Sunday Morning Service 9/26/2021

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[Music] so [Music] praise the lord hallelujah this is the day that the lord is made and we're gonna rejoice and be glad in it oh we're so glad that you came today we welcome you here live in person and live stream we want you to join in worshiping with us today the lord has ordained this day and you are at the right place at the right time hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you think it's time [Music] don't you think it's time to dance [Music] come on [Music] [Music] don't you think it's time to shine [Music] josh don't you think it's time to shout [Music] don't you think it's time to shout out [Music] little [Music] don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray [Music] [Music] don't you think it's time again don't you think it's time [Music] to think it's time [Music] don't you think it's time to dance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on let's lift our hands and give god praise i'm going to give him praise all over the house for he is good his mercy endures forever [Music] [Music] there is no one like there is no [Music] there is nobody there is no one there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me come on there is no one [Music] there is no one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a tribal sound it's rising across the land for god is raising this powerful sound he's raising it with his hands for his calling on the people north south east and west to find their voice that lies within and begin to say begin to praise begin to shout again this is a sound [Music] this is a sound this is a sound raising across the land there is a sound [Music] [Music] find yourself right now come on release it up in the house in the sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm raising up a sound in my people i'm raising a bashout again i'm raising up a praise in my people to take back all this land you think i've stopped no says the lord do you think i quit forget it for this is the time says the lord reach out your hand with your faith and take the land and get it come on take the land [Music] take the land [Music] the lord says this is an inheritance i gave to every man and woman of faith you can take back this land says the king you take it back with grace don't look to what you think you've done wrong to have lost it and to never bring it within your reach again for grace has wiped away what wiped away all your sin you have you have the right to reach out and grasp the land in your fist pull it back says the lord so your grandchildren will not know what they miss i've granted you a future so reach out and say i have a future look at your children and their children and say you have a future you have a future in grace [Music] shout at the mountain race come on shout praise shout race i see a baptism a baptism water and fire i saw i saw jesus emerging from the water at john's baptism and the lord said quicken to me this is the church about to come up out of the water [Music] but you may say [Music] you have to have a knowledge of working knowledge of what baptism is baptism is not to simply show the death burial and resurrection of jesus in your life the baptism you're baptized with is also the baptism that jesus came and was baptized for when john said i will baptize you why because john was saying i baptized for the remission of sin and you have no sin i have need that you baptize me john said [Music] with the blood of jesus and the grace of god this is going to be tough to chew on what i'm about to tell you you have to become a carnivore right now [Music] the scripture says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who thought it not robbery be called equal with god he said let this now how could you possibly ever let a mind be in you that would not think it's robbery to be called equal with god equal in what sense the sense of no sin because in god's mind the blood of jesus eradicated your sin and so you don't stand before god now if you have sin in your life repent of it according to first john 1 9 and he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sin but he didn't stop there he said he will cleanse you from the unrighteousness as if it never happened so you have to let this mind be in you so that when you're baptized in this spiritual baptism and you're baptized in this time even physically [Music] you have to emerge from the water you say [Music] i'm not being baptized for the remission of sin i got saved to cleanse me of the sin [Music] you're not you're not being a carnivore right now some of you are still [Music] this is me [Music] actually it probably should be milk but it's really me so you you don't say well i'm getting baptized to show up into sin alive and i received the blood of jesus that made me dead to sin and alive unto god [Music] am i saying don't be baptized certainly not certainly not you should be but what is it the believers should be thinking of when they're baptized jesus came and said i'm not being baptized for the remission of sin he don't have any he said i'm being baptized thus it becometh us he told john to fulfill all righteousness in other words he said i am come to put it all back right whatever it takes this is my watch now my he said by consecration to put it all back right i am consecrating in this water baptism jesus was baptized for the sign of consecration before god before all of heaven that he was going to do whatever it took at this point now to put it back right the way it's supposed to be well he did that he went all the way to the cross he went all the way into hell and paid the prize he rose again after three days and nines and he's seated at the right hand of god the father he consecrated to see it all the way through at that baptism so what should you be baptized for the immersion and this and the coming up out of the water i saw is the body of christ consecrating their life to show this righteousness to the entire creation to show it to all creation the scripture didn't just say go preach to every man and said go into all the world and preach the gospel to all the creation to every creature go through there manifesting the sons and daughters of god into this earth go through there showing what the blood of jesus did going through the earth showing that you're the body of the head which is jesus the christ and i'm in part of his body start going and let this let this submersion and immersion and all be for that reason [Music] you can do that in the spirit right now and you can say i consecrate right now as a decision before heaven before god before all the creation that i will show forth his righteousness to the world [Music] does anybody hear this [Music] do you understand where that puts you [Music] it don't put you as a worm in the dirt it doesn't put you as crawling around begging god to just give you some of his attention it puts you in a position to come boldly to the throne of grace that you may be able to obtain mercy and find grace to help you in a time of need [Music] this is what this is about [Music] jesus is the head no doubt but you and i are the body no doubt [Music] and it's time to show forth his mercy [Music] it's time to manifest grace it's time to show forth mercy to show forth mercy to manifest grace it's time to manifest grace and let it begin in this place today in this place today so if you never rise to the place that god has raised you to be [Music] what voice does he have in this earth do we think he will just thunder from heaven and just begin to change everything [Music] you are his voice you are his you are part of his light if if you and i can't rise to that place to be his voice then how will the nations here [Music] did you know there are nations all over the world that is counting on hearing from you [Music] it's time for the lion to roar it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lions to roar in this world [Music] come on said it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lions to roar to this world it's time for the lions come on it's time for the flights to run time for the lights to run for the lions to roar in this world in this world one more time it's time for the lights to run time for the lions to roar [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what that is don't you that's roaring music [Music] it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lights to roar it's time for the lions to roar in this world in this world today it's time for the lions to roar i will lord it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lines to roar in this world today if you've got a shofar sounded nobody got a horn [Music] [Music] uh that going [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time for the lions to roar [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] come on it's time it's i time last [Music] [Music] [Music] roof [Music] quieten the jungle [Music] when the lion roars the jungle goes quiet [Music] for the power and the sound for they know what backs that roar could pull them to the ground in this political environment in which you and i live today jackals are running like wild and they think they rule the day but a jackal and all of those beasts that think they are controlling what god gave to us in covenant once they hear the lion roar they will grow quiet fast because they know the power and the sound and what backs it can pull them to the ground so it's time for the lions to roar it's time for the lions to roam it's time for the lions to roar in this world it's time for the clients to roar in this world the moment [Music] don't you think it's time don't you think it's time to dance don't you think it's time to dance don't you think it's time to dance [Music] come on [Music] don't you think you're trying to shout good don't you think it's time to shout don't you think it's time to shout i think it's time [Music] [Music] don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time to pray don't you think it's time come on don't you think it's time don't you think it's time to dance [Music] don't you think it's time to dance dance the best you can [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on let them hear your rules [Music] hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god it's time that the world heard the lion roar again this is your time do not let someone talk you out of this this is your time hallelujah [Applause] what an exciting day you didn't know that you came for this today you knew you were coming for something but you didn't know you were coming for this amen amen well we want to welcome all of you here physically and all of you watching by live stream from the top of the world to the bottom of the world and all the way around welcome into the service today we are so honored to have you with us we are absolutely just overwhelmed with joy with excitement knowing our god is absolutely good he is so good he is so merciful he is so gracious and he is so faithful he is so faithful and i and it's just an overwhelming thing today so those of you watching by live stream just because you are not here physically does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place today you just stretch your hands toward wherever you are watching whatever device whether it be your tv your computer your phone just stretch your hands towards that and say i receive it and we send it straight through the camera today and let that fill your homes let that fill your cars wherever you're at and just join in this celebration with us today amen well it is offering time here at church international yes hallelujah so those of you watching by live stream there's a few ways that you can participate in this corporate time of worship if you're watching by our website if you're watching by the tab that says see i online at the top of the screen there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give you click that button follow the prompts from there and if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description and also for all of you here or watching we have text to give the number is on the screen and you can find that on our website also so let's get ready to sow our seed today as a as a time of worship amen and while you're getting your seed together and if you want an old-fashioned envelope raise your hand we'll get it to you we'll see to it that you get one and uh for those of you in the balcony when it comes time to give we have a place up there we have two places up front and one in the overflow also sorry i'm trying to calm down for just a second that's a lot of movement back there and then to get up and speak try it come try it sometime but we're going to get ready to give today and i i just want to talk to you for just just a brief moment the other night uh a friend of mine and i were talking she goes here and and we were discussing um this man-made holiday that's coming up soon and well to ruffle some more feathers halloween is wrong and it's not of god and uh no christian has any business participating in that so we're we're going to leave that right there and um and i'm i'm against it i don't i don't celebrate it it's october 31st to me and it's the day that the lord has made and and so we were discussing different things about it and i said i mentioned