Spec Ops REACT to ARMA 3 | Experts React

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camping the weapon yeah can't that's that's pretty good actually the ability to do that yeah taking the stairs behind the corner you don't just have eyes in the back of your head you have the eyes everywhere as you're heading up there close quarter battles you have three principles essentially you have speed surprise and violence of action and if you lose one you lose all of them [Applause] hi my name is israel wright i was a special forces green beret and i was deployed to iraq in 2008. hi i'm cameron fath i was a us army ranger and i deployed to syria in 2017. so we're here today to watch arma 3. looks pretty good mark 19 sitting in the turret ready to go that's a smooth ride right there yeah it is broken knees every bump that's an mrap right there mine resistant armor protected that's one of the larger vehicles that i use all right this mount we got here a little 320 with an acog on an m4 is that a bipod on the front no that's going to be your 320 so it's all on this yeah it's gonna be your 40 mike mike uh grenade launcher um no i do see contacts there do a little bit of map reconnaissance all right let's see where we're at yeah you're going to get a lot of intel before you go into the area you know a map constants you're gonna have pictures video if possible isr assets yeah from s5 uh they're gonna brief you everything so it's not gonna be that big of a surprise when you get out there got it oh yeah i see it dang you're gonna have other assets at your disposal you're you have air support assets you're going to have medical that's on standby a chopper that's on standby to come in entire qrf fires yeah so you're not going out there alone this isn't some loan survivor stuff and they write a book about it this is real that's right the idea is overwhelming force if they have 10 guys you have 30 if they have 50 guys you have 150 unless there's a special situation that calls for it absolutely all right we're a little cramped up here 140 mike mike round and we're all dead but find a different bush find a thicker bush that can stop bullets if you find one let me know that's an automatic grenade launcher and you just pull down the trigger and that's just automatic grenades that's belt fed 40 mike that's a lot of death right there there we go okay oh there you go squat size element good job wow that's a good shot vehicle vehicle upright it's a good thing he's got the grenade launcher mounted up there because it's hard to hit anything standing still let alone moving in a vehicle like no hands though that was just the ghost agee the ghost assistant this game was super realistic until they're climbing this hill with no effort at all i would be huffing and puffing is that an at4 on his back yeah yeah i mean he also has a squad automatic weapon two four nine and a lot oh we got a lot too wow this dude is just has hundreds of pounds of gear on and he's unfazed we must be going up against a lot of vehicles or something like that you only would pack what you would need for that mission i mean you don't pack for every eventuality you want to try to travel light exactly that's a little bit too far from an engagement for m4 you got five 600 meters at least the military ones even with the scope i mean yeah it's pretty far out you would have a specialized weapon some sort of sniper rifle or something like that oh wow oh just straight in the sky though top side is for firing with a grenade launcher use a different angle depending on how far you want to go and there's a little meter on there the 320 you got maximum engagements up to 450 meters for a point target i mean 40 mike mike is probably one of your best squad assets because uf5 meters have just kill distance every time you go and up to 35 meters of fragments that weapon is definitely a must-have if you're running any type of squad of patching oh casualty he's just laying there looking great it is a lot of where he got okay see this is realistic yeah very cramped really hot we had the air conditioner breaking one of ours coming back and that was not fun it's like a boiling tin can the only thing you're missing is the smell straight men farts not really a lot of security there you're out in the plains with just bushes you kind of take what you can get if you're looking for cover and if the vehicle's all you got 84 is a single use rocket launcher you use it and it's done just wait for me away from me [Music] okay so if he shoots this he's going to definitely okay not clear 90 degrees he's going to look back at least and let him know [Music] yeah i love the drama yeah how many rounds at least a hundred in there that just looks like a big arm pump for me because that thing's heavy ass [Music] you ever just flagging each other putting it in my eyes just making sure my sight works yeah you never want to put your muzzle and anything you're not intending to destroy it makes shooting a lot easier it's literally laser tag this is exactly how it is at night you just basically you don't have to aim down your uh optic you just hold the laser firing from the hip and just hold the gun tight yeah sweep in the room there we go we're a little bit too stacked up if we could spread out that would be great yeah you're always going to have a procedure that everybody follows you're going to practice this stuff entering rooms going down streets stacked up together you don't want to be bunched up like that okay all right guys let's spread out let's get some cross coverage going as fast as we can accurately engage targets that's like the biggest thing in close quarter battles you have three principles essentially you have speed surprise and violence of action and if you lose one you lose all of them best not to walk in the middle of the street that's usually something we try not to do yeah not at all hug the sides yeah that's what i'm saying with cross coverage because the guy on the right can see more of the left side and the guy on the left to see more of the right side that's where we aim tracer rounds usually in a belt ammo it's every fifth round so you can see you can track visually where your bullets are hitting where they're going oh my gosh oh just jumped off the roof on the other side there we go boys come on there we go just that's that's some good distance for the amount of equipment they got on there if i tried that both