Sunday Morning Service 8/22/2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Applause] goodness [Applause] this is the day the lord has made and we're going to rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah hallelujah how many is glad to be here today [Music] welcome live stream welcome live in person we are going to corporately today shake the foundations of hell hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i know a place ain't nobody [Music] ain't no smiling faces [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] i'll take you there i'll take you there a place called there i'll take you there [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'll take you there [Music] [Music] i'll take you there ain't no smiling faces [Music] i'll take you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know ain't nobody crying [Music] ain't nobody [Music] no smiling faces [Music] [Music] i'll take you there i'll take you there [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] smiling faces i'll take you there one more time [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah how many of you are glad you're here today oh yeah oh yeah lift up your hands and give king jesus the biggest shout and praise you got it's my mind [Applause] take it out in aux 2 a little bit hallelujah hallelujah oh lord we invite you in this place to do and say anything you want to do and say and lord god we will give you the glory [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] come on and just just stay with it just a moment amen amen hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what we have what we ain't nobody nobody gonna take it from me is [Music] you know what that is that's a sound of freedom come on well the lord says i gave you freedom a long time ago when jesus of that tomb he freed your spirit and soul so lift up your hands it shall they ain't nobody gonna take it away i have freedom today freedom [Music] stay with me [Music] that's it right there [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] today [Music] make it up come on [Music] we are freedom today [Music] hallelujah come on somebody shout [Applause] [Laughter] oh yeah i'm going to tell you something we are on a collision course [Applause] and we win [Applause] hallelujah we win my brother and sister you know robin said something yesterday to me one of our favorite movies is a movie called secretariat and then secretariat no other horse has ever done what secretariat did no horse he didn't win by one length two links 10 links 20 links it won by 31 links 31 links [Music] all the way around was running faster every so many feet nobody knew how fast that horse could really run they still don't but when they weighed his heart at his autopsy i think of regular horses like race horses like a nine pound heart his heart was less somewhere like 18 pounds so he sounded like a train coming down the track breathing there was no end to him and i'm going to tell you something right at the end when he ever the crowd was standing up and silence fell because he pulled 10 links 20 links 30 links 30 lengths away from everything and all it showed on the movie was his trainer lucius yelled out and said ronnie don't fall off i'm going to tell you something today [Applause] something something has changed in the spirit and this thing is running faster than it's ever ran [Applause] and i'm just going to tell you a prophetic utterance this is it's like this is in the spirit and telling all the people watching don't fall off just hold on [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] wow [Music] freedom come on [Music] hold on [Music] don't give it away don't give it away [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah [Music] is here singing a new song to him who sits on [Music] heaven [Music] sing a new song [Music] to him who sits on heaven's mercy [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] glory [Music] be [Music] is [Music] your creations [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus your name is [Music] foreign is [Applause] [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] we're going out just a little bit come out just on little bit deeper going out just a little bit farther going out gonna wait into the water [Music] the water [Music] and [Music] mmm [Music] going out just a little bit deeper going out just a little bit farther going out going away into the wild [Music] [Applause] amen are you glad to be in his presence how many of you sensed the presence of the lord here today yes see god is real and no matter what politician what government whatever tyrant around the world tries to say he's not he is the only god and there is no other god he's the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob the god and father of our lord jesus christ the king of glory there is no other way but jesus and his blood never forget that and people are waking up to this from india across russia china africa they're waking up to the fact that jesus christ is alive right now and that he is the only way [Applause] this is what i hear the lord say join the revival for it has begun [Applause] so [Music] come on and wade [Music] for the holy ghost has come down among men [Music] revival [Music] revival [Music] once again [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on for the holy ghost let's come down among men shouted [Music] [Applause] the bottom [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] revival has started in the world yes i will i'll tell them lord long ago i was in orlando florida for the faith and freedom rally is that what it was vice president pence was there who else was there ted cruz was there and ted cruz came out on the stage yes the same ted cruz and the first thing he said was no matter what no matter what you see happening he said revival is about to break out in the world oh yes he did [Music] vice president pence didn't talk about anything else but salvation there's a line being drawn among politicians right now and those that know jesus are rising to the top and they'll be seen throughout this world but i'm telling you my brother and sister revival has begun you know where it started i can see it i can see it i can see it [Music] in villages in china [Music] i saw ladies praying in the holy ghost [Music] in villages that no one would even know exists [Music] but they were praying in tongues in china praying in tongues in mongolia [Music] praying in tongues in africa written in tongues in india revival [Music] now i saw this there's an awakening coming it's an awakening you say where i'm going to tell you where before i heard the lord say this there's an awakening coming come on don't stop the beat it's the rhythm of life [Music] oh an awakening is coming in the pentecostal church [Music] there's where it's needed the most in the place where the holy ghost has his has his liberty [Music] pentecostals speaking in tongues once again yes i will lord for the lord says i had to break the methodist church in half and he said i broke them in half so that the holy ghost half where the gifts first showed up can come on the scene in a strong way again for the dividing line has started you say where did it started as the red sea began to split for now in religion it's divided for the holy ghost methodist i told you says the lord it was coming i told you from this prophet standing on this stage that it was coming and it came and now there's going to be a visitation where to the baptist the baptist what about the baptist for the baptist understands consecration so i'm going to divide it and push the unconsecrated ones off so that their revelation of baptism consecration can return for this is what's needed says the lord for why am i telling you these things the lord says because on the other side of this mess when i turn the page you have to be prepared to live a different way than you did before for you must change this way because if not it will come again just like it did but once we put this down and the lord says i am this and pharaoh is drowned i'm going to require a greater standard on this side for i have a billion souls says the lord that i'm about to sweep into the kingdom and i need you and i need you and i need you and i need you and i need you and all of you for the lord says you are needed in this day and hour in time for we can no longer have the blind leading blind forget your religious relics and your fossilized thoughts that you built your universities on for my people will no longer be born under a rock i'm gonna take over social media says the lord even even even even tick-tock freedom freedom freedom freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah let's lift our hands and bless our god come on and don't get in a hurry [Music] i know it's hot [Music] but hell is hotter and hell is still real [Music] and no one is coming to church anymore just to pacify the way they feel they're coming to hear god and to see the power of his word and they're coming for an encounter with the holy ghost there's a revival on haven't you heard and angels are being deployed angels are going about my people today oh they are says the lord of grace [Music] a revival in south africa has begun [Music] not like the other ones this will be different [Music] as boko haram crumbles [Music] terrorism is in my scope says the king i'm going to when i squeeze the trigger terrorism will become a dead thing [Music] for they dare stand in the way of revival the lord said i'm going to have it when i save someone high and huge in the taliban [Music] it is going to send a ripple through the burning sand [Music] he will be hunted and she she will be despised but the lord says i'm going through these salvations open thousands and thousands of eyes [Music] look for another trembling through iran look for another shaking across that land but do not say god forsaken for the lord says i have my people there and i'm going to fulfill a promise to them that i will keep them in every way because i've numbered every hair [Music] some will fall but not my people at all but leaders in tyrannical lands news is about to sound from north korea listen for it and you will know i have talked to you today [Music] for some now even now are saying how is all of this even real i will show you says the lord [Music] and though some will never admit it in public in their chair at home they will tremble and say my god god is real yes yes says the lord because as the praise of my people is going up into the heavens and it's filling the earth [Music] my glory is filling the heavens it has stirred me says the king and i'm rising from my throne to martian indignation with my chariots of fire fire yes fire strange fires will now begin to break out in the earth but the lord says fear not i have you just like this and i will not turn you loose and if i close my hand i will leave the hollow of it there so that you can be protected everywhere hallelujah for i'm going to deal with five voodoo priestess for they are shaken by the shaking in haiti but the lord says i'm going to deal with five voodoo priestess for you dared side against me [Music] you work for baal and the lord says this is the time [Music] of the falling of the falling it's time of the fall [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] the time [Music] of the falling [Music] remember that song the time of the falling remember that remember it in the days to come [Music] hear it it's the hornet driving out the giants remember those words the giant [Music] there's five of them [Music] hallelujah come on and give god some praise in the house [Applause] hallelujah oh someone asked me this past week said do you have anything significant going on at your church this sunday i said yes church and it is always special and always significant and it's always fresh amen that's what happens when you give the holy spirit free reign to move in a service and from start to finish he starts when he wants to and he finishes when he wants to that day and then you just carry it on with you amen so how many are glad you came today praise god hallelujah well it is offering time here at church international praise god you know that just wasn't loud enough it's offering time here at church international amen all of you watching by live stream welcome once again just because you are not here physically does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place today we send it straight through the camera and all you have to do is just stretch your hands forth and say i receive it and you'll you'll just feel it and sense it wherever you're at in your homes in your car where if you are in your kitchen making lunch for your family and your you've got us on you'll just start to feel it dance around your kitchen amen that's the that's the real kitchen parties right there amen amen well we want to get ready to receive our offering today our tithes and offerings so those of you watching by live stream you can do that also if you're watching by our website by and you're watching the ci online there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give you can