Storage Diving Inside DEEP HEAVY BOXES Found In Abandoned Units And Lockers #26

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's up guys in the warehouse another day of the ventures unboxing as you can see we have the amazing Graham adventures I want to pause for a second and we have some stuff today we're doing really well let's give them a two second tour shall we tour okay so remember they probably don't remember that whole office was full this whole corner was full this area was full and right here was bulging out all the way over here and now we've flattened the curb so we've got all this in this cubby hole then we have all of that and all of that back there it doesn't go all the way back guys it only goes to about there so we've got kind of two rows of boxes one row of boxes and then this whole cubby hole here we have to undo and this is what we're doing today so as always before we open the box before we do it remember I keep saying this because I love that people are asking how can we help how can we help Wade and I we appreciate everybody seriously remember four things just so you guys know hit the thumbs up button that helps YouTube know that there's a lot of activity with the video and they'll push it out leave a comment even if it's just saying hello the more common YouTube sees that and they push the video up because they think there's activity and then share the video so on the right hand side on the bottom right hand side you can share it to Facebook groups if you can search your Facebook groups that would be amazing and then the last thing the most important thing is if you watch the whole video when you watch the whole video that means that YouTube's like why is everybody watching all of this video and they pushed up in search so we love you for that right grandma ventures this seriously helps us get what I like to read she loves to read the comments so even if you're a lurker and you never leave comments leave comments oh I used to be a lurker I am a lurker yeah she's lurker all right okay lurker come on let's open this box up what do we have what do we have we have a little red cabinet to rebuild okay oh it's rusty red I'm not opening that I'll open it all right you sure you don't want to open it oh these are just like could be smelly moths we don't know let me see let me see oh here don't smell add some juice to it that's disgusting that I will not open oh look what is watery coffee would be good for it I want it that's disgusting they have a purpose we just don't know what it is what is in that thing no that's gross okay I feel like today in the last video yesterday I feel like we've been back to the bottle unit a little yeah yeah okay so this is a frame of some kind okay it's a real heavy metal okay this box is going up great we may need it on some of this stuff wait there's some sprite for you oh that's disgusting as I took a drink of my drink oh that's gross dude this must be a magic experiment or something I don't know that's in there look how dark it is I know it's bright it's clear that's gross that's a bad sign that's oh I don't think Paula Moss I'll let you figure that out I think it's Moss it is and I think that probably farts and crops they use this really flaky right now oh yeah let's get all over a table okay next this box still going I'm gonna tip it up in a minute okay here's the red thing we need to put together what is it have you found that out yeah a red cabinet remember on rollers okay all right let me think I think this is a great box move on okay that's perfect all right here you go thank you we're starting we're starting up great today Oh cards I made cottage magazines oh and some clothes from the garden clothes from the garden Oh clothes for the carriage what that's completely two separate things I told you it's been an ax yeah well I forgot what show that was off of us ever do jeopardy yeah what do we got oh okay let's show them because I'm some of that stuff maybe vintage like that piece right there wood saw extremely well that's a beautiful piece it's pretty pretty purple and that's an old old piece to actually like black and purple oh yeah yep that's little piece right there that's beautiful it's going online this is by Hamilton Oh what whoa are you serious let's not get it dirty it says penitent on the - okay let me see let me make sure my hands are not dirty from that nasty Wow Wow this is beautiful this is fashion bag that's all I'm saying some of the stuff can be work good make big money online I love some I never I mean I've seen it here in this lot but I haven't sold fashion bug that's a cute top 20 W as well that will sell somebody will love that this has sparkles Wow look at that what who's it from ideas okay Oh interesting name and I've actually never heard of ideas before let me know in the comments if you guys have a little yellowing around the neck people love that what do you look sweaty look yeah yeah dig I'm fine this is boss yep I know boss boss pants I think we'll get into the garden clothes now Oh vintage Pendleton boom oh that seems crusty what is that hold on hold on that actually may be worth some money well let me see what's the brand studio something yeah so this is an old piece it's leather and looks and decent can yeah some issues but yep Larry okay now we have soft heat it is moister dry heating pad it has been used okay that would bother me a little bit if it's been moist and used oh when you say I worried me what's the neck oh so it's just random cups and stuff booty film it's all doing in there yeah you have to be careful some of it but yeah brand-new we'd love skill okay these are really nice cards they're new and they're in their own little baggies to keep them all nights with their envelopes wonder if these are homemade or you don't think they made these no because they kind of cut the same Oh as the oh yeah I'm wrong I'm wrong I think they made right yes they're beautiful though well that was an interesting box what do we got in there there's a wide assortment