Sunday Morning Service 3/14/2021

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one two three [Music] so [Music] welcome today this is the day that the lord has made and we choose to rejoice and be exceedingly glad glory to god we want to welcome you here live and by live stream our ci family all live we want you to know what that we love you we want you to worship with us we are having revival hallelujah glory to god let's get ready to praise the lord [Music] so we will dance we will dance you glory we will dance we will dance for your glory we will dance for your glory lord we will lift up a shout to [Music] [Music] is your name by which we're saved jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] is let the king of glory come again [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will lift [Music] you up sound that we make it is for you we will stand for salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] and we bring our lives as an offering [Music] the song [Music] [Music] is as we tell the whole world of your love and love we will dance [Music] is glory bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we're the people of god with a song to sing and we bring our lives as an offering we will dance for your glory lord and the cross is our hope that we hold up high as we tell the whole world of your love and life as we tell the whole world [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] there is no one like our god [Music] there is no one like our god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god and father of our lord jesus christ the king of glory by whom without whom no one could be saved only jesus and his blood come on i dare you to give a shout of hallelujah for the blood hallelujah hallelujah who am i that the highest king would come i was lost but he brought me into his love for me oh his love for me who the sun sets free always free and deep how much out of god yes i am [Music] is [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] there's a place i am chosen not forsaken [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] i am who you say [Music] oh [Music] a is [Music] there's a place for me i'm a child [Music] yes oh lord we bless you we thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your kindness lord i thank you that this very day you're looking down upon this nation with your mercy and your kindness and your goodness yes lord how we bless you and thank you yes lord for i look down from my heaven [Music] says the lord and i look upon a nation of the blood covenant i look upon the nation that i have made covenant with for i made covenant with your forefathers and i made covenant in writing for thy gave my word in writing and they gave theirs in writing and we made this covenant bond together says the lord i was there with paul revere [Music] i was there when they pledged their life and their fortunes i was there says the lord and those lives and those fortunes still stand as a memorial before my face in heaven and i will not forget says the king for those forces are arrayed against you and arrayed against the world trying to take down my america the lord says they will not take down my america for my hand upholds it and the right hand of my power sees to it for the blood of the covenant is between us [Music] as you worship and as you pray says the lord all of heaven recognized the bell that rings in heaven hear ye hear you for the covenant of this nation is still in the ears and the eyes of god for i am going to show you what i can and will do for what you're about to see me do will make the nations tremble and it will make the wicked lose the strength of their loins for i am going to cause them to fall for the weakness of fear will come upon them as i send my praisers out ahead so get ready to see it and be a witness to it but do not forget says the lord do not forget this day and tell your great-grandchildren what you heard for they will need to know again in 20 years what was said they will need to know again in a decade what was talked about for i am looking for those who will establish abraham isaac and jacob so i'll start with you abrahams and you begin to call it forward for i am going to show my strength and a threefold cord is hard to break somebody give the lord a shout in the house in my father's house [Music] [Music] i am chosen [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] oh is in my father's [Music] house [Applause] [Music] house [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] this is a very solemn time it's a very sobering time that we live for in this time you now know this the sobering silent thoughts before the parting of the red sea you know now the silent and sobering and sombering thoughts before they were released from egypt for the lord says this is a time of monumental status this will be a time that will go down in history at such a time as that and you will be recorded forever in heaven that you were there when it took place the lord says learn the vocabulary of silence learn when to speak when to walk and when to run [Music] for the lord says i am doing a thing that you haven't seen under the sun [Music] there has been times and seasons connect over the years gone by [Music] that are resembling this time but you've never seen that but the lord said it's still the same power the same covenant and the same blood that will deliver you here that delivered you there for this was only a few minutes ago to me says the lord though it was thousands of years for you for now in the great cloud of witnesses moses looks upon you prophets look down over the balcony and they know the spiritual status of things that are happening they are called a cloud of witnesses the cloud yes the cloud what cloud the same cloud that led them from egypt the same cloud that settled over the tabernacle in the wilderness the same cloud that came over jesus elijah and moses it's called the cloud of glory they see through the glory see through the glory ask the lord yes you ask yes through the glory because as they see through the glory they are looking for the promise i made to moses as the god of creation that my glory will fill this earth and so they're seeing through the glory and as you raise your hallelujahs and you raise your praise and you raise your obedience level unto god the glory begins to fill greater and greater expanses and they are seeing through the glory as they watch the promise come to pass they will watch it you will live it they will see it and you will run in it for the time is coming when limbs will grow out again arms will grow again for the time is coming when the fingernails will come again on the end of fingers as the healing is complete the time will come again says the lord as my glory rises far azusa was but a taste of filling the earth for azusa was filled with the glory for three years three and a half years and these miracles happened but i'm going to fill the earth with my glory sinking battleships will suddenly rise again [Applause] things will happen it only happens in the glory so walk when i say walk run when i say run talk when i say talk so that your story of the glory can be heard for centuries to come hallelujah to the lamb of god give him praise and honor and glory [Music] hallelujah come on in you praise just a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh the glory the glory of god [Music] take courage and be strong for i could have had you born in any time in history but you were born for such a time as this for as the obedience of the esters rise the crown of esther's will be worn as the obedience of the esther's rise the crown of esther's will be born and war for as you reach out and boldly come to the king the lord says i will stretch out my scepter to you for grace grace to do things you've never been able to do hallelujah the year of grace it's the year of grace it's the year of grace that it brings true grace great to grace and grace the year of grace come on charlotte it's the year i pray it's the year of great great praise true grace it's the year of grace come on we're gonna shout it ready great grace true grace it's the year of grace [Music] bring praise to grace it's the year of grace [Music] come on lift your prophetic voice [Music] good [Music] hey [Music] we are the ones the soldiers run [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh david killed a lion david slew the bear david lifted up his voice and shouted like he just really didn't care but he danced he danced before the ark of the lord he danced for 38 miles and david dance he was [Music] a [Music] [Music] david killed the lion david slew the bear and david threw his hands up and shouted like he didn't care tear the dance before the ark of the lord and he danced for 38 miles so no matter what's bothering you today [Music] i oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me pharaoh never knew what had happened until the time he knew he was wrong for on the other side of the red sea miriam and moses begin to sing a song the horse and the rider the horse and