Wallo 267 Talks to Earn Your Leisure Backstage

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40 years anybody in this room won't be dead i'm getting mines now every day i'm leaving this [ __ ] out here life elias see anybody wake up with all this magical instagram [ __ ] and oh this is happening i could get some likes likes ain't love and likes ain't money unless you meet i'm just being realistic i'm not on instagram if i ain't doing what i'm doing i wouldn't be no regular [ __ ] for what do it for a reason the people that love me i already know who loved me i know there's a handful of people that love me they cool they ain't knowing instagram my grandma ain't on instagram you know what i'm saying certain people so we got to get some money while we're here to take care of families when we go on because [ __ ] are getting [ __ ] up oh you black you just listen what the [ __ ] you mean milk costs anything costs right everything everything called watercourse too everything calls that's right so while we're here we better take advantage of this time i meet new people every day i talk to everybody running too and i ask them man what you gotta do what do you do and maybe we could get a value exchange maybe we can but a lot of [ __ ] ain't gonna make it a lot of [ __ ] that you know out of the the people that subscribe to you follow a lot of [ __ ] ain't gonna make it because you know why they ain't gonna listen they won't leave i'm telling my [ __ ] hey there all the time oh why are you doing it you're not built to win you're trying to win [ __ ] you meanwhile you ain't winning no they just listen what you mean what what what you mean why you ain't damn what how do you win what do you do i'm a refugee i came out of prison and i seen it everybody was out here playing [ __ ] games so just like the refugees just like the the people that come from overseas the ages they come through they like barry sanders they see all the [ __ ] hoes on the field and they execute while everybody else oh i gotta buy this i got listen if you don't like me you don't like me we all we when we when we all naked that's that's who we really are when there's no makeup when a haircut is not done this is who i am i might cut my hair sometimes but [ __ ] it you like me like this so you don't like me because most of the people that don't like you they're not investing in your [ __ ] anyway they're not going to spend no money with you anyway people get quarterback i got this many followers due to me on on an elevator in the condo atlanta yeah well look i got these many followers [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't mean [ __ ] you telling me that for what do they got to do with business is you making moves in business you can buy them followers but can you make money off of your followers do corporate america say oh that [ __ ] we gotta give him some money because one thing about i'm gonna say some [ __ ] i love my black people right but like me and gail always talk about the [ __ ] wanna play games out here boy ain't gonna say man he'll been talking since day one since the beginning of this [ __ ] when nobody i called him i texted i dm him to say yo bro this [ __ ] you put on instagram this is going to become major this is different informative do you need to keep going just standing through i gave him the layout and i told him here and i said listen man because a lot of people say damn man we got all these people out here why y'all go to barstool i said let me explain something to you about white people and black people see one thing about us we don't know how to check us and be straight up about us when we [ __ ] a [ __ ] come and hang out here come back here for free i get back here for free oh i know them you know how many [ __ ] ran today shows and went to the back door because they didn't value them we don't put value on each other white man say oh wild only really earn your legion there's 2021 oh these [ __ ] gonna be the [ __ ] 2025 what you need right now what's your name right now the so-called black leader black business boys they go like hey yeah i see you baby you killing them keep doing it white boy will come and follow what you want what you need i need this i need this i need a business plan i need this i need this i need this i need this i need this okay uh because you know independent contract send me you know the route number the w-9 and all that type [ __ ] okay let's get busy i ain't got to play no games and beg about my value they look at us and say [ __ ] look at them and say this is the future of black entrepreneurship this is the platform where everybody that makes it happen will come and tell a story and give game about how they executed their plan and how you could take from that game and execute your plan we don't put value on each other that's why we always asking for a deal you you know you'll go you'll go inside gucci and give him 310 for a shirt with no logo on it but if i tell you i want 75 damn look at that i got 35. that's how we operate in we don't value each other the number one destroyer of black businesses is black people who their conversation ain't talking listen i was a little kid mr