again beware baal [Music] oj who's riding again recklessly jay who's riding again here he comes again beware pale [Music] here it comes here it comes here it comes here it comes yeah well you better not don't be pointing no gun this direction you understand that you better not you better not hear the word of the lord for a melting is coming to you a melting is coming to you here it comes here it comes here it comes [Music] now since this is this is going to happen in the political realm something this is this is close this is not just i mean this is close if i knew it if i heard a definite i tell you but this is close it's very close it's right on the brink you're going to hear of things soon now very soon hallelujah is that what's happened the lord says that jehu has now made his decision [Music] he was in decision mode for a long time but now the decision has been made [Music] that's what i heard the decision has been made jehu writing again jehu riding again come on come on jehu riding again furiously across the land [Music] rallies gatherings forty thousand fifty thousand sixty thousand rallies gathering [Music] jay who's writing again [Music] jay who's writing again jay who's writing again hear it here he comes here he comes now i heard the lord say this i just swing for the fence on these things you know i just swing for the fence the lord says now don't talk this is a reminder of something do not talk bad about mike pence any longer the lord said i have talked to him and we have talked don't talk about about him anymore [Music] for he's about to be a real key in something lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two pence lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two pence to spend [Music] your faith i'll give you four years and two lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two pence lend me your faith i'll give you four years intent to spend [Music] or the lord say did you think that i would let your prayers go unanswered did you think that i wouldn't let your grandchildren see the america you knew did you think i wouldn't do this for you the lord said this went way beyond your years it went way back into that room and it went way back to the covenant with the founding fathers i promised them i would let them see it the lord gave a mystery here and you need to hear this he promised those founding fathers he said i will destroy slavery i will destroy it this is why they said all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights they were asking god to rid the earth of slavery and he said i promised them i would do it and i have done it and i'm in the process of finishing this very job hallelujah lend me your faith [Music] hallelujah now this is what i saw i saw a bubble i saw this bubble and this this uh this bubble had like all of you in it we were all in this kind of a and i saw the people in this bubble and the lord said though the markets crash and fall and do all kinds of things it'll be short-lived that will be a short thing and the lord said i have you in this bubble that i'm going to prosper you while the crashing starts [Music] this is what i saw and it was like inside that bubble it was just flowing and it was just being just you know like air that's pumped in somewhere prosperity was just put in this bubble and and the lord says that during all the crashing of waves let that sink in the crashing of waves is to stop a three-month period [Music] three-month period something like that is trying to stop the riding of the ship so it's very short-lived [Music] don't panic and don't start saying where's god where's god where's god the lord said i'm right here as close as your nose hallelujah are you glad you came here today hallelujah was people around the world are you glad you watched today there's people everywhere in services all over the world right now they're either there they're watching different services of victory victory my friends it is within our reach now i might as well stick my neck on out lend me your faith i give you four years and two pence lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two pence lend me your faith i'll give you four years and two pence to spend [Music] what could you do with four years and two pits what could you do with four years and two pence what could you do with four years and two pence you could prepare for three generations to come hallelujah [Music] now i saw i saw gates i saw the man a man named gates within the news spectrum very shortly just watch and god has given you a sign a sign yes porpoises what watch and enjoy the drama is playing out now come on and give god a praise in the house come on and give him a praise hallelujah hallelujah [Music] those of you that have sickness in your body let me see your hands right now you don't even have to tell me what it is just let me see the hands those that came for prayer you have sickness in your body you may have came for prayer for something else but this is about sickness right now so just just lift your hand hallelujah a while ago the lord said i'm gonna heal 15 shoulders who with some of those shoulders one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. was there any more 17 now 18 19 where 20 21. now i want to show you something which shoulder was it show me show