Straight Shooter (1939) TIM McCOY

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he he [Music] a a [Music] it must have the bonds on it it's up in there somewhere come on [Music] come on get that now he hasn't got a thing on him looks like he was too smart for us BR yeah I thought it was fun of him wanting to hang on with them bonds could he have sold him without us knowing it no not a chance the only time Martin's been alone since we stuck up the train is when he was in bed then he must have HD him someplace around that ranch maybe you're right come on let's get [Music] going any luck no a wash out I still think the bombs are in the house no I've been over that place with a fine tooth comb the only thing I found was the map with the directions to dig here yeah it must be a phony well there's no use quitting till we find out come Martin wouldn't bury the stuff that deep a there's no telling what he'd do you boys digging for fish worms Oh don't shot mister I ain't no gay Mor you can fish if you want to I'm a bother you who are you jack Benson you called me Magpie silly name a it what do you want the guns make me nervous thanks pal looking for a job anybody send you here yeah oh I don't want to tell I'm giving you just 2 seconds to talk Lord the old lady she told me if I didn't get a job she'd just beat the tar out in me yeah what you do for a Larin oh Mis have a heart run him off the place L and if he hangs back throw some lead in his heels well I'd sooner find it out Bill lady than stay here with you guys believe me start moving if you fellas ate digging for fish worms what are you digging for exercise well [Music] J [Music] hey hey hello hello you have trouble Miss yes where can I get some water got a canteen right on the side you know water is a pretty handy thing to carry in this part of the country it certainly is hey I thought you were the one dying at first I am but I can hold out till I reach lone jaag the car can't you heading for Lone Jack yes what are you doing on this road you should have stayed on that cave Road 2 miles back there well I came this way because I wanted to take a look at well it isn't important thank you well don't think I was trying to pry into your business Mr Mr Martin how did you know my name just read it on the registration card oh oh it's too bad they don't tag horses that way isn't it I'm sorry my name is brown oh you don't happen to be any relation to Old Ben Martin do you what who is Ben Martin he's an old fell used to live down the road here a couple miles was killed short time ago people around here thought he had something to do with that big robbery was p a while back oh I see and because my name is the same as his you think I'm related to thank you well just up [Music] for for that must be it must be what what did you see in there well nothing I was just looking in so what do you want here well you see I'm in interested in abandoned farms and ranches and well this is a good Ranch not to be interested in well I don't see that that's any of your business lady this place ain't a healthy one to hang around it's haunted well I don't believe in ghosts that's just a polite way of telling you to get into your gas buggy and put as many miles between you and here as you can understand in trouble again Miss Martin who are you Brown's the name Sam Brown now you clear out of here you heard me you're rather sudden aren't you huh well that's my name sudden Sam Brown oh who was that fell I don't know but he gave you some pretty good advice what do you mean about staying away from this place it might be dangerous well I may as well tell you what I told him I don't believe in ghosts neither do I but when a fellow like Ben Martin Dies the way he did he's apt to leave a trail of danger behind him bear that in mind young lady [Music] a you say he called her Miss Martin yeah hey wonder if Martin could have told that girl where he h those bonds say maybe you've got something something there Slade you should have held on to her well that fell Brown was too fast for me I had my gun off but he winged me before I could pull the trigger now there's no use crying over spilled milk I'll hi tail it into town and see if I can get an option on the Martin place from the sheriff one of you keep an eye on that Martin girl okay I'd like to commodate you brown but it's impossible well what about getting a op on the place for a couple of weeks no suppose I PID but told against it too late for that now sale goes on as advertised tomorrow well in that case there's nothing for me to do but try to bid it in eh oh you won't have much competition that ranch has sort of got a bad reputation I've heard about that the goost to Ben Martin suppos to H to something like that [Music] is oh good morning Miss Martin we seem to be following each other around don't we I don't think so they FL young lady sh long that's right sit [Music] down I'm interested in the Ben Martin Ranch yeah what about it well if the deit isn't too much I'd like to pay it well you were the second one that's wanted to do that today who else wanted to the man who just left here that's right I the name of brown Sam Brown and I told him the same thing I'm going to have to tell you what's that at the highest bidder the auction