Stuck in a NIGHTMARE! | Paper Dolls (Chinese Horror Game)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The map was a bit too confusing for this game to be truly enjoyable. Steph looked very smart in her glasses though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 30 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live the GT lobbyists livestream out their GT stands for game theory in case you didn't know what yeah and live stands for loving is loving it very excitedly I'm loving it very excitedly there we go acronym is for I hate friends this is our only livestream of the week unfortunately because starting tomorrow we are over in New York we're over in New York with YouTube for the YouTube summit yeah we're over in New York every year YouTube does a creed or something actually they do a lot of creator summits now over the world at this point all over the world with different communities in YouTube as well like there's there's I think one specifically for India there's the black creator summit there is actually all sorts of different ones that they do now I think this one was the first Pacific there's like a Pacific Rim one though there's all sorts of ones but we are the North American one which takes place in New York around brandcast which is also this like big youtuber advertising event so it's a big advertising so if you've never heard of like new fronts or up fronts basically any media come this is fun we should probably talk about this on TV series one day but basically I need like a lot of media companies will be like this is our slate of stuff that we're doing in the coming year and so you'll have like TV networks be like here's our slate of new shows advertisers don't you want to advertise in front of our new shows and all the advertisers in the audience are like man I don't care why is that I care about this and then the company comes out with like and here's special guest actor - woo you or here's famous music artist yeah yeah it's like a weird dog and pony show where the advertisers show up and then YouTube is like look at all the fancy stuff we have look at all the cool people we know the whole thing is to get advertisers to sign up to spend advertising money on YouTube which let's face it like benefits all of us oh yeah because great if we get advertising revenue then the lights stay on and that's exciting and and Chris doesn't have to you know eat eat only beans unless he wants to which sometimes he chooses to do that anyway but that's okay are you eating only beans Chris know this week is only pasta oh very exciting that's very good oh so yeah so anyway so we're headed off to that where we're gonna meet mr. beast for the first time which is exciting we're gonna see a bunch of our own youtuber friends yeah it's a big event we're always excited about but that means we're gone for the rest of the week and we're back on Monday so that means we got to make the most out of today and today is another horror game but again a lot of horror games these days I mean tis the season you know when I think springtime I think Chinese horror games does this make me does this one also star pop singers from the 90s unfortunately I think this one veers away from the pop culture spectrum and into Chinese Haunted Mansion Oh which is kind of exciting excellent so Chris picked out this game called paper dolls I think he just picked it out to make fun of the way I say dowels the entire time owl that weirdo Oh Matthew a dowel is a small wooden peg they were giving a hard time earlier today about the way I used to pronounce an ass car - what car nez i would pronounce it with a Z they gave me a hard time NASCAR like the Nazca lines just went as cards or nazgul the NASCAR lines now our lines in the middle of the desert made by ancient no car now I'm very conscious about it I'm gonna pronounce it ness NASCAR NASCAR yeah yeah NASCAR I've begun I'm calling it NASCAR for years that's so fun yeah I have you know for a while it might be a regional thing stuff it's definitely not so when I was a lot of life it's okay it's okay when I was playing a lot of RPG games and like MMOs and stuff like that I would only read text and I learned a lot of words just from reading I think a lot of people do but reading is a good place to learn words but when I evidence arbab' but when I first started seeing the word M elee2000 so that whole time I thought the Super Smash Brothers announcer is just wrong Super Smash Brothers anyway we're playing a Chinese for sure game there's two ways you can engage in the street one is on twitter using hashtag GT live it's on the bore you see it chris is getting Wow for allocation of space this is the only live stream this week and this is this is what we have to offer I pulled up this board expecting a real boost oh allah stration and I got a minuscule illest oh it's okay so these poor sad people are apparently playing this game do you live also you can mess up in the chat the chat is in fact full of turtles turtle turtles where our photo spectrum says cool glasses thank you and then there's wow there's a lot of turtles dragon nations make me Erin a turvy Nova Samuel great well I love turtles turtles are great I like turtles oh no why creatures but that's fine probably some new do you Frank or drama or less you know the first time that the chat was really spammed that was the the days of yeah and then maybe when we was here and he was no longer not here paper dolls let's do it name normal oh this is a lie we did a video about this this weekend it doesn't matter when I choose easy normal nightmare it's and dynamic it's probably not dynamic they actually enemies desire to attack is a very weak movie speed is very slow everyone's lazy the matching resources are more suitable for beginners who like the plot yeah but players of this vote cannot receive top ratings whoa I'm mrs. artist Texas no ordinary and natural resources are more or moderate horror survival games but players in this mode cannot receive top rating Wow this mode enemies is very strong luigi's faster domestic a confident their operation though I should probably play your table vote normal can receive top ratings I think we may go normal okay hiding is sometimes the best option okay thank you oh wow already starting off with graphically far superior than I expected oh well whoa like we're starting a FAFSA he really should have closed captions Khris Khris yes Chris grad grad yeah Chris Chris oh the