3600 Elo Stockfish CRUSHED By Leela!

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ladies and gentlemen when it comes to entertainment in the world of chess there are two extremes from which you can source this type of information number one is watching low rated players play because it's beautiful disaster and it's the equivalent of let's say pigs mud wrestling on the other side of things we have the engines the 3600 rated stock fishes and lila's of the world and that's like watching beautiful large animals prancing uh in a savannah and today i've got a game for you between leela chess zero and stockfish uh currently the two strongest computers in the world and you'll notice that this uh this starting position looks something like a fever dream this doesn't really look real looks like it's a you know bad acid trip this is called um chest 960 or fischer random it's where the back row of pieces is shuffled the only criteria being the king has to be between the rooks to allow the right to castle and the bishops have to be an opposite color there's 960 starting positions like this and lila begins with knight g3 now when super gms play these positions they often times look for pawn structures and ways to get the games back to positions that are more normal right but when a knight is coming to g3 early on it's going to be really hard to do because that just usually does not happen this knight is going to have to be somewhere on b3 or d3 bishop's not very clear where they're going uh and stockfish responds to lila's knight g3 with the move c5 so um yeah the the the engines really enjoy opening up the diagonals quickly like the bishops and the queen but there is just so much that can happen there's way too much variance to be analyzing everything generally the same rule of thumb applies that you want to control the center um and then here leela chess just completely breaks all principles and plays knight to h5 um knight h5 threatens mate knight takes g7 is mate it it's just check and mate uh there's no way around it you can also move the pawn up and still get mated so that would be very nice and it's also not easy to defend the pawn like it makes you think the best first move might have been something like f5 just so knight h5 can be met with g6 and this is not possible but stockfish chooses to defend its weakness with a counter-attack so the queen comes out now that bakes that bakes that breaks certain opening principles right you're also not supposed to uh bring your queen out early now the night is hanging and this is um this is defended but leela's like yeah and g4 stupid uh-huh and you're still going to really struggle to kick this night out because in this position i can uh use danger levels and trust me leela is very well versed in this and would just play f4 and all of a sudden the queen cannot stay on the diagonal there's nothing that the queen can do every square is covered and the game is over because knight g7 is a mate threat so at this point stockfish has to play e6 e6 is a multi-purpose move you kind of get the king some breathing room the bishop controls this diagonal uh but uh the problem is that because the queen has been brought out leela uses that uh to its advantage and plays the move knight d3 so now the queen is hanging once again the queen has to move uh if the queen goes back to where it came from again this is weak so we have queen g5 not surprising and now you know the point of queen g5 is the move f4 uh runs into just simply queen takes pawns so so we can't do that uh so leela finds a way to defend the g4 pawn and kind of continue to encroach on the space of black e4 space and chess is the amount of scores you control on your opponent's side of the board right so the pawns chop the middle the knights chop up the center and the only real piece that's doing anything for black is this pawn alongside the queen i mean just really just the queen but the queen can't do anything by herself like just because the queen's out doesn't mean she's actually attacking anything because if everything's protected queen's a liability all right it's like walking around in a neighborhood right and it's dark it's two in the morning you're walking around the streets of new york flashing your fancy jewelry it's not it's not gonna not gonna end well okay so at this point stockfish has a choice uh stockfish can create counterplay on this side of the board creating just a mess right uh f5 both pawns hit bishops coming out rooks coming out or stockfish can say well you know i'm gonna slowly down because i might as well just attack this knight right uh makes sense right because the night it's actually kind of hard to move this night now this is the beginning of the brilliance the next move and the move after it aren't completely brilliant um but you're gonna have to appreciate so f4 f4 not surprising again we disregard the attack on our uh piece by attacking the queen all right we've seen this already a couple of times uh the queen has to move uh because if you go danger levels like this then your dangers get leveled and now uh i mean queen h2 you're probably just going to get trapped bishop f3 rook h1 your queen's just gonna get trapped this is not not worth going in like that so queen backs up and leela again even though has knight e5 to give away this with check and just keep developing pushes the f pawn forward these machines um love space they they absolutely love it uh the more space you can take away from your opponent the better and sometimes it takes them a little while to catch up like oh my god even though i'm i'm up material the spatial disadvantage is going to be really hard to stop so f5 okay stockfish here takes not surprising pawn takes and here throws in an in-between move a suicide right bishop h4 the point of bishop h4 is like okay i haven't developed anything so i might as well trade a piece or two maybe lighten up the pressure uh maybe stockfish is gonna move the night and then castle long so just so you understand like this king will be castling long on the traditional long castle squares but the knight has to get out of the way if this bishop moves white would be castling short like that and long would be with that rook okay so uh yeah