click that and it will take you to the links from there and where you need to go if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description just click on that and go straight to it it's safe it's secure in a way that you can participate also and for those of you here physically and watching by live stream we have text to give and the number is on the screen and uh well it's not anymore but it was and i don't know it so look it up on our website uh but if they put it back up there it is up there and it's super easy super safe and secure amen so today i i want to talk to you just just a few minutes i want to share something with you and uh as you're getting your your ties and offerings together are you still excited okay up there in the balcony are you still excited yes in the overflows i don't know who's out there but are you still excited and we'll hear a response in like three seconds but as you're getting your gifts together today i was uh i got to go i got to go away for for just a few days uh to the beach which is my favorite place besides here and and so i got to go there and i i was just spending a few time you know a little bit of time and a few days away from i said all the madness going on before the madness begins again but i i was there and i was out in the in the ocean one day and i was telling one of my friends that went with me about the last time i was down there and about the water baptisms that we had and we we did an event at a surf shop and we had a temp revival and we did water baptisms in the ocean and i tried not to be jealous of every single person that got baptized in the ocean because those of you that are from alabama i got baptized in smith lake and so so i was i was really trying not to be jealous but it's okay and uh but i was telling her about him and then you know i was also talking to her about how you know some people teach that you're not going to heaven unless you are water baptized and all that and i said that that's not true that's i said that's just a symbol of a decision that you made i said the scripture doesn't say to confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead and be baptized in water and you will be saved so we were talking about that and this little boy now this is where i'm getting to this little boy comes up to me now i know that i have an accent for all of you watching i know it's not news to me i have an accent and but this little boy had a bigger one and he he comes up to me and he says ma'am i said yes he said i heard you talking about the water baptisms he said and how people don't think that you can go to heaven i said yeah he said well that ain't true i said well you're right i said it's not he said ma'am are you born again i said yes sir i am he went nice to meet you ma'am he said nice to meet you he said my name's elijah i thought okay he said my name's elijah do you know what that means i said why don't you tell me he said it means son of the lord and that's what i am a son of the lord [Applause] and i i said i said yes son you are i said and don't you ever forget that and i said well my name's krista like christ with an a and he said and then once again nice to meet you ma'am i said nice to meet you so after that he walked off and my friend and i we're just crying like we just both looked at each other and we were like a little boy i mean it just like it just came all over me well the next day our chairs got moved and we ended up sitting right next to his parents and i began to tell his mom about what happened and i said you should be very proud of him i said you should be very proud i said you have raised a man of god i said and his boldness i said god has plans for him and as she began to weep she said well he was named after elijah after the prophet and i said well then god definitely has big plans for him and she said you know especially in this time i said especially in this time what she don't realize is that it is the time of the prophets and all the sudden one and i can't help but think that's what attracted that little boy and pulled him over to my side was because i'm connected to a prophetic ministry and he recognized that anointing but why i told you this today is because what touched my heart so much about that little boy was his boldness because he was 11 years old and i guarantee you if i hadn't of said that i was born again he would have led me to the lord right there and i pray that he got an opportunity to do that how many people do you encounter on the beach that come up to you and say excuse me are you born again because everyone is too scared you're you're too scared you're gonna offend somebody there's only one other person in panama city beach i know that would do that and that's that's mr surf himself are you born again and i can just see him doing that too but i i just that is what grasped me and so then i i began to just to just dwell on that that whole encounter i never forgot it i i mean just if you have had that encounter it would still be sticking with you there was just something about it his boldness to come up and ask that question and i began to think i would go up to the room by myself i would get up early in the morning and i would pray and i would talk to the lord and i begin to think to myself why are we so timid why are we so afraid why are we so weak acting when an 11 year old boy can come up to a stranger and just say ma'am are you born again are you born he didn't say are you saved do you know jesus he said are you born again which means have you been reborn that that is the definition of when you accept jesus as your lord and savior you are born again and then i i begin to watch sunday service and i begin to read some of the live chat i know i shouldn't have i try to stay away from it but sometimes i just can't help it and and i begin to read and and people and they're some of them are not so friendly and and they begin to bash prosperity and they begin to bash just accusations that people have made and assumptions that people have made and things that wikipedia says and they begin to believe it and so they begin to just comment and start bashing and start bashing uh different ministers not only my family but different ones and i began to sit there and i became so filled with a righteous indignation not an anger not a hate but i begin to say i'm like that little boy i am not afraid to be bold about my prosperity i'm not afraid to be bold about the things that god has done for me i'm not afraid to be bold to say walk up to somebody and and if they are born again then to begin to teach them about the levels that god can take you to about where are you now where do you live your life now but let me show you where you can live let me show you where where you can be and i and i'm not afraid to stand here i i stand here every single sunday in front of thousands of people and tell you what god can do for you i don't care if you bash me i don't care if you don't agree with me it doesn't matter to me why because i know what my god has done for me and i know what he's done in my life and i know what he's done in my family's life and for that i will not apologize it would be a very very below zero cold day in hell before i would apologize for the things that god has done for me but i will stand before you and tell you who did it for me i will stand before you and tell you where i was and where i am now i'm like if you watch the chosen i'm like mary magdalene i was one way but now i'm another and the only the only thing different in between was him and that was it i was one way and now i'm another and let me tell you how you can become one way and then another and the only difference that's that it's gonna make in your life is sticking him in the middle i know where we came from and i know where we are now and i i choose to be like the little boy in the water and have the boldness to stand up and tell you what god can do for you i've been poor i've been very poor it didn't make me humble a day in my life it made me very angry it made me frustrated because i had to check my bank account every single time somebody asked me to come out to dinner because i didn't want to ask them if they could pay for my food when you have to check your bank account to order off the dollar menu in the in the line of mcdonald's i know don't eat at mcdonald's i'd get that i saw your comment i saw it well i grew up on happy meals and i'm still going strong but but i've been there and i get it it didn't say oh god now i'm empty i'm a vessel that you can use because i was so prideful i was probably more of a jerk when i was poor why because i was so angry all the time i was so frustrated i was so stressed all the time wondering how you were going to do this how you were going to do that just dreaming i i mean i was listening to to you when you preached last sunday on the on the offering and you talked about picking those little kids up in that neighborhood and i was in i was in a condo at the beach looking over the ocean fixing my lunch and i just began to weep and praise god because i said if it wasn't for the grace of god that would be me and that would be my children and here i am able to do things that people only dream of doing why in this world would i ever apologize for that why why would i why would i apologize for that i was one way and now i'm i'm another and the only thing that was different was him it's time to set yourself aside it's time to set your selfish ways aside it's time to to set this timidness if you are and you're not a selfish person and you're not an angry person then it's time to put this fear of offending others aside it's time to put this behind you and move forward you're never going to move forward with your prosperity and and where god wants to take you if you're not bold enough to to testify about it if you're not bold enough to tell people what god has done for you and what he will do for them and continue to move people up the ladder that's how we do it they're delivered by the word of of your testimony you're delivered and they're delivered why because the truth that you know will make you free and you're teaching them the truth and they begin to know it and then they begin to be set free so before we give our offering today i just i've just been thinking about this for two weeks now and i just wanted to share this with you about the boldness of sharing what god has done i want to share this scripture once again with you and let you know what you are matthew 5 14 and 16 in the message translation there's no other translation that puts it like this because this is the woman translation it adds so many words said here's another way to put it you are here to be a light bringing out the god colors in the world god is not a secret to be kept we are going public with this as public as a city on a hill if i make you light bearers you don't think i'm gonna hide you under a bucket do you i'm putting you on a light stand and now that i've put you there on a hilltop on a light stand shine exclamation point shine keep open house be generous with your lives by opening up to others you'll prompt people to open up with god this generous father in heaven it's not time to back down when somebody says oh don't brag about the things that you have don't brag about what this what that i'm not bragging i'm telling you what god has done don't apologize for it don't get offended at them just say well guess what he can do it for you and you keep moving if they don't want to listen just keep moving forward don't don't pay attention to what they have to say and i listen we're all in this together all of us here we're all a family we're all we're all believing the same thing we're all doing the same thing together and so that's why i wanted to tell you i'm just the one in front of the camera right now but i got all these people here with me okay they're all here i just want you to know that they're all here so i want to tell you today when somebody gets on you when somebody talks bad about you and somebody does this bit just continue to be bold it don't matter because eventually they're going to be the ones coming to you they're going to be the ones coming to you and if you decided to treat them with anger you decided to lash back at them get offended do this they may not want to come to you anymore but if you'll just respond in love but continue to be bold god will take you level upon level upon level and you will literally be walking where your head is and then you say ma'am are you born again are you born again have that boldness because that's the boldness that's going to change the world amen amen so are you ready to give today yes now we're ready we're ready to give stand up on your feet oh and then people want to say that i scream when i when i they say why does she scream you need to turn her down she's yelling let me tell you something let me tell you something solids never scared hell when you walk in a room and you feel a demonic presence you don't say i'm going to need you to leave because i don't i really don't want to raise my voice no let me tell you something i've been upstairs before at my house