DNA it's daddy baby [Applause] oh no these second turn off from the left Oh No why do let's go spider already wait for the microphone why do these games always involve like a death or something tragic happening to a small child cuz its horror game Stephanie it's a horror game is it not horrible when someone else just like a grown-up person dies or as a ghost oh this fails whole thing goes oh man we play as in this game we play as daddy daddy daddy where we're haunted by the regret over our child yeah good all the ground this will aim clap the classic indie horror game trope it kind of is regret over our past actions yeah pretty much I'm having to relive them to work hear them I'm not even through them just go around oh oh my gosh thank goodness I'm not going anywhere geez right Ivan no we're in a hurry apparently I guess if you're dead you don't really need to like whoa whoa oh my goodness Tamra oh I've moved the camera well that's that guy's dead whoa quick turn X this game is violent Christopher daddy oh that's good to know oh great we got ourselves a creepy voodoo doll that's always a winner cursed doll eight men oh man eight number eight no no control oh hi Alan uh lagomorph says holy muffin balls right I know so something's gonna hop out and kill me that's at some point in this game that's good to know ah that is generally how these things go right I'm impressed that these graphics better than I thought it was going to be since 27 bloom right I agree right this is pretty nice actually she's like uhand i can oh there's no which was this what a lot of before boy excellent Oh a lot of keys okay and a lot of locks to go with them oh boy okay alright the same thing okay yeah house all right any more cursedolls gotta catch em all gotta catch them all who do it all is super creepy gotta catch em all cursed ow I choose you demonic doll what is this mmm gold bits I'll take them yeah a free gold bits Oh gonna put the cursed doll on the record stand on the old photograph no apparently not can't use it I thought we've been fun to put them on there and let them ride around a little bit be like whoa here we go I may be cursed by manon timing mine yes okay so we need so we need a key those keys that's cute maybe this is like Zelda and if we smash some of the pots the key will come oh it's like it's like an escape room maybe I think that's kind of the premise of a haunted house what nope no no I'm just gonna hide in this covering no can't hide that covered apparently oh boy oh wait but seriously where's my where's my demonic daughter maybe she's not demonic maybe she's nice oh come on nothing oh oh it's like an episode of fear factor it's best I know it's filled with bugs read it it's just okay I know right yeah I know suck it up man just cicadas fighters haha cicadas are too bad are those thick here or fairly large beetles old water bugs maybe looks a bit dry in here though honestly don't look at it huh oh that makes me out I think oh there record there it is great ah let's turn on the tunes let's knock it out guys here we go probably gonna be some song that gets us D monetize because that's how gaming live on YouTube works these days yeah pump up the jam Oh jams give way that money give it away the disc is twisted what's it on it then I know sit on my twisted disc come on probably have with my back you got a twisted disc kind of bad this you pump up that Jam no nothing in there mash ok handle next to it match match ok candle light use whoa what maybe what demonic force are we summoning up oh oh there we go newspaper ok puzzle down oh ok in house I can key statistics oh we got 4% of the documents Oh death time save time oh boy oh no diary I tried a new drug called paroxetine open early stop my impulses from my impulse from pouncing oh no not my impulse for pouncing no I've been staring at my daughter's childhood clothes and toys why did they take away my dog that's my daughter is becoming extremely fond of drawing and it's already used up two boxes of crayons but seems to be very interested in traditional Chinese painting I should send her to a professional class go to a double hockey sticks man these days there's a lot of noise in my ears men women kids everyone going I hate crowds I hate work we're not living oh man oh no my daughter still needs me for her I should continue to live yes I do have a birthmark on my face why do you keep staring at me or give me the medicine I can't hear what you're saying my ears are you still the voice of the kids the voice of women the voice of men do you really want me to die okay all right well we got puzzle yes newspaper yeah oh it's pieces too okay what's going on there yikes great okay so he's having some issues it's like yeah he's having some like psychosis some keep away from high temperatures okay so the disc warps under high temperature under high temps okay so stick it in the fridge well it's already warped so we would want it to be unwarped which can I put the disc on it like warp it using the disc yeah there we go oh hey there we go Oh melted it back down okay great now let's play let's rock out we built this city place a beat saber on this thing oh I need the crank I guess now also I'm assuming that in this bowl I put the amount of paper ingots doesn't really mean did something okay oh no you sure man oh no what do you I don't know what exactly but cool hey dead body excuse me would you would you might get another right yep so I got a hey so I under that desk that's good to know okay what else I can hide in some I can hide in select cupboards which isn't the most reassuring thing because you know when I'm panicking like I do not that you know I I'm a scaredy cat or anything but sometimes I panic in these games and sometimes when I panic I have a hard time finding the place I'm supposed to hide out in so you know it would have been great if I could hide in every cabinet not just optimize my PC sweet no well yeah Stephanie it's always time to optimize your PC it's never not a good time to optimize it so that one I'm gonna keep open right so that way I know that's when I should hide it I still need a key there right I think all this stuff at the record player and all that is going to result in the keys right or a key you think that right come on death right where are you it's with the bugs it's with the bugs yeah you gotta get in cabinet well sure hmm I reach down grab that that looks like an important piece of paper apparently not nope JK