Gunfighters - Western Movie, starring Randolph Scott, Full Length Classic Feature Film, English

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] get Brazos damn you sorry Brazos it just kept working on my mind had to find out which one of us was fastest on the draw that's all right tom that's the trouble we're having a big name for gunplay I suppose every pup in the country I'll have to try you sooner or later are you making a kid he's gonna live Brasil's no killing this time yeah here are your guns back keep them no gunfighter can hang up his guns not with the record that you've got Brussels can I why you can't walk this street two days without your guns on and I don't want to have your murder on my hands you won't get that Tom I'm leaving my guns in this town forever it'll be the same why don't you go oh no it won't I'm joining my old pal Bob Tyrell and going back to riding the range so long precious [Music] so long when your best friend tries to Beach to the draw it's time to put up your guns but it was the same in the Panhandle Wichita Dodge living a dying depending on who whipped out his gun first but all that's in the past so goodbye to the guns and may arrest in the patient of a head here's my chance to start a new life in a new country some date I have a few head of cattle your own Corral drawing water from your well instead of guns from your holster get out there now there it is the end of our journey old man in skips ranch there below where we'll ride the range with Bob Tyrell [Music] is that danske plan hello inside steady boy [Music] [Applause] member [Music] Bob Terrell [Music] Bart has been some sort of killing yeah where I don't know but something up the house talking to the old man uh-huh you did what you the nearest neighbors I could find so I wrote over to give the word yeah so I see he was killed by a single shot through the wishbone his name was Bob Tyrell how come you know his name's he and he didn't get there to leave his dead used to know him someplace else I didn't skip outfit again huh oh sure naturally that's the trouble of those one horse to cow outfit sitting in on us nowadays can't take care of themselves or anything else oh well Bard send a writer to tell the chair no wait a minute I better get deputy on no need to bother mr. banner I'm going on in I'll see him you said your name was what I didn't say oh well it's all right getting pretty late for it stranger to be drifting around I've no gun or nothing put him in the tack room Bard okay thanks but I'll put up in town take care of his horse for him that's sure a pretty pony you got there but he looks awful tired maybe all right well you just know I'm right let me tell you something young I'm sick of all this dilly dally shilly shally where the killer always gets turned loose if you catch him alone maybe you'd like to handle this stuff yourself we took care of ourselves just fine for a good many years and we didn't have to get legal to do it we can go back to our own guns any time go right ahead there you go again always blowing up like a spooky cult look what you've got this time I'm putting your man right into your hand hey where do you think you're going to my good Spurs Oh these your Spurs now you look here Jane you put him back right where you got him just as soon as you're through with him yes Father no reason why this case can't be cleaned up quick and that's the way I want it that's the way you'll get it in I better had if I Ain't suiting you banner I can be riding along any old time I wouldn't try that either if I was you you're just a little bit too popular some other places for that you don't think that it stopped me do you well I don't know I know it wouldn't that's why I like you I guess good luck [Applause] hisses at me up you're under my orders mister get on your horse wrong orders but automate a war room first that'll help you come out even you might as well know it you're under arrest for murder so I gathered I didn't find a gun I guess he must have thrown it in the creek that's nothing I didn't find a bullet that killed a kid either he didn't find a bullet no Helen you'd better go back and look for it again don't you think you sure ahead what do you mean by that the killer might be interested in that bullet someday come on come on get mounted in skip ends get what about him I thought you said you didn't know him never saw him in my life I was sure hoping somebody would fetch him without very much delay start drifting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Johnny Johnny work mr. Ian dip Bob Tyrone sorry Johnny but fours mr. Ames get mr. Innes give a stranger came to our place he's been arrested honey just just a minute I'll take your time tell me easy so I can understand I strangers interested in our place he asked for you mr. Ames get it yeah [Music] you always travel this haul off the road when we have business at rolls Ford we do I've noticed you watching for a chance put the pig and string on him tally cap not her fast cap not will do hold his pony Rick right sir cheese pockets and those saddlebags kicked that bedroll open go three saddlebags we know