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-F.Book u/Joe Jaxson

-instaGram u/BlackPope


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prtj1617 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
and we're live in four three two and one welcome back ladies and gentlemen and we're live in for three two [Music] two what up stop playing what's going on y'all let's get into it home team what's going on welcome back another glorious market mondays the 20th day of september yes a lot to talk about today hopefully everybody what is seat belts don't panic don't panic don't panic where's the french montana don't pay very important very very important ladies and gentlemen this is a a very very big week um we got a lot to talk about [Applause] cryptos down stock market is down it's crazy times that we're living in right now but we're here to give you solutions and answers and make you money that's most important most important part of this whole process my family how y'all feeling oh good man ian is back with the suit on the suit is best come back rego for that episode of market mondays september drop the suit has returned you know batman gotta go back to bruce wayne real quick yeah sometime so we rewinded there you have it ladies and gentlemen you asked for it you got it oh man how you feeling i'm great man how y'all feeling good good can't complain can't complain all as well all as well uh the blood in the market i can't wait to talk about it yeah yeah it was a it was a crazy day in the stock market today and the crypto market was down also yeah so it was down across the boards um and i looked at um some pre-market uh look like it's down kind of mixed but it might be a continuation of what happened today tomorrow we'll see still early but we'll see but uh yeah we definitely have to talk about that we have to talk about why that happened why that is happening um strategies that you can take stocks that you can take look at and put on your watch list if you're interested and um you know different ways where you potentially benefit from it because we all know that you know you make you make money when the stock market goes down that's the real opportunity to actually make money so before we get into that troy you want to set this off yeah man as always this uh this episode of market mondays is brought to you by ally financial allies an option if you're looking to bank or invest a lot financial is financials leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider for both customers and communities so get with ally to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on the things that matter to you shout out to the ally family uh we will be and it will be there we will be there uh shortly yeah so shout out to them shout out to the team at united masters we got a spirited dinner [Music] shout out to ryan shout out to john man that was a good time that was a good time yeah shout out to my guys at united masters for sure um okay i'll make the announcements for earn your leisure quickly because i know people want us to get into this so um it's a big big week for us big week for us tomorrow we have an episode with ryan wilson he is the owner of the gathering spot which is the hottest location in atlanta um they're in dc also and they're about to open a location in la it's like a social it's a social club um it's really really dope if you if you're in atlanta i'm pretty sure you've heard of the other spots if you haven't if you if you're not in atlanta the best way to describe it is kind of like a soho house type of box exactly what i was going to say it's like a soho house but you know for creatives it's in atlanta so of course you know go by us for the culture and he's also the owner of ac3 festival um which is in atlanta which has thousands 20 000 people i think the last time that they had it which is a blend of culture music um business all infused so um yeah he's killing the game so it's a dope conversation about how to raise money how to get celebrities to um you know back your brand how to put together a board how to survive a brick and mortar business during colgate 19 um the ins and outs of entrepreneurship how to expand all that stuff so check that out um that is tomorrow dope dope conversation with a dope entrepreneur and then wednesday big fuss so you know we do open enrollment usually it's the last wednesday of the month we're going to be traveling the last wednesday of this month so open enrollment is our class that we do once a month for ewl university and during open enrollment we put it on youtube so that just gives everybody a sneak peek into ewl university anybody can you know check it out obviously it's on youtube so this time we're going to do something that's never been done before shout out to francis and our boys quay um jehu from um chico yeah i know chico yeah they've been on an episode and we did a youtube live with them and they were on invest fest stage so francis is going to join us but but we got the we got the young the young grasshopper with the wise sensei we're going to combine the two so we're going to have ian dunlap the master investor with francis so we got because crystal ball yeah we going we're going to combine i don't want to call in old school but um he's a veteran he is a veteran friend legend francis legend [Laughter] so we go we're going to combine them and we're going to have a very powerful conversation about investing different strategies all that stuff so that's going to be dope man you got some new some new things you want to show us yeah some technology and something like that very very rare moment very rare moment don't miss it eight o'clock eastern standard time on youtube francis and ian dunlap you will be talking about investing um and then also on friday detroit michigan yeah sloppy crab six o'clock earn your leisure ian dunlap we will be invading the building shout out to ken shout out to my boy chill shot real quick get there please please get there early like we seeing the numbers coming back we told everybody the rsvp i don't even want to say the number but i will just say please get there early please my family in detroit hit me like you're going to be in town i'm like yep they're like okay so it's some excitement there yeah please get there early reward yourself don't play yourself you gotta our rsvp on our website it's on the events tab it's a free event but you have to rsvp to attend so just go to our website click the events tab unleashing comm events tab and um detroit it's not a seminar it is a networking event party where we're going to be vibing it is to connect to build to talk but not just us but you know other people from your city it's going to be good energy it's going to be full drinks that type of vibe um so yes six o'clock on friday this friday in detroit michigan i'm gonna be there at five minutes or breaking news uh come on man don't play this week baby come on give it to him oakland california oakland california hello we will be in your area once again we will be in your area earn your leisure ian you're coming to you're coming right i'm trying yeah yeah i'm trying and it's trying to make it 19 keys the building yeah that is september 30th we will be releasing details soon this is breaking news alert y'all the bay area y'all been asking shout out to everybody in the bay i've been asking listen california is bigger than los angeles we're like we know we know we're coming the time has come y'all basically i'm as cold town the town business we will be in the area so so yes that is that like i said we got a lot of stuff um so you can't say the other thing right now yeah not yet everything so yeah so that that is the run for this week um yes very very excited we got a lot going on we're moving around like rappers and um i love it i love it i love to touch different cities and different people and connect eat different foods meet different entrepreneurs it's very very exciting dude can we shout out our guy cause he i mean all week i saw him shine himself shout out to our guy charlemagne yeah man his new show debuted on friday it was amazing it felt like damn the chapel show's back but just a little a little bit with a twist on it yeah so shout out to him um because he you know like i we we posted it obviously but he was talking about like we need to be on more shows we need to be on every day and if you're in the financial world you should be listening to us he's just doing that out of love um yeah i saw that andre iguodala interview as well i mean you know he's always plugging us so shout out to charlemagne shout out to the whole black effect dolly what's up the whole team nicole what's going on uh gerardo all the team at black effect what's up we love y'all shout out to charlemagne the guard the gods honest truth that's a hard name too and he had the promo at the versus battle too that was hard good brand integration my last shout out shout out to cordell brodis shout out to cordell brodis is a junior i'm not sure if he's junior or not i think that's his dad's name too right yeah yeah yeah [Music] no it's that's not his name not cordelia his other son is junior yeah shout out to we'll get to yeah it's called you don't know who you know shout out styles king loves game it's called stay tuned he pulled up in the building king lose was in the building and the boston trap we got to say that ross said my verse back brother shout out to wall street trapper yeah yeah for making history the first video on earn your lease to hit one million views on youtube platinum in the streets yeah shout out to wall street man looking at his instagram i just called him he told me his ass so shout out to the to the boss himself as well and shout out to um everybody a couple of our guys in there dave chance is over there 19 keys 400 checking he is 19 what's popping he's in the youtube comments on the checking the legend yes yeah we had a great conversation yesterday that's my god man that's my greatest people to walk the earth it don't come really than that right there all right ian i'll let you uh make your notifications yeah quick announcements uh if you guys want to join the stock club you get the link in bio if holy trinity was fired for those you gotta put fire in the comments so people can see um kudos to styles yeah ali and gang for doing a red panda anthem i appreciate y'all if you want to join the red panda pool you can check that out on twitter um let's give market mondays to number one we number one in bermuda but once if we get it to number one in the states um i'll give out a thousand scholarships and then the stock club call will be after uh market mondays at 9 00 pm i love you guys shout out to every shout out with the aka pink and green let's see emerge we have new merch shout out to bam shout out to the emergency committee childhood city pink and green all the akas um i see what you're doing yes i'm glad you said that we got all new colors sorority colors fraternity colors on our website under the merch tab cop cop we got it man purple and gold we got it blue and white we got it red and white we got it i know you see the pink and green we got it right my gran my grandmother was a aka rest in peace aka shout out to aks out there all right troy let's get into this yeah man number one first and foremost do your own research our content is intended to be used it must be used for informational purposes only it's very important that you do your own analysis before making any investment decision based on your own personal circumstances you should be you should use or take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon for the use of your own for your own use uh in an investment decision or otherwise please please do your own research please contact somebody who is a professional please do us that favor this is a message brought to you by the good folks at indonesia and the good brother ian dunlap the master investor aka tradova yes aka two stock shakur let's go so let's get into this all right so the stock market took a beating today the dow jones down 614 points finished the day down 614 points uh s p finished the day down 75 points and the nasdaq finished the day down 330 points and bitcoin was down 7 i believe if i'm not mistaken so um all right we're not even wasting any time we're going to jump into it it was a couple different uh factors that that played into this yeah but first we got to talk about um the chinese real estate company worth 300 billion that could potentially go bust so this is something that we was watching on cnbc today um interesting story yeah we always say that you have to uh always know what's going on overseas because what happens overseas especially in china especially in asia um you know has a real effect on what happens in an american market so all right who wants who wants to tackle this i mean i was so excited to send it to you i was like wait it's only six years he was up early sending it yep uh you want to start because i feel like uh everything is a company that nobody's probably ever heard of prior to today if they've done the research they would be familiar most people i'll give them uh the overview and then we can get into it so the overview obviously we said uh ever evergreen is the second largest retail uh real estate developer in china issue here's the issue right they