SHADOW ROOT BALAYAGE | Easy Technique & Application Tutorial

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hey guys for today's video this was highly requested on instagram i took a poll and this one by far so keep watching if you're interested in seeing how we did this transformation if you want to take part in the polls that i do on instagram you can follow me at christy at the cottage okay guys here's my clients before and then this next little clip i'm going to go over what we'll be doing in the service but i'm also going to be doing a price breakdown okay so my client that i'm doing right now the last time that we did her hair we did a little bit of a darker route and she said that she liked that it didn't really grow out harshly obviously because it was demi and it kind of faded um so she's very rudy but she wants to stay rudy just bring the blonde up probably like to this area um so i think when i do her roots i'm gonna have to do like um probably agora vibrance um and then we're gonna go through and do her blonding and i probably really shouldn't even get into like the root and all that stuff yet just because we're not at that point in the service but um you guys know how i jump around so uh right now we're going to lighten her up all over i asked her because these services because we're doing like basically a full blending service root shadow lots of toning all of that stuff um i just said because i know these services can get kind of expensive you know 300 bucks 400 bucks how however much i asked her do you have a price range that you want to stay within and she said no so that's the way to go about pricing when you get into these services because i know a lot of people have a hard time like charging over 200 or 250 bucks because you're kind of afraid to bring it up so just even before you get to the end of the service at the very start of the service throw it out there these services get to be like 400 bucks potentially for how much hair you have the length how much bleach will have to use is there a price range that you want to stay within so if they tell you like 200 bucks or nothing over 300 bucks then at least you know what they're comfortable paying and then you can gauge like how much of an application you do or how much blondie you do or maybe you just do you know a partial instead of a full that kind of thing um so that's one way to not have to be worrying about pricing how much are they gonna be okay with pain or you'd be mad all that stuff that we stress out about so um right now we're just gonna get into the bonding part of the service and i'm gonna use my schwarzkopf blond me with 20 volume and olaplex and i know some people say like don't use olaplex with schwarzkopf because it already has like a bond enforcer um i personally have never had any problems using olaplex with it um i kind of feel like it's double protection i don't know if that's accurate or not that's just how i feel and i've never had a problem with it being added but the times that i have not added it i wish that i did so um anyways just going to say that because people ask a lot sometimes so much schwarzkopf blog me with 20 volume and olaplex is what i'll be using to do her lightening service and the reason why i'm choosing to do use schwarzkopf bleach um is because i like how fast it lifts and because she has so much hair and it's so thick and long whatever i like how quick this lifts and i know that it's not gonna like take all day so okay so here's what i'll be using to lighten her hair my short scarf i love it because it has a lot of great lift and i have that seven volume out in case i thought maybe i'd use it to run through the ends but i didn't end up needing it here's my clients before again one thing that she said that bothers her the most is the warm tones in her ear so we're going to take the same formulation that we do with the root shadow and eventually after i do my bleach application we're going to go through and paint through those pieces that are left out and we're going to run the dark tone through that to kind of cancel out the warmth because we're doing a full application today and i know sometimes i like to start right along the hairline at the front of the face but because she wants a darker roux and she wants it to kind of go down a little bit further she doesn't want any brightness right at the top of her hairline so i'm not going to start there today at all so that's why i'm going to be starting in the back and we're going to start at the nape of the neck and i want to try and brighten it up as much as i can back here so we're going to do a full application and even though she wants it to be kind of rooty i want to still bring the bleach up pretty high that way it kind of helps give the root shadow a little bit more dimension i understand that a lot of people want like a nice darkness at the roots but i feel like that doesn't necessarily mean they want it to be just like a harsh dark root and i feel like if you go through and bring the blonde up high enough then when you go through with the root shadow it kind of gives it a little bit of a softer dimension and you can kind of see the lightness just very softly through the root shadow so it kind of breaks it up a little bit more and i feel like that looks a lot better than just slapping on the root shadow and having just a lot of dark roots like breaking it up so it has like some really soft pieces through the root shadow looks really good and also it will fade out a little bit so when the root shadow starts fading out that highlighted spot will kind of start showing through a little bit more and then they'll feel like their