There's more to John 3:16 than you know! W/ @Grafted! | The Chosen Blueprint

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[Music] what's up everybody i hope you all are doing well tonight we're continuing on our the blueprint series which is talking all about the book of john so we've done john chapter one we've done john chapter two and after two comes number three john chapter three tonight we're gonna be talking about some awesome stuff focusing on nicodemus for the most part and then diving into some other stuff as well uh it's definitely gonna be interesting and uh and as you might have seen in the title we have some amazing guests so let's go ahead and just kind of chat for a second get to know each other and then we'll jump into john chapter three so hope you guys are doing well first of all i want to introduce you guys to some of our amazing friends who we just met for the first time grafted here they are i'll let them introduce themselves what's up y'all hello hello hey everybody i'm i'm sam this is tom we are part of the grafted family that's right yeah so we're just excited to join brandon and vanessa tonight looking at the book of john excited to be with y'all glad to be here yeah so happy to have you guys for sure give us just a little bit of understanding of who you guys are what you guys do on youtube i know that there may be you know a few people maybe one or two that don't know who you guys are but although i have to say we have had probably like a million people that have asked for you guys to be on the channel we're very thankful that you guys have finally come for sure but give us a little bit of background about who you guys are what you guys do and um and what's up with that sure yeah we're both uh we're elders in our congregation and we're in kansas city and it's a messianic jewish congregation it's a part of a network of messianic jewish congregations in the us uh and affiliated with congregations in israel and really around the world so we're we're blessed to be a part of the messianic jewish movement and uh yeah we started uh just talking and about messianic uh world view just a few months six months ago maybe putting out grafted and uh just kind of like you guys you know when we started to do some chosen videos got a lot more traction and uh but yeah our our background is in the the messianic world i'm finishing up my doctorate in messianic jewish studies hopefully this year uh so that's that's kind of where we're coming from sam's a worship leader so yeah try to bring a little bit of joy into our theology is kind of our goal you know theology can be a little stale if you don't bring some fun to it so uh right we think yeshua and jesus god he's all about joy and fun so he created it so why not you know sure for sure we love talking about the bible we love talking about the importance of israel the importance of the jewish people the importance of jerusalem and and we just i mean we're all about making jesus famous and so i know i i know that you guys are about that too and so it's just good to good to do it together so yeah i mean this is this is what it's all about he cut his hair yes i did cut my hair well awesome so glad to have you guys absolutely as we jump into john three but um let me kind of say hi to some people real fast as we jump into tonight uh so tim what's up good to see you timothy kennedy um mlx noodles of course barbara scott good to see you um yeah kimberly brackett awesome good to see you again of course jc and bryce parker as always uh al stevenson good to see you as well um cool glad everybody's here we're going to jump into john 3 in just a second so just say hi if you want to all right cool let's see oh snap time for some spiritual wisdom here we go man okay cool well without further ado let's just jump into it what do you guys think sounds great here we go so john chapter three as always we're gonna have our logos up here and we're gonna um kind of dive into line by line what what is john chapter 3 saying so i'll kind of dive in talk about it a little bit and then um yeah whenever you guys feel like you want to jump in definitely jump in so here we go chapter 3. now there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus now real quick actually let me preface this we talked about chapter two last time and remember as we read the bible right there's no chapters there's no verses this is a big book right that goes together and and so everything goes together so from the back of chapter two remember the end of chapter two it's very specifically talking about this and i think it links to chapter three as well so we have but jesus um actually let me go back a little bit so verse 23 in chapter two of john now when he was in jerusalem at the passover feast many believed in his name uh when they saw the signs that he was doing but jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man for he uh himself knew what was in man right so basically the the gist of that is that a lot of people started to believe in jesus because of the signs and the wonders that he was doing but he obviously didn't trust man because he knew that man couldn't be trusted um but then right after that as we get into chapter three what does it say now there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus and so there's an interesting connection here at some level right where they're kind of pointing out like john is kind of pointing out here that jesus did not trust in man man trusted in jesus because of signs and wonders but there was this man of the pharisees named nicodemus um you know kind of setting this whole thing up with how jesus would have you know seen nicodemus in a way in one way not trusting him because he's a man right or not yeah not fully trusting him there anyway so a man in nicodemus a ruler of the jews this this man came to jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from god for no one can do these signs that you do unless god is with him jesus answered him truly truly i say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of god so yeah we highlight it again because it's the greek word anathem [Laughter] yeah i'm not going to try a lot a lot of greek saying tonight i don't think but uh that could mean this word could mean from above um yeah so kind of nicodemus's confusion that we'll see in a sec um is is right full right like it could be again or it could be from above yeah so kind of the way that we understand it at least from the the studying that we've been doing this week the word here um again anathen which is i don't know if you guys can actually hear this probably not huh i know then [Laughter] logos here but um so the word has kind of two understandings right um as far as i know and so there's like they could be again or it could be from above and so just like vanessa was saying you know if we read the sentence truly truly i say to you unless one is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of god um and so we see this also the same word anathem later on in this chapter as well so we see at the end here um near verse 31 so he who comes from above is above all and so this is actually the same word anathem but here it's translated above he who comes from above is above all he who is um of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in an earthly way and so we'll come back to this later but it's kind of interesting the way that this is laid out here if that makes sense so any thoughts on that that first kind of three verses guys yeah i mean i like what you're saying it's uh sometimes nicodemus will get portrayed like like he's an idiot or something you know yeah some of them i don't think that's the case so he's a a very learned man clearly uh but that didn't mean he didn't have a lot more to learn and but when god comes to the earth that's helpful and so he's bringing some new revelation new understanding new perspective and the word is flesh now right yeah i mean it's a big deal that that it comes in the flesh so i like what you're pointing out with born from above and it's not that it's not it's kind of like i like to say about the the new covenant scriptures and new testaments like hindsight is 20 20 it's easy for us to look back and be like well clearly it's all there it's in the prophets and you know but uh i think when the lord returns revelation and zechariah and daniel and all these other passages are going to be really clear you know and yeah a similar connection right it's way harder when you've got this thing sitting in front of you you know you're like yeah there's the answer [Laughter] yeah absolutely um but let's kind of look at nicodemus's response here so verse four nicodemus said to him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born and it's so funny the way