Supernatural Encounters Part 2: “Connect with God Through Movement & Conversations”

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[Music] good morning mercy culture family would you just stay with us this morning wherever you're at just take a moment and welcome the holy spirit in your own words today holy spirit you're welcome here we give you the room this morning there's no one like you lord we honor you this morning oh we love your presence we give you the room we give you the room today we give you the room today we give you the room today come and have your way come on in your own words just welcome the holy spirit today we give you the room today we give you the room today we love you we love you we love [Music] and there is one found worthy the lion of the tribe of judah there is one found [Music] [Music] the tribe of judah [Music] is [Music] [Music] the tribe of judah [Music] just give the lord praise we come with praise and thanks today [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we welcome you today we welcome you with praise and thanks today we will do your praise and thanks today we welcome you with praise with praise [Music] there is [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] me [Music] is [Music] and they cry [Music] is yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] me oh [Music] [Music] oh hold it down [Music] [Music] [Music] you oh [Music] sing you on your [Music] you a holy girl [Music] [Music] when you walk into the room [Music] everything changes [Music] yes when you walk into the room [Music] everything changing your holy god when you walk into the room [Music] everything changing when you walk into the room [Music] everything changes so we ask come touch the cold to our lips come touch the cold to our lips come touch the cold to our lips you are holy holy come touch the cold to our lips come touch the cold to our lips come touch the cold to our lips you are holy holy come touch the cold to our lips come touch the cold to our lips can't touch the cold to our lives you are holy yeah just asking today come touch the cold to my lips come touch the cold to my lips come touch the cold to my lips you are holy holy search me know me try me take anything that's not of you god [Music] [Music] take anything that's not of you god [Music] take anything that's not of you god [Music] take anything that's not of you [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] [Music] hey god [Music] you're coming for your brains [Applause] they're coming for you [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey i can hear [Music] those are [Music] i can i can hear your heartbeating [Music] right [Applause] you're coming for your brains [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready for you we're getting ready getting ready getting ready we're getting ready getting ready getting ready [Applause] get ready [Music] getting ready getting ready we're ready getting ready we're ready for your freedom ready for your breakthrough get ready get ready [Music] [Applause] the king jesus [Music] [Applause] get ready get ready [Music] [Music] ready for jesus [Music] yeah i can hear your heart beating i can feel you [Music] i can see [Music] [Music] you're coming for your bride [Music] [Applause] you're coming for your brains [Music] the kingdom of heaven is at hand the kingdom of heaven is [Music] [Music] repair repair repair repair repair repair the king of heaven is [Music] the kingdom of heaven is [Music] [Applause] you're coming for your brain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those are [Music] make us ready purify us make us ready [Music] you're coming for your you're coming for your bride [Music] you're coming for your bride [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] make us ready purify us make us ready purify us make us ready [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] i hear him say [Music] come by from me go refined by the fire and i'll dress you in light come by from me go refined by the fire and i'll dress you in white i'll dress you in light [Music] come by from me gold refined by fire i'll dress you in white i'll dress you in wide send the fire of the holy ghost send the fire of the holy ghost signify [Music] send the fire of the holy ghost send the fire of the holy ghost [Music] thin down your fire like a burning flame start a wildfire you can't be contained sitting down you fire like a burning flame it's not a wildfire that can't be contained sitting down your [Music] sitting down you [Music] of the holy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] of ghost holy of the ghost [Music] of the ghost ghost [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want a bird [Music] [Applause] [Music] hit me [Music] fire yes here oh [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] for act this morning we're gonna do a prophetic act this morning it's gonna take two minutes [Music] i want you to bang the drums with everything you have malachi right here come on look at this we are going to do a prophetic act here this morning all right as malachi is playing the drums i want everyone just to shift like this come on come on shift shift shift we're moving this morning we're moving this morning his word says that the spirit was hovering it was moving come on i want everyone to join in this the fire of god is gonna is gonna set you on fire this morning i want everyone moving come on come on all right now we are gonna start singing set a wildfire as you're moving i saw a vision of when someone lights a fire with sticks you move the sticks together in your movement god's got a lot of fire in you come on mercy kosher we're gonna get into it one more time and i want you to move and see yourself light yourself on fire for god again this morning come on [Music] come on lord we want your fire holy spirits come on one more time with everything you have come on stir it up this morning [Music] come on one more minute one last time i want you to move he's moving this morning [Applause] this morning like you're on fire for him let's give a shout out to jesus this morning come on come on church he's here he's here he's here [Music] he's here [Applause] [Music] come on this morning i believe god's gonna set so many of you on fire that used to be on fire and i'm gonna burn again [Applause] [Music] he's here holy spirit we honor your presence we honor your presence this morning holy spirit would you light us on fire god [Music] would you burn would you allow us to burn again lord [Music] we love you lord [Applause] we love you lord [Music] come on we are in a prophetic season at mercy culture we're not just doing the justice run just to do a run but god is asking us to keep running to keep moving [Music] and i believe this morning so many of you that thought i can't run anymore god's gonna light you on fire to keep running [Music] i even feel my spirit this morning that some of you said i'm not signing up for the justice run because i can't run look at this here is your challenge and the word for you this morning sign up today because god's gonna do something in your life this message isn't even about the justice run i just i just felt it this morning [Music] i'm excited to see you all this morning i want you to look at the person next to you and i don't want you to i don't want you to shake their hand i physically want you to shake them and tell them it's like this every single sunday and god's about to do something in your life i want you to shake them up let's keep moving in this house my name is steve penate online campus welcome we love you let us know where you're watching from if