Searching 100 year old barns for collectibles! Cash in the hay loft!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] thank you hi everybody and welcome to today's episode I am in heart in the heartland of Alberta in the back roads down a country road surrounded by glorious yellow canola fields and am I here to look at the uh the beauty that surrounds me no I'm here because I heard there's a bunch of junk out at a farm I shouldn't say jug Collectibles old stuff antiques you know the stuff I do um I'm gonna have a little walk around we're gonna see if there's anything we can find you buy hopefully some hidden treasures and uh a gorgeous day so follow along on today's episode while we do a little country exploration let's go so we're your folks blacksmithing out here I guess you'd have to if no they just collected things yeah but that's a handy piece to have on a farm I mean it's a lovely property you've got all all the barns are painted and kept up nice that mount I mean it could have been Schoolhouse it could have been you know it could have been a farm Bell even like works oh yeah I mean that's the perfect thing if you've got a bunch of guys working out in the field back in the day in the steam tractors and that's the little one and that's terrifying oh yeah you've got somebody stuck a bunch of Centennial quarters and stuff on this yeah just my mom and dad folk art they haunted like they went everywhere oh is that the initials IH no not mine anyway or not here if you flip it upside down it says hi that almost looks like a case Eagle on like these stoves I had that working that thing works amazing but really all them old stoves they're made for coal they are not made for wood yeah and everybody says all coal wood they don't work for with wood they just go through the wood something crazy and then you got the old like 1920s Tire as your guard on your grinder that's creative this is all yard organ but like you see this thing yeah hit and miss people wouldn't give a about it but they'd want that glass piece oh no actually there's quite a few collectors that hit miss engines these don't run of course well let's have a look around and you've got the uh the drill all right the partner yeah it it moves but just the way I've got I don't ever know what this thing was like of course my dad put that on it but it's so kind of a walking thing for something yeah that's unusual nothing too okay well this thing goes up moves well let's have a look around and see uh that pump I use every day is that handsome I'm admiring their this they welded everything that was metal to this one pole you got your Snips and your wrenches and your tools just anything that was lying around that's almost like the sort of thing like camera well it's a little golf gas station sign up top there oh with the Pegasus yeah okay well I'd be interested in that well you'd be surprised but like when you come in here and of course I don't have my right glasses on but somewhere it's wrote I don't quite remember where it's wrote might be under this gun where it says chicks 1948. this is the chicken bar yeah chicken shed it says it underneath one of these pellets I wonder if your dog can still sense that this was chickens in here see this like this little can here this whiz orbit I'd buy that like little cans and signs and stuff that is always interesting that there's old Cil oh there's a pile of them and then these are all like high explosive boxes oh yeah here's one for you and I don't know of anybody but there's some socks there with some pretty good names on okay like Mexican oh yeah like antique uh burlaps Galore there's some have some names on them what are pretty nice what were your folks blowing up out here that they had such high explosives seismic oh I see them they're they're not really explosive they they were explosives for seismics charges okay the boxes oh well they're good boxes oh you bet they are oh yeah you got a couple there's two there's two of them never been opened yeah Texas two have never been open and you're willing to sell some of this stuff yeah that's still full okay well maybe and you hear you said that there wouldn't be anything of interest in here I'm finding all kinds of stuff there's actually all three of these are that one says alcohol on it well he probably yeah that's what he's got in it but these haven't been opened they take a sip and see if it's moonshine yeah no engine oil and then you know like just some actually uh gray Bonnet that's kind of interesting yeah you bet like these this is old too 1956. you know an old tractor manuals too uh Workshop manuals too but like here not much but yeah I mean you never know gas caps um this one not much but you still got and there's a whole bunch of this in the other buildings it must be a weird feeling like you said your family's been on this farm for 100 years yeah to see stuff that maybe your grandpa placed in that drawer great grandpa or you know every everything this is that Legacy some pill jars in my grandma's still kicking around like I said he he didn't throw nothing else some of them are older Lindsay yeah linseed oil real old paint pins down in there oh yeah and like this one