can we open this oh there we go Maddie match yeah okay so we need to Oh throw it in there I'm gonna I'm gonna try to can i yeah oh no usually when I need an item is there another thing that I can like maybe I can light the gold thang old things yeah it does seem written like some sort of like burning or sacrificial right that's what I was thinking too a sacrificial Bowl maybe light him up nope barely not hmm oh come on almost can you take the candle over there nope cannot take the candle weird okay fine go around go go back over there closer to the bugs I guess ooh is this bloody before yes it must have been just not observant in the slightest that's fine yeah no big where are you at where you at great Chris was like just give this one no thanks one it's like this will take you more than one stream I don't think I was paid it right I don't think he anticipated that it would take us this long to find the solution to the bugs I know but seriously there's the bugs okay here we go oh we can light this on fire and throw it in there yeah so we were making ourselves a Molotov cocktail hey oh right so we need a bottle or just try lighting that you can just lay the tissue again it needs to like it's not signaling anything for me like all the other times when I need to use an item it'll signal like Oh it'll open I'll automatically open up the item menu hmm let's see you do book that's fairly not an important book right I keep thinking we can pick that up fairly not important there the record player where the record player do anything maker players we're waiting for the crank Oh see hmm you need to search the middle of here we go welcome to slowly searching for items right what are you so this is a locked door this is all the dead stuff hmm you're in the right place I like that Chris's do it can we put the paper on the gold and then on the fire and then light it oh no I can't puts it wait now I can't activate this tired there why wouldn't it just standing in the wrong because you need to use it to light the paper well sure maybe with a candle I will and I also was trying to activate the fire a second ago and it wasn't what what come on that I wire but apparently I was standing on the wrong side of the bowl kind poor form poor form details insect assist oh wow well that's pretty I thought we were gonna smoke him out right what happened my Molotov cocktail I was all about that we were gonna bug bomb I'm literally right Rain Man rains a great thing there you go sect aside news oh I see you'll reach in you wait you'll hate your hair yeah but that was that so much easier is that so much easier then then uh it's not sticking your hand in in the first place that was probably so much worse okay alright let's crank this puppy let's crank it up let's rock out to some music finally Edie oh come on oh it's got a shank now keep that that's a shank right wait really here if I do this you use tied together there we go come on really why that's just like to make it arbitrarily the Carter need to just crank the city there you go that'd work it's my favorite song oh I love that one well even a lot first Rajal doctor t3 okay man Rory find it stuff pretty deep into this thing copper key seems like it goes to cock-block oh yeah it's my favorite damn man go nice house I didn't Oh another doll yes this to love these little babies Oh probably gonna ignite the candle then light incense up okay yeah well matching right need more matches there's one on that table what okay fine Chris I would have found it okay thanks thanks a lot step on it okay like this step to light incense achievement unlocked yeah this is like a classic point-and-click adventure keep saving whoa this place is it oh absolutely safe absolutely safe ID card okay boys didn't mean okay great I don't really need the archives right now who more insecticide no that's fine no big we just kicked out more doors I also don't want to leave the safe space I know right makes you feel like other spaces might not be safe right this place is absolutely safe oh hey what do we got here Rafi nice oh hey and yen's own the Lord asked the yen to check the inventory in the Treasury okay okay as you do all right feel like I've gotten the most out of this room not feeling too pressing of a threats but you know yeah oh okay so every time I click doesn't save so that's good to know okay I'm moving over to Twitter where I'm reading at Mara is obsessed one how does this music box even break like that and couldn't you turn it without needing to fix the handle you know you ask great questions these are all questions that the world may never know right Brasky at glee Rick on Twitter says game here here have some sacrificial insecticide or whatever Stefan's deaf but we wanted to set more things on fire hey you know games are all about wish fulfillment right sometimes you just wish that you could set more things on fire boom at cyan m2 and a bunch more numbers says bug bomb them bomb right where's where's raid when you need it this feels like a totally happy place we've got nope nope pull out pull up nope pull up my heart stop it open their debts ah dings yang the maid I mean are these all people who are gonna be attacking me I need to give them their respective ID cards mr. Liu's diary it's been a long time the madam has failed to conceive how did she get pregnant as soon as the painter came along oh no oh it's always the painter with the painter should I be worried Stephanie I don't know we have a lot of you say that we have a lot of people coming in working on the kitchen right now oh they are busy wall they know well then paint the walls and that's true no I don't know what go away oh oh you do not deserve Indians family you nasty God hiding is sometimes the best option oh great okay good so okay well we got attacked by the spirit vengeful spirit did not see that one coming okay bye grumpy spirit robbed most of no face come on what a poop oh I got a overcome the biggest boss of this game the drawer look better that painter okay so we got mr. Liu's diary okay here we should hide here what's this oh no miss me like crazy they're all crazy something definitely happened upstairs Wow okay quick time event okay here is deep okay geez yeah fight back like that gain us nope that was wrong one Edea oh Jesus Wow how do you WASD it's been a while since I've had to do quick to have events with WASD okay fine careful got it it's been a while okay I would did not grow up playing a bunch of