He Was RICH and Fled the Country! I Bought His Storage Unit FULL Of Money FLOOR TO CEILING!

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I just won this abandoned storage unit behind me for $640 and I think it's going to be an insane score let's check it out right at the front you can see like 20 laptops sitting right there in this right here the Marvel stuff there's more Marvel looking stuff back there I figured the dude's going to be a nerd if he's a nerd we're going to find video games and stuff like that let's start going through it little did I know this would be one of our best storage units ever and we would make five figures Plus in profit you have to see it to believe it right here we got is that a bunch of software what are these oh no these are these are covid tests yes I just wanted an entire bag of like 20 covid tests thank you thank you so much we have to be sure we got to be sure it's not sure unless we test at least 40 times that's just a plug thing there's some gu guest cologne check that out that's new that's probably 20 30 bucks already already that took all of 5 Seconds we have Minecraft for the Xbox One Metal Gear Solid for Xbox One Skyrim great game Scrolls Online oh look at this it's a Minecraft book that comes with it Minecraft anything's probably worth the money I think the Xbox game is like 20 or 30 bucks so that's good SpongeBob SquarePants piggy bank that's what's up and then another piggy bank this one says langly that what else is in here papers papers some pictures not too much oh what is that come here what are these are these Comics oh no these are posters but they're definitely this seems like a person that will have video games in comics these are game informers they're G or game centers sorry I misread that but these are magazines that come from video games so I think this guy's going to have more games in here for sure this one here looks like it's there's always one of these per unit at a bare minimum this is all personal paperwork and they tell me to leave the personal stuff behind so this tote right here yep this one's being left behind I got rid of the other basket that was all paperwork and now we got this right here this was the reason the bid went so high let's see buy three that's just a mouse pad but in here how many laptops do we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 this is number 15 15 laptops sitting right here they're older Windows Vista that's good and bad bad CU it's not going to be worth as much good cuz it means it probably still works it's probably dead though but they look like they're intact usually if the hard drive is gone this part's Tak off and stuff and you can tell these don't look like they've been tampered with there's one let's see what other brands we have in here here's a little D and this one's not as old I don't think it's got sticky note computer will not start up uh we'll see about that we'll see that could be something very simple so they might have problems with them Apple too look there's an iMac right here this one looks like it has a cracked mouse pad but USB mic or I mean not mic I always say mic USB mouse we'll fix that uh dcj Jack I don't even know what that is what's a DC jack again the mouse pad what is with the mouse pads but we'll definitely see we'll plug these on and see what we can get the turtle on that's starting to slide with two more Dells here and then is that a big apple look at that I mean this tote could potentially pay for the entire wrong way could very easily pay for the entire storage unit look at that that one's really clean actually so what definitely going to have to get these home plug them in and see what turns on and what's savable and what's just for parts as far as goes we're going to say average of $50 if they're just Parts they're probably going to be 20 or 30 but if they do work they're probably going to be more like 100 to 150 a piece so we'll average it out to $50 time 15 now that I move that toad I got two bits of good news number one this one looks like it's full of more laptops and that's an updated window sticker so this might be newer ones and then down here you can see the game guide for The Witcher which is a popular video game so definitely points that they're going to have more games in here but let's see what's in wi tote for now this looks like accessories huh this com might have ran like a little electronic store these are in the box and everything love Evol 75 headphones these even pre-owned are selling for about 120 bucks a piece then we got a mouse I mean keyboard look at me saying it wrong couple keyboards let's see what this is cuz this could have video games in it for sure oh no nice headphones with the little um microphone and everything this dude is a hardcore gamer I think what is this more headphones what do we have uh I don't know what's supposed to be in there something is let's go a little deeper keyboards again are these more headphones I mean look at this open up open up look at this this might be a gold M of a storage unit we're just getting into this thing and I think we could potentially have our money back already these are all nice super good conditioned headphones let's see if we got a little deeper like this that's an eight Port uh desktop switch that's nice these are not cheap either and then down here something's in the Box let's see what's in this box right here it's a laminator according to the Amazon label oh yeah look at that an Amazon laminator money all day let's go to this box oh right here and see what we got inside I see PlayStation 2 controllers right there I see that's a PlayStation 2 console actually it looks like isn't it maybe not cuz it looks like it has HDMI yeah we'll see in a second let's go through this tote look there a bunch of these like nerdy type posters which is great they're not really going to be worth a whole lot but the thing is they tell me what else is going to be in the unit one of the reasons I bit on it cuz they had this nerdy stuff like this like this Captain Marvel stuff what's in here look at the Spider-Man 3D poster Captain America 3D poster