again put those together we're all in seed oil made in Winnipeg you know oftentimes it's the graphics that people are looking for like um gas station stuff is good because something might be a Texaco guy you know I see you've got an old Imperial can over here actually this is full of that's all full of cans okay we'll make a little pile yeah like you see here even that's full of grease original Grease and then take a look at all these things in there there's yeah okay yeah no all that's of interest you know you know and that's where we'll um like here's a box of bolts I know I will never use like my dad was my kind of he didn't throw a thing away well that's the thing you know and people always say like I wonder why farmers don't throw stuff out but sometimes getting to a store isn't the easiest thing so yeah and then there's you have to become your own store boxes underneath here too which is oh yeah the old bug sprayer okay well maybe uh when we come we'll come back and we'll I'll move that out of the way and have a good look but yeah there's another CIO box there what was in that one foresight 60 cartridges okay it's an old Shell box yeah my dad was he's good Crest Galore like it was a good shot 22s oh Pelicans okay but I have a pile of guns yeah so 22s and stuff are pretty common out on a farm that's a good go for getter yeah there's what a view out here oh it's beautiful I was I was wondering it's windy it's windy and you know everything's been so windy in the last few years it's unbelievable today it's absolutely fantastic I feel like I'm in a you know a park you could just set up some tents and picnic tables and call it a day well they used to do that my dad I don't know if he ever fracking outfits you know like crack Wells oh yeah yeah my my grandpa uses two sizes yeah I used to work for dowel okay and they they parties after they all retired and they do it all here yeah well that'd be great fun perfect yard for it what model of John Deere you got what year 73 is this still your daily your main use tractor this guy yeah but still you know I'll be lucky if I play five hours a year on it right oh you've got some more license plates up on the wall there too not much of that stuff foreign a hole but if you if you really started looking well I'm just admiring like all the tools yeah like so see this I would buy I'd buy that but you know like I use a few of them but I don't need 20 of them oh all the traps yeah go for their gopher traps or my dad yeah leg traps like even here like you'll never see an old come along like that no bear traps eh that'd be the closest no you don't see them and I sold a bare rug and in the long run he should have kept it I mean they've kind of outlawed using bear traps but as a collectible they're kind of people put them in their cabins or whatever but but yeah I see like on the Shelf there's another one of those you know zorbit tins and Castrol Outboards so it looks like you've got a box of unused red Ram Grease red Ram was actually local to the Edmonton area but they have an interesting logo with the RAM on them oh yeah all sorts of quartz even can't even buy antifreeze anymore no not in a tin and it's all brand new yeah yeah if this is stuff you'd consider selling I'd I'd be in I'd be interested Nick there's three three of them in there I sold one kind of thing okay um pure antifreeze does anybody know how to use it anymore oh gosh it lasts forever I see some old uh there's even old uh tobacco tins with who knows what down on the ground there but I mean you have to mix it whereas nobody knows how to mix it anymore be careful I'm gonna have like a Tom and Jerry moment and accidentally step on one of these mousetraps you have around here I'm just trying to see what this other pail is that's way back underneath this it feels empty almost but no it was well there's your barn paint pin yeah these are uh those tins are empty but okay of course get it moving with your hand a bit or leave it in the sun a while it makes you wonder how long these headlights hit the back here that's a shell branded high beam headlight the old clam shell that's cool so are you okay if I make a little pile of stuff I'm interested in and then we can kind of chat about it I guess yeah I just you gotta we gotta put it all back no I mean to stuff I want to buy that we wouldn't have to put back that I'd take back with me that's a Chrysler uh do you get dad must have a little Chrysler because that's a Chrysler headlamp oh the spiders have come out they're wondering what's going on so drills drills and not in here okay um like these old girls the old drills yeah the braces what is this Serge fanzite bulk tanker but I see would you sell the nails and stuff are you gonna use those or no you no no okay stay out of there okay I'm gonna make a little pile by the door here right well I mean I'd buy the nails too I guess unless you want the nails okay it's a good can um okay you know in my business this is how you want to find stuff where people are just using these old things for a container foreign for the first 10 minutes and now he's now he's done I really do enjoy coming out and visiting a nice Old Barn like this because you are