Sunday Morning Service 4/25/2021

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one two three [Music] bless the lord hallelujah this is the day that the lord has made and we're going to rejoice and be super excited in it today amen amen we'll give the lord a shout today hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh happy day [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh happy day [Music] jesus [Music] oh day happy days happy days [Music] happy days [Applause] to watch [Music] singing [Music] every day every day [Music] when jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch day every day [Music] [Music] jesus happy days [Music] [Music] hallelujah so [Music] [Music] baby dance the dance of baby dance the dance of david gonna dance the dance of the lord dance to dance we're gonna sing now we're gonna sing the song of baby sing the song of baby sing a song baby we're gonna sing the song of the lord [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] we're gonna dance up baby dance the dance of baby [Music] we're gonna sing the songs of david sing the songs of david sing the songs of david we're going to sing the song of the lord sing the song to the lord you know what about david david was a shepherd boy who had the mindset of a king you could hear it in the words he said and you could hear it in the singing bout the lord as a shepherd taking him all through life and david was one who loved with all his heart and he threw away strides up [Music] of the baby [Music] so lord we bless you this day we give you honor praise and glory and thanksgiving because you are our god and we look to no one else you are the god of creation you are the god of abraham isaac and jacob you are the god and father of our lord jesus christ the king of glory and we give you praise lord we give you honor lord we give you thanksgiving come on and lift up your hands and say thank you lord come on thank you lord thank you thank you lord with all my heart come on come on come on now thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord with all of my heart come on come on keep that going thanksgiving now say thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to do a new thing says the lord i'm going to do a new things that will make people's ears vibrate i'm going to bring a new sound into the earth now that will make people's ears tremble when they hear it for this is what's going to happen so listen for it for the lord says it's going to happen and it's going to be coming your your direction and your way for this is the way it's going to be a brand new sound a sound you've never heard before but it will be a sound from me says the lord and it's going to be a sound that will lead you onto a path of hearing and hearing and hearing says the king for what you hear you will live by every word that comes out of my mouth says god for this is the way it's going to be for this is a sound that a that will drown out the sound of a fraudulent administration that is that is strangling that is the sound of strangling as the people are gurgling for breath for i'm going to bring a sound that will drown that out i'm going to bring a sound that will do away with that sound did you not think i would for yes hallelujah i will a sound the sound the sound the sound the sound [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] dance the dance of david it's the dance of david dance the dance of david we're gonna dance against the dance [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on and give the lord the biggest shout you got [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god how we bless the lord come on only god is god and no other person aren't you glad [Music] hallelujah [Music] what's his name [Music] will jesus your name one more time say you are you are jesus the holy one you are jesus the mighty god you are jesus and i will praise your name [Music] i will praise your name [Music] lord we invite you into this place lord to tabernacle among us holy ghost you're welcome to do and say anything you want to do and say [Music] and lord i give you praise and honor for it lord minister to every heart in this room everyone watching online people from around the world that's part of our family lord they're watching this morning needing a word from you needing a touch from the holy ghost lord god we right now we choose not to think of us but to think with your faults and to see through your eyes and to talk through your mouth lord with others on our minds with their needs on our minds to minister to the needs of the people and lord we give you praise and honor for it in jesus name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah how we bless you lord you can be seated if you'd like just a moment did you know that years ago i was in a meeting i don't know if there's any seats left but if there is maybe someone find seats for folks years ago i was in a camp meeting preaching a camp meeting and um and i i was down in the altar ministering just walking back and forth now i want to tell you something and i i don't know if you know this or not but the glory is here right now the glory of god it's a it's like a mist or a smoke and it's all across the back right now especially in this area right here and it's the balcony is almost completely blotted out of you from that mist and that smoke and and if you lend your heart to god this morning something's big is going to happen here but what you want to do is you want to lend your heart to him and give your heart to him and just say i will i will listen lord i will move when if you say move lord now now listen close to what i'm going to say you have to begin in a service like this see now in a few moments there'll be so much power across the room that anyone could lay hands on anybody but you have to yield to the to the greater anointings who and what i mean by that is is whoever's doing the services because people fall because that kind of power is present and they will and they won't even mean to you know when people start falling and they know that they don't know they're supposed to there's a lot of power happening you know and so you you want to be able to flow in that and god intends on everyone in here to have their need met before you leave today and those watching see i don't know sometimes we we have 40 nations tuned in and they're part of our family just like you are i was ministering in a camp meeting and and i was walking across the floor like just walking that direction and there was a man on the second row right behind my brother johnny right here and leslie sister we're right there and i just turned and it wasn't in this building but i turned and when i turned and looked back all of a sudden i was in another realm somewhere and this is what it looked like if you took your hands and did like this all of a sudden when i turned around and looked that's the way it looked i mean it was it was just like you had done this and i was looking and i turned and looked at the man sitting there and inside me i said lord i said what am i what is this he said now you're looking through my eyes and when i looked and i saw the man i was going to pray for him but he he had stage 4 terminal cancer his skin was the color of a light orange maybe and he he had staggered out into the aisle when i looked at him and and when i i walked toward him and i had every intentions on laying my hands on his forehead but as i stretch my hands out to lay it on his forehead another hymn leaned out of his body from about here up and just leaned forward it was it was identical to him except it was younger looking leaned out of his body and about a foot from him and laid his head in my hand so i never touched his flesh and when i did that but now i could see it and i wasn't expecting that you could tell i wasn't when i asked what is this and when i laid my hands in his spirit the spirit head that's all i noticed saying laid his head in my hand his whole physical body started jerking and convulsing standing there i'm not even touching him well he he made it back to his seat the service went on after that he he began to get better and so he went down to to have um where they were doing chemo on him and different things and they went in and took a new x-ray and the doctor came running out of the back shouting we've seen a miracle we've seen a miracle we've seen a miracle and so then i they said we can't find that in your body he said and he had gained weight back by this time they said this what he answered them he said i thought i felt better i rode my harley down here now it was it was uh a few years after that that he went home to be with the lord and uh i don't know how long couple years few years whatever it was two years i'm trying to remember i want to tell i want to tell it right and so once you get someone else on your mind and not just you then you'll start seeing through his eyes and i've never done that since i've never seen through his eyes like that but that one time but it's you can tell it's so vivid how i don't know how many years ago that was but i saw that and it's still like it was yesterday so today i sense a move of god and it's going to happen in this place and on line watching people online watching will have your children come home today and people that's watching will have miracles in their living room today and a lot of you in this room will not notice any kind of thing has changed until you leave and then when you leave it'll be like you know i thought i felt better and i i sense that there's going to be a uh and i'm not just saying things you understand i don't just say things i i sense there's going to be uh financial miracles today some people could use that and it's going to and this is what i hear there's going to be a bailout of some things for some people today they'll get bailed out of a situation so what you have to do is is you have to not just say i receive it that that's part of it but you have to start talking the bailout start talking it hallelujah the key to having it is talking like you have it what would you do if you had it hallelujah hallelujah god bless you so much for coming look at your neighbor and say it's happening you know here's a story of a children's church what's going on here the coolest most fun class you'll proclaim we have bible lessons and puppet shows landon snack movies and games now hold on just a second oh hey officer billy bob joe for today's children's church video i'm appealing to the pop culture oh i thought that song sounded familiar oh wait a minute i've got a better one watch this um here we are talking on your screen telling kids to go to class and learn to not be mean hey hey where the puppet landed what didn't like it well it's just will any of the kids out there even recognize these old tunes hmm you're right well maybe it's time to modern it up a bit well now landon i was actually just [Music] episode 4 a new hope for no copyright infringement it's in the middle of a church service praise and worship just happened and now they're playing videos people are thinking maybe this will buy me some time to go to the bathroom before the teaching [Music] it is time to dismiss the kids to go to a fun and exciting class where they will sing dance play games and watch movies all while learning about god and the bible it's called adventure calm that was that funny puppet you are landon [Laughter] i don't get it ah just never mind hey hey we're the puppets people say we pop it around i don't really know what that means it's really kind of bringing me down hey hey we're the puppet you never know where we'll be found actually i guess you do we'll just be right here okay guys that's enough you can stop we're we're done amen i love the puppets i'm so glad that they brought the puppet ministry back all right i'm gonna ask since the children has been dismissed if there is a seat open by you please raise your hand and let's let somebody sit down if not yeah just we got what got some stare oh well um anything upstairs wave at us if there's any open okay we have some twos open upstairs um for uh okay okay y'all y'all handle that um if not four going once we're um i i know other peo uh people will be saying this is a great uh problem to have right now um the uh what came to my mind was uh if you start seeing the roof some things happening on the roof that just may be somebody that's got great faith and they're letting their brother down and uh so we got some roof ripping off miracles here today uh i i'm excited to to be back at church today i know that you think pastor where have you been well i tried not to to be gone but a couple of sundays a month but i want to thank y'all i didn't know know that i was going to be asked to come and to sing the national anthem and god bless america at mar-a-lago and i thank y'all that i didn't think you'd mind if i went because i don't know about you but that's the first i've never been that's something you don't get invited to do every day and and uh it was a a blessing of the lord and so we uh i thank you for that i also want to let you know that while all the ministry has changed and and things are changing and they're changing every day and and you wake up to a new thing every day i want to let you know that because this church you know this this church ci has always been such a giving church and if the lord ever gave a word and a vision to robin or myself and we got up to share that you didn't say well might there be windows of heaven open this couldn't be you know you've always said yeah this is about this time tomorrow we're with you we're with you pastor about this time