and i have everything has been quiet and then all of a sudden i have heard my dad downstairs go you spirit of hell get out of here get out of here and everything is just so quiet in the house and you're just like yes i'm in the creek so yes i yell yes i scream number one i'm southern and i can't help it it just happens and another thing is is i want hell to know what i'm saying and i want them to know what i'm doing and i want them to be scared of me why because i'm like that carmen song in slam where he says yes i am that christian that hell warned you about yes i am that one and when i open my mouth i want them to know who's speaking and you should feel the same way i want them to know oh no krista has the mic krista has the mic run and hide please run and hide take all the money that we have stolen and hide it please take all of it why because the body of christ is waking up to what it was intended for and what we need to use it for and church international is the one that's spreading the message and so yes we scream we get loud we dance we jump why because we are that church that hell warned you about we're that church we're warrior we're the little town that's shaking the nation and you're not you're not going to shake it being quiet you're not going to shake it doing like this you're going to shake it do it like this you're going to shake it yelling and so as we give our tithes and our offerings today don't be quiet about it don't be silent about it hold it up hold it up before all of heaven all of earth and let all of hell know what you're about to do speak the words of the master luke 6 38 it says give and it shall be given unto me good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now are you a tither oh hell runs from you every day you get up every day you get up why because somebody quoted this back to me the other day i thought i'm so quotable no they quoted this back to me the other day they said you said something one time about when you're a tither it's like taking a debit card every time you swap it and you slice the devil's neck with it every single time i was like man i said that that was good that was good so this is like every time you sl you swap that card every time you give it's like slicing the devil's ugly neck so right now we speak our tither's promise malachi 3 10 says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it give the lord a shout of praise you can bring your gifts today we have two places up front we have a place up in the balcony we have overflow also we'll make sure that you you are taking care of y'all that new sanctuary is coming [Applause] hallelujah it is good to see everybody today he's supposed to say it's good to be seen [Applause] oh yeah yeah well just do what you can with it bro amen add a little low if it'll take it amen i heard that the lord making more of you than you are and well it's good to see everybody are you free people today oh yeah you got your bible with you you want to hold it up like this give the devil a nervous breakdown come on he's earned it he deserves it now if it's on your phone hold your phone up whatever it is just go ahead and hold it up right here father give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we can learn your mighty word together as a family i give you praise and honor for it in jesus name amen amen all right have you got it good jeremy you can bump it up a little bit i'm used to that big mic amen yeah now you know before we get started today you know nothing the word of god the written word of god is not subject to anything this is not subject to anything and rest your mind on the fact that god gave you his whole word amen if i can get somebody to silence this thing yeah no well let's silence what we can now you know just so that you know i'm gonna i want to talk to you just about a prophetic thing for just a moment and um sounds like bad plumbing don't did you figure it out okay great now uh in the you know the scripture says in revelation six let's look at that right quick and we'll we'll just we'll start off with this this is not what i'm preaching about i don't think but it won't hurt anything to just look at this a moment amen revelation six and let's put up start in verse one if we can put that up there for everybody and um man you know what y'all excited right [Applause] bring it down just a little jeremy in the house i gotta now okay it says and i s i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were now if you go to revelation and you start talking about the lamb opening one of the seals people start going whoa but the scripture does say whoever reads this book is blessed so go ahead receive the blessing right now oh yeah so i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see come and see man i know what that voice sounds like i know what that sounds like in the spirit one night i the lord had me up early the early morning hours he said the wind is blowing he said what is in the wind come and see man i um sometime maybe we can talk about that and he said and i saw behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer now people wondered for years about all of this and about you know the mark and so that's that will come one day and didn't know how it would ever happen but there's uh what you're in the time of right now is the conquering there's something being there's conquering and something to be conquered that the enemy is out now he's going to do this he's doing this on a white horse which means it mimics righteousness and peace as soon as musical chairs are done we'll who gets the cake they know they know i'm picking with them man all these they all work with us and they know i'm playing and so it comes forth on a white horse a righteous looking thing it's going to look right white horse you know everybody you rode in on a white horse to save the day so it never says who the writer is it just said he that sat on him had a crown now i've got to talk a lot in code because they're they're trying to do some things that are not cool to the prophets and all right now so i'm going to say it to you this way he he comes in on a white horse and he's wearing a corona that's the word crown he's wearing a corona and he has a bow in his hand the bow is is a poison dart is what it means in greek so he comes in with a corona and a poison dart on this white horse and with this corona and this poison dart he goes conquering and to conquer are you listening now watch this later on in the book of revelation i'm just trying to give you some things while we have this time together here later in revelation it says i saw this beast come out of the sea it says he had seven uh seven heads 10 horns and 10 crowns on those horns 10 coronas so the first corona is conquering and to conquer but there's coming ten you know them as variants and so this is the push how many of you see it you can see it just like that so that's the push and it's it's a it starts with one corona one poison dart then it's pushing toward the day for 10 10 variants so what you're seeing is something being set up for something else amen so think on that a while people say are we in the tribulation no no but we're in the image of it the impression in the earth like the man's body was here before the man came yes and so it's always set up that way anything to do with the man there'll always be an impression in the earth before the event arrives and so now you're seeing it's happening right in front of your eyes don't forget that speak up i don't mean in this service i mean speak up now let's look at some things today uh i i sense we need to look at first corinthians chapter 10. and verse 11. and let's put that up there and i don't think the lord will mind if we look at another one too so let's look at first corinthians 10 11. i'll wait till it's on the screen so everybody at home and all around the world can see it and i'm going to tell you something god has raised up a family all over the earth right now you're part of a huge thing right now no you really are oh my goodness there's an excitement in my spirit things i'm going to i'm going to show you in a code you ready now watch close there's an excitement in my spirit because [Applause] now the scripture is talking about moses and he's talking about the red sea and is talking about all these things down to verse 11. then when it gets to verse 11 it talks about things they did wrong and all and so forth and it says now all these things happened unto them for examples are in samples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come it says it's written for our admonition when the end comes when you start getting in the end see here we are at the end of the ages we're approaching the end and it says here that these things were written for examples for us now also in first timoth our second timothy 3 16 it talks about how all scripture is inspired given by inspiration of god and is good for correction reproof rebuke and doctrine and instruction in righteousness so all these things are given to us as examples all scripture is inspired so the good is an example as well as the not good and so you know what to do you know what not to do amen and he and the lord said it's very crucial in the end of days when the end of the ends of the world are come now i want you to today i i know uh we we've had some exciting stuff and teaching of the word never can take a backseat to anything you must know the word because god is speaking and there's a lot of voices speaking in these times in these days but god wrote his down where you couldn't misunderstand it amen now the scripture when it talks about these things are given for examples to us and it's shown to us in great detail uh not only because the power it's the power of god but i want you to understand this it's in great detail because this book is embedded with rev uh resurrection power see it's embedded with it everything in it has to do with that with resurrection power now he wants you and i to know about resurrection power so you can live on purpose see so you can live on purpose you can live with a purpose and you'll know your purpose but to be able to understand resurrection power once you understand that and you understand that it's going to that it's full of it the whole book is full of it see when god created the man the first thing he demonstrated was resurrection power he he he made a cast of himself he laid down into the earth and he he laid down into at least six feet of top soil and he laid down he wept the whole face of the ground and he caused a mist to cover it all and he stepped down into that out of the view of angels out of the view of of demons out of the view of anything in existence this was a mystery hidden in god the scripture talks about it being a mystery hidden in god and when he did this and this happened on day three it's hidden in a mystery in genesis one and everything that had seed in itself was buried in the earth on day three and so god went into that mist and he laid down in that wet soil and he went down under the ground and made a cast of himself then he filled that cast with his faith and came back up through that glory and on day six which is which was exactly three days and three nights later and it talks about him creating man on day six making the man genesis 2 7 talks about it and the earth him uncovering the earth informing the man he went to the place where he had laid down and he started pulling the dirt away and when he did six feet down in a grave he revealed the image of himself laying in the earth and all the angels started saying they all wondered what is a man what is a man what is a man he said you're mindful of this man you've got him in your thinking you'll visit his children he said who is this man we don't get this kind of treatment who is what is this creature and after three days and nights they all saw him and when god uncovered him their eyes and their in everything in them backed up and looked and they said he looks just like god he looks just like god that's the man he looks just like you and god laid down on top of that man and he put his eyes on his eyes and his mouth on his mouth and just like elisha raised that boy from the dead he put his hands on his hands so that man could reach what god could reach and see what god could see and say what god could say and he breathed into him the vitality the spirit the life and the very man himself was formed inside the creator and went into that that body's nostrils and when it did that man shook and came alive and he opened his eyes a living soul the scripture said he breathed into him the breath of lives the hebrew says plural lives not one life in other words from him is coming all of you all of us and everything that makes everything live was within him that meant everything was under his submission they had to submit to him so when he uncovered the ground he exposed a fulfilled prophecy that no one could understand the day will come when i will take flesh and die and be buried and raise again after three days and nights and so it was prophesied from the very beginning and he brought that man up out of that hole and when