I Bought 699 RARE Chinese Wine Bottles Rescued From Wong King’s Abandoned Storage Unit

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all right it's time let's do this let's do this I can't wait oh my goodness oh my goodness what do we have here and first do we just get a bunch of Chinese wine yes oh my good guys we paid $400 for the storage unit look at this it's a 10 by 30 oh my goodness Wow we're gonna get drunk yes I paid $400 for this thing man oh yeah let's check it out let's check it out Wow okay so this is Chinese drinking wine and they're all sealed their corpse oh my goodness Wow how many is in each box and these are all they even have the original plastic over them too so they're all opens this is nuts so we bought a Chinese restaurant here Wow okay well it's digging to this guy's got a bunch of some Nike boxes and dEWALT's this is gonna be insane we're gonna open up every single box and show you guys everybody except the brand-new ones all right guys welcome to the weights of interest YouTube channel we buy storage units make sure you subscribe cuz this year's gonna be fire we have so many great units guys we may have hit the jackpot with this one this is what we do is we're gonna go through this stuff loaded up into the truck and show you what the heck we found in this thing we definitely bought a Chinese unit starting with Chinese drinking wine we have Emperor's own 10 and Emperor's own 8 so I think they're aged and they're all in the original packaging this is this is crazy this is it right here guys Wow 16 percent alcohol yeah this is nuts all right so I don't know where to start so what we're gonna do guys is we're going to start loading this up and it's all six aged ten years it's all in there guys it's all brand new so there's not much I can show you there but let's let's get go ahead and get this loaded up go some arm chairs over here as well somebody get these loaded up and then kind of get those loaded up a little bit so that way we can make space to kind of move in and dive deeper holy crap this is crazy and we're ready [Music] oh my goodness guys it's all loaded up and the wifey is amazing look at this this is hundreds of Chinese wine hundreds of bottles so honey let's show them what we have today this is the stuff that we got we got a ton of this this is I don't know it's it's caramel 16% and it came in this box and there is a ton of them guys we have so the red box here is actually these boxes here so those didn't have boxes but got all those and we have all of these so there's three types here all right coming up next we have another Emperor's own and this is caramel flavored 16-percent they get you drunk right yeah they're all court so you take off the cork and they they're quartz wine and those guys are right here and we have a ton of them in here okay so we had some of those yes and then we have a bunch of this wine and this is 16% right here and this wine is all right here guys so it's the middle row there and we have a ton of it so this is it this is one of the bigger halls we still have the whole entire storage unit to go guys we're gonna get drunk for the next couple years now I did take one of these to a person that owns a Chinese restaurant and he explained to me that these do not expire this is not cooking wine this is drinking wine and he said it's it's pretty sought-after cuz it's 16 percent alcohol and so it came from I need you wanna show more and this was that was going on okay I know poor guy what is going on there he's yeah so this is it guys this came from a Chinese restaurant and supposedly it is a really good one that went out of business Wong's gold silver and bronze and they've been renting here for almost three years now so alright so this is the hull of the wine so now we're going to dig into the actual storage unit alright let's check and see what the heck's going on over here guys so we cleared all this so that was a test that was all the wine for those that wanting maybe have a little a couple sips with us we do have a ton of restaurant stuff guys and this stuff is gonna sell so let's get into this I'm gonna have the wife you hold the camera and so we got like a ton of these they use this on bees they're all plastic but they look brand-new like so I'm usually gonna go sell these locally and somebody will actually pay a pretty penny for these I think so for the house what is this is this like a small Turing pod or something you just put your oh you put it on the you can do a couple things with it let's see this in there oh there's boxes there's like five there's like five of these in there that's huge so there's two oh yeah these are they're all brand new oh these are not plastic I wonder if these are sushi plates huh durable they're just restaurant quality plates so those are all brand new oh my gosh holy dude and those are massive those are like wow those are 15 inches or more and there is a ton of them in there holy can you imagine if I had like their seafood platter and stuff on here it's here you know there's they're all brand new okay moving right along we have yeah these are all tops Christmas what the heck oh these are Chinese decorations Wow these are actually really cool get a close-up of that Wow so they're Chinese decorations there's a ton of them in here yeah what the heck what is going on hopefully we find some fireworks in here it's fourth of July see up some some bows okay I was not expecting that me too okay so we have brand new plates we have wine and we're setting up we're setting up