RECON AND DESTROY - ArmA 3 SquadGoals Operation

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what we're going to do right now is we're probably gonna go to the aircraft carrier so I can take a jet and go recon and then I will try to mark positions as good as I can so on my way that didn't come back messages Maji who you are not going to so after that let's look in the heli no no no don't fire look in the heli we'll go catch him okay so he's goes inside hahaha after white lab you come back you boy we're gonna save you would mean to the water oh my god Navy taking a massive interest remains near town carrier can you get in you see what's going on on my monitor yeah I can you're looking around yeah okay all right so let me give a basic briefing you guys so contact let me let me wait till I have given all control to gaya I'm going to try a mission this is going to be like I'm doing this because we are kind of Opie but I'm giving all control to gaya because what's going to happen when we actually attack things is that she's going to realistically command the enemy AI so if there's squads that are patrolling your objectives or anything like that she's going to be controlling those patrols and if we attack an objective um she will be the one that like comes back and actually commands the AI to flank us and so oh my god and so yeah it's gonna it's gonna be really really spooky and I don't actually know what's going to happen so what I'm going to do is that I'm probably going to UAV the area we're not review of E but recon the area with the jet and I'm going to try to mark as many enemy contacts as possible because realistically we do have jets here so we would have a guy that goes in recons it I don't exactly know where the enemies are because they've been sent on patrols for like 30 minutes now so they could be anywhere I'm just going to go try to fly over a few times until you guys where they are if one of you wants to just hop in that heli whenever I'm flying over there and just sit in it while it's off you can use the long-range radio in the heli to contact me while I'm flying okay so I will recon command post altair fob planter HQ compound Hector so what this mission is all about is that it's just a basic you know go and secure the area what we're actually doing is we're securing the supporting objectives that are supporting this gigantic HQ and barracks area that's down in the valley below so I don't even have that marked yet but that is going to be a big area we don't want to go near that we don't want to touch it yet until we have all these areas below it or above it totally disabled because if we go and attack that we've got this main town of Maas Betty that's probably going to have reinforcements we're probably going to have fob plan to go towards the HQ compound Hector if we attack that main objective right now the circle then we're going to get rekt so we're going to go and first off we're going to get the command post because that's the one on the highest part of the hill here at the very edge of the water so that they can communicate to the southeast there so that command post is going to communicate to all other islands that are out to the southeast so we're going to go disable that first because that will bring in that'll disable basically all of their air support so as long as we strike that quickly we are going to disable it the hill okay the hill all along right here that I just circled that's very very steep so we're probably going to get in onto the hill like somewhere back here and go all the way up we don't want to touch the airfield either there might be civilians or there might be military there we don't really know Jamie do you copy on long-range yeah copy expert your pilot to copy gotcha [Music] let's take off [Music] oh my god doesn't simple so much yeah that's great I watched that take out those cool [Music] - something that's short-range like [Music] Cyril's [Music] that I don't know what that is that looks like a another truck of some type [Music] you still copy on long-range get come here you laughs Claire Shelby Vicky came on turn around [Music] oh that's a pretty Island look at the rocks and the detail the trees and something's crazy-looking this is irani and ARMA 1 map it's my favorite out of all of them to be honest [Music] there's a few vehicles [Music] yeah check that out as a big compound okay that's got a lot of enemies in it [Music] Wow check that out that's so crazy look at the little tiny patrols forgive us just chairman [Music] failure of a caption picture on Franklin on the map don't copy copy coming in for landing all right that's so messed up you like just a mouse repelling god damn it Matt dude thank you're not sorry no knock what are you like this [Music] alright I have provided a morale boost on the map Lord Frank indeed so there was a armor of some type like a BMP BC I don't know what it was but around there there was a here I'll mark trucks with X so there was a truck about right here as truck about right here there were a few trucks around HQ compound I mean I'm just going to do basic dots but those trucks were either transport trucks like they had troops on the back or they were like ammo trucks so there they might be sending ammo back and forth and so if we disable their ammo trucks you know I don't know what they're really going to do about not having ammo but they might just run away or something it might hurt them a little bit more to disable their ammo tracks but also their troop trucks they're probably holding troops and just patrolling around sending troops where they need to be okay so alright yeah what about our loss of justice the the big military base that will be phase 2 so we'll have a we'll have a like a whole plan about phase 2 yeah will