Sunday Morning Service 8/08/2021

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one two three [Music] so [Music] praise the lord [Applause] oh my goodness [Applause] oh i believe that this is the shout that's going to be heard around the world today [Music] hallelujah this is the day that the lord has made and we're going to be rejoicing and we're going to be super excited in it today hallelujah we welcome you this morning live in person and live stream from all around the world today oh isn't it good to say that yes from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle and yes you can say that we're heavily influenced by casey [Music] oh that's an inside joke but you know what we are going today to pursue and recover all hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] for me i [Music] he's under my feet he's under my feet [Music] [Music] under [Music] me [Music] [Music] is is turn my life around [Music] [Music] can you believe what the lord has done in me [Music] can you believe [Music] can you believe [Music] [Music] can you believe what the lord has done in me well he [Music] can you is what the lord has done so just look what the lord has done look what the lord has each day look what the lord has done [Applause] look what the lord has everything by the [Applause] [Music] look way the lord has done each day he's just [Applause] [Music] what he's on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on let's lift our hands and give god some praise how we bless the lord come on we're just gonna bless the lord a moment hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with all my heart i'm gonna praise him with all my heart today today [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm gonna praise him without my heart i'm gonna praise him without my heart with today today [Music] [Music] here today [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] lord we bless you and we thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your kindness lord for you are good and your mercy endures forever lord we thank you when we invite you into this place lord come on here there's the sound there it is you just just arrived at the sound of an open door [Music] hear the open door [Music] come on [Music] we just arrived at the sound of an open door giving praise [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on don't stop keep your hands up there is a power pushing from heaven it's pushing from heaven and it's coming toward the earth there is a sound pushing from heaven a little i saw this power coming and it's coming from the throne of god and it's beginning to push planets away this way and this way as it's making its way through it you say what is that brother robin what is that what kind of power would do such a thing it's recorded for us in habakkuk 2. in habakkuk 2 when the children of israel approached the red sea the bible said their praise is filled by the earth and his glory filled the heavens and when his glory filled the heavens it moved planets around it stopped the rotation of things and the tides rolled out in two directions what's getting ready to happen it's a red sea time it's a red sea time an elijah a red sea time an elijah moment it's a red sea time it's a red sea time and elijah bomber [Music] it's a ranchy time it's a red sea time and elijah moment [Music] oh yeah the waters congealed themselves in their depths and it made an eye swallow on the left and on the right at the red sea time on mount carmel while the eyes stood in the red sea [Music] the prophets of baal are raising their voices you're about to see a showdown listen you're about to see a showdown you must make up your mind what side you're on there was elijah and one prophet that poured water on his hands and there were 850 false prophets what side are you on then the people stood around and watched no one dared to say a word you're gonna be in one of the three crowds either with elijah pouring water on his hands there's the camp of baal and then there's the bystanders waiting to see what will happen i can tell you what's gonna happen the fire will fall come on [Music] [Music] will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the fire will fall the fire will fall [Music] one [Music] wow [Music] one [Music] i wonder sometimes if the world is ready for what's about to happen the lord had me up a whole lot last night talking about different prophetic things [Music] i wonder if the world is ready for what's about to take place [Music] the prophets must be ready now at any moment in time to call fire down [Music] before you come i want to uh i want to read you to read you something hallelujah last night i heard i heard this the lord kept waking me up and waking me up waking me up and i would write these things down in the middle of the night and i write a lot in the dark because you don't have time to go anywhere else to to look and if you you can't break the flow what the lord says and i have to trust him for every stroke of the pen and i kept hearing this there's some things i can't read today that i'll probably read on the 11th hour but the lord said these words to me and he said to tell you this today so that you can pray i kept hearing this name and i heard it at least three times hawthorne hawthorne hawthorne we are to pray for hawthorne you must begin to pray for hawthorne does anybody know what i'm talking about who begin to call that name out before the lord when you pray because what's about to happen is the way whatever happens to this person is about to affect all the prophets and it will determine the attack that happens next we must pray and so this is that's who it is that's who i was hearing call thorn cloth on it's a name i'm not used to it's a name i'm not used to so i'm hearing hawthorne hoth but it's caught on and the lord said pray for this person i heard cawthron that's what i was hearing how many of you understand when you're not used to hearing a name and i heard i heard that i heard it three times loud and so it would have sounded in my spirit cloth on call thorn cough on for he's about to be attacked in a certain way and you must pray right now because this man is key this man is a key to freedom and you must begin to pray for him now and it's going to determine the nerve they have to attack prophets for if they will do this he's targeted now he's now targeted yeah yeah y'all just stay with me a minute don't don't say anything yet listen to this and the lord said this to me he said why do people and i wrote this down why do people like joe biden the current fraudulent administration why do people not learn from the past he said do you not realize i'm speaking to the powers that be if you believe in baal pan and the devil that those beings are real then why would you not think the living god the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob yakov is not real he said o foolish men who try the living god as if you could loose his shoe latchet your time is drawing near you do not see it until you wake up in hell fire your predecessors like herod and nimrod you will not see there for it is coming for you just like it came for them i heard kamala like hillary you will become part of the drapery yes just pray a minute if you will yes that's all i can tell but the lord said this pray for call thorn i kept saying his name is hawthorne but it's called thorn and i heard that in the night so pray for him pray for him remember these words these words the lord gave out listen to me you we have to get we're at a crucial juncture in time we're at a place that you've never been before only prophets have seen it from the days of old but we've never arrived here before and now we're in a place where everything is about to change again i'm going to say it this way and then i don't know how much more i can say and then i'm going to give it to christa it's like a triangle upside down prophetic moments in time have been dropping toward that point of the triangle and now everything's jammed into the end of it and when it all comes together you are you could be now i don't i know people will take what i'm saying and they'll put it all over you know and they'll say i said this and i said that but you listen to what i said don't listen to what somebody said i said but you could be within days of a rendezvous of time coming together just like that because we are within days maybe months at just something is about to collide it will try men's souls and it will determine what side you are on we are at a time of decision yes lord but you have to help me with that we are at a time of decision we are in a time of of washington going down the road to trenton we are at that time if washington had not have won he would have been hanged as a traitor but when he dared to cross the delaware and he went anyway with his soldiers with rags on their feet could you imagine frost bit marching in bitterness and bitter cold and they made their way and washington himself said he thought the revolutionary war was lost and he said i debated whether to go on or not because the time had got by him and he couldn't make it in time for surprise he said but i decided to go anyway i think he lost two men because they succumbed to the cold some would lay down in a fetal position one recorded he laid down and curled up like a child to die he was so cold and men would shake him and get him up and they went with their muskets trying to keep their powder dry and they kept going and they loaded themselves into cattle fairies and made it across that icy thing and when they got there supernaturally the hessians were caught off guard and they should have already been up but they were caught off guard and trenton turned the war on princeton it turned it all i see us as a people and we're walking down that snowy path some of you feel like you've got rags on your feet some of you feel like it's all lost as they're trying to shove the mask back down your throat a reporter asked one of the washington the spokeswoman there they said it's proven the doctor said the mass does nothing does very little or nothing and she went off on them because it's not about the mask this thing has come to full court press we're within months maybe days i don't know but something's about to collide and we're at a point now in washington dc on january the 6th i stood there on the the capitol lawn and when i stood there with my staff in my hand everything exploded around us and then all at once a drummer from a 1775 type drummer came up silent playing the snare drum dressed in revolutionary clothing it was a prophetic moment in time when everybody just stopped and watched everybody around us just got quiet as he marched toward the capitol and he kind of disappeared somewhere in the crowd and that's where we're where we're headed and now you've got people on this side and people on this side and the dividing point will be the vaccine that will be the dividing point mao zedong said that he had re-education camps for the people and now this fraudulent jackal said we need to go door to door if necessary and educate the people to take the vaccine and it will be the dividing point and when that dividing point hits pharaoh will be in the middle of the red sea and it will be at that moment fire will fall on mount carmel we are we are within days maybe i don't know i just it's that urgent in me that it's going to collide we must walk the path toward trenton does it not strike you as odd that new york is in the news right now again it will be the battle the final before it turns we must walk the path while the path can still be found so wake up get out of your fetal position shake yourself stand on your feet and get ready to move we must be ready there's some prophetic words that i have to give them maybe on the 11th hours i spread them out as the lord tells me but there's prophetic words that are about to come forth the lord has shown me some things that's happening now and things that are about to take place and i will tell it but i have to tell it as he tells me to amen are you excited are you are you glad to live in such a time as this are you [Applause] fight this war in the spirit rise up now in your faith and fight it now in your spirit so that your children don't have to fight it in the natural and the 11th district 11th district and triangle see this whole and that's what they're talking about the delta variant and so forth can many believe god is showing something here so you you have to you have to get your mind off the natural and quit just looking even though principalities use personalities they find a similar personality and use it but even though that happens you don't war against flesh and blood you don't