to be eight to have a massive party right now Wow okay I'll put this up here some trained over there and they're there they're older though okay s there's a couple broken ones in there though Christmas yep it's Christmas these old style okay moving right along this is the TV just chilling there oh my goodness brand-spanking-new from that same company Wow guys this is a whole box in there look at that craziness all brand-new remember we only spent $400 for this unit massive storage unit guys bought it live this was a live auction and this is a 10 by 30 so this is a big boy what's the thing I know there's gonna be crazy stuff in here alright we have what the heck is up with these bowls you know like weird shaped bowls Wow anyway there's a bunch of those in there those are brand new that's gonna be the key word here bunch of tops they're kind of unique I think these are actually seafood bowls what's in this box oh I've never heard oh they're made in England Louie I've never sold any of these suckers before but there's a ton of them in here and they're all in the package Wow look at this and they go on whoa maybe these are 40 yeah they got a really cool never apply 40 they're brand new though huh okay that's a good box that will sell okay let's go over here let's pan over here so what the heck do we have over here these are brand-new plastic Pepsi cups guys brand-new plastic Pepsi cups there's a ton of them here they're just kind of like chilling here these will sell these I can sell and they'll sell well actually there's a ton of them in here people collect Pepsi and these are brand new and we have another pots one of those melting pots but first where do we start this it's kind of was awkward when I first started all right so we have first thing well I guess we'll show them is this side guys and then we'll move on to the back just to show you what's there okay so on this we have some more of these pots so if you guys want any of the Wang Qing's that's what they were all right oh my gosh look at how many there is in there holy moly and they're two rows receipt yeah this is all receipt paper this stuff isn't actually not cheap this is a whole box full of it yeah this is all the same thing Wow yeah we probably have like 500 bucks just in credit card paper they look in great shape that is incredible Oh what do you really need all this like are you planning for the next ten years of credit card payments look at this dude that's a lot and look at this all credit cards except the bottom one credit card credit card credit card Oh supposed to be water jars they're made in Mexico it was a fancy suit it was I think you're right okay here's some more credit card Wow we're gonna have to look these up I bet you I bet you I bet you that this could be some money right here all these that maybe there's a lot of them okay pictures though these are all brand new $400 so this whole unit look guys we have lunch now you may look at these to be like well they're not worth money right these right here these are what kids sit in on the restaurants but I think that these could be worth some money like maybe 30 bucks each but there's so many of them you know 300 kids in here for three years this is like it's not cool you guys can get the full effects Wow look at that this looks brand-new this is probably brand-new this was the original cardboard on this sucker Wow this will sell of course I'm not gonna ship it away so locally but this is big guys fine oh it's heavy too wow this is a heavy sucker look at that that thing is massive pretty heavy just behind there's all cushions if all cushions guys a massive amount of cushions we're gonna find some treasure back there because there's some there's a couple lock boxes back there is there yeah fingers okay piece of marble soy sauce hmm are you that interesting up pick up I don't I'm not a big soy sauce spam anyway Chinese restaurant yeah oh my gosh Ashley how many more are we going to have more they were really anticipating like a lot okay here's some more I mean they must have really had this one's not open Wow without are there like super busy but then they're out of business now so we have this massive I'm not saving these guys it's just too gross I'm not gonna go through all these because it'd take forever but yeah big printer right there oh the other is massive oh and of course more paper what the heck is going on these are sealed sealed these are all paper these are all brand new little oh there's soy sauce that's the lid for it they're not soy sauce could be soup bowls same company pledge the commercial yeah I don't know but girl in the whole box is full of them alright okay well that's that was interesting that's it for today guys stay tuned because that is where the good stuff is gonna be at guys aside from the wine there's locked boxes back there I think I saw one over here too there is a safe looking thing back there so it's all the way back there I haven't even had a chance to go through this so and there's a ton of boxes back there I can't wait to go through these boxes guys oh yeah yeah there's a huge sign oh is that the Wang that's their actual sign Wow yeah man there's gonna be so much stuff back here so all right let me show you guys the the truck here so we didn't fill it to capacity because we need a lot of brake poles plus we need to get back to the house and we're filming but my goodness dude we're gonna be heavily hydrated for the next few years if we decide to drink that stuff I don't know I'm supposed to be there's no