he stood him up he exhibited at that point resurrection power and all of creation saw the power of resurrection they had never seen that like that before so it it was embedded from the very beginning resurrection power is the power of harvest it's the power that brings harvest forth see if you plant a seed in the ground there's an unseen power that comes through the earth you can't see it you can't register it you can't feel it but it'll come through the ground and find that seed it's resurrection power and it's moving toward that seed to bring it to resurrect it from the ground hallelujah how many of you are with me this is the power this is the power that's embedded in the book it's all through the scripture and when it's talking about moses and we were we're reading that scripture and when he's talking about moses see the whole power of the resurrection was exhibited in that uh how how do i do that okay the bible says that jochebed moses mother she was going to save her child from being killed by pharaoh thrown into the nile so she built an ark now it's the only other time that word is used is for noah so where do you think she gained that revelation from the story of noah the lord quickened that to her and she decided it saved the eight from destruction so i'm going to build an ark and save my household from destruction so what it says she built an ark and she pitched it within and without don't that sound familiar to you and watch this but it's also used for the word coffin so she made a coffin and put her son in it so that when pharaoh's daughter opened the thing and the river carried the coffin along and there is a river that flows from god's throne and from fence it is broken into four heads and it's the same river mentioned that the mist came up from and that same river that's it in the hebrew it says it was full of light and it was under the ground full of light full of resurrection power so she put her son in a coffin put him on the river and let him go when pharaoh's daughter caught the basket and opened the basket resurrection took place [Applause] so it was resurrection power that brought moses forth that led the children of israel out of egypt so now you've got a new revelation that when god told noah he said build an ark build this ark build it this long this high put all the animals in it that he told him to put in it put your family in it do all of this you could read it this way build a coffin this long this high enough that all the living can be buried in it so that i can resurrect them at the end of this thing are you here are you listening to me today so the whole word of god is embedded with resurrection power and resurrection power is the power of harvest it's what brings up harvest amen now resurrection power is the power behind the law what law the law of seed plant harvest that is the law you came from the law everything you know came out of that law everything you ate today came out of that law oh yes it did yes it did you came out of that law you were once seed you got planted and look at you is that right if you're going to have children it's going to be through that law so the law is not done away with god still recognizes that law but his people don't recognize the power of resurrection that allows them to live that law on purpose so they can live this life and fulfill destiny [Music] uh i guess i'm alone now jesus said this he said and and here is the thing you put a seed in the ground you give it time and it'll grow this law is powerful listen this thing is so powerful if i took a stick and i drove it up in the ground out here i just took a post and started driving it in the ground you let it stay in that ground long enough and pull it back up out and it'll be rotted all around the bottom of that that pole because that resurrection power came and started trying to give it life and make it grow and make it come up it'll do it to a metal post it's powerful a sidewalk can't hold a plant down that tall it'll break its way through and come up it's not the plant that's breaking it it's that unseen power that brought that man up out of the ground that starts starting come on it starts cracking that that hard sidewall and makes it pop through [Applause] now i'm going somewhere you wonder where but you'll know in a minute are you getting something out of this all right so so let me see if i can tell you this seed time harvest as long as the earth remaineth see time harvest will not cease but there will be a time the lord said that the reaper will overtake the the sower let me see if i can give you a better idea of that it actually says what is is that amos 9 13 put that up on the screen in the the king james if we can and then do we have the amplified no amplified i may have to amp it up myself anybody out there have one okay all right see if that's it amos is it amos 9 13 i think it is so if we can't put that up there i'm just kind of waiting here i'm just waiting and waiting yeah amos now don't get to heaven one day and amos say did you ever did you see that that book did you read my book and you look at amos and say i didn't know you had a book who is amos is this amplified okay i want you to listen first of all to the king james ready behold the days come saith the lord that the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed and the mountain shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt now several other translations say it a little bit different and the amplified really drives it home behold the days are coming says the lord that the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed and the mountain shall drop sweet wine and the hill shall melt that is everything here to forbear and unfruitful shall overflow with spiritual blessings now one translation says this while the harvest continues it will continue until it's time to plant again that's right that's right now you're not listening to me it says the harvest what are you reading out of you said you said yeah that's what it says this is where the harvest continues and it says bring that to me okay that's all right i'm the one reading it you just hand me that [Laughter] she knows i'm kidding she's she's kin to us so behold the days are coming this is i guess this is the classic come behold the days are coming says the lord when the plowman shall overtake the one who gathers the harvest and the one who treads the grape shall overtake him who sows the seed for harvest for the harvest continues until planting time so in other words once the harvest begins he said there's coming a time people think well the time will just be gone no it says the harvest will continue until it's time to plant again and so you'll plant again while you're still eating the harvest of the last time and then before you can finish that it'll already come up again and the harvest will never go away and it'll be there and be extended all the time you understand what i'm saying you say oh how could that be brother robin well this is the way a man's life is that's right a man has children and before that children that child is gone while that child is still living he plants again and has more and has more and has more this is the way you were designed to live that your harvest continue all the way through planting time and so that you're still you're just now treading the grapes and the other grapes are being planted again i mean it's you just now started and you've never run out of grapes it means the harvest will continue until the sowing time comes again most people run out of harvest before the time to plant again because they don't understand resurrection power resurrection power came and introduced itself to you the day you were conceived because the day you were conceived resurrect that's what that flash of lightning is in that seed when that egg and that seed collide that lightning flashes like that that's god coming on the scene visiting your baby shower and when he flashes like that into your life he brought gifts to your baby shower and he deposited those gifts on the inside of you and the day it was you were conceived gifts were placed there but they'll lie in that coffin of dirt until they're exposed to that power this is why satan looks to abort children because he knows in those lightning bolts he can't see what's coming out of them but the day will come when they're exposed to resurrection power suddenly you'll see presidents and doctors and governors and prophets and you'll see that you'll see people of great importance come up on the scene that nobody had a clue who they were i don't know i'm i'm more excited than everybody i think now the resurrection power is the power of the harvest now i want you to uh hear this jesus said these words he said unless a seed fall to the ground and die he said it abides alone and he was talking about himself he called his life a seed okay he comes up to i'm going somewhere just stay with me he comes up to lazarus tomb and he says this they say if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died yeah you have to help me with that how said why if you'd have been here he wouldn't have died the time between the planting and the harvest was four days for lazarus god told abraham said be 400 years that your children will be in bondage god wasn't just talking about abraham didn't even have children when he told him that he said not only are you going to have children but i'm already on the other side of the page he said there'll be such a nation and another nation will take them in bondage and there'll be 400 years of time between the planting and the reaping and i'm going to bring them out i'm going to visit them bring them out amen yeah we're fixing the jump here so i know you're wondering does this gonna make any sense it should already be making something you're a peculiar people now listen to some peculiar things here so he says there's jesus says he looks at at lazarus sisters and he says take me where have you laid him so they took him to a cave he wept not crying over lazarus he's groaning in the spirit the holy ghost he says he groaned in the spirit and he was weeping he was exercising and operating in the gifts of the spirit and he was in tune with his father with groanings which cannot be uttered and he's groaning and when he does he said roll the stone away he groaned till he heard this roll the stone away but lord by this time he stinks he's been dead four days he said do you believe that your brother arise again yea lord in the last day at the resurrection he said i am the resurrection he didn't say i have resurrection power he didn't say i operate in resurrection power he said i am the resurrection the resurrection is not a time and it's not a place and it's not just a power it's a person and that person is the lord jesus christ himself who is your lord and savior [Applause] he said i am the resurrection lazarus come forth he said if you believe you'll see the glory so the glory of god is resurrection power now he said unless a seed fall to the ground and die it abides alone he's talking about his life so he laid down his life as a seed yes he did and remember what he said now watch this i lay down my life and i take it up again [Applause] because he is the resurrection i lay it down i take it up now here it goes you ready a lot's being said a lot's been said a lot's been said i guess in code i don't know but i'll tell you this when he died jesus did not take and or i should say it this way he did not carry your sin the scripture says in ii corinthians 5 21 that he became your sin he who knew no sin was made to be sin with our sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him he was made to be sin he's the serpent on the pole that got everybody healed when they looked at it because he became the sin if he'd have only carried your sin it would have been seen by the enemy real quickly but while he's hanging on that cross all the sin all the results of it begin to come on him at one time the scripture says that darkness covered the earth for three hours in the greek it talks about how hell belched out of itself every demonic presence came on the earth and it was time to annex the earth it was time to come for adam's treason and come after all of us it was time to take humanity and he was coming for that sin and when it came upon the earth and the reaper came to reap the sin he had become that sin and psalm 22 he says this my god my god why hast thou forsaken me in the new testament he said it in tongues being interpreted my god my god why hast thou forsaken me and the 22nd psalm talks about how demons came to pull him out of his body and how bulls of bashan had come and camped round about him and he had become our sin he had become that sin how did he ever get your become our sin by faith he did it he had to believe for your sin the way you have to believe for his righteousness can you imagine him believing for your sin [Applause] every leper he laid hands on he believed god to take it on himself one day on that cross everything he prayed for he used his faith to be the transfer he would take it for them and he knew this and he did it anyway hey hear the