a Superman all that nerdy kind of stuff I love it it usually means good things what's this Disney Infinity bag anything in it these might have those little game pieces let's see open up oh no it's empty but still a nice case so I almost missed this this is sitting at the very bottom of the unit underneath or the box underneath all that this is a uh fiskers machete straight Jason Bor style right here let's get this blanket out of the way what's behind it ooh CD case here this could be DVDs this could be music CDs or this can be full of video games there's so many possibilities and it looks like it's going to go the DVD route or is it music and DVD kind of a mix it looks like there's Bone Thugs and Harmony so there's some music in here as well it's kind of a mix of Music in DDS that's okay but what about these two right here first what's in here ew that's the bathroom tote I don't want that one but there's two more CD cases right here I'm hoping one of these will be the video games he obviously has some somewhere there they are there they are we called it open up Xbox One games Diablo Forza Forza oh my gosh GTA NASCAR there's a bunch of Batman games here Call of Duty Galore BioShock oh Modern Warfare 2 the greatest Call of Duty game to ever grace earth right there the civil war game that's a fun game I played it a long time ago dance central oh my gosh GTA 5 for Xbox 360 this is probably D and D Dungeons and Dragons that's a good game too same Fable there's a lot of money in here there's all the Halos this is crazy Midnight Club Madden Madden's not worth a hollow of that's a freaking great game I don't even want to know the hours I sunk into that game Counter Strike there's OG Xbox too if this is Xbox you think this is PlayStation it might be Vice City GTA 3 for OG Xbox this is crazy there's more games somewhere in here ain't there oh I hope that one's PlayStation aome insane let's see if this is PlayStation I'm going to freak out please be see that what does it say PlayStation oh no way it doesn't they separated them they separated Xbox and Playstation the lights bright it's hard to see come on please be PlayStation PlayStation games let's see PS4 first let going go backwards again we have Anthem and oh my gosh look at these These are probably $150 $200 binders a piece with this many games Far Cry 5 four Fallout 4 76 oh my God GTA 5 again these might be two $300 cases a piece this is insane come on keep going back I want to start seeing PS3 Red Dead Redemption 2 I really want PS2 that's what I'm looking for the most PS4 PS4 oh my gosh morom M Elder Scrolls watch do UFC 2 all right we're getting to a space here PS3 we're going backwards let's go Dragon Ball Z PlayStation 2 Black Ops 2 that's like a $25 $30 game uh let's see PS3 as well PS oh here we go here's some PS2 look UFC Undisputed that is cool then we have let's see I'm looking for some good PlayStation one even wow buai Dragon Ball Z buai great game say andus one of my favorite games of all time I'm looking for tangai Ichi 3 that's like a $200 game if it's in there there's some Naruto games where is it where is it Tony Hawk right here my gosh look at this then even some PlayStation one in there some of these are I don't know which ones there's some PS1 games that are worth like a couple hundred a piece these are beautiful wow okay looking this tote right here we thought we were done with laptops heck no there's another 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 laptops right here let's just take one out this is a think pad too these are not too cheap think pad it's got a i5 processor too I thought they would all be like really low I mean I5 is not great or nothing but it's better than like the 3es so these are good laptops and I guarantee you a lot of these are going to work I bet you they might have like some little minor problems but I think we could figure out a lot of them this one's got an i58 gen too These are nice I think we'll be able to figure out how to get a lot of these on for sure let's go to this guy right here oh my gosh it's heavy oh these are all game guides aren't they or game magazines at least and there's some Comics right here there are some comics in there and then just a bunch of video game things Guinness Book World Records Skyrim manual a complete guide collector's edition here for Metal Gear The Witcher 3 definitely some money in there pull this guy out here see what's in this one this one this one looks more personal there is let's see a bunch of pictures what is that whoa oh these are this is military stuff somebody's military trophy we're in Virginia came right off we're in Virginia Beach though so like there's a lot of army stuff around here that kind of stuff we're obviously going to make sure they get back the wire fence from DMZ that's cool the demilitarized zone that is cool then we have some other straps in here anything personalized we're going to get back to the guy for sure like look at these uh hat military hats oh yeah bunch of these and then in here got some patches and pins this kind of stuff what are these all these are all challenge coins those are valuable but if they're not personalized we'll keep them and if they have his name or anything like that on it we're going to make sure they get it back for sure so definitely a toe we're going to have to look through let's get this guy right here get the duct tape first duct tape box let's see well it's ripped and it's ripped again oh boo boo oh ah see they try to scam me make me think it's all towels but underneath of it they got a bunch of stuff is this um again personaliz military stuff we'll make sure he gets all his Awards and that kind of stuff back but in here we got boxes these all like wall decor come here come here oh look at that that's pretty sick Superman these are all Star Wars look like right here look Yoda and Bulba Fett maybe Joker just marvel nice stuff though definitely good wall decor welcome look at the Iron Man comic one that's pretty sick and then we got I'll pull out one more look at this that is cool that big Spider-Man one definitely a good box do you see what I