you're in your living room i want you to pick up your couch and shake something shake that living room up god's in this place worship was fire we love y'all [Music] [Music] welcome to mercy culture i'm alan and i serve on the emt kids team our vision is to take people from corporate encounters with god to daily personal encounters with god if this is your first time with us we can't wait to meet you text the word new to five ninety 817-835-99 so that we can get to know you for everyone who takes new ten dollars will be donated to the justice reform so just by visiting today you are partnering with an organization that is answering the cry for justice by bringing reformation from city to city if you'd like to learn more about our culture how you connect with god get plugged into community and begin your journey to encountering god daily mcconnect is your next step through mcconnect you will learn more about what it means to become a member and enter into the covering of mercy culture church to begin text connect to 817-835-9090 or visit here at mercy culture we honor god by giving our first and our best through ties and offerings there are three ways you can give online at give text give to 817-835-9090 or for physical offerings you can use the boxes on your way out or send it by mail to stay connected to everything happening at mercy culture text news to 817-835-9090 or scan the qr code that is on the back of the seat in front of you you can also follow us on social media or by visiting [Music] the vision of our church is to take people from corporate encounters with god to daily personal encounters with god good morning my name is landon i'm the senior lead pastor of mercy culture church the vision of our church is to take people from corporate encounters with god to daily personal encounters with god and what that means is is our goal is not just an amazing church service our goal is that you encounter the presence of god every single day because when you're in the presence of god every day it is so easy to hear god when you begin to hear god and obey god everything in your life begins to change so at mercy culture we are passionate about god encounters but who got rocked during worship today can we just thank the worship team you know ross and audra wrote that song a team of people come together but that fire the holy ghost they wrote that song there's a lot of the songs that we sing on a weekly basis are songs that come out of the worship of this house can we just thank god for what the worship community here stewards how they serve us you guys are amazing so if you've been coming to mercy culture for a few weeks or months i would encourage you the next step for you is to become official membership we really value membership at mercy culture uh because it's so much more than membership it's really discipleship and this is where we help you connect with god on a a intimate daily basis when you go through mcconnect it'll be up on the screen you can go the website or you can text the number or text connect to the number on the screen we walk you through a spiritual gifts assessment in fact i'm going to be teaching on it today and throughout the rest of the year and we help you connect with god according to your spiritual disposition one disservice that we've done in the body of christ is we've tried to make everyone connect with god the same so everyone connects with god differently and according to how you best connect with god we're going to help you do that on a daily basis and so i would encourage you do not be a six-month visitor take the next step become an official member of the church be a part of the church community uh and and i promise you you're gonna grow in your relationship with god tonight we are having our very first interest meeting for our waco church plant it is going to be everything here just there it's the same presence it's the same culture it's the same worship it's the same house vision and so if that's something that's on your heart you want to be a part of starting this work maybe you want to move to waco with the team or just even commute i think it's a hour and they say it's an hour and 30 minute drive it's never taken me that long that's what they say it takes uh but about an hour and 30 commute there uh even if you want to go for a season and help plant this work the first interest meeting is tonight you could text waco to our all-inclusive number and you get more information child care is provided if you want to come tonight at 6 pm if you want my notes this morning i got about 14 pages of notes i'm gonna do my absolute best to get through all this information i have tons of notes i skip tons of stuff in the first service and so there's a good chance i'm not going to get to all of it but you can have all of my notes that i've prepared text to your phone if you text notes to that number let me ready for the word this morning if you have your bibles look at john chapter 14 verse 6 it'll be up on the screen or in your notes jesus said to him i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me i came to tell you this morning that there is one way to god and it's through jesus but in jesus there's many ways to connect with god the title this message is supernatural encounters part two connect with god through movement and conversation let's pray so holy spirit we don't make room for you we give you the entire room so we say have your way in this place lord i pray right now holy spirit you would breathe upon your logos word i pray you would become alive you would be rhema today lord i pray right now your word would be a lamp and to our feet and enlighten to our path father i pray right now that you would give us ears to hear hearts to receive minds to understand what your spirit is saying we declare no spirit but the holy spirit is welcome in this room we say fear you have to go we say confusion you have to go we pray right now no spirit is welcome here but the holy spirit so holy spirit we say have your way in this place father i thank you that nobody came to hear me we all came to hear you so we say speak lord your servant is listening come on somebody pray with me speak lord your servant is listening in jesus mighty name we are in the middle of a a prophetic year a prophetic word god told us that this would be the year of supernatural and we are in september and we are still stewarding this prophetic word he said it would be in ephesians 3 20 year it'd be a year of exceedingly abundantly beyond what we could ever imagine or think according to his power that works in us he gave us three parts to this prophetic word number one we'd experience the supernatural what is the supernatural it's what is beyond your ability it's the tangible glory of god the second part to this word is you would supernaturally personally spiritually grow god would do more in you this year than has ever happened in your life i felt in my spirit that more would happen this year than would take 10 years in the natural to do in your life and the third part is that mercy culture would experience supernatural numeric growth so we're in this season of supernatural encounters what is a supernatural encounter supernatural encounter is connecting with god beyond your ability if you did not listen to part one of last week i encourage you as your pastor go listen to it it's the foundation of this season we talked about supernatural daily encounters someone say daily turn your neighbor and say daily turn your second choice and say daily see supernatural encounters happen through your daily encounters that's where they take place but we must get into the disciplines of daily encounters