FOUND LIFE TIME Collector Storage Unit.. PAID $690 7x10!

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what is going on guys it is Saturday it is February 2nd and what is it about 1 p.m. right now so we've got we're getting pretty much done guys we've got these boxes here that we'll go through right now there's a few more at my facility I had to get I think we only have two more videos and that's done two more videos and then we have all this hams stuff so we've got probably ten boxes of that so that's gonna be a really long video showing you each piece but then this unit is done it's been a crazy ride it's been cool hopefully you guys have liked it so we'll finish up these six boxes here we'll play I have one more video of odds and ends that I'll do and then we'll start on the ham radio stuff Monday so alright let's get into this I got my Red Bull of course it's sugar-free and I'll show you the boxes as always some of these boxes we went through at the facility but we did not go through them in depth this may be a little bit longer video because there's a few boxes here that I'll try to get through but we'll try to keep it quick for you guys and show you so we've got this box here we've got some old like crafting stuff that we're gonna go through so this box this box this one this one and this one so we'll try to do these boxes real quick and get this bad boy done and as always I will set you guys down and I appreciate all you guys been amazing there's so many people Viki and so many people you guys that are putting links in to help me when I get to listening to stuff because come Monday it is a listing time I've not listed any of these items not one and Monday we're gonna have to list them all so early start Monday I mean so it's gonna be good alright so let's get into this hang tight alright so this box here let me show you I mean this is kind of how it was so we need to go through this some of the stuff we went through with the actual video and if you guys have not seen that it's an hour and 40 minutes long and it's actually me and mom actually in the storage unit facility so so the first thing we have and I was joking around mom I was like I don't know if I trust this thing it's an old diabetic it's a little diabetic tester basically digital so but look at this they wanted 40 bucks back then for it so and it has everything in here as you guys can see even the back so honestly I don't know like I've sold this stuff before but it's all been newer I'm not too sure who's gonna really want to buy this but somebody may so it's got the manual here you can kind of put what your blood pressure is in there as well next we have now this is all me in the United States and their costume jewelry guys now I did check to see there's any gold here cuz I didn't get one of those gold magnets so there's not but this stuff is really kind of cool because it's you as you can see it's made in the United States costume jewelry this one is interesting this one's interesting guys because this one shows it is sterling so this is Canada but then yet it says Made in the United States I'm not too sure what's going on there but this one has a necklace to go with it we're gonna go through a lot of crafting supplies to probably see yes some little guys over there so yeah somebody will want those and all Hershey's can here 10 and this one since 1992 there's nothing in there let's just double check to make sure there's no money in there we already showed this to the main one but we'll show it again this is genuine cowhide right there it's an old I think people are saying that first baseman's mitt so there are so many comments on this thing guys remember oh man it's funny anyways so many comments on this thing on that main video all right so let's go to you alright wow this thing had a lot of comments let me bring it all off for you so you can see it it had a lot of comments a lot of people wanting to buy this you can see why people got like so look at these things so supposedly back in the 60s these were like I don't know if they are made in the 60s or if they were outlawed in the 60s I can't remember because I don't know a lot about them but they're called lawn darts guys and you can see you can see why they may her people I mean look at that thing so yeah so I've got I've got the original box and I've got four of these so one two three four so four of these then we have see this is made in the United States so I've got two of these actually I think these are just probably extras right here and then I have the box the box it comes with I'll try to show you the so this is the original box I wonder if they have dice oh yeah here we go so here's how you play it you got scoring you know you get like a point system here caution the word of caution never toss a lawn dart when any person or animal is and then near or any person or animal is in or near the vicinity of the opposing ring I mean like hey Oh anyways so yeah I got two of those four of them including two extra and the box so obviously guys before it get a ton of comments I know I cannot put these things on eBay I'm well aware of that so anyway let's continue here let's continue so I forgot to show these actually go with the lawn darts two guys I think you put these on the ground so pretty much the whole complete set which I think are pretty hard to find I think what the reason there's so many people have messaged me is they're pretty hard to find lawn darts anyways but alright so here guys I missed what is this these go what the lawn darts or is this something separate now this is something separate I think so those actually