the rider the horse and the rider [Music] the horse and the rhinos [Music] right [Music] [Music] that's the sound of being thrown the suspense of the waves just before they failed all of your pharaohs has been pursuing you all of your pharaohs that has thought they had you when you escaped from the slavery of bondages of addictions from sin from financial woes after you've escaped pharaoh says i'm coming after them again but the lord said listen to the sound of the suspense of the waves before they come crashing down for those things that have plagued you take a good look if you will for those things that have plagued you are about to be stopped and still for the waves will come crashing down and the egyptians you see today you will see again no more forever for this is my way you are a warrior oh water water i give the lord a shout in the house look at your neighbors say you're a warrior you know that the only way you can lose is if you quit look at your neighbor and say i don't quit hallelujah i heard the word of the lord come to me just then said these words he said i have broken i don't know who this pertains to in this room maybe watching by camera also but the lord said i have broken a line of suicide in your family i broke that off completely and cut that cord in two to where it's severed and there's a great gap between you and that line that used to be and it's not crossing over any longer says the lord hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] the word of the lord here's the word of the lord you are free you are free and i sense this really strong i've never sensed it like this the lord is glad today he's smiling for your company for your company [Applause] he likes to be among his own company when god created man the scripture says in hebrew that he shadowed that man when he raised the body up from the dust the man like this was laying and god laid down on top of that man and put his fingertips on his fingertips his eyes on his eyes and his mouth on his mouth and he did it three times for father son and holy ghost and the man became a triune being alive spirit soul and body for the lord would have me tell you this he was not manufacturing a man he was reproducing himself and when you were born again of his blood you became the body of the son you and jesus are one ephesians 5 30 you are one [Music] first corinthians 5 17 old things have passed away and behold all things are become new and all things are of god who has reconciled us to him unto himself and given unto us the ministry of reconciliation so we say not only are we reconciled to god but we have the ministry to tell others they are also what's the precious blood of the lamb has been applied to your lives you have been reconciled to god and god is glad of your company for he was creating a family that he could talk to on his own level when the body of christ can comprehend such a thought then the body of christ will rise to the place it was made and created to be but you cannot go where your thoughts want and you'll never rise above your mouth so you must begin to say i'm reconciled to god there's nothing wrong between me and god now the precious blood of jesus has been applied to my life i'm a new creation that never existed before when you start declaring that the glory starts expanding in the earth and the cloud of witnesses your families can see in that glory these are thoughts that people don't comprehend a lot because they're afraid to think on them but do not be afraid says the lord for i have not given you the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind talking this way shows that power that love and that soundness of mine hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah for i'm about to says the king reach down inside your spirit and sing i am going to take your destiny from within and bring it out where you can see for once you see your destiny you can run toward the future with no fear of doubt and no fear of fault for in the future where you're headed there is no sin there yet because you are not for you will run toward the sinless place your tomorrow where it doesn't exist and there i am calling you says the king to live today like you're already in this hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah to the lamb i just i keep hearing that god is for me not against me i am who he says i am not who you feel you are but who he says you are god believes in his words whether you believe in yours or not and the moment you start saying his words you're believing what he believes and it allows him to walk into your presence i'm going to tell you something and i this is just a prophetic thing the lord has moved on me this morning that i didn't know was coming he says this when adam was in the garden and him and god would walk in the cool of the day adam would go into a euphoric prophetic worship and the hebrew says that god would walk up in the life of the day in other words when adam would begin to worship and lift up a euphoric worship and get over into a prophetic realm with his worship we call it lost in worship when he would get up into that place the life that makes the day live would begin to generate around him the life that caused all trees to exist all breath to have all fish to swim all life of the day god would walk up in that life and wrap it around himself so adam could see him and they would walk together in the cool of the day adam robed in glory and god is light a consuming fire from the loins up in the loins down and the two flames would walk together this is your my position jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by but by but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god do you know what that means that you're only one word behind god all the time if you live by every word that comes out of his mouth and you're only one word behind him all the time [Applause] this is you're in my place the only thing bigger than adam was god and when you made jesus the lord of your life the only thing above you is him because he's the only one big enough to supply your every need hallelujah a human resource is just that it's a human source and when they run out they're out an animal is beneath you plants are beneath your feet but you look up and god is shadowing you and he has an endless supply hallelujah pastor hallelujah can we lift our hands and thank our god one more time give him the great thanksgiving he deserves [Music] hey officer billy bob joe oh well hey there landon so i was thinking what if i taught children's church today oh well that's great landon what would you teach on daniel in the lion's den i even brought my own lion uh maybe save that one for another time well okay thanks lionel hey don't worry about it old bean well uh anyways kids it's time for adventure camp the place where we sing and dance and play games and watch movies all while learning about god in the bible well we'll see you guys over there see ya [Music] hallelujah how many is glad to be in the house of the lord today praise god praise god well how many first-time visitors to church international do we have today oh my goodness welcome welcome welcome oh it is so good to have you today we are so honored that you would come be with us in the presence of the lord there is nothing like worshipping with your brothers and sisters in christ that corporate worship together that's why the enemy wanted to shut it down because there's power when we come together but you know what let us not forsake coming together the assembly of us together we we just couldn't do that no more we just made that decision we just couldn't do that anymore and and we we are just so we're so thankful and so grateful to have you with us today all of you watching by live stream from all around the country all around the world thank you for joining in with us today just because you are not here physically does not mean that you are any less a part of what god is doing here today we send it straight through the camera today and all you have to do is reach out and receive it amen amen well it is offering time here at church international praise god yes another form of worship amen and if you need an envelope please raise your hand somebody will see to it that you get one up top somebody will see to it that you get one up there if you're watching by live stream you can give also that we have a few different ways to give if you're watching by our website which is if you're watching by that by ci online there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen it says give click that button and it will direct you to the place that you need to go if you're watching by youtube follow the link in the description and also you can text to give simply text the word give to 844 once again 844-979-2095 and that's simply the word give it's safe easy secure and a way that you can participate also amen amen well while you're getting your offering together i don't want to hold you very long psalm 34 8 says oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him once again oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him