Pure And Holy Worship | Michael Koulianos | Jeremy Riddle | Sunday Night Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] good evening welcome to church yeah you know last week was just so holy and so beautiful with all that god did and i just feel like we just need to remember that and just ask him to do more tonight right he takes us deeper every day there's so much depth in jesus that we just haven't even tasted yet so jesus we just ask you to fall on us tonight in a fresh way holy spirit we welcome you tonight it's about you jesus it's all about you we worship unto you jesus so holy spirit we ask that you will have your way tonight heal the sick tonight in jesus name come on agree with me church heal the sick tonight in the name of jesus lord set the captive free in jesus name oh god save your people tonight in the name of jesus we welcome you holy spirit move and have your way in jesus name i just want to welcome real quick tonight we have the honor jesus images of being one of the collaborators for the sinned and the sin is hosting 28 days of worship and we have the honor tonight to lead that with you so yes we love you sin family we welcome you let's worship jesus together [Music] [Music] foreign for the passion for your bride that looked away and for your mercy that you've given without measure [Music] you are worthy [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] honor and praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] says [Music] [Music] is [Applause] jesus says jesus is so [Music] [Applause] worthy [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] glory [Applause] days come on just start putting things [Music] tonight [Music] yeah yeah come on [Music] thank you [Music] lander [Music] how great you are [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] to how great you [Music] you're are in mercy [Music] [Music] glowy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] come on again [Music] jesus and honor [Music] [Music] oh [Music] glory [Music] glory and all [Music] so [Music] father we have come to bow [Music] down [Music] we have come to bow down we bow down [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are singing [Music] [Music] right [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is i am [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] am my god [Applause] oh god [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] foreign [Music] foreign it out [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] foreign oh my god [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh your kingdom [Music] [Music] [Music] cause yours is [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] glory forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] hey [Applause] hey [Applause] is [Music] [Music] uh oh jesus christ [Applause] jesus for jesus jesus christ oh jesus christ this is watching them [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] he's just singing [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hi is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] jesus i want to know jesus i want to know you lord jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to know jesus i want to know jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] just like singing your own songs [Music] just pour it on his feet tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] keep pouring it out keep pouring it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] come on keep singing [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign oh [Music] how [Music] how [Music] oh [Music] ah oh higher [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep singing [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] so so [Music] come on join me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] precious jesus [Music] loving god [Music] foreign love you [Music] god loving [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign worthy lord [Music] foreign [Music] come on every voice [Music] jesus sing it again hallelujah [Music] difference just play softly joel no one calling out or anything right now just wait here in the presence of the lord for a moment give you praise jesus we love you give you all the glory all the honor all the praise we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you [Music] we love you we love you lord you're holy and highly exalted there is no one like you gentle gentle jesus you are our shepherd in your peace you give to us not as the world does your peace you give us intensify your presence here lord make your home with us here come holy spirit just gently begin to love him with your voice rightly do they love you rightly do we love you you are worthy of our love come come come come holy spirit wonderful lord wonderful lord your glory is our home your presence is our home every heart lifted every eye closed just begin to love jesus the heavenly bridegroom worthy were the worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb [Music] holy holy holiest the lord give you all the praise can you just lift your hands would everyone stand just for a moment and his presence if you're on your knees that's fine if you're on your face that's fine stay where you are lord we lift our hands in your glory and your presence as your people you are our loving father [Music] who dwells in unapproachable light [Music] and you've chosen to know us and love us you've chosen to come our way so tonight we lift our hands and we ask you lord to be loved beautifully tonight as you deserve to be that every other care every other thought would die that your presence would fill this room in our heart that your glorious light would blind us to the world to the conversations of it to the cares of this life that we would see jesus father we wish to see jesus tonight this is our prayer trust us trust jesus image with your presence trust us with you trust us with your feelings and your heart trust us with your ways o jesus let this be a bethany where you are rightly adored rightly loved where the oil is poured out where your fragrance fills the tabernacle that we would be a bride that you've been waiting on the bride you deserve only you can do this and so holy spirit turn up your power we need you to move here reveal jesus to our hearts tonight and to the hearts of everyone watching that your presence would come and descend in every home and then every dorm and every hospital and every jail cell and every automobile and every home group every person walking who feels alone right now you would come and descend upon them in your power that hearts would turn to you tonight that the people in this room who are not serving you would yield their life tonight that they would bow their knee to the bloody cross of calvary save many tonight here in this building and around the world heal many tonight come on i need your agreement heal many tonight in jesus name come upon them in your glory and power baptize people in the spirit tonight afresh some for the first time clothe your people and your power and your presence let the fear of the lord strike our hearts like a holy wound like a holy wounding with the spear of the lord wound us with the fear of the lord we asked for nothing but you tonight come come and be with us oh lord in jesus name can you agree with me and say amen in jesus name say amen now steal it with a praise come on hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah oh come on come on feel it with a crazy [Music] oh hallelujah grab your seats quick quick quick no one moving we're getting into your seats very quickly please stay with me joel keep playing my friend just a nice big heavy string hallelujah quickly find your seats close your eyes would you please again lift your hands to heaven say jesus i know you're here again jesus i know you're here say it again jesus i know you're here and that's enough tell them and that's enough amen i'm amen wait till everyone's seated and then i need to have a heart-to-heart talk with you it's a very special night lined up for you a holy night oh i feel the lord oh i feel the lord i feel like we're picking up where we left off last week lord we don't want to move on trust us with your presence but everyone either close their eyes or look straight at me holy spirit right now i thank you that you make jesus real to the hearts of men and women glorify the son as i preach the gospel right now and let the glory the precious presence of the spirit even now as i speak begin to fall on people let the awareness of god arrest the hearts of those who are running and let the love of jesus prevail tonight christ has overcome he has conquered the grave and with death he has conquered death and to those in the tombs he has given life jesus you are king of glory you are the king over the grave and over sin over death itself holy spirit move now i pray and glorify jesus say amen i want to talk to you tonight about your life about your eternity i've been telling you for months now that our attendance here is not proof of our salvation his residence in us is proof of our salvation jesus image saves nobody jesus only only jesus saves events do not save only jesus saves ministries do not save only jesus saves sermons do not save only jesus saves jesus and jesus alone is the savior of the world and jesus in jesus alone is the savior of your life sin is a slave master now i'm not here to talk to you about sin tonight i'm here to talk to you about jesus but i am going to mention sin it is real and it is a cruel master this is all i'm asking you is that while i'm preaching tonight that you would be as real with god as he is being with you that if god begins to cut you at the core of your being you would respond in the core of your being if god begins to touch your heart while i'm speaking that the games would die here tonight that empty religion would die and that if he touches your heart you'd give your heart away tonight be as real with god as he's being with you sin is a cruel slave master jesus said in john 8 34 most assuredly i say to you whoever commits sin is a slave to sin i'm not sure we see sin properly i'm not sure we realize it's damaging effects number one sin is a slave master number two sin sickens us the scripture says a sound heart is life to the body but passion or envy rots the bones sin gets into our bone marrow into the depths of our bodies literally passion envy the bible says where there is bitterness and envy and strife every evil work dwells sin goes deep deeper than the physical body into the hearts of men and women until it enslaves us how deep does it go in the body into the bones until our actual bodies rot away psalm 34 blessed is the one whose sin the lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit listen to what the psalmist writes when i kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long for day and night your hand was heavy on me my strength was sapped as in the heat of the summer sin affects us sin is draining and as long as we keep silent about our sin and refuse to confess our sin it literally drains us of all strength and here the psalmist begins to talk about the heavy hand of the lord upon him what is this what does this mean this is the convicting power of the holy spirit if as i'm speaking you feel these words going deep there's a reason the holy spirit is speaking to you the holy spirit is carrying these words he's filled his word with life and wraps his word in his very presence and they begin to break down our hard hearts that's what's happening right now the heavy hand of god is coming upon many of you friends sin is no toy and it is no experiment listen to how jesus viewed the sins of men and women if your hand or foot causes you to sin cut it off and cast it from you it is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire and if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out and cast it from you it is better for you to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire friend sin is no toy it is no experiment it will send you to hell why are you speaking this way because i love you that's why this scripture is here it's why jesus said it how serious is sin he said if your hand causes you to sin cut it off could jesus be so dramatic that if social media causes us to sin if social media causes comparison if social media causes jealousy and envy then could jesus be so dramatic to tell us to turn it off [Applause] sin kills sin deceives hebrews 3 says see to it brothers and sisters that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart and at the core that's what sin is it's turning your heart away from the lord that heart turns away from the living god but encourage one another daily as long as as it is called today so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness sin deceives us genesis 3 1 through 4 the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman has god indeed said you've heard me say this a million times god only indeed says has god indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it lest you die then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die in genesis 2 a chapter prior the lord said to adam and eve for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die and sin deceives us sin wants us to believe that god is a liar that god does not mean what he says and sin would love for us to believe that we will not stand before the throne sin kills for you shall surely die romans 6 23 the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus our lord say this sin kills say this sin destroys the soul sin is a stubborn stain you don't just say that sin is a stubborn stain come now and let us reason together isaiah 1 18 says the lord though your sins are like scarlet though your sins have stained you in other words you cannot brush sin away it is a stain and a stubborn one at that though your sins are like scarlet in other words though they have stained you with blood they shall be white as snow though they are red like crimson they shall be as wool i feel the presence of the holy spirit friends if you're watching they're in your homes children as you're listening moms and dads as you're listening and watching let nothing keep you from jesus tonight isaiah 64 6 but we are all like an unclean thing and all our righteousness are like filthy rags we all fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away it is a stubborn stain sin but i have good news for you tonight before i share that good news with you perhaps you're sitting in here believing that because you grew up in church that your sin has been handled perhaps you believe that you're not so bad the scripture says all have sinned all say oh say it out loud oh all have sinned all all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god the scripture goes on to say all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned to our own way maybe you're wondering tonight what does it mean to go astray it's quite simple you just go your own way our way is the devil's way our way is astray and here's the good news sin is no match for the blood of jesus no match sin stain is no match for the blood of jesus for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement or a covering for your souls for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul when the blood atones when the blood covers god sees through the blood to the life of the believer the lord looks through the lens of the blood of jesus and the blood speaks a better word jesus said in matthew 26 28 for this is my blood the blood of the new covenant which is shed for the remission for the removal of that stubborn stain jesus's blood removes the blood on our hands it is stronger than the blood that's on our hands ezekiel says that if we don't warn the sinner their blood is on our hands there is much blood on our hands but the blood of jesus washes it away hebrews 9 11 through 14 but christ came as high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes i feel jesus so strong tonight and if the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to glo god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god friends i want you to know tonight the beautiful gift of a clear and clean conscience and you can have that there's nothing like it nothing there's nothing like a conscience that's been made clean that's been liberated wouldn't you love to come in here on sunday nights and not beg god night after night week after week to set you free from this inferior sin that the blood can demolish tonight you can come in wearing the joy of your salvation and worship jesus like a little child knowing knowing that the record has been canceled and that you have received the righteousness of jesus this is the power of the blood this is the power of the gospel and this is jesus's desire for you tonight you have not come by accident i'm sure you gather tonight that this is not a game get real with jesus tonight every head bowed an eye closed if i've been preaching to you and you know it you say michael i want to be washed clean by the blood of jesus i want to give it my all literally my all i want your hands to go up don't say i want to give my life to jesus i want everyone to stand i want everyone to stand hallelujah listen listen listen listen listen children children if you're old enough to understand me if you hear what i'm saying and you want to come up tonight in just a few moments i want you to look your parents in the eye and say mom and dad take me up there i want to give my life to jesus tonight for those of you who brought someone or for those of you who are sitting next to somebody and you know that they need to get down here you know that their life is not burning for jesus that they are not living the true christian life i want you to look them in the eye in love and say come on let's go down let's give our lives to jesus tonight or i'll walk with you while you give your life to jesus tonight if you raise your hand or you wish you did get down to this altar right away and i want you to spread out and come give your heart to jesus come give your heart to jesus hallelujah hallelujah come give your life to jesus oh give the lord praise come give your life to jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus come on come on yes wonderful come sweetie come come come give your life to jesus come on give the lord praise [Applause] young and old young and old young and old giving their lives to the lord come on come on come on if you need to give your life to jesus tonight come come come come to the merciful cross of the lord jesus christ they're still coming look at these young children come on this is so beautiful listen look they're still coming come on come give your life to the lord there is nothing nothing in this world worth saying no to jesus for [Applause] he's beautiful [Applause] oh hallelujah hallelujah the love of god all the love of god god bled god god bled on a cross thank you lord for those of you who came forward would you just look me in the eye i want our team to just surround them i want our team to stand behind them get a little closer guys front row let's come close pastor stephen please come on just put your hands stretch them out i just want them to feel surrounded i think they're still coming come on come give your life to the lord oh this is the hour jesus is coming back [Applause] jesus is coming back jesus is coming back jesus is coming back he is look they're still coming he is sweeping the sickle destroying the devil and all of his lies [Applause] hallelujah now look i'm going to start praying with them and you will not interrupt me if you get down here so don't even worry about that you just obey the lord everybody everyone who came forward look at me in the eyes tonight a holy divine transaction is going to take place a divine transaction this is not some religious repetition that you learn from your grandparents this is real this is real here's the deal i don't save i say this every week altars don't save jesus saves so tonight you're coming to jesus this is a real salvation and it will actually look like something he will change your life this is the great exchange and this is the great exchange your life for his his life for yours your sin for his life you say i can't believe that that he wants that that's called amazing grace it makes no sense because it's loftier than sense it's higher it's love so tonight we're just going to talk to jesus the best we can are you ready to give your life over all of you you've counted the cost you're ready to give your life okay i want everyone to stretch their hands i just want you guys as a sign of surrender who've come forward just lift your hands everyone else stretch your hands towards them let's pray this out loud we're going to believe in our heart and confess with our mouth are you ready say this heavenly father i have sinned against you i have broken your heart and i'm sorry i come tonight asking you to forgive me i confess my sin jesus i believe that you are the son of the living god the jews came to the earth and lived a perfect life a sinless life and i believe that you died on the cross that you shed your precious blood to take away my sin jesus i believe that you died for me i believe that you were buried and that three days later you were raised from the dead you are alive you are risen risen indeed jesus i believe that you ascended to the right hand of the father and that you are seated there as king of kings and lord of lords and i believe that you are coming back again to rule and reign here's my life lord jesus come into my heart receive me as i receive you i am born again jesus