you killed him mister why I gave you the right answer how much would that change your plans not one inch that's what I thought whitey toss your rope over that limb we don't shoot on our men mister not in this country only hang um huh there's a letter in the usual junk I'll take the letter drop it on him boys Helen Oh hold it in skip nobody tells you in on this they'll know where to get you if you're wanted something you wanted to see me about son Bob Tyrell you'll be under arrest yourself in another minute I shut up I just want to kind of get close to the border to hear what he's got to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this getting kind of monotonous I don't like it any more than you do that ain't much what's the funny story this time I stayed back to bring in skip in I swear to heaven sheriff I was just trying to help that so we was asking the killer a few questions and this old Pelican rides up and cuts him loose well somebody had to do some you Cetaphil was trying to get away he was all joking aside sheriff I I just just miscalculated my ma'am that's all no II didn't come on I'll take back my letter dad him is it yeah how come you run into in skips a custard untimely I knew Bob Tyrell loved him like a brother I supposed come clear over the divide just looking for Bob was a good friend of mine too bad there's no way for him to say so there is a way come on with that letter yeah let me see it yep sign Bob Tyrell addressed a friend Brazos that's you huh mm-hmm not much of a case against friend Brazos don't look like to me Travis gain gain the gunfighter from the Panhandle war he's all mixed up don't you believe it oh you what a joke you don't remember me all right but you remember Mike the night he was born you'd with 20 boys for the doctor ha ha if you wouldn't have been dead oh yeah he wouldn't be here you remember this first you gave him perhaps you don't want to remember perhaps you're ashamed of all Jim sure I remember why you ugly old jumping beans oh you will must break my heart why this can't be little Mike oh sure [Music] [Laughter] alright let's break up this homecoming cook him a good dinner Jose charge it to me hey hold it I keep it you don't have to tell me you ain't turning this killer loose are you oh now don't put it that way there's your men look mighty dry why don't you take them over to the bar and buy him a drink just charge it to me take all these other good folks here too and give all inskipp an extra tall come on AG man time treasure might feel that a little I got a father Jasper are down dead stagnant going to sleep with a fly on its nose I'm sorry we can't expect a man like you to settle here but I realize you're used to plenty action sounds like the place I'm looking for it does mm-hmm well now wait a minute let's kind of talk this thing over too bad you weren't here a while back right now we're coming into a bad season sand storms occasional tornados and hot well right along here one day my horse caught a fire everything about California sometimes I knew you'd see it my way it ain't exactly that I expect any trouble it's just that fellas often get the wrong idea and I taste the after killer you know I'd like to get out of here myself Thanks you explain to N skip tell em I had something I had to do you bet I will good luck on your trip sure wish I was going with you hey wait a minute wrong way that is the way to California this is a shortcut hey mr. banner you huh back again I guess so I wonder could I borrow horseshoe nail I thought the posse took you to the chairs Oh kinda kindly we saw they got separated on the way but we met at the sheriff's office I don't see what the sheriff's say he spoke a few words on the climate of California California said he aim to go there someday now what was at the nail for it looks like I'm about to lose this shoe I hate to lose things you know nails are in the tack room much obliged he's confusing 80 my name is Han orchid was me shot it out with PAC winners up at dodge you probably heard how I hope I ain't heard nothing they said you could stand a little more edge put on your outfit that's though we'll see that kid get some grub with you yeah you're little late getting there auntie I had to do some of your work well I was chucking drunk uh-huh Oh your bedroll in the bunkhouse yep still looking for the nail there wasn't anything wrong with that shoe why didn't suppose there was you've still got it haven't you I have haven't you oh sure I think so have you told anybody about it well no not that I remember I want you to know I I sure appreciate what you've done for me it was nothing really or was it I know I had no right to give it to you well it was awfully nice of you anyway say am i mumbling today oh no no I thought it was lovely what was what we were talking about you giving me a present I guess look no offense but does any half witness run in your family the dough seemed to be a little shortness of memory oh well never mind I'll take it off your hands now Oh shucks I meant to keep it always always what on earth for why does it keep sake I'm afraid it has to be used to hang a man now wait a