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so first off welcome to assassin's creed valhalla man we have finally got it finally time to play baby i'm gonna tell you right now i haven't been this excited for assassin's creed in a while i mean i was gonna say since odyssey that's the last one we had and that's the last assassin's creed anyways but uh it feels like that game came out forever ago so i'm excited for this if you are as well just destroy that like button i'm actually curious how many likes we can get in the first 24 hours watch dogs surprisingly i think we broke like over 30 000 likes in the first 24 hours so i wonder if we actually can top that on this video uh this is the first time i'm doing a giveaway by the way for next-gen uh it'll be a ps5 copy in an xbox series x copy if you guys want a chance wants you to like the video or leave a comment of your favorite assassin's creed i'ma say it right now i don't i don't quite know i think the original or two is probably my top but then odyssey wasn't too bad i'm not gonna lie i really like the way they did that so this is supposed to be kind of like that and uh yeah with that being said i'm gonna give this game 110 i'm gonna tell you right now like this game's coming out in a pretty crazy week you got spider-man and all this other stuff i want to cover everything as much as i can this game i don't know how long it is i would like to beat it but also don't want to rush it so it might be a long drawn-out series or i could upload it fast i'll kind of leave it up to you guys but anyways you guys are amazing let's get this silence you children of gods and heat my tale of time's beginning all was dark there was no sand there was no sea no earth nor sky no grass nor wind till fire met ice in the gasping void and from the screen came the giant image first of all beings proud emer cruelly killed yet from whose bones and blood and brains the world was made the world you walk and war apart there you are [Music] now i'm already in control okay oh yeah i meant to say uh thank you ubisoft for hooking me up with the game uh just i think it's kind of crazy that i have a lot of stuff this early and uh wouldn't be possible without these companies man let me tell you alright here we go [Music] oh i got music off so hopefully i don't hear no tunes i'm trying to get my channel removed from the internet are you kidding me okay i haven't seen so i've got some early footage of this game but i haven't seen anything like this yet this is all brand new oh there you are go so you see okay yes good come here did you find out the ring [Applause] [Music] and surprise him with our gift you hold it out like this you're looking in the eyes and you say steer bjorn king may our clans be forever bonded in friendship and in love do you think you can do that for me tonight you will be the court that unite our people i'm so proud of you get up stay lucid friend my sword is greedy i'm ready to fight so nice time to two-step let's go baby oh one thing i need to change really quick just really uh option's been yeah hold on one second all right so i have hold on where is it at is it not inverted oh yeah aiming let me go ahead and change those i know i'm weird but that's how i play man [Music] so fun fact i'm starting this on ps4 but i should i don't know if it's gonna be like the middle of the series or what but i should have the uh it's gonna automatically update to the ps5 is gonna be fully optimized for it and my save will transfer so it's gonna be really nice i think we're shoot good heads of joyless hill dogs oh no drink in your fist come on i'll find you something i have a tribute for your father what a piece that must be worth two sturdy longships give it here i'll pass it on my father asked me suit yourself but you're not getting any mead [Applause] while crusader works through my hammer [Music] [Music] so you have the ring good this was worn by your grandfather in a battle on the northern way mother yes can we show us to get the canned stuff yesterday that's a good idea that's in the morning first [Music] this game's gonna be so good i'm looking forward to how this is gonna start able wait school disturbing the true king nothing tonight we all made the news [Applause] king may our clans be forever bonded in friendship and love thank you avoir now and forever i am pledged to you [Laughter] hearken well in hall of kings an ocean steed my words gain wings oh then our fourth will bring [Music] a noble beast [Music] the mighty [Music] for those who [Applause] not just yet i feel like something had to happen to start all like the story because it's got to be a story about going after somebody or revenge or something i'm told the curtains are raised nothing is true until it is severed from the branches of it oh we're going for it [Applause] evil [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] go [Applause] show yourself [Music] oh i will [Music] here now it's my turn to offer you dean accept your fate die a coward here before your people and i will spare the rest fight my love do not listen [Music] if i give my life will you spare my clan you have my word pick up your axe uh [Applause] uh uh ah yes oh what the hell is that i'm seeing two different data streams overlapped in the same dna not sure why fix this or pull me out i can parse the streams of the filter hold on okay we're good are we i don't know what happened but i can work around it you'll have to pick a stream to keep things stable there's a third option too i can let the animus modulate your identity based on signal strength it's up to you all right uh let's see stronger female or mel uh memory stream depending on its current strength you may choose another option at any time so does it really matter i know i played as cassandra in uh odyssey and before that we played as baek and origins i'm just gonna let it choose i think yeah it doesn't really matter because i think in odyssey once you picked your character you were stuck like whatever character you chose this at any any point you can just change it so i'm just going to let it auto select for me here we go all right i'll lock it in and push ahead to a time where these streams are more synchronized how long have you been chasing me wolf kissed 17 winters 18 do i now haunt your dreams do i warm your loins you remember this ah your father sacks the weapon of a coward a scorn snake ah few things would please me more than to kill with this blade but i