Carefully Wrapped Collectibles FOUND Inside Abandon Storage Unit Boxes! #55

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys wade with wade's adventures and you're watching the ventures youtube channel a family channel we scour the state of oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our youtube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right another unboxing today guys hopefully you guys are gonna enjoy this no idea i don't think there's any dreamsicles in this one so hopefully hopefully not um but hit the unless you love them um hit the thumbs up button guys let's get into this we are the venturers family we do storage unit unboxings storage unit buying everything to do with auctions and we are in the warehouse getting ready to unbox something we have no idea what's in these boxes so without further ado i have the very short grand adventures because you can very barely see her over that box she's going to open it up and see what it what what does it say on that thing oh well it says a lot of things i'll cherry pick dragonfly clock i think that sounds cool yeah and it says two wired gold christmas trees and a wire gold reindeer that's a big box it has a lot more but i i'm not gonna that's a big box let's see i'm not gonna take all the surprise away well open her up open her up yeah i'm trying can you see how fast i'm trying to do this i'm because i've heard through the grapevine so quick i'm going to open up this xbox oh my gosh what oh that's plump yes it is i don't know what these are oh i've seen those in stores but i've never had one oh wait this is harmful okay oh so those are oh these are for coffee i think is there anything in there no they just kept them because it would be awful yeah there's nothing in them so they're probably saving them for arts and crafts maybe i have no clue but i know one thing we're gonna have to lay this down and drag it out here let me help you oh i think it's just if i got this one thing i don't want to scratch whatever that is oh my goodness this thing is full oh you gotta be careful oh whoa whoa whoa i got it is that careful did that i got it that's quite a shuffle he shuffled carefully okay all right well let's see what we got in there well i'm trying to what it what would this what is this we have a bunch of those but it's numbered and it's cool is that days of the week well no i think it's the days of the month or days of the month put your bills in there wow your bills oh we'd need a way bigger one for mine yeah yeah this is just gorgeous here let me show i'll put this up here you put your bills in there and it's like a little desk for keeping your bills straight and it's solid wood i mean it's heavy i actually love wow that is so cool it's all solid wood and it feels good too it's got a few scratches that is cool wow wow the reindeer are flat this is the reindeer and they're flat they must be wall hangings or something i don't know you can show some of that stuff while i unpack what these are kind of cool those are very handy yeah for a little if a kid's doing a project or something you got your little plastic what's in here oh wow that is a massive 20 inch clock springfield butterfly i thought it was supposed to have a oh yeah 17 inches collection isn't it supposed to have like a it's a quart quartz clock with thermometer yeah but firefly or some kind of dragonfly no this is the butterfly and dragonfly on this one this is a massive this will be on by the way guys anything that you find in the video that you want to buy like this will be in the link in the comments or link in the description that's where the store is at where we have everything for sale so if you want anything like this you see it'll be in there look at this this is a 10 10 inch does double a batteries wall clock and it's a really cool planter one they had good taste oh look at this i think we got a bunch of those i just haven't got them open yet yeah it's gonna take you a while i think this is the christmas tree is it i i think i'm pretty it's like a christmas tree i'm pretty look at this they're pretty sure it is they even like label it wow plaque it's a plaque let's see let me open it up oh my gosh bubble wrap all kinds of tape all kinds of stuff does this look like stuff you get from me i have learned how to do professional wrapping i mean they could have taught classes on how to wrap i've got it down now this is a florence you've got a little hang your coat maybe or oh probably keys actually probably keys or something on here that's like a key rock that's a key rack from florence oregon that's the coast fight in oregon well let's see this is this five star wow we're getting there we're getting there i've done five packages yeah but you didn't have this christmas tree what is in here guys what is in there nothing what's the front look like there's literally nothing in here it's five [Laughter] okay i'll open this one up you might as well undo that because i'm still working on the christmas tree i'm assuming this is another reindeer i think we got yeah they're kind of flat but they look cute once they're undone yep and i'm thinking this christmas tree is going to be special too here we go pretty cool oh my gosh i think i'm getting there gotta be careful because i don't know if there's some reason that they have rock like this that it might oh i think there's more than one christmas tree yep this is another christmas tree oh wow there's a few of them in there we're gonna have a lot of christmas stuff on the poshmark yeah so if you guys want christmas believe me you're gonna see a lot on the store there's three christmas trees there's three of them here and a little princess halloween cartoon book huh there's two of those that was an interesting box huh yes okay wow all right let me get you another one so you can get