The Eleventh Hour S14 #3

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[Music] there's a harvest coming through the earth [Music] of sickness it's coming to the children of the wicked one sickness but the lord says it will make the earth tremble but in your life the curse has been reversed see some kind of i think it's some kind of sickness some kind of plague but this is an international thing and we really need to pray against this we really need to pray against this right now it's a it's like a plague trying to develop in the world [Music] but it is a disease it's some kind of plague some kind of i'm searching for the word it's not quite a plague it's a something it's like a pestilence almost an epidemic maybe yes coming is trying to develop people are going to take great advantage of this this is not good so we stop it where it is right now in the name of jesus hallelujah to unleash the full power of the federal government did this effort today i am officially declaring a national emergency [Music] i saw an aircraft disaster but i saw a missile blow one in half fox news alert now a ukrainian jet crashing in iran minutes after takeoff yesterday killing all 176 people on board it was brought down by an iranian missile according to u.s sources who were talking with nbc news [Music] the lord said to us meet me in the temple at the 11th hour [Music] come on everybody now [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i will praise your name i will praise your name i will praise your name for your mercy endures forever come on will praise your name for a mercy forever forever [Music] mercy endures forever [Music] [Music] [Music] forever forever [Music] [Music] [Music] although let's lift our hands up now we're gonna give god all of our praise everything that's within you begin to tell him how grateful you are think about it he is your life and the length of your days thank you for the lives of your children for the lives of your family come on begin to thank him [Music] for your boy [Music] [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord we bless you today we thank you today lord that your mercy endures forever for you are our god and your mercy is great come on today we call on mercy for the nations mercy lord god for these ignorant stupid moves leaders are making in nations lord do your people say look upon the nations and protect the oil and wine [Music] nation [Music] [Music] nation [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i heard something i heard that this last secret deal that has been made with the enemy of my people says the lord is the is the one that went too far it went too far for there is no pulling back from that decision that you made so therefore there is no pulling back for the harvest that will come for that decision for you have sown for it and now in your sleep you will begin to reap i saw a disruption happening in the sand in the sand in the far and distant land in the sand [Music] i saw leaders in dubai that don't like the decision that was just made but this is a covert operation and things are now begun to be in turmoil and kind of tipping back and forth but the leaders in dubai don't like this decision for it messed with their plans but the lord says i am going to show you that not only in this country am i marching around but i'm marching in far distant lands i am coming across the red sea to protect the oil and wine coming across the red sea to protect the oil and wine who are they they are mine they are mine [Music] i'm [Music] they are [Music] mine they are mine [Music] do and bless our god come on and bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord we thank you we bless you we give you honor and glory and praise lord we lift our hands and our hearts to you yes lord you are our god we acknowledge in all of heaven all the earth and everything under the earth that you are our god there is no other god but you you are the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob hallelujah come on come on come on somebody sing in the spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dwells he dwells in the secret place [Music] [Music] shallow eyes he dwells [Music] [Applause] is [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i speak to the oil and the wine around the world though governments are making stupid selfish decisions and it's costing people their lives i heard the lord saying stop and tell them so i'm telling you begin to speak the 91st psalm say the 91st psalm over and over it is a hiding place [Music] quote the 91st psalm and say i stand on this song and so the wicked cannot see you they won't be able to see you they'll walk right by some of you in some instances and never see you because you're in the shadow of the almighty come on begin to sit in the shadow i'm living in the shadow i'm living in the shadow of the almighty [Music] i'm living in the shadow of the almighty [Music] i'm living in the shadow of the almighty [Music] you're gonna have to begin now to stand in other nations where they're actually looking for your lives to destroy them but not only there but in this country too in the free countries of the world you're going to have to start standing on the 91st psalm so that you be hidden from government's view for as long as wicked men and wicked people are trying to destroy god's people it is time now to hide under the shadow of the almighty begin to pull under under his shadow now come on stay right on that pull up under his shadow now for there you will be obscured from view and just like when the governments came after elisha the scripture said they were blinded and they'd never recognized him they never saw who he was and he led them where he wanted them to be for this has come that time now hallelujah [Music] [Music] shadow of the almighty in the 91st psalm come on say it because i dwell in the secret place come on