have 300 billion in liabilities right 88 billion of that comes from interest debt this is where the problem comes in so they got over 300 projects spread out through uh 280 cities uh so they build in theme parks resorts sports arenas um but the issue is that they don't have they've run out of money they run out of money and so people are comparing this to what we've seen in our economy with the lehman brothers like in 2008 and with they're trying to compare it uh but there's some vast differences so that's the overview for it and then you know we can kick it and i'll go back and forth with you more you hit the nail on it it feels like lehman that's the new chat feels like clean and nothing else remember what everyone said but it's good debt good debt is i told you good debt is good until it get called upon now with them going this route and getting close to run out of their money you have to look at number three through 10 and see if they'll collapse and if they start to collapse it will be a ripple effect throughout the entire world you have to be very careful there is no such thing as good debt this is how you know if you would let me or rashad detroit pay off the debt it's not good because if you were dead in love with the debt you would hold on to it my grandmother used to tell me god rest her soul there's a difference between reason that sounds good and sound reason that's one of those pieces of advice that sounds good but if you've ever been in debt doesn't matter the interest rate you want it to be paid off please look for companies that have low debt ratios and high cash flow um but i hope this bubble doesn't burst but if it does this and this is another reason why i've told you guys stay away from china stay away if okay why do you want to invest in a country that is our enemy and then two you've never been to you won't buy a product from someone who looks like us unless you like know our auntie name but you like but i'ma go to uh beijing and then no invest domestically invest in companies that you know invest in companies with low debt and you'll be fine yeah i think you said something very important there you said if they're willing to let us buy the debt that's a red flag and i think i heard kramer said i was like well that's powerful if your employer is letting you borrow money to pay for debt you need to find a job yep because that's just another cycle right they're going to allow you so it's it's going to be interesting um and so a lot of people are like wait this is in china how does this affect our economy well we got a lot of american companies that are in china right but we we know a company that we talk about a lot and it thinks about behind me nike right they're a lot of the chinese economy starbucks multiple locations right they try to take over china and this is that goes back to my looking uh lesson but yeah starbucks in china uh tesla we know that they rely on that that market for a lot of their sales and so if people if there is a crisis a financial crisis like what we saw with the lehman and the housing market crash it starts affecting the chinese economy then it trickles down to the american economy so we just got to be very very mindful about that and those are blowing up spots are blown up low grade investments are blowing up when things are high and things start to trickle down there and i'm shot my apologies for cutting you off um when the market starts to pull back like this you can really see who's good versus who is bad and just they've been profiting from the market going up we're really going to get to see what companies have been producing revenue which ones have just been piling on that um somebody in the chat said uh what do you what do you mean by three to ten you said if you could see three to ten well if they're the number two company and they're gonna go bust look at number three versus ten like for example like if lebron files for bankruptcy this year which you won't bill you know i would be worried about lillard and luca and everyone else as well so if the number two developer in that country which is bigger than us is going bankrupt or running out of cash what do you think the 25th best developer is going to do right yeah and so and so a lot of people like and we saw this right and that was one of the movies was too big to fail but this isn't the united states government we're talking about right like we're talking about a completely different system of governance out there um so a bailout might not be an option right like our companies got bailed out and obviously a lot of americans were affected but the companies got there bro who knows what happens right with the chinese government but they just say you know what we're going to let you fail yeah um yeah we will monitor the situation it's something to keep an eye on 53 5400 people on youtube this is going to be a big episode don't forget love y'all red panda family check in shout out take notes i want to ask another um question around the market but before that i want to ask the star question troy yeah i will was talking to jamal the other day guy what's up smalls and uh he had some success with it with his stock you want to talk about that yeah man so it's actually something we had on a group chat called um company called up well the symbolically simple upst uh and so here it's upstart holdings um and so he has spoken about it yeah exactly if you're looking at the chart it's if you haven't i'm gonna say it again and so this was in i feel like we did this call in february so if you even look at it in february if you look at the chart last february yeah 2021 and so at the time it had pulled back a little bit um it had ran up in in december and january and then right mid february pulled back down to 51 dollars i was like doing why are you fighting telling me this man like this is a football he's like nah man i really believe in this i was gonna be grooving this i was like all right okay and uh lo and behold man that smalls my number the same you know it was like 22 last year but small low key on the swing trading yeah yeah yeah and so you can imagine to our surprise when he told us about the games that he saw here so it ran up from 600 and he had some leaps in it um some option calls uh short term and a few long term ones um and it ran up to 309 obviously it was a large pullback today but man i'm done group chat over training life i want to say i wanted to highlight that because it's um it's it's about uh it's like fiction sometimes you just have to be patient and you know talked about that in february and you know now reap the rewards of it but um a lot of times people like i was on my financial planning call the other day and somebody was saying like you know i'm investing but i haven't really seen any returns i'm like when you start investing in like august it's only one month so yeah yeah that right there was a success story yeah i mean i think we did the numbers if he had invested like a hundred thousand it would have been like 10 million at this point small so you got my number obviously like 51 to 309 i'm like i'm like how do you just like not say like hey remind us of the call we have um but yeah that's that's what was in our group chat no no it was in the eye of the university yeah the one that we do every month from the university i'm not in that thread small call me how your people call my people directly my god yeah yeah that was one of those like i said like sometimes when and this is funny uh i want to shout out to my my young boy shams he's just getting into the market and so i showed him what the profits you can make in investing and he was like man that's incredible but also i took a picture of the gains today because they were negative i told them like this two sides of this coin yeah but when you trust your research and you trust what you've done and you trust your investments you don't flinch you don't even feel it because you know how this works we said this two weeks ago i remember the date september 2nd 2020 when we had a huge pullback almost like nine percent i'm like okay this is a new feeling this is a feeling can you sustain this can you walk away from this and not feel any different about investing and the overall answer was yes i can so september comes around again and we spoke about witching in fact we told people we're not even going to buy conscious until after which this wasn't a surprise it was just what would be the catalyst right so it was like what was going to be the catalyst so i ran some numbers in real quick so if you look at the history of the doubt for the past 30 years right this wouldn't be a surprise to us because if you look at the past 30 years the dow jones the week after quadruple wichita or triple which in just the third quarter out of the past 30 years it's been down 23 out of out of 30 years we've only been seven up years in the past thirty in the past twenties there's been 15 down years and it's only been up five times and so we said september and we when we gave the months that we should be trading we obviously we said that april until october is rough right but but you still got to keep money in but yeah september that's part of it too it's like all right well this is a good if we're positioning ourselves and we've had money in a money market account like shadi always says while keeping the savings account put in the money marketing account if we then we're looking at the entry points now because some of those entry points that we've been saying and we thought that they would never come back to that level listen would y'all stop with that like i'm telling you where to get in where i want to get in with some of the people y'all look up to are calling me for entries just get them free for the culture i'm begging like we tried we tried to do like troy killer research man the entries of me trap troy bonowin josh brown say it it's going to happen we're coming there now like even with the dow september has been bad since the 1950s historically just research even if you don't do the research we've done all the research for you just looked it fellate it laid it out for you man enjoy enjoy september is a great month if you're looking to get into the market and with upst it's crazy to even say like 239 28 is like a good entry for it smalls text me bro so i in that video so when you saw shadi posted video right when he like went in the lab what time was that like 12 o'clock no we really in the lab like i'm saying all right where did these contracts open at how far they pulled back is it now time to enter straight up like we just video recorded because we were on close all day but that's the work that that's what we're doing that goes into it that goes into it and so it's like all right well no smash didn't hit the point where i like it for january 24th all right let's see what happens tomorrow but we already have money in the money market account ready to invest if it hits our number it's just about being patient syndrome yeah just quickly i'm asking a question but yeah that's something that you know even going into last week last tuesday i think or last wednesday i um you know i just put a substantial amount of money into my brokerage account just to have it um cleared on time and to have it in a money market um because we know that around this time the stock market usually drops so we can kind of anticipate we can never you know know exactly what's going to happen but we can make an educated guest on the past and uh if you understand the past you know that around this time usually the stock market always drops so you got to be prepared so you know i'm just prepared and i didn't i still don't even jump in today um i just think but the positions i was looking at i just felt like it could drop a little bit lower um but now i'm prepared so it wasn't really a surprise when we saw the stock market drop right now because it's actually supposed to drop like this is something that you know it historically happens so often yeah yeah it's crazy like if in the people who've been listening to market monday since we started we went through this last september and it was like oh my gosh what are we going to do and same exact thing look put your seatbelt on trust the research that you've done trust the investments that you've made right we and we spoke about it two weeks ago what would your account or your portfolio look like had you not moved at all right if you if you pulled back in september nine percent it was like a little slight one in october i recall november we started seeing some gains and december came and we saw some gains had you not touched your portfolio where would it be and and just because the stock market pulls back it doesn't mean an individual position has pulled back to the point so smh stock market is down estimate was down heavy today but it's still only four percent off of his all-time highs all-time high 276 and it's at 264 right now so like just to kind of give you some perspective if it drops 10 that'll be 250. so it's still not really that far from its all-time high yeah um xlk it all-time high was at 160 it's at 152 right now so that's only a five percent drop [Music] very similar to xmh um you know a 12 drop would be 140. apple apple's a little bit further drop apple's high was 157. it's at 1 142 right now but that's nine percent