Dollar General Storage Unit for $1! ... Clearance Storage Unit!

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you guys are gonna see me grandma ventures national adventures unbox all this in the warehouse so stay tuned and i'll see you at the warehouse oh my goodness oh what is this oh my goodness we hit the jackpot guys wade with wade's adventures and you're watching the ventures youtube channel a family channel we scour the state of oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our youtube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what did we get ourselves into today i noticed you're wearing a mask for this one yeah i'm gonna need it all right guys real quick we bought a storage unit it's a five by five or five by ten it's pretty small um so this is the first storage unit that i have bought for a dollar so i bought the storage unit for one dollar only okay the reason i did this is this is actually the first storage unit i've ever bought in my storage career for years and years that i've ever bought for a dollar i bought some for ten dollars fifty dollars hundred dollars and that even then that was like two years ago this is the first storage unit i've ever bought for a dollar and the reason i the reason i did it [Laughter] the reason i did this and i bought it for a dollar is to show you guys because a lot of a lot of people that want to get in storage unit game don't have a ton of money you can make money with these units but man are they work okay and and some disgusting so that's why i have hence the mass so just keep that in mind like i wanted to show you guys yes you can buy storage units for a dollar and um there are some good storage units for a dollar out there but this one is just like i have a lot here well i want to show them that you can make money from a dollar oh look at that might not look so bad on my camera yeah are these clothes over here okay so there's a lot there's something going on over here i'm actually not gonna go through this guys this part here i'm just gonna you know bag it up but we'll go through some of those boxes and some stuff over there okay but just to go i want the whole reason i bought this unit was to show you guys you can make money off of a dollar but it's it's it's just you know from that bag yeah it's it's a lot of work in here yeah we'll definitely profit yeah and if those dressers are actually nice i can probably make 200 from this unit because it's about 100 dresser 100 dresser here in oregon so have to see if those work all right and i cannot promise you that we're gonna go through every box or every bag with this unit we'll just stop once we make profit we'll just stop when we make profit okay all right it's a nice suitcase candy not bad for a dollar unit so far the body book for girls all right so but i want to shock them with something like really expensive so i'm hoping i find something in here but we'll put this over here okay look at this those are pretty clean yeah those are fans guys so we're already we're already making money this is probably 20 bucks right here 20 pair of shoes that's what you're going to find with these cheap units a lot of clothes probably a lot of clothes and i'm definitely wearing my gloves with this this unit no i forgot for me don't worry you're holding the camera okay um we're not gonna go through this guys this what this is okay i know somebody that makes a very good amount um i thought this all closed guys and yeah probably people are like well there's money in the clothes yeah absolutely you lock the clothes up you know we'll clean and wash them some of these clothes might be not so great but that's close too we just don't i'm not gonna go through all the clothes guys i never saw this unit when you bought it but you deceived me because you said yeah there's only eight bags oh what is that thing of course a little musky but those are dolls yeah i mean this is just a mixed bag guys clothes oh there's some more vans we've made money just with the vans oh there's some dc that's not horrible condition there's a lot of clothes in here this does not sound like clothes i need my knife i think it's in here let's check is it in the truck you see a knife perfect perfect perfect okay you might want to sanitize your hands because i just touched okay this is a tall knife okay let me put this thing away okay [Applause] i mean just this is just a random bag guys vitamin c [Music] oh i mean it's [Applause] okay moving right along this okay not bad there's a little rock pipe at least we made our money back thus far okay let's take a little deeper into the unit i'll stay so we're not going to go through this guys there's like a game or something yeah yeah go ahead so this is all food so that's all food let's go back here and show you the lay of the land i know it's dark back here let's see this this is a really nice old dresser see this thing works piggy bank in here oh and it's full made some money okay we're gonna have to go through all this ooh star wars what's in the package okay all right well let's continue it's looking promising looking real promising for god's okay these two boxes are food i guess let's let's move this out sometimes move it out anyways yeah they're not they're bad shape they're in bad shape they've seen better days here's some more converse just random you know random oh hand sanitizer there you go oh it's empty okay there's some levi's but they've seen better days i think there's food down there um okay what's in this heavy thing oh my goodness it's all paperwork see it's all paperwork okay this is a dollar unit guys but there's still money here and we're not going through everything there's money in this close i bet honestly i bet we could squeeze out 800 bucks on this unit i know you guys are like no way but if we sold the clothes 800 yeah you know because they don't seem to be in bad shape oracle carts okay all right there's the other shoe so these are not bad shapes somebody will want those oh oh it keeps going oh it goes up it's like that keeps going oh these look you know there's rubber boots but they they look brand new there's some jewelry down here the plates these are cool [Applause] oh i'm you know i i was kind of wondering if the person on the strip i don't know well a lot of a lot of people are out of work right now guys yeah so that industry is probably not doing so okay that is pretty cool suck monkey you know what that is here here's another monkey this is all blankets guys that's all blankets oh you might have to come