send with me are you ready because i dwell in the secret place i can't say because i dwell in the secret place again because i dwell in the secret place i can't be seen at all [Music] because i dwelt in the secret place of the almighty of the almighty oh i can't be seen [Music] [Music] me [Music] have you ever heard god fight for his people [Music] this world has never seen such a rumble before god is rolling up his sleeves to fight for his people for he said i brought the strength of my own arm and brought salvation for this is what's about to happen governments have never seen god fight for his people when he fights for his people kings lose their minds when he fights for his people empty ditches filled with water that looks like blood when he fights for his people 60 pound hailstones come out of the sky when he fights for his people sinkholes open up and swallow people down have you ever seen god fight for his people the lord is asking governments around the world have you ever seen such a dust storm that you're about to see no says the lord it is my feet kicking up the dirt as i'm coming through the land to fight for the oil and the wine i warned you says the king do not touch the oil and the wine do not touch it i said and yet you take your beard itself right into the middle of it and say i'm going to destroy lives i'm going to destroy them well the lord says i'm about to hang you with all of this that you wrap around your heads and wear across your body and look at my people and say i will rape i will main i will maul i will destroy i will put down the lord says you will be eaten of worms as you fall to the ground and wallow in the dust eat the dust says the lord for i am going to protect mine i am in covenant relationship with my people and all of you there that are in these distant places do not fear says the lord stand on psalm 91 and i'll see to it that they're blind to your presence that they're blind to your being there for i am going to have an encounter with one leader one leader one leader in that terrorist organization and when i meet with that leader then that leader is going to absolutely shake in the bins of his knees until he comes into my opinion says the lord for this thing now has come up to me and my people are crying for fear so i will answer them hear this hear this says the lord i am drawing near here i come drawing near come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do you hear that sounds [Music] that sounds it is the sound of someone throwing up in fear for they have called god to the battlefield so the lord is coming now becoming near god is going to protect his people [Music] and in his presence ahead of him brings harvest as he walks hide in the 91st psalm says the lord hide there in the shadow of his wings for behold the lord comes to help he will send help count on it [Music] so [Music] [Music] i will praise your name [Music] i will praise your name forever forever [Music] i will praise your name o lord forever [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever forever yes i will forever hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord how we thank the lord come on and thank him for his goodness and his mercy and his kindness for he is good forever and always [Music] for the lord has not abandoned his people [Music] not just in this nation but around the world though the g7 [Music] has sought to devour you [Music] all peoples fear not their threatening says the lord for i have said they will be the g6 soon and you will see my power for god is not a myth wicked leaders think that god is a myth they somehow have gotten the idea that he's just a fairy tale the lord says i am not a fairy he's the very one [Music] who with this spoken word created the moon and the sun and all creation that you know of with his words he spoke these things into being and those sciences tried to delude people's minds and tell them god didn't do this that it's random things and natural selection the lord was the one who roared in the beginning light be a light buzz and when you wicked leaders are laid back in the dirt with your jaws locked open and your eyes set like stone i says the lord will still be here and i am still seated on my throne i'm not a man that i should lie [Music] such as you [Music] for wicked politicians have grown to the place where they're lying as a way of life and they think lying justifies everything you have made the devil your father the father of lies some of you will see him soon [Music] and you think that you can do whatever you want to do well the lord says hear this mystery if you can hear it speaking to wicked men now the only reason you have power right at this moment is because of harvest that was sown seed sown for harvest and you're walking in a harvest that was sown for that's the only reason you have power but you will soon run to the end of it and the limit will be gone you just can't believe as you stutter out your last that you were wrong for i'm going to give your wealth to another i'm going to give it to someone that you call brother but you won't be here to spend it for you chose to destroy my people from birth one more decision you will make and then your time's done in the earth my glory will fill this place i'm not afraid of you says the lord in any way [Music] you seem to think that you're a god you're becoming less than a man the lord says you still go to the bathroom like anyone else and have to wash your hands [Music] you will not have the power you think you will who am i speaking to the lord says to tell you they know exactly who [Music] so [Music] i have said sorrow for soros i still mean that hallelujah to the lamb of god [Music] you stuck your face back up on the scene says the lord just in time to see your defeat you've never counted on me obama you never counted on me revealing you never counted on heaven to shout you don't understand