we talked about that 130 135 range so that's important too just because the stock market you got to look at your individual positions that you're looking at and saying like all right well four percent still not it it still probably has some more room to fall yeah um just because the stock market was down so yeah i mean we got we got put in context right like nasdaq pulled back i mean i think we would sit next to each other we like yo this thing gonna drop 500 500 we going to 500 but even that was like three percent yeah it's not a lot it's not even i don't even qualify as a correction right like it has to at least be between six to twenty percent like we're halfway to a correction so we just got to keep that in perspective yeah it happens every single year uh the one of my favorite quotes from money master the game is just like any other climate you're gonna have summer spring fall winter september just happens to be when winter comes then also like for those of you who were at invest fest if you love investors please drop fire and chat but i told you one of the best targets for you to use for the dow was 523 points so if you use the example an invest fast of 33 contracts on the short today you'd have been up 86 thousand two ninety five when there is no such thing as a bad market only bad entries into it and you end up getting out too early if this is your first time in the market hold people gonna tell you everything else ask them this are they rich from investing or trading conversations will stop are they free financially the conversations will stop every september or october this happens and people panic if you haven't gotten to the market yet enjoy september because it's going to be a great time for you to be able to get in and take advantage of it in a year and a half you'll be happy if i've made you money please put yes in chat so you can verify let's rinse and repeat 6 200 people on the chat room hit the like button please red panda family please hit that like button tell your aunties uncles grandma great aunties hit the like button ian how to take advantage of drops uh with futures market let me just give you all the targets real quick down you should short if the market falls and only do this maybe three times a year 523 points nasdaq i want you to go for 700 points your stop-loss should be a hundred ticks to 100 points you're risking one to make seven those two will move faster you don't really need to think about the es but here's the thing that is great about the market too many people are so focused on puts you shouldn't have any long-term positions to the downside because 95 of the moves are going to be up uh up over a five-year period so you're trading in the wrong direction but if we have a violent drop like we did today you can clean up in an hour to offset any losses kudos to the snipers that hit i mean there's some snipers today that hit 20 and 30 grand but the thing that i want to stress that i stress that invest fast i only want you to take 10 trades a year 10. learn how to trade with size know how to get the direction right 100 of the time and then the way i'm able to stay into the market when we have hard drops like this if i'm able to short the market i never look at my long term account to see what apple microsoft vo vug vti these are scholarships so write these down amd are doing so if i'm able to make money with them and i'm gonna be real man i love when the market drops like this it shakes all these scary ass investors out who haven't studied because if if the market is bloody and you're afraid it means you haven't put enough time in i don't want you to buy the high i want you to buy when things are at a low we are at a proverbial low and in three months you will forget this even happen now if you want to know a date that is identical to the day go to august 24th and august 25th 21st so august 21st and 24th of 2015. see how that move played out we are at some point going to get a dead cat bounce off the weekly chart and we're going to bounce off of it and come back down mark off your areas in advance a lot of people are panicking because what happens in september you should be marking off the places you want to get in for october and in september excuse me in august you need to be preparing what you want to get in for september always playing your entries a month in advance but you if you want to see a day that mirrors today pull up the data on thinkorswim from august 20 or you can do it on trading view august 24 2015 it'll tell you exactly what could happen it'll be the next couple of weeks let me ask you this being that we know that uh this time of the year and always the stock market usually always goes down to reference for next year um is this something that people can play an inverted index play for i wouldn't do it i'm gonna be real because most people don't have a discipline to i know i've told you guys about uv xy before but if you don't listen like you shouldn't hold the inverted index longer than two days because you're betting against the market the market is going to be up majority of the time and what's going to happen man rashad gotta holla at you bro you call ian the goat and and i'm getting slaughtered how are you to go blossom i'm like i didn't tell you to hold it for that long two index to tech no stress listen to me if someone else made you more money than listening to me please log out of market mondays watch how these numbers don't change i'm begging y'all please stop making it so complicated like if i'm giving you the phil jackson triangle we got michael and kobe we're good so what bill winterton missed one shot we got it on the next three pound baby like it's not that complicated the part that makes it tough is people alter a recipe like imagine if you went to coca-cola i was in atlanta like and you finally cracked like went in and got the formula from the vault and you like imma add some pepper and chives to this because my grandmama love pepper that's not the coca-cola formula just stick with it if you're gonna do an inverted index and you're gonna trade it great hold it for two days max but anything more than that you're gonna tear your account up and the inverted index is betting what the stock market is going to go down yes or index that goes up when the stock market goes down right so like the day like today if you had a down i think at his peak intraday was down 970 points like if you had an inverted index then you would have made money because obviously you dropped 97 yeah but like i said it closed at six six sixty down six six down system so that's it and that's another thing is that we we always preach about not falling asleep at the wheel and so i always stress to people some of those indicators right like we watch the vix and so if we were watching the vix we've been slowly seeing that vixx creep up out of the teens up into the 20s today i could think of 26 and so we keep an eye on that because we know that that means it's volatility it's very important for people they might a lot of people just tune in for the first time so what what is the fix so it's the volatility index and so it tells you how the market is moving if the number gets higher markers reacting yeah right how the market is reacting so if you see those numbers creeping higher usually in that range of 10 to 20. well 10 to 15. i don't want to say 20 because it's up there now it means that there's this there's pretty like some steady movement inside the market we started creeping up inside the 20s you know last september we had 42 uh last october hit 47. last march at 80.85 on the biggest feature here 0.85 right where he's on the 13th right when the world when the world closed it was like all right well there's going to be some extreme volatility we saw this sort of shoot up another thing that we always talked about is the fair and green index and i know that's something you brought up i always hit 21 right now right and we know when we see fear we feast right we don't we're finding our positions we waited for these these moments that's why i said it investing takes extreme discipline and so yeah you might have to wait five weeks you might have to wait six months what is the fear and greed index it measures the ratio of which people are fearful about the market versus super optimistic right but it's very important because we can't we can't take it because we can't look over it somebody's doing this for the first time we can't take it for granted somebody just automatically knows yeah somebody said for the first time and so that index goes from zero to 100 right and so the further you go to 100 that's extreme grief right if there's extreme greed usually there's going to be a pullback because people are oversaturating the market they're over buying when we see extreme fear that obviously the number gets nowhere if it gets to zero please buy shout out to everybody that's one or two i was gonna say if we go under 20 this is this might be a point like that might be the trigger point i think we might have mentioned that like i think 8.5 is a great plate like but if it ever gets like put all the money you can't in if it goes to zero that means there's extreme fear and this this is why it's so important to be ready like we always did for context the vix my bad trick my bad now i got it i was just gonna say it's the same thing in life like we don't have to get ready we stay ready yeah the last time the vix was this hot like was at a like a frothy moment like this was january it was at 35. it went on a six-month run of being down i'm going to tell you like okay so the crystal ball is shining bright we'll probably get back to 19 within three weeks it's nothing to worry about if you are afraid of apple microsoft amd nvidia costco home depot write these down because you want a scholarship vti v-o-o-v-u-g please sell them to me plea plea dm me at the master investor sell them to me you're going to be upset in a year i'll take all the shares off you smalls call me next time too [Laughter] there you have it there you have it ladies and gentlemen oh okay okay so let's talk about some political talk for a minute if we can um there has been major pushback from joe biden's uh 3.5 trillion dollar uh plan um so how is that going to play into the stock market the fight that the republicans the republicans don't want to raise debt ceiling so you know politics is usual but how is that going to matter in the stock market in the long term though it's going to matter over the next couple weeks but um for those who have been watching us since the before the election and biden versus trump and who was gonna win i told you it historically doesn't matter it may shake things up for a couple of weeks but in even in two months it's not really going to matter um of course they're going to have their political war and they're going to do their positioning but no it may matter two or three percent it may be like the smallest thing out of out of the major forward to like push the market down yeah yeah can't get wrapped up in politics it's all that's all that's all it's www like macho man and hogan fighting each other but once again you have to fig who's vince mcmahon like left wing right wing same bird like you have to understand the game inside of the game that's a lot of showmanship um okay so the stock market dropped we talked about that the stock market usually drops around this time so it's not anything out of the ordinary um but the big question is that do you foresee a prolonged drop in the market or is this something that will recover in a couple of days short term i i don't think it's gonna last more than three weeks um if you're new please look in the comments if i've been right on the things that i've called on this show please put yes in chat if you're afraid to buy apple microsoft amd nvidia hd costco lowe's home depot xlk please sell them to me this is the crazy part you guys notice every time there's a historical headline about some massive drop in this big bear market that resembles 1929. why don't anyone but me come on and tell you guys want to buy breaking news alert man eats a bat and starts a worldwide virus okay great pathology doesn't work that way that sounds like some some dc batman cartoon [ __ ] right it doesn't work that way why does no one tell you hey this is a great time to then buy because fear sells more clicks gets more views than positive news does whenever you see these big greed or big fear headlines you have to then realize it is a great time it is a signal for great companies to be bought that's the entire game most people won't do it though because most aren't able to control their emotions when they see that information and opposed to reacting off of emotion i want you guys to react off the information what historically has happened so just be mindful of that yeah and we spoke about it we spoke about what was going to happen right like i said we've seen this before but friday i don't want to overlook that how many how many people took profit right those contracts and people took profit we saw the the dow go down we saw nasa go down on friday right what was really interesting is to see with the last five minutes of training today because like i said the dow was at its peak yesterday was down 907 points it closed at 6 14. we saw nasdaq down almost 497 points it