christ is the lord of my life amen give the lord praise thank you jesus thank you jesus friends friends listen who came forward quickly listen listen a few things i want you to do enough up and down that wears you down that's why you all came because sin is horrible and you don't have to be a slave to sin a few things i want you to do to live a victorious christian life number one read your bible every day get a bible just read it you're going to have a lot of questions you'll always have questions even in heaven about the bible but don't let that keep you from reading it number two pray every day it's as simple as you going into a place or a private room or going on a walk or finding a place you enjoy where you can be alone get along with god and talk to him it's called prayer number three you need to be baptized in water we do that just about every other week here it is powerful that old man dies in that watery grave and you burst forth in newness of life and receive i'm telling you the infilling of the spirit it is powerful and it is not mere symbolism it is powerful be baptized in water number three number four you need to give your life to a people in the presence of god that is called church i would love for you to come here it'd be an honor to pastor you but if if you're if you don't feel called to come here find a church and don't merely attend actually i want you to plug your heart let it be engrafted in to that community that is called church okay and lastly lastly jesus promised to give you the same power he walked in it is called the baptism of the holy spirit there is no replacing that wonderful power and it's a promise for you jesus said that if we asked of the father he would do it he said if you being evil when your children asked for bread you'd give them a stone if you would you give them would you give them a serpent when they asked for a fish no then how much more would your father give the holy spirit to those who ask you say what do i need to do to receive this power ask ask the bible says you have not because you asked not so here's what i want to do i want to pray over you now if you're like me [Music] well put it this way i'm glad i waited for the real deal i'm glad i truly had an encounter with god and i'm going to pray and i don't know when the lord is going to come upon you in power i just know he'll answer my prayer it might be right now it might be tonight it might be while you're sleeping it might be in the morning it might be in the car tomorrow it might be in a month i don't know i just know that it's a promise listen of the father and when the father makes a promise you can take it to the bank all right now listen i just want you to lift your hands i'm gonna pray lift your hands father in jesus name come on everyone just pray in the spirit out there and there are seeds father in the name of the lord jesus christ you promised us the gift of the spirit now i ask you now jesus the great baptizer and the holy spirit and fire to come upon these wonderful people these redeemed precious children clothe them with the same power you walked in clothe them with the power of the new covenant the power of the holy spirit make them a witness in their world in jesus name amen amen amen give jesus praise hallelujah would you stand to your feet if you've come forward we obviously have new protocol in place right now but look just stay where you are for a moment john where are you buddy lift your hands put your hands up john keep him up look can you guys turn around and look at this man right here in this sweatshirt look at him right there all right that is john reed john will meet listen listen i say this every week but you got to get this this is your first test right now i need you to find john after service he'll be at the new believer's table right outside that door it is not so we can harass you it is to make sure you have a bible it is to make sure that you live a life of true discipleship and loyalty and victory with jesus so can you all just nod at me and say i will go and meet john right there can you all do that all right so this is your first test you can't lie an hour after you get saved all right this one not a good start all right all right so that's your man right there john wave at him again john loves getting nervous and loves all the eyes on him let's give jesus praise one more time you can go back to your seats hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is a perfect time to give to the lord i said this can we put that text more jesus back up quickly for those of you who are at home who gave your lives to jesus tonight who maybe you rededicated your life to jesus tonight i want you to text more jesus to that number and we will help you just as we're helping the people in the room more jesus to 321 320 80 40. i want somebody in here to get excited to give to the lord tonight come on hallelujah for those of you watching at home if this ministry has blessed you every sunday night i want to encourage you to be faithful in your tithes and offerings i want to encourage everyone in this room we don't tip jesus here tithing and tipping are not one in the same we give sacrificially to the lord amen amen i don't think i even need to preach about tithing or giving right now after such an amazing amazing moment which i think jesus deserves one more offering of praise thank you lord thank you jesus all right if you'd like to give my text to give you text give to 321-320-8040. if you'd like to give own school we'll bring the buckets up right now if you would guys please you would write your check out to jesus image p.o box 950-640 is that right yeah 950-640 lake mary florida i'm telling you omega's work omega-3s they keep your memories sharp but before we give let's lay our hands on that offering if you're given by text to give just close your eyes and i just can't get you to lay hands on a device sorry i'm not there yet so just just put them on your heart all right let's give to the lord young and old let's come before the lord in the worship of giving say amen father in jesus name you've given us so much and so tonight we give to you it is an honor to give back what you have given us and we don't give it to a ministry we give it to you the lover of our soul and our great provider i do pray for every father and mother and every student and every pastor every business owner in the room and watching everyone lord i pray every every employee i pray your blessing and protection in these last days on your people bless them that your light shine upon them you promise to rebuke the devourer as we are faithful in our tithes and offerings so i thank you for them and declare your blessing in jesus name amen amen you can you can rush the buckets if you'd like throw me something up there chris from jesus 20. something oily [Music] he is [Music] blessed be [Music] [Music] please [Music] he is [Music] [Music] is [Music] blessing me [Music] [Music] king our kings anybody else feel the lord in a very special way thank you nico anyone else but before we before we go any further i want to honor pastor steven strater thank you for being here his family yeah let's all stand and honor him the wonderful man of god we honor you we love you thank god for you and your family his mom and dad pastored a mighty mighty church when i was a kid in the 90s it seemed like everything went through carpenters kind of like atlanta airport and he pastors a wonderful church and it's just an honor to have you here i asked him earlier what are you doing here he said i'm hungry for the presence of jesus isn't that wonderful isn't that wonderful can we give him one more god bless you well without further ado our dear friend jeremy riddle is joining us tonight and uh i asked jeremy who i can see now on that monitor back there it looks amazing as usual [Applause] i i wanted um i wanted jeremy to uh i i really feel the presence of god i i wanted jeremy to speak into what's uh what's in our hearts and it's ultimately in his heart as well jeremy just wrote a book about worship named it the reset and as i began to read the book [Music] i was literally fined sentence after sentence that i had been preaching here to you guys same terminology same perspectives that happened one other time when i first met bill johnson i prior to meeting bill i'd never heard bill and i would say stuff like we shouldn't gather around sermons we should gather around the presence of god then i heard bill say it and i'm like oh wow you maybe you don't just talk to one person maybe the kingdom is bigger than me but jeremy i just want to say is a what jeremy's impact is found really at the roots of this worship movement uh two years ago we were in a little room with 72 students and jeremy and i came a little late and these students had been singing for 45 minutes this prophetic song they were singing all my eggs are in one basket all my trust is found in you well we jeremy and i didn't know that we were just driving to the to the facility at the time so i gave the mic to jer and i said man just take the pulpit do whatever you need to do be you even if you screw up we'll clean it up just just go for it we just want the full throttle version he's like really i go yeah totally so jared takes the pulpit some of the third years would remember this jared takes the pulpit and says i just feel like we need to put all of our eggs in one basket and the place started screaming crying laughing and i'm like you know i thought it was a good statement but i'm like man i mean it was nice i mean it was great but i mean gosh you know i'm doing an exegesis on john 1 and they're like that was good jer says i just feel like we need to put all of our eggs in one basket and the place goes bananas and i didn't know why but i had i didn't know that they had been singing it for uh 45 minutes maybe and so jared at the time said does anybody feel called to worship i know a few of us you guys put your hands up and he laid hands on you guys and uh here we are today the lord has been faithful the lord is good so jer we love you and uh before jared gets started i just want us to honor jeremy for his yes to jesus and for who he is in the lord that honor will set us up i believe for all god has for us tonight so i want us all to welcome and honor jeremy riddle by zoom can we do that all right yeah all right good evening jer we love you guys um so jer uh i love your book and i've read about half of it i'm sure the other half is solid but i am endorsing the entire first half i just want to say that um but jeremy in the most raw way i mean what's what's going on in your heart what is what is burning in you regarding worship and uh why did you even write that book and um why are you being so bold and saying the things you're saying right now first of all guys uh it's i'm hearing my own echo oh so