I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit.. Found Deer And VINTAGE Sports Cards!

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[Music] all right guys we bought a storage unit over here we have grand adventures you want to see anything before we open it hello i like your b hat yes just being safe voila and before we show you guys what's in the storage unit let's just put a little time into this my man over here bought a storage unit the reality is cleaning up dog food but look how nice and clean that is all right guys do we do you want do you want to shut up my man over here plus is uh guys go check out max's channel what's max's channel another man's treasure another man's treasures he does storage units here in oregon too this is his buddy and let's let's take a look at this uh was this a good unit it's nice and clean this is the way it's got to be guys managers remember but uh yeah this is gonna be an interesting unit over here my man yep it's going to it's got some deer stuff in here the beard yeah yep oh wow this is it oh that's a nice one is that a three point but it's got some issues though because it's um it's pretty old it's got some cracking and stuff on it but yeah a little bit of paint on the nose yep yep but let's see what happens fishing poles right there yeah i got some fishing po it's more stuff than i thought it would be all right living out in dallas everybody's going to the rivers with the coast yeah on the way oh yeah yeah this is the units all right see ya and uh good luck with the dog food over there [Laughter] yeah yeah all right guys so again 160 bucks for this we have grandma ventures over here for the first time how's it feel to do a storage unit oh it's it's like i don't know what to say i don't know how to what to say okay well we have your stool over here your director chair and remember guys today is monday um the 11th yeah right on tuesday the 12th so tomorrow we have a youtube auction guys so it's gonna be at 1 pm pacific standard time if you're in the united states make sure you're on my youtube channel tomorrow at 1 p.m pacific standard time because we've got a youtube auction so you guys can buy some stuff that we found out storage units that's going to be tomorrow 1 p.m pacific standard time 4 p.m eastern standard time on wave centers and and you will see graham adventures in chat live and ashley adventures will be there as well i'm in and out because i watch my girl now i have a parrot you got you now you have a parrot all right guys so let's go ahead and get into this thing box per box it's been forever it's not the greatest unit but we're itching to get a unit and i had to get a unit so now we have a unit and there's your chip all right all right so let's get in this i think i'm gonna take my protection off yeah your hearts are here with your oh it's hard to breathe it's hard to breathe can you breathe out yeah okay good good all right you remember you're the one holding the camera well i know okay oh i forgot her job already i've had this job before all right we have a kids bike and with training wheels uh-huh which i needed when i was younger and then i was good to go for a while yeah he needed training wheels on his car too [Laughter] all right so we have that and this is another thing we have oh this is lovely oh my goodness guys good thing the whole body's not there holy oh my god i'm sorry but i cannot say i love this this thing is huge well wait i think that should go uh in your house this thing is huge oh no oh no oh no do you want to put this up on the wall your bedroom wall maybe but not anywhere i'm at wow this thing is massive guys okay i know a lot of people love this i'm not trying to whoa whoa it's just not my thing okay well let me know if it's your thing guys it's crazy is it your thing put it in your chat all right uh i'm gonna go put this in the truck real quick here's the idea you got the keys yes i'll put this in the truck i'll be right back all right and then we'll continue all right all right we're back we're back i gotta prop something up for the door here cause it keeps trying to open that's all right i can keep slamming it let me put this over here for now all right we'll work in it later yeah it might have another head in it as long as it's not human all right the idea here guys i'm gonna try to get that out here so we can use it as a um as a stool thingy to put stuff in i haven't done scorching in a while so almost feels new how do we forget i don't know we've done hundreds of them i know all right what do we have in here we got crayolas this paper what the hell is it craft supplies oh these are canvases oh yes those are good those are craft supplies that's all brand new remember the auction craft supplies yes remember tomorrow's the auction all right we have also paints a bunch of painting stuff they're labeled on the top so we have a bunch of paints in here i wonder if they're any good we'll look close or blue good okay crafty that's a crafty box yes we're gonna have to oh let's let the gentleman through what's he got there let's check let's see what he's got his storage [Music] some of those really old dressers every time he rolls by we'll check it out yeah yeah we might have to swap some stuff out i'm not swapping out the deer head though oh that'd be my first choice okay oh it's broken well darn this is a 170 unit yeah but i gotta be honest i've been itching i've been itching to buy a unit so bad and um yeah okay oh what do we got here so if you got any units he'll buy anything at this point i'm desperate there's not a lot in working