I'M SCARED TO OPEN MY EYES!! | Close Your Eyes Indie Horror Game

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why are your eyes oh there is three series whatever hit whatever that is that's that's it right that's definitely what's making this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go this way I'm gonna keep my eyes shut and I'm just gonna go this way friend good nope come on come on let me navigate the room damn it let me navigate the room crouch Jimmy groans you oh yeah Jimmy no better huh No gotcha Jimmy did not work this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey Steph have you ever considered starting the live stream with your microphone on I like to keep it exciting close your eyes apparently it's a horror game that Chris recommended to us is it gonna be good Chris I think so Chris votes yes how's the art style salutations client a 4 D 32 you probably feel very stiff and tired right now this is completely normal it'll only be a few months before you feel back to normal until then let's run through standard procedure to get you ready for your planned release on July 4th 2050 700 its futuristic horror writing ok blink for me three times by clicking ok I got a blink close and blink open you need a little lipo a few a few are human right whoa wait what facility on oh oh oh oh man ok plants save me save me plants sexual topiary no alright well there we go and now hold still but it's this are you scared that what oh no oh this is already really exciting okay so it says close your eyes so don't look and you can see things with your eyes closed okay oh so you can see things that you can move yeah x-ray vision apparently a lot of people are experiencing a lag I wonder we are not seeing any lag over here on our end I don't think but Chris I'll keep an eye on it Yahoo is there laggy melody who says my brain hurts from this is it the video game feed is laggy apparently Omega Mike says specifically the video game stream not the faces oh that's weird husks can kill if you are attacked attacked by a husk cover your eyes and carefully walk to the nearest exit oh okay so your eyes are closed yeah it's a scary ghost Friday man but we're all in it together so mmm we're all in together except I might hide behind Matthew sometimes I'm a bit concerned a little bit worried about that uh-huh a sure L says I've been ignored the last seven streams can I get a club and a half oh man five and a half and hey seventh time's the charm lucky lucky number seven something tells me something tells you you're gonna get your face ripped off okay so we've blocked a bunch in with my eyes closed so now when we open my eyes I'm sure there's something horrific right in front of me alright we're all in agreement about it yeah oh yeah oh well fine did that just turn off the lights Oh what I think that activated the toolshed Oh strange okay oh no oh no what what what is going on our set of footprints there was another set of able to get me when I'm I know okay just walk walk to the exit I guess hi jeez oh jeez okay okay ooh what's going on here oh my gosh what look uh stand there wait I oh there was a door oh whoa what right it says don't stand here and look oh no wait look up oh wait oh wait there's something up yeah see you see how it says oh oh oh huh it says up there it is and it says look don't look here right so close your eyes well it's that's just that means close your eyes right look up okay but now there's ups let's try to look up yeah still black so just gonna grab it oh oh we're weird there we go whoo that's that's a dead body oh geez they just leave those things lying around man okay oh and it's gone I knew I knew it I knew as soon as I picked up that damn thing it would like activate whatever horror so here's the keycard room Oh what what what what oh my gosh I was looking at the chat what happened what was that what was that oh no what was that hold on we proceed to the nearest exit no I'm not opening up my damn eyes oh my gosh it's just a little face it's just a little face on table the old shatter teeth what the hell are you doing it's just a gag what oh oh it's just a gag oh jeez there's the vent yeah there's the vent come on what I hear it no no can I go in - no I stepped on him okay so here it is is he gonna just drop out of the elevator gonna drop out of the elevator whatever that is I think we just like leather you're the who go okay okay now close your eyes Oh what the heck let me see this thing oh that is creepy is all right I'll get out Oh close your eyes look why are you still why are they still open I was attracting him why are you going toward him I was attracting him Stephanie okay okay he's already attracted to you okay so we had to uh try okay so now it's loading so I had to lure him out of the thing oh wait is it a real window I don't think it's real what the f is this oh the thing that this game did not need was a funhouse oh oh wait oh I see some green going guys that those are always a good thing that can only mean welcome who so we need to do something with them Oh No what is this what is this effort game