ever separate entire area for that um via you suggested we from all tire we go directly to HQ because it's on higher ground cuz an attack that will be from there okay if we go to it will be planters first we are very limited in our angle due to the fact that it is so there's very close to each other I would suggest leader to take H to first I would suggest the way we get there is that we attack command post out there and then we go down the valley and then back up like that yeah yeah yeah sounds good that way we go and if we even want to be safer from Altair we can go down this valley come up the hill and then go around like that - yeah that'll be a little bit higher so that'll be a better player okay Pikul they were on in 30 seconds I line up a little to the right here oh that was apparently tough landing check if you got hurt [Applause] one of my left arm get hurt the hell he wasn't even injured at all yet we were yeah so I goes you need to morphine yourself morphine yourself am I the only one you didn't get anything all right I'm good now I got like a light blue classroom I'm getting a little bit of yeah we're getting and some kind of Knowles all right let's find the vehicle we're going to find the vehicle so look in the bushes all around us it's like a it's like a MRAP of some type you got it okay yeah oh yeah see I see a make sure that make sure that's ours make sure that that's empty so kind of be careful about it be careful about it check if it's empty I think it is yep yes we're going south along that line we're going to disembark at the marker move to the observed marker observed a command post we'll see from there I water I'm just going to make myself in the line yep I'm in commander seat socket don't it's going to be any smoother roads we need to watch out for trees and landscape yeah Alan set well this is vehicle from I don't know hello that looks really cool yeah yeah like those rings are like aren't weird copper color just keep a lookout AV or whoever's on you done get happy when you double tap control oh that's cool this thing is pretty cool see that just wanna meet one don't wanna miss fire because Kayla almost this thing has the speed of in hunger that we don't know about the durability now that it's pretty high durable the Strider that's gonna be nice I bet it's pretty little dull here 200 out copy yep the support form right ahead just because this is a valley here actually this is the next part so Valley an ex-parte spine long alright let's embark at these trees I'll disembark at these trees here okay all right size formation guy me three formation Delta formation doesn't form is completely out of our nation yeah I don't know that the Delta formation is the wedge it's a wedge wedge yeah Delta formation I think that's uh I think that's like Top Gun type of talk Delta formation yeah but you don't know if it's like it if it's like a V formation you know yeah via where'd you go yeah VF via via via yeah come come back we don't know where you are okay blind or something okay poaching yeah Oh be careful for that vector yeah we got a factory Oh two five five four man fireteam yep for my fire team can't even arrange it can't even range it it is it's okay there are two 750 there are multiple tangos that's that a factory do a copy Oh another whole squad patrolling bearing two for one distance about a kilometer out let's a squad a Foursquare target or closest thing factories are closest uh so yeah the ones that a so arms at 2:55 hey there's a yep okay we got a lot of context yeah oh my gosh whoa don't get in front of me I just need eyes instantly see just OCP pop up in my screen oh yeah there's a there's a lot of contacts on the factory there lay down okay yeah we've got a vehicle about 1,500 out at two six nine well the other guys at two five five five burners oh really yep yeah he does one of them though I see him oh he does that's scary ones okay so that that's yeah they've got they've got they've got squads that are just patrolling and scouting right now look at that yeah even the guys at two five eight are doing that quads in the best one in the valley 750 meters back - 49 I can't my I can't my reign trying to range left click left click oh yeah you have to have the laser activated oh oh this is a laser designator I thought was just arrangement yeah no it's a designator we also got another another fireteam 289 1500 out really far you might have to put your reviews yeah a bit well we need to watch out we're very visible from yeah we're in some shrubbery right now we are sky lining wants to get out to here though we should probably go back towards the east to get down behind this hill before we go around how steep is that Hill though yeah let's how steep is a fill let's just go down here and check I think it's I think it's too steep via oh yeah via that's too steep ah honeyy ow we're gonna have to go close to it yeah this is our best choice for getaway we can't go hard I'm going to look around see if there's any when I felt that radio there's a guy on top of the building that is just behind radio tower on top the barracks okay one contact how far out is that from here oh there's a patrol there's a patrol in front of the compound as well it's going around it 2:41 Patrol of three heading towards us yeah they're calling okay they're crawling out of the compound to come to our direction yeah they might have heard the heli I'm not really sure but we were pretty far away we were like seriously we were like three kilometers away so yeah I don't know I got the Patrol pretty easily as a marksman took out the gun exactly and once we get close enough we can do what the guys pushing out because it seems like they they might not have a direct insurance if they're crawling out through the fence well their entrance