Stellaris - Psionic Ascension Mechanics & The Shroud (Let the Warp overtake you, It's a good pain)

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so let's talk a little bit about some of the ascension perks specifically the psionic one in this particular case first of all you will need a empire that has spiritualist as one of its core ethics now you can start with this but you can also gradually drift into the direction through the faction system now here on the startup screen as you can see I've selected the spiritualist functionality with my Empire in order to get this party going so second of all you have your perks now what you kind of want to do here is you want to set up your empire to be able to take care of the Unity requirements but also the energy requirements that you're going to need in order to access the shroud later on in this particular case I've taken prosperity supremacy and diplomacy prosperity before because of the economical bonus as well as the pursuit of profit giving you additional unity for energy grids and energy next side for a supremacy for the great game as a grave gives a 10% bonus to each neighbouring rival that is a rival that you border with directly and you also have any sort of border dispute with as then finally the paloma see because the federal unity modifier giving you a 5 percent additional epics or unity even per Federation member then we start to kick things off with mind over matter and this is going to kick start the event chain you can only start picking this once you have the requirements for this particular ascendancy perk I believe it is once you have three perks basically once you pick this everybody in your empire will become a latent psionic and your leaders will get several bonuses as well after this ye will be able to pick transcendence which is the next sentence II perk of course you have to forego some of the other transcendency perks because transcendence will pick up one of the slots all of your pops in your empire will now become psionic every single one of them will have a science output increased by 5% this is both for society engineering and fifth happiness and energy production will also be up by 5% so overall transcendence is a very very powerful trait to have then you will become aware of the shroud the shroud is a psionic realm where things are not what they seem but we need to breach it first in order to do that we need to have the special project called reaching the shroud it will cost 5,000 society research which is incredibly expensive which is why we focus quite a lot of quite a lot on the science early on and this will lead to the seance event once we finish the seance event we will get access to the shroud accessing the shroud is easy it becomes it's in the contact menu however if you want to reach into the shroud it will cost you 12 on energy with a cooldown of 700 days between every single instance of reaching into the shroud you can reduce costs by using the zero strategic resource this will only spawn within a nebula and it's rather important to get because it redeems reduces the cost of accessing the shroud by 200 all the way down for to down to 400 which basically means is that you can get five of them and then you will have a lot of cost reduction from accessing the shroud however at this point of the game you should already get more than enough energy to take care of this and you can build a Dyson Sphere for instance to take care of the energy requirements there whilst you're in the shroud you are presented but potentially up to 30 options 30 different events that can happen every single event can generate a boon or a curse a boon is a positive modifier and a curse being a negative modifier they generally have an easy a medium and a heart option some of them are likely some of they're not likely in some of the money impossible they are highlighted in green yellow and red red being difficult green being easy and of course yellow bean medium and what can you get from this we can get all sorts of bonuses or malice which are the boons of the curses you can bonuses or mouses to happiness fire rate epic subtraction modifier as growth rate energy production the list goes on for almost every single modifier in the event in the game there is a boon or a curse and this can get quite long when it comes to the amount of boons that you have and they will last up to several years or several months depending on which version you have also whilst in the shroud you can get several technologies you can get side jump drive you can get precognitive interface and finally you can get one of the new things in utopia which is size shields so size shields at large versions generate 600 shield with a pretty decent regenerate I think it's eight point two now comparatively large hyper shields have 420 fields so the upgrade is significantly its 180 additional shields on towards your ships and it's rather good and I suggest you go for it if you do not have access to say the enigmatic shields it's a rather similar also you can summon a avatar which can manifest themselves as a Empire as an empire army which is very very strong it's only one unit but it's very very strong should not ignore it and yeah it's super powerful to get it you can also get a shroud avatar which is a extremely powerful ship that you can add to your fleet now we do need to remember that it comes with a psionic jump drive which means that if unless your own fleets a psionic jump drive you won't be able to merge them together into one blob so you kind of want to watch out for it it's very similar to the dread-nots it's about twice to three times as strong and the amount of shields on it are rather ridiculous and the damage that it does while point-blank range with only a range of about 80 to 90 it does have psionic attacks which can do from 300 to 700 damage and then use about four of those on a ship so the damage output is staggering for the shroud avatar obviously there are also things that can go wrong while summoning an avatar you can have the encouraging event where a hostile shroud avatar ship cannot be controlled buyers psyonix it will spawn a ship that has around 54 fleet power at your homeworlds which will attack anything in sight so be aware before you