the spirit and what it's about oh sorrow for soros [Music] sorrowful soros for soros i saw your plans become porous light will shine through and all we'll see [Music] and there will be exposures for those who defied me behold it comes behold it comes behold it comes [Music] i heard [Music] those that planned this in afghanistan your plan won't work i heard it sin i saw it your plan's been revealed it won't work [Music] yes lord that's all i can say come on lift your hands and bless the lord [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah how we bless the lord come on and bless the lord give him praise and honor and glory for the lord will bring a lightness on his people a lightness and a joy to return upon his people the heaviness and the gloominess that you see today you will not see forever for these are the last dregs of a harvest that was sown for in 92 and the lord says but even now the good wheat and the tares are being separated in this harvest and the good will come into the barns my barns and the bad will be cast into the fire and not many days from now not many weeks wicked people who have plotted will say where did we go wrong how come it couldn't happen this time because you were trapped in the corner where seed and harvest meet and you can't operate beyond it says the lord this is the rule you only enjoy your time while your harvest runs but it will end and you can go no farther and though your popularity you think was great it's very small now hallelujah it's better to repent while you can instead of getting caught under the lord's mighty hand now i speak to politicians who are not really evil inside they were just caught up in decisions and they weren't even sure where they belonged on what side the lord said shake yourself now and stand up lest you drown with them in the middle of the red sea because i am prepared to make your careers great and to make it smell nice in children's memories so stand up now and say i'm going to be as honorable as i promised when i began all of this run i'm going to do this and make a better land for our daughters and our sons for i'm going to stand and honor the blood of the soldiers who died in lands all over the globe stand up and say i'm going to do this for i'm going to give the lord all of my soul [Music] the lord said i will heal your bodies as well as heal your land so i speak to those politicians who are not wicked it's time for you to stand stand up and say no more no more hallelujah [Music] sing it again with you how your eyes seen the glory of the coming of the lord trampling out the vintage where the grapes wrap the store he's loosed this lightning from his terrible swift sword our god is marching on [Music] can we sing that [Music] a little chorus glory somebody [Music] glory [Music] glue [Music] hallelujah [Music] it's going to take the spirit and the commitment and the conviction of those founding fathers for america is being counted on to be the light that pierces into foreign nations and the light that shines it is too bright for communists to look in into it for communism to even behold it for communism is shadowed with death you say well how does it stand in russia russia for there's light there and even the leadership there is not as communist as you think [Music] but real communism and satanism and baal worship cannot stare into the light of freedom and so now while the candle and the light burns bright in america there are those who would put a bushel over the top of it but the light is going to be kindled in the fire so big that it sets the bushel on fire and burns its way out [Music] it's going to take politicians i speak to politicians today for people did their job in voting the right way i call on politicians from nebraska from the midwest from the bread basket [Music] i call all politicians in these different states those who are not wicked those who are not corrupt stand up and roar stand up and yell [Music] it's not too late come on and stand up and begin to declare to the world i'm going to do what i came into this thing to do [Music] and i'm going to stand for the right way for the spirit of the forefathers that spirit that was in their thinking has to rise across the land now washington adams jefferson these [Music] thought processes must come to the forefront for freedom to ring again [Music] for the lord made a covenant with these men and he made a covenant inside that room that day though all of hell would have liked to have destroyed it [Music] god made it anyway [Music] and they signed their lives and pledged their fortunes and their happiness for the idea that the blood of jesus is the only way and that slavery could be abolished forever and that freedom would ring and so they signed their names and said i'll give it all i'll give it all and most of them did the lord said now it's time for you politicians to stand up and walk the way they did hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] glory glory hallelujah [Music] lost on certain days they fought anyway the walls seem [Music] lost we marched forward to freedom it's time to do it again [Music] but the lord says i want to see your children and your grandchildren grow up in the land i make covenant for i want to see them grow up to serve me and show the world that they can be free but you must stand in this hour and forever you will be known as those who stood and those who defied tyranny it is time to do it again so do it again get a spirit of defiance about you for the lord said i'll back it to the hilt for this thing that you're being forced into says the lord did not come from me i am the god that healeth me i'm not the god who scares you with sickness i'm not the god who places punishment of sickness and disease upon you i am the god that healeth thee stand up with me says the lord for soon i will be the only one standing and who is on my side hallelujah i speak to