wrestle flesh and blood but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies we are there's there's an age about to collide and what we're in we're right in the middle of it don't faint now don't be afraid now don't put your trust in the banks they're too easily controlled don't put your trust in local government or federal government put your trust in the king [Music] the king of kings there is only one king his name is jesus that is the king [Applause] hallelujah i'm trying to turn the mic over i just have to get this on out of my spirit that we we are at a time do not be afraid don't let yourself be afraid you stand and grit your teeth and though your legs shake you stand it won't last long a lot of people believe that this time can't be won i'm going to give you some encouragement i want to tell you where you are you have watched you're in the time of gideon and you've watched the 32 000 come on the scene but then you've watched the 22 000 leave that's the initial wave of apolog of apologies and backups and hiding and and just bowing out of the situation and it left gideon with ten thousand and then the lord said there's more that don't need to be there in this fight and then then 9 700 left that's where you're at right now you're in the 9 700 leaving but remember when they're out of the way you have 300 watch now are you ready for this i don't think you are but i'm going to say it anyway no no you no you're our folks you you you all you watching and all of you in this room y'all are kind of folks i mean you know yeah yeah you can yeah you you can hear it you ready so when it finally gets down to the 300 why do you think there was such a big deal made of out of a movie called the 300. why do you think it became so phenomenal god was preparing trying to get people where they would listen but when it gets down to the 300 you've got the 300 now remember that's in perspective to the numbers you're down to the when you get to the 300 you have the 300 who believe in the trump and the fire oh come on now that's what it comes down to it comes down to the trump [Applause] and the fire [Applause] so we must win it now we must win it now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so speak to me [Music] don't ever let it stop i am that i am [Music] the fire speak to me i wanna [Music] i am [Music] hear your voice [Applause] i wanna hear your voice [Music] come on [Music] i wanna hear your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] i wanna hear your voice [Music] i i wanna hear your voice [Music] do you hear it again [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] i am when the fire fell on mount carmel [Music] there was a trench a trench digged around and dug around that altar filled with water and the fire grew a tongue and licked it up the fire grows a ton [Music] and licks up the word the fire's about the balls how many tongues of fire is in the room one more to time [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] are you glad you came what did you come to see just an everyday ordinary thing or did you come to see god show up and show out he's our god there is no other there's just one god and he is only one one true god he is [Music] god [Music] our brother [Music] into your future [Music] one more time i'm gonna slide [Music] this is [Music] into my future hallelujah hallelujah god is absolutely good isn't he hallelujah man i bet some people on live stream was hoping yeah just keep going don't give her the mic kicking those heels up of religion like i said on the 11th hour one day man they do a kick line when you get up to receive the offering religion stands there and they just kick their heels straight up well you know what keep kicking them keep kicking him cause i'll just dance right in front of you amen who's ready for offering time yeah hallelujah well those of you watching by live stream once again thank you so much for tuning in today we have a whole ci family on the other side of that camera all across the world people i meet people all across the united states and they say you are our church we go to church international we're we're a member and though i've never met you before i love you with all my heart and and just because you are not here does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place today you can just receive it from the camera amen wherever you're watching from we send it straight through that camera today and but if you are ever in our area please stop by and be a part of one of our services we will make you feel right at home i promise so today as you're getting ready to give if you're watching by live stream two ways to give if you're watching by our website which is there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give you can follow the prompts from there if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description you can follow that but here or watching on live stream we have text to give and the number is on the screen and if you can't see it up there you can get on our website and look it's very easy safe and secure in a way that you can participate in offering time also amen amen well as you're getting your offering together uh he had no idea what the lord had been stirring in me for for quite some time and and so i just and i had this prepared last sunday too but the lord had other plans and that's okay with me but today i told mom in the office before i got out i said well i need to go write this stuff down just in case i get the mic i i i never know anymore i really don't but that's okay i mean it's just like he said what did you come to see something planned something structured structured or something that just flows by the holy spirit amen so today i want us uh to look at real quick and i've got it pulled up right here uh the lord took me to matthew 24 and so i was looking at it and this is in the message translation and it says and i'm going to go down to verse 31 meanwhile the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by the waves at about four o'clock in the morning jesus came toward them walking on the water and they were scared to death that's what it says a ghost they said crying out in terror but jesus was quick to comfort them courage it's me don't be afraid peter suddenly bold i imagine that peter being bold peter suddenly bold said master if it's really you call me to come to you on the water he said come ahead jumping out of the boat peter walked on the water to jesus but when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet he lost his nerve and started to sink he cried master save me says jesus didn't hesitate he reached down and grabbed his hand then he said faint heart what got into you and so lately this has been stirring in my spirit jesus has been saying lately come to me come to me this has been his call come to me when jesus called peter to him notice this he did not acknowledge the winds and the waves around him he did not acknowledge it said it would they were battered the boat was battered by the wind and the waves he didn't even acknowledge it he just told peter he said come ahead come to me and so when he did that he just simply looked at him and said that and peter jumped out in full faith and started walking in full faith and peter did walk on the water contrary to what you might have heard peter walked on the water because it says peter then walked on the water it didn't say he tried it said he walked on the water but it was peter that took notice of everything that was going on around him and began to sink he became full of fear and begin to sing what does this have to do with the offering everything has everything to do with the offering because some of you today are on the brink of a massive financial decision some of you watching by live stream or on the brink some of you here on the brink of a massive financial decision and too many people i mean you're you're you're living in a world nowadays where too many people are getting told if you you're going to lose your job if you don't do certain things you're going we're going to fire you you're gonna we're the source of your income you're we're going to to do this to you we're going to make you wear a name tag that says that you you are this certain person and that you are not and and we're living in this kind of world nowadays maybe you have a house that needs paid off maybe you have a car that needs paid off maybe you just need groceries in your house maybe you just need something to eat the lord is saying to you today come to me come to me all all of this that is happening around you and i'm saying this by by under the anointing of the holy spirit today the lord is telling you come to me come to me he all of these financial decisions uh i mean you're living in a world where every day is wind and waves it's and it's batter in the boat and you're having to literally stand strong and stand still and and hold yourself there don't be scared and and and try to you try to encourage yourself every day and maybe some of you this week have cried out god if this is you tell me to come today he says come to me come to me whatever that decision is whatever that seed that you've been hearing that you need to sow sow it just jump out and sow it don't pay attention to the circumstances because god intends on you to walk on the water in terms of your finances where the enemy intends on you to sink and it's determined by how much attention you pay to the things around you that's happening right now it determines whether you'll walk on the water or whether you'll start to sink when he says come jump don't hesitate don't don't don't even hold back just go and you just start running because when he says come you can't fail you're not going to get this thought of failure and this fear of failure out of your head get because that's where it is it's in your mind that's where the enemy attacks you in your mind get it out because when he says come he intends on you to succeed and if you will just keep your eyes focused on him instead of the things around you you'll be walking on the water and you won't even realize it but the one thing that really stands out to me about this whole passage in the scripture is the mercy of the lord because when peter began to look at his surroundings he started sinking and he cried master save me and it says that jesus did not hesitate he reached down he grabbed him and he saved him so when we when we fall short and we lose faith and we start focusing maybe on the news we start focusing on on something that somebody said we start focusing on what those numbers in our bank account look like we start focusing on the payment that needs to be paid on this decision i'm going to lose my job if if i if i don't do certain things if i don't meet certain requirements and we start falling into this negativity into this failure mindset when we lose faith even if we make a bad mistake even in our finances maybe we didn't have faith to buy a car paid off maybe we got into debt and we regret it later on and we say master save me save me he reaches down he doesn't hesitate and he grabs you and he pulls you back up so that you can start in a fresh place and that you can start with him and you know if you watch if you watch the chosen which is my favorite show and you watch it you start to learn maybe a little bit about the personality of jesus and and you can just i can just hear him in that scripture when he grabs so these are the people i picture in my head when he grabs peter and he pulls him up and he just looks at him and says what got into you what got into you and if you watch the show you can hear his voice what got into you and that's all he'll tell you what got into you why'd you do that but that's okay come back up here with me and then it goes on to say they climbed in the boat together they got back in the boat together so he saved him he pulled him back up and he said they got in the boat together so and they walked on they kept moving so today as we give our offering as we sow our seed i encourage you don't look at the circumstances around you what whatever this this may be to you i i don't know but i just really sense that there's something significant out there whether it's by live stream whether it's in this room today don't look at that i understand it feels kind of rocky i get it i understand the boat's kind of doing like this because the wind's blowing so hard but i want you to listen to jesus as he says come to me come to me and get out of the boat and start walking don't don't be afraid of failure just start walking today maybe the lord has called you to do something not regarding finances he says come to me come to me today all of you here today we need to start