going to find stuff sitting on shelves that have been here forever I feel like I'm just like you you can spend a long time over here dude yeah and there's probably you know all kinds of neat stuff that uh someone who's collecting farm equipment could really use actually probably a lot of good usable stuff too something and I know it's here but it'll take me so long to pull through and find it right oh yeah I was gonna there I don't know what's that there is alone oh I see that there yeah I was gonna pull out the antifreeze there vehicle reflectors so this is uh weird okay there's like eight millimeter film oh photographic paper oh so I love uh mess with electricity and it's came over but there's some uh oddly some mobile uh did he he worked for mobile he did okay oh that's kind of neat these old mobile stickers and then fans signal lights and oh yeah it's just I don't know what's in all the boxes probably not much probably Nails you've collected nails for some reason okay well just bolts like you said it's windy here all the time so Pan-American something I'm looking at your signs there that are stacked up I'm gonna Wander over there I'm gonna set these over in my pile there's quite literally stuff everywhere once you start looking would you sell the old plates on the wall okay they're the only one I wanted was a 58 and a 59 and I can't oh and I wanted a 75 if you don't make a 75. oh right they started using stickers that can go right up they started uh ouch there we go oh looking for a plate from your year of birth danger no smoking oh he's electrified the lanterns that's kind of cool one of 40 lanterns I did notice a stack of signs here which I'm going to turn my light on I'm just gonna have one last look in this bucket because I probably yeah missed a couple things yeah based yeah British American just pound American which become amicable which become yeah like that I'd be interesting okay I'm gonna go put this up in my pile I gotta be careful not to hit myself on these Forks yeah open the door up yeah get a little bit of light in here this part over there yeah yeah so I am finding lots of decent stuff I just want to have a peek inside some of these cupboards strip seal and yes I am looking at oil cans because I have collectors who like oil cans but stuff like the uh these old headlights are kind of just for the box that's cool you know just to have the original packaging on something like that it's okay I actually have cars that still use headlights like this too I notice you don't have well I didn't see any classic cars out here yet but I haven't seen the whole place yet so I just have the one car [Music] safety bulbs headlamps mopar parts so your dad had he wasn't any uh he wasn't a slave to any particular brand I see GM stuff in here I see Chrysler you know I worked yeah I was admiring some of the wrenches that are hung up on the wall I think IH International Harvester like these are all old probably tools that were around and you just did you display like this or did you Dad oh my God and you just took them all down and painted it and then put yeah it's well at least you didn't paint over so this would have been what cattle or yeah yeah Park in this way so you'd have to shovel this right yeah muck out the barn yeah I can see these old Timbers and they actually just used actual uncut logs to make the there maybe in the drawer I hear a brand new set of chains yeah just just waiting to be used well it depends what they're gonna fit anymore though right yeah and I see you've got that was back when you had no seeing all that idea okay yeah AKA drive carefully if you got that in the back of your vehicle oh yeah and you've got a bunch more things here there's a transmission oil okay I'm gonna go I'll start I'll keep adding stuff to my pile here we're gonna have a little mountain I think before too long okay this is probably is that the same one you had uh it might have been open so that's GM that other one yeah I'd be interested in that sure they're all alone now but yeah I mean well you guys were just using them as unopened no it's not tin oh it's cardboard yeah yeah it's one of the later ones it's later than cardboard uh cardboard is the last of the oh yeah that's cool basically like all of this stuff I'd be interested in probably easier if I load up the if we take the box and I just use it as a as a carry box I guess and I'll buy the box from you too looks like you're well set for oil here like I've even been running there using this stuff a little and what are you been doing with the empty cans chucking them or yeah okay and here a guy guy like me comes along and I'm willing to buy them off yeah yeah even empty cans but they're fully an old look so I gotta think a few if you need them you know it's still worth it for me for a bit because I could use it instead of buying it yeah sure about what's in it yeah yeah that's true okay you know like to buy this amount brand new you still gotta pay whatever to use it right he's brand new or old okay well have a look at the back here and see is there anything up in the Loft no just a bunch of boxes oh there is I think I might have took them home now seismo caps yeah so your dad must