my bride [Music] hear it it's a hear you hear you time [Music] for the judge is about to speak [Music] hallelujah hallelujah amen hallelujah to the lamb of god this this whole thing that you see now it's pushed by fear it's pushed by fear that has no place in the kingdom of god how did the church of jesus gets sold to the place to where we would let tyranny put a mask on our face how could those bald and washed in the blood get so lost in a jungle of ideas that we won't even open the doors of our church to pray for the sick and get rid of this plague in the earth where did it go how did that happen that christians would turn each other in for not having a mask for gathering in places where they don't wear them christians turned each other in for that how did it get so far that we justify christian people will justify letting them make you put a needle in your arm how did it get so far that we would give up health and freedom for a paycheck and a job and people say i would never take a mark of the beast and yet you would let them tell you what they'll do with a serum in your body or a mask on your face just to keep your job it seems like that dog won't hunt so where did where did it go where did the power go it was let go it didn't go anywhere was let go the church quit holding on to the almighty's hand smith wigglesworth one of the greatest generals and apostles of faith we've ever known when they would ask him because he would not quit he refused to quit he would stand and pray for people he stood and prayed for a woman until they dropped her in the floor he'd pick and say pick her up drop her again pick her up she'd fall again until they told him you're a brute stop smith said you mind your own business i know mine and finally he said stander again and he said in jesus name and she stood there though her legs were shaky she never fell again and then she began to walk and she got healed he would drag corpses out of coffins corpses real dead people do you understand what a corpse is it's a flesh body without a spirit so when he raised the corpse from the dead the spirit had to return that meant that his voice and his faith went up into heaven and rung down the corridors and the streets of the prophets and went all down through heaven and got the attention ringing the doorbell of the throne himself and god said send their spirit back my smith has called for them and he would raise the dead over 20 times it happened and when they asked the man smith wigglesworth how are you so bold he replied god has nine powerful gifts and he will not leave me hold in the bag so he just wouldn't quit until heaven showed up in the room where did it go it didn't go it was let go it was let go for money money yes the love of it don't offend people in your church make it a very sensitive place to where you don't bring too much of the holy ghost out because it may scare the people with money it was let go in those cases it was sold until now since they can't find power there's been a revival of paganism in the world wickens what is a wiccan it's a twisted individual it's a twisted individual by spirit that is twisting wicked twisted it's a twisted individual and it is the commonplace of all low-level devils it's not power it deals with the dirt and the night nature of things but it's a barking dog the scripture said is better than a dead lion we have come to the place in gideon's time now we're we're the place where 22 000 left we've already passed that now we're in the place where 9 700 will leave but when it comes down to the 300 the remnant themselves these are the 300 who believe where are the elijahs who will stand in the face of baal we're the elijahs that would stand in the halls of congress i'm talking to politicians now where are you at that you would all stand up at one time why don't you stand up and say we will tolerate the murder of children no longer why not where are you at elijah politicians oh i believe i believe i believe then stand up and say so speak it out on the halls of congress all of you together stand up and say reverse it or we'll pull you out of your seat oh he can't do that why you fear baal he has no power can call down no fire we're the elijahs that mock the spirit of baal it's time for you to rise up rise up you're not wicked men and women rise up and be bold your god brought you there for this time stand up and say it tell it all they may expose things on me some may say god can hide you in the secret place the prophets of baal stood up when they all came to congress and wore white they came wearing white suits jezebel and her prophets came wearing white suits standing up for them shedding the blood of innocent they wore the white suits saying it's our right to slaughter the children as if their blood won't sprinkle on that suit they stand up in their abomination and stand there and say we have the right to murder the unborn where are the prophets like elijah where are they at where are the prophets that are even unknown that would go and anoint jehu as king it's time for you to stand up in the military there are prophets generals who believe stand up for jesus it is time there's about to be i said it and said it and now it's happened the collision has been made the collision has come together you saw it in afghanistan you see it happening in cuba you see them protesting in paris because they're losing their freedoms not because they can't get a vaccine they don't want the dang vaccine they want their freedom and you see it in and i think quebec you see it in these places you can't overcome that freedom will ring hallelujah freedom will ring oh brother robin you you make so many people so mad you know you may find this hard to believe but i don't hate anybody but i have absolutely no respect at all for the devil and i'm going to tell you something the devil don't like me and neither does witches and warlocks but