me just for left shoulder right shoulder right shoulder right right right right shoulder right it's what i heard the lord say now whatever shoulder that was when you move it now he said i'm going to make them equal in strength on both sides equal in strength on both sides and it's symbolic of a new anointing that's going to be placed on your shoulders to be able to carry weight that you never could carry before for the lord said my yoke is easy and my burden is life come on and give god a praise [Music] hallelujah [Music] so there's the shoulders right through the right through the body i think it's on the right side of the body it's like right through your your side like coming through the front i don't know if that i don't know what that is i don't know if it's an organ or just pain who who is that is it back in the back by the door is that you brother yeah lift up both your hands right there [Music] lord [Music] yes [Music] who knows michael you that's what i heard this is what i heard concerning you brother this is i heard this the lord said yeah i will i will i don't know how to say it though if you don't you'll have to tell me about that i have to word that right the lord said you you have you were wounded i'm not sure what that was i don't know if it's emotional or if it's physical but i heard wounded the lord said you were wounded and the days beyond you passed you and this is what he says i'm going to say this [Music] now whatever this applies to [Music] do not be thinking that you're just going to say something and make a fool of the prophet because the lord says you will become the court jester if you do so i heard a wound and i don't know if you got that among your friends i don't know who who hurt you i don't know if it was a relationship but the lord's going to heal that first in your life [Music] i know i can't see you real well i see you in the light back there but [Music] but if this bears witness to you with you wave at me just a little bit a wound now i'm not sure how long ago that was but the lord's going to heal that first [Music] and i saw a mocking it's like a mocking like making fun of somebody i don't know if they if somebody did that to you mocked you but you you were misunderstood terribly in a lot of ways and the lord is going to restore some things to you now [Music] does that bear witness with you yes [Music] the lord said though you cried [Music] he said i didn't see it as weakness a lesser person would have crumbled [Music] you understand what i'm saying what i'm talking about yes i [Music] yes behold says the lord i have brought a refreshing into your life like a wind into your nostrils and i am going to give you a brand new breath to breathe now i'm going to take care of some things in your breathing take care of some things in your body and i'm going to heal some things in relationships in your life but you are not crazy do you understand this the lord says you are not crazy does that bear witness with you do you understand that so never again entertain suicidal thoughts for no reason whatsoever because the lord says you are not crazy hallelujah somebody give god a shout hallelujah the name kegel kegel i think it's kegel has come up in my spirit kegel a kegel a coyote a cacao something something i'm not close to you or i could hear it better somebody respond quick don't don't wait is it do you know kegel is it online does somebody talking to me right now is anybody looking hallelujah if you move quickly god has something that's something what does thirty thousand dollars mean to somebody it's a thirty thirty thousand dollars [Music] what what is what is it [Music] what what does that mean to you an investor an investment two days ago your father had you invest thirty thousand dollars the lord spoke to me about this thirty thousand dollars is this a good investment in your mind your kind of concern okay okay are you a tie either the lord said i will protect your thirty thousand dollars i'm going to protect it it's going to be i see a blossom that makes sense to you just it's be like a blossom and it'll be a pretty flower just a but i saw it like a round blossom 30 000 that became a round blossom hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands give god thanks and praise amen amen isn't that something isn't that something yeah yeah yeah yeah well what is that lord [Music] now this is going to sound funny but it's either 13 and a half 13 and a half [Music] and i think it's tied to april the 13th april 13th what does april 13th mean to someone that's your birthday april 13th [Music] now i want you to stop and think on this just a minute what something happened to you when you were 13 and a half years old you may know what it is or you may not know what it is if you know nod at me you were 13 and a half years old and it marked your thinking and it marked your mind and it put something in your life that you developed a pattern over this was 13 and a half years old i don't know if that was a trauma i don't know if it was a pain i don't know if somebody died when you were 13 and a half years old that you that marked your mind i don't know exactly what that is but i know this the lord says this i'm going to kick those stones out from under your feet and put flat stones under your feet so that you