have been working uh in the oil industry back in what the 40s or 50s around that or uh 50 yeah he was a chauffeur there's chauffeur Metals okay yeah there we go yeah a few more there's [Music] High Velocity see and they probably were just gonna throw all these boxes out or burn them and he probably said no I can use them tobacco cans okay well this whole thing I'm interested in so I'll move that out the branches oh all the big pipe wrenches and steel and I'm aluminum I like to buy one of them aluminums you'd be a couple hundred bucks oh yeah oh yeah the external signal lights but yeah the can you're holding also put out the camera stuff this is just Barn we've only been in one but not even one full barn yet a good pile put together here okay I'm gonna do one last scour and I noticed uh like people actually like this uh battery cable thing you still have battery cables on it too are you using that or would you sell it take it off okay yeah that's a good idea for you I like tell you the truth you're not gonna I'm not gonna use any of them okay out of bed well sure if you'd be willing to sell it I'd take that from you what's this so here's a in the Box still brand new battery cable yep yeah that's what it is wow you're probably sitting there since the 60s okay I'm gonna have you here you want this with it sure yeah whatever we can just pull the whole thing off and just put it over there my God is that's his writing oh so he knew what went with what tractor yeah do you still have some of these tractors like the cat and then I sold 11 of them 11 okay yeah I have two left what are three like there's something oh yeah well wheelbarrow oh there's an old sled an old sled yeah you've got the uh cream cans did you get you guys must have had a bit of a dairy operation out here at one point and your bikes are still all hanging like if you know that drive is I wouldn't even mind it you're saying like even if you took pictures of a pile wouldn't work with me somehow that way oh well we could see what we can do because you can see what I'm up against right yeah it's it's a pile of stuff it could be overwhelming to say like how am I going to get rid of all this stuff yeah ones at the end yeah you were in uh you've got Lantern Central going on here all the way across I see you've got a railway Lantern three of them yeah well I mean you've got the three big ones but that's the the silver one is a caboose or like a signal Lantern as well those are switch lanterns with the square base on the bottom I had to like I say I had these working with kerosene with Karen's expensive but I had them all working except for them ones at the end which my dad kind of had and I got a brand new gloss pieces this looks like a like a Singer sewing machine oil can or something a Maytag huh and then you what's going on here yeah I know there's two two full things of them this is driving me this is driving me crazy because there's so much interesting like stuff that I normally Buy where do you stop right well I usually don't stop that's my problem West clocks clock and I see you got a little hippie art going on there with the venison I got that from Venice did you Venice Beach oh Venice Beach California okay I love it there not Venice Italy you look like a Venice Beach sort of guy I could see that I've been there yes that's cool would you sell your uh auto lamp bulb thing you would okay and you've got a little fitting uh it's actually pretty nice but you know like but it I won't use it anymore but I had a six volt tractors there's six volt bulbs okay yeah that's really cool you got the old phone my dad would have put this on here right it labeled everything still use the phone no that's not hooked up there's cans in here too like oh yeah hidden back there yeah car wax it's full okay well I guess I got to make a pile in this building too I feel like I'm gonna be loading up the truck pretty fully like even this stuff here you don't see oh yeah solder cans and you know what I noticed um that little tire used to be an ashtray that tiny little tired oh okay yeah I like your little alien and Predator over there too you know I I had um I had a predator just like this but it was life-size well I mean if it was real but it was like uh nine or ten feet tall I had one of these things I see one in Vegas yeah we had one oh that's cool you know what you know what this is yeah but they would also put this on the front of Radiators uh of old cars into cool your car off you got some nice nickel Spurs there actually I got that from a girl years ago oh was she well then your wife won't mind if I buy those if you got it from a girlfriend years ago [Music] I see the old watch on the wall yeah there's some newer stuff I mean you know like there's some nailing guns here the biggest most expensive ones going and I'm not going to use them what's the uh coat say on the back so that says Motors it used to be in Great Valley oh cool but your name isn't Steve would you sell it if I gave you money for it which is usually how people buy stuff okay I think that's cool oh yeah so what did they sell at Mayhew motors do you know what type of dealership no I know but was it like Ford chef GM it's