i said i don't know how people can argue this fact when an ex-satanist a high priest in the sa in the church of satan comes out and says christians say well halloween's not evil unless you do the scary stuff but yet somebody comes out of the church of satan and says no christian has any business celebrating this argument done it's finished period so we were talking about this and and so i was discussing different people to go listen to and then we got to talking about people that do come out of that lifestyle people that are delivered and set free a lot of them i'm not saying all but a lot of them are against the prosperity message they're against offering messages different things like that but when i heard that i'm not saying all of them i'm saying some of them and the reason why the lord spoke to my spirit and he said the reason why now as christians we serve jesus we're followers of jesus and and we strive for everything that is good we strive to do everything that is right and be in the walk in the righteousness of god on the other side their master is satan and so therefore they strive for everything that is evil everything that is on that side the scripture doesn't say that money is the root of all evil it says that the love of money is the root of all evil so if you want to tap in to the root if you want to tap into the root of everything evil love money become a lover of money that is the tap that goes straight into the root and it accesses every other evil thing so if you're a striver of evil and you strive to do everything evil what are you going to go to first says the love of money is the root of all evil so if they can tap into that root they've gained access to it all to it all and so therefore those i can understand why some might be hesitant against the prosperity message coming out of that lifestyle there's no telling what they have seen and you don't want to see it you don't want to be on that side why because they embraced the love of money and so when they get delivered from it all that's lacking in their life now is the revelation that it was just the love of it that's all that's lacking now but so the other night right after we had that discussion i went to sleep and i had this dream and it was so very vivid and i continued that discussion in my dream but i continued it with the lord and i was driving in my car in my dream and i was stopped at a stoplight and i began talking to the lord and he was talking back to me audibly i said lord if that is the root of all evil if there's a root you can tap into to access all evil and everything that goes along with it what is our route to tap into i asked him i said what is already now i'm saying all of this in a dream i really don't think it was a dream i really think i was sitting there talking to the lord and and so i asked him i said i said what is our route to tap into he said the word and i said yes the word i said okay where is the root inside the word i said is it at the beginning when god created the heavens and the earth i said is it the crucifixion is it the resurrection i said where is our root and he audibly spoke to me now i'm telling you in my dream i was sitting in my car and i heard him i said lord is it the beginning is it the crucifixion is it the resurrection i said where is the root i said where in the word is the root and he spoke and said in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were created through him and without him nothing was created that was created and in him was life and the life was the light of mankind so the root to access tap into the word for us to access all that is good for us to access all that is righteous for us to access everything he has to offer we have to tap into the root to the root and when i asked him i said what is the root in the word he said it's me in the beginning was the word so when we tap into jesus we tap into the scripture this is the root of all that is good and guess what all it entails in it it entails matthew 6 33 seek you first the kingdom and all these things will be added to you guess what also this book holds in it luke 6 38 it holds in at malachi 310 so when we tap into the route we gain all access to everything it has to offer come on somebody hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] the word is our root it is our root and in it it says that he wishes above all things that we prosper and that we be in health even as our soul prospers so if you don't want to tap into the root if you think this is too much for you then step aside because i'm digging deeper and i'm tapping in deeper because i want to know all that this book has and i believe every word it says and i know that it's true and guess what i have access to it hallelujah [Applause] [Music] so just keep standing come on we're going to give we're going to give with this kind of excitement and faith high in the room this is when you want to give why because you see that tapping into the root right there so i want you to hold this up this is what this is one of the things the root has in it and it's going to sprout up so luke 6 38 why because these is the words in red these are the words in red and you can take it to the bank and the devil will absolutely run from you when you start to speak these words so today just just let him run let him run away from you let him go do whatever he's got to do but get away from you luke 6 38 it says give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now if you're a tither you are further along in that route than a lot of people are you're further down in that that route but guess what keep digging keep going cause there's so much more to offer malachi 310 come on hold it up today bring you all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast the fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it give the lord a shout of praise today you can bring your gifts today hallelujah come on keep the party going praise the lord my goodness what a revelation oh man dig a little deeper in that well hallelujah glory to god well i'm telling you what when when the lord you know i was i'm one of those pastors that i'm always listening but come friday night i usually know exactly you know if he's got something that what he wants to do i'm tuned in by saturday even if i ain't heard nothing i'm like oh lord what you know what i should know settle down robin i've got this you know i've got this and so i by this morning i'm up going i'm cooking at six o'clock this morning i'm in the kitchen going oh lord jesus what what what tell and it was like i heard in my spirit just settled down just settled down and now i know why you know because nothing nothing here is ever planned you start out with some kind of structure but you know you're going to go the way the holy ghost wants to go and so this morning now i know i was like man i i shouldn't have hit you know i could have hit that snooze this morning and not have been so but you're all you're always seeking him you're always wanting to hear because i'm going to tell you something i even told robin this morning i said i said but i want to give the i said i've got to feed the sheep fresh meat we're not having no leftovers not unless the lord says to so this morning i am honored that this to the to just to stand here and just soak in what the holy ghost is going to give us today because i know it's just going to be awesome and so you know when we were talking during the feasts of trumpets it came out to buckle up this is going to be an action-packed year coming up and we're already in 2022 and i'm i've been right in 2022 and i have to think no you're still in 21 in here but in the spirit we're in 22. and deena reminded me this morning that today is the last day of of sukkot so it's still it's a celebration so you are here doing a celebration and i'm going to give you this too before robin comes um i uh i was over there praising and i looked down the line and i the lord said look how look who's who's praising today he said to tell the people you had two robins and two madisons on on stage today praising and he said to tell the people that that's your visible double today hallelujah glory to god i always say we're the family of the double so today you it was visibly seen by all the double today hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah i i don't know exactly how long anything's going to happen here because nobody really plans anything or has planned it today especially and uh but i know this we're very honored to have a prophet timothy dixon with us today hallelujah there he is right over there [Applause] he is a he is a great friend of mine and uh he is powerful man of god things are happening in his life and he's we're going to let him share some something here in just a little bit uh the lord this is so big what i have to tell that i'm not i really honestly robin can tell you i looked at it and said what over how much time would this take not in one setting it's in different messages and because the lord has spoken to me and he said to remind you of something the lord had said this to me concerning all of this political climate and everything like that see we must not turn loose of what we have set our faith out for we must not back up we must not turn loose i'm going to tell you something that i saw i saw the the lincoln memorial and you know how the statue of president lincoln is sitting in that seat and it's massive and it's huge y'all know the young people you know and so he's you know in the statue looks like a statue and uh it's the color of a statue it's a statue and i saw in the spirit in that statue was it wasn't president lincoln sitting there it was barack obama sitting there and i saw that and i saw a young prophet standing there i didn't know him never heard of him and he was pointing at him and he said don't you forget obama what god said god said will come to pass well it made him angry the statue was angry you could tell he could move he was an image that could move and he he frowned and cut his eyes down at him like that i'm standing over here to the side and i had my staff in my hand and i looked at my staff and the eagle on the head was disappearing and that concerned me for days and days i could still see the staff and it was like the lord showed me this morning he said the message that you carry has to become spread out among the prophets that no one's heard of so that the voice of of the people the regular people that nobody sees are pointing their fingers saying and so that anointing is is moving among the masses and it must move among the people to be able to to have a voice follow the voice go ahead and say what the prophets are saying speak it out of your mouth because when the masses start talking and the masses start pointing they may not like it but they have to acknowledge it because what you're looking at is something that is trying to become a a legend and an icon i'm going to tell you something and then i don't i didn't know how exactly where i'm going with this yet and i don't know how much i'm supposed to tell but in the freeze frame of american history in washington if you go and look at the freeze frame of american history it's supposed to tell our history from the beginning then tell me something how come when you go in the rotunda and look at the freeze frame of american history it is it is cortes coming to see king montezuma of the aztecs with the god tanatee who that you sacrifice children to behind him the serpent god at his feet and how come the rotunda was all walled off where you couldn't see it and the man who painted it lived inside there till it was finished and then when it was unveiled you come to see the the history the freeze frame of american history and that's what you're looking at how come it wasn't the people who signed the declaration of independence how cause how come it wasn't the 1776. how come it wasn't all this why was it the god of the mayans and the serpent god and the sacrificial idol that they offered children to why is that the freeze frame of american history you must ask yourself these things there wasn't telling american history they were telling american future and what it's based on so on the back of the the dollar bills and so forth there's all kinds of emblems that represent that the mayan calendar i don't know why i'm telling you all that because you know people say hey you know you're just into this conspiracy for the stuff no i'm going to tell you conspiracy theories are designed by governments to confuse the gospel that's all it's designed to do but a cult is a cult and the truth is the truth and so you have certain people who put certain emblems and the pyramid on the back actually represents 13 i don't know how you pronounce it noctuan mayan cycles of time and it goes up to 2012. and then the eye appears it wasn't the end of time it was the beginning of a new order and certain people that got elected and was president and cabinet during that time meant to bring this to pass they lost it when a man named donald trump stepped up in the place [Applause] so they begin to scream and they begin to holler that we have to get him out the naughty was elected they said we must not let up on this man 24 hours a day seven days a week until he's moved he must be out by 2020. they knew something was going to happen in 2020 that