hearing him say every day come to me just come from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed listen to that voice that says come to me and just start moving in his direction don't don't lose sight of what god has called you to do don't lose sight though your legs may be shaky stand because he needs the strength for you to walk on the water towards him and so today as he says come to me you jump out of that boat and begin to walk on the water hallelujah hallelujah so are you ready to sow your seed today come on i want you to stand to your feet this is listen this is not this is a continuation of the service this is not a break in the service this is a continuation because the lord all this service is saying come to me come to me that's what you did today by coming into the house of the lord maybe you didn't want to get up maybe you didn't want to drive three or four hours to get here maybe you didn't want to drive 15 minutes because you could have used that extra sleeve i don't know people that live 15 minutes from here don't go here but then if maybe except maybe a few on this program this second row but but maybe maybe you didn't want to do that but you did because you heard that voice as he said come to me and you jumped out of the boat and we're all we're walking on the water today amen amen fill it beneath your feet don't look at the winds and the waves we look at the master today and we're quoting his word back to him mirroring his word back to him luke 6 38 it says give and it shall be given unto me good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now are you a tither then you've been walking on the water you've been walking on the water so this is his word mirrored right back to him come on i want you to focus on him i want you to see him as he's calling you and i want you to quote his word back to him today what he says to you in malachi 3 10 it says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delight some lamb saith the lord of host say i believe it i receive it i'll call it done in jesus name now as you bring your gifts today we have two places up front we have a place in the balcony and a place in overflow hallelujah give the lord a shout of praise today hallelujah jump in the water hallelujah yes yes hallelujah you know it said peter beginning to look looking at the winds and the waves he began to sink it was like he looked at the winds and the waves and he regarded that and it was like well i can't walk on the water when the winds and the waves are have kicked up well he couldn't walk on the water if it was mere steel so you can't regard the winds and the waves you can't regard what all is around you right now you've got to keep looking at the master and he said come he said is that you if that's you tell me to come he said it's me come well that's all you need to hear hallelujah if he says come come glory to god amen amen hallelujah well i'm excited today i'm excited about the word of the living god last sunday was a a special time and uh you know they can't nobody accuses of of you know everybody says and that's that's a go-to not everybody we say but a lot and it's religion you know they'll say well all that ministry wants is your money well last sunday we didn't even receive an offering people were running to asking people where do we give where do we give you know we got so caught up in the things of god that you just you just forget about it and the lord makes it up amen amen before we uh get into the word today i want to just give you this little bit i don't have other than what i'm going to tell you that that's all i know about it and everybody's like what's fixing to come out of her mouth we have put an offer on a bigger building that will seat 1200 to 1500 people [Applause] in the city hallelujah we're still here we can't leave the city because the lord hasn't released us to so it's in the city i need all of you praying because all we got back was we will consider your offer and you want to go really so with that being said i heard that because there's nothing going on there hadn't been anything going on there for a long time and i heard go loose that building and let it go because the lord has need of it [Applause] so we did we loosed it and we let it go because the lord has need of it so now they need to realize that they that the lord has need of it so considering our offer is a is a good thing but we need you we need everybody believing because we have a a professional construction crew waiting in the wings to jump on that the minute we say it's a go hallelujah so i wanted to let you know that and no there'll be no more you know and maybe it'll that'll fill up and we'll we'll you know build build up we can build on to that wonderful parking it's just going to be it's going to be beautiful as the president said it was going to be beautiful and it's going to be a great thing and we're we need this done and the lord has need of it so stand with us agree with us when you think of that and you know what the the main thing is we've already sowed the seed we sowed the seed that we could so it'll be all debt free and we have um already the lord showed us where to sow in two specific places we had the word from the prophet uh give to us also from one of the prophets give to us that it was going to be mega and so we received that we receive that hallelujah glory to god amen so we're excited about that and we are um just just learning patience so hallelujah glory to god we're going to um this morning and and you know when uh we were just the word of the lord came in the song about speak to me uh in the fire christa can tell you two days ago i said chris i keep hearing this song in my spirit and i said maybe you need to help me i don't know about it i said it's a praise song so i started singing to her speak to me through the fire and and i was singing that song and and the lord woke me up with that song and and i was and i heard it this morning again and so it just you know he's so good he just gives you everything right before everything happens he he just starts working in your spirit and telling you this and so this um i i touched on it a little bit uh when we were in atlanta at dr miles church and he had asked me to receive the offering well you know you got to get over at that point in time because you're part of the guest and to get up and receive the offering and but then you have to stop and think wait a minute i'm trained to do that and i'm i'm skilled to do that and i'm equipped to do that and i've been studying that since the 90s and you know and i would get up not even knowing hardly a dime in my pocket and i would preach on that the lord wants you blessed and want you prosperous and i would think and then one day i said lord i teach it all the time i said you know i said uh i have i've got to i've got to have more on this what am i doing what am i doing i want to experience i want to experience what i'm preaching about you know and uh but i tell you what he's faithful he is a faithful god and he hastens his word to perform it he wants you to experience every level that he has for you but you can't you can't go and say you know what this just isn't working because you just negated everything that you have been believing for that you check and i love this and i'm not going to preach this because i really don't have a lot on it but uh me and and my girlfriend here lisa we were walking around the house the other day and we were looking at flowers and and different things and she said and she said you know when things start going wrong she said i don't run and check everything out she said i checked my own borders and i thought that's so good i said that's so good because you're on borders and we were thinking about flowers and and plants and stuff and that's one of the first things that you look at is the borders around a flower garden or something and and if it's all if it's got weeds in it you know sometimes there's weeds in our borders that we need to go ahead and get pulled out amen amen lord we thank you for this day we glorify your name and we worship you lord we thank you that you give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church at this hour and we give you praise and honor and glory holy ghost you are welcome here today sir to do all that you want done and i give you praise oh lord we just thank you don't you just raise your hands and glorify the name of the lord right now the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus hallelujah the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe they are saved and they are safe it's a safe house hallelujah glory to god the name of the lord is a strong tower it means it's a high place that you run to and you look out and you can see when the enemy's coming and that is one of the things that that um the lord wanted me to teach on today and i want you to really listen i want you to really pay attention you know that's a currency that that you can give you're paying attention and and in doing that you're receiving the word of the living god back to you because in this time of of a a spiritual battle that our nation is in that the church is in you need to to have all of your weaponry intact you need to have it polished you know i i don't know a lot about guns but i do own some so that puts you that puts me more dangerous than some no you grow up in the country listen i was i was a daddy's girl and he would take me hunting with him and i'd go with him and and we would go uh we he liked to bird hunt now i don't know why they named me robin and go bird hunting but anyway we would go we would and he would deer hunt and uh you know i i grew up in the house i had the trophies on the deer heads on the wall you know and when you're a kid that is not a pleasant thing to look at because how many knows when you're a child and you're laying on the couch somehow another those glass eyes look at you and and you know they really don't but in your mind add a little listen you grow up you grow up here and we call them booger tails how many that's what i'm talking about if you're from the south you know that word and you know my sister she had a way of telling me things when i was little you know you know because how the the the least sibling gets you know and so we're we're six years apart and she told me one time she said i don't know why i'm telling you this it just hit my mind but she said robin aliens have come and took our parents i don't know what she was thinking about she stayed in a room with a blacklight poster and listened to weird music and i was afraid to go in a room the the hardest music i got was elton john goodbye yellow brick road you know and my cousin talked me into joining that rca record thing because he wanted all the records and he told me which one and you know do y'all know what that do y'all remember that you got all those albums for just like a penny or something yeah what whatever that was anyway he'd say you want this this is jethro tull i said i don't even know who jethro tolle is i said i don't i don't like these records scott he said well you pick out what you want then he said pick out alice cooper i said he scares me marshall tucker was this i mean that was you know that was as as as hard as and you know sweet home that was it i mean you know i didn't i didn't venture far out much you know i was on the countryside but she said aliens have come down and they've taken our parents and i believed her that's sad but i did i was little five six maybe she said these people mother's probably these people that are here they've got zippers in the back and they and they're wearing our parents they they look like them well i'm sitting over on the couch with my knees up staring at them everywhere they've moved mother said it's time to go to bed i said do i have to i didn't want to go to bed and when she hugged me i grabbed her by grabbed her by her neck and i looked at roxanne and i said and she's probably watching my live stream i said rocky i don't feel no zipper i don't know if she's even remembering this or not i said i don't feel a zipper anyway she just she said they brought them back robin she had an answer for everything these are the real ones now they brought them back well trust me i didn't sleep a wink because the comforting picture of the angel walking the kids over the bridge was behind over my bed and i was scared of that too so i had a lot of fear to overcome over the years you know but i did thank god hallelujah glory to god and why i told you that i have no idea but other than god wants his people at this time oh the weapons that's what uh that i was i was thinking about and i went hunting with my dad and and and uh i i had a