HOARDER Owner! Storage Unit STASH FOUND! Boxes TO OPEN For Days!!.. #25

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right another day another unboxing I'm short-staffed today we only have one opener but I think that will do no no you're just the gifted one oh yeah all right guys so welcome in today we're gonna open up a lot of boxes and we have some manly boxes I think from what I'm seeing on the boxes so you the 20% of the men that watch this channel are gonna be excited all right guys so that being said thank you so much for joining hit the thumbs up button remember there's four things you can do for us to help this video hit the thumbs up button that helps YouTube know that this video is popular another one is leave a comment even if you don't know what to leave just leave a comment because the more comments then the video gets pushed up in search and more people can discover us and then the share button right-hand side click share share to your social media primarily Facebook that's where you can share too and what's the third what's the fourth one we have thumbs up comment share oh and the most important one guys as you watch the whole video cuz YouTube rates the video based on how long people watch it so if you watch the whole video it helps us in search and it more people can discover the ventures family we can do more so giants all right let's do this so let me show you my short-handed staff here and we have the amazing grandma ventures do I think is gonna put out a video on her channel soon oh yes you don't know that you're supposed to be last year I just don't know what to put out there I don't think I could do it by myself yes you can and this is the suffer unboxing which is a ton of stuff that one we're gonna do right now this one yep it's got really open I know and that was like that when I actually got it out of a storage unit it wasn't open alright so let's do this let me scroll you down so we can show people oh maybe I should do it that way okay no push it towards you a little bit okay there we go I'm gonna get the camera fixed anyways show us what we got here okay this is now what's the box labeled non everyday kitchen this is something you don't use everyday in the kitchen you only use it once in a while and remember this is older stuff box okay and we have some soil like this it's a quick juicer oh yeah these are all older packaging to look back this is a tiny banana oh these are like my mother's Oh Oh be careful with any knives now yeah I forgot yes she has the same exact ones yeah and they'd lasted her for years they don't have any brand on me so I don't know we have two of them look at this one this one says sterling on it I think these are real silver spoons I think they are and here's another one do you have a magnifying glass wait I do I might if I have it here it's probably no no these are sterling they just say sterling on them and they have a little lion these are silver oh look at that this is actual this doesn't say silver-plated it's just sterling I mean these are sterling there's a bunch of it in here I guess they don't use the Sterling everyday I wonder how heavy this is I love teaspoons for your team your sweet tea from the South that's what I would like do we have any southern people watching oh okay so I think these are these are sterling they're not plated so you can see here I'm waiting for my reminds me a mom and dad but boy those are really they got something stuck to them well they forget the net Nate very organized they taped it her rubber band it but these are old remember those good pants one of them must be mint in the handle but we have it hidden good thing I didn't knock some off yet I had a bunch of these really really old knives are in here okay I mean let me show them this real quick this I think this is sterling there's a bunch more these are not plated so that's 15 15 grams guys of sterling those are real those may be worth something there's a lot of this the silver looking stuff in here I don't want I mean we could be here all day on this one boy look at these guys these are these are like wood handles what are they made a sustainless Japan on them there we go I'm gonna let them look it okay that's the kind of potato peeler I always use yeah you gotta be careful these suckers will take skin off look these are wood handles and then I have the sterling silver real sterling he sell a lot them up there's a lot more in some of these sell for good money just enca figured out these old what's this these are all this is stainless Japan on it oh there I don't know what these just a stainless steel on it I was gonna say like crab meat you know where you take but that's too big there those ones are small I don't know what those are those like when you stick meat in the cheese or something in those maybe something like that let's just say you're the best chef in the world okay yeah this may be some other stuff in here we go we got to check this out eventually a lot of knives in here guys we may auction this off although should we take the silver out for ya although this is sterling silver here