never done this before anything we can do about that i will overcome um first of all i just want to say it's so um good to even just experience you guys this way and experience what god is doing um at jesus image and my heart was so moved i was there the entire worship time and most importantly um i uh i so wrecked at the altar call and i just feel um my hearts are so moved so i don't even know all that i'm going to say but um my heart my heart burns for the church to know what real worship is um worship is not the thing that catches in the earth through lectures um it's it's it's not like we go to a new believer's course or you go to the worship course you go to worship 101 and you emerge from that course with a badge or certificate of like oh yeah i get it i i understand what worship is now um it doesn't work like that um worship catches in the earth in a room where people are worshiping god and spirit into truth and in that place of purity and in that place of power that's what worshipers are made and one of our primary goals one of our primary assignments the commandment that we've been given is to make disciples and disciples are first and foremost worshipers of the living god they're the thing that the father is seeking on the earth he's seeking people who worship him in spirit and in truth and as as i've given myself to understand how this thing called worship advances in the earth you know how people catch it as i studied my own life you know uh i didn't learn how to be a worshiper um through a class you know that no one no one said here's the three points you know it i discovered worship i learned how to be a worshiper um initially through my mom and dad i you know my dad would get up at four five in the morning um consistently almost throughout his entire life um and he never led worship for more than 20 30 people probably but every morning um i had a modern day david singing in the corner of the house and to the lord in the most wild extravagant fashion and i would come into like a semi-conscious state as a kid all the time and and that was just normal life and i'm like yep the howling is is my dad and he's he's praying in tongues he's he's just going after it and that was just normal and i had no idea at the time of what was being formed in my heart as a worshiper and to this day when i take a stage right when i get behind a guitar whatever it may be i realize so clearly that i'm standing on the freedom and on the witness and on the i am the fruit of my father's worshiping life in in in so many ways and i i know that worship yeah that's good i had to turn you all down but i can hear vague applause it's good so forgive me if i talk over you but um but i've studied this thing of worship and the way that worship truly advances john wimbers said more is caught than taught and i really do i i see this happen over and over and over again when when a small group of people begin to tap into this thing to begin to learn how to minister to the lord begin to learn how to move in spirit and in truth begin to learn how to pour out their hearts like water in the presence of the lord when they begin to do this worship explodes on the earth it's how this thing catches and it's how this sings and i because of that the enemy is not ignorant of that the enemy is not ignorant of how worship moves of how worship catches and so ever since the sin began to explode really in the in the late 60s and early 70s ever since worship began to explode it came out of its out of its boxes in so many ways um and it began to explode it it there was powerful revelation simple but powerful revelation that caused worship to explode in the earth and ever since that it's like the enemy has been looking for ways to sabotage the purity and the power of worship because it destroys is the realm of darkness it destroys the gates of hell it destroys the works of the devil and and i wrote the book that reset because ultimately i burned for the church to be the worshipers that the father is seeking because i burn to see worship leaders rise up in the purity of their call because i burned to see the the nations caught up in worship because i burned to see this thing sweep the earth as it was meant to sweep the earth but if we allow the enemy to gain a foothold if we allow the enemy to gain a stronghold in this thing if we continue to allow things like celebrity and self-indulgence and and and so many different inroads that the enemy has got into the modern day worship movement if we continue to allow that all this beautiful freedom that has pushed and advanced and caused the worship movement to explode i really feel will be sabotaged and um we have to take a hard look at some things that we've partnered with that we've allowed in um and we have to return to the heart we have to return to the heart of worship we have to we have to experience a reset we have to do a work of repentance in our own lives in our own hearts that this beautiful thing called word you know called worship that we've known to experience that is really water for the nations to drink from it it is supposed to be the gateway for many to come into the kingdom of god that this thing would not only be preserved but it would be elevated to its full expression that heaven the worship that is in heaven right now would actually begin to be realized on the earth and i could say a lot more but maybe i'll just let you interrupt me it's just so good um i'm amazing actually yeah so there's more worship in heaven than preaching and so if we pray for heaven to come to earth we need to get comfortable worshiping and and and realize it's not a precursor to a better moment called the sermon jesus is the moment he his presence himself so i love that chair jer uh practically what are some of the pitfalls like let me ask you let me let me say it another way uh what are some of the markers in your opinion that have been used to gauge good worship that are not necessarily god's way of gauging worship and then how what is god looking for in true worship how does god see what is god looking for and then what have we raised up to determine what true worship is you know it's uh it's a tricky question to answer in some ways and i realize that i'm not speaking to industry executives i'm not speaking to worship leaders or musicians or people that might have some kind of understanding of some of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that you know along these lines i'm speaking to people i watched the room i looked at the room tonight and so many sincere hearts just on fire for jesus and and i don't necessarily um not everything in the reset is is is um necessarily directed at at the worshipping church it's really directed particularly at leaders who need to be aware of some of these pitfalls but um one of the things about worship that i think you know is applicable one of one of the pitfalls one of the one of the things we always have to watch is is when something becomes when there's a lot of favor on something when something becomes incredibly popular when when something begins to explode and man there's there's a there's a sobriety um on a lot of things but man nothing creates more sobriety in me than favor because at no point can something be so easily derailed or so easily manipulated or you know as in a moment of favor and um um i think one of the most the quickest way that the enemy can kill the purity of something um or manipulate the purity of something or compromise compromise the purity of something is in a moment of great popularity and most worship leaders who have any kind of significant anointing on their life know this they know the warfare over their soul they know they they they know that ancient warfare that's a very ancient warfare um and um and they're navigating that and we're navigating you know that trying to distinguish you know with stages and lights and camera and streaming and numbers um and all of this stuff that we never really had to navigate 20 you know 30 years ago but we have to navigate it now and and um and purity is um popularity is just it's a precarious moment you know for us and and i've been tested by it i've been thoroughly sifted by it i i i kind of make a joke i said you know if idleness is the devil's plate you know if idleness is the devil's workshop then popularity is his playground and he really can wreak havoc on so many people um in this place and um i think the way that we we combat that is we have to keep worship costly and um i've been thinking about the journey of worship and i've been thinking about what it truly means to worship the lord and i've been thinking about the the progression you know that's happened and if you think about it the worship that we experience today is largely because someone paid a price um it was costly to be a pioneer in worship um and honestly the level of persecution most true worshipers experienced back in the day honestly not many survived it it was really really brutal and i was even just thinking um obviously i you know one of the things i bring up in the book is the the picture of the woman you know who who um despite the whole room turning against her essentially makes her way to the feet of jesus breaks a precious bottle perfume wipes you know the feet of jesus with you know with her tears and with her hair we we hear that story all the time but sometimes the thing that we miss is how costly it was for her to do that we interpret that through a modern day lens it's a popular story told on worship and we really have no idea how costly that act was how offensive it was um to people and how the only response that night was outrage it was just just whether it was internal or external people were very confused and and very uncomfortable and nobody really understood what she was doing only jesus understood that it was an incredibly costly act for her when it comes to dignity and um you know what's so funny one of my one of my i know you guys are familiar you just had stephanie gretzinger um uh joined you guys wild not too long ago and i know that she's close to the cooleonesses and just uh such a beautiful thing that the lord is is doing there but you know i had a privilege to lead alongside steph for i don't know seven eight years but and it's so funny now you know i it's hardly a place or a church i go to where i don't see little steps kind of everywhere you know they're they're just everywhere but you know it was costly to be stephanie you know back in the day it was costly to be her it wasn't always met with wild acceptance in fact there are many many a set where it was only met with resistance and it was only met with judgment and um and um it's costly to be a bill johnson you know he lost most of his congregation with some of the things that he set you know in place it's costly to be a david i remember melissa