closed that 30 which means that people saw that it was oversold and said all right well start buying it let's start buying again yeah right so that that that quick flip within five minutes tells you there's an indication here that you know what this is not going to be sustainable for the long run well we don't see and we told you guys last week like a new quarter's coming so you're not gonna put in a whole bunch of new positions and then report to clients when you can wait another quarter for those that had a killer quarter they want to report those two clients and then wait to october it's a time it's not no different than like if you're up by 25 points and you're hooping you'll want to set your best players just in case injury happens oh that's it's the same thing that's a fire now right but let me sit jordan down and put in bj armstrong shout out bj right and let him get his eight points real quick and then when third quarter comes mike got a breather now we can really run it up it's the same game it's about timing and knowing when to execute and they want to take risk off the table yes um almost 7 000 people this is right red panda showing up today baby it's a very big my man keys he sent it to his community um so troy let's give them something um what what stock what's some what's the stock that you're looking at right now uh so right now disney i told you i've been waiting i've been super patient with it it's nearly at the number um what number are you looking at i want it in the 160 to 165 range hey man that's disney at 160 to 160. i was gonna say that that crystal ball you want to give it that we gotta go with size yeah yes i wanted one that's a great price though yeah that's a great price i've been doing a little research again it's that uh 178 um again this was a stock that we saw go over 200 uh at the early beginning of the year and it was okay not my time it's not my time so when i talked about being patient and i talked about listen wait for your time it might take two months it might take a year you're gonna want the money in two years anyway and disney is is something that obviously i don't think is going anywhere and it's only gonna have growth and we've explained this many times why i thought that um but yeah when i see it go red i see it go down five dollars i'm like okay well getting closer to my number and so once it gets into that 160 to 165 range slow the boat time and slow the boat time and i'm not even gonna do it for myself that's gonna be uh put into my kids account right they have apple in there so i'm gonna add disney to it and then um square two square as well yeah singular positions and tsm we had this conversation today um about uh it's tsm just because again we talked about seven things taiwan's taiwan doctor yeah we talked about semiconductors over the past two weeks and we told about people how much we love smh which is a semi-conductor etf and we said look this shortage how long can it last if it lasts until 2023 or 2024 then the world's in trouble right they're gonna figure this they have to figure this out apple google tsm amd nvidia they're going to figure it out they're going to figure it out so you know team is another one that i love number one reason being that they could they make 50 of the world's semiconductors and so if you didn't know anything about tsm you've never heard of them before they make 50 of the world's semiconductors the chips that actually make the things that we use especially in technology run and i broke down um that was that two weeks ago yeah i mean that's just one of the things that's kind of common sense is there is a chip shortage in the world and um one company makes up half of the chips in the world so what do you think that the price of the stock is gonna do it's like a monopoly almost yes everything needs computer chips literally everything from car smart cars smart phones computers tablets you name it almost everything that we use in life goes off with computer chips there is a shortage of computers that may last a decade not just computer chips just semiconductors in general some people are like huh computers chips and we went to stay everything is really a computer though you know your iphone is a computer that's true i'm not like laptop tablet laptop yeah desktop phone helicopter playing camera all that stuff so and we talked about smh which is the etf yeah that all of these chips stocks are in so if you're a little too scared about going into the individual position and this is why smh has run up so crazy um there's no surprise in that department and it'll probably have a good run for the next decade five years square 210 51 210 51. you know what you you gave that number out four weeks ago i still have it in my in my ipad the same exact number yeah i'm saying all we got to do is just listen i listen to actually so i'm like like you guys are like overthinking it too much because you're like hey it hasn't it can't be that easy you're seeing me now you know cute jacket and all that you know look up rashad i got on the pink and green troy glowing you're not seeing when i was doing this when jeezy's the recession came out this is new to most people and a lot of people treat this like a hustle this is life for me that's the difference between me and them so i get to pour into you and give you what i wish i knew in advance and 14 15 years worth of work 13 years worth of work you get to get it for free you don't have to figure nothing out execute if i've made you money invest festival let me get a hell yeah in chat and you guys can go watch and see there you have it 7 000 people want to check in uh market mondays officially the biggest investment show in the world hey can we touch on something real quick yes comment oh no no no fake it tv i put in quote until you make it um and it kind of happened late and i'm glad that you did you had to test that out in that uh this twitter 890 million dollar lawsuit so for those those not in the know uh twitter twitter has settled out outside of port to pay investors 890 million dollars well here's why they did it so in 2015 when they were i guess when they the stock had pretty much was early on in stock uh they lied about their their numbers man they lied about how many users were using the platform how the algorithms were working how uh how many impressions they were having all lies um and and and lost the lawsuit so that thing was like hey we we didn't admit to it but we're going to pay this 890 million a small drop in the bucket in comparison to what it could have been but if you ever use twitter you know that the amount of users that they were claiming with there are not i love jack dealey i wish he would have been microsoft ceo even though microsoft ceo now is doing a great job but wait till instagram has to report the same thing i'll go on the record now instagram is the new facebook meaning that like tick tock is overtaken instagram and the value of ig in two years will be dead what what will be dead ig his relevance instagram instagram will be dead in two years you're putting the dead signal the value of how okay this is gonna be real fun how many of you look at our post ratio how many bots do you see in comparison to actual human users it's bad it's terrible it's bad bad going back to the trainer thing now if you've been on tiktok you know tiktok feels like ig when it first came out so the influence for those of you that run ads on it the ads are not as effective as they used to be i am a marketer first that mastered investing damn so and we have the adjustment you have a heavy focus on tick tock we are growing rapidly on tick tock follow earn your leisure on tick tock absolutely and real quick i want to say this man i want everybody please this is a disclaimer we are not soliciting any money from instagram or any social or youtube or whatsapp or what anywhere today i spoke to somebody pretending to be michael mcdonald and he wanted me to tran he wanted me to send him bitcoin or some hundred dollars through bitcoin literally like he's telling me he's mike i'm listening i'm like i'm talking about mike so if he can't hear it please that is not uh he spoke to him on the phone i spoke to him i got his number now wow yeah you got the arizona area though to know that look that's not us so these fake pages that are soliciting money pretending to be us we would never solicit money so like that's not us please please and it's not that was crazy to say but some people are actually doing it and falling for it it's not us youtube that's not a instagram that's not us please check the name um check the verification i think they added two j's to his name or something like that yeah very clever please please just just be mindful this is a disclaimer that is not us please be careful out there there you have it instagram is on the clock the platform will still be up i'm going to talk to talking about its effectiveness and how it converts will not be i mean instagram isn't as good now as it was three years ago not a hot take you guys can say hey i'm wrong that's cool i can't wait to come back mike clipped this up can i wait to come back in two years and then add ages like tick tock is now like you're always waiting for somebody of another caller to tell you the [ __ ] that i said is true just take it from me the first time because we're building the empire so there's a reason i'm saying a couple of these things for those of you that are business owners you get what i'm saying the conversions are way higher the engagement is way higher the growth has been what on tick tock versus instagram trevor shot yeah you have you can you can you can really uh reach organic growth and at a very fast pace on tick tock and it's hard if you're not it's hard to grow on instagram if you're not if you haven't already established you know a page as follows so definitely you have way better chance to um grow the algorithm is a lot more kind yeah um instagram the majority of people that follow your instagram don't even see your post and they're like they like vetting posts like you can put up a picture of something and and obviously you'll get more attention more likes and you can put up like yeah you're doing a back to school job and it's like all right well that feels like advertising we're gonna cut it yeah like we're actually doing something that's productive for the world in the community who told you this well i suppose shout out to my boy brian ryan from facebook hey something's my guy you don't know know who i know you guys are supposed shout out to facebook shout out to facebook shout out roc nation shout out to roc nation yeah yeah no that wasn't a starbucks plug that's just never dripping mocha chocolate shout out leroy he's coming up he's coming back soon oh man let's talk about one more thing before we go to call this is a very enlightening conversation that we're having um okay so okay so um all right let's talk about this what what um industries are you guys most bullish on outside of tech i mean tech is a lot of different things yeah what industries do you do you think has potential uh in the upcoming year next upcoming couple of years yeah so i'm gonna go my top two would tell tech and health care i said no tech i'm just saying those are my top two health care very important yeah obviously with independent biotech or help we can put all that inside of it right and the crazy thing is i was looking back in june in the end you probably remember this but i talked about a company called thermal fission and people like what's demofishing i was like look if they're making vaccines those vaccines have to be valid and putting in equipment so thermal fissure is one of those science uh compensate tech companies where they're actually manufacturing the bottles the maximum so they're built for pandemics they're built for crisis and so we watched them i think at the time it was like 3 20. i think that today was it was it was it at the end you got your chart right there so it's at 5.90 today right so 590. so we're talking these are healthcare companies we look at companies um in the space and we know that we're facing the crisis we know that that's not going anywhere we know flu season although there'll probably be a new variant so i'm bullish on healthcare obviously bullish on technology and depending on what happens with the bill i guess we should keep our eye on industrials as well okay and what you got um machine learning number one asteroid mining number two you guys should go look and see what rolls royce is doing on mars and uh yep i want everybody to go to google it's on mars ladies and gentlemen see what they're going to do who will you like um number three will be water extraction and cultivation on other planets and then number four is going and i i hate number four but um i'm trying to say it in a way where it doesn't sound selective human cloning it's not that but um bringing extinct species back to life oh yeah we're probably is that like like broken like dinosaurs like woolly mammoth they say when you guys are like oh what about crispr right there is a yo hold it upside down it sounds crazy oh there's fun you're watching jurassic park jurassic park jurassic park every movie that is a blockbuster movie yeah i'm 39 right if you go look at any media state that movie almost looks like child's play