started on it there you go that didn't seem so bad no oh it's crushable it's very fragile and crushable i hope it didn't get crushed yes but why put it in that skinny little put it on the top of the pile i mean follow directions yeah follow directions you were on the bottom of the pile buddy [Laughter] we didn't follow directions no hopefully it's not broken up here's two more reindeers now we have um four of them in total yes so we got not an even amount for the trees no but you know what if you put the trees around and then them around it could be all in one scene we can make it one christmas theme oh my gosh what do we got oh what do we have what is it i'm not sure yet i think it's a wreath a decorated wreath but i'm i can't see for sure yet between the bubble wrap and my cataracts were we've got a problem while you're doing that i'm gonna open this one up oh this one's gonna be nice it is a christmas decoration of some kind i see the santa or see something red oh my gosh this is going to be different wait till you see it or i'm not seeing it correctly it's not correct i don't think i think it's gonna be pretty darn cute to tell you the truth oh is that a moose i i'm pretty sure it's a moose i thought it was a santa but maybe it's a santa it looks like you're doing surgery over there well uh if it's that fragile you gotta be careful okay okay i'm gonna do the unveiling your eyes out won't fit your ears or antlers what a cute door hanger is that a cute door hanger or what a moose in his hoodie that is really really cool somebody's going to love it it's got a tag on the back and it smells really good actually smells good it's nice when you find things that smell yeah yeah versus things that don't smell good wow it's for your door somebody's gonna love this this would go great on poshmark too you might want to keep that box for it i think the yeah we'll build another box around it wow it smells great oh shoot okay now we have the next this is gonna be anybody's guess i mean this is gonna be like what the heck is this hmm wow whatever this is it's heavy it's heavy so they have a bunch of undeveloped taping or uh pictures in here oh my god what do you got huh i'm not even sure yet i think it's lights it's what i think they're lights i'm not sure what are they black lights they take batteries i said candles chicken places huh there's a ton of them they're brand new i may actually want to auction these off i think they should be i mean there's a bunch of them in here guys okay now there's some stickers that you can on the side there that you can stick them up stick them glasses wow some of these can we i bought some for the trailer and you can replace the batteries whenever you need them yeah put them in places you wouldn't normally use a light i'll put them over here so that when you have it you have it there you have it well wade the electronic person tell you about that phone well this is what you do you open it up you dial your number you dial your number i just didn't i wanted to see if you knew how it worked then you talk you put it down and then that's it it's pretty cool yeah we loved them when we got those over those other dial phones mom got the princess phone oh shoot oh shoot brand new what is it brand new paper candles all colors wow that could be an auction item that could be an auction item with those i wonder how much these things cost i don't know but they got i i don't know if they're scented or not let's see super candle they're candlelight paper candles made in the usa and there's all different colors i like the peach color now the peach ones are undone the wrappers are off of them but um okay so pack of 12 goes for about 20 bucks we have about 20 of them well i think we can add other candles to them other unused candles i mean because there's a lot here and there are those voting candles there they're in great condition too i think we have other candles somewhere yeah wow someone would love those yeah one of the peach ones is broke but you can cut it in half okay all right i'll put these away all right i'll grab another box those are pretty cool and they're i like them i do like them they're in their christmas colors yeah oh lord help us here what we got i think it's good stuff not dreamsicles not creamsicles that's good that don't mean there won't be more dreamsicles because and i like the dreamsicles oh what is this what is this i wonder if it's uh i think it's for the table to put hot stuff on is it but yeah it doesn't look like it hangs up but it's pretty cool i like it a lot actually that would look good in your house with all your cookware and your metal and everything yeah i like modern table i like modern stuff too that would look good in your house for your hot pants or whatever you use it for oh my nose hitches oh don't touch your face i won't [Laughter] um is that an old i'll let you read it it's old it says vision corning united states vision corning okay i know this is old this is the 70s and it's pyrex that could be worth some money that powder and it's made in the usa this is all and i like that color better than the orange that they normally have this pattern could be worth some money wow it's all about the powder where are those nice main united states wow this could be want to look this up oh i just sold a black one like this i bet it was a set don't tell us go find this one on there yep they're beautiful people collect the stuff oh man these are nice these are vintage uh whoa and they're not broken it was a set was it yeah here's the other other one that goes with it right here but you know what we can sell them individually maybe they'll maybe they'll want that one i can look her up and see if she likes it it's it's easier to ship them sometimes when they're one of them too i think this one goes to the big one here oh