My Mom Plays Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizzeria Simulator

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I remember when I first started playing Five Nights at Freddy's oh my God that's terrifying what a magical experience it was I didn't start it in this room I want people to know that I actually started it when I was in LA so I have no actual memories tied down to Five Nights at Freddy's in this bedroom but this is where I started so you know it's a humbling experience a humbling experience yes Mom are you ready I'm ready I started the video started oh is it live yeah oh I didn't see it yes I cannot tell it's Al you know my mom was always a good mom she uh she raised me right taught me uh to offend for myself you know did feed me because that allowed me to get the character enough to feed myself and that's more important me and my mom we we had we had some times where we budded heads you know fought there was one time this dog that my mom got it's a beautiful dog but I wasn't ready for the responsibility of a dog and she she bought it and then I returned it to the pet store my mom was very upset with me that day extremely upset very and huh very very why because you didn't even tell me you were going to return it well I told you I wasn't ready for a dog no no I didn't want I didn't want the responsibility okay okay okay so my my my my fault no so no that's not what I'm saying I'm not saying it was all your fault that that's not what I said Just remember guys don't ever buy dog for your early 20 or something boy okay they don't they're not ready that's not that's not what it was the situation care of them okay yeah com to think it's a lot of responsibility it is a lot of responsibility so that all pertains to this game by the way ma all of what I'm saying is pertaining to this game about the feeding and about the The Dumping of loved ones uh design your pizza hit enter on the keyboard ma enter yeah welcome to pizzita simulator with my mother so design your pizza click use the mouse to click what toppings you like on pizza oh you know me no I don't you know what I like no I don't I don't like sausage no fat much fat wao Fat's good for you wait no hold on no not the sausage fat no what sausage fat is sausage fat actually is a really uh healthy don't trust me type of fat Peppers yes definitely you know a lot of times people only eat you know just the muscle of an animal you need to get a lot of the organ Meat and Sausage is actually a great way to get um some more organ meat depending on the mix of sauce you get no disagree olives olives yes I olives are good we agree on that one onions definitely there's some good fat in olives I love olives I love olives pepperoni I I'll add it because my son like pepperoni you know pepperoni is a type of sausage I know but I can always take out you know can take out the pepperoni yes you're not very Italian are you hit enter now that you've done that enter yeah okay so this this game's called Pizzeria simulator so uh press the down arrow on the keyboard and you're going to hit enter okay and then you're going to feed the children Pizza yay so use the arrow use W SD to move yeah follow the instructions okay it's WD to move and then shift you throw a pizza across to the room to the other children okay yep man I remember when I was first playing this game it was a such a trip you know such an experience you know uh the graphical Fidelity of the opening I've seen a lot of game cinematics in my time but this one was I have a little difficulty technical difficulty going on here huh WD uh uh uh uh uh W what WD where is that WD you know where you type on a keyboard yeah W WD so think of it like arrows right oh so hard you're off camera ma oh so hard you know sometimes people take it for granted that some people may not know what the WD controls are I think those people need to get with the program literally cuz most programs you know and games are wased controlled and if they don't know that by now then you know it's just on them huh W off camera where is W all right okay okay okay okay you know where WD is you know where it is okay where you used this before it's right oh right oh I like to wear things into the ground when I use them and my keyboard coincidentally has been worn into the ground so that the letters on the keyboard are no longer there so for anyone who was calling my mom rude names the entire Community will find you with pitchforks and torches because here you can see it's clearly not her fault keyboard's been warn down to the Nubs it's kind of hard to see where the S is so put your hand on the keyboard like this like this okay so your left hand W it goes up look at the screen look at the screen s a d okay then I give it to them right yeah by hitting shift hitting shift shift okay yeah all right you know games are are such a magical experience they really allow people to escape you know the trappings of society and break free from molds that chain them and wrench apart the fabric of society so that they can weave their own imagination into the reality around I'm going to feed them one more child yay yay anything's possible with games oh what am I doing another one huh s oh I'm going to get a lot yeah you're going to get a lot you know what this going to be the Thomas Thomas is always hungry all right s is down right yes down and I'm going to go shift shift yes shift shift shift shift shift shift you were just yeah give it to thas one more yeah one more yeah ah they're dead oh overfitting just like me overfitting your dog Chica Chica got sick because I will Fe him yesterday it's not fun right okay now one that's it oh I need to feed more okay come on come on eat eat oh waste it wasted