don't go with the lawn darts I don't know let's see oh yeah this is completely separate Wow so these are separate and look they have a bunch of balls in here that are brand new so these are like little balls these are safe I could sell these you put the little balls and then looks like you can shoot in places and shoot them to each other well look they're all in there so there's a bunch of them you just put it in here and then you bomb it oopsie so anyway pretty cool here's another lawn dart thing alright so we have some more shoes guys I love playing horseshoes I'm like not good at it but I like playing it I know some horseshoes can go for good money some of the older ones these have team B right here and you've got a right here so put these horseshoes over here okay looks like we've got two of these guys these are four photographs and they're in really good shape and they've got the black paper let's see and there's there's no photos in here to this oh yeah this still has the original paper and they're made in the United States so this is brand new well not you not brand new but not used so it's good now let's try this one look how beautiful that is you can kind of see really beautiful and let's see if this one has look at the markings on the inside there let's be careful not get good paper dirty yeah there's nothing so it's not used so people compile use this for scrapbooking or photos but these are both unused look at this oh my gosh this may be something so look at this thing book of presidents and election facts and then it has the contents below and this one's just says may the United States and it's got color so that's pretty cool somebody's gonna want this it's got some presidents in there too this part isn't worth much money but it's new or two it's basically like a alarm clock it does have like a little thing up here so maybe you project something in the on the ceiling but yeah I want to check on this just this Oregon Scientific on the bottom and it's got the you know the antenna part and the thing you plug in so that goes for box number one of this video so let's go ahead and go on to the additional boxes and then also there's this but it's empty so I don't want somebody be like there's gold there's no gold in here alright box is number two so this one's got buttons and some other stuff here so we're gonna go through this and show you what's in here guys some of the stuff is gonna be people are gonna definitely want let me see if I can bring this up maybe right over here okay so we have a lot of old buttons in here some not extremely old but I'll kind of show you guys let's take a few out of the bag here [Applause] okay so just some older buttons they won the dollar back then these are made in Japan so and then kind of that by older ones in there I think they obviously had them separated based on my color and pattern a little bit because you can see these are all White's buttons so and beatific oh so here's these this is hand wash on these guarantee washable on these that's funny Japan so it looks like all these were kind of made in that same time period probably and some more buttons some more these are kind of cool flat so looks like that was kind of the time period all these buttons you can see there's a lot of them in there some of these are used some of them are brand new so there's a good portion I'll probably end up like you know lotting these up or selling the masses on eBay now real quick you guys there's a lot of people are wanting some of the stuff and I would love to sell to my viewers like I love to sell you to you guys the problem knows is when a lot of people send me emails they send me emails Hamm interest in this item but they don't give me like what they'll pay which is completely fine it just it's easier if you like hey I love this item and I'm willing to pay this because I'm like I'm like a one-man show so it's kind of tough to go back and forth via email for prices so I just want to make sure that obviously they're not way low that I can simply put them on eBay and make a little bit more money because remember guys it's just my full-time job so love to give you guys some amazing deals and I definitely will just when you send me emails be like hey wait I'm interested and then put you know the price that you would want to pay in your zip code so I know where I'm going to be shipping it to and then will happen is is I'll create an invoice for you send it over you pay and I'll ship your item so kind of like that guys so because remember there's if you go through eBay there's eBay fees and then if you go through PayPal there's still paypal fees and they're shipping that I had to take care of so if you if you say hey I'll buy this for $10 I'll buy this for $10 I still have to ship this which you know depending if it's first-class or not you're looking at like five or six bucks depending on how like heavy it is if it's like you know 14 15 16 ounces and then on top of that you've got your paypal fees and then the cost of goods to write like even though it's in storage unit there's still a little bit of a cost of goods so I'd only net like $4 profit so it's kind of like you know what what do you do there so just give you guys an idea so this is some beautiful ones I love the darker colors if you these out look at these though by the way these are really cool they look like Indian coins and so you can see kind of the back package there but all right so show you guys there's some really cool ones in here guys dark colors different sizes they look in good conditions here so just pull off these ones that have you know these really cool smolder