SOLO GHILLIE SNIPER PVP! - ArmA 3 Warlords Sniper Gameplay

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[Music] hey guys drew ski here and today we're back in some arma 3 this time we're not doing any special private events though I'm joining a random official server and seeing what I can do I'm picking up the m3 200 LR our sniper rifle which is a 408 sniper rifle in this game and it is a beast it's the fastest bullet velocity it's the farthest ranged everything about this gun is very very powerful throughout this video I'm trying to use that sniper rifle and a ghillie suit to enable me to get enough money to get Nate in but the aten was like glitched and messed up so it wasn't as fun as just the sniping I did in the first place the server I was joining was a official ARMA 3 warlord server and I just wanted to see how well I could do hopping back into ARMA 3 PvP well not really playing it for the longest time not playing public PvP for the longest time I really didn't know if I would get rekt or if I would be the one wrecking but today we'll find out eh the effort first kill wonder if there's more at that shed I just love how good the ghillie works in this game I don't see much oh that's very zoomy a lot more zoomy than I remember I guess you do shoot like 3,000 meters with this scope sometimes that is a point I think that guy was so lost before I think he was so low oh look at this dude Oh got him - alrighty then yeah we can just keep picking off people like that we're gonna make some money just by chillin up this hill I like the SIL but I also don't like it at all my thermals on this rangefinder [Music] there's a big fight going on behind me I think there's like two GMG if Fritz and hunters fighting each other whoa what the heck is that animation oh that it's a backbreaker there's a dude shooting at me what all right so I found myself a nice roof here oh there's a dude don't know the bullet time though there's another see no damn it there's the original I arranged a 300 that's like 480 so I should aim high I should be able to hit him Oh what okay arm our arm a ballistics man that lesson was an AI as well 515 515 that house is 4:07 there's a random dude right there what what are you doing bro [Music] there's various theories Oh nuts the AI again no is that a I know that's not AI oh I thought that was AI the whole time I think that's that's got to be play God oh no that wasn't a I what the heck okay SEC to scan choice up there stay still stay still oh he's gonna go to the other side why you want all black select sector incoming sector scan yes I see there's some hostiles here good they're marking it okay cuz I don't want them to just be able to sneak in that looks like wait he might be at a building that we can see there more anyways here oh there are holy crap oh I missed I don't think you realize it what's that okay what is that that ooh that's a scan took an AAA okay so they're still making it up to that oh my gosh what whoa come on now okay I officially don't know where that bullets going I feel like it's very we're very eminent to being shot back it I'm gonna take my thermal out scan the area just to make sure there's dead guy there some things up on top of the hill but I can't really tell what it is there's a Cashman we're gonna Cashman let's say work out it's a cease at transport heli and it's going nuts I don't know what its plan is to do with its 760 mini guns on the side but I bet it's doing damage what the heck do we have a black wasp in the air Armus oh shoot okay okay arm is canon arm is kind of fun even if it's vanilla oh wait there's a dude there's definitely a dude 492 so that's 500 meters he's walking perpendicular though no way we're gonna get this shot Oh yep there is and Bop to slow I think I think they're realizing that this is a death area they're gonna get sniped if they go over here too far Oh barely missed that one yeah is he looking for the gunfire each year engaged oh hey that's a lot closer there we go okay we're going to slow that's what it is I can really can't tell with just the impacts I think they're like spawning or something because I don't see them going from that tree to that house should I see them spawning around that house that wasn't meat that I promise that Rizzo enemy quad going into town you're like where the quad come from I didn't see him anywhere along this line but he just appears man this gun once you get the bullet time just right mm those perpendicular walking shots of running shots man that's that's satisfying Oh what is that oh that's a friendly hunter okay look at the US Army logo on the side this guy is a patriot of all Patriots oh no wait where's he going Oh Oh No did I hit our hunter wait well he that was from behind that's right there oh shoot oh come on tasks and easy kills easy kills I can't believe it Jesus Christ he's gonna see me he's gonna I don't know where the bullets going this game there we go whoa where the balls going no no way we've made that shot through the rock I guessed maybe you would pierce and then it did and I'm very happy with how that turned out I need to get down from this spot immediately we need to go right now