minute just what was that you gave me a rope I put a bullet in your hand this morning at the water trough bullet it was a bullet to kill Bob Tyrell now let's see it sister because I have to have it she doesn't have your bullet I haven't I guess I'm going blind she doesn't look anything like you I'm sorry I take back what I said about half witness I'm half witted oh that's all right me coming to you I'm sure you can trust her I hope so she's my sister yeah I thought she was your sister you thought you would mean [Music] [Applause] are you good-looking never mind ah hi well what's the matter with you did you bust something or what I'm more sand than a road through Texas when you drag me into this oh honey look how you got that stench fixed when I could throw a dog through it forgot to get your wallet back didn't you alright I'll get it move your leg you won't get it somebody's got it how they have where is it that's where I can get it if I decide to uh-huh and you better decide - I'm stink don't you tell me what to do you happen to be a hired hand around here and that's all you are is that so you come on down here all right I'll get you a bullet that's more like it honey always could mix me up couldn't you it's good for you I kind of hope you stay around this country gets down little straightening out it's pretty near straighten out me maybe I better get you your bullet now wait a minute keep it for us [Music] [Applause] oh yeah all right mr. Ince cab ain't here Thanks just practicing mind if I watch mm-hmm my pal Bob Terrell was killed yesterday I'm he's gonna fight again it name appraisers came Bob was tracking down the cattle rustlers we've been raiding the small ranchers and I heard they let Cain go - like they always do if their killer works the right outfit that's why I'm brushing up look Wild Bill names Johnny O'Neal are you sure you got time team like that why don't you try kind of throwing the bullet in there all it is how yeah thank Mike is my side right his belt it's alright he wouldn't mind well go ahead okay but this is kind of too bad why after you kill the spoilers can you realize you'll be a mark man every drunk in the country will want to try it keep your hand open it's just slap and kind of wipe it out of the leather how's that tried slow a few times you know you just can't kill one man and forget it every man you beat has friends the more you win the more come against you you've got your choice between getting famous and getting rigor mortis maybe this is slick clamp the trigger in the hammer both at once then let the hammer slip us your swings uplevel see how easy after a while when you're famous if you still live oh come a day when your own best friend thinks he's forced to try and kill you if you can oh you're just stretching it gosh what could be slicker than that I sure thank you sir that's alright I wish you change your mind about this Brazos Cain why should you care what happens to him can't seem to help it I'm Cain don't do it Johnny please don't do it that's another lesson for you I wish someone had given the same to me long ago Johnny I didn't kill Bob come on we'll tie this up [Music] yes Jane now this is what I was talking about now this is the western United States yes and all this east of the Rockies the Great Plains the Buffalo gasps that was a Collins paradise once that we lost it all first come the little ranchers then the fences then the plows until now the grass has gone forever the wind gullies out the prairies night and day say the boys I got a she-wolf stand right there and they said it now the old you starts again little ranchers edging in next the fence next the dry farm plows and the last great cattle country will be gone you know something I think that hen orchids about the trifling-ass cowpoke we've had around here yet you ought to know you study on him enough listen you two I'm sluggin my brains out the whole dis range for you and I'll hold it while I live but if you two don't realize your danger do you know where you may find yourself someday after I'm gone we're tricking in Peabody store hmm I'll tell you what I'd like to learn how do you want this Colt doctored with the banner your head with you you to study a piece gee you're acting funny you'd tell me if anything was wrong wouldn't you of course I would we should forget this bard Mackie our own father started out as a ramrod I know but this is a different copy stricter your tossing loop set Brazos why I only kind of like him don't you has he noticed maybe I can get him to notice he knows old horse pants but Klein she tries on her my dresses take anyone you want except this help one Vince there is something wrong with you [Music] what's the matter pop by the way you can't expect much help around here most everybody works for matter one way or other and anytime that fella finds a little Rancher like me going broke and that sudden God Santa why he's so cuss at big why is so darn biggie surrounded mostly by himself makes it pretty nice for his girls pretty nice for his girls you talk like Johnny that messy batter is so pretty she's prettier than a newborn cold in the parlor I