buttons let me know in the comments are you guys excited about buttons this one says made in Canada I got to tell you though I think the quality of these buttons are very high they don't look cheap you know like just the quality of them they look like more expensive buttons you know like there's some really cool colors in there you can kind of tell the cheap ones and I think these just feel like they're nice you know like this is like a you can't hardly see it there but that's like all wood right there it's a malt wood button alright we'll try that move along here quick so we can go through some more boxes okay so these are the all black ones probably to go that time so you know all black they've got really color cool designs on this one was from JCPenney back in the day night era no sensei okay there's two other ones here they wanted a dollar forty back then right so I mean a dollar forty back then it's got to be some pretty nice buttons you would think right and so hopefully they're showing up good I know a lot of people were interested in the buttons when I showed him in that I didn't really we didn't actually show any of them we just opened it up and when I go buttons and people were interested so look how like this one here it's all red I mean yeah that's really cool so it's a Sears on this one here that are made in the USA or their main in Japan it seems like so all this all the Reds like the ones coming up there's a lot that I've seen are made the United States [Applause] and we're not going to do this unboxing type videos for every storage unit just the really unique storage units like the ones you just can't live without you know that's why we're doing the unboxing for these made in the United States so this is kind of a knick-knack one alright you know it's got not knickknacks but like different colors and stuff assorted assorted buttons now I think these are like the really old ones guys I'm gonna put them down here and show you guys just because they look really old fine oh these are i but ins these are vintage eye buttons they could even be I don't know how old they are but let us show you so you guys see that so they're really quite old and they got the eyes that are in this case here very cool these are all there's a lot of them guys a lot of them a lot of them okay so it looks like that's it I mean I have a couple this one here made in Taiwan but other than that that's all the buttons we've got some shells in here but that's it so let's put these buttons away and then we will shall continue alright it's labeled scarfs so let's dig into this let's do this okay first up these some of these sell for good money guys one unit got a bunch of a Christian velour brand new lot I think these I could be wrong guys correct me if I'm wrong it's either a makeup bag or it's a bag to put like your bathroom items and like your toothbrush like travel-size yeah I mean this is really interesting mom uncovered this thing in the storage unit and she didn't know what it was but it looks extremely old and I'll try to hold up to the camera as best as I can okay I mean it looks like a really cool piece oh well there's blood shows of them in there I didn't see that so look like what how old is this guy's and I'll show you the back of it I got to be really careful though and what is it I don't know it just seems like it's really old and they had wax paper in here or whatever here's another one see that's so beautiful it doesn't show good and on the camera maybe you guys know what it is look at this thing then that crazy they just thought the colors of it are really cool I don't know what it is but so we put this back just like it was before all right let's continue so look at this guy's this thing is so so gorgeous and it's okay for guys to say gorgeous okay or luscious don't break it okay there we go so look at this and it's got really oh what's the tag say made in Hong Kong so that's beautiful and it's really clean inside we have another one I actually haven't went through any of this since you know we open just open them up we didn't even go in it so here's another one guys pretty cool look at this wow it's got a few discoloration right there but this could be very old let's show you inside it's all red inside that fabric you can kind of see so all right we have a lot of I think these are handkerchief scarfs we're just going to quickly go through these ok let's see what's the best way to do it we'll do it like this so I mean I think this is silk it feels like silk probably a hundred percent silk really light and they're big so they can't be handkerchiefs they're probably scarfs right or maybe someone more handkerchiefs see look at that I mean just incredible it's like you're taking going back in time got beautiful this one is alright that color is just like shine off of it it's crazy you can kind of see in the back - that's the back of it so really great quality there's a lot of them in here guys so we're gonna kind of go quick but those that are interested in these things [Music] there's another one just give you an idea how big they are they're you know 12 inches by 12 inches maybe this one's not embroidered it's kind of like there's just endless maybe this one it's kind of you know give you an idea Wow this is crazy I don't know it doesn't have a look at this it doesn't show up good on the camera but man it's beautiful it is beautiful see-through I was playing she gonna save time with the plain ones with no there's some socks in here all right that's like we're just one this one's big I mean this is yeah this is must be a scarf that's pretty pretty large you can