leela says okay check is great let's trade bishops uh stockfish moves the queen forward okay it seems like the initiative has cooled off i apologize uh i clicked the rook with the king and it automatically castled uh it seems like the initiative has cooled off the knight is hanging if you take on h4 and then there's check i don't know that's not really that pleasant knight comes out right like black is going to activate their pieces at some point uh it seems like after queen g5 there's not much you can do you can't attack the queen anymore and you have to do something about your night but this is why you clicked on this video uh we had six minutes of a of a lengthy kind of introduction and from this point forward uh it's leela chess just absolutely going ballistic and uh leela actually does castle so lila decides to castle the king this knight's dead it just sags the knight completely and you would think oh well that's i i i get it you know i understand we want to go for the king obviously the king's wide open not a lot of pieces there to protect it okay super all right pawn takes d3 rookie one check no leela decides to trade and completely negate its own ability to give a checkpick so what is lilo what is what is what is it is it it's i mean is it this check to take on g7 take a pawn with check finally no no it's not that it's not any of that the move here for white is the move f6 that's the point your king is wide open but this is something that i call like fake danger there's there's no danger to the white king it's just open there's but there's no real threat and f6 is a horrible move to deal with because if you take i plant my knight here let's say king to d8 and this knight's just gonna stay because it's chest 960 none of your pieces are equipped to deal with my knight none of them and sooner or later i'm going to bring my queen on this side with my rook and i'm going to meet your king right there all your pieces are on the back rank right so you can't take on g on f6 uh and if you play g5 well now you've just locked your queen in jail so that doesn't work so you have to go a middle ground you probably have to and by the way you obviously can't let me take that would be a disaster so g6 and now we go to g7 and now it's like but now what you've locked your knight in jail black is gonna go g5 knight g like black is a couple moves away from getting all the pieces out right so what does leela do just takes the pawn just takes the pawn like like nothing just cd5 cd3 and why well let's say black begins active operations right h5 queen c2 black's like bishop h7 rook c1 uh-oh this attack is devastating that's mate queen c7 is mate it is a check and a mate that's it you lose you can't stop my attack at all so black doesn't like this sacrifice of the piece to just take back and open up this belligerent assault on the c file is the point and because black spent a lot of time moving the queen it's gonna take this queen much more time to get like it's gonna have to take take some time to get back into the game but even then just because you stopped my first wave of attack leela sees the the future it sees that beyond this because you're going to spend so much time moving the queen back you're not going to get those pieces out this is only act one of the brilliance knight to d6 stockfish sees the incoming danger wants to play rook to c8 to meet the queen in the rook this is all very clever and wants to play 98 that's the thing if you can break that bond on the king side we're going to be good now you can get like 10 guesses here to try to guess what lila plays this move is so outlandish i like don't understand it at all i mean i i do that's why i'm gonna have to explain this video but it is such an absurd move the move here you have queen two rooks bishop trying to get into the game b4 the move b4 was played here yeah um okay b4 has two ideas number one you've kind of understood that the c file is not going to work so you're going to develop your queen on the dark squares after you move your pawn so your queen is going to fight for the center dark squares on b2 it's also going to protect this and this and and and you're just going to take space i told you they love space they love it right queen comes back to g5 attacks d2 you obviously can't let that happen queen b2 i just said that now we understand why we move the pawn an example of activating pieces without moving them you activate another thing first you give them some breathing room right queen b2 okay fantastic black plays rook c8 seems like stockfish is kind of taking care of its queen side problems uh and after rook c8 again it's time for white to develop the pieces right no leela just pushes another pawn b4 a4 and really the question it's kind of looking at stockfish like yo idiot what are you gonna do like what's your move nice bishop on g8 okay so obviously stockfish wants to play h5 right you gotta play h5 at some point you got to try to attack this bring the queen back no you know what these moves do they control the queen so the queen can't move right and if the queen moves let's say uh let's say the queen had gone to d5 okay just as a hypothetical it immediately becomes a target but not even not even that white can just do nothing like because white's pieces control every important square right every important square that's all leela wants it just controls black's movement every square is mined like in mine sweeper right well not every square but just about and at some point if black is gonna just start playing like h5 and continuing to do rookie three is to come right then bishop f3 is going to come and the rook is going to come it's an incredible display of dominance but for now lilo plays a4 and stockfish goes back to e8 i talked about this right i talked about this here leela plays an absolutely savage move you can try to pause here if you'd like um yeah this move basically seals the deal uh and and that move is the astounding like again we've talked about queen to the middle we've talked about rook up rook over bishop out leela plays h4 uh and and h4 is just is just gross so first of all if you take what you're doing is you're deflecting the queen from the protection of e5 if the white queen can arrive