that jesus is kind of interacting with him here right because we get nicodemus he's asking these questions like kind of very specific questions like how can i be born again how can i be born when i'm old um and then jesus just doesn't he just does not answer the question right he just moves on and he tries to explain it in a different way right because he's wanting nicodemus to kind of understand what he's what he's saying and nicodemus just isn't isn't really getting it um do you think nicodemus asked a bad question is that what you said not necessarily i just think jesus is being jesus you know like he does this all the time where someone will ask him a question he's like that's not the right that's not the right thing you're focusing on the wrong thing you know and so he kind of shifts their perspective again so yeah you know you know how they say they say there's no such thing as a bad question i'm not saying nicodemus was asking a bad question but but there are bad questions sure sure yeah it was a bad question maybe it could be i don't know but again let's kind of continue on so jesus tries to explain it in in a different way right um again nicodemus says can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered truly truly i say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit do not marvel that i said to you you must be born again the wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes so is it with everyone who is born of the spirit and so this is kind of an interesting point we have another verse here and again if you guys have been following along with this series we've talked a lot about this idea of hyperlinks right so if i send you an email and i put a hyperlink right and i say click here and then that here is like a blue you know little thing that you can click right in an email there's a lot of these hyperlinks throughout drawn throughout really all the scriptures that point you to other places within the scripture right and so here is another kind of hyperlink that brings you back to ezekiel and so we're going to kind of go back to ezekiel 36 if you guys want to go there and and kind of talk about this a little bit so um again here ezekiel 36 25 i will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from from your idols i will cleanse you and i will give you a new heart and a new spirit i will put within you and i will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules um and then it's interesting so he's basically saying he's talking about a new body here right like a new um a new person basically but then we see also in ezekiel 27 the whole thing about the valley of dry bones what 37 did i say 27 37 about the valley of dry bones which is another another area where he's talking about you know this whole new body coming back right the ruach right the spirit the breath that we talked about in chapter one right um this whole idea of like god kind of you know we use this analogy of like god kind of being the mouth jesus being the word and then the ruach is the breath right the holy spirit um and so having understanding of that like seeing hear how the breath is breathed into into these bones right into making a new body making new life there and so jesus is kind of pointing back to this um at least from what i understand back to this this verse talking about water and spirit here um which is is super interesting but yeah yeah yeah i love that you went to ezekiel 36 so you guys probably know this but ezekiel 36 is one of the main texts of the new covenant right so jeremiah 31 is the other main text in jeremiah 31 and ezekiel 36 parallel each other so i think that's i think we're pretty confident that this is what he's alluding to at least one aspect of it because this is a new coven you know this born again language i mean people are still using that you know 2 000 years later this is new covenant language and so it makes sense that this is rooted in ezekiel 36 when you know we get this heart of stone taken out and get this heart of flesh and and then it's also pretty cool in this section here because he says that uh this new heart empowers you for obedience is what he's really saying it's unto this this new birth is unto hey now i can walk in his commandments i can follow him and and uh we don't have well any excuses in that sense i guess you know but there's also and there's so much in here i don't know how much more you want to talk about like that you got like with nicodemus you know he this is in jewish tradition it goes on to be like they use this language of born again uh even today they use this language so it's funny because it sounds very um christian if you will yeah but something that in even in early rabbinic judaism they were using this born again type of a language for proselytes for gentiles who would convert to judaism and yeah why because it's it's rooted in other prophetic texts and and biblical language uh where you become this new this new creation this new person this new heart you know uh so i think that's pretty uh interesting though super interesting yeah that's awesome that's really interesting yeah i love um the more we learn about jewish culture and and just the history and everything it's just it it makes the bible like come more and more to life so i i love that yeah absolutely and plug time but i don't know if you guys knew this but we're actually taking a group to israel in 2023 me and vanessa have been before i've been twice before and it's just one of those things where like it just changes your understanding right i'm sure that you get this but for for me you know it's it's the difference between reading a fiction book and reading a um a book of my own memories almost like like because when you read the sea of galilee or you read about jerusalem you have this fictional place in your mind right like you can look up pictures but it doesn't really do it's not the same you know but when you walk there and you you smell the smells and you walk the streets and you're you're you know going to the same places that you know that you know that you know that jesus was you know right um that it changes your your brain you know like when you think of the sea of galilee um it changes the way that you you think and so i think what vanessa is saying like having a better understanding of judaism and the old testament and and all the things that encompass what we believe right like it's it's such a huge um difference in your understanding yeah like even seeing uh nicodemus is actually a part of the sanhedrin which is like huge right like he wasn't just like this little rabbi i don't know [Laughter] yeah he was he was a leader of the of the jews yeah i mean that's the whole purpose of this of this chapter right this section of the chapter is like jesus isn't talking to just like some random person this is someone who is very high up right someone who's very esteemed right right right he's very esteemed within within his place you know um so i think that's definitely an important part because nicodemus is not just nicodemus but he's a representation of of his people right right so that's good i think if you've been to israel uh you know if you think about all the different uh orthodox jewish people who are coming to pray at the western wall or something and you know you have a chief rabbi of israel and and sephardic and ashkenazic and but yeah you could think about well somebody is kind of their leader so you can get like you're saying more of a feel for hey nicodemus was one of the guys that's in charge of all these you know thousands of jewish people who are coming to pray every day uh so he wasn't uh he was an influential man of god in that sense but i love what you're saying about the bible uh coming to life going to israel so i'll plug your trip uh you know i used to live there for two years in jerusalem and but but yeah anytime i always encourage everybody you gotta go at least once for sure um i mean but it's super expensive but right now it's a challenge because uh with covid and everything so yeah yeah hopefully we're about a year and a half away from our trip um but yeah definitely super excited to um to go and to take to take you guys i mean to take the our subscribers to take anybody that wants to go with us so yeah definitely have have some amazing people coming along with us as well um and so yeah we'd uh love to have anybody that's that's here with us tonight uh come along with us so yeah yeah we always we always plug it highly recommend it it's like anybody we know it's like go on a trip go with somebody that you trust and and and just be there i mean even as you were talking about the sea of galilee i had flashed back to the i've only been there one time but i flashed back to being on a boat on the sea of galilee