it's a big creepy doll okay so I stole its eyes okay come on damn it okay okay okay oh geez three two three okay well that's the cold okay great what is cognitive transference fatality is saved in the entities yielded essence storage or eyes husks are sent to sector a 23 a 25 for testing and mutilation and identity stored in the eyes as insulting hosts entities okay so I so the ions contain whatever like soul yeah human has then the humans remnant is the husk so that's why they want to steal the eyes okay okay right this is a weird living room I think it's wait oh geez wait where is it where is it where is it come on where you at where you at I hear you crazy where is that ah why are your eyes oh there is three series or whatever hit whatever that is that's that's it right that's definitely what's making this early okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go this way I'm gonna keep my eyes shut and I'm just gonna go this way friend good nope come on come on let me navigate the room damn it let me navigate the room crouch Jimmy groans you oh yeah crying Jimmy no visit ya know Jimmy did not work this time yeah there yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh Louie uh-huh okay okay all righty give him a wide berth ah worse don't hit these things because that gives him a sound to make some cranky what does that mean I think you're not something off as you were shimmy a smashing vases will attract the husky avoid this Oh what it's a so yeah so you do got to open your eyes a little bit okay all right now your husky friend is gonna be there oh that's so it disturbing okay so now I have to do this there's a vase so avoid the base but now there's more over there though okay okay oh so we're gonna all right yeah okay duck okay open okay to the left to the left to the left there you go open yeah but but there's also one two is right okay go straight okay open there's a vase coming up right yeah good I have okay okay okay okay I see a circle around the room this way open is a V okay you can go forward though into the corner almost okay oof all right this may be a brutal direction actually open wait mm-hmm you're right on top of that base okay so pretend this is a really good guy oh yeah is this just like a fan me yeah you made this cuz it's really yeah it is it's really good this is great okay so I had been open nope no okay fine just kidding you got it okay okay oh here we go here's here's the big open death arena that I was looking for what no no I think you can eyeball of friendship what oh yeah obviously what oh yeah this is a weird all this game this is it's like a Salvador Dali painting right like with just these Oh oh my gosh oh this is actually brilliant this is a referee I'm één I don't know if it actually is but a death to me this is exactly what it says this is a reference to Super Mario Galaxy hi there's a level in Super Mario Galaxy where if you look off into the distance on top of a hill there are exactly these creatures looking and watching you and everyone's like what is that doing in a Mario game huh huh oh of course but trust that hand yes yes giant hand coming out of the skull mouth yes please take me on your magic journey this is like the ending of cats where like the giant hand comes down to reclaim Grizabella huh yeah I do you feel like a Jellicle cat take me up to that cat place [Music] Oh what now oh okay what whoa another giant hand what is going on I think this is the transition from human to robots Wow something oh hello oh okay word for your balance okay enter the eye of friendship oh boy oh oh now we're just in some other nightmarish hellscape great it helps when you have there we go so if it helps you tell which door it is all right what is this day yeah what is going on like this is having never done drugs I don't know this is like LSD the game but like good remember LSD the game maybe right not many of you do because no one watched that livestream but this is this is that game but better okay wait they made us deformed so everyone would fear us okay as in the husks yeah maybe I think it's the hostage every time you close your eyes I send these messages to help you oh that's nice that's very thoughtful of you thank you I mean not every time wait I have guided you this far yet you run from me do you think I'm trying to trick you this is our little friend okay okay you can do that there you go oh there we go oh hey oh there we go oh okay okay let me offer my fire to you right come on baby live across the logical steps okay oh there we go I don't run from you I see now that we are the same you and I that you are my protector we are BFF oh okay that's super cool he's like why do you run for me why do you think right come on now have you considered that you are like terrifically terrifying give me back my other eye oh damn it what view as a hoax cognitive transfers murder cognitive transfer does not preserve life it steals it whoa oh man so okay so our cognition was being transferred from a human to a robot right but it's a lie they actually steal your soul through your eyeballs right and then you