my precious pie yeah it cost money cost money okay okay shift okay that's great okay you're doing it s s s s hungry boy hungry boy come on come on oh come on come on okay s s s s s come on you come on remember you can gather a bunch of pizzas at once okay get there get there and you can press and hold the button and you'll keep moving in that direction okay okay okay okay okay time to feed uh-huh Hungry Boys you know what just like a mommy play feed me Pap you know what they mean Pap Pap you know what they mean you know Korean right you're talking to me yeah do you know Korea what what do you mean by uh it means I'm good at video games no no no no Feed Me Mama Feed Me Mama uhhuh feed me it's just like that oh careful I fed you careful careful you just did do you want you got to be really careful that's that's the that's how you blow up the computer you really got to be careful about that you could destroy my whole computer sorry what did I do oh wait no I can't even disable that oh no oh no oh you infected the computer oh no oh no actually this is this actually a problem um I forgot you know Scott Kon is known as a rogue programmer he has this fun feature in his games where if you want to alt Tab out of the game to control anything and say a second monitor you can't move the mouse it's really to help you get immersed in the experience and so that you you can't escape from The Nightmare it's really fun for feature it's a great feature actually don't let anyone say it's not a good feature okay it's okay you can keep playing it's probably it's probably fine what is that guy doing the gray one this gray one he's dancing this one oh so he wants to steal the pizzas oh so don't feed him right don't feed him I see but the problem is he's going to try to catch the pizzas that you throw over oh I see I see yeah mhm okay now I got the okay oh that's the problem right so I have to quickly feed them right yeah oh okay oh no yeah he's too quick for you you got to you got to really think about this God oh my God mhm oh no he's so quick I'm losing my money uhhuh all your money going out the way going out yeah he's not a paying customer yeah he's like a sneaky sneaky little sneaky little okay I got it another one oh man you keep doing that you try to blow up the computer I my fing go is too fast oh no oh my God I some call him an innovator some call him a genius to those that know him he's simply the best of us all right so you got to figure out a way to get past this guy okay so he's going wherever you're going so what do you think you need to do kill him kill him with the fire bring me fire it's funny you say that it's really funny you say that why can I do that my mom has been known for her predictions of the future oh yeah I'm a psychic half psyching I'm not 100% but close enough it's really uncanny the things that she can predict I don't believe in psychics or ghosts but oh oh you should you should remember your father he called said Cliff remember I know I know he's there what do you remember on Unos anas you went to see psychic and the psychic asked is any anybody here announce yourself and the one of guys said Cliff that's your father's name oh my God that never happened it happened that it happened you guys it happened right no yes it didn't happen it happened my memory is correct uh-huh very correct never happened bring me the fire I need to kill him I'm losing money well don't lose money all right what good is it okay L use your brain use your brain yes he's going where you go of course he's not going where the pizzas go so what do you think you need to do I he's following you say I need to call my assistant to deliver the pizza idea that actually is a really good idea but not applicable in this game so what do you need to do if he is only he's following you right yes he's following you yes so what does that mean if you if you want it to be able to remember if you throw it it takes time for it to get across so what happens when he's only following you MH and you need time to get it across so there's multiple ways you can take advantage of time right if you're right here M hits him really quickly gets across the line quickly notice he's slower than you he goes where you go but he's slower than you thank God a lot of people are slower than my mom a lot of people you mean physically or mentally a lot of people are slower than my mom did you figure it out I know but it's still it's still catching up with my pizza well just be careful piz throwing from under or under okay I fed I fed my child I got it I got it I made money yay money we love Mone M money money money by the pound uh-huh there's another thing that's interesting here did you notice what happens when you feed the ghost let me spell it out for you see he's Twitchy right he's Twitchy yes give him one pizza give him one pizza yeah okay I'm so generous have one okay two no did you see yeah do it again watch him he ate he just he stops stops then then I feed my child exactly I see can you do that I try my best okay test of how fast my finger can go okay okay free pizza I'm going down feed my child can I do again yeah of course that's how you do it do I have to feed it all the time no oh oh I I see I see oh I see but he always hungry oh he's always hry no money I only made $300 okay you one oh oh oh one for you one for my baby oh my finger late oh my God you're so greedy greedy greedy help me don't be greedy okay I finally F my baby oh oh it that was you okay you happy all right you're almost there you just got to feed these last two MH you got to make them make them full all right oh my baby hungry still okay okay you can have it and mock can have it Mo okay there you go that's good okay he only goes where you