into us holding big brother it's the fifth limb got a point there if you go look 20 years prior they are telling you that go look at i robot we are not that far from that scenario the vaccination you think that i am legend walking dead 28 days later black saturday you think all these movies are coincidence because it's a hot gyro zombie movies have been made since the 1940s but the last 15 years go look at the graph to see at the multiple in which zombie movies games and films have been made there is a reason why 1718 plague 1818 plague 1918 plague 2019 play they'll tell you in three years that cover really came here 14 months before 2020. [Music] who just said contagion i used to show that to my health club yes and i felt like obviously during the pandemic it felt like we were living in contagion if you've ever seen that movie with matt damon yeah that's why i really make it once again it was scary right the bat eats a banana the pig eats that and then you know it starts at day two and then ends at day one it goes to the whole story but yeah man so yeah so you might be going to something with that i don't know if jurassic world that might be tough no i'll say this we can play god so much to god or call us back home that's one that people need to not play with because okay i don't want to go too deep but you know i play a doctor on youtube i couldn't pass mcat so i had to switch my major in college but because of global warming and the rapid decline of the polar caps permafrost and certain diseases and viruses are now coming afloat now you're getting more animals that are more extinct and they're finding ways to quote-unquote bring them back to life it's a very dangerous game with the technology that we have that we are playing this sounds like science fiction but if you go look at harvard business review or new york times or any major publication that has real journalists behind it they've been working on this for 12 or 13 years that's why when i said go read 500 this one one of the things me and keith talked about yesterday most people don't read enough into the past to see what's going to be able to happen in the future the hololens oculus all that [ __ ] was planned in the 1970s they were trying the jetsons all of that because of regulations they won't have flying cars all those other pieces of tech already in existence please go read what has happened in the past and if you really want to know the cheat code for real shout out to the bros go look at every invention the nikola tesla make like you guys play the radio i'm a golden era rap fan we wouldn't have no boom bap on the radio without nikola tesla almost every great invention that we have including the variation of iphone that was a remix came from his mind and his creation jimmy hendrick nickley tesla he said that for why marcus carvey [ __ ] typically just like you guys but what do i know when ian talks like that like ian b knowing that he's a very eclectic guy are you a vegan vegetarian okay yeah that gave me god about it he's a very accused very interesting guy ian is a very thank you i got layers man yeah man we love the stock part just one part hey hey real quick before we go to questions we uh just gonna do our earnings report really quickly uh three companies that's cool we're doing three companies yes tuesday tomorrow adobe will uh be reporting that earnings there'll be something that we spoke about earlier in the pandemic because we knew that hannah had contact 641 my god i'm sorry i dropped the ball on that thermal fissure i don't know i know we'll get we'll talk about that later uh we talked about docusign at the time um and adobe's just you know it's a goliath it's a reliance in that industry and so adobe will be reporting tuesday costco will be reporting on thursday and that company that we spoke about you see them ones up there nike will be reporting now real quick i just want people to be aware of this right so nike has had an amazing run during the pandemic obviously and we spoke about this before because of the strength of their online presence their sneakers app um people don't have to go in stores to get their clothing and get their merchandise however however this was a report and bearings and um it was it was also in wall street journal i want people to keep in mind so when we talk about the price for nike right now it's at 154 right and so the earth is coming this is this is what the report was about there is a uh shutdown in vietnam production so since late july because of kobe there's been a shutdown in factories in vietnam why is that important a lot of nike's merchandise apparel footwear is produced in vietnam how much 37 of the footwear capacity in 23 of the apparel capacity uh is made in southern part of vietnam so that's a huge deal if they can't produce those items we could be looking at a a a healthy pullback uh and some of the numbers for nike so just be aware of that people were looking for entry points obviously we saw that the market is down now um but that also that also might trigger a nice pullback and like we said if china's economy pulls back how dependent that nike is on that it could get to a number like when ian says the number you say it again again one two nine the market whisperer coming soon there's a chance i mean these are the practices that could get us there and so that is our our three companies in our own report yeah yes um okay janet are you in the building are you queen and how are you ian you're over here scaring me halloween version of american mondays hey scary out there for some people when they don't listen yeah that now this childish gambino picture behind me is kind of feeling a little i'd rather be uh a zombie than fighting a zombie so i you know i don't know that's interesting hey shout out to janet she just held orientation at uil university orientation right before we came on here so shout out to all the earners welcome to the family you met you met the chancellor herself so childhood oh before i forget let me put the link to the stop in in has everybody already knows about the stock club but i believe you you can bind uh the holy trinity of investing in with the stock club correct yes and then for those who come and pay full price you also get the sniper set up as well so sniper set up so yeah we got the link in the uh youtube description i also put it in the chat also um janet what they plan yes what is how are you first formal sorry i'm good i'm tired but i'm good i had to clean my airbnb today okay should i tell the housekeepers out there likes man where's flights done where is your airbnb at it's in providence providence rhode island ladies and gentlemen evan providence rhode island if you're ever yeah hit me up what made you get to airbnb um i mean these earners have all these side hustles and i was inspired shout out to pha and um natalie some earners that were saying why don't you do that you've been traveling a lot so and they do it and they've been doing really well so the fear i had i was just like you know if they're doing it i can do it and that's it's been working out really well i'm all five stars hopefully stay that way and i've had like 15 people 15 reservations this month is my most profitable month so i'm over i'm at 4 400 this month so a lot of you it's going really well can we get some claps university really is an amazing place because it's so important to see people like you doing things yeah because then there's like really no fear i mean i can text them if anything comes up and i just feel like i'm good to go so yeah sure i'm looking into toro i plan to start that soon so i'll keep you guys posted shout out how the tarot law is up there you can do it up and run yeah yeah you can do it yeah shout out to all of kate verdians yes are they in the chat shout outs can we ask a quick question real because every week they see you they ask the same thing do you play the instruments behind you i don't i want to ask you too no i don't actually uh false advertisement okay there you have it somebody said hire a cleaning lady i do have one she was just sick so yeah yeah i don't normally do the cleaning but that's a good lesson in business you have to be able to do everything and have things to go wrong gotta get done like how to get done that's right you gotta make it on time for market mondays so you don't lose your other jobs you're safe yeah let's get into some questions if we can all right let's do it uh tim are you on a bsl please we are coming to you oh great and greetings greetings how you all doing tonight what's up how are you greetings all right quick question um i was having a discussion with one of my friends and we were the topic of a big a business brokerage account versus a personal brokerage account um is it better to have a business account and if so what's the advantage or shot you want to study you want to go um you can go i'll add my two cents in yeah i well if you're a beginner i say just to do it out of your personal for your first maybe two or three transactions then after that convert to a business brokerage it's a couple of tax incentives depending depending on what state you're in um so those are the main reasons um the reason why i say to take a couple out of your account because sometimes people will wait especially if you're trading it takes a little bit longer sometimes to get your account open especially if you're going to ninjatrader and that may deter people so i rather you get the actual investment in but after your third or second or third one you should definitely move to a business brokerage okay i always say it depends on what you're looking do and why you're looking to do it if you are looking to invest with a group of people your business partners then the business brokerage can definitely be something that can be beneficial um but the individual side i think for most people it's just probably easier and um that's going to be something that you're probably going to go about as far as on the individual at least establish the individual first like ian said but um yeah if you are looking to invest with people and we actually spoke about that before as far as investing with we had an investment group remember what we did mti money doing lasting money that was our first that was our first visit yeah that was our first business that was probably 20 years ago we had an investment group um with me troy who else was in that jamal jamal and and greg right we had an investment group i forgot about that so yeah that's something that we haven't really spoke about a lot but that's something that is investment club you can have an investment club and you don't necessarily even have to be in business you can create a llc you can pull money together have um you know certain level of governance rules so you don't want just people just taking their money out randomly but you talk about group economics that's another way to pull your money and invest as a group as well so we can actually speak about that as far as investing but that's something that not a lot of people really speak about but it is beneficial that's pretty interesting because we hear people doing it in real estate but you really don't hear people doing it in the stock market right imagine imagine being an investment group with this guy and trying to make a decision it's tough it's tough it's tough yo but that that's a great point we should we should probably be seeing that more in the stock market but we put some money together and hey i might not have enough to buy a share of amazon but let's pull some money together if we all agree let's get some shares of it together so i love it i love the idea i appreciate that all right you guys ready for the next call yeah was that somebody's daughter rest in peace to aj johnson yeah that was me oh yeah he's all right yes yeah recipe caesar italia acosta you know yeah yeah oh there you goes hi everyone um shout out to troy and rashad it was nice to see you guys out in greenberg um this weekend thank you for coming appreciate that it was really nice and i'm a teacher with the doe so um shout out to all the nyc doe teachers um we're back in school and it's really into the thick of it as i've been saying all week and um janet i'm from rhode island originally so yeah awesome cape verdeans it's an amazing place so i go there like every month um thanks for calling on me i'm always asking like what i think are stupid questions but i think there's a lot of beginners that kind of need help so um here goes uh ian i've i'm a member of red panda now i joined in um june or july and um yeah it's it's been it's been good so far um i i watched the presentation over the weekend a few times and i know you mentioned a lot about risking one to gain 100. um and i mean that obviously it seems like very simple and makes sense but if someone's like very new like what what do you mean by like like a percentage wise like so like let's say i have a hundred dollars and i'm ready to start like practicing do i take the whole hundred dollars and how do you know how much you're gonna make like how do you know you're gonna make a hundred by spending one like there's that that's a great question so it it happens a lot faster with tech but let's use nike's as an example so if i say 127 50 is a good place to get into nike you can multiply that times 100 to know