see video game consoles another 15 laptops right here and then nothing but Nintendo Wii down there man this is going to be a killer un let's go through here open up what's in this one oh this one's random this is going to be fun let's see let get it open first what is in here ooh this looks like could be like a game console case where is the zipper let's see where is the zipper here it is one two boom oh what is that a cpad machine or something you know what these sell really fast on Facebook Marketplace you're not supposed to really sell them but people that need them pay way too much for insurance so if you list them up there and get them sold you make a little bit of money and they're usually super happy cuz they save a crap ton of money oh there's money in here you see that what is that oh $1 trillion perfect with Teddy then we got o a wallet oh are those consoles money no no money in the wallet unfortunately this is all kind of random what are these down here oh these are the mini computers aren't they o these are mini computers Windows 7 there's two of them that's sick is that all money is that all money hold up uh yeah yes it is they separated their change these are all look look all nickels all pennies all dimes where's the quarters one where's the half doll one but I'll take those there's another computer right here this one is it the same thing where's the stuff on it core yeah it looks like the same thing just the Windows 7 stickers missing so we'll put that back in here let's move this stuff over out the way out the way out the way what is this just very random office supplies right there this guy oh look there's a whole PC down there nice a whole Dell PC and whatever this is is shut tape shut let me see do I have my knife on me I think I do hold on let's cut this open really quick and see what's in there where's the knife there it is what's in this box this is uh part to the um CPAP machine is what it looks like so I missed a couple things one this giant alltech Landing speaker here really nice two we found a quarter one it only has four quarters in it only a buff though but he also had this one that was at the bottom I didn't even see it check it out the half dooll one there's about three bucks in here $4 or $2 half doar and then a sus me Anthony dollar coins another three bucks if you hav left this video a thumbs up yet you are insane cuz this unit is killer and make sure you also subscribe cuz we buy storage units like this all the time I realized I went right past these two when we were moving boxes check it out a drill right here oh it actually has juice how rare is that that and there's a bunch of other tools in there actually just little tools and little pieces so I would assume this um Craftman box here is going to have a bunch of stuff in it too yep look at that look at that beautiful probably sell this set right here this drill and all the other tools could get more but I'll probably sell it for like 40 or 50 bucks so just to move it fast let's check out these uh wall Arts again so we have Batman uh The Flash and then we have the Joker those are pretty sick Actually I don't even care for Batman but those are pretty sick and now we can go to this I'm going to go in the suitcase H I'm curious I'm really interested to see what's in this guy let's check the first zipper there is oh needle no I'm joking there's nothing in here I thought your day came nothing in here it's got a lock on it oh it's a pointless lock but it does have one don't you do it I saw it try to run come on games oh action figures Galore remember you know I just want to point something out when we were on the way over here I was looking at this unit I saw laptops in Marvel and I said this is going to be the kind of guy that has video games and action figure somewhere hidden in the unit we've already found a ton of video games here are the action figures there's an old Chewbacca it looks old doesn't it does it have a date on them is it meant to look old or is it actually old no it is 2019 it's not that old but then there's um this guy Darth Maul Iron Man right here I'm going to set these over here so we can keep digging in there go down here this right here is just the laptop case with no actual laptop in it but I want to be sure let's open these things up what is that dental picks gross let's look in here uh couple pens that's it what about this what is that glasses actually yes you never know you never know people can put whatever they want in there go in there and then the big compartment is okay nothing besides what is that come here just some personal papers not too interesting and then we got over here ooh looks kind of interestingly random let's see that sounds interesting what's that boom pencil sharpener does that mean this is actual pencils it's pencil lead pencil sharpener and mechanical pencil lead uh these are just papers and the rest of it unfortunately yeah it's just papers now I can look into the see through toad I'm really desperate to get into I'm kind of confused cuz like the top says Xbox items but the controller I see is a PlayStation controller so we'll see that is a Playstation 3 definitely not an Xbox PlayStation 3 console right here oh my gosh look how many controllers this guy has let me set this here okay that's the PS3 I want to say racing game but look at this PlayStation controller PlayStation controller PS4 here um PS2 here freaking PS1 here old school what about this look at that controller that's a weird looking one right there that there's something that's the pedal for the racing game the PlayStation 3 racing wheel and pedal seem to be worth well over 100 bucks too then we have another PlayStation controller here more PlayStation controllers more controllers what is this oh these um PSP games some of these are valuable cuz PSP didn't last as long as it should have it was way ahead of its time it was such a good console look at this Final Fantasy oh in there and then this guy in there nice what are crazy freaking units with that there's probably another I'd say six or seven controllers on there say the PS4 ones are about 20 bucks