right now all right what are those big huge bottles i know we have some clothes in there that's notice he didn't stick his hand in there no no some crepe some protein oh that's in good shape that's what you know what that is it's a battery what were you going to say well i won't say now it looked like that outdoor camera i just bought oh we do have a halo in here so maybe we'll find some i don't like to show personal stuff guys so oh there's two of them in here these sell pretty nicely too by themselves yeah so let's hope it's in there it's all paperwork in here except this it's empty oh dang it oh it's got the cord though yeah we can use that you can always use an extra cord and we have my knife that's broken but we'll use it too all right so that's not a bad box with the batteries i know we're going to make our money back handsome with this we always stay positive especially in the beginning yeah oh yeah yeah of course the ends there might be less i love it there are some personal papers here guys i will go through this though because people do hide money as i say it well he feels rich now not a lot but so we'll put that over here get into the good stuff okay all right so this is personal guys i'm gonna move over to the side oh it's a nice little cabinet too is there something in there oh wow we gotta show this oh it's a it's a picture jewelry cabinet yeah it's got a bunch of jewelry in there what's in the little black case i don't know oh um that looks like black hairs gold it could be a necklace let's see any of it real that's not real no i meant the oh i know i'm just checking to see that's not real dang it okay is there a light in here there's not okay let's see what's in here is there anything okay here comes another load oh we don't want to see those what do we have in there oh these are cool though oh those are pretty wow okay let's see if they're real they oh they do have 925 on there right there see yeah so they're silver wow the turquoise might be real you don't you never know until you check it out or 975 or whatever the heck that is you don't want to find out it was after you give it away no this is real silver there's a little oh a little thing yeah there's more down there so we may have more it's an interesting case you put a picture on the front and then you it has yours oh i like that bro i like berets all right well that was interesting let's go ahead and continue here but the case and then you do the pictures but it does have a lot of little chips on it oh not bad not bad okay let's go ahead and get this out so i can get on the lights so that way we can actually see what the heck we're getting here yeah it is lighter out here but we got to give that man a place to go through let's go ahead i think that was his last letter i know he's coming back all right oh always need rakes yep can always use these guys been working hard on the backyard and this is what we have to work with we have some carhartt down there some boxes something down there i think we have a guitar over here by the way oh yep there's a guitar some big boxes over there drum up there little drum were you ever can you play anything i played the clarinet i was in the turner uh parade marching band you're in the marching band yes when i was in grade school and junior high i was a clarinet player wow in the marching band let me know if you guys can play anything can i play it now probably i'll move the camera over here so she can pull something out oh this is it's empty some barbies in here next next we do have all-purpose flour and it's sealed well give it to ashley what i don't cook she uses a lot of flour you're gravy i cook oh this one's labeled oh job well you never know in a pinch get a okay what do we got here oh this is this is which that's that this is uh come on okay okay don't enjoy that kind of thing okay you're not you don't want food i'm not hungry now okay all right so we have a wreath huh it's older looking well it's supposed to be it's a dried flower dried leaf type brief yeah i like it actually it could be fixed up hold on hold hold on to your knickers guys i guess oh we have knickers [Laughter] okay this is looks like a utility box with a little extra in oh that's a children's guitar how cute is that i may give this to the kids turn it this way oh yeah i'm trying to get them really to love music i think my bird likes music better than anybody sing a song wayne i'm trying to think of a song what about you used to sing bath all the time and it's a good song yeah oh you used to sing pretty woman look at this that's like a hit in the face i don't know what it is it's a metal detector that's a metal detector yeah i thought it was some kind of leg brace good thing you're here good thing you're here we can multi-purpose things like this that'd be fun i would love that we should keep this they do it at the beach would that be fun maybe we could find your old camera one of these days yeah a brand new camera somewhere okay this is just a bunch of brooms and mops bring this over here all right we're back we lost battery there for a second luckily i did bring a lot of batteries today so we'll be fine you ready oh come on oh well we'll give people we'll give people an update on the bird after the video okay this was part of a desk probably from yeah there's all those different pieces little girls love that oh that's a trellis yep that'd be good for your garden because you have all those climbing things back there yep we have a piece to a okay oh whoa and something we have one pillow what's the front of that bag say let's see oh okay it's all