what the exit is going to be over a 10 15 20 30 year period now it happens a lot faster with technology companies as a result um but let's say if you got a company and you bought it at 10 bucks you will multiply that times 100 so then get your target where it would be um 10 to 20 years later so if you look at apple the real price is not reflected because they split a bunch of times same with tesla after the split they're a lot higher than what they would be but that's how you would risk one dollar to then make 100 so take whatever you invested into that stock multiply multiply it times 100 and that will give you your target so it's more about like figuring out when you're gonna exit like how much like that tells you what your exit should be yes yes okay so like it's just hard for me i mean i'm not ready to swing trade anyway i have no discipline and i'm not listening to you most of the times like you say things and then you tell us like oh don't do this like don't doubt yourself so i i like jump out of things because i haven't like i do the same thing is like ruined we're all guilty listen all of our rules came from me messing up i know you guys see me here but that big thick playbook that you saw that's think of every note that i've ever said on here or in that playbook as an error that i made i was telling dom and peter's early in dream team like at one point in 2016 i was 92.3 on the quarter and i changed what i was doing in trading [Music] we all do yeah it's just sometimes i guess i have to learn the hard way i mean you literally say don't do this and then i i end up going to do it so i'm not you know i don't have the discipline yet um but i am just curious about it because i'm like okay what if i'm ready and you know i made the practice trades and i'm starting to do all this stuff like you know once i feel like i'm ready but right now i'm just trying to do two tech and two index and i'm probably if you do that you'll be happy trust me anybody that's ever traded you guys can put it in the comments have you ever traded a stock and then you guys wish you would have held it for 10 or 15 years there is not one person i know that wouldn't change um the swing trading is to add more capital so you then can take that money and put it back into the long term but if you feel like you'll get diminished and returns from doing so don't do it don't do it yeah okay i appreciate that i appreciate your honesty don't worry we've all been there and thank you thank you for coming to greenberg we appreciate everybody today yeah shout out to everybody that came out about the greenbrier shout out to jamal thomas on the school board doing great things for central seven school district um i'm sure we'll be working with him to make our school district a much better place so shout out to everybody you're starting your campaign already for president one play much better oh man you're gonna be lorenz tator or st patrick which one you love making it a better tomorrow for greenberg there you have it that's a good slogan yeah you have it yeah oh man yeah yeah we're gonna be doing a lot of stuff in our community and other communities too we just don't want to you know support our community with the riches we're gonna come to other communities and and do events and give back uh because it's important with people from that community so yeah yeah shout out to everybody very important jam who we got darlene level up we are coming to you that's a nice name go trademark that um what's up shout out to tasha oh so she has an older version of zoom so just don't turn on your camera but i have to make her a panelist so i guess what happened last time with the last guy that came on um okay that was a favorite got a warning this time yeah she did this camera shout out to darlene she always joins book club and reads and asks questions and we love it hello thank you so much for letting me on i have to update my zoom um hi janet and troy shot it in um i'm doing great um you know eyl is a constant opportunity to learn and um we have had really the great privilege of reading as part of the eyal university book club the intelligent investor by benjamin graham and we had a really just amazing conversation a couple of uh saturdays or sundays ago about the book um and one of the things i think that a bunch of the earners um were mentioning in the comments is that we cover so much through the eyl platform but i think a lot of us felt like we had a deficit in bonds and knowing about bond plays and what the role of bonds our portfolios might be when you know is it good to get bonds bad to get bond in a market like this where stocks are falling is that a bond play interest rate i mean so um it's it's a big question but is there anything you could say about bonds based on what's happening in the market today if you're younger than 50 years old don't touch them it's my favorite thing to trade in the futures market shout out to the snipers dream team apex family on the trading side i love it but if you look historically the market that we are in now and the market cycle that we're in now is not the same market cycle from 20 years ago and definitely not when that book was written um because if you and we've covered before in other market mondays but i want you guys really quick to google what the returns were for bonds over the last 10 years and compare that versus tech you would be beating me and rashad down if you were invested in bonds versus anything tech related and then also if you look like bonds if i like the bond feature it was at 2 49 in march it's now at 200. it's a good defensive move if you are older but if you're younger than 50 years old please leave them alone leave them alone you can look at tlt as an example um it was at a high 179 70 it's out now 151 you would have been losing money in one of the best markets of all time same with gold everyone's like gold's the best thing to invest in is a good hedge it's not it's not that was the idea yeah that was the exact answer when i asked chad like i think we got our first sit down i'm like yo tell me something about bonds he's like yeah are you too young you don't even know about that yet yeah it doesn't how about for our 50-plus earners because we have a 50-plus club here at ul you i mean we gotta have a question about it we got a class up even then i still think that even you know such a conservative play if you don't have a substantial like a really really substantial yeah can we be honest if you don't have 10 million dollars or 5 million invested you probably shouldn't be touching bonds it's a defensive move to not draw down a bunch of your capital upon retirement it's not an accelerator would you recommend target date funds because a lot of them have them one thing yeah target day funds are good but we talk about balance funds i talked about that a few times in my financial planning class which a balanced fund is a 50 bond 50 uh equity portfolio so that's something that if you want to be a little bit more conservative there are some good balance plans fidelity has a great balance fund like there are good balance funds that you know have a blend of stocks and bonds combined in it but just to be 100 in a bond market like i said i mean it's a waste most people and even 50 right now is not really old like you know you still cause you're going to live to 90 yeah exactly or if you're 50 plus you have somebody that's 25 to 30 that you're taking care of you still need if we're going to have an honest conversation about our our community as you level up because you're blessed with that money there's more people you have to take care of so the normal allotment of hey invest from 25 to 55 aggressive then at 50 plus we taper off there's someone in the family that you're going to have to help or charity you're still going to need some gains or your costs for healthcare are going to go up dramatically yeah yep so you know the bonds like i said if even if you're 50 and over i still think that you should have equity positions you might be a little bit less risky you might be in you know an index fund you might be in a balanced plan you might be in the target but just to be in a straight bond portfolio that's not probably something that most people's going to benefit from because it's not going to earn a lot and like i said it's it's we could talk about muni bonds but you know if you don't have millions of dollars that you know it's not worth it if you got millions of dollars here three percent tax-free that makes a difference you know but other than that i mean you have a hundred thousand dollars invested three percent you know that's not going to change your life then you're gonna see danny doge run up a move on solana or something and you're gonna be upset and this is a true test like when you are invested in great companies and in great portfolio you don't get jealous of other people moves that's how you know if you're in a good portfolio or not like the ones that are fly by night that go up to 300 you won't feel some sense of like you're missing out the bond thing is to go look at what bill gross had to say about the bond market billionaire he should be on the show this year i'm not speaking into existence all right thank you next question or thank you darlene thank you great question you guys want to take another question yes all right so let's go to javonte meet yourself please yo yo yo how you doing oh you gotta stop with something the value got to come down yeah yeah we definitely live what's going on bro i'll meet yourself please can you hear me now yes how are you all right man i'm glad y'all stayed y'all cut me off with mark cuban but y'all weren't playing can't waste time okay all right uh so okay my question is how with all these great companies y'all didn't ask y'all to mention how do you invest in all of them like don't forget just to take two index okay we mentioned probably i probably mentioned 40 great companies since the show's started do would you like 40 children running around in your household yeah no i got one so four right now don't close you hear me you're a real parent shout out to all my parents so four is an easy number to manage because truth be told you can't do enough analysis on 25 or 30 companies four is the best way to go now we just give more for variety but four is definitely the way to go and ask anyone in the comments ask them right now and also put this in chat if you guys have more than 15 companies your portfolio if you're stressed the hell out please put i'm stressed in chat i'm stressed i got one more thing go ahead talk to troy and toss and i told troy hey man y'all need to get some stickers like some decal stickers okay back when apple i don't know well y'all do know apple when apple first started they sent out uh they sent out little stickers for their you know everybody put them on their cars and uh and all that kind of stuff so y'all don't gave me so much game i just feel y'all should get eyl parking stickers like you know like when every y'all went to college you know parking stickers you can get an eym parking sticker so i just thought i'd for the laptop laptop the laptop i appreciate that you know it's just it's hard to say thing because everybody just steals ideas these days and originalities at an all-time low quit jacking our [ __ ] that's what he wanted i'm gonna say it for him yeah i'm gonna say it it's extreme well i call it a price because ian and then tuesday once again we didn't say the disclaimer if you take our information i'm going to sue you i don't want to see my prices on twitter tomorrow and then be like well you're never sure because you ain't for the culture don't call my prices touch me please don't i'm telling you i'm on one today i got time i got some sleep my baby good hey listen got me high people's little raw hey yo hey you know it's a crazy thing is the decals that was probably one of the first things we had when i was walking around the computer i had that on the back of my computer like you said the problem is that originality um and it's it i'm not saying that it's something that we don't have in the works i'll just can i i'll say that to you but yeah we definitely got through the sticker thing it's like supreme with the stickers i just i have a conversation i just don't understand how people just are so comfortable just um with just no originality and just still like you just do something and then they just kind of they don't even remix but this is a good point still yeah i can be honest you can't share your best there's two frames of thought share every idea let it get to the public you notice don't never listen to what i say look at what the top one percent do and the top one percent companies apple doesn't even have social to tell you what they're gonna do google never leaks anything out to you nike never tells you what colorway is coming out until they have someone promoting it keep your ideas in house otherwise people are going to steal and i'm going to tell everybody here that wants to be trading educators it is not the right business to be in so if you're copying me you're copying the wrong model for the wrong thing i'm going to do decoy enjoy the poison pill create the vision that you want to see to help my entire model you can copy this help the most and make people money in advance then they'll give you the