guess it must be pretty nice to run a few head have a place of your own yeah and if you don't get killed your bet in the meantime you know we ain't got the slightest idea who killed that boy yes we have come in I was looking around a little I was to ride as I saw leaving here it seemed a little careful about where they set foot well I actually need it maybe you overlooked this what boy wears a boot like that that boots made to order then there won't be any more like it well then food was never walking very car I'll guarantee you that what about Reata I'll him kids over there never had a bull or in their life I think we can find him find him without evidence we gotta find him yes [Music] one of what she wants and depends on which one it is Wow how are you fine I I just wrote over to well I thought I'd want you step down something's about on we got biscuit nothing my father wants to know could he see the tally cotton straightens get made over the paiute mountains Charlie took it over this morning oh I didn't know [Music] maybe I'll just looking for a horse now I just now put all of our nails in the coffee anyways why don't you have a cup oh well I guess I can you know this is a very special occasion don't usually get over this way you want to make it more often one thing about blue jeans they never catch hold of anything so I've been told ya know I'm gonna go see if we got enough no key [Music] still no guns I don't wear them anymore they drag down your belt you don't know how much I wish you meant that I kind of hoped that you'd believe me you know I was thinking a man could make a start if he drove in a herd of cattle and it won't take money it's a wonderful big meadow a few miles of Sycamore Creek yeah I I believe I know where you mean I kind of spotted it riding in make a great place to build lay out plenty of grass for the top horses that's right I thought a a nice table would look good in the bend of the creek that's where I planned it and had the house of above among the big sycamores and we'd plan a double row of cottonwoods about four miles of them where we bring the road up to the house yes that's it and and over here where the this green comes over the rocks what's the matter seats is a lot of straightening out to do before we come to anything like all that you will get it done may take longer than we think [Music] [Applause] it's Johnny hey you shut up against a mom and I'm Oh Sam - that was you getting different why don't you sell at home let's get him inside the big wrestling Wendy going on Mike a tight rope right into the why didn't you say so it's all right though I posted them up I sure rode the heck out of that Wild Bunch sit down yeah look at this hey wait a minute that's my shirt if it's always long back on but that certain ain't gonna heal up boy I sure scattered that Wild Bunch I was riding out a slippery gamblin when all of a sudden now below I seen his herd maybe 800 head and then when I saw eight or nine riders push him along well I figured maybe it was taking him someplace wait you didn't let him did you no sir I rode right in again pepper and Adam wait just a minute maybe after brand inspection will stop this rustling hmm hey son why don't you ride over there tomorrow I kind of think I'll go to town I gotta see a man Rogers coming tell me you want some coffee black yeah this is my office and that's what it says on the sign oh we don't mind boggled I like you want to go to California say I'm awfully nice you know he's just making out why don't you go to California if you had a friend Oh be trampled in skips cattle rated yesterday Johnny and Neil broke it up luckily he didn't recognize any of them luckily if he had known him I suppose they're to follow them in and kill him like the dead Bob Tyrell oh now you're just guessing that's my job I'm a professional guesser and I don't think if you were ready at least if he guess beneath all the ways a bull's-eye oh I know just how you feel your friends been killed here and naturally you want to do something about it kiss Kaden we've got to run this country either with our guns or without him we can't go on with this halfway thing I can raise 50 men in ten minutes I got a jail and a fine corral gate for hanging now if you'll just kindly leave it to me this whole thing will be handled without you turning a gun providing we can find who's guilty all right it's a deal put it justice you see you handle the whole thing providing somebody else does all the work Oh quick which am I you're the Bronco what say can you help me I want to take this basket to the Padre sure beloved what no guns why aren't you armed to the teeth why are you that dangerous you're supposed to be the dangerous one I don't believe you're the great Brasil's keen at all lady I'll be very glad to leave it just that way [Music] no Johnny I need was right he told me you were prettier than a bunch of violets stuck in the air of a red cow what did you say passive flapjacks huh I think that's what I said I don't understand you is that all you're interested in your stomach [Music] it just came to me I am interested in something else I'm interested in