i don't know well maybe it's not out yet i love these little square ones and it has that design on the edge yeah and there's more of them wow this is a great set they collected them how do you say it again pyrex [Music] they spelled it out for me in the comments i know how to say it properly down i hope i am saying this is corningware f3b oh my goodness i love this set oh wow is that pyrex i don't know yet no way what is it i don't know they're microwave safe let me see but they're sure cute wow these are are they all different designs no well yeah they are actually and then we have a bunch of plastic little plastic things here there's a whole set of five of them these would be good for kids snacks oh those are cool that's it what a nice box and look how much they got in that box that's what's amazing it's like is this a trick how do they get that much in one box they're very talented packers oh wait do you know what this says don't you what does it say you know what it says what is it that's what you're smiling guilty look on your face what does it say you know it says dream sickles oh yes you do and you i always know when you're that doesn't say when you're fooling me oh here goes the unveiling dreamsicles there's only three of them give me the big one okay i'll tell you what the baby no i'll take this you can have the big one happily okay let's see this has something to do with the maypole remember that dance and grade score did you guys do that the maypole dance in grade school did you do that i don't know what we did in my day all the ribbon and oh we did that we did that we did that yeah i remember now he went to the same grade school i'd hit him turner and our his great-grandfather helped build that grade school and we always did the maple dance and i thought did they get rid of that but no he remembers oh we did it look at this those are cool wow this is this is handmade with love limited edition they wanted almost eighty dollars for it signed and there this is the second um whoa look there wow that is so cool that's a really cool one what do you got over there oh no but it's stubborn i gotta figure out how to put this thing back in there now there i had to open the bottom and get it out you're like fighting now further oh man that was a war it's almost like trying to get ketchup out of sonic burger [Laughter] can i have a lot of ketchup they hand us two two packets wade eats a lot of ketchup not anymore though he's ketchup a hamburger with his ketchup that's what it is [Music] that's another one of those special ones whoa oh they're dancing are we putting you guys to sleep it's musical that's the first musical they're going to sleep they're going to sleep they're not going to sleep they're dancing they're going to sleep nope they're not going to sleep that's the first musical one we've seen ah just when you think you've seen them all huh and then another one popped up and i like this angel dancing with the little dreamsicle yeah this one's cool they're having a good old time now that one i really like a lot there's been a few with the dancing this was these are ones that were more expensive 55 bucks almost 54. i like dancing and i want i want our boys to take dance lessons boys are not as eager to dance and if they know how i think they will yep so we're we're sending them the dance school as soon as i can yeah which i'm going to look into i've looked into it already but the virus screwed screwed me up okay that was cool all right let's move on to the next shall we are you excited i'm always excited there you go should i be excited is what i need to add i think this is another kitchen one i could be wrong okay oh is this a box of creamers i don't know so far we have two you know what i hate to say this i think this might be a box of creamers i don't know we got three off the top oh oh wow okay let me i mean he couldn't resist he had to come over let me see are those cookie molds four salad plates oh i like that but these are these are the same design that you have the other ones yes yeah the other ones are online [Laughter] what i was just thinking about so she said something that's hilarious today guys what you get this okay ready i'm scared that you're gonna say something i would rather you not we don't hold anything back from our audience okay so we're sitting here after she went to sonic right and told me about the ketchup story no don't say it and she she has this massive set of dishes on poshmark she has this massive set of dishes on poshmark guys if you want to go see it 29 piece it's a 29 piece dish set and it's 150 bucks and it's worth it um but she goes uh well somebody almost bought it yesterday and i'm glad they didn't because now i would add some package and ship 29 dishes i thought oh i was so worried that they were going to actually buy it i said from now on i'm not putting it in sets you're getting it pieces here's the cups here's the plate oh that is that takes a lot of packing i'm telling you but i try to do it where you get every piece without any of it broke then i have to make the box wade what do you got they match my cups and bowls but i already sold the cups and bowls yeah we'll sell those that's what um that's what i said these are smaller these are the that's came out set oh there's a whole set of them yeah oh my gosh these are beautiful i need to make sure the same lady bought them if she did i'll have to let her know before i put these on yeah i wonder if she was a viewer i don't know i like it when people tell me if they are or not look at that yeah there's this is a they look like they haven't been used too oh and then we had the creamer they're beautiful i love these and then the wish i would have kept the whole set for myself corning ware separated this year yep they're all here wow we also have this set that's in