over here because it's better jump right over okay this is so close there's a lot of clothes in this unit there's definitely money in the clothes yeah this is all close except this headsets there you go all right well let's see let's move on right over here some hershey's chocolate purple those are nails oh look at you he's worth some money what is this let's just say i won't be using these plastic let's forks this over here okay let's see what's in the thruster so we already showed the star wars this is kind of a san francisco nice that's a nice one it's kind of cool little frame a lot of incense in here it's a sony broken phone here's another broken phone you can lock those up and sell those okay we have of course we do have money in here let's see oh it's all pennies pretty much go back in there piggy everything i every time i see that i think of like toy story personal papers and it's nothing more what is that what is this it says it's a dirty brand new glass okay oops oh those are nice watercolor pencils twin towers there's another one let's drop this one oh ring lord of the rings and they're in there guys it's heavy so we got some movies in here all right digging a little deeper they were definitely star wars no pain no gain what is that that's like a workout thing okay some food chips you want some chips yeah something strong in there okay let me reach the very bottom here nothing oh there's a mask in there yeah i don't think i'd yeah it's kind of cool okay let's see what's in this thing now just okay let's see what's oh we do have some military stuff there little owl other than that not much in here it's a random drawer let's have a rock okay [Applause] okay all right so we also have i'm curious to see what's in this dresser right here but i have to get everything out before i can go in there and see so we're going to pull that out and see what's in that dresser and uh hopefully there's something good in here so thus far a dollar we scored really i mean yeah there's dump here it's not great um but for a buck i mean with all the clothes easy eight hundred dollars easy eight hundred dollars a lot of these clothes you're gonna have to throw away or donate um but there's some good ones in there and if you sold on poshmark or ebay there's money in the clothes but everything else this is what you get when you get a dollar unit that's why it works yeah it's work that's why when i do my course i explained i don't recommend when you first start buying storage units that you buy a cheap unit like this i don't recommend you buy a cheap unit i recommend you save money and you buy a kind of a mediocre or more expensive unit because you buy kind of what you get sometimes and these types of units their work and what people do is they buy these cheap units because they don't spend a lot of money but then they see what's in the storage unit and then they quit buying storage units because they realize how much work it is when you could have bought a better unit and had a better experience and then stayed with it right because the first couple units are really important when you buy storage units because uh if they're crap you're not going to come back and continue buying you have to get over that hump of like three or four so all right i gotta get this in the truck and get ready because we're picking up another unit today that's actually a little better and stay tuned we'll be back i'll show you what's in that um i'll show you what's in that uh dresser all right the moment of truth this is the dresser right here moment of truth what do we have oh that's personal nothing too crazy the moment of truth oh what's in there was that nurse now i thought that was another struggle oh wow it's a pirate park wow that's cool huh what else we got bariapolis no feriapolis these are kind of cool books oh and we have a trophy next next next oh a diary okay next what's in here please be gold okay next one i mean it's not real but it's pretty cool costume jewelry yeah this one too oh on this one okay now we have this one some pretty cool pieces nothing else in here okay okay shut it next oh my goodness we can actually use these these are brand new here do you want a fair yeah go ahead fyi we do have gloves in the truck [Laughter] not joking i don't know i think we only have one pair all right ooh these are star wars cups those are cool those are pretty cool and um they are numbered they don't have a year on them but those are really cool there's another one those are pretty cool 15 bucks maybe 10 to 15 bucks each so here's 50 dollars a few full maybe 40 45 50 bucks if you sold the whole set on poshmark but nothing else in here nope okay all right guys what do you think for a dollar i mean come on let's not do this no let's not do this again i mean they could make money yeah um you just borrowed too many units oh yeah i don't to it's not worth it for me but those that those are on a budget yeah there's a lady here that makes over 100k a year 100 000 a year and she buys units under 50 bucks that's all she buys because she has land and she can process the stuff she doesn't want and she does really really good buying these really affordable units so just know that they're a lot of work that's why i don't buy them and there may be actually better we didn't look through every single thing right so there may be actually better stuff in here too that we don't know about um all right guys i gotta get this done and on to the better units you're gonna be so thankful when we go to the next one okay all right guys hit the thumbs up button and have an amazing day see you now what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for grand ventures and myself 3 100 items in this store and 100 of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the ventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units alright guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 76,119
Rating: 4.8734355 out of 5
Keywords: Dollar General Storage Unit, Clearance Storage Unit, storage auction, abandoned storage unit, storage unit, buy storage unit, found inside storage unit, storage wars, abandoned storage, storage, storage unit found, Dollar General, dollar general penny list, dollar general haul, dollar general clearance event, dollar general deals, dollar general couponing, christa coupons, hidden clearance, digital coupons, storage lockers, storage lockers videos, dollar tree
Id: pqarMFu-zoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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