johnson rest in peace i used to work in mr johnson's store he was a penny course right around the corner for my grandma career my grandma bought the crib 14 000 1963. bang i just renovated that [ __ ] i mean i used to sleep in the middle room with that john when i came home from prison but that's another story so right around the corner go down mr johnson sit on there sweet he give me all the candy i'm telling mrs jones had the black store mom and pop with the pickled pig feet on the counter remember the red pickle pig feet and the joint no some of y'all don't remember that [ __ ] but it's real so one day i come and eat give me the candy sweep up you know mr johnson what's going on yeah ready to leave i need you i need you my candy man come here city tell me stories play the old music and all that [ __ ] he said he closed me down i said damn i'm like the man came i'm thinking about the white man the white man came oh [ __ ] the man cause you know you always hear about the man from your grandma she coming from home from work the [ __ ] that you know i'm just being real no us let's see what you mean else he said monday tuesday wednesday thursday they come i put them in the book sugar flour put them in a book friday they go to the chinese store for the money they don't come back look at my book i can't you know i'm not going to knock what nobody don't it's my people i know they need it but we don't value each other i never forgot how they shut mr john sedan our people so we got to be realistic man and really talk about value we don't talk about value you say i'm saying a [ __ ] say damn are you ladies i want y'all to come here all right but pay them [ __ ] get them [ __ ] 100 grand and come and do something at your joint because that's what complex gonna do that's what uh amazon gonna do that's what facebook gonna do and we be having it but we don't look at our we always wiggling with the prices and [ __ ] so as black people we gotta realize man right now we're at the state and we have the point no return but we really gotta be on our [ __ ] it's good that we have platforms like y'all where you're giving up information y'all educating people that's that's important because a lot of people you know how many people went through y'all and went on youtube and they changed their life they transformed their life you know how many dudes you know like i told you dude selling packages i know yo man i seen that john man [ __ ] was talking that [ __ ] i'm ready to take 20 of this and go make a move i'm still rapping right now but i'm just saying it's a way out and that's what information is about so it's like y'all got to keep doing like i always give you all props keep doing y'all uh keep figuring it out keep educating uh keep finding new people to show us that it's more like like because i'm right i'm really burnt out on the real estate [ __ ] as a black man i'm just burnt out because i'm just being straight up and i'm gonna tell you why i don't knock nobody doing real estate that's cool that's cool but we got to stop just jumping on what's popular i know about ten thousand [ __ ] to take a la day in real estate they're taking the m why we can't start building what we when we worship why we we can play the game and master the game why are we not creating the game this is where this is how we gonna get generational wealth for real it's gonna take you fever are you gonna get a house which you're gonna leave your house well well grandma leave the house they buy as soon as grandma leave the house about time she did it for a month they wouldn't boy good [ __ ] going to buy gucci with that they selling that to the you know themselves they'd be on the street we'll buy houses [ __ ] going to get gucci grandma put the house in 60s so we got to be real more real about each other we got to really check each other out here because everybody be on some [ __ ] and we gotta really realize what's important because one thing about this [ __ ] that instagram got everybody lost like i just did a post earlier i didn't even put it up i was in the target i just did a video i was recording i they [ __ ] me up because it's like no you can't caress and finesse trauma you gotta address it you see what i'm saying because every day is [ __ ] billionaires millionaires killing themselves in mansions because it ain't just about the things okay you got the designer you got the foreign car you got the jury you got the trips you got the you know the bottles on top of the couches standing but after that it's still the trauma is still there we keep putting band-aids and camouflage and [ __ ] to where though the social media is [ __ ] us up the black relationship is everything is going to the because everybody worshipping the grand and it's [ __ ] up and now you got listen i'm seeing kids well man yeah man i need you to come through i said what's going on my daughter man she was there she having a breakdown why because nobody liked the picture on instagram like i tell [ __ ] all the time don't be mad when your son shoot the block up i tell all the girls who go why are you always saying crazy [ __ ] while or no because every time i walk by you on the phone on the porch