gentleness of the spirit hear the gentleness of the spirit woo you and draw you into a mystery for the mystery is a thing that's seldom seen says the lord but listen to the gentleness of the spirit as it draws you into this mystery for i will reveal to you something that you've never heard before and i will reveal to you something that will change you by tomorrow for you will hear it in the night in your spirit and i will use it to bring your children home hallelujah good is the word of the lord we esteem the word of the lord now so he's believing and he's receiving our sin our sickness disease everything every time he ministers healing think about that and so on the cross he became our sin and if you would have saw him on the cross he started twisting with the effects of arthritis and he started taking becoming the results of all the sickness and disease all the sin until the roman soldiers who had crucified no telling how many thousands these are you're talking about soldiers that brew that brutally slaughtered children when told to made them no difference but when they looked up at him on the cross they said this bible said they just people would just smoke their breasts they couldn't look at him because they would say and one of them finally looked up and said surely this was the son of god because no one they think nobody could do that to a man but god he became that and in that darkness of those three hours all the proteins drained from his body and he he said in the scripture he became like a worm a bloody grub hanging on the cross and then in the middle of the darkness as his hair started to turn loose and fall off and his and his beard where they torn it out and he had been beaten until his lips were this big and swollen and he is dehydrated maybe his eyes almost shut and then all of the the results of sin and death and sickness and all had become begun to come on him at one time while demons squealed and glee watching him in the darkness while all the demonic powers of hell had come for their harvest and they began to pull on his spirit to pull him out of his body and you read the 22nd psalm he can't respond in english so he just yells out eli eli lumos about tonight and he starts to beat himself against the cross because when he inhales he can't exhale he has to push himself up on those spikes and start breathing out and then fall down again and he goes into convulsions and beats himself on the cross and out of the darkness they hear the anguish of all sin that has ever been coming out of one mouth at one time and they just smote their breasts and they drop their heads and they don't know what to do about it they've never seen a man die like that lift your hands and bless the lord please all over the house wherever you're watching come on and praise him a moment i the glorious one jesus christ who has come in the flesh sit at the right hand of the father and my intercessions out of them flow for you my resurrection power for my intercessions are from the heart of the father that flow through me yes resurrection power is in my intercessions and it manifests in and for you to bring about the perfect will of the father for my glory says the son hallelujah we esteem the word of the lord good is the word of the lord now can you imagine out of the darkness where you couldn't see the entire cry of the human race all of sin's effects roared out of the mouth of god himself as he cried in such anguish and he prayed the entire 22nd psalm in other tongues and if you read the 22nd psalm it goes all the way through to resurrection and he says he will stand again in the congregation and praise god but the enemy couldn't understand this and he didn't know about when god laid down in the mist he didn't know this mystery and so the day came when god in human form descended into the pits of the damned when he died he said into thy hands i commend my spirit the word hands there means into your instrument i deposit all that i am remember he said i'm a seed into your instrument into the law of seed plant harvest i deposit all that i am. so when he did that and he said i deposit all that i am that means if he's a seed and he's about to go down then he was calling on resurrection power at that point on the cross he was saying i'm coming up i'm coming up so when the bulls of bashan these bulls of bashan have their route all the way back to goliath and the king of bashan the giants he's dealing with those spirits on the cross he's dealing with everything fallen angels he's dealing with everything right then and he's becoming all of the harvest you and i deserved it and so they drug his spirit into the damned and for three days and nights just like genesis from day three to day six he laid there in the pits of the damned and he suffered every degrading ungodly thing that you and i deserved all of it what did you really think he was doing in hell how could a spiritual sin be paid just in a physical body alone adam died twice he died spiritually first and then 930 years later he died physically jesus died physically on the cross and then he had to die spiritually for hours as our substitute what is spiritual death separation from god he had to be separated from his father because of our sin well i don't know if i believe that you you better let him go to hell because somebody's got to go and if you don't let him go for you then you have to go for i speak to you of a tribal thing and i speak to you of things that are not understood by most civilized people for they have civilized the tribal aspects of covenant right out of their lives for the lord says this is way beyond thousand dollar suits way beyond what you drive and where you live this is down deep in your core this is something i put inside you when i lay in the earth all those times ago for i am going to bring this up out of my people in these days and in these last days this is why you will see a revival among the native tribes of this nation this is why you will see such a revival in africa this is why you will see a revivals in india and in the island nations because of covenant that they understand catch the wave says the lord as it comes by catch the wave and say i will be part of this i will hold on to this and the lord said i will reveal my resurrection to you so that you can live it and i can live it through you hallelujah hallelujah yes i will now the lord said somebody said what is all of this these tongues these things these languages coming out isn't that too too much the lord says nay it is yet not enough [Music] for i am speaking to a people yet born oh my goodness [Applause] [Music] yay yay speaking to a people yet born speaking to a people yet born speaking to those still in the loins for i am creating destinies and i'm speaking destinies those some say what is this the lord says you are old but you have no wisdom for you have let religion shape your wisdom for i will give you the mind of a young eagle if you will turn the old eagle mind loose i'll give you the body of a new eagle with the mind of a re-created old eagle and i will let you soar says the lord though you be 85 yeah i will still let you soar though you be 92 i will still let you soar and though you be a hundred and two i will still let you soar hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah what is this you haven't heard yet it's just beginning now there is a prophetic generation coming on the scene now i don't know how to say that lord so so in in this he said i'll fall to the ground and die he said unless i fall to the ground and die we'll abide alone but if i'm planted as a seed i won't be alone in other words the works i do there's coming a bunch when i come up when i grow up in the harvest there will be a bunch who the works i do they'll do and greater works than i do they'll do because i won't abide alone now this is a mystery and i know i know and you think what are you talking about dear dear lord i have notes [Applause] i'm not sure what they are but but here here is the thing he said unless a seed follow the ground die it abides alone the last adam said this the first adam the lord spoke to him and said it's not good that man should be alone so i'll make him a help meat he said now go name the animals so the first adam went out naming the animals how is this going to even at all contribute to a health meet that he's not alone because the word alone is two words it's the word all one it's not good that the man be all one he said so go name the animals and i'm going to make you a help meat so adam is out naming all the bugs all the animals and i got envisioned as watching the hippos and he goes and starts naming giving them their authority and suddenly he sees something from inside a hippo comes another hippo as they give birth and adam says my help meat is in me she's in me she's in me she's in me lord i receive this promise of not being all one so he went into a deep sleep he fell out under the power that's where it all started he fell out under the power every time someone falls out under the power it is to bring forth something from them and the resistance to the power people stand and resist falling and so he found the power and the hebrew says the lord opened his side reached into his womb removed his female counterpart because there were two spirits in one body that's why i said male and female created he them but there was only one body he got a revelation of that and when he opened his eyes here she came whoa man now the rabbis teach in the midrash one of the midrash teaches this that the four most beautiful women in all of existence was eve sarah rahab and esther they said up beside sarah all women were just as beautiful as they could be sarah was extraordinary but up beside adam's wife sarah was not extraordinary and so he looked at her and he loved her and he said something that i don't know if i should say but i'm prompted to say because this is going to just it's not going to be really probably popular he looked at her and he said i'll call her woman man with a womb he said because for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife adam prophesied him leaving his father so what happened at that point she was that gorgeous she was that beautiful she was that everything she came out of him he said it she came from me she's born of my bone flesh of my flesh could it have been that the first idle worship the last adam the last adam jesus he said lest a seed fall to the ground and die it abides that it's all one so they hung him on a tree didn't say they hung him on two poles says they hung him on a tree see it says the roman soldiers came up and broke this thieves leg broke his legs that's so they couldn't push up and breathe they would suffocate they'd fall down and die so he broke this one then he went and broke this other one's legs but when he came to jesus he was dead already now if they're hanging on three different poles why would he go here skip jesus and go over here because the scripture said jesus was between them but if he was on a tree and it was a tree then you hang them at different heights and he could break this one's leg go break this one's leg when he came to jesus he was dead already and the scripture says curse it as everyone who hangs on every time it's mentioned it's a tree and strangely enough they had crucifixion trees in those days he said unless i die i abide alone so when they came to him he was dead they didn't break his legs there wasn't a bone in his body broken which is a miracle of the beating he took and they never broke a bone it's because of that fire that was in him watch now they came to him he was already dead so they didn't break his legs they took a spear and they opened his side he had to fall to the ground and die then his side was opened so he didn't remain all one and blood and water flowed out and just as the first adam adam's bride was removed from his side the second adam the last adam's bride was [Applause] was removed from his side and you and i were in him the whole time this is why people say and see jesus had a bride and it's you [Applause] so he walked in the earth and the bible said he grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with god and man that means when he left heaven he laid aside his robes of all knowing all everything of being god and laid it aside came to the earth as man god the god man and so he had to learn by revelation just like you do that's why when he fought satan on the amount of temptation satan knew who he was he he did then he didn't before that satan did not know who he was until the voice came from heaven and said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased satan thought john the baptist was him yes he did because the religious people ask him because satan operates in this kind of religious people and they said are you the christ satan wanted to know he said no i'm not him but there's one coming after me whose shoe latchets his sandal thongs i'm not worthy to unloose and satan heard it sandal thong sandal foot step on head mine remember he'll crush your head and the bruise is real [Applause] and so he stood back and watched until jesus came down that