the amplified version of that says o taste and see that the lord our god is good how blessed and fortunate and prosperous and favored by god is the man who takes refuge in him yesterday i was we were riding in the car and we began to all that all the people that were in the car we began to rank our favorite fast food restaurants we began to rank them and we we would say okay what's your what's your top three okay what what's your top five naturally the lord's chicken topped everybody's list and so and and we just i said you know what you can't even put that in there it's in a league of its own you can't do that anymore and so we begin to rank them and then we begin to rank our least favorite and i'm not going to tell you what that is because i'll get hate comments in the in the stream and i'm not going to tell you what my other favorites are because you'll tell me don't you go there don't you go there but i like some curly fries so don't tell me that but so we begin to to rank our favorites and rank our least favorite and just quietly sitting there just quietly sitting there in the passenger seat i begin thinking to myself we are ranking our favorite fast food restaurants which means we go there which means we have the money to go there which means we're ranking them by what we like we're ranking them by what we don't like when there's people that the bottom one on our list would give anything to be able to go get something to eat there and here we are ranking them by our favorites and our least favorites and and i even said on a couple i said you know the reason why this didn't make it in mine it's not because that it i don't like it it's just because i don't go there enough but if somebody's like hey do you want to go there i'm like yeah sure that's fine but the point is is you're able to go there now this was this was fast food don't even get me going on actual restaurants but you get to rank them because you get to go there and and the thing is is i remember i remember the times that i would have to check my bank app on my phone in line at taco bell to make sure that i was able to get something to eat that i was able that i wouldn't be embarrassed with everyone who was with me so that i could eat too thank god for the dollar menus and so i but i remember the time that that i would have to check my account before i i could do anything anything at all and when somebody would invite you out to eat you would either have to make the decision am i going to make up an excuse fast why i can't go to these places because i can't afford to go there and i'm not asking someone to buy my food and so you you had to make that decision and then here we are yesterday ranking our favorites when you go to a restaurant my brother and sister you don't need to forget why you're able to eat there in the first place you don't you don't need to forget that you know my parents invited me to to go to um to the mountains in tennessee with them for a few days this this past week and and we were we were able our biggest our biggest argument is where we're going to eat it's where we're going to eat and it's not really an argument it's just where do you want to eat you mean you want me to decide i'm not making that decision i don't want that power i don't want because if it's bad i don't i don't want that responsibility and so we just go through these different lists of of where to eat and where to eat and then and we'll sit down and and the food will be good we pray it will and so we're sitting there and we're eating and then all of a sudden it will dawn on all of us thank you lord that we're even able to eat here and so we we will lift our hands we'll we'll praise god right at the table because those days of making sure you had enough for the dollar menu but let more than enough but let me tell you something my brother and sister i'm not boasting at all that i can that i can eat wherever i want to that's not an issue i'm bragging on the glory of god and prospering why because it says blessed and fortunate and prosperous and favored by god is the man who takes refuge in him in those times that you didn't have anything you had nowhere else to turn but to take refuge in god you had nowhere else to no human resource place could have satisfied you no no governmental thing could have could have supplied your need maybe for the time being in the moment but it would quickly run out it would quickly disappear but at the beginning of 2020 before we even knew where everything was headed before we even knew anything that was happening the lord spoke to me and he said so like you have never sown before he was trying to tell his people there's going to be trouble in this world here in the next coming months and i'm trying to preserve you i'm trying to take care of you see the scripture says cast your care onto him because he cares for you though the best thing you can actually say is i don't care why you don't carry the care you you're not supposed to you're not designed to you're not built to to carry the care that's why he said i care for you i will care for you you don't do that why because i need you to do other things i need you to carry the power i need you to carry the goodness the faithfulness i need you to carry these things in the world so you don't need to carry the care i'll do that for you and so what he was trying to say was i need you to sow into the kingdom why because here in the next few months they're going to deem your job non-essential they're going to deem your job non-essential why did i say twice because i worked three jobs and they said and they said you're not essential you're not essential and everything you knew shut down at the moment shut down at the moment everything everything you knew changed we heard it time after time after time again he would stand here on this stage and say everything you know is about to change nobody knew what that meant we just said praise god yes okay we didn't know what that meant everything you know is about to change and in 2020 everything you knew changed everything and so he was telling me at the beginning i want you to sow like you've never saw him before and in 2020 i prospered unlike ever before god says to do something what a concept it works it it just works the word just works and and if you will follow the word and if you will follow why he said i believe my words more than you believe yours and if you'll do his instruction and do what he's told you to do then you can sit and psalms 34 8 can come out of your mouth oh taste and see that the lord is good and blessed is the man who trusts in him blessed am i because i trust in you you need to start saying this over yourself when you take your family out to eat when you go out to dinner for yourself don't forget to taste and see that the lord is good don't forget to look listen here in the south we say grace before supper before lunch before any meal that that's what it is we say grace listen it's not just a prayer it's not just a a thing that you've done all of your life you need to sit and thank god because if it wasn't for his grace you would have nothing on that table you would be the one who i've never had so much sorrow hit my heart than to watch a human being made in the image and likeness of god dig through the dumpsters and dig through trash cans for scraps of your food that you threw away and the enemy sits back and laughs and he sits back and belly laughs at you because that's his way that's his life that's his kingdom well let me tell you something god's kingdom everything the devil is god is not they are two opposites there's only two absolutes in this world god is absolutely good and the devil is absolutely bad absolutely he's all things bad everything if it's not if it's not bringing you true joy and true peace it's not of god it's not of god but on those on those moments where you sit down and you have that great meal that you love so much that's god that's god and he wants you to enjoy he wants you to enjoy your life please hear me this morning as i say god wants you to prosper he does prosperity is so much more than money it's so much more than just financial is financial a huge part of it absolutely why because it touches everything you do in life even if it was given to you for free or sowed into you somebody touched that with part of their life that touched that that part it wouldn't be here so god wants you he wants you to live in that land of more than enough he wants you healthy he wants you wealthy he wants you whole spirit soul and body physical spiritual and financial he wants all of those things for you i had somebody i i spoke to and i saw my my dream car sitting in the parking lot and i said that was so nice you didn't have to bring that to me and they said and the person said that's your dream car i said yeah they said well i want a four-wheel drive i said well i said that's great they said i don't need no fancy car i said perfect give it to me i said i said that's perfect why because i'm going to be driving that car saying oh taste and see that the lord is