keyboard games like you Steph haha give me a controller any day especially for QuickTime events here we go we're gonna fight this guy again this is the second-biggest boss in this game right now we've got ID card in drawer followed up by a spirit man okay here it is mr. loo like a bandage okay here we go Eddy oh sorry WASD Steph I don't know I meet a man something no it's fine it's fine okay it's fine for you stop it I can do it for you oh it's fine I'll tell you I intuitively like I know WH I don't think about you yeah they are I have to actually think about it like which ones be one with the keyboard Matthew find your inner Zen your bandage got it fight me fight me this is the best this joke scare has lost its effectiveness Hey great just give me the same one over and over again the street you can hide under this no way at royal cloud 2 on Twitter says you are rocking those glasses today stuff so I drew some art for you it looks so awesome it's just like awesome piece of thing oh my god it's so cute yeah it's pretty awesome thank you oh my gosh I like loved that one Chris remember those days that we put up the fan art do it again I do remember those days they clear out that other room though shoot oh no whoa well none Bobby dady no be afraid Molly I'll find the cue soon as I can Oh oh no not her bunny she's actually just mad because the bunny's pooping daddy my bunny what bunnies didn't poop a lot that is nothing to do with go it's just very rate of saying bandit so I got a bandage we got a bunch of cursedolls so many so old all the dolls so many curses many dolls so - these spirits just randomly jump out and attack me at certain points and I should just hide under our baby Oh huh well isn't that interesting Oh can you move one oh I have to put them on oh is it oh yeah it's all about balance all things in life are about balance move that one out there you go oh come on come on yeah there's no way that that wouldn't shift this way this is it here that one doesn't have arms you have to move that one somewhere else can they shift sides yeah this guy is really heavy apparently that he's a real trucker right move it move one of those to the other side yeah there you go hmm okay we got one in there you go that one energy again really really come on oh come on this would affect the weight distribution okay here bring one more over no that's just it good bring the one with no arms back again come on I think we have to find more fatty bowels really I think so all right I think so because technically this puzzle should balance should be a big bill Chris do you know if we need more dolls for this okay well fact you know I bet there's a way to balance a lot of dolls there's one but that one's also good put down all I said okay so now we got oh we've been fine he said we need to find those will continue to do one more will continue the hunt for creepy Babs can we open any of those little drawers are we're great oh oh oh that's not that's disturbing I think that might be dead person probably yeah it is a horror game oh yeah yeah yeah cursed elf I've got to catch a ball I'll trade you a cursed doll five cool makes me feel a little cheer here oh man I got the marauders map Oh front hall Treasury warehouse cloakroom armory maids closets - okay great if you go back nope that's my map for me now mr. Liu's diary I can try the curse recording on the ancient books what I need is a few wooden dowels and some silver needles do you are more the dolls in this way the same as one leg I should be careful while making it two arms of the dolls way the same as one leg okay all right so that's that's your mathematical solution there stuff okay so we'll put that to use once we've collected them all right we're missing one - missing - weird okay I'll be back we'll be back for you guys no I can't open you oh you can just hide it in there we're the hidey-hole can't remove that one open fantastic oh wow that's like know like what are those legs Oh nanny Chen Mei Chen boiled medicine in the tea house carried it to the matter before noon I'm gonna have to solve the murder Oh probably not always the way isn't it who really murdered my kid was it an evil demon or was it my own hubris hubris rightness was my hubris Oh can you really really go mr. Clean Magic Eraser oh and we got a match that's thatรญs fine would that be oh hi that one's alright I keep I never just bow bye that's that's great you you sorry didn't mean to invade your space your personal space my bad whoa whoa now I do not mean to upset you there so we got another one of those sacrificial balls bandage can't use it it's a water bowl so if we need water hey thirsty I would totally change that why wait so I'm lighting all these candles right I don't know don't know if they don't know if I'm wasting my matches by doing that but it seems like a good thing to do right in horror games lighting candles tends to be a good thing right helps I want to see I'm still lost it here in the tea house now right okay so that's where I was attacked which means that the same room over here right here yeah they're nice alright we're getting it look what Chris well I don't know wow I double use a neces for my A's and B's great all right let's go stick those dolls in yeah let's go Balon or whatever let's go balance some babies as they say which is totally a common phrase that people say yep okay so that's where her daughter was which means we were back this way oh boy come on can I not run in in very sporadic bursts apparently I can run I can do like two steps okay here we go oh oh wait we didn't even have to solve a puzzle come on Ord ahead we solve this I don't know great copper copper key topic you four fantastic puzzle complete some beers on that's not a good that's not the right to you right yeah where do we see there's a copper lock I believe in the first room I don't remember actually right this will look like a copper lock yeah good wine I think I could be wrong no I think you're right woo hi I'm really impressed at your memory I really kind of no idea where we are look don't go look down what's going on oh come listen there's eating your feet oh no don't be getting handsy with me oh man what are you guys doing come on just wave Hey so we got the Bandit still got this they thought you could use a hand I thought being there would come in handy god I got ourselves a match candle I mean they don't mean to point fingers at anyone great yeah this might be your fault mm-hmm