it's so important you understand that today we're going to be talking about connecting with god so the first thing that we want to do in connecting with god is we want to take the first step in the spiritual growth by connecting with god daily someone say daily you hear how important this is there's no escape from it daily the second step is learning how you best connect with him then the third step is beginning to grow in your ability to connect with god but i want to give you a few cautions that everyone connects with god differently i said it in my introduction in the body of christ we've done a disservice to everybody as we've said everybody try to connect with god like me everybody kind of do it like me and here's the problem with that is you're not me and people like different kind of music they have different kinds of personalities they like different kinds of food we are unique individuals there's nobody quite like you and we all connect with god differently and so we said in the churches if you want to grow read your bible pray and go to church yes those are true but how you do those things and the way you connect with god through those things will absolutely change your life if you can learn how you best connect with god that's like saying if you want to be healthy go to the gym it depends what you do at the gym i've watched guys walk around the gym and for 30 minutes and just i said pastor steve quit kicking that let's lift it [Applause] don't let his medium fool you schmedium is in between a large and medium it's pretty much a boy size okay joking pastor steve i'm joking i'm joking but we say stuff like that eat healthy what depends people's body types are different and what they eat is different so listen yes we want you to pray we want you to read your bible yes we want you to worship but we want you to learn how you best connect with god so you can enjoy this journey amen so let me give you a few warnings okay first of all don't try to mimic or just connect with god the way someone else does or let me say it just a little more simple don't compare yourself now when you're in a spirit-filled church like this and everybody's on fire sometimes it can be difficult and you start comparing yourself if i i don't speak in tongues there's something wrong with me or i didn't get a prophetic word or or i'm not crying and everyone around me crying and so something's wrong listen don't compare yourself we all connect with god differently i got a friend who's a dreamer and he has these vivid dreams in fact when i was on my first 40-day fast on the third day of my fast i'm in fort worth texas texas here here in fort worth praying about starting a church here and he calls me and said hey i just had a dream that you're standing on the map of fort worth does that mean anything to you i'm like get out of here then he had a dream that we planted a church in waco this guy's a dreamer then we're at this upper room prayer room in washington that i go every every year multiple times a year it's this beautiful prayer room where the glory of god dwells and and i i go there all the time i wrote my gay awareness book we had we broke elders retreats and fast there were there all the time pastor matt's been there all the elders have been there it's just amazing place and and because he was a part of the journey of having the dream and praying in the mercy culture we brought him to one of these prayer retreats so i've been there probably 20 times and he comes and the first night he's there we wake up in the morning we're having breakfast and he says an angel came in my room last night and i can't tell if he's joking or not and i'm like waiting for the hook the punch slide and i was like for real he's like yeah i go what'd the angel say he said he told me i was in a safe place i was like ah your first time here it's awesome good for you i'm happy for you i've actually never seen an angel i've been here 20 times i come here every year in fact i have prepared the toil the the soil and i have i have fasted and prayed it and i appreciate you coming one time and hogging all of the angels [Applause] so one time i'm in the middle of a message in florida preaching about my friend who sees angels and has dreams and in the middle of my message i go i never dream and the holy spirit can corrects me in the middle of my sermon and says i speak to you in daydreams all the time those are visions that it's like light bulbs just popping off just god has spoken to me in daydreams when i'm awake my entire life in fact we built this entire church off daydreams we were worshiping in a house it was just a few of us pastor jasmine was lead worship and i saw houses on fire all over fort worth i said lord what are those he said they're small groups that's why we have t-shirts with houses on fires and logos with houses on fire because we saw it in a daydream that is actually a vision so now my friend's like yeah i had a dream i'm like i don't care i have daydreams every day i'm being funny but here's the thing is what you'll start doing is someone will post something and you'll think about what you don't have rather than stewarding what you do everyone connects with god differently and here's the thing is i don't connect with god like you you have something that is beautiful you have something that's unique you have something that's supernatural and i pray in jesus name holy spirit let it wake up inside them today number two do not dishonor or devalue how other people connect with god matthew excuse me luke chapter 10 verse 42 luke 10 42 you all know the story it's the story of mary and martha and jesus is um mary is sitting at at jesus feet martha is around serving and and cooking and doing all that stuff and and martha comes and says hey jesus are you going to let mary just sit there why do everything everybody knows the story you should know the story okay unless you're new to the face you can read lieutenant so instead of correcting mary like martha wanted jesus respond and said what mary has done she has chosen best and then here's what he said it will not be taken away from her now this is what's interesting jesus did not say martha you should be doing what mary is doing he said martha don't try to make mary connect with me the way you do now watch this from a theological standpoint according to matthew chapter 8 peter's mother-in-law was sick when peter's mother-in-law was sick jesus healed her and immediately she began to serve jesus he did not say to peter's mother-in-law stop it i'm rebuking you in my name sit at my feet and choose what's best watch he allowed her to connect with god the way she does church this is so big stop devaluing or dishonoring how other people connect with god just because you don't connect with god at this altar getting after it and you like being in the balcony or the back row does it mean you're rebellious that it doesn't mean they're wacko you're all under the same roof listen it means we connect with god differently but we do this i was worshiping and and i like moving around when i worship and i saw some guy during worship putting his hands together like it was a fire and like i felt the lord in it and then there's gonna be five people that give us a thumbs down on youtube and start researching rubbing your hands together and how it's how it's demonic can i help you we do not need any more self-ordained doctors and phds to tell us how god doesn't move we need people of intimacy that can tell us how he does listen stop arguing over dr doctrinally neutral issues ask me what the bible says about gold dust nothing but you work yourself up do you know why because you're a spirit-filled