Resurrection Weekend Saturday Night Service 4/3/2021

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one two three [Music] praise the lord hallelujah we want to welcome you here live in warrior alabama tonight and we want to welcome you that are is on live stream tonight watching you were just as much a part of us as if you were here and we want you to feel the love tonight hallelujah oh this is resurrection weekend glory to god how many are so glad that jesus has risen hallelujah and we're here to celebrate this weekend glory to god [Music] [Music] who could carry me that kind of way it was [Music] [Music] it [Music] met was [Applause] when you called my name and i ran out of that grace darkness into your glorious day when you called my name and i ran [Music] into your glorious things [Applause] are you mercy [Music] [Music] jesus when i met you when you called my day and i ran out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] out of her darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Music] when i was broken you were my healing now your love is [Music] [Applause] into your glorious day out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Applause] if he came out of that grave i'm walking out too and when he walked out of that grave he never went back when you walk out of that grave don't ever walk back he called your name you came running out of that grave tonight is tonight we celebrate freedom we celebrate the freedom that was [Music] the story of the resurrection [Music] i need a shelter [Music] now your love is the air that i'm breathing i have a future my eyes are open cause when you cloak my neck out of the darkness into your glorious [Music] out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody lift up a shadow praise in this place [Music] hallelujah oh lord we bless you we thank you we give you honor praise and thanksgiving hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] you give life you are love you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore [Music] every heart that is broken great are you lord it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour out our it's your breath in our lives so we pour out our praise to you [Music] sing it [Music] the again are you [Music] you lord light to the darkness you give hope [Music] you restore every that is [Music] so we pour out our praise we pour out our praise [Music] so we pour out our praise to you [Music] great are you [Music] great all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing great [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] your brains our hearts will cry these bones [Music] pour out [Music] it's your bread [Music] [Music] in so we pour out our praise lord great are you lord [Music] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will sink [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we pour out our [Music] so we pour out our praise to you great are you [Music] praise hallelujah hallelujah how we bless the lord come on and bless him lift your hands up and give him praise and honor how we thank the lord oh yeah [Music] look at your neighbor and say well all right [Music] oh let's play a little bit right here just stay right here [Music] [Music] i just want to tell you come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] you just how much [Applause] [Music] i wanna tell you just how much [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] i wanna tell you just [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord we want to tell you tonight just how much you mean to us lord you are our life and the length of our days there is no god but you there's no other god you're the only god in heaven earth you are god you're the god of abraham isaac and jacob you are the king of kings and lord of lords jesus our king our king it's your blood and only by your blood that we are born again come on somebody come on somebody and give him praise give him praise [Music] pray [Music] come on somebody [Music] one more time [Music] so [Music] then [Music] oh we bless the lord our god [Music] me [Applause] [Music] bless the lord [Music] i will bless [Music] come on come on [Music] come on come on [Music] is [Music] praise is not like your normal hallel praise hallelu praise is a scripted praise hallel praise is a unity praise where people gather and they begin to praise and they know the words to the songs and they lift them high but a tahila praise is what happened at the red sea a tahila praised habakkuk 2 says that when the when the children of israel were backed up against the red sea it said in habakkuk 2 that his praise began to fill the heavens his praise began to fill the earth and his glory filled the heavens and that word praise is tahila praise and what it means is it's a spontaneous explosion down on the inside of you that no one knows the words to no one knows how it's gonna come out but when it comes up out of your mouth you are writing the song right there in the spirit right in front of you right there that's what happened and when that takes place that is the only phrase where it says that he inhabits the tahilah of his people he in heaven come on [Music] it says he inhabits the tahila praise of his people do you know why because you are having to trust him for everything that's coming out of you you're having to trust him to write the words you're having to trust him to write the phrases and so therefore he inhabits that because you're looking at him and saying god you're my god and i'm going to open my mouth and whatever comes out of my mouth is going to be to you you take it do something with it and i'm going to do it and i'm going to tell you something my brother sister when that kind of praise erupts out of you red seas start partying when that kind of praise erupts out of you pharaoh's army has nowhere else to go this is when your enemies start to fade in your presence and the enemies you see today you will see them again no more forever come on somebody shout with your heel of gravel [Music] [Music] [Music] moment [Music] and he's looking at you right now shout out [Music] brain [Music] moment as we lift up our tahila praise in this place tonight [Music] yes the enemies of depression the enemies of lack the enemies have hurt the enemies of pain that has come to afflict your people in this place and watching all around the world tonight lord god the enemies that have come to do such a thing lord we ask you that we see them again no more forever after this praying service is done [Music] let it sound like this [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] red sea moment [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] hello hallelujah how many of you are glad you're here tonight let me ask you how many of you believe there's only one god [Applause] he's the god of abraham isaac and jacob he's the god and father of our lord jesus christ the king of glory there's only one blood and one sacrifice that can ever take you to god and that's jesus the king himself no one else hallelujah now people are watching all over the world right now they're all around the world watching and you're in this place and they're where they are and we're all one family together so why don't we declare before all the world that there is only one god and we believe there's only one god why don't you shout it out loud jesus is lord give him the biggest shout you got in the house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just one time we do something like that [Music] he said you wouldn't make it he swore you wouldn't [Music] you are the body [Music] coming up on his blind side said you wouldn't make it he swore you wouldn't make [Applause] [Music] night [Music] [Music] so [Music] if you like this [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are the body of christ [Music] cry i am the body of christ the body of christ nice [Music] oh yeah it's nice [Music] hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor and say you're the body of christ look at your other neighbor and say if you know jesus you're the body of christ hallelujah hallelujah oh lord let's bless him one more time come on we'll just bless him just a moment it's a special night [Music] oh yeah come on [Music] i [Music] my [Music] and i will praise your [Music] jesus [Music] my key and i will give you praise in everything and i will [Music] we'll give you praise in everything [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] your days [Music] god you are jesus hallelujah giving praise in this house hallelujah how many is glad to be in the house of the lord this evening hallelujah we're waiting that we were waiting on the puppet intro to go and i'm like oh it's saturday night it's saturday night what an awesome place to be on a saturday night oh how many of you this is your first time here at church international oh my goodness welcome welcome well since we don't have the puppet intro i'm just going to dismiss the children you have one resurrection party waiting on you amen amen pastors john and madison bullock will be up there with you guys waiting on you it's going to be an awesome night i wish i could sneak in up there well everyone knows what time it is yes it's offering time i'm getting messages on the side of the stage here where where are some of you from it's saturday night we can be a little more casual south carolina washington state colorado oh huntsville alabama yeah tennessee i know wow georgia oh alabama oh it is so good to have you all here tonight you could be anywhere else in the world but you chose to be here and and we are so grateful to have you and all of you watching my live stream thank you so much for tuning in on a saturday night i know you could be out doing anything but you chose to tune in and it is an honor to have you here just because you're not here does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place tonight we send it straight through the camera straight through all you have to do is raise your hands put your hands towards the screen and receive that into your homes wherever you are tonight amen well it is offering time here at church international and this weekend is a very special weekend to sow seed into the kingdom why because this is the weekend that we celebrate where jesus defeated poverty and he defeated that and he bought your prosperity amen amen i saw a marquee on another church's billboard and it said easter the rest of the christmas story i was like i like that i like that and of course we know it as resurrection weekend but this is the you know it's something the world wants to they want to kick their heels up they want to deny the power of god they want to do this and do that but they will celebrate easter they will do it whether they know it or not whether they know it or not they will celebrate resurrection and they will celebrate christmas everyone everyone still stops for those two days why because you can't deny it you can't deny it amen amen well uh as you're getting your offering together if you look i know he made this announcement before if you look on the back of your seat or if you got here you should see a tides and offering envelope in the back of your seat if you want to give online you can do that also there's a couple different ways if you're watching by there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give simply click that button and follow the prompts from there if you're watching by youtube the link or the links are in the description or we have text to give and the number is on the screen if you cannot see that it is