there looks brand new yep it's in there the same thing could be used who knows we have to open it up yeah it's in there oh that goes to another set of dishes remember we had the same set and i did not put on is this the same one yeah okay so you have two sets then yeah i have eight that's what i had in cups and the bowls wow that's eight so i gotta make sure if the same lady did buy them because she's gonna want to i need to let her know before i put them on because she'll want those or put them on and send her a message oh yeah but i want to i have to search for it i will definitely give her first choice yeah because she bought the whole other set wow that's cool all right you want to scoot your chair over here for a quick second and then we can that way we can go i'll just come over here oh i'm walking on foam i feel squishy wow they had to put this box together that's how i do mine oh yeah uh-oh wow oh oh what's in there i can already guess okay i'm telling you i think the big plates are in here of that same set yes i think so i think so those are unique and they don't make the thought anymore oh my god wade they're heavy let me help you they're heavy plates and they're packed tight i got it oh man oh yep yes yes yes yes she's gonna be a happy camper you're gonna be a happy camper unless you bought the bulls and someone else bought the cups and then one of you guys can figure it out oh man those are heavy i should have waited yeah well who knows gosh darn it but i don't like selling in sets so it's a good thing i know the breakage possibility is much higher okay so let's see what we have in here all right oh this is rattling i'm wondering if it's broken or if it's something different might be not be what's on the cover or something this one's heavier i open this one oh not broke oh what a nice set oh oh no oh that i got another customer that's gonna be so happy she bought this set for her children because they got a set when they were married and they wanted uh she wanted this set so bad i hope you're watching because i have more bowls for you and i will get a hold of you because i said if i found any more of your set i would get a hold of you so let me see let me see those close up yeah she bought the set i remember this side they got at their wedding and now i can tell her i found some more bowls well i'll give wade credit he found them he picked the box that's true what else we got over there oh that's a beautiful corningware dish is it corny yes it's corny wire right there do we have to open these or you think they already know i think we can open up one to show them see there's the bowls that we had and yeah just we can just take one plate out oh yeah i want them to see it but you know those you have to put on right away and then let them know oh yeah i will will remember anything you see here guys we have a link to the oh my goodness what i do when people want something is i contact them and say i'm putting it on on such and such day and then they know to keep an eye out wow but these i wish i would have kept this whole set this is one set i would have loved if i would have known yep it's all there and they've got four there yeah there's four scenes on each plate is different and then you give the person all cabins or all trees or whatever and wouldn't that be cool wouldn't that make your christmas table and you sold the other ones yes i will definitely get a hold of her okay i got two people i need to get hold of anyway that's so exciting i love it when something turns out good like that oh we got an assortment here yeah oh what are those gilded edge american rose 22 karat gold plate ooh that's a collector plate i'll bet let's see we have some saucers we have i thought we had more of these too we did i saw i got them online right now oh i have a set of those i'll add this my set's over there they're gonna be happy oh another hole another bolt or another plate yeah the same style that's an odd plate something must go in the middle of it yeah i don't know oh darn darn i'll show you the darn in a second something's chip that i wish wasn't oh we got more of these i got tons of those online oh yeah these are nice yeah i got a few couple sets of those oops now this is the pla oh wait if you see what's coming up i always get ahead of myself this is chipped and i'm sorry it is that's a beautiful piece but look at this way made in the united states this is dinner plates that match that saucer and there's more than one they got the 22 karat gold wow and there's a there's one two three four five of them i'm hoping that there's more of the smaller ones in there there's five they're not one another box wow it might be in another box those are beautiful somebody's gonna love those and then here's two odds and ends that was a cool box i love that that was a cool box all right so now i have another box for you are you ready he always asked me that doesn't mean that's the drinking thing are you ready oh what is that blue section glass dinner plates one forest dinner plate i wonder if it's that one it could be and uh some other stuff some mugs it's not as strong a tape they must have to go to a weaker brand now let's go with the mugs first okay because i have a feeling i have a feeling that they might be some of those tree mugs but i'm not sure so i don't want to say anything they are we're gonna have a happy camper they are yep and i think she does watch because she saw those plates on our video i'm wondering if um are these from the same thing aren't they the same yeah they're from the same uh there's a plate in that pile yeah yeah i think they are yeah they're the same i think you should have loved this there's four of them uh-oh check those out where'd you get those yep there's three of them here she's gonna be a happy camper i promised her and now i get to