stopper gun see and and you shot it it was like a little shotgun had the stopper in the back and then you the little stopper would come out and he was just about ready to to to you know he had a bead on this cubby and he was just about to shoot and when he did i shot mine and it scared all the birds away and um so he you know i don't know if i ever got to go back with him again i'm not sure but our weapons that that we're talking about today are not carnal they're not carnal and and so the lord wants you at this time to understand your position and your authority and what you are to have at this time but i want to tell you something i kept hearing this and i said lord i've taught on this before but you know what you you learn something every time robert robin is the only person i've ever heard of to teach on genesis for the last 30 something years and still get something new out of and and i tell you um there's still more to get you we we're not even out of the first verse yet and so there's so much and i kept hearing about when the thief is caught when the thief is caught and the thief is caught to make him pay which is in proverbs 6 31 and we'll go there later on but i thought when the lord was talking to me about this in atlanta i thought about that old movie to catch a thief y'all remember that when we were kids and there was this movie some of you said well i wasn't a kid well i was and i don't even recall the guy that played it but i remember the the the um the show i guess it was a weekly show or something to catch a thief and and so they were always trying to catch this thief i guess or it would have been maybe he was a he was the thief the main guy or something i don't recall it i don't know and i don't really even care but the the the the jest of it is as we're we've been given the word that when the thief is caught that by rights he is to be made to pay back restitution to pay back restitution not seven times we say seven times it's not seven times it's seven fold and a fold is more than multiplication because you can take a piece of paper and you can start folding it up and and it's it gets beyond seven times and so the lord spoke to me this morning about and and we're going to go to first of all to uh to psalms 34 4. glory to god are you glad you came you know we jumped and and prophesied and and was just last week and and we're going you know we it's already started today but we need to hear the word need to be students of the word you never want to get to where that you're not a student of the word always have a teachable spirit i will bless the lord at all times we'll start with verse one his praise shall continually be in my mouth now when the lord spoke to me this a couple of weeks ago i heard this in the voice of paul crouch i couldn't help it because he came out every night on praise the lord and he said i will bless the lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth welcome welcome welcome and and i was i was so excited because when we got born again in uh 1988 and i found uh somebody to watch i was so excited and i would tell robin robin you got to see these people you got to look at these people i thought oh my gosh look at this this is great i said look at her i can wear makeup this is so good [Music] i love jan and she's a part of the cloud of witnesses now let me tell you something her and paul were were precious people and and we and i was introduced to all the uh i was set there and oh my goodness i would have church and i would get so excited and robin would be off building somewhere or working at the domiciliary and doing anything and then he'd be preaching and me and amber would be there and and we would watch it and amber and uh i mean it got so amber's barbie dolls because she was our first child uh and so when we were born again we just had amber and she's just a little girl and amber had her barbie dolls was named uh the hen family because we watched benny hen and all and and i mean her barbies were they were praying for each other knocking them down i mean getting them back up and we couldn't afford to go buy our barbie so i would we would go to thrift stores and we would find her i i wanted her to have a barbie car like her cousins had and and and bless her little heart the only barbie car i had found didn't have all the wheels on it it was sad you know this child was a she grew up in and all the this child she has saw some stuff and so this barbie doll it was pitiful looking that we bought and it didn't have my grant my grandmother she would sew little clothes and they would go down and they would make little barbie clothes and put well this barbie didn't come with any clothes on his hair was all messed up so i was listening to her playing one day and she had ken hen he was benny hen's brother is what she called him and uh so ken hen and all of his family they were born again and all and then she said we've got to pray for this one because this barbie is a sinner and we've got to get her born again and i could hear her playing the one that she got from the thrift store but i guess they got the barbie born again and so we would be listening and watching all the and then i seen brother john advanzini teach the first time on biblical economics and i thought well what is that then i heard the the uh the um the verse for the first time in another uh another way that you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all the things will just be added you don't go seeking the things you seek the one that gives the things and then one day you just turn around and go well there it is you know it's just right there and it came before you even knew it but first of all when i heard that i started reading on in verse 4 says i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears i sought the lord and he heard me one translation says that i sought him i asked and he answered me a lot of people is not waiting on him to answer them or a lot is talking so much they can't hear him when they answer when he answers so you got to get quiet and still and listen for his voice because it's always go it's not going to be in that overpowering and that continual it's going to be in that still small voice you know you uh i told robin one day i said don't you just wish you could just look up at a cloud and say and look up go oh there goes my cloud floating around it says robin turn here do this today do this go and do this but we don't seek after signs we have the word hallelujah glory to god amen so i know i'm pulling my glasses on and put them back on but this hit my spirit when i heard that voice and when i heard paul crouch read read hear say that in when i was reading it and i didn't say that in atlanta and because i had so much hit in my mind all at one time or out of atlanta wherever the vicinity we were in but he said to make sure i told it today and he said that he was going to restore to the body back to the times of the early 90s that things that had been lost from them and now i don't know about you but that excited me because there was a lot that was that we lost and a lot that was taken so you know today if if you got something you want back you received that but i'm going to tell you how to get it back you know and then that's why this morning i heard go to the enemy's camp and take back because there is um the body of christ by and large not saying that you but they get to where if there's any pursuing to do and in pursuit of something it wears them out and they get tired in their minds and faint before they even go do it and so but i'm going to tell you something you don't have time to faint now if you're ever going to get it back you're going to have to make a quality decision which is of a decision of no turning back and you're going to have to say you know what you're not building another storage building and housing my stuff any longer because they've got storage buildings now down to a science they are temperature controlled they're very nice but yet they store your stuff and the enemy has those storage buildings not in the natural uh in the spirit but he's got your stuff everything that is in his storage building is stolen it's stolen because he's a thief and everything that he's took from you is in that building and i'm going to tell you something i think i probably would have had a long building of stuff that the enemy had all my stuff in and it's time that we get it back one thing strife will take your stuff quicker than anything when you have strife in a family you have stripe on your job you have shop in a situation i don't care you might as well you hear the sound beep beep beep it's the truck pulling up to your house and it is loading up your stuff to go to the enemy's camp to the storage place and what we need to be hearing now is when the thief is caught you need to hear the truck backing back up to your house and unloading what the enemy has taken from you i got serious about this one day i didn't have much to do there wasn't many people coming here nobody many people know who we were and and if they did i don't know if they cared but you know and things got looking really good and i sat out on my patio one day and i had thought about this i even i tell you how far back i started thinking about this i went down to my dad and mother's house one day and i was sitting i think it was in the evening time was sitting at the table and and i sat down and i i told my dad i said you know dad there's a i didn't say dad i said daddy i said daddy there's a scripture in the bible that says when the thief's caught you gotta make him pay i said you know you had a trucking company your mother that years ago and i said that was stolen from you and i said you you need to get that back now this was back this trucking company was those one in the 70s and then there was a hot shot trucking company in the 80s you say y'all didn't think i knew all about that stuff you looking at somebody i used to dispatch 22 trucks every day 10-4 that's when that day ramona she was a truck driver she said what's your 20 i said i'm back in warrior i mean it didn't even i didn't even fa it didn't even phase me i knew what so i said you know you need to get that i said daddy that's a lot of money and i said the enemy just stole that from you man he sat there and he he pondered it for a little bit he said reckon how much that is i said well let's start figuring it out so remember medea with that calculator so we started adding and then he said something that only he could have said he said tag on that interest too i said and that was back before we had the phones that you know you could just look up everything we had the next tails and he said you know what he said we need to do that so we begin to call that back that night did you know in his 70s he he got another trucking company in his 70s him and mother got another trucking company so we i that it rose up in me and and i said you know i took a notebook and i just started down everything that i could recall and i started writing it down but i didn't do a fold i did time i multiplied and i mean it just got astronomical just by multiplied and i went and i found out what the value of that whatever it was would cost in today's market and and so i i put that down because he stole it from me and there's been there's been an increase and so and land and houses vehicles different things like that and so and it's just not things it could be families it could be your family it could be your children it could be your help and so i started listing this and i called my friends up and you'd see ronnie uh singing with us on the 11th hour and miss linda's scribe i called them up i said listen to what i've been doing and so i did then i got over to my inheritance that had been taken away from me and i started listening that and man it just got up up up up and you you say do you really believe that well yes as a matter of fact i do and it's more than fact it's the truth it's the truth you can take the truth and change any fact the truth of the living god and he said when the thief is caught you make him pay sevenfold of all of his house now he's got your stuff and you know people can can can just brush this off and say this don't work my family can testify to you this works this works and he's still not he still hasn't paid back all that he's supposed to there's more to come but there's been more coming back why because i got he he's counting on you fainting he's counting on the pursuit being too much for you he's he's he's counting on that there's not enough stuff in you to stand up and say no we're not playing this game no more we're not playing this game no more i'm taking my bat my ball and i'm going to the house but before