good with my lord's chicken right beside me amen amen so as you give today put your trust in god put your make him your refuge he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust amen hallelujah where are you ready to give this morning stand up on your feet we're going to give with the expectancy today because god's word never fails and today we're going to speak his word together corporately those of you watching at home speak this wherever you are if you're in your living room if you're in your kitchen if you're driving please don't let go of the wheel but just speak it out of your mouth today we're going to speak the words of the master today these are the most important words on on in all existence why because they were spoken out of his mouth and today we are repeating them and speaking them as if it were him talking luke 6 38 as soon as they get it up on the screen say it with me give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all and shall be measured to me again you say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now are you a tither if you're not i strongly encourage you to become one i'm telling you this is the only time in the scripture that the lord says he will rebuke the devourer for your sake you don't have to do anything when the devourer comes into your life whether it be financial whether it be physically trying to destroy something in your body whether it be to attack your children whether it be to take the fruits of your ground the things you've worked for the things you've laid down your life for when the devourer comes the lord says i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy shall is the strongest word in the english language and he says he shall not do it i would believe him over anyone malachod 3 10 say it with me hold it up bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine caster fruit before the time in the field sayeth the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome lamb saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it give the lord a shout of praise you can bring your gifts today we have two places up front we have a place in the balcony for you today we walk them to the front we bring them all while we still have room to do so praise god hallelujah hallelujah we worship the lord we worship him today we worship him today how blessed how blessed blessed blessed blessed we're blessed to be a blessing hallelujah glory to god glory to god wonderful magnificent is he worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah he's worthy to be praised my goodness oh how wonderful is he hallelujah well are you glad to be here today blessed be the name of the lord lord we thank you for this day we glorify your name and we worship you holy ghost you are welcome here today sir to do all that you want done and said give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church at this hour and we give you all the praise and glory in jesus name amen amen amen well we are we are i guess we need a tent don't we or something out here we may be checking into that they have them that have air condition and and we want to glamp in a tent the glamping you know so we we will but if we have to we will bring the fans praise the name of the lord amen the spirit of the lord spoke to me when when we were up in the mountains and christa was was uh kind of laughing about that about but we did eat a lot of what do you do when you go up there you shop and you eat right and then you complain then you walk some more and then you're hungry by the time that you climb that mountain and it's time to eat again and so but as i was up there i was beginning to uh to seek the lord on some things and you pull away for a little while and you hear him and i heard him say you have to speak from the other side of victory because when when victory comes you will already know how to handle it when you when you learn to speak you have to speak from the other side of victory because when the victory comes you will have already you already know how to handle it well there was a uh a precious woman of god that is my friend and she is also a pastor pastor vicki davis in in ox oxford alabama and we have had some mighty moves of god together and uh 44 knots 44 knots up in when they were on masada mountain was a revival that just was one for the books and and just on and on different different ones well she came to here back um at the beg was at the beginning of the year this year i think or or of last year the ending of last year anyway i i sat down on because i wanted to because she was all over the place and and i wanted to to sit down and and the seats i was sitting right there there was three seats right there and i was sitting right there where this gentleman is and she said she came with the word for church international and she said i come to tell you the camels are coming and so everybody it was such an impact everybody shouted i jumped up shouted well there weren't a lot of people here and but she she declared the word of the lord the camels were coming well i'm going to tell you something you better have your stalls ready when somebody comes with a true word of god and they've heard from the lord and she said the camels were coming and i just praised god danced shouted ran did there you know because when the word comes then you praise like you already have it you praise like you already have received it and when it comes you're just like there it is there it is i knew it was coming i knew it was coming because when you don't praise and you don't receive it then i'm going to tell you something how you praise the lord for what he is giving you what he is speaking to you is the magnitude of in which you will receive it and so we have praised and we we ran and we back maybe in 2016 17 somewhere in there i'd have to check i was walking through the living room early one morning and everybody was just going getting ready for the day and it was early one morning and i heard the lord speak and i heard him say meet me in the temple at the 11th hour and i went and i looked at everybody and i said that was in the house i said the lord said to meet him in the temple at the eleventh hour and everybody just looked and i said well get after it let's go get up we're going and everybody got up because they knew i had heard the lord because i heard him one night tell me you go to warrior and you walk these streets down here where the youth center is walk the sidewalk revival's coming and when i did i just jumped in the jeep they said we're going with you and i got out i said just park here i pray in the spirit all the way down there and i said just park here at jack's revival started at jacks and i got out and i walked down the sidewalk just praying in the spirit roxanne was driving down the interstate and called and said what is going on over there what is going on what what why what happened she was so in tune that she knew something was going on and she said what is going on over there they said mom's walking the sidewalk she's barefooted she's just walking up down praising uh you know just praying in the spirit and when i got to that youth center the lord said now stop and put your hands on that door and we did and we opened the doors for a 50-night revival and i knew that same voice when he said meet me in the temple at the 11th hour well we didn't know what what that what we've been meeting in the temple at the 11th hour for years before anybody knew we were meeting in the temple we would lay on our face we would pray we would get up here and just play and and just uh minister unto the lord to see what he wanted done and then one day the lord spoke to robin and he said go up here in the middle of warrior at city hall and put up this tent and send letters to every area pastor and they even had a gold seal this one was one that was and it was april the 12th 2017 says hell highly favored of god this is a special invitation to attend the meeting and right up at the top says from the desk of apostle robin d bullock it says kings in exile and it was on a wednesday april the 12th 2017 at 5 pm on this at the city hall lawn and it said time is crucial for the day of visitation is at hand well we got up there and of course i i was present because i'm a pastor and i looked we looked around we got there and there was not one pastor in this whole area that came and when the prophet stood and declared that there was a visitation coming and a revival coming and said who wants it you would have thought that i was i don't know what anybody thought that i was but i'm going to tell you what i knew it pulled on me so in the spirit told i jumped to my feet now he's my husband but it was such a a prophetic and an utterance and a a very um urgency in the spirit until i jumped up and i he said who will receive it and i jumped and i said church international will church international will [Music] well that was in 2017. but i received it and we kept meaning we thought the revival it'll be here it'll be here this week it's coming this week it'll be here this week and a period