believer and then they they advertise religious demons who work for ministries target you and put their video so they'll pop up and you'll see because you're watching spirit-filled stuff and they'll target you to bring witchcraft to you don't spend time wasting arguing over doctrinally neutral issues you know what the bible says about rubbing your hands together in the middle of a worship service like this nothing but saying in the fire of the holy ghost i was feeling it all right here we go there is one way to god and it's through jesus but there's many ways to connect with god through jesus at mercy culture we have a membership it's called mcconnect but it's not just membership in this membership we have an assessment in an assessment you take this quiz this assessment and it will help you figure out how you best connect with god now i don't say the number but we have thousands and thousands of members that have gone through mcconnect that are part of mercy culture but we just launched the 2.0 of this assessment last week so only 37 people have gone through the new assessment so in the last three years we've had the same assessment and our team got together and we created a new one so if you text the word encounter to the number on the screen anyone who's not a member of mercy culture can go through membership and take this assessment and if you are a member there's a link for you to click that you're a member and you could take the brand new assessment and here's what we're going to do is we're going to spend the rest of the year teaching you different ways to connect with god so it will give you a a ranking of which ways that you preferably connect with god that you may or may not know and then the beauty is it is all these are different ways that you can connect with god to grow in your relationship with god so i'm going to go over two different ways that you can connect with god some of you already connect with god this way you just don't realize it yet and in mc connect we have 12 different ways for you to supernaturally grow in your relationship with god by being intentional and how you connect with them remember the first step is to do it daily the second is to learn how you best connect with god and then the third step and the final step is just to grow in how you connect with god so who's ready to go number one you connect with god through movement acts chapter 17 verse 28 says this for in him we live and move and have our being look at this it says for in him in jesus we live we move and we have our being what does it mean to be in him it means this that he is our starting point or place daily and then we move from that place with him it means that we derive strength to move from him in a heart of constant absolute dependence on him it's this that there's no idea of a dependence more striking that we owe it to him the ability to perform the slightest movement defining that word move in the greek is the greek word key now which means this to be set in motion removed excite to stir up provoked or even rocking my favorite place in the entire world is not hawaii it's the western wall if you could say to me where you go anywhere you want where would you want to go it's always the western wall and it's it's it's the wall that was on the other side of the holy of holies this is this is one of my favorite places this is my favorite place in the entire world and when you go there you will find jews rocking you will see them praying in motion because some people connect with god in motion now it's interesting i mentioned those youtube videos that love to attack anything that moves outside of their bubble of religion but according to the greek definition of move in him we actually rock we are stirred and there is a motion that is attached to encountering god let me give you some scriptures on movement first jesus moved towards us when he came out of heaven john 6 38 and says he came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me the psalmist declared the motion of god when he said i will walk before the lord in the land of the living psalms 116 verse 9. how about this one elijah out running the chariots first kings 18 46 he connected with god it says and the hand of the lord was on elijah and he gathered up his garments and he ran before ahab to the entrance of jezreel if you read this entire text in its context he outran chariots now this is wild because as i was praying i started getting excited and the lord reminded me he said i spoke to you clearly for the first time in movement i was in first grade my uncle bought me a pocket knife for my birthday and i was in this little wooded area right by my house where there was a main road and i was in the woods with a buddy in the neighborhood and i was carving things and our names and trees and just being a kid and as i was holding my pocket knife carving in the tree i heard the lord's voice audibly out loud i didn't know it was the lord at the time but i heard the lord's voice audibly out loud say run and i turned to my friend and i said run and i just started running and the moment i came out of the woods this car came speeding out from behind the corner and started chasing us i went through the neighbor's yard and through the bushes and hopped some fences and i got to my house but i was reminded that the very first time god ever spoke to me was when i was running but i'm a slow learner so it took me a while to get so fast forward another 25 years and and uh heather and i were in a season of of uh being in full-time traveling ministry and we were living in austin texas at the time and so there was this trail that was by our house with the little pond behind it and uh because heather worked at in in real estate and i was traveling so we had kind of mixed up just different schedules and so i'd go running at night and i started doing it to just to get healthy and so i'd go about 10 o'clock at night and i'd run at night and because i like get up early in the morning or late at night and so i started running the trail and i i i found out that when i was about a mile or two miles into it i started getting physically tired but when i was physically tired all of a sudden i was spiritually alert it reminded me of the same feeling of fasting and then i would notice that i would even be talking to god but i would be running in motion and he would start talking to me and then all of a sudden i would hear from him and come back from these runs and babe god spoke to me this thing god spoke to me that me this is what he said about this and and so the journey started continuing where it was never really about running it was just about how long can i be out there to hear from him because every mile every step every hour that you're out there is an opportunity to hear from heaven in fact when i was on a run i ran 17 miles on friday getting ready for justice run i waited for somebody to clap right there i see pastor abe clappin thank you pastor abe he said and for this week in front of our staff is very dishonoring actually he said uh how do you know if someone is uh in a marathon they will tell you i was like that is very accurate so when i was running this week i heard the lord speak to me about you running any any uh justice run runners in this in this house okay i heard the lord say that he was going to meet you on the run in motion i'm going to say it again i heard the lord speak to me and say he's going to speak to you while you're running in the justice run because he wants to meet with you and connect with you in motion here's what i found i found that when i was running it was so easy to connect with god it was so easy to hear