and just remembering and thinking about these are the waters that he stilled yeah these are the waters that he walked on right it's like okay that that that feels a little bit different than just what my mind pictures when i read these words i'm just i'm just helping you plug like go go with brandon and vanessa [Laughter] awesome i'll just have to clip that little sentence out and then we'll use it as an ad everywhere awesome yeah yeah i i definitely yeah can't say it enough i i definitely want everybody to go all right let's continue in the land if you want to connect with some of the messianic jewish uh friends of ours over there if you're interested yeah we'll definitely be in touch for sure we definitely have um the whole trip came about because i'm i'm really good friends since i was a kid i've been really good friends with um the owner of imagine tours and travels which is like a massive massive you know travel agency over there um and so you know they're really good friends of ours we've gone to church with them forever and so he's he definitely has a lot of uh connections over there uh but yeah we could we could definitely uh use some more so i'll definitely be in touch awesome that's great very very cool let's continue on um so remember we just read through um how we're talking about the water and the spirit um let me kind of re-read this part and then we'll dive into the next part do not marvel that i said to you you must be born again the wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes so it is with everyone who is born of the spirit nicodemus said to him how can these things be jesus answered him are you the teacher of israel and yet you do not understand these things and again kind of like putting him in his place in a way um truly truly i say to you we speak of what we know and bear witness to what we have seen but you do not receive our testimony if i have if i have told you earthly things and you do not believe how can you believe if i tell you heavenly things no one has ascended into heaven except he who has who descended from heaven the son of man and as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the son of man be lifted up that whoever believes in him may have eternal life so before we get to the most famous verse in the bible let's kind of talk about this section and kind of go from there it's crazy there's so much in this section for sure but any thoughts on this um well something funny first of all is that we begin to see yeshua talking in the third person and also in the third person plural oh yeah so we have we an hour but then yeah he sam and i joked about this quite a few times like just uh it's it's funny he calls himself the son of man quite a bit uh throughout scripture but like what do you think about that it's it's funny you know if i went around saying things in the third person it would just be it'd be interesting it'd be an interesting way to talk i think my wife would get tired of it but you know but he's god or he can do it the husband the husband would like a drink of water [Laughter] the worship leader will play some music now yeah i think this section is so cool i love you know obviously the first part of what jesus is saying here like he's he's putting nicodemus in his place and he's kind of reminding him like you know in the chosen we see this too where nicodemus kind of has this like pomp attitude in some ways and he kind of breaks up it in season one uh but you can see in his wife mostly throughout the whole season where she's like very um and again again i'll kind of point this out we point this on every one of our videos but the chosen is not scripture i'm not i'm not saying these things are true but it's a good example of what we want to talk about so like zahara in the show like you can tell how how she's used to her lifestyle being and then as nicodemus kind of changes throughout season one and is more open to what jesus wants to do zahara is like what is happening like who are you like this is what we're used to we're used to having this you know prestige and this um you know you are a teacher of teachers you don't have questions you have answers right she says that in season one right and um and so having this understanding of like like nicodemus had to have some sort of mentality like that where he was you know he's the boss right he's not the guy who's learning he's the guy who's teaching and so jesus definitely puts him in his place here and it's an understanding of like like you see like you you don't understand what i'm telling you and and yet you're like you still believe to be in the position that you're in like it's it's this understanding of jesus like showing his power not in a way of might but in a way of mind almost if that makes sense sure well it reminds me of i've been reading the book of mark and i can't remember what chapter is but he you know they he teaches and and then all of a sudden people are like what what is this teaching and with authority right you know people are marveling at the authority with which he teaches and and so you kind of see that here like there's this there's this little bit of wrestle between the almost the two authorities that are that are right here in this text this teacher of teachers like you guys are saying and then the rabbi like the messiah the the one who is the word become flesh it's like there's this there's there's a little bit of wrestle here i mean you see it like with nicodemus coming to him by night he's not really wanting it to be known you know it's like i'm gonna approach this humble teacher but this guy that has authority you know it's it's just a it's an interesting dynamic and it is fun the way that dallas and the chosen guys decided to do this you know they made it the conversation was very sweet and funny and all but you know a wrestle too you know and so there's a lot going on just in these few lines so yeah and you have this like kind of the beginning of authority transfer that's happening right so you know whether he's a member of the sanhedrin or he's just an influential leader or whatever you're having this shift in authority going you know from the the jewish leaders to yeshua or i like to say to peter and the boys via yeshua and and so you're seeing that i like how you're pointing out you're seeing that that i don't want to call it a power play it's just more of a he's recognizing wow i i there's somebody that has more authority than i do and you know jesus is saying it real specifically here comparing flesh and spirit really and saying even this great teacher needs to be born again even this great teacher needs uh this spirit from on high you know reminds me of romans 8 you know where he says a life set on our mindset on flash's death but a mindset on the spirit is life and shalom so he's he's pointed to something bigger and greater and that's pretty yeah pretty big yeah i mean and i was just uh as we're reading this i'm thinking about first john and the the things that are coming out and first john he's talking to people as children be be children of god and being born of the spirit you know and so like this language from this conversation continues on throughout throughout the text you know and so it's it's it's foundational and it's for everybody from you know a pharisee of pharisees to the lowly person right somebody like me you know it's like everybody must go through this process if you want to be a children a child of god you must be born again right so but that's humbling see it later in john right yeah it's like this hey i'm a i'm a son of abraham what are you talking about you know like but i think yeshua a lot of times he's he's correcting this wrong assumption that hey just because you're or just because you're born jewish doesn't mean you're saved right yeah so you you have to be born again born from on high and so that's a big part of the correction that's taking place here is that no you have to be become a child of abraham by faith paul says that a little bit later you know so jew and gentile it doesn't it doesn't matter everybody has to be born again everybody needs jesus everybody needs salvation yeah yeah i think 100 that's that's so true but like we talked about in john chapter one even like this idea of this you know the seed of god in the seed of satan like you know where are you coming from like who who do you really belong to you know um and i think jesus like 90 of his ministry is is fighting these um misrepresentations of what they actually believed you know and like the misrepresentations of who the messiah was going to be or who they were supposed to be or what they were supposed to do you know um and i think that that's that's so so so true so cool yeah um let's continue on let's go back to logos and um we'll