there's something different and each one of these little bad oh here's where the magazines come in I think from the hotels Oh a personal mail okay personal mail all right yeah we don't want to go through this okay the gift bags probably as far as we could go all right all right clean your table and we shall continue you guess what you get are you ready oh yeah well different this time well I I still get to clean it from the paper towels toilet paper but I get paper towels really you know I went to the store yesterday with Ashley we didn't know that that was my point zero toilet paper on the shelves oh not one anybody not one roll I kid you not no I didn't buy it I was in that I was in that aisle oh wow that's a industrial size like those things Vinny got dad oh my gosh that is a roll oh I'd love these kind of paper towels say I was complaining then there's always a silver lining yes always a silver lining let's see what you got and we have a prettier box this one it's pretty another one all right Oh Justine thing huh let's see what's in here that's awesome as you guys know we don't we like to know I don't out of all these boxes point me in the right trip point me in the right direction I don't know you're swinging that thing around though pretty nicely no wonder I try to buy too what is it yes okay it's a skittle out and then tell me the company they bought it from so we I think we should keep them altogether maybe another box in here and this is that the roller I don't know okay I'll show that in a second oh my gosh I wonder if it takes a special roller with these oh these are fish on walls yeah oh that's what it is Wow like for a kid's room yes yep all different I'll show I'll give you guys a better angle please we may wanna I do I don't know well you won't put them together cuz they're probably can't get them what if people don't like the same style you got ocean Southwest large dots Ducks wonder what they go for can you do yeah okay let me check let me well oh yeah I can't check all right let's do a little intermission and we'll show them on the eBay app shall we alright alright so let me pull up the eBay guys let's show you anything for a kid's room you paint the color and then do that in the color of buddy what you okay so they are you know this is not sold so they're about 12 bucks each and then you go sold okay so there's none sold not saying that there's none souls because I look into the UPC so a lot of people don't put you pcs in their listing so I would imagine this would be like 50 or 60 bucks wouldn't that be fun to have one for a one wall do one wall this is a meter gauge yeah because this occurred says crass one meter gauge but I wasn't sure it was in the right box yeah probably is yeah across the meter gauge I have no idea I don't know it's most craftsmen another brand table saws okay let's go to the next all right should I just file this right here sure I can't work we find that shredder I want to use this for packing in front of my own whoa oh you know what's broke it wow I didn't see it stuck in there what is it it's a little it's a little angel ornament it's porcelain a porcelain angel ornament and there's a bunch of them in here but they're all lightly steel that's all and there's dozens and dozens of them ok let's see what it looks like I will see how long it takes you to unwrap ah man Wow why can't you know I can sort of see blue let's just see okay I unwrapped one without cutting test this suggests let's see how long it takes you just no no well yeah but it's a challenge where you can take your time [Laughter] okay yeah I was right on the bottom and green on the top okay really cute so we're not gonna open all those just for the sake of time we're doing the unboxing yeah we can't open those well it would take a while yeah but they're all different I'll give you that well put them on grandma ventures Poshmark guys if you want to if you want to get them on there blink will be below stuff like that on there so if you want to buy anything from here it's probably gonna be on grandma best response mark link below acts like everything go sweep it this way sweep the angels this way sweetie isn't that a song oh no that's uh no that's all pretend I know song yeah there we go okay so let's go on to the next shall we get a good one in any throws you the toilet paper this might be something different than it has a tag like a Christmas tag Oh white now hand towels and washcloths okay Merry Christmas thank you it's what I've always done it and they're white they're actually white they're not yellowed in any way okay well so they they took them at ulta I bet they kept the door keys oh yeah what I'm just wondering if the motels Church them for that because this is a lot of towels and they know when they go back to the motel again cuz they always want the Holiday Inn that whole stack was Holiday Inn here comes the people we got to give them the cheaper towel make sure you don't you got me I have the first couple ones I cracked a smile but Darlene do not give them any extra shampoo okay we got frame frame pack that's what it's called no I think DISA $14 price tags on them back in oh three so they you know tanners driver I think they are oh these are frames you put two well I think you have to buy you have to buy two packages let me show let's skip the experts involved here I guess we shouldn't ask such hard ask questions yeah just take it for what it is says their frames yep these are frames you guys can see here a frame okay those beautiful let's move hey I'm gonna give you a good one for once I hope so there you go oh let's see if it's good or not it's mom's dolls [Applause] porcelain music doll Mandy this one has a name oh when that when they have names that Mamie may mean they are collectors huh not handmade old oh it's a baby doll oh the baby doll Oh Joey I said don't break it it's normal that's how they work back in the day and with their head up this is old and it has a look at you can lay it on and it's porcelain it's got a music