AH-64D APACHE CONVOY IN FALLUJAH - ArmA 3 Milsim Operation

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[Music] copy that you got two minutes hey guys drewski here and today we're flying an apache helicopter doing some close air support for our buddies on the ground this is a arma 3 milsim operation we've got some ex-military guys on the ground doing all the dirty work and stuff while we're sitting nice and comfy in our air-conditioned apache and shooting down upon targets uh just to let you know uh we're in a race to 1 million subscribers against fly daily and at the moment 55 of the viewers watching these videos aren't even subscribed to the channel so make sure to become not the 55 but the 44 that are subscribed and make sure that you get me up to one mil quick because there's usually a hundred thousand views on the videos that i upload so if we got everybody to subscribe we'd be at one mil by the end of the day you never have to watch one of my videos again i just have to make it to one mil so please subscribe and enjoy this freaking armor three up it's gonna be a good one we just got a call from up north at outpost chariot they need a fuel resupply we got a fuel truck just over there right where i just pointed all right you need to move that fuel truck up to outpost chariot from there i will have further tasking i understand you can reference the location of said fuel truck again on the map hey jake hey yeah all right hold on all right okay all right so [Laughter] understood hawk would appreciate uh run up and down the length of the highway for uh intel gathering purposes and reconnaissance over copy you copy that seaward [Music] okay yeah even further i got a vehicle i do not have a lazy that's our helicopter all right friendlies are to our left i think you can spot him right now charlie mountains ahead and perform a halt stand by to engage there's only one in the jeep understood if they brandish weapons you're clear to engage west accelerating and they've just stopped southwest hawk to alpha check your direct front as well for one times enemy kamaz truck or sorry not correction uh unknown kms truck unknown kms truck what's the status on the northern vehicle halting understood he's driving weird copy that do you have any threat doesn't look like it yet copy that i'm monitoring as well the back is empty it looks like civilian truck thanks for the intel on those vehicles turned out to be no threat at this time continue to make uh south and north and north to south runs at your distraction on the main highway all the way up to uh our firebase smoke uh my head yeah possible obstruction must slow down understood reducing speed fox this is alpha do you copy hot coffee is over over over taking gunfire from the northwest on the main highway we've just passed gas station about 500 meters north of that copy northwest did they cross the intersection no oh no they're at the intersection i think they just didn't expect those contacts are the three contacts that we called out yeah confirmed three times enemy infantry were reported at a position is the hydra may have just killed him all right slow rolling forward i'm looking out for ieds oh i see something else up in front of us as well a technical be advised we have dealt with a second ied on the highway and proceeding north oscar mike at this time over found an ambush position uh cut back really quick i think i've definitely got something here that i don't want to get shot at by roger did you manage to locate it yeah i located on the map i'm marking now hawk to alpha uh check north of you on the highway for marks of possible enemy roadblock and ambush site copy that thank you hawk we'll check all right let's shoot it just in front of us oh ied just went off yep they just missed an ied hq this is alpha actual third time you need destroyed on the road proceed on yay or it's right below us actually just uh go over it all right turn it around i need to arrange this copy three thousand hit some sandbag bunkers i think we're taking fire from the small arms as well roger if it's below 50 cal we should be fine yeah i think it was just a pkm or something park this is alpha actual go ahead alpha we are prosecuting six to seven times enemy infantry on the west side of the highway between phase lines seven and eight on your previous marks believe we have dispatched all contact over copy i splashed those sandbag bunkers as well uh looks like last enemies are down on both of the standby bunkers in the middle of the highway and on your right side of the highway copy that one enemy possibly two or three still up on left side of highway yeah there's a sniper to the northwest between the two radio posts can i get a rough bearing for that target he said maybe 320 310. i'm thinking 310 315. copy i do not have eyes on i'm trying to locate well they're taking shots from their right now yeah we're taking gunfire on the east side of the highway i believe now [ __ ] loading damn i can't get this there we go this guy's invincible oh he's down