brightness is up a little bit further and they won't feel like they have to come in as soon so that's a plus also for the client because they get more longevity out of the color service versus if you just did the highlights you know all the way down through like the mid section of the hair because you wanted the root shadow to be pretty you know dragged down pretty far through the roots then they're gonna feel like their blonde is so far down by the time the root falls out so i like taking it up a little bit further even if you're gonna cover it up just because it's gonna add that dimension and then also as it fades out they're gonna still feel like they have a nice brightness further up on the hair than basically looking like an ombre at that point so that's why even though we're covering it up that's why we're still going up a little bit higher so if i'm going through doing a full balayage lightning service then the way i like doing my sectioning is how i started at the very nape of the neck and went just straight across and then my next section up from there was two diagonal pieces on either side of the head and then my next section up that i'm doing right now after that again is just straight across so it kind of takes that point out from the underneath of the diagonal pieces and i feel like if you just go straight up the sides of the head or straight up the back two sections then i feel like that could really just take forever and so i think it works really well to kind of do diagonal pieces i feel like you get a little bit more coverage and with less work and one thing also is don't be afraid to like leave a good subsection in between like you can see right there i took my section i weaved it and then drop that piece out that's gonna leave dimension in the hair i feel like when we do balayage sometimes we overwork ourselves and try to lighten as much as possible but like my client today that i'm doing like her goal yes she wants to be lighter but it's not like she's trying to be a blonde so i feel like unless somebody's coming in without with unless somebody's coming in without the like idea that they want to be like super blonde and bright all over like don't go super heavy-handed with your balayage with your sectioning because that dimension in there is what makes the bright pieces pop if you go too much then it just looks kind like everything blends too much you know what i mean like there's no dimension running through the color and that's something that you can ask your clients at the beginning like okay how much of your natural do you want left out do you want some dimension through like the mid section but do you want the ends to be more of a solid blonde or do you want to see some of your darker pieces running through the ends of your hair also and base your application off of what they say not every balayage application is the same so if your client says like oh yeah i want to be more rudy and have some dimension through like the midsection but through the ends i want it to be solid blonde then that will tell you to do the application like i'm doing right now which we're leaving a lot of dimension through the mid section but then you'll see that i'm leaving all these dropout pieces when i go back through after i'm done with my application up to her roots then i'm gonna go back through and do the application through her ends and i'm gonna pick up those pieces and paint through the ends to make sure that those brighten up too so don't overwork yourself like i'm leaving tons of dimension in her hair all those pieces that are kind of hanging out right there those are all going to be nice dark pieces that are going to give lots of dimension in the color but then we're gonna run the lightener through the ends to brighten them up so just make sure that you know you're not killing yourself with work like i know before i would make sure that i would do like the smallest pieces and get lots of brightness and like do every little piece because i wanted it to be nice and bright but then you know you realize like oh there's like sorry i just swore but then you realize like oh crap there's like not any dimension in the hair and she's like too solid now and she wanted more depth or whatever so just be careful to like not overdo it like leaving less less blonde leaving more dimension in the hair sometimes is what makes the color stand out a little bit better so just keep that in mind so here you can see now that i've applied like everything at her root area and i'm doing some pretty big sections like i'm not taking fine tiny little weaves if her goal was to be like very ashy very light blonde then i probably would have taken smaller sections i probably would have done a lot more like finer pieces a lot softer of a weave not such thick pieces of balayage but because that's not our goal i feel like i can take larger sections and um you know just get the work done a little bit faster without having to be super meticulous not saying that like the color's not going to turn out good it just means that if somebody wants to like you know have a root shadow and then fade to like blonde through the ends but not necessarily like i see white blonde like that is two different categories like having blonde hair versus like icy white hair are two different stories so um yeah just make sure you leave in that dimension paint through the ends and make sure that you're not overdoing it because that's where you get in trouble i've done it before don't overdo it and then regret it because now the client wants you to go back through and add more dimension in okay so um so i'm just going to finish painting through the