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your resume is your first assessment whether you're just on your career look at improve your salary or overall better lifestyle you need a better resume and that's what brand resumes is for not only do we help you build your resume but also improve and advance your career and that's where our team comes in okay what do we have here I think I would definitely change the spot to more of an Arial or Times New Roman where's her LinkedIn profile maybe let's get rid of this objective statement I think we should opt for a professional summary work history is pretty outdated I think that should say professional experience we should add some bullet points right here hair and hair right here I'll reformat this education section change the volunteer service where's your skill section I think I would add a skill section great now this is brand resumes approved and that would make this print resna screwed [Applause] alright guys welcome back your URL your exciting another exciting episode another one yeah yeah for sure we're gonna jump right into we covered investing a few times stock market investing and fail to travel shouts Travis your trash out - quits out the quittin queue what up I saw a guy yeah there's oh this is gonna be the third installment of investing now we're gonna talk about some things that we didn't talk about the other two times futures market day trading some other stuff because it's important for people to get a full range of investing there's a lot of stuff being given out there's misinformation people be mislead okay they don't clear up some things today yeah so you got a guy in Dunlap first and foremost thank you thank you I appreciate you guys for having me yeah it is an investment expert as you can see looks the part trying to make my mom proud he's an investment expert he's been featured on Huffington Post rolling out magazine he's spoken on the same stage with Eric Thomas not easy yeah yeah and he has a whole platform choripán that where he teaches people how to invest and he has personal clients as well so it's gonna be an interesting conversation as I said we're gonna talk about some things that we haven't spoke about yet and it's important for people to know so yes we the first thing I want to talk about is day trading but before we get into day trading how did you get into investment space like how did you get into this space as far as investing yourself first and foremost and then taking that and then teaching other people to invest yeah I first heard about it from my seventh grade teacher mr. Smolin he was an older white gentleman I didn't listen to him I wish I would have cuz at the beginning of class in math class he would go through the newspaper and take us through the highs and lows like I don't care about this I was too busy listening to Mobb Deep's Mullen if you're still living sorry didn't listen but fast-forward to 2007 - in a recession one of my buddies art he's from Birmingham one of my friends like we need to talk to this guy that I went to school with cuz he just made a killing in the market and I'm like honey and he's black yeah and he was like yes I'll talk to art and I was like man I don't know what you're doing but I need you to put every dollar you to the market told you that yeah okay Tom fame and crime rose on TV screaming yeah I remember in the Midwest a lot of my family members like being out of work because the recession hurt everybody mm-hm I didn't listen awesome I think I listened to this dude what the hell he's talking about meanwhile he's working at one of the biggest investment companies in the country put every dollar he had into it he called city at a dollar and three months said he was up 500% from that and so once I saw him do it with him being black and acting black being proud of who he is I was like I need to listen to this guy so he took me under his wing and he threw me in the deep end of the pool he was like if you're serious you're gonna do everything I tell you cuz I already know what to do what's the age difference between you and 12 years 12 years okay so like he's the og now yeah I saw G all right I Love You Man so I think it's really important for us to share our stories especially being black because we under invest we under save were undercapitalized but yeah he gave me my start in investing introduced me to dangers and took it and just ran with it you had to yeah was it was there anybody in the family like maybe mom or dad had a background in business my dad my dad I was the one who inspired me to be entrepreneurs my dad had a construction company since 22 so all of my work ethic I get from him how strong and like directing to the point I am because like business is tough and then he was on business in the 80s and 90s there was no internet and they did well and in their industry with the yellow page ads follow up direct mail so it was harder so when he sees it now he was like you can text people and get business get your ass up at five o'clock and just text to 300 people I had to get out and buy TV ads for 25 grand and didn't know what everyone in place yet for our younger folks yellow pages it was a yellow book that was mail 2001 down here way-hey from indiana richmond right yeah he's Chicago Indiana he's Chicago so that's like right outside of Gary Indiana five minutes away yeah so I didn't grow up in like some amazing financial ecosystem and we were poor for a long time like the reason why I don't even like the balls to this day like we got WGN programming with Chicago programming but when the Bulls were wondering the titles like our lights were off mmm in the winter so like most of my family is still to this day like low income and poor so like a lot of me giving back it's because like I want to reach them and show like what's possible if you apply cuz everybody I think in every hood knows what to do they're not given a direct path to be able to use that talent or work ethic to be able to make money because we all know people in the hood that are like stars and hypertension do but just went down the wrong path so yeah so why is all my information that's whywe yeah so alright so the futures futures market right yep cuz we hear about this a lot like CNBC if you ever watch CNBC they talk about the futures market yep and you talk about futures so not the rapper is good what it what is what is it what is futures what are they yeah futures is the highest paying asset class that no one knows about what are the asset classes so you have you have stocks that you can invest in any on the ETF's you have mutual funds but futures pays the most out of all of them so for every $1 that you can invest in the same get in the stock the es which is S&P 500 page 125 times more and bonds paid three hundred and twelve times more so if you go to see me at CNBC in a morning like you said that sets the tone for what the market is going to do because there's open twenty three hours a day so what is it so what exactly is it like what's the futures futures basically is it's a you're making a guess or a bet whether the market is going to go up or down but with certain asset classes like you know the market is going to go up generally gold is going to go down until something bad happens like the Iran attack we know crude is going to be volatile so it's what institutional investors use to gauge for what the market is going to do and so like for example I'll say okay who do you think Oh do you think LeBron is gonna average ten points this year or more definitely more do you just place the bet on LeBron averaging more than ten right that's all the futures market is so the futures market is like after our trading yes and it's pretty much like it's a so it's like calls and puts on the options but it's worldwide and then it's 23 hours a day so at the open the American open at 8:30 that's when you have the most volume on it but most of us especially that are black and don't know about it because we were the asset class that were triggered by lot 23 not 24 hours a day because it has an hour of rest and then the weather cycle goes from America to Asian market in London market it's like a little break in between I got like that like if you have like files you get like these channels from Asia yeah so the future mom yes so I'm actually what you just said I'm gonna elaborate on that before so all right just fine I understand so stocks I'm buying a stock regular stock yep and I'm just buying at that price yes if it goes up I make money if it goes down I lose money yeah futures is for lack of a better word is like kind of a guess where you're kind of predict predicting uh-huh it's gonna go up like you ten dollars now but you think it's gonna go up to fifteen yes so it's a future that's why it's called