helster telling me a story um where she was leading worship and this is way way back in the day i just met her this is like 2012. and um she told me about what she considers it's not really her most embarrassing moment in worship but she was feeling the presence of the lord so strong worship was going beautifully and she felt she had to do this this this act i don't know what it was but she had to basically pour out her heart in such a way to jesus and she gets on the microphone and she just basically has a mini maybe not mini not even minor maybe a major meltdown on the stage just blubbering and it was it was um it was before many people even had a context for this kind of worship um had a grid for it um knew knew even how to celebrate it now we celebrate this stuff but this is before anybody knew how to celebrate it and the whole and it really just all said it derailed the set it derailed the moment um that's what it felt like to her at least she felt awkward she felt naked she felt exposed in it but she knew that it was what she was supposed to do and um graham cook was was was in the room and graham cook came up and he covered her in that moment and he and he gave the room context for that moment um very much like jesus did for his disciples there he he's like he's like leave her alone he's like wherever this is a crazy statement wherever the gospel is proclaimed what this woman did will be told alongside that and sometimes i just been thinking i've been thinking about the cost that was paid in worship it used to be costly to lift your hands you know it used to be costly to raise your voice it used to be costly to lift up a shot of praise oh my gosh was it costly to sneak in a shofar to any gathering it was costly to dance before the lord these were very very costly things people were persecuted ridiculed mopped when they did these things and now we're like game on it's no longer anywhere near as costly to lift our hands to the lord as it was and so i find myself wondering lord what's the cost what's the cost we get to pay what's the cost this generation gets to pay to see this thing worship realize to see the purity of this thing fully touched to touch the heart of god even if a whole room doesn't understand even if nobody around us understands the price that we're paying even if nobody gets it what's the cost that we get to pay in this in our life in our generation to see worship yet again explode in purity and power and let me let me just let me just say this guys one of the testing moments of this year has been has been this pandemic you know great testing for so many leaders great testing for the church and um i want to say a man my heart just just being on the zoo just being watching worshipers in a room i feel like a starved man i feel like someone who was you know had to live outside the courts of the lord for too long you know and [Music] and but you know it's easy to worship when you're surrounded by hungry hearts it's easy to worship when the mood is right when the musicians are amazing when the worship leader is anointed it's easy to worship but the thing that i've been praying for the church in this moment is that we would tap into the purity and we would pay the cost in the moments when worship is not easy when we're in isolation when we're in places of deep pain when we're in places where we feel disconnected there is a moment to worship the lord right now there's there's a moment to touch the heart of god right now that that may be very different than the moments that we've celebrated and i still celebrate and i can't wait for it but there is a moment there is a price that we get to pay there is a cost to this moment that will never happen again and i'm i'm praying you know i was just i man i can't go through all michael you're going to have to cut me off but um i've had some very very difficult times this year incredibly difficult times heartbreaking times times where i literally feel heartbroken and i in those moments the last thing in the world i want to do is worship actually last thing the world i want to do is connect with the lord the last thing the world i've wanted to do is be that spiritual giant you know that man of faith that i read about you know and i i everything in my flesh is just wanting to quit and i've had to learn a lot about paying a cost and worship and worshiping in a way that's been very different from me and paying a very different price you know in in this season and i i don't i don't know i look at the future where worship is going and i don't know fully i don't even endeavor to to even try and identify or articulate what that cost is going to be but i do know that that costly offering david said far be it from me to bring anything to the lord that to bring something that cost me nothing and there is something there's something about paying that cost and lifting up a sacrifice of praise in a place of um of whatever it may be but in a place where where you know oh this is costly this is something that is going to move the heart of god and we have a moment right now to provoke heaven to provoke heaven but it won't necessarily be from the stage and it won't necessarily be it may not actually be in our gatherings guys i love our gatherings and hear me i just i can't wait but it may not be there that the places where we get to provoke heaven may be very hidden right now but they will be eventually seen and felt throughout the earth and so i just want to encourage you guys in these moments set it in your heart the next month be someone that provokes heaven be someone that provokes heaven with with a costly sacrifice and play from whether it's in a place of suffering whether it's a place of pain whatever it may be begin to lift your praise in that place and i feel like the lord just wants to pour himself out in a radically different measure as we begin to learn how to walk that out in our everyday lives in the nitty-gritty in the hard moments in the hard decisions in in the in the tough marriages and in all of whatever the places may be there's an offering of worship to be raised right now that is going to shake the earth there would you would you pray for us would you just pray and release whatever the lord gives you if he gives you a word for us an encouragement a warning whatever just just we would be we're hungry and we want to we want to please the lord god would you pierce our hearts with what is piercing yours would you break our hearts lord for what is breaking yours we want to be a people who know your heart we want to be one with you we want to be one with jesus we want to be captured by oh our hearts long thirst to no the living god lord align us align us align us with heaven align us with your heart lord in your mercy and in your kindness would you align us fully with your heart any place that's as that's out of joint lord any area that's lame inside of us lord would you heal would you align would you purify would you refine us lord we're asking tonight for sad for our eyes that we might truly see we're asking lord that you would replace any filthy garments or rags that we've been clothed if we're asking for an exchange we're asking for those white robes of righteousness lord i'm asking that you would clothe us lord we come to you and we're asking jesus for the things you tell us to ask you for lord we are we are we we are ready we're in earnest we are we are zealous to repent for any way where our hearts have not been fully aligned with you where we have allowed um our expressions to be even greater than our internal affections towards you god i pray that you would light such a fire inside of our hearts that you would light such a fire inside like in the hidden places in the hidden moments god that you would begin to birth something in us that we have not yet seen in worship before lord we know the songs we know the power lord we are longing we're hungering for the more god the more that is yet to come god would you ignite our hearts would you sanctify us jesus would you put in us a thirst for holiness jesus again would you put in us a thirst for holiness god that we would as michael said we would be ruthless with sin we will be ruthless we will be obedient to you jesus above all we wouldn't allow what has become common and acceptable in culture to be the thing that leads us but we would cling to your words lord we would claim to your words and we would allow your words to penetrate us there would be no resistance to your word in us god find an open heart find a willing heart find an obedient heart jesus that you would be known that you would be glorified that your name would be exalted we say with the psalmist not to us not to us but to your name be the glory god i pray that you would ignite worship that you would even take this group of believers to a greater level of purity that power that true power would begin to be released into the earth god that you would mark them in your presence god that you would not allow momentum in popularity and numbers to sway them in any way shape or form lord but there would be such purity and such consistency and such singularity in their pursuit of jesus like never before protect them guard them be a shield around them and i just bless the work of your hands i bless the favor that is rising god and i pray that many would be brought into the kingdom and many worshippers would be made in jesus name i pray amen come on we receive it everyone just just just lift your hands to heaven father we receive we receive this we agree with it we give our most authentic and real amen do it in us lord do it here in our hearts and our families and our marriages and our homes do it in the life of everyone watching thank you jesus thank you lord jeremy we love you we really love you and such an honor to have you on and come visit us please one day since you laid hands on those guys you made jesse and i work harder we love you jer i think i speak for everyone we're grateful for your love for jesus would you guys let jared know you love him thank you jer talk to you soon beautiful oh how many of you feel that can uh let me grab this stool i'm not one of those i know it's in but i'm not preaching sitting down not till i'm 90. wasn't that wonderful how many of you feel the lord we're going to receive communion here in about 15 minutes but i i want to talk to you just as a as a pastor i want to tell you what i told the team in the back last sunday night was sovereign and holy how many of you were here sunday night we were here how many were not okay a good bit of you the lord really came and we lingered in his presence for hours uh that song that we were singing the lord gave that to me in my prayer room i don't know two months ago maybe and uh it was actually jaren steph who i know steph's watching as well they were like you've got to start writing and