eight four four nine seven nine two zero eight five nine five something like that text give text the word give if you can't see that just simply look it up on the website you can find it there as if you still need an envelope raise your hand somebody will see to it that you get want to see some in the back if you need one up top raise your hand somebody will see to it that you get one uh while you're getting your offering together i just want to share this this quick message we with you the lord has been dropping some things into my spirit and a lot of it i have to say for tomorrow but tonight i wanted to read this because this is a celebration this is a celebration weekend this is the continuation of the christmas story this is and and if you know me at all if you've heard me speak christmas is my favorite time of the year the story touches me other than any other story it's just it is the day that god sent his son he sent his son but he didn't stay a baby he grew up he became a man he did miracle after miracle uh defied all natural law and did the impossible did the absolute impossible and then he paid the ultimate price but tonight we celebrate in our giving why because everyone knows the scripture john 3 16. if you don't know the scripture it is the essence of christianity in one passage john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life well the message translation of that was very interesting to me it says this is how much god loved the world he gave his son his one and only son and this is why it tells you why right here and this is why so that no one need be destroyed by believing in him anyone can have a whole and lasting life god didn't go to all the trouble of sending his son merely to point an accusing finger telling the world how bad it was he came to help to put the world right again and anyone who trusts in him is acquitted anyone who refuses to trust in him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it and why because of that person's failure to believe in the one of a kind son of god when introduced to him when you come face to face with that experience with jesus the one of a kind son of god when you come face to face with that encounter with the king of kings you can't deny it and if you walk away from that you just might as well keep on walking because you can't if it would take someone who just absolutely refuses to accept the most precious gift the the biggest the most greatest love of all into your life it takes somebody so far gone that they just cannot be reached to walk away from that because when you meet jesus just like that song says when he called my name he called your name you came running out of that grave it says that he calls you a citizen of heaven when you were an orphan when you needed rescue he was he was your shelter yes he was your healing when you were broken and i want to tell you something we give to this day because god gave to us and he put that in you to be a giver why because he's a giver he's the giver of everlasting life and when you give see jesus like i said he defeated he defeated poverty he defeated lack he defeated anything that could ever try to harm you he's already done that he paid the ultimate price that you couldn't possibly afford you couldn't afford to pay that and when he paid that price and he came out of hell victorious he held the keys to death hell in the grave and he came out the resurrected king of kings and just so all of you know he's alive today he's alive today and he guess what he's coming back he's coming back but when we give the lord drop this into my spirit when you sow into the kingdom because like i said last sunday the enemy will do anything he can to talk you out of giving anything anything possible why because he wants your money he wants your finances because he wants you held in that bondage he wants you held in that lack but when we give and we give out of faith knowing what god has done for us knowing the price that he paid for us knowing that we we don't have to be po no mo we don't we don't have to do that we can be victorious we can be prosperous and prosperity is more than just your finances it's it's spirit soul body it's everything but he beat poverty for you and every time you give with that faith with that expectation you are reminding that demonic spirit of poverty the day that he was beaten completely and totally i i don't think you understand what i'm saying when you give you remind that devil of that day when he came out of that grave and when you sow into it he he can't take it anymore hey so he has to run he has to go from you why because like i said you've woken up jesus is woke you need to be too you need to be too you need to wake up and know what god has done for you what jesus has done for you yeah there's so much more than just for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son he gave to you he gave the ultimate gift and then paid it all for you he paid it all so when you sow that seed tonight when you hold it in your hand knowing you can you can picture it jesus in hell and he's he's facing every demonic power every they wanted him they wanted him they wanted everything about him why they couldn't stand him they hated him he was everything they were not and the enemy wanted him gone he wanted him completely and totally out of the way so when they had him in in the pits of the damn they all went after him every every demonic spirit of sickness of lack of poverty all of them came after him at once and you can picture it tonight as you sow your seed the night the the day that the the holy spirit roared into the deepest darkest parts of hell and he shadowed him and he breathed that life in back into him and he came out of that grave he took his foot and he kicked poverty right in the mouth and he said no more no more will you plague my people no more will you do this to them no more will you hold them in this financial bondage no more will will they not be able to to feed their children no more will they they not be able to pay their bills no more you are finished you are done and when he said it is finished he was speaking to all of them it is finished it is done don't bother them anymore so tonight when you give you picture jesus as he said looked poverty right in the face and said it is finished it is finished so tonight come on let's make that devil mad let's make that devil mad stand on your feet tonight we're going to give knowing what jesus has done knowing the the price that he paid and knowing the victory that he achieved and guess what he said now i give it to you you have the victory you have it so tonight you hold that seed up in your hand you hold it up with expectation why because god means what he says he's not a man that he should lie he wrote his word down so that he couldn't take it back he wrote it down and he gave it to you and he doesn't intend on ever retreating on any promise he gave you and in luke 6 38 this is his promise to you the words of the master we say it together give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now if you're a tither if you are a tither this is yes you should be proud if you're a tither he makes the same promise to you he gives you a special promise that he would rebuke the devourer why he's beat the devourer he beat him and that enemy is scared of of him every time he looks him in the eye and when you're a toddler it's the only part in the scripture where he says i rebuke the devourer for your sake i will so he steps right in front of you looks at that devil straight in the face and tells him go go and that's all he has to say why because he remembers that day he remembers that day when they thought they had him and they just well they lost they lost you want to talk about sneaking up on the devil if the if if the enemy had known he would have never crucified he would have never crucified jesus it was a mystery hidden in god that is sneaking up on the devil and if you're if you're a toddler i want you to hold that tithe up tonight come on hold it up in the air if you're if you're not giving your todd tonight but you are a tither hold hold your hand up in the air because this is your promise malachi 3 10 says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast its fruit before its time in the field sayeth the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it give the lord a shout of praise hallelujah well we have a few different places for you to come and give we have two places up front you have a place up top and a place over here on this side amen come on give the lord a praise tonight as you bring your gifts [Music] [Music] hallelujah if you will just lift your hands with me a few minutes to the lord and thank him give him praise and honor and glory hallelujah yes lord we thank you for your goodness your mercy and your kindness for i heard the lord say these things concerning the time to come i have now begun to raise up people and i'm raising up people that right now is a remnant of people and they're coming out from all walks of life but i'm going to raise up people that will believe what i say and i'm raising them up for this very hour and this very day for i'm calling them out of the graves and i'm calling them out of darkness and they're walking into a place of light and they're walking into a place of promise for this is the time says the lord for you called on me and you and the church you asked me to send you the heathen for an inheritance well now i'm sending them to you don't turn your back and don't turn your eyes from them but loose them and let them go when they come out of their tombs for i'm going to bring them out now and i'm going to show the churches that were afraid a group of people that are not afraid i'm going to show them a group of people that does not back up and will not run for this is the time says the lord that i this revival has begun and i am going to make it where people will run and run and run quickly and swiftly through the earth for this is the time you will begin to see a billion souls come into the kingdom hallelujah hallelujah for there are those who would seek to stay in the old the old is good if it makes room for a run and a newness of life but if the old has made a fossil of its thoughts to where you're trapped inside a rock you were not born under a rock you were born to run says the lord and you were born to tell the world and show the world that jesus is alive for i heard the lord say these things that you are going to see cities now where the capitals and you thought were the focus of the world for the state was on that one city but the lord said i'm changing cities and those who hadn't had an opportunity and they still refuse yes lord i will do i say it that way yes those who dare to oppose the living god those who dare to stand up with arrogance and pride and say this city does what i tell it to not what god says it will do the lord says you have called on your arrogance and you have lied to the people and you have done these things and so now your authority and your spotlight will shift to the to the next city over for i am going to raise up mayors that will listen to me says the lord i am going to raise up mayors for this was a strategic time the enemy brought about where he used mayors and not governors he used mayors mayors because they controlled what was under them but i'm telling you says the lord there are policemen and there are people in the law enforcement and there are people in the military that believe in me and will not turn their back on me says the king and they will turn their