go he goes where you go Mommy goes where you go baby there you go round four yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] you did it I see my baby today Pap see that I'm kitchen after show what is going on my mom is really good at video games I don't care what anybody says no I'm not she's very good at video games I'm good at it's not her fault that this game was designed to trick you life is full of trick unexpected surprises whether that's a dog that shows up unexpectedly or an animatronic that shows up in the garbage behind your Pizzeria it's up to you to decide how to deal with these unexpected events that's what makes us grow are you listening to the instructions never what do you mean what instruction I only hear Mumble what do you mean yeah there was instructions very important instructions that were being said while you were doing doing that did you not see them I had no idea I was looking at this figure and the mumbling sound uh-huh what is the instruction it's playing it right now where I don't know look at it it's not on the screen it's on the screen the big one what do you see in front of you a a a a a mannequin a mannequin anything else and the little freckling Fickling like a star uh-huh uh-huh okay all right right what else what else that's it what's on the table in front of you keyboard keyboard mic no in the game I have no idea you don't what's on the desk in the game in front of you oh don't make my life too hard what what do you mean I don't know what you're talking about in the game what's on the bottom of the screen keyboard no not in your real life well you're looking at the mannequin right yeah right there what's below the mannequin that's a table table Yeah is there anything on the table little line okay move the mouse down to there oh okay ah so you are doing a test okay for this animatronic this animatronic was found in the garbage right so because it was found in the garbage you need to evaluate if it's worth bringing into the shop if it's worth to salvage you like going thrifting right of course yeah I call as a treasure hunting not dripping so you know a tape recorder right you've had tape recorders before right I yeah you know how they work right yeah yeah so play stop reverse what you need to do is play for this creature and then watch it watch it to make sure it doesn't do anything crazy and if it doesn't do anything crazy which it shouldn't you mark on that piece of paper nothing happens you write no okay all right press play and then move m to the top of the screen top of the screen look at it just watch it watch it very close one [Music] one document results did anything happen no begin audio prompt in 3 2 1 [Music] 1 document results begin audio prompt in 3 2 1 I'm listening keep [Music] watching document results begin audio prompt in three 2 1 did something happen oh you better document those results it's your time to shine it's time to take your career into your own hands was that good was that good scary were you scared he made me laugh oh oh I see okay okay I was waiting for something more drama ah I see I see well I mean it's kind of spooky right you know why nowadays we need a little more than that to scare hell out of your mother no what do you mean what do you mean just opening eyes won't do much except make me giggle oh come on my mom's known for her nerves of Steel she's seen so much in her life been through so much very little will ever scare her oh my goodness and her unorthodox approach to okay next time bring on a little more scary please often means that she's left um wanting when it comes to scary things because of the horrors she has witnessed with her own eyes I've seen worse you ready to get into the real game a real game that was a real game Pizza to no no no that was just the opening pay attention but be aware that buying on sale comes with amount of Love sale wear that smile with pride and let's make some money Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for dis dismemberment who doesn't who doesn't like money yes you know somebody say money doesn't like bring happiness depend on what the definition of Happiness what's your definition of Happiness money nobody's perfect nobody can claim Perfection you know we're all human we all like money unfortunately we are not living above in heaven where everything is free you don't think Heaven is a glorious capitalistic ideal uh loveliness yeah I think so but you don't think they have shops in in heaven no it's everything is given it's free you don't have to work it's it's pure socialism in heaven yes it's a communism communism down here doesn't work you know why because when people are given free free it make them very lazy they don't want to work harder do you think people work hard in heaven I never been to Heaven yet why aren't you playing the game why are you talking about philosophical meanings why aren't you playing the game oh okay play the game sorry let's play play the game okay what should I do I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready should I click here did you read the instructions no I never read the instructions why do you never read instructions mother uh because um I definitely read every instruction I come across because you gave me a headache you buy things you place them in your in your shop bye you're making mom applier kitchen right now that's what you're doing oh good now this is just an example you you're going to do this in a second buy item yeah well in a second okay go I'm ready you ready yes I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready let's go shopping yeah let's get started yeah they w wow money get started you have $100 that's $30 okay yeah we're going to don't buy it right away