just a couple random things bags it looks like it's full of bags these are cool those are cool and you know what i think cade would like those okay this is what i wanted to see isn't it in there and it's not what is in there i've got a bunch of coloring books and children's children's stuff coloring yeah i mean a lot of that stuff can be used and believe it or not it's expensive to buy so yeah we know we just had christmas yeah okay wrought iron it's missing its little round things to set things on i think it's a plant stone it's probably it's probably here yeah we'll find it [Applause] i've lost uh my ability to be a quick thinker on some of these things we have a heater there's a very dirty heater okay so the idea is i'm trying to get this loose stuff off here guys he's doing it just go for it wade just go for it so i can get the boxes out of here that has what is that a bug a bug stamper yes oh good you know when you have an iced tea and you just sit out there and watch the beautiful sunrise and hear snapping now you mean my uh what do they call that tea from the back south it's actually sugar tea well they call it something else peach tea georgians should know well please let me know because i want i love it the back east makes better there's some ammo oh yeah i wouldn't mind taking a trip over that area i'd like to go to tennessee barbecue cornbread i've been watching this nashville tennessee here we come we went to nashville what's a little company all right this is a nice one it's not orange that's a plus and it's long [Music] okay all right we're getting to the boxes oh a little magazine uh rack down here yeah just some random random ports in here guys and cord cutter nothing under there nope no are you guys hearing a lot of loves today no not a lot of lows okay i'm really hoping that we find something in these we will wade we always find something i mean how can we beat the moose head or gearhead or whatever that is [Applause] okay let's go ahead come in here come in here don't lose faith don't lose faith i never lose faith what is that that's a personal photo oh i'm losing faith no i'm not let me put this over here for now i hope everybody had a nice christmas and more art supplies yeah yeah this is probably the well-used art supply box this is the kids art supplies that is a whole drum set i think back there i think you're going to find more than one piece where do i turn it on at uh you go that way and i'll go this way okay nevermind it's automatic okay okay back to work okay yeah we do have this is a full drum set so and it's in good shape yep what's a brand it's on the top oh there we go there is how do you say that mendini by salia hey just go with it please i'm not a professional drummer i don't know the brand all right would you have some fishing i will practice though early in the morning we do have some fishing poles wade loves to fish yes all right oh there's going to be something good i see i do see something good coming up i don't want to spoil it i almost got my fingers that's a nice little dress it's a nice somebody hit too hard that's a nice little drum said well what can i say i'm trying to be optimistic here and i i think you're right it sounds nice because i need something that's nice well you gotta get to it but i see something signed and nice oh we found something nice okay this is this is oh this is okay this is my kind of jam here okay let's put this up there so we have more room all right actually should we put everything in the truck first yeah let's do and so you can really take hours and hours look through the cards like you like okay so i'm gonna put this stuff away guys in the truck and this is cards old dc comics old cards in here never seen comics that little oh my goodness look how little they are that's cool wow that's a special case and it's numbered who is it jerome something yeah we'll we'll see in a second i don't want to give everything tip oh these are still in the plastic okay guys we'll be right back all right you did good wait this is a good one for 160 not bad not bad all right guys this is what you've been waiting for this box right here bring it out wade all right so the first thing we have these are so cute my hands are a little dirty guys so i won't go through all of it got some sports cards here it looks like they're baseball saw hunts go through a lot of the stuff was from the 80s and 90s and the cords are the corners are kind of messed up but we'll have to see yeah oh man this is heavy you can do it there you go it looks heavy okay what do we got in here this is a closed case you know i love those maybe it's better ones berry bonds on the top upper deck those are in decent shape but they do have a lot of corner issues on there and my hands are really dirty guys so i don't want to touch too many but we do have a couple nba sean kemp uh actually that's in really good shape uh let's see we have a rookie here a dion sanders 1989 rookie this one actually maybe worth a little bit of money does have a corner issue there 1989 i just love the terry bradshaw ones you gave me i know i've been here's another rookie barry foster that's a look through these we got a another third round pick rookie another barry foster draft pick let's see these are in hard plastic cases guys so they can't really get too messed up nothing great yet this is this is um this isn't old guys these are they're made to look old those ones some rookies here i'm gonna have to look at and see blue edwards tyrone no michael jordan's yet i bet there is some in here though carl malone the mailman akeem elijahwan oh