Digging out 100 year old collectibles from an Estate! Look what we uncovered!

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hi I'm Alex archol I've been buying and selling antiques since I was a kid over the years generations of our family have gotten involved in the business and I'll search just about anywhere I can to find hidden treasures both big and small I never know what I'll turn up next it's about exploring new places seeing new sites and having fun and even though sometimes I get over my head we try and make things a little better along the way this is curiosity in hey guys and welcome to today's episode I got a call that there is an estate that might need clearing in fact it's about four generations worth of stuff and uh family is sorting and going through it now I've been invited to their house to come have a look I'm about to go inside uh best part is I think they said that I can film while I poke around so let's hope we can find some cool stuff maybe some Treasures today you never know what's going to happen so let's go on on adventure today and go dig around the house and see what's in some boxes and what's lying around the corn let's go exed we are in the garage little chilly in here it's actually colder in your garage than it is outdoors I don't know how that's possible must have be the concrete trapped the cold it's like a freezer in here um and you guys are shy and don't want to be on camera so if you're wondering why isn't Alex showing these people how rude well it's because they don't want to be shown but look we have little metal travel trunks all these crates have you guys looked at the labeling on the crates to see what they're labeled as um the ones you want to look for aren't so much the Apple crates are kind of cool like that um but it's um ammunition crates that if you come across ammunition crates so they would say like um Cil or North some of them can be worth hundreds of dollars depending upon what age it is um so if you do have and there's lots of antique wooden crates in here um some of them were Oh I thought that was going be I thought that was going to have a sewing machine and I was expecting weight in it in the middle okay so no so so this is all empty boxes here EMP Bo okay and you're okay if I wander down here yeah all of those Wen boxes what was in there you emptied them those I'm just trying to read the labels sometimes it's interesting it's hard to these are all empty this looks like a typewriter crate almost they used to when you would order a typewriter from the Department Store they'd send it in a crate about that size and sometimes the graphics are cool it'll say singer and show a picture of the what you ordered on us oh you got boxes of rocks here have you have you looked to see what type of rocks these are is there a particular reason why they were kept some of them are going to be videos oh I see some of them are petrified Rock like wood oh pet I was going to say isn't all rock petrified Rock that's now a rock oh right I see okay and I see yeah there's some interesting my uh wife and kids are super into uh crystals and geodes and stuff like that you even got a big stack of dirt I'm guessing that's unrelated Electrolux vacuums okay I'm going to come around that other side there it's more or less over here fish tank what an what an odd assortment of stuff I mean I haven't seen this many antique wooden crates in one area in quite some time um when I had my shop they were awfully handy to have around to keep stuff in look that's Blue Ribbon tea they're looking these are all kind of 192 20s what's that one packed and shipped lots of fruit boxes yeah there's also like um mustard boxes mustard some old Christmas ornaments and people do collect old Christmas ornaments too like anytime I've been in a house and you find boxes of the old like glass ornaments and stuff I'm always trying to we have that inside you have those inside okay antique reclining chair looks like it needs a little TLC yes it has like a it needed to be reupholstered but it didn't get that far this has all the air of some Grandpa's chair that don't sit in that that's Grandpa's chair and Grandpa probably never moved out of it um where we had mason jars okay so this was mason jars and then um started getting more boxes and that we were going through okay and have you gone through some of these yet to see no we haven't I'm I'm going to peek I see uh Richard scary kids books looks like paperwork and stuff so these are probably going to be assorted right okay but then this is like my great-grandfather oh newspapers yeah they kept stories so in what era is that 1938 1938 so just before the war there's the king's coronation yeah Royal welcome to the their majesties yep so interesting of paper um and I do also buy postcards and things that there are people who have great interest in old newspapers too just people even craft with them yeah so there are a lot of box we haven't even gotten into this section to see what this is okay I just move this this was in front of this books I'm just peeking oh these are uh these Lids slide off let's just have a little probably more recent yeah cookbooks though okay well I I'll let you do that's the fun stuff for you guys to go through the boxes that haven't been gone through but exactly okay so let's maybe have a look at the stuff that's set aside I'm just looking correspondence that's probably letters looks like uh your aunt kept just about everything she kept everything so oh that's a nice old trunk yeah and what's inside the trunk I think these are just crate Lids oh Lids yeah but you know if any of these are oil cans it might be worth looking at uh I'm going to actually get the light on here so I can see better I Haven really got this section okay so any old tin if you wouldn't mind holding that up for a sec okay so what you want to look for is any tin that has a name on like a graphic like this one that is something Silver Leaf um any of these okay that for you there's an old honey container unfortunately a bit worse for wear but um those Lids are going to come in handy