like 1940s see if she still works it's a melatonin Jones and cross Edmond says this was a local piece I saw you had some 78 RPM albums too that's cool the only thing wrong with it is this here but it still kind of makes it look s but it works it's impressive it's still going how long has this been sitting out here [Music] that's cool is it a little background music I see you've got a nice uh hit and miss sitting here that works did your dad restore it because it looks way too fresh I did it you did it oh nice you did it pop the bottom and the biggest thing is this mag here here you can't okay so I had to send it to the Magneto man of Manitoba right I've had to get one of those sent in too yeah there's one guy in Manitoba does that stuff and my dad's there's another one of these over there uh he sent the mag into the task one [Music] destroyed it [Music] I'm looking yeah if you're willing to part with a couple of the train lanterns I'd be interested in those I guess maybe the the two black ones on either side you said you want to keep the one in the middle right okay uh it looks like they're all Canadian Pacific Railway too they're stamped CPR yeah sure if we got a ladder then that thing goes with it there oh the stop lamp yeah yeah my dad had all these lights all working in here you got an old nylent truck over here too was it that was yours from when you were a kid yeah okay yeah got to keep some stuff I mean you've been really good with that was mine didn't look like you it looks like you took care of it pretty well being on a farm you didn't bury it outside or it stood up pretty well we actually lived in Grayton Iowa from me oh it's nicely done I see do you have a digital speedometer on it right now sure okay they both work so there's electronic ignition in this one yeah a good combination that black and gold is a great look on an 850. yeah so nice bike and uh Harry's working on a 750. yeah yeah I got the side panels and stuff for it oh I see I see you got a seat over there side panels and then we created it over here it doesn't run tire off and created it over here so you bought it out of a crate or else but it was used in all that quite a bit wrong with it but so it's never been registered oh okay so here he's going through it all yeah okay if you knew somebody would wanted to like all that there's a whole pile of that horse stuff okay yeah that's a ladder yeah old school ladder and this is an old little wheelbarrow yeah I'm sure you get that ladder sure gets narrow by the time you get to the top doesn't it yeah and I don't want none of that okay all these chairs and stuff okay what was this building used for originally like for wagons or oh the pig okay I was gonna say it seemed like it had animals in it but the the door is awfully wide so it looks like you could have fit uh carts or wagons in here well this is the only thing here what kind of goes with I've never even used this my what I wanted to do was sell as much as I could even that John Deere tractor and upgrade to a smaller Kubota or something okay yeah it's a little something a little newer with a cab and oh cab is awfully nice 20 something below okay yes beside this building or over your head oh from the wind blowing the snow up here so it looks all calm and peaceful now but come winter time oh yeah there's more out buildings over there 48 well they're still standing and he's got them on uh skids it looks like he could slide them too but I look at it you know it's they're going to last my age there's an old calendar there they're all big let's see it works you think you think you need any more snow blowers it looks like you've been upgrading over the years well like I say I come from great and with these two these three right and then the couple of these others were already here and I bought this one in 1992. and I prefer it over these big ones really well sometimes the older stuff just works better easier to get around with this one here here right really struggling with yeah like and it's like my dad didn't use it much at all and look at that oh yeah all the chains ready block and tackle thing there that's old yeah it's like a what a 60s Chevy in here okay and whenever you all that horse stuff again Jerry cans are old yeah yeah antique style Dairy cans sleds uh you got some ammo boxes down there yeah military style probably second world war mm-hmm otherwise not a whole pile in here but it's nice like you said if you want to just put something somewhere yeah you've got a little building you can do it with all over the place lawn chairs and I built it to last Christmas stuff Christmas lights Galore well there's something in here some people will always ask about his insulators oh telephone insulators yeah lots of ammo crates yeah there's about six of these oh I was at a Coleman camp stove yeah I can hear it my dad had a GMC truck I sold it I probably could have got more but I got eight grand out of a 1952 Chef nice those are nice looking truck but everything like okay bran bit ran like I rounded up and down the road here all the time but anything I touched on was a pile of work I'm gonna see if I can grab that pail down there somewhere for something I can stand