dive into this i love the uh the um correlation here too between um obviously moses and the bronze serpent and this whole idea that the son of man must be lifted up an illusion towards his crucifixion and you know he was telling people about his crucifixion for a long time but a lot of people just did not either want to accept it or didn't believe or didn't understand exactly what he was talking about um and it's the whole thing that we have the whole bible right right right right right yeah um but they didn't understand in the moment right but here's a clear example of kind of that illusion towards that too um and how that was planned you know since moses like how crazy is it that those things all work together and i love love seeing those kind of things um but let's go on to the most famous verse in all of christianity or in the bible in my opinion so for god so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life again clarifying what he's trying to say right for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through him whoever believes in him is not condemned but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only son of god yeah i i think we think of john 3 16 as this like happy verse of like yay like it's so fun it's so good but like hearing hearing the other side of it i think is is just as important you know yeah hearing the other side of like okay this is what happens if i believe but here's what happens if i don't you know and having an understanding i think we don't acknowledge that a lot especially like in kids church when we're teaching this verse right but like for us i know that that's the case of like you know we don't talk about the i don't know i know it's hard in kids church and all of that stuff but i think we lean a lot more in the world in general i think we lean a lot more on these kind of positive moments and use this you know verse 316 instead of 3 17 18 19 that understanding that's good i i haven't done this but i've it's on my like list of teachings i want to do a teaching uh that's just going through the gospels and showing verses of jesus talking about judgment yeah because you know we think a lot of times there's this portrayal of jesus like this passive kind of i called the tolstoy jesus and but when you read the text itself i mean like you're saying i mean even the we haven't got there y'all jumped forward if you the last verse in john 3 talks about uh he who does not obey the son will not see life but the wrath of god remains on him so this is that this is the condemnation uh condemning that it's talking about here right i mean so that's where where nicodemus is like he's like what do you mean he's like unless you're born again you have the wrath of god you know so we we all need to become children of god that and that a lot of times people think that you're born a child of god we're we're image bearers yeah yeah but that doesn't mean we're children yet because we're born into this fallen broken sinful nature and world and so i i like what you're bringing up it doesn't yeah it the sunday school may not not talk about it as much but maybe they should right i mean not just to scare them into the to the kingdom or something but just presenting the reality of the wrath of god is a serious thing it's real well yeah i mean i i think you either you pointed it out or one of our other elders i think it might have been rich um he said you know we talk about the cost of discipleship you know with dietrich bonhoeffer and whatnot and the cost of discipleship is hugely important and it you know grace costs everything right it costs your entire life right the cost of discipleship is is huge but the cost of non-discipleship is actually even more costly right so you have it's like yes you have you you give all that you have to jesus and give all you have to yeshua you forsake all else and he becomes the soul one that you live for right but the cost of non-discipleship is his wrath right and so to to forget that and to not emphasize that i mean that it doesn't do justice to what he is saying but it's also it's also it's like you have this the beauty the wrath the love the the the terror of god all in one passage it's like so 3 16 god loved the whole world right and it it what did he do because he loved he gave his generosity knows no end yeah and to remember that that that's how the lord showed his love is is in his generosity is it's beautiful it's amazing it's that's that's how we should now operate i mean i'm working progress on that too you know it's like so but it's just the kindness and the love and the generosity of god is amazing and beautiful and it can't be under emphasized but the wrath of god cannot be underemphasized either so like jesus does such a good job of holding both of these these two things at one time yeah like how does he do that in like four verses you know yeah the teacher of teachers man yeah almost like he's god or something but yeah yeah for sure i mean yeah i think that there's so much that and to think too and i think of you know jesus as god and the understanding that he must have had and like this is him dumbing it down you know like this is him trying to explain it to us through our mentality and our understanding right like yeah and and still in a cool let's continue on here shout out to timothy yeah go ahead thank you for your support thanks timothy timothy's uh i think it's a i don't know i think it's a chat but he didn't write anything so thank you so much timothy um you rock as always timothy is one of our channel members as well um as always if you guys um want to join our and be a channel member you're more than welcome my sister made these amazing emotes that are so cute so if you guys want to use those you all have to do is become a channel member and use those in the chat let me shout out a couple other channel members because we've got some in here alyssa good to see you as well and of course bryce and jc as always cool anyway continue on uh let me start at verse 18 and we'll kind of fly through this so whoever believes in him is not condemned but whoever does not believe is condemned already super heavy right and just like we're talking about um we have to have this sort of heaviness in our walk with christ because like when we when we don't okay so i get frustrated a lot in ministry as i'm sure you you don't i know you guys have perfect people in in your congregation but um you know i get really frustrated because people like they they'll come and they'll be like i want to follow christ i want to do this um but but then we live as if god doesn't exist we live as if this condemnation doesn't exist we live as if there's no punishment waiting you know like and so it's definitely frustrating for me in a lot of ways in my own life too and i'm not saying that you know i'm exempt from that in my own life too i get frustrated because i i have this mentality of like forgetting that these things are here you know um understanding yes that i'm i'm saved by grace and grace alone but um but also that understanding of like i can't just like sit here i need to do what god has asked me to do you know yeah having an understanding so yeah man it's good all right um sorry i lost my place because i had that thought but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he is not he has not believed in the name of the only son of god and this is the judgment the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil and again this brings us back to chapter one if you're with us there we talk about the light and the life right um and and we talk about um you know how they're interchangeable almost in that um in that understanding and so throughout the book of john when we talk about life we're talking about the life and we're talking about darkness we're talking about death and how those kind of interact with one another and the light has come into the world the life has come into the world and people love the darkness or death rather than the light or life because their works were evil for everyone who does wicked things hates the light or life and does not come to the light or have that second life like jesus is talking about here lest his works should be exposed but whoever does what is true comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in god so a lot of a lot of stuff there for sure um but another another understanding of this this battle right the whole the whole scripture is about this battle between good and evil right about god and and satan and sin and death and destruction and so we have the choice in our life right like do we choose to walk in the life to walk in the light or do we love the darkness so much because of the pleasures and the uh goodness quote unquote that it gives us right right that we