that's too much you need a shop so look at things go look go look I I'm very good at shopping so I'm I'm not going to buy unless oh that's $30 this so you look at their stats over here so these are these are your stats of what they give you right we we need that don't we maybe just look at everything first or do whatever feels right do whatever feels right bye bye yeah we need that you don't even need to question it how you going to eat Ser pizza with a plate that's a good point that's a good point you cannot just throw it at the moue no way not well catch Mark we have little more civilized than that right mhm okay next oh you missed out what did I miss you could have had colorful cups and placees no no no no no no don't need it don't need it because this one you don't have to wash well what about the colorful you don't have to wash you have to wash you don't throw away $20 versus five no way no way okay next stage yeah we need a stage don't we maybe a 20 25 bucks what do you think up to you I don't know oh that is better but we don't have much money sanitary station you know what we don't need it because it's $100 couldn't afford it anyway couldn't afford it we just not going to go there okay no no ooh but look what they what this gets is bonus Revenue just remember it's got stats look at the stats so you can weigh how good an item is by its stats so this gives two entertainment one bonus Revenue versus thing you don't have to pick this one don't pick it don't get it I mean what what is this for it's a game that people can play in your shop for money oh money but look at the other things first but don't we just give them unavailable good thing I'm not interested in you nope what is that paper Pals oh what to hang on the walls for art oh maybe okay five bucks five bucks five bus is very good reasonable okay now we need to go back and purchase now $90 right you have $90 yeah so spend it wisely ooh so if I buy that one am I going to make a more proper of course yeah get buy them buy buy sold that okay now there's another item that'll get you more profit too you don't have to get it but I'm just saying atmosphere no bonus Revenue oh bonus Revenue where is bonus Revenue just look uh Screen through the end and look for anything that's bonus Revenue okay this one no look it's over here it would be over oh this one right yeah bonus Revenue look bonus yeah yeah we got we'll buy this one right okay bye bye bye we only have a $15 left okay you don't have to spend all your money but you know I don't think there's anything else you can buy for the price you okay then we're going to put 30 for rainy day okay 15 you have 15 oh I only have 15 not 30 okay okay blueprint mode so now you remember your friend wasda sponsorship offer yes click click click click we going to have a sponsor oh $250 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you now have $250 to do whatever you want with upgrade wait upgrade okay don't you think we need to upgrade we need a stage but I mean you don't have a stage I don't have a stage okay what else finish to no no no do whatever you'd like just don't hit finish yet cuz you're not done okay okay okay okay upgrade sure okay I need upgrade yeah sounds good I need better up absolutely wow all right now you have play tokens so you know those things you got so go wda wda to the left a a I know a oh a okay now s down a okay so you see those triangles right the pyramids right what does the pyramid mean pyramid in pyramid click click on it okay why click place your items you bought in the spots right okay click on it yeah oh great so good you want to play test it sure yeah pick a duck why there's a prize who oh oh that was so good you did so good that's it yeah wasn't that fun put your other item your balloon Barrel put it down on the other pyramid where where what are you doing why your mouse is way off but don't click do not click anywhere look where your mouse is don't you bring it back bring it back bring your mouse back okay okay okay now the S click the other pyramid this one yeah one [Music] put put your thing there you remember how you bought that there I'll play test it sure get ready go go space space space space you did it yes I did something did I yeah you did it okay all right what else well you got more play tokens you could play more of your games okay it doesn't sound like you're having fun how can you have fun when you don't hell idea never play before because fun is you're accustomed to you're familiar with you know what I mean your brain signal dopamine because you've been there before this is more like a learning I don't know if I push something I might make a mistake crash this video I'm wored so you can never have fun with anything new you can only have fun with the things you know yes but you are familiar with Five Nights at Freddy's little bit all right so hit finished then get get into the game okay let's do [Music] that your restaurant is now officially open awesome that doesn't mean your job is finished however you have a lot of work to do while patrons eat their Pizza in the other room from your terminal you have supplies to buy papers to print and repairs to make once you've taken care of all the items on your to-do list you can log off for the day and get out of there money for supplies and repairs comes out of petty cash so don't worry about it coming out of your pocket we've got you covered the only money you have to worry about is if you choose to upgrade any of the equipment in your office something to be aware of is that the ventilation system and your terminal are pretty loud and may prevent you from hearing things in a joining Aira vents you can shut off your terminal and the ventilation system at any time to