i go i'm going to let you know something devil i'm getting my stuff back [Applause] david inquired of the lord he didn't go to this one he didn't go to that one he inquired of the lord himself and the lord said to pursue and recover all recover all recover all and do you know what got me back on this because you'll let things slip we had this um we had this kenworth and and i'm not going to go into all this uh it was a triaxial er it wrecked it was an awful thing and um but thank god he got us out of it the the lady that was driving it she didn't uh they they first called and told us that she was dead it was such a devastating thing i just couldn't think about how me owning something that that someone had died in and um it was horrible we started praying uh 65 was shut south was shut down for hours and hours and i saw the traffic and you had to be rerouted and i started crying i said they're all delayed because of us and i would got there and we didn't know if the family was going to hit us we didn't know what they were going to do when we got there we walked in hat and hand and everything the husband was sitting in there and he was a truck driver too and he said well hey this is he said this is just the the trick of the trade is what he said this what this comes with it i thought you know i thought well man you ain't you ain't crying or anything and we was like and they said you want to see her we said see her and i and they said yeah she's back there you want to see her and they and we said yeah and he said if you wait around you can take her home in a little bit but the first report we got she was dead because the truck rolled down the hill there in coleman on her and threw her out and went on top of her the ground was just so soft that when she went in the truck it didn't oh it held her i it made her indented in the ground now she smelled like diesel fuel she smelled but i tell you what i didn't care at what she smelled like when we got her in that car to take her home the word of the living god kept her safe so i included that truck now i got real specific because i included the load that was lost i included the truck what the truck would cost now i included what all that was lost because there was businesses lost in that i started just naming everything and and i and i totaled that up so when i see a red kenworth triax will go down the road i quote that what that is the what is owed to us and i i tell it and i say that's coming back to me and my family in the name of jesus we got the gospel to preach so the grandkids started i said listen i said you see that do you know why grammy does this i said because that's part of your inheritance too now i've got all them said when they see a red kenworth they say that much money coming back to us in jesus name the kids do ever they do it if you see one you say that's coming back to pastor robin in jesus name so i got serious i got real serious about this because i know what the lord has called us to do i see the um the different uh parts of the ministry that still has to be fulfilled and has to uh has to be built and i want to get on with it i want to see it i know the store that has to be built that's going to have all that's going to have all the toys in it for the kids that ain't going to have christmas and that i have stood and proclaimed that for years and years and years that you come without price to buy and so there's a lot that that has to that has to be done and so he don't count on somebody getting really serious about this and pursuing all because it takes time to sit down and write everything out it takes time to look up facts and to look up and so um one one day i was told said your my horse had uh uh had had been ran and uh she was uh she was a pretty horse and and she'd been ran around something ran around the pen and she fell and broke her her shoulder and so she just couldn't recover because she was older and and so we didn't have her put down she just she passed and um she's i know she's in heaven i'm not even going to debate that and uh so she's up there you know running around and so and so then uh about oh i don't know uh that was a year or so ago and we never could find out what happened to her because she knew that pastor well uh not too long ago one of our youngest horses uh a cat killed it big cat and man i was just i was really distraught because he was my my my baby horse i mean he wasn't a baby he was about seven years old big old horse but still i'd go the fence he'd come up uh my granddaughter named him because her mother does hair and he looked like he had highlights so she said let's name him highlight i said okay that's his name because how many knows when a grandchild named something that's it that's it that's it for life we had a little miniature uh bull a zebu and we got him one time and peyton was there she's just a little bitty girl and i said what can we name him she said let's name him sparkles i said he's a bull she said okay kevin so that was his name kevin kevin the bull so kevin got an upgrade and he went to up east alabama to a big old farm where he could run and kevin thought he was a horse he thought he was a horse because he was raised with the horses and the cats love kevin and they would play together this was the wildest bull that you'd ever saw i mean the thing he wasn't wild he was a pet and this little zebu he we we we sent him up to these people we said don't kill him he's not food he's a pet he wouldn't even know what's what was coming to him they said oh we won't we're just gonna we're doing a petting zoo for our our grandkids and and we said okay we knew the people we said cool we're gonna let kevin have an upgrade so kevin goes and he goes to this wonderful place and now he's with goats and he's having the time of his life we get pictures well we're in florida ministering in panama city this guy from australia it was it also new zealand i don't know he had an accent a lot more than mine you know what somebody had you're either from england or australia and so he came up he was talking he said i i know your friends in um in anniston he said i know them and he called garen's name he said he knew them and everything i said really i said and i was trying to talk to him i i said oh that's so great he said i've known them for years and years and years he said i just got back from there i said oh did you know that we gave i said we had a little zebu uh miniature bull and we gave it to he looked he said kevin [Laughter] i know kevin i was like kevin's a superstar i said oh yeah i said well we're the ones that gave him he said oh i love kevin i was like oh this is so great so when i found out about my my we call him light light my little highlight and i'll go the fence he'd put his nose right there and you know and it just you know they're just pets you just love them and i found out that that cat had took him out and uh yeah it was a big cat well i was just so i mean i was really upset about this and i'd cried all day and and over it and i said lord i said you know how this how did this happen because that's the first thing you think i said i'm a tither the the when you're a tither the that's when god rebukes the devourer and i said this devourer somehow another i got distracted on something and the and and the enemy listen he don't need but just a little bit to get in just a little bit and then i was talking to sister ramona and and she said i heard about your horse and i'm i'm so you know she said i'm praying for you but then she said this i don't even know if you know if that you said it you said god said that he'll handle this case he'll handle this case and i thought this is about to be tried in the courts of heaven i thought this is coming up on the docket of the courts of heaven i told robin the other day i said it wouldn't surprise me a bit if i don't own another sec on a secretariat [Applause] [Music] it did i wouldn't it would not the enemy does not know who he has messed with he may think he knowed who he had messed with because he is looking to say i know them i know them i know their habits i know they're i know what they're they're doing listen the word of god and uh first peter let me get here first peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion didn't say he was one said as one he's a he's a poser he's a fraud he's a fake he's not even a real line brother hagin used to say he's a line that roars as uh uh goes about as one but his teeth's been pulled so he's gumming the body of christ to death as a roaring lion didn't say he was said as one walketh about seeking whom he may devour listen as much i'm on a side note here this is not in my notes at all but this is in my head so i'm going to go ahead and say it you know people will take videos and they'll post this so they'll say this is us and they'll say that's us but let me let me give you a 4-1-1 right here those ones that are got the occultic and i ain't even seen them i've just heard about them i don't want to watch them that's got some kind of witch behind or some kind of occultic sign or a pentagram do you honestly to the lord think that's us as much as we fight and as much as we declare and as much as we stand against the enemy do you honest to god think we're going to put out the occult save yourself a phone call and your breath calling here and saying i'm gonna quit watching y'all if y'all don't quit doing all that stuff oh my jesus stop the madness i mean this is this ain't even why why we can't do anything about it once they pop it up but you know what we did say we said well you know what the devil he's he's preaching the gospel they're so stupid they don't even know they're they're still preaching [Music] but that's not us go to the original channel and look at all these other things it gets so ridiculous so i'm going to step back here a minute but i'm just telling you don't call we've got we have got people calling that need prayer that are dying we've got people calling that are or or and just needs that would just get you in the floor crying like keith moore said that you when he was on a prayer when with brother hagin on the prayer line when he first started there he said when people would call he said i would sit there and i would think i just start wanting to cry with them and go you're in a mess i don't know you're really in a mess but you've got to hear the lord and you've got to crying with these people is not going to help them you've got to give them the word just like you had to have the word and i had to have the word it's only the word of god that's going to bring you out of a situation hallelujah oh my goodness only the word so he walks about as a lion as a roaring lion that's some you know just talking talking talking talking talking which you know he's just roaring roaring roaring and and he's you know his biggest things i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna you didn't get nothing you you know you're going down you're going he's always saying so you've got to combat that with the word first of all if he's in your ear he is too high this is not where he belongs he belongs under your feet and your feet don't have ears so you just step on him and and he just he's just he don't even he don't even have a clue because my six-year-old granddaughter can stand up and use the name of jesus and have more authority at six years old that he's ever going to have in in in our life as a believer the name of jesus is our ultimate weapon and it is dangerous to hell hallelujah hallelujah so he goes about and one of the translations says a stalker a stalker he's a stalker now i'm going to tell you something people can get freaky stalking people and i've never seen it in the body of christ in all my life until you're just like going depending on the holy spirit to tell you you know the the right path to go but the enemy is a stalker and he stalks the body of christ and he picks out the weakest one out of a herd have you ever seen because if he's a as a lion then you've got to equate it to the animal kingdom and when a um like when when they're out on the the open range and there's a weak deer or one of the little ones and they fall behind out of the herd then that line will stalk that weak one and when the body of usually you know you hear people say well i don't have to go to church i don't have to do that i'll just stay home and watch tv no you're in a dangerous place you have fell out of the herd and you where you can't be protected because if you were in the herd they would circle with you let you get inside of a covering you can't you can't be a lone wolf and the enemy is seeking whom he may devour well you need to say no you may not you may not devour me you know i'm