a piece PS2 and stuff about 10 or 15 there's probably 150 200 bucks in here really easy I'd say conservatively 150 bucks probably more than that what a crazy tote let's get this other tote of freaking laptop oh my God it's heavy right here look at that oh there's a microphone too there's a music microphone right here here is a what is this thing called soundboard I don't know we got two tablets right here and then let's see how many this time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 99 10 11 more computers somebody right now go down in the comments and tell me how tell me how many laptops we're up to so far in this unit I'm about to grab this toe but there's something right here it's so freaking awesome I'll get to that in a second but right now this is freaking awesome too this looks like a Nintendo Wii two of them look at that two Nintendo Wii consoles side by side is that three is that another one under it what is this under here no I don't know what that is I feel that's the one console we never really played no I never played the Wii but there it is in all its Glory this is probably some games I'm assuming let's see yep let's see oh there's a lot of games in there actually I wonder if they have any GameCube I think some we play GameCube games we Donkey Kong Country Return super smash bra I mean these are good games this is going to be this is probably another three $400 tote two consoles games I mean controllers freaking the whole n yards this is the foot thing I think to one of the Wii gam what it is I just want to make sure there's nothing under it no that's it but still another insan tote let's go to this tote right here this might be our Saving Grace right here this looks like a bunch of laptop chargers and it's label a video game collection and this is maybe the one thing it doesn't have video games in it so far but look at this like L what is that is this another docking station these are like 100 bucks a piece if that's what it is these stin pad this is another one isn't it but look down here there's like 20 plus Chargers it's going to be a game of Memory Match the charger to the laptop but that's a good very very good sign there's even more over here there's probably 20 Chargers in here so definitely a killer tote to find this tote right here is what my storage unit dreams are made of let's go right here oh my gosh Super Nintendo Super Mario World two Super Nintendo controllers look at this PlayStation 4 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 we got to check this PS3 okay so what you want to see like this one you see these four USB ports on the front of the PS3 it means it's backwards compatible and it's like a $250 console the one that has two like this is still going to be like 100 bucks same with the PS2 PS4 is going to be more like 150 Super Nintendo it's probably going to be about 100 and we got to see what's wrapped up in here test it and works looks like it's a PlayStation one let's see come here get out get out get out get out get out get out my gosh oh my goodness it's not trying to cooperate but there it is God there PlayStation 1 console let's see if there's any games in it open up no no games but I mean this is probably let's just do some quick math here about 250 350 450 550 67 this one tote pretty much can just about pay for the entire unit right here that's why I love what we do let's go to this big box right here come here if this guy didn't own a store I'd be shocked but I need to cut this open really quick where's my knife there it is let's see what's in here one and two and across the top let's ah boo boo boo well that one is all closed I think all the way to the bottom yeah no fun there let's get this big boy here this is a one of a kind box I haven't seen one of these yet I think this is the one when I first got here I took a kind of a peek in there and it looked like it might be a comic box cuz it was white but obviously it doesn't look like that now so let's see what's in here the watch it just still have comic in it come on one two oh I see clothes again but it's got a good rattle to it I rattled a little bit so hold on there's something in the clothes for sure I see stuff under the clothes nice try buddy but oh look look at this it's like he's hiding it this dude is trying to like hide all these oh my gosh look at this Funko Galore PlayStation alarm clock that is so cool more funkos over here there's a giant Guardian of the Galaxy statue right here oh my gosh look at the old Mickey Mouse that is so sick more Funko Pops there's an Xbox light there's Deadpool oh my gosh all these action figures are insane there's so many action figures over here the Infinity Avengers thing this is just whack absolutely crazy look at all these funkos over here this is probably another $2 $300 in just to man wow I don't even know what to say about the units like this I really don't even know what to say let's get this big guy here they have a shi and they Shi this tote and they paid $81 to ship it what do you see look just open it oh my God look at all these Xbox controllers what in the world is going on here is that a 360 that's a 3 this is a one let's go in order Xbox One original Xbox Xbox 360 whitew three Xbox 360s go all the way to the bottom or is there stuff under them can you sign it over here no that's the just the consoles huh yeah I mean just the consolle like it's nothing but that's another five game consoles oh look at that Star Wars controllers here I mean we're talking another about 100 bucks I think these are only like 60 and these are only like 50 but still 250 bucks plus the controllers maybe $300 again wow let's take this box right here and cut it open you know I like it listen that's that's the kind of rattle I here it doesn't sound like clothes so let's slice it down the middle and find out is there like some clothes on top again like he's trying to conceal it open you he used like some super duct tape oh I see action figures already now the duct tape you Ed is like freaking military grade it came from the Army cuz I cannot get through it Dragon Ball oh I see Dragon Ball ones open