on [Music] um yeah sure why not my dad would listen to them all yeah I'm just gonna go oh yeah I had another one of them getting umbrellas okay put that there let me see if I can grab those down so what do we got we got a he made a mailbox out of to look like a John Deere tractor and you've got it's not a Cabbage Patch doll but something at the wheel there are you allowed to let babies hey I guess you start working tractors early on a farm even if they're uh you know infants well fifty dollars would be way too cheap I I would feel guilty even paying that little percent like this that's something I want you to try I'm just looking at your sewing machine it's nice curved front yeah that's the nice thing about that one they lift it up at the same time there is a certain patterns of sewing machines are a bit better yeah you know but still the cabinet's really nice it was just a show thing in yeah it's an ornament yeah beautiful and this is supposed to stay that way too kind of thing but yeah it probably swings up if you use the treadle it looks like somebody probably electrified it or put a had a lamp in there at one point yeah and an old singer behind you there here's some stuff for me no like if this was in a shop you'd be looking at probably 350 bucks or something like that so 50 would be way too cheap on someone well as long as you're fair with me that way I'm okay yeah I know I might the other there's another one like this over in the other building yet too okay this is quite the layout I mean so you took some of the stuff you thought was better and laid it out in here just so you could pull over here we couldn't use this building it was all oh it was all packed all over the place okay right you got some nice old Northern electric radios if you have any pla well this is Bakelite or plastic certain I do buy certain old radios too and you've got nice separators but you can still understand it okay it probably needs an antenna hooked up to it was that a projector down there on the floor or or that looks like um radio equipment maybe or something lights timer it looks almost military grade recording oscillographs yeah so that would be your cameras and stuff for seismic oh this is all seismic equipment okay yeah I was gonna say yeah that side it uh it says it's an oscillating seismograph and you can see the the wave pattern there like for the shock so and they were using that to basically try and detect where there might be oil Underground really that you know that should go to the Laduke West uh Oil Museum I'm sure they'd probably appreciate something like that and you've got all kinds of bottles and oh wait that's a nice uh yeah and you would sell that or is that part of your personal collection [Music] okay is it a player piano oh yeah nobody likes moving piano I like this anatomical charts kind of cool oh is that what they all are anatomical okay anything from say when I was in grade two three okay yeah early 60s 45 years old or so and selling them and keeping them you don't want to put this up in the house people come in and see this dissected human being the doctor's office on Tuesday and he was interested in them okay well they're they're interesting right there's certain people buying they're is the digestive system so for the right person I feel like you left your shoe out here [Music] okay well these would be of interest so maybe we'll go over there from calaverstown I see Will Carter there and it looks like he signed it sincerely Will Carter yeah I'm a fan of country and or western music I prefer the old I don't prefer that a couple older baseball bats sometimes if they have like a early player's name on them I had a Lou Gehrig bat at one time that was a pretty good one and then this is like a tree stump that somebody's turning you said your dad made that reminds me of The Flintstones yeah hey I guess if you're on the farm and you are low on baseball bats even like this thing here it's a sausage maker but you don't find these hardly right cast iron sauce to make you could pretty much produce everything from the stuff that's surrounding us here yeah that is a good piece that is uh big old milkshake maker out of a cafe or something oh the uh Massey Toronto or the oh the The Rake yeah gosh you've got some nice seats up there you painted them all but that's a good one there cockshot plow company the only one that's not original which one you think it is um it's a John Deere on it again is it oh the little guy down at the end there oh yeah that's a good collection of seats I'm probably into them for five grand I could see that I know that some of those real fancy he liked it and my dad my dad put them all up there that kind of bought him for him right so you come across a cool seat by it for your dad and well and now you know it got to be on display I'm sure he looked at him and brought him Joy oh yeah is it okay to step on on that part again I just yeah I want to make sure I did the same thing that's a train conductor's hat or no fire department no it's fire department FD so this was a like a fire fighter hat okay old one too so my dad might add that in I thought it was uh I thought it was maybe his chauffeur well maybe