tomorrow and i remember when it looked like there was plenty of seats to be found in this place um the lord told robin one night said every seat will be filled every seat will be filled and i would i was like but i believed it and then i get this phone call from sister ramona says ramona wave your hand this is she is so precious she's the uh she is a minister she was a pastor for years let me tell you something about sister ramona and i'm not preaching today but it's really going to be hard to hold back i told chris i said i'm receiving the offering today and and uh she said yes mother you need to sister ramona called and she said i just want to let you know that it look it may look like it's going down but it's going up from here and i was like well praise god i you know i take that i believe that and i want you all to know as of yesterday we met with the builders to start getting the blueprints ready for a 1200 seat sanctuary hallelujah hallelujah and you know what what is the best it will be debt-free totally debt free and months ago when we were talking about knocking a wall out somebody said i've got the first thousand dollars on that wall being knocked out and so we've still got that first thousand dollars on that wall being knocked out and that will go on it but yes we will build it debt-free and i was thinking about all of this and and uh i remember you know you could look back and see all the faces and everything and i think i saw brother harold here brother harold are you here yes you are here today and brother harold pulled up in his pickup and he brought 57 cases of water when the shutdown when there was nobody here to give water to and the lord spoke and he said it takes a lot of water to cross the desert and brother harold i want you to know that last case of water was used today [Applause] today we've crossed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amber said the other night she said mom i've turned 40. i said well you're coming you're out of the desert now i know you don't believe that because you think i'm 40 but it's not true thank you thank you sister thank you i'll receive that i want to turn uh just briefly because brother johnny and sister leslie they're going to be ministering here today we're so excited to have uh brother johnny and sister leslie taylor here we've uh we've tried to get them here for a while and and they're here today so we're we're so excited i know the lord has so much today we're going to get ready to to receive our offering and our ties and our offerings this morning and uh if in the back of your seat you'll find an envelope and if you want to need one please raise your hand and uh there's online giving instructions i don't know exactly what they are but if you're online and you're looking and you can re and you read and all that you just follow follow it right there ways to give my children have did all this and see oh my goodness look at all that text to give press the give button below i've never even read all that but do i do that do all that and then there's a number you can text to give whatever that is do that and then you know what i still like to write checks and mail them off i think they call that snail mail now so if if you want to be a part of the snail snail mail crew then then you can do that also if you've got your bibles today turn to matthew 6 and uh for just a minute and in uh verse 9 said after this manner therefore pray ye our father which art in heaven how hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread give us this day our daily bread give us this day our daily bread which is we know that that bread represents also healing it also represents instruction give us this day our daily instruction we should get up every day asking the lord what what is our assignment today what is the instructions that you want for us today for me today because it's an individual thing you know you might not can you can pray for me but you can't ask for my instructions and so that's an individual uh thing and so you need to get up asking the lord give us this day our daily bread give me my instructions today lord and in luke 5 just turn there just a little bit with me they were out fishing in uh and it says in le no no no no let's go here we'll just start at the first that's always good genesis 1. now luke see i'm telling you i hadn't preached in a while so we might be here a little bit today chapter 5 and it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of god he stood by the lake of uh gener generous genesis also there's no light up here and saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets say nets that's plural and he entered into one of the ships which was simon's and prayed him that he would thirst out or go out a little ways from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship now when he had left speaking he said unto simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a drought or a catch nets again you see jesus the facility that he needed at that time to use to minister in was a ship and he sat in the ship and he taught but when he left the ship he turned around to the owner of the ship and he said go ahead and cast out the nets because he was giving him his daily instruction and he just wasn't aware who he let set in the ship and so he said simon answering said unto him master one translation says rabbi. preacher we've told all night we know this lake we fished here all the time you see he started to um uh customize he started to customize the word of the lord to fit his lifestyle so he said nevertheless at your word at your word will throw the net the onenet somebody wasn't listening because he said nets twice but he said we'll throw the net that old net in the back because they had already washed the good nets and he didn't want to get the good nets dirty so see there's that old broke net in the back that we use sometime to just pull a few fish in it's not the best net it's not the best net so let's just go ahead and get the old ned out and you know a lot of times that we'll do oh well that's good enough for god no there's nothing good no no we go above and beyond oh well that's good enough for the children no excuse me he said permit the children to come make a way for the children to come oh that's good enough for church oh no there's nothing good i mean there's nothing on this every it's the best it is the best that we have that we give you know i remember uh it don't seem like that many months ago but we'd start to do something at our house and we'd start to to um fix it you know we're fixing to do everything here in the south we just got back from pennsylvania and i said fixing too and they just laughed and laughed and i was like yeah and one lady said i just love to hear y'all talk she said we just can't talk like that i said you have to be born here you got to be born you just got to be born into it so he said we'll just throw the net and so he threw the net and i was watching the part and i thought about this the other day robin showed me a portion of the chosen and peter looked at jesus standing there and he went peter went like that like okay i'm going to throw it and jesus went like that back at him like see what happens and he threw the net over and then all of a sudden all the fish just jumped in there he said throw it he because in his mind he was thinking it's in the day we don't fish in the day because if we do we throw the net the fish run they're not going to just jump in there but you see you take out people take out the supernatural they take out that out of the equation all the time and they don't listen my life is supernatural i wake up every day in the supernatural [Applause] nothing i heard somebody the other night we were having a birthday uh little birthday gathering uh for amber and we were in there and somebody said because of their life nothing surprises me that god can do for anybody anymore well you know that's a testimony that's what you want people to say because i look i saw what god did for them i know he'll do it for me so he's telling you today to throw your best nets nets not the old broke net because he is about to fill your nets when they pulled in the nets the boat started to sink and it says that simon he fell to his knees he fell to the master's knees why didn't he fall down at his feet because there were so much fish in the boat he couldn't get down there the the boat was filled up with fish he said depart from me i'm a sinful man why did he say that because he was going to show the preacher how to fish but the son of god showed him how to fish so today [Applause] you see he's waiting he said cast your net over there over there there's always that place called there that he's wanting you to cast your nets there's always a place called there for you i'm there i'm there there's always that place it's an individual there and in there is where all your provision is it's where your provision is it's where your protection is is in that place called there y'all remember that and and this is going to probably make religion we're fixing to kill a sacred cow okay so if you hear him move just let him move on all right but years ago years ago back back back back back you know and my grandkid says grammy and papa was born in the 19s so back in the 19s and i was a little girl then when this song came out and i always liked this song and you know it's just one of them moving songs you know and my sister my older sister she had it 45 you know with the little knob that you put down on the stereo you know the long console you know that had everything in it and she had the 45 of course she'd play it all the time and and i always liked that song of something about that song and then i heard the testimony of that song and how many remembers the mavis stapleton the staples singers or well she was in her kitchen one day and it was a time when a racial unrest and she just began to call out to the lord and she said i know a place ain't nobody crying ain't nobody worried and ain't no smiling faces lying to the races they ain't but two races somebody that knows god and somebody that don't i'm about to preach up in here this morning [Applause] and you know what she said help me i'll take you there [Applause] she said i know a place y'all ain't nobody crying [Applause] ain't nobody worried ain't no smiling faces lying to the races she said help me i'll take you there he's trying to get you to a place called there that's where your uh boat sinking net breaking load is but you got to have your daily instructions you know it could be somebody says yeah but but i don't i don't know what what i need to sow what is significant to you what is your best net to you to some it may be 50 cents as their best net and god treats that 50 cents like he does that person that can give 500. it may be the widow with the two months and he treats that like he does somebody that can give 2 000 it is the best net that is your best net because that net takes you when you throw that net it's your place called there it's your place called there hallelujah glory to god while you're getting that seed today to sow your tithes your offerings today i want you to know that god has told you out of his word everything you need to take care of you every day of your life that you are here on this earth you have his instruction everybody going around looking for a word here it is this is your word and i encourage you get in it get in it it is a life-changing book it is the word of the living and every word that is in this book that i'm holding in my hand right now is for you every promise is for you i always say this and i always will when i find something and it becomes rhema when it gets up in my face and i hear it preached and then i see it for myself i can have this then it shouldn't have been put in my copy of the book because from that point on it's mine it is my place called there and i will cast my net out every time and i will bring in that that net breaking boat sinking load of blessing there was a minister in india and uh brother john osteen would go over there and preach he loved india india was so precious to him he would go over there and joel would go with him pastor joel osteen would go with him and he would go over there and he would watch his father minister to to the uh india people and there was this one pastor and he they were so poor and they just barely got by and right down the road from from them was this wealthy farmer and he sold milk and eggs and everything out of his store that he had the village people would come and they would buy from him but he upped his prices so that people couldn't hardly buy from him and then when they did buy what was the necessity from him then they couldn't do anything else because they were they were so poor and he was he was a mean man mean greedy man and so one day the pastor looked out in his yard and there was ten cows out there there was these ten cows moo moo cows you know what i'm saying cowells cows and so cows with a c-o-w okay people say what did she say a cow and so he looked out and these cows was out in his yard out in the field and so he knew that he better get them back to that guy said hey your cows got loose they're down here on my property so that man sent people down there to get the cows well the next day the cows came back he sent these people back to get the cows came back it kept happening over and over and over again so the man finally he said you know what keep the cows i'm tired of coming after them and so the man said okay ten cows he began to milk the cows get all the resources that he possibly could then from there you know