thing right here in porcelain feet lay it on that you're supposed to lay it on here okay well for some reason she's laying weird I brie neuron Oh bring the baby over here if it moves or is that you know did you really just Wow guys this is cool I've never seen and this is all porcelain I've never seen I'm looking for a tag I've never seen one it's probably eight inches oh it's moving it's moving hold on let's keep the camera there it's moving Shh stop if the head did move I can't do this one hand Wow I wonder how much it what is this say how much do these things want to look it up that's what I've never seen anyone like that okay okay that's crazy and this is mom's so it's got to be old Oh her arms are here I think and they snap on oh let's put her on I'm sorry they might be here somewhere but they're not oh this is handmade oh that was creepy what was it it just felt creepy what is this this is really stiff doily I've never seen that they used to use starch back in the day but that had to be like four or five can look at this this is cool I bet that's a Barbie would you bet that this is real hair on here somebody's real hair I don't know but I know we have a Barbie with a nice tan and nice long hair who she may be worth money I always cut my Barbie's hair off so it's not any good but we got to look into this because some of these old ones oh it's made in China darn it oh now I know what it was it fell yep still could be worth money though the way this is an old-looking there's no marking oh I bet this is from the 60s would you agree well I think they look like the sixties yes I think this is from the 60s it's got the same thing as that damn look on trolls I bet this is a 60 Stahl we may try to auction that rabbit of this rabbit I do you want to keep it no look out detail this thing is I love that rabbit Wow this could be worth some big bucks this is its main China that our Taiwan main Taiwan Republic of China sorry so that that's probably okay I would say it's probably twelve inches and it's is this porcelain what is this no this is something else it's like hard plastic yeah look at that Wow even the bottom parts all that's crazy this says 82 but I think it may be handmade it has a name and 82 be careful that talk comes off I notice myself yep 1982 egg but it feels weird like it's not what's a night out of play play but I think it was handmade in a kiln it just feels weird somebody's name the Nate way the name is on the bottom here's a tiger remember how Kade loved that baby record all right what do we got in there we no no no this baby the saw the same box looks like baby blanket that's what I'm thinking some people love old baby blankets I mean and so he I mean okay hold it up yes me look it looks like it was made by machine but it looks like they made it themselves yes by machine it's not actually hand sewn okay but it is handmade and it's really cute that's beautiful yeah they're they made these they had a sewing machine and they made them rocking horses Wow a little bit of steam but not mud yeah these are handmade not han mean but em they were soon Oh flip it flip it that way is that Disney one I don't know it was made at home no isn't that a Care Bear thing I don't know huh I don't know I know Mighty Mouse you think we should auction these items off people level why can't I group these all together an auction tomorrow yeah people love all blankets somebody would buy I like them they're really nice if you collect them which a lot of people do okay look how nice flip it flip it that way they do have a few nope stains on them not a lot but I see three on this one I saw one on the other one real cute I'd auctioned them off yeah and they're kind of they're not real small but they're not they're also just the right size yep okay you want another good one I think they're all good until we open them then some of them are not as good as enough so far guys we have done this right here okay when you have that many stamps let's play a guessing game when you have that many stamps what do you need to go with them I'm gonna guess stamp books no what about stamping videos to show you what to do with the stamps is there such a thing I didn't know what there was until I read on this box but I guess there is we have are they actual stamping videos are the whole videos oh this one's sealed brand-new yeah I do believe they're staffing videos because I recognize the name on there and it's the name of some of the stamps that we got a lot of the stamps that we got are from the same company this is stamping bunch of them so this is all stamping videos yeah they're some they're the same brand the stamps work they must have gave these away or prop possibly yeah-huh vhss yeah and nowadays you can convert VHS to DVD really yeah wouldn't that be kind of cool if you were into those videos oh this is a coffee maker are you sure well is it kay argue at UPS unless your Miss Cleo you haven't opened the box yet alright let's see well let's see what's in there yep so far just anticipation you guys do feel the anticipation oh my gosh oh that's uh it's not a k-cups yeah that's probably one of the earlier ones yeah it's a k-cups and all this okay well let's pull it back over here that was exciting they've used everything for packing there give me a lot of ideas on my packing you're gonna notice you do have cardboard in some of the wall right in there I can't read what it says cuz it's faded it's faded yeah the writing's faded uh-huh a lot so we're gonna do a mystery box well I think we have a lot of mystery box this whole units gonna Mystery House fun I'm so glad we we got this guy who was that paperwork yeah he's on Social Security okay and I knew he was about 65 cuz she said he was well we don't show any the person I stopped so scrapbooking stuff Wow we do what's in there yeah people are asking for the scrapbooking clippings and different things we got jars and jars and scrapbook really somebody's gonna love it will auction off this this is definitely gonna go on the auction