can gain traction and run again hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah then i heard this something about the number 25 and the divorce wasn't your fault [Music] oh yeah yeah oh brother of it [Music] yeah i just have to stand till somebody responds something about the number 25 and then i heard the divorce it was not your fault come on don't don't hide your hands let me know what's happening [Music] okay we got two tell me you were married 25 years and your husband had an affair and and divorced well the lord says it wasn't your fault you did not do anything to cause somebody to do such a thing you are not to be feel guilty any longer you're not to walk in condemnation the lord said i did not sin that and if you will look at me real good the lord says i'm going to give you the best 25 years coming you have ever seen in your whole life [Music] hallelujah what about this you were married 25 years and your wife had an affair the lord says to ditto the word now i hear this about you the lord says now you must quit entertaining depression you must stop that because you second guess some of the things you do don't don't do that anymore don't do that because all it is is the enemy trying to drag you back into a shadow pull you into a shadow the lord says i got a light for you to run in i got a big bright light i want you to run in hallelujah hallelujah come on let's lift our hands and bless the lord [Music] we bless the lord now there's someone there's a there's someone in here you had uh you had uh what what people would call female problems and and there was like a surgery and it was botched a lot and the lord wants to start correcting things in your body right now i don't know if you want to say that yes that's me or you don't but whatever it is you need to receive that right now you need to receive that right now somebody in this room knows who that is so just go ahead and bless the lord for it and that and the lord i don't think it matters if you respond or not to it but if you want to you're welcome in the back i i can see you now yes that was you what wait a minute hold it hold it uh ma'am you were 25 years old without knowing you were going to have that right they were just going to remove a tumor you woke up with a complete hysterectomy [Music] you were 25 years old but come on now prophetic people put this together now 25. the lord is dealing with that right now 25. at 13 and a half at 13 and a half [Music] at 13 and a half he said the power a ouija board and demonic forces was introduced to him and his family that's where the lord said i'm kicking those stones out from under your feet [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is that not awesome hallelujah hallelujah i hear the name megan megan megan yes i hear the name megan yes i do tell me about megan that's your granddaughter your niece great niece [Music] hear the name megan [Music] megan who megan up there who is megan [Music] granddaughter how about that y'all nieces and granddaughters [Music] daughter-in-law megan [Music] who do they call who do they call chewie who knows chewie who understands this [Music] your grandson is chewy yeah that's that's just the name i know that's not his name but that's yeah so how old is chewie yeah jew is a prophet did you know that you do know that yeah you know that chewie's going to make he's going to uh he's going to make a lot of adults embarrassed that don't believe because they're going to get to where they won't talk around chewie because he hears it in his spirit what i mean is they don't want to be around him a lot because he'll reveal their secrets yeah you know something about this [Music] he's non-verbal yeah he's a prophet so he's destined to speak [Music] oh megan i heard i heard chewie and there he was i heard megan and there they are nieces granddaughters daughter-in-law daughter give me ages now real quickly [Music] 26 who was the other 36 20s 30s 25 30. you hear that 20s and 30s did you hear that oh come on y'all now listen you got to put it together god's dealing with an age group now and right in the middle before he dealt with the age group he had the word for chewie yeah yeah oh yeah and then there's a louie oh yeah there is louis yes there is [Music] there's somebody in this room right now your favorite song was louis louis who are you who is that he's like a lulu that was your that was your song was that was that like your good son that was a song to you you liked that that register were you when i said that come here [Music] you a musician no can you lift your hands up brother yeah do you ever know you do don't you that's their last name and they're preachers [Music] that's what the lord used to bring a beer all the time when he come to the house yeah did he take it that's good that's good nobody really heard what men you said i guess but the lord the lord wants to minister this family [Music] okay and since you know them and you and this he married you [Music] so so lewis married you yes come on guys can't anybody i mean we just so this was a connection louis louis louis this is what the lord was trying to get to was this family and you're the connection okay you want your mind being the connection you ready [Music] there's four prophets in their family at least four and the lord has