keep it wow [Applause] oh wow wow what is that i love this uh oriental oh whoa divided plate it's got a uh looks like the blues coming back on the back so it's vintage isn't it oh yeah made in japan definitely certain kind of blue that leaks through the uh probably and there's two of them oh wow [Applause] gorgeous and they're about 11 inches yeah i think they're old because the wall comes through what i was told them so i had a praise of my own oh my goodness i wonder if there's a fourth one oh and they're thick i thought i was done oh yeah the blue is bleeding through yeah and there's four of them oh my goodness they're so beautiful somebody's gonna love these yes they're they're vintage oh yeah the blues i think mine was they told me my plate to look like that was uh from the 1800s wow is what they told me so i'm thinking these we could take them to that guy that did all our appraisals at our house shogun galleries yeah okay and then we got one more here all right so we have ten because we had nine before now we have that ball i'm just getting excited there's another game but it's all gonna end right now what well i like cleaning supplies as much as the next person let's see if it really is i'm wondering if it really is though well it says clorox uh it's going to be a quick box tablet slice off you know that that's all right it's going to be a quick box if it is plates well it's going to be quick once it's open figurines christmas clocks cleaning supplies where can you get everything in one place whoa it feels heavy like it's cleaning sometimes it could be now want to do the unveiling it's not oh oh that's what it is it's a bunch of vhs tapes where did they get i wanted them to see the cover so they don't think i don't think they look at the cover no they don't want to look at the cover they won't look at this reindeer right here oh my god martha rules i wonder if she ruled while she was in prison crocheting her rules and we got do you want all these movies out might as well just quickly throw them out oh my gosh lords of arabia how many people love that movie i do oh i love the lion and winner the lion in winner with katherine hepburn this was a good one guardian uh this was good jane eyre with william hurt and the girl that was in true blood in this movie interesting anna yeah i love true blood that was such a good show i i'm shocked that they ended true blood early like that well they went all political and you know how politics always ruins everything so there you go oh this is where tom cruise fell in love with nicole kidman yep green mansions anthony perkins and audrey hepburn that was so good if you like older movies that's green mansions the postman they've made the postman quite a few times my favorite one is with jack nicholson and here's erin she's still working hard for the people yep my gosh these are great old movies and they're sealed they're not open all right handle over here at all yeah you want to work on that next box okay let's open this one up right here right here oh it's all open so i'll wait for you to finish okay i'll get it out oh it's all taped together not that i don't want to show all these but we're running out of sd card gone with the winds in here you know what i'm mad about gone with the wind they took it off hbo because it's from civil war days but you know what that's our history yeah good or bad we have good and bad and everything that's just our history so they took it off hbo yeah they're gonna put it back someday my one of my favorite movies look at this no they're complete wow i don't know what these are but i think there's something made out of rock oh wait these are something made out of rock like nobody's business those get me excited though because you just never know well you're you're not going to know for a while because the tape is hard to get open even with scissors oh those are those um oh my god they're those are those we're gonna have to hire help them do this oh bob's off today i'd like to know why bob got off i don't know oh there's some was it my choice or was he let off whoa this tough time i want him around for emergencies when i wanted to quit do you remember these popsicles yes you guys remember those we used to have them in our freezer all the time as kids make your own popsicles yeah out of kool-aid okay all this work for this what is it so depressed it's uh this i'll bet all that work for the vintage lid i think and this is full of seashells we couldn't find one see cell on the beach but don't worry kids yeah we have sea shells remember remember we took the beach vacation guys and we couldn't find one seashell on the beach oh wow no wonder why that's a pretty cool jar isn't it it's a beautiful jar yeah just a lot of rock seashells they want seashells at your auction but you don't want to do them but i think if you did these jars that'd be pretty cool way too heavy because i did sell um that one remember that one auction i sold for the box that went for eighty dollars oh no you can't do that but the shipping was sixty nine dollars oh no and then fees i actually had to pay money to sell it yeah you can't do that so oh my gosh these are so unique this this is a this must be special ones those are oh that one's that top one's pretty i'm willing to bet these are lids wow that one's got a bunch of small little shells on there really nice different kind of shells they must have had a like a warehouse of shells i have so many cells oh this is uh what is this i think it's a german mug but boy is it taped these are the most taped glassware i've seen yeah i've never seen it hurt your hand oh this is i can't get it okay all right here we go pretty cool mug from portland oregon 1980 to 2000. oh my gosh what's going on over here i'm just working hard today oh that's a cool jar yeah but i'd like to get it