walk into that death man this is a hard one and i've seen so many people in my life that have just clung to that darkness because because they they feel better in it you know just like you're saying it's hard it's hard to disciple it is but and and i think the reason that that is is because it's hard here on earth to walk through those things and to disciple and to walk and to make the right choices than to take the high road and all of that stuff but it feels so good to walk in the darkness until it's too late you know until until you recognize that it is killing you and then right that satan is killing you he literally wants to kill you as the scripture says though yeah yeah i'm i'm going back to ezekiel 36 as you were talking and because ezekiel 36 you know he's talking about giving us this new this new heart and this new spirit okay and and then he says then i will cause you to walk in my laws so you will keep my rulings and do them so this is why we always say grace empowers you for obedience it's it's not just this everything's by grace you know you're saved by grace but then it also comes with this empowerment to follow god so meaning we don't have an excuse in that sense like we we can walk in him and that's what comes with being a new covenant disciple that's what comes when you're born again and and the deeds talking about deeds here right you're not saved by those deeds but the deeds will come when you submit your heart when you you submit your will you say not my will that's your heart you're saying not my will yours be done and he's like all right i can work with that and i'll give you a new heart i'm going to empower you now to follow me yeah yeah i'm going to give you my holy spirit so that you can walk in the light just like we're talking about yeah yeah it's a it's a really good deal when you think about it's like whoa this is going to go really well for me like it's not like and now i've got to like figure it all out and now i'm just like no he's like i'm going to give you the power to do this it's called the third person of the trinity it's like oh well that's gonna be really helpful you know yes skipping ahead to verse 34 he says that god gives the spirit without measure right i mean what we can talk about that when we get there but that's that's part of this that's part of the deal right right that's part of the submitted to him the giving it over to him is that that he gives you his spirit without measure so that we can walk in obedience to him and a life empowered a life emboldened a life you know participating with him right that's that's that's a really big key too is that you know if if you're looking at the you know let's say you're in that spot of of decision making right like i could go this way or i could go this way yeah it's like well this way is this cost of discipleship and that it could look really difficult they could look hard but it's actually the emmanuel life it's the god with us life it's the you're never going to be alone again life and and that's that's incredible it's like yes you have the godhead with you but you also get each other you know you get the body you get you get messiah and the lord and you get the holy spirit but you also get family right and that's a huge deal big fam really big really even people in central florida right and yes and all i mean i'm sure your people are from all over the world right through the internet it's like this amazing time in history that we live where the family of messiah has this opportunity to connect and and be unified like never in human history it's incredible it's unreal yeah absolutely that's been i mean to kind of sidetrack a little bit but that's been our our number one favorite thing about being on youtube has been right you know like we have people that are in these live streams all the time from you know there's there's um a couple people from the uk and i know one of them is a mother and so normally she's up super super late feeding her baby and so they're gonna watch our live streams you know that we do here you know normally but yeah it's just crazy to to think of the people that we've impacted and now we have some people from the uk that are coming on our israel trip so we'll get to meet them in person you know and like understanding of who that family is even more um it's it's it's crazy to me you know like meeting you guys and meeting people like brandon robbins and chris durbin and david tate from now let's be honest about movies like all these people that we've met from this community and like kind of you know made this little family like it's just so interesting you know to have like-minded people to to talk to and to grow with you know yeah even to the point where like you know we're we're always in like a group chat now on on instagram where we're all like shooting each other on thumbnails and like trying to figure out you know like what what's the best thing to do and talking youtube stuff and so you know we definitely have found another family for sure through all this which has been really cool but um yeah it's beautiful yeah absolutely well let's dive into um into this last part here cool i was gonna say something oh go ahead i don't remember now bring it back bring it it back um something about your vlog yes oh yeah jinx is here um uh working with youth we work with the youth and just the fact that they the world is so powerful but the life that you can live the freedom that we can have and wanting that for them yeah um but those pools like you see that struggle like you see that struggle with them of wanting the world and wanting to do all the cool stuff right all the stuff that i want to live my life and you know like but but the fruits and the beauty and the greatness that comes from knowing jesus and living a life with jesus yeah no and being 33 is that how old i am [Laughter] yeah i've gone through all that right yeah so i don't want them to go through the same stupidity that i've gone through you know yeah those verses just ah the burden the burden that it is yeah because i think i think the older that you get to um like the more you especially if you're in ministry the more you see the damaging effects of who like the people that do walk in the darkness and do like surrender their lives to that like it's a scary place it's a really scary place yeah so it doesn't go well for you yeah it just doesn't at all ever you know like there's there's nobody that's beat in the darkness and been like oh i took advantage of it right it just doesn't happen um there's a question that we that tom likes to ask it's how's that working out for you yeah yeah yeah absolutely and um but but the other side of that is the confidence in in the power of god and what he's doing for your life like right to see that side of things is like it's it's so overwhelmingly more powerful than the darkness it's just mind-blowing to me and the fact that people would would see a piece of that right and then still decide to walk away right it just hurts my heart so much for sure um beanie lady thank you so much you rock as always one of our one of our stands for sure uh she's always here with us hanging out with us um thank you so much beanie um cool i just want to shout out some people yeah go ahead um durbania's here by the way he's been here he's like communicating and having he's a boss chris durbin from durbania oh he's got a premiere by the way that just came out today so if you guys are uh actually if you guys have time in between now and the chosen's live stream you should go watch chris durbin's uh episode that he put out today that'll be pretty cool uh yeah the world is non-epic jesus is epic but we sometimes think what's not epic is epic sad yeah georgie georgie this is his this is his word he always uses epic and i love it you're amazing the word george georgie yeah wordsmith epic word smith all right here we go anybody else or you want to jump back in uh we can jump back in all right cool uh all right so let's read this last section and then uh we'll kind of dive into some of the verses that you guys have pointed out as well uh john the baptist exalts christ verse 22 after this jesus and his disciples went into the judean countryside and he remained there with them and was baptizing john also was baptizing in aeon on near salim because water was plentiful there and people were coming and being baptized for john had not yet been put in prison now a discussion arose between some of john's disciples and a jew over purification and they came to john and said to him rabbi he who was with you across the jordan to whom you bore witness look he is baptizing and all are going to him john answered a person cannot receive even one thing unless it has given him from heaven you yourselves bear witness or