expiration date on it but and of course staying safe with this so all right that being said see you next video this is Ashley and Wade Wade Spencer's Graham adventures as a home watching the kids hit that thumb hit the thumbs up button shout out to grandma ventures subscribe because this year we're planning on buying 5 to 10 maybe even 15 maybe 20 maybe a hundred storage units per month comment below alright peace out guys see ya morning so your picture [Music] [Music] Wow this is a load of couch cushions and they're no good anymore guys they are nasty they stink they're old they're all going to the top and the smaller ones are heavy whoa all right let's get into this guys so we have this left so we have took two loads already one to the dump because the stuff was in here for quite a while some stuff and then one to the warehouse and we have this is the last load left somebody's excited this is the last load all right so let's show you what else we have over here so up there there was no leaks in this place and then right here there was a leak like right here so I don't know what's going on but there was a leak here but there was no leaks anywhere else so we had to take a bunch of stuff here that got wet to the dump but all right so let's get into this we have a blower this is another thing we have and then we have a bunch of these guys and they're all brand new and there's a bunch of them in here this is a big old box and then right here are the lids to them we have the lids all brand new I think those are for rice yeah and then we have yeah rice bowls probably these are older they got kind of cool design to them so we're gonna keep all those and saw those suckers she was shown what's in the safe what is it the same beautiful careful I promise you guys we did not look what's in the safe - integrity intact all right over here we have if we didn't need enough shells we've got more shells they probably had these to restaurants serve them since if it's a seafood place this is full of shells that buckets full of those shells and that buckets full of those shells so I'm just gonna add to my other shell collection over here guys we have a ton of these are like they go on the tables they're all brand new so we're gonna keep them and sell those suckers and then down here we have a bunch of these are going the backs of chairs now it does say Wang King or Quan Kings but I think somebody's gonna want this cuz they're brand new and they you know somebody wants like yeah somebody wants to kind of that feel all right moving right along we have the oh we should see if it works is there power in here let's see if it works plug in anything let's see Oh some people are like why would you keep that nobody's gonna buy that I think somebody may actually buy that careful she thinks I can't sell it I think I can okay oh oh my goodness whoa that's the first time we tried it wow it works perfectly actually what do you think you're like super red right now I think someone will buy it let me know in the comments guys if you think somebody's gonna buy this thing let's put it over here carefully carefully tissue paper dispenser it's in there it's brand new we got a bunch of these I'm keeping them there and plastic they're still good I'm gonna keep them and I don't I don't think they're cheap either there's three big rolls of them over here yeah plate so we're here and these are sealed so we're gonna keep them and we have more of these oh yeah small I only have some more plates over here steel we're gonna keep those that's the beautiful thing about storage units yeah so we're thinking they did they probably do catering that's what we think cuz there's a bunch of them in here so we're gonna keep those domes yeah they're white chair covers and they have the I I think these could actually be worth some money here guys I mean not like a time yeah there's a ton of chair covers and people are gonna use those not only in the restaurant business but like yeah but they're all brand new so it could make a few hundred bucks out of those all right Dan over here we should have a bunch of China we're gonna keep all this China things if not I'll donate it to a 501 C so we got those mmm where are these oh my goodness what are these you want to get me a literally these rice they look brand-new there's this color too yeah they look clearly brand new we have some more now this is the wipe you said these are used for ice cream yeah yeah banana splits and stuff anyway smart China all right here these are all brand new guys we have a lot of rain in China you guys saw in the first part of the video so now we have more of this in here never used restaurant-quality China so we're gonna sell these for a good amount I think now we got a ton of those plates those are actually plastic guys those are not a huge huge 15 inches they look brand-new I think they after looking into this place I think they use this place for extra storage like extra stock and stuff you know all right we got a bunch of these we're gonna put these on Poshmark somebody will love those they pull ahead a little rock lobster rolls or something in there and then what we have in here [Music] and then we have some more chair covers a whole box this is a massive box with piggle of u-haul box and it's got a ton of these brand-new chair covers in there so all right this is my favorite thing we have right here this is what the wife he's gonna serve me dinner on right here this is what the wife he's gonna serve me dinner on honey can you put on your shoulder