of time it lingered and you would have sporadic revivals you know three days two days a lot of people couldn't last a week now at a revival and it would last you know just just and moves of the the spirit was happening and then it would subside and i think well that's not it what it and we would just keep on keep on keep on being faithful keep on praising keep on keep on being obedient to the things of the lord that he would say and then it just got down and then the the the like krista said that when the shutdown came we were sowing and reaping and reaping when you weren't supposed to reap we were we increased our giving and i heard brother jerry savelle say what you do at this time is a defining moment you'll either shy away and back away from from believing the the word of the lord that came that said a new door was opening and that the that the lord was going to open a new door he said this is going to be a defining moment or you will you will back away from it forever and i said i am not missing that open door i am not missing now now people that know me know me once i grab hold of something and i see it in the word the lord knows that if he he didn't want me to have it he shouldn't have put it in my copy that i bought because once it's in there and i see it it is mine it is mine do you hear me it's mine i'm like that little kid you know that has that toy and they'll say give it here and it goes mine it's mine and i see it there and it's in his word so therefore i know that it is his will because his word is his will and once you see it there but it is for it's for whosoever will but i'm going gonna tell you if you're a whosoever will you gotta have some staying power you gotta you can't run here and younder and and getting all this different uh uh different seeds of well god might well i don't know willie i don't know you think he will he he caused this to happen you got to get focused and you've got to get uh just so grounded in his word to know his will that you trust him that you trust him and so the years you know was rolling on and then the shutdown happened and i still wasn't giving up and i wrote down in this notebook i started writing down because habakkuk says write your vision make it plain you make it i mean how hard is that make it plain but a lot of people won't write it down they won't write their vision down i write it down you write your vision down you make it plain so those that read it may run with it may run with it so that means god is bringing people along beside you to help you run with your vision now a lot of people won't have your vision and god will and don't go telling your vision to everybody because there's a lot of dream killers out there and they're waiting to stop your vision and tell you why it won't work but you see i won't listen i love them but i won't listen i have to tell them no you've reached me too late you said because i am a walking miracle my family is a miracle this ministry is a miracle and pastor vicki looked at us one night and she said the exact same words that sister ramona reid called me up and said now listen when i look and i say and i see my phone if it is where i can not answer it at the time and i look and i say that i have missed a call from sister ramona reid i'm calling her back because she is a woman of god and she is she's been around for a while and the things of god she used to pastor and and let me tell you something when that woman says she's heard from god she's heard from god and so i i picked up my phone hey sister ramona she said honey i just sister robin i just got to tell you this she's the sweetest thing i just got to tell you this she said the lord said that it may look like it's going down but you're coming up and i thought yeah well it's looking like that but i'm holding on you know i was like i'm going up and i ain't climbing the rough side of the mountain he did not say climb a rough side of a mountain he said speak to the mountain and the mountain would be removed [Applause] so i thought okay then we're at pastor vicki's church she said it may look like that everything is going down but the lord says you're coming up and i thought okay okay two we're we you know at that point in time we're on the skylift buckling up or putting the things we're ready to go up the mountain we're ready to go up we're getting on the victory side but see you start seeing yourself on the victory side the enemy will paint the picture of you you know in the valley you know you get that roller coaster mentality you start praising and then all of a sudden you fall back down in the in the valley you know and then you get back up in your praise and you back down there but i want to tell you something psalms 23 says yea though i walked through the valley of the shadow of death they put their self he put himself there but he said once he's there he's going to fear no evil for the lord's with him the lord's with you the lord is with you mighty warrior so you begin to praise and you see yourself on the victory side and you start saying things like and i remember we talked all the time like this you know when the ministry's paid off when everything's paid off we'll be able to do this we'll be able to expand we'll be able to do upgrades we'll be able to to to do this we'll be able to do that still meeting on the 11th hour and then you know we started doing a live stream still coming still doing exactly what we heard the lord say meet me in the temple at the 11th hour every tuesday we would come still doing it and we would see see just maybe you know whoever it's blessing and just just coming and and the lord said and he said cl it's not an open it's not an open i know a lot of people wish it was but it's not because he said he wanted his word to come forth because if a corporate uh a crowd was there then the spirit you the you would be feeling what the people's feeling out there and you would hear different things in the spirit but the lord wants it closed and so that's why it is and but as we were we're looking at the the victory side he said you were speaking when it's paid off when it's this when when when all this has happened and he told me when i was in the mountain he said you don't say that anymore you don't talk about that anymore why because it's already happened it's already happened now and you crossed over now i'm going to tell you something i'm bold when the holy ghost comes on me i'm very bold and i don't care where i'm at and i was up in the middle of gatlinburg and i was over by a cobbler shop over in that little village there and all of a sudden the holy ghost came on me and i just began to clap clap clap kristen knew she got her phone ready i said oh i said i feel the holy ghost i feel him strong on me and i'm walking up and down the sidewalk and i said you see what happened we don't talk about that anymore because we crossed over to the victory side and we're already there and it happened and we didn't even realize when it did it just it was just there and we just stepped on over we just stepped on over into the victory side hallelujah oh that's what's gonna happen because it's like an end suddenly and suddenly it was paid off and suddenly that happened and suddenly you will be able to build on and suddenly your business just just absolutely came to a to a an expansion and then suddenly your family members that you were believing for came in [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah for you praise loud and you pray strong and you will be singing your victory song for i am here to answer for you this day and every day and you will say lord is it you and you he will answer and say yes my child it is me for we are going one two three oh no four five 7 8 9 10 11 12 and as many as you can count we will be there because deep is this well deep is this well that i have springing up out of you for this day i have sent your skies to be blue hallelujah good is the word of the lord good is the word of the lord blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah so you're never giving up you're living victorious you never give up when the enemy comes and says that you have a bad report in your body when he comes and says your finances is not going to to uh it's you ain't it just ain't working you don't even want to open that app on your phone that's a bad report you don't see that you tell that let me tell you gotta start talking you look at that phone if that app is on your phone or if you still get regular mail and you look at that statement however you view it you look at that and you say you know what you may say this right here you this may read this but you know what i can take the truth that may be a fact but i can take the truth and change any fact and you begin to change the the facts that people have laid out for you it may be fact but it ain't truth and you begin to stand on the word of god and you start speaking from the victory side you begin to speak from the victory side because you will cross over and when you cross over you won't even know you've crossed it it's just natural it's that natural