ends here and then we'll move to our next section by the way no one's perfect i can see here that on that second end that i just painted i realized that i went up a little bit higher so now i'm going back to this first section that i did and i'm bringing it up a little bit higher through the ends that way when the hair falls down it's all even so always check your work go back if you have to no one's perfect i'll leave it at that okay now that we're getting to the top section of the head i am going to become a little bit more meticulous with my work here i'm going to be taking a little bit smaller sections i want to make sure that everything is just perfect you can get away with a little bit more through like the underneath of the hair but now that we're at the very top i want to make sure that everything is just right so you'll see that my sections get a little bit smaller i'm kind of getting the foils in a little bit closer together i'm not leaving as big of sub sections whatever so also my weaves are going to be a lot smaller too because i want to make sure that we get that brightness that we need so you'll see here that my section is much more thin you can see through it a little bit better than the sections through the end of the hair so um again i'm going to be following that kind of diagonal then straight across then um kind of working my way up through the top that way i can make sure wherever the hair falls she has that nice coverage of brightness and then when we go back through and do the root shadow also she's gonna have some really nice subtle dimension too so we're just going to finish this little top section here my so so do i don't know if you noticed just how much thinner this little slice is here even these i feel like are the detail parts of the service and what really makes the hair stand out now because she wants a darker roux i could have just left this and just painted through the ends and done like half as much work as what i was doing and just focus mostly on the ends but taking that color that bleach up through almost right up to the roots is really gonna make her hair stand out she's gonna feel like it blends really nicely she has tons of dimension even if it is a darker root she's gonna feel like she has lots of dimension within that root so doing these finer pieces is what's really gonna make your work stand out because yeah we could have just made the work easy we could have done minimal work and probably still gotten away with charging 400 for the service but is she gonna come back is she gonna be impressed by the hair that she has are other people gonna love her work and ask her where she got it done no probably not so doing these extra steps and these extra fine pieces and extra detail work within the hair is going to really make it stand out and keep your clients coming back but then also it's going to make other people stop and ask them where did they get their hair done i had a new client come in and she told me she's like oh i saw somebody with really pretty blonde hair and i asked her where she got it done and they said oh christy at the cottage and then a few days later i asked somebody else on the street like two random people on the street that you don't even know stopping them oh i like your hair where'd you get it done oh christy at the cottage so she's like okay i need to book an appointment with this person so that's the kind of stuff that i'm talking about like the work that you do are you doing enough fine detail work that's going to make the hair stand out so much more that people are going to want to stop your clients on the street and ask them where they get their hair done if you're trying to build your clientele like that's the stuff that you really need to pay attention to is not just doing them like hurrying up and like just getting the service done and doing the application like her application all go over at the end of this video but her application like her service took two hours longer than i thought it was going to so she was booked out a specific amount of time luckily i had a client no show and then i had to like reschedule and push my next client out even further but like that's the kind of stuff like don't just slap your color on and do the least amount like do work that's gonna stop people on the street and ask them like where did you get your hair done so doing all these like finer pieces where you need to if you need to get away with like you know the underneath part we ended up like doing some bigger sections or whatever but like up here at the top where i'm really paying attention i'm really making sure i'm getting those detail fine pieces in there i'm really making sure that i'm getting really nice and tight up in the room area to give her that dimension so make sure that's the work that you're doing and that's the kind of detail that you're paying attention to okay i'm actually going to do a video on this but enough people have reached out to me and said i can't get my back comb from falling back into the balayage so look here that i'm pushing it so tight up into the root and i'm pushing the back comb beyond the foil i'm really trying to get it out of there and i'm like tightening it up super tight up into the root and then i um back combed her ends all the way out of the foil and so that's one way to prevent your comb from falling down is from pushing it beyond the foil line and it kind of like tucks underneath the foil and that for me has helped so i'm gonna do a video on this um but i just figured i'd kind of throw this in there for you guys just ahead of time so um if you guys are interested like if you really really want me