you how are you much I believe I'm more instant new than anything that ever wore boots when did you find this out I guess maybe it came to my face when I saw your ride something about the way you sit a horse glad you like it I'll never forget the way you looked way off and the Twilight Twilight oh is this that night at the end skip ranch [Music] I'm a father I brought you a basket [Music] this is very kind you are good people carried in for you no thank you my son I can handle it please remember me to your father and thank him for me my son goodbye father I never go Xion skip branch oh you remember sure you do I happened to be riding in sent out the long L and you waved at me it wasn't me it couldn't be how could you forget it when it happened on such a special night the night bob was killed there I wasn't there was no one near there sure sure I can be wrong honey nobody's disputing you are you are you gonna get in thanks but I just found out I have to spend the day here how the other senorita [Music] wine for brazos especial [Music] but brothers Wicca hmm it is time to eat again oma joy when I came in just a couple hours ago but in giving is good for you it makes your hair curly what do you want to eat with bee Oh anything anything that's good auntie bit bees there's my best dish to than Maria Pablo come on breathe oh it's helada oh come on hmm are you gonna eat all my brothers can't do anything I saw be one shoot an Indian and a quail for dinner at the same table in one [ __ ] magic opinion no coffee he didn't agree Indian Kapoor he could be the quail well you surprised to see me not especially and maybe you was expecting me huh I was expecting somebody but I didn't know if it do you I'm sorry to bother you like this you know we're willing to put up with a lot around here you sure are there's just one or two things that we don't like very much for instance well for instance we're a little bit particular about how people talk to our girls that's understandable like today you told best banner she was the inskipp ranch when she shouldn't have been me makes us feel real bad when a man says a thing like that it would be too bad if I had to say it again yes what but she won't have time because you're leaving as a matter of fact I never seen a man leaving this country so fast no I'm right sorry to hear that mm-hmm and this thing you're not wearing any guns some people might feel they couldn't shoot you unarmed I think that's kind of a foolish notion don't you personally I don't feel it getting myself shot is gonna add to my happiness at all I see your viewpoint now are there any other questions you want to ask no I I believe that tells me everything I need to know that's good this is what he's been eating we got very little to worry about it do you looking for me I'm looking for the sheriff ooh sheriff's out of town if you've got any business I'm in charge here can you handle a murder charge if good solid facts are laid down against who bought make it for instance Bob Mackie uh-huh I thought I had you pegged you and I both know a little more than it's good for us don't we I should have hung you in the first place tell you boys you run into something you couldn't handle [Applause] Brazos turn around I've taken all off of you aren't gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I'll take him for you I can took back winners up in Dutch how do you want it sunny side up or let him go [Music] take care yourself I may need you later [Music] you Fathead you played your cards well enforcing bought magazine but why did you open your big mouth - you know you're in for it I thought I better get Bob's gun shined up for you the way things are going around here that's quite a nice Johnny but it's a good gun I know thanks anyway but I tell you what you can do for me get a message to Jane banner Jane huh say you know something and banner girls is pretty in a red white and blue suit of clothes on an Indian girl sure till I want to see her right away not later than tonight JC has a sister maybe if utilizing a party she's keeping something for me wanna lock your hair something I need for hanging a man Oh telegraph pole yeah a telegraph pole I got the bullet you did that's good it's a little late for that I don't think we can afford to have a man walking around who knows that you saw Bob killed what did you do only get out of town as huh do you think you will he do it now I don't imagine he will he's just another one who's gonna have to be convinced my hand what if he won't put on his gums well honey that's up to him there's no end to it in skip will fightin Johnny O'Neal it would let him walk out alone maybe they will with you fetch him out for me but I won't he's too good for you you'll kill your shows anything look honey your father fought hard for this range for a long time I some parts of this country had to be paid for at the rate of about one dead man of the mile it isn't worth it barn this isn't just a ranch he's built honey it's more than that it's well it's kind of like a kingdom you know we built it for you and me naturally we'll look we'll build a place off in the corner there