kind of feel alright listen to the fabric as I look at that I'll start putting these over here I mean the quality of these right beautiful and another one no worries I'm showing all these is kind of give you an idea but look at that look how old it is and just shines it's an intense intense some older one's got a little bit discoloration but it's a beautiful one so once a little flappy there's another one you can see a little discoloration here look at the ends it's beautiful all in this one storage unit guys all these videos have been one storage unit and I've already sold over $1,000 in gold paying for the $690 unit it's one good thing about storage units is you can get a lot of merchandise you know one good storage unit can set you up for three or four months what I mean by that is just listing the amount of items to list you know three or four months but it can actually say a plonker than that but this I've had better storage units in this believe it or not this oh this one says 1979 hallmark on it so this is from hallmark and this was made in Japan I'll give you an idea oh yeah it seems like everything was made in Japan in this unit this is another beautiful one but this is not embroidered or anything I just look at this oh my gosh this thing could be worth some money here the rope and Corral self that says well look at this thing wow it's big Oh it's see-through in that crazy it's so light Wow all right let me put this stuff away guys and then we are back so this was actually in that box right here guys we're gonna go through this box we're getting there we're getting there but look how awesome this thing is just a really cool box and so let's see what we have in here so I don't know much about this stuff Mahama actually knows more than I do but look this is wood so that's wood but so these are some older like these are all wood made in the United States all these probably most of them are made in the United States from what I can see so and it's really cool to the way that the wicker I don't this is fine that wicker I don't know what this is but the way that this is set up look you got your top shelf here and then you have your bottoms bottom area down there but uh yeah this is uh there's just a bunch of these in here so I would obviously probably sell this as a lot a lot this up and sell it this is polyester you've got this bunch down here they're beautiful colors though I mean look at the quality of it you could definitely notice this one is yep in the United States all right so this is this I would say 14 inches I mean it's a pretty big little basket so pretty cool let's go on to the next all right so this box here guys is it's going to be cool to go in let's do these two things first this box does not bleed or not most of their stuff was packaged decent this box was not when we found it so and we haven't gone through any of this stuff so I would say you guys should be surprised but yeah got another music box here this one takes batteries this is a newer one they probably move up and down and it feels plastic I know no it's not it feels weird yeah I think it's plastic somebody still may want this though I mean who knows maybe it's it's a good one I can't see any marks on it where it was made or anything but can I give you an idea yes I have a knife here here's another one I'm hoping that they're not corroded but if they are I'll clean them so it's like there's two of them it's a 2ds and they come in here which is great for shipping those too look at those I'm gonna start putting these out here guys I'll move the camera up a little bit so you can see this is a Barbie it's a Barbie you know perfect okay so let me move a few of these out here so we can they were not packaged very well wow this is beautiful this is really cool look at that guy's look at the quality on it there's no stains just really cool a really cool heart got that what does that called at the lease I don't know mom what now she's doing a craft store guys you guys know that she used to make a ton of money on her own craft store Big Bear California music box yeah they weren't packaged in here very well but we'll go through them now we did not show this is a beautiful one Wow look at that I'm not crazy the amount of detail on that thing Wow and here's another one this one does not have a stand I'll have the package he's a little better though than what they were oh I think this has a hat to it okay no wonder okay let's go through doll by doll shall we and we will put them away as we go through these so this is the first doll you know oh you know and she's got a stand with her this one says it was made in Taiwan that's the stand and kind of give you an idea it's got this really like rough it's kind of rough but and couldn't give me an idea I don't sell a lot of dolls but just the this feels like it's really nice quality and it's porcelain the porcelain head so I guess I could see if there's a maker bound here I can't see it but you can see all right so that's the first doll over nicely in there here's the second look at her she's like going to a party or something back then huh what what type of party she's going to oh let me move this over here a little bit here wind me up watch me dance let's try Oh how do we wind her up I have not seen one of those bottoms before oh you guys can't see your dance okay let's try that one second let me wind her up oh this is how you wind her up right here okay it's too funny hey what they said you're gonna dance what happened not in the dancing mood is it not enough a big enough party in here for you I mean there we go well she does dance huh not porcelain