to do that video i'll try to get it out sooner than later so let me know in the comment section if that's something that you guys really want to see or if you're like whatever i don't really have a problem with my backcomb okay now we're on the side of the head so i'm going to be working my way up and i like starting at the bottom and sometimes i start at the top of the hair is really really dark and really thick and i know it's going to be hard to lift but because i've done her hair already and i know that it's gonna lift okay i'm just going to start down by the ears so i'm still doing that diagonal and working my way up the sides and then going back through and lightening through the ends i am going to take it a little bit higher around her face just because i want it to be a little bit brighter around her face and go up a little bit higher and then i also like flipping back and forth on my section so you saw that i just did the one side and then i'm gonna go through and now i'm doing the other side of the head and part of that is because i want to make sure that i'm staying even and balanced on both sides like it's impossible to remember like i don't do the same weave or the same slice or the same subsection every time and i feel like if you go through and do one whole side of the head and then go back over and do the other side like you're not gonna match that up perfectly so i like going through and doing one little section and then flipping to the other side doing that section and then doing another section on this side and then going back and forth and so on so on and so forth and that's gonna help me make sure that you know did i take did i paint all the way through the midsection or did i just paint the very tips of the hair or how far up did i bring my balayage this time so um that's why i like going back and forth okay you can see where she parts her hair so i'm going to go right off of her part and we're going to do a diagonal back section again she doesn't necessarily want like a big money piece or anything so i'm not worried about you know taking the foils directly up to her hairline and making sure it's nice and bright all the way up to her roots she doesn't want to be brighter around her face but not necessarily like when i go through and do my hairline foils where i paint directly up to the roots and everything she really wants her hair to be able to grow out and be soft and subtle and not worry about having a harsh line in like you know a month or whatever so that's why we're going to kind of do it more diagonal off of her center part so that way the brightness is going to be there but it's going to kind of fall underneath the rest of the hair so that's one way to kind of get it nice and bright but still subtle is kind of doing it diagonal underneath the hair where it's going to fall versus going straight across the hairline where the part is that's going to be more of a defined money piece so if somebody wants it more bright then go straight across the forehead and do like three foils back to back if somebody wants it more subtle then kind of do a diagonal off of their part where it kind of falls underneath the hair so that's a little tip also for different types of money pieces depending on what the client wants so so so we're just going to repeat this again on both sides and also remember because it's diagonal it's not going to be as harsh and heavy as you feel like it would be and then also because we're doing a really heavy and dark root shadow it's gonna blend it really nicely so that way um it's nice and bright around the face but not like super heavy or anything so okay we're just gonna finish up here by taking these pieces and you can see that i'm kind of doing more diagonal like painting more diagonally i'm having it kind of go a little bit higher up towards the face and then i'm just kind of doing it not so high towards the back section of the foil so we're just going to finish this on either side and then finish our detail work at the very top of the section i've been liking doing this lately is doing a larger triangle section right after like the diagonal like face framing foils and pulling it over directed forward towards the face and then back combing it and weaving it and that's going to create kind of a natural blend towards the back so she's going to be a little bit brighter towards the front of the face and then when all of this is combed out and parted it's gonna have like a nice very soft gradual like angle of brightness going towards the front of the face and then it will softly get a little bit darker towards the back and so i've really been liking doing that i feel like it helps just create a little bit softer and more subtle of a blend away from the money piece towards like the back section of the head so that's something to try out also okay now that we're at the very end of our application we're gonna finish this top section on both sides and we're just going to back comb it off of the part and again because we're doing a root shadow you don't have to be like super aware and super cautious about where you're doing like the brightness and everything because everything's going to blend but you still want to do it like small enough sections that it lifts nicely and that you have a nice blend because it is the top but because there is going to be the root shadow going over it it's not like you have to be like super worried like if you know you're doing a super bright blonde you want to make sure you get a whole bunch of tiny little sections in there and small little pieces and very fine weaves and make sure everything has perfect lift or whatever but because