back on you and not me for i i am going to show you some things in the next few weeks it will start and it will move and you're going to see things change for i heard the lord say there's a new sheriff in town and it's the holy ghost [Music] nashville nashville tennessee you are in for an awakening and it's going to be a rude awakening for some but it's going to be an awakening and an eye opening for my people mayors mayors that make their wallet fat from the fat of my people they have fattened their wallets and lined their pockets and bulged them out and they stand and laugh while they pick their teeth and laugh at the people as they smother them the lord says you will not have your authority much longer you were given opportunity to repent and you will not repent i built up cities and you tore them down [Music] your run has come to a close i am going to raise up people now that will fill city councils and fill mayoral offices i am going to raise them up until governors will change parties and they'll say i was left but i don't want to be left i'm running right from this point on and they'll change parties because they're afraid they're going to lose their position there'll be a sign in the sky and a boom will happen and you will say my god we heard it that night yes you did for it will surely take place surely it will happen says the lord of grace hallelujah let's lift our hands and give him praise give him honor come on and thank him come on and thank him come on and thank him thank him come on just a little longer how we bless the lord how we bless the lord how we bless the lord how we thank the lord i heard the lord call a name martin this is what i heard i heard the lord say martin you are not left alone and the depression will was not mine that i that you received i didn't give it said the lord but i still have need of thee stand up and come to me says the king and i will use you in a way you've never seen this is a word for martin for though they counted you out the lord says you are now will laugh and shout for i have raised you up for such a time as this martin martin o martin you are very blessed hallelujah to the lamb of god come on and give him praise and thanksgiving give him honor and glory how we bless the lord how we bless the lord how we bless the lord keep your eyes open for things are going to start now changing very rapidly there'll be a rapid change it's going to look small but it'll be in rapid succession just like that after that things will be set up for something you watch and see keep your eyes open to see for it's yours to see hallelujah i heard the lord say this over there that you not just in this room but you were part of a remnant of people and the remnant will be the majority and you are part of that remnant don't you see how fire is falling in the churches certain ones all around while others stay closed down but fire is falling because prophetic warriors are being raised up on the scene this is a time like no one's ever seen before and you get to be in it hallelujah hallelujah thank the lord would you just thank the lord come on and thank the lord praise god hallelujah lord we esteem your word we thank you lord for your word glory to god amen it's exciting times that we are here and we're in at this time and i'm just i'm just excited to be a part of it amen amen i know you are too or you wouldn't be here i think we should have got a tent and put it out here i believe we would have if we would have filled it up amen so you know look for that online we may be putting a tent out soon so we know that we're getting ready to expand hallelujah hallelujah we try to make you as comfortable as possible uh we uh the lord by his direction in oh nine we were told to purchase this this used to be you are setting in a john deere warehouse and so this was the local uh farmer's gin that's what it was called and it happened to be my uh our son and we say son in love we don't say in-laws we say son in love and and daughter in love and uh it used to be in his family they they ran it had they owned this and had so john deere's you're actually sitting in the parts department right now and all throughout here was big combines and tractors and the lord said when we got this he said you will get gather in a bigger harvest than any machine that was ever here hallelujah hallelujah and and we would get these international words and all and you know there was plenty of seats to be found in here at the time but you know when the lord gives you a word and you know it and you have that vision you have that vision you hold on to that word the word says you believe the prophets and you prosper amen amen so when we purchased this we at the time our only grandchild she remembered being here little playing in the you know the the place and all and so i i looked at her and i said matty this is going to be a church i said we're we're going to have a church here and we were in a little storefront over here in in town and warrior and i said this is going to be a church she said what do we call it grammy the gin church i said no don't say that don't let's don't let's don't call it that i said this is this is church so that you're in use what used to be a warehouse and so we try to the lord has did a lot of of overhaul on it and it was a miracle and a and miraculous the way this came about and everything god does is miraculous you know he he puts that stamp on everything he does amen so last weekend he woke me up about four o'clock i think it's somewhere around there and i got up and i was studying getting prepared for sunday morning and and just having just a special time with him and then got here on sunday morning and the lord said you're not going to teach that this morning this morning and you're like well i could have slept a little bit but you don't you don't tell the lord that he don't sleep so and and he said just hold it just hold it and so robin ministered last sunday and he's going to be ministering in the morning bringing the resurrection message and i tell you what for 42 years we this april we will have been married and over 30 been ministering together and i hallelujah [Applause] and you know i i i say this and i this is just this is from my heart and i have never heard anyone preach the the resurrection message like he does i remember that was the first message that he ever preached and when we he was called to preach there was an elderly man sitting in the back you know i was so proud i was sitting on the front we were so young and he was sitting in the back and he started waving by at him and i thought i thought why is he doing that and then he taught he was him and his wife a rhema graduates he said son when used to he was an elderly man he said when you started preaching that word and that kind of faith he said i knew you weren't going to hang around long so i just started waving by to you so he'll be bringing the word tomorrow but the lord told me he said i want you to release this word tonight and so i'm excited to give this word tonight because it i have never i thought lord is this a resurrection i like to call it resurrection not easter and i said this has never been uh i've preaching on this this message on resurrection but he assured me and you know when the lord assures you of something it's like it'll be okay it's for now and you know a now word in season it's a due season for someone and it's a due season for the body of christ hallelujah oral roberts said there's five seasons there is winter summer spring fall and due season and so we are in due season right now hallelujah glory to god lord we thank you for this evening we glorify your name and we worship you we thank you so much sir give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the body of christ what you are saying to the body of christ at this time and we give you praise and honor and glory and holy ghost you are welcome here in this service to do and say all that you want done in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah well i've got notes written on everything and so we're just gonna we're gonna jump in right now and um your harvest we're going to talk about harvesting and we're going to talk about a uh specific type your harvest is determined by what you do when you're waiting on it you know there's a point in time of lord i thank you for it and then there it is but the praise the magnitude of your praise determines the uh the magnitude of your harvest and when you have stood and you have praised and you have thanked the lord and you have believed the lord for a certain thing and you've you've saturated the ground with praise then that time comes you know when uh it arrives you have already just been so you're still grateful and you're still thankful for it but you have praised you know that little meme that's saying that you dance like nobody's watching you know well you need to do that you need to praise like that you need to it doesn't matter who's around you it doesn't matter uh where you are you need to praise because your praise and private is going to result in a a a public harvest hallelujah glory to god and the lord um we were sitting uh in a restaurant robin and chris and i a couple of weeks ago and everything had shut down the weather uh tornadoes was all around everybody had shut the town had shut that jacks had shut down and you know it's bad when jack shut down and they every j and we have a listen we got some jacks hamburgers around here we got jacks every four miles it seems like down and so we went up there and we were like are y'all closed they started just giving us chicken here take all this chicken and so we said well okay and we brought it back and we still was working here and and a lot of us was here so we ate the chicken and uh so we the next a week or maybe it was that same evening we ended up we went down to gardendale had no idea that the storm was coming through at that time there but we went in this restaurant and people began to it was kind of subsiding and we went in and i was sitting there and all of a sudden the lord don't care if you're in the middle of a mexican restaurant he doesn't care if you're in jax when he starts talking to you and my family knows that when he does i i have no shame whatsoever and i may be quiet sometime but when the when the holy ghost comes on me man i am i i just go for it because and i we are sitting there and all of a sudden the lord spoke to me and said you are now in the wealth transferal it's you're it's not coming it's not something that you're waiting on he said you are now in the wealth transfer well i i stopped eating and i told him what he what the spirit of the lord had just spoke to me and i had i had been studying out of james 5 and i want you to go there and we're talking about resurrection your finances and and there's parts in your life that needs resurrection and when the glory is moving through in the magnitude that this end-time revival this end-time glory invasion that is coming to the earth that is happening now throughout the body of christ and it's just you're seeing it all over you're seeing hungry people drive you're seeing it to the point of like it was in the 90s when people used to stand four and five hours to go see brother hagin to to go see oral roberts and to go see the different different uh you're not coming to see a man or a woman you're coming to experience the glory and and hear the word of god hallelujah you are watching uh you're watching little children prophesy you're you're hearing they're they're hearing the word of the lord and i i'm