to you and he also said this too when we were in he said and that will be your conversation one day when you're at home in heaven with me he said you'll just begin to talk about do you remember before the rapture happened look at us now look at us now that's how close that's how that's how close it is you want to talk about a victory side hallelujah glory to god glory to god in 1973 there was a horse that was born and his name was secretariat that is uh that story about that horse is is my favorite all-time favorite movie and when back in uh oh 13 i i had uh was going through just you know a lot of stuff and have we were still you know i looked at my a picture one day i got up and i'm gonna tell you the enemy will get you wore down to the place because you're fighting giants all the time and you're you're you're just and then he gets you to because he's not going to relent do you hear me he has no compassion whatsoever so he's going to hammer constantly constantly constantly until he tries to wear the saints down and you know i was sitting there it was mother's day i was uh just you know i just lost my dad well i didn't lose him he's in heaven he just he just moved he just moved north a little further north and uh so uh you know but you miss them and so i was i was sitting there and the kids come in they said mom we want you to watch this movie and uh christa said we we think of you when we watch this movie so we thought of you and so i i got to watching it and you know sitting there and i become real interested in it and this horse became the first to win of course the triple crown never had been done before 31 links that this horse the last race that he he ran at the triple crown he beat those horses by 31 links it was a human i mean it wasn't possible for a horse to run that strong and that hard his parents was um something royal and hasty matilia matilda those were the the horse's parents name bold rulers excuse me bold ruler and hasty matilda and so these uh this horse let me get back on the horse he uh he was such a phenomenal i mean just took took the world by just it was in every paper every if we would have had social media at that time and a lot of people thank god that they didn't back in the 70s that they didn't have that can i get an amen yeah and so at that time it just took took the news by by storm and this horse began to uh you know as it was it ran gonna run the last lap or the last race and and uh um no it was bold ruler excuse me and something wrong that was it something royal yes we are yeah it wasn't hasty mateo i wrote it down wrong anyway the horse secretariat the horse was not favored they did not think that this horse had the stamina to run any race but you know there was something when that horse was born it immediately stood up it stood up on its feet and it began to walk and they said have you ever seen anything like that and they said no not ever and the lord began he spoke to me so much throughout that movie and he said you see when you're born again the power and you know i mean you're so much more than a horse you're a child of the living god you are something royal and you stand up you may be shaky because you're a baby you know you got your spiritual pampers on and you're running around trying to kill the devil you know you're just getting in so much trouble but you got a lot of faith you know my brother told me something the other day and i laughed and i laughed because listen we called him in and we called him in and we called him in and we called him in but he's in thank god and he told me he said i've got so much to do he said i'm like that angel that had one wing in the fire he said i'm smoking but i'm going he said i am coming out he said the wing's still smoking but i'm going i said well we're just gonna you know just fan the flames for the holy ghost but you stand up you stand up when it looks like it is impossible and you begin to get stronger and stronger in the word and those people they would tell her she had her own family stand up and say you're going to make us all look like fools you're going to make us all lose everything we got if you don't sell this horse and back then in the 70s they offered her 8 million dollars for him and she said no because i know what he'll do something in her was saying do you know she read the word of god over that whole over that horse the real penny chinery did they did it in the movie but the real penny chinery read the word of god and she knew there was something in her spirit she knew that horse was going to run and when it looked like she looked at him and she said i just want to see him run i want to see him run and after i saw that i would walk in here and and it it gave me courage and i would read the word and i said lord i just want to see what you see i just want to see what you see in this ministry i want to see the call to its flourishing i want to see what you see i want to see the victory side i want to run this race until the race is run i want to see what you see and i would walk and i would pray and we would we would uh fast and we would speak victory he said i will let you see this you're going to see this and you're going to love this and you're going to walk in this and they would talk to me like that because i talk to god like i'm talking to you i reverence him but he is my father and he will talk i remember walking in here one day it was before that ramp was here was just stairs here and i said lord thank you thank you holy ghost for showing up every sunday thank you for coming and and and being in the midst of us and i heard so plain you're welcome thank you for letting me thank you for letting me and so as i was you know studying about the the horse secretariat and she said i just want to see him run she wanted to see victory because she knew that she had the winning horse she knew that and that's what you got to see when people say you're not going you can't do this there's no way you can do this oh yeah they're going to see me run and remember the horse got the the abscess and he couldn't eat and he wasn't and they were so concerned about him and he wasn't going to that he was going to have to run that race that day and he hadn't eaten that horse ate that horse would eat buckets uh of feed we have horses and you don't feed a horse that much but man that horse would eat and so he hadn't they'd look at the buckets and the buckets would still be have the feed in them the horse hadn't ate and then the trainer uh or the guy that cared for him eddie he went to the stables and he saw and the horse had ate the abscess was gone you see and the lord began to talk to him he said you see he said the enemy will place something in the body of christ in their mouths and they won't be able to speak they will have a spiritual abscess and they won't be they won't speak the word out they get to where they won't even quote what the very deliberates the very deliverance is in their mouth because they've heard that suffering doctrine too long that that god allowed this so so so and so would would come to god it doesn't take jesus on one side of the cross and uncle ernie on the other side his word preached word the goodness of god brings men to repentance and so we've got to start filling up and eating the word and seeing that we are a victorious church we are a victorious church we have been made overcomers and i love this part when he walked out and he said he said hello kentucky he said big redstone ain't his breakfast and you fixing to see what you ain't never seen before and i remember that went off in me there used to be this man that came here and he i don't think he really wanted to hear me because he always would would anyway i'll just leave that there but you know he found himself on the front row and he would finish my words everything i was gonna say and i was preaching and i was i had just watched that movie and i said something about secretariat and i was getting ready for the final you know bringing it home hitting that holy ghost last hit you know the bases were loaded and i was fixing to hit it and he said and i was going to say secretary he said war horse i said wrong secretariat i thought [Music] i thought one of warhorse was secretariat i know my show but i came in here in this church one day and i had it had when it really clicked in me that we would see all this paint in full and all the the the war that we had with all the the fraudulent sale a lot of people don't know it's just i won't go into details but we were so uh uh land that uh the bank said belonged to the the property that it wasn't and so we had to hire lawyers and it was years of a legal battle that we were in but thank god almighty we're free at last [Applause] and i walked in here it had clicked in me and i knew now when you know and you have that knowing in you you've got victory and there's nobody and people would say why don't you sell why don't you leave why don't you leave this alone i knew you shouldn't have never went over there we were in attack could you imagine these many people and that trying to get in