we're going to be darkening this back down you don't have to worry about it too much but you know still take small enough sections so that you get the lift that you need okay so here's the full application and you can see all that hair that's kind of hanging out i'm eventually gonna go through and we're gonna paint through those ends to add more dimension and to kind of darken it up and get rid of the brassiness so i don't like placing my clients under the dryer i feel like that can be damaging so what i like to do is blast them with the blow dryer and then put a towel on top to keep the heat in okay so my client before she was talking about how she felt like her hair was so brassy and how she wanted to do her roots a little bit darker than what they already are and i feel like her hair is already kind of dark so i don't know how much darker she's wanting to go um i also know that i said we were only going to bring the blonde up you know to this area but when i was doing her blonde i feathered it up pretty high into the root area and that's because have you ever put a demi color on and you just feel like it doesn't stick or it just doesn't hold or you feel like you have to do almost like three shades darker for it to actually like show up um so that's why i went through and feathered up a little bit higher into a root that way it kind of breaks up her hair a little bit more and gives the color something to hold onto one way that they described it in beauty school was saying like what holds more a sponge that has never been used or a sponge that's already been used and the answer was a sponge that's already been used because it's more porous so i feel like if i break up the hair a little bit more and kind of just rough it up a little bit the demi will have something more to hold on to and um i'm going to be using the schwarzkopf agora vibrance um and i like it because it really tones the hair back down like it really does a great job of canceling warmth so that's going to be really good for her brassiness that she has and also it's not a transparent toner like the paul mitchell the demi i feel like i feel like that's really transparent like you can kind of see through to the highlights which is fine if that's what somebody wants and sometimes i use it because of that but when i really actually want to get good coverage i'll use agora vibrance and so because we're kind of lifting through the roots but she doesn't want it to be blonde up in the roots that's a good reason to use this um because it will kind of like tone it back down but it will hold a little bit better so because she wants to be a kind of ashy or no warmth in her hair and i did tell her that she's probably gonna have some warm a little bit because we're not you know gonna be able to color through every bit of the warmth that we're leaving out so i'm gonna use because um i don't want it to grab too ashy i'm gonna have some level five in there i'm gonna use five one and five two one um just to give it a nice coolness but i don't want it to over grab and that's why i'm gonna put the five in there so um i'm gonna probably do like half of my formulation level five and then a quarter five one in a and a quarter five two one so we'll mix for that now so i'm applying this towards the end of her processing time and this is gonna sit for probably like 15 20 minutes or so and we're just going to take these little pieces where her dropouts are where we're leaving that dimension in and i'm just gonna paint this through the ends to kind of cancel out that warmth that she says that she doesn't like do do okay we're pulling her foils out now and you can see that she got nice and light there is a little bit of warmth that we're going to tone out and then also when we apply the root shadow that will kind of mask that and um cover that transitional area out okay so i'm getting ready to tone my client we just pulled out all of our foils those dark pieces that we painted through and she still has some brassy tones in her hair but when we go through and do a root shadow that will kind of take care of that so i'm gonna use paul mitchell the demi and i'm gonna go through with just my typical favorites um because she has a lot of warmth in there so i'm going to go in pretty heavy-handed with the level nine so we're going to do like 10 pa 9pa 10v and maybe a little bit of rose gold just for those um super bright pieces through the ends and the rose gold is just good at helping fill the hair a little bit so that it doesn't overtone and over grab and you know when you do like a ashier tone sometimes it it turns very gray or very ashy or whatever so just adding that little bit of gold in there helps prevent that from happening so i think i'm gonna do half and half um like half level nine half level ten but i'm gonna do probably like a quarter nine v a quarter nine pa a quarter 10 d a quarter 10 va did i say that right okay i've already toned her and washed her out and now we're gonna go through and apply the root shadow and one of the reasons why i like toning for the blonde beforehand is because whatever is left behind that's still kind of brassy this will allow me to go through with the root shadow and kind of drag it through any brassy areas that are left behind so that's one benefit to toning before doing a root shadow because a lot of people ask me like why do you tone before the root shadow like why don't you do the root shadow first and then go back through and do the toning and that's just because i like to use the root shadow as a way to like paint through certain areas if i need to if i need to tone out any brassiness or any warmth or whatever that