need of them i don't know who they are know if they're male or female i don't know both or both but you know the four you know who i'm talking about you know exactly i know exactly the man who married us his four children oh he's got four children and they're all lewis's oh come on guys come on come on jesus is doing something here so man this was just their day wasn't it yeah so call one of them this afternoon and let them know about them i had no way of knowing the lord has spoke that name and then that song and then you came forward and and the lewis married you and they've got four he's got four children and i said and they're all musicians well there you go and i thought you were the musician but you said they're they're all musicians and their for prophets that's what they are yeah now is their mother still living no that's right they never had a stepmother did they no none of them had stepchildren do you know okay all right all right here we go we're going to pray you ready father in the name of jesus yes i will lord but there's a stephanie that has a step child i need to know who that is now right now lord in the name of jesus i pray over this family i pray that these four prophetic gifts lord will rise up into their call for lord they have fond memories of ministry but then they have not so fond and so lord god i ask you to erase the shadows and lord that they rise up in their calls and lord god me and this brother here we make connection for that family right now to speak to the four prophetic voices in the lewis family and i give you praise and honor and glory all four of you rise up prophets your voice is needed now in jesus name and lord heal the two bodies in those four that needs it right now in jesus mighty name hallelujah come on and give god praise [Music] i heard stephanie and carl carl carl yes carl who is carl who knows carl where's carl carl call yeah oh i don't have brother robin yeah well you thought out about chewie too didn't you [Music] your grandmother was a preacher and so car so carl of course they're gone now right yeah yeah he was but she was a preacher too you are too do you know that you are a preacher too and the gifts that was in just like timothy and your grandmother lois and so forth it is now in you somebody so you are a a preacher and your mother eunice and your grandmother lois this kind of anointing is now upon you that came from your grandfather and your grandmother be but you are the only one that will yield to it out of your siblings so the lord says i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna give it to you hallelujah [Music] yes now now there is a chamberlain it's either chamberlain's chambers chamberlain something i guess it's going the way of carl [Music] and chewie [Music] well i will lord i tell them that now i know one lois and that was your grandmother who's the lowest in the that knows the lowest or is the lowest in the room not the lowest [Music] lowest [Music] your sister-in-law is lois your sister-in-law she's living yes she's alive she's younger than you [Music] listen don't don't don't yeah yeah yeah don't don't i didn't hear what you said so don't say anything because the lord said something about [Music] tamara tamara is that it is that the only camera we don't know about another tamron that's something [Music] tamara what was said tamara's very lost i'm going to tell you something about your sister-in-law i'm just going to tell you about it the lord says she knows me yeah but he says she knows me and most of the time she's right with me [Music] so most of the time she's right with me and said that she's going to get more right with me but now now now the lord said i'll do some unconventional things with her i'll do some unconventional things with her and they're not to be judged because they don't look right [Music] but the lord said i'm going to do it right you can count on it hallelujah who is doug doug you know doug do you know a doug any of you know a doug a doug yeah who is doug doug shepherd wow is he in the ministry yeah he's a pastor huh yeah yeah yeah hallelujah tell doug to cheer himself up just cheer up the lord said tell doug cheer up because god loves him he ought to kind of love himself a little bit that makes sense to you yeah doug the shepherd hallelujah tamara the unconventional and lord we pray for this precious tamra that our dear sister is talking about here lord i pray that you send the perfect laborer across her path that she will hear the word of god and be born again lord and and lord shake the confusion out of her mind lord that drug people have put in her mind in jesus name hallelujah make sense to you yeah hallelujah how we give god praise come on and give him praise [Music] um i'm going to uh i'm going to give the mic to the prayer ministers here because you can't go beyond what the lord says do i don't know who stephanie was but that was an opportunity i i can't hear daughter and and what what is it okay somebody tell me what they're saying these fans are all in my ears oh your name is stephanie really are you a stepmother do you have a stepchild oh your husband is louis and he has a stepchild two what about the other your daughter does she have any stepchildren no is she married at all no yeah yeah wait a minute right here she has