would give them world-controlling power but the lord told the prophets it was coming i know he told this one and so i told it now i'm going to tell you something else if that's not heavy enough you don't act like you want to hear it so [Applause] no i'm just i'm just picking at you you know we say in the south i'm just picking at you the lord told me he said soon i will turn the page on all of this now that tells me one thing that he's already he's planting an end to this mess now i will i will give you a warning that he told me he said he said all right just about like this i will fix this he said don't you ever let it get in that shape again [Music] [Applause] now that tells me he looks at his church you're the salt of the earth that salt preserves the salt is what keeps it right the salt is what makes it but if the salt is loses its savor how can it be preserved it's good for nothing but for men to trot it under feet and they certainly did that when the churches shut their doors and stuck a mask on and let itself almost be deemed unessential unessential if the church is unessential and if your pastor is watching and you think you're unessential then what the hell are you doing having services [Applause] now that's what i want to know [Applause] oh brother reverend you talk so rough no they talk about killing you i speak of the origin of where that comes from i mean that very literal hell is directing your order of service i mean that exactly the way it was said oh you're just mad no i'm not but i make i'm making people mad but you know you got the same britches to get glad in just just just smile back up swallow hard and if you're crying put your hair behind your ear take a little drink of water you'll be all right because we're about to move on here [Music] listen my brother and sister i'm going to tell you something i'm i'm i'm i do nothing but i'll but love you i love god's people i cannot stand to see tyranny push them down i don't i i just i can't hardly stand to hear the cry in people's voices of fear what are we going to do it never was about a virus it never was about a mask it was about a vaccine anything they will pay you force you pay you bribe you to do you better be leery of that now the lord said i'm going to turn the page and we will move to the next prophecy rage now this is what the lord said to me he said what are you doing to prepare to live on this side of the page that was a question man he said what are you doing to prepare when he turns the page to live on this side see you've never seen this side we've never looked at this side we've only been on this side of the page and he said this to me he said you can't keep living on this side of the page the way you did on this side of the page or it will bring it all back to pass again because it's the church that's determining what happens you really don't think these demented minds out here are controlling the future of everything it's the church or lack of it that's doing it so the lord says you must start preparing on this side of the page how you're going to live and it's got to change see it's got to start changing and the way living on this side of the page changes is it starts changing in your thinking first because as a man thinketh so is he now i'll just share a little bit of this with you but it will get us started on this side of the page some of you still hung up on what i said a while ago i only said what you thought except i mean it literally now it's time that hell is not giving a given a voice any longer into the church now don't talk to me about living on this side of the page in great victory if you're going to hang vampires ghosts and everything else up around your house [Applause] now don't talk to me about victory if you're going to do that you're part of the reason we got in this mess or that kind of doctrine did i was i was we had part ministry purchased some land the other day and uh to expand because the bible college is coming in about a few months and it's it's already going huge see already so we had to have an infrastructure so we were purchasing some land and this and that and we and i'm sitting there waiting on on the realtor the closing attorneys to call us in there and there was this little bowl of chocolates so i reached over to pick one up and had a bat on it and i said wait a minute i said you know i'd eat a piece i looked at robin said i'd eat a piece of this but it's dedicated to the devil i said it's already been dedicated to satan so i'll just leave that alone it wouldn't have all of his ghouls and goblins on it if it wasn't dedicated to if you knew how many people would die on satanic altars on that night you would never do that you do know that satanists say that october 31st is satan's birthday you know what that means don't you that he has the they give him the status of the man because he don't have a birthday he wasn't born if he don't have a navel he wasn't born adam is the only man and eve that never had a naval hallelujah i'm just i'm way out here now man i've talked about all kinds of stuff but i want to give us some kind of a movement uh to live on this side of the page before we change the order of service i thought i wasn't going to do this and the lord said yes you are so so we must do this now the lord yeah i will do that in genesis 2 9 i want you to look at this because satan when this page turns he's about to deal with a church that he's never had to deal with before since pentecost that church at pentecost scared him out of his being he i mean that scared that creature he never seen anything like pentecost because when they begin to speak in tongues and they begin to do what they did and and they were they were manifesting the holy ghost and that roar came in the earth you don't know what he heard the roar he heard was actually the roar of creation it was the roar when god in genesis 2 it said the holy ghost fluttered over the face of the deep and it's talking about he began to brood like an eagle over the face of the deep and it was such a roar that the hebrew language says a man couldn't have stood to look at it because it would have caused his joints to fail and mountains split and and fires bubbled and volcano volcanic activity moved into the earth was put back in place that's the sound and it said when the when the god laid the foundations of the earth it said all the archangels at that time shouted for joy well that's what he was he remembers the power and when it roared into the earth that day in the upper room can you imagine what was going through that that punk angel's mind he absolutely thought oh this is happening all over again then they begin to speak in a heavenly tongue that he could not understand it was the tongue that adam and god spoke to one another in before adam sinned and so in his mind the church was raised back to its place that it fell from in the very beginning and it was in his thinking and when it did this it turned the world there was religious people even said later they have turned the world upside down and they've come here also it means they've turned this world system upside down there is no more there's no more occultic dictating there's no more silversmiths worshiping diana that's dictating the day there's no more idol worshipers that's calling the shots rome is not calling the shots that's why it scared caesar the way it did is because when those 120 begin to roar out of their mouth and start speaking a language that only god understood it turned the whole world upside down and they had to do anything they could to stop it [Applause] and so that's what happened on that day when we turn this page there is going to emerge from the baptism we were talking about that it's going to come up the whole body there's going to come a church up out of that that they're going to say my god they've turned the world upside down hallelujah and they've come here also this is where it's going and i'm going to tell you something of people that's watching this broadcast now and all those that's in this room right now you are part of that that's coming up out of that watch i don't care what nation you're in i don't care what country you're in you're part of this group right here and we're going to turn the world not just the nation [Applause] there's one thing about israel you ever attack israel they will beat you and take your land they will not only beat you they will take more land the church is not only going to win this but we're going to take more come on now on this side of the page it looks different than the former side because on this side of the page you will never let them mask you again [Applause] [Music] on this side of the page you will never be forced for someone to stick a needle in you on this side of the page you will never tolerate no prayer in school on this side of the page abortion is obliterated on this side of the page oh come on get on the drums [Applause] [Music] on this side of the page this side of the page [Music] of the is come on this side of the page i'm living on this side of the page [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah this side of the page come on this side of the page this side of the page i'm living on this side of the page on this side of the page satan is defeated [Music] on this side of the page only godly people are politically seated on this side of the all the babies get to live on this side of the page israel is recognized as god's people on this side of the page set on this side of the page this side of the page this side of the page on this side of the page [Applause] [Music] stay with me now [Applause] the ground is getting wetter and wetter up here in a little bit brother timothy will come and i'm sure he's got something he needs to say here or he wouldn't be here now you can be seated if you like i want to show you something in genesis 2 9. i want us to begin today moving to this side of the page see my brother and sister we've got to prepare to live on this side of the page when he turns it oh yeah within a year or a year and a half on this side of the page most of you will be out of debt [Applause] if public school is not going to cooperate they just won't exist [Applause] and god will raise up schools of his own he will we just seem to we just seem to think that god's not capable of these things won't you listen to this he is about to change the landscape of everything i saw that this morning he's about to change the landscape of everything now in genesis 2 9 put that up on the screen if we can i want you to see this and out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now notice how it said that the tree of life is in the midst of the garden now it's amazing that this word tree in hebrew means it means of course a tree but it means wood timber stock a plank it also means a stick but it also means a gallows and a staff and i'm just going to throw this in there once again now the taliban has made the news by hanging someone now let's see why they're going to explain this one away they dangled one on a helicopter around they said oh he was just trying to hang a flag what about the one hanging on the end of the crane the other day was he trying to hang a flag now watch this so we even see gallows showing up right now now watch this now it also we'll just it means a carpenter it means a carpenter and then as a bi thought in hebrew it says with branches oh no we're just i'm i don't know you get that right see somebody probably around the world going what'd he say what what was that now it means now it says the tree the staff the gallows the staff the carpenter with branches and then it says the word of life or the the tree of life means the word life is speaking of raw life it means raw life it means to continue in life to remain alive and to sustain life means to restore life and one of the first things it means christa is prosperity one of the very first things it means is prosperous so in the midst of this garden was a tree that prophesied a carpenter would come who would have branches who would hang on a gallows and would bring you sustained life revive you restore you and bring everything back to you now are you with me now now i don't know if it's if it's if it's really i you don't want to use the word hit but you know you know in the south they say i don't know if it hit you yet but it will in just a minute people in australia are watching right now and it will hit them because there's about to be a big upheaval there hallelujah quebec is gonna shake quebec is gonna shake quebec is gonna shake can i hear something quebec is going to shake me to the base quebec is going to shake [Music] quebec yes canada is gonna shake triple shake god's gonna have his way and the lord said because of what they did with a pastor that drug him out in the street the lord said now the judgment and the and the political realm there is going to happen for you're going to be drug out into the street that'll press my people and try to keep my word from them says the lord and now i'm going to start it by shaking in quebec it's going to be a moving there's going to be a time there's going to be revival and the and the political realm is not going to be able to stop it quebec is going to shape [Music] hallelujah you can be seated now so notice this it says on this side of the page see it's what we're