butter cheese then he took the money from that bought chickens for eggs began to build up a business and people and he charged them fairly and people started lining up coming to him later on the man came and he said you know what he said your business is putting me out of business so he mad about it but then look what he did he turned around and he said so i'm giving you all of my business [Applause] so he took and gave him his whole operation more cows came to him what was that that was the wealth of the wicked laid up for the just and god's people is just the people it's laid up for hallelujah hallelujah so today you look around you because your teen cows could be coming in your you know they could be coming there to you don't underestimate god and don't take the supernatural out of your life i know you wouldn't or you wouldn't be here today at a place called there hallelujah so today if you've got your seed ready hold it up and we're going to pray luke 6 and 38 and the word says give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to you again do you believe that i believe it and i receive it hallelujah now for the tither we quote the word you know that's that's why you don't just throw throw your seed you want to know why you're sowing while you're sowing hallelujah malachi 3 10 bringing all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts do you believe that i believe it and i receive it in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah now we probably need to start passing the plate but right now we just you could come and give there's uh receptacles right there right there um uh emma would you raise your hand up there's one right there see emma and then there's one upstairs right there so you don't have to oh yeah brother yes there you go okay you better get your praise on today only at church international hallelujah that's right everybody sweat you know that song was even on secretariat my favorite movie so yes hallelujah glory to god let's just raise our hands and bless the lord today thank you for all that he's already done what he's going to do glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord the holy spirit is he is here today with his nine gifts glory to god glory to god hallelujah you know i uh when you were when you were ministering over the offering and such revelation was coming out i'm going to say something because this is what the lord says to me and he says i'm going to do something the lord says that you haven't seen before he said i want you to hear this word he said i am going to crush racism [Music] i've i've never i've never heard that word in my life but the lord says i'm going to crush it not just he said i'm going to crush it and he said you're going to see the beginnings of this and you're going to see it in very high profile places and when you see the beginning of it know that i am beginning to crush it now and you'll see it crushed in your lifetime oh hallelujah that smelly thing should have died a long time ago so now we're going to get to see it crushed and when you begin to minister that the anointing came through those revelations to do that hallelujah hallelujah well brother johnny we want you to come and and just have liberty the spirit of the lord where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and he is here today and bring what you and sister leslie oh let's let the servant these are servants of the lord hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah foreign for it has begun says the lord it has begun now for now it has begun for what has begun everything has begun for now you're going to see a great rapid increase of pace for pace is going to be picked up says the lord and you get ready to run you get ready to run throw your head back and laugh and run for i'm going to let you run in the sun says the lord for this is going to be your time for miracles that you never thought you would see you're now going to see for things you never thought would come to pass that your grandmother prayed for is now going to come to pass in your time for that was only a few short moments ago to me and now i'm going to honor their prayers so get yourself together stand up and get ready for now i'm calling you into the game for this is going to be a time the enemy is not expecting and you're going to see him run away from you come on and give god praise why for i heard the lord say this thing i heard the lord say this thing now i am going to begin a quaking and a shaking and you're going to see this quaking in the heels of dc for i'm going to shake the place now i will shake it and the underground rails will shake for i'm going to shake it and when it shakes everyone will know for this thing is going to be what you call a shakedown hallelujah we esteem the word of the lord good is the word of the lord i saw a hammer i saw a hammer this hammer swung from the right side and it swung around and hit the enemy smooth in the side of the head and he went down effortlessly for you think that man has to put this down the lord said my hammer will put it down [Applause] even now you can hear the wind coming and when the impact happens it will happen [Applause] hallelujah if you would just stand everybody's stand i'm going to ask leslie to pray but i need to do something first the lord gives me like and i know you're used to that with was robin so but the lord gives me things and and he shows me things and he says to me things concerning the church and not just the church as a whole and he shows me he shows me things and i and and i speak these things because i believe that uh it's not as bad as it looks um i i i believe we're here put on this earth to learn how to be the bride of christ i believe that and he has put us here to teach us and to equip us to learn how to be his bride and we uh and and i believe that there are some ways the lord has has shown us how to recognize that and i believe he uh has given us a way to recognize that spiritually and that's in spirit soul and body and i also believe he's given us a way to recognize that uh physically and that's in the relationship between a husband and a wife but i also believe for that to happen that there has to be a marriage between heaven and earth and i believe that's what the lord is is showing me uh ways to make or his way to make that happen and i want to talk about that marriage today between heaven and earth and i want to talk about the marriage that has to happen in order for god to do what he wants to do because uh it it looks like when you look with the natural eye it looks like that we're just on a downward spiral and everything that was being done the last four years to put us in order for god to move a new administration came in and they're doing everything to destroy and take away what we believe god did and you look at it with the natural eye and it looks like we're in a downward spiral and it showed me and i was looking how uh you know sometimes when you when when when people get in pits and and there's no way out and they send people and they look over and and you know is is anybody down there and all of a sudden you hear a sound and people start waving their hands and yelling and you know yeah we're here we're here come get us and in my in my spirit i hear that in america how it it it looks like we're on a downward spiral and and we're just about to see the end and you look over and i feel like the lord wants to uh to sometimes look over and say is anybody hearing me is anybody listening is anybody hearing me and there's a remnant down there to say and here we are here we are here we are and the lord looks over and he says i'm coming i'm coming and i'm going to rescue you so we're not out of the ball game yet but i do believe the law i do believe there's a marriage that has to take place and i want to talk about that today but before i do that i want leslie to pray and i want you to give me the liberty to listen to me to what i believe the lord has to say because i believe if we will heed what the word of the lord is saying we're going to see a move of the spirit beginning today that is going to rescue us and bring us out of the pit and put us back and put order back where it's supposed to be i believe that i believe that i believe that i believe that is it okay to move around here some well i don't i don't ever know but what i'd like to do for you praise i need you and and you and christa to put three chairs and sit right here for me if you will i don't know i know the last thing you want me to ask for is a chair but it's like asking for water in the desert you just but all this revelation we're getting this morning i believe it's pieces and parts of the puzzle that god is forming together to form this picture and in the midst of a realm in a world where it looks like it's dark there's this painting the lord is is putting and only those with the eyes of the spirit can see it and recognize it and know it that that's actually what's going to take place i believe it i believe it i believe it i believe it now i need y'all to do something i need you to move here and you to move here now i want you to take hands or bump fist or whatever it is that they do uh you see that's another thing this covert thing the lord knows and he's trying to show us that it's this marriage that's going to reconcile and redeem and restore order back to this nation so they sent it to separate uh and to isolate us and get us by ourselves and and to put us in a place because he knows isolation is not going to bring uh uh uh order it's it's relationship and if he can isolate us and then he's tried to isolate the church from coming from god and it looks like that he just accomplished his will but i'm here to tell you this morning there's a marriage that's taking place there's a coming together and we've got starting today i'm telling you i'm telling you starting today when you turn on the news tomorrow you're going to see a shift because of what he's going to do in the spirit realm today i believe it i believe it so i want you to pray for us before i get started oh thank you lord i believe that hammer was god's love that's what i felt like the lord said to me when you describe that the hand the love of god's what's going to destroy the enemy and everything he's doing so lord we just pray today god that this this word that lord you have sent god comes every heart receives it every ear hears it and god that your will is done in this place today god and in this earth lord and we thank you god for your love god and we thank you we thank you lord and we just pray god that you would perfect us in your love lord and complete what you want to do in this earth in jesus name amen amen amen amen thank you now i've got on this weird pair of glasses so i don't know if i'm on i'm gonna do this i may have to wear these if i wear these keep up with them because i got to read this because i want to i don't want to chase rabbits i want to just do this and and let the lord well you know do what he wants to do but i believe we're here to learn to be the bride of christ and i believe this relationship is walked out in the makeup of man spiritually between spirit soul and body and i believe physically this relationship is walked out physically in a marriage between a man and a woman now for god to do what he wants to do in our nation to restore holiness and righteousness family church and our nation there has to be a marriage between heaven and earth now the bible says and i'm gonna go in a hurry because i know it's late but i'm not gonna go too fast the bible says in ephesians the second chapter the first through the third verse it says as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air the spirit who is now at work and those who are disobedient all of us say all of us say me all of us also lived among them at one time gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following his desires and thoughts like the rest we were by nature deserving of wrath the first phrase in the first verse says as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins now the word dead here means cadaver the word dead means cadaver in other words a cadaver has no feelings no thoughts no emotions it's dead no life he said he said before before you were saved he said you were a cadaver to the things of the lord you were dead you had no desire for god you had no thoughts of god you had no feelings toward god you wanted nothing to do with god i had a man tell me one time he said even if god didn't love me i would love him and i said no you wouldn't there's no way there's no way there's no way i tell people because the bible said you know we love him because he first loved us so the only way we can love him is him love us so i tell people when you tell god you love him we should always say i love you too because you can never tell him first you love him if you wake up in the middle of the night at three o'clock in the morning and you want to tell the lord you love him you didn't wake him up you're only responding to him telling you i love you and you woke up and you see i love you too now you were dead you were dead and we lived according to our soul or to our flesh to the dictates of this world when something bad happened we responded to what was happening when we heard something bad we responded to what we heard when we saw something bad storms educate whatever we saw we responded to it out of our soul we responded to it out of our out of our emotions our thoughts our feelings and we were manipulated and dictated by what we saw and what we heard by the spirit that's in the world we were just moved by it we were cadavers then the