you ain't even talk to them when the last time you spoke to your kids like the phone is raising your kids nobody nobody do that nobody cooks them everything fast food because they got the apps oh no i put money when you have you can just order some a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] so all that nobody ain't nobody cooking the mom's is the new uh homegirls because right now they reliving their second child this is their chance to shine let me go get my body done you can do what you want to do because i do i don't mind the fat ass i'm just being straight up i'm just being real though but but but they out here trying to run and be you know and then and then now the kids is the daughter that's on point look at him like damn man what's up with you and our in our coaching the two girls that run our whole culture uh jade and ari they run this [ __ ] they got it on smash everybody want to beat them i need a i need a rapper baby father not no no just wreck them i need my body done i need to be everywhere i need to be lit i need to be a party that's our whole life now so now the structure is [ __ ] up i asked a young boy i said damn man you know what i know i knew his own it seemed like you'd be out here a while and they said what i got my dad he been going my mom don't give a [ __ ] about me she already turned it up [ __ ] i care about old yeah and he always turned up he just operating that pistol so it's it's nobody loving nobody no more everything is about some social [ __ ] and the new love is the graham like like to me i tell [ __ ] all the time i don't want to hear that [ __ ] about it i don't want to hear nothing no disrespect i won't hear nothing about jesus or law none of that you [ __ ] instagram is god in black community what the [ __ ] is the matter with you man nobody respect listen you fear instagram and the intention of losing instagram more than you fear the god that you say that you believe in don't talk no religion [ __ ] to me religion is social media in the black community think about that [ __ ] a [ __ ] fear the the comments of what you might say about what they got on so when they in the mirror they dress they change it five six times oh this ain't gonna look right this ain't gonna look [ __ ] told me one time wow why you ain't got no lotion on [ __ ] i need some lotion on for me the [ __ ] that got to do with anything wallow why you always wearing a mirror but i don't explain to [ __ ] but i win because when i'm moving around they jump i had to try to buck this [ __ ] ain't work but i ain't got to explain to them you worrying about the wrong [ __ ] bro how you missed the message how you how you getting my earphones when i'm giving you some game on how to do some [ __ ] in life and pivot [ __ ] that's how you pivot i'm trying to get you some pivot game that's why i be in my own [ __ ] world out here and it's sweet to me out here because i think everything's a [ __ ] joke and then i got because he don't give a [ __ ] he know all these [ __ ] is [ __ ] and all this [ __ ] is dumb [ __ ] he like man all these [ __ ] [ __ ] man this [ __ ] is on you know the [ __ ] [ __ ] only want to [ __ ] with you when you're hot that's the reality of it that's why i tell everybody get hops your phone is going to rain you want to have [ __ ] call your phone and you're like how the [ __ ] did you get they're going to get your number when you hot they're going to get your [ __ ] number you got some time no no gill snapped out of the day he did the post about went off the 21 savage john you know how many phone calls we got damn man listen i got to play no we don't we don't deal with plays we we we answer the phone for [ __ ] it's all about round numbers and w-9s the [ __ ] is you talking about like all that good that [ __ ] played out all they just called him we're not kicking it i don't go to clubs gayle might go big fan of somebody i don't what are we talking about so if you're in position and you a black boy what are we talking about like ain't too many people gonna try to connect something charlemagne one of the dudes that do it but not too many other uh charlemagne world wild west shack these type dudes that caught them that ollie but a lot of them and i don't knock them like i tell people they take care of them in 18. they take care of eminem team so they hold things like damn they doing something over there but my man's ready to start doing that so i'm going to try to operate your man's is [ __ ] trash just like putting your man your man ain't scoring no points you trying to put him in the game put me on the bench and i just scored 25 last night we don't see it like that that's why a lot of these rappers couldn't even bring the right people because they got their homies my man you look little boo-boo corny and [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] that [ __ ] asked he shouldn't when he got that [ __ ] from memphis that's hot that ain't got no push around that's why god he win he got a strong team but like as black people i don't be trying out of that [ __ ] man like like like on some real [ __ ] show me the money man i just i was in [ __ ] i wasn't [ __ ] on the plantation for 20 