so 15 grams so I don't know if well I think I think we auction ooh here's a Cutco knife this is Cutco made in the United States so right here is probably 15 20 bucks Wow all right pretty cool guys who says we don't have manly stuff here right well it could be actually could be either all right yep okay all right so we'll be this this took a little bit I need to put these speck gently and I can't have her do it since she already cut her finger once you got your first so oh yeah it's true let me put this way over here all right let's do it so no say anything on the box no okay oh yeah okay this is last mini fish coats and and miscellaneous Maya let's see what it is okay and if I start humming happy birthday I'm I'm humming it to wait five days early they don't need to know it's my birthday wait getting old I know what do we got in there we have turtles turtles turtle tablecloth that is actually kind of cool you know wouldn't that be cool with an aquarium on it yes and it's a big boy oh I sold a sunflower one of these are you wait oh it's a it's a wind thing for outside yeah he this is sealed shut factory sealed shut it's a little wood box it's sealed shut okay and oh there's nothing in there maybe it's nartz and Kraus box probably Oh Glenn Miller I think Frank Sinatra sang with Glenn Miller okay these are big band kings of Swing Benny Goodman okay mom and dad's fine these are CDs this sec yeah yeah got our thumbtacks okay we have a lot of these actually people today they had a lot of they must add a lot of tax what's up preview the book just now were you reading the back here okay every once in a while I get tired a true-life and I need a good romance okay what's in there oh cool what is it a dish they're old dishes with those are silver I think that's a little bit I bet you it is and they match there's two of them aren't they pretty I love these wow those are really cool I think they're candle holders Oh cuz they put candles next to them yep yes put the candles in there they're brand new candles mmm oh I love those they actually smell really good are so nice it's almost something you wouldn't want to get rid of here's another one wouldn't you think yeah they're kind of cool this is the way we do all of us like what do we got in there oh is it breakable huh is the picture our use it yeah they must be special okay we're gonna keep it yeah we always keep the personal stuff for them guys okay all right let's go on to the next box here shall we what's the next one right yep grab it grab it let me help you okay it's plastic glasses and coffee mugs and for the people that don't treat coffee hot chocolate looks oh let me see who's a big boy oh this is a screw on one weird oh there there straight up from yes okay honey I'm not a huge Baja Fresh person this is silver because we already found some oh my god what is that Wow let's show them it's got a cool green in these cups it's so random I wonder if they took a fork and spoon from every place they went oh my gosh yeah this their main Japan my classic something let me see plastic and hard to see anyway mein Japan stainless steel that's crazy guys there's a lot of it here so you Wow okay open up the next one why put all the silverware away already Wow okay what do we got in there you know what I think I know just one minute that maybe sure okay let me grab this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I used to have every book and I've read everyone they're the best best books you can read and there's a whole bunch of Christian books in here oh this is a Christian book one yes but I'm telling you if you haven't read that series you need to okay it is you can't put it down it's exciting you want me to bring them all out uh yeah I'm we're almost done anyways might as well like little books like this Libby promises and they're they're cute it's you kind of get through it in the day oh yeah I'm fluffy they say cute little things yeah help oh these are good I used to have these too oh yeah okay oh can we save that one for the boy we will see if it works let's see what do you gotta do over here oh it probably needs a new battery it's been in storage for years and then we have those all right just for the sake of time since we have so many boxes to get through oh trying to rush me that's heavy when you're rushed oh you're okay so let's go through this Oh what is that I don't know is it a computerized checker game hmm could be everybody needs one of these at home oh whoa whoa whoa it's an actual chip oh oh and there don't worry we're not gonna lose them wow that's cool so it isn't computerized game is no like-a look regular guy behind the car were you trying to keep everybody occupied on a long boring trip where there's no scenery okay Webster's okay we love Betty Boop is that a Betty Boop it's Betty Boop but I haven't opened the box are you gonna want to keep this actually I wish I could give it to Diana's first husband Lloyd but I can't yeah okay so let's see here this Betty Boop thing with me in Hong Kong oh and it's sewing yes we'll add this to our a lot sewing lot when we do our auctions so if