I've got a finger for you stuff yes I supposed to like reflect the light I'm assuming this is a reflect the like I know I'm sure dude can you pull it forward well but where am i reflecting he's gonna push me all right okay so just walk out oh yeah no oh boy oh boy oh wow oh hey yeah oh yeah sure something can you duck they're like no solve my puzzle no okay so wait I got a shadow I know dad I got a little flap happy and elated I mean you're a good puzzle solver because every time we got a hand it to you god you're so great thank you see every time I put it down though it goes back to normal so what oh you gotta get closer so I only have a little like a lot of time to solve this yeah oh wait oh hey not a whole lot useful there maybe it so try not leave huh slap and a half to the hands the thing is so we got gotta be we've got a candle we've got a reflective light I just don't know where we reflected it the thing is it's not like it'd be one thing if like when I put it down and go see Isabelle Droste I appreciate you we said stuff in the chat we appreciate your presence oh no oh oh they are really getting down there oh crap wait what are we doing wrong here stuff I don't understand I don't know Chris do you know we're supposed to do all right well you entered a second room already right where did this force you back in here I think it forced us back in it keeps going against Panama keeping smack why is there supposed to tell us what door we enter is that what it is because if that's the case and now and is that what I'm assuming it's what the door directly behind me first Oh but now that's that's not oh no no this is killing us oh boy sorry to illuminate all that yeah okay okay oh that's why we're lighting the candle there you go oh man so wait where'd we save we have yeah yeah cuz this is still locked yeah okay so so oh man okay okay cuz the lights obviously getting reflected oh and I would assume that if it's telling me what door to go through then it's the light one with the light you know like oh this is the one that's shining the lights will walk through the one that there is there something behind the door or like sorry my mind behind the reflective things is there something behind don't think I can see like a diagram maybe I can only turn it a certain amount is the thing like I can only turn it as much as you're seeing me turn so not a hundred percent sure what I'm supposed to do with that okay so here we go okay here's this guy here's the key okay so we're in here now here before I go in I'm just gonna save ya because I don't think we're gonna do it this time either because it's just really obscure okay maybe it's no it's not the opposite door either ago it was the thing because if it was the opposite door okay so here's wait one that's weird Kiwi throny says move the candle or seven year but I don't think we can I don't think I could move the candle could I move the mirror before lighting the kid I mean I could only do any back this is as much as I can do I can do this no no no up and down no back and forth WASD II the only thing I can do at this point is click right click right click is the only thing had to do and it sets it right back there every time right okay we got our ID card light the candles that's supposed to be a party yeah they are high and they're five ahaha that would be too proud of yourself tonight myself I am so proud okay so we're seeing a very bright light reflecting back from me here so it seemed like it to me if this was a clue right it would be like oh I need to go to the room that's reflecting the light but again okay it's not the room or is there something with my shadow is the only because I you'll notice they have a really prominent and big shadow which I could see potentially like being a clue to some extent or something thankful the mirror again yeah here the whole way right I'm trying to look at the shadows in there or anything right I'm not seeing anything like right I feel like I should be seeing something oh people are saying turn off your flashlight everyone's saying turn off your flashlight Thank You Cameron Stapleton oh that's me okay they're saying look for the green look for the green the green doors over there oh alright I did not get molested by a bunch of hands that time so that's really okay turns your flashlight off it is ok we're on a screen door that kind of random all right all right Thank you Thank You Chad hey hey yeah right lazy potato as well as many others who said turn off the old flashlight green man if they hadn't pointed that out I'm not sure I would have seen that right even even if we a boy and to know what we've entered nowhere oh man and here I was being like oh man we almost made it all the way through the house oh there see oh shoot what type of key was that mr. Liu cleaned the ignition hall in the morning okay okay okay so we skip the hands thanks dad so yes it was tricky yeah like even if you had thought of the whole yeah even if you would whoa wait were we no this is different oh no no no don't follow her no no you know you're not doing it on purpose no no no dad oh let's just get puzzle okay we got green got green red red and on the other side purple purple yellow blue turquoise please okay orange red green nope hmm cool put them up it does feel like a big escape room which I appreciate oh wait what's that on the wall in front of you window okay that wasn't mad boo-ki window whew okay really the other side is the that's the hall right oh no darling shoot oh alright my I'm so lost shoot I'm so lost oh I thought that that was I guess not I think that's the other end of the hall actually you think I think the safe went down all the way down the other end really on the hall here does it I know right I don't think it is oh it's locked from the other side actually okay mind Kerr says oh darn we're so we are so confused yeah oh wait I got we can unlock this yay that just makes the map more confusing though hey oh wait this is the main room yeah okay we're back here so let's go save yes maybe unlock that no can't unlock that well we don't have that key yet there you go go sprinting for more than a step buddy oh come on you've got to work on those ABS work on the car come on come on friend yeah all right okay we make progress I mean here's the thing I don't have much physical endurance but holy jeez I can do at least more than one step right come on now so that's locked on that side this is also water that's it