talking about it talks about in the middle of the garden was a tree a carpenter with branches a gallows which would bring absolute life revival sustenance continued life sustained life everything from that tree and it also means the tree when it says in the midst of the garden it means in the middle between two so it's talking about and it didn't say a tree it said the tree this is a particular tree that's different from all other trees and i want you to notice something it never said anything about you eating of it but it did say don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but it never said anything about the tree of life it's because uh how am i going to say all this i'm trying to get us to this side of the page now after the fall of man in genesis 3 21 put that up there we're going to go as quickly as this as we can but i wasn't even sure i was going to share it today genesis 3 21 the lord god made them coats of skins see and unto adam and to his wife did the lord god make coats of skins now or it really means that he layered their skin he layered their skin adam only had one layer of skin before the glory disappeared then when when death came into the earth his layer of skin would die off in about a year and he would die so he made a covenant with god and it says he made him coats of skins and gave him at least three layers that way when one dies another replaces it it was a covenant to live amen well well praise god brother robin you went from the back of a one dollar bill to this [Laughter] listen i can't i ca we've got to know these things to live on this side of the page now i know it has to be done in love but jesus told the pharisees you mammals was snakes and he said it in love that's tough well i meant it in love i said it in love well you know he called their mother snakes but the love he said it with was later you'll find out he said how can you escape hell he didn't want him to go to hell now watch this so he says i say this okay coats of skins so that they could live now watch verse 22 and the lord god said behold the man has become as one of us to know good and evil it means to ascertain or to perceive carnally now or by your five physical senses or carnally in other words by his five physical senses the lord god continued and now lest the word defines less in the dictionary as listen to this now as in fear of now god has never been in fear of anything man i gotta that's right amen i got about three i heard them it means apprehensive now god has never been apprehensive about anything so what in the world is this talking about well it's this we'll start on it anyway now that's after the fall and the lord god said man has become as one of us now this word said it means what it's really talking about here is after the fall the lord all capitals is talking about god who interacts with his creation yahweh the actual soul of the almighty that carries who he is to everything so all of the creation knew who adam was and so when he this was said it was a pronouncement that went out to all of the creation and they heard man has become as one of us like the carnally to only operate carnally well god's not carnal are you listening to me and he wasn't in fear and he wasn't apprehensive the word fear it's talking about is the animals everything the creation everything the man was over fear was in the earth now and it says lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever lest in fear of that not from god watch now lest he put forth his hand and take the tree of life and eat it's the first time it's ever been mentioned about eating of that tree it wasn't mentioned before he sinned it was only mentioned after he sinned the word eat there literally means to devour with fire he wasn't it wasn't the thought of the creation it wasn't the thought of anything that was under man's authority that man would go bite the fruit of that tree but now man had an overlord whose name was satan who knew that all life all revival all of everything every prophecy was tied to that tree so he would have went in and to destroy the tree are you listening to me is everybody hearing me right he would have went in to destroy the tree and it says the creation everything had a fear in it and they were afraid that man was going to destroy that tree if he destroyed the tree he would never get back because it was a prophecy of who would hang on that tree between two that would revive bring life do all of this and they were cons the whole creation was in in this kind of mode and they heard the pronouncement when they heard it man has become as one of us they heard he's no different than an ox he's no different than an ass he's no different than a than a fish he's no different than something that has life in it the a kind of a nephesh breathing life in it in the earth he's no different than anyone and solomon said man differeth nothing from a beast he's talking about a fallen man that's why animals could die for the man he had fallen to their level hallelujah so what you're looking at here is this when that fear when adam said i'm afraid i'm afraid it suddenly roared through the creation and adam had set his mind driven by that being who is now his lord destroy that tree destroy the tree he was told and because of this he was put forth from the garden but it says here he was not just put forth from it watch what it says therefore he said lest he eat this or devour consume this or destroy this with fire tear it down destroy it get it out of the way and live forever the way he stands because there wasn't going to be a way back he said therefore because of this great fear that man would be lost forever the lord put him forth from the garden and he put at the watch now sent him forth from the garden of eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out the man now he had to drive him out in other words he wasn't stopping he meant to take that tree down there is a teaching that he cut down the trees of the garden of eden to build him a plank house he was going to cut that tree down he was going to devour that tree and he just wouldn't quit because he knew the tree of life was his link to live so he was going to do it and satan was pushing him pushing him how many of you are getting this satan was pushing him and pushing him well some of you got it some of you some of you didn't raise your hand but but just listen to it so he was pushing him and pushing him now what drove him out it said the lord god drove him out not god not in his person god in his system of harvest it means that adam was driven out because of his appetite his appetite took him out of the garden to try to till the ground and make himself feed himself take care of himself to all of this because he the tree he couldn't trust the tree anymore for the raw life oh we're not there yet i'm just going to give you this and then we'll cap this off maybe today so it was the raw life coming from that tree that tree there was never any fruit physically eaten of it you you can get a clue just a little bit when the lord god looked at the serpent and said the seed of the woman will will bruise the head of your seed and your seed serpent will bruise the heel of the seed of the woman speaking of the crucifixion tree okay i'm going to leave it at this and people are going to wonder oh my why did you why did you not finish this the the lord talking about that crucifixion tree the bible never says jesus was hanged on a pole there's no scripture that says that we just assume it's a it's a poll this way and a poll this way because came from a tree so it's just called a tree that's not that's not right the scripture over and over always says he was hanged on a tree a tree there is a belief that makes more sense than anything else the cross he carried was the cross beam that they nailed him to but in those days they didn't have wood like you do now and they had big trees they called crucifixion trees and when the bible says it broke the one thief's leg legs went to the next thief broke his legs but when he came to jesus he was dead already now how is he in the middle and why would the soldier have gone for this thief skip jesus went to that thief bounce back to him why didn't he just walk down the line he did and how would you do that and still be in the middle and come to him if you had a tree a big tree and you had a beam hanging high one hanging lower and one hanging lower he was between the two that broke this one's legs came to break this one's legs and when he came to the one in the middle he was already dead walking around a tree how many of you see this can you see how this could have been man i don't know if it was well you don't know that it wasn't now the the tree here's where i wanted to leave you with this at least now the tree was not a tree to partake of in its fruit the tree was the source of adam's faith not the source but kind of god is the sword but the bible said jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith and the bible says adam was not deceived the woman was deceived adam knew what the tree of life was oh come on now i don't know if you're catching this but he knew that and he knew that in the future jesus would hang on that tree a carpenter with branches and so the bible says in genesis 1 11 that when god planted all the seed that's when he made the image of himself in the earth three days and three nights later on day six he uncovered the earth and raised the man from the dead so that tree was planted that day it was all planted and it would come up in the future and god was already in the future so adam was drawing the faith he walked in from the last adam on the same tree that said in the midst of that garden because jesus is the author and finisher of our faith and watch this next scripture he is the lamb slain from the so the tree adam the raw watch it says the tree of life it means the raw life that gave everything life everything it was the source of life it's not talking about just a wood tree it's talking about what that tree represented and the lamb of god himself it was already paid and the power was already there and it was there and it was on that tree one day he would be crucified and he would rise again from the dead the first prophecy that was given god in the flesh in the earth and so the power this is where adam was drawing the source of all of that and he was not deceived he knew what was coming one day he knew i was coming and that was where he was drawing faith and his faith was so big that everything around it would live everything in the in the heavens it would operate according to adam's faith everything because adam was watch the son of god too not the son of god like jesus but he was had no father but god so where did he get his blood from the future because adam was glorified he wore a robe of glory only the blood of jesus produces such a thing so he walked by faith every single day he lived by faith he understood the mystery of the tree of life so when he was was when adam the first adam the earthy adam not the lord from heaven the earthy adam when the earthy adam seed the covenant there has to be a covenant made and it was made but but i just i better stop right here so the earth so the earthy adam was walking in this faith of the knowledge of the future that's why the bible declares he was not deceived he knew where it all came from that's too heavy and the people i can see people online right now what what what what they're probably screaming you know what what well now that wild man's talking about something that i just can't go along with now what have i said that violates our fundamentals have i said anything that would violate the virgin birth the spotless sinless lamb of god the resurrection from the dead he's the only way have i said anything that would violate that or have you heard something that strengthens that inside your own thinking [Applause] so what is that it's preparing you to live on that side of the page [Applause] amen now so now you know even in the jewish realm the prophecies of of yeshua to come have i violated anything that would violate that have i said listen to dean now see dean dina lived over there she's done these that she said and and she said no it's isaiah 11 for sure [Laughter] yeah yeah see he said she said it's isaiah 11 for sure so you see we're preparing to live on this side of page now adam knew so now that he knew he was responsible so when he ate carnally of that other tree the law was born the law of rules were born because he said he only knew now good and evil and he judged everything by your good action or your evil action made no difference there was no mercy no grace nothing made no difference to him fallen man just said you either you did bad you get punished bad you did good okay we'll help you there so that's the way that came about and immediately satan said destroy that tree get in there and destroy the tree so he went in and the creation said he comes in here and eats of this tree or devours it or burns it or tears it down he said if he does that he we have no way of getting our leader back there's no way it's coming back there's no way he'll ever get back because all of them knew the source was coming the raw source was coming from that tree and it wasn't just the tree it was what it represented what had already happened what was happening in the future