telling you right now you we are in the middle of something great right now a glory invasion in chapter 5 says go to now you rich men weeping how for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupt corrupted your garments are moth eaten your gold and silver is conquered and the rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire you ye have heaped treasures together for the last days behold the higher of the laborers who have reaped down your fields which is uh of you kept back by fraud crieth and the cries of them which have reaped and entered into the ears of the lord of saboth you have lived in pleasure on the earth and been wanted you have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter you have condemned and killed the just and he doth not resist you now there is two cries here there is a a cry it says is kept back by fraud how many has had things kept back by fraud how many i i everybody how many has worked and not received the due wages that you were supposed to well sure well this cry is a declaration it means a declaration and there's two cries you see there is a cry and the the lord of saboth is the head of the organized armies of heaven so now we're getting the angels involved we're getting a harvesting group of angels involved because when it starts talking about a harvest a cry coming forth then the angels that go and reap they are reapers and they go forth to bring in yours and mine my harvest so there's two cries here what are the cries well the first one is the declaration of the sower declaring for the harvest the other cry is the harvest trying to get to its rightful owner and you are going to see that in this day when rich men and how and and listen to me rich is not a dirty word it's not and we were taught growing up i was i don't know about anybody else but i i went to a church where it said rich people are going to hell rich people will not enter into the gates of heaven and i would be sitting there thinking oh wow but it was taught that money was evil but that's not what the word says it says the love of money is the root of all evil so when you see evil taking place then it is uh with money they love money and that is a spirit of mammon the word says that you can't love two masters you can't love god and mammon mammon is a spirit and it is someone who loves money money doesn't have a soul money buys and sells souls and money is only dictated to by whose hand it's in and so either the person is going to use it for the kingdom of god or they're going to use it for the kingdom of darkness and so we in the end time need to have the wealth of the wicked that is laid up for the just because there's an end time revival to finance there is churches that need to be built there is missionaries that needs vehicles there is missionaries that is is raising the dead there is missionaries let me tell you this story my brother was telling me he met this missionary and uh in he is in the remote uh the most poverished third world country i mean he is uh he is it's just the the things he tells us just you just sit and go we're so blessed we're so blessed and so they were um oh this this one excuse me this one that he was talking to he he was in um a part of africa but it was in the interior and it was very uh very in a remote place and so they don't have a lot of uh equipment to build with and so they were building and he was with this other minister that was there and they don't know that you're not supposed to lay hands on the sick and and they're supposed to recover they believe what the word says and we are supposed to lay hands on the sick that was a little and the guy was sawing some they were trying to build a hut or something and he cut his arm and he cut it so severe that he felt the blood coming and he said i just i couldn't look because i knew my arm was hanging and that man the minister the older missionary didn't miss a beat he turned and grabbed that arm and he began to speak the word of god over that arm and he said he never felt pain not one time but he knew the cut had happened because blood was all over his arm but there was not a mark where it had happened this is the the kind of glo glory is resurrection power and this this glory invasion that's going to take place here we're going to see things like that hallelujah so every time you see wickedness just heaping riches upon themselves you think you are piling this up for the glory of god that's ours so we have to begin to start declaring for the harvest that is owed to us that is old to the body of cross and it says behold the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields that they have taken your harvest by fraud it doesn't belong to them hallelujah the the cry is in the harvest you don't leave anything in the field you need to be you people with the body of christ we're professional sowers we sow the seed but we need to become professional harvesters harvest time is exciting it's an exciting time i remember growing up my mother's family on peach orchards and there was acres and acres and acres of orchards and the the they call the peach hands that's what they called them the people that picked the peaches they would come in by the truckloads to pick those peaches and i would be at my grandmother's house now i'm too little to to you know go around doing we we just ate the peaches and uh we would get so excited because my grandmother man she could make now we ate peaches every way they could be canned peaches fried peach pies peach cobblers peach pies we ate peaches all the time and so she would make these peach uh fried pies oh my goodness let me think about them for a minute and she would just make them uh a lot of them and put them in a big old pan and set them out on a a spool by the whale house i can just see this and um this big old spool should put them on and the the people that was working in the orchards would come out she was so kind she didn't have to do that but she would make them peach pies and they would are those fried pies and she they'd come out get them some water from the well and they'd get them a pie and take back and they'd say thank you miss thomas thank you miss lois they would they would tell her thank you and as they're going off you know happy eating their their pies and we're over there thinking we hope they don't they leave some so we can run by and get some too but she would always have us some in the kitchen because harvest time gets gets people excited it gets them really excited and so you're in the time of excitement because you are in the harvest time right now you say how does this have what does this have to do with resurrection well i'm going to tell you this the your first cry now is crying for its rightful owner and and you know what it's it's this time you say how do you know it's time because the lord told me to listen to what's being said so i you know you tune your spiritual ears and the people who are giving they'll say and i'm believing for the return on this i'm believing for the return on this that it is this and this the lord said it started when the world had what was called the return and we started entering that cycle at that time and we are really into it now i don't know about you but i am so glad these are my words my family can tell you i have got mats going into my house that says bless coming in one way and then when you go in the other mat it says bless going out blessed coming in i have them in almost every door area that you go out why because i believe this stuff i believe it you've reached me too late you have reached me too late i know it works you're you're looking at a woman that came from a hugo driving a hugo minister in the gospel happy praising god and i didn't know we were pitiful until we went to that one church and came out and that lady was like stretched out over our car going god give them a van give them a van give gaal give them something so embarrassed when you you know when you left because the starter didn't work and you parked it on a hill and you kind of put the clutch in and you drove it down and you could pop the clutch and the car would crank some of you don't know what i'm talking about but if you're from but we did it we drove that car 200 and something miles oh 220 miles a week to minister in that car to serve we wasn't we were youth pastors and ministers of music but we were serving in all the capacity that we that we could and then we started sewing and we started sewing we started sewing and i said lord i'd like a house i said i would really like a house and so we i i started sewing and i'd sew 25 a month and that was a big stretch it was a huge stretch i'm talking it was big it was one of them kind you know when the you give it the lord tells you to give the offering in the plate and you give it and then you watch it go down in the aisle like that and then you know exactly what bucket it was in and you see it as it passes and goes down the other aisle it's at that that time you know and so i was giving giving giving every month faithful faithful faithful giving and i never will forget it was new uh new year's eve and i walked out of the post office and i had put our offering in and i when i went to hit the door i heard that seat enough now that seed enough and it was and things just began to be in line and things began to just it just started coming well that was a harvest coming but i was calling for that harvest lord i thank you i thank you lord that this is this is seed for my house this is seed for my house and i just kept on and on and on and on and on and on so and why because i caught hold of the word and the word says that if i sought first the kingdom of god and his righteousness that all these other things would just come they're just going to come along behind you they're just going to come to you but you've got to be seeking the kingdom of god first and his righteousness you don't seek the things you don't you seek the giver you seek him oh he pays much better than the world and so there is a harvest out there and it has your name on it and it is crying for you it is yours it's not whoever's out there that's getting it and i'll go one step further you have you have a generations of people maybe that's been in your family that were sowers and they never you know if you don't see people would say oh well i didn't see a return off of that no no no no wait a minute i'm like luke no no he'll get home no no no no roxanne's a little boy no no no no we don't never forget a harvest because god never forgets a seed soul he never forgets a seed sown and so you never forget a harvest hallelujah glory to god hallelujah so the lord he has in a chronicles uh you can write that down in chronicles the lord has he remembered cornelius as giving it had come up before him as a memorial so he takes your giving very serious hallelujah so we should be declaring crying declaring for our harvest hallelujah glory to god how many returns has rotted in the field because people has forgotten them you know when it was peach picking time if they didn't get them peaches they fell off the tree and they fell down and they rotted there so we have to we're not going to let any any harvest rot in the field hallelujah it is our responsibility harvest time like i said it was very exciting it provided jobs it provided provision it and you you turned you were blessed to be a blessing and that's what i was gonna say i always say i'm blessed to be a blessing i'm blessed to be a blessing i am blessed to be a blessing and i just keep on i keep on saying it i'm blessed to be a