on e5 uh it's time to resign however it's time to resign for a very specific reason because when the queen arrives on e7 to give a check and is going to win all of this you can't just go take because you blunder a draw hidden in this attack is the fact that black is this close to saving the game so the key move after the queen arrives on e7 and the king moves out of the way is to play the ultra cold-blooded king g2 which is the computer middle finger to the opponent and now the queen cannot give perpetual and all of these pieces will die all of them they will all die it doesn't matter that you can take on f6 i will take everything and then i will attack your king for good measure so uh and rook h1 traps your queen by the way there's like moments where if you like take on f6 i have a fork i mean it's just it's a complete catastrophe h4 is just a stunning move but i've only talked about whether or not this this capture occurs right so we have queen d5 queen d5 all right i'm standing in the middle of the board what are you gonna do once again leela shows that it's not playing the short-term game it is playing the long-term game and says you spent a lot of time not activating your kingside g5 now you will never open up this diagonal for your bishop and you will never open up the knight and at this point if you let stockfish run for a little bit it just kind of goes slowly from it's fine it's okay no like yeah it's oh oh oh oh oh no no leela hey we're friends right stockfish at this point realizes it's it's bad and from this point forward it's like the equivalent of an eighth grader beating up a five-year-old at the playground and i don't necessarily condone bullying but for inanimate computer objects i will absolutely condone it what you're about to witness is is gross frankly gross i had to contemplate putting putting this video out because i thought i might get demonetized first bishop to f3 hitting the queen come and take my pawn oh isn't it wonderful that you can win pawns rook to a3 attacking the queen now the queen's barely got any moves literally the queen is is stuck in the center of the board with the exception of queen to a6 allowing this infiltration so knight c4 wait a minute traditional rules tell us that a queen trade when you're up material should be good not when three of your pieces are in jail though oh boy rook to c4 trying to win some pawns leela says i absolutely don't care go ahead and take brh it really doesn't matter stockfish says you know what actually i should probably get my king to safety leela says that's absolutely fantastic i'm just gonna continue to push my pawns because your position is so bad i can do whatever i want now it's time to activate my rook on the open file and i'm going down here or or my rook is going to lend a helping hand let me protect my bishop first my rook is going to lend a helping hand to my knight my night has been stuck in jail with your two pieces but i've got a way out you see this you see this look at that come on out horsey now we have knight c4 rookie four and you can't prevent the following combination which is rook takes c4 rook takes c4 and the knight jumps out and picks up the material and now leela is not only no longer down material leela's also just going to walk in and get to this king while these pieces can't do anything all right uh and uh yeah it's really nasty and here uh the final touch of this game is the fact that leela has a sense of humor because you know a cold-blooded machine just takes the pawns and checkmates somehow look at what leela starts to do leela starts bringing the king this is so extra this is so unnecessary you do not need to do it it is such a scumbag it's going to walk the kick all the it's completely unnecessary complete it's like all right stockfish you don't want to resign that's great go ahead here here take my knight i don't even i don't even need it i don't even the slack was just like yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right and by the way if rook c4 occurs uh you could you could probably even play rook d8 like that that's this is the craziest part you could you could maybe even win this position i'm not 100 certain maybe there's some defensive fortress here but i would not be shocked if you can still win this game um but uh yeah rook c7 we have king d6 and uh now rook c4 and yeah potentially the most brutal moment of this game comes right now when rookie check is occurring black is officially stuck with two pieces in the corner they cannot move leela concludes this beautiful game by playing rook takes a3 bishop to h7 b6 bishop g8 b7 and rook a 8 mate gross this is one of the nastiest things i've ever seen an engine do it's the equivalent of sitting on like on a person and just slapping them on the face and asking them what they're going to do about it this is playground bullying type of stuff here from leela and i i would love to see these engines continue to play chess 960 because clearly some of them are programmed uh well i i don't dare to speak about the technical components of these computers but it seems like some of them have a little bit more of a knack for these positions and understanding that chaos is coming and getting your pieces locked away is probably not going to be a good way uh to uh to play the game but yeah i mean definitely don't bring your queen out like this it's very clear that even at the cost of material your queen can be stuck getting hunted very very early so nasty game by leela and i hope you enjoyed the video um if there's anything any other kind of engine games i'm more than happy to read through the comments and find them for future content appreciate you all very much thanks for hanging out with me today i'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 547,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, leela chess, leela chess zero, stockfish, stockfish alphazero, stockfish leela, leela stockfish, stockfish chess, chess leela, stockfish vs alphazero, stockfish vs leela, stockfish vs carlsen, stockfish 14, stockfish 15, leela chess zero agadmator, leela chess zero vs stockfish
Id: 2BndigWZC2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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