you guys want sewing stuff there's a lot of it not for a while oh nice the name book all right what else we got we have what do we have oh okay [Laughter] add Rhett that's an address book and address book for different ministries okay all right let's move on you got okay what is that something everybody that loves crafts will love okay the embroidery book and this will let this tour yeah it would be great for our embroidery craft if you guys remember if you guys want to go to auctions it's Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time we'll all show off a lot of this stuff oh now this will go with that whoo three full embroidery threads all these colors so these are these are embroideries whoa how much does this stuff cost normally like if you just buy is it coming like you don't buy right at a time goodbye kids but you never find like this but that will all go wouldn't that be great yes I think somebody will like this who doesn't brinbury okay there you go oh don't get too excited oh I'm excited you know all that good you like baskets I love baskets in here we can put silverware and stuff in a napkin silverware oh yeah I like those they're brand new they don't look like they've been used nope and there's two of them uh-huh so those are nice those are nice okay that was a quick one quick I know what's the deal I don't know I took my vitamins okay read that one oh this is topside yeah but read the top it says three drawer elastic stacker number three punches number two punches several Breyers sever roller wheels this is crap okay let's open up I'm you got me too excited I am too there's your knifes over there okay this is gonna be interesting you brag on me then you act like yummy to open it for you no I got it you got to face it away from [Music] everybody's like get give them sharper put they're sharp it's not it's it's it's just the okay okay what do we got oh wow wait they're big rollers oh those are those yeah oh yes we have found a bunch of these so we already you notice how they didn't use them like what what happened there they're all new well there's a lot my gosh we just auction off all those we just auction those off Wow you know these would be good anyway you get the idea right yes I just auction off of them but this is more we auction and these are in the package yeah the other ones were not while there's one or I think two of them but look at that I forgot who bought these though well you have it on your records yeah so she hopefully she's got the auction again well she might not want anymore she might want other people to have so that's true collection you know what would because she bought big ones and now she'd have a little one look yeah there's a few small ones not many oh there's more in here some more rollers but then there's the wheel rollers yep there you go we're gonna we're gonna auction this off we're gonna optimize we should do the whole tub now its shipping well maybe it may be better just put all the drawers in and auction it off all three together yeah that's smart yeah you are smarter yeah really it okay let's move on next one here he only says that good luck with that thing it's like a broken don't worry it's trash we got it it's too broken electronic calculator and a few would a nice okay I'll show them this way you open the other one a lantern some other rocks those are kind of interesting what do you got okay let me look let people see uh well you want me to describe what it is I have to figure it out this is a ballooning what's a balloon II that's what I was trying to figure out oh it's a yeah it's a balloon okay now we have card stock might want to move on from the blooney yeah all right now we have some card stock and a few things that go with it you know people are asking for card stock we there's a lot of it in here guys maybe we'll do a lot for card stock I am putting together a scenario nice envelopes I needed some of these envelopes for some of the cards that don't have envelopes okay this is a bunch of really nice envelopes I hope they'd show on camera how nice they are oh they will oh yeah there's a lot of them in here oh these are nice yeah you know I like pins that are thin there's a lot and they're all not used guys oh she missed the most important things there they weren't all right so the camera died but there's just nothing in here they didn't like anything cool no no those envelopes because they look a little thing you know like little clouds on them yeah okay there you go what's that Oh I'm betting it's powerstrips I don't know if you need to open the box anymore oh there's four yep scene one power strip seen them all right exactly what I was going to say see one what what are you stumped I think it's Ted spice bottle but it said something before that so we'll figure it out okay I can't read mmm you got me interested he's got a bunch of that oh they're all vital why are they I need something to put your little tiny rocks and or something is there any spices in there so so there's an people maybe they're using it maybe it's something we left out of the bottle they're all empty that's