anyway okay so really cool the way this is set up and she can dance that's how you do it they did make him look real I mean she is really in great condition so then she got flowers right there she even has her little umbrella so this is one of them you guys know anything about these dolls please let me know because honestly that's not my expertise I'll I'll show you this one first cuz she's gonna cool what when she's tall I gotta move up my camera cuz she's so tall let me let me actually do this for you guys look at her she's beautiful and let me know if you know anything about her I don't see a lot of times you can look there and see kind of oh okay so she says she is mein Korea so if you guys can see that but mate in Korea and that's kind of the bottom to her and so touching her legs it is rubber like that rubber that you get from older Barbies so now let's see I'm just trying to look for him oh there's a button over here sometimes even the clothes are more expensive than the Barbies I've noticed when I've sold them so as a music box and she moves very slowly I want to see if I can find a marking for like a company or something all right guys don't do any weird comments here okay I'm just looking for a mark and I don't see any so no no mark okay anyways let's put you back over here she's gonna play us a really cool song okay so here's the next one I had to put her hat on her look oh wow she's a pretty good looking doll I mean obviously really great quality almost feels like real hair could be a real hair I don't know and see if we can find some markings cuz sometimes they're on the back I don't know much about dolls but okay I'm gonna see the stitching I'm doing this to see if you guys know anything oh here we go so made in China so maybe she's not worth the ton she is porcelain that's a porcelain head and that's kind of the material she's made out of so pretty cool so if you guys what would you value her at almost feels like a real hair it's really weird how it does feel like real hair and that's her hat so we'll move on City next see let's do this one next she's really tall and if you can see it's her head like in the crazy how lifelike there Wow alright so it does feel kind of like real hair again I don't know if they're putting real hair on these dolls or what but and it feels pretty high-quality I mean look at the clothing alone it's got little buttons right here and I still don't see any markings oh wow it's a music box what the heck look at that huh and she works it's a music box look at that mic right here the high quality just everything oh right here god I was looking all around still has her tags I mean Taiwan and there's the tank so I mean even the Hat this feels like good quality and she's heavy so and her her fingers sometimes when you look at dolls at least when I buy some in the past you got to make sure their fingers are not broken because sometimes their fingers get broken and she doesn't have any broken fingers and that's another tag that's on her so all right well moving right along moving right along we did this so I'll put that in there all right the last doll trying to think if this is her is that her guys I don't even know we'll see the Lord is my shepherd so why is that not focusing oh there we go that's the back ok so let's take a look at her look at the just that the sheer quality of this one too and they yeah she does kind of look like oh we're here yeah Paradise gallery looks like it's from San Diego and definitely porcelain fingers look pretty good no chips and just look at the back of her hair again it feels like almost real hair so I don't know and this is kind of the material I'm not trying to be weird here guys I'm just showing you what material there is this porcelain and it doesn't move so she sits somewhere sits on something basically so and that's her clothes pretty crazy so yeah I want to see how much she's worth we'll see okay moving right along this was also in the box look at this dress is massive on this girl here made in Taiwan yep and you guys keep telling me put them on the ground when you wind them up or they won't work so you can see she's working pretty cool and she has got a mate or a colleague let's call her a colleague she's got to call the guys oh my gosh I just noticed her arms are ripped off on this one okay she may not go for much money look she's got her arms ripped off unfortunately but yeah so you gotta look out for me in Taiwan but two of them maybe I can sell this one and then give this one included free you know I can sell this one I can do this one included free with it so all right here's another one this almost looks hand-painted it's a mail box and what do you guess it's a musical [Music] [Applause] what song is this I don't remember that sounds familiar it sounds really familiar it's a pretty song it this is about 10 inches guys maybe well maybe 8 inches so uh I found the arm so it was this piece right here that was in the box they did not package they did a really good job back at she and all the other boxes except this one but it fits perfectly somebody said you can dip these in milk or something and then it will fuse back together I don't know but yeah the broken pieces right here so that's good news alright the last thing are not the last thing in the box but one last things is this person here these look familiar I think these are pretty collectible I could be wrong it looks familiar and then there's the back to it this is made in Taiwan and it is a music box of course and it does work so no chips and you can kind of give an idea that I mean it's probably four and a half inches or so