who do they got Kido oh nice I already have them but you want Kido maybe that is pretty cool oh my gosh these are all action figures again Mickey Mouse right here this is insane it's so crazy to me cuz like we couldn't have profiled this guy better in the truck I said he's going to have action figures and video games what is 95% of this unit consisted of action figures in video games like it's so crazy Master roshi Vegeta there's a lot of dragon stars in here there's more Pops down there more action figures over here oh my gosh guys look at this this is probably again I feel like I say this for every box we pick up like $200 $300 or so worth of stuff in every box we open let's get this tote here I think from what it looks like it looks like it might just be a bunch of wires for the consoles and other things yeah that's exactly what it is bunch of wires things like that so we definitely need this one no real value there except making the stuff we have more valuable at being able to test it let's set it right here and then let's see we can go to the big tall box or the half siiz box let's go half oh my God it's heavy oh oh gosh oh gosh it's got a good rattle to it oh yes I'm ready where's my knife I'm ready come on more toys or video games more toys and video games more toys in video games we need it we need it that look cool that did dang it come on there we go my gosh this tape is the worst tape I've ever dealt with this is great advertising for this dust tap whoever this company is you have a great product a great product let me just say I cannot get through it with this knife this knife is razor sharp too I mean look at this it goes right through the box like it's razor sharp but this tape is just something special oh wow we have a real toss up here huh all right let's see there's another tote down there too let's look in here first first it's upside down isn't it dang it it's all like Le the top door I see like look like computer parts okay the bottom bottom drawer well screen protectors yep wires wires and yeah computer parts again stuff that we're going to need to get our stuff working this one this looks more random what's in the Crown Royale bag what is that uh some patches and stuff then in here this looks kind of random there's some wristbands and then some again electronic parts what the heck did you hear that something just made a sound I don't know something just made a sound that's weird then this one again it looks like parts and pieces of things we might need so that's good let's see what's in the bottom tote this one here o is oh these are all box games look at that double World of Warcraft right here the big oh my God it's sealed PlayStation 2 let's go look at this collector's boxes Edition sealed of World of Warcraft I have to scan this cuz World of Warcraft is one of the most popular games to ever exist in the world even though runescape's far superior in every way I just I know it's going to be worth some money about 125 bucks this is right here can't beat that this one thing these look like PS1 games too red de too look at these all collector games let's freaking go Oblivion Diablo watch's the PS2 oh what is that limited edition getting up huh all right are these ps1's oh Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Final Fantasy my gosh what a killer tote again let's grab this next box and if you're wondering to yourself where are we're going to be selling all this stuff guys we are going to be blowing all this out on whatnot starting at literally $1 Xbox One's PS4 Super Nintendos $150 games everything is going to be starting at $1 only so what you got to do is use our link that's here on screen to sign up if you sign up using that link you get a free $15 credit if we start everything at a dollar you could be getting some really good deals if you catch my drift and after you do that all you got to do is simply download the app oh my god there shoes download oh my God they're so clean Jordans let's go download the app oh my go Yeezy download the app sign in using the information you just created and then look us up our name is thw Jus and we will be having a show look at these Jordans they are they're new man those are new like they've never been worn before this unit right here is so un this year has been insane we've gotten so lucky so lucky this year here's some other shoes look at the Yeezys the Nike slot oh my gosh look at the Yeezys man this is just Insanity who would expected shoes too like what else I mean you guys that watch our videos religiously all I need is a gun I mean this unit has everything I look for video games toys shoes literally all of it I find a gun then this is just my unit look at all these shoes look at those Jordans down here these red and blacks these white ones these purple Nikes my gosh they're all new another pair of Jordans here we got to see what's in the box too they're definitely in there they only paid 100 bucks for them but oh yeah black and yellow Jordan Ones absolutely beautiful my gosh this is probably a 400 I say more than that I'm going saybe these are military boots too they sell for a good price too I bet you that's a $500 box right there guys I just moved this box and something started talking to me in it it said system online or something uh of course it's not going to do it now but we're going to find out what it was maybe we're being spoted on maybe maybe this is just a stash but this is just oh my God military grade duct tape yeah let's see o this is cheap one this is cheap duct tape here this isn't the military stuff see look at this a they tried to just prove a point to me let's go across the top let's see what we got come on look at that just more video games all throughout with just a little bit of clothes on top again we have Captain America Spider-Man Avengers oh my God look at the Deadpool statue this thing's huge I'm got to pull it out I'm not even a Deadpool fan but oh oh my gosh there's two of them in there look at that that is insane look down below it there's another one A different that's Spider-Man below it another huge statue let's put Deadpool back in there