know you would define me to the death fighting for a glorious end that i will not allow you will live your final days enthralled as a slave humiliated your death would be a lonely one kill the rest of our crew make them suffer evil wolf kiss is no more that name is dead to this world you will be worth your weight in silver to the ship you move and i take your eyes you hear me wind's blowing from the sun we can tuck north then cut west now what did i just tell you will skin you alive you will never never leave this no feast for you sunan my crew is in danger you must be my eyes yo nice all right so if i had to guess let me go ahead and check everything really quick so it auto-selected her i don't know what what the reasoning for that was i'm just going to kind of roll with it i might kind of change it up as well so my assumption is i remember that i showed like some early footage a while back honor bounds territories all right quest tracking okay there we go yeah find and rescue your crew my crew is in danger i need to reach them let me look around really quick so here's one thing i will say out in sight oh yeah i was going to play this on pc i actually have it on pc but i really want to play this on ps5 and i know that when the update does happen i'll already have my progress and then i can just try it out on there you know let's get out of here i'll have some boxes back there i don't think there's anything in these boxes right here oh we got here collect food health regeneration how about this rations okay so this is also a loot based game i played origins and odyssey both on i think i played them both on ps4 this is kind of cool ration stock okay so you can just kind of stack them up i guess okay they're all full now yo this game is legit uh the story so far has been really good i hope to make this first part pretty long for you guys i know it's gonna be a very long game and uh with your powers and your support we'll get through it it's gonna be a good time we got something right here too rations i guess just rations are just generalized things uh we're supposed to climb here what i didn't even see what i was about to jump to that is awesome aim and fire no there's no way okay that's a nice lock-on mechanism high points reach the high point aka synchronization oh this is about to be nice this is my by the way this is my first time playing this game i had two or three opportunities to play this game early but i didn't because i just wanted to uh kind of save my first time playing it for when i make this first video the other times they had like a developer somebody else recorded for me and i i was allowed to like post it and react to it i guess this is just it's such a nice feeling to play for the first time and you guys experience it with me yo i'm telling you right now this like it smells like surreal play in this game right now i've been seeing so much stuff for and i just i've been trying to kind of avoid too many spoilers even though i did upload some early stuff where that oath breaker is holding my crew all right so we're gonna hop down in the water it looks like up shall we it'd be kind of cold to be doing this this game feels really nice i'm actually really excited to see how well it looks in the updated version on ps5 i think right now though i mean i'm just i need to be careful kind of taking it all in so their little area got attacked in the beginning and then the synchronization the animus stuff kind of kicked in right when i was about to die oh yeah raven soon and guide me let's boost up a little bit and see what we got over here let's go a little bit further follow the beams that's kind of far away i think i should just keep walking honestly i can fly all day but uh i still have to get there let's go up here man that's a when when did odyssey come out it had so many like dlc's too i don't remember the last time i played that game but that's still one of my one of my favorite assassin's creed games because they took what worked in origins and they just kind of enhanced the loot and stuff like that like all that you know it's not truly an assassin's creed vibe too much uh prepare the children of varan for these slavers you must use the others for your blood sacrifice oh yeah that sounds sounds nice leather actually cheers if that actually worked game play is really smooth uh i should stay out of sight i should not be seen in this area i don't want to aim and fire anything right now there's some people there but it will not happen i remember the bow build i had in the last game it was honestly nuts what once you identify they will attack him point two i'm pretty sure if more show up that's fine all my arrows back though there we go nothing in there looks like there's something behind this though just some loot silver alright kind of just soaking in this game honestly i don't want to rush this game uh i want to kind of just i mean i might fast travel occasionally but i don't want to try to overdo it i just want to kind of explore and see what they actually put effort wise into this game rave not available clash of iron there is fighting nearby [Music] you live i do slipped away in the sword clash and what have you cut with tried to sell me off a mistake he'll regret not today he won't i saw him board a ship at aval's nest not long ago sailed east leaving our crew behind there must still be time to save our men i will find them you ready the longship you glory hounds you would take the rescue for yourself so the victory song is written about you i could stone the beach then slay two dozen men seize our dragon boat and hoist the sail and triumph up to you no no i will take the beach a far more dangerous path you search the long house for our crew oh and here this corpse will not have need of it go i'll meet you by the ship battle for the northern way okay i was expecting the footage i was sent to be a lot sooner into the game hold on let me check everything uh all right so we're right here compared oh man compare we're actually you can go so many places in this game now i've heard the map is not as big as odyssey i don't know if that's true or not i'll kind of have to just see it for myself to be honest all right weapons displayed a new piece of gear is looted main hat yeah i mean this is i already know a lot of this stuff i mean i'm a loot guy already so one and two basically your hands all right uh wait can you what is in your bag exactly runes collectibles wait is this supposed to