blessing and people say oh well that's just words no i'm blessed because i have been given the blessing and so i'm blessed to be a blessing to someone else do you know what having more than enough i don't know about you but i've lived in the land that's not enough and and that's not a good place to be and then the enemy gets you over into the land of just enough well that's a miserable place because you don't have you got just enough but then there's that land that you cross over into more than enough more than enough and when you cross over it you just step on over into it and you're just like well praise god i'm here we're here we're here in the land of more than enough and you're thinking we're not going back there but the enemy will say oh yeah you'll go back something will happen something always and then you hear people will say oh well you know you can't something will always happen to bring you back don't start preparing because the back door you leave open is the one the enemy's gonna come in that's the very door he'll come in at so you stand firm on the word you stand firm on his word hallelujah glory to god thank you lord i said lord this is we're talking about the wealth transferal this is resurrection weekend this was so great he spoke this to me this morning he said the wealth of life hung on that cross the wealth of life hung on that cross everything that it entailed the wealth of someone's health hung on that cross the wealth of someone's family hung on that cross the wealth of someone's finances their jobs their livelihoods everything in this whole entire existence hung on that cross and so the very thing that he became i love this i love this i love the word glory to god second corinthians 8 9. i want to read this to you out of the new living translation says you know the generous grace of our lord jesus christ though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that his poverty he could make you rich the amplified says that you might become rich and abundantly rich do you know what the word rich means rich and the strongs it means rich it means rich he intended and people will argue and say yeah but he became poor because uh you know he he was poor well compared to heaven and coming to earth that's pretty poverty right there but a poor man don't need a treasurer i mean let's let's focus here a little bit but he had one and his house was by the where the uh his ships was if you ever notice jesus was always in one ship and then the little ships followed him well that's no different than uh uh when billy graham would be in one one vehicle and all the trucks would follow him jesus had an evangelistic team we got we got to think about these things they just didn't have buses then and they didn't have planes and they didn't have trains they had ships and they had donkeys and jesus rode the cadillac of donkeys he told them he said go down to the donkey lot they'll be a brand new one time nobody's ever wrote it heated seats tell them that you have need of it right because we're going to go to the cadillac place and say um we want that escalade out there because god has need of it but you know what the disciples just said okay and they hand it out they just headed out and went and you know what they gave it to him and the son of god was on a brand new donkey never had been ridden before and when they they waved the palm branches and they were shouting hosanna to the highest son of david hosanna to the highest and they were praising him you know what they were doing they were receiving their harvest coming in the very delib their buried deliverance was coming into jerusalem that day hallelujah glory to god the amplified says that you might become rich abundantly rich the true meaning of prosperity is being able to look a person in the eye and take on their need as if it was your own and being able to bless them hallelujah i remember a story i heard and it it stuck with me and it was uh brother jerry savelle had been given a large sum of money and they said it was his i think he was preaching at creflo dollars church and they just started they started just bringing money to the stage and just bringing money because the spirit of get people you know a lot of people say well well that's that's crazy that's that oh you're preaching that prosperity gospel well i want to know something what is better to preach about prosperity or preach the poverty gospel poverty is not of god poverty is not from god it stinks it makes people hungry it causes crime rates to go up god wants his people blessed but he don't want his people stingy he wants his people being able to give and bless the word of god says that there's joy in a city when when the lord's in the town when he's in that that city there's joy there well why because things are happening people are being healed businesses is being blessed and so he was preaching and uh people just started giving just started giving and this one man wanted to give him an offering and so he came running down and he wanted to put money in brother jerry's coat pocket and he saw him coming and he was like you know he was right because you know listen you you watch people nowadays you know you know he didn't know what was going on and the guy just came running down but he finally got that offering in his coat pocket well when he got home hey well after the service he told brother creflo he said here get you know here just put and brother couple i said no this is yours brother jerry he said oh no i don't want it he said you give it to brother creville i said it's yours and he said we we're it's yours we want to bless you with this because the revelation a spirit of giving just started and it just broke out well he he brought it home in a a a garbage bag and got it home and he put it in the house and he told carolyn he said open the garbage bag sister carolyn he she said look he she just looked and she looked at him she said where did you get all this he said they threw it at the stage and they gave they gave it to me now brother jerry and he's just awesome he said that so they prayed what to do what the lord wanted them to do with it and she looked at him she said there's a family down the road and they're loading up all their stuff because they have been uh their house is being foreclosed on and so they're putting them out and they had been packing all weekend long and the little kids you know packing up all their stuff they drove across town that night late that night and they were still working trying to get their stuff because the people were taking over their home and they walked up there and when they pulled up and they got out of the car brother jerry looked at the little kids and said start putting it all back start putting it all back and so they looked down and they said brother jerry we got to be out at this time he said no you don't he said because your house is paid in full [Applause] your house is paid in full nobody will ever take your house away from you again don't you know that family that not rejoiced they didn't have all the sudden every line every worry line because there's nothing like financial pressure and at that time everything that they had they'd cried over i could just imagine that that why packing up her dishes that had been in the cabinets for for years and and getting clothes out of the closet and then having to watch your children pack up their toys that is the enemy my friend that is the devil of hell that would do a family that way and cause them because he comes to do his three things that he does and what are they they are to steal to kill and to destroy but jesus said that he came to give us life and give it to us more abundantly hallelujah so that's what being blessed to be a blessing is about to look someone in the eye and take on that need even as it was your own hallelujah glory to god for i do hear the cry says the lord i do hear the cry and you will see you will see that i will answer you call upon my name this day call upon my name in your cry cry to me hallelujah hallelujah we esteem the word of the lord it also means to wax rich to be made rich to be rich to to be increased with goods but waxing rich to wax rich that that caught my my attention because i knew in genesis 26 that it was the time in verse 12 that isaac sowed in that land that he was told to stay in it was a famine that had taken place but in egypt but i mean in uh uh let's go in 26 and there was a famine in the land beside the first famine it was another famine that had taken place that was in the days of abraham and isaac went into abimelech king of the philistines unto draw and the lord appeared unto him and said go not down into egypt because isaac was just about to make the same mistake that his father did and go into egypt and the lord said do not go to egypt but to dwell here stay here and dwell here it's what a lot of believers don't do they don't stay and dwell they get ready to go and they pick up and they go and they they miss what god is about to do in that specific territory in place and they won't stay there so he's so adjourned in this land he said the lord says sojourn in this land and i will be with thee he said i will be with thee and will bless thee at for unto thee and unto thy seed so now he's talking to him about his children said i will give all these countries and i will perform the oath which i swear unto abraham thy father now god is the the harvest that is coming to god's people it is looking for the ones who he made a covenant with with generations before them and it is going to come to you hallelujah i received that i received that glory to god he said and i will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven and will give unto thy seed all these countries and in thy seat shall all the nations of the lord be blessed all the nations of the lord be blessed that's us that is us listen when are we not the seed of abraham yes we are yes we are we are in those generations and and in uh genesis 14 it talks about and the generations to come well i don't know how many generations it was but i'm in one of them i'm in one of them and the lord and all the sudden and you say sister robin is just you know i had me a t-shirt made that said you know these family reunions that people go to and they get there's some people that get real professional about these family reunions they'll get a t-shirt made the so-and-so reunion you know and everything i had me one made the seat of abraham reunion the abraham family reunion i wear it i wear it because i'm in that i'm in that line i am blessed because i am the seed of abraham glory to god i want to give you a clue right now if it wasn't true it shouldn't have been put in my copy of this book because once i see it i have bulldog faith i will not turn loose of it for no man or beast it is mine and i see it i put my name in it and and that just settles it and i i go for it listen you go bigger you go home so in verse 12 then isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year 100 bowl and the lord blessed him he blessed him and the man waxed great he had great riches you know they talked if somebody comes to you how you doing i'm waxing great i'm waxing great you think about whack wax on wax off you think of waxing your car or something but that means you're very blessed you're very uh you're very wealthy hallelujah we have there's ministry to do in this town there's ministry to do in this nation we're just not in this town any longer we're international we name this international in 1990 four or five or no earlier than that 92 i think 