try to summon a shroud avatar now you have a fleet that can actually beat this of course it has the same type of weapons and it can wreck your stuff relatively quickly so be aware of that another thing that can happen is for instance you can listen in on a fallen Empire and seal their technology now there's a bunch of fluff decks that basically describes that the Fallen Empire is planning to curb the development of the smaller empires around them but it's all fluff but yeah that is a thing basically you can get any technology that's more advanced than yours if it will go wrong however you will get a diploma diplomatic hit with the Fallen Empire as you were spying on them basically and pretty good war basically so be really careful with incursion into the mind of the Fallen Empire so to speak now we get into the really fun parts the covenants so there are patrons in the void voices entities that can give you things they will pop up through special shroud events and in order to access these specials shroud events you will need to uplift your ruler to the immortal chosen one you can basically send any leader into this event but generally it will be your leader and they will become the immortal chosen one which means that your empire will get a 20% ethics attraction or +1 influence modifier and plus 15% unity production which is pretty crazy once you have your immortal chosen one you can contact the patrons and like I said there is four of them well technically they're spies so let's start off with the main four and speech of them has their own agenda there is the whispers in the void the whispers in the void will boost your research and influence by 15% if you generate a covenant with them however there is a bunch of negative stuff that can happen there as one of your leaders can contract substances you abuse it can cause a leader to commit suicide it can cause a planet to sublime the madness and Anarchy which is massive unrest so every single plus here comes with a - then there is the composer of strands the composer will give in the increased growth time and lifespan to your species but it will mess with your species traits so it can change the way your species functions especially on the genetic level then there is the eater of worlds the eater of worlds boosts your fire rate of your of your fleets by 15% which is not negligible and army morale is increased by 25% however it can eat a pop multiple pups or it can consume whole world's you know honestly I don't think the eater of worlds is really worth your while finally there is the instrument of desire the instrumental desire is amazing it will boost your energy and mineral production by 25% however it can also after a period of 25 years increase the desire for consumer goods or give your species deviant ethics basically slavery becomes a thing that people will desire which is kind of a problem consumer goods costs will go up significantly as well so be ready to have enough minerals there that's where the boost in energy and mineral comes from anyway finally there is the fifth patron the patron that called the end of the cycle now the end of this cycle has been alluded to by the developers in various guest nodes etc etc and the endless cycle does some pretty cool stuff yeah let's talk about the end of the cycle so welcome to the most insane event in the game and that can spawn what I am considering the fourth crisis event in the game the end of the cycle you can form a covenant with it it has some big red text saying that you should not form a covenant with the end of the cycle so are you still here good let's form a covenant with the other cycle so for 50 long years you will get a 100 percent bonus to food output mineral production energy production monthly unity influence research speed and naval capacity basically you will become an unstoppable juggernaut however all your planets will now be marked with being shroud marks and something very bad is going to happen to these worlds as the fluff text says so after 50 years the reckoning happens the reckoning will take away fifty thousand rude energy minerals influence and unity basically there is no subtraction codes within the scripts of the game so it actually says add minus so basically yeah that you get nuke from orbit by the end of cycle you get a thousand energy and thousand minerals for your troubles and your empire will fall basically all your Annabelle your planets will be shrouded every system and every planet will spawn a shroud entity you will lose all your territory your ships and all of your wonders will become derelict you will be given a planet called exile with a few pops where you in fact can start over a single massive entity will spawn that will represent the combined psionic power of your species and will start roaming the galaxy and become the fourth endgame crisis and that will slowly but steadily consume all and all you have to do is stop it that wraps up the psionic chain do you have some fun with it it is definitely one of the more interesting additions through the Utopia expansion it is very complex it adds a lot it takes a lot of time to get the right things going through the shroud and especially with the amount of events involved it it can be a challenge but the end of cycle is the biggest mess up it that you can do to your empire is it fun hell yeah it is fun but should you really do it should you inflict the galaxy with the psionic power of your species I don't know maybe you should maybe you don't the fluff text says you should definitely shouldn't but yeah I hope that this video was informative to you and that you had a lot of fun watching it if you feel like subscribing go right ahead of course if this like button is right there as well and until next time take good care of yourselves and the end of the cycle is waiting
Channel: ASpec
Views: 699,779
Rating: 4.9438581 out of 5
Keywords: Psionic, stellaris psionics, stellaris shroud, stellaris end of the cycle, stellaris the reckoning, stellaris the end of the cycle, Prethoryn, Technology, Synth, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, Acencsion, Utopia, stellaris tutorial
Id: bwrGr5fosfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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