tomorrow gets the whole shebang locked stuck and Barrel well I'm afraid that lets me out I hav't enough money to buy it well I'm sorry but that's the best I can [Music] [Music] do thanks here you're [Music] welcome [Music] howy H sh Have a Cigar well don't care for now say I was uh thinking about that Martin place you know it joins my Ranch at the back and I thought that maybe I could say what's this all about there's been three of you in here in as many minutes wanting to buy that place you think it was full of gold who got it nobody now to get a good price for that place with all of you interested especially those other two being strangers well maybe you and me could make a deal no come on Ed give me an option on the place postpone the sale for a week it'll be easy money Ed no can do BR that's what that fell Brown wanted Brown you say brown yeah Sam Brown and if I don't miss my guest he'll give you plenty of competition thanks for the tip I'll see that he [Music] doesn't [Music] light this you son of the G hello Mike by well I just about to give you up I didn't think you go to you but I got here as quick as I could what's been [Music] happening let's get under cover is that one of your grave diggers yeah he's a big moose of the outfit that's what I thought now that Martin R is going under the hammer tomorrow you lay load after that [Music] sail just a minute I've got something in here to interest you well look I'm in a hurry I know take much time how am I keep your hand away that gun now get up to your feet tell me that [Music] gun you can't get away with this well I seem to [Music] be time got all right folks we better get started hey can't you hold off a minute Sheriff rainard ain't here yet and: clock's the time and that's what it is now sale goes on as advertised now you all know this Ranch and those of you that don't have had plenty of time to look it over everything is included buildings land machinery and livestock of any now who's going to start the ball rolling who will give me the first bid $500 all right anything to get underway now who will make it a th000 what's the matter you're all tongue guide you know this Ranch is worth at least 5 ,000 come on speak up $600 $600 I'm bid now who make it seven 7 $700 it is I did 700 now the eight who'll give me the eight I hate to do this to you brard but you're have to get in my way $1,700 I bid for this plate 7 1700 1700 once $1,700 twice 1,800 well that's better now who will make it 1,900 do I hear the 2,000 do I hear 2,000 2,000 Ah that's it that's better competition makes the world go around I bid $2,000 now do I hear the 21100 who's going to give us the 21 I now it's no skin off of my nose but I call it a highway robbery to sell this place for $2,000 $2100 $2,100 I'm B now the 22 22 how about it SL 23 are you all through 23 25 2600 Slade I'm finished $2500 I'm B going at $2500 one $2500 twice third and last call and sold to Mr Brown here for $2,500 by the way you'll find your friend brainer down at the barn I think he needs a little help find everything in apple pie order [Music] another old time you made about as good a job of hiding that money as you did at grabbing it didn't [Music] [Music] you looking for someone look your hands up quick why the girl let get a look at you s well it is Miss Martin what is this a hold up because of a is you're a little late for my money I paid it all out to this ranch today why did you buy this place I bought it because I liked it I guess what are you after well I may as well tell you you right about my being related to Ben Martin he was my uncle but I didn't know anything about [Music] him you wrote mother though that that picture was very valuable that one doesn't look very valuable does it no I guess I made a fool of myself well no maybe not you know tell you what we could do we could have it valued and if you still want it why maybe we can make a deal thank you I guess I better go now I left the car down the road I'll go along with it if you don't M thank [Music] you [Music] well what are you doing here at this time of the night listen I was just down at Martin place they're both inside Brown and the girl and they're talking about that painting of Old Ben that hangs on the wall the girl said Ben wrote the picture was worth a lot of [Music] money that's it the picture when you searched that house did you look that picture over well no I didn't see how they could hide anything in that well if he left any directions as to where he hid the bonds that's just where he left them come on [Music] inside [Music] [Music] I'll go down and sound him out you wait here and don't let anybody see you no hard feelings Brown everything's fair in Love and War well I'm glad you feel that way about it you know uh I meant to buy this place you beat me to it well I was afraid of competition did you uh care to sell that a fair price well one your Fell's name Brown yes I'm Brown I'm sure L of that I blak this fell for a job and he turned me down Sheriff said you want to hire a hand well I guess maybe I could use you go up to the house I'll talk to you later thanks B you were saying you'd like to buy this place yeah what do you take for it oh about half a million half a million well I figure I ought to get about that much out of