futures because it's like you're guessing a future gets a virgin yeah and you can you can guess the future if it goes up or you can get the future if it goes down yeah is that correct absolutely and then you can make money whether the asset goes up or down now what are we basing that off or is that information that's higher to the price of the S&P 500 and the bonds market okay so long term I tell people to invest in index funds so SP why dia and then I'm like trade the future because if you buy it long term you can look in your account and see where it's going most days the S&P 500 is going to go up and less Trump nothing too crazy which is all the time but that volatility even provides some movement so if the market falls down 500 points you can profit when the market goes now you can't do that what's thoughts about I'm sorry and the S&P 500 for anybody doesn't know it stands for standing in Poor's 500 yes 500 companies like a microcosm of different stocks so I thought you had a market is up but the market is down not talking about every single stock in astana okay they using Dow Jones S&P 500 S&P 500 russell 2000 the S&P 500 is like 500 stocks from different sectors yeah and it all of those are moving in one direction another and pretty much the market is moving a single direction yeah I think that S&P is like the NBA is like the 500 best players in one basket and then a doubt 30 is like the best 30 so when I people tell people to invest in the index fund I'm like imagine we was at the park and you had to pick five people and I'm like okay you can get Yanis LeBron curried when he's not hurt and Harden and Westbrook and we play against five other teams and five other players that are just regular players who do you think those win also thing so you said that black people was traded yeah can you talk about that the financial markets unfortunately was based off of slavery so we were the first commodity actually traded so most insurance companies got their start from slavery hmm and insurance slaves and then futures contracts they would make a guess about how many slaves would actually make it across land and so that's why most of us don't know about it because we were the thing that were traded we're not supposed to move you said futures contract what is that and how do you buy so let's say hypothetically you had a thousand slaves the companies would guess that maybe 562 700 of them would end up dying and they would have a contract on it that if they died they would still make money off of it via insurance it's fine it's crazy that you say that because it's like um yesterday I went to Schaumburg Oprah her Schaumburg hmm so the Schaumburg libraries in Harlem uh-huh and in some world famous okay and it's like African American Museum - yeah but it's not a museum it's a library exhibition stuff like that so long story short just yesterday I went there randomly and I was in there I was in there and I was looking at different things so I looked on the wall so so I sort of contracts for the company that predated New York Life yeah I forgot the name of it but it showed the contracts that the life insurance contract or slaves and the ships yeah do so I so I'm gonna get to that so then one in the book it's interesting because in the book it has like causes of death mm-hmm age that they die so there's all kinds of stuff like they don't like a lot of people die from inflammation of the stomach diarrhea all kinds of stuff but it was so so it's a book and it's like a lot like that's how New York Life Insurance got started um that was the that was before the big change the name and it was based off of insuring yeah slave masters on their slaves yeah and I hate to say it but racism is America's first startup mmm so the country is built off of us but of course when we died he just said they profited heavily like he went and when you lose that many quote-unquote commodities you have to have an insurance policy in place to be able to cover it so everything is tied together insurance Wall Street I mean the Wall Street was 100 biggest slave markets before turned into like the economic send me that it is now like slaves were traded in all Wall Street yeah I actually took a summer group to the black burial ground in Manhattan yeah and I give a detailed yeah that whole situation it's heartbreaking yeah and once you dive into the information is fascinating but heartbreaking yeah yeah yeah and the ships to was like I saw it on the ships where's like they have people just like lined up yeah so it's like the a lot of people not gonna make it because you it's like a month to get from Africa to America and if you in a ship lined up with 300 people right next to each other like people going to bathroom on themselves it's like it's not a really an efficient way to travel so half of the slaves even more died just from that like I mean just like you can't so like you said like so that all comes into like the insurance yes but it's interesting as far as like the commodities because it's like okay like how many is actually gonna make it yeah 30 percent 40 percent we could put bets on that calls and puts on it and if you can make money is a good way make it yeah and also in during times of travesty like one crew shot down you can make money as the market is falling so unfortunately whether we made it across the seas or not they had a plan to be able to make money and that's one thing I have to tell people when it comes to investing like whether the market is good or bad you have to be able to make money we all have kids kids are not cheap by any means and we have to invest more so we can have a future for them but even when a market falls apart like luckily we're future some of my biggest days like August 24 2015 the market dropped 500 points I had one of my best days I had 100% gainer mmm that day brexit like I made a ton of money on breakfast when that economy was falling apart I was able to take advantage of it and then ride the es down which is S&P 500 and then ride it back up so regardless and stocks you can only ride them one way but futures you can play both ways so what are some markets that you can actually buy futures on you can do it through TD Ameritrade I use ninja trader as well out of Chicago because it's 500 Pro contracts at ninja trader if you did it through think it's wimp $500 yes 500 per but if you bought one future contract on TD Ameritrade it would be 60 to 50 because most African Americans don't have six grand laying around to invest one contract so they're a discount broker and that's how you can to buy more contracts and then to make them more money so all right so day trading yep date rape well as I call it short term investing short term you guys think this is a lot of traders out there and most of them don't make money okay thank you it's alright so how do you make money day trading because you said so day trading anybody is not familiar huh is that you're trading intraday that's why it's called a trade yeah so you could do anything crypto which I hate crypto hey you can we've learned to hit it to day trade Forex which I hate talk about it's all about that you could date trade stocks but you said that stocks is not the best way to date trade oh yeah intraday trade or however you want to phrase well stocks weren't originally meant to be they traded they're meant to be held for long term period so like 30 40 50 year period like if you if you had Apple and you tried to Apple for one day ten years ago you may have made a thousand two hundred a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars if you were to put two thousand dollars into Apple ten years ago you would probably have more than 150 grand right now so for a long term wealth building it's absolutely amazing but futures you have a 30 day window to trade them and then the contracts cycle over so and I tell all of my students I'm like go for shorter targets so you can get in out profit but the hardest part for most people's they don't have discipline to walk away they all want to over train and Blackwall I've been broke the majority of my life so let me try and get ten trades in a day but you can't make up for the time in which you were not previously so how do you date trade what still was the with some tips on day like how to day trade first you have to open up a brokerage account that would be through four features like ninja trader and then the most important thing you have to know where the direction is going it's a simple way to know if the market is green it means the market is going up if it's red it mean it's going down we've all opened up Yahoo Finance another bad day it's always red but most traders there are buying when it's red and that's a good investment strategy but intraday you end up losing a lot of money so if the market