i remember him yep that was in the championship year that landon was born hopefully i can find some tiger woods if i can find a tiger woods rookie it's in decent shape let's go for a thousand i like tiger woods even with all his faults yeah we all we all have faults yeah oh here's a good one though guys um ryan he was great so we might find something good in there baseball i'm not as much in baseball as i am basketball too slow what oh some people love it but there there may be some really good stuff in here guys i need to spend time and really look at those ones all right so look at these these are sealed never opened oh you get 20 dece oh man you know ash is going to want to keep this i already can see it it's sealed it's never opened um and they're from 1993 that is mine they may be worth money these are there's two of them one for each boy yeah and they've never been open you get 20 comics in here from 19. i like that that'd be great for the boys if i had to sell it we'll see ashley i love it for the boys oh those are good that's a fun game if it's there yeah okay let's see a lot of boxes a lot of boxes a lot of cards oh batman batman in here they're labeled aren't they oh that looks like an old box is it it is oh my god that means they might be old man we may do a separate video just on this huh jimmy dean is that what it's at yeah but they're from 1990 they're from 1990 uh i was thinking that jimmy dean the the sausage guy that sings this is sealed never opened from 1990. nice um huh northwest league i've never heard of that before 1991 minor league minor that's why you haven't heard from about it probably i'm not a baseball guy let's see oh they're in there what are those 1990 tops pictures series traded series i'm not into baseball as much as i am basketball you're learning more i'm learning yeah not that i have some um mike trout cards but okay so those ones i don't want to go through with my dirty fingers well when you handle a head a live x5 yes your fingers get dirty i know mine feel dirty i bet what is this oh they look big oh these are michael jordan champ this is from uh space jam oh yeah oh this is no i think that's something ashley would like yes this is from space jam it's a little dusty but we can fix that yeah okay well that looks like a jordan yeah it's a jordan tribute box and because he did play baseball ooh michael jordan in here oh and they're they're little plate cards and they're unopened and they're unopened they're sealed oh they're that oh my goodness what are they so i have to take a look i don't know if they're actual cards in there or what but they're all michael jordan oh they're i've never seen one like that i don't know i need to keep that oh whoa what are those oh cartoon i don't know i'm not sure what that is here's some other cards i want to go through i don't want to go through too many of these oh these are all baseball just because i have dirty hands guys and just because we don't love baseball don't mean other people yeah and i still collect baseball even if it's basketball we gotta this is all uh football i love football my favorite all right oh wow wade you got a lot of stuff there's a lot to go through here guys there's a lot to go through and he's really into it these days so it's like a good thing yeah i collect a lot more modern carts um i'm not really into the old stuff but hey i'll still look through it and you have them graded yeah all the new stuff the old stuff i don't like those sign cards guys if you remember that the last storage unit we bought there's 219 signed cards i haven't looked up any of the prices on ebay they're all there so if you guys are into signed 1980s and 1990s cards i'll put the link below and you can watch the auction the auction ends in six days and it's all those signed cards from the last storage unit i'm just selling all of them on ebay because they're all baseball and it's all i'm into you know football and stuff like that but okay we'll look through a couple of these i'm just curious to see if there's anything that jumps at you that jumps at me there's a kevin durant something jumped i wonder if these are basketball i bet they are looks like the theme was basketball on those yeah baseball cards just keepers who keepers girls keepers your boy wade loves keepers other tops from the 80s and 90s so okay let's get to get me all wondering what's in here baseball or basketball more baseball maybe we can find some cal ripken um rookie cards from the 80s in here what is this are those pogs i don't know what a pog is you don't know what a pog is no i used to collect them back in the day oh you collected so many things oh here's some pokemon i almost said something is that more pokemon these are all football guys let's see i wonder if we get any what if we get like an expensive pokemon in here well i know you used to collect pokemon let's see this one i had many searches i had a binder um oh the camera look at her oh there you go okay sorry grandma adventures camera skills is a little rusty guys i was trying to turn the light on and be a cameraman okay these are um from 1995. i'm not a pokemon expert i haven't played since i was like nine years old man these are in bad shape though i was more into magic cards oh yes he was into a lot of things not pokemon [Laughter] okay you were more of a collector than your brothers yeah oh these are rookies i like to see rookies so wants to go through these i mean they look in pretty good shape guys there's just a lot of them i had to go through them all all right so i'm gonna put all these back since that was a crazy