hawk to alpha that hmg position is down understood good shooting hawk should have just hit him with a hellfire or something hawk to command uh requesting refuel and rearm at opt chariot you comfy with this landing spot yeah okay watch out for those towers tower directly underneath us to our front right and ladies listen up outstanding job so far our next mission tower is now to the idap headquarters i'd have regional headquarters on the south side of fallujah in order to accomplish this we will be traversing the route that we took up until we hit that uh major intersection to ourselves close right we will proceed west oh yeah i already see them they are bearing uh i can see them on a radar they're bearing 153 on the main highway heading southeast the same highways before cool oh [ __ ] down charlie move up and provide fire support moving hawk this is alpaca go ahead hawk sorry alpha alpha is taking fire from the east side of the highway uh one of our vehicles is damaged we're going to need to get reorganized enemy infantry and rpg are down but possibly more enemy to our east 400 500 meters over oh shoot hawk to alpha check your west 300 meters metal shed uh almost or not metal shed sorry small house uh good two squads of unknown enemy shots west at the shack engage alpha good effect on target repeat last run you heard him are they at the building still yeah they're at that house exactly where they are yep i'm turning for it right now you went down eventually looking for it uh and then give me a bearing as well yeah this is alpha good effect on target okay bearing uh one three four for 600 meters for 1 000 meters uh there's a fire in the engine okay they turned right heading south now oh they're taking fire we're heading west can't see can't spot it um i'm spawning something to their front right it's a single man i believe he's on the north side of the highway direct west looking at that side the highway that's where we gotta go yeah keep on trucking when you get eyes on if you want to move to the south side that's fine hawk to alpha i have contacts to your south west at a large construction building concrete mixer building concrete factory understood we will engage when we can over i'll squad uh squad be advised uh enemy trainer on top of that same building we were looking at earlier towards southwest concrete mixer factory uh you just felt but oh yeah infantry on the ground level there understood you're going to engage with the 50s right now exactly where copy i'm i'm pointing but i don't know if it's if you can see exactly where i'm pouring uh just describe it uh it is it is a concrete large concrete building tower with a tower where do you want me to hit the tower or um the lower left side of that building on my target on my target right now there's a squad of four right here are you sweeping left right now yep copy uh ho uh continue east for a second because there's friendlies on the other side of it right now so if you overshot you'd hit friendlies taking hmg not sure how about now uh one moment enemy contacts look to be down i think all of our friendlies just killed him uh friendly uh yeah danger clothes for friendlies now understood hawk to alpha enemy disk techie to your north west now oh he's down talk to alpha disk techie is disabled understood infantry are still engaged one times contact rooftop to your northwest north northwest i can't see with that rooftop northwest top of the cement makes the building he's got an rpg on his back i'm gonna let them take this guy save my ammo because it's just one guy still one shooter on hospital style building to your north northwest check that's building to our northwest northwest i do not have visual on it drew reports it over the red okay i have eyes on right here copy bravo enemy infantry to our northwest 325 hospital building rooftop one times infantry on that rooftop is now hiding on north side uh we're gonna see if we can strike him from north understood you're clear for guns it's over hawk is coming in to hit that guy on the hospital can i get a casualty report proceeding uh southwest this is like the uh ac 130 mission from cod 4. that's what this feels like right now okay i'm starting to understand like the controls yeah yeah like i'm understanding the display now and what it's trying to tell me gotcha hawk to alpha when the road hits a y about 400 meters up ahead there is a van on the right side stay distant for possible ied okay listen up there's a y in the road up ahead and a van in the road possible ied location steer well clear of the van over are we taking fire yep we're taking fire see where roger i think i just i just scared him off the roof he ran off the roof oh these guys are just jumping uh let me try to id where that is oh man this is tough trying to there's so many buildings it's like an s-shaped road and roger compound where is it in reference to that i've got an x on it now red x i'm removing my large red x small red x is what i'm talking about i'm trying to spot reversing and cover as many