is going up right the market up or buy and then if it's red you want to sell and but you have to have a predetermined target so like if you have 50 shares of let's say bonds and let's say you get two pennies worth the movement you can make 1250 and less than 14 15 minutes but then after that you have to stop because you're only allowed a certain amount of trades predict because you don't want to gamble that's what the gambling part comes in that's associated with trainers like well you don't know if it's going to go up or go down I'm like you know what the S appeal is going to what's the number of trades you can make it there you can do unlimited but I advise people only do one or two okay I wanted to because anytime you do more than that you are like I said subconsciously trying to make up for the lack of money that you have in your life because we know most people that have money don't take huge risk and I like to keep my risk cap to like 2% but every time you get back in the market you are assuming more risk on a particular trade and you don't want to do that yeah can we just go back for a second for the contracts I know you said this is the expiration of 30 days does that the stand are there other ones that are 60 to 90 days I know that's a standard for futures so answer every every 30 days their end up rolling over so that's a max window that you can have to trade off okay and you could lose or gain money during that process or absolutely yeah but you can have a stop loss in place that mitigates your risk and then you can have a predetermined target a lot of people they'll just hit by and hope that it goes up I'm like hope so it was a great strategy for Obama but financially that's something we can't do so what's there has to be right at right now but back in a close to the 3000 3500 range yeah so alright so I 3500 let's just say 35 yeah could be all no one is to come out so let's say 3500 P is right now right no so I get up yep I buy a future on it yep and I have a target of 3501 of 3501 yes I have a stop loss of so you can put it at 2998 for easy numbers alright so the stop losses once it if it get if it goes I stopped my losses that's why I'll stop loss stop losses so you don't just it's not like the nosedive does the market just starts to tank it's like okay oh yes because then you can lose all of your money as you sold at that point that can go down to a thousand yep okay but when it gets to the point where you're actually I say comfortable by selling it at then it's oh absolutely automatically okay so but now it's like if it goes past that it would if it just keeps going I can't have FOMO you have to be think of it as the business McDonald's doesn't sell number one for ten dollars to one person then 25 to another all the prices are the same so you want to run there like a business where I'm like okay when I approach the market any time that I hit over a certain number I'm happy a because I remember when I was broke and had no money and then B it's not in my business plan to take more than a certain amount of trades per day a lot of people get in they'll start in black I want to take 1415 trades I'm like that's not in your plan so we have to especially our people we have to exercise a lot of discipline and the financial markets because we were so far behind and people trying to get caught up or trading and it's like you should've been investing ten years ago I mean even me knowing what I know now me not putting every dollar into the market when art told me to cost me twelve million dollars Wow so it's like wow that's why I tell him I'm like damn I should've listened to you I'm sorry he was like but you were further ahead than you were and could have been but I'm like yeah but I want 12 but he was like but you have to go all-in when you get the information and we all sit and wish we would have invented we talked about it before we start our recording could have bought City Bank of America Apple was super cheap MasterCard was cheap definitely stylizing then but you know some J's came out when I got the J's and we party the one on vacation we have to put our money here first and you said it's only like two hours a day what you should actually be how a year two hours maximum the open and the close where you should even but you don't like what they do here what is it what do you call it the short straw Destin alright so only two hours a day well you should do short term investing yes opening which is 8:30 in the morning yeah 8:30 to 9:30 9:30 a.m. yeah and closing which is 3:30 to 4:30 yeah yeah 3:30 4:30 and then you should be done just wrap it up and that's Eastern Time and wrap it up cuz in the middle that's where a lot of the amateurs play there's not as much liquidity so think of it as if you own the store or your highest volume let's say if you own a restaurant will be breakfast and dinner time you're in the middle it does not as meaning people buying like you literally can see volume and get cut in half and I'm like don't trade in the middle because there's not enough people because all the market is there's a bunch of people agreeing to buy and sell at a particular price everybody goes away at lunch so come back at the cloves and then just be disciplined to stick to your hours you said one of your rules that never give up more than 1.6 percent on hand trade can you plane that so you have to have like a predetermined like risk to reward ratio and so like let's say if we were playing ball outside and if we hit two three-pointers we got $50,000 great I think anybody in this room no matter how often we play we can hear two shots right but most people when they trade they're they're risking 50% of their capital so if you miss them first two shots you lose all your money hmm so if you cap it at one point six percent or two percent maximum if you lose two trades you only down four percent your wife for your lady won't kill you you not messing up the kids college fund and then your emotions aren't messed up whereas if you risk in fifty percent man two trades your lady hate you you'd mess up the bag for the kid and now you are beating yourself up because we as black people have so much trauma tie it with money and not having it any loss has hurt us more than than other races I found out personally so yeah you know you don't wanna get wiped out take a look you don't want one one bad day could take you out the game and what we seen it in of course in a recession so like when people were over leveraged a lot of the banks want when under because they had assumed too much risk but a lot of it is psychology too cuz I give you yeah so it's all synonymous with gambling and I always tell people that investing is a game of knowledge yes gambling is a game of chance what but especially short-term trading mm-hmm highly speculative investments yep it it very is synonymous with gambling yeah you get the same feeling as again like if you gamble you get a three or you you get a feeling you never look at when you if you gamble and you win ten thousand on the craps table you don't look it like you won ten thousand you look at it like you could potentially win a hundred thousand yeah and if you stop playing you don't look you look at like you lost ninety hata nice trying to say no it's the same thing thing with short term investing so that's the dangerous part for me is like people you go down and cuz you you you start to make money very quickly and very fast so if you make five hundred dollars in two hours so it's like a it's like a high yeah you feel like you feel invincible yeah at that point but then you just have to stop because after you lose a certain amount of money and we've all been there we made money gave it back or spent it but once you have to have a higher purpose for what the moneys for for me being broke like I need freedom for myself and then also for my son because I know what it when I have the conversation with my dad I'm like if you were to put away ten grand and thirty years it about one-point-two my daddy I'm gonna cry my dad's smart been in business for a long time who's I just didn't know but it's not that I wouldn't put the money away for you I just had no clue and of course in the 70s and 80s this information wasn't fun at all nice all right so next time we got going to some more some more information but yeah the day trading or short-term trading you know it's not much short-term investment trading the same thing yes so you can hold it for multiple days yes so it for like a thirty day period so you're holding it so then you have a higher probability because you can hold it for multiple days but it costs more okay to do that so even that so if you swing trade the S&P 500 it costs almost seven thousand because most of us are blocked out from being able to do that because