cuz those are probably the lids for these tins not much of Graphics left on them but that one yeah like this yeah so certain it it's really important to look at these cans there we go Swift's Silver Leaf brand pure lard well that's a big bucket of lard holy cow that that's enough lard to keep you in business for a while so um old food tins are neat oil cans can be worth thousands of dollars especially if it says like Buffalo oil on it um there's some with North American Indian or indigenous peoples on them those can be very valuable so we'll uh we'll give you a few things to look for um as you're digging around and uh hopefully you can find a few Treasures some odd little things I'm sure there's going to be all sorts of stuff to look at today thanks for showing that to me so you've probably seen push mowers before but this is is half a push mower and I think that's just really meant for doing small Edge work but it's the same idea a little uh little rotor on there so you go still works you sharpen those blades up it would still do do the job but that's just for doing kind of like maybe the Edge by your sidewalk or something a little awkward to push with just having one wheel but you know the era of invention you got some old pot bottles and beer bottles medicine bottles look like they were dug out of the ground almost some of these and have you looked in all the Rusted nails and chain well that's probably what that is yep is that something rusted nail and chain um I have a friend who does artwork who could probably use the the nails to weld with he makes sculptures and stuff out of it but your average person probably would shy away from rusted Nails uh okay let's let's have a look inside okay so then then there's so that was what is this just little chocolate boxes or Christmas boxes aun kept everything and she just had all the bo she kept them all I guess yeah stocking boxes they moved out from Calgary okay so my grandparents came to Calgary in 1904 and 1906 right my aunt was born 1908 1908 yeah my uncle was born in 1911 I think my dad was born 1919 well when you look at the age of some of these boxes you know uh for people who there are people who collect antique nylons you you'd be surprised but the ones that have graphics on it like this are probably worth separating like a box like this it doesn't have anything on it it's and it's kind of water damage not really worth much but um some of them have really interesting graphics and you know it's probably worth separating those out because you could probably get a couple bucks for those you know like the stocking boxes there are people and if you ever come across the stockings that go in the Box um in the museum museum box okay I was going to say cuz there are uh oh I see you've separated stuff maybe to donate to a museum yeah um there are uh ladies uh well there are people who collect antique hosery we took all that we took stuff out to the museum in Rocky that's where we grew up so they moved to the farm in 1920 which was uh really a homesteading area right the last Homestead opened up in our area when I was in grade three grade three Homestead yeah and you look at the the old medicine still in the little bags powdered Trigon how would you say that Trion Tri something whatever it is is powdered and it's still in there and came from te eatens and Company yeah Eaton hasn't been around for a while darn easy Darner and mender yep okay you're welcome to look at them we well I mean if you have it set aside already to donate somewhere else well it doesn't doesn't matter it's just that I don't want to be pulling stuff from we had taken out a couple of lot of stuff of other things but then as we go through there were things that that are just different right okay they're just different like you need to go find your medicine bottle that we found from and what's in the box up top here this is okay these are oh these are oh um like enamel pans and okay and stuff all right things that would just go in and just right okay yeah so they canate is getting a like an old getting okay 1906 self Educators okay yeah didn't get out there Rocky is apparently the museum Rocky is getting an Old Log Cabin type thing oh so you're you're keeping the stuff aside so they can decorate with well some of it yeah okay I in probably more little boxes little pieces dishes oh tiny little kid dishes for having a tea party it's for painting she painted oh nylons yeah so there you go so if you had those nylons with the nylon boxes somebody would find Value in that you know there some new ones were there not yes not necessarily right there yeah it's a it's a whole Trend I guess to uh keep and maintain and dress in in the old way oh was a doll and that corset coret coret yeah do you imagine having to get strapped in just to be able to go out for the day D yeah old Dy D okay crated Sunset d sheated a lot to the oh good well it's nice to know that you guys are finding homes for these things you know my job is to really try and help stuff avoid the landfill so you guys are doing a good job of that I don't think okay let's have a look in the box here you've got a butter press right there um some kitchen type stuff you've got uh looks like maybe a shelf bracket you got a level nice old level and then I've noticed you have a ton of these antique jars and when I say a ton I mean literally every box here are antique quart sealer jars and these actually do sell okay yeah and you sell them by the box full it generally does all right I'm going to have a little look at the tins here cuz some of them are kind of interesting show card colors opaque flat finish so that was a paint tin but look at the neat little graphic on the lid there that's pretty cool you know it's some pretty old paint it obviously has uh not stood the tend of stood up to the test of time but all these little tins are so fun to look at and I think that's what people like is they like to collect them for the artwork that's on them and there's a few more room I'll show you in the other room okay Golden State Mason jar that's an odd shape too because