and that's why god spoke from the crucifixion to the fallen man he was treating man from that place so he's talking to him from the future all the time it's the place of perfection in your tomorrow where you haven't gotten to to sin in it yet and your tomorrow is perfect so god is in the future talking and so he's talking talking talking and so the raw life they the creation was concerned and they all said if if he destroys this we will lose him so the bible says this and we'll have to cap it right here now the bible says this so he drove out the man and placed at the east of the garden of eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life he set the cherubims the angels and the flaming sword the word to guard the pathway if the hebrew says path back to that tree in other words this word he's saying will lead him back to the source of that right there and so the day came and that's what satan was trying to do to destroy the path where you couldn't get back this is why satanic ran government the first thing they want to do is ban the church to destroy the tree now you watch so see the raw life the faith that that represented y'all got it right you got so the raw life of that er you can watch you can mention it and if you mention the word of faith you mentioned kenneth hagin brother copeland so and the church starts attacking like wild dogs a lot of the church why it's still the same force saying destroy the tree destroy the tree get rid of it's not the person it's the message of faith get rid of the faith because the faith is what the raw power is it's faith and the blood that does it it's faith and it's always faith in the word get rid of the tree tear down the tree and you'll see religious people will just suddenly rise up with their teeth bare trying to destroy the tree when stephen was being stoned did you know that the scripture says that those people gnashed on him with their teeth it wasn't just talking to him it wasn't just running him down they bit the man their teeth was on edge to the point satan started hearing go back and read the sermon stephen preached he went from the garden almost to the crucifixion and resurrection and when he did satan said kill a tree get rid of that tree and saul a religious pharisee held their coats and said kill the tree kill the tree and they always attack the tree because the tree of life meant life meant to restore life to prosper you first thing prosper there's a prosperity message no it's the tree message just a prosperity message would just go and saturate your eardrums with the poverty message but don't complain when you don't have enough to buy a hershey bar god intended on the tree to the tree would provide the raw life and jesus was the one who became the curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who's hanged on a tree but he's the carpenter who hung on the gallows that were hung between two that had branches that brought prosperity revival revived life new life everything to do with life comes from that tree that he hanged on and that message so you this is the teaching i believe at least my part of it that you have to be we have to start looking at to live on this side of the page it's living on the other side of the page that burns the tree we have to quit burning the tree you see it all through the old testament when abimelech who was actually a parallel of obama abimelech said do what i do when the people of god ran into a strong tower he said do what i do he took branches from a tree and lit them on fire and tried to burn the people of god to death with them but a woman dropped a stone on his head and crushed his skull well that word tree of life in the midst of the garden the tree of life it's amazing how the word bride shows up in the definition why would you stick the word bride right in the middle of it because it's the bride who will drop the stone on the head of the burning people trying to burn the tree to the ground oh come on now [Applause] [Music] so don't let yourself attack faith it's not the person everybody hates it's the message it's the message of faith if the same people preached doubt and unbelief nobody would say nothing because satan don't care if you if you eat of that tree that's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but the other tree is the source of raw life that's faith and can you see how that faith in that tree went along with the prophetic because god was already in the future and so the word of faith and the prophetic must come together and brother timothy we see that on flashpoint victory is a word of faith network but they have people like us on it you think about it [Applause] they just they just had my whole family almost on it on their big victory thought i talked about prophetic things and you should have seen the response it's because the two hands are the last pieces of armor that grip the sword of the spirit the word of faith and the prophetic together and it's the last piece mentioned in two parts and now here we are suited up at a rogue government looking at us and yet we are suited to fight now [Applause] so now we're not as one who beateth the air you know beat at the air just swinging at anything that that's just out there you ain't hitting nothing just swinging i don't want to get around you swinging a blaze like that man so i want you to have an understanding and start gripping this understanding of the tree i believe the lord would have us understand this the tree of life it wasn't a tree to be eaten of it was a tree that that all your faith was the center of everything and adam knew that and he knew should he sin god himself was the only thing higher than him would have to take flesh and die on that tree and the old story that the jews tell of the staff they said that god took a staff from the a limb from the tree of life and gave it to adam when he left the garden so he could find his way back so he could carry it with him wherever he went they said he put his name in it and so he had a staff with the name yahweh on it according to the legend now this is not scripture but everything else i told you it is so now you see where this this thing they tell could very well have been said that he carried it he left there he gave it to you know it passed down the genealogy adam begot seth seth begot enos enos be god all the way down to noah put all their names together in hebrew and it tells this it says for man will come a substituted mortal the great god will come down out of heaven teaching and that his death will bring the despairing rest and so they walked with that message noah walked with that message in his heart the whole genealogy which he his name meant rest he was the end of it walked onto the ark according to them with that staff and when he left the ark he gave the staff to shem shem gave it to abraham abraham gave it to isaac isaac esau wanted it you know but jacob got it that's why jacob said i've crossed the jordan with nothing but my staff and i've come back as two bands this staff prospers and so on and on it goes as soon as he got the staff jacob laid his head down on a pillow he had his staff with him now this is bible and he looked up and there was a ladder going up to heaven at the top of it was the lord at the bottom was where he was this ladder was like a spiral staircase the lord showed it to me when i looked at it it was a dna strand your covenant with god and so the angels were going up there coming back down he gets down there and he prospers he comes back then he gives the staff to joseph is who he was going to give it to his brothers didn't like it they were jealous threw him in a pit so jacob still had the staff of abraham according to the jews when he got to egypt when they all reconciled he gave joseph back the staff of abraham gave him the staff and according to the jews when the ancient teaching when when he joseph died he was so famous the nobles of egypt sold his belongings and they sold his staff to a man named jethro a sheik and midian jethro stuck it up by his well because it had the name of god on it and he thought it would bless his well and according to that teaching when they stuck it up in the ground because it was from the tree of life it started to grow and nobody could pull it up out of the ground moses running from pharaoh looked up at the staff and recognized the name and by the strength of the name they say he pulled it up out of the ground so he goes before the burning bush and he stands before the burning bush holding the staff and god asks him a specific question he said watch that in your hand no doubt if this is true now this is just their teaching but no doubt moses would have known the story and he said what's that in your hand he said it's a rod he said cast it down here he cast down the limb from the tree of life and it became an akash a snake in front of it well there was a snake in the garden he said get it by the tail not the head grab it by the tail there's somebody else going to take care of the head you get a hold of that tail come on y'all and so he picks it up by the tail then he heads back to egypt he gets up in front of pharaoh and he says who is your god threw the staff down and the hebrew says it became a tanem a tamim or a tannim however you pronounce it said it became this which means a land monster or a jackal not a snake and so the the magicians came out did the same thing but moses jackal ate theirs he picked it back up became a rod again this thing is turning into snakes jackals whatever anything he stretches that on the water turns it to blood he holds it out parts of sea i'll make it real short i think they i think they teach that it went to somehow it ended up in the hands of of uh samuel samuel gave it to david when david charged goliath it said he had his staff in his hand it does it never even says he used it it just said he had it in his hand and goliath said do you come at me with a stick he said no i come at you in the name of the lord and so he charges him with a staff according to them after that this ends up you know it ends up when david left um you know was it hezekiah stuck it in the ground and they and they were worshiping at it and all this kind of stuff and i think it was cut down and all this kind of stuff i'd have to go back and look at it but but when it does there is a belief that teaches this i can't dispute it either when he says this he said that because it was from the tree of life it took root it's funny the word uses the word out of the root of jesse and so it took root and it grew up over all those centuries and it became when it was placed in front of the ark of the covenant when aaron placed that rod in from the ark of the covenant it budded almonds so now we know the tree of life was an almond tree if that's so and where jacob laid his head down and saw the ladder it means loves was it luz and it says it was it was it was called loves at the time loves means the place of the almond tree so he knew exactly what was going on so it ends up according to some teaching i can't dispute this hey you don't know it's true but you don't know what ain't it it don't violate scripture that when they cut it down over the centuries it grew and it grew and it grew it grew into a huge tree coming out of jerusalem going up the summit where jesus was really crucified hanged on a tree so it could be that the very staff that was handed to adam that came off the middle of the tree ended up growing the tree jesus was hung on and died and the reason the scripture says he was hanged on a tree on a tree a carpenter with branches in the middle of two hanged on a tree oh come on now y'all [Applause] what is all of this brother robin that's on this side of the page and if we begin to learn these things on this side of the page and give the written word back its prominence quit trying to add the book of enoch to it i don't ever go over good quit trying to add the book of jasher to it if it lines up with scripture great but if it don't line up with this it's not true well you don't know that you've got all the bible really poor old god he couldn't get it to us by the end he could only get it in fractions to us huh is that what we're saying foolishness so you put this back in its place of prominence you lift it back up where it belongs you hold this up as final authority as god in written form because if you believe there's something missing then you have no faith at all in it because you're looking for what you can't find to base your faith on and you'll end up to what the serpent said in the beginning has god said there's something missing he hasn't told you that's what the serpent was saying that's what people are saying now there's lost books of the bible lost books of the bible don't you think god was big enough if they were he got them to us so we must start living on come on y'all we got to surely you know the next line we got to start living on give the lord a shout would you hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hand me my staff right there so so now you know the significance of carrying a staff now you know the significance of me holding that certain other staff over the toward the capitol in dc that time now you know what the significance and the bible says one day the lord himself will rule with a a staff of iron hallelujah so uh we were very privileged this morning