bible says in verse four and five but because of his great love for us god who is rich in mercy made us alive with christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved so once we got saved it all changed we were no longer controlled by what we saw and what we heard and what we felt now the temptation was still there to move by what we see and what we hear and what we feel but we now have a choice to not move by that we now have a choice to move by the spirit of the lord we now have a choice to move in his word and not by what we see and what we hear and what we feel when mary and martha sent the service to jesus and they said lazarus is sick the situation said come now and we would have went the situation says come now lazarus is sick he's dying so the situation called for immediate action so they just assumed when you go tell him he's going to come back with you but he didn't he didn't he matter of fact he waited till he died and that looked like he missed it but what he did the situation called for him to go what he heard what he saw what he felt but there was the word of the father that spoke to him and said wait two days now what was greater to go heal him of being sick or raised him from the dead if he didn't move by the situation i don't even think he would have healed him because jesus said i only say what i see the father who only say what i hear the father say and i only do what i see the father do so if he didn't see the father heal him from being sick he wouldn't have healed him but he did see him raise him from the dead and say he moved at the word of the father and not at this situation he moved he moved by his he he listened to his righteous nature and not his sinful nature now now we've got a choice do we move at what we see and what we hear and what we feel from cnn and msnbc do we move by that do we dictate our lives around that do we position ourselves because it looks like we're on a downward spiral do we move by our soul or do we stop and listen and say what is the word of the lord and what he tells us is contrary to what we're seeing and hearing and feeling and we move contrary to the way the world's moving and they say you're crazy you've missed it you're stupid the situation doesn't call for that no but the word of the lord does now now we were created we were created spirit soul and body first thessalonians 5 23 says may god himself the god of peace sanctify you through and through may your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our lord jesus christ the word sanctify means to be set apart for his purpose so he says may the god of peace set you apart spirit soul and body for his purpose and then it says the word cap means to be preserved in christ by the holy spirit for the father's purpose until jesus comes so paul says may we allow the spirit of the lord to set us apart from being manipulated by the spirit that's in the world may set us apart spirit soul and body and for his purpose and may he keep us in him in the spirit may he preserve us body soul and spirit may preserve us for his purpose and may we live like this respond like this act like this live like this until he comes back [Applause] so he has made us spirit soul and body now let me show you something robin oh you stand up right here and robin you move right here if you will just for a second robin you just stand right here by this post and you robin sister rob uh brother you stand right here sister now would you kneel and face the congregation can you handle that and you just face the congregation and you stand behind her you lay down this way just yeah put your feet that way and you head this way just lay down on your back when it feels like what this is what it feels like when i use other people yeah yeah that's what it feels like when he uses other people but i want to illustrate i want to illustrate this marriage but he made us spirit soul and body the spirit stands the soul submits and the body let's prostrate before the lord now let me show you oh now let me show you something let me show you this is also the position of worship because you will see in services people with their hands raised people kneeled and people laying before the lord why that's that's the worship makeup of man we'll lift our hands we'll kneel underneath and we'll lay prostrate before the lord that's the position of man it's the position of worship now i read this morning where the pope anointed nine priests this week anointed nine priests and you know what they did when he anointed him they stood before him they knelt before him then they laid prostrate on the floor coincidence i don't think so i think the lord is trying to show the church there's a position that you have to have in the spirit if you want me to move like i want to move you gotta your spirit's gotta hear me your soul's gotta submit and your body's gotta lay prostrate before me and obey what i say to the spirit okay you can sit back down [Applause] come on celebrating celebrating celebrating celebrating celebrating yes now the holy s the holy spirit speaks to our spirit through the logos and the rhema word when the angel came to mary and said you're going to have a child and she said i haven't known a man he said nothing is impossible with god we've quoted that all our life and don't really know what it means the word nothing means no rhema spoken to you from heaven comes without the power and the ability to perform itself [Applause] so when he said you're going to have a child all it took to activate it and bring it to pass was her saying nevertheless and your word be it unto me [Applause] and that word is rhema when she talked about the disciples fishing and peter said nevertheless at your word that word is rhema at your rhema i'll cast the net over and like she said the fish jumped in the net mary said at your rhema and she did something nobody's ever done before she had a baby without knowing a man because the power of the rhema performs itself so the holy spirit speaks to our spirit in rhema when you read the red letters in the new testament when we read it it's logos when he spoke it it was rhema so the spirit speaks to our spirit the enemy speaks to our mind our soul the spirit speaks to our spirit to speak to our mind to speak to our body but the enemy comes to bypass the spirit and speak to the soul to get the body to do soulish things now the spirit man lives in the fear of the lord the solas man lives in the fear of men and the body responds to whichever is in control now the model for life or loving is christ's love for the church that's our model christ loves the church to draw her unto him we love people so holy spirit can draw them to the father so the model in every relationship and every situation for loving is the model of the marriage between christ and the church we love so the spirit can draw people to him now now listen to this listen to this if the relationship with the spirit and the soul is not one in the holy spirit now the soul is us this is who we are we're the soul and we have a choice now listen to the spirit a righteous nature or listen to our sinful nature but the part we are the soul that's us that's how we have a choice now listen if the relationship with spirit and soul is not one in the holy spirit the soul will believe under the influence of the spirit of the world and the body will talk live and look like society and the culture now listen listen if if if if if the soul and the spirit are not married and they're two different people you see we talk about about being united with people what about being united with yourself what's worse than being divided among people is being divided among yourself [Music] so in order for god to move there has to be a marriage between the soul and the spirit there has to be if there's not the soul will the soul will will move according to the dictator the spirit of the world and the body will talk and look and live like society now listen listen if the relationship between spirit and soul is one in the spirit the soul will believe under the influence of holy spirit and the body will talk live and look like jesus now oh no that's truth that's true if the relationship between husband and wife is not one in the holy spirit the relationship will be under the influence of the spirit that is in the world and the child will believe under the influence of the culture and will talk live and look like the world listen listen so spirit soul body husband wife child the same principle that works for soul and spirit and body the same principle is at work husband wife and child it's the truth let me read that again if the relationship between husband and wife is not one in the holy spirit the relationship will be under the influence of the spirit that's in the world and the child will believe under the influence of the culture and will talk live and look like the world if the relationship between husband and wife is one in the spirit they will believe under the influence of holy spirit and the child will talk live and look like jesus [Applause] which one do you think this is look at the life of this child you don't have to look at them look at the life of the child and you know they're married you know they live under the influence of the holy spirit because it's seen in the life of the child [Applause] oh now listen the gauge of our individual spirit-filled relationship with the lord is seen in in the relationship and our relationship between spirit soul and body the gauge of our spirit filled relationship as a family is seen in the relationship between husband wife and child isn't it funny that the makeup of spirit soul and body is worship isn't it funny know that the makeup of the family is worship but as the individual goes so goes to family and as the family go it's seen so goes the church but the church in america does not know who we are because we're divided amongst ourselves stand up come here you ready you just hang with me you stand right there now i'll be back hang loose we ask ourself you see this move that's going to stop this downward spiral that's going to restore order so that the awakening can happen this this move has got to come through the church it's got to come through the church but it can't come through a divided church [Music] but we call ourself the church knowing we're divided how do i know how do i know the soulless church says god loves you the way you are the spirit-filled church says god loves you the way you are but he loves you too much to leave you the way you are the soulless church believes in the equality act and it's it's a lustful spirit to want to be what you're not [Music] and the soulless church has bought into that it'll change in a minute but the soulless church believes in the equality ask them ask them ask them you don't know who a seller's church is ask them but the spirit-filled church [Applause] see she thinks she was let me tell you what she did that's what the soulless church does is try to crawl up under here and be affiliated with the spirit and then move back [Applause] we want to say we're spirit-filled but we'd rather have donuts and coffee [Music] but the soulless church believes in the equality act and i i i i don't want to chase right because i got to say and and i asked pastors i asked them you know the spirit-filled church believes that we love ourselves just the way we are the seller's church is lusting after what they're not so we're divided and then we have pastors saying i can't take a stand because i got people on both sides i can't take a stand because i have people on both sides so they won't take a stand because here's how they believe keep up with these come here this is the body that doesn't know what they believe because we got a spirit-filled church and a solid church and the body is living what they believe let me show you how i know you come to church and you want us to lay hands on you and but you believe it's okay to change my gender because god loves me the way that i am and the solas church says we just pray for you sister just bless you that god will just work in your life and don't say one thing about you know that's not right because we don't want to lose you this one says i feel this tendency drawing me to perversion and the spirit-filled church says lord we want you to deliver this one we want you to heal him we want you to bring him out and show him all the while but keep your hands on that one too all the while we're condoning this one and praying for god to heal in this one what we're condoning in this one so we'll bless this one and pray healing over this one why because we're a divided church and don't know what we believe and yet we still believe the move is going to come through the church and god's going to bless us but let me tell you something he's not going to move until we come together and believe the same thing no he's not no he's not no he's not no no no no i come over here and i'll pray for you because you're confused and you're in this lifestyle but god loves you just the way you are and then i come over here and this one wants out and the lay hands on this one and praying for him to be out to come out of it and be all the while we just got praying for this one that they would be okay who are we we're both we are both and we're waiting for a move of the lord to come but we can't move because we're both down [Music] come here stand right here face them you see this is why we're focusing on a remnant and the focus is not the remnant the call is to the church the call is to the body the call is to the church but we know we're confused and we're divided so we're looking for a remnant and