be a i instead of an a or is my brain like i don't know maybe i'm wrong all right treasure horde maps quest items trade goods yeah we got a lot of different stuff here materials consumables it looks like they got the same kind of arrows the oh this is one that hunts down pisco's at long range okay we're getting use there secondary weapon so basically swing with that block with that we're good easy peasy so it seems like shut this warriors crawl through obviousness like lice if i use the main gate i mean this plays just like uh the last game it plays just like odyssey like the way you use the sky vision stuff like that i bet you can even go through right here yep oh wait well you can climb right there i want to climb there we go the long house my crew should be inside let's see sorry i dropped my controller wealth opportunities okay that's what this is in over here i could just go through here but it looks like there might be yeah okay there's somebody there so we'll be the strat here obviously not go running straight in because then i'll probably get killed since i'm not familiar with the combat but the game's gonna have to teach me that i would imagine there should be an opening in the roof i mean let's do it let's go up top don't mind me is there not like a hole in the roof she even said there'd be a spot on the roof you could go i'm guessing it's up here i don't see anything up here that would give us a way in i kind of want to jump down and assassinate somebody just to see what happens but at the same time i don't want to try to uh i want to try anything crazy yeah all right i don't see a spot to hop in maybe i'm just losing my mind maybe she was even talking about like the next place because i can't whatever's in there she's like wait i can just hop through here never mind is there anybody in here it's amazing that they would have a big chest like this you can loot wealth collected okay that's the wealth for this area getting out of here i am not about to fight anybody if i don't have to there's my crew right there we got a guy over here looks like uh axe guy maybe look around look around all right now maybe i need to get on the roof here maybe that's what she was talking about initially all right i hope this is easy we're gonna find out yes so now okay i was kind of worried sometimes when i get early footage for games and it feels like it's the beginning of the game uh this feels like a trap you squirm like that and my axe will miss your neck unpleasant for both of us if i'm to die i want to make a mess of it back route can i just assassinate you here you actually need to hop down we got two people here i'm temp man if i could just let me go around but yeah this is like the start of this game has been completely different from what i was expecting okay we're not supposed to go that way obviously my assumption is we're supposed to air assassinate this guy you coward unbind me and stick an axe in my hand i owe you nothing raven [ __ ] yours is a clan of thralls and peasants you lay that axe aside or die by mine you should be on a slave ship to ireland wolf kissed but if you wish to be my first sacrifice odin will be more than happy to receive you you just killed yourself ericky you're mine i will sell you to hell [Music] herself yo it kind of it reminds me a little bit more of a dark souls vibe like odyssey was more i felt like chaotic hey heavy attack okay stamina is consuming dodging or missing an attack heavy strikes i was doing probably wore through my bar right there okay all right i gotta land light attack to get it back up oh yeah man the dodging is really nice come on buddy let's go i can use some arrows i guess hit it with the i'm actually out this guy's just going to burn to death i guess yeah take them sevens take them seven baby let's go what that did so much it's like he just got stuck there i'll take it father you should have held on to this until the bitter end if i give my life will you spare my clan then no pick up your axe kill them all this is just like the intro where you kind of ran into the light for just a second obviously this is not a death thing hopefully [Music] able are you bewitched unbind us what oh yes of course all right nice oh we got some new armor let's go hold on uh let's go ahead and slap this on even before you know getting everybody can i delete my old clothes i guess you have to hang out to him for a bit man i'm gonna deck my character out with like so much stuff all right what we got can you compare these oh you can does it not have a uh that's kind of weird it won't show like some arrows going up increase speed after each hit up to 10 times or this one i mean i don't know which one's better but i'm going to go with that for now i don't have any helmet armor yet i'm guessing you can transmog in this game as well so if i find some armor that i really like but then i find some that is better but looks ugly i can then just use the uh other stuff let's check out my overall stats health armor evasion all this stuff doesn't really matter right now it's the early stage of the game but still kind of interesting to see okay let's do our objective here and free everyone listen here if you can breathe you can fight now come we take back our ship you do not need to tell us twice all right nice we topped off on arrows as well let's get it there's more people out there so i don't know if there's like an extra chest in here i could go after they're gonna obviously help me i mean i would imagine that would make sense if they did but i could be wrong all right let's go out the front door let's just mosey on out the front do a little bit attack oh i guess i you know what oh my god nice let's go hey i'm gonna tell you right now there's lock on okay the combat is very smooth it's definitely a step up from odyssey i didn't know how they were gonna do it and i like that there's a lock on that's one thing i kind of some games just don't have it i don't know why they don't but i obviously missed i don't know why i even shot him i'm right here i could have just attacked it's gonna take some getting used to the dodge being square is a little weird but you know i'll take it heavy attack oh yeah if you missed those nice game man it plays really well i kind of want to try something really quick though hold on i don't know why i always go to the map in the world and all this stuff first let's try doing both weapons let's do this i don't know how this is going to work but so you kind