i'm not in a hurry you in a hurry we were very privileged this morning that john came to me our son that he's right up there he came to me and he said brother timothy dixon called said he would be here today well i didn't it just really blessed me that he was going to be here today because he's a prophet from this state he may tell you a little bit about that where he is and where we are but he's a prophet and i was sitting in there in my office with him and we were talking and i looked at him and i said i sense that the lord is about to change the landscape of everything and the power hid in the office it rose up in the office he said you have no idea what i have and i said no don't tell me don't tell me so if you will i want you to make welcome to the platform right here prophet timothy dixon come on y'all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me swap with you praise the lord how many enjoyed the word [Applause] there can't too many see a revelation of a word like that sometime last year right on the same lines of what he was just preaching the lord told me a question said the reason that i protected the way of the tree of life is so that you don't have to live like adam fell in and then you don't have to live that way no more you don't have to live in a fallen state but from the foundation he started bringing us back to him didn't he it's an honor to be here how's your daughter ma'am on the back road is this your son i'm sorry is he doing he's doing better today you can be truthful that's all right either he's healed or he ain't you're different well you believe it it's real it's real that's exactly right hallelujah lord told her she's over in leesburg with us that um her child would be different by the end of the year that his mental state would be 200 percent better [Applause] here while back robin had me and him had talked on the telephone and he said that the other robin had seen an angel of the lord over my left shoulder and was recently in a meeting in north carolina and mooresville coliseum a school coliseum up there and we've got it on video we just put it up this morning on my channel um that you could see i was walking across the stage like this and i had my guitar in my hand and i was singing a song and behind me it shows it just as plain now this is actual video footage this ain't a camera and it shows up an angel of the lord of the presence standing beside me well it looked like me and it as i moved up i stood here and i stopped dead still i was still playing my guitar then it moved to up here on my front side and then the hair changed to gold and a a wing shoved up out of its back real tall you can see it on camera just as plain as day that night a lady a young girl come up through the aisle and she was bound with an addiction and i began to pray for him and my wife come up and i didn't catch this till this morning i didn't really know what happened i just know i didn't do it but i started praying for her and and she fell out under the power of god and when she did she was twisted you see it we got that on camera and her body when she hit the ground her body just went just as straight as a board under the power of god and i said i was thinking the whole time and i told this last night that i never did it the lord waited till my hands was off of her then she hit the ground and then she straightened out but what i didn't see was my wife stuck her hand up under my shoulders and bam and when she hit her the woman hit the ground and when she hit the ground her body straightened out she was delivered it shows her walking away just as straight as she could be just like this under the power of the lord we're in a time that our nation you could say is in one of the biggest messes that we've ever seen but i want to i want you to look at it like i see it it's in the greatest shape i've ever seen it [Music] and why is because it's literally raising the den it's woke people up out of their places it's beginning to make us all pray and cry and weep before the lord some years ago i'm going to try to be brief i won't hold you over three or four hours but i really felt it was ordained for the lord to come um i i i'd been fasting and seeking the lord for some days it ain't something i just holler and boast about look at me but i went up to the mountains up lookout mountain to get along and do some praying and last night after i left the service just before i left the service the lord spoke to me said i want you to leave leave the mountain and go to robins in the morning i said well hey is he there well i didn't know i started texting him well i didn't get no answer still ain't getting an answer this morning and the lord said well get up and go on do what i told you to do so i came but during the night last night i come back from the service a little small tent there in leesburg and and i started i laid down there inside this little cabin up on top of lookout mountain and one of the powerfulest visions most of mines is dreams if you know anything about who i am or see me most of what i see is dreams i do have visions and i do have what i call a trance but most of mine his dreams and i've often said that i'm i'm just too dumb to for the lord to speak to she has to put me to sleep but i i went into a vision i laid down and i was praying and i went to a vision and jeremiah the 8th chapter and the 22nd verse came before my my mind i did not see it visually but i knew it in my mind that is there no bomb in gilead is no physician there why then has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored and from that point i went to a vision and i saw one of the greatest powerful atomic bombs had went off and when it blew the percussion of it just shattered everything in its path just nothing survived and it was just so powerful shook his soul and the lord told spoke to me and he told me he said to tell the world not just america should tell the world that i'm fixing to release an atomic bomb of gilead an atomic bomb of gilead [Applause] i seen this it blew and it just it landed the first place pinpoint dead zero was at saint peter's square in rome and it blew the whole roman catholic church to nothing just pam just and and in that the lord started speaking to me he said tell them that i'm fixing to send a revival that the world's never known and i'm going to turn the catholic church upside down a revival said that no one has waited no one is seen coming except i know the prophets it's hard to hide things from there but that i'm fixing to shake the very foundation of the catholic church and send revival inside that everywhere worldwide and then then i seen the percussion of it and i said lord what what does this mean and i saw that the power of rome in the ancient days of jesus when he was crucified that that power was the same spirit that's trying to dominate the election rule the world today same same devil same demon same power wants to kill the tree stop they did not care about jesus being rose they only wanted to hide the fact that he did rise by saying that the disciples stole him from the ground and all that i'd already had a dream of that how that the 28th chapter of matthew come into play but i seen this bomb blow and i seen people started repenting i seen something grab hold to people on the inside our nation was no longer the same america no more the white house listen to me the white house was no longer in dc no more it was gone it was gone i know what i'm saying is crazy but i saw something stand up in the land by the power of god and begin to rule by the word of the lord and i saw god's people begin to stand up and speak god's word boldly like elijah did when he stood up and he said there'd be no rain till i say it's going to rain hallelujah something changed in the stratosphere the atmosphere something was different in the land the demonic forces had to bow hallelujah before the power of the lord they could not hold hallelujah they could not stand upon the word of the lord god and i saw things begin to speak prophesy hallelujah i noticed just saying welcome to the some of the elect tie breaker wherever whatever we want to call them the other side of the people so saved that you woke up this morning and you saved the lord died for him instead of him dying for you five years ago i was in my truck in baker city oregon i pulled off if you know anything about that area you climb to what they call the the cabbage heel which is a very very high twisted heel uh goes very high up then you drop back straight down off the mountain zig zagging back down through the mountain and go down in the valley about a hundred mile an hour uh but anyway i was up there and and i wanted to wait and break and come off of the mountain at daylight because it was snowing i wanted to be able to see where i could come back down the mountain and see what i was looking at and i went to a dream and a man appeared to me with long hair and he was wearing a camel's girdle and a about his lawns and it was about up to here and he was barefoot i have never told this but once twice i shared it a little bit with robin earlier in the office and i've told my wife after this the man come to me and he looked like john the baptist and i asked the lord i said lord who is this and he's asked me he said would you receive him if he came today and i looked at him i said what i don't know he looked like a hippie you know i was raised uh pentecostal you had to look like me you know is that y'all ain't gonna stone me are you but and i'm and i said lord you know i will you know my heart lord you know i'm not like that lord you know i see the heart and he said he said you will receive him but most of the world won't never recognize the authority or the power of which he'll come in and my hand to the good lord it was robbing bullets [Applause] i told some friends i told my wife i said there's a man coming i said it'll be the days of the word of elijah it'll be the days of the power of moses but the world will not receive the power and the word and that anointing that's gonna not just turn the page but it's gonna recreate something in america that's gonna shake this world one more time just like elijah did [Music] [Applause] i've looked and i've looked and i knew and i've held it and i've held it and i've just said lord what and you know you know i know robin knows what i'm saying it's some things you feel like you're going to just explode and god's telling you don't you tell it don't you say nothing lord please i'm about to bust can i tell it no shut up hallelujah but i heard him say when the bomb blew he said the day of miracles and the lord had been speaking this to me that this is the day of miracles it's the day of miracles [Applause] hallelujah yes that's exactly i seen this right here blue in the dream but it went up so high and above it was a great mushroom just so high and he told me to tell the world that i'm releasing now today today not next week today an atomic bomb from korean hallelujah glory [Applause] hallelujah did seneca was the vatican square the power was like nothing i'd ever seen or saw totally annihilated everything in the path i saw the church of rome blowed in pieces i saw revival hit the roman catholic church and they started speaking in tongues never been heard of them [Applause] hallelujah so tell them i'm fixing to sin revival in the catholic church no one will ever see have never heard of the power that i'll plant i'll pluck up and i'll also root it up but i'll plant it at the same time this same atomic bomb that sent revival was plucking up and ripping up all those devils that refuses to get out of the way hallelujah and then i seen its destruction as it hit all at once all across the world just all it simultaneously just bam and this hallelujah hallelujah i seen all of europe and asia i say china china totally disappeared off the map [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the spirit of an almighty god had come down and shook this world like nothing we've ever seen in our life all of europe all of asia well you're speaking crazy i know i am [Applause] hallelujah i know i'm talking crazy glory the only way that the lord's gonna save all the people and shake this world one more time it's got to shake it all at once [Music] and as it blew i saw the america the united states of america and it hit so hard and it's like an after percussion the first ground zeroed it [Music] and the last wave of the percussion in an atomic bomb is more powerful than sometimes dead zero i did not know that i had to look that up i was wondering why was the outside of the bomb on america why was it dust just because god's gonna hit here the greatest the lord is gonna shake america the greatest [Applause] just like robin was saying earlier and do you really think that that branch up there's got control of us no i've got control of them it's what i say it's what my mouth says that's what controls them it's what he says my word is what declares hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah and i heard a loud voice from heaven it filled the bedroom i heard a shout hallelujah said this is the poem and again my mind was playing back as i i began to i felt like i was coming out of a something my insides begins to quiver and shake hallelujah and i heard a voice say that this is the bomb of gilead hallelujah i seem