it you mean you don't want to sell well not exactly not just yet anyway I want to see how things work out I see well I'll be dropping in again sometime do I'll be always glad to see you well the bit's G already they didn't waste much time did they do you have a chance to look around I looked through that Barn pretty thoroughly but there's nothing in there Martin was too smart he wouldn't hide them bonds where he couldn't get to him in a hurry well you look through everything in the house tear all the furniture apart if you have to but we've got to find those bars leave it to me I'm the best little search in the world Brown knows that stuff is hidden on the ranch now either he's working with the girl to get it or he's the law the law do you mean to I don't know what to think but here's what we've got to do I'm going to see Slade now you ride into town and watch the girl and if she happens to meet Brown well you know what to do right [Music] hey pal did you buy an old buddy a little drink I I sure need one I ride pretty hard for couple of days someday I'll get a pretty good job and I I'll pay you back on it for [Music] well get together on N going get out of here [Music] thanks a wise guy eh well no I just want to get a drink with all well I'll teach you not to be so smart just a minute I wouldn't do that if I were you yeah what's it your business well I'm making it my [Music] [Music] business now don't try [Music] that looks like Jim picked the wrong chicken that time yeah may all either come on sit down drink [Music] thanks yes sir what's your pleasure gentlemen b s for me and li no got [Music] oh how you [Music] go don't ground [Music] yourself when the storm up up in the sky the cowboy sings When the L and cattle and cry a cowboy sings A by a cowboy sings to the St and he sings to his love and the wh and he sings to his love as he drums and he plays there's a song at the end of the tra things of his love as he strs and he plays there's a song at the that Mexican might come in handy sometime and round dra night a cowboy [Music] see GL H GL [Music] [Music] hey here now the next time you try anything like that somebody's going to get [Music] hurt come on police you're going with why nothing never mind get going all right [Music] he on [Music] [Music] come boss ain't at home oh the you I wanted to see what's on your mind I'm Miss in that picture that's funny Brown said to me before he left and watch that picture he said it was sure valuable well I want it and I wanted to pay for it hey wait a minute mister I'm on his folks that is up to a certain point sure you are and I admire you for it but there wouldn't be any harm if you sort of left me alone in this room for about 5 minutes I'd like to accommodate you but I can't do that not while I'm here alone well that would look kind of suspicious like well you know I could take it better keep your hand with my gun Mister i't as honest as I might be but I'm pretty fast on the draw all right as long as you're open for a proposition here's what we'll do well that man was at your house yeah I'm sorry he didn't stay are you sure you don't know that fellow well of course I've already told you and you didn't know when you came here that Jim Martin and men got away with a half million dollars with the government bonds if I'd known that do you think I would have come here no I don't suppose you would that's the reason why the best thing you can do is fill your tank full of gas and get right back home back home but you said that I know but there's going to be a lot of trouble around here people are going to get hurt or killed or sent to jail there's no place for a girl but when I wanted to leave you insisted I yeah but if that time I thought that I knew something about the missing Bond well no matter what you think I'm going to see this through all right have it your own [Music] way then what happened well allowed myself to be persuaded after you give me a chunk of money you think they'd go through with it the way you plann oh absolutely oh oh hello looking for ghost well let's say by way better get away from that window what's the matter if there is a ghost out there you'll probably have a sick shooter and would' make a fine Target standing in front of that window even you are no better than that then you think that I [Music] think [Music] [Music] there he is he's coming [Music] back [Music] [Music] is it a golf nobody will be if you get within range [Music] [Music] it seems kind of silly to me a grown up person playing ghost to scare somebody but he helped to gain well that's just it picture it's gone well I'll be horn swago well there's the answer to your question when the ghosts Drew us outside they came in and grabbed me well maybe there were left alone now they've got what they want they haven't got what they want and when they find it out that's when the real fireworks are going to [Music] start I there once all right there's a hole that drill in the frame there's a clug that was in it H Brown beat us to it we got to do something quick he won't waste much time uncovering the stuff well where is it what did you find in there not a thing Brown found it first that's what you say well that's true that's right Luke me and slate got the picture just as we