not i'm not saying that you should go here i'm not saying i don't know where where the lord has placed you to go but you better get somewhere that teaches the word you better get somewhere that teaches you how to fight how to fight in this in this time and not patty the devil's not going to play patty cake with you and he's not going to have a little tea party with you you're not going to tiptoe through the tulips and you're not just going to float around somewhere and just case sarasara whatever will be will be that will get you hurt or killed and and so you need to know how to fight you need to know that in this time that you have the right to have a court case in the courts of heaven have it on the docket what the enemy has stole from you in the word of god in proverbs 6 31 where it says that when the thief is caught when he's caught he's got to pay he's got to pay he's got to pay we used to watch years and years ago there was uh this was years way way back that was this western and we would watch it and this one guy he wrote a book on this western he said i want to write a book or i wrote a book another guy said you're going to give me a copy of it and he said you got to pay you got to pay man got to pay so he's trying he's trying to take everything and you know you've got to make him pay he says when a thief if he steals to satisfy him when he is hungry he said don't despise him but if he be found he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house if he's caught he's been not people hasn't called him they may have called him for a little while and said i catch you but they haven't got serious they've released him it's been a catch release thing but i want you to listen to this there's one translation that says if the thief is not found if he's not nowhere to be found the owner of the house must appear before the judge to determine whether he has laid hands on the other man's property or not and it goes to the judicial system the courts of heaven if he's not there when an incident happens and you can't catch him with the stuff in hand then it has to go before the judge to determine did he take the stuff well every time as the believer as the the um the christian as the blood bought you always have proof you have the they said the you have to have the burden of proof you have the proof with you it's whether or not you will believe it or whether you will use it and that is john 10 10 you always take this with you to court because the thief i don't already said that that's that was a back front lash or something from the when they opened the door i heard myself i was like i've already we're way beyond that now john 10 10 the thief okay cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy now if it had anything to do with stealing from you killing anything that you got destroying anything that is your evidence before the courts of heaven to catch that thief and to make him pay sevenfold there is a lot of cases that could come up before the courts of heaven and to declare your innocence on things and to declare recompense for you but people won't take the time to stand up and say enough is enough they're too busy fussing and fighting with each other over stupid stuff we are in a war for our nation we are in a war for our very existence we are in a war to see when they say again no no this is going to shut down and that's going to shut down i'm going to tell you something we're not shutting down [Music] [Applause] there is nowhere by any law that says a church has to shut down [Applause] [Music] and you better get you some backbone about you [Applause] and we better get to the place where we have our stuff back and we are absolutely to the place where the bible says that we require no aid or support [Applause] but we can give unto every charitable work i got the report this morning from uh sister donna and brother george over here they they paid their house off they're debt-free [Applause] do you know what that's right you should say i'm next because if he did it for one he can do it for another i love that club that's called the old man to love oh nothing but to love him club that's a great club to be in all you are required is just to love and we're not mad at anyone and we have no malice against anyone but we have got to come to the place where oh well you can't offend offend this one because of their religion you can't offend this one what about us what about us they all trying to offend us [Music] but we have to stand and we have to be bold but stern and we have to say no i'm not leaving my pee patch again we got to be like shama when they came and they would take their their vegetables and they would take their they would spend all year long growing a harvest for their family and then the syrians would come and they would take all of their stuff i guess i don't it was mean people and they would come and they would take everything away and they would kill them and shaman came up and said no i'm not leaving this time i'm not leaving this time [Music] we got to do that because if not what are you going to do say well maybe it won't happen in my generation are you going to shove it off into your grandkids or your great-grandkids you teach your family how to fight wolves now you teach them how to fight wolves now you don't go off on all these places and and just fend for yourself and not teach your children and their children how to fight wolves or jackals [Applause] lord you may see a something on youtube about me i don't know after this one but you know what he and i are one for 42 years i might not rock the boat but i sure don't cry to go home and i've been with him 42 years and i'll be with him till till the rapture that's what we're believing for and then we'll be together after that so today the lord wanted you to know how to catch a thief and to take it serious and empty out those warehouses you don't need your stuff in a in a temperature control room because i'm going to tell you any temperature he's got it's hot you think this is hot everything he's got and it's hot more ways than one because it's stolen and you need to get your own stuff back you need your own stuff you don't need anybody else's you need your own stuff back because just think if everybody in this room was debt-free if everybody in this room was satisfied if everybody in this room had plenty and and you want them selfish you know people say well i don't want a lot because i don't want to be greedy well you're greedy already or you wouldn't be you wouldn't be thinking that i get so excited about giving i lit now i really do live to give i used to give to live but now i switched over into the land of living to give i love to give i i set at the first of the month and i love it because now this ministry we give to so many many different places and it's the best and i will i like to take all that my own self now to the post office and i love to see it because it ain't one envelope anymore it's a stack of envelopes that's going out [Applause] and do you know because this ministry because and you know what that is that's all that is off we tied the tithe here and so it that is set into an account to give to other ministries and to bless the widows and to help the orphans and to and to bless different ones and there's so much i want to do in this city but i got to get the room because the scripture says when the lord's in the city there's joy when he's in the city there's joy oh my goodness empty out your warehouse empty out your warehouse because the enemy is not gonna do one thing with it but just let it burn let it burn and you need to have it you you say well how do i do you first stand up and you say i have right here i have evidence that when the thief is caught first of all you got to catch him well if it has anything to do with stealing killing or destroying you've caught him and you have evidence so you take that and you say i have found that when the thief is caught and i've called him you know and you drag his line like rear end into the court and sling him down in front of the courts of heaven with one foot on him and the other and holding the document which is the word of god and you say to the courts of heaven i enter into the courts of heaven with my praise that it continually be in my mouth and because he you said i called on you and you answered me i'm calling on the courts of heaven this day because i've caught this thief and he has stole whatever it may be in your life and you begin to tell and list everything and you say now uh uh lord i thank you that as this recompense that is coming back to me i thank you lord that it's coming back to me seven fold sevenfold and now i commission the lord of hosts which is the organized armies of heaven and i commissioned the angels that worked for me and to go out and empty out that warehouse they're ministering spirits they work for the heirs of salvation are you an heir of salvation yes so they go forth and they start emptying out everything that the enemy has stole from you and here's where how his storage buildings start collapsing and you get richer and richer by the day hallelujah hallelujah so today i bring you this as a challenge you've got a few more months in this year and you know then what the lord does for us it's so wonderful that at the feast of trumpets at rosh hashanah or rosh hashanah whichever the way you want to pronounce it comes in september and we slide into the future we go into 2022 and we're already able to start declaring into 2022 what we want and we start declaring so when we get into 2022 it's already set for us isn't that wonderful in that wonderful glory to god glory to god and we celebrate the feast of trumpets here because the lord told us to start having our new that is our new year's eve service that's our new year's service because it's a moab in time and the lord he wrecked god recognizes the moeds and at that time it is a a time that um god recognizes and it is an open door it is an open window and we celebrate that time so we will be having service here and i'm just going to go ahead i guess it was okay to go ahead and announce it so you be looking you'll probably have to register there'll be two knots of it that's so um everybody's going looking at me doing this but we we will that will be our because we don't have one on new year's eve and and it's free it's free we don't charge it's free and so if you it's only registering for seating and uh because but you know well i'd say man we need that building don't we that building needs to come on hallelujah glory to god so i want to encourage you i know we've laughed we shouted we've cried we praised but i want to encourage you today get serious and get your stuff back because god wants to he can send it to you and don't just look for one way he's got a million ways to prosper you and he's got a million ways to bring it back to you but don't let go get that and then you get more but get what is owed to you don't let him slide he don't deserve it he does not deserve it amen bless the lord let's raise our hands and bless him this day hallelujah hallelujah glory to god lord we thank you for this day we glorify your name we thank you lord thank you lord for your word thank you lord for for strategic plans and and supernatural ways lord to spoil the enemy in his house and lord we give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name amen you know i uh i i was over there listening and and this is what the lord impressed me with he said today that we need to pray we need to minister to people today and pray that you become debt-free uh now i don't know if that excites a lot of you but but but you know we're debt-free the ministry's debt free personally we're debt-free um we want to pray that you become debt free because you see when you're debt free and you owe no man nothing but to love him the government don't can't push your strings you can't push buttons pull strings they have no hold over you at all [Applause] you know how many times have you have you ever done this and i know probably every hand could go up but how many times you've ever done this you have something or you come up to a certain place in time and and you just i don't know it just compels you on the inside you want to you think man i i'd like to give that i'd like to give that but you owe for it you were supposed to be free of that debt so you'd have full hands to give it at that moment or you come to a place and you just have this overwhelming thing i should buy that but you can't because you're paying for something else over here the enemy he knows what he's doing you know there was a guy who said this i forget who it was very very wealthy individual he said he said you know he