of oh yeah that's kind of cool man try to drip the fool that's it's different it's definitely different [Music] you you can't hit both at once enough playing yeah like two weapons i might change that actually because it's it's a little weird maybe i don't have the best stuff equipped for it just yet but rather have a shield and that granted i'll probably wind up using like a bow build in this game if there is such a thing because that was so good in odyssey until they nerfed himself creature long ship i mean i don't mind staying here for a minute we can hang out get some more health here i'll i'll top off of my health and i'll go i just want to see if there's anything else in here that i could actually collect but i guess maybe it's not more of an objective type thing you know it feels like oh hold on well buddy yeah i really have a shield it definitely just feels a lot better all right we're good on that all right guys sorry for the weird cut i actually had to stop for a second uh i was i actually swapped back the shield to the other side dual wielding is not for me i feel like what we got here revive all right there you go buddy there you go all right uh we got one more person over here let me go rescue them i don't want to leave anybody behind especially in the prologue because i feel like there's probably going to be like a million different endings in this game and i don't want to have like the worst one initial thoughts on this game though story is really really good it's the prologue i think i'm more interested right now potentially seeing once the map kind of opens up because it's going to be linear for a while i have a feeling i'm trying to leave anybody behind so i think we're good all right let's get out of here grab your horse the whale road leaves us home gods it's about time stop yapping and start growing yeah open cell let's get it ask for a song i think not buddy but you're trying to remove me from the internet i don't think so yeah okay i just feel like they basically took what odyssey did right hold on anything to say for the mess you led us to we suffered no losses in this fight and the men who humiliated us are dead what is there to say oh something like i was stupid selfish reckless stretch your wings sooner i'm guessing it automatically follows that blue line right there oh something like i was stupid selfish reckless oh something like i was stupid selfish reckless blind bone-headed and i smell like blood and [ __ ] i like my version better evil look someone is setting up an outpost on that island cut this meant knowing that any piece of open land like let's do it man we're gonna do our first raid let's get this all right here we go it's kind of cool if you have like a team with you i mean you had that moment before okay restricted area i mean i hang back for a minute he gets the kill gotta figure out how to break a shield actually hold on yeah i love that all right so far so good watch for my signals not sure what you quite get for doing a raid in this game but we're gonna find out sometimes i don't feel like i have to lock on really to get some kind of good damage oh we got a chest right here hold on please be some good wealth collected nice you know i can see myself okay raid completed that was easy oh we got another person over here though hold on jobs not finished that was sick hold on oh my goodness okay i thought i'd keep going right i was wrong come on buddy yo that was clean let's see what we got really quick we got a uh a new weapon but i don't know let's compare it uh it's definitely better increase stun after a heavy hit up to 10 times so the speed is lots it's only a little bit slower not a lot slow well 13 that's i mean that's a good like fourth 36 would have been a fourth off so it's a little more than a fourth okay crit uh i guess i don't know what pre is i know what credit chance credit damage is normally the weights it's gonna be way more stuns gonna be better so it's a harder hitting axe i'll use it all right we're good let me get some some help i guess a little bit there all right we're good that was nice i don't i want to make sure i actually got everything we got the chest right there uh everybody else is alive i don't see any exclamation points like a revive type thing so i'm gonna head back and think we're good i i don't know what it is i feel like i'm really wanting to play this game like all the way with a uh a collection purpose almost i want i like collecting things in these games now i did the same thing for uh now we're going backwards now right i'm gonna go this way hold on let me see let me open cell really quick if you follow coast i wonder it just like it just kind of does it for you i'll just do that i can kind of chill out so you can raid randomly and stronger than before no surprise there this war has spun on for three generations i hardly expect him to relent your hatred for that man burns bright wolf kissed i could warm my balls on it would you not prefer a pair of steel skinned britches just take care abort such hatred can make you careless what he did to your father he did to all of us you are not in this fight alone i would like the answer to this game a lot one thing i've seen about ubisoft games is they know how to do an intro for a game i feel like watchdogs legion had a really strong intro a lot of their games recently have as well this one's no different i felt like everything i've seen up to now like this is all brand new i've seen footage at some point in the game i've seen footage but i don't know we're not there yet so obviously the first almost hour is new for setting out against his wishes of course he will is that not something you worry over i worry only that our king will not see that i am right until it's too late what about sigurd what would he say if sigurd were here he would be sitting beside you wiping the blood from his axe and smiling into the breeze i want that's a synchronization point hold on let me see because if it is i might actually hop off and uh put it on the map really quick uh not synchronized there was one back there i could have done can i place this and see like where that is exactly oh it's right up there let's oh let me control this i want to go up here on the open water the chill the mist the rolling waves it gives a feeling of freedom and then to look around and see the rising fjords and glinting snow i think by the gods the world is a place of wonder see there the vaulted shoulder bones of