but this thing again it's literally completely full of action figures top to bottom nothing else again I hate to sound like a broken record but probably a $300 to $400 box all day you see how many boxes we still have back here if they're all either video game shoes or uh Collectibles I mean this could be A10 $15,000 unit off of 640 bucks it's just insane make sure you guys are signing up for whatnot and look at us up at thwg cuz we're going to be blowing through this stuff $1 sales $1 sales like it's going to be insane that didn't do anything but that did here's the military grade duct tape go through shout out the duct tape always being stuck on me when I need someone gosh what is it made of oh oh this one looks interesting let's see I basically have to saw through it like it's I'm cutting down a freaking tree like oh my God it's all collectibles again let's get this last piece over here ripped I'm feel like I'm cutting down a tree there it goes look at that Batman Batman Transformers let's see Super Mario Brothers Corvettes dark knight Dark Knight all Batman in here Avatar Avatar more cars like what in the world this this is all brand new toys again all the way through let's look at the Transformers cuz I know we have a lot of Transformers fans out there I'm curious to see what these are there they are check them out some Transformers in box from Hasbro 2 this is probably once again I don't think I've said this yet this video there's giant Funko Pops at the bottom look under you see them giant funkos listen you hear that oh it stopped again there's something keep talking in there I'm telling you there's going to be something to self-destructed here but this is probably another three 00 400 maybe $500 box it's just insane so far let's go to this one right here this box is kind of already well it's falling apart all right huh let's see let's see this tape feels cheap I lied where did my knife go let's see one saw the tree down saw the tree down two oh my God what in the world is going on right now what is going on one this is all more toys on top there's some bags underneath this one though but they're just nice bags they're like really nice bags underneath of all these toys so it's still just really good sellable stuff these are all just uh little bags little Transformers thing but this whole box again you see these are the kind of bags I'm talking about they're probably like $10 a piece bag and there's probably five of them so probably 50 bucks in below and maybe 30 to 50 in toy so I'd say $100 box let's drag another big guy out oh my God it's heavy I'm going to put it on the ground it's really heavy feels like it might be closed though it feels soft unless he's just you know using the clothes for protection again we'll see or maybe it doesn't feel like Electronics but it could be you has see clothes on the top but let's see one can't trust them but just by seeing clothes no more you already see it he'll use it it's protection in here we have close close oh there's a jersey close let's see what the jerseys are cuz I will take these for sure that oh these are look at this oh that's not this isn't either but a these aren't NBA boo he had me going for a second but it's okay it's okay can't complain about this unit this has been insane it looked like it'd be the Bulls colors I was thinking it was going to be a Michael Jordan jersey but what is it just a nothing Jersey so again just a bunch of clothes let's go to this box right here and put it on top of this one what do we have in here we have oh another oh that looks more like unfortunately an eagles Jersey but let's see yeah Michael Vic it comes free with two pit bulles right there and then a little further down we have some other clothes there's one random vinyl is that Elvis Presley on the front though so might be worth some money what about this guy here what is that Mom's airpods are mom's airpods in here let's see come on Mom come through for me a no airpods huh dang it oh wait are they what is this thing I don't know I don't own Apple products I don't know how big they they are I don't know what that is even oh that's the covers the actual airpods aren't in there dang it mom come on put this right here for now let's go a little deeper in here bunch of packing peanuts thing is oh what's that is there something in this sock no just dirty socks I just touched uh let's see there's a bunch of car things these things are actually worth like sometimes up to $50 on eBay cuz people know how to reprogram you and if you get them from the dealership they're like 200 bucks so people like to save money this uh okay that I have no idea what it is I'm going to keep using this box as a table this box here says clothes on it but I've already found an Xbox box that says Xbox it has PlayStation one that says video game collections that has Chargers and one that has Chargers that says video gam so I don't trust his labels uh it looks like it might be closed actually let's see but is it closed actually closed or another Clos of the barrier type box see open up oh these hats will definitely take all these these are great Charlotte North Carolina Tigers nuggets yeah I mean these are these are great these are a good lot right here so let's see towels ah underneath of it it does all appear to actually be closed unfortunately so I opened this other box cuz the other one it said Clos it just closed right this one said closed I was like let's just see if it's just closed and what do we know there's a towel on the top and then there's two Logitech keyboards right here there's an entire Apple iMac right there here there is a pair of headphones right here and we're about to see what this black case is right here what's that down there that's an Apple keyboard isn't it that's a brand new sealed Apple keyboard in the plastic let's see first let's look behind these towels make sure there's nothing else back here oh see what is this what are these are these Dance Dance Revolution thing oh my gosh the DDR things these are the Dance Dance Revolution Map there's one is that another one yeah there's two of those let's see what's