like like a whirling and he had no idea of what he was just saying i've not told him what i was what i'd saw but the dna strand the jacob's ladder hallelujah that's portrayed like you're walking up a stairway hallelujah mine was not neither in this one that i saw it swirled hallelujah and down that ladder hallelujah early early wee hours this morning was angels of fire coming down on america coming down on this country [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i saw people under the power of goddess begin to break and pray all over the sidewalks they begin to paul and pray and weeping inside of walmarts the tears of joy and a restoration had begun oh hallelujah this is where it gets crazy it's where i'm gonna get blamed for being that crazy dreaming truck driver i saw the tears flow down like a river the river come inside the courts of heaven hallelujah inside them courts of heaven was a river flowing down through there and i saw a big arm reach out of heaven with a bottle in his hand and begin to put them tears inside that bottle as he began to pray and i'd already had a dream now i've tried my best to just shut up in this bite one of those about to bust again now i can tell it i'm with him me and robin walked through the in this dream we'd walk through the courts of glory you think i could tell some of this uh i'm going to tell it anyway i'm asking you to keep your minds pure but i'm going to tell it me and robin was walking through heaven we had entered into the courts and we had no clothes on none and we was coming before the lord bear and then when it changed robin had a camel's like a a vest that wrapped around him it didn't girdle about his waist but it wrapped around his neck and we walked in and robin had a huge huge scroll in his hands and i was following him as he took the lead and as we went in angels was flying through the heavens and it reminded me of the scriptures over there where there was streaming holy holy lord god almighty which was and is hallelujah why they come out up under the altar and incense that said smoke was coming up from the altar the prayer of the people hallelujah and as we walked into the courts he had that big scroll and and we was going into a room that was holy of holies and i knew that this place was a place that just anyone could not just advance to you could not just walk up into it you had to be beckoned hallelujah we were both beckoned to this place of holies hallelujah and he was about three foot in front of me with the scroll and then we knew we knew by by spirit we did not hear an audible voice but we heard a voice audibly speaking by the spirit come and we knew we was fixing to stand before the judge of judges the king of kings the lord of lords hallelujah and asked what is your petition and robin took the scroll and he throwed it out and it rolled and it rolled and it rolled until i couldn't see it no more and i looked down and i walked just a little ways and i looked down but the signatures that was on this scroll was signed with tears from america and people around the world and he asked himself what can i give to you what can i do for you and the scriptures came to me about the unjust judge how the woman kept coming to him hallelujah and said though i fear not god or man but by your continually coming to me you worry me robin screamed and said i want my country back i want him better to come back and there was a power hallelujah hallelujah that come out and all at once the floor started just shaking just rattling and said the voice come out of the place we had not we walked up to the threshold like this was the room and we walked up right here hallelujah and it said granted granted granted i give you your country back i've seen the tears that's on the skulls of glory [Applause] hallelujah oh [Music] cry loud spare not roar says the lord for your roaring has already been granted to you roar and i will be sure the ears of those who need to hear it will hear it and i will be sure that they will hear the roar in their sleep they will not only hear it in their sleep but it will create their dreams that they're having for now you're going to see people wake up from their sleep politicians in this nation that will have the fear of the lord upon them and begin to change their minds and they'll begin to stand in front of the demon in washington dc and begin to change the landscape of the things around them for i am going to take hold and rip the cover slam off of this thing and you're going to be able to see what's inside it says the lord for i am going to do what i said i would do and i will grant your nation back to you hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] cool zion zion zion zion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah yeshua yes yes yes to the hour is upon this nation yet i'll move the hindrances i'll move things that's been in the way of my people revival shall spring forth through the land and i'll raise up the place that you call your capital in a new land a new state saith the lord of hosts that once again the freedom will ring the bells from a new place saith the lord of hosts for the revival that shall shake the globe is here upon you being poured out in your midst today at the witness of my spirit and my servants [Music] that i have put and banned together for this last move that shall astound the world afterwards it shall come forth like fire and instantaneously the words shall be honored at my re spirit and power lift up your voices like a trumpet saith the lord for this is the day of your deliverance this is the day that you take the land this is the day that you take back the united states of america [Applause] hallelujah lord we reverence your spirit here but i feel your power i feel your power lord i feel your power we speak to the president of the united states of america donald trump pack your bags get ready to move inside a new white house so brother you crazy i know i am i know him hallelujah [Applause] glory [Applause] you know i heard i heard this to speak to the honorable donald j trump the lord says this to you proceed with your plan for your plan has been blessed of heaven now proceed with your plan and move forward with haste but not waste just in a rapid motion for i'm going to overwhelm your enemies and i am going to overwhelm those who would cease to to try to cease your steps and stop you from moving forward for the progressive will not stop the progression of what i'm going to do in this country says the lord get ready you are already looking at a new place that will be the place says the lord help me come on zion lift up your voice like a trumpet [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and give the lord a shout of praise it's a very prophetic day is it not very prophetic day this is something in a mystery that while everyone's eyes is on one thing the righteousness of the lord is moving in another thing and wickedness like the devil always tries to grab attention but their attention is not what's going on where they're directing your eyes and diverting your eyes is not what's happening what's really happening is not seen as of yet but there there is a great movement and a great shaking and quaking happening and it will begin you'll see it you'll hear of it you'll feel a lot of it now do not look to a man to deliver you for the lord says though men will scream remove them remove them he said nay they won't so he said i will remove them [Music] you're not listening he said i will remove them when he removes them it's not limited to any means you think of two or three ways things will change god knows exactly how it's going to change and he can just move them somebody says well you're going to have to come over this one and that one it doesn't really mean anything if they're not there does it they don't mean anything to them they don't care what happens after that things are going to change and they're going to change so rapidly and this is what the lord told me about this brother timothy he said this he said he said i'm going to turn the page without any big to-do now this is what he said he said the big to-do has already happened he said i'm just going to turn the page and you'll find yourself in it now a torrent and waves that created a fraudulent election is going to be intercepted and the stream of the torrent will be intercepted and caught i heard the lord say this keep this in your thinking baidung is about to make a huge blunderman in his speech a blunderment that will tell something and give something listen close to it for it will be heard and not forgotten and this will be a sign of the whole turn amen lift your hands up and bless the lord please thank you how we bless the lord we reverence the word of the lord good is the word of the lord for i heard the lord say these things for false religions will not be the answer to anything false religions will not be the answer to anything there will be no power coming from hinduism there'll be no power coming from muhammad there'll be no power coming from allah there'll be no power coming from buddha there'll be no power coming from the teachings of kali there'll be no power coming from krishna for the lord says there is only one risen king one risen savior and he has risen with great power and dominates the very thought of these other things for these other things are carnal and play to carnal minds but i says the lord am the father of spirits and i quicken from the inside out and i take you to the place of great victory and the place so high that nothing can reach you to touch you to drag you down i am the one who created the universe says the king i am the one who created it with the great explosions of my word i'm the very one that did this in the very beginning i did this says the lord and not kali i did this says the lord and not buddha i did this says the lord and not did any false god name allah i am the one who did this says the king i am the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob i am the god and father of the lord jesus christ the king of glory who is risen with great power and who is this day as i can see with my eyes sitting at my right hand for i see him and talk to him and testify of him for there are those and three that testify in the earth the spirit the water and the blood and know these things says the lord the holy ghost is moving the holy ghost is fluttering and the blood of jesus speaks and the water of the word testifies to it so be excited be glad you're about to see the greatest outpouring of power you have ever known hallelujah hallelujah glory to the lamb of god [Applause] for from sea to shining sea from nebraska to florida i am doing things says the lord i am doing things in texas i am doing things in oklahoma i am raising up revival in kansas i am doing these things says the lord for you are going to see revival start to shake and as my people start to march it will shake everything in the earth and it will squeeze out dc in the middle and you will see everything will begin to change says the lord for afraid yes very afraid they are they're afraid of the moving of the holy ghost because when he moves and flutters their joints turn loose in their legs for this is the time of great power says the lord so get ready get ready to ask and receive and not beg hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah let's just thank our god we'll thank him we'll be grateful we'll be grateful for the word of the lord good is the word of the lord yes i will lord the lord says these things to me and he said these to me this to me earlier he said now it is time for the people for the prophets have stood and we still are some have withdrawn they're not to be judged they are the lord's servants not ours not yours not anyone else's and a man rises or falls to his own master so do not judge those who backed away but we have stood and now the lord has told me he said it's time for the people to let their voice roar once you start speaking boldly letting your voice be heard you're going to encourage the great line to rise again you're going to encourage those god is empowered to take political office in this time again they will rise up and i hear the lord say for the third time pray for madison call thorn pray this is the third time that has come to me for as he is treated so will the prophets be and so this is the thing yes it's time for you to let your voices be heard roar boldly point your finger at the jackal boldly point your finger at the leaders and tell them we will have no other god but god we will not have tyranny in the government we will not have this in the name of jesus we will not have a serpent-possessed eye ruling over us we will not have this and you boldly say it and raise up from all four corners of the nation begin to say it for there are other nations and believers that will support you in everything you say they are looking to this place they're looking to america to stand start to look for the lord not only desires his trump to sound again but he also desires for his prophet netanyahu to sound again do not back away now stand tall point your finger and say you will not replace our legends and our icons like lincoln you will not replace these you are not worthy to and tell them i saw this in that same vision that when suddenly the young man because the prophets have