sadiemia the bobbing seasons sprains the soaring clouds fashioned for stout warrior folk by the all father and his kin for all this we must give thanks there you go again putting feeling into words that none here can match try a verse yourself poems are not difficult fun fact this moment reminds me of death stranding some of the longest parts of that game that game was so good story-wise though with that gameplay you'd be stuck in the snow for like an hour you're like oh my god but yeah the snow parts in that game were or something else i wanted to put this on the map because i'm a huge fan of fast traveling in games if i can games like watchdogs recently they had them everywhere this game you got to earn them so i gotta go through these type of things and uh get everything uh that's that's high up man hold on can i actually get there like all right i'm actually hold on i'm actually curious if can i even get to that right now i would have to be able to right i feel like the games any minute now gonna tell me to turn back like i'm not done with the objective but technically this mission is just going somewhere you're supposed to just sell sell home basically uh what is this obsidian there's no luna okay there we go oh there's more here yo this it's all over should i just collect this a little patch right here nothing tells me i'm going to need this in a little while like for upgrade materials maybe i'm just going to take a wild guess technically if i found anything that actually needed this maybe i could uh this might be impossible hold on i could technically like find a spot and farm it you know like you could fast travel back here and just keep getting them over and over unless it's a one and done on the map we're almost there guys we almost made it uh can't go up the ice parts okay we got two things there nice gear upgrade sufficient crappy materials upgraded gear piece i am not upgrading anything yet because i don't want to waste materials all right secretization done let's get it that's a lot of fun man just fought that like just to like put him on the map in the first place and then when you finally get up there it's very rewarding i bet there's another one on the other side right there to the right guarantee that's one thing is there's no uh jumping down off this one i'm pretty sure you can't i've only had a wingsuit all right going back down now i feel like going down to be a lot easier i say that but i'm also like scared of my fallen die oh okay we're good all right i might start to stop my footage in a minute just so i can uh let's just take it easy brad i don't like to record for more than an hour at a time and then essentially lose anything so i may uh you might see a cut here in a minute yo getting down this is not gonna be easy oh my god all right i think after this we should be good this is like the longest part right here okay i think we're good oh that's kind of cool you can slide down saves on so much time hopefully they're still there oh for the right where i left them one set yeah they're right here uh let's go this side i had a lot of fun playing this game one thing about these type of games since they've kind of gone with the open world aspect i mean assassin's creed used to kind of be more i guess linear back in the day but like they've since they've gone this path ever since uh or origins was i think the first one they've kind of done like this a few of the other ones it was more story driven uh but i like that they [Music] i don't know it's like this works people like this stuff and i think this is a really cool story because it's like how many times have you played a game about vikings you know that has been this open world-ish and everything try a verse yourself poems are not difficult if you give vent to your feelings i will feel my feelings as i always have without words between them and me all right open cell um actually give me one second guys alright guys sorry for the weird cut i actually let it follow cell for a bit and i just walked away for a minute came back and we were so far away from where we need to be look at this we went all the way up here supposed to be right down in here i i literally probably could have walked that would have taken a while actually never mind yeah i got an open cell now we're going to be there in a minute but uh man thank you guys for joining me on this i know it's a long video but hopefully it's worth it hopefully the uh entertainment values there i like this game a lot already i wonder how the story is going to progress i think we're going to get to a point though where there's got to be like hold on is that like a raid area i won't stop just every single spot but i think i was supposed hold on let me see yeah we're going there okay we're good i actually think when i went to that synchronization point i was actually past where i need to be but it was worth it got to check that out have a little fun with the uh exploration this game is massive but i kind of wonder like is it is it a game that's large by scale in relation to like odyssey because odyssey was nuts i heard this map is like a lot smaller but i don't know it doesn't feel like it's much different you know all right should be our turning point right up here on the left side here's the one thing i'll say i'm playing this on ps4 and when it gets updated the ps5 i just wonder how much better it's actually gonna look because i tried it on pc for a bit i mean i could have made the video on pc as well but i just wanted to try out the next-gen games on next-gen when they do get updated and everything so i want to have all my stuff ready i figured i would just start the series on here okay if we're going the right way let's see how much further we got not too much further a new fashion point has been added to the world map okay i mean that's what i got back over there i'd imagine it's exciting times man got a lot of games coming out at once about this misadventure only the truth we attacked your best fortress killed his men and weakened his control of this land will you mention the parts where you lost your crew and were nearly sold as a troll will that be part of your saga if there's a skull who dares sing that verse it'll be his last song hopefully it gives me a docking option because i'm going in full speed oh we made it at least i guess we get right here it's going to go to either a cut scene or give us a new option to dock there we go [Applause] so we made it home honor bounds