this one for a remnant and this one's looking for a remnant and we're thinking the remnant is going to solve everything well let me tell you something the remnant is not going to come and moving the power of the spirit until these two are married [Applause] because these two will burst the remnants there has to be a relationship to burst something there has to be a relationship but until that happens here we are and we pray for you but what do we pray for you it's up to you do you want to come out of that or do you want to just live in it and be blessed because whichever one you want will do do you want to live like that or do you want to come out of it because whatever you want is up to you so the part of the church is praying you love them the way you are bless them lord and the other part of the church is praying you love them too much to leave it the way they are come out so we stand before you a body and what is god going to do whatever you want whatever you want and we're powerless and we're perverted and we're spirit filled and name only and we want you to believe us and we're talking about a remnant and we can't find one we think we know who they are but they'll fool you because let me tell you something is this hard there cannot be a genuine remnant until there's a marriage but because we're divided we're looking for a remnant but we're unified where the church who's living it and out of this may come a remnant but they're moving at the word of the lord at the moving of the spirit and not responding out of their soul to culture right right right so guess what she's confused because we won't take a stand because we don't want to lose you so everyone welcome come as you are king james only come come as you are and that's what we are but we're calling for a remnant and we think we see one but robin it's not the real remnant we're seeing because it has to be birth out of the marriage of the spirit and the soul and it's still divided so we're trying to adopt a bunch of people who look like us instead of living and sounding like us so there has to be a marriage between soul and spirit that can birth the child the remnant that can go out among them and operate in the power of the spirit and guess what happens he will draw all people under him that's right because there's got to be a marriage between the body and the relationship with the godhead there has got to be a marriage takes place between the body and the relation and the marriage relationship with the godhead but we're not there yet but i believe that's why the lord's given us to preach it to bring revelation so we can see that we aren't what we think we are but there's a chance we can be what he wants us to be come here okay you can sit down for a minute now now the soulless church says god loves you the way you are the spirit-filled church says god loves you the way you are but loves you too much to leave you the way you are the soulless church believes in the equality act they lust for what they're not the spirit-filled church says we were created equal and we love who we are the soul church says there's no gender the spirit church says it's male and female the soul church says we're a number the spirit-filled church says we're in his image so guess what's coming she's going to reveal the antichrist and he's going to usher in the return of the lord listen the soul is church we're thinking the world the so everything is gazed by and through the church [Music] the soulless church will usher in the antichrist because everything that she's doing is heading toward no gender and a number what's the number 666. but the spirit-filled church is ushering is going to usher in the return of the lord peter represents the spirit-filled church peter preached under the anointing of the spirit and 3000 were added to the church in the same day paul represents the system he operated under the system but now you ask yourself why could peter deny christ and not be done like judas because it's of the heart when he's when peter when he when peter denied him why didn't he do like judas because he remembered jesus remembered who did you say i am you're the christ the son of the living god so even though he denied him with his mouth he knew in his heart he still believed paul why didn't he just do away with the paul like the rest of the pharisees because he knew what was in his heart because when peter and paul got married the spirit and the word came together three thousand were added on the day of pentecost and one-third of the new testament was written by paul so the word and the spirit came together the spirit and the soul came together and what happened the book of acts happened now now now here's what has to happen i had a dream and in that dream i saw this man and he was laying down in the middle of downtown new york saw the horizons and he was laying down on the sidewalk he was passed out and there was a storm coming up and he held his head up and looked and the lightning and the thunder and the clouds were coming in but he was so drunk he passed back out and the storm overtook him and the lord told me he said johnny that's the church he said i tried to give warning that this coveted thing was coming i tried to give warning that this was coming but the church was too drunk she heard in the distance but they didn't see and she passed back out and this thing came in and it overtook us but he said the church is waking up now now he said the reason that she passed out is because the baptism of the holy spirit was taken off the table we had you see we wanted to create a safe environment for you to come in and not be disturbed by somebody praying in the spirit or speaking in tongues so we took the holy spirit off put him underneath the table and the only thing the church had to drink was the wine of the world the only thing she had to drink was the soulless wine and then when it came she was powerless to do anything about it so we operate in fear and wear these dumb masks that don't do anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we'll wear a mask and then go in the store and handle something and wipe her nose then put the mask back on and fist bump we just want to do what the cdc says they're lying to you because they're trying to isolate the people from god they're trying to they're trying to take us away from our relationship that's going to bring an outpouring and an awakening and put everything back in order somebody's got to stand up and call it what it is [Applause] this day this day i declare it is no longer up to you what i stand for whom i stand for it is now up to the holy spirit we will no longer appease you [Applause] [Music] we will no longer let you sway the way i pray as of this day i will pray in the spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sit down [Music] we need to celebrate him well here's what he said johnny the church is awake and she's ready to drink again and if the baptism of the holy spirit is not put back on the table she will drink what she drank last time and the end result will be worse than what it was the first time so i'm telling you the church is awake and she's ready to drink again what is she going to drink are we going to let her drink what she drank before oh we're going to take a stand and put the holy spirit back on the table and say drink of the spirit [Applause] acts 5 and 18 says do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit so let me tell you she's ready to drink again but the baptism of the holy spirit will not be put back on the table until they're married so you can keep calling for a remnant and you can keep saying i'm spirit-filled and bringing in dog coffee and donuts i'm not against that i'm just saying it doesn't take the place of praying in the spirit and and whatever you one pastor said it's not the church's responsibility to take a stand i disagree with him i disagree with him because it's my responsibility to tell you thus saith the lord and if you choose not to receive it here's here's how i operate i know you can't do it all the time but here's how i operate i believe the lord wants to create a standard and if you can't if you don't want to live up to that standard and that's not for you you have the freedom to walk away but with the same freedom you walked away and the holy spirit deals with you you have that same freedom to come back but if i create a standard and tell you you can't be a part of this because you won't change when you leave you'll never come back so we let the holy spirit create a standard and quit worrying about losing you and let the holy spirit create the standard and if you're not ready for it you can leave but there'll come a day because you've heard it and it's in your spirit that you want to come back and you can come back on your own and we'll welcome you with open arms cause we never told you to leave [Music] [Applause] where'd i put my glasses all right now the lord showed me something i had seven people in my family commit suicide i got saved when i was 11 years old in my uncle's church in the little storefront church i was asleep on my mama's lap didn't hear a single word drool running down her dress and the only reason i woke up was because we had to stand up for the alcohol and she made me stand up and when i stood up i was under so much conviction that i ran to the altar and got saved didn't hear a word didn't hear word a few months later i got baptized in the spirit and so all i knew between 11 and 12 was church and the spirit that's all i knew was in my head so my daddy comes in one afternoon and he says johnny your mother has shot herself in the head and she's not going to live my first response i still remember when i was wearing red pajamas with white feet 12 years old it's kind of weird that's all i had but when he come in he said your mother shot herself in the head and she's dying immediately i turned around sitting in a recliner i turned around got on my knees and started praying to the lord to protect us and keep us she died the next morning for years i have been in and out of church making bad decisions good decisions bad decisions good decisions but i'm where i am today he told me because of that afternoon when i was 12 years old he said because because when you heard the bad news he said your first response that came out of your heart was not soulish but of the spirit and he said your first response is why i have kept you till you're 64 years old and you're preaching and you're traveling he said i kept you because of that day in those funny-looking pajamas when you got down on your knees and you i've kept you because i've kept you because of your first response so i needed scripture so the lord said i'll give you a principle and then i'll give you scripture so the principle was is the law of first mention when something is mentioned the first time in scripture it's carried out and matured and grown into what he wants it to be at the end of scripture the first time that blood is mentioned is in genesis 3 and 10 when cain killed abel he said your brother's blood calls out to me from the ground but then in the new testament in first peter 1 18 and 19 he said for you were redeemed with the precious blood of jesus christ so it was mentioned when kane killed abel but it's mentioned again when it saves my soul the first time marriage is mentioned genesis 2 and 24 for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh then it's mentioned again in ephesians 5. for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two will become one flesh this is mystery is profound because i'm talking about christ in the church here he was talking about man and woman adam and eve here he's talking about christ in the church so it's the law of first mention so he said i'll give you one for law first response he said in luke the 22nd chapter he tells simon simon he said satan is asked to sift you like wheat but i pray for you that your faith not not fail and when you return strengthen your brethren he said satan's after you and you're going to fall but when you come back strengthen your brethren what was peter's first response when he told him that peter said i'll go to prison for you and i'll die for you you know what happened in peter's ministry he wound up in jail and then he died upside down on the cross for jesus first response the disciples told timothy we saw jesus not timothy thomas and thomas says i won't believe it until i see the nail prints in his hand and stick my hand in his side and we call him doubting thomas did you know if the other 11 hadn't seen him date a doubted two only reason they could tell him because they saw him and we think that thomas is being hard-headed and saying unless i sing for myself i won't believe it but what he was saying if you saw him i want to see and i want to see the nail prints in his hand and i want to stick my hand in the side now jesus only showed the 11 what had happened you know what he said to thomas he said thomas my hands take your hand and stick it in my side read it read it read it he just fulfilled thomas's first response your first response will determine whether he keeps you or not whether it's of the soul or of the spirit if some some of us have responded to things in our life that we responded at our soul and we wonder why we're not seeing the fruit it's because we need to repent of our soulless response now here's the marriage right here and i'm through but i want you to think of some things that's happened in your life did you respond out of your spirit or out of your soul if you responded out of your soul he does not send any fruit from it it's because you can repent and redeem