decrease the amount of attention you're drawing to yourself also shining your light directly into a vent will most likely prevent anything from jumping out now get to it simply log off when you've completed your tasks for the day and you can go get some coffee all right get to those tasks mom Okay click yeah order those supplies order those cups now I want to warn you there are animatronics that are trying to come and get you I know through the yeah so you remember your friend WD yeah they don't help you here and how move your uh Mouse to the left left yeah like that yeah that's a vent where something could crawl through and get you oh keep an eye on okay just keep eye on it and keep an no you want to there's another one behind you so go to the right to the right there's another one there oh shoot so on either side of you there are events where they could come and get you so just don't look at them there's no point in looking at them nonstop because you got supplies to order so go here no not all the way over go to the go to the computer just the computer just go one over no too far go to the middle and just like go left and then come back to the center yeah yeah there you go now order those plates yeah now also there are other tabs here that you can use to help get a sense of what's around you oh you can just click yeah if I click click any of them right now like a oh okay so you can activate silent ventilation if you wanted to but it would slowly get hotter do audio and also motion detector so activate motion scanning real quick just just yeah so this is going to show you if there's anything moving in the vent system nothing there's nothing you're totally free you're totally clear nothing's coming to get you go back to tasks finish those tasks oh oh order those napkins order the utensils order the pizza kits isn't this fun yeah Pizzeria simulator is often known as one of the most fondly looked back uh Five Nights at Freddy's games I'm not actually exaggerating about that okay now I do like this game I think it's I think it's interesting and I like the kind of changes but I'm an agent of chaos and I do like change so I get I get dopamine from different things and novel experiences part of the thing about ADHD I suppose you know there's not many new ways that you can do the same Five Nights at Freddy's formula so coming back to this one honestly you know it's it's interesting to see how like experimentation was happening within the same kind of box you're left with so often times you find that it's just like you know looking back at my mom playing and I sort of see how it could be a little bit confusing all right maintenance oh check the motion detector just see if there's anything there nothing they're fine go back to task maintenance unclock toilet you just have to push the button to unclock toilet it's that easy Yeah clean those ovens my goodness who's who's cleaning you must be in heaven okay go back you're all done yes well technically there's an equipment tap but you don't really need to do it okay log off that's it done great job done it looks like you're getting the hang of this happening nothing happening what do you mean there's so much happening nothing happening what do you mean no nothing scares me what what the what isn't over just yet what over there is another aspect to your endof day routine and that is inspecting and salvaging any animatronics found in the alley outside the back door you remember this it is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvage or if you choose to you can throw it back into the alley where you found founded and forfeit payment please make your choice now sure proceed with zage yeah you have chosen to proceed with the maintenance control or control is going to be your taser if you've watched any of these videos before you know that my mom really loves the controlled shock she really really loves the controlled shock nothing happen she really loves the control truck audio prompt in three 2 select [Music] no what happened looks like something happened I'm here was that scary what what did I do wrong you didn't watch close enough you didn't tase it but I was busy it was okay was it it was not okay it was not okay I'm sorry I'm sorry can I try one more time no you failed that's just the way go he looks so innocent yeah nothing I thought this was perfector yeah he look so innocent so harmless and as soon as I said no problem no problem that happened anyway keep going oh what awesome shopping you get to buy W it's on sale okay let's buy this one yeah whoa you unlocked a new thing oh let's buy K okay we can afford a little more nice Stu because we have a little more cushion no I'm going to buy this one okay double St all right okay now with that you can buy two animatronics so go over to the right first right right right okay now the next four things you pick your favorite animatronic of these do you like bucket Bob that's cute okay do you like Mr can do yeah do you like Mr hugs that's cute I'm going to buy that okay what about to the right go right what about number one crate mock down yeah okay yeah hell yeah it's only $2 that's great it's only $2 do you know what this means three High liability yeah do you know what liability means I know somebody can suit my butt if something goes wrong yeah that is that is I am the responsible all all right well now you uh you can shop in STS budget Tech if you would like mhm so there's some pretty cool stuff there that's very expensive you know you can go to Dollar Store get that for a dollar yeah you're right but here where there is no Dollar Store you only have this buy this one yeah no no you oh oh I paid it you already bought plates mom you said buy no I meant no but you