it's got a really wide a wide yeah it's a wide mouth wide yeah those are a little less common so there's your original carpet cleaner and look it's Bissell brand you wonder how long bissell's been around for well look at this thing it is made out of wood it's got these big rollers and it's basically just a sweeper is what it is so it would draw your lint and Etc up into it and you'd uh empty the trap out it's got a little foot spot here that you can drop it um but but it's all there I mean there are it's a historical piece it's interesting but uh in terms of value not super valuable but cool to see though so as we're kind of looking around at the jars and stuff I noticed that there's these beautiful mid-century modern teak dressers um would they had legs would this have had legs as well the legs are in there okay they're they're there this is a actually pretty nice piece both of them if they're if they were fixed up and and uh you look at that sort of design where that handle comes across that one's broken I guess pieces here oh you have the piece for it but um yeah te is super hot right now so those are surprisingly as you know probably good pieces really impressive to see them stacked on top each other it reminds me of like an old you know something you'd see in a bank or something almost but yeah so what what are you doing with those they're you got more so we kind of oh you got some stuff organized oh yeah like so this is like postcards are cool so these are all postcards love old postcards hundreds yep and some uh panoramic pictures of probably the Rocky Mountains yeah that's so all of that would be of interest for sure and you've got more in the bags there too mhm and you would consider selling the postcards no special interest in them I would like to look at a couple because they okay well I I'll I'll buy whatever you want to the things I'm interested I'll just point out and if you're not quite ready to sell it then we can chat about it you know the reason I I want to look at them first is because some of them are pictures of family oh gotcha okay and some of them are you know I will be there or we got married the fourth of right so if it has sentimental value I need to Doc know much about but they have they oh these are um oh let's have a look those look like they're uh tea and tobacco cards so when you would have bought a box of like red rose tea or something like that at the time you get like little cards that went along with it and that's exactly what these are in fact they probably say on the back like what um yeah Imperial tobacco company and stuff so did somebody serve in the war cuz I see some uh Uncle did somebody kept some bullets that are wartime yes we have somewhere we had the box where you could order ammunition from Eaton's company okay yes Eon eonia ammunition yeah that's cool yeah okay and I think what's in here is TOPS oh just like wooden top okay yeah okay they just kept all the well as I find things that are of interest can I set them aside and you guys can kind of just have a quick browse and see if it's okay for it to go yeah okay all right maybe what I'll do is I'll put the Alex pile well I'll make a pile on this bed here yeah that's what I thought maybe yeah CU I see you've got a board so I'm not going to wreck your blanket but um let's make a little pile of stuff that I might be interested in and then we'll we'll chat about it okay so this I was told came from England and it is their sewing machine have you used this sewing machine yourself did you ever try using it I and it's got probably its accessories in a nice old chocolate box look at that that's very art Novo 1900s of the era and uh yeah nice little hand crank I don't even know what uh what brand is it do you know no it is a it is I don't think it's a it's English I've not seen that type before it looks very industrial Grand it's kind of looking on the table here it's an interesting sort of lantern it's odd setup it's a hurricane so the other thing we found so this you said is a shaving kit yes okay let's have a look it's like oh look at that yeah so you can keep you got a a button hook you've got uh stuff to keep your cuticles nice you got your you probably put some cologne and shaving cream and stuff so that's your a full little kit is the razor in there too yeah I believe it's right here oh yeah yeah and at one time strap because the razor strap got used for other purposes well yeah I bet uh and then that could have been a safety or straight razor that went in there neat little kit of Years Gone by do you mind if I have a look in the at the papers here yeah yeah so they would they would print a story every week I guess a part of it and so your this is your Aunt or your your mom kept every every story incomplete so lots of Western stuff Showdown by Ernest ha and so look at them all in here from the 50s way back all these papers and stories and stuff that's pretty neat there's more boxes like this like that too yeah and I guess you've got a lot more boxes to go through before we uh know exactly what there is and yeah you said this is mostly uh uh leather working cobbler type stuff so you can mend your shoes like like you were saying if you're on the farm you got to do everything yourself so you have your shoe forms there would be a big stand that this sits on a heavy metal stand that that goes on like thisal it's a heavy metal it has a base in kind of a a square shaft that comes off it and it fits perfectly in the end of that you would know cuz it weighs a ton it's cast iron so if you have a cast iron stand somewhere in the house you're not sure where it goes it's probably that I'm just looking at some of your at the odd little tools and bits pieces in here cuz sometimes those are interesting and there are lots of people who collect old tools but mainly old planes and plows are are of interest to folks but still neat to look at again boxes yeah all the old boxes I mean what's interesting about this is that because your your great a never sold anything you have like multiple people's lives still somewhat intact and she saved