the when ratio is higher with swing trading because you're holding in over multiple days you may get a bad price on S&P Monday but then by Thursday is back up so you're fine yeah yeah and listen investing is risky especially on a short term time if you are not disciplined and I always say like if you don't have 10 grand put into the market at 10 grand say you shouldn't because most people want to treat is like they are gonna flip money I'm like flipping doesn't work on the streets like you either get jammed up have to get a lawyer or you end up giving it all away so we have to I want us to take that drug mentality away and ride on market even although the wall street rapper name I love love the content so I'll share with that because I love your material I want us to start to think bigger about what we can achieve and long term pass on money and they be able to even help our friends so all right okay so in the next segment we gonna talk about some more things about the vessel okay so as far as trading yes whether you're trading commodities were the trading stocks for their trading futures like you said this is practice majestic right and you could becoming good at anything if you if you have good habits and if you apply yourself how can some might become a good trade like what are some tips to improve somebody's trade that's the best thing when you sign up with any platform they let you practice for free most people want to start making money right away and short term investment is more like a sport so I can't expect to go to the League of I'm putting up two jumpers a day I don't care how good the two jumpers are under different conditions I won't be able to perform well so I tell people like start off practicing and take 100 trades see how it goes for you then take it that's before you put $1 simulated like somebody emulated but because then you'll get comfortable and say okay either I do have the discipline to do this or I don't for me coming from East Chicago Indiana a poor area when I got introduced to long term investing and short it clicked for me right away I'm like wait so if I put in a hundred shares here and I get four pennies up a movement on the es I can make 1250 I'm like I'm sold yeah I'm like but most people may not how to discipline because I mean I believe in themselves and we see what business owners all the time who should have more they are the limitations or the governor and their own business because you can start with any brokerage platform and then just practice it so on the brokerage platforms they have actual simulators cuz that's a good thing to know especially when we're trying to teach kids yeah actually do this oh and for kids they have a game called chart cut you saw us the game that you can download in the App Store and you literally can if you think the market is going to go up hit by if you think is gonna drop his cell and you can practice there yeah simulated trading I'm glad you said that especially for children yeah is extremely extremely valuable yes because spot especially trading it's um it's a competitive sport it is so like a lot of schools even for teachers a lot of time I always recommend like if you want to do like an investment club for your class and you can start with like fake money you think of a prize whoever wins your colleges do that all the time and it's like hey you're learning yeah but it's always good to have some kind of competition in place and then you realize like it's actually exciting like an Emmy like anyone Billie is involved with like trading stocks or investing on a high level they David it's like a sport is this yeah so um simulation is something that and like you said it's you're not making any money but it's it's like you have to practice this yeah it's like the preseason the preseason I think it's dope because like I said in our summer program we teach toss so we wish that we teach about the market but then like they do a simulator and then they actually get to go down to Wall Street and see how it's unreal so that's important yeah after we do the simulation know right now it's time to get in the game like is there a certain amount of money we need to have or like well yes I will say start with 2000 but before you get to intraday trading like you have to invest long-term so even though I love investing on the short term I made my chops and reputation of long term investing so the foundation is indexes second layers technology stocks we'll start there and then start with a thousand or two thousand bucks don't put everything you have into it because then when the money's involved emotions come out absolutely and then now you have to stick to your rule of one or two trades a day and not 45 Trading not trading Forex and crypto and everything at the same time like you have to be very disciplined start small and then earn your way up to put it in more most people just want to throw in ten grand and hope it goes up in the money you can't hope you have to practice your way through this to be able to do better one of the things you said - I heard an interview it was like people just throw money into an investment and you just leave it there yeah right there has to be some discipline where you have like I every month I need to do this certain amount you haven't talked about that strategy little bit yes so you want to set goals in place so even if you only let's say you get one penny worth of movement on bonds and you max out your contracts you can get six and a quarter percent growth on one penny worth of movement you don't have to be great to do that so I tell my students you have to have one small target you can hit every day because let's be honest you have to produce even if emotions are there you having a bad day you've been fight with your significant other you still have to make money because bills are going to come in and then go for a longer target so that's when I tell them to do like a 15-point target so if you lose one trade I'll save you loot even lose five when you hit that fifteen point target it'd be races all the previous losses and now you have a profit of ten but it's a sport there's no debt no different than playing basketball MMA which my son loves to do hey Xander I love you or we all went to school with people who were really talented and then end up not doing well is that we just lazy as hell yeah like we look at James Harden of course in Houston LeBron regardless what you think of them man the kid work hard works hard puts a lot of money in says body in the offseason so you have to treat the investment part the same way yeah so alright so you said the first lady should be index funds yes the second lien should be tech I'm glad you said don't talk about tech a little bit cuz I out so people all the time like it if you don't know anything just invest in tech absolutely cuz on technology is not the wave of the futures right now it's now I can all this has been yeah every industry is affected by time I did this there's a mutual fund called a dime attack fund Franklin Templeton yep and it's up like 16 percent a year for the last ten years easily and it has like all of the big tech companies in it like Google Apple Amazon yeah so it's like it's a dummy's way to invest like you lose I mean because our lives are rule about technology even back when death is simply liable for that was a technological innovation that may for great then IBM of course in Apple and Microsoft have been on a great run Netflix Facebook Google I mean and I'll tell people like and that's the major tech companies you've heard of and if it's a biotech company that you never heard of in Delaware don't touch it we all have heard of Facebook Amazon Google and that Netflix so those are easy and like you said an easy way to invest because we cuz I ask entrepreneurs if I can walk you into Steve Jobs office when he was alive and he would give you a grant for your business which you take the grant from Steve everybody says yeah how much money have you invested in Apple there because it comes down to who's the better entrepreneur I'm not better than the CEO Google no matter how much ego I have I'm not I'm not better than Zuckerberg but I can tie my money into him in their performance and make money off of them and especially in our community we know who the hottest players are who the hottest rappers are we make it that way and we make it that way so even when I want to easy Center and talk to the kids I'm like who's hotter cardia or emcee like most of the kids like who isn't you like yeah they're pricing that right now yeah it's like like card is hot okay cool cardi is Apple and okay who's how to drink or rock him piece that got hit Drake would be like Microsoft all right so these are easy best you have like top five performers in every