uh so i was with jesus i don't even know you don't go to jesus for songs you go to jesus because it's beautiful and i was just there in the morning and i felt this little chorus fall a melody fell into my heart and then a chorus and last week i looked at dom i go i sho i ran to joel first who's a champion and i said i'll sing it in your ear you start playing it and he did he said sing it one more time so i did and he kept he caught it and then i said dom you're going to sing this she goes what i've never heard it and and we did but the lord came which is more important than a song coming the lord came and it would be foolish of us to just move on i think i'm good maybe yeah let's try it without it and if i feel the shift we'll just go back to it um yeah that's perfect that's perfect yeah back up a little bit sorry just a little though yeah so the lord comes and he doesn't tease us but he does test us song of solomon says i stand outside the door my locks are wet with the dew of night in other words jesus stands outside the door of our hearts so long that his hair gets wet that's the picture of it revelation 3 says behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open i'll come in i'll dine with him and he with me i believe the lord looks at a people and comes in and maybe he offers us just the hem of his garment for the sake of the example maybe just his hand maybe it's the quick breath or a quick visit looking to see if we're people who respond i've discovered that if we don't respond he'll keep it moving and find a people who will respond and i want our reputation here i should say i want our reputation in heaven to be that when jesus comes everything stops everything our ambitions our dreams our plans our building in line with what jeremy said i am not trying to build a big church god never called me to build a church jesus builds the church i said jesus builds the church so every pastor here you can lose the pressure of building the church you're never called to build the church isn't that wonderful i'm not trying to build something of great magnitude or even influence i want to see something pure arise my focus is on the purity of it all more specifically his purity the growth is up to him whatever comes comes but my job is to tend to this garden and when the gardener comes for a testing visit i want him to know that we are here and ready one time i was speaking to a friend who was in the manifest presence of god visibly manifested literally with your eyes you could see this shining glory and i when i began to talk to him about it he said the only thing that puzzled him is why people decided to go on to the next thing in this worshiper's heart he thought well we worship so the lord will come and then he came and then we just kept it moving i don't want that for us i don't want that for us i want the lord to live with us and i want to give my entire life to hosting the presence of the lord personally in my marriage and my children and my family i i with you i want to give my life to that i i'm not trying to build the next popular church in fact i've made it hard on you all to come to church on purpose see this generation most church planting movements think the easier you make it the greater the movement oh no no no we need to give this generation something to die for something to die for you precious people wait in a line [Music] we have security because how many of you know uh well the holy spirit environments tend to draw some interesting people if you're interested in the room we still love you but if you play games you'll be out really quickly so we have security how many of you are grateful for our security team they're wonderful think about it you get here some of you at three o'clock or you wait in line you do it in august which sounds like sheol but you do you you wait out there and some of you come because we've limited seating capacity because of just the hour we're in we've cut seating capacity down just to be sensitive and some of you are there's people listening to me they're in the overflows and the other overflow then they're sitting in the lobby and some some don't get in and some watch i mean i think steph has a group of people just out of her house on sunday nights just watching last night i facetimed or last week i facetimed them right here from the platform when all of you were worshiping i faced time steph and she turned her lens around on her phone she answered she was you have to see this everyone in our house was under the power of god they were worshiping the lord and i thought i thought why is this happening all over but why why why why are you doing that why are you waiting we don't uh we have a church this size we don't even have our own building this is not this is against all the textbooks stuff i've never once given you a email jewish series never had a launch meeting we our launch meeting was the glory of god in a little presbyterian church 70 of you were supposed to come and 400 of you radicals showed up the first night and you never left which i always could drive up going they're still coming what is it it's the lord jesus christ it's presence it's the presence of jesus that's my ambition i look at bethan i look at amy i look at all of these students these third years who have stayed with us and been patient with our growth as leaders and i've wondered how patient you all have been as jesse and i have grown in our team i mean you don't just sign up for stuff like this why the presence of the lord it feels like the lord is wanting to communicate to me that his presence is enough and i just want to say in line with what jeremy said if we lose his presence we lose everything now i know why david prayed take not thy holy spirit from what is it what is it about what differentiates one altar call from another what causes little children to to run down to drag their parents down to the altar what in a few moments will cause that miracle to happen in your body when we receive the elements of communion what is it what is that distinguishing marker with a capital m it is the spirit of the lord i tried it the other way it was horrible i feel like this generation is over marketed i do i i feel like advertisement has taken the place of his glory it just comes from every angle and everybody's got the next best idea the next best strategy in the next great conference that teaches you how to gather a people but the bible says unless the lord builds the house they that labor labor in vain and i'm i'm amazed as amazed as you are to watch the lord draw the nations our team lives 45 minutes from here we uh they say that people won't come to church consistently if they live more than 15 minutes away that's what they say but it's not what god says but when the lord's here oh he can draw your heart and draw you with cords of love and pull on you there's something about the presence of jesus something indescribable he changes the air he kisses the air with the brightness with a life with this you know the glory is much different than the anointing much different that anointing is a gift that anointing requires cooperation that anointing requires faith that anointing requires you and god walking down the same path together he says go you go he rewards your obedience with a greater flow of power but i'm talking about something a little different the glory when the god comes in his manifest presence he tells the people i have come to live with you in his presence he benches us andy byrd who was here a few weeks ago said beautifully once he said you know i i don't know what to think of michael when i first had him at wyoming kona he said it was really interesting when he'd leave the meeting none of us knew he left and at first i thought i don't know how to receive that andy he goes no bro you'd leave the tent and we didn't even know i thought well i think that's a compliment he said bro it's a great compliment because when you left the tent jesus stayed in there and i thought lord is it possible to see a people gather in and with jesus not unto men not give me purity over gifts any day purity is piercing anytime you take jesus away and people are left with his anointing they will squander the anointing i'm not talking about you receiving the impartation of a gift though that's wonderful the scripture says we should covet the gifts of the spirit but if you fall in love with the gift-giver you will not lack the gifts of the spirit i've never seen since 1989 i since then i have never seen anyone who's burning with the love for jesus that has an anointing shortage but i have seen many people with gifts who fall out of love with jesus and break his heart if you get this one thing and in our building when we get it say thank you jesus when we get our building somewhere on that land on that property it's going to say only one thing is needed just one thing and jesus calls that one thing the better part mary chose the better part and it cannot be taken away from her i want to read you this scripture and then we're going to receive communion how many of you feel the lord is it freezing in here okay could we just do something about that and maybe be a little more aware of your skin cells when you set the thermostat team please all right simmer down as nico would say calm down where's nika calm down let me read this to you psalm 137 verse 1. let's grab a seat stay with me here psalm 137 verse 1 by the rivers of babylon there we sat down are you all there say yes if you're there by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yea we wept when we remembered zion we hung our harps upon the willows in the midst of it for there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song and those who plundered as us requested mirth saying sing us one of the songs of zion how shall we sing the lord's song in a foreign land if i forget you o jerusalem let my right hand forget its skill if i do not remember you let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if i do not exalt jerusalem above my chief joy by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yea we wept when we remembered zion this home is about of people who were forced to sing the songs of the lord outside the presence of the lord by the river by the rivers of babylon there we wept those who carried us away verse 3 said sing me a song entertain us babylon today still seeks to take the bride captive there are two types of worshipers one is the bride the other has a married babylon the rivers of babylon in verse 1 they're beautiful to the eye the tigris and the euphrates they're much bigger than the jordan they seem to have a lot more to offer much more grand and much more powerful and much more here's a god we've raised up influence we've deified influence of influence of numbers or success if church attendance was a sign of success that