it and respond out of your spirit and receive the reward from it but we're not telling people to repent because we're a soulless church they're not gonna they're not gonna repent until you're married because they have no need to because we told them they're okay and the only thing the spirit-filled church is telling them i'm blessed and highly favored in isaiah 55 8-9 the scripture says for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts now the word higher means elevated and a gap it means they're elevated and there's a gap there my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways heaven is supernatural earth is natural so he says the things that god thinks about we can only begin to imagine and the things that god does we can only dream of our thoughts are not his thoughts we think about a place and want to go but not there he thinks about a place and he is there our ways are not his ways we walk ride fly go on a ship to go to the place we're thinking about he's already there so we can think about it and want to go he can think about it and be there we go by camel horse train whatever to get there but he's already there so his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways but he gives us a glimpse in psalms 32 8 and 9. i will instruct you and teach you in the way which in that way means path where to go and how to go i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go i will counsel you with my loving eye on you do not be like the horse or the mule which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridal or they will not come to you now listen what he's saying he's giving us a glimpse of where we're going of this marriage he says don't be like the horse that you have to pull on him and turn him to get him to go that's not kingdom he said what he's saying is it's not in the print there what i want you to be like is someone who sits on a horse and wherever you turn your head it goes no bridle no whip you just sit on the horse and wherever you turn your head that horse goes he says that's what i want you to be i want you to be so in with me that when i turn my head you go i don't have to tell you to go i have to promise you this to get you to go i don't have to try to bargain with you to get you to go pulling and tugging he said that's not the kingdom that's the soul he said but the spirit-filled church is when i ride this when i when i you are so in me that when i turn my head you go there when i turn my head you go there he's trying to give us a vision he's trying to get to teach us what it is to live in the spirit you see there's got to be this marriage between heaven and earth in psalms 116 and 15 he says heaven is mine earth i've given to the children of men but he wants to marry us how jesus prayed your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven psalms 37 and 4 says delight yourself on the lord and he'll give you the desires of your heart and that means delight yourself in him he takes his desires put them in your heart get you to want them so you'll pray them back to him so he can do them so he says he wants to bring heaven to earth how do you how do you bring heaven to earth come here come here when this when this when there's a marriage between spirit and soul between husband and wife between the soulless church and the spirit-filled church when there's a marriage between heaven and earth here's what's going to happen and the glimpse is him sitting on the horse come here stand right here colossians two and five it says for though i am absent from you and body paul is telling the church at colosse though i'm absent from you in body i'm present with you in spirit i am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in christ is now he says i am present with you in spirit you know we say that all the time i won't be there brother but i'm with you in spirit watered it down is he he says now listen the word spirit here means the rational spirit the power by which a human being feels thinks wills and decides the soul the soul that has left the body and we say all i know to do is pray prayer is just our last option i can't do anything but pray because we don't know what praying in the spirit does when there's a marriage between heaven and earth paul said i was with you in spirit paul said i left my body my spirit left my body here's my body he's but my spirit left my body come on come on my spirit left my body what's he saying my soul left my body in the spirit so while you were carrying on and doing the things that you were doing i saw you how did you see me i was there i see your body people told me he was back there he said that was just my body he said i can tell you what you were wearing i can tell you what you were saying i can tell you what you did how because my spirit took my soul and that read it and left my body and i came undetected and sat down amongst you but i see you no you don't you think you see me you see me but i saw you i said in your business meeting and you were gonna you were gonna do something that was wrong but something caught you and you didn't what caught you because you stay right there because you're moving the spirit because but you didn't and i came here and i whispered in your ear by the spirit that's not right you need to do this and you made right decisions because i was there and the spirit used me to tell you what to do and you did what was right thinking it was you but it wasn't you it was me through the spirit in your service sitting beside you and telling you this is the word of the lord only you didn't know it was the word of the lord you thought it was just you come up with a good idea but what happened is i prayed in the spirit i prayed in the spirit and he took me out of my body because i was praying for you and i prayed in the spirit and he took me out of my body and he took me to where you were and he set me down in there beside you and he let me talk to you and whisper the things of the lord and i told you and after we got through we came back stand right here come here robin and you think i never left the building do you see why the devil doesn't want us to pray in the spirit do you see why he's afraid of us to speak in tongues and he said to people to death because he knows the power of praying in the spirit that's the truth i'm telling you we have the ability to pray in the spirit and go to the place we're praying for and change the atmosphere and change the environment when there's a marriage that takes place we have the power we have the ability to do that [Applause] all of our show oh i'm trying to do a realm that you don't know of i'm trying to show you a place that you don't know of but i'm revealing it to you today and i'm sure that all you need is to pray in the spirit it's not your last option it's not your last resort it's all you need pray in the spirit [Applause] i believe that don't you listen to this go sit back down i know y'all gonna be glad when i'm gone my daughter my daughter had a baby this week her name is murphy grace well shout out brought pictures when she was born she has a heart murmur and she can't hear out of her right ear they've tested her four times and she failed every test we were at a prayer meeting thursday night and my daughter was texting me she had so much blood coming out of her that they were going to have to do surgery friday morning and and the gynecologist and the doctors were confused because they'd never seen it before never seen it they didn't know what the dukes have operate her blood count was down so low they said if it drops anymore he said we're going to have to emergency surgery and we don't know what it is so she's having the awful pain can't come home from the hospital the baby's heart murmurs can't hear out of a right ear and i'm getting text messages sitting in there and i start talking and telling them about praying in the spirit and i told them how i was raised pentecostal and all my life but our our church believed when there were pe when you spoke in tongues because act says that's the evidence of speaking in tongues so our church believes that you speak in tongues when you're getting blessed it was a sign you're getting blessed they didn't know what praying in the spirit was they just thought it was a sign of being blessed and that's how i grew up so about two years ago i started telling the lord i was questioning tongues raising all my life last question i said god is there anything to it i just i've never seen any fruit from it is there anything to it i called leslie i was frustrated she said pray in the spirit so i hung the phone up i said all right god you told me to pray in the spirit the bible says when i pray in the spirit i don't know what i'm saying so if i pray in the spirit am i gonna be praying for somebody in afghanistan or am i gonna be praying for what's on my heart right now because if i'm praying for somebody across town i ain't gonna pray in spirit because i need to pray for what's on my heart right now so you're telling me that i pray in the spirit don't know what i'm praying i'm praying for somebody in florida then i don't want to pray unless it's about what's on my heart now we're running down the road and i'm telling him that and the lord speaks to me and he says johnny he says when you pray in your native tongue you pray the end from the beginning like i pray lord save krista but i don't know what it takes to save christo but he does he knows what has to happen situations that have to change things have to move to bring her to the place to get her to give her heart to the lord all i'm praying is save krista lord save christa god save christa lord would you please save she's headed for hell lord please save christa and then to make it official i'll dance a little bit god save christa oh lord say christ save christian ants like david and save christo because i don't know what else to pray but he says when you pray in your native tongue you pray the end from the beginning but when you pray in the spirit you pray specific details so with your with your native tongue you say save christa in the spirit you pray the will of the father the heart of the father and he knows what it takes to get krista to come to the place to give her a heart to me so while you're saying save christa and you're praying in the spirit you're praying for things to fall into place and things to change to bring her to the place so i can answer your prayer thursday night we're sitting and praying i'm telling them about this praying in the spirit and the elderly gentleman sitting over here he said the lord's telling me right now that christ you need to come over here anoint johnny and pray for him so he gets up falls under the spirit and he comes over and starts praying for me and i felt a shift i saw the spirit of the enemy hovering and they were small like little babies they had on white gowns like you see these older see a picture somebody got chris and they don't know whether a boy or girl they put them all in the same thing they were wearing these little white gowns and they had shoulder-length blonde hair and they were hovering over things and when he stood up and moved in the spirit i saw them look they'd been caught and when he did that like they'd been called they looked like they'd been called and they ran now listen listen listen the lord said i said the lord said the reason that happened is because you were in the room with the mama and the baby while you were praying that's why you saw them hovering over that baby he said i see your soul i was never them praying for my body but my spirit and soul was in that room with that baby and her mama and i was casting them off and praying and they got caught and they left because he moved me from from my body by the spirit into that hospital room arrested them and guess what happened they can't find a heart murmur and she went home yesterday because he told me he told me he told me cause leslie asked me yesterday she said she said and i hadn't said nothing nobody she said those spirits were in that house i said no they weren't they were in the hospital room hovering over that baby how do you know because i was there i was there i was there i got see here's the here's the deal this covered crap you could only only one person at the time can go in there and everybody in their mom has been in there but me and it's my baby having my grandchild and i can't go in there i asked no only one visitor during the day so i don't get to go in there and everybody's going into taking pictures and i'm thinking i want to go in there i did [Applause] i went in there undetected i went in there with a mission to rescue my grandbaby and to heal my little girl and i went in there in the spirit left my body went in there saw him hovering and said get out of here and they saw and they were arrested and they ran out of the building [Applause] so when there's a marriage between heaven and earth instead of just praying for washington he'll put us in the white house he'll put us in the capitol he'll place us in the pentagon he'll place us in biden's bed chamber he'll place us in homes he'll place us in places where it's better than if we went there in our body but it's only going to happen two things when they're married and when we repent for some first responses that we made that were of the soul and not of the spirit standing feet so here here it is how many of you have children that you're praying for family members that you're praying for how many have desires in your heart that you want the lord to do in your life much less we have the concern of our nation in our country well those things are only going to