industry and just tie your money into them and you'll be okay by the way yes so why are you so big on indexes though because it's a debate between like indexes Warren Buffett is believed in index huge believer he's like just pushing my index fine if you don't know right now she's pushing my index plan and a lot of people like that yeah but then people want to draw you anti index I'm not okay but I'm just interested to get your perspective on it like why my index funds the top level for you yeah because the provides certain level of safety so less making it up comparison like the Knicks GM has had a lot of opportunity to draft some good players he has not for the longest time yes so let's say we're going to be in GM of picking stocks okay so we can either pick one individual company which we may have a bust or an index fund is nothing more than an all-star team so if I give you the Eastern all-stars to go against Orlando who do you think is gonna win don't even think yeah our team is gonna win so like when you pick index funds you're taking the best of the best companies and even if you miss a great company by having a collective there or a basket it'd be able to go up and then this year had an amazing run like it was up 27% like - this year was a great year and I know some people don't like them but it's like Buffett does it a lot of the major hedge funds in there if you want to get more technical like all the money they've been pumping into the market will cut quantitative easing since the recession that's another reason I always tell people the market is rigged to stay up because when the market happens or a recession happens people die divorces are the higher rate businesses never recover so it's the economic engine that keeps pumping and we have to tear our money to where the money is and where it's flowing easily so so alright alright and nothing with the index funds is that you can actually invest most retirement plans most four monkeys have an option where you like that simpie you can invest in an index fund inside of your retirement yeah we're getting to my next question so you you what what what stocks should people invest in for retirement the two biggest technology companies are keep us up well my plan is very simple two indexes to 10 because if you make if you invest in 25 companies you made your own mutual fund why now you can talk if from an asset allocation standpoint if you should have bonds and tech run runs our lives so where the amazon takes over our Apple takes over is gonna be - tech giant's always tie your money and you can go back and look at IBM so what tech giants like right now I've always advise Apple and Microsoft not Google well if you can afford it Google sue pricey for most people that is true yeah it's surprising if you can do Google absolutely but I know most in our community they can't afford work Google is I mean I recommended Amazon and Google and 2015 and 2016 and Amazon before I gots a thousand a share once they hit a thousand to share most people's like I don't have enough money to buy one share stuff to buy one slice yeah Amazon's gonna keep going up to infinity they are the king current retail yeah so if you guys can afford it do it no stop it yeah okay and that's just that's a retirement strategy yeah because those companies are never gonna fall never and if so someone's gonna overtake them so even with Microsoft like I'm 37 market offers pop a windows 95 was popular and Bill Gates had that company doing well in the mid 90s so even like 20 grand or 10 grand back in the 90s now it would be several hundred thousand dollars great companies tend to be great for a long period of time and shitty companies got a business really fast so even you take Oracle any of the Silicon Valley tech giant's they've been around for a long time Salesforce with that ticker service yeah they've been around forever so that's what I'm more like fly-by-night stuff comes up like Bitcoin like why we'll get there yeah why touch it and if you don't know how to properly invest it like start with the big boys and think of always your drafting so you want to draft the best players so I'm going whether you like LeBron or not I'm the bronze going to be one of the first people I pick like Durant is like a Salesforce like so unsteady gets better every year underrated but then a lot of people are like well I want to get a weed company like see you in that falls through the floor and I'm like why just because you smoke weed I know that doesn't make you an expert in that field like just tie your money to what's working so we got two tech stocks and what are the two indexes SP why is the easy or you can do vo which is Vanguard and then the Dow Jones which is dia and keep it very very simple keep it very simple because you don't need 25 stocks in your retirement plan because once you have so many they'll start to weigh down your portfolio well you may have a winner that's up 25% but the loser may lost 12% and now you've cut your retirement and half and the number that we actually need for retirement is 5 million and our community that's a hard as myself up when you look at inflation and then also how many kids you got one yeah one - you have - yeah they're not cheap no it adds up and then also when we get in this position to be fortunate finance we also have to help other people so it's a heavier burden on us and then of course we'll cost of living going up I mean you guys are living in a pricey state it's not gonna be cheap to leave Kent there is no four or five hundred dollar mortgages here anymore so that we just need more money and then it's the 4% rule yeah go ahead 4% rule so anyway it's not familiar that's what most people say like you should only take 4% of your retirement account a year to make sure that it stays forever yeah so 4% of a million is $40,000 yeah you look at it like that not that much money you have breakeven pretty much right so maybe maybe to them five million four percent or five million is $200,000 yeah so if you look at it from that standpoint especially with inflation and rising healthcare costs not really a lot of money at all my god Russell so my grandmother gave all of our life savings away trying to get back healthy once she had cancer well my grandma I probably went through 200 grand maybe in eight months Wow like going through key and I'm like there with her so the businessmen to me and my dad is seeing it he's like there's 40 chairs in here like and they're charging 2500 they are follow this is a business yeah so it's great for the healthcare field but for us well if we ever have any disaster or because we weren't gonna have a downturn at some point something what happened and that's why we need more money put away it costs a lot of money and look at all the bankruptcies that happen because of high hospital bills like I have a friend that had a two hundred thousand dollar bill last year it's like you can try and write it off a file bankruptcy but it's like it's gonna dig a deeper hole for you absolutely so so 4x which is we gotta do an episode we got the whole episode on porridge stop asking we appreciate it we got it we come home we heard you had some thoughts but uh yeah currency trading Forex so why don't why are you not a fan of forex the regulations are tough so if you do it's gotten better so their brokers here that are regulated finally can we just say it's not a new thing no I sold it you know like I work around kids all the time and they they'll try to approach me about it oh my gosh yeah it's like it feels like a new fad that's going on but it's not because they Instagram it's no issue on social media so exactly yeah and when people mentioned they'll be like well one time an investor took a trade-in made two billion dollars I'm like he wasn't trading RMT for like that was a bank play that he actually made so that's different currency trading from a bank standpoint is good but hey you have to do a regulation to the brokers of shitty so a lot of them take your money like I have friends that invested in for X and then literally all their money was taken you aren't going to be able to gain at the best spots and then when you look at the major news outlets nobody talks about Forex first I'm like follow what the money is I've never heard three hedge fund managers ever mentioned Forex on TV or in writing it's just not a good thing to invest in because you're trading against other people and let's say you do get 25 pips a day because we all see the post on Instagram y'all I make my fourteen fifteen dollars I'm like I don't know how your bills are structured but that hundred-dollar we're not gonna do for me and my kid like it's not as amateurs market and it's a good place to start have there been people does make money yes but there are not a lot of more