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oh hey geek over this I hear something we had an audible vote audible bow to our south marking ones moment I see it I see it Martin's marked exact red X red X is hostiles it's looking closer they've this one yes they're shooting they're shooting mortars I think oh geez hahaha there dude I heard that vote and I was like copy check the right side you can see him good effect welcome back to ARMA 3 today we're doing some hardcore spec ops PvP one team is about 4 people the other team is about 12 to 15 and in this game-mode the four-man group has night-vision goggles they have UAVs with thermal cameras they have suppressed smg's and their objective is to enter a militarized island that is heavily defended by these mechanized defenders the attacking team has to find Intel but as well as sabotage enemy objectives throughout the island what do the defenders have to defend their objectives well they have these big em rafts with huge headlights on them they have actual full-length rifles they have flares they have grenade launchers on those vehicles and they have numbers over the attacking team so the attacking team has to rely primarily I guess only on stealth if they get into a fight with a defending team they're most definitely going to get cornered and lose the fight they have to rely on stealth as their main ally now okay we're gonna go all the way around I know where to drop a sign or drop us so let me let me mark it right now so I'm gonna drop you guys there you're gonna make your way in straight towards the island from that and land here on the beach and what I'll do with the helicopter is I will do fake touch and goes along the water around the island after that to make them think that I'm dropping you guys elsewhere but I'm gonna yeah they original LZ yeah that's something I do I'll probably yeah they won't be able to see us very well because it's so foggy should get it did I grab you you good yeah we're good ready for drop ready for drop I'm just gonna let you guys fall into the water tell me when you touch tell me when you touch water you touching okay I'm gonna do some touching goes on the west side see if they can take the bait remember those em wraps have very long distant lights as well as they have GL's and P cams on them so if you see an MRAP that's like number one scariest thing you can run into some nerds hello hello let's go - whispering use radios yeah what I already said well so we're just gonna have to communicate over radio and have points it's gonna have to be kind of realistic the lower elevation we are the more foggy it is the more it's a silhouette game so our night vision this won't be as effective but the higher elevation we get the more stealthy we can because there's less fog - less silhouette okay make sure you're all in whispering watch this house I couldn't see inside of it check the houses wood tables with folders on them when the folders grabbed it'll say alpha Bravo Charlie copy I'm with Jay we're gonna check the left house cement oh okay okay we just got charlie they're popping flares over to our southeast let's so forget Skokie haha far southeast is a flare so they're over at the Eastern Lighthouse still so the thing is is that the Intel's are spread out throughout the entire place so if we search really hard we could find alpha here if not we need to go probably north to stay away from them a lot of the alphas on the South town you got an alpha oh okay let's let's get inland let's get inland then let's go south west make sure to lower your gun to save stamina yeah check out those flares that's freaking spook now remember we are pretty visible whenever a light house lights over our spot so it'd be pretty smart to destroy one of those light houses at some point do you have a vic coming I see a light to our left our players are getting closer they're getting closer get higher up car West in the trees car West car West I think it's going down the main road we should be fine make sure you have your game turned up really high so torque oh this is sick can why don't you get your drones to fly over here yeah mines really close yeah I'm gonna slay the predator one as well J&J me just just cover because we're not gonna be able to hear outside our ears be right back [Music] [Music] vehicle looks like a year old truck I think with guys in the back of it I [Music] don't think so a lot of their troops are still at that to be stirring intel town they're searching it right now you guys think the radar tower we could go sneak in there take that out and then the ICBM or something flare I think to the west not sure I sure like a shot probably best way to do this is to bomb this objective and then move up to the north in the northwestern trees these shooting flares really they just shot your drone geez okay where was it no they shouldn't they might just hear him how high were they how high did you guys set them to yeah I think I'm five hundred might be too low I don't know let me scan this area with my drone really quick all right it looks clear for our initial into these buildings looks clear let me check around us I'm gonna shoot this light stack up everybody watch that tower to our left I see two mountain guns on it no personnel we got a bomb the thing on top of this building and then we got a bomb the net the hangar over there so I'm gonna go to the top and get this one I wants to come with me to a hangar how do I get to the top of this don't maybe right here nope bathroom I know this is the way to the top give us a second we're trying to figure out where to go in this building to bomb it copy Jay I think it's the southwest corner building outside that is has a stair go through the first floor do it we can plant them but we'd have to wait for you guys come over all right supposed to set up here let's get down J yeah let's shoot these lights out J my turn the red light doesn't do anything doesn't it luminate alright where's the block but it's not triggered right yeah well I need to find it then can you show me where it is we need to kill the nuke device not the building I'm so slow I'm really slow and I'm doing this alright let's move around the west side of the airstrip to the mi-24 storage and see if we can get that one close the doors behind you I don't know what just happened to me how was weird did we shoot this Airport lamp out this one up here oh my leis keep care here yes what to say make sure a lot of how can you tell I was on single fire when I spawned in so I clicked once and now I'm alone all of these lights are shot out - I'm not sure if that's I think someone must have been here right moving across why aren't they patrolling the main areas closed door behind yep okay I'll place a block you guys have no triggers right I've got three more small and then one big one I've got one of each all right oh wait I didn't forget him from here we'll run to the east trigger okay trying to not the arm or blow them up as I'm placing them and arming them all right let's uh let's move out the east side that way get us into this treeline then we'll blow it all righty you guys ready let's go we could get farther away but honestly I just kind of want to watch them come and investigate three two one