92 when we were gathering having all all the ministry was being uh um registered and all and we were with the attorneys they the attorney said put because we were in youth ministry also said put youth force ministries church international i know that's a long long thing but that's what we we settled on and we were like international i couldn't even con at that time international but then it started growing and now i don't know how many countries are with us now how many countries is eyes are on this little town in warrior alabama [Music] we had no intentions of moving here we lived in tennessee we were we thought we were doing okay we we had a we lived in a subdivision everything was okay we was in music serving god loving god having a good life and the lord said go to alabama move back to alabama the kid said why why we don't want to go but the spirit of the lord kept drawing us drawing and strawing us and then he puts us off of the warrior robbins exit do you think he was trying to talk to us and our names mean warrior it was like god was saying when are they going to get a clue you know but he waxed great and that's what the lord is wanting you to do tonight you're going to have to get a vision of this harvest you're going to have to start declaring for that harvest you're going to have to start saying you know what i i know i know i get real serious about this so i got a i got a book and i began to write down what all the devil had stole from me and i began to total it and i began to tag interest on i looked up i took the time you get serious about this stuff i looked up what things cost then and what they cost now now listen i didn't even i didn't even steal from the devil i looked i because when the thief is caught when he's caught now he's waiting on there's waiting on a catching you've got to catch him you can just let him go with your stuff i don't want him to have my stuff i don't want him to have a pencil i owned i don't want him to have anything because he doesn't deserve it he's a thief everything in that house that he has taken has been stolen everything he has he stole he's a thief so you catch the thief then you make him pay it's not that you make him pay seven times you make him pay sevenfold that's a whole lot more than seven times but you know what at that time i didn't know about the seven pole i knew it was a lot but i just multiplied so i even i i have thought from from then on i now say sevenfold plus interest because i'm not even gonna give him a break not at all so i began to start adding up all this stuff all this stuff all this stuff and i thought you know what this warehouse that you've got my stuff in is fixing to be empty you know what fixing we're always fixing to do something down here that means we're getting very serious about it so that warehouse is about to be emptied out now i don't know about you but i'm tired of that truck beep beep beep beep backing up to and getting god's people's things and taking them over to a warehouse and the things are going hey i don't belong to you i belong over here i belong to that person i belong to that person i belong to that church i belong to that state i belong to that ministry and it's all in in his warehouses and and the body of christ just says he goes oh well you know what that devil he just took this from me and took that when are we going to get country fed up just fed up it is time we do not let him and i know i know that that that we we laugh and everything but this is serious stuff it's very serious you're going to go out of here tonight mad at the devil you're going to you're going to say give me a notebook we're writing down everything we're writing down everything it is a good way to be hallelujah hallelujah so he sold in a famine he stayed put where god had him he was about to go somewhere else and god said no stay here get a and you know let me go where you can get bed get somewhere where you can get fed because god when the wells you see what isaac did he started re-digging these wells of abraham he started re-digging these wells of revival everybody wants to oh let's do this let's do that and there is a new god says i will do a new thing but you don't throw away abraham isaac and jacob you don't throw away what work this is our our our mouth that we we use for our life so he started re-digging the well and there was strife over it there was stripe over the uh another well and they would strip over another well because where stripe is there's no water flowing there's not going to be any flow and while he was in the government of the city talking to him one of his servants ran in and said we have hit enough water we the well has sprung up enough water this is in my terms that it will provide a whole city water this revival and this wealth transfer that has started it is the well that waters the whole city hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god now the lord said to tell you this before i close because a lot of people it's going to be hard for them to see this it's going to be very hard and they'll say you know i i just don't know if this is you know if this is right or this is whatever but the lord said to tell you this this is a prophetic word and it needs to be released and it's in second kings 6 and 16. and we'll go up a little a little further from it says in uh 14 now let's go to 15. and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and gone forth behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said unto him alas my master how shall we do and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them and elisha prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elisha and when they came down to him elisha prayed unto the lord and said smoth this people i pray thee with blindness and he smote them with blindness according to the word of elisha now the word the word of the lord came to me today and he said a prophetic word has to be released to open the eyes of the body of christ that they see that there is more with them with us the body of christ than there is with them at this time of a of a in the middle of this wealthtrack or the starting of this wealth transfer to open the eyes of the body of christ that they see this all that they see it and they partake of it and what better message than when he said the wealth of everything hung on that cross he died so that you could have everything that you needed you could have help you could have salvation from hell you could have everlasting life glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i said hallelujah glory to god and on this resurrection weekend there's some things needs resurrecting and he said at this time release this word and say open the eyes open the eyes of those who can't see open the eyes of those who who need to see that there's more with us than there is with them glory to god hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah [Music] yay glory to god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah well this is strength to your legs it's strength to stand you up on two legs so that you can declare to me and i'll demand it come to you for this is the strength that added to your legs that you may run not just run but run through a troop and jump over a wall for this is the strength that i'm adding yes yes yes say yes to what the lord has for you for there has been nay for far too long for the lord says say yes and i say yes you say yes and i say amen so be it come on and give god praise in the house give him glory thank you lord right give him glory hallelujah give him glory we esteem your word lord good is the word of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you know i remember years ago and people will find this hard to believe that's never seen it but the reason i'm saying this is because it started in here right now years back we were having a meeting in a little front and those of you from this town would know where it's at and um we were having this meeting and uh i was standing like this and i never felt so ordinary in all my life do you understand what you what i mean by that just never felt so ordinary in all my life and i was just getting ready for a two o'clock bible study so i walked up on the platform and i'm just standing here like this and i was tired because i administered saturday night till about two that morning sunday morning so i'm just standing here and right out of the corner of my eye i saw this movement and this movement i turn to look you know it just catches your eye and i turned to look like that and this cloud came right out of the wall it just came out of the wall it wasn't the lord's calling to tell you this is true and and it just came it it came right out of the wall we had a we had a stage here we had a stage there was a little aisle way and then a stage here and then a hallway and then a stage over here and so the band was here the preaching was here drama was done over here because we did did a youth ministry so i'm just standing there and i saw this movement and i turned to look and this cloud came out of the wall just right over that door just came right out here about where this television is and it just hang there just just hung just it wasn't a mist it was a real formed cloud and it had little edges to it and this is what i did now you can tell i'm in the spirit because i did this and then i looked at the people and then i look back at the cloud and i look back at the people everybody's just smiling looking at me and i said oh my lord the building's on fire that's the first thing i said i said it's on fire and i said if the this is an old storefront and i said if if these people see this building's on fire they'll kill each other trying to get out of it because there's only one other way out well there's one in the back but they had never found it and i said everybody just lift your hands and close your eyes i didn't want them to see it and i told one of the youth i said go in the back and see what's burning so he goes back in the back that's just confirmation and so he went he went back in the back and he came back out and he looked at me and said so i looked around again and it's breaking up going down the wall now and i i said everybody just lift your hands close your eyes i said find out what's burning he came back out he's frustrated so i just i watched it as it went down the wall it came across the back like that and then it started rolling toward the front now by this time i can't see anything but the front two rows of the building now it wasn't a big building but there was a hundred people in it that's what we figure it held and so i can't see it and so i'm just standing there and i said lord what do you want me to do inside me and i heard this i am here folks when i heard that my knees turned loose and they started shaking and i could i had to hold on to the podium i said and i jumped from this stage to that one and laid down on my face i said what do you want me to do what do you want me to do he said get up i said he said this is what he told me robin's over here playing the people are watching me and i said he said get up go back to your place this is mine i jump right back over the middle of the stage and by this time now you can't hardly see anybody but just right across the front and i and i said lord you know in me what do i do now he said because i wasn't expecting it this wasn't in the vision this was like looking at this notebook and i said what do you want me to do now he said just have everybody get up and come over here to this side of the room and praise just tell