somewhere for your sister oh I told you before get out of here and stay out and that goes for the South half of Colorado and New Mexico too well how about the other end you arrange Kansas and Nebraska well as far as I'm concerned you can stay out of them too okay now look here Johnny look gosh you know something you're just prettier in a bucket of lemon pies in a flower bed today oh that's very nice I thought that one up on the way over you please all your pies somewhere else look the process has to talk to Jane it's very important if he doesn't something Awful's gonna happen all right I'll tell her a woman's do you meet her by the old mission after supper no please get out of here [Applause] every rider from here to Mexico knows you tell it straight to Bob Mackie well I'll admit I played my hand a little previous Johnny but in this sort of a game a man can't deal twice what's the matter put the lantern on that peg some horse's saddle but in the dark hey it's Brazos Kane in there depends on who wants it we got a letter for you from Jose Jose just a minute I'll get the ladder you better not go santa cover that lobby after you know what could possibly come if you go to the mission [Music] mighty sultry weather we're having Micah's kind of weather wait a minute I still don't think you and your sister or anything alike this that sister of mine I thought she was running a Houlihan I'm glad I came on London mister what did Jane say to tell me and I talked to you on my own account oh I see you're another who wants me to leave this country and that right not exactly aren't you people afraid I'll feel unwelcome you are welcome I just want you to let this blow over so that you can be here you mean kind of take to the brush for a while why not pick yourself some wonderful enemies Brazos starting off with bill Yount and Bide macking don't throw off on Bob Mackie he can raise ride as a guest you from here to the border seemed like a lot of riders all right look you said you were interested in me how interested as much as is needful I should say not to get yourself out of this deadfall I promise to you mean if I'll hit the aloo trail better thou who trail in under the ground benefit still don't think I'm on your side do you know what do you think I'm doing here you have another reason what are you holding back tell you something I swear I will if you'll only get out of this you in love with Bart Maggie and I kiss you as I were in love with Bob Mackie was kind of expecting you johnny was over looking for you what he told me I was supposed to be here little trouble telling who's who'll brazos know he can tell us apart makes no difference he's got the right one of us after all I was wrong about you I've had time to realize that I don't like killers quite as well as best does I seem to know it's good for him I'll say that much if you want to go over the hill with him tonight I'll help you both of you talking through your hats all I want right now is the bullet there isn't any I turn it into the sagebrush as far as I could throw them now do you believe I quit you I don't believe that or anything you've said tonight now I know where the bullet went [Music] why did you try to send us away together you're in love with them you know you are I'd rather see you go away with him or anything to stop all this all this what I know you took the bullet this I know why have you said anything you know I wouldn't do that [Music] Oh Jana I'm sorry this there isn't anything we need to say [Music] well bless my heart of it in this messy way you're just in time look-look-look gingerbread thanks I made it myself hi joy I don't know how I done it mister in skip I have to find Brasil's you only ain't around here you try a hump some people are looking for yeah I know I know want to kill him bark totally mad already his bra was wearing his gums nine oh hey you want to know the secret of gingerbread yeah bear anything you can do to get Brasil's out of the country that's all in the world Bob Mackie wants hey wait a minute sisters how come you're so interested in bryozoans so good because I'm in love with him maybe doesn't fair for him to insist on getting killed he ought to leave well he leave when he gets good and ready but he hasn't got that kind of time for it Bob Mackie is waiting at monument Rock right now and had orchids with him oh you you rolled over with him did you well suppose I did the point is well just what they send you over here for to do I didn't say sent me over well they must have had some reason to see here they wouldn't have sent you I'm only trying to warn you well that don't sound like what Bart would plan more like him to send a girl were to coax out an unarmed man she won't let anybody tell you anything black breslin's King maybe like Bob Terrell few people will listen to anything what happens to you will be your own fault it was all over the monument Rock never mind well I suppose we're gonna hear that couldn't find him all right you've heard Hickey quite a while didn't honey considering nobody was there in skip was there we talked about Gingerbread you talk about gingerbread he'd made