all the way out [Laughter] [Applause] break time i've never seen a mason jar like that it's got some rock in there oh it says yeah mason um mason pasta on it oh it's a pasta mason jar obviously but that's good but that'd be kind of cool to keep wade yeah pasta mason jar that's a there must be a lid here somewhere i bet one of these are the lids here's another one it's a vase yep and it's got this is a i'll finish up your rock i gave up on that oh my gosh this tape is so thick look how thick it is ready i'm gonna take my scissors and i'll show you you gotta peel a little cut a little feel a little pet a little and pray that you're gonna get it off okay we're just gonna show the rock partially open okay look at that they put layers probably four or five layers maybe well not more than that and for one little i feel like i've worked out remember the doctor said 30 minutes oh the doctor i'm going to count this as 30 minutes okay yeah this is definitely a lid this one i'm hoping it's the one for the pasta thing it is wade yeah so you can have this one for your house it'll be so cute in your house oh this one goes to this this look here it's quite the cooker and i'd like him to have all the best stuff and this would be really nice i do love these old mason jars too yeah okay how are we looking over here there you go one more you want it no no you go ahead please let me give it to you i like to share with you we have one more box oh lord oh that's not a good sign that's a heavy one that's a heavy one see guys we used up the whole table so i got to move the camera yeah wow look at that huge old bag wade that's a big bag that's a garden oh yeah wow whoa might want to keep that for something special i don't know what it's yours wow there's a bunch of them in here all that for this i'll let you oh wait what is it there's scraps of paper huh it's scraps of paper i don't have a clue what that is oh here's that one jar lid that's what that goes to oh i remember these and these were popular when i was uh young again everything's when i was young uh you hang this up put your vegetables in nobody uses them anymore i don't think no this is like they use them for crab traps now oh no you can plant plants yeah they're cool wire here's some wind and weather books and some earth songs for you okay and some plastic something and our last little treasure yeah you want to go through it what do we have in here oh little eggs this place right up now something heavy in here i've got to throw this down on the ground there's nothing in here and there's something heavy in here oh it's all this newspaper newspaper a whole bunch of newspaper old newspaper they kept everything okay all right the last thing we have to show i'm scared what's this what is it oh it's a speaker remember it goes to the other speakers oh now you have two um so they have oh sony i was scared seeing that big box and i thought oh that could not be all dream tickles so this is the other sony speaker my speakers yeah this one's pretty nice um they don't suffer a ton but got a little issue up here with the mesh but i have another another one in there yeah we got lucky in this group i'm too late so how do you think of today's video me yeah what do you think oh i loved it was it good yeah i like that i'm gonna make two ladies really happy is there anything else you want to say oh no no okay have you noticed i've been in a loss of words in the beginning and end now [Laughter] this unit will do that to you all right guys what number are we on this is i don't know i lost count i just know that let me show you how much more we have to do some of it fell down but we have this much more and then we're done so we probably have another eight videos and then that's it the unit's done for pretty sad huh don't worry don't worry we are going to rev it up at the storage unit yep so basically today is the 14th um on the 26th and if we see a lot of tape and some silly words on the outside we'll know where we'll we'll buy it yeah because it'll be this we're planning on buying eight units this month so don't worry there'll be more videos coming out alright guys have an amazing day hit the like button stay safe stay safe and see you tomorrow what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma adventures poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units i'll put her link below if you want to shop her poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her poshmark also this is my poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wade's ventures poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these two poshmarks also ebay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you find in the storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units 34 it comes out to 25 cents per video and i teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and i teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to wade's adventures youtube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that join button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on youtube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and i shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 22,931
Rating: 4.9385066 out of 5
Keywords: auction guide, buy storage lockers, buy storage units, live storage units, lockers, online storage units, self storage, self storage business, self storage units, storage, storage auction guide, storage locker, storage lockers, storage rooms live, storage rooms online, storage unit, storage units, storage units for sale, storage units live, storage units online, storage wars guide, storage wars youtube, Carefully Wrapped Collectibles FOUND Inside Abandon Storage Unit Boxes!
Id: 4gxk_N5nT5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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