guys some of this is not cheap you know we'll auction this off that's a huge huge auction there's a lot there yep that's a huge lie yeah I wonder if they use that I mean it's all fall sudden they didn't use much but Wow that's going up on the auction that's going up on the auction folks all right I got to change out the battery and I'll be right and we're back hi okay so this is a heavy box guys we're going to do this one next we have not even looked in it this is how it was it the storage unit so I'm just gonna I'm gonna hand all huh it's too heavy [Laughter] oh here's some more the ones with drawings up this is from fossils and gels in them from a special booth but I can't pronounce the beat I can't read the writing okay so these rocks all have shells in them Oh shells in fossil c1b Wow yep look at that this is I leave bag of rocks okay let me see getting pretty nails out there these are painted rock okay and all these different little bags are all painted we got to show these so we sold a bag of rocks already at our okay well it's to one thing at a time oh look at these these are mushroom rocks they call all mushrooms and wildlife on them and then they hand painted them 2011 Wow look at that look at the artwork on those they're all journey journeys an inkwell they're all they're all hand done it's crazy okay heavy heavy shell beach jetty Florence already that's where these came from I mean there is a lot what are you get do you need a red bowl over there look at all those little shells let me ask you a question coz I can all South Beach I can ship a pretty big box of shells for like 40 bucks I wonder if somebody would want if I auctioned off all these rocks and shells in one big lot you know you think somebody wanted let me know guys I've got a lot of somebody's interested in all these shells and look they even wrapped it in paper some of these so they cared for their shells you know you know how everybody has a street called roads in yeah and you know how Billy Ray Cyrus made that hit recently of roads in well those are from roads in yep see roads and driftwood oh my gosh what is that well what do you think you got me curious here I thought they were like gold nuggets or something you the way you're acting like I thought they're gold nuggets this one says seashell rocks art object South Beach or Florence Oh what's up pair socks random this is not all rocks well I thought the fingernail polish cover was wrapped those are some of my favorite my favorite I'll let you figure out what that is I'm worried it might be a dead bird is it I don't know I thought I saw a beat that's driftwood yeah well yeah it could have been real feathers okay what was this a big heavy one right here I want to remind you this was all in that one box together okay what is it this is macaroni and cheese by box they got hungry they got hungry anybody watching this off got right to Rudy you know some of these may not be in any more touch well is there an expiration date on this oh yeah here we go they expired in 2014 now isn't that odd yeah who would have thought to put their rocks without Birds weird all of the above I'll take option B for deep right what do you got in there yeah let's add to it the secret speech and that's what they're reading on the beach we don't have okay father Christmas father Christmas and some Bible lessons so you notice I haven't touched these mother they're really wrapped up and taped a little package it's almost something and I'm pretty sure she'll these are magazines okay Oh pine cones we have three little pine cones open this up why don't I think these shells are very interesting there's a lot of them in there guys there's hundreds of them I think thank you if you have big planter beds and you laid all those shells all around your plants and did driftwood and had like a seashore theme in your backyard I think that'd be fantastic for coming I tried to get way to do it well it's a basket but I don't think it's an Easter bath there's no eggs in there there's something green it's a got a shovel in it there's a shovel I think that's a shovel yeah little Sam to make a little thing these must be special because they cover them up and then they're individually oh [Laughter] I got it I got it I don't know what to do with these maybe I'll sell them locally or something I think what I'll do is all auction off the shelves cuz they're not as heavy I'll put them into like a big lot you know somebody will want the shells cuz I've got a lot of Tim Watts before we open the rest I think somebody will want the shells the bird will put it in that one alright we left we lift a lot of weights today I thank you so much guys hit the thumbs up button share with your family and friends let me know and let me know in the comments if you guys want me to auction off any of this stuff as opposed to selling it locally wrong we're gonna have to do that next awesome I love by you I need some coffee in it and some lunch alright guys see ya what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1,300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayne's ventures posh more if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you finds in the storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's 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Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 17,886
Rating: 4.9485807 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Diving Inside DEEP HEAVY BOXES Found In Abandoned Units And Lockers, Storage Diving, HEAVY BOXES, Abandoned Units, self storage, storage, units, lockers, storage room, diving for treasure, storage wars, storage hunters, storage auction, treasure hunting, antique road show, american pickers, storage wars full episodes, treasure hunting videos, auction, Storage Auction Finds, Storage Auction Online, Storage videos, trending storage video, Online Auction, auction tips, 2020
Id: cY0Sg7X7V_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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