you are pathetic in your power you absolutely what you believe is inferior to what i believe what we believe you're probably prophets and somebody steered you wrong one day why don't you just come on in give your heart to jesus so that you can actually see the real way hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah come on let's lift our hands all over the world the lord just had me do the whole program from right here i will bless by god with all my heart that's really simple i will bless by god with all my i will bless my god [Music] i will bless my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i oh bless my god with all my faith say that i will bless my god [Music] i will bless my god with all my all faith praise [Music] one more time [Music] i will bless [Music] i heard the lord say to tell you this in all the churches watching next service you have [Music] you can't see it but the glory is here in this room you can't see it from where you are i don't think but it's here it's all up in here the next service you have go down among the people call them forward in your presbyterian churches call them forward in your baptist churches call them forward in your holy ghost methodist churches [Music] even in your pentecostal churches and pray for the sick call them for anoint them with all call the elders up and pray for the sick give god a chance to put on display what he says in his word so you can see the true living god and you'll be amazed how people you thought you didn't want to offend came to see that that's what they came for [Music] so come on come on and bless the lord with all your heart all your faith and all your praise one more time we say it i will bless [Music] i will bless the lord with all my [Music] [Applause] i will bless you [Music] oh yeah [Music] i will bless [Music] i will bless the lord with all my praises [Music] [Music] my [Music] hallelujah hallelujah well it's been a good 11th hour today it's been good to be with you today here on this 11th hour i want to invite you to know jesus as your lord and savior if you're watching and you've never known him as your lord and savior and i realize that some people may think when they watch a program like this it's just too bold brother of and it's just it's just too bold and you just you're just talking to you know it's time you know silence never impressed hell it never got the attention of anybody you have to you have to speak out against things like that you have to speak what the lord says to give and so it's time that more people begin to speak with great boldness boldness of revival boldness of of this you do understand that the political realm people say all you talk about is political realm no that's no no i don't no i don't i probably talk about the absolute goodness of god more than anything and i teach that message and i talk about covenant and i talk about things in the scripture that are hidden from just normal view but i'm going to tell you something the political realm is the place where the spirits do battle for the souls and the control of people because the political realm is what governs the affairs of people but it's supposed to be it governs the affairs in a righteous way in a real way that's what's supposed to be but when and when it goes rogue then prophets have to stand up and speak and so that's what's happening angels and demons fight in the political realm and foolish men and women sometimes principalities use personalities and they lend their minds to those jackal spirits and when they do you can see it in their eyes but this is not god's will and god's will is for you to absolutely have freedom and have a life and see your family grow and see your children prosper and see your grandchildren prosper the only way to do that is freedom in this word through the blood of jesus that is it that's the only thing that bought the great freedom in this nation was the blood of jesus amen so i have to speak about that so if you don't know jesus as your lord and savior then the first thing to do yes i will lord now someone in the mideast is watching right now and you're watching in a place you can pray this prayer and no one knows it around you and you can go ahead and give your heart to jesus and let him show you how he can be right there where you are because he's no respecter of person you invite him in he comes hallelujah so pray this prayer if you're watching today and you you need jesus as lord say lord jesus i believe that god raised you from the dead and i confess with my mouth that you are lord come into my heart be my lord and personal savior i give you everything i am take my life now and do something with it some of you watching right now need to pray this say this out loud some of you who have put all your trust in allah say jesus reveal yourself to me jesus reveal yourself to me and he will he'll come to you in some way in some fashion because you're about to find out that allah is a false god and is absolutely as worthless as the stone that they put so much stock in you know all these false religions around the world you know good and well you know buddha didn't create the the world you know allah didn't create the world you know confucius fell far short he couldn't create a bb you know when you look around you you know how i know that because the history of man is inside every man the history of all men is in all men and somewhere inside you your dirt remembers there's only one god and he's the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob hallelujah hallelujah so if you prayed that prayer and you meant it then guess what you just became a child of god hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb lord we give you praise and honor and glory and thanksgiving now if you want to be baptized in the holy ghost then just simply say jesus baptize me in the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues i thank you for it lord and then just start speaking in tongues hallelujah hallelujah praise god well i want to give you an opportunity today on the 11th hour to give and this is your opportunity to be able to give an offering if you want to give one if you want to sow into it you know we're getting ready to to uh purchase a whole new headquarters church everything because it's just completely out of room where we are and we're we're completely debt-free so we're not going into debt for anything but we're we're getting ready to to do this and so you can have an opportunity to give if you'd like to give and um because we just we're committed to take the gospel to the world amen now um i think even the first phase of that project is something like 800 000 so if you want to give something toward that the lord said to you know he he let us know just to tell it we don't usually tell anything like that we just do it so but anyway that's what we're doing next and we're about to embark on a journey that's bigger than anything we've ever done i'm talking about global outreach amen global outreach and it's and we're global outreaching now but when you get into such bigger places and bigger offices and bigger church people are trying to get in this church from all over and uh there's just no room but there's about to be hallelujah i think on our first journey over there where we'll be able to seat somewhere around a thousand people just right off that's going to be a big thing hallelujah hallelujah so but whatever your offering is today all you have to do is be obedient you just be obedient and it'll be more than enough it'll be more than enough for your seed and more than enough for whatever the ministry has need of and but it's obedience whether that's 50 cents 50 it makes no difference whatever that is 500 000 makes no difference just obedience is what makes the difference so if you want to give today i'm sure there's some things on the screen they'll put up and because i can't remember all of them and right now uh let's say we have text to give and all that stuff you can read it right there on the screen even a regular mailing address but i want to pray over your giving i don't want you just to give something i want to pray over it as a seed that it will produce in your life amen so right now hold your seed in your hand i don't care i told you it makes no difference the amount right now as long as the obedience is attached to it get it up in your hand hold it now and say this out loud as i give it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i'm giving it'll be measured to me again now say this i believe it i receive it i call it done now praise god that it's done praise god that it's done and i don't care what country you're in i don't care where it's at what kind of poverty level that may be on some that's watching and i don't care if you gave a shiny rock to the lord and even if you're in a place where you couldn't send it mail it or get it to us and there's no way in the country you live in that they would ever let such a thing happen you could give it to god in honor of your heart and you could bless somebody around you and he'll receive it amen he will receive that so the same nothing can hold your harvest down no matter where you are i knew a lady one time who kept giving shiny she gave these shiny rocks she had she heard me tell this story and she gave these shiny rocks just these little i don't even know if some of them was real rock someone may have been plastic but it was what she had and she believed god for a car so she could go to church somebody that didn't know her had just the lord impressed on him and went and knocked on her door i don't know what was it was it early in the morning or midnight or something whatever it was and said i don't know if you need a car i don't know if you have a car but now you have this one and the lord moved on them to give her that car and drove her right out of that place of poverty and brought her to church her and her son all over rocks because that's all she had but she was obedient now some of you tithe you want to give your tithe some of you this is your church the 11th hour church international on sunday this is your church so you're giving your tithe here so i want to pray the tither's blessing over you right now in malachi 3 10 you can put it on the screen for them to read and i want you to pray it with me this way as i bring all my tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in the house of the lord i prove you now herewith lord if you'll not open me the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it now watch now say this rebuke the devourer for my sake that he not destroy the fruits of my ground come on and say it rebuke the devourer for my sake that he not destroy the fruits of my ground neither shall my vine cast forth its fruit before its time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts now say it out loud i believe it i receive it and i call it done in jesus name amen and amen praise god well lord we thank you today for this we thank you for the 11th hour i thank you for all that you've done all that you've said to us lord it was a complete program of almost a prophetic utterance and lord god i ask you to let it sink deep in the hearts of the people that heard it let those that needed to hear it hear it that it grow up and become greater than any problem we face and i give you honor for it in jesus mighty name amen amen well until next time we gather together right here around god's word i want you to remember never forget that god is absolutely good shalom and shalom [Music] you
Channel: Robin D. Bullock
Views: 165,648
Rating: 4.9498816 out of 5
Id: g3COyUpmHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 10sec (5710 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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