can I jump this probably can't okay I can't jump this though this will definitely break my legs and it will not be fun oh that was some good Snipes I mean honestly bad snice but just hitting hitting some shots missing others entirely sexist can still fun nonetheless I think they figured out where it was though so I definitely need to move back or away because they're gonna be spawning in getting thermals looking straight this direction so I need to move so we're gonna get it a little bit closer but we can utilize our ghillie suit to kind of blend into grass if somebody gets really close to us though the ground here the grass here is a little bit more red and darker green than our ghillie suit is built for so I don't know we're kind of playing our luck getting this close but should be able to get some close quarters kills here should I try to inch closer to see if I can see that target oh-ho geez don't get too crazy now mr. Pawnee he's gonna crash into a tree okay there's the shots again Oh Oh nope kind of just wanted to I hate ARMA am i hearing vehicle sounds Oh why is it different coming over here sustained still oh okay I can barely see anything with this huge scope if I get in line with that wall I can see them got that one all perfect window what there's a naked dude are you wearing no pants why were no pants [Music] why was he wearing no pants you can't go to war without your pants come on man that's like a minimum base requirement you have to have pants or the leaves are gonna the grass is gonna cut you ankles okay I hear shots now your shots like over that way I think it's just in that grass right watch on it's got a heavy gun grenade on if you can hmm yep there is oh come on I don't understand armas sometimes there you go we're gonna get shot we're so close to these dudes this is like super old like this is just like old times like the sniping mechanics and armor are so weird like that bullet shouldn't really deviate that much but it just it's so weird sometimes oh hey there's somebody up there I don't know the range to that tower though Oh counter sniper oh shoot okay that that power line to scan was he there is it just marking him on the map for me well that's convenient oh there he is serious he was just right there okay what we can do we can just watch this area with thermals he's got a suppressed a much more better weapon for close quarters engagements he said like a Martin I think just suppress I don't know where he is though I think he's down and he's gonna be like down here now that's about 200 meters so I'll aim a little bit low even though this gun is a 408 sniper rifle which is insanely fast and shouldn't have any drop over even 300 meters but it does has tons of drop for no reason oh there's a dude see if we're gonna track the other sniper by it maybe hitting this guy thing is that sniper will have to cross open ground after distance back to you if he doesn't know where I am he's gonna cross over this open ground up here and probably in right where that cross spike where my crosshair he's probably gonna cross that area yeah we could probably catch him out in the open unless he's really trying to camp and find me which is spoopy he's in that forest somewhere there's a dude who's just behind this elephant grass but either he's moving away from it right behind it or he's just chillin it still there's the sniper oh oh man oh we hit him I can barely see him I can barely see him through that tree we just knocked him right in the shoulder and he's still alive he's gotta be wearing a heavy armor and he's got to be very confused let's take the chance let's go try to get back into the city see if we can help out on the direct fight that's the closest we can get right here well that's at the house that's such a bad house there's a dude oh he just lay down there's another dude oh my gosh they're everywhere nope lay down there we go you were just right there I just saw you there he is got him okay that was an AI well that's a quad bike this is so dangerous a camel cannot believe we're alive right now there's another dude there just behind the hill this one's not that's the sniper I got to reload before I tried to take shots on him Oh does he see me oh no does he see me Oh God oh he's in the gotten through the wall so many players how many kills do we Africa good ping on that I got that guy oh god gun stop going up if you go up I die it's a lot of gunfire I think all these players are being smart they're moving off to the right to enter these buildings here instead of going out in the open so we need to get to the left side we need to go probably back into the town oh we finally got killed ha ha ha see how many kills we got right then we got a ton 21 I don't know if that counts player kills 21 kills whoo that was a lot you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,267,587
Rating: 4.9027863 out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, arma 4, arma 3 sniper, arma 3 ghillie, arma 3 sniper mission, arma 3 sniper team, arma 3 pvp, arma 3 sniper pvp, arma 3 trailer
Id: L_r46AAVf3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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