gives me a good way to go through and do that versus you know if you do the root shadow first and then if you tone afterwards then when you're drying the hair you might be like oh crap there's still some warmth there there's still some brassiness or whatever so then you might have to go back through and correct it where if you just tone first and then do the root shadow you can do that in the same step so that's why i like doing it that way one way to do the root shadow is make sure that you're combing through all the way through the ends if you want to make sure that you have a good blend one thing that i see people doing it makes me cringe is they take the comb and they only comb it through like really quickly they'll comb it through like five times through like the mid section or just like a few inches down from the roots and they don't drag it all the way through and i feel like what happens and i've learned this from experience is if you just do like a few inches of dragging the comb down then all that product is gonna stop where you stop dragging the comb down and i'm not saying that if you follow through the comb through the ends of the hair you're not dragging the color through the ends of the hair but what it is going to do is slow like very softly feather through like the midsection you're not gonna notice like all this dark color through the ends or even the mid section it's just gonna make sure that it blends really nicely through the the ends of the hair and you have a nice gradual blend versus just stop combing a few inches and now you're dragging all that product right there you're gonna get a heavy line like straight across from where the comb was so just make sure that you're combing it through everywhere use the wide to the end of the comb because you don't want to like actually strip the product off with the finer tooth and drag it down too far but watch when i comb it through like it's not really dragging it through the ends it's just kind of blending it a little bit better so that's one thing that i like to do is to just drag it all the way through with the wide tooth comb and i know some people use like the wow comb i don't have that i know it has like a little roller on it um i'd like to try it i just haven't actually gone out and got it yet so um yes make sure that you're just dragging it all the way through and combing it down to get like the perfect blend and then you'll see when i'm done with my application all over i'll kind of take the the root shadow color once everything is combed straight down and then i'll just kind of take it on the very top section and just kind of swipe it here and there that way i get little like dimensional pieces throughout the hair and um i kind of like the way that looks it kind of just brings a little bit more dimension back to the hair just really soft and subtle but my clients kind of like that too so um you know there's a little tip also is just to kind of like swipe the color through the hair just to add a little bit more dimension back okay so now we're going to do at her money piece area money piece not really many piece we're just going to top through and just kind of drag it down a little bit you can see that some little area got a little bit too heavy on there i think what it like sat there for too long from when i applied the other color so just take your water bottle it hasn't really sat long enough to like process and actually like stay there so just spray it out and or get like a clarifier spray if you need to and just like any little oopsies that you have just spray it out rub it out and it will come out immediately like you're especially if you're not letting it sit there so don't worry about stuff like that just take care of it when you see it and then everything will be fine okay here we are here's the color you can see that everything blends really nicely sometimes i like showing you guys when we're blow drying because you can make anything look good when you curl the hair or style it you know but sometimes i like you guys to be able to see it just like a natural form without being styled and just seeing how the color really looks and how it blends sometimes you can just see it a little bit better so here it is look at how nice and bright it is up towards the face and then it just blends really nicely so we'll just finish up drying and then styling a little bit for the end of the service okay i wanted to point this out why we bleached all the way through the roots and then colored it back down look through there how even though it's darker it has a really soft subtle lightness and it just has really soft dimension through the root area and that's exactly what we were wanting we didn't want it to necessarily be blonde but we wanted it to still have some really soft dimension through the root shadow that you could see so that way it doesn't just look super harsh and dark we wanted it to still be soft but still have that depth that she was wanting oh by the way people always ask me where i got my curling iron for one it was for my boyfriend for my um whatever your birthday or whatever thank you but um so he got it from jay-z style she's a youtuber if you don't know who she is i love watching her she has an extension line and she also has tools so what i really like about this curling iron is that yes it's a little bit larger of a barrel but it's also very long so it's perfect for clients that have longer hair or have extensions because you can get you know the hair wrapped around the barrel without like running out of room look how pretty that is look through those roots how it just very softly has those little pieces of