is probably I don't know if they're in jail they're inches okay my appellant is yeah yeah that's I'm saying that we should be good to push it from this wizard not the way back I'm going directly at us from it I'm not just flooding out no they're pushing out towards us in the desolated we can't see them in a second we can't see them they're gone so last time we saw them is 241 just know that last time I saw you for one two push trucks garage that's all we can do is really let's go fast let's go fast all that patrols in that definitely yeah so long dude just keep watching that patrol make sure they don't peek us just get ready for that squad of four okay are we just going to know you so no games is visual for the countdown three two one does someone have a speaker on it take hey in the building in the barracks oh my gosh I'm to your left vehicle armored vehicle armored vehicle that's the southwest maybe that's you it's southwest southwest oh [ __ ] make sure you got the right one enabled AV everybody back blast back left back blast you clear keep the back glass clear oh gosh oh gosh get away from me get away from it get away guys get back get back from the PGR oh my I can't hear anything I can't hear anything now I know I got tiny rubber nades throw grenades over that gosh yeah I'm just going to throw grenades or here come back to uh we need to pushing that compound path once you got to build up [Applause] copy hop into building the very second story if you win you get Matthew you're down [Applause] Matthew no Matthew come free right well coming to you oh gosh right here okay go back quick don't go do that VP are all that BTR's here you don't go near when you're shooting off around it's shooting off rounds that that VCR back up back up let's go aloud let's go up to the wall to compound when you get in that compound now bottom floor the barracks contact copy someone come with me Matthew come with me okay Jamie come with me we're gonna go in the track here what about this big you can go in that and you go through the crack I'm uh my frame rate my framer is crazy I'm just doing right on the I'm going to go okay reach this reaching Oh Coco clear check those two rooms I let go pass and cover want to clear whoa AV gosh ha ha ha a violist who's got to go killed clear AV don't clear from to tip inside I am is kill me I didn't hear you watch out voices voices white white building right here AV I can nade into it go ahead they're still an apartment building just throw it just open that door open that door back up oh my gosh yeah there goes right there I'm gonna open the door throw the nation laundry you want me to throw the nade ok ok like a check yep they're dead we're coming alright you check that in richest I clear I'll breach right to it ok whoa across the cross must knife I don't know where I thought those left clarity go be nice corner Rim corner room either you're either upstairs or downstairs I'm not lay sure you pushed and didn't tell anybody where you were going to it okay okay it's upstairs upstairs corner room or something near that southeast corner room all buildings have been cleared all rooms have included right all clear I'll go down here okay actually he might still be on the table there in the warehouse learn to warehouse come outside on our way there in this warehouse here I still think I saw someone on the south side outside the wall I'm going to open the small door I'm open a small door three two one Oh large that's why I hate the doors in this game I'm gonna go I'm gonna go in the back side yep all right let's get a charge on that radio tower just to disable it even though I was thinking I like to squat two squads at a time yeah running vehicle and you'll love this vehicle three on me I got down there you cool Oh context context front door I'm outta ammo where is he he's down both of them wait on top of the vehicle I'm not each year any where's the vehicle Eagles on the west side yeah go ahead Jamie Goodman moving moving target learning over your head great going over your head bandaging select discover discover discover I just like okay yeah that's it everybody's Auclair you manage them it'll be funny with it just gonna seat yeah there you go if you double click control you can play your gun out for you can just right click speed I know we good we good I think play a battleground for do you LPG cuz I love all breaking control like I'm just repacking magazines oh gosh I can't do that while driving okay already did that one I don't even know how to do it right now let me see if this valley is navigable Oh God oh yes it is now don't bring so I'm 69 right 24 [Music] yeah welcome to i sub the best i7 versus the worst like optimizer on their first game yeah 6,300 keep an eye on guys 360 entree bird people look out issues funny the bull on the barbie webseries home I think we're having oh that was that close killed all right I'm driving all right there anywhere we could climb up right here come inside I think this mark here let's we can get that okay okay okay now the hard part I think we can go this way then we can go around sixty down a little incline I see a little incline just high just Mount Everest Oh guys guys guys whoa wait wait stop stop stop somebody lay down lay down lay down in the forest 210 there is one guy once that this is a fireteam do we just want to pass that yep oh my gosh okay yeah that's a whole fireteam that's absurd for a second one sec yeah there Jill our deal not enough yeah they do not know that we're here this is they didn't want that word Stan move on they didn't hear our Prowler yes they're moving to moving they're moving they're moving down the valley they're moving down the valley ah there in like combat running now yeah they're heading up little to the well I cannot have