become a husk then you become a hot and the husks of the victims so it appears there we go there's still gonna be the things that ultimately try to kill us so like fine ooh whoa no no whoops oh yeah you're fine they're like yeah we didn't really want to do a climbing mechanic so let's just have him fall down that's fine that's perfectly normal he's a robot he'll do great right all right flashlight oh hey finally look at that never a good sign huh rarely although I will say props to this game for giving us a flashlight that actually does stuff like this is ice yeah this is like mag light here okay all right over there and then the others another arrow going this way oh god here shimmy over there's a wall there you go luckily they don't have the best of hearing yeah I pride myself on my quiet walks we're just gonna walk he's gonna come up this way I'm just afraid of any like visas now right the game like says Oh play games like this it suddenly like gives you bases right uh is this like is this like the finale Chris that what's going on here ah this feels finale like bill that's know what that feels like a dead end actually okay all right there we go Oh elevator action yay okay oh hey welcome back to Aperture Science right we do what we must care cuz I can rise it I'm sure oh are you kidding we can't go in there I feel like this is uh oh come on now right the door is literally open if you cannot open the door and it is literally open honey what are you doing with yourselves like what useless of robot have you concocted in this nightmarish wait come on what the hell your eyes were still come on oh stop running from me yeah that sees that the moral of the story how's that running for us I should just leave is that it oh my gosh just give up oh man we're getting matted now we're getting mad at now Oh No so should I just you don't have a choice should I give up oh no no I'm him no escape oh no what the fart Nuggets is going on here oh no get out of there you poor husky come on husk Oh what the heck no she's our friends she's oh I don't know I don't think she is what no fat that's definitely that's not a friendly no no that's that's it that's not a friendly what oh yeah jeez oh okay just need to go put the J mouth that's that's a deep go I think the lesson is just keep going that covers it now wait here until a view employee comes wait so we're back to be giving what happened Wow Aperture Science right we do what we must wait this is a literally Stanley parable now wait there oh there's an exit and then there's the robot creature oh geez wait what do we do I think we hope I think we help it I think we help this thing I think it is our friend somehow for some reason I will help you no no just kidding no Oh poop now we're sinking through madness again kidding me come on what no oh no I'm her now oh oh yeah yeah there yeah it's okay good oh okay Matthew we're supposed to exit did you have any control there no so I'm gonna go over anything no so if I the reconcile the recollection ending you open your eyes what can I start from walking again here if I hit continue I'm just curious okay so it seems like okay alright let's go and let's see what else how did your I so should I have so nothing's hurting here I'm gonna help out the Haas and exit right the hospital looks like he needs to exit so if I'm if I need to help out the husks here guys hey awesome get out of there buddy you guys we got this let's do this bro let's do it oh oh that's the way to plan sorry guys you all look like rodents I broke us whoops sorry close your eyes the husk ending the husks open their eyes you opened your eyes the husk open their eyes apparently you can't jump off anyway can I go back can they run away let's just go back outside right no one geez that's a person climbing out of somebody's mouth that's a mouse person nod Keith I can move hello friend hello still alright no okay thank you mom oh that just broke the game oh okay alright that's that's very cool okay okay here we go let see what happens it looks like something ended close your eyes every now and then I fall apart the best ending everyone closed their eyes everyone close their eyes what hey guys thank you so much for watching this disturbing episode of GT live if you want to see the full uncut livestream with all the weird awkward Nissel then click the box to the left or if you want to see us play something equally trippy check out soda drinker Pro that'll be the box to the right that's uh so special great ones a special special game oh yeah and don't forget to subscribe for more cool games on Friday
Channel: GTLive
Views: 824,980
Rating: 4.9422731 out of 5
Keywords: close your eyes, close your eyes game, close your eyes game endings, horror games, horror, scary games, scary game, gameplay, game theory scary game friday, scary games friday, gtlive scary games, game theorists, gtlive scary game friday, gtlive close your eyes, matpat scared, matpat scary, matpat horror, matpat, indie games, indie horror games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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