brightness going through the root shadow that is exactly what we were wanting we didn't want it to be just like a harsh dark root with no dimension it's dark it still is really soft and subtle with little pieces here and there kind of breaking through it but not like blonde or anything it just has really soft dimension and i love how it turned out i think it turned out so good and i love doing a root shadow that way where you can still have a little bit of dimension going through there so here's her before again and then here's her after lots of dark roots it's definitely a lot more cooled down we got rid of that brassiness that she was not wanting to have in the hair and she still has some dimension through the ends she's not like too subtle or she's not too um bright of a blonde everywhere she still has really soft subtle dimension so she was really happy and pleased with how this was so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys like this video and i'm trying to throw some extra little clips in there of the hair because people say that i don't leave enough of the after product in but here's also a little price breakdown that i'm gonna leave you guys with at the end of the video hey guys so my client just left and i wanted to kind of go over a price breakdown for you just because i know not a lot of hairstylists talk about it in the industry and i feel like it's a door that should be opened a little bit more and i even get people in my comments sometimes be like oh you shouldn't talk about that but i really feel like it kind of needs to be talked about especially for people that are watching that maybe are clients and i get a lot of clients that message me and be like oh i don't do hair but i watch your videos and i didn't even know that it took that much time or effort and like their expectations you know are different and so they're glad to talk about it so just for a breakdown her service took a lot longer than i thought it was going to she booked online and um i had somebody that was supposed to come in at 1 30. clearly i was not going to be done at 1 30. so i had to call my client and scoot her back a little bit thankfully i didn't have a third client or anything so her service actually took like two hours longer than what we what she booked for because she booked online um and that's what's kind of hard it's like people will book for a dimensional color but they're not booking for the toner the haircut through shadow that they want which adds extra time onto the service so that's what makes it kind of hard so um anyways so in total her service was like five and a half hours long and her total service cost was 450 and that included like a full balayage um probably four extra bowls of bleach with olaplex um the equivalent of like two and a half toners for how much hair she had the combing out process took a while then we had to go back through and um do a root shadow let that sit then go back through wash your hair again comb like comb it out just dry it cut it everything style it so the whole service was five and a half hours so 450 for that and when i first asked her before the service like do you have a price range you want to stay within she's like nope just do whatever so i kind of i wanted to go through when it when services take long like that and i'm like i don't know like i know how to charge and like break down the price but i want to make sure that i'm being like fair to myself because you know we all under charge so i took my calculator and i just tried to find like what my hourly charge would have been so so five five and a half hours times 75 hours is like 412 dollars and then when i went back through and added up like how much did everything cost with like all the bowls of bleach and um the toner the balayage all of that it was like 430 and i've actually been wanting to raise my prices for my hourly rate from like 75 to 100 an hour um so i i thought like just 450 was fair for how long it took so yeah anyways i just wanted to give you guys that breakdown because i know some people are interested in it and like hearing about it and whatever if i think a way to like get over being worried about charging for clients is asking them in the at the beginning of the service like just let them know like services like these can sometimes take through you know be three to five hundred dollars depending on how much bleach we have to use how much toner like all the services all the different steps and everything so is there a price range that you want to stay within let me know and if they say 200 or 300 or if they're like nope go do whatever you got to do then you know not to feel conscious about like what you're charging them but if they're saying like oh i just want to stay at like 200 or 300 then you can talk to them and be like okay what if we just do a partial balayage or maybe we'll do the full balayage but maybe we don't go back and do the root shadow or whatever so you kind of got to give them their options on what are you willing to give up to be in that price range and if they have to do it you know that's a step that costs money don't feel like you have to do it so anyways i just wanted to talk about that stuff so i'm off now so i guess i will see you guys later bye
Channel: hair by Kristi Jennings
Views: 145,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadow root balayage, Balayage with shadow root, Dark roots with balayage, How to do a shadow root with balayage, Blonde hair with dark roots, Brown hair blonde balayage, Balayage Easy Technique
Id: tjsCREl9eD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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