okay all right so we're back here right here so this is the room that we came from oh are you kidding what ha so he so he just that room is just off limits now can I not go into that room anymore confused right here like keel again this is the brass key alright buddy where's our lock so he just kind of like boots you out man he's like I'm just gonna put you in a random place Nancy Chen's treasure okay right I feel like this is all like one big clue mystery right Nancy Chen is the one who holds the beads in the tea house with the dagger it was the candlestick the whole time Oh Guardian why are you only yeah we're gonna have it here's that here's what this is gonna end up being right look I'll totally oh sure take it great oh okay great all right empty vase okay that's important barely put it back together yeah probably maybe so we so we need a vase [Music] spirit door we need to put something else on that pedestal like a sandbag that's equal weight to the vase so that way the boulder Jones it we data chosen you know and no creepy Oh mister lose diary steward yen forbids anyone from going upstairs and nobody has come down something strange is going on in the house everybody keeps saying upstairs upstairs but no I feel this being lucky it's gonna end up being like it feels like a logic puzzle right like mr. Lin is the one with the beans but she only appears on the first floor every other so this and this Tiger Bell file she can't use it okay tiger okay house map okay lock and key we shouldn't told us where we have been and where oh yeah it is a lot of doesn't look look it's you got to do one of the diagram that's their identity their name their daily tasks and their treasured possession oh that's funny I used to do these all the time oh my god my inventors are the best they're so fun I love doing those okay as a video game not sure how it's gonna work out Pez rampage says this feels like nanny but culture not any a granny but retro it does it's a cultural granny put water in the vase says Miyako to cut that's a great you have water do we have a vase we do have water the question is where do we find it again cuz it is constrained with no idea I wish the map would like tell me right it's really hard to tell wondering it from another Phoebe like says decrepit right it's like being at a party where the upstairs is off-limits what could be up there here we go we're unlocking doors that's always a thing okay this unlock the door into the main room okay that's exciting wait that's the thing everything looks identical like right how will we band this hallway we have been in this hallway but and we came from this door right right that's the other thing there's like multiple doors next to each other and see ads okay so here oh no this is not it okay really I don't think so yeah I didn't think that okay so this is the evil room okay so that's the room where the guy will send me away pretty sure what's that one down there could be opposites like there yeah this seems like a brass yeah there it is should be it nope no I think I wants me me copper no oh no mine none of the above it's fine it's fine we're okay it's alright sorry it's not oh no this isn't that room shoot she thought it was this is back to the main room oh okay we're fine we got this okay everything's okay we all good so we need water but so we're looking for the water yeah we're looking for brass lock those are kind of our two right now yes I thought there was one other lock in here maybe we open it from the other side this one apparently not not even close like absolutely not your no your abs you are absolutely wrong you are so wrong we're not even giving you the option why you even over here at this lock get away from this lock you are stupid that is what they just told me in that moment so this is the evil guy's room is it yeah you sure hundred percent okay see there he is okay get past him well if I throw a bandage over his head they have the bandage like if I just I'm like haha fooled you got him cuz then he wouldn't be able to see me I get my spirit logic I don't know spirit logics death works every time works a hundred percent of the time every time sounds like a great plan spirit logic here we go this is the girl that's the creepy girl in the okay oh there we go okay here's our water right okay great now go put it back on the pedestal where the heck that was we mean wherever the heck come on out stuff it's so obvious where that was it was in the room with all the broken furniture oh oh that room okay the dirt on the floor you know duh how could I be so blind I know seriously because I don't know every little bit my powers right that was one of the things that always stressed me out about Resident Evil games I was always really concerned about those because you have a limited number of and I'm like I can't if I can't do that okay let's solve a puzzle let's solve the base puzzle and then see where we are vase puzzle was in a corner somewhere it was like pretty there you just get thing goes bad yeah that's that's the door then girl like that's the door and they're like 80,000 doors yes the door then no it's big oh yeah it is okay here we go hey that should be some evil thing that's gonna kill us all cuz they okay control control hide hide hide oh no oh damn hi hi can I hide somewhere fight all right dude if they were coming they would have gotten you by now right it's funny cuz as soon as they like attack you don't like how a chance to really hear them coming here get out kind of there did that break down there you look your tool look at whatever or whatever dude what I'm expecting them to jump out and attack me just going through my chips okay so every time I did yeah okay okay candle candle [Music] oh it's a firecracker actually oh hey that's cool hey hey hey can't can't use it oh geez we're locked in this room too oh okay that's a bummer this is a bummer of a room wait wait we're locked in I mean the door shut behind us which never bodes well you know what's gonna attack us what I keep expecting something that there's a lot of closets to hide in and yeah I'll see you look look look no I think you're fine look thank you fine you saw that flicker you saw the ominous flickers you've wrangled the heck out of ghosts once you figured out where the e button was was very ominous Stephanie it was an ominous flicker let's figure out what's going on these clothes over here can we I think there is Fashion Show don't think there's