money my entire blueprint is to make people to bag first and then you come paint me after provide the value the value and be solid as 19 we'll say 19 so you keep all these relationships and taxes you don't ever do anything no sucker [ __ ] that's real that's a great business lesson keep it solid you understand me shout out to 19 kids can you understand me hello jen what we got we got one more yeah let's take one more uh let's do karen tinley a mute yourself oh this is a new name oh karen how are you hey karen how you doing great how are you good thank you so my question is one that i i probably kind of know the answer to but essentially when i first started investing i didn't have a lot of money so i got in at the beginning of the pandemic at a really good price on on a stock i won't say the stock i know you guys don't want to no you can say it say it so on crowdstrike right great job queen you got to know what 60 something um no i got in a little high i got it higher than that i was like 96. that's a great price i mean it's only at 257 so great job i mean but the problem is i didn't have a lot of money so i didn't buy a lot of shares right yeah so now it's gone up and i was like okay let me put the money elsewhere in other stocks so what is your advice in regard to um adding to my position on crowdstrike so this always happened either we put too much money into a bad stock that doesn't work but we put too little into a winner um crowdstrike is going to be here for years the next price i'll probably get in would be like 174 if you're rushing to get in 207 but 174 is a good area and i will gradually add two let me check and see what the price would be in five years one second yeah for people asking what is crowdstrike it's a cyber security company and so we talked about the two leading cyber security companies we talked about z-scaler yeah crowdstrike yeah i mentioned this when he was on here last year last year about crosstalk that was something big on so yes yeah you know that's one yeah in three years it should go to four forty seventy three four hundred and forty dollars and seventy percent and in five years the max price should be six ninety 90 98 so you have room for it to run there's nothing you can do about the feeling that you have but pat yourself on the back getting into a great company at a great price and keep adding to those winners i think crowdstrike especially with all the iterations of security breaches they'll probably be one of the top three companies over the next 10 or 15 years in a space but for those of you in it please put in chat what your commentary is on crowdstrike but it is hands down one of my favorites um yeah all right much appreciated so basically average up you have to add to it yeah okay you already have to add to it but i will say the next one that you have that conviction in and research you may want to put a little bit more size onto that one but make sure the company is just as good as crowdstrike or better and then add to it um and you can look at crosstrek that's the same way that i do apple every year people were telling me it was going to go down every year and then here we are crowdstrike will have a good impact on the mark over the next five or ten years for sure okay thank you thank you all thank you karen thank you that's a great question okay can i run through the schedule for ewlu this week you know what jan why don't you run through the schedule for elio thank you great idea troy so tomorrow we have the real estate fireside chat at 6 30. wednesday as you guys already mentioned we have the investment group chat with uh was it the who's with you guys again uh mafia and something yeah yeah all right so that's wednesday thursday we have break bread with mg we haven't had it all monday i'm really excited it's gonna be a good one friday the health and wellness club is meeting at seven and then saturday we have earners meeting all over the country for the first ever nationwide earnings yes that's if you are a part of ewow university so um email yeah yes they are uh troy boston new york atlanta oakland too right this oh yeah everywhere houston hit me whenever y'all doing out there that's saturday and then sunday we have our second session on the investment the intelligent investor and um we will listen and party again right before the meeting starts so at two o'clock we'll listen for an hour and then we'll start the discussion at three and that's all we got this week so okay there you have it the world famous stock club yeah we got a listening party this week you have heard about it you do um i'm probably gonna add another one i was thinking about doing one on wednesday but at the listening party okay okay all right we'll we'll put it up the world famous stock club ian dunlap uh has put this together red panda if you a lot of time people might have heard of red panda but they're not familiar with white panda is red panda is the greatest company on earth to tell you what to invest in legendary i'm working on my segways and talking points too there you have it i don't even i don't even need he he did it for me listen novograt stamped it bonowin came on here shout out to my guy stamped it josh don't come and lend this platform to anybody he stamped it barack obama gonna stamp it in the future what else y'all want man come on baby i am who y'all think kathy was is shout out to the queen though i'm just telling y'all like this is for entertainment i love this energy ian this is my i got time t dragon energy shout out to diddy yeah a hero to us all absolutely him and jd got to do that battle though this is just marking and trading has considerable risk kathy i love you arc i love you please don't you know shout out to jd but diddy was talking spicy real spicy and there was no there was no answer i don't know man jd throwing some of some of that usher i might have to talk to jd about this there was lack there was a lack of an answer shout out to atlanta but there was dragon energy in the building that's a fact that's a good lesson in that too from a branded standpoint you can't let certain people claim to be your competition because it then tears you on that level you can argue that diddy is on a certain level um so from a brand and a perception standpoint i get why diddy didn't reply and why he said he wanted drake even though that would never happen but why do you think that wouldn't have happened draco's early he said but that teddy riley thing threw him off with that audio he said i mean for the same reason when people have issues with me like i'm trying to be in tudor jones's class buffett class bill ackman i'm not looking at anyone in the retail space it's a posit like so that's why i'll say hey i'm i'm up here because you little wayne proved it jay proved that you can speak what you want into existence but i think sometimes we don't dream big enough to say hey we should be looked at in this light so if you don't tell people where to position you they're going to position you on the lower road let's be honest jd probably is one of the greatest producers of all time but the media and his pr has not pushed him towards that diddy has to angle himself towards dre i'm not i don't even like that matchup beyonce's dre i don't either first diddy yeah yeah but they're both billionaires so i mean from that standpoint it makes sense but from i think i think puff needs two verses i think he needs the r b verses and he needs to hit my persons because if he combines both i mean it's going to be tough too nobody is better than diddy yeah i don't i can't i don't know somebody nobody beats diddy yeah my opinion that's a tough one my humble new york bias like he can play damn there all the life after and get 14 points and i'm a tupac fan it's a the r b you can say jd because jd got a lot of r b yeah when you do the wrap when you do the wrap this is shout out to kenny byrne shout out to v10 challenge kenny going crazy ain't nothing happy about this at all shout out to kenny that's my brother thank you for having me on the show every monday i appreciate it shout out to v103 he had jermaine de prix on today and uh i told him i said kenny jd what is jd going to do when puff starts playing rap what is he going when he starts playing the benjamin when he starts playing biggest cadillac he's gonna play chris girls when he starts playing you play some [ __ ] off that 1472 though he got some joints with jay and that let's not play all right money in a thing but you got to stay in that r b usher back what is he going to do when he starts playing mace yeah it's going to be difficult he put his time record on he put a black rob record on it's gonna be difficult he starts shaking with the d g dev records confessions one of them you got one of my favorites all the time yeah of all time right now the emancipation of mimi these are big though they're huge records right but there's i told you there's a certain affinity that women have for mary jane it's not the same affinity for mariah no and she's a huge you can't argue like if that dear mariah go back like hey mariah got some she did so she has some ones let's not act like she's a queen she's a diva but he's a queen no no that i mean i think that would be a dope versus mariah and harry j i think that would be a dope versus but this is a that's different good match-up that's crazy yeah i think that would be a dope one mariah ryan mary jane mariah and mary that's different because yeah he has the most number ones ever ever anybody right she has like 20 number ones but but what about jd's point of him actually producing well that's that's that's tough that's the goal but that could be the same argument for dre that's a good point daz dillinger produced a lot of those records yeah i'm stars producer he's still more of a producer than diddy if we're going just with songs that did the executive produce i mean it's tough that's i'm still we even i didn't even say that's impossible because the joker guys you got 112 you got jodeci you got cory's psg you've got carl thomas you've got ace you got the locks you got total you got black rob you've got cheetah yeah you guys yeah he got his own kind of lock himself he put out a bunch of albums no way out low key you got that play out man he joins the kids yeah you got some joints i mean you'll play hate me now songs like that yo i was in arena when he came out that when i was in high school yeah yeah venus but he needs a hip-hop and it can't be 20 songs they got to have like a whole two hours maybe seven goals 40 40 songs [Music] it's been amazing with him and timbaland have been able to put together with versus we should definitely have a conversation with swiss beats eyl magazine's most influential people yeah rightfully so they had a very very big moment rightfully so um all right before we end um i i want to remind you guys that we will be in detroit michigan on friday sloppy crab the whole gang um we're going to be out there for the weekend so come six o'clock but rsvp it's on our website on the events tab uh this wednesday youtube eight o'clock ian dunlap uh francis from chico we will be going over investing our investing group chat call for ewow university will be open to the public on wednesday at eight o'clock big big and ryan wilson superstar entrepreneur out of atlanta georgia tomorrow that is really really dope shout out to the gathering spot shout out to um ac3 festival yeah man speaking of detroit uh we got to talk about this this fine company from detroit so this episode of market monday by allied financial uh allies an option if you're looking to bank or invest ally financial is the leading digital service financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider for both communities and customers here with allowed to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on things that matter to you shout out to the good folks we are looking forward to seeing uh you and getting a nice tour of the building so somebody help you somebody said um um no what they said was shot bugging puff guy mad r b axe i know i'm saying nate we said that yeah we said that um giddy versus birdman will not would not be a good come on what that somebody on youtube jim no oh yeah kanye west is suspended i can't see the comments right now kanye west needs two versus battles you need a producer versus battles versus an artist yeah he needs a a rap versus battle versus drake drake or j he's not gonna do that though jay-z or jason that's not why there were two l's that's not that happened i know a lot of earners and youtubers are mad at the top five it's not fun then a couple weeks ago they still can't wait to come you want to redo your top five i don't know how you do a top five without having drake and kanye why did i bring this up now you said artists right they gotta be in there drake reverse kanye extremely when's it on on what level the more hits more hits 20 songs 20. drake can put up with 40 pieces if you just do 20. yeah they can't do 20 rules got to change for them but it's not always the most hits it's the songs that hate stunt kanye and how it goes that good morning when he plays the good light when he plays these songs i'm from the midwest i listened to the premiere of through the wire when it came on power 92. the white telling you stadium music okay yeah stadium music shout out dj ferris