years what are we talking about like what is we talking about is we going to make some moves cool i'm going to get listen i gave everybody all this free information every every day on this event i gave [ __ ] a million jews for free i did commercials for brands for free cloveland stores when i was living in my grandma middle room eating chinese store for six months every night every night the chinese listen i went to the chinese store one day when my young boy he was like damn chinese chick like you were here yeah because i've worked in platinum and she used to see me in this [ __ ] at night faithfully she knew what i want she know my chin on my jaw 10 scallops and fried rice and the ginger ale and i'm getting andy to egg foo young i was walking back to the crib every night my grandma getting a hug on going upstairs in my room closing my door like i was in the cell why everybody was out here turning up i knew i had to miss some summers to turn it up i'm still missing summers cause i don't give a [ __ ] about that [ __ ] i'm chasing 50 million right now next year i'm gonna fight let me probably do like 20 next year that's just all for ad money this is over advertising ain't talking about guarantee money and then after that drop free agents december 26 2020 now we're going to talk now it's going to get now there's nba numbers so so my thing be like all that other [ __ ] i get that i try to tell people focus on like chill later i'm trying to be the [ __ ] that's 50 that when i'm 50 i'm not doing nothing all i'm doing is making phone calls for people and helping people out yeah what you need and flying around the world getting four or five [ __ ] massages a day no straight up i'm not running two three miles on some straight up you know chilling [ __ ] and relaxing i'm not gonna be the black [ __ ] that worked my whole life that [ __ ] gotta stop we work all i'm not gonna be i'm gonna be the dude that's gonna be relaxing that's why i'm putting it in through these food i got eight more years i'm putting it in all crazy you see what i'm saying and i'm being humble talking about the 50 gallons about 50. that's humble because [ __ ] going but i'm putting the work in right now because i'm not gonna be no black [ __ ] getting beaten with the call me daddy girl got 60 million for three years i said i said i said i said million dollars for game if they don't get at least 50 million something crazy let me tell you something let me tell you something call her daddy they're serious they're one of the top podcasts in the world numbers wise and they got it this [ __ ] is all about data who got data who want to bring your data who want to bring your data to their platform you see i'm saying and how you want to do it you somehow be talked to the agent we was talking on the phone for a long time about the deal he also did academics got a nice deal but it's about it's about just positioning yourself all y'all got to do is keep doing y'all doing what you all do because y'all bringing in a whole system you got to think about as you go as you go further you got to say okay we got eyl what branches y'all got it going out y'all going in there's a branch [ __ ] going to go go you know we all want to step and go in as the whole system where it's like oh they got the touring they got this that's how you going that's how you get the 150 the 110 and all right listen we give you this much but we also pay for your your business expenses and buildings and what y'all need equipment all that dumb [ __ ] all i said is just to talk you know what i mean i negotiate our deal about a devin's restaurant that took me five minutes me dave point erica nardini be in there talking dave talking this [ __ ] crazy white boy yeah yeah yeah all right that's what we need boom boom boom boom no no we need this boom all right cool lori clean all the backing up this is a done deal i'm talking about this [ __ ] ain't this [ __ ] ain't all that anything and the thing that i'm telling you the thing that when we go into all these offices that they [ __ ] with we're the same [ __ ] i don't i'm not they don't they listen white boys is not trying to [ __ ] with [ __ ] just trying to be white boys that's what [ __ ] [ __ ] up at that's where everybody [ __ ] up at everybody oh we just proper always clean that no no because they're not connecting with you to connect the white people of course the white people cross over they're connecting you to connect to your people because once you get corny your people like oh this [ __ ] weird because because you not get and i'm not saying it because you're trying to you're trying to be other than yourself you don't see how many comedians getting corny and all this [ __ ] they convert they're like get the [ __ ] out of here with the hood say run [ __ ] one thing about this [ __ ] dudes like y'all dudes like me and gilly we was nominated by the bottom see the bottom run all this [ __ ] but with the bottom dude they put representatives in place they put you in place to represent them i don't no no i work for the [ __ ] that's on the corner i work for keisha do something i'm saying that's just trying to make it with the three kids i work for them