stretched themselves on a generation you really don't expect your anointing just to remain with you it must be imparted to others and the others catch the same type anointing and begin to speak and rise up and then i saw the look that young man got it was a mean wicked look and then when he he turned suddenly i was standing there again with my coat i had my black coat on and one of the authorities tried to grab my arm and when i looked up at them they had to turn it loose at the gaze when i looked at them for they're not just fighting you anymore they are in resistance i'm going to say something and i'm going to tell a mystery and i want you to hear the mystery they have found themselves fighting let me say this once more god is perfect we are imperfect he gives us a voice into the perfect and we give him a voice into the imperfect so that the perfect can speak into the imperfect and turn the imperfect perfect again do you hear that now listen so you think you can't be used yes you can he will speak through your im imperfect and he'll bring the perfect through and turn the imperfect around again and we call that a miracle tomorrow is the place of perfection you got to hear me now you're listening austin tomorrow is the place of perfection you hear me john tomorrow is the place of perfection there is no sin in tomorrow your tomorrow you're perfect because you haven't gotten there yet and messed it up right so god always stands in your tomorrow and speaks from the place of perfection concerning you he sees you that way listen to these next words so he speaks from that place that's the place of perfection your future a prophet steps across the line into the future inhales the future steps back into today and exhales destiny now watch these jackals have found themselves fighting tomorrow oh no [Applause] hallelujah they have found themselves in a fight with tomorrow a sinister being and satanic forces can only operate in the past in the shadows they have found themselves fighting tomorrow and it's just not one tomorrow there's a destiny of a nation and a destiny of a world god has but there's a destiny of every individual that's listening so he has divided his forces on the fronts of millions of tomorrows he he's he's found himself fighting these jackals in dc there's only handfuls they're fighting tomorrow and they can't beat tomorrow do you know why it's not only this a place of perfection but tomorrow is a peculiar thing tomorrow is a strange thing the bible says god moves in mysterious ways they call us peculiar people because where he operates in tomorrow tomorrow is a peculiar thing and they can't beat it because it has a mind of its own take no thought for tomorrow jesus said because tomorrow takes thought for itself oh no now come on now tomorrow thinks for itself so they're fighting an unseen perfected force that thinks for itself so tomorrow they may think they're attacking tomorrow and tamar is ahead of it and sees it coming and thinks for itself and moves well come on now [Applause] tomorrow they are attacking tomorrow who which thinks for itself who absolutely has one thing on tomorrow's mind fulfilling the destiny of god the destiny god has for everyone and every nation tomorrow's thinking like that so this is why no matter what the enemy plans the lord sits in the heavens and laughs he sits there and laughs because they can't ever see the one way that he will make they can't see the joe ash that was hidden by jehoiah to the priest in the temple until it grew big enough to take over they can't see the one that was left they never see the one they think they have all the bases covered but listen just in this room that's a lot of tomorrows to do battle with hallelujah well i thought i'd tell that i've never told that to but one person and i told that the other day to someone and i forget who it was but the lord said tell them so i told them that's all i've ever said about it just about tomorrow having a mind of its own we have anything else i've been asked by several people already to ask uh they're asking actually me and brother robin here to go to washington d.c on october the 2nd this is brand new for me and him so we're going to have to pray about it but the reason is is that scroll tell them about that uh my secretary i got an officer out in texas she sent me an email copy two days ago now the scroll i i told you what two months maybe it's been a good while back well they're they're gonna unroll a huge scroll down the supreme court steps with signatures on it that's unreal but there was a television program was wanting us to see about going out there and being on the steps when they roll it out because they heard about the division division how about that [Applause] so we live in peculiar times now you understand when you hear something like that now see there that baby knows that baby knows we live in peculiar times come out here with me robin we live in strange times we live in times doing battle from tomorrow how maybe caught that now see it's not as exciting to you as it was because you already know it now think about that now that's just a matter of fact if somebody came up to you and said you know tomorrow thinks for itself yeah yeah i knew that and then somebody may maybe say you know what is doing battle with tomorrow or that no no i understand that and now it's a part of you now the lord can go beyond that because he goes beyond what you can ask or think now you can think that there's no telling where he's going next with this thing hallelujah hallelujah praise god [Laughter] my goodness what a what a day we're so blessed so blessed i am so getting ready for the revival and the bomb of gilead that that is going to happen one more time and gilead that's what we would call it [Applause] praise god praise the lord yes here comes the boom glory to god well you know we um we signed uh our first set of papers on the new property and [Applause] for for more and because we got to get ready for this we got to get ready for this revival that that's coming and and you know i was what because brother timothy had a word about warrior and and about and i was watching that one night at the house and i was just sitting there watching you know and all of a sudden i said i looked like that and i told robin i said back that up just a minute and and he did and i look i said there was an angel came out and stood over his shoulder and uh oh okay wow now that wasn't it i saw it he was in an office pre but then that happened that oh goodness and we were on the bus coming he took up my in and he texted me and said i want you to see something because robin had saw the angel before and so there it is on stage with it that's awesome you can't just can't deny that no so we we were very excited and then when they told me that brother timothy was here today i said oh my goodness i was just so excited because you you know the lord he's doing something and then to bring such a word you know when he came down it's like he came down from the mountain and with the yes and brother we do not think you know you see you're uh uh a truck-driving uh prophet we my family was truck drivers that's all we did so we that's when i said you said should i tell it i said grab another gear and go you know [Applause] i get excited i get so excited about the the move of the holy ghost that i know that's coming and the things that we're going to see because we haven't saw the greater works yet and we were promised the greater works and we're going to to be hands-on in that and where will you be when the page turns will you be ready to run in this last time are you going to be ready are you going to be a runner with something to say are you just going to want to run just to be running no you want to be a runner with something to say hallelujah brother timothy come and tell what you saw about warrior oh yes yes you know what i thought about that when she said that because you had told me this way back i had um i'd seen a revival start in warrior alabama and it got a hope to the people you know the lord and and this just there's kind of a blocked scenario of this to understand what i'm saying several years ago the lord had spoke to a minute he's fixed a move like he did into louie has anybody heard that let me explain to louie well i can't spell so i couldn't find louie it took me five years to find louie but it was about the lewis l-e-w-i-s and scottish leaves the ass off well i didn't know that so uh and how god moved over there on the islands and i seen a revival up here where the lord come in and just arrested people the same spirit of god that took hold in people the the uh constable said i told the preacher said you got to come and see they got downtown to the square and there were people kneeling from the village next door 250 300 people all out crossed the sidewalks repenting lord is anything for me the the the uh dance let out it got down where there was about eight people 10 people going to the church they're on the island and something hit the dance hall that night and they ran out of the building said like it was on fire literally running bagpipes and all running out and and come over and started instead of joking uh you know how to scotland folks they you know got some uh other kind of music and he don't play neither but uh they started playing amazing grace and the power of god swept that island in such a fashion until they wouldn't it was nowhere that the spirit of god didn't just go inside and changed changed people it's different when when you have revival and you come in and you leave here today and you you ain't changed you you felt something but you didn't change you leave and you to steal the same when you leave the door today you're not gonna be the same glory to god so if you've never received jesus as your lord and personal savior and you're here today or you're watching by live stream we do know we don't ever want to close a service without giving you that opportunity because you don't want to miss out on this this is going to be this is now and today the word of the lord came to us and said today it has begun it has begun so you know what you don't want to miss out on the greatest revival that this world has ever saw hallelujah so you simply say this prayer it may be a simple prayer but i'm going to tell your life won't be simple from this day forward you say jesus come into my heart be my lord and personal savior wash me in your blood forgive me of my sins and i will serve you all the days of my life and you know you need to be like miss gloria copeland said take my life and do something with it boy did he ever change the world hallelujah glory to god and you can do the same because god is no respecter of persons those who have a willing heart and a heart to serve will can be the greatest you may be the next billy graham or you may send the next billy graham are your children or your grandchildren hallelujah glory to god glory to god well we want to thank you for coming today i'm telling you the truth i want to i want to thank the spirit of the lord for being here today hallelujah glory to god blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah i know there's those who who have come and and may need prayer and we're going to and we will pray and so we're going to have our prayer ministers come and um you know if you are watching my live stream and you need prayer today for any thing we don't want to leave out our live stream um uh audience our live stream congregation uh yeah so we're gonna leave the cameras on a little while because christa calls you the the cyber synagogue and so we're going to leave that on and what a a day of celebration today hallelujah glory to god well you know if you're in the nashville area this week coming up weekend and ladies this ladies conference is going to be you can go on the uh uh uh the church regeneration nashville yes i have to have uh pastor candy christmas is hosting a uh women's conference and they were so gracious to ask me to come and speak and i'll be speaking there at 9 00 a.m saturday morning and so you can go on their side and register and man i tell you what we just may have a holy ghost time there so powerful women of god that is going to be speaking there this weekend and and i'm so honored to uh be a part of that and so uh if you've come with the need our ministers here they pray they're anointed to pray for you and so they will come at this time god bless you we love you god loves you never forget that god is absolutely good shalom hallelujah what a service isn't that amazing now because of the crowd what we have to do is we're going to do this in sections so if you're in overflow because you know folks we've had a wonderful time and got to to be down here if you're in overflow and need prayer uh make your way on down you'll come up this aisle here and exit this this all here so that's the way we'll have to do it and then we'll get do another section once they've once they've had uh prayer so just be patient and anyone that needs it will be prayed for well hunger he loves you you you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 111,787
Rating: 4.951076 out of 5
Id: WNzeJ7Cq2aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 50sec (13790 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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