here we go [Music] long mission well well the federal we thought we had lost you avor for good this time a warm welcome as always ranvi you look like red and [ __ ] what happened nothing to crow about except to say the men who delayed us are dead and how are you well enough though i have spent many times some days calming the rages of our king he is not happy with you i expected as much and what of siegert has he returned from his race my husband should be home today the last we heard he was approaching stavanger good to hear we have need of his courage sigurd will not save you from his father's wrath abor you should know that by now did your raid not go as planned they rarely go as planned we killed many of kyotvey's warriors and there was this my father's axe among the dead ah after so many years you should take it to gunar he will give it back its edge a good idea after i see our king that i do not advise not yet he is meeting with a messenger from the north i can wait a cloud hangs over you there's something wrong seeing my father's axe after 17 winters it stirred something in me a feeling i have not had since since the day he was killed since the day i got this memories of past agonies of sadness and pain i should speak with volker she could help me make sense of my my feelings take your time getting settled i will see you at the longhouse i think you have lost your edge avor just like that axe maybe gunnar can help you with both i will let you know all right so that was a very very good mission nice little prologue type thing two skill points all right let's check this out let me just let it all kind of play out for a minute open the skill okay all right node types spinning skill points on nodes will improve your fighting skills okay one have two stat nodes improve base stats main skills unlike fighting moves okay so once passive traits which is stat nodes and the other one is things you can use in combat basically uh global power equip nodes will increase your power higher your power the more prepared you are for the challenges to come here's something i'm a little worried about right i want to finish this game not quickly but i want to play it a lot and not be like stopping to grind power level uh and odyssey there were a few times where it kind of was like if you want to continue the main story you have to spend a few hours doing side quests in order to get back to the main story i'm hoping this game doesn't do that but i have a feeling it will we'll see all right uh here is kind of what i'm wondering range damage i'm guessing this is attack melee damage okay yeah but obviously we should go with this but we should also look at the main traits oh that looks that's crazy so it's the same as last time and honestly you had the assassin which is like stealth which is you know obviously this one right here and then i'm guessing the main perk is a backstab in combat see drop drawing the bow and doing that in combat i don't know if i could do that maybe not until i get more skilled with it uh this is going to be bo stun finisher yo that's nice the boss man that's that's really good melee resistance i feel like this column is just going to be really strong at the start so i'm going to go with this one we got a couple of points we can spend um should i i kind of feel like i should do one of each maybe stealth damage wouldn't really matter too much oh wow hold on wait wait the raven raven aligned gear okay that's not just that's certain things you have range damage let's get that one your health increase okay well let's go with this one then and then we got way of the wolf with the raven melee resistance let's get this one i feel like that's pretty strong so are the power right now is five you can reset skills at any time it looks like inventory wise i don't think we have anything new uh i'm not gonna use upgrade materials just yet gear upgrade now quiver upgrade i'll do that stuff early on if i can save for this but it's wanting me to upgrade this but i just don't i'm gonna by the time i upgrade this i'm gonna get something new so i know all these loot based games do all right i'm not gonna fall for the trap all right family matters uh let's see this is all chapter two so just see suggested power now it does say suggested so maybe really doesn't matter i returned with a boat and a full crew that is worth more can i interest you and what's the sky door ah yes join me uh sure let's do this then straighten to the point may the best hand win hey yo this is about to be some kind of addiction i have after this okay hold on okay we got game rules first play to reduce the health opponent to zero wins each round has three phases the roll phase players dice dice faces various effects like attack defense gain okay the favor fit the god favor phase let's just play uh let's go tell well i lost that one not a good start the coin toss determines it all all right the roll face roll dice all right all right tokens used to offer uh to invoke god favors so okay select to keep them or then or then confirm let's just see what happens when you confirm so what they're doing is okay i'm rolling all of them again so then i i select the ones i want to actually keep so let's keep this one this one that one that one and we'll re-roll these all right i don't know if this is a good move or not [Applause] resolution phase okay uh in this phase the dice effects are resolved and this order okay they're unblocked damage and then that steals that takes some getting used to i think i just lost big time yo this is kind of nice i may not play a full game of this because you you have to lose all the the rocks or whatever so all right let me forfeit this i kind of can see where this is going but i don't want to spend the next 30 minutes of the video playing this i just wanted to see what it was about i'll come back to it later on though uh let's do this family matters thing featuring carl winslow that's my wing talk to there uh let's go up here yeah i'll come back and talk to them later i just want to because i feel like we've only scratched the surface at the beginning of this game i want to get a little ways into it because i bet those two things are side quests welcome back gunner i have something here you might like to see thunderclap of four is that your father's ex have not seen this beauty since well for some time i forged this weapon don't echo still looks good one of my finest i think it has a blended blade but it swings well