in here the iMac could be anywhere from 200 bucks to 2,000 depending on how new it is and what specs it has let's see if there's anything in here well there's definitely something in here but what is it is the question oh it's a PS5 yep is that a freaking PS5 no way no that is a PlayStation 5 wo what these are like still 400 bucks sometimes 600 depending on the hard drive size oh my God what's on the other side there's something else right here this thing games dude this unit how do I open this side right here I guess this unit games and controllers come on oh two controllers for the PS5 no games though external drive do an external hard drive this might have games on it right there there's the PS5 this is probably 500 bucks right here probably a $500 bundle right there what this is why you don't check this is why you check the Clos boxes every box that's closed I've made sure it's just closed because you never know when there's a casual th000 $2,000 in value laying under the clothes let's go to this black box thing right here this unit is just unbelievable well found ooh jewelry box those are watches oh my gosh hold on are these watches right here oh there's one there's no way this dude has a watch collection too oh F oh these are G-Shocks these are expensive oh it's not in there but it might be one of these right here here's an Armani Exchange that feels like it's in there oh my god let's see that there's the price tag look at that 220 bucks right there on that oh well M woo that is Beetle give me that price tag back go back in the box for me thank you very much then this right here is another watch box does have a price on it only 33 bucks it's not in there anyway but let's see what about this guy 41 piece oh it's just a rack set Ric set this right here this a watch this is the watch case let's see how do we open it there three more wow this unit really does have it all literally everything let's get this big guy down right here come on baby oh ew really really what is oh really oh really that's how we end the boxes okay I going to get to these boxes underneath oh my gosh that whole thing's full of different colors and sizes oh you know what I'm going to save this for our yard sale so if somebody calls the cops on us I got him a Christmas gift we were just talking about getting rid of some of the clothes at Goodwill cuz I don't think we'll be able to fit it all in the truck and I was like you know if we saw gave them that box we just opened they would be on the Shelf 100% would be on the Shelf they'd be with like the Christmas trees and stuff be selling it special edition Christmas tree Barely Used yeah I know smells okay you hear this is the box it's been yelling at dang I thought that would work at least we know it's not all TOS look at that it's all TOS oh my God oh look at that holy crap oh these are cool these are um controller holders I have one of these but it's Spyro the Dragon from PlayStation it holds my controller and it's all Star Wars stuff below it literally this whole box is just Star Wars toys probably again for the 20th time today a $200 to $300 box let's go to this guy here it says toys in it which probably means it's clothes or maybe those other kind of toys we found not let's oh see look I'm just trying to be funny when I said it's probably closed but hopefully it's just using it as a barrier again open open open come on all right let's see what do we have boom popey hear that FL on your gear think I was lying about whatever thing talking to me look at that that is cool weird known fact when I was little like three or four my favorite show in the world was papey I had like everything papey I loved him so much I don't know why these are all Marvels there's a bunch of Funko under here this one's even got a case on it an Iron Man here so these Funko Pops can vary so much let's see if I get enough service to scan them in the Funko out cuz Funko could be like could be five bucks or it could be 5,000 you know what I mean it's it varies so much let's see let's try to scan this barcode see what comes up we couldn't find the UPC oh well I guess I'll have to look it up at home but if you look down in there yeah it might be the service there's another Funko Pop with the case in here as well there's lots of cased funkos in there so that actually looks like it has a hard case the hard cases are expensive too yeah like this that might be expensive can you shut up I'm trying to make a video and I mean again three3 $400 box at least if the Funko aren't really rare let's go to this guy right here one and two and three across the middle boom this tap man I see something lit up in here so I'm pretty sure this box is whatever talking to me this stupid tapee is if you guys are ever moving and you need duct tape buy this brand whatever that brand is yeah whatever that brand is might stop a bullet let's see wa is this a watch case oh no what was that it's a basketball like paper weight w that's kind of cool yeah let's put that back in its case paper weight looks like a Dragon Ball it does right Lightning McQueen some more cars some more cars oh look at that if you would like to visit is another press the navigation dial and access theel men has been talking to me all day then we have this ninja turtle look at this um Star Trek ship right here there's another Funko over here who is it Star Wars yep Star Wars the Mandalorian there's another Funko down below it once again guys we're probably talking two 300 bucks at least in this box let's go to this one here see what's inside come on oh these there's no way these are cards this looks like a binder right here come on out what we're missing it's heavy oh what are they oh Pokemon let's go oh my gosh look at the old Thor oh no that's fake that's a print out oh if that was a real comic that one's really expensive but these are print outs these aren't but these aren't old or nothing they're from 2014 but still still some a bunch of Pokémon there's a Venusaur holographic a lot of modern stuff unfortunately so not the Super valuable stuff but it doesn't mean it's not worth there couldn't be a card in there