funny okay okay here we go ready I was gonna grab some oh my god course was okay here's our mad stuff we have a box man stuff okay heavy bolts rusty bolts wow I did not expect that okay breathing over here [Applause] well what does it say on the box I couldn't toast this antique brass something Oh antique ma'am stove so this is all brass I'm like wondering I possibly may it would be too much of wouldn't be too much of ship one right yeah but I can do I can do a flat-rate where weight doesn't matter huh let me know in the comments if you guys want that brass box guys this says handle with care okay has three drawers in it a sifting mat various items okay I could go on and on but oh whoa what do we got what wasn't everybody asking for a costume jewelry yes possibility there might be some in here I don't know I'm not swearing to it because this unit is pretty interesting yeah it says something about jewelry and filled up but I don't know I don't know we'll see there I get our idea might be way off okay what is that it's a bunch of stuff it's no net it's no nasty smelling rope [Laughter] I wish we had it because I wanted to play a joke on everybody pull it up and I bet somebody would've bought that another layer yes okay how old you're gonna be wait gonna be 45 not how old you feel oh wow bunch of new stuff in here just wait I'll get it out okay yep this better be good what are they they're just this is a there's fabric but they're like are they handkerchief sir camp tablecloth know these are big they're banners there can you lift it up over there yeah they're banners for kids or my thing oh the other way okay okay oh okay it's backwards but the other banners yeah right way but then you there curtains what do you mean they're curtain they have a place for a curtain okay open up oh you hate banners with the rod - okay you got me stumped okay fluff it up a little bit I know I'm trying to get it the right way their banners this is welcome home banners yeah their banners okay or use them as curtains they have curtain rod holders this one's unique okay show them this and then you see the tapestry oh yeah showing this one real quick this one support the July 1 and they're probably all different reasons whoa and they're big too somebody would want those yep I like this one you put outside your door on a on a thing yeah huh yeah there's a whole bunch of them well huh maybe auction those off we'll see I'm thinkin somebody would like them I really am oh dear one do I need help tackle the layers of this one okay we have in here oh so these are frames this one is so you can't do it your own some sort of weird tape terrifying tacky tape interesting watch of it in there oh you got that one open that's new you wouldn't get in there get in there get in there [Music] what do you got it's a real cute box I do want the box this matches your other box I know okay so what is in here though that's the question chance to really look Oh birds this is like a I think we should often that off box and all I don't know somebody I mean it's just a bunch of those little birds yeah ball crafters want it for sure Oh another oh there's more birds in there no they're like a little packages of birds but these are back in want those it was on sulfur dollar but that was back in 2000 20 years ago it's hard to believe that's been 20 years Wow okay what was in this little box here oh that's kind of cool oh it has the old postage rate on here yeah look at the look at the cost guys does this ship Wow so that was the first class you can go all the way up to 16 for a dollar or sorry first class 262 was the highest Wow that's that's crazy thank your chief back then what is that we always like wood okay we got wood take forward to paint on okay some odds and ends that are news none of them ever are there always brand-new in this unit what is it shower curtain that is really cool an unused shower curtain with fish on it they love their fish remember how we said some of those ornaments were hand-painted uh-huh here's the start oh they did hand paint though yes so they did those were hand painted I sold those up the auction so whoever got does I think it was Jane Jane when you bought those at the auction they were hand painted I thought they were hand painted but I wasn't a hundred percent positive some artists might want to make their own yes what's in that order if it's got cash in here oh my gosh well I know where they got all their soap from where the Holiday Inn Oh because here's all their key cards what is this okay I open it there there's something inside not cash but there are they get first our key card I don't understand that let's see oh my gosh they're Disney I can't show them on camera because it shows their personal information all of them yeah well let me just see well that's so I because I have oh yes they're all their credit cards well I've got all of these motel room cards yeah see I can't I can't show the personal informations we like to not show that on camera but you can see it's all their personal credit cards this is Disney that was American Express they must not be good