said there's two kind of people in the world he said those who those who understand interest and those who pay it that's what he said so i i believe that we need to have supernatural debt cancellation because you can move fearlessly through anything that the enemy's trying to do now that don't require anything right now but believing we're not going to receive another offering or anything it's just believing we're going to use our faith i i think we i think there's some legal matters in the room that need to be settled there's some inheritance that needs to be returned there's some things that that need to happen this morning and uh in this this anointing that's here right now you know usually we pray for the sick right now and we'll certainly do that but i really believe that if your finances are sick it can worry you to the point and i know i know i know if somebody rip this off of the channel and put it out there and and they'll come up with some kind of algorithm title for it and it'll say you know to have me doing something like this and ended up pointing at something you know and it'll have some kind of caption that makes no sense and then there'll be some maybe some witch show up over in the background stirring a pot or somebody doing sign language that's just a loop off of it's not even real yeah yeah yeah i'm at joel osteen's church preaching a lot if y'all notice that i'm at joel's church man preaching a lot i like that i mean just keep on saying that yeah because i love joel now now um you know i remember when i was a robin and i first got saved and i i didn't know how to live i didn't you know i got paid 30 an hour to play guitar right under the table every week i mean you know it was it was just that world and so you know back in the 80s that was that was a lot of money never had any but i just put it in a bag had holes in it i guess i don't know i never had any and so um well i had to have some or i couldn't have drove anywhere right but how many wasn't nothing to speak of and so i was um when i got saved i left that world and uh christians urged me to leave he said you got to get out of there man you got to get out of there i said yeah i do i do you know and so i left and when i left the same people that told me to leave said you mean you left you're only living i said yes they said i don't know if i could have done it or not i thought i said well now's a good time to tell me and you know and i i was trying to do everything i could to make it just to feed amber and robin and i people calling me come play guitar for us come over here and do this go i said i ain't going back i knew if i went back a week i'd be back there forever and i said i ain't going back and so one day i told robin i said i'm pawning my guitars i had two i said i'm pawning my guitars and i picked them up and i started out when i started out no i was going to pick them up and started they were stacked on top of each other and robin went over there and sat down on them she she said you ain't pawning these guitars well i used to wear and back in those days i wore a cowboy hat with a it had a dead hawks foot tied on the back of it i know i know yeah it was a it was a hawks foot and it was tied on with leather and it hung on the back of my hat and so but i had a lot longer hair and so when i got saved i had cut my hair some and and i reached up and she sat down on i reached up and got my hat off the hat rack that old hat that i used to wear and i stuck it on my head and it's too big now because i didn't have as much hair so it just looked like a turtle or something just you know and rather robin said you ain't pawning these guitars i said i'll tell you i'm i'm gonna upon them i can't i don't know how to live i don't know what to do i said you know i mean we ain't born again just a few days old i guess i don't know i said i got to do something robin said all of a sudden she come off them guitars she's pointing her finger at me she said in the name of jesus satan get your hands off my husband take your hands off my husband and just shut up and don't say another word devil and i i was looking like this going and i turned and walked out the door outside and slammed the door and went as soon as the door slammed i said i could talk if i wanted to but i couldn't open my mouth i mean now [Laughter] so i said i got to i don't know how to live i don't know how to live so i i laid down in my mother's bathroom floor and i took my bible and put my nose in it and i said lord show me how to live he said all right he said i'm going to teach you to do what i did you're going to be a carpenter i said all right so i went and bought this wood and all i had money i had was scrap i just bought whatever you know scrap and i got a jigsaw and i started making children's furniture you know i just make children's furniture and that's and i'd sell it on side of the roads and that's how we would eat well he's he's talking to me about giving he starts talking about giving i said lord i said now listen to before we pray over your finances you got to listen to now i know some of you i'm ready to go you know i've got to get a cheeseburger listen there's always burgers i used to have to eat five for a dollar out of the jiffy check because i couldn't afford anymore and so the lord starts talking to him about giving well it's getting close to christmas time and i don't have anything to buy amber for christmas she's just a little girl and so uh i said well i made this i was trying to sell this stuff at christmas so i made these snowmen painted them put a stove on the back of them that you could drive them up in the ground and you'd have these snowman in your yard a man come by and said you know brother he said if you'll just let me have those snowmen on on credit i promise you i'll come back and pay you i promise you i'll come back and pay and he's a believer you know he said he was and i promise you i'll come back never saw him again my snowmen are gone they're gone so i had this santa claus and i made him took me two days to paint it it's about this big about this tall and i painted it took me a couple days painting i thought well i'm gonna sell this one now and so now it's not a matter of christmas it's a matter of eating and so you know we'd eat hamburger uh gravy not the hamburger we didn't have that we'd it's just be the gravy from our friend's house poured over white bread light bread and that's what we do or hot dogs oh man listen hot dogs you know we call them weenies in the south hot dog weenies and they wasn't expensive you squeeze them and they leave a red mark on your hand is whatever was left in the floor they scraped up made it out of and we'd eat that on on a light bread you know we used to call it white bread and so you know bread it was so cheap you just ball it up and it'd stay you know you just throw it the rats won't eat it and so anyway we we most time they won't eat it so anyway we i i'm doing this i ain't got no snowmen i got this santa claus this insurance man came up in the yard that's back when he used to come door to door and get your insurance and his ass my mother said i was going in there to get her insurance whatever it was and he saw that thing he said how much you want for that i cringed i said fifteen dollars i said it only took me two days to make it i said fifteen dollars he said i'll come back next week and buy that i thought um that in the 50 cents and i can buy coca-cola that's that's it he came back and bought it oh i'm in tall cotton man i'm walking in high cotton i mean i got a 10 and a 5 in my pocket i'm out there i got brother hagin on my headphones i am cutting lumber and i'm listening and i'm i'm studying and you know and i'm man i'm happy i got 15 i got winnie money listen we going to eat tonight i mean we're going to eat i get creative with them when you ain't got nothing else you know you can cut them almost halfway in two and you boil them and they'll make a circle and you can make like you've got a hamburger and it makes you put it on a piece of bread you know or you could split it down the middle and put cheese in it and line them up and melt it in the oven and you can eat it that way and if you got barbecue sauce man you're out to eat you know so anyway or you could roast it over the the gas eye you know so any or fry it so anyway i'm i need to make this short i know because we're going to pray but we're praying over your finances so nobody should control your finances but you and jesus should have checking privileges so i'm i'm i don't so i got this 10 and five well this lady pulls up in a pinto do you remember pinto cars well she pulled up in the pinto it was her and her mother and a little girl and they had whatever clothes and stuff they could stick in that car and she pulls up in it and her husband had died they threw her out of her her they cut off his his check and they threw her and her family out so they've been living in that car a pinto and so she had her storage furniture and storage and wasn't uh and was about to lose it she came up and she said if y'all would like to buy my king-sized brass bed and 50. i'll you know you just selling this stuff i didn't have 50 dollars and they're starting to back out the driveway and my i took my headphones off and i asked my mother what did they want she told me the story i said bless their heart put my headphones back on the lord said why don't you give them some money remember i've been asking how to live he said won't you give them some money i said lord i only got this winning money and he said won't you give them some money i said all right lord all right i reached in my pocket and don't ask me how i knew which one was the ten and which one was the five but i did and i pulled the five out he said don't give them five i said lord lord now i'm not kidding you the bible does not say man will live by the sweat of his brow that's not in the scripture that's it's not right it says the sweat of your face that's talking about worry and how you're going to make it and so i reached in i said okay lord i'll give them the ten he said don't give them the ten i fell back against the bench and uh the sweat of the face is happening i don't know i i said all right lord i i gave it all to them my mother had three dollars she stuck it with it and ran them down and i'm watching my wendy money go i'm serious now if that's all you got not till i get paid until i can sell something else if i got money to build it my snowmen are gone my santa claus is gone my winning money's gone i got nothing so i scraped up this stuff and i built amber a little bench and picnic table about this tall i worked on it he's getting right up at christmas i said i'm going to give her this for christmas this is her gift and uh the lord said there's a god that lives right down the road here he said he ain't got nothing to give his little girl for christmas i said lord he's a drug dealer he said he ain't got nothing to give his little girl for christmas ain't even paying no attention to drug dealer give him your bench and chair your benching table i called him up there he's happy he gave his little girl something i got nothing now i've got nothing no more lumber i have nothing there was a court case that had been pending for about three years i guess before we got saved i don't know it was we was re it was really bad somebody took really advantage of us and so we remember trying to settle something this was before we got saved my mother's phone rang and it was an attorney on the other end about two shopping days before christmas he said you remember that case robin answered the phone said remember that case she said yeah he said i settled that for you he said i didn't get you much money but i do have eighteen hundred dollars down here if you wanna come pick it up that's that'll happen robin said we'll be right there and hung up the phone well now i we gave 18 dollars and on the other end of the phone was 1800. and the lord told me he said now that's how you live so i started hunting places getting my boots away i'm serious i mean we we became givers at that point well we couldn't pay our light bill it was five months behind they couldn't cut them off with a button back then they had to come out five months we had stood so long well we had a steel guitar player that played for us back then was trying to sing gospel music at all these churches so this steel guitar player was playing for us and he was a great musician but he didn't have no teeth and bless his little heart i mean he'd sit back there on the steel with no teeth and it was just pitiful and he'd he'd try to shout and if he shouted it was more pitiful and and and i'd look at him and and we loved him and he loved us we