someone he was proud of it doesn't know anything about anything else Benja bread no some fresh game might go pretty good for supper might you write up on that hill see if an antelope don't come by here hmm what a look what antelope did your mind on your job do you know what you're getting paid for or not oh that animal yeah that antelope monument Rock a monument Rock [Music] oh hello [Music] taking another change of effort I won't have seen a face with the manager [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. n skip bras bras isn't that a girl what happened [Music] you [Music] you [Music] where's Brasil's inside [Music] I've been hunting you all day inskipp yes [Music] you are leaving aren't you not yet your guns are on in skips guns Brasil's I know you're going after Bob Mackie Am I I didn't do this I talked to him to keep this morning bars been with me ever since that proves something huh going after bod won't do you any good this isn't a cattle range this is a kingdom for 100 miles do you realize you can't ride into town I have to have it straighter than that I can't see anymore I'm thinking of someone who will not barn you wouldn't talk if you killed him inch by inch no I don't lady would but I know someone else who will [Music] I'll go with you chuckle I'll go with you now anywhere if you'd only get out of this range do you have any idea how an outlaw has to ride women rode with Joaquin Murrieta as men I can keep up with you I'm not so very different from Jane Brazos I'll make it up to you everywhere I know how you do all that for bored Maggie everything you've done has been for him hasn't it and now you'd even write over the different man if you thought that would help can't you understand you love a man he can do everything wrong yes I I understand best but you know there can only be one end to it sure I know [Music] there isn't anything left for me here or anywhere else please don't kill him Brasil's please don't advise us I can work my head let me go with you but he meant so much to me don't ever get the gun Brian Johnny it finds too deep Brazos I'm glad I ran into you Brazos don't you ride into this town you see that Street see how still it is would you believe this town is full of man well it is if you think it was payday on a Saturday night until you listen to the quiet might is still alright no whooping no hollering no fandango's puts me in mind a house still a horse stands just before he moans and blows up something like a wake it is awake and for a man that ain't dead yet Brazos all this lack of celebration is for you I'm afraid I've seen that before too where's young ah don't you go tangle with yond i brung myself to overlook you cuffing him around the street seeing he wasn't armed but with guns remember that badge it is don't die it just gets up and comes after you again in the shirt pocket of another man but if you open up against the law I'll have to come for it I got no choice I can see that too well you ride where you want now I'm looking back so long kiss Kaden [Music] [Applause] brazzers Keynes he wrote riding into town we got ahold of his horse already about 10 yaksa riding herd on ah nor the no PA you know I'm looking for him I think he's looking for you ain't hard to find well boys looks like hanging a night tonight I want you to circulate through town two or three of you together as soon as you located them send for me I'll be on the sheriff's office [Music] [Applause] [Music] well walked right into it didn't she I suppose you know you're under arrest lot of you people out the ante too many for your guns to take care of son I suppose that busting the door if they heard a gun go off wouldn't he you can bet on that let's see if they will Hecky just stand there fixing to have a drink might have been clean this gun didn't bust in the day I ain't gonna draw on you presence you might as well I'm sure gonna draw on you put down the hands it doesn't look nice from the street I'll keep my hands where I want are you gonna fight you tell you you don't have to you can talk instead I ain't got nothing to talk about never mind my shots count my guns yeah yeah I'm all right just shooting in a rap going dude I told you to hold it what are you gonna do left arm at the shoulder I'll talk hurry up manners the man you want we all work for him accepting kiss Caden and he turns his back why did he have Bob Tyrell killed Bob jumped him one night when they were rustling one of the small outfits around [Music] [Applause] [Music] they pose it's bras ooh [Music] it's Johnny [Music] yeah brothers keep your hand open it slap kind of wipe it as a leather like that [Music] you Jane I was hoping you'd be Jane [Music] did anyone see you write out no such a strange night it's worse still I wish there was some way to hold on to it maybe you and I can find a way Erasmus why did you have to go back to the guns I had to bear down on y'all I got the whole story out of NJ I guess I know our two best broke up and told me browsers please don't do anything to my father I know I think that he's been completely wrong but but everything he's done has been for besting me how can I hate