that tiny little building over there and i knew i had heard god come over here i knew that and the lord told me he said go over there and he said you will not be ashamed now we have plenty of opportunity to but we didn't take them we passed them by and the enemy would say why don't you just give up look at all why don't you just give up and the lord said build a balcony and i thought why the floor ain't full but that ain't faith you build it that's fake ain't y'all glad you got it somewhere to sit today i came in here one day there was nobody in here and i stood up here and i and i took a pastor's staff that i have and i began to declare to this city something because this this city when they have something and a lot of times they'll they will invite the pastors and everything if we all gather together for anything up there they go to to uh brother robin they they don't recognize that why i don't know but you know well we were we were only invited once so but but we went we went i so i told i said you know it's funny i said and in this city i said you know there's women sunday school teachers all all over and i said but a woman pastor um i said what where is the line i love what taffy dollar said she said when i'm ministering to somebody leading them to the lord she said what is the line between preaching and teaching. listen it was the woman that carried the word first mary carried jesus but people people people will amaze you you know someone told uh had had the nurse said if she was my wife i'd set her down i thought well buddy i'm not never will be and the best thing for you to do is just sit down praise the lord real real silent so that's right it's two of them warrior robbins so anyway i came in here one evening there wasn't anyone here and i stood right here because i had seen the victory side and i stood here and i began to praise the lord but then i found myself saying i said i guess it was morning i don't know i said good morning warrior i said see i done ate the word and we are full and you fixing to see something you ain't never seen before [Applause] because i stood up and i received the invitation of the visitation now if you don't receive the invitation of the visitation then you're not going to participate in the visitation but i'm going to tell you something the visitation is now it is now it is now it is now says the lord it is now and the spirit of the lord is hovering and he's moving over this place and this city is not going to be able to ignore it nor is this state going to be able to ignore it and when we have to put a tent outside to hold the people then they will be able to come more and more and i will see the vision that i saw of cars coming down and the police having to direct traffic because it is now it is now i said it's now ginger it's now frank it is now says the lord [Applause] [Music] for i heard the lord say arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you for this glory that i've placed on the inside of you is coming up out of you and people are going to be able to see it and they'll see you shine for your light will shine when you think it shineth not but the lord says i am going to use you faults and all and you will think i am not worthy to be used this way but the lord says yes i look at your worthiness and not the other so arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you hallelujah for if you rise and shine and take your place in these days the lord says i am going to make you like a magnet in a lot of ways i will draw people to your words and i am going to draw wealth to your life for people will see the wealth come into your life and they'll see you prosper and i will use this prosperity to gear into a great revival among businessmen and among corporations for it's going to get to the place where they can't prosper without me and i am going to use you to do this says the lord so arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee hallelujah hallelujah we receive the word of the lord hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah [Music] gear up gear up gear up says the lord gear up for this for there has not been a revival on prosperity i'm offering you something says the king that some of you will not receive but a lot will i am offering you a step into a revival of prosperity i'm offering you a step into revival i gave abraham i'm offering you a step into revival i gave isaac and jacob a revival of prosperity for i'm going to pad your hands with prosperity and when your hands are full be sure to be generous with those for i am offering you a step in but religion will say no i will step out or who would dare offer such a thing i would says the lord i will dare offer he who walks on streets of gold he who sits upon a white throne he who walks along by rivers that give life he that hath foundations of twelve precious stones i will offer you such a revival says the lord thank you lord so i'm offering you to step in today for this is your time thank you lord and christ is yeah this is that time yeah i said when will it be your fault when will it be but it is that time for now the wealth of the wicked will start to move thank you lord thank you lord yeah thank you you you call on [Music] i will bring it it will be repaid sevenfold yes it will be for he has stolen much [Music] he has stolen much but it's mine yeah to give back i will take it away yes yes call for the wealth of the wicked to come back thank you lord of god now [Music] hallelujah awaken all the children awaken all about awakening young families awaken young and old the lord is at the ready it's hardest time hallelujah for i'm going to take a pandemic and put it in a bag the lord said i'm going to take a pandemic and put it in a bag and pull it tight for when i pull something tight no strength can undo those strings for this is what i heard the lord say i am going to do a revival in russia and i'm going to place boots on the ground in russia and boots on the ground in russia is going to take money and the lord says so i'm going to give it to my people so that they can send boots on the ground to russia for this is the time of great revival [Music] i need to interject a prophetic word here listen to what i'm telling you every prophetic word that you've heard is true today the prophecy here that was a prophecy the tongues the interpretation of tongues all true but the lord would have you know something that the enemy would not want you to know in revelation chapter 12 something was foretold to come it's it is recorded in revelation 12 that the virgin there's a young woman a great sign appears in the sky and she will give birth to a man-child and when the birth is given then immediately god would catch it the enemy would be waiting there to devour it and then god would catch up the child to heaven and hide the woman this was recorded in revelation 12. this very sign happened in 2017. well it's recorded in revelation 12 that when that happened that he kept the woman he kept the child kept everything safe for for uh 1200 days and rebel and in 2017 this sign happened i don't know if you were aware of it but in the sky there was the constellation virgo appeared and the bible said that the woman in revelation 12 would have 12 stars on her head the nine stars clustered at the top of of the the constellation virgo's head and three planets joined them in 2017 and made up the 12 stars draco the dragon was sitting at her feet nine months before that time the planet uh uh jupiter i think it was moved into her womb and then started to exit in 2017 toward the dragon everything happened exactly like it it was all over the news the revelation 12 sign the revelation 12 signed the revelation 12 son what the revelation 12 sign was to us in 2017 was the church giving birth to revival to a great revival but when the birth came the enemy was waiting to to devour it thus came along the coronavirus and everything was waiting to devour the child but god caught the child up to himself and hid the church away but in 1260 days revival would come then the sign would come and the lord would it would be revealed and the enemy loses in 1260 days this is what day what is the date some somewhere around march 5th or 6th march 6th was the end of 1206 days since 2017. [Applause] since the sign appeared march the 6th was the 1260 days the revival in the earth began on march the 6th whether you see it or whether you don't there's a whole lot bigger world than just your little corner and i'm telling you straight up it happened it started march the 6th and this revival is creating a ground swell now it's creating a ground swell and the mask that were used to hide your mouth is going to choke the enemy the very thing that was used for the lord is tying it up in a bag now and it's going to be tight for revival has begun look around you how many of you are not from here i rest my case on that revival has begun and it's begun here it's begun there it's begun there it's begun up yonder it's begun and it started march the 6th come now come now esteem the words of the lord good as the word of the