planned yeah just as your plan I'm good enough to do the dirty work for this outfit to do the fighting and take a beaten but when it comes to plans I get double cross you ain't been double crossed as for your work you've been paid for it we don't pay you for what you know is that right yeah well I know plenty and there's lots of folks would pay to hear it don't do that [Music] [Music] St who's that man that TR try hard old boy tell me who are [Music] you what's up Slade Brown just shot Luke green you seem to it yeah down the road about a quar mile Brown comes out of the wood and down rot before he had a chance I didn't have no gun till I came to get help let's go what up your hands Brown now you don't think I killed this man D he shot some Ambush that's the man Sheriff I saw him oh so you're the fellow that ran away from my place so fast the other day I'm beginning to understand now this gun just been fired yes but it wasn't pointed toward that man we left the judge decide that go on your horse Brown [Music] you lock me up sherff I'm going to have a hard time proving my innocence you darn right you will come on [Music] [Music] Brown No Use he's got too much of a head start let us head for his place why don't be silly he wouldn't go there listen that Martin girl's working with him she'd know where to find him maybe you're right let's go have you seen anything of Mr Brown no but I wish you'd come back I'm worried worried H yeah well he's been work Miss and come out of it without any scratches on his eyes what do you mean oh you know that devil make care look he is you think he's one of Ben Martin's men well I don't believe it I don't know who he is or what he is but I do think he's honest come in where's Brown I don't know he went into town what do you want with him he's wanted for murder he shot and killed Luke green a couple of hours ago I don't believe it no and maybe you'll tell us who Brown is and what he's doing around these parts I don't know why you here miss Martin but I think you're mixed up in this deal somehow but we'll catch up with him what do you know about this fell Brown not a thing I'm just to hired help here I never saw the man till the other day that's right Sheriff he came this R looking for work before Brown came well I guess he's not here but I leave one of my men to watch the place just in case he shows up come on man I've got some work for you to do [Music] well here's how it looks to me if Brown took anything out of that picture frame can't carry it around well if it's in that house that Martin girl knows where right Wayan you take care of that guard [Music] yeah did you hear something [Music] no [Music] la [Music] what about that hi out the [Music] guest come in keep your hands away from them guns now what do you want you got some business with a little lady you better speak your little piece to me ra for the [Music] [Music] ceiling it kind of look like you fell to hold of Pat hand where's the paper Brown took from the picture paper I don't know what you're talking about quit stalling we're going to hunt for it till we find him and I'm going to start in by searching you wait a minute braer she don't know anything about that paper I do he's lying brainer he tricked us once no I didn't you got your picture I saw Brown Put a paper in his pocket so I stole it s look like a chart or plan thought maybe we might make a bargain well come across I reckon you men must be part of that old Ben Martin butts part of them where all of them if you expect to see daylight again you better hand over that paper oh sure sure I'll going fooling [Laughter] think about of it [Music] you Fells are who you say you are I guess you got a right to [Music] her here now remember just as soon as you see me go inside the [Music] house this is it listen fellas Big 10 yard further from the house near the Rocks down by the oak tree now this is it all right tie him [Music] up nice shooting Captain these fellas just made a b they're the only ones left the Dan Martin gang that's fine when we take that bullet out of loop that'll prove who's done killed him now get up and get over there you B I might as well tell you that map you were so interested in is a fate I made it myself the bonds were hidden under the floor of this very room I sent them to Washington this morning who are you anyway oh I'm sorry Miss Martin allow me to introduce Captain lightning Bill Carson from the Federal Bureau of Investigation light and B Carson that's right get going so you're lightning Bill Carson but why didn't you tell me Well when I first came here I I thought you might be one of the marking gang oh you did well do you still think [Music] sir you know when I first met you you were trying to buy this wrench yes but you own it now well uh you think you'd consider uh a half interest well but I don't think that I have it's a deal
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 141,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, Ben Corbett, PUBLIC DOMAIN, FILM, Julie Sheldon, Tim McCoy, CLASSIC, #classicmovies, filmstruck, FREE, Cowboys, Straight Shooter (1939), Movie, classic movies, classic movie
Id: gLNx_WUgZYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2013
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