from god because he was there let me push you a little theologically for a second acts chapter 8 verse 38 through 40 it's talking about when philip was transported or spiritually moved by the holy spirit okay let me give you another word that's a little weird okay so here comes another thumbs down on youtube teleported look at the text acts 8 39 says when they came up from out from the water the spirit of the lord carried philip away and the enoch saw him no more and he went away rejoicing but if you read the next verse phillips found himself in another city that word carried away in the greek means to forcibly or miraculously remove from one place to another guys this is big he's literally picked up now we don't like this story because it's in the new testament and we want all the weird stories to be in the old testament because we could just say it's old testament so it's easy when enoch was taken away it was easy when elijah was taken away because this is the god of the new testament and if we're going to call ourselves a new testament church and our life don't reflect that at all we better not say anything about it it's quiet in this spirit phil church [Applause] he was transported from one location to another you say pastor why are you talking about this because we're entering into a season that we can call the end days where right now you can't travel and enter into places without certain certificates without certain passports watch there's a conditioning that is happening right now listen i'm not saying what we're seeing right now is the mark of the beast i'm saying we're being conditioned for it and according to scripture we'll be at a place where we cannot buy transell or trade and i'm guessing not travel so what happens when god wants to get his servant into a place that he doesn't have the right passport that he doesn't have the right certificate that he doesn't have the right mark god is gonna have to move him through motion [Applause] about 400 people they're like i don't know about that well let me tell you this so you mean to believe that you believe you believe that a woman was impregnated by the holy spirit who gave birth to a sinless savior who died on the sins for you and me who ascended to heaven and one day is coming back but god transporting you to where he needs you and the moment he needs you is far-fetched for you what happened to the faith of the church ah i have so much more to go sit down please we see a troubling of the water in john chapter 5 where there was an angel that brought movement to the water if you read your bible and you got an niv or esv john 5 4 is not in there they omitted it why because some translations never saw the angel but the important part is to look at verse three verse three says when the water was moved something spiritually moved or troubled the water and when someone got in the water they got healed it required a faith to partner with motion why because in motion god takes you out of a place physically into a spiritual place of breakthrough [Applause] for those that are a little more comfortable with the old testament we can go to joshua when god says i want you to go and walk around the walls of jericho i want you to begin to claim land that i'm about to give you authority in you know the story they walked around six days and on the seventh seven times they walked around and what happened there was a spiritual breakthrough that took place when they partnered with faith through motion i heard in my spirit earlier in the first service that somebody might need to just start walking in neighborhoods that you feel called to walking around buildings that you feel called to buy you say i don't know how i'm going to afford it that's fine it's the year the supernatural so when it happens it's beyond your ability you can't take the credit for it somebody needs to learn how to take territory by faith on may 17th of 2019 i was on my knees right here at this altar we did not own this property and i heard the lord say i'm going to give you this place i was in here all by myself with just a lot of red all around if you're new to this community this entire sanctuary looked like a 1980s where it was it was the 1970s a lot of red so i told no one i hid it in my heart and i started walking i did a 40 day fast and walked around this property every single day for 40 days i said lord if this is your heart for us then release it in the spirit watch motion releases breakthrough in the spirit motion creates spiritual movement watch this is i love this in acts chapter 9 paul meets jesus on the road of damascus they called him saul at the time he was in the middle of motion when he met god he is moving and he meets god after he meets god then what happens is all of a sudden he starts taking what's the stirring that took place in his heart and he starts bringing that movement to other cities and places we see in acts chapter 24 i don't have time to get into it it's in your nose acts chapter 24 he's arrested and they are accusing him of causing riots and stirring up the community when you live and connect with god through movement you will stir up every place that you take your foot you will stir up movements when you walk into family get-togethers you stir things up when you walk into the business meeting you stir things up because there's a movement that's happening inside of you the lord spoke to us spoke to pastor steve and told him to run for office in fact god spoke to us three years prior we were in that little upper room that i told you about before and in that upper room god spoke to us then he spoke to pastor steve in a group of us that he was supposed to run for mayor listen the prophetic word was run with the two-month campaign he didn't win the mayorship he got 10 of the vote with a two-month campaign and got more votes than some people that have been in city council their entire life [Applause] i had people call me in there that is we just want to give you our condolences i know you lost i said we lose [Music] you never lose obeying god he didn't say we're going to win he said run i'm in the the dinner i don't know what you call it i'm at the dinner it's a restaurant in the stockyards where we're watching the election results coming live and i'm standing in the back and and i'm in the back and i feel all of a sudden my spirit begin to stir and up in my spirit came we're not going after the mayorship we're not just going after the mayorship we're going after every seat of city council every seat on the school board we're going after every seat of influentiality in our in our city and in our schools we are gonna take our city back watch there was a spiritual provoking that took place if our little one and a half-year-old church could get 10 percent of the vote with a two-month campaign what can an army do in the next two years to take back our city what can we do from fort worth throughout dfw across texas i'm telling you right now there's a spiritual war that is going to be taking place and the people of god need to step into connecting him through movement [Applause] you don't have to run for office to connect with god through moving some of you stay at home moms and dads look at steve's race and said man i can never do something like that but you have no idea how powerful folding laundry could be we're talking about connecting with god we're talking about just in movement connecting with him and him speaking to you in obeying you you can be reaching down and grab a toy and as you grab that toy he speaks and something happens i want to open you up to to a different thought process than you just connect with god being in nine to five