take place when our soul and our spirit are married and here's the here's the call there may only be a remnant that'll respond but the call is to the church the caller to the church is to come back and get married to come back to come back and repent of your first response now the lord's going to bring things to your mind of responses you made that were out of your soul and you look and nothing's changed and he's given us opportunity to repent of him so that he can go redeem and restore what we've been praying for in the spirit we pray in the spirit and god will reveal to us what those responses were and we can repent of them and guess what will happen he'll i he's gonna this is the realm we've been waiting on i heard robin talk about hearing what kings and stuff have said that he heard them he heard them he heard them and there's a scripture in the old testament that confirmed that now do we believe the bible and the same thing that happened in the new testament actually is going to happen now then what do you do with philip what do you do with philip what do you do with paul being there in the spirit what do you do with philip being translated in his body it's going to happen when heaven and earth come together it's going to happen when the spirit and the soul come together it's going to happen when we stop being divided among we need to stop worrying about being divided with other people we're divided amongst ourselves i'm divided amongst myself when i make a decision of the spirit and the decision of the soul and we think we're okay because we speak in tongues but but the call today is is to come back and repent of your first response and remarry the soul and the spirit and let and realize that prayer is not our last option praying in the spirit will heal this nation it'll restore this nation you know why because he will send you to biden's office he will send you to the senate and you'll go there and leave your body and sit there and hear what they say and you'll begin to pray in the spirit and influence decisions you'll do it i'm telling you you will do it if you know that you have the ability and i'm telling you today it's not just for us and probably it's for the body to travel in the spirit realm to pray to go to this place where we can change homes and change the government and change the nation and change situations we have the honor and the ability to go where no man's gone before in the spirit so here's the call here's the call and the calls not to the remnant the cost of the church because the true rent will come out of the marriage and the remnant will look like this i know this one's filled with the spirit i'll watch her every tuesday morning i'll watch her i'm a drummer so i watch her anyway but i watch her response i watch when they get to the words that she says the revelation that she has i watch it i watch it and you know what it's a fruit of this marriage so guess what when the spirit and soul marries you're gonna come in here on sundays and say guess where i went this week you'll hear you'll hear of decisions changing in washington you'll hear of things bills not we're so worried about the equality act and we say things like we have no we're we're outnumbered in the senate and we can't do anything but oh if you prayed in the spirit and you went in there and he sat down with somebody and he convicted him and began to tell them you know that's not right and when it comes time to vote they vote contrary to the way they thought they were going to vote and they voted down and you never left the building we need to start praying in the spirit about these things so god can influence and change decisions and send us there but to do that to do that we got to repent of first responses so they can marry together again so here's the call i know it's late but you know what well because look because let me tell you something i believe the lord had me release that here today because of them because they operate in this and they're carrying this all over the country now but guess what when they're gone you don't need to act like they're gone and nothing can happen here when they're gone you need to be moving in the spirits so when they come back they can say guess where are we and you said guess where we went the day the days of the pastor being gone in the church having a lull or overwhelms because it never was about that it was about a move of the spirit and what he's doing praying in the spirit so when we come together we can say we've been all over the world [Applause] so let me ask you who will say i've made some bad first responses here leslie come here jerry darla stand right there here's what we're going to do and we're not going to make a long thing about it but we're going to just pray for you i'm going to pray for you because i know what i'm telling you is the truth because i've lived it takes one to know one kobe thought they could keep me out of seeing my baby but it didn't i got closer than the rest of them did and they can't find a heart murmur because of little imps when they saw me come in they left and the amps that are in pelosi's here and schumer's here and all this stuff if we'll quit thinking we don't have a choice we don't have a chance and start praying in the spirit you'll see them make decisions that will blow your mind because you've stepped in beside of them [Music] oh this thing's all over me and i know i'm taking a long time but it's just because because let me tell you what's all over me because today's the day it's going to start from a little place in war alabama that nobody knows where it is [Applause] you don't just pass this church on the way to somewhere you have to if you come here it's because you want to come here or like we did yesterday to turn around and isn't it funny that the lord takes a couple from a small town and gives them a word that nobody else is speaking and anoints them you should be so honored that the lord looked down on this place and he chose you to pray in the spirit for them to travel and speak a word that is turning the world upside ho he calls you one he calls you one he calls you the fruit of one he calls you the fruit of one tolo i believe god is standing up and looking and he sees oh hold up you've not seen anything yet oh oh oh you've not seen anything yet he's only getting you stronger he's only he's only sharpening your eyesight holy he's only taking any sharpening your tongue oh god oh he's massaging your heart and he's equipping your spirit out of your belly come down here leslie darling you get right here in the middle of june outside and i'll come down here remember remember as he sets on the horse and he turns his head and the horse moves and that's where he wants us i'm not going to call you to come down here if he's looking at you and looking down here and you come because you're led by the spirit the lord will heal and restore and redeem what that solace response tried to destroy so i'm not gonna say anything first response you're coming because you get your first response you're going to redeem redeem in the spirit what you did of your soul if you got a word robin give it i'm just going to pray for him you do [Music] now remember what the altar call was for it's for where you've made wrong first response decisions now there'll be a there'll be prayer for healing and all that a few in a few moments but right now respond to that because that's what the anointing is down here to do is that and then after that then there'll be another call for something else too so everybody's going to get ministered to i assure you but we want the anointing to move the way it's moving and what it's here for hallelujah hallelujah come on let's just sing a minute and we'll give me a mic on the piano please he's got fire in his eyes and a sword in his head he's riding a white horse all across this land he's calling out you and me [Music] we ride [Music] yes [Music] he's got fire in his eyes and a sword [Music] you and me [Music] please [Music] we say yes lord we will stand up and fight [Music] we'll be [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] love for his pride and he's longing we be with him right by his side that fire in his eyes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] we will stand up and fight [Music] [Music] and [Music] we [Music] [Music] come on and just lift your hands and worship come on we'll worship while they're ministering here we'll just begin to worship hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] when we say we say yes lord we will stand [Music] of heaven we're gonna be jurassic [Music] we say we [Music] [Applause] we say yes we were hallelujah come on and just bless the lord be a part of everything that's happening pray if you don't need to be down here pray for those that are just come on and keep it stirred up pray hallelujah god is not nearly done yet come on come on come on he's not done [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you are here [Music] our worship [Music] [Music] you [Music] keeper light in the darkness my god that is miracle work promise keep died in the darkness my god that is who you [Music] you are here oh you're healing every heart [Music] is promise keeper lie in the darkness my god that is [Music] darkness my god that is who [Music] my [Applause] [Music] keep lie in the darkness my god that is who you are [Music] i just [Music] i just want to say one thing and then they can go back to singing last friday night it was a week ago i was praying in my office after midnight and i had this vision and it was dark and i saw this man running from writing it if the lord speaks to you tell me i saw this man running from right to left and he had fire coming out the back of his head and out of his shoulder blades and his back and out of his legs and his feet and he looked like the picture of somebody that is on fire and is running trying to put it out but the lord spoke to him and he said he's not running trying to put it out that fire is actually propelling him it was like fueling a rocket and and he was going from right to left and it was dark and all you could see was the outline of the man and the fire was propelling him but out of his mouth was coming like a gusher like a fountain of crystal clear water and it was shooting four and five feet ahead of him like just a gusher like a hose and it was crystal clear and the little bitty shots that were coming out were gold drops and when it would hit the ground and splash the the drops would turn to gold and the water would turn to gold but as it was being propelled by the fire he was spewing out water and i saw the words come above his head and the lord said this is the picture of the baptism of the holy spirit [Music] how many of you are baptized in the holy spirit i want you to stand up if you're not standing i want you to stand because this is not something to sit down in the bible says in acts 17 and 28 it's in him we live and move and have our being now that's a deep scripture but what it means on the shallow side of it is we can be in the hospital room in our spirit and soul be it the house in our body because we're baptized in the spirit you see that's what praying in the spirit does i want them to keep singing i'm not trying to take away from what you're doing but i believe there's i believe there's a shift that's happening today in the spirit realm robin said robin said you may not feel or feel any different when you leave but when you'll get out you'll say i feel different something's changed let me tell you what's changed we're going where nobody thought we could go but we're going in the spirit we're going in the white house we're going in the senate we're going into chambers we're going in the capitol we're going into offices we're going into hospital rooms we're going into homes and we're changing the atmosphere we're bringing order back to this nation into the church and to the family to our life so here's what i want you to do while they sing i'm done lift your hands i wish i wish i had room to i wish somebody would stand and somebody would kneel when somebody would lay prostate on the floor and let's have a body posture of spirit soul and body and i want us to pray in the spirit and what we're doing is we are receiving this shift and we are telling the lord send me send me i will pray in the spirit and that will pray with understanding so lift your hands and begin to pray in the spirit begin to pray in the spirit caliber sat out of a brother though move as he leads you move at the word of the lord move at the word of the lord move at the word of the lord we're not stationary anymore we're not so we're moving we're moving around undetected in the spirit we're going places we're interrupting meetings we're changing church service we're redoing atmospheres we're changing environments come on pray in the spirit pray till you hear the word of the lord [Music] pray in the spirit pray in the spirit get past your flesh pray in the spirit [Music] [Music] the darkness my god that is [Music] you are here [Music] one more time sin you are common [Music] darkness my god that is who [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] hallelujah now [Music] you know there's something that that i want to say because brother johnny has all the freedom he wants they know it and there's but there's something i need to say here because people start looking at at a message that's on the cutting edge but you have to you have to understand something now i remember john lake was reading after brother john g lake who was one of my favorite uh people to read after anybody ever heard of brother lake and brother