jordan that day and when he come down that muddy bank and he walked up to him and john said i'm not worthy to baptize you you need to baptize me why would he say such a thing because he said i'm baptizing for the remission of sin you don't have any you need to baptize me and jesus said suffer it to be so now permit it john he said because thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness what he's saying is is i'm not being baptized for the remission of sin i'm being baptized as a sign of my consecration to put it all right again i'm going to put it all back right again and whatever i do from this day forward when i go under that water and i come up again from that day forward there's no turning back it's a consecrated decision i am going to put it right all again i'm going to make it right whatever it takes and then and only then did john permit him to come so john understood it but when he baptized him in the greek it was baptismal he dunked him dunked him under and when he came up out of that water the heavens opened and the greek says to all the way through the netherworld all the way in other words to the throne and when he did him and god was looking at each other down through that and the holy ghost came down and landed on him bodily in the form of a dove and the voice of the father said this is my beloved son there's no more wondering who it is this is him and it came at that point of consecration that's when it was revealed to the world who he was are you listening to me now you're listening [Applause] well this show has took a long time brother to get us this just took a long time to get us to this point i don't know how to tell it in in 10 minutes and i'm not in charge of what i'm saying anyway i'm in charge of choosing i guess i don't know but i choose to only say what he says and i endeavor to do that all time so he said now it's revealed that's who he is then satan comes to him on the on the uh uh the mount of temptation remember that you know remember you read it where he came to it on the amount of temptation 40 days and nights jesus is fasting and praying why because he's pressing in to know what it's going to take to be the last adam and put it all right ain't no deciding anymore it's already decided he grew up to that revelation and when it came to him and he knew his next move he said i'm going to consecrate to the father right now there's i'm i'm going to do it i'm going to do what i was born to do this is why i came in the world i'm consecrating to do it john was the last legitimate high priest of the old testament that's why john wore the leather girdle it's because his daddy zachariah was the real legitimate high priest ananias and caiaphas they were puppets of rome one of them was didn't even believe in resurrection now one of them was just like a sadducee he was so sad you see he had nothing to look forward to all it was was political gain there's a lot of preachers in the world right now that are nothing but political gain that's all they're doing they're looking for favor you say how do i recognize these preachers you can recognize them when they stand up and smile they shake the hands of people while they say abortion is good abortion is all right the baby's rights have no right signing their lives away and they stand and applaud like this they're gonna laugh until they laugh until their burns char in hell one day because this is an abomination before god but you've got caiaphas and you've got an anus and you've got these people uh political pundits and political prophets and political high priests they have no power but zachariah was the descendant of aaron he was the one he was the legitimate high priest and the reason john the baptist they asked him are you elijah is because they they teach that they kept elijah's girdle behind the the altar and when john the baptist got old enough zachariah gave it to him and he wore elijah's girdle and so they said are you elijah he was the last legitimate high priest and the lamb came to be washed in the waters of the gihon you see it was in the jordan yes but it was in the place where that water from the gehan spilled out from under and ran into it and he came down and they bathed him john bathed him when he baptized him he said he's clean there's no nothing in him that's why he said i can't baptize you he said you're not baptizing me for sin i'm consecrating to put it right and then john said this now you know why he said it behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world he understood something so he's coming up out of that water he goes to the mount of temptation and satan says huh you the one we waited on you him huh he said if you're the son of god why would he say that because jesus got that revelation he got a revelation god with his father at 12. but this is different this is the last item he said if you're the last adam if you're the son of god let me see you do something i've only ever seen one other son of god do command the stones to be made bread the first adam could do that oh i don't know if i could do it then it wasn't a temptation if it wasn't possible there was no temptation at all he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god then he tells him these other things and jesus says it is written it is written it is written it is written he's operating as a prophet under the abrahamic covenant and he's going to get it back legally see if he'd just come as god knocking the devil around doing everything as god it wouldn't have been legal because a man gave it away and a man had to take it back so he comes operating in the power it is written now watch so when he dies on that cross he said i have to fall and die so that i don't remain all one when they opened his side blood and water came out that's what you're made of and it came out of his side and he birthed his bride and you know the power of it when when thomas came on the scene and said told the men told his brothers and sisters spiritual brothers and sisters he said unless i put my fingers in the hole in his hands and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe and jesus walked through the wall behind him and said thomas yay lord [Applause] can you imagine thomas is saying i will not believe and they're going i could couldn't you see thomas slowly turn and jesus said come here thomas put your finger in these holes that wasn't house nails they put in his hands they were like railroad spikes you could see daylight through them and he did this come thrust your hand into my side and when thomas did he touched the heart of god and he said my lord and my god because that's where his bride is born that's where his bride comes so unless but this is the thing about jesus now you got to listen to me now sometimes you could just bite the mic stand i mean i mean you know what i'm talking about it gets too strong what you think some of you just want to bite the seat [Applause] it's true in there come on balcony come on balcony guys yeah is there an overflow today wave at me overflow i see the overflows up there hungry man they probably got hunks took out of the chairs up there that's all i will buy more let that anointing flow so he says that he not remain all one so you know now where you came from [Applause] you know as long as they don't bite each other we good don't bite each other we'll do communion if we need to now you know what i i'm i've got to finish this now but i want to tell you something hungry people for god hungry people for god see you're you're you're all you're all here it may be hot but sometimes the overflow's out under that tent where it's really hot and then overflow upstairs and you know sometimes it's like i said when one church man everybody in this room you know you say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but the overflow's hanging on flagpole somewhere trying i mean that they won't they're doing anything to hear the word this is this is the crowd that god has waited on all over the world all over the world right now other nations there may be 30 40 nations right now tuned in i don't know but i'm telling you they're all hungry and they're all our family we're all family get this through your mind now you got to get this through your mind and don't let nobody ever shake this out of your mind you get this grounded in you there's only two races of people in existence those that know god and those that don't know god amen and we're doing everything we can to get them into one those that know god people get hung up on some silly stupid something god created all flesh from one blood how about that let me let me see if we can finish this so the first adam's bride came out of his side yay the last adam's bride came out of his yay the difference is this the last adam will not idolize your religion [Applause] the last item i don't care how long you scream i'm methodist i'm catholic i'm presbyterian i'm baptist i'm pentecostal i'm lutheran he won't idolize you all you are all your whole division started on was one chip of a revelation and only till you put the chips that begin all these denominations together he's not going to idolize you you will come through his word yeah but god you know it's me it's oh i work so hard okay big whoop i mean honestly see people people call people call me a pastor sometimes because i understand they don't know that i'm they you know they just that's just something they say pastor robin there's pastor robin she has that anointing for pastor you don't want me to be a pastor i assure you you don't because you know pastors don't usually say big whoop so so people feel well you know i'm this i do all this work i do he won't idolize you he won't make you an idol you worship the lord your god and only him shall you sir that's all he's going to do he's not going to idolize you he won't idolize your denomination either denominations and people that get into that kind of religion now not now i'm not talking about people seeking god with all their heart but i'm talking about when a denomination forms off of a piece of revelation the catholics had had a piece of revelation everything you know about the crucifixion you learn from catholic church yes you did too no i didn't learn it from my baptist sunday school no you didn't no you didn't they got it from the catholic church because that's what they studied and they had a revelation of what he suffered more than anybody in the world but that's a that's a piece of that then the monk martin luther got hold of a little more the just to live by their faith it's not by works another little piece added then the methodism john charles wesley wasn't his the two brothers name they got a hold of sanctification and holiness and methodism was born out of that came baptist and and presbyterians and everything else and and then out of the methodist church the holy ghost power started flashing around and john wesley wasn't afraid of it the church wouldn't let him preach in their churches he had to preach in a cemetery go preach among the dead charles okay 29 000 people came to hear him because the best place to have resurrection is in the dead [Applause] he slammed that bible down on family tombstones it started they came from everywhere 30 000 people to hear sanctification and holiness they came to hear him preaching sanctification holiness the just who lived by faith and the crucifixion he wasn't hung up he's preaching all he knew one woman fell out in his service and everybody went oh who did that brother wesley who did that he just stopped and he said well we'll just stand here and she wakes up and we'll see wise man she came to about a half hour later and said praise god he said well that's who did it let's move on i mean didn't scare him because these people that began these revelations were hungry well you've come down to the last in the last days where the revelation is standing now all the way to you're fully armored with the sword in your hand the bride of christ but he won't idolize you remember that does that make sense to you because he will not lose his the way the first one did now yeah now i've got to close it i know you're waiting on you whoo brother robin it's hot really i mean really [Laughter] now here's uh here's here's where i think we should stop now have you got a lot out of this okay now what you want to do is you want to thank the lord thank jesus for these revelations you've heard because only he knows this stuff and then consecrate to them say now i make a full consecration what is a consecration it's a decision from which there is no return no backing up you make it a part of your life forever you know in our bible school the lord gave me three subjects he said foundation consecration revelation foundation consecration revelation but it runs in reverse the way you get them you get a revelation oh look at that you you a lot of you receive revelation today of several things then you consecrate to that revelation and it becomes solid in your life then you can take that solid stone and lay it in your foundation and then you're building your house amen you know i'm talking i believe honestly you know it's a it's it's very much