them stand around over here and just praise where you saw that cloud i said everybody let's just get up and come over now i can't see them all i can see is the few across the front i hear chairs sliding on that old storefront floor and then i se i can hear them moving see a few on the front and then all at once the building shook like that everybody in the building fell out under the power of god at one time and they shook the floor of that old store and i'm just standing there and i'm just standing there like this and i'm just looking and so i just i don't know what to do because everybody's out robin's playing everybody's out no now listen they didn't go to the church they didn't go to our church we didn't really have a church it's just a bible study so there was some there from the methodist church baptist church pentecostal i guess i mean i i guess everybody was there from huh catholics were there that day they were all out catholics would hit the floor i mean everybody was out and i'm just standing there and i'm just walking around because i don't have anything to do so for about about an hour nobody moved so i sit down on the stage i got up and robin just kept playing and we're just that's it it's just us and i'm just standing there when they got up when it started lifting i started seeing the chairs again then people started getting up and i could see the the the ladies the older ladies they were fixing their hair they were everybody was smiling everybody was smiling that i saw they're straightening their clothes up nobody asked man i've been in the floor for an hour and they got up and they were just i'm not making this up here this happened did this have him raise your hand this happened and you can tell i was in the spirit because i didn't know what to do i wasn't i didn't know i was in the spirit and so all this is going on and then when it was over the lord asked me i looked at the people i said man wasn't that something oh it was something and the lord said ask everybody who saw that cloud ask who saw it well it's first time it ever dawned on me no everybody didn't see it seven people saw it out of the whole place they fell out and didn't know there was a cloud they fell out and didn't know anything was going on and i said i looked at that and for two i guess two weeks the building smelled like roses that had been burned in the room now this this is what has been deposited in you the glory of god filled that place and if you've never seen the glory like that don't ever say it's not real because those people fell out and never saw it at all but the presence was there and i happened to see it and i've always seen it since that day i've always seen it when it comes in a room it's it's all misted back here now across under that balcony like that and it's and and it's but this glory is in you it's in you hey listen what i'm telling you it's in you the bible says when the lord comes back with a shout with the voice of the archangel he says it's when the glory that's in you is revealed when a revelation comes to you of what's in you he said it'll change your body in the moment in the twinkling of an eye and there's a sound a prophetic sound that will come and wake that revelation up on the inside of you and it will come when the lord shouts at you he's going to shout at you and the day will come when people will be riding down the road walking in the buildings sitting in churches wherever they are when suddenly the lord himself shall descend from heaven and he'll shout and when he shouts at you the the voice of the archangel will shout and the shofar of god will sound and suddenly what's been locked away inside you you'll get a revelation of that oh and it'll change your body in the moment in the twinkling of an eye when the glory that's in you is revealed now listen to what i'm telling you when the glory that's in you is revealed i wasn't going to say anything i had nothing to say tonight except the prophetic words i gave earlier but when the glory is revealed in you the lord said to tell you this in genesis 32 listen to this it says this is when jacob was wrestling wrestled with a man all night and in verse 28 he says or 27 he said he wouldn't he he asked him in this wrestling match the lord said let let me go let's break in daylight. he said i won't let you go till you bless me i won't let you go do you bless me listen to this he said unto him verse 27 what's your name what is your name what is your authority and who are you he said watch now jacob he said that's who i am jacob the supplanter the trickster jacob that's who i am and he said thy name shall be called no more jacob but israel for as a prince has thou power with god and with man and has prevailed so inside jacob was israel inside him was some was a destiny that only god saw he didn't even know it was in him but it was in him the whole time so he spoke to the israel inside jacob so what was jacob there for to hide israel anytime there's a problem any time it looks like something's not right any time it looks like there's a problem in your life listen to me you must begin to call to the answer inside that problem because the problem is there to disguise it and and if you call the answer by name the problem will never lift its head and look the problem don't know the name you're calling there is a name that only the answer answers to and when you call israel and jacob suddenly only it jacob never answered israel answered was waiting on the waiting for you to call for your destiny oh i know that's i know that's not real big to you but i'm telling you in the in this thing that when when robin was preaching i heard that said you've got to she's talking about the cry you've got to begin to cry for your destiny that's in you how do you know what your destiny is what has god promised you what do you always go around and say the lord showed me this he showed me this he showed me this and you've been talking about it but it hasn't happened but you've talked about it and you've talked about it and you've talked about it and so well god has called me to do this but i don't have what it takes to do that but you're what you're doing is you're catching a glimpse of destiny that's inside you that was placed there and you've got to start and all the things that's held you back from doing these things are nothing but a disguise to hide the ants of the israel that's inside you how many of you understand what i'm saying see listen to me really close there's only one place where sin cannot touch you in this present physical body you think there's this place doesn't exist there is a place where sin can't touch you can't graze you can't wipe your hair can't move wipe your brow move your hair can't do anything to you in this life in that body there is a place that it exists it's in your tomorrow [Music] it's in your tomorrow sin is not in your tomorrow because you're not in your tomorrow yet so it's not there tomorrow is clean pure holy and it's in your tomorrow in your future where you can see destiny what destiny here the destiny when you were conceived there was an electrical spark if you can see it on video when a conception takes place there's a spark of light real fast what that is is god visiting your baby shower and he brings gifts and these gifts can lie dormant on the inside of you when you're a child and you're innocent they'll sometimes flash out but as you grow and you give in to sin it hides them and a prophetic word like that tonight that when when the pastor was preaching a prophetic word what you're hearing now wakes up those gifts in you that you didn't even know were there you go around saying and i'm some people looking we have a whole congregation watching all of us right now and people looking to say i don't know what to do what has god called me to do what am i to do i i really would like to find my purpose i want my my purpose it's right on the inside of you right now and you can't see it because when the lord asks you what your name is you always say jacob all you say is your failures you talk about inadequacies and you start talking about things like that that's not what he's trying to prompt in you when he asks you what your name is what is your name what is your authority what are you who are you he's looking for himself he's looking for himself in you god likes to hear himself speak because he believes what he says so he wants to hear you tell him back who you are in him not what you see yourself to be now he's looking to for you to tell him who you are tomorrow something happens when you do that if you can tell him who you are tomorrow who he says you are if he if you can if he can hear you tell if he can hear you tell him that this happens to you and you have inhaled tomorrow and you will be in today exhaling destiny and you will walk toward that destiny then god has raised a group of people up and you are part of it whether you like it or not you have been drawn to a place and i'm not talking about just this place i'm talking about to a place in him that he has drawn you to he is trying to tell you all night long that he has made you wealthy and the enemy listen you're not the poor trying to get rich you are the wealthy and satan is here to steal your pr your your prosperity from you you are not the the sick trying to get healed you are the healed and satan's trying to take your health away from you god is trying to get you to respond because i hear him in the spirit asking all of you all of you watching everybody that's watching around the world and if you're watching you're interested and he's asking all of you who are you who are you most of the time most of the time people would say in all the times past who are you i'm catholic who are you i'm lutheran they would answer who are you a methodist who are you i'm pentecostal people answer these things there is no denominations these were revelations given to leaders to try to bring you along and when god asks you who you are he's looking for this answer i am the righteousness of god in christ jesus i am the head and not the tail i'm above only and not beneath i am the one who inhaled your breath i'm the one who took your word and lived by the word every word that comes out of your mouth that means you're only one word behind god so what he's saying is when he asks who are you i'm the one who's only one word behind you god i'm depending on every word you say i'm listening to everything you say i'm inhaling tomorrow i'm exhaling my destiny i'm the one who cannot fail i'm the one who's right i'm the chimp off the old block i was in your image in your likeness i am washed in your blood i am a child i'm the body of christ he's wanting to hear these answers when he does in one day you're going to say the answer have you ever been listening to the priest some of you did that tonight when the pastor was preaching you ah some of you'll say that's good what happened in you you inhaled one of his words that came out of his mouth now inside you is the breath of god waiting for you to exhale your destiny oh come on y'all i don't know how i don't know about you but that's called that's that's hearing it in prophetic teaching why do you think there's so many prophets on the scene right now prophets wake up destiny in people and the enemy thought he had this one i'll get just a little bit before i hand the mic back to the pastor i'll get a little bit political right here oh brother abbin why aren't you why are you so political you know we shouldn't have we shouldn't even put our hands in the political somebody should have told elijah