lake tells of a time and he was miles ahead of his day and he told of a time brother johnny this is what he said he said i knelt down to pray one day in the spirit now this is at the turn of the century this is in the late 1800s and he said i knelt down in the spirit and he said i was aware that i left my body and he said i began to move at a high rate of speed across continents and he started naming the continents as he passed them and he said when he landed he came down in out or outside of an insane asylum and he named where it was and he walked in there they let him in he walked in walked all the way to the back of the thing went up to a door where a woman had lost her mind and he ministered to that woman and she became sane again he left the building came back across the continents came right back on the stage where he was and years later see that woman was free because he was actually there in the spirit and walked up and she knew him now you think about that just a minute and so we're we're in this you know paul didn't just go to the churches paul said i knew a man above 14 years ago whether he's in his body or out of his body he said i don't know god knows that he was caught up to the third heaven and heard things this thing is a realm and it's a place where god wants us to get to he wants us to get there now let me say this to you in praying in the spirit now this is for people who wonder what that is remember god never does anything that's not in his word never and he never does anything independent of his written word and if you've got a revelation beyond the written word then you're beyond anything i want to deal with so here is the thing now i want you to really listen what i'm going to tell you you know there was a i remember when the bible codes first started showing up in our generation now the rabbis have been doing that for a couple thousand years by hand and what it is is they will take no now if you just stay with me a minute you'll come up to some something and and what they would do is take the hebrew torah or all the prophets and all and they write it in hebrew hebrew reads right to left no vowels it's just consonants and it reads right to left even though the sounds are there they don't really exist and so when you they would take a skip sequence and the rabbis did this years thousands of years ago and they'll take like 50 the number 50 means jubilee to the jews and so they would take the first letter go 50 letters over drop that 50th one down go 50 more drop it down from in the beginning god created and just keep going and they noticed something in the days of computers a man set his computer to do it now stay with me a minute and you'll you'll get somewhere and so they he said his computer to scan these letters and as it was scanning it was dropping down the different letters and he's just relaxed and all at once he looks when it gets to genesis 2 it started spelling out trees the names of trees that were in the garden of eden then he gets on over using skipthy skip sequences and he got on over to genesis 6 where the flood was and it dropped out bloodthirsty holocaust hitler and he started naming world monarchs and the order they ruled in everybody's name they've ever put in it was found everybody you could skip this way this way diagonally up and down there is no end to the skip sequences and so we called it the codes and you know just to give you a real quick reference i think his name is drosnan michael drozdan wrote the book years ago years ago in the 70s i think it was maybe and he said and he caught hold of this and he found where rabine would be assassinated so he called his government officials he knew and he said i found this in the skip sequences and he said i don't know what it means but if it means something to you because he said i'm not a believer i'm not you know but i did find it so they said if he goes over here and it says he'll be assassinated so they stopped him he delayed his trip a week then he went over there a week later and was shot and killed this upset the man so he went back to the skip sequences if he had to win a little further it said he will delay one week they put in a 20th century policeman's name that had been missing it not only told his name but it told where he was and where to find his body and they found it according to the scripture they put in and had dropped may 10 1944 out of the book of esther they said what happened that day 10 nazis were hung for killing jews the book of esther is about 10 people who were hung for trying to annihilate jews and so they found they put in 30 rabbis names that found them all everything about them now you say well what is that it found mura oklahoma mcveigh and so forth everything when it crossed to isaiah talking about who is the messiah it crossed it and the skip sequence said jesus is my name and so on and on that's why the rabbis know who he is now watch this but you say what has that got to do with what brother johnny preached something the lord impressed me to tell you god never does anything outside of his word have you ever heard somebody give a message in tongues and they'll give up a stand up give a message in tongues and somebody over here will stand up and say thus saith the lord and tell you what he said but you can't find that chapter and verse what the interpretation was because what you may not realize is happening but it's in the word somewhere you remember the old computers when you punched in something and it went [Music] thinking thinking and then suddenly it came up what praying in tongues is is praying every hidden message within the word of god itself and your tongue is praying every skip sequence every message every hidden mystery everything god knows everything is searching the deep things of god through his word and then suddenly it comes up with an interpretation and somebody in the spirit hears it so you're not operating outside the word when you pray in tongues you're operating to its depth to its very being everything that hits god in written form no wonder it can carry you somewhere you have to remember these things so when you're praying you're praying all the the bible doesn't call it an unknown tongue that's in italics it says other tongues but it calls it the tongues of mystery you're praying the deep things inside god's thinking and the lord said to tell you that does that help you any with that well only about 8 or 10 it helped does it help you with that [Applause] so you you have to remember you're not only you're not only still in the word but you're in the very depth of the mystery of the word and it knows everyone's name everywhere every location is everything god breathed that hallelujah and every word in it and every meaning that it has and so what you're talking to god in in other tongues is the original language that adam and god spoke to one another in before he sinned that's the first thing restored to you in the baptism in the holy ghost so if you don't pray in tongues you ought to start right now you ought to start right now bristol just start say baptize me in the holy ghost he'll come up on you and then just start praying in tongues go ahead you do that right now do that oh well i'm just concerned that's me no you wouldn't do that you would never do that now the lord has given me something i need to say to this young man right here if you'll come up here with me and um if you'll just come and stand right here is uh this is what i heard the word of the lord say concerning you he said you truly have come back to the place where your father your earthly dad he left you something here and you've come back to the place to pick it up and from this point on this is what i heard the lord say you are not your dad and you are not you do not are expected by god to fill any mold but you are given a mantle that the lord wants to place on you and you will walk in this mantle should you decide to accept the invitation from the from the father himself for the lord says mistakes mistakes yea you've made mistakes yes but the lord says not nearly what you think you've made and the lord says what you repented of yesterday is gone for good now it's already gone and so i'm going to give you a word i'm going to give you a message and i'm going to give you an anointing that you will walk and where and where you start walking you'll suddenly pick up the pace and start to run and where you run you'll pick up the pace and start to jump and the day will come says the lord not many days from now when you're going to enjoy living again and you're going to enjoy life again and you're going to dance before the lord and twirl and dance and enjoy yourself says the king [Applause] hallelujah he have a son or a daughter that's his son he has a son two sons one daughter i heard the lord say i am going to show you and give you what it takes to make your son's life enjoyable you're he he's going to enjoy life and it'll just kind of go from there and everybody's going to start walking in this great joy for the lord says i'm laying out before you ten years of greatness and peace should you decide to take it right now [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] this is what i heard you're not expected to know what someone else knows or new you're expected to know what i show you and what i show you is for now and it will be for the days to come in your family's life who's your oldest son trent who is this son this is eli and trent's the oldest your daughter how she's the oldest but trent's the oldest son prince's favorite huh oh yeah this is what i heard i'm going to tell you something and i'm going to say this to you and i want you to really listen to what i'm going to say the lord said i placed within you a war your spirit i've placed within you a fighter and i've placed within you something that you tried to be strong and tried to go somewhere and hide yourself from different events but the lord said i placed within you a fighter and not only will you win but nothing will be able to stand in front of you as you move forward for the lord said i'll go before you and i'll clear your path out of all of this but this is not eli this is elisha [Music] he has the double elisha is the double he has the double eli did not but elisha did so we call for the devil and there is a mantle similar to the prophet elijah on your oldest son and there is a dancer in a deborah in your daughter now hold your hands out son for these hands will grip the things of god and not the things of the world anymore and i'll make them prosper and i'm going to make them prosper the lord said and you will prosper no you will turn around and be prospered there's very good things coming for you yeah man hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah who is tracy who is tracy i need to know who tracy or tracy is quickly nobody knows tracy tracy your stepmother is tracy is your stepmother good health everything good yeah she loved jesus yeah then what is this problem i see i see some kind of problem bothering her and so i asked the question here's what you tell her i heard the lord say this she's living right it's your stepmother is your dad living okay tell her this she's a protective person you can tell me if it's wrong or not but she's a protective person she protects people she'll protect things around and not tell her mind about a lot of things is this true yeah your sister where are you at sister is this true yeah the lord says this that that she's she's a protector of sorts and that she don't she don't just bear her mind to everybody you you need to tell her this lately all i see is a smile i don't see a big laugh anymore and i don't know what that's about but i saw it tell her that the lord called her name in this service and that he's going to bring a great wind of peace into her life tell her that hallelujah watch her smile it'll be a big thing for her she'll know amen amen let's thank the lord we thank the lord hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah glory to god i know there's one people that are waiting for prayer we're going to go ahead but and in the stream but before we do that um we are still going to pray for people that's here before we do that miss leslie would you come here just a minute for me and tell the people that are online where they can send uh church international is taking care of leslie and brother johnny and so if you would like to give also into their ministry uh you can make checks payable to psalm 92 12 ministries psalm 92 12 ministries every dime you give is going to them plus what church international is giving them today um do you have a uh a text to give or online anything to give or an address we keep it pretty simple um it's just snail mail p.o box 2222 dalton georgia three zero seven two two that's pretty two two two two i mean you can get that those that want to give uh online that into the ministry that you're sowing into good ground very good ground and everything that comes in today that you want to give would y'all please if you'd like an envelope would y'all please uh serve the people and we will make sure that all this gets in today and so we want to let everyone know watching by live stream we are so excited that you from all around the world from the top of the world to the bottom of the world and all around the middle today we want you to declare with us that god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 23,065
Rating: 4.9471831 out of 5
Id: GI_jhGHx8gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 10sec (12070 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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