it has a 95 percent loss rate yeah I feel like this thing like hit college campuses in here so to me like wow and then the multi-level marketing companies took over and I'm like if you can actually trade why do you need to recruit people and I'll tell people all the time whether you join me or not I'm cool pleat like you don't have to join but the but that's where the financial freedom have a no debt yeah having money comes in because my I'm trying to be less damn dashes and approach and be kinder but I feel the energy because is like if you're financially free you don't need to chase anybody yeah it becomes like you know what like what's the fastest thing to get money right now especially for a kid who's in college there's no money yes I'll do this and how was that broke kid in college to a standard bit horrible damn they're all fast money is bad anybody I knew who is making fast money in any endeavor they lost it because when you make it too fast you don't appreciate it kids listen up please please or you can lose it and then say hey you were right two or three years later but please don't reach for it and I know some of y'all off Forex that is trashed we talked about Barnes for a little bit yeah so bonds alright you hear about stocks and bonds a lot yeah we've couple of stocks we're cover in stocks today but we haven't spoken about bonds yet so bonds sorry so stocks you buy ownership of a company and you buy stock in Apple you're part owner of Apple right yes bond it's kind of like the reverse in a sense where you're loaning a company yes for a municipality or country you're loaning them money yeah and for you loaning them money they're paying you a dividend yes over a set period of time it's a coupon holding coupon right and it has a maturity and the maturity is like 10 years that's when it matures yeah well you put a thousand dollars in you have a 10% coupon then you get a hundred dollars every year yeah two times a year like $50 to thousands of year right semi-annually I didn't at the end of ten years you get your hundred dollars back yeah they're correct yes okay you're good at making it simple if 8 year old can't understand you it's too complex to come with the litmus test is always my son too so like that green means up red means down like they're like drills and her on that all the time and he's like and as you know kids get it did I get it like super easy I love it when they get it yeah cuz adults we are so fearful because we made so many mistakes before yeah cuz we all wish that we put more money in Apple ten years ago when Google first came out on a stock market yeah I remember all of that in 2008 everything you invested we invested before they even announced the iPhone I had Apple yeah and um I got I got nervous man well yeah and that's a good tip to like if you want to know if a company is a good thing to invest in click on the 10 yo chart and it should go up the MB Green and physical and the same thing is like if you're in a relationship or a marriage after 10 years you know a person I'm glad you said that I'm glad you said that cuz I said I'd do that all the top okay what's the five-year rate over its average 10-year average and since its inception absolutely this is inception is when it was created so if it had like Franklin dollar tech fund going back today so since its inception 1968 is average nine point seven percent a year that's incredible so odds are yep it's averaged almost ten percent of year for 60 years yep not gonna fall off the cliff and you live one highly unlikely yep you know what you're gonna get now something is up 47 percent for one year but if I look in ten years and it's minus one I can't trust you yeah so you could look at for one case that all of them was the same thing it's like that's an easy way that's the easiest way to look to see if it's a good investment or not yeah look to see what is done the future is always dictated by the path absolutely absolutely and then because if you look at all the legacy companies and to make the analogy to a play that's broad has been good since you came out LeBron and that's why the wash King thing is funny like ATS been good since it came in the players that were terrible five years ago they're still terrible so that's that's true of companies as well so you look at that ten and fifteen year period and like you said since inception my Apple has been a rocket and I make the joke all the time but force cup talked about Apple like there was a whole scene carved out about how he invested money and how much it grew and apples continued to hit all-time I after all time so we spoke about dividends when you talk about bonds yeah what are your thoughts on stock dividend paying stocks it's tough if there's only a few that I like Apple Microsoft Mandalay but my thing is I want you to pair a dividend play with a company that is growing so you still want to see that chart go up a lot of dividend plays they pay because they're a bad company so I always tell women it's like having a shitty boyfriend at about your Gucci bag and pay you for bad performance is there something that you really want to hold long term I like for the company to grow yeah and they go on appeal it's like Apple and Microsoft are gonna pay a smaller dividend but the growth is incredible opposed to a company that may drop 15% in the quarter but they're giving you a 2 dolla tivity and it's like am I really doing anything for you when your retirement is being dragged down so but we didn't we didn't talk about bonds yeah I wanted to okay go on some way with that come on so how do you make money on something that we explain what bonds are but how do you make money on bonds because you said bonds is actually the best thing to drawers features so yeah how does that how's that work so there's a unit of measurement called a tick think of it as a penny so anytime that the bonds go up or down because you can make money whether the mark goes up or down and pays $31.25 per tick or per penny so if you get 50 contracts and you write it down you can make money really fast there now from a long-term investment play there are some different theories of whether you should have bonds in your mix or not you can but from a future standpoint since it pays the most and it moves slow so to think about trading what's the cost for each contract when you're trading bonds 500 per the same thing yeah Oh same thing 500 up her so you can get for pennies down with 50 contracts and you can make a few thousand and a day doing it that way and then this is the most important thing after you trade you have to take a good portion of that capital and then put it back into your long term and not go right to bottle pop into vacations and and tear down a mall in Galleria where I'm in Houston so yeah are there any course where I think Commission calls anything for that yeah they're cost you can buy a lifetime license and you can lower and reduce your fees so any financial transaction you know there's going to be a cost associated with or fee but ninja trader has cheaper fees and I don't have any affiliate deals with them but the fee structure is like a dollar forty five round-trip which is always entry and then the dollar forty five out which is pretty good because after you net profit you're still walking away with probably 20 bucks per participant between the Commission closed and execution closed yeah but they put them all in so you know most brokerages they're gonna have the different level fees so there's an entry cost of course this looks like a data feed and other things associated with it but um in the aggregate like it's worth it because if you went to a bigger platform like like I said TD Ameritrade for the S&P you have to pay almost seven thousand and then for bonds you have to pay thirty five hundred almost black people don't have that sitting around readily available but before like and futures are for were for mostly institutional investors and private investors so that's why I'm trying to wake people up around it because I see so many people go into forex and Bitcoin and aetherium and I'm like invest we're like Paul Tudor Jones isn't going on CNBC talking about my coin like stop the invest where the money and big money flows and then you can argue it and this is my litmus test for everything I'm like how much money are you making from it you can theorize how good something is but I'm like if bonds pays the most invest there and I always tell people okay if you did your same job and I told you you can make 100 times more at the same job which you switch companies yes then I'm like okay then leave for X alone leave Krypton law and then just play but like you said you have competition from day one so when you trade futures you trading against every top trader and every type heads