did it so quick you never have moved that quick ever in this entire experience you you're the one making the decisions you bought plates you had a whole reasoning for it you just bought plates every no you can get another sponsorship though where go to blueprint mode blueprint mode yeah yeah blue [Music] mode sponsorship offer monmer okay $500 yeah pretty good right all right now you can go back to your catalog you can go dropping again then cck more money to burn right right right okay what is that speakers gu speaker I don't know ooh that's a really nice one that's very nice but very expensive maybe oo what is that fruity maze that's a video game right yes it is well like that yeah okay can I buy that you can buy it yeah buy it oh this one is good Gumball oh yeah so much money can be getting out of that one yeah that's good that's good oh I like that yeah why not we have a stage you have a stage yeah so that we don't need that what is that traffic light what is it needed for do you need this is just no it's novelty you don't have to buy you so you were so Frugal before but I we can always call the sponsor not any yeah well once a turn so all right now what do you do next sponsor sponsor there's no sponsors oh catalog you were just there uh uh upgrade no you don't have enough money why don't you place your animatronics remember the pyramids yeah okay okay here the glowy ones yeah this one yeah click yeah oh and put this one here yeah yeah wow now do the other one do the other one yeah [Music] yeah now what do I do that's it have other things you can place around the the room if you want you remember how you bought that video game yeah oh where's the video game WD you know the pyramids I know you got go well you got to go click a pyramid I don't WD oh ah yeah aha ah UHA put this one in there yeah yeah good you want play test that one play test that one okay get ready press space when the arrows above the ball pit okay I can't do [Music] that oh no okay one more yeah yeah go for it all right really get him in that ball pit oh he can jump right yeah he's jumping he's jumping for it [Music] yeah yes oh one more one more yeah you got this come [Music] on I think my mom enjoyed that watching that little Tedy animatronic suffer and I can only say that that is what the animatronic deserves helpy is of no help except in showing the dangers of how not to do things which is an incredible and hilarious way for helpy to fulfill his role of helping May more pain and suffering come to that demon animatronic sorry no you don't have to be see that little animatronic you know that little one his name's helpie he's a masochist he likes pain right really yeah yeah so he doesn't mind it he doesn't mind no no no no not at all anyway you're finished I'm done can I get money yeah hit finished finished yeah hit finished let's see how much how much I get paid I'm done with my job all right get ready to work work yep order the cups y I don't forget you got animatronics trying to get you oh bent audio motion detector look for the motion scan activate scan oh oh what should I do it's right here what should you do you don't remember what to do cuz I don't really remember what to do ah bent um audio uh I might want to look to your right that's left oh check the bent mhm yeah okay okay no okay surprise do you like the game not bad not bad it's pretty good you can be honest it's cute it's cute you like it okay good good because this actually is I I I do like this one in the Five Nights at Freddy it's very different right it's very different is it old uh it's about like 5 years old now that's old well yeah but I never played this before you never played this game before Oh fun fun fun fun fun fun how come nobody play this game well you know just uh I think that you know Five Nights at Freddy's mhm once upon a time it was the Talk of the Town yes and so when you have time progress Things fall out of fashion yeah yeah yeah fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun F fun fun fun but that was so Charming because I never seen anybody play this game including you well I I did play it you did play it but I didn't see it that's why I was nervous I might make a mistake don't worry you know what you didn't make any mistakes yeah yeah well thank you everybody so much for watching this is quite an adventure it is it was an adventure in futility but it was an adventure nonetheless and everyone knows how this ties into the lore of Five Night at Freddy's as Lore Master of Five Nights at Freddy's I don't feel I need to explain myself to you guys so don't you dare ask me I know the secrets and you never will all right have a good day thank you Mom thank you my mom's on Instagram yes real mom applier and Mommy plus kitchen oh yeah my mom has a YouTube channel have you not seen it Mom applies Kitchen on do Korean I teach Korean and also I do cooking link will be in the description yeah thank you thank you so much and as always I see you you in the next video byebye bye you never know what you're going to get when you go into these Adventures it was Ghost but you always know that it's going to be a wonderful learning experience where you can dive deep into your own soul and see the darkness that hides in the corners have fun exploring those deep reaches everybody take care all right bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,490,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's markiplier, momiplier, markiplier's mom, scary, horror, horror game, scary game, jumpscares, scared, screaming, collab, fnaf markiplier, fnaf 6, pizzeria simulator, my mom plays fnaf
Id: 5qCSWazh6D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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