full-time ministry every day listen we're supposed to be connecting with god nine to five no matter what we're doing with our hands no matter what is our livelihood or what we do at work listen he wants to connect with you [Applause] look at this scripture i love this exodus 31 the lord said to moses see i have called by name bezel the son of europe son of her from the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god and the ability and intelligence with knowledge in all craftsmanship this is important god wants to connect with you through your craftsmanship whatever craft you have so i've mentioned twice in this sermon about this prayer room that i've gone to where the presence of god abides let me tell you how he was created my friend he was one of our intercessors for a year his name is ron ron connects with god through working through motion through working with his hands and he's a carpenter and he's in his garage and he's building something in his garage and he's got worship music playing in his garage and he hears the lord say is there any room for me here he began to say yes lord there's room for you here he said multiple times he kept hearing in his spirit is there any room for me here he's just making things out of wood in his garage yes lord then this church group came to worship on the property because they owned about nine acres and one of the ministers came and said hey what's upstairs by his garage he said there's nothing up there it's just empty space and he said no no i think god wants to be upstairs the lord began to give him a vision of building this upper room then he started having these these these prophetic words that there would be there would be apostles and there'd be prophets and there'd be ministers that would come from all over the nation to this upper room and god would minister to them there watch he begins to build what he saw god show him in the garage above his house and then it's been the quiet place upper room sanctuary for me and ministers from around the nation our church was birthed from that prayer room the first ever elders retreat ended with the 40-day fast in that prayer room watch this we need to take some leadership school students to this prayer room listen to me all through connecting with god through motion i want you to know god wants to connect with you he wants to speak to you and it's not going to look like what it's always looked like when you go through and text that word encounter to that number you'll go through and take this assessment there's suggested activities there's encouragements there's all these different things that you can do if you connect with god in those ways holy spirit help me number two you can connect with god through conversation matthew 28 18 says and jesus came and said to them all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me so therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing name in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit teaching them to observe all that i've commanded and behold i am with you always to the end of the age read that again and behold i am with you always to the end of the h i've said this so many times from the pulpit and i'm going to say it again and i'm going to say it again and i'm going to say it again we are called and invited to commune with the holy spirit the same way the disciples did with jesus jesus said i will be with you till the end of the age i've heard people say stuff like well if jesus was here right now i would ask him what is stopping you watch the same way that adam and eve walked and talked with god in the garden is the same way the disciples walked with jesus they got to ask him how do we pray and how much do we need to forgive and should we cut this guy's ear off should we do that what do you think about this jesus what do you think about this jesus listen the stuff they even talked about at times they argued about who was the best watch they lived life with jesus you are invited to live the same way with the holy spirit but you know why it's hard because the holy spirit's not welcome at our church he's not welcome in christianity oh we'll talk about him if he's the god that stays in the corner or the back room on a wednesday night three times a year but what if he embarrasses us and and what if someone prays in the holy ghost too loud and and what what if we can't control it that's why it's never started because you're controlling it before it ever begins we are called to walk and commune with the holy spirit imagine if you could just ask god anything at any time you don't have to imagine you can do it if someone gets this your life will forever change here's the problem is the reason why we don't ask god is because we've talked to everyone but him first so we get tired of talking are there any wives in the room that could bear witness when their husbands come home how was your day it's good tell me about it just the stuff have you ever been with someone and you tried to start a conversation maybe you're being with someone who is maybe rude to you or just thought they were better and you try to engage in conversation and they make it clear that they don't want to participate in conversation has anyone ever been in that situation okay are you doing that to god are are you when he's trying to talk with you let me show you let me show you with what scripture says i love this and in in john 16 jesus says i have much more to talk to you about but the holy spirit is the one who's going to come and speak to you it says this in john 16 let's look at verse 13. the spirit of truth will come he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak watch this that word speak in the greek is the word la eo which means this to be talkative the holy spirit likes to talk why is it so hard for the body of christ to hear him if he's talkative if jesus warns us he's not leaving us if he tells us he's got much more to talk to you about he's got much more to say where's the disconnect we're not connecting with god in conversation you're called and invited to talk to the holy spirit just like a friend exodus 33 11 thus the lord used to speak to moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend god spoke to moses freely closely and immediately when you connect with god through conversation you communicate with god freely closely and immediately and one thing that we've done is that we we only go to god when we have something important we have a big decision and it's something really big and there's a lot of pressure and then it feels really hard to talk to god see when you talk to him every day about little things that aren't that big of a deal it makes it so easy to hear him about things that are really important and a big deal let me give you some practical advice when you have a question to the lord write it down physically write it down i do this in my phone and i do it on a blackboard my office all the time and i'll say holy spirit what do you think what should i do and i'll literally ask him the question and write him down because there is a documented trail for when he talks back it's almost like you're putting the ball in his court and saying okay you're up and i don't just ask him once i ask him over and over i do this all the time and he always talks back do you know why because he's talkative when i was praying for you this week i felt in my spirit that some of you feel like you're bothering god i felt it in my spirit as i prayed for you and i felt the lord tell me to tell you you're not bothering him and some of you like but the things i'm talking about are so dumb he loves it he talked to the disciples about who was