bear me witness that i said i am not the christ but i have been sent before him the one who has the bride is the bridegroom the friend of the bride groom the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly at the bride at the bridegroom sorry i keep on losing my space because there's like a a mic in between [Laughter] uh i have been sent before him the one who uh has the bragging rings bridegroom the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice therefore this joy of mine is now complete he must increase and i must decrease so let's talk about that first then we'll talk about the last half here um i think the understanding that john the baptist has in all of this is so great like he's one of the first people at least in my understanding to receive the holy spirit like to have that from from when he was a kid before jesus leaves and then the spirit comes right and so this understanding of him like how he understands things more than other people makes sense because of that to me you know um i don't know what are your thoughts about john the baptist and kind of his interaction with jesus and all of that well yeah i mean he has a he's such a unique character and i mean he's well here they're not presenting him as struggling but just what stuck out to me at least reading it this time was like my joy is complete yeah like and here he's really recognizing yeah that jesus is the messiah you know he has like a wrestle later on but he's really he's really recognizing it right here and that he was essentially born for this and as this you know friend of the bridegroom and one who goes before and prepares the way of the lord isaiah 40 right so i mean he he knows who he is i think for me one of the things about john is that i mean he knows who he was created to be and that that comes from yeah this life set apart from the beginning and his parents and the whole story of course but uh yeah i like what you're saying though about you know him having the holy spirit from an early age and you know i mean he's he's amazing in that sense yeah i just this this passage i love the character of john the baptist and so when i when i read this passage it's it's just a beautiful passage where he says therefore this joy of mine is now complete like you were pointing out he must increase but i must decrease i don't know thinking about that it's like lord may that be our heart you know may that be our heart that that no matter what we're doing like in humility let's do it so that you are the pinnacle the peak the the hero uh you know the the everything and so let's let's be right let's be diminished so that he can take center stage and so i mean that's i just feel like that's what john was doing and like his disciples are like hey man you're gonna you're gonna lose your ministry like you're going to like yeah he's baptizing that's your job right yeah that's your name john the baptist right so it's but he's like you know this is the messiah he's a big kingdom guy he's not worried about right people stealing his sheep and you know i i love that you know he says my my joy is complete which of course jesus says that several times and one of my favorite passages is when you know jesus says for the joy set before me i endured the cross and i like to connect that with relationship you know because jesus is saying hey like for the relationships set before me i endured the cross like i'm i'm doing this for you guys you know everybody who's ever walked the earth you think he's seeing those relationships and he's saying it's worth it like i have so much joy that i could give my life for you and so i'm wondering to what extent john's saying something similar here he's saying you know my joy is complete like i'm seeing that that the jesus is the messiah i'm seeing this is the coming one this is the anointed one this is the mashiach this is the king you know uh he you know he anointed him he baptized him uh and so i think there's this like satisf relational satisfaction and it's just cuz right you know yeah but like it's a way back it's like the satisfaction of wow like all this that he worked for you know well done good and faithful servant type of thing you know like sure wow he's i mean how exciting would that be that he like yeah he's the one yeah makes you wonder like if he if he knew that the end of his life at that moment was near you know it's like i've i've done what i've been told to do so it's it's it's accomplished it's that's that but that's like the hardest thing is figuring out who you're created to be right and you're talking about ministry context i mean for us that's like the hardest thing is helping others discover and then steward that and identity destiny calling i mean it's that's the hardest thing uh so and it shifts depending on the season of your life even i mean like it's wow yeah he's a good example of walking in that thing sure yeah yeah for sure i think you know the last two verses on this this section here are super strong just like you guys are saying you know he must increase and i must decrease therefore you know like this this droid minus is complete and because of that like i understand that like he must increase i must decrease and you know it brings us back to a lot of things that that christ says you know pick up your cross and follow me you know like having understanding of of like where your position is um and and knowing that and and so it's just it's definitely interesting to to dive into that and i'm sure there's a lot more understanding through the wedding ceremony that i'm missing here for sure talking about the bride and bridegroom and all of that but um but yeah having having that um understanding of who john is is he's he's really cool for sure for sure awesome well let's continue through the end of this uh chapter here we go he who comes from above and again this is the same word that we talked about before um uh above or uh from above or again right he who comes from above uh is above all he who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in earth in an earthly way he who comes from heaven is above all he bears witness to what he has seen and heard yet no one receives his testimony whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this that god is true for he whom uh he whom god has sent utters the words of god for he gives the spirit without measure just like you're talking about before the father loves and loves the son and has given all things into his hand whoever believes in the son has eternal life whoever does not um obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of god remains in him yeah again it's kind of this this balance here right this understanding of if you if you believe in the sun there's this immeasurable goodness um but if you don't there's this wrath that's going to come and and you have to understand both you have to walk in both to have a better understanding of what that is um but i love verse 34. let's dive into that a little bit i know you mentioned it before um but for for he whom god has sent um utters the words of god for he gives the spirit without measure yeah i mean that's i think he's again referring to ezekiel 36 this is what happens when you're a new covenant disciple you he he loves to give us gifts the the main sign and main gift of being a new covenant disciple is the holy spirit right so and yeah without major here you know so it makes me think of joel 2 as well like when he when the joel is talking about he pours out his spirit on all flesh you know your sons and your daughters were prophesied even if all my maidservants old men young men that's like it i don't when i read when i'm reading this again that he gives a spirit without measure it's also that he gives it to all right all who all who are children of god right and so it's there isn't a hierarchy within that you know what do we say like there's no junior holy spirit you know so it's like yeah it pours it out and it gives it without measure wherever whether you're whether you're a nicodemus or you're you know some you know some other person that is not nicodemus right and so i don't know i i that's just that's just where my brain went this time is that is the jolt ii yeah yeah and that i like the greater context is yeah i guess we went away from nicodemus specifically here but i still think that the greater argument here in john 3 is about hey you know it says but the wrath of god remains on him meaning there there's something about like you know people think oh i'm a good person or or something like that and it's like but we're destined for wrath uh you know he says but the problem is is that people love the darkness right yeah they don't they don't love the light and so and there he's talking to nicodemus you know and so nicodemus was like