means the few at the foot of calvary's cross would have been proof of jesus failure but friends the cross was not a failure by the rivers of babylon yea we wept those beautiful to the eye powerful glorious to the eye rivers we wept there but how we missed the jordan the little jordan that the eye would mock that the king mocked when elisha said get into the jordan and dip yourself there and lose your leprosy you find a humble simple environment that is a true river that it flows in the presence of god it'll remove the leprosy of your life sin will fall off if you stay in the river of the holy land and today babylon knocks build me something majestic just like its tower the tower of babel that was the example of man's ability to do something great on their own and descend to the heights of heaven just like their father who said i will ascend the hill of the north i will be like the most high i will take the throne of god the father of that perspective is none other than the devil build a tower that speaks of us build a tower that draws people to us friends i want to tell you right now with the best of my ability and with the mercy of god i am refusing to build a tower that says come look at us i don't want to build a tower that way you see that's why pentecost and babel are so different on pentecost god came down at babel man elevated himself you know what the word babel means confusion confusion god confuses them what happened on the day of pentecost they gave them god gave them a new language and the spirit spoke through them this is what the lord is doing the pure holy bridegroom is building a pure and holy people why don't you raise your hands and say lord do it in me come on say it out loud lord do it in me do it in us lord would you take the communion elements please babe would you give me mine no we won't sing a song outside of his presence will we say no we won't perform for our captors say i will not no jesus no no we'll sing songs in your glory for you are our song you are our song as you're preparing the elements would you just offer your heart to the lord again hallelujah father we come today we ask you to shine the glorious light of your presence on and into our hearts we come to you lord we confess any shortcomings any sin and word and deed and action and thought cleanse us i want to encourage everyone watching to get your elements as well around the world lord your word says if we confess our sin you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness cleanse us tonight do a deep work the scripture says for i also i received from the lord that which i also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread take the bread and when he had given thanks he broke it break it would you lift it high he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me now before you receive i want you to offer your body if you need a miracle to the lord that's what ms kuhlman used to say if you need a miracle give jesus your body so just close your eyes now say lord i offer my body to you and i receive your precious body to the table in faith and receive in jesus name thank you lord thank you for your broken body heal your people if you need a healing tonight i just want you to put your hand there on that part of your body and receive it now by faith heal your people now in jesus name let's lift the cup in the same manner he took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes lord we lift the cup tonight and we declare that jesus christ died and conquered and that you are the lord of life and tonight we receive the blood of the new covenant for the remission of our sins and i plead the blood now over every family over every marriage over every church over every home over every sickness now the blood that speaks a better word i plead it over you and everyone watching now in jesus name let's receive the cup of the lord once you've received just gently sent there in his presence thank you father oh just begin to thank him out loud that's what jesus did they sang a hymn after they received communion just being in the faithful lord thank you jesus come on all of your attention on jesus now thank you jesus out loud you just need to thank him thank you jesus thank you lord right now in jesus name we rebuke arthritis right now in the name of jesus i feel the healing power of the lord arthritis die all the pain affiliated with it go now in jesus name there's a woman a woman who's had arthritic pain in your upper body like up here be healed now in the name of the lord jesus be whole be behold arthritis be cursed bow your knee now bow your knee now to the king of kings and the lord of lords and the lord of lords yes yes yes if you've had tightness in your chest i just want you to tell the person next to you if you know them say that's me person next to him put your hand there on their shoulder right now in jesus name in jesus name that goes in the name of the lord jesus eye infections somebody watching on the live stream eye infections you get regular eye infections uh it gets uh just like krusty in jesus name be completely whole right now right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus somebody has a painful time sitting sitting down causes you pain father in jesus name just lift your hands to heaven and receive father in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name thank you for healing your people if you need a healing i want you to look at that person if you're comfortable doing it who's next to you and i just want you to say just put your hand there on my shoulder you're welcome i want to come into agreement with you now so go ahead go ahead and look at that person say it's fine it's fine if you're not in need of a healing i want you to stretch your hand towards someone you see who's receiving prayer now just stretch your hand in faith stretch your head in faith father in jesus name we the church come in the name of your precious son and and lord i thank you right now the lord rebuke every sickness in this room right now right now every sickness in this room go now now you name that sickness and i want you to tell it to go name it i want you to say what is it you need to the person you're praying for get the name of it and then you tell it to leave don't take an hour tell it to go in jesus name be fully delivered be fully free right now in jesus name every sickness goes in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh i feel that i feel that i feel that i just felt i just felt i just felt the power of god if you feel that the lord touched your body you felt a relief of some kind i want you to lift your hand i want to see what the lord's doing in the room of any kind just lift you up there's one there there's one there thank you jesus thank you g there's one there thank you lord thank you there's one here thank you jesus i want you to begin giving the lord praise there's one there thank you jesus thank you father now i want to stay with this a moment ryan ryan get the mic get the mic you know what's going to happen as we start sharing these testimonies the lord's going to start moving even more and more and more and more i want you to not be aware of your sickness be aware of the presence of jesus be aware of the presence of jesus put there somebody had this hand up right over here yep here's one here ryan this young lady here i want to know what happened get on in there bud don't you love ryan what happened [Applause] what's your name leticia where are you from nassau bahamas now i saw bahamut i loved the trade places with you what what happened well [Music] i just felt this coolness run through me what was wrong with you i have terrible anxiety and i have a nip bladder to an operation i had a few years what did you feel tonight i just feel the thrill i feel the chilled i feel the the presence inside me do you feel the anxiety left you yes that's what i felt right away yeah [Music] did it happen in a moment it happened in a moment i was having a moment it happened in a moment when i came in here i was having a moment oh you were yes because i'm on actually i'm on meds and you came in here and then you felt it only yes and you felt the presence yes that is a mighty mighty he's up in everything that is a mighty miracle guys that's a mighty miracle i have friends i have friends i have friends dealing with anxiety right now and it's debilitating it's crippling them they're in the hospital let's just believe god right now come on i want everyone to stretch their hands is there anyone else dealing with anxiety i want you to just wave right now keep your hand up and father come on everyone stretch your hands father in the name of jesus christ we curse this and command it to leave god's people now you have no right to their minds the scripture says they have received the mind of christ behold i rebuke every lying voice every lying spirit i rebuke every lie you ever believed jesus christ is the way the truth and the life and he is not the son of man that he needs to repent he is truth be free in jesus name every person with anxiety every person watching with anxiety let the let the peace of the lord we just release the peace of heaven into every home right now the shalom the peace of the lord jesus my peace i give you in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name if there were more hands if you felt the lord touch your body tonight wave at me wave at me wave at me wave at me there's one there ryan go go i want to hear this young man there's another there's another one here i want to get these two what happened okay um i've been a guitar player for about 14 years where are you from from michigan did you come down just for this uh vacation but we were super happy that we could come wow yeah amazing okay and so the past couple years i've just had stuff in my arms and it's been really hard because you're a worship leader yeah uh-huh and so it's just been like god do you want me to keep doing this like what is what is this what is this and so um i've been prayed over many times for it but tonight i just feel like a looseness it's just like loose can you were you in pain before [Applause] um it kind of comes and goes but usually it's there and then it's all gone it's just i can just was there a moment where you still feel it moving you can feel it moving yeah did it happen during communion um around that time around that time thank you jesus hey just just just everyone stretch your hands towards this young man you just lift your hands what's your name what is it damn dan dan you're gonna get more than the healing though the healing is precious but father clothe him in the fire of the holy spirit let him go back to michigan burning let it go back i want you to get that camera on him because i want to see his face let him go back to michigan burning with the holy spirit use him