anymore I'm sure no no there we're gonna get bat send them back yeah what we have here gold oh yeah old sad some more okay and then alright then there's this stuff remember back in the day when the internet first started yeah and AOL sent you all this free stuff yes I wonder if this would be worth any money like I wonder if anybody would any collectors out there collect that old AOL AOL stuff I don't have a clue even though it's like not you can't really use it now they're all brand new there's just a ton of it they are history yeah yep and that box is put the lid there's a cool box okay show us we don't open them oh we have to show everything well we can show them everything here's a picture and this air everything we have what are they blind mini-blinds okay and there's look at white okay everybody wants maybe one a cream-colored inside the box okay there's some white ones that look differ and we're done oh that's fantastic yeah if you want mini blinds on the auction there you go all right let's go here what do we got okay just open up that's enough that's enough I told you I need a bigger a big magnifying glass I need a bigger one for my work jazz bless you thank you what do we got my coworkers right here she called it okay here's an empty box it is empty that's an empty bottle okay babies children people home I don't know there might be some oh yeah it's heavy there's something in there wool oh this is those cards again because there's 263 of them in here no there's two more of them oh my gosh those those carts yep we already auctioned off - oh I love this one this one since uh birdhouses oh they tell thanksgiving birdhouses artcards yep these are our cards and you know if someone got a bunch of these wouldn't they be the nicest personal notes Oh give anybody be writing them on the back we'll watch these ones off - let's show them I don't want to keep a couple of them because it Dietz on them guys and their 3d their 3d they're not just looking at the ones that so one slab of these could be 20 bucks on ebay and they have the they have nothing on here this are all babies this is animals birds shots frogs so look at this one oh my gosh oh wow that's the first one I saw three cards are they go to one yeah and then look at that they put a backpack on there guys it's 3d like an actual backpack there's a lot well put these on auction somebody will love these my one of them I want to put these on eBay though they're all exactly the same this yummy ours this probably took okay while I'm showing this you want to open the last box okay we show them everything you know Univ it's toriel paper and there is more this one make up for a lot of money because it's all animals and people love animals look at that [Applause] oh wow that's crazy okay let me go ahead and put this down here all righty are you excited for yours oh yeah so let's show him the last one of this and we'll show him the box yeah so they're just in this one alone there's four hundred and fifty eight of these suckers and look how detailed those are I mean just unbelievable they had I don't know how much time they had but they had a lot of time on their hands didn't they they probably have done that for many years cuz I think she said he was in an early 60s so this was a years of yeah so he's probably why and probably works on there many years look at that that's all of them are like 3d they've got so much detail to him yeah I think we'll often some of these off might put some of them online now - yeah because it's we did auction them off we got a decent price guys but they go for a lot online all right let's see what we got on this box we love America and this is the story of America Yellowstone yes enemy whoo I know I said that wrong Yosemite that's what you said oh no I'm gonna start another beer okay what else we got in here Great Northwest they're videos of America all over yeah national parks so they were outdoorsy - this one's sealed I used to work there great National Park all right well that's today's video time flu time - all right that being said guys hit the thumbs up and do those four things hit the thumbs up share comment even if you don't comment comment it will help and we'll try to watch the video for the whole length and YouTube will recommend us more alright guys thank you so much have an amazing day and until tomorrow what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayde's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 23,103
Rating: 4.9574685 out of 5
Keywords: HOARDER Owner! Storage Unit STASH FOUND! Boxes TO OPEN For Days, storage hoarders, storage unit finds, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit, storage locker, storage, self storage, unit, locker, storage room, abandoned finds, Abandon, storage wars, real storage wars, storage hoarders youtube, HOARDER, storage treasures, storage hoarders full episodes, treasure hunting, storage hunters, auction hunters, mystery boxes, full episodes, storage wars full episodes, found
Id: e_XI6jIJp3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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