because they control cool they control the culture not no [ __ ] that y'all see this make no no no no them [ __ ] don't control no culture they might make some moves but i'm telling who control it who dictate who's hot and who's not is the [ __ ] in harlem in the corner the [ __ ] in new orleans and and you know and awards and them the people that run this [ __ ] we're just in place and what they do is like this once we if we play ourselves and we do some [ __ ] that's they're going to remove us and they're not all they must [ __ ] represent as they coin and once the white folks here that we caught him we're done it happens a million times they only white kids only subscribe to what's cool we control cool but you know it's different like i tell them white boys in office when we having these big ass zooms up i said listen man man girl we control cool but the difference between us and i said black people control cool but the difference between us we're gonna own our cool we own our [ __ ] see [ __ ] don't own these [ __ ] out here a lot of these dudes are on that [ __ ] we own our [ __ ] we own millionaires for every game 50 me 50 gil we own our [ __ ] and that was real important to us because he went through the burn [ __ ] so when you going through this [ __ ] and you doing your thing i never forget that's why i take a picture i'm at you know you might see me you see me all type of places but you're gonna also see me in the corner holding that boo boo with that [ __ ] ham on it trying to tell him listen man you know what caused so much to be i know g but i'm out here baby all right we'll be out here man don't be bitching when you know you know baby lady gonna [ __ ] your baby mom when you go to jail i'm just letting you know don't call me though baby like [ __ ] all that bit now baby lady gonna [ __ ] the [ __ ] out she will [ __ ] the sockets out of your [ __ ] when you go to jail man damn man you always know some [ __ ] i'm just telling you big mom you're gonna wear ass out you gonna be calling the baby gonna be crying to get back like yo who that who that just was talking to my son that's baby league but you know what it is but it's about being connected to the people that mean that that needed the most and then make this [ __ ] pop and that's where [ __ ] [ __ ] up they get disconnected from they get disconnected from what really matter in the culture of noun and tomorrow the bottom because they're the ones who's gonna watch your [ __ ] and sit there and be inspired and say damn you know what keisha with the two kids she like damn i could do that she gonna be sitting there with a little notes taking a little [ __ ] sending it to a girlfriend oh we could bust this movie we could open this [ __ ] up them the people that matter white boys ain't watching this [ __ ] they don't care [ __ ] about this [ __ ] all your people is black people i'm not saying that ain't no white people but it's black people and i'm and and this is how i talk in front of the white people because it's it's real i don't go there oh i'm checking no you coming to us you the only reason we're here because we're hot we're not in here because you're trying to do us a favor you're trying to make money with us and what you're going to do is if you give us if you say yeah here wallow gilly pickle 30 that means you're going to make like 300 off of that data and all that [ __ ] in the back end that we never going to know about so we cool you can bangers we don't mind about that long as we get ours i don't give a [ __ ] what y'all get but we know listen ain't nobody giving nobody no 20s and 10s and fives and sixes and they're not doubling that think about that [ __ ] so that's why i be pushing i'm gonna push it hold up hold up girl no listen man we gotta go we we gotta get back with you oh why why you at me no we got to do something else i'll talk to y'all later huh it was like cuz that was good yeah they're gonna tear our phones up for a month or two then they were like damn i'm like no you're low balls what do you mean no y'all see a one for that little situation y'all needed to do for us but we think that was disrespecting you you just no we let's get back on the call i haven't done it i mean you want me to say something now you got to know your value because we're never going to get our value they get lebron that money for the sneakers you think that's his value and i'm not saying they got to make money but if they're going to get you 100 million they might make a billion off that [ __ ] you see that [ __ ] happened to joe rogan they said they gave him a hundred they [ __ ] like evaluate a billion or some [ __ ] as soon as the announcement dropped expectations so all type people you know what i mean think about that [ __ ] man so you know y'all just gotta keep doing let me get some of this right
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 50,312
Rating: 4.9566679 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, entertainment, Motivation, Inspiration, Wallo 267, Million dollars worth of game, Podcast, Earn your leisure
Id: rIDI1Zny4fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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