alright so the next thing only two more things in this box we have a candle we have a Christmas candle and it just says Merry Christmas and it has been used and it looks like it's a musical which is really weird or some plays music or something it's got an on and off right here but it is a legit candle like this is like wax so I've never seen that before where it's had these and like you can burn this candle if you wanted so yeah that's interesting so yeah I've got that Ashley loves Christmas guys she's the Christmas person all right so who do we yeah what do we have crepe a crepe maker oh my gosh I want to know right now how many people love these things like I'm a big crate fan I love these things you go to like Elmer's or you go to you know I hope they've got a lot of crepes of course you can make your own with this so I want to see if it's in there let's see all of this it's in there guys it's got the manual with the two so it is in here and they sell better if they've got the manuals and this one does of course it does they took really good care of their stuff so yeah so that was in there I know it's like tall tall tall crank maker so does it does it go but alright so that's it for this box we'll do one more for this video because they're being a little longer and I thought they would get all the dolls a crepe maker this stuff and that so let's do one more box for this video guys two more boxes on this video guys let's do it I only open up one of these in the storage unit so I actually don't know what's in this one and I don't remember opening this one so I just didn't have time oh I almost lost you guys so let's go through these real quick I know this video is long 2 boxes let's be careful because they sound like breakables well there's two of them in here okay so first of all they're wrapped so that's great and look at the add face made in Taiwan me in Taiwan and these are candle holders so you can see there you can put the long candles and you got another one right here there's two of them we have a boy and a girl and they're praying no chips really cool candle holders so many you want these and this is the box day candle holders I don't see any markings or anything like that I'm assuming this is a Santa okay nope there's something here we're gonna I'm unaware of oh it's a candle okay made in China guys really heavy santa and so basically if you can't really see here but there's holes little stars and so what you do is you put the candle in here and then the light shines through the little holes so even though it's made in China and probably not that old it's a beautiful Santa and he's heavy he's close to a pound and he's probably eight inches tall so somebody's gonna love him here's the last box it's all wrapped up still so look at this thing this is actually a Vaughn guys but you know a lot of Avon you gotta be careful with I've sold a lot of Avon I've got a lot of storage units and some it's not worth a lot of money but then there's some that are so this one looks pretty high Heights High cool Avon high tech whatever you want to call it that is you're gonna focus there we go so that's the middle and you can see the temperature temperature gauge on there on the Avon well it's crazy it's got the top it's just most fantastic in there guys there's no there's nothing in there but it smells good smells as good as a can for being is a cold this is Avon 10 on here Avon 10 so I do this thing Wow so that's inside of it and it is a bell literally it looks like it's not shipped in good condition dinnertime dinnertime it's not how to do it another bill Wow this s the mark on here made in West Germany these things are not cheap probably okay so a lot of people are asking what is the newspaper dates what is the dates on the newspaper so and are we not gonna get a top part of a newspaper thing oh here we go this one is 1992 Tuesday May 12th 1992 some were in the 50s somewhere in the 60s this was 92 so here's another one time I want this to load because it is a cruel tag anyways so this is the bottom part here definitely crystal this is world's finest genuine lead crystal 24 percent beep or PPO made in western germany is the tag so let's let keep it there for just for two seconds and see if it loads oh there we go there we go so that's the tag so maybe you guys know if this is worth good money or not but let crystal I'm assuming that this one is very similar that it's probably made of the same stuff like so all right we have some animals here this rock maybe it's like a lot of this lava lava rock probably and it's got an elephant on there so that's one and we have a bear you probably had something he was on maybe so I don't see any markings on him he's kind of heavy okay this says over 24% full LED crystal this is Avon 1986 source of fine collectibles that's what you're probably all see that but that's what it says and this is Avon an Avon Bell so so like I said some Yvonne doesn't go a lot of Avon doesn't go for a lot but who knows maybe this one it's got a little rose in there maybe that one will go for good money okay so we have some more of those crazy this is Japan on there it's more of these like really weird you know bunnies and this is obviously a mouse but hard hard eyes this is pretty big though guys and it does have a little mark here like they glued it but really cool and then here's another one especially for you a little bear and it's made out of the same stuff I'm assuming it's probably from Japan - I don't see any markings on it but got another little bear and we have another thank you little bear here another maybe this is made out of bone or something