box and then there's some signed pictures in here that grandma ventures saw i see one sports pictures oh my goodness okay let's pull this out real quick before we go to commercial break and i want you to close your eyes oh can you do that and hold the camera well if it gets wobbly folks i'm i'm closing my eyes close your eyes don't look i can't keep them closed long you know that i will tell you no don't cheat i gotta no close your eyes okay they're closed they're closed but hurry you know i can't put them oh my god you love this show i love that show and i love the star of that show even more because he will not talk politics on tv i love that show that is this is an amazing okay so you want to put this on your wall i could find a place for that all right commercial break guys we'll be right back and hang tight okay let's go ahead i don't know if we're gonna find anything cool anymore we have a bunch of toys here but we don't have girls no and i'm gonna spare you guys from going through this let's just say yeah it's plush dirty stuff they need to be washed yeah a lot of that gets donated okay that's why he wanted to hurry because he wanted to go through those is it what i thought it was oh it was fine well that's kind of a cool looking one yeah this this is numbered actually that is i like that picture i it's very unusual yeah and it's from in berkeley california i i went to berkeley in my younger years okay this one's personal guys i don't wanna oh these are both personal oh see i saw a signature so i was thinking huh maybe a sports picture sign high school stuff yeah we don't want that to be as much back to them as we and privacy is that a personal one this is oh that looks hand painted and it is signed painted frodo from ticking when we were in oh wow so and it's from 69. yeah it's the year on it see that is really cool that is very pretty i love that somebody uh painted that's something that will that looks like it was oil painted yeah i think this is personal yeah that is a poster personal poster what's he gonna pull out next oh wouldn't you know it oh this is fake it's fake yeah it's a fake what is it after getting the real one i don't know i remember that's like i'd rather hold the fake one i think oh man you heavy a little louder down there than i thought there would be that might not be a good thing oh that's kind of a cool bowl oh here's a oh this is a this is a birdbath bowl that's a birdbath bowl and this is little seats oh that's the drum kit i'll put that over there just case that one breaks that was a dig on me no you will know what they say about payback it's coming guys this is i want to go through all this but it is just a little of this little of that christmas stuff well i saw some and some pots which and pans favorite what's in there a gift that was forgotten sanitizer i don't know i need sanitizer gloves i don't know oh gosh oh my gosh here give me some just looking oh that's brutal my hands feel dirty just when i saw him touch it hold the camera for a minute i need to rub my hands together this is the proper way to do it guys for eight how many seconds let's go for sixty okay let's just skip this wow i was not expecting that were you of course not i mean i've seen it's a little gift set kids toys pots and pans and fun time that didn't look fun to me [Music] now he's all shook up yeah here's a heater that's yes i would say that is a heater but we both we both agree on that see this is going to be a bird bowl i've been looking for a real heavy bowl and this is it okay now i'm on guard be careful what is that that looks like an old-fashioned uh something oh that's the expense now we need help folks what is that oh that's cool that's a musical thing this is all kids real dirty though this is all kid stuff in here guys this was a kid's tummy yeah be careful never know because there was kids you never know what the kids are into these days put that over there i meant that it's a joke i didn't mean that bad what is that oh brother i've seen better posters okay now if anybody wants that he can auction it off tomorrow [Laughter] oh this is heavy oh it's fragile oh it says kitchen oh man well he gets cold oh my god talking about packing some people can pack and some people come back like who does this you think they had to pack in an hour i don't know but i've never seen this before i know what's this say i mean i've seen it a little bit people do this but i like this stuff look at that that's a cool cup oh look at this one that's a frozen cup i think is that frozen fox i'm not sure i think it is this is just numbered up children look at that one over there it's a cartoon cup i'm not going through this guys oh my god can you believe that when he said kitchen i knew he wasn't going through no well i mean especially like this i like old kitchen that's wrapped up in what does that say hey i'm kind of crazy about you okay well could have packed better then yeah yeah i'm teasing all right what's this be careful wait i don't like dirty things thrown on me okay i feel like i'm not protect myself here you all right guys we have this one left i'm gonna go put the rest of stuff in the truck real quick so we don't make a mess and i'll be right back hang tight so what do you think so far i think that we knew do not want to do a u-haul commercial for boxes [Laughter] also guys a lot of the stuff's going to be on poshmark so we're gonna put gram adventures poshmark link below and uh if you want any of this stuff she'll try to get it on been preoccupied with the parrot mango if they ask for something i will try to find it and put