lord that happened what you're seeing was what was foretold april 12 2017. that the revival was coming now it has begun in the earth and the lord offered you a step into it he wants you to be able to where you can travel anywhere you need to be where you can go anywhere you need to go to take this revival i will step in i'm all in hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you lord gifts of the spirit are flowing gifts of the spirit are here gifts of the holy ghost has risen among you so come on and lend your ear for everything you know has changed and they tried to create a great reset but the lord said i will show you what a reset looks like when you're living your best life yet for i promised you says the lord the king that you would have your time in the earth yes who am i speaking of he says it's those who know the new birth i have promised you that you would have your time to run in the sun and you would be the influence around the globe so get ready get ready get ready says the lord for soon away you'll go glory to god glory to god you will carry revival in your heart on your jobs and some of you will own the company thereof and you will be able to spread it then throughout the ranks because it will be like the releasing of noah's dove thank you for now revival has begun it's here it's out west and it's all around the world hallelujah for you have come into the field where you dig for the priceless pearl step in step in and say i i'm here i'm here use me use me to the king and to the kingdom and then lift up your hands and worship in mighty praise and let your praises ring thank you lord thank you lord now the lord will fill up places like this because you will come and be very recharged because the lord says you need to walk in great power when i send you out large thank you because you've always said you'll see the walk so you will and you'll see it at walmart you'll see it at target you're going to see it still for the boldness is about to arise upon the church and a boldness that speaks like never before thank you lord for this is the time says the lord so i'm just going to open the door thank you hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah what is the word of the lord is the word of the lord how steam the word of the lord yes we esteem the word of the lord glory to god praise the name of the lord hallelujah glory to god we thank you lord we thank you lord yes we thank you lord now now dina say something out of your spirit that the lord has given you right this second walk forward and speak for the lord says that you have the ears listening so say it now say it quick lord said he's uh his people are like david when he escaped saul you've escaped the saul of government you've escaped the saul of the dead churches you've escaped the saul and he's brought you to the wilderness [Music] and then david went and he camped in in getty so lord we thank you that your people have escaped saul and that you're bringing them out of the wilderness and that you're setting up the government of judah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god yes we esteem your word lord now right now or the spirit of the lord is moving yes if there is someone here who's never made jesus christ the lord of their life we are watching by live stream we want to give you that opportunity right now if you're here and you need to come down to the altar it is open we can we will make room for you if you've never asked jesus or you say you know what i i think i have i may have i lived for him a while back but i'm not sure how my walk is right now you need to get secure and you need to get your walk back because you know what he's still right where you left him he's still right there and all you have to do is reach and take that unchanging hand and he will walk you right out of whatever situation you're in at this time all you have to say is jesus come into my heart be my lord and personal savior forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood i believe that you are lord i believe that you died for me and that you rose again and that you're coming back for me i will serve you all the days of my life take my life and do something with it and now you need to tell somebody so it will become real to you you know you say well that was a lengthy prayer well you know what you need to know that that he died for you that he rose again for you and that he's coming back for you hallelujah and this end time revival in 2010 i want to tell you this before we minister to anyone in 2010 before any carpet was laid in here we signed papers in 2009 2010 the stage was just bare wood and i was in here and i was i had i just laid down on on the stage up here and was just praying seeking the lord and all of a sudden i had an open vision and right out back here i saw a stalk of corn started coming up and it was there was concrete and it just began to break up the concrete and when the first gl glimmer of the the corn came up it was gold and it began to get higher and higher and higher until it reached it was higher than this building and it was sticking up over the top of this building and you could see it from the front you could see this this stalk of corn well you see this wasn't built to this wasn't a church this was a farmer's gin and tractor place you are standing in a john deere warehouse there used to be all kinds of tractors everywhere there was combines there was big equipment and the lord told me he said as those tractors were so to harvest he said from here we will harvest souls and you will bring the harvest in and it would the golden harvest represented prosperity he said because it will take it for this end time revival and not only at this present time have we there's so many ministries now because we tied the tithe here and we take the tithe and we disperse it to different ministries and and also to to help the need any need that that there may be but i told you that to tell you this from one little little bit of and it wasn't little a vision that the lord had gave and said i want you to go over there here from over there i want you to go over there get this and you'll not be ashamed i had to start looking on the victory side i had to start seeing the victory side because that was in 09 this is 21. and i'm going to tell you something in 21 we are running in the sun hallelujah hallelujah the s-o-n son glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god now right now right now there's somebody here the lord spoke to me and i heard this so plain and i want to minister to you there's somebody here that your son there's something about about a son and and it's a a legal matter and the lord said if you'll come down here right now he's going to minister to you there there's a legal matter i don't know what it involves the lord didn't tell me it's not none of my business but but he said that he was going to minister to you right now it's a legal matter i don't know exactly what that is hallelujah hallelujah is that that her okay thank you jesus yes now how many of you in the room came for prayer how many of you came for prayer today okay we're not we're not leaving whether cameras are on or not we're going to minister to everyone who came for prayer this is a time god wants you well he wants you free in your mind he wants you free of encumbrances so you can possess the lamb come on come on y'all listen to me you've got to start thinking victory you've got to you're the most victorious people on the planet you're the only people that has any reason to shout and smile you're the only ones and god is counting on you and me hallelujah he's not trying he's not looking to you say well i'm not qualified he's not looking for qualified people he's looking for available people and if people are available he'll qualify you hallelujah hallelujah so we want to start ministering to you now uh on this side of the room who came for prayer okay i want you all to come up and if y'all will help me make room for them right here on this side and we're just gonna go side by side that way we'll have room amen where is uh christa here come up here you stand with me if you want to stay right here with me we're going to take the time and minister to those that that need prayer those that that have came with a need in their body with a need in in their life and we don't put a time limit on that we we let god move and we let him do what he wants so if you need to go we understand those of you watching by live stream we want to thank you so much again for joining us today what a wonderful time in the lord it has been and he is not finished moving in this place amen well we thank you all for coming so much until next time until we gather around god's word again remember that we love you but jesus loves you so much more and never forget god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 12,978
Rating: 4.9327216 out of 5
Id: TUbx2jZlRDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 45sec (8685 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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