everything so she would have made her own hats she did make some right and some of that is the netting The netting yeah the old photo family photo album it's like she has all kinds of making in the process of making a hat or repairing a hat or repairing a hat okay okay so I have to be careful with this one oh I see at 1904 so it came from Hilda okay so Hilda was my grandma's sister well dressed Dapper guy 1906 yeah in the wedding cards I think oh who died everything the funeral funeral from it You' got one of those to well it's nice that you've kept all all this together the future Generations some of them I know cuz anti and I went through and I've written down who they were oh yeah he's got his fancy Pi helmet there I think that's a Giovani I'm just going to have a look at this so you were saying that the shat BC area um okay yeah so indigenous maid probably what is 1900 to 1930 I would say 1930 I think it came to my grandma around that 1920 to 30 AG that's a beautifully woven basket just really really nicely done with the pattern on that it's a nice little piece and I saw that you also had some nice early beaded and some of them would have been more like touristy things that they would have made and sold to uh the settlers or the people in that area but really nice bead work on there I think this okay well um there was an awful lot of stuff in the house and they were absolutely lovely people so I'll say that so thank you for inviting me out um The Challenge can be sometimes uh when folks are still uh s sentimental or emotionally attached to things it can make it difficult for somebody to let stuff go and so um there was definitely I think a little bit of that emotional struggle there we were able to buy some stuff though and um and I think there's a few interesting things so we'll get back to the house we'll go through and I'll show you what I was able to find in this collection uh and hopefully they can uh find their way to selling some things uh some more stuff themselves and uh freeing themselves from uh all that stuff uh truthfully there there's a reason why I kind of prefer to go to places um when the person is completely ready to sell makes it a lot easier but we were able to get um a good little pile of stuff so we'll get back to the house offload and I'll show you today's Treasures okay the first thing I want to show you is this metalcraft airplane they put it in a bag for me because uh the pieces were kind of was loose they said it's easy to leave Parts but this was built around the time that the Spirit of St Louis was out flying and people were obviously enamored with it at the time uh I've never actually seen one in the Box usually you find them sort of loose um complete and loose they sell for $2 $300 not sure what it would sell for with with the box but um I'm hoping all the parts are there and later probably later in this video I will build it and see if it's all there so that was a cool piece um this I believe is an early 1900s stif mohare teddy bear he is in absolutely miserable condition uh all of his fur his mohare fur is all but worn off he needs a serious renovation to make him a proper bear again and unfortunately the ear that would have had the little button in it is missing but you can't really just walk away and leave a 100-year-old stif sitting you know for Lauren in a closet so that came back with me um there were some toys that I didn't really even have a look at that I saw there too and um I pretty much just bought the whole bin of whatever they had but there was some really early tin plate toys that look like early pre-war German made like we're talking late 1800s kind of in that era so it's missing one of the wheels there but you got this clown on what looks like kind of a a bicycle of sorts oh there's the other wheel in there and there's the spring obviously the spring has sprung on it but um kind of a cool thing it might be like a j Shannon company maybe early American uh but really interesting little piece so it's not every day that you come across early early toys that have been in the same family forever unfortunately uh this box there was not much left of it it was a little puzzle box probably so bits and pieces for that we've got little Cy dolls and some doll parts and pieces that are a little worse for wear but still you know I just pretty much said I'll take the whole box so whatever is in here I don't even fully know what's in here there's puzzles and look how they used to cut the puzzle shapes they didn't have the inner locking circles and stuff that we're used to now they're actually just geometric straight cuts on those really old puzzles those are pretty cool some very early dressy children's hats for your Sunday Best little girls hats probably from the early 1900s around then we've got some quite old children's books Let's Move that out of the way Silver Bells and cockal shells and it's actually a book printed on cloth playtime linen playtime book so yeah I guess it would probably stand up a little bit better if it was you know on linen so it's kind of unique you wonder how many of those are left Billy Boy Scout book look at the great graphics on that isn't that just that's just a fun thing to look at if you had that framed it on your wall some of these book covers it's just such great artwork Sunshine painting and Crayon book and uh it's not been actually colored in 1925 oh it has some coloring little bit of coloring happened in there that's all right that's what it's meant for what is this obstacle the great obstacle race game now that's a fun one Spears games and it's got its little figures and its board very early board game Cool Stuff Again graphics on these things that's what really attracts me to a lot of the the early toys and things like that is the graphics the artwork on it we have
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 63,485
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Id: aXohRh5TWuU
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Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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