it right on yes and you can always make an offer yes okay so go ahead and hold that back i'm a little preoccupied these days but he sings to me while i work now he loves music i don't need a knife for any of these yeah know you need the tape to hold them together these are the best packers in the world this is going to work oh it's a harley davidson i think that's a woman's it is that is now that will sell this is an easy 60 bucks right right oh i love that not for myself i mean huh just paid for 45 of the unit just one item but that's a cool item and then you have he's careful have you noticed how gingerly he listens i don't know he's wounded i got cut okay video's over okay [Laughter] so we have some uh lamps in here guys they're metal and that's it all right wow the bottom of this one all the box you know that big kitchen box that had all the glass in it yeah the bottom came out the bottom about a lot of dips a lot of it didn't break okay that sounds coffee oh here we go here we go well i see one i like right there i love overboard that's a good good one with goldie hawn and and uh here's the husband or her roommate for all these years the way they pack i'm wondering if it's oh they're in there look at that guys there's it's all packed it's two layers it's really weird but uh people buy movies still i mean they're not outdated just because you can stream everything under the sun which i kind of do but people love movies they're definitely party animals sit on lap a player to your right okay i bet you this is one of those where you switch partners okay you think this is the swinger couple yes should i ask ashley if she wants to keep it i think this is trash in this thing well you shouldn't be touching it many partners have [Laughter] all right let's bring it over here here wise guy let's see what's in here let me move my drink over here gingerly whoa what's that oh my goodness i thought it said the beaver the vibrator where i oh wait but just because i'm he's all he's still traumatized well no i'm i'm teasing him i just don't want to get oh this is kind of like a dirty little handbag i'm turning the whole hand back come on oh what's in here i'll let you dig it and see all i know is the smell it smells it does let's not open it any further no we open up everything on this it has to be dirty socks oh socks and underwear okay if you guys want to know what this smells like not don't wash your socks for three months and see how it smells after you worked in them there you go that smelled bad this is all closed oh be careful yep this is close yeah be careful we don't know let's see what is that what does it have on the front oh i can't see gutterman okay company sweatshirt okay did you count the loves that you heard today folks because i don't know if there there might have been a couple there was a couple but not i do like the little drum set i wish one didn't have a hole in it but and that was the main one too yeah i wonder if it could be fixed where some little drummer could start practicing oh bottoms coming out yeah all these boxes guys are just got awful oh there's some personal in here let me try to hide this oh and i'm just forgetting and putting the camera right on it see my skills have lessened there's a lot of personal in here okay you want to call it a personal box okay guys it's all like photos and stuff besides this thing which is a charger but yeah this is all personal stuff personal fills too oh there's a couple broken tabs in here one one looks like i wonder if it works but everything needs to be washed i'll have to tell you that [Music] yeah that's why we have sanitizer real quick we go through a lot of sanitizer i haven't come out of my batcave for a long time this is like really fun to be out today okay what is that [Applause] honestly it's knickknacks oh there's none in there i think we could bypass that little bag i don't know though oh yeah it's trash it had that appearance oh my gosh one of my favorite family games what real risk your dad and i used to have real bad real live battles over wrists because uh we were very serious about our risk this is the first song here guys there is a wrestling wrestling magazine i really doubt if that game's all there too really there's been a few clues the way they pack stuff i don't know this is you get some that takes you two days to open a package and you get others that that's a cool book it's a social studies book i love history since i've gotten old honey you're showing personal i can't we have more books in there a lot of personal guys that's one good thing about filming these units is you can go through and get personnel where you if you don't if you take it home you go through then you have to drive back [Music] and sometimes you still have to drive back because you find something important ashes photos okay oh that was a pretty shower curtain eyelashes you never know though people hide money in these and these ones because they're like ah nobody wants to go through bathroom stuff you know this is the best packed box that's bathroom what's in there i bet that's makeup i don't know artists use used makeup people that do artwork they like used makeup it is makeup just one weird uh watch in here that's missing the glass to it yeah this is okay that was all good next we're gonna have to do some killer on this video if it keeps going this fast that looks like sheets yeah yeah they're yeah and they're well used they went with that picture sign over there [Laughter] you play the game and we got our bucket of sheets ready okay hold on folks hold on this is toys guys okay