oh one sec three two one [Music] so the farther ones didn't go off I think I'm out of range let's get back because we're limited there's a scout car parked at it get low get low up on top of the tower [Music] where you think it's unoccupied left left left left hurt ya rights good rights good go right 45 seconds on that respawn can we run run run run good right [ __ ] really I'll move up and cover they're popping flares behind us I Jamie move towards us quick south real quick the Scout cars lights just turned on someone's in the Gunners seat of the Scout car right now someone's in the gunner shoot [Applause] [Music] Jamie good he said glut she said keep runnin keep runnin just you're in South run south I just move south we'll go through this field back to the southern village oh [ __ ] oh geez I don't know hold shift click w you're not walking your ear your tactical pace I think let's just get your phone out while you're I don't know I don't know to to checking out the hill where we were it's gonna be them they've got a u-az moving up towards the radio Hill they've got a few guys checking out the aircraft control tower as well [Music] so we could go into this next town and fight the guys that are over here there's only three of them what's your altitude Oh mm are you heavies will probably collide yeah should i what did you put your status to loiter loiter and then I did a thousand meters I'm actually gonna lower that to like less than a thousand do 750 yeah you just have like a central point on the map where it's yeah just on the on the airstrip okay guys yeah Jammu is heavy breathing is hilarious you know alright let's let's move I'd say so thing is there's explosives planted on the ICBM storage and the radar tower but I wasn't I wasn't in range you need to be like 200 meters or something so we need to wrap around somehow we could hit up the vehicle depot along the way but they're gonna be at comms tower oh yeah there's a couple on that hill yeah comms tower was definitely filled with boys I'm surprised that guy saw us from the radio tower that was like a really far shot he was doing let's go bomb a light tower well okay problem is there's people in this town between us in the light tower so that's spoopy actually let me clutch can you or I'll double check with my drone really quick and see what's over here I can see your drone in my drones camera they are in the church they can see is the lighthouse okay we gotta be aware that lighthouse and now they're gonna get to the beach get to the beach get to the beach go around to the back so right he'll launch a bunch of her through a bunch of grenades at thunder to turn them just see what we can get under that cliff to the right we just got to run because their cars are coming oh she hates me just awaken the Beast I wonder if I killed a hint I shot directly at one's face cuz he's just looking straight at us and someone was just speaking the fence with their entire body and I was like let's go bomb the light tower divert them to the closest town geez janitors place I bet they're just in the shin of town but not you're looking this way make sure you're loaded that's bright I'll do a quick Scout burger like right here yeah with the drone if you can please let's get in coverage a please hold actually get down the cliff get down the cliff get down the cliff now no no no no no yeah I just get into a bush sorry yeah there was just a car coming and I thought I saw its headlight yep they are there at the lighthouse three times yep they know our direction of movement that's the problem you know I mean because they've had two times of pings now [Music] hold on no they back event them back towards the truck yeah they're gonna they're gonna realize it's empty soon you know what they're doing they have their light shining on the city of the rim rap they're coming down the hill now they're inspect oh my god oh they're bezels of buzz no jeez we're clear we're clear they just drove off their back into the town you want to go get light light house okay we have to have an escape plan though the problem is is that we have a town to our north we are like landlocked oh god that like we're like seriously locked in right now are we at lighthouse Bravo the eastern one southeast this is where the shut down my drone somewhere all right this is the plan we explode this then we go back the way you came we reverse our direction of movement okay place let's go let's go go go okay as you're standing all pretty high high enough yeah okay I'm gonna blow it let's just move quick I say let's just go let's go quick run across the open field black great tactician there's a light on the top of radio and I'm really scared right now there's multiple people up on top oh baby oh and they're looking this way I [Music] think there's a car coming honey recover stamina yeah I'll stop at the top bottom of hill there's definitely guy below it somewhere I wish my drone camera would stay online yeah it goes off I don't like that either piece of the tower right now hi this is my friend [Music] got him gum kinda hurt there's one more one more somewhere oh yeah hey Jamie might be down Jamie might be down comes about morphine come on Jane will wake up I'm gonna dress her torso shoot I don't know if I farmed with that I'm gonna go check if I harmed it I'm bleeding yeah there's definitely sarcoma can we pick her up can we pick her up no we can't take the car all right yes they were here shoot the lights out let's just let's just do it six they kill us all [Music] okay we get underneath it maybe deal with the mode all right Yolo running across I guess I could explode it from here couldn't I I probably can flip it I'm gonna do it we're gonna hold up in one of these buildings cuts I know this is Jay oh it's so bright get indoors get indoors [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'd say we hold out here the old strong J get it I get it so oh god the players they're covered got it let's see if we can shoot it Oh yep it just drove past just real fast Oh J it sees us I think get ready for the GL get ready for the GL oh geez they're using the entire goddamn room split up boys split up that Tower J has mounted M G's in it by the way I'm gonna blow a charge is behind us get MJ on where it's brother Oh J already got shot at always are you ready to get ready for them to push J and we'll just ambush them here all this this sandbag bunker is perfect right here holy Sh oh no claps let's split up a little bit we go try to get the gunner of that that truck hold they're all near the helis over here there's so many of them oh my gosh they're shooting mortars they're shooting mortars there's two of them shooting mortars right here what the heck I just sprayed some reroutes [Music] No now don't do it don't do it [Music] you [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 398,586
Rating: 4.9530587 out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, arma 3 gameplay, arma 3 roleplay, arma 3 pvp, arma 3 pvp milsim, arma 3 milsim, arma 3 milsim operation, arma 3 milsim sniper, arma 3 milsim spec ops, special ops arma 3, arma 3 recon, arma 3 pvp mission
Id: 13YlSvPO0TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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