there we go cool kind of a cool flower design to it I don't see any markings or anything like that but what is this genuine petrified wood and there was something on there so this is genuine petrified wood it's kind of heavy and that's the tag for it genuine petrified wood and there's probably something on there guys but [Applause] [Music] what the heck is this Wow what is so it's a little urn interesting it's very it feels like you know I don't know what it's made out of but I would say it's about four inches yeah about four inches maybe three and a half or so about four inches here's another one Wow there's two on here this one's chipped you guys can see that it's got some good colors I may sell them together as like a set especially if that one's chicks this looks like brass maybe or no no sorry this is not excuse me what am I talking about some brass let's see maybe maybe sterling I don't know it's kind of tarnished quite a bit but I don't see any markings on it Wow Wow some people really like to collect these so alright we have another bear Cinderella ooh this may be worth some money it's a bear you might you'd be surprised how much plush goes for guys he feels weird he doesn't it feels kind of bony like there's nothing like there's no oh it's a Cinderella book yeah it's Cinderella book right there but look at that and that crazy that is awesome it's a whole little Cinderella book with the bear so who knows maybe this is worth some good money here guys little bear let me know in the comments let me know so I found what goes on here remember I was like something goes on here it was the mouse so I've got a little mouse that went on the petrified wood and he busted off but little mouse went on there we have another one probably hand-painted or something he looks pretty evil like he's gonna take over the world alright so let's dig into this so we're almost done we've got some stuff in here we're gonna go through real quick just for the sake of time I have not gone through any of this stuff oh this is brand-new never used it's a guest book so pop well you can't we can't open it let's see what's in here I'm trying to hope nevermind it has been used it's a guest book so that has definitely been used remember anything personal I'm gonna try to some old we're just going to take these out I think they're old postcards and stuff I want to try to preserve their personal stuff okay so one thing you got look out for in storage units is old art because sometimes old art before they got really famous you know this says East Stevens looks like kinda like a metal painting so let's see if there's anything inside oh it just opens up okay yeah it's kind of a cool painting though or I say painting but it could be you know a prince but it doesn't feel like that it feels like a painting kind of like a metal painting it's so this is poems it looks like they took it looks like from a typewriter poems which makes sense because there's more poems over here like two little oh wait so a book oh yeah so it looks like a some more poems yeah 1935 Oh copyright 1935 on to really look through these oh this looks like it was this an essay or something they look they here they were also read through thought that's gonna be interesting okay anyways all right we did not get through all the boxes I tried there's just so much stuff guys so we have two more boxes so we have three boxes here we have another one here I'll give you a sneak peek of an item that's gonna be shown on the next on the next video here that we have not shown is this guy so we got this bomber and he was not shown or he has not been shown yet so he's gonna be shown on the next video there's some of this stuff in there I think from World War two it could be wrong I'm not an expert but alright we'll try to wrap this up I think literally two more videos then we're gonna start doing all this ham radio stuff and there's a lot of it eight boxes I mean it would stack up so anyways guys hit the subscribe button make sure you hit the bell icon because I do go live on YouTube quite a bit and remember guys that crazy-cool live event is going to be in on the February 23rd in Oregon so Portland Oregon it's actually in Beaverton but it's close to Portland you can come it's a bunch of people that resell on eBay and Amazon and literally 20 bucks includes food bowling shoes and for four to eight so you can come hang out with us and yeah so it's gonna be fun I'll be there in person and another cool youtuber called site hustle pros it's going to be there so a lot of cool people are gonna be there guys I will see you there if you want to go live I'll put the link below that's the link you'll just click to pay the 20 bucks the venue cost 3,000 and so 20 bucks it's actually pretty good because normally I would have been like 44 bucks per person so anyways talk to you soon have an amazing day see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 20,624
Rating: 4.8760562 out of 5
Keywords: FOUND LIFE TIME Collector Storage Unit, Collector Storage Unit, LIFE TIME, storage unit, storage wars, storage locker, storage auction, storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit, storage unit business, real storage auction, self storage, storage units, storage unit size guide, storage facility, i bought a storage unit, storage unit wars, storage unit finds, storage unit living, storage auction finds, treasure hunting, storage unit auction, antique storage unit
Id: qt5TX_7FQLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 4sec (4204 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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