for a quick second let me see how it looks it's gonna be perfect okay and we have some more of them in here it's for smaller like these are all brand new and these are serving trays so I'll usually be I'll get rid of these suckers only for good money too I don't think they're cheap all right remember 400 bucks we're gonna make thousands on this unit guys all right so we have some more brand new China with the weird bowls you guys seem down in the first part of the video so we got those pan some more oh these are more of those I think it's a sushi plates where they put sushi on in their brand-new [Music] [Music] my scroll away next we have this is one of my favorite thing about this whoa guys this is a poker table this thing is amazing are you gonna keep that okay so what else we got okay so we have yep okay this what shows are kind of cool this is cool guys I think it's our chronics Knutson yeah let me know in the comments I haven't looked him up yet but it's there's two of them inside than they all look like this yeah I think so catering yeah oh yeah so then they look brand-new and it has a thing on the side so it's probably for hot or cold yeah they're big big big so we have that I think this is gonna be worth some money you have these beautiful I don't know what they use these for but there's a bunch of home so yeah I've got a lot of those all right we also have moving right over here a bunch of now these are plastic yes well there's an Asian restaurant a bunch of these brand-new I'm gonna keep these hats grandma ventures can sell them on Poshmark so if you want to if you want a piece of this video just let me know we even have a cooking show with Wong's King in it and look at that young hunk over there and I've got a cooking show though so watch that okay we also have a bunch of these chopstick little holders we're gonna sell these on Poshmark per bag and there's a bunch of bags there I think these watch yourself you guys are laughing right now who's gonna buy that but someone you will there's a lot of them here alright so we got a bunch of random stuff in here a bunch of these they float in water they probably use it for their catering that's what they owe my goodness this was their catering storage in it probably well they kept all their catering stuff yeah yeah that's what sounds like okay we have a POS excuse me a Epson kitchen printer these things go for like 50 to 60 bucks on ebay so just that alone we're keeping these for the kids brand-new a bunch of them ants this oh yeah MTV brand new karaoke CDs guys and then somebody was asking for these amount of options we have some random gloves which we can use right now and of course some more candles I'm really excited about it's not a tennis racket if you've not got one of these do yourself a favor they're amazing so what you do is you put your batteries in there you click this and is apps the crap out of your flies we had one and then our neighbors kept going back and forth so now our neighbors can keep ours and Lincoln yes so guys if this trust me they're like 20 bucks something like that and they will like literally kill all boys we have a lot of twice our kids keep the door open yeah all right yeah now you guys are laughing right now what the heck we'll be keep teasing forward we're gonna keep these and sell them for 30 to 50 bucks each these are restaurant baby you know high chairs and there's a bunch of here and I bet you I can sell these this will pay for the storage unit just these alone this and this stock right here will pay for the $400 storage unit and everything else is gravy so we have some more of these little plastic looks like they said 1994 and then we have a bunch of these so those and more menu we forgot to go over that you guys saw the menu before looked amazing is it that is a whole that is all this is the video this is the Chinese wine video wifey what do you think about this video was it your favorite origin so much work oh my goodness but Wow yeah oh do you guys remember the stuck of cushions we'll put on the screen if you know man how's your back feeling after viewing that strong strong okay one word strong all right guys smash the thumbs up button for the algorithm hopefully you guys like this Chinese wine storage units it's gonna net us thousands of dollars seriously if you want any of this stuff go to the description have an amazing day we're gonna load this up then we got to go to another storage unit if you're watching this you're not subscribed to click the subscribe button what the heck are you doing seriously we got crazy cool videos coming out and yeah much love to you guys this year's gonna be nuts dude 2020 is gonna hopefully be better the second half of the year so alright peace out guys see ya see ya and until next time until next time
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 22,486
Rating: 4.9248719 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought 699 RARE Chinese Wine Bottles Rescued From Wong King’s Abandoned Storage Unit, Chinese Wine, Wong King’s, Wong King’s Seafood, Abandoned Storage Unit, Wine Bottles, Abandoned Storage, storage locker, Portland, Oregon, storage wars, storage wars full episodes, storage auction, storage auctions 2020, 2020, storage unit finds, storage unit auctions, self storage, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, found wine, found wine bottles, found money, storage unit, finding wine
Id: 3FjTb5XHmOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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