didn't think nothing about it well somebody came to us and told us said you know because i could build things he said if you build she said if you'll build me some cabinets i'll buy him some teeth i said all right so i just built the cabinets no money just built them put them in her house she bought his teeth now he's shouting with a big smile on teeth five months behind on my lights i'm laying across a bed i told robin i said let's just lay across the bed it says saturday no it's friday if they don't cut them off by five we've got lights till monday so we just laid down just wore out sweat of our face so i'm just laying there we woke up we had lights woke up to a knock on the door i opened the door and there was his teeth smiling at me and this is what he said he said i got an unexpected check through the mail it was thousands of dollars he said i asked the lord what do you want me to do this the lord said go pay your brother's light bill with it and he said i'm here today to tell you it's paid so we learned that giving to live was the way we survived and then before you know it you get to where you you start living to give and it just starts miraculously happening story after story after story i'd work all day long for 20 dollars no 22 so i could pay a pledge to tbn that's all i'd make 22 dollars and i ain't going to tell you about the story the hugo that we had and how the lord put me building windows at the only place in this state that had all the hugo parts and i didn't even know it when i stopped i just knew they had some hugo parts he said man you work build on my shop here said i got everything you can have everything what do you need now a new set of tires he said well go ahead and get them you can just have those now before you start and just kept going kept going you needed a warehouse keeper you go going and so you know and so it's just on and on it went today we're going to pray over your finances and the lord's going to break debt over your life and when it does you're going to be able to prosper now remember when you prosper spread the gospel when you prosper where look for where you can give into the gospel how many lives you can see changed what can you do with this i mean you start remember god amen there's a billion souls on his mind and their own mind too because they're on his amen amen so how do we want to do this today oh yeah so they can put their hands on it yeah uh if if you're serious about it and you've got a your checkbook your wallet or something just get it where you can lay hands on whatever represents your money yeah whatever represents your money it doesn't matter so that you can have your faith there and we're going to pray over you now i don't think it should be a long prayer because we're just going to pray and in the name of jesus we're going to tell your finances to be free and debt free surely you don't like debt somebody tell you how long you can drive your car somebody tell you how long you live in your house somebody tell you something you cannot like that so how we're going to do this let's let's get this flowing now because okay we're going to we're going to do this in session sections um and what we'll do is we're going to this will be the path to come up we're going to put people across the front then this will be the exit way we're going to start with the people in the overflow outside they've been battling the heat folks let's you know you know and so we're going to start with them let them come in and then we'll move into the next section uh the overflow upstairs and then we'll call each section and get them up at one at a time and once they get back to their seat we'll bring the next section up yeah and don't and and don't think that if you came for prayer for something else you're not going to get prayed for because you are yeah well everybody will get prayed for but right now there's an anointing to break debt so if if y'all would just bear with us and and stay with us right here then we're going to do that and then then they'll call for sickness and so forth and and those watching by live stream i want you to do the same thing because you're all part of the family here go ahead and get your what represents your finances to you and are they coming in from the overflow let's get this let's get them here now if you're seated outside you'll go ahead and make your way in and come up this aisle here miss miss donna here she's going to tell you what to do from that point god bless you it ain't gonna be long you ain't gonna never have stood outside that's right amen so hold it in your hand come on robin and and pray right now in the name of jesus we speak over your finances and lord god whatever the circumstances that situation is right now we call this household this we call this believer here set free lord god send whatever is needed into her life to begin to break this in her life and lord god that as she gives now lord that all that she's given and be given to her good measure pressed down shaken together running over that men will just start giving to her lord and i give you praise for it in jesus name be free in your finances in the name of jesus go robert i break the back of debt here and command it to leave this household in jesus name thank you for receiving debt free yes and debt free and i don't know i see like i want to say coffers full hallelujah just adjust your storage full full in jesus name someone owes you something someone owes you something and they are going to have to give it back the lord said it's going to be turned loose from their hands and it's coming your direction expect it and thank god for it every day hallelujah you understand that word yes thank you in the name of jesus say it robin set free free i want y'all to declare it with us say i'm debt free i'm debt free never to be in debt again never to be done god wants me free god and i want me free and in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i receive the anointing i receive the anointing to be debt-free in jesus name hallelujah now just praise and bless the lord thank you debt free thank you we rebuke this debt and this bondage from her life and command this debt to go from her in the name of jesus and wealth of grandparents in the days gone by i call it now to come to her life in jesus name it will be like a stream and it starts with a trickle a stream and a flood thank you in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah now if y'all will just exit this way please that would be fun hallelujah hallelujah a world of freedom and if they don't have to go back out let them let them hang out let them hang out where it's cooler all yeah this is what we're going to do i'm going to let you go now with this we'll start right here tell them to just hang in the cool if they can yeah i don't want them in the heat if if there's room in the back you can just kind of hang out in the cool if you've been outside and uh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah y'all just go ahead and exit here hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah [Music] we need to remember this remember when gehazi uh elisha told gehazi said go out and tell naomi what to do and naomi said i thought for sure the man of god had come out here and do all this stuff and strike his hand over me and all he said was just go go wash what the lord told robin was that we are to go down and say debt free debt free debt free and you receive that jolt when that happens in your faith ain't a lot has to be said when faith is released you ready hold it out here ready go debt free in jesus name debt free debt [Music] [Applause] there is a lot of power in that right there right this minute yeah yeah no then yeah that's it come on come on hallelujah hallelujah come on come on in yeah hallelujah hallelujah you ready here take this hallelujah set free in jesus christ hallelujah [Applause] folks if you would start making your way down from the overflow by the nursery you would like to pray for you next the overflow from the nursery if the people were in the heat just tell them yeah because they're going back out all right coming from the the overflow in the nursery come on this is awesome man yes it is hallelujah here they come i'm trying i'm kind of hurry because i don't want that to live all right here we go now this is not all that's going to be prayed over but this is what the lord said to do right this moment come on sister you you you own come on come on hallelujah hallelujah come right down here hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on right here are you ready okay hold it out here we go set free in jesus name set free in jesus hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah shake them off shake them all shake them shackles off shake them off shake them off today [Music] come on up come on come on hallelujah here we go here we go come on up here brother [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on down here hallelujah you got you come on come on we'll help you come on down [Applause] i'm ready this section over here in the little in this little area right here make your way around please no not y'all not y'all just the ones back in the back here glory to god oh yeah that was strong that joke hallelujah thank god praise god praise god [Applause] hallelujah this is also when we say that i had a sense of my spirit something about big business big business debt free off of big business it's going to be a debt-free business oh come on now this section right here anywhere in this section right here uh and and in the very back row here come on around [Music] [Applause] if you if you today before you left this room found out that all your debt was gone how would you act [Applause] you start acting that way right now when we when we speak that you start acting that way because as soon as it manifests in your life people will say how are you so calm you say i did my shout and then hallelujah god likes that stuff he likes a shout he likes a yeah i'll tell him in a little bit more whatever you tell me come on y'all try to move around free in jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] which section were you in right here somebody a little bit drunk up here jesus [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] now we're also i'm also praying here and and believing now i want you to believe for this with me because i'm praying people that have fixed checks they call them fixed incomes are going to get unfixed we got we want them unfixed because there's no reason for you to have to wonder by the sweat of your face what you're going to do next week so right now we're going to pray that it's either increases it breaks completely or it doubles in size oh come on now y'all if you if that applies to you if it was your fixed income you would hallelujah so who are we at right here set free in jesus name when you're prayed for say i receive it jesus you know what go ahead the lord we pray right now that is fixed it's all fixed when he goes into michigan we're going to go ahead and pray over the live stream right now if you're watching my live stream and you have a point of contact your check card your checks if you have a business whatever whatever it is that you have get that out right now and and put it to the device that you're watching at and we're going to stretch our hands out right now toward you that are watching and we're going to declare debt free in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah the back of death is broken that spirit is broken in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god these people in this little section right here if you'd make your way around i don't know thank you praise god praise god you can put the camera right here we want to say to all of our people watching my live stream now listen you've been prayed over we sent it straight through the camera give us your praise reports when you become debt free send them in send it in chat send it in email get call us let us know that you are debt free you shouted now so you can just say thank you lord send us the praise report we would love to hear it until next time remember the 11th hour tuesday on the robin d bullock youtube channel the verified channel watch it on there and also next sunday there'll be more announcements about the new year's celebration in september so be on the lookout for that remember we love you jesus loves you and never forget god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 71,888
Rating: 4.9451394 out of 5
Id: bNKQ9USLmsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 0sec (11460 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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