fine day one there is no beauty ball you're going against LeBron Co i KD day one so that's what a practice part comes in alright so the last time we gonna talk about you yeah read up hand a platform and some other tips with investors all right so this is the question anybody wants to know like how much money was realistic or how much money can you make short-term trading time and so when I first talked to the guy that introduced me to features I'm like how much can I make names like well how much money can you put up because that determines how much you can make but on a short end it let's say you can trade 100 shares of the S&P 500 and you only get one penny worth of movement up or down that one penny represents 1215 so if you get four members is how much 1250 1250 mm-hmm so if you get four that would be 5000 now on average the market will move anywhere from 70 to 90 pennies in a day I'm telling people only go for one or four to start that's why you say invest first thing in the morning and right before close yep Vinay you have all the volume coming through and then what bosses bonds pay more you can make three four five six thousand so even with four texts if you do fifty shares you can make three thousand one hundred how much money invested 12,500 12,500 ingest it yeah you can make how much the three thousand 125 yeah and so the more you put in so people always ask how much should I start with I'm like 10 grand 25 grand if you can do 50 great if you can do a hundred better everyone's at different levels I'm like but if you don't have ten you should not be intraday investing at all the long-term investor yeah yeah you want to start there like if you don't have ten put away start with that because apple and ten years is going to be great and I think too many people like you said try and gamble because they're behind but I'm like start with the basics the first level is index funds second is technology and then you can go out to short term investing after that you have a strategy to make 3125 dollars in a day trading bond futures yeah sorry specific number so yeah because each penny is 3125 per so you guys can do the math to do 50 contracts you get for pennies times 30 1.25 that gives you the 31 2013 125 so it's a day yeah in a day ten idea how do you do that so your place to order so let's say I think bonds are falling I will place the order let's say at 5625 the market will there be a tag there I have an exit point for those four pennies I would buy 50 shares of it and then if it drops therefore it automatically takes me out so you don't have to worry about what if it goes down eight and comes back up Louis yeah yeah and then you have a predetermined target okay so on every trade you need a predetermined target or a target that you're gonna hit so think of it like a sales goal like once you hit that goal you have to stop so a lot of people when they trade they want to leave the money and all day it's not designed for that you have to have a predetermined target and what you exit and that for pending or for tick target is the easiest one that you can hit so you put it in and then what's the sales target again for pennies for pennies up yeah so if you're buying you want to for pennies up if you're shorting which means you to profit when the market drops for pennies down and then you're golden so what's the stop-loss alright for pennies up I got that but stop loss on that you can set it at eight eight pennies down yeah because you have to give us some room and breathe and then when you get into a more advanced higher targets then you would have four penny target and then now you excuse me uh eight tech stop-loss and then like a sixty tick profit target so now you in like a positive risk reward cuz I can see the wheel spinning as an adviser it's a negative versus reward on a smaller one but I tell people like if you have a higher risk to reward you don't have to win as many trades because if you have a 15 or one or ten to one ratio you can lose seven eight trades and on your nine make all the money back wipe away our losses and all your losses and then being profit wonder your strategy is having 11 to 1 ratio why's that because you're gonna perform bad some days like everyone isn't able to be emotionally disciplined you may have a fight with your lady your kids may bother you may be tired so if I tell you to invest and the S&T nur goes up your first two trades may be bad your third one will work out but if and you can't out perform math no matter how much willpower you have so if you have a one to one risk to reward you only have one trade to win two to one you can lose two trades before you- we don't want to risk 50% of our money on two trades because that's like playing roulette almost at that point anybody in here I think can win one trade out of eleven and then still be profitable it just it's a financial assessment that you'll be able to make to know okay even if only make one out of 11 I can still be able to profit most people are doing one to one ratio so their risk a hundred to make Andre and then they lose another so all right so I was like you got thousand dollars to invest most people put in a thousand dollars on one investment you should undo that and they just rolling the dice with it I mean we've all heard don't put your eggs in one basket and therefore when it comes to financial stuff this is like this oh the hindsight yeah it goes out the way you say if you have a thousand dollars you should never put 90 yeah more than 90 no yeah because you want to cap the risk on every trade so if you lose the 91,000 it's not gonna ruin your day if you lose 850 out of the thousand being drunk you're going to be pissed yeah you're gonna be pissed and that's what true of every business so we know we need to bring in customers at a certain rate there's a certain amount you can spend on ads for that these numbers are true in every business yeah so also born on a good week right the mark is up if we're doing the 3125 strategy we're talking over 15,000 a week yeah at that point we're doing this full-time yeah at what point do you become a master and you can now do this full-time it depends on what your what your find out your targets are so for me what's made it easier is like being really disciplined so my grandmother used to say like baby pay down on your debt yeah no credit cards out the grandma yeah I know and then Dave Ramsey got super popular and I'm like this all the stuff my grandma talking yeah I wrote one of cuz she was like negative thoughts have negative actions with nice and negative results yeah the same as reverse for positive and I didn't want to hear sheep like altitude determines the altitude I'm like I do not want to hear that but as an adult it's very true and then we have so much stress in our household because financially we're upside down like I remember when we were broke our family will fight about everything the remote control who gets to watch the TV when we would go out having financial freedom takes that away so a lot of times people think they need to earn more I'm like you need to knock them dead down and quit overspending and that's the hard part and we all know it as you get more money the income creep happens and then now's like okay I want the band's didn't want the Bentley but the cost of Sochi wouldn't repair so tough upgraded in the house so you have to keep the debt down first and then you will need to make as much but you can go for time after your discipline you constantly have hit those same numbers over and over again Dave Ramsey made a half a billion dollars by telling people not to use any day was it smart but look number one here across America 7 step system you know he followed the same system over and over again yeah over and repeated the same message so it goes back to said the same thing with trade-in you gotta follow the same plan and Dave's been saying the same thing like 30 years very few changes to it so most importantly like take what I'm saying and to everyone watching like follow what the top five companies do Apple's systems are down they only have a few products manufacturing is incredible they are following the same blueprint that's why everyone jokes like man they just putting out the same phone again but I'm like if 3 million people are buying them and I bought the new phone when it came out why change it wha change it stick to the script yep so alright so he talked about um your platform right panda yeah so red panda is a my baby that was birthed by accident because I never intended to show anyone my blueprint so we have a couple different programs for people that are interested to learn how to invest if you're not financially stable you should not be intraday or short-term investment it'll always start there so my foundation