he used it as one but FD is definitely Fire Department I see you've got like some spice tins that used to be a piggy bank actually at one point survival ration I ate one of these Just for kicks hey it was gross there's a chunk there's a couple chunks of chocolate and there's uh some really gross cardboard like cookies in there and they were still good okay so you can see where somebody just come and bought the whole works souvenir France yeah I know I'm poking around okay okay well I'll I'll find a couple things you want to keep the hatter Stone you can give it to me sell me okay then I'll use the Hat as a carry case for a couple little things here a couple little fountain pens I do like fountain pens too a little big shells there oh is that a 50k I saw yeah you had some big ones there yeah you had some like they were this high that one oh yeah there was a huge shell that's a bullet lighter and you got pipes and I do buy lighters too that's kind of cool Hudson's Bay Company I used to work for the bay actually back and way back when does that say the old Swede Stan Mosin the old Swede would task but I wonder what that was whoever calls himself the old Swede makes his own lighter that's got to be a character those are razors likely and it's a shaver hatchets like that's all them them don't have much in them though they were just more stuff oh switches and stuff okay okay well clearly it's Chips Ahoy cookies oh yeah yeah forms I used that just the other day oh the whole the punch yeah yeah they're handy make my belt a little smaller okay they're amazing gosh this old is in great shape what year is it 75 original paint or wow that's why I had it painted you had to paint it everybody said Well why'd you painted white why do you enjoy it instead of yeah boy I did it if it would have rust I wouldn't have painted it original interior though yeah and that's mint this is original let's see what do you have on the a track there Johnny Horton what's the other one Cheap Trick you got some black cat cigarettes in the yeah you're like a man from another era oh and durapan yeah that's that stuff that's quite durable you know I had one of those things that is a World War II dog tag machine and uh I don't know if it's a military one somebody asked me that I didn't think so I it's it's of the era I did the homework on it and they said when the military's ones broke down they used these ones okay but at the same year same time it would it does the same thing that's important mine didn't have the instructions I sold it I can't remember who I sold it to it was not an easy sale because you got to find somebody who's oh it's darn heavy yeah see I got it on Wheels smart yeah I I moved that thing by myself and sell this whole bicycle yeah it looks like it's in great shape it's a little ladies bike couple of them there yeah everything is well you know everything you've got is in really decent shape do you get the Oldsmobile out very often yeah I got it in church okay insurance is cheap yeah that's right it's like probably a hundred and a half a year or something like that for insurance or two cans 210 yeah it's not very much that's it even if I run into a pole I get 15 grand yeah well it's better Insurance than yeah no it's great Insurance they're wonderful people there it's like an advertisement for Hagerty but everything else yeah that's who I use too okay well I feel like we're about ready to talk about the piles I put together here oh I got to grab the stuff I set it down over here I found a couple skateboards the fire department hat okay [Music] well that was an insanely fun trip I loaded up the vehicle with all kinds of stuff that is very easy for me to sell old oil cans um I have to say was surprised to find the old milkshake maker that's a really good find um so yeah fun trip and I didn't even really scratch the surface of the stuff that was there if I I could easily fill my trailer several times uh as prices were Fair like you know 40 50 bucks for an old treadle sewing machine is uh it's reasonable that leaves lots of room for profit for a guy like me so I'm leaving happy he's happy um we got everything that we bought today for I think a couple thousand dollars which might seem like a lot but some of the oil cans I bought I had to be fair with because they are worth three to four hundred dollars each for some um crazy as that sounds and he was telling me and then he probably heard the video that he's been using the contents and throwing the cans out if you ever find old oil cans like that don't throw them out because you might have really good value there anyway guys for me that was a real fun trip uh there's an abandoned building out my window okay I have to stay focused it was a fun trip um and uh yeah thanks to uh to Brian the fellow who let me come out to his house it was a great time so stay tuned for more Adventures like this I hope you enjoyed it we'll see you all soon and as always bye for now bye everybody [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 117,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HybN1clAGsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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