a third guy doing to do better by the rocks right now wow that is seriously so spooky I'm not controlling any of that they might have been alerted from another squad that maybe had seen us I'm not I'm honestly not even sure what's going on rocket truck is slowly sliding down the mountain they realize it won't go nowhere where oh I see it sixty is def is moving right wait what's coming what's coming it's rocket Jeff driving for this oh god it's just a rocket truck oh wow oh oh no was he doing Oh No so I'm gonna OH what is you do do it guys the sky the sky is if it is oh my god what why we're taking shots taking shots what they think we're in the valley they thought were in the valley we're gonna have to return return return want to use it stay back - stay back - stay back anybody know which whoa people can move we should just use a move we all right where is exactly now that means I am because effect I'm going back follow along the hill we're going surf along it and just go north longer we say the more reinforcements rocket moving know how AV you can run with that rectangle yeah seriously rockin sixty pounds of gear and a rocket and the hk416 with a saw like a song drum bag don't clutched and a bipod on it Dave uses maybes got thighs baby's got a exoskeleton helping him out for sure right now for a serving just as good as good as it gets I think they still think we're back there so we're good here I see I see heads on top of the back you know very good as you do bruised a bamboo tube it's as good as I guess I chose everyone to push in we can push along um wait more time we've got to two squads of two squads of four yeah it's about 60 to 80 60 to 80 yeah I think we should just engage this isn't gonna they're just they're just looking at our old position wipe everything one of them they're looking to our old position right now that's what we're doing one of them wait wait okay everybody know if anybody wants position to the north side feel free to do so but I think this does get all those guys thinking like doing the world there's also far to you we in it we need to coordinate our shops on them I'll go far left position Isaac all right I get to turn a little okay ready yep three two one all dead there's a fireteam okay okay let's light up here we have for context right side more contacts coming towards us from behind that compound as well get that truck get that truck get the driver the driver far as the driver I'm going to push it women have to push it it's 100 meters under 5,200 it'll be 100 when we get there one will talk [ __ ] yeah I'm good I don't see it whoa full squad left side of this now Jamie Jamie got the full squad left that kind of ammo and every night I've got I'm on completely out of ammo same we're gonna have to take theirs and so we put this compound here Navy push up with us we're gonna have some bodies down front of us me and Jamie me and Jamie are at the Ural explosion all right here it is coming with me we're both pushing out to the explosion there you switch the vehicle to hearing it in the truck okay Matthew ruthless champ oh the brain shut we're to push left side left side it has more cover overall so let's just push up until there was a rocket truck up here okay Oh careful I'm gonna stay on these bushes turn out on yourself are 20 years yeah there's bodies up here we can live off of very good what just napping is theirs to clear this compound oh god the frame yep really yeah I'm gonna grab it mere PKM I want you taking this guy's PKM sack forth oh gosh left side left side of the compound go ahead my frames everything like [ __ ] ah good cover me while I heal copy always over there oh gosh I got a heal too rolling that I have an acre oh gosh a V Plus also may be watching wife watching my baby I time you tonight I can barely control this thing yeah I know yep Hyrum I'm gonna throw a grenade throwing our jeans at the far side of the compound I am I think there's one in this tower right above me yeah there was wait oh god Jamie I thought you were in the main tower like I was just chillin yeah my walking up on it don't wanna compare oh that's a bad sound Oh ace min you face men you need help you guys north side north side one sec via yeah I'm staring in North you know I'm gonna deal just reload Jamie yeah he knows there's no one here via firing mortar firing mortar applying mortar friendly mortars coming in on the northeast here one second and now I'm going to Mordor a little bit more I like this Jamie if you've got hostiles just give me marks and I'll try to engage them Marcin general there was a BRDM somewhere around here but it drove off to the south not sure where it is I thought it was lighting us up or me up anyways a visual on it give me mark me mark [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm trying to find it after grabs look at the ground oh yeah yeah that is Oh guys did we not clear the tower the big one nobody did no because there's three guys on campus that's who we're hearing but oh all right I'm sorry so watch what he's gonna do to range that tank he doesn't even know the range to tank yet I don't think he does it I know better ready yeah 22 tracer so I figured that he can figure out the range and then he switches to the main Hannon and it's a one-shot kill on a t90 it's so cool 22 rounds that's cool yeah it she's a little doubted me it's a 762 cartridge that shoots a 22 actual like bullet like the shell is subject so and it's so it's super fast and then he can range it and watch that to rob it's so cool [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,179,662
Rating: 4.9181519 out of 5
Keywords: squadgoals, arma 3, arma, milsim, operation
Id: sqggxON93v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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