him and and want him to die when when all his harsh ways come from loving I can't ask that but I can ask you I'm afraid not because if some some terrible defense were built up between us brad says it must be some way to tear it down that too many empty saddles on the chain [Music] [Music] it's alright there was nothing don't you remember what you told me the country's changing we don't need the guns anymore I was wrong it's changing all right but the change is coming too late for us you see you're forcing this fight when you can't even win it we can't always go by that not one man on your side you're not even safe here with me it's wrong away your life and spoiling mine too you think I want to live after you're dead I'm sorry Jane had to work out this way all because you only have one answer to everything just guns even when it's my own father that's one way of looking at it I guess then it was all a bunch of lies you're just a killer and you'll always be a killer there isn't any way Peter change I'm ready to believe you now you know that I can't ever come near you talk to you again [Music] well I've done about everything I can do I guess every man we got sat on the hunt think they can bring him in ain't supposed to bring him in they're just supposed to locate him it's cookies for me there's one rider coming in pretty fast don't know yet okay I hope this his news of where Kane is looks like you'd get enough of this gun slinging someday bird there wasn't a lick of sense in killing inskipp oh we didn't mean to kill in ski that was a mistake he's just as dead going someplace yes over night long with an axe I've been thinking it it'd be nice for you to take a trip certain amount of unpleasantness going on here that's going to I suppose I don't know what this is gonna do where would you be oh you don't know oh you won't need those mittens this kind of weather you'll be back long before your first dough couldn't get any real dog carve that out of a root their marks is where you cut your teeth on it got you a better doll he was - brought it on from dodging my saddlebags no clothes for it though so I got some thread and stuff and you and me made it some doll baby clothes oh please don't process Cain's writing in Kane writing in where have you gone crazy this here's molasses pies no more in a quarter mile out coming in straight up I can't believe it it don't seem like what a man would do it's because he didn't see him take on Belle young how do you want him to get his law and order stomacher right between the eyes personally I like the stomach it's a little more they quiet I'll match it for him I told you before keep all of us he's mine and we give him every chance to ride out kinda wish you took it looks like this is the way he wants it and that's good enough for me there must be some other way out of all this there must be we're in the position of being forced I guess I guess I never knew you at all we got our orders from the Sheriff's Office Jane we could have peace on the range now except for this one man there's always one more isn't there and we don't need any advice from you I know everything you've done I wanted to get away from here and let you think I didn't know but I do you've been talking to brothers King's been talking to my own sister yeah what did she'd send it I can't stay here any longer you've turned the two head into a murder Brad you'd say such a thing to me wait a minute you two we got a fight on our hands thought there was something funny about the reputation of yours Brazos in the back huh turn around [Music] anytime you feel lucky [Music] Rogers [Music] I didn't believe you could ever turn on me I can tell you Bob I Drive I believe it now I guess [Music] in some parts of this country had to be paid for the rate of about two one dead man of the mile isn't worth it Bart it isn't worth it Brown hood okay put your hands down thanks don't mention it Bart back in Kent all cut a dead I'm ready to bring charges against Bonner they've been brought brazo against your daughter best to who I brought him truth seem to kind of leak out of them hold your left and Billy on I'm gonna pursue you all the way to California where I ain't got any jurisdiction anyway now this time I mean it you get gone you these guns don't get any notches for that we are not proud we couldn't do without we are sorry and ashamed nothing left to do try again some new place [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 1,425,054
Rating: 4.5077276 out of 5
Keywords: western, western movies, western feature films, full length feature films, full length movies, cowboys, wild west, full movies, movies, full movie, full movie youtube, entire movie, entire movies, movies in english, movies in original language, watch films online, films for free, full film, english films, films english, free film, films, english movies, original movies, original films, cinema films, free movie, film english, full length films
Id: QLf7Z3SCy8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 54sec (5094 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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