i'm talking to people that are special to god your hunger stands out like a shining diamond right now religion has left people empty and it's left them to where they're still longing for just something instead of making faith in their life a lot of religion has just left people full of fear and doubt until when when a souped-up flu you understand souped up we used to build hot rods when i was growing up we called them we'd take a 289 in my mustang or something and i wanted to soup it up all the corona is is a souped-up flu with a man-made variant i'll leave it right there there's no music to stop that algorithm some of you understand what i'm saying but i will tell you this you were standing your faith and your hunger those in the overflow those outside balcony on the main floor those around the world that's in situations that you and i have never even dreamed of having to live in they're shining like diamonds before heaven the hunger their hunger is absolutely amazing and heaven will not leave that unanswered you're about to see a lot of different dictators that you didn't even realize were dictators fall a lot of them will leave because this is the time for freedom not bondage somebody ought to shout it's a time for freedom not bondage hallelujah [Applause] now now i've got to close this so you can sit down if you want you're about to jump probably again but go ahead and sit down because here it is you ready i want you to see this jesus you understand now he's talking about himself as a seed resurrection power is the harvest right i want you to see this when jesus died let me let me get right here i want to show you this in matthew 27 verse 60 3. now let's go to 62. this is our close now so everybody can you know that's that's ready to catch this get ready verse 62 matthew 27 there is that many verses in there you know don't you know that don't you come on well i'll just hush you know i love you you do know that right you know i pick at you a lot right but you do know i don't like the devil at all [Applause] yeah i will lord look at verse 62. let's see we can get that on the screen so everybody can see this now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chief priests and the pharisees came together unto pilate saying sir we remember that that deceiver now they're referring to the lord here said while he was yet alive after three days i will rise again now you know why he kept saying that three days he had a revelation of something didn't he command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day this is after three days and nights lest his disciples come by night and steal him away they knew what was going to happen three days and three nights it was going to happen that at that moment in in that those hours and saying to the people he has risen from the dead so that the last era shall be worse than the first pilot said unto them ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as you can so they went and made the sepulcher sure sealing the stone and setting a watch so now now we move into something in the political realm so you wonder how long i was going to stay off of that didn't you and the in the political realm is the realm where where angelic forces and demonic forces meet to fight it's in the political realm why because the political realm governs the affairs of men so they fight in that realm over control of regions and nations now jesus dies just like he said his side is open just like he said everything is just like he said so they bury him in this grave just like he said now they don't know what to do so they get the government involved so religion employs government and they get the government involved with their religion and they seal the tomb with a government seal so they legally seal jesus in that tomb so the law is at work here and so they legally they bring the law on the scene to seal the tomb where he can't get out because religion has requested resurrection which is the law of harvest and the scripture said he's the lord of the harvest he had something else to say they sealed the tomb the the religious world joined with the political realm and sealed that tomb even put guards around that tomb they must keep this power sealed they can't let it out they've got to put it away if they can't put it away they can't control the people with fear any longer and all the religious all the religious hierarchy is going to get upended turned over and all their ideas of who they think god is is about to get turned over in the south in the south we say thumped over it's about to get topped over so they must seal him in so you know what they do they threaten they threaten they seal it up and they threaten anybody breaks that legal seal to let that power out of that hole anybody breaks that seal anybody does that and rolls that stone away they answer to the government but there was an angel who came down and this angel came down from heaven and they said whoever breaks this seal will answer to the government but an angel came down the angel of the lord the word lord is god in his system of harvest and this angel came down and he said he is a seed he died he was buried he went into hell he paid the prize and now i am here as the angel of the harvest and i don't give a flying rip about rome i don't care what the government says it'll make me no difference what's going on i don't care if you got seals all the way around that rock i'm coming down and when his foot touched the ground the earth started rumbling and the earth started the earth started shaking hallelujah [Applause] he came down he don't give a rat's rear end about rome he don't care what's going on down here he said i'm the angel of harvest owed the seed and he is the lord of the harvest i was ordered in other tongues while he was on the cross that i'm going to preach in the congregation again i've come for his words i've come to ray i've come now and when he put his foot on the ground all the roman soldiers and the political realm fell like dead men on both sides the angel touched that rock rolled it away from the tomb up a little hill and bounced up just threw it right up on the hill and bowed and the son of god came through the open all you see happening now is the first time you've noticed this it was tried in the days of hitler all the jewish people have to wear a yellow star that turned into a tattoo a mark that ultimately resulted in six million of them that's recorded dying and it was a dead nation as far as the world was concerned but after 2 000 years of being a dead nation suddenly made no difference who thought what the power of harvest came over the scene and god said i said i would bring you back and when he came over the scene suddenly the nation of israel 1948 1949 something happened all at once the nations didn't want to recognize it but god's talked to a truman and started talking to people and raised them up and said give them their give them their their recognition again and suddenly then one day the nation of israel was born again back on the scene now all you see is this watch this they call you the unvaccinated you have a title just like the jews and you have a serpent eye trying to run it all and now you have to have a card they're pushing for a card that's your yellow star that turns into a mark that results into death and so they said how we're going to do this there are those in that nation there's that one nation over there they said israel was created see because i'm telling you this israel was created because god loved israel america was created because we loved god and so all the world looked this way they looked to the west they said america what is america doing they said we've got to stop them put them in the tomb and seal their doors they did they did can't go to church government seals made no difference if it was against the government constitution do it anyway because they're so afraid who created such fear in them religion not the revelation the religion added to it created such fear there was no power no no no real power in most of it because homosexuals were allowed to stand behind the holy place and proclaim the gospel and they don't make you popular i don't preach to be popular i don't talk to be popular i talk because the lord says release this power talk about my word tell the truth so that they can be saved their children can be saved your grandchildren can be saved so that they're not locked away [Applause] homosexuality and abomination standing where it ought not it split the methodist church right down the middle standing up and saying hell that's about this that's about yeah but watch this standing up and saying nobody can give a message in tongues in our churches you can't prophesy in our churches you can do it in the small cell groups on a tuesday on a thursday but what if the holy ghost don't have nothing to say on tuesday or thursday and so when the when the the white horse the spirit of the white horse i should say and the one corona and the poison dart road all the churches had no power they were sealed behind a rock taking temperatures before they come in the church this ain't walmart [Applause] even walmart didn't take your temperature i'll tell you man i was preaching down on the choctaw reservation not long ago down around there only rooms there only room i'll you you can tell i love the native people don't you wonder why i love them if i have my way of being every single reservation all 500 and something other because they're all they're all prophets and we had to stay the only rooms available they put us in these rooms and this big casino was in these rooms and then this hotel so you know you walk through you're going through and you take an authority there was there was more peace in some of them rooms than i've i've had in some churches i think i mean you know listen it's a wonder i even serve god when i was 16 years old 16 years old i was dating robin all we could date i mean you know and and i she's singing with the gospel group we've been married 42 years and so i we were just kids i was 16 years old i was barely barely 15 if you were 15. because i'm i'm two years older a right at it so anyway i go in this church my hair was about to hear i have my guitar and i go in this church to play with their group and the deacons and all of them came over whoever it was came over and said he can't play here he can't be in here he said well why not well look at his hair and they threw me out of that church but they didn't just throw me out they threw me off that stage wouldn't let me play would not let me play because the way i looked i went out and said in the gospel van. so when the when the corona and the poison dart came that's what created all the fear of it somebody kept telling me one time at a meeting i was out having a meeting with somebody i just get fed up with things see you don't want me to be a pastor i mean i just i just get flat fed up i was talking on on the elijah stream the other day and i said you know people say you got to take this you got to take this you got to take this jab you got to take this jab got talking code jab jab you got to take this jab said or you don't have a job what would you say that i i said i think everybody needs to learn a johnny paycheck song [Music] [Applause] some of you don't know what that is but sometimes yeah you say you wouldn't want me to be a pastor but i love you but i don't love the devil he don't like me either i'm going to tell you something what you're seeing is yeah i gotta know lord he told me you you've got to finish here i think he said that i i need to the thought came to me i need to finish so something i was telling you what was it oh yeah yeah i was in that we went and stayed in that that place you know and i come walking our rooms was in this place now you know my room wasn't in the casino but this big giant hotel was on one side and that other was on the other side and you know you walk around you can see it out there and you're looking at all the you know the life and i and i walked through the door me and tommy i think me and tommy came in last off the bus i come walking through the door i looked up some guy with a mask on sitting behind a shield listen man i wouldn't surprise me they didn't have two dobermans a shield four masks i'm serious is going i mean really and i'm walking in ain't got nothing i'm just walking in and does like this to me i said and when i walked by i looked up and it said we just took your temperature i said oh man man you walk through this arch and they're taking your temperature now from the sides some of the churches need to go to the casinos and get their they get their arches so now you tell me something if you have to i heard that so you you have to you okay so if you're going to take people's temperature before they come in your church i want to ask you a question now when i asked something now not maybe not to you but i want to ask this question suppose they have one now what what what do you do now i mean honest to god if they have one what are you going to do now not those churches so the only other option they've got if that's their requirement you can't have