money may have this generation doesn't know that i was right they know they know easy's his fans know the records and of course we know the records but the people like who'll be in the comments and trolling like you'll be these young kids man shout out to you yeah y'all won't listen to kind i'm not talking to y'all yeah yeah y'all want to listen go get us oh god oh yeah kanye west shout out to swiss beasts man versus i'm really really i i'm a big fan of the versus battle and shout out to ja rule without the fat joe eyal alumni um that was an epic verse yeah i came to perform showed up a living legend john might does he deserve a spot on the mountain yes he does he's joking shout out to him he said yes the benny betty vichy album shout out to my brother chris shout out to my brother chris gotti shout out to my brother chris gotti man shout out to jaguar shout out to ashanti uh you gotta great is this album he should he should definitely he should have him ja is a perfect example of let not not letting a person reposition you yo he hasn't won in 13 years he hasn't won what like in anything that fire festival in that culture i was just happy no i just really was happy for him i i like josh i like jeff because at one time let's be honest he was the guy he was the player he's the one and if that person album came out like how in the eagle that's why i always say ego ruins everything that murder inc almost came out he was drake for four years he was never trained for four years he was hot for four years no he was the hot he was a number he was the number one artist in the world for four years that's right he was drake for four years before that he was definitely drake for me anyways dan what are you doing she's definitely middle school high school janet love john rule that's for sure would i be without you loki that's why i say does he deserve to respond in the mail of all time no i'm just staying up here oh the mantle parking mondays we put them up on the mail you have childhood yeah that's fine how can you shout out to childish gamer you said no damn all right i mean not even one monday you have i'm gonna i'm gonna find it i'll find it i'm gonna have a child that's for artwork that's what i want he's a great artist that's a dope yeah he doesn't believe artists but let's be honest nah nah that's just art let's be honest because i really wanted to put up tribal questions just don't put up job versus 50. i don't want that no i would never do that yeah our albums have to like each other energy yeah we're going to keep peace situation they gotta get along i need to see nas in a verses that would be unfair to a lot of people to almost everybody because they think he'll handle hits doesn't it's not even it's branding they're thinking number one records it doesn't matter it's powerful music it's an impact and when it's played it's a perfect stage for people that can emcee well everybody that can emcee well i might we can't do that we can't do that we can't he said nazim rocky no that's not fair you know we're gonna be like who's that guy don't put him against like a comment like who could go now let's go against i think that's unfair for almost everybody yeah i don't think he i don't think he's gonna he would do it he don't really have that personality to be doing something like that buster rhymes no way buster needs one but buster gonna i know a lot of y'all don't like him don't play with that boy i'm from the midwest i told don't block up that tree that's true please stop i have never listened to an eminem album what's the best selling album of all time about this let me know the marshall man i'll say this rap wise a lot of people ducked him when he was coming for that ass though some of the greats i'll be honest i had to i had the marshall mathers lp and then i had um the joint when he's on the curve he has a curtain in the front is that hancock was anybody in our high school recovery no does anybody debating about eminem lyrics yes after he smoked jay on renegade so that's 98. bro come on shout out to everybody at rock nation that's because i said it but that's 2 000 by the time you said it 90 years he was like damn that really happened jay just gave him i've never been in a car with people playing eminem never the eminem show that's what it was i've never heard watching lp in the eminem show i've never heard eminem playing in the car the way you're doing your voice jesus christ 12 i had the album so no i'm just being cory carl royce to make sure yeah somebody said what about female rappers don't let's talk about it i don't want to have this conversation because they don't want to hear it nikki probably the greatest all the time it's not probably the greatest of all time the only person that could get in the ring without lil kim rhapsody rap wise rhapsody rap wise i'm i'm not talking verses yeah i don't know one i don't know one lyric but shout out to him nikki is another one of repositioning and that's what happens when an entire company attacks you at one time yeah i think he's probably the greatest female rapper all the time i know people will say lauren hill we lauren hill obviously lauren and i love her to death definitely i'm gonna keep my mouth shut i don't need anything no no speak please not jack go ahead get hurt i'm enjoying this conversation you don't love laura hill lauren oh i love lauren hill that's what she has one album one of the greatest albums missy versus nicki would be dope but she dropped the mic after that what are you going to do after the miss education there's a generation of people who have never she's more of a drake where she sings and raps but she really rap stuff and she really sings too at that time too yeah like thanks right really she puts laura hill's a class she's in a class by herself she's in a [ __ ] yeah she's a she's an icon yeah i can't put it in like she's a goat but when it comes to rapping nicki minaj say what you want about her like she's wondering all the time i'm gonna turn my camera off all right she's wondering oh yo janet tell me three rappers that you like then because i want to hear from you i don't really listen to rap like i shouldn't even be on on for this segment to be honest but not listen she she has um she has disqualified herself from having yes i'm disqualified youtube has been nice to me the last few weeks i want to keep it that way we're going to keep it that way if y'all trip on janet yeah that's honest song with kanye west jay-z and rick ross and has the best verse there's not many people on the song or through those guys but she did have the she has the best version this is real this is like we're gonna do this right now we had this argument in l.a okay this female verse of all time no joke we it's like two in the morning we all know where he's coming from we was driving down fairfax i'm like yo bro that verse is hard but little kim's verse on quiet storm it's not better it's the hardest maybe the hardest thing is or or her verse on benjamin's either or benjamin's is this is a great and then i will put nicki it's a great verse but nicki minaj to have a better verse than jay-z rick ross and kanye west you said project was the best rapper that was my favorite rapper shout out to prodigy right and 94 you can argue prodigy once but yeah hardest hardest female verse i don't like pitting women against it and i'm not cat i'm not doing a joke i'm not doing the job not women we love our women nikki hands down i got to listen to that monster record okay and all well she was what 20 shots at the time somebody sent me an x shout out to no limit nicki minaj that is a a legendary version we didn't say eve we did that we didn't say eve is amazing yeah we did it i love you we've had a versus though why should we have said e no i don't do that she's one of the greatest all time like don't play we're saying the greatest we're seeing the greatest of all time she's one of the greatest of all time in the top ten i will say i respect um females guys can argue top three she's one of the only women ever to do a song with x and it's their that's the same thing i said about jada jade is the only person got on a song with big and arguably was better that counts for something what song you were playing okay i thought she was going to say like she did no doubt it was a number one no she didn't go have you not heard the rough riders after like albums yeah you talking about the videos name these seven rappers is better than eve there i don't know all right we can have a three-hour rap rap rap combo uh that's that's because that's cause you're from chicago she's from that area put out we're talking about the top we got foxy yeah little kim and nicki minaj yeah for sure latifah could be mentioned in the top five um [Music] top five i mean just stratosphere foxy little kim nicki minaj let me mark yeah and remy write her own remy's boss that count i'm going by y'all standards but we about to ruin like five relationships real quick i know i know my dm's gonna be like yeah we was gonna invite y'all to the brunch but not this yeah they're gonna take my own rock nation please who just put in cardi b cardi b don't do this all right we're not going to do that it's been real in here we can't we can't act like cardi b is not the [Music] supreme hustler too business acumen yo i see y'all putting mc light yes empty light is not top 10. my top ten young mma child the huddle she had she had a song she had a quick moment um and she could wrap them up she could really rap you're really right she can't really rap who was that youtuber who put gangsta boy in hey listen don't say nothing bad about gangsta bullet chat if y'all just wanna know where they're from you all know shout out to the chat shout out to memphis there's certain people names we can't play with we ain't playing with i just wanna know okay i'm just saying hey yeah we didn't mention trina shout out to treatment that's who uh you've had their verses with okay did anybody watch that i never i missed it might clip all this up all of it we didn't gave you all fire for 70 weeks what are you not entertained you got 90 education y'all want to know what dinner's like we got it this is what we gotta have some fun let's go make some money tomorrow that's about bound life is about balance extreme you have to be balanced in life okay rewatch this show if you're interested in making money yeah absolutely go watch all the past episodes fight if you want a scholarship go through all the episodes and all the picture there yep yeah yeah yep zombies come yes see you guys tomorrow i said make the stallion might be harder than them are we not doing this right now right now shout out to megan shout out to man why since ladies night has there been no effort to have women collaborate more i'm telling you there's a reason why that we we're the only genre and only culture that is pitted to compete against each other oppo no other race has these conversations about who is better because they're too focused on getting money together i know people that hate each other in business and in real life but they are partnering together to get money opposed to competing against each other the who versus who the verses versus that person that's why when people like hey you and trap should you do a verse i'm like we agree on every [ __ ] thing but even if we didn't i'm not gonna do it because we're the only culture that will pity each other because there's more power together but i'll get off my lawrence for fish burning boys and hunting yeah we didn't we appreciate you ian thank you i play the ball shout out to the bread play the part brad was playing the part yeah another middle west legend brazil got somebody coming too they do yeah yep um all right guys all right y'all been real hi new albums next academics we need to do a hip hop show after marketing yeah jaden may come through ross what's up baby no i'm go for it send me my verb blood baby who's on it right now you said style speed and game styles plea game and i may have jade or something who's the other one yeah i'll lead you at the hook shout out to my guy okay okay yeah is it out people heard it it ain't out yet you know i got to make it a movie and all that okay i didn't hear it yet yeah i hear this i'mma send you yeah listen to you all right eyo records yo everybody as we say every end of market mondays please please do it for us do it for yourselves reach out call somebody uh one conversation one test message can change the directory of somebody's life you never know what somebody's going through like you really um and so please i encourage you to please check in on your loved ones check on your friends check on people that you know you haven't spoken to in a while um sometimes little discrepancies 10 years ago can be held on for no reason and uh relationships can be recapital because of that so i encourage everybody to do that we love y'all shout out to my new show family on the check-in uh peace man we'll see y'all next monday love y'all star club paul at nine rashad ready to go everybody's going man i love y'all
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 72,810
Rating: 4.9767613 out of 5
Id: kh4jBM1sffg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 14sec (6974 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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