rooftops as you can okay large enemy compound i'm gonna report that roger that oh i see them just south of there as well running in the fields hawk to alpha uh you have a enemy compound filled with eight plus ei marked on map to your north i believe north yeah understood um i might want to attempt another strike if you could fly south for now so that our friendlies can be directly under us when i fire you uh ingress from the east talk and egress uh west northwest over copy civilian vehicle uh ahead on the same road uh looks completely fine we're just going past it understood be sure to wave all right uh turn now ahead in the road raya okay i'm locked on laser target friendlies are way below us lean right low right and firing hey it worked oh it went too high approaching the idea oh was there an rpg i think we got an rpg at us you want to go for another strike yeah yeah yeah i've got this figured out now uh permission to potty break permission granted friendlies yeah friendly it's all friendlies this is the uh idap compound beeping possible i see it i see it missile coming in is it on that same compound i got him oh missile missile missile whoa hawk this is alpha or sorry alpha this is hawk we copy understood uh be advised we have dropped off uh medical supplies at the idap facility uh a couple folks are relieving themselves and we should be ready to move out in two mikes over wave to the heli boys wave to the helicopter q-e-q-e-q-e decrease collective decrease collective decreased collective keep helicopter flat helicopter flat nose slightly down slightly very slightly yep perfect keep holding collective zero collective zero reporting shoot this okay and right as we get to the ground you're going to increase collective right as we get to it roger i'm just trying to get to an open area you're clear right below us you're clear you're clear now collective up now good freaking good dude hell yeah let's get out of here first on the ground first on the ground hell yeah you just ought to rotate a helicopter let's go approximately uh yeah we gotta get in the building light them up dude security dismount gotta stay up dude shoot shoot should we get right next to the heli probably not but we need to stop this bleeding oh okay you're bleeding yeah he made it to cover uh i don't see where you are i'll i'll talk bravo take the east side of the road charlie shoot where are we about 75 meters hawk to alpha go for alpha actual hawk has crash landed uh we are at the green x southwest of your position we're both we're both fine but we're going to need some pickup understood we're going to move to your position hawk and get you integrated in our unit over ground copy [Applause] you know how many people can [ __ ] to our west we're going to load back up with the m wraps and go pick them up over solid copy for bravo this is alpha actual for hulk enemy contacts surrounding hawks position green x understood alpha is on route alpha convoy enroute to your position just hunker down and stay alive over [Applause] infantry are surrounding hawks position be prepared for close [Applause] make sure you do not engage hard security dismount gunners stay in i'm inside that building i don't know if below me is clear friendly on second friendly on second friendly friendly oh there he was freaking [ __ ] i'm good uh he's dead he's not dead yes he's dead i'm pretty sure he's dead he's dead i saw him get shot in the head very very dead feel bad can we bury him yeah he's not there's no way there's no way he's not dead yes he's dead there's no way i can still bandage him that doesn't matter yeah you can ban it can you manage a dead body in real life or does god stop you from doing it i'm taking his dog you can abandon him to make himself feel better but he's gone what's up pilot dude sea war auto rotated his first crash landing he i literally was instructing him the whole way down he got it josh is walking around with an rpg on his back how marine all right bravo [Applause] oh god this is a huge angle contact's right contact's right can we get a check on bravo team they took a couple hits during that last india just want to make sure they're all right let's get up without us right here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] id id id get back back clearly clear the area clear the area id at the intersection i was on top of it why'd you look at it get over here whoa sniper shot oh [ __ ] the whole wall came down get in the i'm bandaging you uh bravo charlie is engaging contacts on the east side of the road continue to proceed slowly north and report contact freya oh shoot no rail ray is down yep could you uh unlock controls oh no no you're good you're good you're good you're gonna take it send your seats in your seat it could be a backup in case uh drew suffers a heart attack or an aneurysm [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 590,324
Rating: 4.9446306 out of 5
Id: pMiQDqUVbWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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