anything going out of here I think we got a I think we just get out nicely bandaged brass key Tiger Bell file yeah can we just leave by that I mean nope we are literally stuck II buster no oh no we actually are no but we are actually stuck in here this yeah we actually are stuck in you I go behind this the clothing here it's like the white line the witch in the wardrobe can't use it are we doing can't use that can we use oh wait wait hold up if I put this on here yeah it weighs this down which okay okay so we need something to light it too weird yeah okay so we need something else wait wait this door down or way that way down oh my gosh stop with the jingle bells every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings every time a bell rings ancient ancestral spirit jumps out and kills yet hmm so do we need another vase or do we just see the Firecracker too late off oral oh you need a man I'm a select-fire record we could be oh my gosh it felt nice bill every time make sure you ring that Bell to get notified Thanks every time the bell rings someone has oh wait wait okay no this is back to this okay here I think we got to find the food I think it's all about finding the key people are saying put the vase on it can't move the base yeah you can't move it again I'm trying to pick up the vase again and I can't something on the ground next to it now you can't yeah I know you try it I saw you so so we also have the other key so if we find what lock that goes to that could potentially lead to something as well okay potentially these are locked this is locked okay I mean there's still there's still evil spirit doors have we not tried going through it I have this is that right yeah um I'm running around in circles this is the other one that's not the right key it's so weird that we can't find this lock the others have been so easy to find this one is also not the right count like I'm just using in all of them just because um right this room is just full of locked stuff right okay don't lost now shoot those those things are so freaky every time every time neck if you freak out every time look I think it all come on yeah I know it back in here so maybe I should try to figure out what rooms these are and so I can actually get a sense of this the thing is it's so unclear what any of them are well okay so here's the same room photograph and it shows like it shows the main room so you know where that is save room with tea house right which we've been in Treasury the save room yeah I know I guess we were in the cloakroom then I guess okay where are we now that's the question that I'm trying to solve actually because we're back in this area which is yeah these little rooms that and these like little hallways that are really confusing me that is not the room I think it is every time I walk past it this is the room filled with a bunch of locks okay this is like a long like a long straight yeah okay here okay okay right I know it's like what the heck is this maybe that's the exhibition hole in tea house area because you see no it can't be though it's got three doors it's got three - okay so maybe this one leads into the long hallway it's really confusing right oh and maybe if this one that one with no label right next to the front hall is that it what does wait could be this one's like right here yeah that has a kazillion doors it could be yeah oh it is look cuz here's we're back in the main room yeah here's the same room okay so now we're gonna okay we've got this we're gonna figure it out with the pencil and some paper we figured it out it's a bummer that I have to open up the map every time right okay we're gonna do this alright so we need to find either the reason for the key or another vase that we can fill with water this guy so a same room here this is the exhibition hall and then on the other side is that more of the exhibition hall so we got to get past this guy man if I turn off the light nope certainly not and so we're back here now right I feel like that the bandage is gonna be used to cover his eyes so he doesn't see us so we can get through that room because you'll notice that on the other side of that room on the other side of that room there's a locked door which I'm thinking light which I'm thinking might associate thank you okay but I couldn't be completely wrong to see here there's stuff in here right right there's a candle and look across there it looks like one of the the brass locks how do we get past him I cannot like throw my bandage at him and as soon as I cross this threshold he seems to me you can't do anything yeah I get I get captured and based on the map there didn't seem to be a back door to get there let's see the map based on the map so this is exhibition hall right so we're in the key house right now we're right here okay exhibition hall is where we're getting blocked okay exhibition hall is right there but there's no other way the save room it's so once we get into X additional two we can get in through this into the safe room okay because it's locked from that side yep see we're starting to figure out stuff okay so we got to get past him know why I mean doesn't seem like it doesn't lead us to the other room the one with the bells she did lead us to the bells here's what are good yeah every time can't use it those are good those are gonna be important for the final logic puzzle I think these are like the all these we're gonna have to give one we're gonna have to give one pearls we're gonna have to give one or prayer beads we're gonna have to give one whatever whatever their favorite item is what can I use this one maybe so that's into the Treasury okay yeah treasurer so this long hallway guest room okay okay okay oh good okay so where's the what's the room with the bells then the room with the room with the bells is maybe this is that yeah oh thank goodness geez we just had to go back to this earlier section okay so this is us going into no into this big this ball the way it looks like I think the guest room but the get no guest room is their guest room is up here oh yeah so here's guest room yeah guest guest room was baby with the creepy babies guest room was dead body right great awesome guest room had anything else no okay and we already got I just wanna make sure we cleared out everything guest room okay guest room seems pretty completely except for this one which is okay so now we're back here so now let's go back into this is a secret room over here