what i'm this great teacher of israel he's like yeah no you need to be born from on high so this is this reality that we all are in need of a savior for sure we all need uh a relationship this trusting believing uh this allegiance life allegiance to to god and to his son right right yeah yeah our church is called tba church so it's it's trusting believing in acting church so [Music] anyway any last final thoughts from you guys i know that um that you guys are tired it's been a long a long few weeks i'm sure um but um thank you so much for kind of going through drawn 3 with us and and kind of diving deep so i just want to give you any last moments to anything that you want to share and then um after that you guys can head out and probably do like a q a or something with the chat so yeah any any last things you guys want to say i i there just one thing for me is just that yeshua jesus i mean he's the king of kings and and he makes bold statements but he backs him up you know and so he calls himself the son of man you know straight out of daniel you know and so he's making these claims to divinity he's making these claims to just just being something really really big and important and he backs it up and he is who he says he is because he's faithful because he's true you know he is the word become flesh and so i don't know just when he's when he says that and and then and then even the fact that you know john's saying these things in verses 33 on but he's like this is the one who god loves you know and so these are big massive claims but like i said he backs him up by being obedient unto the point of death on a cross and his resurrection and ascension is is the seal that he is the supreme authority over all and so i i just i love that i love it when he makes claims about himself because it's like yeah that's that's our jesus that's our yeshua yeah that's good yeah i would just come back to nicodemus and i know you'll get there as you progress uh but he ends up following the lord like so it's in john 7 i believe it says that he's one of them meaning he's he's speaking before the council and and he's really standing up for for yeshua and his disciples and so and then i was we had talked about this a while ago but i looked it up again because i didn't remember the numbers but it says in talking about yeshua's death that he actually brought 75 pounds of yeah was it myrrh or spikenard or something some you know spice so i don't know that seems like a lot like like our pounds so that that's a lot of spices right so meaning meaning this encounter was a significant encounter and you know we don't get all the details we're getting like the highlights but something happened in his heart you know the lord did something in this and and yeah and he became an influencer and i guess i'd like to say that i don't that the you know jesus teachings in theology line very closely with the pharisees and so that people forget that because people love to demonize the pharisees um but they didn't all reject jesus they there were people like nicodemus and other pharisees uh that come to faith and we see even in acts 15 you've got a group of pharisees who who love jesus and they're discussing what does all this mean for the gentiles and so just this plug that although no doubt many of the jewish leaders rejected him many did accept him as well and you read closely in the gospels and you'll see the crowds accepted him too so meaning not all the jewish people rejected jesus that's this this claim that that many people said and and the leaders as a whole did but that didn't mean that all the jewish people i mean paul and all the disciples are jews you know that love jesus so just wanted to throw that in there that's that's significant uh that many jewish people that's who founded you know the christianity was a jewish sect that's how it began you know yeah so that's the that's the roots uh of the church if you will right yeah i would like i was saying earlier before we went live i would love to talk to you guys just for my own understanding of you know what do you guys do you know like like a full understanding of what it looks like to be messianic and and have a better understanding of all of that i'd love to to sit down and talk with you guys about that sometime but for another time for sure so thank you guys so much for joining us um tonight and uh yeah everybody give a peace sign to to grafted and just go over their channel make sure you subscribe leave a nice comment leave a like check out their next video when it comes out and yeah just say thank you for for allowing them to to be here tonight so thank you guys so much nice to meet you guys thank you so much for having us you guys are awesome and yeah subscribe donate and hit the notification bell for these guys for sure all that stuff thanks so much guys all right well that was awesome thank you so much to the grafted guys for um yeah being a part and for hanging out with us it was super cool to just get to meet them and we've been trying to set up something for a while but it hasn't really worked out so um yeah thank you so much uh for coming um and hanging out with us giving some of your wisdom and i hope we get to you know hang out with them again and and do some more stuff with them i i really really love that so um yeah you guys leave any questions that you have in um in the chat we just want to talk for a second chat with you guys for a little bit longer i know that chosen has a live stream coming up in about 50 minutes uh 50 5-0 minutes so uh please leave any questions that you have anything that you guys want to talk about before you head out and we'll kind of get into that so let me see who's in here been trying to pay attention to the conversation but um what's up john great stuff loving uh see my two favorite groups before we go to the chosen yeah of course it's kind of like the chose pre-party as we're hanging out here so uh definitely uh good good to have you guys durbin as always good to see you welcome welcome i haven't gotten to check out your new episode yet but i definitely will tonight for sure um how do you guys like our new background by the way um we did this today how do you guys like it rate it one out of ten in in the comments rate at one out of ten for us what do you guys what do you guys think right here [Laughter] it'll be changing a little bit as we go um we're hoping that uh jc parker if she's still here will help us out with this middle section right here uh we need to he ruined the little one you made by the way sorry pudding okay we need to put a logo here i think but it needs to be big so anyway hoping jc can help me with that [Laughter] let us know about the background what would you rate it how do you like it um yeah thank you georgie says epic out of ten a six oh okay we gotta work on it a little bit jc says 12 out of ten very epic very nice [Laughter] very cool awesome this is awesome background is 10 looks great thanks guys [Laughter] very cool how do you ruin it okay okay here's how it happened okay so on these we had to put like this frosted like clear coat because otherwise they would start to like reflect all of our lights and stuff because we have a bunch of lights that are obviously facing us so that we look at on camera and all that stuff but we needed to put like a frosted clear coat on these so that it wouldn't mess up and then when i tried to put the frosted clear coat on your thing so it wouldn't reflect it like all gooped up and messed up and then i tried to wipe it off and then it all ruined so um yeah i don't know blame jinx i guess what background nine nice stream went well yeah cornelius it was it was it was very well um you said earlier that you were one of our patrons um you want to put up that little thing just shout out all of our patrons and and our um our channel members so we have our uh snipe lifers and our legendary uh our legendary snipes here um these are our highest level supporters um they're they're really amazing um and uh we have we have more than this that are in some of the lower tiers um but yeah these are our uh amazing amazing supporters the supporters at the highest levels and so thank you guys so much for being a part of it being the people who really support our ministry here and what we can do you know you allow us to do things like reach out to grafton and reach out to brandon robbins and to durbania and all them and and be able to have time to do all these things because remember youtube isn't our full-time job um right now so the the more that we have support the more time that we have to do these other things um throughout our week and so that really really helps us out to do that um love the background glad you didn't lose the guitars just out of curiosity are there guitars