the greatest when when peter and john are arguing about who's faster go study it it's awesome listen he loves to talk to the children and the same way that he welcomed kids to run to him is the same way he welcomes you in conversation do not belittle what you want to talk to god about ah you know i just saw i just had a vision of the smallest little bugs and the lord talking to people about the little things he made do you know there's nothing that is too small that won't make great conversation with the holy spirit okay this is the number one advice as a pastor i give everybody this is the number one thing i tell more people this is my number one advice i say this all the time ask the holy spirit people come to me to want to talk about business their marriage spiritual things i ask them all the time did you ask the lord and it's about nine out of ten times they say no church ask the lord begin to train yourself before you ask a friend before you ask your spouse before you ask your small group leader ask the lord this is so powerful connecting with god through conversation is so powerful god will talk to you when you're talking to yourself connecting with god through conversation is so powerful he'll talk to you when you're talking to somebody else he wants to talk we were at pastor nicky's birthday party last week not sitting across from pastor matt and we're talking about marathons and and uh he's lost his mind he's done like 20 marathons and like eight iron man's i don't know why any human being would want to do that but he has and so we're talking about marathons and all this stuff and we're just talking about the physically running marathons and he said something to me and when he said it to me i heard god speak to me we're talking about marathons and he said what people don't get is you have to learn how to drink water and feed yourself when you're not hungry and you're not thirsty and the moment he said it to me i just felt like the holy spirit just kicked me i literally just felt his kick that's what a daily encounter is that you feed yourself every day that's why people don't make it in the race that's why they bow out that's why injuries come that's why attacks come because they have not fed themselves god loves conversation so much he wants to talk to you every day worship team come and join me i'm going to share a text that changed my life when i say changed my life i literally mean i was never the same how many have heard me say before from the pulpit or pray before speak lord your servant's listening i think i did it twice this morning already i pray this prayer every day multiple times a day i pray this over my kids every day multiple times a day i pray this over our church every day multiple times a day i pray this over my staff every day multiple times a day since i was 18 years old i've been praying this prayer speak lord it comes from first samuel chapter 3. first samuel chapter 3 there's a boy samuel whose job is to minister before the lord unto the high priest eli if you have your bible look in the word of god it says this in verse one the boy samuel ministered before the lord under eli in those days the word of the lord was rare there were not many visions verse two one night eli whose eyes were becoming so weak he could barely see was lying down in his usual place the lamp of god had not yet gone out and samuel was lying down in the temple of the lord where the ark of god was now the arc of god was the presence of god god's speaking to him in the presence of god because it's easy to hear god when you're in his presence verse 4 says then the lord called samuel samuel answered here i am he ran to eli and said here i am you called me but eli said i did not call you go back and lie down. so he went and laid down and again the lord called to samuel and samuel got up and went to eli and said here i am you called me my son eli said i did not call you go back and lie down verse 7. now samuel did not yet know the lord the word of the lord had not been revealed to him now that jumps out at me at verse 7 because in verse 1 it says the boy samuel ministered before the lord but verse 7 says he did not know the lord this is a picture of the church that we have people that are ministering but they don't know him people that say they're following him they say they're believers but they don't know him scripture goes on to say again the lord called the samuel and he went to eli and this time you gotta go read it for yourself first samuel 3 eli realized god speaking he said if you hear the voice again say speak lord your servant is listening see eli was the high priest samuel was his servant samuel had chambers right next to eli's god was speaking to samuel but he didn't recognize it was god speaking to him eli didn't hear him because it took three times before eli realized he's hearing something that's not me church this is so important god was speaking to samuel internally he was speaking to him so clear it sounded like someone's voice out loud and the priest said this if you hear the voice again watch talk back if you hear the voice again say out loud speak lord so he went and laid down and the merciful one once again came and said samuel samuel this is it this is it he connected with god through conversation when he said speak lord your servant's listening samuel began who became one of the greatest prophets who ever walked the face of the earth watch because he connected with god through conversation do you know what god said about samuel first samuel chapter 2 he said i'm going to raise up for myself a faithful priest that will minister to my heart i know i've said this a few times i'm not trying to be dramatic but what i'm going to tell you right now is absolutely life-changing if you want to connect with god through conversation the greatest thing you can talk to god about is his heart and so many people are struggling with their relationship with god because the only thing you talk about is your heart your life your needs what you want to accomplish what you want to do what your dreams are but there's this place of intimacy that you can only access when it's not about you and when it isn't about what you want anymore when it's not about your best life when it's just about what pleases the king oh with everything in me i didn't want a pastor i made an inner vow because i hate religion in the drama and dysfunction of church so i said lord i just want to minister to your people but i don't want to be the church but i made a mistake i started asking him for his heart and when you have his heart he begins to lead you he begins to guide you he begins to speak to you in church it's never about you what would happen if you became a faithful priest it was obsessed with his heart would you bow your heads all over this place there's someone in this room that you need to give your heart to jesus there's someone in this room that you need to surrender there's someone in this room that you're bound in sin you're away from god and this morning you want to give your life to him no one's looking around this is between you and god from the front row to the balcony if you say landon i want to give my life to jesus lift your hands as fast as you can don't wait don't hesitate if you need jesus lift your hand awesome awesome i see your hand i see your hands i see your hands awesome awesome awesome awesome just put it up put it up as fast you can and then put it down all over this place all over this place pray this prayer loud enough for you can hear it just say lord jesus i need your mercy i need you to forgive me i ask your forgiveness of all of my sin jesus i believe your god jesus