a step child is it a daughter boy more than one boy two boy you have a daughter named stephanie and she has a stepdaughter or yes her name's vanessa let's all the stephanie uh lift your hands that you stood up for stephanie just and you are stephanie so go ahead and raise your hands up everybody that you called your daughter just go ahead and raise your hands anything attached to stephanie right now just lift your hands up yes and i wanted to tell you something your uh the step-daughter how old is the step-daughter yeah does the step-daughter does she know jesus you don't know you did yeah did she dance she did she danced so she did well i'm sorry ma'am this fans are in my ear she was on the dance team clayton county georgia the lord said she danced yeah yeah come on guys y'all i mean you know yeah and and so the lord is the lord's revealing secrets why to set people free he's not going to embarrass you he's not going to embarrass anybody he don't embarrass people you know i mean if you're going to just be an idiot about something and just well that's wrong that's a southern term they don't even we use that word for everything you know [Music] or stupid or something but what i mean is if you're gonna be rebellious and just keep if you i'm going to tell you something if you keep denying and playing with prescription drugs now whoever this is for you about to be hooked to where you can't get off of those things you're gonna have to quit playing with that i'm not talking about things you need to do right now for your health i'm talking about you know what i'm talking about you just do it for the drill of it you need to fix that i'd fix that right quick now lord we lift up stephanie to you right now this dancer lord raise stephanie up lord back into her call lord god that stephanie she has an easy way about her lord and people like her so i ask you lord to restore her back to her call and i give you praise and honor and glory for it and let her have fond memories of knowing jesus that she fall in love with you all over again in jesus name as far as as the stephanie that's right here that's standing up right there that's your name stephanie [Music] i don't know i don't know if it's a new job you need i'm not sure about that but i see something to do with money something to do with finances and i think you need this something you need it's not just like you know everybody could use it but this is something you need for something the lord is going to i saw he's going to make a it's not like he's just handing it to you but i saw he's going to open a door for you to to get that and to do that and you're going to know that today was a real day for you and you'll look back on it that may be three weeks or so but if you'll look back on it and you'll already have it and say wait a minute the lord told me that the lord said when that happens remember him remember him because you have a heritage coming after you that he wants to have a hand in that amen that bear witness with you yes hallelujah praise god oh yeah yeah yeah well i'm going to uh turn the mic to the prayer ministers now mark and tina y'all see them on tuesday nights when they pray and some of you tune in from all over the world for that yeah okay go ahead [Music] go ahead and just close this part of it and let people know we're still here even if it all right we're going to go ahead and end this stream we want to thank you all for tuning in with us today before we leave we never want to leave you without the opportunity to make jesus the lord of your life so if you're watching today and you are not a part of this family just simply repeat after me and those of you here today say it in support of those that need it just say lord jesus lord jesus forgive me of my sins forgive me of my sins come into my heart come into my heart i make you the lord of my life i make you the lord of my life i believe that you died on the cross i believe that you died and i believe that you rose again i believe that you rose now take my life and do something with something with it in jesus name and if you did that you just became born again and are a part of this family and we want to welcome you into the greatest family you will ever be in in your life so until next time remember the 11th hour tuesday on the robin d bullock youtube channel and we are in remember this is warrior and i have the lord told me this is the little town that is shaking the nation so every every time you pass the warrior exit say there's that little town that's shaking the nation and so you are here today and we want to thank you if you're ever in our area please stop by and be a part of one of our services i promise we'll make you feel right at home remember tuesday the 11th hour sunday again remember we only have two channels just two the robin d bullock youtube channel and the church international anything else not coming from us watch those two and and you will find the official videos until next time remember we love you jesus loves you and never forget god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 67,418
Rating: 4.940496 out of 5
Id: OCZviwgExVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 40sec (10960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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