based on the map and then this should open us up into a big like hallway area okay okay so this that's that empty room okay right yep and then the galleries should be the end of the hall stairs and then it'll also open but this should get us back to the safe room actually so let's go there first okay so now look we're figuring it out yay maps Oh creepy that was creepy alright I'm not turning back she is the safe room straight yeah yeah I'm taking the pin out and then saving it wait wait the tripping into the state what to see Oh AHA see broom there we go good with you all we got two words no yay all right here we go wrapping it up this is Ed got achievement unlocked new entryway into this room okay so we're going across and that led us into that another long hallway so this one isn't a long hallway yeah is this okay so this goes into that goes into the armory cloakroom where household this goes into that really complicated east what well right across as East Hall then there's keepers room and then eventually the maid's quarters so this is that hallway that we kept being in and kept not knowing what we're doing yes so okay so we're getting a sense of where things go so here I mean if we know what to do with it I don't think we just see okay so here so this is the keepers keepers room yeah she's in there I'll ask Mike alright this is okay so this room is the main this is Meads chamber and we can I don't think we need to bandage that all right can we move the things on the side no you can't this is one of those things that I don't think you can do anything until yeah darn it yeah until you have the appropriate whatever all right where haven't we been then okay so we're back in this long hallway this is bad and then this will put us back into this new area that we unlocked okay presumably yes okay safe rooms there okay good great so let's explore this area they're like okay okay Oh usually I leave something look look on the floor anything just an empty clock just an empty smile to be right fine fine fine okay let's go through the door more like so locked doors great okay so lock so the so lock is so lock is in front of the keepers room yep we knew that right well we can go upstairs oh man I hear there's something weird going on up there great because because we totally have a master on how the bottom floor works we're doing so well down here I'm sure that the top floor will be is so much better right it's gonna be lord s making these articles in the study okay okay so whatever statue is in the study that is Ming before we go upstairs let's continue checking all this out that way creepy hallway not a problem do do do not a problem creepy mansion hallway okay not weird at all is this this is very conspicuous but it is not something I can interact with all right that's you know choices were made don't necessarily agree with those choices but they were made okay another door no this is into the gallery oh but that is also so locked so not gonna be able to do much with that one hey good what a pooper wait really no man so they're just jump scared it's just big I didn't rat it's just booby trapping me I'm like oh I'm gonna get a new item and it's like no jump scare oh you got oh okay four four okay so that's okay and we do so just so you know before we go upstairs maybe a good breaking point to stop and pick up for the next stream it is true before we do let me just complete the the last of down here cuz we skip this little area off to the side yeah and then we can be done I agree cuz it was over here over here thought it being about a boom and then it was this last hallways the one we hadn't explored okay Oh No what's going on all right they're good something new okay they're not akitoki I'm totally gonna attack me at the end of this hallway aren't they no no I think you're good really yeah hey all right so it does seem what is the next thing to do yep hmm hmm suspicious oh boy hey I feel like now that we have a slight handle on things it's a lot more fun and also I'm excited right now that we're not in this like mess of rooms over here like this is right just so confusing okay they're all locked right that's a lot to throw people into hahaha all right so here this is really fun though this is fun I like it okay cool it's a fun little you know it's not too bad the game probably dynamically corrected for how badly I was doing on those jump scares and they're like hey maybe we shouldn't force Matthew to figure out his double use from his essence that's fine cool not too not too ashamed and interesting the story you doing fine there we go alright so that is a paper dolls we have to leave a little bit early today because we got to start attacking my parents are in town um just let you know yeah we're going to be in New York for the rest of the week this week but we will be back next Monday to finish this up and we'll be back on Tuesday with another episode of Gutierrez GT live indeed so we'll see you next week we'll miss you guys in the meantime there will be game theories and film theories coming out there's a film Theory Thursday and hopefully a game theory on Saturday or Sunday of this week so be there um if you haven't seen that game theory from yesterday check it out it's a fun one yeah it's cool it's not unlike a popular topic or game or anything like that but it's just a very cool it's about how games manipulate you it's great which is actually pretty cool I was I was really happy with it it was a little bit different from a research standpoint but I had a good time with it anyway uh so please go check that out uh and we'll see you next Monday and remember guys that is just stream a live stream maybe I'll see some of you in New York all right let's see why I'm Jack Oh Bri jimson's bye guys Rach answers oh yeah we should ban says don't need a ninja godmother says good luck on the trip uh Aleksic cus says bye then Sacre
Channel: GTLive
Views: 256,740
Rating: 4.9444947 out of 5
Keywords: paper dolls, paper dolls original, paper dolls ps4, paper dolls gameplay, paper dolls walkthrough, paper dolls game, paper dolls horror game, chinese horror game, chinese horror, paper dolls jumpscare, scary games, horror games, scary, horror, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, mapat, gtlive paper dolls
Id: -KgkKy305EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 24sec (4644 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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