on all of your walls no just this wall now it was on just this wall and then our back wall but then we took three of them off i put the three that i actually used the most on this this wall over here and then the other three are going to just be put in storage for now so um on our other wall over here to this side we have like a pegboard and it's all messy with my tech stuff and then this i would pan in front of us yeah we hide a lot of things outside the frame of camera correction brandon yeah uh the room is not as clean as you might think that it is but it is pretty clean it's not that bad i mean it's pretty good but this is office so i let it anyways it's always evolving the studio is always evolving we're always gonna be moving stuff around um but these are really cool uh and i love i love these uh well we finally got to use these because we've had these for over a year now so there was a prayer request yeah um madinah says snipe family great show sam and tom you guys are terrific many blessings uh to you all yeah they were very cool to have on they're they're so smart and it's it's so interesting to me the whole messianic community and the understanding of like what they believe and and all of that is so interesting to me and so i really want to dive into that in another time maybe have them you know on here or we'll go on their channel or whatever just to kind of get a better understanding of like you know where they're coming from i think would be would be really really cool to kind of see guitars are so beautiful thank you thank you sarah put put up what you see that you say um i think it was sarah i can't find it but um she said she has cancer so we'll keep you in our prayers for sure yeah absolutely oh my light died did you guys catch that durbania i had a lot of chaos on my set too yeah we all do we have to i mean there's too much like there's too many wires there's too much stuff going on not to kind of hide stuff around so yeah lifting up the corners of the frame to sweep stuff under yeah we learned to hide stuff behind us too like there's like including me in this oh yeah well it's you too for sure i despise uncleanliness the chaos let's go back to this verse where it talks about cleanliness [Laughter] the unclean will be made clean as we just read tonight [Laughter] unseen wall reveal i don't know when we get to 100 000 subscribers we may have to do that guys we'll do a whole studio tour when we hit 100 000 subscribers how about that georgie get all your friends on our channel we'll be good confirmed yeah let's definitely pray pray for sarah there's been definitely a lot of illnesses in the community that we've that we've prayed for in the past and um you know one of the things that we always talk about we just went through a whole series on prayer and one of the things that i always say when i talk about prayer is that when we pray god may do something that he would not have done if we had not prayed and it's it's not the understanding that you're controlling god and that when you pray you're forcing him to do something but he does want to hear what you have to say he he does want to hear your voice you know and so when we pray to god he may do something that he wouldn't have done if we hadn't prayed like abraham praying for for yeah having an understanding that god wants to hear your voice and he wants to work with you and he wants you to grow you know through the prayers as well so it's definitely um ultimately he does know what's going to happen though yeah yeah it's a it's a high level thing that we can't fully understand yeah absolutely you did great vanessa she always does great thank you isn't she amazing everybody let's give some love to vanessa in the chat well thank you give her give her some emojis some hearts some of these some of these i was video directing in the beginning but then i went back to play yeah we're all praying for sarah yeah awesome thank you that's one of the most powerful things about this community i think is just us being together being able to pray and kind of walk through things together so um are the names uh and books of the books in the background your favorite not necessarily so here's here's the story you guys want to know the story so these are actually from a set that we had at church for christmas no through a series that we did called f260 like two and a half years ago something like that twice so we did it twice but i think it was the first time that we did it that we did that so it was maybe like two and a half years ago we did a series called f260 which is reading the bible in a year with our entire church yeah through a specific um what do you call it plan called f260 so anyway so every week we would go into these different books and as we added more and more books to the things that we're reading we would add one of these onto our stage and so these are the ones that were left over after everybody took the books that they wanted right but we like a lot of these books like zechariah is really cool of course ezekiel ezekiel is really cool i love mark of course mark is really cool leviticus is hard but some people need to be challenged that's true we try to put like the first row in the last row in order that they appear in the bible yeah because because yeah yeah derby says you're awesome vanessa everybody's giving you hearts very epic love you all awesome super cool well we love you guys very much um we'll give you guys a little bit of a break before the chosen live stream tonight i know you guys have a lot of content i'm sure that some of you started with durbania and then you came here to our channel and then you're gonna go to the chosen and then later you're gonna catch up on david tate because i think he's doing a premiere tonight too um from now let's be honest about movies so um it'll be it'll be interesting you guys have a lot of content to catch up i saw a comment earlier so funny someone was like oh man all this content grafted the snipe life derbania the chosen hmm brandon robins must be slacking so i texted that straight to him to be a good friend you know [Laughter] so yeah it's definitely a lot of content catch up we've got a lot more stuff coming up i will actually be gone next weekend so i'm not sure if we're gonna do a live stream but you can expect at least two videos next week from us um we've got another my friend watches the chosen for the first time coming out which if you haven't caught the first one it's really funny it was a lot of fun to make and to kind of sit with our friends and and chat through the first episode of the chosen um you know we we just watched all four of the first uh four episodes with them and we're going to continue to do that through uh you know the rest of the seasons but it was so much fun just getting to introduce them to the characters and kind of walk through with that and so if you haven't seen that please go check it out but the second episode is going to be coming out next week and then also um we may have a meme review coming up soon a chosen meme review which is going to be fun and then again we're going to have some more reviews about the episodes uh in episode five we have a couple more videos from that so lots of stuff coming up from the snipe life so make sure you're subscribed make sure you have the notification bell on uh so you know when those episodes are coming out i know a lot of you haven't been getting notified for whatever reason so make sure you have that bell on so that you get notified through the youtube app and um yeah we'll see you guys then so cool um love you guys so much you guys are amazing thanks for everybody that donated for joining as a channel member all of that stuff we love you guys so much it was an amazing amazing bible study tonight we'll be back in two weeks with john chapter four um talking about some really cool stuff there i think it's the woman at the well and so we'll be diving into that maybe we'll even bring up some clips from the show to kind of see how things maybe are a little bit different that would be interesting and um and [Laughter] georgie don't miss it then next week meme review with the snipes okay it's gonna be awesome for sure so uh anyway john chapter four two weeks from now got a lot of stuff coming up as always youtube um you know it's very demanding it's hard work but as durbania knows it's well worth it so um thank you guys so much for being here we love you guys i hope you like this video and thanks for being part of our community and as always we will see you on the next one peace [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Snipe Life
Views: 2,967
Rating: 4.9858656 out of 5
Id: iFM4ZM05vjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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