can you sharpen it i can give it a better edge and reinforce the handle and as luck would have it i have warning got left for the job are you sure the fates have will it so but in future bring your own methyl ingots i cannot forge them from empty air all right enhanced gear let's see what we got so we have to part of the story it's funny i just talked about not doing that yet all right here we go enhance the quality we get a new rune slide at least that should do it anything else uh i'm done here that is all for now return anytime okay my guess is you're supposed to just speak to whoever hold on let's see rune slots let me see what this is really quick because i haven't let's just upgrade it whatever i have the materials whatever man okay now we got runes all right attack plus two there we go plus 2.4 to be specific i guess we're just supposed to speak to everybody let me just speak hey can you point me to some good hunting grounds i could but i don't want every iron foot with a bow scaring away the game bring me three dear antlers to prove your skills and i might just have a story for you a worthy challenge i'll see you soon i'm gonna talk to everyone everyone that i see uh this is more i'm guessing if i speak to him again it's just gonna open back up the shop type thing like you want to upgrade your stuff or whatever can you do for me yeah that's the same thing as last time return anytime all right let's get moving the main person we're supposed to talk to is over here but the other characters i think you can pretty much talk to everyone they'll give you something most likely i'm gonna guess uh let's try this one out well look who it is practicing your wordplay elvis ah aver the only mouth in midgard from which i fear mockery you told me the art of writing poetry old friend it is only natural that i surpass you soon how about another lesson then a quick flight right here right now what do you say fighting let's try flighting i always put a few coins down as a wager most of those who enjoy flighting have an equal fondness for betting but today will abstain let me begin i'm ready inflating it's key to match cadence and rhyme it's as much about sound as it is about time so be careful in choosing the words that you say okay with your teachings i'm sure my next chandra i'll slay with your teachings i'm sure my next channel i rhymed a little bit no the rhyme is good but too many words upsets the rhythm now let us examine meaning in flighting you'll need to be cutting and keen it's about wielding wit more than venting your spleen if i tell you you're foolish and stupid and dull then i'll spin your face and bash your skull i feel like this is the right one and i will spit in your face and i will bash in your skull not bad not bad the rhyme is there the sound is good but consider that i said you were silly and you told me you would kill me at times it might be best to remain on theme something to consider last one so go then and conquer the world with your wit go be clever be quick show your spirit and grit i look eagerly forward to seeing how you fare uh hold on i think this one right here might be the best because it stays on the spirit type thing i will fight you with flourish and best you with flair perfect yes you could destroy me with such a line there's still much for you to learn about flighting but i'm confident you'll pick it up happy to help you learn if you'd like to come back again perhaps i will thank you alvis and the graphics in this game are really really good all right winning flighting duels increases your okay so we get the persuasion options from that here we go let's talk to them now i'll talk to everybody eventually they must be finished now if you have any other business it may be wise to do it now let him cool down i could speak to volcker first get this weight off my mind the king is not going anywhere all right uh plan is happy okay let me just talk okay it's telling me right now so complete the other quest so if i go to my actual quest tab it's saying to do this one okay track quest reach the huts how far away is that 528 do i actually need anything for that local ceo for council okay uh let's check out the map no that's actually oh you you know what's funny i could technically um i wasn't gonna fast travel but i did go up there i wonder if i could parts of me want to because i think i can actually come back here yeah let me just see how far away this is really quick i am curious because i feel like i gotta climb a mountain anyways and i already did that once yo this game like the graphics the loading screen like all this stuff just looks really clean they put a lot of effort into this i can tell okay here's what i wanted to see it's right there i wish you could hop down and i feel like this if it was like a diving point that would be amazing summoning mount i just missed what that just said i'm sure you just it's like a touchpad type thing where i summon the horse i really feel bad for the horse in the intro but i'm hoping that it was like some parallel universe where it didn't happen oh man this i don't know if i like this oh i don't know guys this i'm not gonna hit all these i don't i don't know if i like that that is i mean i upgraded it too that's what kills me oh no i upgraded this one why did i have that equipped hold on there we go let me let me put this back over there i wish you would like auto select the uh thing you just upgraded all right oh there we go okay hold on let's take it easy yo so a lot of games that have horses i always get attached to the horse you know go to tsushima read their redemption i will i'll refuse to get attacked again all right my heart always gets broken ever since shout out to colossus i refuse i don't know if i should go off the deep end over here though hold on let's see look out hold on look at this game like the fact that everything you see you can pretty much go go to i mean as far as i know i'm not gonna say that that's what it is but let me hop down here yeah this actually saved us a little bit of time this might be my longest part one ever so thank you guys i mean it'd be like i said it'd be cool to see this thing break like 50 000 likes in the first 24 hours if you're still watching this video at this point i appreciate you being here with me uh i put a lot of time and effort into this channel and just over the years have you guys support me on each game it's been amazing wouldn't trade it for anything all right this should do