knees would be i mean if you got to do it if you got to get out of there you gotta go okay it looks like we're in afghanistan here okay iron sights this must be the marine corps because they don't have anything that marine corps gets nothing nothing absolutely not yeah marines are wherever wherever anybody else is at marines are usually about 10 years behind that yeah vietnam tech in 2020 not blowing on us no they carrying everything apparently absolutely looks like he's got a radiator in there full alice pack laying in the throne of the alice pack the walls is that a gun ship 810's coming in 810 thunderbolt i love the 810 they got a mini gun or a series of mini guns on there 30 millimeter cannons yeah those things literally rain hell i'm so happy they exist i'm glad that we have i'm glad they're on our side usually uh unless you are at some sort of fixed position you're not going to have like a crate of something where everybody can kind of pull out of it no you've got it on your purse exactly you're looking for cover position covering for concealment it's like we got a l-shaped ambush because you got guns facing this way you got guns facing this way so this is not good news so i wouldn't be just strolling through the grass so you want to try to get to some sort yeah like a hard there we go position like uh in a building or next to a wall or something like some court sort of something that gives cover and concealer absolutely oh explosives don't stand next to that truck yeah buddy signs mean things us army rangers fast rope all the time special forces fast pro this is just a fast way of insertion on target um if you're landing on the x obviously you need to get dudes on the ground super fast without exposing your ass if you if you will third ranger battalion this is somalia right now yeah this is operation gothic serpent this was third platoon uh third ranger battalion this is what the movie black hawk down was based off of it was delta force and third ranger battalion coming together with 10 mountain this was just show yeah this one this went really bad this is like worst case scenario where uh we had one of our blackhawks got shot down i think we had two of them actually that got shot down and then our guys got caught in the middle and they couldn't get them out so they had to walk out they had to run out this is what you train for you know and i'd say they did an exemplary job under the circumstances canting the weapon yeah ken that's that's pretty good actually it's not gonna happen ability to do that yeah all right split in the street that looks good so far except for joe in the middle that's that's not right so he does his own thing yeah you're village idiot everyone has one joe don't know joe don't know taking the stairs taking the stairs behind the corner you don't just have eyes in the back you have the eyes everywhere as you're heading up there when you get out of the doorway doorways are bad fatal funnel yeah this guy's just laying on the ground and nobody's just murking him that's i have a problem with that all right here we go nice slow shots oh it's not about laying on the trigger and just bursting around combat load is 210 rounds so you got seven mags obviously if you're in a scenario like this carry more and more and more i know i was personally carrying 10 11 mags seven on the front with the rest on the back just for your buddies but every round counts in this especially if you're just sending rounds rpg efficient big piece down big piece down so we were in iraq and we were moving in two vehicles moving through the northern part of a city we get rpg fire they fire one and it goes right underneath the first vehicle we see the vapor trail go runner you can impact on the other side real quick and then we get another one as guys are adjusting and turning their turrets and it goes right over the hood of my car and impacts on the other side so luckily they were bad shots absolutely yeah that's the thing so near miss with the rpg those things can do some real damage is that supposed to be the down block that's gonna be your down blackout it looks like it i'm gonna try to rescue the pilot because you're gonna leave a man behind no you don't you would never just straight walk backwards like this because you would fall on your ass one and two obviously your guys are sprinting up there so it would be more of a sprint sprint sprint 15 meters turn around scan scans can turn back around sprint spin sprint smoke smoke out provides a little bit of cover i'm sorry concealment there's cover which provides protection it stops bullets and then there's concealment that hides your yourself essentially yeah just carry him we need to carry him at this point one of the best pieces of advice i ever got in the military is never be afraid to make a decision make a decision you can course correct if you want to but don't just stand there any decision is a good decision if it's a bad decision just pay for it later just get the hell out of there best medicine on the battlefield is the fire superiority so you gotta eliminate the threat before you can even provide medical care to the dude it kind of sounds really shitty just because if you've got a guy down there and obviously you're friends with him or you know him it's kind of hard to watch him suffer like that but the best thing you can do for him is kill the dude that killed him that's right because you might get shot trying to help him out yeah and then one becomes two and then two becomes three and then you don't want to go that route all right now i'm gonna get my balls smoked off for forgetting something about this operation i already know you're not a ranger some salty dude on facebook well that was super fun arma 3 seems like a solid video game a lot of cool things a lot of stupid things but you get that if you want to see more videos like this go to gameology's youtube or facebook page do push-ups get out of my face i don't say that no one said that's for joe joe can go on to tell his parents yeah once you grow up in the military
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,924,569
Rating: 4.9441409 out of 5
Keywords: spec ops, Arma 3, ARMA III, Militaray, Marines, Special Forces, Army, Soldiers, Experts React, Video Games, First Person Shooter, GAMEXRS2E081
Id: QaHbGs0kNZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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