let me you better give them a close-up because the box fell apart yeah yeah oh man we made money on this unit though well i think we made money in here for sure the cars and the wheat yeah and the fishing poles the fishing poles i thought were broke one of them i'm grasping for air oh oh well i think the sun's a monarchy sign yeah yep okay and my my uh parrot bowl eric battle i've been searching it's all gonna go bad in a minute there we go oh that's the expert stuff that's my favorite oh wait a minute look at this nutcrackers are popular and that has its tag it's you know it's not an old one but it's a pretty bright one hold it straight up so they can see it straight up see we like nutcrackers oh oh it takes my magic touch just a moment now turn around no don't wake the camera you're making them sick it won't come on oh no oh i bragged oh there we go okay well there's a couple nutcrackers in here guys see works oh there's a tree topper that's pretty too next okay you gotta look quick because he's next i need to treat myself to barbecues i think today okay that's what he says every video isn't it maybe it's because it's one of his favorite foods that in mexican okay so this is all cleaning splice guys oh i like cleaning supplies what's in the mystery toast oh this is a mystery tub oh this one right here oh we haven't looked at this one yet huh yeah we did what was it do i need ashley to rewind i think that's what's with the parking oh okay okay oh there's one with the bark thank you for the uh rewind and actually you sound like you have a higher voice now oh oh i like that and it's older this probably we both saw it at the same time in the 90s people like that i sell a lot of that oh seahawks country not here well they they didn't work out this year i i didn't put any money on them because they always fail me they win when i don't and they lose when i do so basically guys she's saying she's the gambler and she i don't gamble oh i i remember you putting 50 bucks on a game this weekend can you believe the steelers so it's legal here in oregon she puts you know five yeah ten bucks five put fifty every time and i'll tell you what those steelers were very disappointing she put it she did a parlay of 50 bucks i couldn't believe it here the browns have all their players they have players on the field they don't even know they're wearing name tags because everybody has the virus and they they killed the steelers that have all their players healthy yeah who would have thought yeah and i won the other two games that day yep and they lost it all oh anyway that's enough of that i need to i could rant and rave over that one so thank goodness i don't gamble all right guys so this is this this is the uh this is the storage unit oh poor wade and uh i'm gonna get struck down in gambling mode for that because they all wait for his bits this is this has been an interesting unit yeah it has um nobody's drunk today if you use the word love all right guys remember a couple things tomorrow 1 p.m pacific standard time 4 p.m eastern standard time we are having an auction on my youtube channel that will be tomorrow so today's monday the 11th tomorrow tuesday the 12th come hang out with us even if you're not wanting to buy anything from these units just hang out with us in live chat we would love that tomorrow um also guys subscribe to grandma adventures youtube channel because she's gonna start doing videos i need five more people you can actually start now doing videos yes um but subscribe to her channel will be only her channel i'll make some appearances and uh link will be below to subscribe to graham of interesting i have some fun ideas and of course you're gonna see a parrot and it's called grandma adventures on youtube or you can go below and click the link and then if you want any of this treasure oh please let me know um a lot of it will be on grand adventures which is her story her store is the goodwill of poshmark i'm joking i am and i'm proudly the goodwill of poshmark anyway guys i have a big variety and everything if you want to shop anything directly from grandma link will be below as well you'll never know what you'll find on there all right guys i'll see you tomorrow on the live auction and hit the thumbs up button subscribe if you're not and we're going to be doing a lot more stories i hope you guys have a wonderful day it's been fun being back with you i can't wait to see what you have to say about everything we found here it's not too hot cold and it's not too hot so you'll see more graham adventures yeah don't let the temperature go up yeah all right guys see ya have an amazing day bye see ya what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for gram adventures and myself 3 100 items in this store and 100 of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the ventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units all right guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 13,260
Rating: 4.9391966 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit, storage unit, storage auction, storage unit videos, storage locker videos, storage locker, storage locker finds, storage unit finds, self storage, 2021 storage unit videos, 2021 auctions, live storage auctions, online storage auctions, storage treasures, storagetreasures, storage wars, storage wars videos, abandoned storage, real auction videos, 2021 storage videos, storage, units, lockers, online storage treasures, wades ventures, buy, sell
Id: UsneZLyFxe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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