it you know it's crazy i was thinking about the uh when i re i think i remember when i recorded assassin's creed 4 black flag at the pirate one uh man i remember i spent like an hour on that intro and i i used to overthink like everything i feel like i've gotten a lot better you know wait i thought you got to there i thought it was like a curtain at first but it's a wood uh boarded up door i guess all right here we go i need silence to hear the songs of nature [Music] she gives praises and she is greeted for your hearing i hearken ancient ones great odin great freyja i give you thanks for your gift of sator she gives thanks and she is blessed avor it has been some time what brings you so far to see me i i have come for your advice on a private matter come is your mother well her mind is a jumbo she speaks to spirits i fear her final winter has come but she has me now let her speak to your needs i i have had a vision a powerful vision it may have been my battle lost or a delirium caused by the cold but describe it for me after 17 years i saw my father's axe again and when i touched it the vision came on fast there was a wolf howling and fierce and then a figure a gray beard in the cloak with a single eye he bit me follow him ah the high one he calls to you perhaps he means to speak with you deliver a message only through sator will you see more clearly and unravel the threats that sit tangled upon your mind this will not take long i'm gonna say what do you brew what are you brewing an elixir to loosen your hear and unwind your thoughts you will enter a waking sleep and journey to the world of dreams it may confuse or disorient you but you must take note of all you see drink if you seek true understanding hmm this reminds me of batman begins a little bit for nothing vodka felt nothing harvey harvey brother when did you arrive yeah this is a pretty cool mission so far feels like we're gonna like conquer our fear like our fears or whatever i'm just amazed how good this game looks unlike last gen console right now it's kind of crazy i'm just excited to see what it looks like in like two weeks i thought there would be a song playing right right now but i got that mug beauty brother what is this there was no other way javi our fates are fixed tickets secret what is what has happened this was not for you harvey [Music] i am here god i thought i what was that tell me everything i i was on a mountain in a violent blizzard climbing toward the summit following a wolf uh yeah i mean the wolf beckoned me i'm gonna say the first one i saw odin and the nornir spinning the threats of fate they were watching me not watching they were showing you the way forward your life your path what lies before you and where it ends and the wolf was eager for my attention as if it were beckoning me to follow you are the wolf kissed fated to carry its mark for life in this case it might represent your ambition or your fear i saw the gates to odin's hall of slain champions they opened for me shades of valhalla for which you are destined i do not know what else to say my memories are faint hazy did you reach the summit of this mountain i did yes sigurd was there wounded in pain his fighting arm was missing then the wolf reappeared the size of a dragon twisted and terrible it fixed its eyes on me and struck then i woke the gods favor you evor they always have you will have your glory and you will earn your place in valhalla but these portents carry a darker truth the missing arm the trail of blood the beast you will betray your brother segurt that is the meaning of your vision that cannot be right i would never betray sigurd he's my brother my family the northner have spoken and this is their message no this is wrong or you misunderstand that cannot be right you will betray sigurd odin fought against this fate it can be done very awesome mission i don't know what was to be expected there i will stop here though i didn't want to make the first part too long let me go and use my skill points as well if you guys want this game like i mean i'm talking several parts a day every day till we finish it uh definitely just destroy that like button um you know it'd be crazy to see it do really well in the first like day but it's kind of out of my hands once i hit publish it's all up to you guys so that's one thing about doing this that has been a fun experience oh yeah let me use my skill points i get hey time this game's gonna get me distracted first off we got let's see we got trade goods yeah i need to get rid of that stuff and a quest item three reindeer antlers to prove your skill i'm not gonna go kill a bunch of reindeer what's going on no let's see uh god what i want to use here we have two points i mean eventually stun would be good i feel like that top column is so nice but then i see stuff like evasion right here light attack damage that's going to be really good god i mean getting to this raven aligned gear that's the only problem it's not on all gear but you have to use that to get to the next part of this so i'm going to go with the top here use on these two because then i think the next one's going to be heavy damage and then this little stomp i really want to stop for some reason the animation probably has it for me uh all right guys that'll do it for now thank you guys for watching for my longer part ones when we come back next time it looks like we have as far as quests we're gonna have the other one family matters which i wonder if we're supposed to just go there and speak to face a foster father's fury okay we'll do that when we come back next time though all right i love you guys best of audience ever stay classy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 6,164,855
Rating: 4.9279838 out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Valhalla, AC Vahalla, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay, AC Vahalla Gameplay, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Part 1, AC Vahalla Part 1, Assassin's Creed 2020, AC Vahalla Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay Part 1, AC Vahalla Gameplay Part 1, AC Vahalla PS5, AC Vahalla Xbox Series X, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Xbox Series X, Assassin's Creed Valhalla PS5, AC Vahalla PS5 Gameplay, AC Vahalla Xbox Series X Gameplay
Id: FApX-M_DrDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 40sec (5140 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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