of course is a long-term investment first but I have a couple of different programs like alpha is a more expensive program that teaches you how to make between 10 to 25 grand in a month and then the 1k program as a the program is really like I probably have maybe 600 students in that program and majority are black women mm-hmm so I saw a void that a lot of people were talking about investing but not teaching us because they need someone like us that they can relate to to be able to show them how to be able to do it so I've had an incredible run with the women in the program and been able to get some great results for them but the one case a day program is designed to help you learn how to trade futures and when you do trade you can make a thousand dollars in a day and then you'll be good so you got six hundred students what's the success rate are they coming to you like that mastermind class where everybody's discussing their results or yeah it's not like I'm part of like 200 they'll come in and then so it's the same 8020 rule like 80% we do great 20% won't follow the rules and then they won't do well so nothing has a hundred percent success rate but if you come in and follow the blueprint a plan like you and I've posted this year probably a hundred and fifty testimonials and I'll tell people anytime like if you don't but don't believe me because I know from outside looking in and sound like some yeah but I'm like if I was doing something wrong that they weren't women they weren't winning black women would tell you because most of them are black women in a program so the results have been posted year after year now are they training for themselves inside the program or are you doing the trick they're training for them so on our call we have a daily call on everyday chat Monday through Friday like I'll call our spots where they should not get in because they are either buying too high or they're trying to short it alone but they're doing it for themselves so even like like Monica's one of my students she took 700 and turned into twelve thousand Angie's making a thousand dollars a day she's been with me about six weeks and then one of my students Carrie who's from our home county she's probably my best student in a program like her twin percent is now is eighty nine percent yeah for four months so what she's doing credible one of your rules is said you never want to buy in the middle can't because you because a moving average literally tells you what it is you buying at an average price I want to buy it extremes so extreme low so like when the Iran stuff happen or any there's a hard push down in the market I'm like buy stocks then during times of crisis because then they're going to shoot back most people buy in the middle when the market is doing okay or Google ahead all-time high and people like whiny to buy Google today I'm like you're buying too high so we all know on Black Friday that's when the deals are when the market falls apart that's the time to buy you don't want to buy when everything is at its highest price and we all know to do that but it's the emotion part and then emotional discipline to actually do it because the scary as hell when the market is falling 500 points and I'm like okay should I buy today that's when it's on sale everywoman if I can get you to Louboutins for 250 and 7 or 1500 which you get them yes it's the same theory but when we invest you're buying about 1,700 instead of 1500 a micelle you're overpaying you're okay and the crazy there's like many crashes that happen every month so everyone's been waiting for a big recession that happened because they want to recreate the big short a crash happens every month there hasn't been one month and where stocks and index funds have not come down but people don't have the discipline to wait and say okay when we drop 500 points on the Dow or a thousand I'm gonna buy the day that's the time to buy because it's no sale buy low so high it's the same strategy overnight and most people buy and hold you know they buy han Solo yep most people do yeah some oceans nobody wants it for mo v missing absolutely nobody wants to feel like it's like Bitcoin perfect example most people bought Bitcoin at nineteen eighteen thousand and then they sold it at three thousand because they thought I was gonna go to zero they don't want to have a complete loss yeah logic goes out the window when emotions coming to play and money's in play - yeah EMA it's been a pleasure rocking with us man can you um tell the people how to contact you social media handles and all that yeah my ID is the master investor on Facebook you can just look me up and down that LinkedIn you can look me up the site is join red panda comm if you type in your name and email I'll add you to the VIP list Watson on some information and then if you put that you listen from earning leisure I'll do a free webinar why don't sell anything and just teach for 30 minutes so whenever this comes out a month later I'll do that but I want to tell you guys thank you I've been following you guys for a long time preciate them and I appreciate y'all for being cool and put out the information that you do I appreciate that oh I didn't also we'll have the link in our YouTube if you're watching us on YouTube and the bio and then if you're listening to it on Apple Spotify whatever in the description we'll have a link to your platform as well people are interested in learning more about your plan and I want to say this soak up all the information that they put out because 10 years ago I probably would have cost them four or five hundred thousand to put the same material out and I wish there was some more brothers I could have listened to 2005 2004 then would have put out this kind of information so seriously like I'm not asking and I really appreciate all the amazing content you guys have put out so subscribe to the YouTube podcast listen every week because there's some gems in here like even for a console like I charge two grand for a console like I'm giving it for free like Wall Street rapper came on here gave some great information there's a ton of great people who are giving because we want to so once again thank you guys we'll be back so Troy some housekeeping items yeah shout to everybody on we got a new one right before we came on and did this episode shout out to our hometown boy chestnut kion oka yeah he joined on t f4 he'll be UIL we went to school together we came together we fall together so shout to him he's a tf4 member and as you can see now our patreon has been revamped so there's some new features that are there for you and he has access to ey l université and you know almost as importantly as joined the patreon so that is our online school you know we do three courses a week Monday is a more real estate base Wednesday is our guest webinar and Thursdays as always at myself and shadi doing something but it's a business and so shout out to him for joining and everybody that's been on there kickin it with us in and asking questions and doing all that mean it's been fun yes University is an online platform educational platform you can teach a class for us we have to bring D we bring different lecturers on and it's dokos in zum ask questions in real time yeah and so dope experience so it's something that we're really excited about and that's three days a week we do different classes on all different topics bring different people in so yeah eyl university is an extension of the cash is a little bit more into weight more interactive I love that so Yayoi University and then the merge versus out yeah assets over liabilities yeah shows myself we out of order right now but we soon as we read out we got you and yeah the book tip of this week is technical analysis explained I thought that would be a good sitting hook I read that book and that's if you're interested in about you know especially short term trading yeah technical analysis like reading charts mean we talked about that but that's something you know to be aware of yeah should be aware of definitely oh and yeah don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube they subscribe comment like write a review the reduced rate share do you tell a friend to tell the friends have a friend to tell a friend that's exact and then yes thank you guys rocking with us we'll see you next week peace love y'all thank you welcome to alumni thank you brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 245,182
Rating: 4.9497929 out of 5
Keywords: Stock investing, Index funds, Retirement investing, Futures trading, How to make money in stocks
Id: ZnwYgm6xlu4
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Length: 65min 56sec (3956 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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