my faith is in you say holy spirit would you fill me would you teach me holy spirit would you speak to me there's over 100 people that gave their life to the lord today [Applause] [Music] would you stand your feet all over this place there's someone in here that you connect with god through moving and i just want you to move if you want to come to the altar you come the altar if you want to get on your knees you can get on your knees if you want to go to the balcony you go the balcony it doesn't matter what you do but you connect with god as i talked about moving your spirit leapt as i talked about moving your spirit left just move just move just move just move just move just move just move just move [Music] erika just come bring the dance just just come start moving start moving [Music] there's some individuals in this room that you connect with god through conversation if that's you lift your hands as high as they go and just begin to ask the lord for his heart right now come on ask him for his heart for your family ask him your heart his heart for your city ask him his heart for your family ask him his heart for your children come on right now ask him his heart for your life ask him his heart for america ask him his heart for president joe biden ask him his heart for the nations ask him his heart for israel come on just begin to ask the father for his heart just begin to pursue his heart just begin to ask him right now [Music] come on he's talkative don't get tired of asking him come on sing tray heart show me show me your heart [Music] hey glory [Music] show me your heart hey show me [Music] come on move her smooth [Music] i was on the trail this morning praying for you and i said lord what is your heart for your people and the second i asked him he said healing [Music] close your eyes tight all over this place if your heart needs healing lay your hands on your own heart right now if your heart leads healing i just felt so strong rejection from fathers rejection from spiritual fathers i saw great wounds oh [Applause] i just felt a wave of the presence of god came from the stage it's going to hit you it's going to hit you just stay right there man don't even build it just stay right there it's going to hit you i pray right now let waves of the goodness of god let waves of the love of god let waves of the mercy of god i feel it again i feel it again let waves of the mercy of god the ways of the healing of god he's coming i heard him in my spirit that there's going to be super natural healing that takes place today for father woes if your hand is on your heart just begin to ask him say give me your heart lord give me your heart lord give me your heart lord give me your heart lord i heard him say this trade me trade me trade me trade me trade me give him your heart and he's gonna give you his i felt in my spirit that some of you have good fathers some of you have great fathers but you tried to get something from them they did not have to give you and i heard the lord say ask me for it ask me for it father let the winds [Music] let the waves of your presence healing waves come right now i'm gonna pray in the holy ghost i'm not prophesying in tongues this is not the gift of prophetic tongue this is my personal prayer language so i'm gonna use my personal prayer language if you have a personal prayer language why don't you use it right now ross just sing in the spirit right now just sing in the spirit come on just pray a little louder just pray a lot louder just sing a little louder come on let's just be in it right this is what we came for this is what we came for this is what we came for i heard the lord say he's healing those that were hurt in ministry he's healing you were heard from ministry you were hurt by your church lift your hands and just let them heal you lift your hands and let them heal you lift your hands and let them is [Music] here [Music] here oh [Music] get ready for it [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] dancers dance worshipers worship movers move you're right [Applause] okay we could stop service now or you could enter into a miracle [Applause] so you're dismissed you can leave what you whenever you want i need to i need the mercy culture dancers bring your flags in worship and bring them down in the altar area listen i saw the john 5 waters of healing being troubled i saw him stirring so i'm going to push you i know you dressed up pretty for church but this is why we came so for the next few minutes would you just let yourself move in his presence would you just not care about who thinks what about you or what you have to do after this service but if you were just for the next few minutes would you just give everything that you have deborah sing get ready i pray right now let there be a troubling of the waters let there be a troubling of their spirits let there be a stirring of the spirits let there be a preparation for miracles [Applause] [Music] move church church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as loud as you can [Music] [Music] get right there [Music] little boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] [Music] don't stop shouting give him a praise your heart your heart if you need a physical healing lift your hands if you need a physical healing in your body [Music] everyone in this place look around [Music] balcony look around look around look around church pray for each other all over this place pray for each other all over this place if someone's got their hand up pray for them pray them all over this place balcony everywhere all over this place the lord said people would be healed this is that moment this is that moment now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] you are [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] holy spirit thank you for this morning [Music] thank you for your presence thank you lord for your presence say it with me thank you for your presence lord for your presence aren't you thankful this morning for his presence [Music] [Applause] we have our prayer team up here ready to pray for you we don't have to rush out his presence is here if you need prayer i want to encourage you this altar is on fire right now [Music] [Music] so [Music] some announcements real quick as we head out if you are in the moment stay in the moment three ways you can give here at mercy culture online on your phone and or mailing a check we also have boxes all over the sanctuary thank you so much for continually continually giving here at mercy culture church i want to say this i want to encourage you again if you haven't signed up for the justice run i'm telling you we are living in a prophetic moment in a prophetic time and run whatever you can but register today there's a booth out here at mc central this wednesday is our justice night right before the run i want to invite everyone in the sanctuary this wednesday is the justice night meeting is gonna be supernatural if you're in this place i want you to meet me here wednesday night i'm gonna be here so many of us are gonna be here as well this wednesday at 7 00 p.m in this sanctuary we're gonna pray for the run it's gonna be so awesome and with that said let me bless you guys every hand raised said say with me lord teach us your ways that we may know you and find favor mercy culture we love you we'll see you next sunday the altars are open for prayer we love you
Channel: Mercy Culture
Views: 3,465
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: j5BjgVzRPe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 42sec (7122 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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