lord jesus in that region let his words drip with fire let them drip with honey come holy spirit and clothe him in a fresh anointing a fresh impartation for this new season in his life i feel the lord answering listen listen on the way down here i feel like you had many questions in your soul even about your future even about breakthrough you wanted to see there was frustration even in line with with you wanting to see more in the assignment that you're in and you you burning and yearning to see more and you're being frustrated even with people and wondering why they just won't can you guys just pray in the spirit i feel this wondering why why they don't just go for it and and rather than convincing listen you won't convince them with your words you're going to be the message you're going to be the torch in jesus name i release the power of the holy ghost upon your life that you would be a true authentic humble bold zealous gentle jesus loving worshiper in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah uh stay with him ryan why are you crying because everything you said is true okay it's true have we ever met before no no the lord knows you by name what do you feel on your body it's just it's still tingling it's just wonderful just moving i haven't felt his presence like this in a while oh he's wonderful isn't he definitely wonderful there were a couple more i want to take a couple more we have this family from north carolina who drove down yeah what happened sir what happened look look look look if jesus didn't heal you the first time we prayed ask him again ask what happened tonight yes i've had a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder and as we were praying i had touched my shoulder and my daughter laid her hands on that particular shoulder where's your daughter there she is okay and uh i was hurting earlier to where i couldn't even really lift it on but after the prayer now i can just freely hold on could you not do that before could you not do that not without pain now how bad was the pain about a 10 on the 10 scale that's okay that's good that's not good it's bad but what where is it now it's gone praise god thank you thank you lord oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i keep seeing this woman in my spirit who's got pain arthritic pain up top who is that who is that anyone the arms or the shoulders it's it's just painful anyone here yeah over there go over there ryan can you stand up so i can just see you man what's going on with you i just have pain like everywhere like my shoulders my hips and my knees okay do you have it now yeah how bad it's just like continual you just live with it yeah what's your what's your name laurie is this your first time here i've been here a few times you live in orlando um port saint lucie port saint lucie yeah do you feel the presence of the lord here i do yes okay he's here he is here so can we stretch our hands as a family what was your name again laurie laurie wonderful jesus i thank you for your stripes and by your stripes glory is healed lord this pain is nothing for you you've conquered it you conquered it with your pain so lori in the name of jesus we stretch our hands in faith precious jesus let your glory and power come upon her now let her sense and know your power and lori as you begin to feel his power give all of your attention to jesus now lord just say jesus heal me take my pain thank you for healing me in jesus name keep your hands stretched church father remove all the pain from head to toe i rebuke the spirit of infirmity in jesus i name every lie all any abusive language that she heard growing up even recent i rebuke it in jesus name oh the lord's moving i rebuke it in jesus name leave now leave her there leave her there ryan uh jones get over there run over there michael jones if you're in the room run good just stand on the other side of her put your mask on jones just stand on the other side over leave her there for a moment leave her there i want you guys just to pray in the spirit for 30 seconds wonderful jesus heal her heal her from head to toe wonderful wonderful holy spirit clothe her in your love now i rebuke it all laurie i know you can hear my voice i want you to forgive everyone who said that stuff to you do it now and name them and release them now lori release them by name release them don't hold them to their sin see passion rots the bones release them glory in jesus name say i forgive them i forgive them because you forgave me hallelujah gentlemen gently pick her up no no no don't clap yet go pick her up laurie where's do you have the pain in you no okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what what happened give her talk to you talking to the mike honestly i've been really bitter and i've been bitter and i didn't want to be i've been a christian for a very long time people have said very horrible things to you i honestly didn't know how to deal with my anger and my frustration i thought i forgave but and you released them tonight yes totally and then where's the pain in your body i don't feel pain okay how long have you been living with that pain not very long probably six months that's a long time and so you you feel pain-free right now yeah come on jesus thank you thank you lord i want everyone everyone stretch their hands stretch their hands to lori father in jesus name clothe her and fill her i pray lord you'd bless her so big she'd be shocked by your love that she drive to port st lucie literally singing blown away by your loving mercy in jesus name give the lord praise would you do that oh jesus let's all stand lift your hands lift your hands father in the name of the lord jesus fill your people fill us all clothe us with the awareness of your presence we long to love you we long to know you we long to have your glorious presence like we've never known i declare a blessing over your people be blessed in the name of jesus amen amen now before you go quickly good friday i've got some great news for you put that up put that up oh is it good friday at the apopka amphitheater we're going outside again come on we're going outside it's going to be incredible the worship is going to be off the chart our choir will be there and i'm not telling you who else is coming because you know we have a deal but we're not doing that we'll put it back up put it back up apopka amphitheater good friday our plan for easter sunday is this two easter morning services at the maitland sheridan two of those and then sunday night we're looking for a bigger venue so we're gonna have two we're gonna have you register we're gonna have to do that carla for a certain morning service for easter sunday but mark your calendars good friday i think thousands will gather at apopka amphitheater again it'll feel like jesus 20. it's going to be amazing and then sun church will be incredible on sunday three services for easter i love you god bless you did i miss anything okay see you next sunday night bye bye wow you were created to experience the presence of god in a way that will transform your life family and the world we understand how difficult it can be to find time to attend a school where you study the word of god grow in your faith and build a community of believers and that's why we created jesus school online we believe that the holy spirit is unlimited in his reach no matter where you live or what stage of life you're in we invite you to take part in this amazing online opportunity you'll be led by world-renowned speakers and worship leaders you will be taught to seek jesus daily be activated in the power of the holy spirit learn to share the gospel and build community with jesus people from around the world at jesus school online we are passionate about seeing a jesus people raised up to shake the nations for the glory of god you were created for this moment in history the jesus people are emerging and we have one ambition jesus himself will you join us [Music] god demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were still sinners christ died for us jesus shed his blood he died on the cross he was buried he rose again from the dead on the third day to give you life and to prove that he is the son of god who he said he was today he is seated at the right hand of the father and for those who belong to him eternally [Music] glory [Music] [Music] foreign in 2017 we received a word from lou engle that we really believe is the word of the lord for our school our house and the entire ministry lou said that the greatest musicians in the world the greatest vocalist in the world the greatest worshipers that they would descend upon orlando florida to jesus image and that word began to burn in us and we began to dream about what it would look like to one day have a school where people would come to worship jesus and be in his presence and receive his word and then a church was birthed in that same worshiping atmosphere what a beautiful opportunity that we have as a jesus people to come before him and to be at his feet and to pour ourselves out before him worship has the potential to unlock things that really nothing else in the world can unlock and so we decided about a year ago to launch a an opportunity within the jesus school setting for those worshipers for the musicians for the singers for the dancers for the artists for the poets and this is going to be a place where you can come and you can learn and you can grow and we have highly trained instructors who are going to be coming they're going to be teaching instruments they're going to be teaching vocals anything that you can think of with worship it's going to be there the worship is not about us we worship for him so we want to invite you to come come worship the king of kings with us so come and be a part of what the lord is doing come and give your heart to the lord come and surrender yourself to the lord and let's be ones that are willing to rise and go and we decided to name it after bethany that wonderful house where jesus was ministered to that place where the feelings of jesus were preeminent it was a place where he desired to not only move and work and teach and do wonderful things put a place where he would be adored a place where he would rest a place where he would run to so that he would receive ministry so now jesus school has this space that's been created for all of you who are desiring to use your vocal gifts your instrumental gifts your gifts of worship the dancing gifts and give them to jesus that jesus will make this a bethany but he makes our lives when he comes rest and recline [Music] them you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 155,045
Rating: 4.9130807 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 55sec (12115 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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