a temperature when you come in so if they have one what happens now so now you're going to stand in the courts of heaven one day and god's going to say that man went to hell and his whole family and all those hundreds and thousands that he influenced oh lord i i would never send anybody to hell you know the day you wouldn't let him in your church was the day i was going to heal him and save him no power if there was power the where the way the early church was there wouldn't be a serpent trying to run this country there wouldn't be what 45 000 people in afghanistan right now that you if something don't change you will never see them again this this mess is not laid at the feet of the world it's laid at the salt of the earth's feet and it's all because we don't understand resurrection power or we wasn't allowed to operate in it so you must start gaining this knowledge so the government seals says they're going to seal you in but i want to tell you something there is an angel and there are angels that have been released now in the earth and they don't give a rip about government seals they don't care [Music] they don't care they don't care [Applause] and they're moving around all over the earth and the earth starts to shake violently when they touch the ground that just happened i want to tell you something voodoo is a very real thing it's being brought out on the scene to do battle with god no you don't understand they're all hiding all these false beliefs and these witchcraft and these witchy people and all this kind of stuff they're hiding everybody's trying to hide now because you know what's happening i'm gonna tell you what's happening you ready for this this is what's happening because the showdown on mount carmel has started everything has now begun and here's what it is i want to tell you something bring me my staff bring it here i'm going to tell you something i want you to listen to something here it is here it is right here so listen you ready this is it right here hey bail hey bail hey hey call on him louder politicians why don't you call on him louder he's probably in the bathroom oh yeah he probably got no toilet paper because you sold it all during the big lockdown so he's trapped in there oh yeah hey hey all you false religions hey all the coexist bunch hey hey i'm going to tell you something if your god is god why don't he manifest himself right now go ahead and manifest himself oh yeah well you know and all you ufo believers that just that you're si you just seriously think that people are coming from other planets and intergalactical travel why don't you talk to your gods and get them to land at the white house where we can all see them send us an email we got that they can call us on the cell phone they're so advanced and all of that you know so hey it's time to start mocking baal [Applause] feel the drum hallelujah give me an e here's an e no ball [Music] [Applause] you prophets of baal who is the prophets of baal it's those who take the unborn and slaughter them you want to know what what false god is trying to be in charge right now 345 600 some odd children are dying a year in this nation alone in abortion mills over 20 something million worldwide to this date since january it's not a ufo it's not all these other crap religions that have no power to smile at everybody while they slaughter god's heritage all over the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you're not being very popular with other places brother robin when they stop killing children i'll get kinder [Applause] [Music] it's time to mock bail bail it's time to mock baal they set up their arches around the world a thousand arches of baal they have sought to unfurl they put them in england italy new york city and london [Music] they set them up everywhere politicians stand and talk about whirlwinds coming to god's people bring bail out on the battlefield for i as one as one prophet in this world not the only but those other prophets around this world that see this broadcast it's time to call down fire call it down [Music] people say what kind of fire it's amazing to me the spiritual ignorance of people they think i'm talking about literal fire that consumes that tree out there or something i'm talking about revival fire i'm talking about a fire in the spirit that comes down on god's people and falls upon the people [Applause] i'm going to tell you something you see it happen you see it happening in quebec you see it happening in quebec you see it happening in italy [Music] you see it happening in israel you see it happening what they're protesting in the streets they're saying i won't wear your yellow star i say have me that mod come on i say the mic the mind [Music] i say as a representative of the lord and the prophetic as a prophet of god i say hitler won't rise again not on our watch tyranny will rise again [Music] not on our watch come on call down fire [Music] call down fire go call down fire revival fire revival fire come on come on call down fire [Music] call down [Music] gonna call [Music] come up here emma come up here revival fire [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] i see revival in california [Applause] i see revival in new york [Applause] [Music] i see revival in the state of washington revival set revival fire all right come on shout it call down [Music] sounded imma go [Music] oh [Music] hurry dana come here dina come here come here [Music] sounded emma stand right here [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] i'm bringing out the arsenal of david i'm bringing out this arsenal of war i'm bringing out the shout of king david bringing it to arnon's threshing floor i'm bringing out the arsenal of david bringing out his arsenal of war lifting up the praise of king david going up by arnon's threshing floor to stop the plague to stop the plague hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] bringing out his arsenal of war bringing out the arsenal of david i'll stop the plague i'll buy the threshing floor says the lord says the lord says the lord says the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're bringing up [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got to get to where we are unafraid amen you got to get to where you have the rhythm of life back in you oh yeah hey [Music] gonna dance in the rhythm of life gonna dance in the rhythm of life said i'm gonna dance with the rhythm of life today gonna dance with the rhythm of of life today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] with a rhythm of life [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hallelujah come on and give god a shout in the house [Applause] oh praise the lord man what a what a message wow wow hallelujah praise god lord we just thank you for this day we glorify your name we glorify you lord we thank you for the resurrection power we thank you lord for all that you did for us and lord we receive the resurrection power we receive lord all that you've done on the cross lord lord we receive our healing we receive lord our peace lord we receive our prosperity lord we receive everything that you paid for us and we give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god you know we're going to get ready to in the live stream we don't want you to forget about and come and spend we're going to have special services on the 6th and 7th and that will be our feast of trumpet celebration rosh hashanah and we will be uh teaching on the coming new year and that's our new year's eve service that's what that's when we because there's moads of time and there's there is this is a moab in time and it is the times that god ordains and looks at you know we look at new year's eve as uh the calendar that we look at is um december 31st going into the the new year that we celebrate but as a born-again christian we go we look into the the feast of trumpets the the two-day celebration which is called uh no man knows the hour or the or the day and so we get to step in and start celebrating and looking in to 2022 the the as the jewish goes into the new year and so how cool is that that we get to go ahead and start declaring into our 2022 that when we get to 2022 here in the united states that we already have declared what our 2022 will be like so you want to get your journals and you want to start i want to tell you something and my family can vouch for this i wouldn't tell you nothing that wasn't true anyway but they they will i have this sparkly pink notebook and uh i got it last year and so i started i write down my declarations for the next year and so i found it we were going somewhere and i said i had lost it and i said oh here's my my notebook and i got it out of the back of the seat and i said well the church has paid off in this year um all going on new land is bought i mean it just went on and on and on and i said we'll have new equipment i have a new keyboard we have a new tour bus and i mean it just went on and on the only thing that's not on there is the airplane and so it's coming and so and you say well why in the world do you want that have you ever been to an airport lately especially with him it's not good we said we're going to put a hat on you and disguise you and our great oldest granddaughter said well that said you put a hat on papa and the only thing you're gonna get is hey that's robin bullock with a hat on and so sure enough that's what we got and i wrote those before they happened and i wrote those down before that happened that's what i was declaring so that's why i told you so if i jump from one thing to another i'm going back to that get you a journal and start writing your declarations for 2022. and so you won't want you you will want one anyway that's right because that's scripture habakkuk says write the vision and make it plain and so you want to get your journal ready for and that will be september 6 7 and we will be registration's already half full you say what does that mean well it it means that you registered and you're coming and you you will get in and get a seat but be be here to get one and um you know don't register a bunch of people if you're not coming because that will detain somebody else from coming when we have to say that it's full and uh you know there's coming a day soon hopefully not too many more days from now months from now that we will be able to say you know we have a 1200 seat facility so you can come on praise god then yes yes and i know jax and taco bell and everybody will be excited about that and when so but i i'm just so blessed that you came today and we we won't we know there are people here that that they come and they they want uh to be prayed for don't leave we want to pray for you also before we go off live stream i want you to know today that if you've never made jesus christ the lord of your life and this um jesus that he preached on he died for you he died for you you were that part that was in his side that flowed out and thomas said i won't believe until i have seen the scars in his hands do you know in heaven that the only one that has scars is jesus he's the only one that carries the scars your scars are no more no matter how bad you've been treated no matter how bad you've been hurt no matter how many physical or emotional scars you have do you know you don't enter heaven with those you don't have them anymore if you have any physical scars but he still carries his because he was wounded in the house of his friends you may say well i've been wounded in the house of my friends well you know what you don't have to be wounded anymore you can come where you're celebrated and not tolerated you can come in with a family that loves you we love you and if nobody's told you today i love you god loves you and so we want to make this today we want to make this today our opportunity to give to you to to extend the invitation to receive jesus as your personal savior and all you have to do is this you say jesus come into my heart and be my lord and personal savior forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood and i will serve you all the days of my life and i wait on your return when we will be reunited hallelujah with family with friends and we will see that city glory to god oh glory to god it's closer than you think hallelujah and if you did that you welcome to the family because you just became a child of god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to the living god well before we go off live stream today and if you have prayer requests you want to email us we get those we have prayer ministers that pray over them if you're here today and you need a touch and you need agreement we have prayer ministers that will pray over you today amen amen glory to god hallelujah did somebody call my name praise the lord okay hallelujah well we want to remind you i know you never forget this but we love you jesus loves you and god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 98,965
Rating: 4.9581423 out of 5
Id: -japge9yMsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 30sec (12930 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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