worth a couple hundred for sure that's awesome freaking awesome let's go a little further in uh what is that by the way a TR our Guardian to the Galaxy vinyl that's cool then let's see random random random oh there's a big box there what is that what is this oh it's a turntable huh check that record player right there and then if we go to this side let's see random random uh we're not going to talk about that Sonic bra more papers this right here is something new what is it uh gosh dang it I need to put this down I need my hand something in here is new I don't know what it is though uh if you love your glasses and cork stopper yeah that military stuff Avatar oh there's some pins what's in here let's see come here come here come here bang nothing in that one but Avatar big pins right here Avatar big guy this is Animal Crossing some of this stuff's really collectible definitely something we got to look into Crown Royale some more Pokemon cards over here in the corner come here are these modern too yeah these are from 2014 as well so this stuff's probably been in here for 10 years there's a couple Funko a couple games one of the greatest games ever uh Marvel vers Capcom and bad teacher look at this oh Tweety H nothing in there but again a freaking insane box all right I just cut this box open and put it on top of this box let's see oh that is creepy look at this oh that's the little his face has looked really creepy at first but look we have out one phone looks like an iPhone too doesn't it let's see I can't get the case off of it h I think it's an iPhone just got a crack in it but then again like I said that's how I can usually tell a lot of people think that tell with the iPhone you got to see the back what you actually got to see is the front when you see cracks iPhone mhm you know it just spitting some fats we got this oh my gosh I see some cool looking stuff that's a change thing oh look at that that's not what I was talking about foreign coins oh there's more here Doo but more foreign coins there I'm just going to dump these in there so we can keep that shut then I me down here let's see want games aren't they this looks like PlayStation 3 stuff this Indiana Jones but these cases right here oh no they're actually DVDs I thought they'd be PlayStation what about the binder cards oh NBA cards NBA cards nice nice nice that's good stuff too I tell them what kind of value we have in there and then we're going to get into some of these uh totes right here let me close this change jug up what's in this come here open oh these all hard drives huh these are all hard drives aren't they wow yep that's a lot of crypto right we'll be looking through those yeah we're definitely going to be looking through these that's for sure that's like probably a million dollars of Bitcoin I don't know and underneath of it what is that uh part of a keyboard Tablet this first off is a bunch of mini figures from those clicket games we found those before in the past it's just a lot of little miniature figures in there that go to the game so that's that and then we just have yeah all these hard drives who knows how much value is on that all right just cut this one open what do we have is that more hard drives or computers or what let's see oh video games watch bang uh no the utility disc this is computer stuff here's maybe a hard drive yeah external drive right here and this one oh there's a something down there let's see what's in this is this all computer stuff or could be more video games oh it's PC games Assassin's Creed these are all Age of Empires Battlefield these are all PC games you know what that makes me wonder is this computer in here his gaming computer it looks like a computer right here let's see let's put that aside first in here there just some little Collectibles and what is that uh in a casual about five iPads or four iPads one two three four iPads just casually in the box with the figures that's always nice put that aside right here and this what is that part of a cpad machine there's a uh monitor here is the monitor holder what are these boxes here uh what the heck what are those whatever they are they're in there I'm not sure what they are put that oh it's a hotspot router that's what it says this is the AT&T unite Express 2 black that but is this right here computer that's a speaker that's not even a computer I thought it was a desktop the whole time but that's the last box in here what a freaking crazy storage unit crazy so our house is an absolute mess because of this unit but I want to kind of give you a little bit of a recap what we've done so far right here in all these boxes are literally brand new toys in box at first you know I was really into this and I was like we're going to test every single console I'm going to test all these computers and then reality hit and I spent 2 days and got through two TOA laptops without touching any of the consoles and I'm like yeah I don't think this is going to work all of these laptops right here this is probably 15 or so this is what I got through all of these are literally perfectly fine the only game console I took the time to test because obviously it's the biggest most expensive is the PS5 PS5 works perfectly fine all the rest of these and these iPads and there's one more total laptops over here I still haven't got to I don't know if I'm going to I'm thinking of just selling them untested because it's just way too many so don't miss the whatnot show tomorrow we're going to be blowing stuff out that PS5 is going to be up there starting at a dollar I'm telling you you better not miss it it's going to be crazy if you enjoyed this video check out this one right here we found almost $10,000 in shoes or check out this one cuz it's a pretty cool video too until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 448,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, found in storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus, abandoned storage unit, storage unit video games, storage unit games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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