that when he when he faced off ahab somebody should have told moses that when he said to pharaoh let my people go somebody should have told these prophets because somebody should have said these things if we wasn't supposed to stand and tell kings what god has to say then somebody should have told all the prophets in this book and i'll tell you something i don't have any listen i'm not mad at a bunch of people or anything like that but when god speaks something in my spirit i have to say it out of my mouth and if i don't release it out of my mouth i would rather look at people's faces frowning at me then look at god and say i didn't have the nerve to say it because in the end he's the one i have to answer to and i cannot apologize for something i didn't say if god said it and i said he said it and i know he said it then why on god's earth would i apologize for him [Applause] he made this whole thing and all of a sudden newsweek newsweek somebody one of our partners and uh oh i love our partners our partners are warriors they're warriors and they'll stand they'll do to ride the river with and they they you can tell by the way they talk and then they write in and tell they told us this and then somebody sent it and newsweek they get all bent out of shape you know what their complaint was and i i think why why they call my my name i the why because this is what made them upset prophets are apologizing but robin bullock refuses to apologize and that's what they got mad at me about they got mad they got mad at us about that didn't they i was on a well and then they said then they said and others and then you could click on the link and i could have told you who the others were before they ever clicked on it because they're not backing up either but they had i guess they picked on me because they sent me a a text or something and asked me would i do an interview i tried to find it and call them back and say yes people said you know you know my own team was telling me you know they're liberal i mean they're very liberal and you're gonna call them you're gonna you're going i said i i'll i said i ain't pray to them and and then let me tell you something let me tell you something if you were standing in your own strength you'd be foolish but this thing ain't about me and it's really not about you either it's about god and what he wants to do and you and i get to get in on that amen so i said that to say this and i said i'm going to get just a little bit political just a minute then have you ever have you ever noticed something that when you begin to study the new testament you find out that that before the when jesus comes in his glory and was talking about the glory so now we're back to the glory that when jesus go you say well why does why does why does prophets and all get involved in the political well the political realm is where spirits meet and fight because whoever controls political realms governs the affairs of your life so that's why that has and and when it comes down to it the church and not all the church don't get me wrong i'm talking about but a big part of the church they just shut their doors and they just put masks on and just shut their doors and take your temperature before you can come in did anybody at this church take your temperature they wouldn't they wouldn't have been allowed to stand at the door again and so so this is and see so nobody was ready to fight so there was going to be a red sea time and the lord knew it so all of a sudden prophets started coming up out of the woodwork and i'm talking about powerful men and women now i'm not talking about just i'm talking about people that they got my respect i mean my goodness man i'm i'm but it's because i want you to notice something now come on get your catchers out because here it comes when it when it comes when the lord comes in his glory there's about to be a glory invasion you said so when he comes in his glory the bible said he comes in the clouds he's talking about the glory and he comes in the glory it says he comes when the last trump sounds [Music] [Applause] oh yeah yeah oh yeah the last trump notice nobody cared about the first term but they can't let him have the last one because if he has the last one is the sign the revival will sweep through and so they must stop the last one [Applause] so god needed a people that he could wake up destiny in listen to me he needs people people that think you know i spent most my life serving god but the lord says you you ain't even just started yet now you know you know how to pray heaven and earth together so he's calling destiny out of people he's wanting you to wake up to it resurrect to that destiny and you're going to have to make up your mind to prosper you don't know how long he's tried to get it to you and people usually resist it oh i don't resist prosperity you don't no i'd take it if the lord's trying to send oh yeah i'd take it well then somebody starts talking about you prospering well now it's just supposed to be enough for me and my four no more just just enough for us that's all i want cabin in the corner of glory and you don't you're not resisting folks if you don't want it let him give it to you and give it to someone else just be a conduit just be a hosepipe if that's what you need but we've got to get this job done now you've got we entered into in 2020 we entered into 10 years of the profit where they'll it'll be spotlighted they've always been here but they'll be spotlighted for that from 20 20 10 years now it's about nine but prophets were brought on the scene so you could see them to help you fight and when kings go rogue is when prophets come up to confront them now i'm going to say this and i could just keep going but i'm not going to keep going cause i wasn't even going to say nothing i was i wasn't going to say anything but but here here is hold up your hand just like that if you will just indulge me a minute and look at your one hand just look at it okay here is a revelation of god the hand of god let me show what i'm talking about your little finger can you do that if you can't just get it closer you can littlefinger see there's the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher the little finger is the teacher it cleans out the ear where you can hear and you can receive explains things the pastor is married the ring finger married to the church the evangelist is longer than the other four and goes between them all the prophet is the index finger he points away and says thus saith the lord the thumb is the apostle and he's the only one that can touch all the other four and so we've come to the place in time god intends on having this revival and he means it you know why it was what you were talking about he said as i swore to your father abraham do you know god knows your father there's promises he made to your ancestors he promised he'd bring it and some of them he promised him he'd bring it in your lifetime and now is that time let me tell you something my brother and sister can you see now how the the president thing is all tied to the glory coming oh yes it is too now do you think the there's going to be a revival under the present people who's trying to run the country he wouldn't allow it let me show you something you can pray and i hope i get to read something tomorrow that a young prophet said you can pray for joe biden you should yes you should don't don't let this thing get personal if my cousin was the antichrist i thought he was i'd tell you i'd say i think my cousin's antichrist it's not about me personally it's not about my cousin i don't know that i got a cousin that's the antichrist but i'm just telling you if i thought he was i'd still i'd tell you you can pray for joe biden you can pray for the office of the president of the united states but you cannot pray for president joe biden because he doesn't exist and you might as well be praying for a mythical character he knows he's not he knows he don't exist he knows it well they saw me say it again now but i'm telling you you be that bold don't be obnoxious just be bold because we we love we love everyone we love him he just can't be president [Music] yes [Music] let's lift our hands and thank the lord we thank the lord lord yes lord yes lord yes lord i heard the lord say prize a prize heard the lord say prize he said you are to to march toward and run toward and reach for the prize of the high calling say for this is your time to run run and worship and let it come up on the inside of you to reach for that prize the prize says the lord yes yes the prize for the prize the lord says is me for the prize is touching me the prize is walking in him the prize is the one who made you the lord said since he made you doesn't he know the path to him doesn't he know where you need to run to reach him for the lord says you need not look all out in here and way off over there and way back over there for him for he lives in you and you need to become aware we must become aware of the god that lives in us because within you within you within you it's the hope of glory the hope of glory the expectation of glory yes revival is coming and it will come and yes it has begun but when the glory is added to it soon the revival will be seen in a spectacular way all over the world hallelujah give god praise hallelujah glory to god good is the word of the lord we esteem the word of the lord hallelujah now if you're here tonight are watching my live stream tonight and you've never made jesus the lord of your life this celebration that we are having this weekend is the very reason that he died for you he died for you but you know he's no longer on that cross he is seated at the right hand of power and glory to god just as he was crucified on that cross just as he was born into this world he is surely coming back and we want to give you the opportunity and it is our pleasure to do so if you've never made him the lord of your life and you want to do that we want to extend the invitation to you and i know we're limited space but if you say that's me and i want to receive jesus as my lord and personal savior and you're here tonight we want to extend that invitation to you and also to those who are watching by live stream you pray this prayer if the lord is dealing with you and you are feeling that tug in your heart it'll be the best decision that you've ever made you simply say this jesus i believe you died for me forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood i believe that you rose from the dead i believe you're seated at the right hand of power and i believe you're coming back for me hallelujah if you did that then welcome to the family you just became a child of god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god this has been a great night tonight oh it's going to be a wonderful celebration in the morning as service starts at 10 45 doors will open at 10 a.m in the morning and so we hope to see you back if not we were so glad you came to visit us we want you to stand tonight turn around and tell somebody you love them we're not going to dismiss we're not going to say dismissal because we're not dismissing the spirit we're just going to resume in the morning hallelujah glory to god shout one time with me jesus glory we love you we'll see you tomorrow remember god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 15,557
Rating: 4.9709792 out of 5
Id: tGdshCpddSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 22sec (10762 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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